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Dibuat untuk Memenuhi Syarat Kurikulum

Matakuliah Perpindahan Panas II pada Jurusan Teknik Kimia
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya

Oleh :
Debi Putri Suprapto 03121403045

Kelas A



Example 4.12. Calculation of a Tripple-Effect Forward-Feed Evaporator

It is desired concentrate 50,000 lb/hr of a chemical solution at 100oF and 10.0 per
cent solids to a product which contains 50 per cent solids. Steam is available at 12
psig, and the last effect of a triple-effect evaporator with equal heat-transfer
surfaces in each effect will be assumed to operate at a vacuum of 26.0 in. Hg
referred to a 30-in, barometer. Water is avaiable at 850F for use in a barometer
Calculate: a) Steam consumption
b) heating surface required for each body
c) condenser water requirement.
The accepted overall coefficents of heat transfer for the different effect will be U1
= 600, U2 = 250, U3 = 125 Btu/(hr)(ft2)(0F).
Solving steps for solve this problem:
Step 1 Sketch a flowdiagram of process that descibed in problems

Step 2 Determine the variables

Step 3 Make assumption about the problems

Step 4 Determine total temperature difference (∆T)

Step 5 Determine average pressure difference (∆P), P, t, λ for 1st

until 3rd effect (Data from appendix and interpolation)
Step 6 Application problem into a heat balance for forward
multiple effect evaporator use equation 14.8 – 14.12 in
reference book (Kern)
1st effect : Wsπs + wF(tF – t1) = w1π1
2nd effect : w1π1 + (wF – w1)(t1 – t2) = w2π2
3 effect : w2π2 + (wF – w1 – w2)(t2 – t3) = w3π3
So, the material balance from equation 14.12 is,
Material : w1 + w2 + w3 = w1 – 3

Step 7 Calculate surface area for 1st until 3rd effect

The surface area requirement will be:
1st Evaporator A1 = (Wsλs) / (U1(Ts – t1))
2st Evaporator A2 = (wsλ1) / (U2(t1 – t2))
3st Evaporator A3 = (w2λ2) / (U2(t2 – t3))

Step 8 Calculate needs of heat to Condenser and Water

Heat to condenser = w3 λ3

Water requirement = Heat condenser/ (Ts– Tw)

Step 9 Calculate Economic

The formula is:
Economy = lb evaporation/lb steam
= wF/Ws

Step 10 Displays the result in flowsheet

Solving steps for solve this problem:

Step 1 Sketch a flowdiagram of process that descibed

in problems 14.2
Pict 1. Process of multiple-effect forward feed evaporator

Step 2 Determine the variables

Total feed wF = 50,000 lb/hr

Total in feed = 0.10 x 50,000 = 5,000 lb/hr
Total product = 5,000 / 0.50 = 10,000 lb/hr
Total evaporation = 50,000 – 10,000 = 40,000 lb/hr
CF = 1.0 (specific heat)

Step 3 Make assumption about the problems

 a negligible BPR (Boiling Point Rise),

 an average specific heat of 1.0 in all effect,
 the condensate from each effect leaves at its saturation temperature
 negligible radiation losses are negligible
Step 4 Determine total temperature difference (∆T)

tF = 1000F
Ts at 12 psig = 2440F
T3 at 26 in. Hg (1.95 psia) = 1250F
Total temperature difference = ∆T = (Ts- T3)= 244 – 125 = 1190F

Step 5 Determine average pressure difference (∆P), P, t, λ for 1st

until 3rd effect (Data from appendix and interpolation)

 Average pressure difference (∆P)

Ps (initial) = 12 Psig = 26,7 Psia

P (vapor to condenser (final)) = 26 in. Hg = 1,95 Psia
Average pressure difference (∆P) = (26.70 – 1.95)/3
= 8.25 psi/effect
 1st effect
Ps = 12 Psig = 26,7 Psia

Interpolation to determine Ts from Appendix,

(Ps – Psmall)/(Pbig – Psmall) = (Ts – Tsmall)/(Tbig – Tsmall)
(12 – 10.3)/(15.3 – 10.3) = (Ts – 240.07)/(250.33 – 240.07)
0.34 = (Ts – 240.07)/(10.26)
3.4884 = Ts – 240.07
Ts = 243.5584 oF
Ts = 244 oF
Interpolation to determine λs from Appendix,
(Ps – Psmall)/(Pbig – Psmall) = (λs – λsmall)/( λbig – λsmall)
(12 – 10.3)/(15.3 – 10.3) = (λs – 945.3)/(952.1 – 945.3)
0.34 = (λs – 945.3)/(6.8)
2.312 = (λs – 945.3)
λs = 948.612 Btu/lb
λs = 949 Btu/lb
 2nd Effect
P1 = 12 psig – 8.25 psig
P1 = 3.75 psig = 18.45 psia

