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1. Objective
1.1 To study the dissolution of benzoic acid in aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide.
1.2 To calculate and compare the mass transfer coefficient (kr) with chemical
1.3 To calculate and compare the mass transfer coefficient (k) without the chemical
1.4 To calculate the experimental enhancement factor (ϕexp) for the given system.
1.5 To calculate the experimental enhancement factor (ϕthe) for the given system film
and boundary layer models.

2. Theory
The dissolution of benzoic acid in aq. NaOH solution gives the idea about the
enhancement in the rate of dissolution due to simultaneous reaction and compares it
with the enhancement predicted on the basis of the film and boundary layer models.
The dissolution of a solid in a solution accompanied with instantaneous chemical
reaction can be expressed as:
A + B  Product
Reaction: C6H5COOH + NaOH  C6H5COONa + H2 O
where A is the solid and B is the liquid phase reactant. Assuming the reaction to be
instantaneous so that A and B don’t coexist. The mechanism of solid dissolution
involves: dissolution of A in liquid followed by its reaction with species B diffusing
from the bulk liquid phase at a reaction plane. If the film model is applied to this
situation, experimentally the enhancement factor ϕ, defined as the ratio of the solid-
liquid mass transfer coefficient with reaction, kr to the mass transfer coefficient without
reaction, k. Mathematically, it can be written as:
= (1)

Theoretically it can be calculated by following models.

3. Procedure
Mass transfer with chemical reaction
3.1 Prepare the benzoic acid cylinder first by using the peltilizer.
3.2 Record the dimensions of the benzoic acid cylinder.
3.3 Fill the burette with known concentration of HCl solution.
3.4 Ensure that switches given on the panel are at OFF position.
3.5 Close all the valves V1-V2.
3.6 Fill the water bath with water.
3.7 Set the desired temperature of water bath
3.8 Fill the reactor with aqueous sodium hydroxide solution of known concentration
up to 2/3rd of its volume.
3.9 Note down the volume of aqueous sodium hydroxide solution.
3.10 Switch ON the main power supply to the set-up.
3.11 Switch ON the heater.
3.12 Wait till the aqueous solution attains the desired temperature.
3.13 Note down the temperature.
3.14 Now fix the benzoic acid cylinder inside the reactor containing aqueous sodium
hydroxide solution.
3.15 Switch ON the motor and stirrer and fix the RPM of it.
3.16 Run the experiment for 15 minutes.
3.17 Stop the motor and remove the benzoic acid cylinder.
3.18 Measure the benzoic acid cylinder dimensions again.
3.19 Mix thoroughly the contents of reactor and take out the sample in measuring
3.20 Note down the volume of sample and transfer it in conical flask.
3.21 Titrate the sample solution against known concentration of HCl solution using
phenolphthalein as an indicator (Add HCl from burette).
3.22 Note down the volume of HCl used in titration.
3.23 Repeat the experiment three different concentrations of aqueous sodium
hydroxide solutions.
3.24 When experiment is over switch OFF the stirrer and motor.
3.25 Switch OFF the heater.

3.26 Switch OFF the main power supply.
3.27 Remove the benzoic acid cylinder from the holder.
3.28 Drain the reactor by open the valve V2 and rinse the wall reactor.
3.29 Wash the burette and all the conical flask use in the titration.

4. Data Collection
(a) Data
Solubility of benzoic acid in NaOH with reaction CR* = 0.0276 kmole/m3
Solubility of benzoic acid in water without reaction C* = 0.00321 kmole/m3
Rod diameter drod = 0.006 m
Diffusivity of NaOH DA = 1.04 x 10-9 m2/sec
Diffusivity of benzoic acid DB = 4.1 x 10-9 m2/sec
Initial concentration of benzoic acid in liquid Bo = 0.5
Number of moles of NaOH taking part in the chemical = 1
reaction nB

(b) Observation (for with chemical reaction)

T = ____________ oC
Di = ____________ m

Df = ____________ m
Li = ____________ m
Lf = ____________ m

t = ____________ sec

M1w = ____________ mM
V2 = ____________ ml

V = ____________ L

Concentration of NaOH (mM) V1W (ml)

5 Nomenclature

6. Block diagram


1. Objective
1.1 To study the operation of a packed bed distillation column.
1.2 To verify the rayleigh equation.
1.3 To obtain the T-x data under total reflux condition at steady state and compare it
with theoretical value.
1.4 To operate the column under total reflux condition and calculate the minimum
number of theoretical stages using fenske’s equation.
1.5 To operate the column under any desired reflux condition and calculate
theoretical number of stages using Mc-Cabe Thiele’s method.
1.6 To calculate the HETP for known packed height.

