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Requisition Processing 
Company X Medical Center 
Kendra Archer 
Patricia Carreño 
Dexter Dallas 
Tiffany Jarrett 
Anthony Marino 

PMP575 Project Plan Checklist    
Team: Blackhawks 
   Page or  
Project Plan Components  Exhibit Cross‐Reference 
Project Scope Statement  Appendix A 
Identification of project  Appendix B 
Statement of work  Appendix C 
Work Breakdown Structure  Appendix D 
Linear Responsibility Chart  Appendix E 
Resource Schedule and Graphs  Appendix F1 & F2 
Gantt chart   Appendix G1 & G2 
    (with project milestones)    
Critical path method  Appendix H 
   (Network Diagram)    
Schedule of project costs  Appendix I 
   (Project Budget)    
Risk Identification and 
Assessment  Appendix J 
Risk Response Matrix  Appendix K 
Contingency plans  Appendix K 
Project Organization &   Appendix L 
   Stakeholder Management     
Table of Contents 
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 4 
Problem Statement ................................................................................................................................... 4 
Planned Solution ....................................................................................................................................... 5 
Budgeted Costs for the Planned Solution ................................................................................................. 6 
Implementation Approach ........................................................................................................................ 7 
Executive Approval Needed ...................................................................................................................... 7 
Description of Plan Components ................................................................................................................. 8 
Work Breakdown Structure ...................................................................................................................... 8 
Linear Responsibility Chart ....................................................................................................................... 9 
Resource Loading/Usage ......................................................................................................................... 10 
Gantt Chart .............................................................................................................................................. 10 
Network Diagram .................................................................................................................................... 11 
Schedule of Costs .................................................................................................................................... 12 
Risk Identification/Assessment/Response/Contingency ........................................................................ 13 
Organizational Chart & Stakeholders Management ............................................................................... 14 

Appendix A: Scope Statement ................................................................................................................... 15 
Appendix B: Project Deliverables .............................................................................................................. 17 
Appendix C: Statement of Work ................................................................................................................ 18 
Appendix D: Work Breakdown Structure .................................................................................................. 20 
Appendix E: Linear Responsibility Chart .................................................................................................... 21 
Appendix F1: Resource Loading ................................................................................................................. 22 
Appendix F2: Resource Usage .................................................................................................................... 23 
Appendix G1: Gantt Chart Details .............................................................................................................. 25 
Appendix G2: Gantt Chart Graphic ............................................................................................................ 26 
Appendix H: Network Diagram .................................................................................................................. 28 
Appendix I: Schedule of Costs/Budget ...................................................................................................... 29 
Appendix J: Risk Identification and Assessment Form ............................................................................. 30 
Appendix K: Risk Response Matrix and Contingency Plans ...................................................................... 31 
Appendix L: Organizational Chart and Stakeholders Management ......................................................... 32 
Executive Summary 

This is a summary of the project plan to implement a new scanning solution for Company X University 

Medical Center.  The project plan has been completed and requires management approval to proceed. 

Problem Statement 

Company X University Medical Center is currently experiencing difficulty with processing and 

retrieving lab requisition information.  The problem being faced in Company X Medical Laboratories 

(ComX_ML) consists of a number of factors, including: 

 Requisition forms have been misplaced as well as not consistently scanned.  Currently 

requisition forms have to pass through numerous time‐consuming steps before they are 

entered in the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system.  These steps include ordering, 

sorting, physically transferring to Health Systems Management (HSM), scanning, and finally 

indexing.  This process can take up to two weeks and until the final step is completed it is 

difficult to retrieve requisition information. 

 Communication problems exist between ComX_ML and HSM that exacerbate the problems.  

Health Systems Management is responsible for many other tasks aside from the scanning 

and indexing of ComX_ML requisition forms.  Therefore, requisition forms can await 

processing for an extended period of time. 

 The number of requisitions is very high and increasing.  On average, 1500 requisition forms 

are received by ComX_ML each day.  Oftentimes, the physician who submitted the 

requisition wishes to check the form to make sure he/she requested the correct lab tests.  

Once requisition processing has been completed, ComX_ML staff can look up the form in 

the EMR system.  Until then, however, staff of ComX_ML must attempt to find the paper 
requisition form, often from a stack of 1500 to 3000 forms in the ComX_ML office.  Once the 

forms have been physically transferred to HSM, the search becomes even more laborious.  It 

can take hours, or even days, to find the requested form, and in some cases the form has 

been lost completely. 

 A negative image of the Company X University Medical Center has resulted from this 

situation.  The inability of ComX_ML staff to promptly respond to requisition information 

requests from physicians creates a negative image of the department, and of the Medical 

Center itself.  Hospitals have many struggles, one of them being full coverage of an on‐call 

schedule for each specialty.  In order to maintain this coverage, ComX_MC must attract non‐

staff physicians to agree to on‐call availability.  An image of an unorganized, slow hospital 

system discourages non‐staff physicians from returning to the Company X system, inhibiting 

the Medical Center’s ability to attract non‐staff physicians to cover on‐call schedules. 

 There is a potential liability from the delayed processing.  If a mistake was made on a 

requisition form and it is not caught in time, there can be a detrimental effect on the 

patient’s health if there was an important test needed.  Also, not catching lab request errors 

has consequences for insurance claims, leading to a loss of income for the hospital.  If it is 

assumed that each lab test costs approximately $500, uncaught errors can become very 

expensive for the hospital when an insurance claim is denied because the lab test was not 

medically necessary. 

