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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Index of the 9th Royal Scots (Q-Y)

List of personnel, 9 th Battalion Royal Scots, 1900-1923

Compiled by Neill Gilhooley

Index of the 9th Royal Scots (Q-Y) ............................................................................................ 1

Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1
Notes on the Index ................................................................................................................. 1
Sources ................................................................................................................................... 2
Version History ...................................................................................................................... 4
Index of Personnel ................................................................................................................. 5
END ................................................................................................................................... 415

This list of personnel has been compiled whilst researching A history of the 9th Battalion
Royal Scots, and forms an index of various sources. Users are in all cases directed to the
source information.
I hope it will be of some use to those researching family members. Please be aware that there
is considerable room for error in a list such as this, and sincere apologies are expressed for
any errors that may be found.
Similarly, this index points at a lot of other people’s hard work, and their publications should
always be viewed to see the information in its original form. If you wish something deleted,
or would like an attribution changed, please contact me.
Corrections, clarifications and additions are all welcome to

Neill Gilhooley, 2020 Published at

Notes on the Index

1. Names are for the 9th Bn Royal Scots including 2/9th and 3/9th, attached etc.
2. The left hand column of the list contains an alphabetical list of surnames and
information. The right hand column provides a reference, listed below under
“Sources,” or “-” where a direct weblink or source is provided in the main text box
3. Names therefore often appear more than once, from different sources. These may not
always be grouped together, for example where the surname is followed by either
initials or a full forename the same man may appear on different pages. Different
spellings are also evident, some surnames are quoted single- or double-barrelled, such
as Haddon or Ross Haddon, and with and without a hyphen, like Henderson
Hamilton. Other variations can be found with names such as McEwen and MacEwen,
or de Berry. To find a piece of text, press Ctrl and F to open a search box
4. Some of the original hand written text or print is not clear so errors may have been
introduced by eye or by scanning to text, in all instances the reader is directed to the
original and to the image rather than the scanned text version
5. Speculative connections are preceded by “?”

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

References in the list in the right hand column have sources listed here:

Reference Source
- A direct weblink or source should be provided in the main text box
? This individual has a question relating to them, the source should be
provided in the main text box
Medal Roll, Rolls of Individuals entitled to the Victory Medal and/or
British War Medal
0629 Piece 0629: Royal Scots, from No.8 to 5416 (537 records)
0630 Piece 0630 from 5432 to 13875 (21 records)
0631 Piece 0631 from 14582 to 19865 (42 records)
0632 Piece 0632 from 19896 to 27937 (35 records)
0633 Piece 0633 from 29713 to 37589 (48 records)
0634 Piece 0634 from 38220 to 43105 (108 records)
0635 Piece 0635 from 43125 to 50915 (331 records)
0636 Piece 0636 from 51203 to 63332 (430 records)
0637 Piece 0637 from 70062 to 250441 (115 records)
0638 Piece 0638 from 250531 to 300797 (123 records)
0639 Piece 0639 from 300849 to 335668 (308 records)
0640 Piece 0640 from 335680 to 376585 (1905 records)
Includes the main 6-digit block for 9th RS
0641 Supp. Piece 0641 Supp. with 4-, 5- and 6-digit numbers (195 records) Filed
on under ‘Royal Scots Royal Marines Labour Corps’
Total: 4198 records
Note the numbers and cover numbers agree, but the
volume number appended within runs 0628-0640 (minus 1)
The vast majority of these details have been transcribed by Pauline
2610 Medal Roll 1915 Star, Piece 2610, mis-filed on under
Coldstream Guards. Order: surname, initials, rank, regimental number,
date of disembarkation, theatre, remarks. Note that for theatre (1) is
Western Front/France, and subsequently (1a) means France and
Belgium. 1186 records. Transcribed by Pauline Gilhooley
CWGC Commonwealth War Graves Commission list for
those with connection to 9th presented as surname, forename(s), initials,
rank, service number, unit, age, date of death, country, additional
information. See the database for cemetery and grave reference.
E Ewing, Major John, MC, “The Royal Scots, 1914-1919”, Oliver and
Boyd, 1925
E-P E-P Photograph of the battalion’s officers at the end of volume 2 for
July 1914 (* listed but absent from photograph).
Two Enlistment Books of the Regimental Roll, held at Edinburgh
Castle, courtesy Tom Gordon. Indices transcribed by Pauline
EB1 Gilhooley.
EB2 EB1 Enlistment Book 1 - Numbers 2001 to 3195
EB2 Enlistment Book 2 - Numbers 3196 to 5042
Notes: two men have been given number 3032. A number of records
and pages are not transcribable from the photographed pages. Photos

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

F Ferguson, James, “Record of the 9th (Volunteer) battalion

(Highlanders), the Royal Scots; or, The raising of a volunteer regiment
and its conversion into a full-strength battalion of the Territorial Force,
1900-1909.”, W. & A.K. Johnston, Edinburgh, 1909
F1901 As well as names from the main text, includes lists of officers in 1901
FSA (F1901), the South Africa (FSA) roll and the Colour Party (FCP) of
FCP 1909.
LS1 Draft no. 1 from Reserve (2/9th) to Service (1/9th) Bn 12th Dec 1914 (50
LS2 Draft no. 2 to 1/9th on 30th Jan 1915, leaving Kilmarnock on that day
(81 records)
LS3 Draft no. 3 to 1/9th on 13th Feb 1915, leaving Kilmarnock on that day
(33 records)
LS4 Draft no. 4 to 1/9th on 27th March 1915 (69 records)
LS5 Draft no. 5 from 2/9th to 3/9th from Peebles, with a view to joining a
draft to 1/9th, 27th August 1915 (18 records)
LS6 Draft no. 6 from 2/9th to 3/9th with effect 11th November 1915, from
Selkirk (72 records)
LS7 Draft no. 7 leaving 2/9th for 1/9th Bn August 1916. Note this was the fifth
draft to the service Bn (1/9th). 315 records. Note a number of these men
seem to have been transferred to RSF but few refer to 9RS as previous
unit. See Medal Roll RSF p.~211/333
LS7, see Shaw, R.P. Embarked Folkestone 31.8.16, disembarked
Boulogne same day. Arrived 20InfB/D Etaples 3.9.16
Those without rank appended were Privates. Total records = 638
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916.
B.C. Holmer [IWM] refers to a draft from 3/9th on 9th Oct 15, strength
NBW Particular thanks are owed to John Duncan, his website ‘Newbattle at
War’ has a fine collection of photos
2/9S 2/9S See the group photograph of the 2/9th Sergeants, hand-dated 29th
May 1915. Some on the centreline are obscured. These can be seen in
the Edinburgh Evening Dispatch, 29/5/15. There are 43 names and 44
images, so the front row have not had thumbnail images attached. It
might be assumed Sergeant-Major Steven is seated in the middle,
meaning the lad on the left is unknown.
NBW-S NBW-S John Duncan’s list from regiment scrap book, listing those
whose unit specifies 9th, see GWF
RSC The Royal Scots Club, Roll of Members 1933/4
Individuals are recorded as 9th Royal Scots, unless otherwise specified
(e.g. 2/9th). Membership number shown in brackets. Transcribed by
Pauline Gilhooley. The 1933/4 is the first book in the series, with 480
records. The last book, 1969, is also listed (under ‘-’), by which time
there are 77 records.
SD Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914-19, Part 6 The Royal Scots, first
published 1921. My thanks to Simon Fielding, GWF.
SURNAME, Christian Name(s), Born, Enlisted, (Residence), Number,
RANK, Cause, Place, Date of Death, ADDITIONAL TEXT, Regiment,
Battalion [996 records, these records seem to have OCR errors]
SW Soldier’s Wills on Scotlands People