2. Theory
2.1 Part 1
Packed column are often used for distillation when the separation is relatively easy and
the required column diameter is not very large. The column height is generally based on
the number of theoretical plates and the height equivalent to theoretical plate (HETP).
For the calculation of height equivalent to theoretical plate (HETP):

Where Z and Nt are packed height and number of theoretical plates respectively. For
simple batch distillation process, initially the still is filled with F moles of feed with xF
as the mole fraction of the more volatile component. Let at any moment the number of
moles of liquid in the still be B having a mole fraction x of the more volatile component
(i.e A) and let the moles of accumulated condensate be D. Concentration of the
equilibrium vapour is y*. Over a small time, the change in the amount of liquid in the
still is dB and the amount of vapour withdrawn is dD. The following differential mass
balance equations may be written:

The above equation is more convenient form of rayleigh equation. Batch distillation with
only a single still does not give a good separation unless the relative volatility is very
high. To obtain product with a narrow composition range, a rectifying batch still is used
that consist of a reboiler, a rectifying column, a condenser, some means of splitting of a
portion of condensed vapor or distillate as reflux and the receiver. The operation of a
batch still and column can be analyzed using the same operating line equation as for the
rectifying section of the continuous distillation:

Since the slope of the operating line is R / (R+1), the slope increases as the reflux
increases, until when reflux is infinite. Under total reflux slope is 1. The operating line
then coincides with the diagonal. The number of plate is minimum at total reflux.
Minimum number of plates required can be calculated from the terminal concentration of
xB and xD based on the relative volatility of the components α, which is defined in terms
of equilibrium concentrations:
Minimum number of theoretical plates required:

The above equation is known as fenske’s eqn. The final ratio does not change much over
the range of temperature encountered in a typical column, so the relative volatility is
taken as constant.

2.2 Part 2
Method to calculate number of theoretical plates (mc-cabe thiele’s method):
For the determination of number of theoretical plates at desired reflux ratio. We are using
graphical method which is called Mc-Cabe Thiele’s method. In this method draw the
equilibrium data on x-y plane. Locate the point xD, xB, and xF on diagonal. For the
given reflux ratio R calculate the intercept on the rectifying section operating line on the
y-axis. Now calculate the slope of the feed line:

Where q is the fraction of liquid in the feed.

Follow the following procedure to calculate theoretical number of plates (Nt):

a) Plot the equilibrium data on x-y plane.
b) Locate the point xD, xB, and xF on diagonal.
c) Draw the rectifying line from point xD with intercept I on the y axis.
d) Also draw the feed line from the point xF with slope S and intersect the rectifying line,
that intersection point is M.
e) Now draw the stripping line from point xB to the intersection point M.
f) Draw horizontal line from the point xD to equilibrium curve.

g) Draw vertical line from the point at equilibrium curve (where horizontal line is end) to
the operating line.
h) The above step made triangular construction.
i) Again draw horizontal line from the point at operating line (where vertical line is end)
to the equilibrium curve.
j) Repeat the above three steps between equilibrium curve and operating line, till cover
the point xB on diagonal.
k) Count the number of triangles made.
l) Number of triangles is equal to number of theoretical stages including reboiler.
m) Subtract one from the number of triangle, and then it is theoretical number of stages
required at desired reflux conditions.

For the overall efficiency of the column can be use following formulae:

3. Procedure
3.1 Prepare the standard curve of x vs R.I at methanol water ratio from 0 – 1.
3.2 Note down the volume of water and methanol
3.3 Close valve V1-V16
3.4 Switches on the panel are at OFF position.
3.5 Fill water in the cold water tank
3.6 Fill the reboiler with methanol-water solution by open the valve V1 and air vent
valve V2
3.7 Close valve V1 and V2
3.8 Connect electric supply to set up
3.9 Set the process temperature for the process range (85-95°C)
3.10 Start the heater and cooling water pump
3.11 Adjust the cold water flow rate by valve V3 to a moderate value
3.12 Set the cyclic timer for total reflux
3.13 Wait 25-30 minute for the system to achieve steady state
3.14 Now take out the samples from the bottom & distillate stream (by closing the
timer for short while)