Planned Solution 

Team Blackhawks is proposing to implement a number of changes to resolve these issues. 

 Dedicated workforce will process the daily volume of ComX_ML requisition forms. 

 Additional hardware and software is planned by Team Blackhawks, combined with 

redefined requisition processing procedures. 

 Reorganization of the ComX_ML office area will dedicate space for this hardware and 

personnel.  The hardware will consist of a combination of high‐resolution scanners and 

personal computers.  The installation of these components at ComX_ML will allow for a 

reorganization of the requisition process and will centralize the responsibility for the forms. 

 Dedicated personnel for scanning and indexing will greatly enhance the speed and efficiency 

of requisition processing.  Since the forms would no longer need to be physically transferred 

to HSM, and there would be dedicated staff for the processing, the new order of steps could 

be: ordering, scanning, indexing, and sorting.  As the forms will be scanned and indexed 

immediately after ordering, there will no longer be stacks of 1500 to 3000 unprocessed 

forms lying around.  For this reason, sorting can be done after indexing, without being as 

high a priority, since the sorting will only be for the purposes of filing the physical forms, 

which will simply be a backup. 

Budgeted Costs for the Planned Solution 

There are costs associated with the proposed changes.  The budget of $50,000 consists of: 

 Hardware ‐ $8,625 

 Blackhawks personnel fees ‐ $37,870 

 Hospital IT Staff work ‐ $1,960 

The Blackhawks fee includes 30 days of support services following project completion.  Additional 

costs not included in this total consist of the hiring of three personnel and the transfer of one 

employee from HSM to ComX_ML.  These costs will be covered by ComX_MC. 

Implementation Approach 

Team Blackhawks is proposing a matrix organizational structure, within the existing organizational 

structure of Company X University Medical Center.  Team Blackhawks will provide a project 

manager, and will consult and notify an Advisory Committee made up of ComX_MC staff 

representing the various stakeholder groups affected by this project.  We will also receive approval 

from the committee, the IT staff, and Purchasing for various aspects of the project. 

Executive Approval Needed 

The problems with the ComX_ML requisition form process are a pressing concern.  Hospital 

Administration has indicated that they wish for work to resolve the issues begin immediately.  The 

projected goal is to reduce requisition processing time to 24 hours or less on average.  Additionally, 

they wish to have a revised system in place for the beginning of Fiscal Year 2011 (July 1, 2010).  In 

order to achieve these goals, Hospital Administration needs to approve the Team Blackhawks 

project plan and allow work to begin. 

Description of Project Plan Components 

Team Blackhawks has prepared this project plan exclusively for Company X Medical Center (ComX_MC).  

Important components of the plan are attached as appendices to this document.  Below are some 

descriptive details on each component. 

The purpose of this project is to improve the requisition form processing procedure of Company X 

Medical Laboratories.  The current system is experiencing delays and backlogs that have a negative 

impact on the abilities of ComX_ML to respond to physician inquiries, and on the public image of the 


Work Breakdown Structure 

The Work Breakdown Structure (see Appendix D) shows the major phases of the project, with 

detailed tasks to be completed in each phase.  Approval must be obtained by ComX_MC Hospital 

Administration before further work begins.  Once approval is obtained, the necessary hardware 

must be selected and ordered.  Once the ordering is complete, physical changes to the office space 

of ComX_ML can take place, including preparing the area for the arrival of the hardware, and the 

installation of the hardware itself.  Part of the project team can begin working on the creation of 

procedure documentation once the hardware has been ordered, and can complete that work after 

the hardware is installed and verified to be working correctly.  After the updated documentation has 

been distributed to the necessary staff, training sessions can take place.  When training has been 

completed, a period of quality assurance testing can take place, and finally the system can go live. 

Linear Responsibility Chart 

The Linear Responsibility Chart (see Appendix E) shows the breakdown of responsibilities through 

the project. 

 Project Manager ‐ Anthony Marino 

 Liaison to Company X Medical Laboratories ‐ Dexter Dallas 

 Assistant for ComX_ML ‐ Patricia Carreño 

 Liaison to Health Systems Management – Kendra Archer 

 Assistant for HSM – Tiffany Jarrett 

In order to ensure the interests of all stakeholders are known and discussed, an Advisory Committee 

will be created to represent these stakeholder groups: 

 Physicians, both staff and non‐staff 

 Nurses 

 ComX_ML administration 

 HSM administration 

 Client Services 

 Public Relations 

This Advisory Committee will be notified at various points throughout the project, and will be 

consulted for any change management needs.  Hospital Administration will provide final approval 

for major project decisions. 
Resource Loading/Usage 

Resource usage (see Appendices F1 and F2) fluctuates through the project as many aspects of the 

project are successors to prior activities, and most work cannot be completed out of order.  A 

breakdown of work shows: 

 Project manager ‐ 161 hours 

 ComX_ML liaison – 162 

 ComX_ML assistant – 108 

 HSM liaison – 144 

 HSM assistant – 80 

 IT Staff – 28 

This breakdown reflects the heavy impact on the ComX_ML office, with a lower impact on HSM. 

