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Nugroho Agung PAMBUDI

Energy Analysis Division/Research Associate

International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER)
Kyushu University
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744 Motooka, Nishi-ku,

Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
Telp & Fax +81 92 802-6727

1. Google scolar citation : 103
2. Honored Intellectual Property Award from the Indonesia Ministry of Justice and Human Rights 2015
3. Honored Islamic Economy award by UAE government & Thomson reuters 2015
4. Winner TIC competition in Taiwan and second place Halaltech competition in Malaysia in 2014
5. Awarded visiting scholar by Korean Institute Energy Research 2013
6. Received Japanese Monbusho Scholarship for Doctoral Engineering study 2011
7. Awarded young researcher program by Finland government in 2010

Doctoral Engineering (Dr.Eng)
2011 – 2014 Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Kyushu University
Research area : Thermodynamic, renewable energy, geothermal
Master of Engineering (M.Eng)
2006 - 2008 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Gadjah Mada University
Research area : biomass energy, solid waste, combustion

Research Associate
2016 – Now International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER)
Kyushu University
Lecturer & Researcher
2014 - 2016
Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
Young Researcher program
2010 Laboratory of Energy Engineering and Environmental Protection, Aalto University,
Lectures Assistant
2006 – 2010
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University State of Semarang


20,000 USD Heat waste utilization in Industrial Sector

15,000 USD Geothermal Energy Power Generation in Indonesia
1800 USD Development of high efficiency of Wind turbine using Lens technology
2600 USD Implementation of Wind Powered Water Pumps for Irrigation Purposes

Energy resources engineering, Kyushu University
Prof. Ryuichi Itoi
e-mail :
Energy Analysis Division,
International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER), Kyushu
Prof. Kenshi Itaoka
e-mail :
Assoc. Professor Faculty of International Resources Science, Akita University
Saeid Jalilinasrabady e-mail :

1. Associate Professor Indra, M., Gandidi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lampung University, Indonesia
2. Professor Atshushi Kurosawa, Institute of Applied Energy, Tokyo, Japan
3. Assistant professor Muhammad Imran, Energy Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Management
and Technology, Lahore Pakistan.
4. Amanda Ahl, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Industrial Engineering & Management, Department of
Energy Technology, Brinellvägen 8, 114 28 Stockholm, Sweden.
5. Assistant Dr. Bernard L H Saw, B Eng (Hons), M Eng Sc, PhD, MIET :: Department of Mechanical and Material
Engineering:: University of Tunku Abdul Rahman.
6. Danar Wijayanto, Department of Mechancal Engineering Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta,
Ph.D Examiner

1. Dr. Denny Sulitiyo Budi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Canterbury university, New Zealand
Undergraduate supervision
Supervision Experience: Please indicate and provide list of supervision at undergraduate level (such as final year projects)
and postgraduate level (Masters degree and PhD students)

1. Danur lambang pristiandaru, Experimental Investigation of Wind Turbine Using Nozzle-Lens at Low Wind Speed
2. Ria Laurensia, Optimization of Modified Oil-fired boiler into dilution and biogas fuels using second law
efficiencies : A Case study of Ethanol plant boiler
3. Maedanu, Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Fluidized Bed Boiler in Ethanol Plant using Irreversibility
4. Arief Suryo wibowo, Energy and eksergi analysis of Alstom boiler performance


 Reviewer of Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy,

 Reviewer in International Journal of Sustainable Engineering (IJSE), Published by Taylor & Francis, Online ISSN:
 Reviewer in International Journal of Energy Research (IJER), Published by Wiley online library Online ISSN: 1099-

“The Impact of Switching Off Nuclear Power Plants on Emissions Produced In Japan
May 30, 2017 Using Times-Japan Framework”.
International Institute for Carbon Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER), Kyushu University
“The future of Renewable Energy Development in Japan”
May 26, 2016
Guest Lecturer, Department Mechanical Engineering, Janabadra University
“The Future of Hydrogen Fuel in Japan Power Generation Sector”
January 26, 2017
International Institute for Carbon Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER), Kyushu University
“How to publish in Internatioan Journal”
August 30, 2016
Invited lecturer in LPP Workshop, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
“Geothermal Power Generation in Indonesia : Status and its development”
May 21, 2015
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indonesia University of Education
“Geothermal energy for hydrogen production :Curent Technological Status and Further
Desember 19, 2014 Resarch Development”
International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER), Kyushu University.
“Climate change, Global warming and Energy Future”
October 27, 2009
Physic Department, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

2016 - Now Development of Future Japan Energy System
2015 Wind turbine using lens technology
2013 - 2014 Silica analysis of geothermal fluid in Dieng geothermal power plant
2011 - 2014 Exergy analysis of geothermal power plant
2010 - 2011 Biomass gasification
Combustion characteristic of Jatropha curcas waste and corn cob, cassava husk
2007– 2010


