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Short term and long term goals

Vocab: Short term, long term, goals, SMART goals

Short term
- eat healthy food for 2 months
- Feeling more strength in 1 months
- No sugar for 1 months
Long term
- Having muscles( Better health) - six pack, arm muscles
- Run up to 10 kilometers in Marathon
- Lose 4 kg of weight

Short term to reach: lose 4 KG weight

- Have a physical health - proportion of fat, muscles, and health
- Eat less fat and eat healthier food (dinner before six O’clock)
- start to run 4 days per week - for half hour

Short term to reach: having muscles

- Start to use muscle in specific area - ex: sit up for 1 minutes - 2 times a day
- Eating enough proteins
- Having a muscles check every two months

Short term to reach: run 10KG marathon

- Eating more protein rather than junk food
- Starting to run everyday
- Try to run for 5 kg in the next 3 months
- 5 months - run 6kg
- Weekend - relax my muscles

Define short term goal: goals that you can reach within few period
Define long term goal: goals that you want to make it within long term period

- Specific
- Measured
- Attainable
- Realistic
- Timed
Fitness profile
- Height : 163cm
- Weight: 52.2 kg

- Cardiovascular endurance
- Flexibility
- Muscular strength
- Muscular endurance

Beep test
- My score: 8
- Standard score: very good
- How am I feel? I feel quite good to the result. Basically, I thought that I am a
weak person in sport and I am very surprised with my level in the standard score.

Cooper test
- My score: 9
- Meter: 1440
- How am I feel: I feel great with my score because it is not bad compared with the
standard score. Although it is not high, it is not lower than last year.

Sit and reach test - Flexibility

- Score:4
- It tests how flexibility does our body have
- I think I am not a flexible person and I have to improve it quite a lot by practising
stretch my body.

Improving your fitness Cont.
-.Muscular strength - the amount of force your muscle can exert
- Muscular endurance - the ability of your muscles to perform physical tasks over a
period of time
-flexibility - ability to stretch your muscles

Strength (Jumping)
-easy to use and set up
- cheap
- achieve objective
- valid test
- Test can be administered by the athlete

- Maybe inaccurate
- Test only hamstring and back flexibility
- Assistant required to administer the test
- Specific facilities required - long jump pit

My score: 1.13
Compared to average: poor
My feeling: I think that I’m not good in jumping and I’m not flexibility enough. I Feel
a.little bit sad but not much because I know that I’m not an athlete and I haven’t play
sports for a long time.

Push up
My score: 10
My feeling: I’m sad that my score is low but I’m also know myself that I’m not an athlete
and I’m don’t have a strong muscle. I’m will improve by practising push up more.

- Minimal equipment required
- Simple to set up and conduct
- The test can be administered by the athlete
- Can be conducted almost anywhere
- Assistant required to administer the test

My score: 20 secs
My feeling: It is on average score and I feel happy. I think it is okay for me that I can run
on the average of other teenagers even though I am not a athlete.

60 meters sprint
Score: 14.30 second
My favorite test is jumping test even though I got poor in that test. I like it
because it is fun can and enjoy it very much. It requires the ability to swing your body
and jump as far as you could. My personal strength is running at short time because I
can speed my running in a short time. However, running for a long period is my
weakness. I can’t run for a long time because my heart and my muscle dont strong
enough.The purpose of the beep test is to measure cardiovascular fitness and
maximum oxygen uptake. I can improve beep test by practising running for a longer
period so my lung can take in and collect more oxygen. The purpose of cooper test is to
test aerobic fitness (the ability of the body to use oxygen to power it while running). I
can improve copper test by practising running similar to practising for beep test. The
purpose of the sit and reach test is testing the flexibility. I can improve sit and reach test
by practising stretch my body.The purpose of the Jumping test is to test the muscle in
the leg. I can improve it by practising any kind of sports that build up my legs’ muscles.
The purpose of the push up test is to measures upper body strength and endurance.
I can improve it by practising my upper body muscles and create a muscle.The illinois
test is to test the ability to turn in different directions and at different angles.
I can improve it by practising running in different way. The 60 meters sprint test is
determine acceleration and speed. I can improve it by sprint at least 3 weeks.

I would improve sit and reach test because I think the flexibility can easily
improve by spending little time on stretching and I can improve in few weeks. Compared
to the standard, I did beep test the best, with the score above the standard.

Q2 - 17/10/2561
How the system works
- The skeleton system consists of bones, connective tissue and joint
- There are 206 bones in the system
- Smallest in your ear 0.25 cm
- Largest - Femur bone

- Support for the body
- Protecting internal tissues and organs from damage
- Framework for attached muscles
- Allow movement of limbs and digits
- Produces new red and white blood cells
- Store fat and minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus

- Made of living tissues formed into different layers
- Outer layer - hard, densely packed, compact bone
- Inside - spongy bone, less dense, network of cavities filled with red bone marrow
where white blood cells are produced

What are bones made of?

- Grow inside womb, where they begin as cartilage
- Grow older- turn into hard bone - process of ossification
- Bones will only grow properly as long as certain minerals and vitamins are
- Vitamin D helps build bone
- Calcium - keep bone strong
- Bone structure is always changing - as vitamins and mineral are
constantly replaced
Function of skeleton
- Protection
- Movement
- Shape - smooth surface to give us shape
- Blood production
- Storage of fat and minerals

Connective tissue
- Cartilage - strong, flexible connective tissue that can act as a cushion between
two bone to reduce friction
- Ossification - process which bone is formed, renewed, and repaired
- Ligament - bone to bone
- Tendon - muscle to bone

Caring for the system
- Healthy diet- high calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus
- Regular exercise
- Regular medical check ups

Understanding Skeletal problems

- Fractures
- Hairline Fracture: if parts of the bone do not separate
- Transverse Fracture: When the fracture is completely across the bone
- Comminuted fracture: when the bone shatters into more than two pieces

Other problems
- Dislocation - when a bone slips out of place, tearing ligaments that attack the
bone at the joint.
- Torn cartilage - can result from a sharp blow to a joint or a severe twisting of a
joint. Surgery can repair the damage.
- Repetitive Motion injury- prolonged, repeated movements such as computer work
can damage tissues. Ex: Carpal tunnel syndrome when ligaments and tendons in
the wrist swell, causing numbness, a tingling sensation in the thumb and
forefinger, pain, and weakness in the hand.

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