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Pamela Hall

MEDT 7476
Assessment Implementation

1. Client Information – Ms. Wright, E.B. Street School

2. The Actual Assessment – The actual assessment is below under the example
of the student’s work. For the assessment, students had to match duties with the
branches of government. Students had to cut out strips of paper with duties listed
on them. The students then had to place the strips under the correct branch of
government. The teacher read the directions to the students. The teacher modeled
an example for the students. The teacher asked the students if they had any
questions. None of the students had any questions. The students were told to get
to work. The students completed the assessment individually with no assistance.

3. The Measurement Tool – Branches of Government Rubric

Criteria Approaching Meeting Standard Exceeding Standard

Branches 1 branch identified 2 branches 3 branches
identified identified
Duties 5 duties matched 10 duties matched 15 duties matched

4. One Example of Student/Participant Submission with Teacher Feedback

and Grade

The work sample above shows that the student got fourteen answer choices
correct out of fifteen answer choices. The student scored 93% on the assessment.
The students had to place the strips of duties under the correct branch of

5. Report of Your Findings - Explain what worked well or did not work well
with the assessment implementation. Overall, the students did really well on the
assessment. Students were able to follow the directions given to them. They did
not require any extra clarification. The client and I both expected the students to
perform well on the assessment because during instruction they participated very
well. They enjoyed the videos shown to them and the games played following the
videos. I think the assessment used is good, however, to make it better for next
time I would include short answer responses and one constructed response. This
would help prepare students when it comes time to take the Georgia Milestones

6. Report of Impact on Student Learning – East Broad Street School is a Title 1

school. The class is 100% African Americans. It is a multi-leveled class. There is
a mixture of boys and girls in the class. There are twenty-four students in the class
in all. There are 9 boys and 15 girls in the class. English is the native language for
all the students in the class. None of the students are classified as gifted or special
education students.



10 Exceeded Expectations
Meet Expectations

4 Did Not Meet


Boys Girls

The graph above shows that sixteen of the twenty-four students exceeded the
expectations. Five of the twenty-four students met the expectations. Three of the
students did not meet expectations.
3 Exceeds Expectations

Meets Expectations
Does Not Meet
1 Expectations

The graph above shows that four of the nine boys exceeded expectations. Three of
the boys met expectations and two boys did not meet expectations.



Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Does Not Meet


The graph above shows that twelve of the girls exceeded the expectations. Two of
the girls met the expectations. One girl did not meet expectations.

As a whole the class did very well. 87.5% of the students met and exceeded
expectations on the assessment. 12.5% of the students did not meet expectations.
The first graph shows that the girls out performed the boys. More of the girls
exceeded expectations than the boys.
7. Future Instructional Plans – For the next time, the client and I discussed
adding more writing to the instruction. Students are expected to write on the
Georgia Milestones test. By adding writing to instruction and to the activities,
students will be prepared for the test. Short answer responses and open
constructed responses will be added to future instructional plans. More
technology will be added to reach students who did not meet expectations.

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