2017 Best Paper award in International Conference Engineering Technology and Social Sciences
2015 Winner of Islamic Economic Award
Recognized as innovative world-class business initiatives and ideas that have contributed
to the social and economic welfare of societies.
2012014 1. Winner of Taiwan Global TIC
2. Second place Malaysia Halal Tech Competition
3. Visiting research Korea Institute of Energy Research : Organic rankine cycle

Japan government doctoral scholarship MEXT-monbukagusho

2010 1. Korean Institute of Science scholarship program
2. International course: The Forest based Bio-refinery: Chemical and Engineering
Challenges and Opportunities. May 3 – 7, 2010. Äbo University, Finland
3. Researcher in Department environment and protection, Helsinki Technology
University. Fellowship by Center for International Mobility (CIMO).
2009 1. International training in effective measures for energy conservation. Organized by the
association for overseas technical scholarship, Japan.
2. Visiting Laboratory, Department of Mechanical System Engineering, Kumamoto

University, Japan
2008 1. Awarded scholarship from National Chungshing University, Taiwan
 2. International summer course in Indonesia, cooperation with TU Dresden, Germany
2007 – 2008 Gadjah Mada University, Graduated student Mechanical Engineering, Indonesian
government Scholarship
2005 Student Scholarship for training program Asian Development Bank in Engineering
1994 - 1995 Indonesian Association of Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI Scholarship) for Junior High School

Engineering Equation solver (EES), Aspen Plus, Fortran, Markal/Times

Peer-Reviewed Journal
2017 onward
1. Nugroho Agung Pambudi, Kenshi Itaoka, Natsuki Yamakawa, Atsushi Kurosawa. Future Japan power generation
sector by introducing hydrogen plant with 80% CO 2 emission reduction target: A preliminary analysis. IEEE. 2016
International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application (ICSEEA). 3-5 Oct. 2016. Jakarta-
2. Indra Mamad Gandidi, Muhammad Dyan Susila, Nugroho Agung Pambudi. Co-cracking of real MSW into bio-oil over
natural kaolin. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 60, conference 1.
3. Nugroho Agung Pambudi, Kenshi Itaoka, Andrew Chapman, Nguyen Dinh Hoa, Natsuki Yamakawa. Biomass energy
in Japan: Current status and future potential. International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy, vol. 6, no. 2, April
2017: pp. 119-126.
4. Nugroho Agung Pambudi, Kenshi Itaoka, Andrew Chapman. The Impact of Switching Off Nuclear Power Plants on
Emissions Produced In Japan Using Times-Japan Framework. International Conference on Technology Engineering and
Social Sciences. May 23-24, 2017. Solo-Indonesia. Submitted.
5. Nugroho Agung Pambudi, Ria Laurensia, Danar Susilo Wijayanto, Valian Lukad Permana, Maedanu Fasola,
Muhammad Imran, Lip Huat Saw. Exergy Analysis of Boiler Process Powered by Biogas Fuel in Ethanol Production
Plant: a Preliminary Analysis. 9th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE2017, 21-24 August 2017, Cardiff,
UK. Submitted.
6. Nugroho Agung Pambudi, Kenshi Itaoka, Andrew Chapman, Atsushi Kurosawa, Etsushi Kato. Industrial Carbon
Capture Storage (CSS) Model Using Times-Japan Framework. 9th International Conference on Applied Energy,
ICAE2017, 21-24 August 2017, Cardiff, UK. Submitted.

1. Nugroho Agung Pambudi, Kenshi Itaoka, Atsushi Kurosawa, Natsuki Yamakawa, Amanda Grace Ahl. The Current
Status of CCS Development in Japan and Scenario Model in Emission Reduction, Energy Research & Social Science.
Submitting Process.
2. Nugroho Agung Pambudi, Kenshi Itaoka, Atsushi Kurosawa, Natsuki Yamakawa, Amanda Grace Ahl. The Current
Status of CCS Development in Japan and Scenario Model in Emission Reduction, Journal of Energy. Submitting Process.
3. Nugroho Agung Pambudi, Geothermal Power Generation in Indonesia, A Country Within The Ring Of Fire: Current
Status, Development And Future Policy, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. Submitting Process
4. Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Asim, Jahan Zebalvi, Jameel Ahmad, Nugroho Agung Pambudi, Recent research
trends in organic Rankine cycle technology: A bibliometric approach, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews.
Submitting Process
5. Bernard Saw, Yu Han Goh, Nugroho Agung Pambudi, Electro-thermal modelling of hybrid supercapacitor-battery
energy storage system for electric vehicles, Journal of Energy institute. Submitting Process
6. Nugroho Agung Pambudi, Maedanu syaputra, Ria laurensia, Danar Widjayanto. Performance Evaluation and
Optimization of Fluidized Bed Boiler in Ethanol Plant using Irreversibility Analysis. Journal of Sustainable Energy
Technologies and Assessments. Accepted.
7. Indra Mamad Gandidi., M. Dyan Susila., Ali Mustofa,, Nugroho Agung Pambudi. Thermal - Catalytic Cracking of Real
MSW into Bio Crude Oil Journal of the Energy Institute, In Press, Accepted Manuscript 2017.
8. Danar. S.W., Ngatou, R., Ranto, H., Husin, B., Nugroho Agung Pambudi. Preliminary Experiment on Fuel
Consumption and Emission Reduction in SI Engine Using Blended Bioethanol-Gasoline and Radiator Tube-Heater.
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering. Accepted (2016).
9. Nugroho Agung Pambudi.. Simulation of Jatropha curcas shell in gasifier for synthesis gas and hydrogen production.
Int. Journal of Energy Institute. In Press, Corrected Proof (2016).

