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Letter to Editor

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

Author : Yuval Noah Harari
Language : English
Published by : Harper
Price : INR 388
Pages : 464
ISBN : 9780062316097

“100,000 years ago, at least six human species inhabited the the centuries, there has always been a definite direction to
earth. Today there is just one US.” where we are going. Humans across the planet now form
one large family. This part also explores the roles played
This provocative book challenges everything we believed and
by money, religion, and imperial vision in the unification
makes us rethink all that we have ever read. This is a book
of humanity
which is entertaining and yet challenging all our concepts.
• The scientific revolution – This section explores some of
The Homo sapiens brain is 2% of the body weight but consumes the reasons behind rapid industrial and scientific growth
25% of the body energy. Walking erect paid its price: There was of European nations. Harari argues such a rapid advance is
high mortality in childbirth because the large head of the baby made possible by our acceptance of the fact that we know
lead to death and early birth lead to better survival. Early birth little about the world around us. It is our acceptance of
meant that the baby needed to be looked after. Therefore, the ignorance that fuelled rapid scientific innovations
mother had to look after the baby, and this could only be possible Harari writes that 100,000 years ago, H. sapiens was just
in a tribal system where the mother could be looked after. one of a number of different human species, all competing
Evolution thus favored forming strong ties and large tribes. for supremacy. Just as today, we see different species of
Yuval Noah Harari is an Israeli Professor of History at bears or pigs, there were different species of humans. While
the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He wrote “Sapiens” our own ancestors lived mainly in East Africa, our relatives’
originally in Hebrew and was later translated to other languages homo neanderthalensis, better known as Neanderthals,
including English. The book is organized into four main parts inhabited Europe. Another species, Homo erectus,
covering last 70,000 years of human history. In 466 pages, populated Asia, and the island of Java was home to homo
Harari takes us through an exciting journey through human soloensis. Each species adapted to its own environment.
history. Some were big, fearsome hunters, while others were
dwarf‑like plant gatherers. Today, of course, there is just
This is a summary of the book: one human species alive. How did we H. sapiens become
• The cognitive revolution  –  Harari argues that it is our so successful and others did not? About 70,000 years
ability to talk and believe in collective myth that led to the ago, H. sapiens underwent a “cognitive revolution,”
unprecedented growth of the human species. He argues Harari writes, which gave them the edge over their rivals
that it is this ability that enabled us to be the only dominant to spread from East Africa across the planet. What made
human species on the planet. This part also takes a look H. sapiens so successful is that we are the only animals
at the day‑to‑day lives of early humans and explores the
who are capable of large‑scale cooperation. We know how
link between human growth and extinction of other animal
to organize ourselves as nations, companies, and religions,
giving us the power to accomplish complex tasks
• The agricultural revolution  ‑  Harari argues that for the
• H. sapiens have the special ability to unite millions of
farmers, this revolution mainly offered suffering and
strangers around commons myths. Ideas such as freedom,
death. This is an interesting conclusion since we think
human rights, gods, laws, and capitalism exist in our
about agricultural evolution as a major achievement of
imaginations, yet they can bind us together and motivate
the human species. In more recent times, we have even
us to cooperate on complex tasks.
started romanticizing farming and agriculture. This part
also covers the evolution of language and bureaucracy In summary, this is a book worth reading, with its
• The unification of humanity  –  Harari argues that even thought‑provoking stories and sometimes unusual ideas, witty
though human culture has been in constant flux through language, and its conclusion.

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Sapiens: Book Review

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62 Journal of the Practice of Cardiovascular Sciences  ¦  Volume 3  ¦  Issue 1  ¦  January-April 2017

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