Triptico Tecnol Concreto

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PIPES (A.C. P.).

The pipe A.C.P. It is manufactured by
winding a mixture of asbestos and
portland cement in multiple layers, being
subjected to setting by special processes.
The pipe has a very smooth surface inside,
which makes it possible to use lower
roughness coefficients and consequently
higher transport capacity (C = 120).

The asbestos-cement pipeline is a more

fragile pipeline than that of H.F., so its use
is limited exclusively when its buried
placement is feasible. On the other hand,
it is an inert material to corrosion, which
is advantageous with respect to the other
types of pipes mentioned.

Due to its fragility, losses due to breakage

during loading, unloading, laying and INTEGRANTES:
transport are greater (7 to 10 percent).
 Vicente Lopez Luis Fernando
In order to obtain a good workability in
Asbestos cement or fiber-cement the asbestos pipe an important property
pipes ac. Characteristics of the for many concrete applications. In
Asbestos-Cement pipe A.C. for essence, it is the ease with which the
pressure aqueducts. ingredients can be mixed and the
resulting mixture can be handled,
The union of these two materials,
transported and placed with little loss
asbestos and cement, produces a pipe
of homogeneity. So if the pipes are
with the following characteristics:
workable, they would have good
• If the union of these two materials results.
presents a smooth inner surface, it
The pipes installed in the aqueduct would facilitate the passage of water.
networks of the cities and
municipalities of the country are made • If the pipe is immune to metallic
of diverse materials such as asbestos- oxidation, it would have a stiffening
cement, concrete-steel, iron, steel, on aggressive lands, that is, with a
copper and plastic. high content of sulphates (acid soils).

To identify and classify the pipe, the • If the union of these two materials is
characteristics of the pipeline must be considerable, It would present a good
taken into account. behavior before the water hammer

• If the union of these two materials is DURABILITY

Each one of them, because they are
related to the functions that they fulfill considerable, it would present a good The pipe must be able to resist the
in the aqueduct network. behavior in cases of seismic weather, action of chemical products
movements and wear, which will be subject to the
The correct selection of the pipe
• If the pipe is completely immune to service. Likewise if the Pipes are well
guarantees the quality of the
erratic electric currents. they would designed, it would not cause any
installation and its repair. Therefore if
be immune to perforation of the walls difficulty.
the pipes were classified well, they
would not cause any problem of the tube for not being a conductor.

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