Interpolation to determine t1 dari Appendix,

(P1 – Psmall)/(Pbig – Psmall) = (t1 – tsmall)/(tbig – tsmall)
(3.75 – 2.3)/(5.3 – 2.3) = (t1 – 219.44)/(227.96 – 219.44)
0.483 = (t1 – 219.44)/(8.52)
4.11516 = (t1 – 219.44)
t1 = 223.55516 oF
t1 = 224 oF
Interpolation to determine λ1 dari Appendix,
(P1 – Psmall)/(Pbig – Psmall) = (λ1 – λsmall)/( λbig – λsmall)
(3.75 – 2.3)/(5.3 – 2.3) = (λ1 – 960.1)/(960.1 – 965.5)
0.483 = (λ1 – 960.1)/(-5.4)
- 1.251936 = (λ1 – 960.1)
λ1 = 960.848064 Btu/lb
λ1 = 961 Btu/lb
 3 effect
P2 = P1 – ∆P
P2 = 18.45 psia – 8.25 psi
P2 = 10.20 psia = 20.7 in. Hg

Interpolation to determine t2 dari Appendix,

(P2 – Psmall)/(Pbig – Psmall) = (t2 – tsmall)/(tbig – tsmall)
(10.20 – 10)/(11.0 – 10.0) = (t2 – 193.21)/(197.75 – 193.21)
0.2 = (t2 – 193.21)/(4.54)
0.908 = (t2 – 193.21)
t2 = 194.118 oF
= 194 oF
Interpolation to determine λ2 dari Appendix,
(P2 – Psmall)/(Pbig – Psmall) = (λ2 – λsmall)/( λbig – λsmall)
(10.20 – 10)/(11.0 – 10.0) = (λ2 –982.1)/(979.3 – 982.1)
0.2 = (λ2 –982.1)/(-2.8)
-0.56 = (λ2 –982.1)
λ2 = 981.54 Btu/lb
λ2= 981 Btu/lb
 Vapor untuk kondensor
P3 = 26 in. Hg = 1,95 Psia

Interpolation to determine t3 dari Appendix,

(P3 – Psmall)/(Pbig – Psmall) = (t3 – tsmall)/(tbig – tsmall)
(1.95 – 1.0)/(5.0 – 1.0) = (t3 – 101.74)/(162.24 – 101.74)
0.2375 = (t3 – 101.74)/(60.5)
14.36875 = (t3 – 101.74)
t3 = 124.5 oF = 125 oF
Interpolation to determine λ3 dari Appendix,
(P3 – Psmall)/(Pbig – Psmall) = (λ3 – λsmall)/( λbig – λsmall)
(1.95 – 1.0)/(5.0 – 1.0) = (λ3 – 1036.3)/(1001.0 – 1036.3)
0.2375 = (λ3 – 1036.3)/(-35.3)
-8.38375 = (λ3 – 1036.3)
λ3 = 1022 Btu/lb
Tabel 1. Breakup of total pressure difference
Pressure,psia Steam atau ,Btu/lb
vapor oF
Steam chest ,1st effect 26,70 .... Ts = 244 s =949
Steam chest ,2nd 18,45 8,25 t 1 = 224 1= 961
effect ....
Steam chest, 3d 10,20 (20,7 in 8,25 t 2 = 194 2= 981
effect.... Hg)
Vapor to condensor ... 1,95 (26 in Hg) 8,25 t 3 = 125 3= 1022
(Source: Keenan & Keyes, Thermodynamic Properties of steam, By
Permission Of John Wiley & Sons, Inc)
Step 6 Application problem into a heat balance for forward
multiple effect evaporator use equation 14.8 – 14.12 in
reference book (Kern)

