Rushmore (1998)

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  ʹ where a text (such as a film) refers to another text (TV
Programme/Film/Books/Comics etc). For example,͛ The Simpsons͛ use this often when they use
certain famous film lines or famous characters that link to another Film or TV Programme.

     ʹ Condensing everything the audience needs to know about a character or

his/her life in a matter of minutes. For Instance, ͚X-Men Origins Wolverine͛ has the montage
sequence of wolverine͛s life (with all of the historical war scenes with him fighting in them ʹ telling
the audience that he cannot die). This can be used to tell the audience a lot about the character͛s
past, personality or relationships with other character in a short space of time.


Wes Anderson is an Auteur; loosely means an Author. This equates to him having his own artistic

In the film v  (1998) we are introduced in the first scene to the persona called Max Fischer.
During the montage sequence, we are presented with all of the extracurricular activities and clubs
that he has either founded or is a member of. This method of showing the audience a lot about Max
in a short period of time is very effective.
To begin with, we can ask if Max is a typical teenager. I believe that he is not because of the
quantity of activities that he participates in and shows the audience that he is not lazy; whereas a
typical teenager is considered to be a lazy person and so already the amount of work that he does
could suggest that he is not like everyone else in his school.
Also, right at the beginning of the montage sequence, there are bees going up the cover of the
journal. This could show that he is a ͚busy-bee͛ or is the ͚bee͛s-knees͛; which could mean that he is a
very busy person or the bees could insinuate that he is a small insect in a huge hive ʹ making him not
really as different or more special than the rest of the pupils ʹ which is not what he wants.
Furthermore, the smart clothing that he is always wearing consists of a tie, unlike the other pupils
in the shots because they are wearing more casual clothing; while he is wearing a smart blazer, even
when he is participating in sports and other activities (such as his fencing and dodge ball). This shows
that maybe he doesn͛t know how to be casual and blend in with the rest of the ͚crowd͛.
The song that is being used as a backing track to this montage sequence is by the band called

 and the song is called 
  , implying that he is trying to make time for all of these
activities and maybe he is trying to take on too much weight on his shoulders by being the founder
of most of these clubs. This creates the question that is he really any good at these activities? For
example, when he is shown in the 
  , he is stationary and he seems to have no
wheel on his kart when the others have. This suggests that he maybe likes to think that he can do all
of these activities to stand out from the rest of the teenagers; but like everyone else, he cannot be
perfect at everything!
In terms of personality, I think that the idea that he is in a debating team could make him seem like
he is argumentative and maybe becomes across as aggressive to others when he wants to put his
point across. However, the fact that he is taking part in all of these activities could suggest that he is
trying to become more social able and mixing with the other teenagers; which is considered to be
unusual when looking a stereotypical teenager because many people think that they are unsocial

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