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REG NO: BAPG/52682/2016



Q 1) Define the following terms

a) Policy

A policy is a principle or rule to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes.

The term is not normally used to denote what is actually done; this is normally
referred to as either procedure or protocol. Policies are generally adopted by the
Board of or senior governance body within an organization whereas procedures
or protocols would be developed and adopted by senior executive officers.

policy study may also refer to the process of making important organizational
decisions, including the identification of different alternatives such as programs
or spending priorities, and choosing among them on the basis of the impact they
will have.

A policy can be define as a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by

an organization or individual.
b) Policy Cycle

A policy cycle can be define as A policy cycle divides the policy process into a
series of stages: Agenda setting. Identifying problems that require government
attention, deciding which issues deserve the most attention and defining the
nature of the problem.

The policy cycle describes the way in which an issue develops from initial
ideas, through implementation phases to fruition, evaluation and the framing of
new agendas. It consists of five main phases, namely, agenda setting, policy
formulation, decision-making, implementation, and evaluation. Some authors
include additional steps like consultation and coordination.

c) Policy Analysis

Policy analysis refers to the systematic investigation of alternative policy

options and the gathering and display of evidence for or against each option. It
can also be described as an activity involving studying, ordering, gathering,
investigating, processing, and presenting information for policy making

Policy analysis is a technique used in public administration to enable civil

servants, activists, and others to examine and evaluate the available options to
implement the goals of laws and elected officials. The process is also used in
the administration of large organizations with complex policies. It has been
defined as the process of "determining which of various policies will achieve a
given set of goals in light of the relations between the policies and the goals

Policy analysis, evaluation and study of the formulation, adoption, and

implementation of a principle or course of action intended to ameliorate
economic, social, or other public issues. Policy analysis is concerned primarily
with policy alternatives that are expected to produce novel solutions. Policy
analysis requires careful systematic and empirical study.
1 B) Elucidate the components contained in a policy document

The template document is divided into the following three major parts: Header,
Policy, and Procedure. Each component of the template is further described
below. The policy template includes an indication as to where each component
is required or optional. For those sections that are optional, the policy writer
should simply delete unused sections from their document

1. Policy Name

The policy name is the primary means of identifying, locating, and referring to a
policy. Do not include “Policy” or “Policy on” in the title of the policy listed in
“Policy Name”.

Questions to consider when writing a policy name:

• Is the name descriptive enough to reflect accurately the main contents of the

• Is the name easily understood by people unfamiliar with the policy?

• Does it contain words that will be identified in keyword searches?

When naming a policy:

 Avoid using generic first words such as "College", "Policy" or


 Ensure the name accurately reflects the policy or procedure content.

 Ensure the name does not start with words such as "the", "that" or "a.”

 Ensure the name is succinct.

 Ensure that related policies have similar names.

2. Policy Number

The policy number will be entered by the CCP coordinator. Applies to: Indicate
whomever is appropriate (any combination): Faculty, Staff, Students, Student
Employees, Administrative Staff, Support Staff, Volunteers, Visitors, Vendors,
Guests. When feasible “applies to” should indicate more specific applications
such as “anyone operating college owned or operated vehicles.”

Responsible Office. Office charged with developing, updating, administering,

communicating, training, ensuring compliance with, and providing resources to
promote adherence to college policies that it issues. Enter the name of the
responsible office or department on the template where it says “

Name of Responsible Office.” Official department/office names must be used.

Please refer to the Organizational Guide available at


This section contains the statement of policy. The policy statement is the
governing principle, plan, or understanding that guides the action and provides
the business reason driving the need for policy; reason for being. It states what
we do, but not how. The policy statement(s) should be brief (2-6 sentences), and
is supplemented by the information within the rest of the policy. The policy
statement guides and determines present and future decisions and direction, and
reflects and defines institutional values.

Questions to consider when writing the policy statement section:

 Does it accomplish the purpose of the policy?

 Does it clearly articulate what the policy is and what it is to accomplish?

 What is the scope of the policy?

 Does this section contain only policy (not procedures)?

 Is the policy statement consistent with the applicable laws, regulations,

and policies?

4. Purpose of the Policy

This section contains a short general descriptive paragraph that includes

regulatory or legislative references as appropriate. States the requirement or
provision that is placed on or extended to the college community.

5. Table of Contents

This section is suggested recommended for policies that are long and complex
(e.g. documents 6-10 pages or longer)

6. Definitions

Defines terms that have specialized meanings in the policy. When the subject
matter requires a precise understanding of terms, include them here. This allows
a reader to approach the content in a more knowledgeable manner, and to easily
refer back to the definition as needed when the term is used frequently
throughout the policy section. When a term has more limited use, it can be
defined in the body of the policy and Definitions may be omitted.

Questions to consider when writing the definitions section:

 Does it define new, uncommon, and/or specialized terms?

 Does it define terms that can have different meanings in different


 Does it list terms in alphabetical order? Instructions for Completing the

Policy Template

Procedures describe how the policy is implemented at the college. The action
steps included here should clearly and accurately describe the process and
responsibilities for accomplishing tasks governed by the policy. Procedures are
the required process for the specific situation. The procedures should be
organized for ease of use. Some policies may require multiple procedure
headings for the different tasks addressed. While procedures are organized as a
chronological series of steps required to accomplish a task, responsibilities are
organized as lists of tasks that must be completed by an individual or
department. This section prescribes the means of implementing and complying
with the policy. Procedures articulate how the policy will be implemented.