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Listed as surname, forename, rank, number, date of death, cause of

death, theatre. Two men appear without surname in the list, but from
the CWGC list can be assumed to be Martin McLaughlan and Peter
See fuller records via National Records of Scotland
SWB Silver War Badge record from A search on “Discharge
Unit: 9 R. Scots” (exact) gives 169 returns. Suspiciously 106 of these
are listed in a new field of ‘regiment’ as Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
and these have been marked with [*]. The two regiments can be
confused if their initials are transposed. Original source quoted as War
Office and Air Ministry: Service Medal and Award Rolls, First World
War. Silver War Badge. RG WO 329, 2958–3255. The National
TNA The National Archives
Results of search on 9th Royal Scots. Note these results are almost
entirely from A-G of the alphabet. Thanks to Guy Grannum at TNA for
confirming that this is the full available listing, he also notes that a
search on Royal Scots produces over 97,000 records.
W Weaver, Lawrence, “The Story of the Royal Scots”, 1915. List of
officers serving at the beginning of the second year of the Great War,
from the Army List of September 1915 (corrected to 31st August 1915).
Further details are available from this list but the print is not clear – the
reader is directed to the Army Lists.
Weaver also provides a list of published casualties from August 1914 to
the end of August 1915.
WD War Diaries: a) February-December 1915, The National Archives'
reference WO 95/2264/2, mainly R.M. Dudgeon, Captain and Adjutant
(Camerons) b) January 1916 – January 1918, The National Archives'
reference WO 95/2887/5, mainly S. Fraser, Captain and Adjutant c)
February 1918 – May 1919, The National Archives' reference WO
Thanks to Pauline Gilhooley for transcribing the information
WTC 'With the colours; a list of Chartered and Incorporated Accountants and
their Clerks who are serving with the British Forces on land and sea,
1914-1916' (March 1916) from which 'A list of Scottish Chartered
Accountants and their apprentices and clerks who have joined the
Colours' is available at ICAEW
ww1 A pay-for list of items on the internet – there is absolutely no
endorsement of this site
WWR ‘Watsonians War-Record 1914-1918’, published by the War Memorial
Executive in 1920. Thanks to Pauline Gilhooley for transcribing the
GWC Of these, the fallen (except H.T.R. Kerr) are also online at George
Watson’s College

Version History
Version Date Comment
1 April 2016 First release pp.706
2 June 2016 Second release pp.798

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

3 August 2016 Third release pp. 903

4 October 2016 Fourth release pp.1006
5 October 2018 Fifth release pp.1477 A-D, E-K, L-P, Q-Y
6 April 2020 Sixth release, pp.1659 A-D, E-K, L-P, Q-Y

Index of Personnel
Name Source

Quigley, Peter McP., Pte 353403 9th RS 0640

- -
Quigley, Peter M. Pte
On as Peter Luigley
Register has McPherson crossed out
9th Royal Scots Pte 353403 KIA 8.9.17
Widow Margaret
Register of Soldiers’ Effects
QUIGLEY, Peter Mcpherson, b. Stirling, e. Glasgow , r. Glasgow, 353403, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 08/09/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
QUIGLEY, PETER MCPHERSON, P M, Private, '353403', 9th Bn., 26,
Quinn, Daniel Pte 44369 9th RS 0635
- -
Quinn, J.
Machine Gun Section of the 9th Battalion The Royal Scots serving in France,
February 1915 - April 1917, when he was wounded as a result of which his leg
was amputated.
IWM interview and description Document 5992
At one place this document is dated Jan 1933 and directed at Jimmy, fellow MG
Section man, Jim Elliott. Memoirs shared with W.Grossart and J.Elliott
Sister: Mrs E. Lumb; a Mrs Lumb also deposited letters of W. Grossart with IWM,
see doc 5929
Wounded April 1917. Sgt ‘Jimmy’
Enlisted on night of mobilisation. Last ‘fighting man’ out of the MG section left in
the bn. Prob B Coy before joining MG Section at Warrender Park School. Age 21
in early 1916. Bn orders came though that Pte J.Quinn No 1897 was now Acting
L/Cpl unpaid, early 1916. To B Coy at Arras when joining 51st Div, as MG
Section disbanded. In charge of Lewis Gun Section (2 teams), later 4 teams per
Coy. -

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Carried Lewis gun drums in B Coy second wave against High Wood. Lay in the
open and eventually returned to the line. Afterwards 16 days at LG School at Le
After Beaumont Hamel made Sergt beginning Dec 16 age 22, moved to A Coy
Just before xmas 16 moved to D Coy as Sgt in 14 Platoon, sent on 10 day course in
field engineering Jan 17.
Vimy ridge, shelled in starting trench, broke leg and punctures in both knees. Never
walked right again, took himself to dressing station. No 22 General Hospital
Camieres. Mostly US staff. X-ray, two operations to ?right knee. Amputation.
Shipped overnight on the 18/19th May 1917, and recovered at the Lord Derby War
Hospital at Warrington. Later Ormiston convaslescent and Bangour nr Edinburgh.
Mid-Feb 18 to limbless hospital at Edenhall (Musselburgh) run by Lady Isobel
Douglas Hume. Artificial leg.
‘stoutest heart in the old gun team’
W.Grossart IWM doc 5929
Attended first reunion dinner MGS 23rd March 1920
W.Scott diary TNA
QUINN, J. L/Sergt. No. 350350 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Quinn, J. Pte 350350 24/2/15 (1) Dis. 16/3/18 2610
- -
Quinn, James 9RS Pte Cpl A/Sgt 1897 350350 15Star&VM&BWM Disch. SWB
List D/A/131 France 24.2.15
Quinn, James L/Sgt 6.8.14-16.3.18 wound age 23 served overseas
Quinn, James L/Sgt 350350 9th RS 1897 A/Sgt 0640
QUINN, James. Traquair. Hacke Rd. Peterborough. (662) RSC
QUINN, P. Pte. No. 352412 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Quinn, Peter L/Cpl 352412 9th RS 5743 Pte 0640
QUINNEY, T, Private, '330316', 1st/9th Bn., , 24/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
Quinney, Thomas Pte 330316 8th RS 5040 Pte, 9th RS 0639
Liberton ROH, KIA 24.3.18
QUINNEY, Thomas, e. Fladdington , r. Loanhead, Midlothian, 330316, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Radford, F.G 2090 EB1
See Radford, WFG
Radford, G 2131 EB1
RADFORD, G. Pte. No. 2131 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Radford, G. Pte 2131 24/2/15 (1) Comm A&SH 24/1/17 2610
RADFORD, George Evans WWR