First effect :
Wsλs + wf (tf-t1) = w1λ1
Ws .(949 Btu/lb) +50.000 lb/hr(100oF - 224oF) = (961Btu/hr) w1
949Ws - 6200000 = 961 w1
949Ws - 961 w1 = 6.200.000
Second effect :
w1λ1 + (wf - w1)( t1- t2) = w2λ2
w1(961 Btu/lb) + (50.000 lb/hr – w1) (244oF -194oF) = (981Btu/hr) w2
961 w1 + 2500000 -50 w1 = 981 w2
911 w1 - 981 w2 = -2.500.000
Third effect :
w2λ2 + (wf - w1- w2)( t2- ts) = wsλs
981 w2 + 3450000 -69 w1 - 69 w2 = 1022 w3
912 w2 - 69 w1 -1022 w3 = - 3.450.000
Then the material balance from substituting into equation 14.12 become,
w1 +w2 +w3 = 40,000
Solving simultaneously,
w1 = 12,400
w2 = 18,300
w3 = 14,300
w1-3 = w1 + w2 + w3 = 40,000
Ws = 19,100

Step 7 Calculate surface area for 1st until 3rd effect

U1 = 600 Btu/(hr)(ft2)(oF).
U2 = 250 Btu/(hr)(ft2)(oF).
Us = 125 Btu/(hr)(ft2)(oF).

A1 =

= = 1510 ft2

A2 =

= = 1590 ft2

A3 =

= = 1510 ft2 (Use 1600 ft2/effect)

Step 8 Calculate needs of heat to Condenser and Water

Heat to condenser =
= 14.300 x 1022
= 14.710.000 Btu/hr
Water requirement =

= 420.000 lb/hr atau

= 840 gpm

Step 9 Calculate Economic

Economy = lb evaporation/lb steam

= wF/Ws
= 40,000/19,100
= 2,09 lb ev/lbsteam
Step 10 Displays the result in flowsheet

Note: Appendix
Example 14.5. The Evaporation of Paper Pulp Waste Liquors-Backward
A unit concentrating soda puplp black liquor will be designed to evaporate
90,000 lb/hr of water a feed of 144,000 lb/hr which enters at 170oF and contains
15.2 per cent solids. These quantities are based on the production of 150 tons of
pulp per day, and the resulting black liquor contains 3500 lb/ton of total solids.
Utilities avaiable are dry saturated steam at 35 psig and condenser water at 60oF.
Solving steps for solve this problem:

Step 1 Analysis the problem from economic side and find total
evaporator in process

Step 2 Create assumption of the process as result of analysis

 The process series
 Backward flow
 Six-body sextuple-effect evaporator

Step 3 Sketch a flowdiagram for process that descibed in

problems illustrates on figures.14.35
Step 4 Estimates design for all vapor, liquor,and condensate of
 Condensate designed with by-pass arrangement
 Permitting any one body to be cut out for cleaning or maintenance
 Allowing the operation of the unit as a quintuple effect

Step 5 Estimates correctly the temperature-pressure distribution

for item 2 to 8, referring to table 14.5

Step 6 Estimates per cent solids distribution and BPR in each

body can be obtained from fig. 14.36a
Step 7 Determine specific heat data (data given in Fig.14.36b)

Step 8 Calculates overall coefficients for multiple-effect soda black

-liquor process are given in table 14.5

Step 9 Estimates the quantity for each effect

Step 10 Calculates and estimated the evaporation rates line

Step 11 Calculates the heat balance of evaporator, total

evaporations, and economy

 Heat Balance
Effect 1
a. heat in steam = 20000 x 924 x 97 = 17.900.000 btu/hr
b. heating liquor = 78400(259-282). 82 = 1.690.000 btu/hr
c. Evaporation = 17200 = 16.270.000/948 btu/hr = 17200 lb/hr
d. To flash tank =56200(259-209)78 =2.200.000/978 btu/hr = 2200 lb/hr
e. Flashed vapor = 2200
f. Product = 54.000
Effect 2
a. Heat in first vapor = 16.270.000 btu/hr
b. Heating Liquour = 88.300(232-206) .85 = -1.940.000 btu/hr
c. Evaporation = 14.330.000/ 962 btu/hr
=14.900 lb/hr
d. Liquor to lb = 73.400
Effect 3
a. Heat in second vapour = 14.330.000 btu/hr
b. Condensate Flash= 17.200(249-224) = +430.000 btu/hr
c. Total heat to third effect steam chart = 14.700.000 btu/hr
d. Heating liquor = 101.100 ( 205-180) 86 = 2.250.000 btu/hr
e. Evaporation = 12.800 =12.510.000/978btu/hr
= 12.800 lb/hr
f. Liquour to lb = 88.800
Effect 4
a. Heat in third vapor = 12.510.000 btu/hr
b. Condensate/flash = 32.100 ( 224- 199) = + 800.000 btu/hr
c. Liquour flash from flash tank = +2.200.000 btu/hr
d. Total heat to four effect = 15.550.000 btu/hr
e. Heating Liquour = 113.000 ( 180-148).88 = - 3.880.000 btu/hr
f. Evaporation = 11.900 = 11.880.000/995 btu/hr
= 11.900
Effect 5
a. Heat in fourth vapor = 11.830.000 btu/hr
b. Condensate/flash = 44.900 (199 – 174) = + 1.130.000 btu/hr
c. Total heat to fifth effect = 12.950.000 btu/hr
d. Liquour flash = 72.000(170 – 156) .90 = + 900.000 btu/hr
e. Evaporation = 13.700 = 13.850.000/1006 btu/hr
= 13.700
f. Liquor to 4e = 58.300
Effect 6
a. Heat in fifth vapor = 18.850.000 btu/hr
b. Condensate flash = 56.800 (174-151) = + 1.810.000 btu/hr
c. Total heat to sixth effect = 15.160.000 btu/hr
d. Liquour flash = 72.000(170 – 130) .90 = + 2.500.000 btu/hr
e. Evaporation = 17.300 = 17.750.000/1022 btu/hr
= 17.300
f. Liquor to 4e = 54.700
g. Liquor to 4e from 5f = 58.200
h. 4e = 113.000
 Total hourly evaporation = 90.000 lb
 Economy = 90.000/20.000 = 4.5 lb/lb