Gantt Chart 

The Gantt Chart (see Appendices G1 and G2) shows a detailed view of the steps Team Blackhawks is 

planning to take to complete the project for ComX_MC.  We expect the project to take 

approximately 60 calendar days to complete, which means work should begin immediately to meet 

the deadline of July 1, 2010, imposed by Hospital Administration.  Major milestones for this project 


 Receipt and signature of contract with hardware vendor, to be completed before 5/15/10 

 Completion of interfacing hardware with the EMR systems of ComX_MC, to be completed 

before 6/1/10 

 Distribution of new procedure documentation to ComX_ML and HSM staff, to be completed 

before training begins 
 Completion of staff retraining, to be completed by 6/15/10 to allow two weeks for testing 

and implementation phase 

 Quality Assurance test implementation, to be completed with sufficient time left to resolve 

outstanding issues 

 Implementation of live system and transfer of responsibility to ComX_MC, to be completed 

by July 1, 2010 

Network Diagram 

The attached Network Diagram (see Appendix H) shows the relationship and process of project 

events.  With the imposed deadline of July 1, 2010, there are few tasks with available slack, 


 Pricing negotiation with vendor 

 Receipt of contract and approval from IT + Purchasing 

The slack exists for these tasks because once the vendor is selected (the predecessor to pricing 

negotiation), on‐site physical work can begin to prepare the ComX_ML office space for the 

hardware.  Also, the rearranging of furniture in the ComX_ML office area has 4 days of slack, as the 

infrastructure needs from IT are more time consuming (installation of data jacks to connect new 

hardware to hospital network). 

As can be seen in the network diagram, the critical path consists of nearly all of the project tasks.  

Once approval is obtained from Hospital Administration and IT + Purchasing, vendor representatives 

must be brought out for site visits, and must then submit proposals for the hardware and support 

contract.  Once a vendor is selected, on‐site work can begin while the final details of pricing are 

negotiated and the contract is signed.  Once the on‐site preparation work is completed, the 
hardware can be delivered and installed.  Creation of new documentation can begin before 

hardware installation, but cannot be completed until after the hardware is functioning.  Training 

cannot be completed until the new documentation is completed and distributed to the staff.  The 

quality assurance testing must take place after testing, and final implementation of the system must 

be done after the testing and resolving of any issues.  Once all of these steps have been completed, 

the system can be turned over to ComX_MC. 

Schedule of Costs 

The attached Schedule of Costs (see Appendix I) shows detailed information on the costs associated 

with this project.  The total budget totals $50,000, which consists of the following costs: 

 Phase 1 – Obtaining Approval 

o Blackhawks personnel costs ‐ $480 

 Phase 2 – Hardware Selection/Ordering 

o Hardware ‐ $8,100 

o Blackhawks personnel costs ‐ $1,910 

 Phase 3 – On‐Site Infrastructure Changes 

o Hardware ‐ $525 

o Blackhawks personnel costs ‐ $1,560 

o Hospital IT staff costs ‐ $1,960 

 Phase 4 – Documentation/Training 

o Blackhawks personnel costs ‐ $11,744 

 Phase 5 – Implementation 

o Blackhawks personnel costs ‐ $16,416 

 Phase 6 – Support 
o Blackhawks personnel costs ‐ $6,000 

Risk Identification/Assessment/Response/Contingency 

As with all projects, there are risks associated with this project, as well as with the results of the 

project.  Team Blackhawks identified seven risks and their vulnerabilities in the areas of 

management, information technology, and operations (see Appendices J and K).  These risks were 

measured using a semantic differential scale, and assessed to determine its impact on potential 

threats to the project. The following are the potential risks measured: 

 Hardware backordered 

 Data jack/ComX_ML infrastructure work delayed 

 Documentation creation delay 

 ComX_ML/HSM staff unavailable for training 

 Reduced project budget 

 Staff turnover in ComX_ML 

 Hardware failure 

Of these, the first five are short term risks that may occur during the timeline of the project, and the 

remaining risks are long‐term.  Of the potential risks analyzed, all but one (reduced project budget) 

have acceptable and workable contingency plans.  The project itself has very little leeway in terms of 

scheduling,  so Team Blackhawks will do what is possible to manage and counter the potential risks 

by utilizing resources.  The worst risk identified is a reduced budget during the project. Team 

Blackhawks will ensure ComX_MC has available funds for the entire project, including contingency 

needs, prior to initiating the project.    
Staff turnover and hardware failure are the two long‐term risks, which are both inevitable.  The aim 

is to reduce the occurrence of hardware failure by ensuring a preventative maintenance program is 

in place with the hardware vendor.  Staff turnover presents a concern to the overall success of the 

project, but must be accepted. Team Blackhawks will provide enhanced training to current 

ComX_MC lead employees, to provide them with the tools to conduct future training of new 


Overall, Team Blackhawks is prepared for all foreseeable risks, and so can minimize the impact 

should any or all of the events occur. 

Organizational Chart and Stakeholders Management 

Team Blackhawks will be operating in a matrix‐style organizational structure, as our work will 

involve several aspects of the Company X Medical Center.  Specifically, our work will affect the 

following stakeholders, who will be represented by an Advisory Committee: 

 Physicians, both staff and non‐staff 

 Nurses 

 ComX_ML administration 

 HSM administration 

 Client Services 

 Public Relations 

In addition, our work will require cooperation and resources from the Hospital IT staff, which 

creates a matrix organizational structure. 
Appendix A:  
Scope Statement 

Project Scope Description:

 To purchase, install, and integrate a scanning solution to increase the efficiency of the
laboratory requisition process at the ComX_ML (Company X Medical Laboratories).
 Train Health Systems Management (HSM) and ComX_ML staff on the new procedures
associated with scanning solution.
 Develop the procedures to reduce the current processing time of requisition from 4 days
to a target of 24 hours.
 The project team targets to complete the project over 60 calendar days, beginning 5/1/10.