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Leith, 1895; a brother of above; 1910 – 11; engineer; 9th R.S., Pte.; A. and S.H., -
Lt. 1917; France 1915 –16, East Africa 1917, Turkanaland Expedition 1918 – 19.
Brothers referred to –
RADFORD, Douglas Llewellyn George.
RADFORD, David Doig.
RADFORD, William Frederick George. (see separate entry)
Sons of Mr. G.S.E. Radford.
George E Radford Pte 1/9RS, 2/Lt A&SH, transf 2/Lt Kings African Rifles
Badges on EBay along with those from Lt?TK Radford ?RA, David D Radford
Cpl (Field Battery), Lt FJD Cass Salonica & Mesopotamia 4RS; Pte John (Jack)
Kirkpatrick, London Regiment; Radford, W.F.G. Pte, L/Cpl, Cpl, L/Sgt, Sgt, 2/Lt
MC, Lt, Capt & Adj; 9RS and 11RS The Western Front. Also History of the
battalion signed by Col PJ Blair.
See also Radford, WFG
Radford, George Pte 2131 comm 3rd A&SH 0629
Radford, W.F.G. Sergt. No. 2090 , Commissioned On the Field, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
See Radford, FG
Radford, W.F.G. Pte 350414 (crossed out) 2090 24/2/15 (1) Comm RS 5/11/16 2610
Radford, W.G., British Journal of Dental Science Vol 57 1914 -
Radford, William F.G., Sgt 350414 9th RS 2090 Sgt 0641
- -
William Frederick George Radford 9RS 2090 350414 Sjt, T/Capt&Adj, Capt
15Star&BWM&VM comm RS 9.11.16. Ref to RSF VM&BWM roll?
Refusal list 66 ineligable 18.3.18 [SWB?]
France 24.2.15
2 James Pl, Leith 3.5.21
Radford, WFG Srgt 2090
Commissioned On The Field. Leather Sporran Vol 1 No 4 June 17
Radford, W.F.G. Pte, L/Cpl, Cpl, L/Sgt, Sgt, 2/Lt MC, Lt, Capt & Adj; 9RS and
11RS The Western Front.
Badges on EBay along with those from Lt?TK Radford ?RA, David D Radford Cpl
(Field Battery), Lt FJD Cass Salonica & Mesopotamia 4RS; George E Radford Pte
1/9RS, 2/Lt A&SH, transf 2/Lt Kings African Rifles; Pte John (Jack) Kirkpatrick,
London Regiment. Also History of the battalion signed by Col PJ Blair.
[Thomas Kirkpatrick Radford, George Watson's College. B.Sc. 1910. A.M.I.C.E.
OTC Artillery and Engineers, 1908-10, Cadet. RGA, 2nd Lieutenant March 1915.
Wounded June 1916. Invalided out July 1917. Univ of Edin Roll][?John Kirkpatrick
766800 Cpl 28th London Regt (Artists Rifles), 15 Royston Terr, Edin, assistant to
Persian company][?David Radford Cpl 650323 RFA]
See also Radford, George E
RADFORD, William Frederick George WWR
Edinburgh, 1893; a brother of the above; 1898 – 1910; Royal Coll. of Surgeons, -
Edin., medicine, Bathgate medallist 1919; 9th R.S., Pte. 1914, Cpl. 1915, Sgt.

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1916, 2/Lt. 1916, Lt. and Adjt. Apr. 1917, Capt. June 1917; France, 2nd Ypres
1915, Somme 1916, Arras and Ypres 1917, Cambrai 1917 – 18; M.C.
Brother referred to - RADFORD George Evans (see separate entry)
Temp. 2nd Lt. William Frederick George Radford, R. Scots.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He showed great energy and skill
in endeavouring to get the attack on the move again after being held up by artillery
and machine-gun fire. Later, taking command of the company with complete
EG 30.7.17
RADFORD, Wm Fred. George. No. 2090. 2 James Pl., Leith. W E Comp. 29/8/14. EBD
21 yrs 2 mons
Rae, John S 4072 EB2
Rae, Peter McC., Pte 46634 17th RS 1/8th RS 9th RS 0635
RAESIDE, J. Pte. No. 352135 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Raeside, John Pte 352125 9th RS 5445 Pte 0640
RAESIDE, John Pte. 352125
British War Medal and Victory Medal
Previous Unit 9th Royal Scots No. 5445 Pte.
See Ancestry - Medal and Service Rolls and Medal Index Cards
‘John Raeside 1/9th Royal Scots was wounded in France on 1/4/17 and
subsequently ended up in Lord Derby War Hospital’ http://1914- -
Railt, Alex Pte 2163 Pte badge no. 102925, enlisted 31.8.14, discharged 5.10.16
wounds, served overseas
See Raitt
Raine, G.S. Pte 1628 24/2/15 (1) Comm Notts & Derby 21/7/15 2610
Raine, George S., Pte 1628 comm 14th Notts & Derbys 21.7.15 0629
- -
Raine, George Stevenson, 2/Lt. Royal Scots 1628 Pte. Royal Fusiliers attached
RFC 2Lt. Sqn 56RS [Reserve Sqn – later Training Sqn] London Colney/UK
15.3.17 Died age 24 [7069 BE2e] Collision in midair with Bristol Scout
(Passenger). Lt ER Mackey+

Royal Aero Club Certificate 4274, 2/Lt George Stevenson Raine (Royal Fusiliers)
54 Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead NW

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Born 13.4.1892 at Leith, British, 2/Lt RF, certificate taken on Grahame-White

Biplane at Grahame-White School, Hendon on 24.2.17.
Accidentally killed in Herefordshire 10.3.17 [Date incorrect, information courtesy
David Murdoch]
Raine who went sick, thinks Grossart, dysentery perhaps at Sanc Wood – referring
to J.Quinn memoir
W.Grossart IWM doc 5992
Flying accident, collision in mid air with Bristol Sc. Killed 15.3.17. Pupil,
passenger, 56 Reserve Sqn RFC. London Colney/UK, a/c Royal Aircraft Factory
BE2e serial 7069, engine 1950. Other occupant Lt ER Mackay [Mackey] killed.
[Edward Reeves Mackey Lt Motorised Machine Gun Service, 56 Reserve Sqn – at
time of accident: pilot]
RAF Museum

RF officers uniform
Courtesy David Murdoch
Re. Lt WJ Potts: ‘At around noon on the 14th of March 1917 he was flying a
Bristol Scout in misty conditions at a height of 1,200 feet when he collided with a
BE2c flown by 2nd Lieutenant Rayne, who was under instruction by Lieutenant
MacKay. The training aircraft crashed on a hard tennis court nearby killing both
men. Potts was seriously injured and was in hospital when the squadron flew to
France the following month.’ King’s School Canterbury
George Stevenson Raine

Lieutenant Edward Reeves Mackey and 2nd Lieutenant George Stevenson Raine
from 56 Reserve Squadron were flying BE2e (7069) when they were involved in a
mid-air collision with a Bristol Scout flown by Lieutenant William Janson Potts at
around 800ft. The BE2e immediately nose-dived and crashed into the ground

