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Project Definition

Brown Bag Workshop (1) Build Your Career Trajectory in Monterey

Brown Bag Workshop (2) Career Movement: Ace the Application Process

Monterey County – Learning and Organizational Development
Michael Rosales, Yvonne Walker

Project Manager: Joshua Eisenberg
Team 1: Andrew McCarty, Damian Perez, Lynnette Mann, Aaron Tisdale

Project Overview
Monterey County supports professional development opportunities for their
employees. The brown bag format permits employees to utilize their lunch time
break to gain information regarding a multitude of topics including career
advancement possibilities, personal traits which can lead to advancement, and
improving application skills.
Our team will build two brown bag lunch sessions regarding career succession,
titled “Monterey County HR Secrets for Career Growth.”
The first session, “Build Your Career Trajectory in Monterey County”, will discuss
career growth opportunities in Monterey County and build professional knowledge,
skills, and ability (KSAs) which reflect the current attitudes of the county.
The second session, “Career Movement: Ace the Application Process”, will explore
the common mistakes and successful strategies employees exhibit during the
process of applying for promotion and transfer opportunities.
The overarching outcome that Monterey County employees will intentionally
develop the KSAs for their current job and career aspirations. They will do this by
regularly writing journal entries documenting progress/performance regarding
published KSAs and review these entries with their manager. Evaluation will also
include/measure frequency of internal applications and promotions of participants
compared to the overall population of Monterey County employees.

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Why Training?
The Human Resource Department has determined employees do not have sufficient
knowledge regarding career movement within the department structure of
Monterey County. Preliminary data from a county-wide employee engagement
survey indicates that employees desire training regarding career succession.

Participants for this brown bag session will be current Monterey County employees
from all departments who volunteer their lunch time.

Organizational Goals
The organizational goal is to grow employee abilities and increase promotion from

Learner Goals
Build Your Career Trajectory in Monterey County
● Write a specific anecdote that demonstrates proficiency for the following
○ Developing Personal Credibility/Worth
○ Fostering a Team Environment
○ Maximizing Performance Results
○ Creating Organizational Transformation
● Develop an action plan that outlines which skills from the KSA list they will
focus on developing and engaging in conversations with their supervisor

Career Movement: Ace the Application Process

● Use the S.T.A.R Method to answer verbal and written questions throughout
the application process

● Lesson plan for two brown bag sessions (30-45 minutes each) including
participant activities, handouts/job aids
● Marketing pre and post sessions: memo to managers with talking points,
poster breakroom to posted as part of office culture
● PowerPoint presentation
● Facilitator’s guide
● Facilitator follow-up guide

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Project Resources
Yvonne Walker - Principal Administrative Analyst
Suzanne Paluck - HR Manager
Michael Rosales - Management Analyst II
Monterey County Human Resources Department

Logistical Considerations
Workshop is designed to utilize computer technology, including a projector and
slideshow. Learning and Organizational Development employees will facilitate this
training quarterly, and potentially monthly based on interest. Participants will sit at
tables in groups of six or fewer. The participants will come from mixed departments
within the county and the number of participants in each sessions is unknown at
this time - due to the voluntary nature of participants.


Week Date Milestone Comments

2 Tuesday, May 29 Kick Off Meeting with client

3 Friday, June 1 Research meeting with SME

3 Tuesday, June 5 Review Project Definition with Client

3 Tuesday, June 5 Project Definition (PD) Due

4 Thursday, June 7 Project Definition Review (with client)

4 Saturday, June 9 Meeting with Dr. Farrington

4 Tuesday, June 12 Draft High-Level Design Document

5 Thursday, June 14 Share Draft Design Document with client

5 Tuesday, June 19 Design Document Due

6 Thursday, June 21 Design Document Review (with client)

6 Tuesday, June 26 Storyboard and Draft Materials

8 July 9-15 Usability Testing

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10 Tuesday, July 24 Final Materials

The budget for this training will include materials cost for handouts and job aides:
● Session advertisement posters
● Printouts for training activities
● Printed facilitator guides
● KSA posters for employee common spaces

Critical Success Factors

● Support and encouragement from supervisors for participants to attend is
critical to the success of this workshop.
● Specific guidance will be provided to promote the workshop as well as to
provide follow up support for workshop initiatives.
● Quality of facilitation will also impact the success of the workshop; detailed
facilitator guides, including speaking notes, will ensure successful

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