Project Acceptance Criteria:

 Scanning implementation will target to reduce processing time to 24 hours or less.

 The new procedures will be designed such that minimal training will be required to
familiarize any new staff with the system.
 The scanning solution will be successfully interfaced with the EPIC EMR system.
 All current ComX_ML and HSM staff (estimated to number 15 personnel) will complete
training, with 1-2 personnel receiving enhanced training to provide future training.

Project Deliverables:

 Three flatbed high-resolution scanners w/ connected PCs

 Four PCs for indexing/data processing
 Updated procedures for ComX_ML Department with system documentation
 Training of Company X staff to be identified by Hospital Administration by project start
 Measurements showing response times before and after plan implementation, through
existing and continued logs of requisition intake and processing dates/times

Project Exclusions:

 ComX_ML will hire three additional employees to take over indexing and data
processing responsibilities
 Hospital Administration will approve one employee transfer from HSM to ComX_ML to
supplement the indexing responsibilities
 Networking needs testing to connect scanners to the hospital EMR system will be
completed by Hospital IT Staff, in cooperation with project team
 Advisory Committee will work with project team to provide communication to general
hospital staff of the changes in procedures
 This scanning solution is for the sole purpose of ComX_ML (Company X Medical
Laboratory) and no other hospital department is included in the scope of this project.
Project Constraints:

 Budget limit of $50,000

 Proposed solution must interface with the EPIC EMR system
 Solution must comply with HIPPA regulations
 To allow adequate time for Hospital IT staff to install data jacks, order for scanners and
PCs should be completed by 5/15/10
 Distribution of updated procedures to ComX_ML and HSM staff should begin by 6/1/10
and allow approximately 2 calendar weeks for review/training before test implementation
 Staff training should be completed two weeks before final implementation to allow for
Quality Assurance pilot testing
 Scanning solution must be fully implemented in time for the start of Fiscal Year 2011
(FY11) on July 1, 2010

Project Assumptions:

 Project staff will be provided with a private office area at ComX_ML in which to
complete project work.
 Project staff will have access to current ComX_ML staff and work in the same area
during parts of the project.
 Hospital IT staff will complete the necessary network upgrades to provide data jacks at
the proposed scanner and PC locations, in a timely manner so as not to delay the project.
 The client will complete hiring of additional personnel, and transfer of employee from
HSM for indexing/data processing by 6/1/10 in time for distribution of updated
procedures and training. Project team will conduct training of these individuals along
with other ComX_ML/HSM staff in new procedures.
 Project team will provide 30 calendar days of support related to the project, beginning on
the project completion date. All support after this 30 day period will be fee-based and at
an extra cost not included in the project budget.
 Project team is not responsible for issues with backordered hardware, though it will work
with the hardware provider to avoid such a situation.
 ComX_ML will provide 1-2 personnel who will receive enhanced training so that they
may provide future training.
 The project team will schedule two training sessions, and Hospital Administration will
ensure that the necessary ComX_ML and HSM staff will be available for one of the two
 Microsoft Project shall be used to develop the project Gantt chart 
Appendix B:  
Identification of Deliverables 

1) 3 high‐resolution flatbed scanners 
2) 3 computers interfaced with scanners and connected to Vignette and EPIC systems 
3) 4 additional computers connected to Vignette and EPIC systems for use by indexers 
4) Updated ComX_ML and HSM procedures with scanning system documentation 
5) Training of Company X staff identified by Hospital Administration at beginning of project 
6) Enhanced training of 1‐2 Company X staff to provide future training for other Company X staff 
7) Measurements showing response times before and after plan implementation, through existing and continued 
logs of request intake and completion dates/times, completed by ComX_ML staff 

Appendix C:  
Statement of Work 

The Blackhawks team will coordinate the purchase and installation of three scanners with 

connected PCs and four additional PCs for use by indexers.  In addition, the Blackhawks will develop and 

distribute updated procedural documentation for Company X Medical Laboratories and Health Systems 

Management staff.  Lastly, the Blackhawks will provide training services for these staff, in order to 

familiarize them with the new processes.  The goal of this implementation is to reduce lab requisition 

form processing times, and by association, response time to requests for copies/verification of 

requested tests. 

This work will be completed by the Blackhawks on location at Company X Medical Laboratories, 

which is also the location of the scanner and indexing setups. 

This project will be completed by July 1, 2010, in order to have the new hardware and processes 

in place for the start of the Company X hospital system’s new fiscal year.  Hospital Administration will be 

responsible for the additional hiring necessary ahead of the scheduled training of staff. 

To allow sufficient time for testing and training, the scanner and PC hardware will be received 

and installed before June 1, 2010.  Updated process documentation will be completed and distributed 

within one week of that time.  To allow approximately two weeks for testing, staff training will be 

completed by June 15, 2010.  The new system will be piloted for quality assurance testing for one week, 

and the system will then go live as of June 30, 2010. 

All parts of the solution implemented by the Blackhawks will comply with HIPAA requirements, 

and with existing Company X standards and policies. 

