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Oral Test

Dialogue about:
“We’ve got there days in a row”
Students: Jacqueline Bokobza & Eryn Rodríguez level: 11°B

A: Jacqueline B: Eryn
A- I’m so glad the weekend finally here
B- Me too, imagine, it’s a long weekend we’ ve got there in a row
A- In this weekend I want to do many things
B- Yes? like what?
A- today, I want to go to the cinema
B- I also want to go!
A- really?
B- Yes, I want to see the Nun.
A- I'm going to go with you, I want to see that movie too
B- I did not know that you like that kind of movies
A- Yes, I like this genre
B- and what other things are you going to do this weekend?
A- Tomorrow I have to do social work
B- what is that?
A- to be able to graduate from school you have to do social work, it is a requirement to
obtain the diploma
B- And what do you have to do?
A- With my classmates we have to do work in rural areas where poor people live
B- Oh now i understand
A- I do not like the idea very much, but it is an obligation.
B- So ... are you going to go to the movies today and do social work?
A- Correct
B- what else are you going to do? or is that all?
A- No, I will also go to a dinner with my mom for her birthday.
B- oh that's very cute
A- yes ... tell me what are you going to do?
B- Today I will go to the cinema with you and then I will go to my house and sleep
until tomorrow
A- Hahaha me too!
B- and on Saturday I will go to KFC with my cousin Ilsa
A- That’s cool
B- hey ... an old friend told me that social work is very boring
A- I do not know, I've never been to that kind of work
B- Well, i just tell you
A- I'm very excited for tomorrow
B- Why?
A- Because i will do something different
B- Like what?
A- I will build a classroom in a community
B- where is that? I've never heard about this place
A- me neither
B- How are you going to go?
A- My geography teacher is going to hire a bus for us
B- Oh, that’s Good
A- Do you wanna do something now?
B- Let´s go shopping
A- What mall?
B- Let´s go to Multicentro
B- I know it's far away, but we have nothing to do now, so, I propose to go
A- Well, it's okay, the good thing is that you have a car
B- and what kind of clothes do you want to buy?
A- I want to buy a sweater and pants
B- ok, I also want to buy clothes
A- I propose to go to Stampa or forever 21
B- Yes, those stores are very Good
A- okay let's go

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