3.15 Cool down the samples to room temperature and measure the refractive indices
3.16 Takes samples at different temperatures and measure the refractive indices
3.17 Note down the temperature and refractive indices
3.18 Now adjust the cyclic timer to a desired reflux ration and for 3-5 min
3.19 Now takes out the samples from both distillate and bottom product
3.20 Cool down the samples to room temperature and measure the refractive indices
3.21 Takes samples at different temperatures and measure the refractive indices
3.22 Note down the temperature and refractive indices
3.23 Repeat the experiment for different set point temperatures and reflux ratios
3.24 When the experiment is over stop the water supply
3.25 Switch OFF the pump, heater, and main power supply
3.26 Drain the column, reflux drum and receiving tank.

4. Results and analysis

(a) Data

Relative volatility α 3.32

Molecular weight of methanol MM 32 g/mole
Molecular weight of Water MW 18 g/mole
Enthalpy of feed HF 0 kJ/kmole
Packed height Z 0.90 m

Total reflux condition Desired reflux condition

At different temperature:

Total reflux condition Desired reflux condition

T (OC) R.I T (OC) R.I

5. Nomenclature

* Symbols represent unitless quantity.

6. Block diagram


1. Objective
1.1 To study the operation of a packed bed distillation column.
1.2 To verify the rayleigh equation.
1.3 To obtain the T-x data under total reflux condition at steady state and compare it
with theoretical value.
1.4 To operate the column under total reflux condition and calculate the minimum
number of theoretical stages using fenske’s equation.
1.5 To operate the column under any desired reflux condition and calculate theoretical
number of stages using Mc-Cabe Thiele’s method.
1.6 To calculate the overall efficiency of the sieve plate distillation column.

2. Theory
2.1 Part 1

In sieve plate distillation column sieve plate are provided instead of packing material.
For simple batch distillation process, initially the still is filled with F moles of feed with
xF as the mole fraction of the more volatile component. Let at any moment the number
of moles of liquid in the still be B having a mole fraction x of the more volatile
component (A) and let the moles of accumulated condensate be D. Concentration of the
equilibrium vapour is y*. Over a small time, the change in the amount of liquid in the
still is dB and the amount of vapour withdrawn is dD. The following differential mass
balance equations may be written:

The above equation is more convenient form of rayleigh equation.
Batch distillation with only a single still does not give a good separation unless the
relative volatility is very high. To obtain product with a narrow composition range, a
rectifying batch still is used that consist of a reboiler, a rectifying column, a condenser,
some means of splitting of a portion of condensed vapor or distillate as reflux and the
receiver. The operation of a batch still and column can be analyzed using the same
operating line equation as for the rectifying section of the continuous distillation:

Since the slope of the operating line is R / (R+1), the slope increases as the reflux
increases, until when reflux is infinite. Under total reflux slope is 1. The operating line
then coincides with the diagonal. The number of plate is minimum at total reflux.
Minimum number of plates required can be calculated from the terminal concentration of
xB and xD based on the relative volatility of the components α, which is defined in terms
of equilibrium concentrations:
Minimum number of theoretical plates required:

The above equation is known as fenske’s eqn.

The final ratio does not change much over the range of temperature encountered in a
typical column, so the relative volatility is taken as constant.

2.2 Part II - Method to calculate number of theoretical plates (Mc-Cabe Thiele’s

For the determination of number of theoretical plates at desired reflux ratio, we are using
graphical method which is called Mc-Cabe Thiele’s method. In this method draw the
equilibrium data on x-y plane. Locate the point xD, xB, and xF on diagonal. For the
given reflux ratio R calculate the intercept on the rectifying section operating line on the

Where q is the fraction of liquid in the feed.

Follow the following procedure to calculate theoretical number of plates (Nt):
Plot the equilibrium data on x-y plane.
Locate the point xD, xB, and xF on diagonal.
Draw the rectifying line from point xD with intercept I on the y axis.
Also draw the feed line from the point xF with slope S and intersect the rectifying line,
that intersection point is M.