The scanning implementation will target to reduce processing time to 24 hours or less for all 

requisition forms.  The new procedures will be designed such that minimal training will be required to 

familiarize any new staff with the system.  The scanning solution will be successfully interfaced with the 

EPIC EMR system.  All current ComX_ML and HSM staff (estimated to number 15 personnel) will 

complete training, and 1‐2 personnel will receive enhanced training to provide future training. 

Payment of the project costs for personnel will be paid on a monthly basis for the previous 

month’s work.  Material costs will be paid at the time of request (once the contract with the hardware 

vendor has been negotiated and signed). 
Appendix D:
Work Breakdown Structure

1 Scanning Solution

1.1 Obtain Approval for 1.2 Select/Order 1.3 On Site 1.4 Create/Distribute 1.5 Train Staff 1.6 Testing and
Project Hardware Physical/Infrastructure Documentation Implementation
Changes 1.5.1 Retrain RML/HSM
1.1.1 Hospital 1.4.1 Prepare new Staff (Session 1) 1.6.1 Implement System
Administration sign 1.2.1 Inform vendors 1.2.2 Complete site 1.2.3 Request For 1.2.4 Choose Vendor 1.3.1 Have new data documentation of 1.5.2 Retrain RML/HSM for QA Testing
off on project and arrange site visits Proposals and Order jacks installed at workflows Staff (Session 2) 1.6.2 Resolve any
visits locations of
1.1.2 Discuss project 1.4.2 Distribute new outstanding issues
with Hospital IT + Hewlett-Packard Receive Proposals documentation to 1.6.3 Implement Live
Purchasing 1.3.2 Arrange RML + HSM staff System Epson Analyze Proposals
furniture/office area Canon Select Vendor 1.6.4 Turn over
for new
responsibility to Negotiate pricing hardware/personnel
&RPSDQ\; Receive contract and 1.3.3 Hardware
obtain approval from delivered/installed/tested
IT + Purchasing
1.3.4 Interface hardware
setup with EMR
Appendix E:
Linear Responsibility Chart

Assistant (Patricia 
ComX_ML Liaison 
(Anthony Marino)
Project Manager 

(Kendra Archer)

Hospital IT Staff
(Tiffany Jarrett)

HSM Assistant 
(Dexter Dallas)

HSM Liaison 


Establish Project Plan 6 2 1 3 4 3 4
Define WBS 5 1 3 4 3 4
Inform vendors and arrange site visits 5 1
Hewlett‐Packard Site Visit 2 1 4 3 4
Epson Site Visit 2 1 4 3 4
Canon Site Visit 2 1 4 3 4
Request For Proposals 2 1
Receive Proposals 2 1
Analyze Proposals 1 1 4 3 4
Select Vendor 6 5 1 3 3 3
Negotiate pricing 5 1
Receive contract and have signed 6 5 1
Install new data jacks at locations of scanners 2 3 4 1
Arrange furniture/office area for hardware/personnel 5 3 2 1
Hardware delivered/Installed 5 2 3
Interface hardware setup with EMR systems 5 2 1
Prepare new documentation of workflows 6 5 3 1 4 1 4
Distribute new documentation to ComX_ML + HSM staff 5 2 1 2 1
Retrain ComX_ML/HSM Staff 5 2 1 1 1 1
Implement System for QA Testing 5 1 1 3 1 3
Resolve any outstanding issues 5 1 1 1 1 1
Implement Live System 6 5 1 1 1 1 1

6 Final Approval 3 Must be Consulted
5 Must be Notified 2 General Supervision
4 May be Consulted 1 Actual Responsibility
Appendix F1:
Resource Loading

Number of Resources 

IT Staff
Project Manager

1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41
Project Days 
Appendix F2:
Resource Usage
 ID  WBS  Resource Name  Work

 1 Anthony Marino 161 hrs
1.1.1 Hospital Administration sign off on project 4 hrs
1.1.2 Discuss project with Hospital IT + Purchasing  4 hrs
1.2.1 Inform vendors and arrange site visits 2 hrs Hewlett‐Packard 2 hrs Epson 2 hrs Canon 2 hrs
1.2.3 Request For Proposals 1 hr Analyze Proposals 4 hrs Select Vendor 1 hr Negotiate pricing 3 hrs Receive contract and obtain approval from IT + Purchasing 2 hrs
1.3.3 Hardware delivered/installed/tested 6 hrs
1.5.1 Retrain ComX_ML/HSM Staff (Session 1) 24 hrs
1.5.2 Retrain ComX_ML/HSM Staff (Session 2) 24 hrs
1.6.1 Implement System for QA Testing 40 hrs
1.6.2 Resolve any outstanding issues 32 hrs
1.6.3 Implement Live System 8 hrs
1.6.4 Turn over responsibility to Company X 0 hrs
2 Dexter Dallas 162 hrs Hewlett‐Packard 2 hrs Epson 2 hrs Canon 2 hrs Receive Proposals 3 hrs Analyze Proposals 4 hrs Select Vendor 1 hr
1.3.2 Arrange furniture/office area for new hardware/personnel 4 hrs
1.4.1 Prepare new documentation of workflows 40 hrs
1.5.1 Retrain ComX_ML/HSM Staff (Session 1) 24 hrs
1.6.1 Implement System for QA Testing 40 hrs
1.6.2 Resolve any outstanding issues 32 hrs
1.6.3 Implement Live System 8 hrs
1.6.4 Turn over responsibility to Company X 0 hrs
3 Patricia Carreno 108 hrs
1.3.2 Arrange furniture/office area for new hardware/personnel 4 hrs
1.3.4 Interface hardware setup with EMR systems 24 hrs
1.4.2 Distribute new documentation to ComX_ML + HSM staff 8 hrs
1.5.1 Retrain ComX_ML/HSM Staff (Session 1) 24 hrs
1.6.1 Implement System for QA Testing 40 hrs
1.6.3 Implement Live System 8 hrs
1.6.4 Turn over responsibility to Company X 0 hrs
4 Kendra Archer 144 hrs
1.4.1 Prepare new documentation of workflows 40 hrs
1.5.2 Retrain ComX_ML/HSM Staff (Session 2) 24 hrs
1.6.1 Implement System for QA Testing 40 hrs
1.6.2 Resolve any outstanding issues 32 hrs
1.6.3 Implement Live System 8 hrs
1.6.4 Turn over responsibility to Company X 0 hrs
Appendix F2:
Resource Usage
 ID  WBS  Resource Name  Work

