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10/27/2018 Karana - Half Lunar Day

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- - - Karana – Half Lunar Day

« Tithi – Lunar Day Nitya Yoga (panchanga) »

Karana –– Half
Half Lunar
Half Lunar Day
Lunar Day
  By Julene Louis | October 9, 2017 | Jyotish Fundamentals, Panchanga

There are 60 Karanas in a lunation cycle that represents a 6° separation between the Sun and Moon – half the
longitudinal length of the 30 Tithis. They too will vary in the length of time due to the varying speed of the Moon.

Karana means instrument. They give us the help to fulfill our actions. Each Karana has a ruling planet and is
associated with an animal. There are two categories of Karanas: fixed and mutable. There are four fixed Karanas
that only occur once as the 58th, 59th, 60th, and 1st Karana. These four are to be avoided because they occur at the
dark of the New Moon. The 59th & 60th fall on Amavasya, the New Moon and the 58th & 1st are the karanas right
before and after the New Moon. This is the time when the Moon is darkest and solar eclipses can occur when the
New Moon (Sun & Moon conjunction) is in the same sign as Rahu or Ketu. Therefore, these karanas are ruled by
Rahu & Ketu. No action should be performed under the four fixed Karanas due to the moon being at its darkest,
most malefic and in the karanas where solar eclipses can occur.

There are seven moveable Karanas that repeat eight times. Thus, there are only 11 different Karanas that fill the 60
positions. Of the moveable Karanas only one, Vishti, ruled by Saturn is difficult and should be rejected. The rest of
the moveable Karanas are favorable. When choosing the karana, you want to choose the one most like the action
you are undertaking.

Meaning of the Karanas

Bava means strong. It is ruled by Sun and represented by a lion. It is youthful, confident, and valiant.  It gives us an
instrument to attain success and power and thus is good for beginning lasting ventures.

Balava means stronger. It is ruled by the Moon and represented by a leopard. It is modest, respected, powerful,
brave, sensuous, and careful in conduct. It gives us an instrument of a clear, strong mind to achieve success. It is
good for beginning lasting ventures and for travel. 1/7
10/27/2018 Karana - Half Lunar Day

Kaulava means of a noble family. It is ruled by Mars and represented by a pig. It is an active, dynamic, impressive,
adventurous, free thinking, well-spoken and gives popularity. It is good for things related to profession, popularity,
and for achieving success regardless of hurdles.

Taitula means rhinoceros. It is ruled by Mercury and represented by a donkey. It is skillful in speech, practical,
committed to work, good at business, able to influence, sporty, and skilled in sexual arts. It is good for business,
sexual encounters, and things where success involves the ability to influence others.

Garija comes from the root Gara meaning poison. It is ruled by Jupiter and represented by an elephant. It is
judicious, patient, powerful in speech, and able to overcome opposition. It is good for anything where these
qualities are helpful to the venture and also literally for healing the effects of poisons.

Vanija means merchant. It is ruled by Venus and represented by a cow. It is clever, passionate, creative, honorable,
and is good for advising. It has an eye for beauty, arts and finances. It is good for anything related to commerce,
beauty, finances, the arts, or ventures relating to giving advice.

Vishti means drudgery or forced service. It is ruled by Saturn and does not have an animal association that I am
aware of. It relates to a human laborer or servant.  It gives opposition, acts contrary to normal order and can create
negative karma. Therefore, Vishti should be avoided.

Shakuni means bird. It is ruled by Rahu and represented by a pullu, a bird of omen. It is the karana before
Amavasya. Shakuni is also an old relative whose schemes lead to failure and ruin, or someone who preys on the
helpless. Shakuni was also the name of uncle of Duryodhana in the Mahabharata who assisted in many such
schemes. It gives doubt, suspicion, and experiences loss due to wrong advice. Therefore, Shakuni should be
avoided for all ventures, but it is good for developing psychic powers and working with omens.

Chatuspada means four-footed. It is ruled by Ketu and represented by cattle. It falls on Amavasya so possibilities are
inherent in this tithi. However, the Moon is dark and combust it indicates many obstacles. Chatuspada is better for
considering for possibilities than it is for taking actions or undertaking anything important. It should be avoided for all
things except setting intentions for the month.

Naga means serpent. It is ruled by Rahu and represented by a snake. It too falls on Amavasya and is ambitious,
quarrelsome, vicious, powerful and dangerous. It should be avoided for all things.

Kimstughna means possibility or aspiration. It is ruled by Ketu and represented by a worm. This is the first karana after
Amavasya and the Moon is still combust. It is dependent, superficial, and changeable. It should be avoided for all
things except setting intentions for the month where change is required.

Karanas of Shukla Paksha 2/7
10/27/2018 Karana - Half Lunar Day

Tithi Karana Ruling Planet

1 S. Pratipat   1 Kintughna Ketu

2 Bava Sun

 2 Dvitiya   3 Balava Moon

4 Kaulava Mars

 3 Tritiya   5 Taitula Mercury

6 Garija Jupiter

 4 Chaturthi   7 Vanija Venus

8 Vishti Saturn

 5 Panchami   9 Bava Sun

10 Balava Moon

 6 Shashti 11 Kaulava Mars

12 Taitula Mercury

 7 Saptami 13 Garija Jupiter

14 Vanija Venus

8 Ashtami 15 Vishti Saturn

16 Bava Sun

 9 Navami 17 Balava Moon

18 Kaulava Mars

10 Dashami 19 Taitula Mercury

20 Garija Jupiter

11 Ekadashi 21 Vanija Venus

22 Vishti Saturn

12 Dvadashi 23 Bava Sun 3/7
10/27/2018 Karana - Half Lunar Day

24 Balava Moon

13 Trayodahsi 25 Kaulava Mars

26 Taitula Mercury

14 Chaturdashi 27 Garija Jupiter

28 Vanija Venus

15 Purnima 29 Vishti Saturn

30 Bava Sun

Karanas of Krishna Paksha

Tithi Karana Ruling Planet

16 K. Pratipat 31 Balava Moon

32 Kaulava Mars

17 Dvitiya 33 Taitula Mercury

34 Garija Jupiter

18 Tritiya 35 Vanija Venus

36 Vishti Saturn

19 Chaturthi 37 Bava Sun

38 Balava Moon

20 Panchami 39 Kaulava Mars

40 Taitula Mercury

21 Shashti 41 Garija Jupiter

42 Vanija Venus

22 Saptami 43 Vishti Saturn

44 Bava Sun

23 Ashtami 45 Balava Moon

46 Kaulava Mars

24 Navami 47 Taitula Mercury

48 Garija Jupiter 4/7
10/27/2018 Karana - Half Lunar Day

25 Dashami 49 Vanija Venus

50 Vishti Saturn

26 Ekadashi 51 Bava Sun

52 Balava Moon

27 Dvadashi 53 Kaulava Mars

54 Taitula Mercury

28 Trayodahsi 55 Garija Jupiter

56 Vanija Venus

29 Chaturdashi 57 Vishti Saturn

58 Shakuni Rahu

30 Amavasya 59 Chatuspada Ketu

60 Naga Rahu

Tagged balava, bava, chatuspada, garija, instrument, karana, karanas, kaulava, kimstughna, naga, Panchanga, shakuni,
taitula, vanija, vishti. Bookmark the permalink.

« Tithi – Lunar Day Nitya Yoga (panchanga) »

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