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Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2010 Vol III

WCE 2010, June 30 - July 2, 2010, London, U.K.

Multidimensional Matrix Mathematics:

Solving Systems of Linear Equations and
Multidimensional Matrix Calculus, Part 6 of 6
Ashu M. G. Solo

  1 5 3     x11    10  
 2     
7 4     x 21   15  
Abstract—This is the first series of research papers to define
multidimensional matrix mathematics, which includes  
multidimensional matrix algebra and multidimensional matrix   52 8     x 31    7  
calculus. These are new branches of math created by the author   *   =  
with numerous applications in engineering, math, natural  10 4 3    x12    13  
 8     
science, social science, and other fields. Cartesian and general   5 1     x 22    18  
tensors can be represented as multidimensional matrices or vice   2 6 9     x 32    19  
versa. Some Cartesian and general tensor operations can be 
performed as multidimensional matrix operations or vice versa. Any of the different methods used to solve systems of linear
However, many aspects of multidimensional matrix math and equations represented with classical matrices can be applied
tensor analysis are not interchangeable. Part 6 of 6 describes to each of the submatrices in multidimensional matrices. This
the solution of systems of linear equations using includes graphing, the substitution method, the elimination
multidimensional matrices. Also, the multidimensional matrix
method, Gaussian elimination, Gauss-Jordan elimination,
calculus operations for differentiation and integration are
defined. Cramer’s rule, LU decomposition, Cholesky decomposition,
Index Terms—multidimensional matrix math, The preceding system of linear equations can be
multidimensional matrix algebra, multidimensional matrix represented with the following augmented 3-D matrix:
calculus, matrix math, matrix algebra, matrix calculus, tensor   1 5 3 10  
analysis    
  2 7 4 15  
 5 2 8 7  
   
I. INTRODUCTION  10 4 3 13 
Part 6 of 6 describes the solution of systems of linear  
equations using multidimensional matrices. Also, part 6 of 6   8 5 1 18  
  2 6 9 19  
defines the multidimensional matrix calculus operations for    
differentiation and integration. Using Gauss-Jordan elimination on each of the individual
2-D submatrices in the augmented 3-D matrix, the reduced
row echelon form for this augmented multidimensional matrix
  1 5 3 10    1 0 0 37 25  
Systems of linear equations can be represented and solved        
with multidimensional matrices.   2 7 4 15     0 1 0 51 25  
  5 2 8 7     0 0 1 14 25 
       
Consider the following system of linear equations:
x11 + 5x21 + 3x31 = 10  10 4 3 13   1 0 0 13 112  
2x11 + 7x21 + 4x31 = 15    
5x11 + 2x21 + 8x31 = 7   8 5 1 18     0 1 0 31 8  
10x12 + 4x22 + 3x32 = 13   2 6 9 19     0 0 1 25 56  
       
8x12 + 5x22 + x32 = 18
2x12 + 6x22 + 9x32 = 19 37 51 14 13
Therefore, x11 = ; x21 = ; x31 = ; x12 = ; x22
This system of linear equations can be represented with the 25 25 25 112
following multidimensional matrix equation composed of 3-D 31 25
matrices: = ; x32 =
8 56
Consider the following system of linear equations:
a11111x1111 + a12111x2111 + a13111x3111 = b1111
Manuscript received March 23, 2010. a21111x1111 + a22111x2111 + a23111x3111 = b2111
Ashu M. G. Solo is with Maverick Technologies America Inc., Suite 808, a31111x1111 + a32111x2111 + a33111x3111 = b3111
1220 North Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19801 USA (phone: (306) a11121x1121 + a12121x2121 + a13121x3121 = b1121
242-0566; email:
a21121x1121 + a22121x2121 + a23121x3121 = b2121

ISBN: 978-988-18210-8-9 WCE 2010

ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2010 Vol III
WCE 2010, June 30 - July 2, 2010, London, U.K.

a31121x1121 + a32121x2121 + a33121x3121 = b3121 a11122x1122 + a12122x2122 + a13122x3122 = b1122

a11211x1211 + a12211x2211 + a13211x3211 = b1211 a21122x1122 + a22122x2122 + a23122x3122 = b2122
a21211x1211 + a22211x2211 + a23211x3211 = b2211 a31122x1122 + a32122x2122 + a33122x3122 = b3122
a31211x1211 + a32211x2211 + a33211x3211 = b3211 a11212x1212 + a12212x2212 + a13212x3212 = b1212
a11221x1221 + a12221x2221 + a13221x3221 = b1221 a21212x1212 + a22212x2212 + a23212x3212 = b2212
a21221x1221 + a22221x2221 + a23221x3221 = b2221 a31212x1212 + a32212x2212 + a33212x3212 = b3212
a31221x1221 + a32221x2221 + a33221x3221 = b3221 a11222x1222 + a12222x2222 + a13222x3222 = b1222
a11112x1112 + a12112x2112 + a13112x3112 = b1112 a21222x1222 + a22222x2222 + a23222x3222 = b2222
a21112x1112 + a22112x2112 + a23112x3112 = b2112 a31222x1222 + a32222x2222 + a33222x3222 = b3222
a31112x1112 + a32112x2112 + a33112x3112 = b3112