Example 15.2. Vaporizer or Pump Through Reboiler with Isothermal

It is desired to provide 19,740 lb/hr of butane vapor at 285 psi using cold feed
from storage at 75oF. The butane will boil isothermally at 235oF and steam will
be available at 100 psi. Awwvailable for the service is a 15 1/4 in. ID 1-2
exchanger with 76 1 in. OD, 16 BWG tubes 16’0’’ long laid out on 1 1/4-in.
Square pitch two passes. The baffles are spaced 5 in, apart.
What will the dirt factor and pressure drops be?
Solution. To prevent total vaporization in the shell, the total liquid entering the
vaporizer will be 19,750/0.80 = 24,700 lb/hr. The vapor should then be
disengaged from the liquid in a drum, and the excess liquid returned to the pump
suction for recombination with 19,750 lb/hr of new feed. Thus for every 19,750
lb/hr coming from storage at 75oF, 4950 lb/hr at 285oF will be mixed with it so
that the inlet temperature will be 106oF.
Solving steps for solve this problem:
Step 1 Sketch a flowdiagram of process that descibed in problems
Step 2 Determine all data design exchanger known in the problem

Shell side Tube side

ID = 151/4in Number and lenght = 76, 16’0”
Baffle space = 5 in OD, BWG, Pitch = 1 in, 16 BWG, 11/4in, square
Passes = 1 Passes =2

Step 3 Make Assumptions

 Steady state
 No reaction
 Konvection heat transfer

Step 4 Application problem into heat balance for Preheat and

The equation for heat balance are:
Qi = W x Cp x (T1 – t2) = w x cp x (t2 – t1)

Note: Qv = Heat for vaporization

Qp = Heat for preheat

Step 5 Determine ∆t weighted and LMTD

Eq. 5.14 (subscribts p and v indicate preheating and vaporizing)
T1  t2  T2  t1 
(∆t)p = LMTD =
T  t 
ln 1 2
T2  t1 
T  t  T2  t1 
= LMTD = 1 2
T  t 
ln 1 2
T2  t1 
Eq. 12.52. For weighted ∆t
weighted  t 
 t
Step 6 Determine Temperature Caloric ( Tc and tc )

Use equation belows:

Tc = T2 + Fc (T1 – T2)
tc = T1 + Fc (t2 t1)
tc T2  t1

Tc T1  t2

Step 7 Determine Surface Area for Tube Side (Hot Fluid) and
Shell Side (Cold fluid)
Eq. 7.48. Surface area for tube side
at = NT x a’t / (144 x n)

Eq. 7.1. Surface area for shell side

as = ID x C” x B / (144 x PT)

Step 8 Determine Mass Velocity for Tube Side and Shell Side

The equation for tube side below:

Gt = w / at
The equation for shell side below:
Gs = W / as

Step 9 Determine Reynold Number for each Fluid (Hot Fluid in

Tube Side and Cold Fluid in Shell Side)
The equation for treynold number in tube side below:
Ret = D x Gt / µ
The equation for reynold number in shell side below:
Res = D x Gs / µ
Note: µ = from fig. 15 (for tube side) and Fig.14 (for shell side)
Step 10 Determine Heat Transfer Factor (jH)