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killing both Mackey and Raine. Potts managed to right his aircraft twice before
eventually crashing into a tree. He was injured but survived.
Rait, Alexander Private 9th NBW-S
- -
Rait, Alexander Pte

Seriously wounded. Represented in Edinburgh, Messrs C. Davidson & Sons (Ltd)

paper makers, Aberdeen.
EED 5.6.15
? Pte Alexander Raitt wounded in action. Member of Edinburgh and Leith Branch,
UK Commercial Travellers’ Assoc.
EED 7.6.15
RAITH, A. Pte. No. 2163 Severe, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, -
1st Nov 1916.
See Raitt
Raith, Robert Pte 335924 9th RS 2028 0640
Raitt, A 2163 EB1
Raitt, A. Pte 2163 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 5/10/16 2610
Raitt, Alexander Pte 2163 0629
- -
Raitt, Alexander 9RS Pte 2163 15Star&BWM&VM Disch. SWB List. France
See Raith, see Railt
Ralphs, Thomas Pte 353118 5th N.Staff.R. 5508 Pte, 9th RS 353118, 13th RS 353118 0640
RAMAGE, W. Pte. No. 352502 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Ramage, William RS 352502 Pte enlisted 19.10.14 discharge 22.1.18 SWB List
Wounds 20 yo served overseas
?4-digit serial number about 5833, but this number well into 1916?
RAMSAY, A. Pte. No. 3498. Accidentally killed , Died of Wounds, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November 1916
Ramsay, A.H. Pte 3498 12/10/15 (1) Acc. Killed 25/5/16 2610

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Ramsay, A.P. Died of wounds about end of 1917 when with MGC -
MG Section on landing France Feb 15.
Pow, also Archie ‘Pow’ with quote marks
Put under arrest for getting coffee on guard duty 1915. Quinn writes this with “!”.
Hit in chest by spent shrapnel bullet 2nd Ypres but found it was a false alarm and
carried on. At Armentieres his ‘turn’ in billets was walking on his hands.
Transferred to MGC
Met Archie Pow Ramsay, now with MGC, Beaumont Hamel – had been in many of
the big shows from 1st July onward
End 17 Quinn told of his death by Grossart
Quinn, J. IWM Document 5992
Hit by shrapnel bullet, went through tunic but not his skin. He shouted out to B.C.
‘Please sir, I’m hit’. His back was bruised. Not even a first-aid case.
W.Grossart IWM doc 5929
? Ramsay, AP Sergt 23884 14th Coy MGC 2.5.17. Brother of Mrs A McLeod of 313
Easter Rd, Leith, Edinburgh. CWGC Etaples
? Ramsay, Archibald P. RS Pte Sgt 1350, MGC 23884 15Star&BWM&VM France
? Ramsay, Archibald P. Pte 1350 9/RS 24.2.15 France; 23884 Sgt DofW 2.5.17
MGC Medal roll 15Star piece 2832
Archibald Pow Ramsay 21.3.1894-2.5.17
Family tree by nsearant
Archibald Pow Ramsay born and resident Leith, formerly 1350 RS
2.5.17 Etaples Mo Ann
Register Soldiers’ Effects
Ramsay, A.W 4186 EB2
Ramsay, Andrew 3498 EB2
RAMSAY, Andrew H., b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 3498, PRIVATE, Died, SD
France & Flanders, 25/05/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Ramsay, Andrew H., Pte 3498 0629
- -
France 12.10.15. Accidentally killed MIC
Accidentally killed 25.5.16; Mother Mary
Register Soldiers Effects
According to War Diary the Bn was in Div Reserve at Etrun “On 25th inst. 1 O.R.
was killed and 4 OR were wounded and returned to duty, through the accidental
bursting of a rifle grenade at the Bde Grenade School.”
RAMSAY, ANDREW HOTSON, A H, Private, '3498', "A" Coy. 1st/9th Bn., 18,
25/May/1916, France, SON OF MARY RAMSAY, OF 33, WESTFIELD RD.,
[See George Ramsay] CWGC
Ramsay, Edward Pte 62708 9th RS 0636

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Ramsay, G.L 2148 EB1

RAMSAY, G.L. Pte. No. 2148, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Ramsay, G.L. Pte 350443 24/2/15 (1) Died of W 20/9/17 2610
Ramsay, George L., Pte 350443 9th RS 2148 0640
RAMSAY, George Lumsden, e. Edinburgh, 350443, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, SD
France & Flanders, 20/09/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
RAMSAY, GEORGE LUMSDEN, G L, Private, '350443', 9th Bn., 26,
20/Sep/1917, Belgium, SON OF MARY RAMSAY, OF 33, WESTFIELD RD.,
[See Andrew Ramsay] CWGC
Ramsay, George Lumsden, Pte, 9th RS, killed in action
33 Westfield Rd
Ex-member of of 44th Edinburgh (Murrayfield) Boy’s Brigade
Murrayfield Roll of Honour 1917 -
Ramsay, George Pte 352170 9th RS 5490 Pte 0640
RAMSAY, J. Pte. No. 3664, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Ramsay, James 4614 EB2
Ramsay, James A 3664 EB2
Ramsay, James A., Pte 351167 9th RS 3664 Pte, attd 5th Ent. Bn. 351167, 16th RS 0640
Ramsay, James Pte 352351 15th RS 18595 Pte, 2nd RS 18595 Pte, 9th RS 5682 Pte 0640
Ramsay, John 3616 EB2
Ramsay, Lewis J 4796 EB2
Ramsay, Thomas A., Pte 46087 1/9th RS 1/7th RS 0635
Ramsay, Thomas Pte 351492 9th RS 4185 Pte 0640
RAMSAY, Thomas, b. Leith, e. Edinburgh , r. Leith, 351492, PRIVATE, Killed SD
in action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
RAMSAY, THOMAS, T, Private, '351492', 9th Bn., , 24/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
Ramsay, Thos. 4185 EB2
Ramsay, Wm. 4331 EB2
Ramsbottom, E 2787 EB1
Ramsbottom, E 2787 G Coy LS2
Ramsbottom, Ernest -
Regents Road, Salford, father Edmund.
Signed up for 5th King’s Royal Rifle Corps 10.8.14, discharged 18.9.14, no. 4844
He lived at Regents Road in Oldham [?] and has records from the HLI and the 9th
Royal Scots
Great War Forum
Pte Ernest Ramsbottom
Born Salford, 20yr249 days, warehouseman
4844 KRRC, signed Manchester 10.8.14-18.9.14, 40 days
Medical examination 8.8.14
Fa Edmund P Ramsbottom, mo Sarah, 139 Regent Rd, Salford

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Character good, disch 18.9.14 unlikely to become efficient (not misconduct)