Questions to consider when writing the procedure section:

o Is it consistent with the policy statement section?

o Does it contain the specific actions or steps needed to comply with

the policy?

o Does it contain implementation plans and dates for policies that

require a phased implementation?

o Are procedural requirements reasonable?

o Does this section contain only procedures (not policy)?

o Is the procedure section consistent with the applicable laws,

regulations, and policies?

8. Responsibilities

Summarizes the responsibilities of college departments, offices, positions, or

individuals named in the policy. Similar to the Procedures section, this section
presents responsibilities according to job function/office, while Procedures
presents the responsibilities according to tasks.
9. Resources

This section is required for anything referred to in the policy.

o Links to forms, tools, and processes used to implement or required

for compliance with the policy;

o Links to federal state or local laws or relations;

o Provides background material that is helpful and not directly

related to policy implementation.

It is important to remember that resources are meant as supplemental

information, and they should not be relied upon to convey significant policy


Lists topics and the corresponding contact information: office name (not an
individual’s name); telephone (including area code); e-mail; and URL.


List each issue, revision, edit, or review date in chronological order. Note in this
section when the policy name or number changes. Note Board of Trustee action
date, if board action was taken. Note if a revision date is exclusively for the
policy section or the procedure section.

Issued: First release date of the policy.

Revised: Date of substantive content changes approved by the College Policy

Process. Edited: Date of style, format or grammar changes and/or correction of
error. No approval is needed through the formal review and approval process.

Reviewed: Last date that the policy content was reviewed and found to be
current, e.g. no changes were made. No approval is needed through the college
policy process.
1 C) Recall and elaborate on the types of a policy

i) Vertical policy

Vertical policy is developed within a single organizational structure

and generally starts with broad overarching policy, sometimes called
―corporate‖ or framework‖ policy. Such decisions are made at head
office and guide subsequent decisions throughout the organization. At
the regional level we might develop regional or ―strategic‖ policy,
which translates the national decisions to the regional level, taking
into consideration the specific context. Finally, the regional policy is
made specific enough to guide operational decision making

The challenge for many organizations today is thus to maintain

enough central policy direction to ensure consistency and equity,
while at the same time giving field staff‖ enough autonomy to ensure
that operational policy is responsive to local needs and reflective of
local values.

ii) Horizontal policy

Horizontal policy, often referred to as integrated policy, is developed

between parts of an organization, or among organizational
components that are in similar hierarchical positions. There is a great
deal of discussion today about horizontal policy issues (sometimes
referred to as crosscutting issues.) and the challenges that
organizations face in dealing effectively with them. Horizontal issues
are challenging because so many players control one tool, one key,
and all of the keys need to be aligned at the same time to bring a
suitable result.
Horizontal policy can itself be divided into three categories. Policy
developed within a sector is referred to as sectoral policy. When more
than one sector is involved, the policy becomes multi-sectoral.

These include:

Fragmentation: Trying to work on pieces instead of the whole; often

a result of turf protection.

Superficiality: Skimming the surface and dealing with symptoms;

often a result of having few resources or limited support/commitment.

Dissociation: Denial of or failure to see connections; limited world

view; other higher priorities requiring attention and resources.

iii) Regulatory Public Policy

A major goal of regulatory policy is to maintain order and prohibit

behaviours that endanger society. Government accomplishes this goal by
restricting citizens, groups, or corporations from engaging in those actions
that negatively affect the political and social order. Examples include
attempts to administer voting procedures, provide traffic ordinances, and
prohibit people from using certain drugs. Another goal of regulatory policy
is to protect economic activities and business markets by prohibiting
industry from practicing activities detrimental to the free market, such as
the creation of monopolies. Regulatory policy is also evident in the use of
laws designed to protect the workplace and the environment.
iv) Distributive Public Policy

Distributive policy refers to the provision of benefits to citizens, groups, or

corporations. Governments also use distributive policy to encourage
certain activities. Tax abatements and farm subsidies to promote economic
development, and tax write-offs for homeowners to promote the housing
industry, are good examples. Distributive policy is also evident when the
government promotes the purchase of U.S. savings bonds.

v) Redistributive Public Policy

The major purpose of redistributive policy is to promote equality. The

government redistributes societal wealth from one group to another group.
This occurs when the government provides benefits directly to citizens
through social programs such as welfare. Progressive taxation, where tax
rates increase as your income increases, is another example of a
redistributive policy.
1 D) Identify the stages of policy cycle.

 Problem identification and verification. - Involves a lot of research into

Problems, Who is affected? To what extent?

 Selection of evaluation criteria. – Involves the need to determine which

options to take. Standard measure that helps to compare policy
alternatives and determines which option to take.

 Selecting alternative policies – Different policy options are generated.

 Evaluating policy alternative. - Weighing of the alternatives using a

specific criteria

 Displaying and presenting policy option. – Present policy options to the


 Monitoring, evaluation and implementation of policy. - Develop

guidelines to monitor the policy.

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