 5 Tiffany Jarrett 80 hrs
1.4.2 Distribute new documentation to ComX_ML + HSM staff 8 hrs
1.5.2 Retrain ComX_ML/HSM Staff (Session 2) 24 hrs
1.6.1 Implement System for QA Testing 40 hrs
1.6.3 Implement Live System 8 hrs
1.6.4 Turn over responsibility to Company X 0 hrs
6 IT Staff 28 hrs
1.3.1 Have new data jacks installed at locations of scanners/PCs 10 hrs
1.3.4 Interface hardware setup with EMR systems 18 hrs
7 Scanner 3 Receive contract and obtain approval from IT + Purchasing 3
8 Personal Computer 3 Receive contract and obtain approval from IT + Purchasing 3
9 Index PC 4 Receive contract and obtain approval from IT + Purchasing 4
10 Cabling 7
1.3.1 Have new data jacks installed at locations of scanners/PCs 7
Appendix G1:
Gantt Chart Details
ID WBS Milestone Task Name Duration Start Finish

1 1 No Scanning Solution 42.13 days? Mon 5/3/10 Wed 6/30/10

2 1.1 No Obtain Approval for Project 1 day Mon 5/3/10 Mon 5/3/10
3 1.1.1 No Hospital Administration sign off on project 0.5 days Mon 5/3/10 Mon 5/3/10
4 1.1.2 No Discuss project with Hospital IT + Purchasing  0.5 days Mon 5/3/10 Mon 5/3/10
5 1.2 No Select/Order Hardware 9 days? Tue 5/4/10 Fri 5/14/10
6 1.2.1 No Inform vendors and arrange site visits 2 hrs Tue 5/4/10 Tue 5/4/10
7 1.2.2 No Complete site visits 0.75 days Fri 5/7/10 Fri 5/7/10
8 No Hewlett‐Packard 2 hrs Fri 5/7/10 Fri 5/7/10
9 No Epson 2 hrs Fri 5/7/10 Fri 5/7/10
10 No Canon 2 hrs Fri 5/7/10 Fri 5/7/10
11 1.2.3 No Request For Proposals 1 hr Mon 5/10/10 Mon 5/10/10
12 1.2.4 No Choose Vendor and Order 1.88 days? Thu 5/13/10 Fri 5/14/10
13 No Receive Proposals 3 hrs Thu 5/13/10 Thu 5/13/10
14 No Analyze Proposals 0.5 days Thu 5/13/10 Thu 5/13/10
15 No Select Vendor 1 hr Fri 5/14/10 Fri 5/14/10
16 No Negotiate pricing 3 hrs? Fri 5/14/10 Fri 5/14/10
17 Yes Receive contract and obtain approval from IT + Purchasing 0.5 days Fri 5/14/10 Fri 5/14/10
18 1.3 No On Site Physical/Infrastructure Changes 9 days? Mon 5/17/10 Fri 5/28/10
19 1.3.1 No Have new data jacks installed at locations of scanners/PCs 5 days? Mon 5/17/10 Mon 5/24/10
20 1.3.2 No Arrange furniture/office area for new hardware/personnel 1 day Mon 5/17/10 Tue 5/18/10
21 1.3.3 No Hardware delivered/installed/tested 1 day Mon 5/24/10 Tue 5/25/10
22 1.3.4 Yes Interface hardware setup with EMR systems 3 days? Tue 5/25/10 Fri 5/28/10
23 1.4 No Create/Distribute Documentation 7 days Tue 5/25/10 Thu 6/3/10
24 1.4.1 No Prepare new documentation of workflows 5 days Tue 5/25/10 Tue 6/1/10
25 1.4.2 Yes Distribute new documentation to ComX_ML + HSM staff 2 days Tue 6/1/10 Thu 6/3/10
26 1.5 Yes Train Staff 7 days Fri 6/4/10 Tue 6/15/10
27 1.5.1 No Retrain ComX_ML/HSM Staff (Session 1) 3 days Fri 6/4/10 Wed 6/9/10
28 1.5.2 No Retrain ComX_ML/HSM Staff (Session 2) 3 days Thu 6/10/10 Tue 6/15/10
29 1.6 No Testing and Implementation 10 days? Wed 6/16/10 Wed 6/30/10
30 1.6.1 Yes Implement System for QA Testing 1 wk Wed 6/16/10 Wed 6/23/10
31 1.6.2 No Resolve any outstanding issues 4 days? Wed 6/23/10 Tue 6/29/10
32 1.6.3 Yes Implement Live System 1 day Tue 6/29/10 Wed 6/30/10
33 1.6.4 Yes Turn over responsibility to Company X 0 hrs Wed 6/30/10 Wed 6/30/10
Appendix G2:
Gantt Chart Graphic
ID WBS Milestone May 2010 June 2010 July 20
26 29 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 1
1 1 No
2 1.1 No
3 1.1.1 No
4 1.1.2 No
5 1.2 No
6 1.2.1 No
7 1.2.2 No
8 No
9 No
10 No
11 1.2.3 No
12 1.2.4 No
13 No
14 No
15 No
16 No
17 Yes 5/14
18 1.3 No
19 1.3.1 No
20 1.3.2 No
21 1.3.3 No
22 1.3.4 Yes 5/28
23 1.4 No
24 1.4.1 No
25 1.4.2 Yes 6/3
26 1.5 Yes 6/15
27 1.5.1 No
28 1.5.2 No
29 1.6 No
30 1.6.1 Yes 6/23
31 1.6.2 No
32 1.6.3 Yes 6/30
33 1.6.4 Yes 6/30
Appendix G2:
Gantt Chart Graphic