The value of heat transfer factor for tube side known from Fig. 24 page 834
The value of heat transfer factor for tube side known from Fig. 28 page 838

Step 11 Determine Outside Film Coefficient (ho) dan Inside

Film Coefficient (hi)
The Equation for shell side (outside film coefficient) below :
ho = jH k  c  Фs
 
De  k 
The Equation for tube side (inside film coefficient) below :
k  c 
hi = jH   Фt
D  k 

Step 12 Calculate Clean Overall Coefficient (Uv and Up)

Eq. 6.38 for clean overall coefficient for preheating Up

Up = h io x h o
h io  h o

Clean surface required for preheating (Ap)

Ap 
U p (t ) p

Eq. 6.38 for clean overall coefficient for vaporizing Uv

hio x ho
Uv =
hio  ho
Clean surface required for vaporizing (Av)
Av 
U v (t ) v

Total clean surface Ac:

Ac = Av + Ap
Step 13 Calculate Weighted Clean Overall Coefficient (Uc)
The equation 12.50. below:

Uc 
 UA

Step 14 Calculate Design Overall Coefficient (UD)

The equation below :
UD = Q
A x t

Step 15 Calculate Dirty Factor (Rd)

The equation 6.18. below:
Rd = UC  UD

Step 16 Calculate Pressure Drop (∆P) of The Property

The equation pressure drop for tube side below:
ΔPt = f x Gt x L x n
5, 22 x 10 10 xD x s x  t

The equation pressure drop for shell side below:

ΔPs = f x G s x Ds x N  1
5, 22 x 10 10 De x s x  s

Pressure drop total:

 PT   Pt   P s


 Determine Reynold number

 Calculate teh lenght od vaporization zone ( Lv)

 Determine the No. Of Crosses, N + 1 = 12L/B

Then, create the summary of overall calculation into a table of design Vaporizer
or Pump Through Reboiler with Isothermal Boiling
Step 1

Step 2

Shell Side Tube Side

ID = 15 in Number and length = 76, 16'0"
Baffie Space = 5 in. OD, BWG, pitch = 1 in., 16 BWG,
1 in. square
Passes = 1 Passes = 2

Step 3
 Steady state
 No reaction
 Konvection heat transfer

Step 4
1) Heat balance
From curve,
Enthalpy of liquid at 108"F and 300 psia = 162 Btu/lb
Enthalpy of liquid at 235°F and 300 psia = 248 Btu/lb
q, = 24,700(248 - 162) = 2,120,000 Btu/hr
Dari tabel 7 didapatkan :
Enthalpy of vapor at 235 oF = 358 Btu/lb
q. = 19,750. (358- 248)
= 2,170,000 Btu/lb
Butane, Q = 2,120,000 + 2,170,000
= 4,290,000 Btu/hr
Steam, Q = 4880 X 880.6
= 4,290,000 Btu/hr

Step 5

2) p = preheating
v = vaporizing
Eq. 5.14 (subscribts p and v indicate preheating and vaporizing)
(∆t)p = LMTD = 158.5oF
(∆t)p = LMTD = 103.0 oF
Eq. 12.52. For weighted ∆t
weighted  t 
 t
4,290 ,000
weighted t 
34 ,500

3) Tc and tc : Average value temperature can use in preheater zone

Hot Fluid , Tube side , Steam
4) a’t = 0,594 in2 (dari table 10 pada buku Kern, process heat transfer)

From equation 7.48, the calculation is:

at = Nt at’ / 144n
= 76 x 0,594/2 x 144 = 0,157 ft3
5) From equation 7.2 on the hanbook Kern, process heat transfer)
Gt = W / at
= 4880 / 0,157
= 31,100 / (hr) (ft2)
6) At Ts = 338 oF
From Fig.15,  = 0.0368 lb/
D = = 0.0725 ft
Re for find pressure drop :
DGt 0.0725 x81,100
Re =   62,000
 0,0363
9) For steam condensation
hio = hi x ID / OD
= 1500 Btu/ hr ft2 oF
hio = hi x ID / OD
= 1500 Btu/ hr ft2 oF
Cold Fluid , Shell Side, Butane
4)’ as = ID x C’ B / 144 PT
= 15,25 x 0,25 x 5/144 x 1,25
= 0,106 ft2
5)’ Gs = w / as
= 24,700 / 0,106
= 233,00 lb / (hr) (ft2)
(dari persamaan 7.2 pada buku Kern, process heat transfer)
6)’ At Ts = 172 oF and From Fig.14 is  = 0.278 lb/
D = = 0.0825 ft
Re for find pressure drop :
DGt 0.0825 x 233,000
Re =   69,200
 0,278
7)’ jH=159
9)’ ho = JH . k  c  
De  k 

