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1. Brain Trauma Foundation: Guidelines for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain
Injury 3rd Edition. Journal of neurosurgery, 2007. 24, Suppl (212), pp.S1-106.
Available at:
2. Winn Richard, H. Youmans Neurological Surgery. Vol 4. 6 th Edition. California:
3. Kaye, A.H. . Raised intracranial pressure and hydrocephalus. Essential Neurosurgery. 3th
Edition. Australia: Blackwell Publishing. 2005.
4. Departemen Bedah Saraf FKUI RSCM. Sinopsis Ilmu Bedah Saraf. Jakarta: PT. Sagung
Seto. 2011
5. Soertidewi, L., 2012. Penatalaksanaan Kedaruratan Cedera Kranioserebral. Cermin Dunia
Kedokteran, 39(5), pp.327–331.
6. Sastrodininggrat, A.G. Traumatic Brain Injury: Primary Brain Damage, Secondary Brain
Damage, Management and Neuro Critical Care. Medan: USU PRESS. 2012.
7. Tim Neurotrauma RSUD Soetomo Surabaya. Pedoman Tatalaksana Cedera Otak. Edisi 2.
Wahyuhadi J, Suryaningtyas W, Susilo RI, Faris M, Apriawan T, editors. Surabaya: Badan
Penerbit Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga; 2014. 1-2 p. 65-71
8. World Health Organization. Global Status Report On Road Safety 2015 [Internet]. Genewa;
2015. Available from:
9. Rilley, P & Bullock, R. Head Injury Pathophysiology and Management Ofsevere
Closed Injury.1997. London: Chapman & Hall Medical
1. World Health Organization. Global Status Report On Road Safety 2015 [Internet]. Genewa; 2015.
Available from:
2. Tim Neurotrauma RSUD Soetomo Surabaya. Pedoman Tatalaksana Cedera Otak. Edisi 2.
Wahyuhadi J, Suryaningtyas W, Susilo RI, Faris M, Apriawan T, editors. Surabaya: Badan
Penerbit Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga; 2014. 1-2 p. 65-71
3. Kaye, A.H. . Raised intracranial pressure and hydrocephalus. Essential Neurosurgery. 3th
Edition. Australia: Blackwell Publishing. 2005. p.
4. Departemen Bedah Saraf FKUI RSCM. Sinopsis Ilmu Bedah Saraf. Jakarta: PT. Sagung Seto.
5. Sastrodininggrat, A.G. Traumatic Brain Injury: Primary Brain Damage, Secondary Brain
Damage, Management and Neuro Critical Care. Medan: USU PRESS. 2012.
6. Rilley, P & Bullock, R. Head Injury Pathophysiology and Management Ofsevere Closed
Injury.1997. London: Chapman & Hall Medical
7. Winn Richard, H. Youmans Neurological Surgery. Vol 4. 6 th Edition. California: ELSEVIER
8. Soertidewi, L., 2012. Penatalaksanaan Kedaruratan Cedera Kranioserebral. Cermin Dunia
Kedokteran, 39(5), pp.327–331.
9. Brain Trauma Foundation: Guidelines for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain
Injury 3rd Edition. Journal of neurosurgery, 2007. 24, Suppl (212), pp.S1-106. Available

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