Task Inactive Task Start‐only

Split Inactive Milestone Finish‐only
Milestone Inactive Summary Deadline
Summary Manual Task Critical
Project Summary Duration‐only Progress
External Tasks Manual Summary Rollup Slack
External Milestone Manual Summary
Appendix H:
Network Diagram
Hospital Administration sign off on pro Discuss project with Hospital IT + Purc Receive contract and obtain approval 
Inform vendors and Hewlett‐Packard Epson Canon Request For Propos Receive Proposals Analyze Proposals Select Vendor Negotiate pricing
Start:  Mon 5/3/10 ID:   3 Start:  Mon 5/3/10 ID:   4 from IT + Purchasing
Dur: 2 hrs Dur: 2 hrs Dur: 2 hrs Dur: 2 hrs Dur: 1 hr Dur: 3 hrs Dur: 0.5 days Dur: 1 hr Dur: 3 hrs?
Finish: Mon 5/3/10Dur: 0.5 days Finish: Mon 5/3/10Dur: 0.5 days Dur: 0.5 days
Cost: $120.00 Cost: $230.00 Cost: $230.00 Cost: $230.00 Cost: $60.00 Cost: $165.00 Cost: $460.00 Cost: $115.00 Cost: $180.00
Res:    Anthony Marino Res:    Anthony Marino Cost: $8,220.00

Hardware delivered/installed/tested Interface hardware setup with EMR  Distribute new documentation to 

Have new data jack Prepare new docum
Start:  Mon 5/24/10ID:   21 systems ComX_ML + HSM staff
Dur: 5 days? Dur: 5 days
Finish: Tue 5/25/10Dur: 1 day Dur: 3 days? Dur: 2 days
Cost: $1,225.00 Cost: $4,200.00
Res:    Anthony Marino[75%] Cost: $2,100.00 Cost: $536.00

Retrain ComX_ML/ Retrain ComX_ML/
Dur: 3 days Dur: 3 days
Cost: $3,600.00 Cost: $3,408.00

Resolve any outstanding issues Turn over responsibility to Company 
Implement System for QA Testing Implement Live System
Start:  Wed 6/23/10ID:   31 X
Dur: 1 wk Finish: Tue 6/29/10Dur: 4 days? Dur: 1 day Dur: 0 hrs
Cost: $9,280.00 Res:    Anthony Marino, Dexter Dallas, K Cost: $1,856.00 Cost: $0.00

Arrange furniture/o
Dur: 1 day
Cost: $360.00

Project: Scanner_Solution.mpp  Critical  Noncritical  Critical Milestone  Milestone  Critical Summary  Summary  Critical Inserted  Inserted  Critical Marked  Marked  Critical External  External  Project Summary  Highlighted Critical  Highlighted Noncritical
Date: Thu 5/6/10
Appendix I:
Schedule of Costs

Requisition Scanning Solution - Project Budget


Hardware Project Staff IT Staff Expenses Reserve Total

Phase 1 - Obtain Approval 5/1/10 - 5/3/10

HA sign off on project $0 $240 $0 $0 $0 $240
Discuss with IT + Purchasing $0 $240 $0 $0 $0 $240
$0 $480 $0 $0 $0 $480

Phase 2 - Hardware Selection 5/1/10 - 5/17/10

Inform Vendors $0 $120 $0 $0 $0 $120
Site Visits (3) $0 $690 $0 $0 $0 $690
Request for Proposals $0 $60 $0 $0 $0 $60
Receive Proposals $0 $165 $0 $0 $0 $165
Analyze Proposals $0 $460 $0 $0 $0 $460
Select Vendor $0 $115 $0 $0 $0 $115
Negotiate Pricing $0 $180 $0 $0 $0 $180
Receive Contract/Sign $8,100 $120 $0 $0 $0 $8,220
Phase 1 total $8,100 $1,910 $0 $0 $0 $10,010

Phase 3 On-Site Infrastructure Updates 5/17/10 - 5/28/10

Install Data Jacks $525 $0 $700 $0 $0 $1,225
Arrange Furniture $0 $360 $0 $0 $0 $360
Hardware Delivered/Installed $0 $360 $0 $0 $0 $360
Interface with EMR System $0 $840 $1,260 $0 $0 $2,100
Phase 2 Total $525 $1,560 $1,960 $0 $0 $4,045