Now draw the stripping line from point xB to the intersection point M.
Draw horizontal line from the point xD to equilibrium curve.
Draw vertical line from the point at equilibrium curve (where horizontal line is end) to
the operating line.
The above step made triangular construction.
Again draw horizontal line from the point at operating line (where vertical line is end) to
the equilibrium curve.
Repeat the above three steps between equilibrium curve and operating line, till cover the
point xB on diagonal.
Count the number of triangles made.
Number of triangles is equal to number of theoretical stages including reboiler.
Subtract one from the number of triangle, and then it is theoretical number of stages
required at desired reflux conditions.
For the overall efficiency of the column can be use following formulae:

3. Procedure
3.1 Prepare the standard curve of x vs R.I at methanol water ratio from 0 – 1.
3.2 Note down the volume of water and methanol
3.3 Close valve V1-V13
3.4 Switches on the panel are at OFF position.
3.5 Fill water in the cold water tank
3.6 Fill the reboiler with methanol-water solution by open the valve V1 and air vent
valve V2
3.7 Close valve V1 and V2
3.8 Connect electric supply to set up
3.9 Start the heater and cooling water pump.
3.10 Set the temperature of solution above boiling point of methanol but less than
100°C (say 90°C) by the DTC
3.11 Switch ON the heater.
3.12 Set the cyclic timer for total reflux
3.13 Open the air vent valve V10 provided at the top of condenser and after observing

vapour coming out of it close the valve V10.
3.14 Switch ON the pump and set the condenser cooling water flow rate by adjust the
valve V12.
3.15 Wait till required temperature or steady state condition achieves.
3.16 Note down the temperatures of each tray.
3.17 Now take out the samples from each tray by open the valve V3-V9.
3.18 Also collect the distillate and bottom product by open the valve V11 and V13
3.19 Cool down the samples to room temperature & measure their refractive indices.
3.20 Now adjust the cyclic timer to a desired reflux ratio & wait for steady state.
3.21 Note down the temperatures of each tray.
3.22 Now take out the samples from each tray by open the valve V3-V9.
3.23 Also collect the distillate and bottom product by open the valve V11 and V13
3.24 Cool down the samples to room temperature & measure their refractive indices.
3.25 Repeat the experiment for different set point temperatures & reflux ratios.
3.26 When experiment is over switch OFF the heater.
3.27 Switch OFF the main power supply.
3.28 After 10 minutes stop the water supply.
3.29 Drain the vessel after temperatures fall down to atmospheric values by open the
valve V13.

4 Results and analysis

(a) Data

Relative volatility α 3.32

Molecular weight of methanol MM 32 g/mole
Molecular weight of Water MW 18 g/mole
Enthalpy of feed HF 0 kJ/kmole
Packed height Z 0.90 m

Total reflux condition Desired reflux condition

At different temperature:
Total reflux condition Desired reflux condition
T (OC) R.I T (OC) R.I

5 Nomenclature

* Symbols represent unitless quantity.

6. Block diagram


1. Objective
1.1 To plot the drying curve under fluidized bed condition.
1.2 To study the operation of fluidized bed dryer

2. Theory
During fluidization the particles are circulated within the fluidized bed. This
circulation has a direct bearing on the heat transfer properties of gas solid fluidized
bed systems. Fluidized beds have been used for heat exchange in both physical
operations and chemical processes because of rapid transport. Also, because of
mixing, uniform temperatures throughout the bed can be maintained. For continuous
dryer at steady state operating conditions,

This assume that the dry gas flow G and dry solids flow F do not change between
dryer inlet and outlet. Mass balances can also be performed on the overall gas and
solids entrainment in the exhaust gas stream. The required solids flow rate, inlet
moisture content X1 and outlet moisture Xo are normally specified, and the
evaporation rate and outlet gas flow are calculated. For batch dryer with a dry mass m
of solids, a mass balance only gives a snapshot at one point during the drying cycle
and an instantaneous drying rate given by:

3. Procedure
3.1 Starting procedure
3.1.1 Take known amount of dry silica sand (approx 200 gm).
3.1.2 Add known amount of water in it and weigh it.
3.1.3 Note down the weight of wet solid.
3.1.4 Ensure that switches given on the panel are at OFF position.
3.1.5 Connect the electric supply to the set-up.
3.1.6 Start the blower and adjust the air flow rate by open the valve V1.
3.1.7 Set the desired temperature of Air in the DTC by operating the
increment or decrement and set button of DTC.
3.1.8 Allow the air to pass through the bypass line valve. Start the heater and
wait till desired temperature of air is reached.