= 159 x 0,12 / 0,0825

=231 Btu/hr ft2 oF
Overall coefficient for preheating :
From eq.6.38 on book of Process Heat Transfer Kern :
Up = h io x h o 200 Btu / (hr) (ft2) (oF)
h io  h o
Clean surface required for preheating:
qp 13,400
Ap    67,0
U p ( t ) p 200
9) ho = JH . k  c   = 170 x 0,115 / 0,0825
De  k 
= 237

JH = 159, from Fig.28.

JH = 170 .
8)’ From figure 16 pada buku Kern, process heat transfer , At 172°F (1440API)

k(cµ/k)1/3 = 0,12 Btu / (hr)(ft2)(0F /ft)

ɸs = 1.0
13. overall coeficient Uc :
From eq.12.50 on Kern, process heat transfer

Uc 
 UA = 203

14. Design overall Coefficient :

From table 10 on Kern, process heat transfer

Surface / lin ft of tube = 0,2618

Total surface = 76 x 16’0” x 0,2618 = 318 ft2
UD = Q = 108,5
A x t

15. Calculate dirty factor :

From eq. 6.13 on Process Heat Transfer Kern:
Rd= UC  UD =0.0043 (hr) (ft2) (oF) / Btu

Pressure Drop
Hot Fluid
1. Re = 62000

From curve, f =0,000165 ft2/in2

dari tabel 7 , spesific volume for pressure steam 115 psia = 3,88 ft 3/lb
Actual density = = 0,257 lb/ft3
s = 0,00413
Equation 7.45 where:
ΔPt = f x Gt x L x n .
5, 22 x 10 10 xD x s x  t

ΔPt = 0,16 psi

Cold Fluid
Preheat: From Fig.29 buku Process Heat Transfer Kern :

f = 0.00145 ft2 / in2

2) lenght of preheat zone
Lp = LAp / Ac = 16 X 67.0/170 = 6.3 ft
3) from eq. 7.43 on Kern, process heat transfer
No, of crosses, N + 1 = 12Lp / B
= 12 x 6,3 / 5 = 15
4) From Eq.7.44 on Porcess Heat Transfer Kern
ΔPs = f x G s x Ds x N  1
5, 22 x 10 10 De x s x  s

ΔPs =0.70 psi

Vaporization : f = 0.00142 ft2 / in2
2) Lenght of vaporization zone
Lv = LAp - Lp = 16 – 6.3 = 9.7 ft
3) From Eq.7.43 on Kern, process heat transfer
No, of crosses, N + 1 = 12L / B
= 9,7 x 12/5 = 23
Mol. Wt. = 58,1
Density, ρ = = 2,34 lb / ft3
Soutlet liquid = 0,43 (from figure 6)

Ρoutlet liquid = 0,43 x 62,5 = 26,9 lb / ft3

Soutlet mix = = 0,046

Sinlet = 0,50
Smean = (0,50 + 0,046) / 2 = 0,28
ΔPs = = 1,9 psi
ΔPs total = 0,7 + 1,9 = 2,6 psi
1500 h outside 231/ 237
Uc 203
Up 108,5
Rd Calculate 0,0043
Rd Required
0,16 Calculated ΔP 2.6
Neg Allowable ΔP 5.0
Figure.24 Tube side heat transfer curve page 834
Figure. 28 Shell side heat transfer page 838

Example 19.1. Calculation of a Furnace by the Method of Lobo and Evans.

A furnace is to be designed for a total duty of 50,000,000 Btu/hr. The overall

efficiency is to be 75 per cent (lower heating value basis). Oil fuel with lower
heating value of 17,130 Btu/lb is to be fired with 25 per cent excess air
(corresponding to 17.44 lb air/ lb fuel), and the air preheated to 400oF. Steam for
atomizing the fuel is 0.3 lb/lb of oil. The furnace tubes are to be 5 in. OD on
81/2-in. Centers, in a single-row arrangement. The exposed tube lenght is to be
38’6”. The average tube temperature in the radiant section is estimated to be
Design the radiant section of furnace having a radiant section average flux of
12,000 Btu/(hr)ft2.