This system of linear equations can be represented with this single multidimensional matrix equation composed of 5-D matrices:
   a11111 a12111 a13111   a11121 a12121 a13121       x1111   x1121       b1111   b1121   
                
   a 21111 a 22111 a 23111 ,  a 21121 a 22121 a 23121      x 2111  ,  x2121      b 2111 , b 2121  
   a 31111 a32111 a33111  a31121 a32121 a33121      x3111   x3121      b3111 b3121  
              
   a11211 a12211 a13211   a11221 a12221 a13221       x1211   x1221       b1211   b1221   
              
   a 21211 a 22211 a 23211 ,  a 21221 a 22221 a 23221      x 2211  ,  x2221      b 2211 , b 2221  
   a 31211 a32211 a33211  a 31221 a32221 a33221      x3211   x3221      b3211 b3221  
     
   
= 
    
   a11112 a12112 a13112   a11122 a12122 a13122       x1112   x1122       b1112   b1122   
           
   a 21112 a 22112 a 23112  ,  a 21122 a 22122 a 23122       x 2112  ,  x2122      b 2112  , b 2122   
   a 31112 a32112 a33112   a31122 a32122 a33122       x3112   x3122      b3112  b3122   
           
   a11212 a12212 a13212   a11222 a12222 a13222       x1212   x1222       b1212   b1222   
           
   a 21212 a 22212 a 23212  ,  a 21222 a 22222 a 23222       x 2212  ,  x 2222      b 2212  , b 2222   
   a 31212 a32212 a33212   a31222 a32222 a33222       x3212   x3222      b3212  b3222   
           

When each element aijklm of the coefficient matrix and each multidimensional matrix has the same number of dimensions
element bjklm of the product matrix is defined, each element and same number of elements in each dimension as the
xjklm of the variable matrix can be calculated. Any of the multidimensional matrix that is integrated.
different methods used to solve systems of linear equations A 3-D matrix with dimensions of 2 * 2 * 2 is integrated as
represented with classical matrices can be applied to each of follows:
the submatrices in multidimensional matrices. The system of   0  sin x     K cos x  
linear equations can be solved like in the preceding example.    xy 
   2  
 6 x  ye    3 x e  xy  
 
 e
2y  
 dx = 
  e
2 xy  

 sec x tan x  sec x      
In multidimensional matrix calculus, multidimensional
matrices are differentiated by finding the derivative of each
element in the multidimensional matrix. The result is a
multidimensional matrix of derivatives. The resulting V. CONCLUSION
multidimensional matrix has the same number of dimensions Part 6 of 6 described the solution of systems of linear
and same number of elements in each dimension as the equations using multidimensional matrices. Also, part 6 of 6
multidimensional matrix that is differentiated. defined the multidimensional matrix calculus operations for
A 3-D matrix with dimensions of 2 * 2 * 2 is differentiated differentiation and integration.
as follows: Classical matrix math offers many benefits not present in
  5 cos x     0  sin x   tensor analysis for a first or second order tensor, and tensor
  2        analysis for a first or second order tensor offers many benefits
e x   6 x e 
d  3 x   not present in classical matrix math. Similarly,
  =  
 e 2 
dx   e 

2x  
x x multidimensional matrix math offers many benefits not
  sec x  tan x     present in tensor analysis for tensors of any order, and tensor
     sec x tan x  sec x  
analysis for tensors of any order offers many benefits not
present in multidimensional matrix math.
The author predicts that multidimensional matrix math will
IV. MULTIDIMENSIONAL MATRIX INTEGRATION replace classical matrix math in the future when this subject is
In multidimensional matrix calculus, multidimensional taught in university courses. The author has made many more
matrices are integrated by finding the integral of each element developments in multidimensional matrix math and
in the multidimensional matrix. The result is a developed many more innovative applications of
multidimensional matrix of integrals. The resulting multidimensional matrix math that will soon be published.

ISBN: 978-988-18210-8-9 WCE 2010

ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2010 Vol III
WCE 2010, June 30 - July 2, 2010, London, U.K.

Numerous applications have been developed for classical

matrix math and its subsets, classical matrix algebra and
classical matrix calculus, in many extremely diverse fields.
Similarly, numerous applications in many extremely diverse
fields will emerge for multidimensional matrix math and its
subsets, multidimensional matrix algebra and
multidimensional matrix calculus. These new branches of
math will make it easier to solve many problems than before
and even solve problems that couldn’t be solved before.

[1] Franklin, Joel L. [2000] Matrix Theory. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover.
[2] Young, Eutiquio C. [1992] Vector and Tensor Analysis. 2d ed. Boca
Raton, Fla.: CRC.

ISBN: 978-988-18210-8-9 WCE 2010

ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

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