3.1.9 Open the lid of column fill the conical portion of the dryer with the wet
material and close the lid.
3.1.10 Allow the hot air at prefixed flow rate and temperature to pass through
the dryer.
3.1.11 The flow rate should be sufficient to fluidize the material.
3.1.12 At regular intervals of time take out measurable amount of wet material
and weigh it.
3.1.13 Dry it completely and weigh it again.

3.2 Closing procedure

3.2.1 When experiment is over switch OFF the blower.
3.2.2 Switch OFF the main power supply.

4. Results & Analysis

4.1 (a) Data
Diameter of orifice do = 0.026 m
Diameter of pipe dp = 0.052 m
Coefficient of discharge Cd = 0.6
Acceleration due to gravity g = 9.81 m/sec2
Density of water ρw = 1000 kg/m3
Density of air ρa =1.21 kg/m3
Molecular weight of water MW = 18 g/mole
Molecular weight of air MA = 29 g/mole

(b) Observations

t (sec) Ww (g) WD (g) h1 (cm) h2 (cm) TW1 (°C) Td1 (°C) TW2 (°C) Td2 (°C)

5. Nomenclature

* Symbols represent unitless quantity.

6. Block Diagram


1. Objective
1.1 To study the adsorption in a packed bed for a solid liquid system
1.2 To plot the breakthrough curve of adsorption for a given system
1.3 To calculate the length of unused bed for the given system

2. Theory
Adsorption is the selective transfer of an adsorbent solute from a fluid phase to
a batch of rigid particles. The usual selectivity of an adsorbent between solute and
carrier fluid or between different solutes makes it possible to separate certain solutes
from the carrier or from one another.
It occurs when molecules diffusing in the fluid phase are held for a period of
time by forces emanating from an adjacent surface. The surface represents a gross
discontinuity in the structure of the solid, and atoms at the surface have a residue of
molecular forces which are not satisfied by surrounding atoms like those in the body
of the structure.
These residual or vander waals forces are common to all surface and the only
reason that certain solids are designated "adsorbents" is that they can be manufactured
in a highly porous form, giving rise to a large internal surface. Few fixed beds have
internal probes that would permit measurement of profiles such as concentration
profile. However these profiles can be predicted and used in calculating the curve of
concentration versus time for fluid leaving the bed. The type of curve is called break
through curve.
Length of unused bed can be calculated as:

𝐿(𝜃𝑆 − 𝜃𝐵 )

Where L, θS ,θB and LUB are total length of bed, ideal time, break point time and
length of unused bed. θB can be calculated from the above graph, it is the time where
some minimum concentration shows. θS can also calculated from the above graph, it is
determined in a way that the areas of the shaded portions are equal.

3. Procedure
3.1 Prepare 20 liter of colored liquid by dissolving known amount of KMnO4 in 20
liter of water.
3.2 Close all the valves V1-V10.
3.3 Ensure that switches given on the panel are at OFF position.
3.4 Fill colored liquid in the feed tank.
3.5 Keep activated charcoal in all the columns.
3.6 Connect electric supply to the set-up.
3.7 Open the valve V3 of the column-1.
3.8 Partially open the by pass valve V2.
3.9 Switch ON the pump.
3.10 Open and adjust the flow control valve V1 and by pass valve V2.
3.11 Simultaneously start the stop watch.
3.12 Collect samples from out let of column-1 after a time intervals.
3.13 Note down the time.
3.14 Measure the absorbance of the samples.
3.15 Run the experiment till the change in color of outlet liquid becomes almost stable.
3.16 Close the valve V3.
3.17 Now open the valve V4 of the column-2.
3.18 Simultaneously start the stop watch.
3.19 Collect samples from outlet of column-2 after a time intervals.
3.20 Note down the time.
3.21 Measure the adsorbance of the samples.
3.22 Run the experiment till the change in color of outlet liquid becomes almost stable.
3.23 Close the valve V4.
3.24 Now open the valve V5 of the column-3.
3.25 Simultaneously start the stop watch.
3.26 Collect samples from outlet of column-3 after a time intervals.
3.27 Note down the time.
3.28 Measure the adsorbance of the samples.
3.29 Run the experiment till the change in color of outlet liquid becomes almost stable.
3.30 Close the valve V5.
3.31 When experiment is over stop the supply of feed by close the valve V1.
3.32 Switch OFF the pump.
3.33 Switch OFF the main power supply.
3.34 Drain the columns by open the valve V6, V7 and V8.
3.35 Drain the feed tank by open the valve V9.
3.36 Drain the product tank by open the valve V10.
3.37 Remove the charcoal by open the filter cups of the columns properly.