Step 1 Write everything data and variables known in that problem

Create the spesification of fuel

Step 2 Sketch the flow diagram of process in furnace

Step 3 Create the assumption design furnace

Step 4 Make estimate of the number of tubes required in the

radiant section
 2  Averageflu x
Step 5 Make estimate of the number of tubes required in the
radiant section
The eq. 19.10. Is below:
 2  Averageflu x
Heat liberated by the fuel (QF)
The equation is:
Acp f
Fuel Quantity
The equation is: QF

Step 6 Calculation the net Heat Liberation

The equation 19.12 below:
Q net  Q F  Q A  Q S  Q W
QF = Totalduty
Acp f
QW = 2% QF
QS = Negligible

Step 7 Calculation the Heat Leaving in The Flue Gases at The

Exit-Gas Temperature
The equation for calculate heat out of gases below:
Q G  W (1  G ' )C av (TG  520 )

Step 8 Calculation the Total Radiant-Section Duty (first estimate)

The equation below:
Q  Q net  Q G
Step 9 Calculate the estimation with spesification of design
 Surface per tube (A)

A  L.. OD
 The estimated number of tubes (Nt)
Nt 
Average flux. A

Step 10 Sketch the layout of the cross section of the furnace

Step 11 Calculate the Equivalent Cold plane Surface (AcP)

 Center to center distance = 8 1/2in
 Acc per Tube = 8,5 /12 x L
 Ratio of center to center distance/OD

 Data from Fig. 19. 11 Kern, and find value of 

 Acp/tube = Acc per Tube x 

And, the equation for cold plane surfece below:

AcP = Nt x Acp/tube
Step 12 Determine Refactory Surface (Ar)
 End walls = 2 x Lf x Tf
 Side wall = Wrds x L , where Wrds =(space + 1 ) R + (( tube + 1 ) OD + jarak
 Bridge wall = Wrds x L
 Floor and arch = 2 x Lf x L
And total all data are Ar or,
Ar = AT -  Acp
Ratio of effective refactory (AR) below,

AR = Ar - AcP

Step 13 Determine Mean Beam Lenght (Lbeam)

Create the ratio of dimensi first= 38.5 : 20.46 : 14.92 = 3:2:1 (Approximately)
The equation for beam lenght below,
Lbeam = 2/3(Volume)1/2

Step 14 Gas Emissivity

Data from analysis of fuel, steam quantity, and assumption that the humidity
of the air is 50 per cent of saturation at 60oF.
P CO2 =0,1048 ; P H2O = 0,1248
P CO2 L = 2,45 ; P H2O L= 2,82

From Fig. 19.12 and 19.13., the emissivity of the gas can be evaluated using
 q CO2 pd PCO2 L  qH2O pd PH2O L TG - q CO2 pd P CO2 L  qH2OL TS  100 - %
G   
 qbTG - qbTS  100

%correction 
PCO2  P H 2O
Step 15 Determine Overall Exchanger Factor (F)
Data from fig.19.15

Step 16 Check of gas temperature required to effect assumed

duty on asuumed surface
The equation below,
 A cp F

Example 19.1. Calculation of a Furnace by the Method of Lobo and Evans.

Step 1

Parameter Spesifikasi

Total duty 50,000,000 Btu/hr

Efficiency of furnace 75% = 0,75

Heating value of fuel 17,130 Btu/lb

Excces air (preheat to 400oF) 25% (17.44 lb air/lb fuel)

Steam of atomization 0.3 lb/lb of oil

Furnace tube Do Centers arrangement Exposed

5 inch 8.5 in Single row 38’6’’
Average tube temp in the 800 oF
radian section
Average flux in the radian 12,000 Btu/hr ft2.
Step 2

Step 3

 Use trial and error
 With experience the value of meeting the desired conditions
Step 4

Estimate the number tubes

= 2 x average flux
= 2 x 12,000 Btu/hr ft2 = 24,000 Btu/hr ft2

Step 5

Heat liberated by the fuel (QF)

The equation is:
Totalduty 50 , 000 , 000  66 , 700 , 000 Btu / hr
= 0 . 75
Acp f

Fuel Quantity
QF 66,700,000
The equation is: =  3980 lb / hr
totalfuelo il 17,130

Exchange factor from figure 19.14 Radian section heat flux (Page 699) and
Figure 19.15 for Overall heat exchange factor in radiant section (Page 700)
Overall exchange factor = 0,57

From fig 19.14 : tube temperature (Ts) = 800oF

Exit gas temperature (Tg) = 1730oF
Overall exchange factor = = 42,000 (from equation 19.10)
QF + QA + QR - QW = Qnet (From equation 19.12)
QF = Totalduty
Acp f