Pension Record
EJ Ramsbottom
‘I believe he received a gunshot wound and was sent to Hemingford Hospital and
had further service at Mons after recovery. I have a German Mark he inscribed
MONS 1917 and his money belt, also his cap badge (his kilt and Glengarry have
long gone).’ Grandson, Brian O’Brien
40908 Pte Ernest Ramsbottom
9RS 2787, 16 HLI 40908, 18 HLI, 12 HLI, 15 HLI
BWM&VM Medal Roll HLI Piece 1636 – on page of other 9RS transferred to 16th
9RS 2787 Pte on disembarkation, 24.2.15 France.
40908 Pte demob 11.3.19
15Star Medal roll HLI Piece 2794
Ernest Ramsbottom 9RS Pte 2787, HLI Pte 40908
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15
?Lodger, with Sarah Ramsbottom (aged 40, mo?) and other people probably
65 Water St + 47 Cobden St, Salford [?on the map these are some way apart]
1901 Census?
Ramsden, H.S. 2/Lt -
Gazetted 2/Lt, Reserve Bn 20th October 1914, assigned C Coy Reserve Bn 15 Nov
14. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
? There is a Capt H.S. Ramsden in Royal Army Service Corps BWM&VM?
Searching The Gazette for H.S Ramsden we get:
Seconded 1.7.17 RASC 2/Lt (temp Lt) Gazette 7.11.17
Lt H.S Ramsden TF Actg Capt 4.12.17 ASC, Gazette 19.4.18
Lt H.S Ramsden TF relinquishes actg rank of Capt 3.8.19 RASC
Ramsey, William Pte 62837 9th RS 0636
Randall, George T Pte 10921 1st RS 17th RS 12th RS 9th RS 0630
Ranken, Geo. 2610 EB1
- -
9RS Pte 2610; RGA TF Lt. VM&BWM. Theatre France 11.10.18, Dec’d 1.11.18
Address: G.H. Ranken (father), 5 Pitt St, Edinburgh. MIC
Lt George Ranken RGA, died 1.11.18 with 19th Siege Battery
London Gazette comm. from 9RS 21.5.15 as 2/Lt
War memorial Scottish Equitable, now AEGON.
George Ranken, Lt RGA KIA 1.11.18 Territorial

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Lt G. Ranken KIA 1.11.18 RGA Piece 2165 RGA Off medal roll BWM&VM
Lt George Ranken 19th Siege Bty RGA age 27 d.1.11.18 Son of George Hill
Ranken and Margaret B. Ranken of 5 Pitt St Edin; Cross Roads Cemetery,
Ranken, G.H
Stewart Melville
Rankin, J 3284 D Coy [John] LS7
Rankin, J.E. Pte 351006 12/10/15 (1) Disemb 14/2/19 2610
- -
Rankine Pte 351006 “D” reports ‘not 351069 L/C Rankine’
Amendment (strength decrease) 4th (Res) RS records 17.4.18
351006 reverts to Pte on proceeding overseas 30.3.18
James E Rankin 9RS Pte Cpl 3401 351006
15Star&BWM&VM France 12.10.15 Disemb
Rankin, James 3401 [James Ewing] EB2
Rankin, James E., Cpl 351006 9th RS 3401 Cpl, 11th RS 351006 0640
RANKIN, James Ewing. 1 Macdowall Rd. Edinburgh. (1196) RSC
Rankin, James Pte 352126 9th RS 5446 Pte 0640
Rankin, John 3284 EB2
Rankin, R -
Original WW1 Victory medal, correctly impressed to - ''26825 PTE R
RANKIN R SCOTS''. Pte R Rankin served with the 1st/9th Royal Scots and died
aged 24 on the 1st of August 1918. Changed service numbers to 51390.
RANKIN, R, Private, '51390', 1st/9th Bn., 24, 1/Aug/1918, France, SON OF
Rankin, Robert Pte 51390. 13th RS 26825 Pte, 1st RS Fus. 33545, 15th RS 51390, 0636
1/9th RS 51390 -
RS Pte 26825, RSF 33545, RS 51390 BWM&VM MIC
Mo. Margaret £11/2/2 War Gratuity £13 Soldiers Effects
RANKIN, Robert, b. Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire, e. Paisley, Renfrewshire , r. SD
Paisley, 51390, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, Royal
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Rankine, Arthur 3047 EB1
Rankine, E.P, Pte WTC
Rankine, E.P. 3006 C Coy LS3
Rankine, E.P. Pte 3006 24/2/15 (1) Comm 15/10/15 2610

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Rankine, Edward 3006 EB1

Rankine, Edward P., Pte 3006 comm 7 A&SH 15.10.15 0629
- -
Lt EP Rankine
Also on officers medal roll piece 2256 A&SH BWM&VM Medal Roll
Rankine, Robert L/Cpl 351257 9th RS 3930 A/Cpl, 11th RS 351357 [note different 0640
number shown here]
Rankine, Robt. 3930 EB2
Ransome, Arthur Pte 331017 10th York. R. 33192 Pte, 8th RS 9th RS 0639
RATTRAY, E. [written Rattrey] L/Corpl. No. 1243, Wounded, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Rattray, E.C. Pte 1243 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 13/5/16 2610
- -
Edwin C Rattray (Rattary crossed out, name amended) 9RS Pte 1243
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 Disch., medals returned and re-issued
Rattray, E.C., L/Cpl (1243) Edinburgh Evening News, 18th June 1915. The War
Office list of casualties published today, reported to be wounded.
Also Daily Record 18.6.15
Note Rattray, L wounded in same list -
RATTRAY, Edward C. 15 Hutchison Cottage. Slateford Rd. Edinburgh. (4183) RSC
Rattray, Edwin C., Pte 1243 0629
RATTRAY, J. Pte.No. 1565, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Rattray, J. Pte 350213 24/2/15 (1) K in A 4/8/17 2610
Rattray, John J., Pte 51893 12th H.L.I. 30260 Pte 9th RS 0641
- -
Pte HLI 30260, RS 51893 VM&BWM
Rattray, John Pte 350213 9th RS 0640
L/Cpl John Rattray
250213 corrected to 350213 KIA 4.8.17 Fa John. ?R.P.?
Register Effects
John Rattary corrected to Rattray
9RS Pte 350213 15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 KIA
d.4.8.17 Mo Jane
Pension Ledger
RATTRAY, John, b. Leith, e. Edinburgh , r. Leith, 350213, L/CPL, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 04/08/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
RATTRAY, JOHN, J, Lance Corporal, '350213', 9th Bn., 20, 4/Aug/1917,
Rattray, John, L/Cpl
Leith Branch, killed -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, Roll of Honour (1919)

RATTRAY, L. Pte. No. 1719, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Rattray, L. (1719) Edinburgh Evening News, 18th June 1915. The War Office list
of casualties published today, reported to be wounded.
Also Daily Record 18.6.15
Note Rattray, EC also wounded in same list
Rattray, Lawrence 1719 Pte France 24.2.15; LC 452301 Pte Cl Z 29.3.19
9RS Piece 2836 Labour Corps Medal Roll (15Star)
Lawrence P Rattray B.~1899 Edin to James (‘Coachcoheel Moker’) and Mary,
address 3/1 Leslie Pl, Edinburgh, brother Edward C Rattray b.~1895 Edin
?1901 Census -
RATTRAY, Lawrence P. (16524). 30 Balcarres Street, Edinburgh 10 -
The Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Rawson Lt
Colour party to take colours from Edinburgh to France
The Scotsman 18th December 1918, see also EED 16th Dec 18
Two officers shown in picture
NBW/EED 17 Dec 18
Note this man is probably T.D.H Lawson. As an aside Harry Rawson was
Chairman of Edinburgh Territorial Force Association, handing Colours to the Lord
Provost -
RAY, J. Pte. No. 2126, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
See Roy, J
RAYNES, J. Pte. No. 351778 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Raynes, J. 351778 Pte 4th Res RS ?transf to? 2/4 ?RWK
Service Record – mixed up with record John Christie