10. Nugroho Agung Pambudi., Itoi, R., Jalilinasrabady, S., Sirait, P. & Jaelani, K. Preliminary analysis of single flash
combined with binary system using thermodynamic assessment: a case study of Dieng geothermal power plant. Int. J.
Sustain. Eng. 8, 258–267 (2015) [Journal Paper]
11. Nugroho Agung Pambudi., Itoi, R., Jalilinasrabady, S. & Jaelani, K. Performance improvement of a single-flash
geothermal power plant in Dieng, Indonesia, upon conversion to a double-flash system using thermodynamic analysis.
Renew. Energy 80, 424–431 (2015) [Journal Paper]
12. Nugroho Agung Pambudi. et al. The behavior of silica in geothermal brine from Dieng geothermal power plant,
Indonesia. Geothermics 54, 109–114 (2015) [Journal Paper]

13. Nugroho Agung Pambudi., Itoi, R., Jalilinasrabady, S. & Jaelani, K. Exergy analysis and optimization of Dieng single-
flash geothermal power plant. Energy Convers. Manag. 78, 405–411 (2014) [Journal Paper]

14. Nugroho Agung Pambudi., Laukkanen, T., Fogelholm, C.-J., Kohl, T. & Jarvinen, M. Prediction of gas composition of
Jatropha curcas Linn oil cake in entrained flow reactors using ASPEN PLUS simulation software. Int. J. Sustain. Eng. 6,
142–150 (2013). [Journal Paper]
15. Nugroho Agung Pambudi., Itoi, R. & Jalilinasrabady, S. Performance Evaluation of Double-Flash Geothermal Power Plant
at Dieng Using Second Law of Thermodynamics. in Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford
University (2013) [Conference Paper]
16. Takeshi Hino, Ryuichi Itoi, Toshiaki Tanaka, Nugroho Agung Pambudi. Natural state modeling of geothermal reservoir at
Dieng, Central Java, Indonesia. Transactions-Geothermal Resources Council (2013) [Conference Paper]
17. Nugroho Agung Pambudi., Torii, S., Syamsiro, M., Saptoadi, H. & Gandidi, I. M. Emission factor of single pellet cake seed
Jatropha curcas in a fix bed reactor. J. Brazilian Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. 34, 184–192 (2012) [Journal Paper]
18. Syamsiro. M., Saptoadi. H., Tambunan. B.H., Nugroho Agung Pambudi., A preliminary study on use of cocoa pod husk as
a renewable source of energy in Indonesia. Energy for Sustainable development. 16, 74–77 (2012) [Journal Paper]
before 2011
19. Nugroho Agung Pambudi, S. torii. Experimental Studyon High Caloric Fuel Production using Sewage Sludge and
Discarded Oil. Int. J. Earth Sci. Eng. 04, 59041087–1090 (2011) [Journal Paper]
20. Shuichi Torii, Pambudi, N.A. Combustion Characteristics of Bio Mass-Based Fuel using Cassava Husk, Journal of
combustion 4 (5), 896-899, 2011. [Journal Paper]
21. Wirawan Sumbodo, Pambudi, N.A. The making of workpieces using autocad software based siemens sinumerik 802c base
line frais machine. International Journal of Engineering and Industries volume 2, number 2, june 2011 pages 35-42 [Journal
22. Pambudi, N.A, Saptoadi, H., Sumbodo, W., Torii, S., Syamsiro, M. Experimental Study on Combustion of Biobriquettes
Jatropha Curcas Solid Waste. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management (JEEAM), 20(2), 1-4 (2010) [Journal
23. Pambudi, N.A, Saptoadi, H., Untoro. Densification and Combustion Cake Seed Jatropha Curcas : Effect of Air Flow Rate.
Mechanical Engineering Journal, Bandung Polytechnic, Indonesia (2008). In Indonesia [Journal Paper]
24. Pambudi, N.A, Saptoadi, H., Effect Carbonization to Heating Value of some agricultulral biomass waste. Janateknika
Journal, Janabadra University, Indonesia (2008). In Indonesia [Journal Paper]