= 50,000,000

= 66,670,000 Btu/hr
Air required = fuel quantity x Excess air
= 3890 lb/hr x 17.44 lb air/lb fuel
= 67,900 lb/hr
Steam atomizing = fuel quantity x steam for atomizing
= 3890 lb/hr x 0,3 lb/lb of oil
= 1170 lb/hr

Step 6
QA = Air required x air preheated at 400oF
= 67,900 lb/hr x 82 Btu/lb
= 5,560,000 Btu/hr
QF +QA = 66,670,000 Btu/hr + 5,560,000 Btu/hr
= 72,230,000 Btu/hr
Qw = 2% QF
= 2% x 66,670,000 Btu/hr
= 1,330,000 Btu/hr
QF + QA + QR - QW = Qnet (From equation 19.12)
Qnet = QF + QA - QW
= 66,670,000 Btu/hr + 5,560,000 Btu/hr – 1,330,000 Btu/hr
= 70,900,000 Btu/hr
Step 7
At temperature 1730oF , 25% Excess air
Flue gas = 476 Btu/lb
QG = W (1+G’ (fuel quantity)) Cav (TG-520)
(From equation 19.12 for flue gas temp over bridgewell,deg.fahr)
QG = 476 Btu/lb (3890 lb/hr + 67,900 lb/hr +1170 lb/hr)
= 34,500,000 Btu/hr
Step 8
Q = Qnet - QG
= 70,900,000 Btu/hr – 34,500,000 Btu/hr
= 36,400,000 Btu/hr

Step 9
A = 38.5 ft x x 3.14 x 5/12
= 50,4 ft2
Estimated number of tubes Nt =
12,000 x50.4
= 60,1
Step 10

Step 11
Equivalent cold plane surface Acp = center to center distance 8 in
Acp Per tube = 18.5/12 in x 38.5
= 25.7 ft2
Ratio of center to center/OD = 81/2 /5= 1.7
α = 0.937 (From fig 19.11)
α Acp /tube = 25.7 x 0,937
= 25 ft2
α Acp = Tube x α Acp /tube
= 60 x 25 ft2
= 1500 ft2
Step 12
Refractory Surface
End walls = 2 x 20.46 x 14,92 = 611 ft2
Side walls = 14.92 x 38.5 = 575 ft2
Bridge walls = 9.79 x 38.5 = 377 ft2
Floor and arch = 2 x 20.46 x 38.5 = 1575 ft2
Total AT = 3138 ft2
AR = AT - α Acp (From eq. 19.13 page 701)
= 3138 ft2 – 1500 ft2
= 1638
AR = 1638/1500
= 1.09

Step 13

Dimension Ratio = 38.5 x 20.46 x 14.92 = 3:2:1

L = 2/3(volume)0.5
= 2/3(38.5 x 20.46 x 14.92)0.5
= 15 ft

Step 14

Humidity air = 50% saturation at 60oF

Combustion gas 25% excess air
Partial pressure are: CO2 = 0.1084 x 15 ft = 1.63
H2O = 0.1248 x 15 ft = 1.87
Emissivity gas can finished eith tabel 19.12 and 19.13

 q CO2 pd PCO2 L  qH2O pd PH2O L TG - q CO2 pd P CO2 L  qH2OL TS  100 - %
G   
 qbTG - qbTS  100

(From equation 19.5)

% correction at = PCO2 = 0.465
%correction 
PCO2  P H 2O
CO2L + H2OL = 3.56
% correction = 8% (estimated)
 (6500  14,500)  (650  1950)  100  8.0 
G =  100 
 39,000  4400  
= 0.489
Step 15
F at G = 0.496 dan AR/Acp = 1.09
F = 0.635 from fig 19.15
Step 16

Q = 36,400,000 Btu/hr assumed

α Acp = 1500 ft2 assumed

Q = 36 , 400 , 000 = 38,200
 A cp F 1500 x 0 . 635

TG required (at TS = 800o) = 1670oF compared with 1730oF (Heat


 Trial and error indicates more duty than 36,400,000 Btu/hr will be
 Since duty cools the flue gas only 1730oF
 Flux corresponding effect by gas temperature 1670oF
 Number of tube need not be changed, final balance 1700oF assumed
 Duty would be 37,050,000 Btu/hr at exit temperature
 does not change requiring a driving temperature 1695oF
 Circumferential flux will be 37,050,000/60 x 50.4 = 12,280 Btu/hr ft2 as
compared with the 12,000 flux specified

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