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?There is a JR Raynes L/Cpl Royal West Kent, G/4674 23.4.15 France died
15Star Medal Roll Piece 2760
This man is John R Raynes, France 23.4.15 1/RWK MIC
Cologne, Southern Germany, ‘Baynes’ in the original reports, CWGC (if POW,
cannot find on ICRC under either name)
?There was a J Raynes RS (TF) court date in the field 19.3.17 WO 213/14
Raynor -
Sick Apr 16, never returned to bn. English chap, wounded Sanctuary Wood.
MG Section on landing France Feb 15. See Quinn, J. IWM Document 5992
Reader, W. Pte 49854 date of last leave 16-22-8.8.17 age 34 Bricklayer; Reg. or
T.F.: Reg.
Five men: D.Sutherland (T.F.), R.E.Atkin, J.Odell, W.Reader and G.Rooke
Transferred to R.E. (Inland Waterway & Docks), Sandwich, from 2/9th RS, Moore
Park, Kilworth Co. Cork 28.2.18
READSHAW Pte. No. 5117. C Coy. Marksmen - General Musketry Course -
(started August 13th), The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Readshaw, William Pte 351866 9th RS 5117 Pte, 8th RS 351866 Pte 0640
- -
Disch 17.10.19 res. Phoenix House Shildon Co Durham
b.1895 disability
Pension Ledger
VM&BWM Pte 5117 351866
William Readshaw 9RS b.1895 5117 351866
Phoenix House (Phoenix Place/Gate), Shildon, Durham, age 21, Hammer Driver,
also Machinist
Attesting Offcier 29.2.16 at Shildon. Mo Mrs Thomas Readshaw same address
Marksman 6.9.16, certificate of arithmetic 24.9.19, chemistry + heat + light
Home 27.4.16-3.1.17 BEF 4.1.17-25.10.17, Home 26.10.17
Adm Oakfields Aux Mil Hos Upton Heath (Chesire) 26.10.17. Furlo 31.1.18-9.2.18
?sick [cannot read] other medical details
1.2.17 diarrhoea Abbeville, also 19.2.17
First award Wm Readshaw 5/6 RS disch (crossed out) 17.10.19 Pte age 26, weekly
pension 5/6
Attested Pte 29.2.16, army res 1.3.16 mob 27.4.16, DLI depot 28.4.16, posted 2/9RS
9.5.16, leave 30.9.16-4.10.16, TF depot 137 26.10.17, ? 9.2.18, 1/8 RS 6.4.18, 13
RS 10.4.18, 5/6 RS 31.3.19
Service Papers
RECKIE, J. Pte. No. 2305. 23/4/15 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916 [Reekie?]
Reddiex, John A., 62586 9th RS attd 5th Gor. Hrs. 0636
Redford, D. Pte 3659 2nd H.L.I. 29/5/15 (1) 9th RS 51858 Desertion 6/2/17 (entry 2610
crossed out) (entry handwritten)
Redmond, D. Private 3659 2nd High. L. I. 29/5/15 (1) 9th RS 51858 Pte Z. 10/3/19 2610

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Redmond, Daniel Pte 51858 2nd HLI 3659 Pte, 14th HLI 9th RS 0636
Redpath, R 3239 D Coy LS7
Redpath, Robert 3239 EB2
Reed, C 4939 B Coy LS7
Reed, George Pte 335606 1/8th RS 8290 Pte, 1/9th RS 0639
Reekie, E.P 2820 EB1
- -
Cpl EP Reekie witness offence by F. Lopez (qv), Edin 14.4.15 Res Bn
Reekie, H.L 2819 EB1
Reekie, J spelling? 2305 killed Glasgow Herald 21 May 1915 -
Reekie, J.J. Pte 2305 24/2/15 (1) K in A 23/4/15 2610
Reekie, John 2305 EB1
Reekie, John 3238 EB2
Reekie, John I Private 9th NBW-S
REEKIE, John J., e. Edinburgh, 2305, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & SD
Flanders, 23/04/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion. -
Pte 2305 KIA 23.4.15; Mo. elizabeth
Soldiers’ effects
Reekie, John J., Pioneer, 9th RS NBW

Dated 11/5/15 Second image John I. Reekie, the son of Mrs Reekie, 2 Ogilvie
Terrace, Edinburgh. He was killed at Ypres.
See also Edinburgh Evening News 11 May 1915
Killed 23rd Apr, 27 yo and son of Mrs Reekie, 2 Ogilvie Terrace, Edinburgh
The Scotsman 8 May 15
C Coy, had been with the Ninth about 9 years. Before the war with Edinburgh and
Leith Gas Company. An old Heriot boy. EED 7.5.15
Image also EED 13.5.15
Reekie, John J., Pte (killed) 99-03
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Reekie, John J., Pte 2305 0629
Reekie, John Johnston (b. 1887). 1898-03. In employment of Edinburgh and Leith
Corporations Gas Commissioners. 9th Royal Scots (Highlanders), Private, pre-
war, 9 years. Re-joined August 1914. Pioneer. Killed in action at Ypres on 23rd
April 1915. Eldest son of Mrs Reekie, 2 Ogilvie Terrace. -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921)

REEKIE, JOHN JOHNSTON, J J, Private, '2305', "C" Coy. 9th Bn., 27,
Reekie, John K., Pioneer 9th RS NBW
Reekie, John Pte d. age 27 23.4.15 KIA
Return Other Ranks KIA or died on active service. ScotlandsPeople RD: 124-AF -
Reeve, Arthur L/Cpl 301220
Lance Corporal Arthur Reeve 301220. Unit: 1st Platoon, A Company, 9th
Battalion, Royal Scots. Death: 20 September 1917 to 23 September 1917 Missing
in action Western Front. CWGC has age at death given as 21 Son of Samuel
Reeve, of 12, Amy St., Crookes, Sheffield, and the late Clara Reeve.