Conference 2016
1. Pambudi, N. A., K. Itaoka, A. Kurosawa., N. Yamakawa. Impact of Hydrogen Fuel for CO 2 Emission Reduction In Power
Generation Sector in Japan. The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE 2016. Beijing, China [Conference
2. Pambudi, N. A., Pristandaru, D.L. Experimental Investigation of Wind Turbine Using Nozzle-Lens at Low Wind Speed
Condition. The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE 2016. Beijing, China [Conference Paper]
3. Pambudi, N. A., K. Itaoka, A. Kurosawa., N. Yamakawa. Future Japan Power Generation Sector by Introducing Hydrogen
plant with 80% CO2 emission reduction target : A preliminary analysis. the 4th International Conference on Sustainable
Energy Engineering and Application (ICSEEA 2016), Jakarta, Indonesia[Conference Paper]
4. Indra, M.G., Pambudi, N. A.. A comparison of Natural Zeolite and Kaolin as a Catalyts in the Thermal-Catalytic Cracking of
Real MSW to Produce Bio-oil. International Conference of System Engineering and Innovation 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
[Conference Paper]
5. Pristandaru, D.L Pambudi, N. A. Status of Wind Energy in Indonesia : Potential, Challenge and opportunities, Future Policy
and Scenarios. International Conference of System Engineering and Innovation 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. [Conference

6. Pambudi, N. A., Itoi, R., Saeid, J., Khasani. Performance evaluation of double-flash geothermal power plant at dieng using
second law of thermodynamics. Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford,
California, February 11-13, 2013
7. Pambudi, N. A., Itoi, R., Saeid, J., Khasani. Energy and Exergy Analyses of Dieng Geothermal Power Plant, Indonesia,
CINEST Symposium, Bandung, 2012

8. Harwin Saptoadi, Pambudi, N.A. Sudarwanto, Untoro Budi S, Sudarwanto. Utilization of Indigenous Biomass Wastes as Low
Cost Alternative Fuels, International conference Alternative energy application, 2 - 5 November 2009, Kuwait (2009).
9. Torii, S., Pambudi, N.A. Experimental Study on High Caloric Fuel Production Using Sewage Sludge and Discarded Oil,
International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2010), 21-23 April 2010, Singapore.
10. Torii, S., Pambudi, N.A. Combustion Characteristics of Biomass-Based Fuel Using Cassava Husk, 5th International Green
Energy Conference, IGEC-V, June 1-3, 2010, Waterloo, Ontario.
11. Thomas Kohl, Pambudi, N. A., Timo Laukkanen, C.-J. F. Improved primary energy efficiency of district heating networks by
integration of communal biomass-fired combined heat and power plants with biomass pyrolysis. in The 12th International
Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, At Tallin, Estonia (2010) [Conference Paper]
12. Saptoadi, H., Pambudi, N.A, Syamsiro, M. Pyrolisis Study on Some Biomass Waste (Cassava Peel, Corn Cob, Jaropha
Curcas Waste), The 1st AUN/SEED-Net Regional Workshop on New and Renewable Energy, Institute Teknologi Bandung,
13. Saptoadi, H., Pambudi, N.A, Syamsiro, M. Combustion of pyrolyzed jatropha seed cakes, corn cobs and cassava peels as a
function of air supply, Regional conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Technology, February 9-10, 2010, Bali, Indonesia.
14. Pambudi, N.A. Saptoadi, H., Untoro. M Effect Carbonization of Corn Cob. Proceeding of National Mechanical Lecture
meeting VII. Tarumanegara University, Indonesia (2008).
15. Pambudi, N.A. Saptoadi, H., Untoro. Effect Carbonization of Combustion Characteristic Jatropha Curcas Waste Proceeding
of National Seminar Technology IV “ technology application for sustainable prosperity society”, Technology University of
Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2008).
16. Pambudi, N.A. Saptoadi, H., Untoro. Utilization of Jatropha Curcas Waste (cake seed) as Alternative Fuel . Proceeding of
National Seminar on Renewable energy and energy efficiency, ISBN 978-979-704-6057, Diponegoro University., Indonesia
17. Pambudi, N.A. Saptoadi, H., Untoro. The Effect of Dimension to Combustion Characteristic of Cake Seed Jatropha Curcas
Briquettes. Proceeding of National Seminar on industrial Research and technology 14th, Gadjah Mada University (2008).

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