Phase 4 Documentation/Training 5/25/10-6/15/10

Prepare Documentation $0 $4,200 $0 $0 $0 $4,200
Distribute Documentation $0 $536 $0 $0 $0 $536
Retrain ComX_ML Staff (Ses. 1) $0 $3,600 $0 $0 $0 $3,600
Retrain ComX_ML Staff (Ses. 2) $0 $3,408 $0 $0 $0 $3,408
Phase 3 Total $0 $11,744 $0 $0 $0 $11,744

Phase 5 Implementation 6/16/10-6/30/10

Quality Assurance Testing/Pilot $0 $9,280 $0 $0 $0 $9,280
Resolve Outstanding Issues $0 $5,280 $0 $0 $0 $5,280
Implement Live System $0 $1,856 $0 $0 $0 $1,856
Phase 3 Total $0 $16,416 $0 $0 $0 $16,416

Phase 6 Support 7/1/10-8/1/10

30 Days Support $0 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $6,000
Phase 5 Total $0 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $6,000

Budget at Completion $8,625 $37,870 $1,960 $0 $1,545 $50,000

Appendix J:
Risk Identification and Assessment
Current Preventative 
Risk ID Risk Description Consequences Inherent Exposure Current Corrective Controls Residual Exposure Assigned To
ID  Description of the impact in  Preventative Control  Corrective Control 
Risk Description Likelihood Outcome Likelihood Impact/ Consequences Responsibility
Number worst case scenario Description Description
Minor ‐ Must verify 
Ensure availability of  Depending on backorder  compatibility with 
Selected hardware  Successors to this step in  scanner hardware  schedule, change scanner  ComX_MC system before 
R1 backordered project are delayed Not likely Major before ordering selection Not likely change Dexter

Significant ‐ Scanner 
Crash the installation by  Prepare as much  installation, finalized 
Scanners cannot be  adding IT workers to  documentation as can be  documentation, and 
Data jack installation  installed/interfaced with EMR  action in order to  completed without finished  training/implementation 
R2 delayed system Likely Major complete on time setup available Not likely rely on jack installation. Anthony

Without documentation  Add additional  Significant ‐ Reduced QA 

Documentation creation  completed, training cannot take  Blackhawks personnel  testing could cause final 
takes longer than  place and the system cannot be  Somewhat  to the action to ensure  Reduce QA testing period to  Somewhat  implementation problems 
R3 scheduled implemented Likely Major completion by deadline 3 days instead of 5 likely with the system Kendra
Significant ‐ System would 
ComX_MC must be  not be in place for 
Without the staff available for  responsible for making  beginning of FY11 as 
ComX_ML/HSM Staff  training, the system cannot be  staff available for  Hospital Administration 
R4 unavailable for training tested or implemented Not likely Major training Extend project deadline Not likely desires ComX_MC

Major ‐ Costs are kept low, 
insufficient funding 
midway through the 
Ensure available  project would have drastic 
funding and approval  effects and likely force 
ComX_MC reduces  Project would not have funding  from Purchasing before  cancellation/ 
R5 budget to be completed Not likely Major project initiation Attempt to reduce costs Not likely postponement Anthony

Blackhawks will provide  Minor ‐ With existing staff 
enhanced training to 1‐2  available to provide on‐the‐
personnel of ComX_MC who  job training, turnover 
If ComX_ML loses a staff  Cannot prevent  will be responsible for staff  would have a minimal, 
member, someone new would  Almost  turnover in the long‐ training after project  Almost  short‐term, impact on 
R6 ComX_ML Staff turnover need to be hired Certain Medium term completion certain requisition processing ComX_MC
Maintain agreement 
with hardware vendor  Minor ‐ Agreement with 
for ongoing  vendor will provide for 
A scanner or PC fails at some  preventative  Almost  quick turnaround to 
R7 Hardware Failure point in the future Certain Major maintenance Replace failed hardware certain replace failed unit ComX_MC
Appendix K:
Risk Response and Contingency Plans

Risk ID Risk Event Response Contingency Plan Trigger Who Is Responsible

Plan in place to move 
Selected hardware  forward with another  Notification of backorder 
R1 backordered Avoid vendor from Purchasing Department Dexter
Data jack installation  Add additional IT staff to 
R2 delayed Avoid action Delay of > 1 day Anthony
Documentation creation  Additional Blackhawks 
takes longer than  personnel assist with 
R3 scheduled Avoid creation Delay of > 1/2 day Kendra
ComX_MC must 
ComX_ML/HSM Staff  reschedule staff to be 
R4 unavailable for training Transfer available for training > 25% of staff unavailable ComX_MC
Company unable to complete 
R5 Company reduces budget Avoid Stall/Cancel project payment Anthony
Have existing staff train 
R6 ComX_ML Staff turnover Accept new staff New staff hired ComX_MC
Hardware fails and unable to 
R7 Hardware Failure Reduce Order new hardware repair within 48 hours ComX_MC
Hospital Administration

Project Advisory
IT Staff Anthony Marino
Project Manager

Company X Medical Laboratories

Dexter Dallas
ComX_ML Liaison

Health Systems Management

Patricia Carreño Assistant Director
ComX_ML Assistant
Client Services Office
Assistant Director
Kendra Archer
HSM Liaison Public Relations
Assistant Director

Tiffany Jarrett ComX_MC Physicians Group

HSM Assistant Director

ComX_MC Nurses
Head Nurse

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