Missing 23 Sept 17
IWM HU 124810 -
Reeve, Arthur L/Cpl 301220 9th RS 0639
REEVE, ARTHUR, A, Lance Corporal, '301220', 9th Bn., 21, 20/Sep/1917,
REEVE, Arthur, b. Crookes, e. Sheffield, 301220, L/CPL, Killed in action, France SD
& Flanders, 20/09/17, FORMERLY 26030, YORKS L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Reeves, Frederick W., Pte 330722 2nd RS 8th RS 9th RS 0639

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

REGENT, A.E. Pte. No. 6814 C. Coy. , To be Unpaid Acting L/Corpl., from -
27/2/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Reichall, Michael Pte 352425 9th RS 5756 Pte 0640
- -
Pte 5756 352425, BWM&VM MIC
Brothers? Sons of Mr and Mrs M. Reichall, 33 Guthrie St, Edinburgh: Pte Peter
(wounded) and John (DoW), both RS. EED 14.10.16
Peter 16th, 2nd, 12th, 2/10th RS Medal Roll 0632
John 16th RS DoW 23.9.16 CWGC
REICHALL, Michael, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 352425, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 20/09/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
REICHALL, MICHAEL, M, Private, '352425', 9th Bn., 25, 21/Sep/1917,
Reid -
C Coy machine gunner 1916
A Anderson IWM 3608
Reid L/Cpl, G&H Coy
Highland Battalion shooting team, The Scotsman 29 Apr 1901 -
Reid Pte -
9th Royal Scots sports and pipe-playing competition, held at Barry Camp
The Scotsman 1 Aug 1921
Reid, A 4961 C Coy LS7
REID, A, Corporal, '351047', "B" Coy. 9th Bn., 19, 3/Aug/1917, Belgium, SON
Reid, A.H 2906 EB1
Reid, Alexander Pte 62734 9 RS 0636
Reid, Allan 3457 EB2
Reid, Allan Cpl 351047 9th RS 0640
REID, Allan, b. Bonnington, Midlothian, e. Edinburgh, 351047, CPL., Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 03/08/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Reid, Andrew Pte 58948 9th RS 0636
Reid, D. Pte 350575 24/2/15 (1) Posted to 3rd Bn (entry crossed out) 2610
Reid, D. Sergt-Shoemaker, 1 Logan St -
Drill Programme 1911-12
Reid, D., Sergt. Master Tailor. Address 1902: 3 Heriothill Terrace. F
“The Master Tailor” 1913, could be Reid?

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Huie Collection
REID, D.M. Pte. No. 3728, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
REID, David Christie. 10 Glebe Park. East Wemyss. (9884) RSC
Reid, David Cpl 350575 9th RS 2512 A/Sgt., attd K. Afr. Rif. 350575 0640
Reid, David M 3728 EB2
- -

David M. Reid RS Wounded. He is the second son of Mr and Mrs D.M. Reid of 9
Almondbank Terrace and prior to enlistment was employed as a photo process artist
on the staff of the Evening Dispatch
EED 2.8.16
Reid, David M., Pte 05-10
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Reid, F. Pte 350231 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 19/8/19 2610
Reid, F., Cpl
Had been with the battalion when it went out in Feb 15
Colour party returned to Waverley station
The Scotsman 19th June 1919 -
REID, Frederick F. (15111). 1 Dunedin Street, Edinburgh 7 -
The Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Reid, Frederick Pte 350231 9th RS 1601 0640
Reid, Frederic [sic] 9RS Pte 1601 350231, Sgt 7/9 3044236 15Star&BWM&VM T
Eff France 24.2.15 Disemb Medal request OC 52 Div 31.5.20
Reid, G 3103 A Coy LS4
Reid, G Private 9th NBW-S
Reid, G, Pte. No 3103 wounded 5 Jan 1916 WD
REID, G. Pte. No. 3103, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
REID, G. Pte. No. 3344, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Reid, George 3103 EB1
Reid, George 3344 EB2
Reid, George, Pte NBW

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Left NBW, Right EED 25 Jan 16 (same article)

Wounded in France. His parents reside at 9 Almondbank Terrace, Edinburgh.
Dated 25/1/16.
Eldest son of Mr and Mrs DM Reid, 9 Almondbank Terrace. Wounded. Was an
architect and interior designer, gained diploma at Edin Art College. Had ‘colour
design’ displayed by Royal Scottish Academy and Soc of Scottish Artists.
The Scotsman 20 Jan 16
George Reid 1893-1984
Was articled to Scott Morton & Co from 1910 for five years, attending classes at
Edinburgh College of Art where he obtained firsts in each year of his studies as
well as two bursaries. Whilst serving his apprenticeship he was seconded to the
offices of Robert Lorimer, George Washington Browne and James Bow Dunn.
After the war designed some 1800 houses in Edinburgh.
Reid, George. The Architect and Building News Vol 94 1915
Reid, G. 3103 Wounded The Times 24.1.16 (Dalziel, Reid and Templeton)
Architecture – Special Certificate
Both George Reid and Alex. G. Forgie were awarded travelling scholarships of
£40 and £20 respectively. Both joined the 9th Royal Scots. The former was
wounded and is at present in Dalmeny House Hospital, and the latter is at present
at the front with his battalion.
Building News and Engineering Journal, The Building News 22 March 1916
Reid, George, Pte (wounded) 03-08
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
REID, H, Private, '301515', 9th Bn., , 9/Feb/1917, France, CWGC
Reid, H.D. Pte 351117 18/11/15 (1) Disemb 23/3/19 2610
Reid, Henry D 3563 EB2
Reid, Henry D., Pte 351117 9th RS 3563 Pte, 109th Ry. Coy. R.E. 423844 0640

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9RS Pte 3563, 351117, RE 423844, RS 351117 15Star&VM&BWM France

18.11.15 MIC
Reid, Henry G., Pte 58944 9th RS 0636
REID, Henry George, e. Edinburgh, 58944, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & SD
Flanders, 13/04/18, FORMERLY 2/13584, T.R. BATTN., 53263, H.L.I., Royal
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
REID, HENRY GEORGE, H G, Private, '58944', 9th Bn., 18, 13/Apr/1918,
REID, Henry, b. Comrie, Perthshire, e. Edinburgh , r. Biruam, Perthshire, 301515, SD
PRIVATE, Died, France & Flanders, 09/02/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
Reid, J L/Cpl 3279 C Coy LS7
Reid, J Srgt 2553 A Coy LS7
Reid, J.B Lance Corporal 9th NBW-S
REID, J.B. L/Corpl. No. 847, wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
Reid, J.B. 847,[*], Badge No. 53541
9RS Cpl 22.3.09-6.5.16 wounds xvi, overseas yes SWB
Reid, J.B. L/Cpl 847 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 6/5/16 2610
Reid, J.B. Pte, wounded, discharged -
Pressroom of Thomas Nelson & Sons, Ltd, Parkside Works, Edinburgh, Roll of
Reid, J.B., L/Cpl NBW

Also EED 12.5.15 (with blanked out background)

14 Arthur Street, Edinburgh. He is in Balham Hospital suffering from gunshot
Parents reside at 14 Arthur Street, Edinburgh. He is in Balham Hospital. Gunshot
wounds to arm and hand. Has been with Ninth for 7 or 8 years was a printer with
Messrs Nelson & Sons, Edinburgh.
The Scotsman 11 May 15 and Edinburgh Evening News 10th May 15, also Daily
Record 10.5.15
Admitted Weir R.C. Hospital with gunshot wounds, word received by Mr J. Reid
of 14 Arthur St, Edin.
EED May 1915
REID, J.G. No. 1508. Sergt. B Coy. Promotion. Recommended for Officer’s -
Cadet Unit after interview by the Divisional Commander at Boreham House on
October 2nd., The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.