4 Results & Analysis

4.1 (a) Data
Length of column L1 =1m
Length of column L2 = 0.5 m
Length of column L3 = 0.3 m

(b) Observations
F = ________ LPH

ɵ (min) Adsorbance, A
Initial adsorbance represent the feed
concentration CF

5 Nomenclature

* Symbols represent unitless quantity.

6. Block Diagram


1.1 To study the effect of temperature on the diffusion coefficient.
1.2 To determine the diffusion coefficient of an organic vapor in air.


3. Procedure
3.1 Clean the apparatus and make it free from dust.

3.2 Ensure that switches given on the panel are at OFF position.

3.3 Fill the water bath with water 3/4th of its capacity.

3.4 Set the water bath temperature (approx 60oC).

3.5 Switch ON the main power supply.

3.6 Switch ON the heater.

3.7 Switch ON the stirrer.

3.8 Wait till the bath attains the set temperature. Note the steady temperature of
the bath.

3.9 Fill the T-tube with acetone solution up to two centimeters of the capillary leg.

3.10 Note down the initial height of liquid in the capillary.

3.11 Make the connection with air pump and allow a gentle current of air to flow
over the capillary.

3.12 Record the height of liquid in the capillary after 10 min.

3.13 Repeat the experiment for different water bath temperatures.

3.14 When experiment is over stop the air supply.

3.15 Switch OFF heater and stirrer.

3.16 Switch OFF the main power supply.

3.17 Clean the tube.

4 Result and Analysis

4.1 Data

4.2 Observation
t = _________ (min)

T (°C) Xi (cm) Xf (cm)

5 Nomenclature

6 Block Diagram


1. Objective
1.1 To study the absorption of carbon dioxide by aqueous sodium hydroxide solution in a
packed bed absorption tower
1.2 To calculate the overall mass transfer coefficient (KGa)
1.3 To calculate the number of transfer units (NTU)
1.4 To calculate the height of transfer units (HTU)

2. Theory

3. Procedure
3.(a) Starting Procedure
3.1.1 Prepare 2 N NaOH feed solution by dissolving 800 gm NaOH pellets in 10 liter of
distilled water.
3.1.2 Fill one burette by 1 N HCl solution.
3.1.3 Take 25 ml BaCl2 in a conical flask.
3.1.4 Close all the valves V1-V8.
3.1.5 Fill the prepared solution in feed tank by open the valve V4 and air vent valve V5.
3.1.6 Close the valve V4-V5.
3.1.7 Connect compressed air supply by open the valve V6.
3.1.8 Connect electric supply to the set-up.
3.1.9 Start the supply and fix the flow rate of NaOH solution by adjust the valve V1.
3.1.10 Note down the flow rate of NaOH solution.
3.1.11 Wait till the overflow, now start the supply of CO2 and compressed air.
3.1.12 Fix the flow rate of CO2 by open the valve V3 and compressed air by adjust the
valve V2 (CO2 should be in the range of 3.33-16.67%).
3.1.13 Note down the flow rate of CO2 and compressed air.

3.1.14 Wait for 10 minute, collect 10 ml sample in conical flask that already contains 25
ml of BaCl2.
3.1.15 Titrate the sample solution against 1 N HCl using phenolphthalein as an indicator
(add HCl from burette).
3.1.16 Repeat the experiment for different flow rates of CO2 and compressed air.
3.1.17 Repeat the experiment for different flow rates of NaOH solution.

3.(b) Closing Procedure

3.1.18 When experiment is over stop the supply of CO2 and compressed air.
3.1.19 Switch OFF the main power supply.
3.1.20 Drain the feed tank by open the valve V7.
3.1.21 Drain the column by open the valve V8.

4. Data Collection
(a) Data

(b) Observation

5. Nomenclature

6. Block diagram


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