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REID, J.G. Sergt. No. 35???? , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Reid, J.R. -

Sergeants 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916

Reid, J.R. 2844 A Coy LS6
Reid, J.R.A 2553 EB1
Reid, J.R.A. 2553 Cpl A Coy to be paid Sergt 29.1.16 2/9thBn The Leather Sporran, -
Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Reid, J.R.A. 2553 E Coy LS1
Reid, James 3297 EB2
REID, James. 8 Balgreen Gardens. Edinburgh 12. 2/9th. (10712) RSC
Reid, Jas. 4223 EB2
Reid, John B. L/Cpl 847, entered theatre as Pte 0629
Reid, John M., Pte 353503 9th RS 0640
Reid, John McG., Pte 58945 9th RS 0636
Reid, L.K, 2/Lt. joined for duty 8 June 1917, wounded 3 Aug 1917 WD
Reid, L.K, 2nd Lt
Wounded Aug 18; Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The Fifteenth (Scottish)
Division, 1914-1919’, 1926
Reid, L.K. 2/Lt wounded 2.8.17
51st WD -
REID, L.K. No. 1503. C Coy. To be paid Acting L/Sergt. 2/9/16, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Reid, L.K L/Sgt C Coy 2/9 RS, witness offence Terling 16.10.16
Service record of Thomas Oxley (qv)
REID, L.K. No. 1503. L/Sergt. C Coy. Promotion. Recommended for Officer’s -
Cadet Unit after interview by the Divisional Commander at Boreham House on
October 2nd., The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
REID, L.K. Sergt. No. 350182 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Reid, L.K. 1503 C Coy L/Cpl to be paid Cpl 8.7.16 2/9thBn The Leather Sporran, -
Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Reid, Leslie K., Lt (twice wounded) 05-12
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
REID, Leslie Kinloch. C/o Watson. 82 Gloucester St. Newcastle. (1099) RSC
REID, Robert. Dunedin, Mr. Kinnear Rd. Edinburgh (10990) RSC
Reid, Norman Pte 70419 16th RS 59773 Pte, 9th RS 0637
Reid, Peter B., Cpl 350791 9th RS 350791 Cpl 0640
Reid, Peter Brodie 2967 EB1
Reid, R 2844 EB1
- -

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Reid, R L/Cpl 2844

Commissioned On The Field. Leather Sporran Vol 1 No 4 June 17
REID, R. L/Corpl. No. 2844 , Commissioned On the Field,The Leather Sporran, -
Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
REID, R. Pte. No. 2844, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Reid, R. L/Cpl 350734 4/12/15 (1) Comm 12/2/17 2610
Reid, R., Pte 350734 9th RS 2844 0641
Reid, R.J, 2/Lt. joined for duty 24 Aug 1917 WD
Reid, Robert -
Brother of Capt Wm Reid
Buckie School. Student of Medicine, 1918-19. Solicitor. Inns of Court O.T.C,
Private, Nov. 1915; Officer Cadet. 9th Royal Scots (T), 2nd Lieut. March 1917;
Lieut. Sept. 1918.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
REID, Robert R. 23 Content Ave. Ayr. 9th TF. 7th DF. (4427) RSC
Reid, Stewart

Pte Stewart Reid RS. Wounded and missing. Information gladly received by his
parents at Tait Street, Dalkeith.
EED 28 Jan 1919
Reid, Stewart, Pte 351374
b. Dalkeith 17/2/1892 d. 24/3/18 age 26, Son of James Marr Reid and Jessie
Wannan. Memorials: Buccleuch Street Church, Dalkeith; Dalkeith.
Reid, Stewart (lately assistant with Baildon & Son, Princes St, Edinburgh) 9RS
The Chemist and Druggist 27 Nov 1915 roll of honour -
Reid, Stewart 3958 EB2
Reid, Stewart Pte 351374 9th RS 3958 A/Cpl 0640
REID, Stewart, b. Dalkeith, Midlothian, e. Edinburgh , r. Dalkeith, 351374, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
REID, STEWART, S, Private, '351374', "A" Coy. 9th Bn., 26, 24/Mar/1918,
Reid, W. Private 6029 17th High. L. I. 18/8/15 (1) 9th RS 51862 Pte. Z. 15/1/19 2610
Reid, W. Pte 6026 17th H.L.I. 18/8/15 (1) 9th RS 51862 Pte Desertion 27/2/18 (entry 2610
crossed out) (entry handwritten)

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? W. Reid, Pte 3HLI trial 27.2.18 Edinburgh. Desertion, 168 days detention,
remitted 56 days. WO86/81 p.67
Reid, W., Pte to be made 2/Lt
The Scotsman 22 Feb 15
Privates Richard John Patterson Harle, Alfred Sherman, Simon Forrest, William
Reid, from 9RS to be 2/Lt 7th A&SH 21.2.15
LG 20.2.15
Reid, William 9RS Pte 2307; 2/Lt 3rd A&SH comm 20.2.15. France 26.2.15
C/o Messrs Butterfield & Swire, Nanking, China MIC -
Reid, William 4076 EB2
- -
William Reid Sjt RS 4076, 351445 VM&BWM MIC
William Reid 9th R.Scots 4076 / 351445 from Fochabers, Morayshire, aged 36 in
Courtesy IPT GWF
His army service records (FMP, regimental numbers 4076 and 351445) record that
he had 8 years previous service in the 3rd Volunteer Battalion, Seaforth
Highlanders. It is also recorded that he was promoted/appointed Sergeant-Piper of
the 1/9th Royal Scots on 15th April 1917. (also mention that between October and
November 1916 he had been hospitalised for laryngitis)
His home address is recorded as Huntly Lane, Fochabers (on another page
recorded as Huntly Street, Fochabers).
I did find him in the 1891 and 1901 census, along with the names of his parents
and siblings. They both record him born in Dyke about 1883, however Scotland's
People just records one male called William Reid born in Dyke around that time,
and it was in 1882.
? The 19th August 1921 edition of the Press & Journal reports on the unveiling
of a war memorial at Milne's Institution in Fochabers for the Former Pupils who
had given their lives. There is mention that the Flower's O' The Forest was played
by Pipe-Major William Reid. [Fochabers connection so possible]
Information from Ron Abbott GWF
Reid, William M., L/Cpl 352238 9th RS 5568 Pte 0640
Reid, William Miller 9th R. Scots 5568/ 352238, Dundee, aged 46 in 1938.
Courtesy IPT GWF -
Reid, William Pte -

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Courtesy AmericanTommy
Reid, William Pte 44287 9th RS 0635
- -
aged 20 when discharged in November 1915 Courtesy IPT GWF
Reid, William Pte 51862 12th HLI 6026 Pte, 9th RS 0636
Reid, William Sgt 351445 9th RS 4076 Sgt 0640
Reid, William, Pipe Major
Seton, Bruce, ‘The Pipes of War’, 1920
Concert at Selkirk given by officers and men of 3/9th RS: Pipe-Major McKinley,
Corporal-Piper Lauder, Piper Manderson, Piper Ross, Piper Reid and Piper Bell
The Southern Reporter 20.4.1916 -
REID, William. No. 351445, Pipe-Major, 9th Royal Scots; born at Dyke, Forres,
1882; joined at Edinburgh, 8th Dec, 1915; served in France. Son of James
(deceased) and Isabella Reid. Occupation, sawmiller.
The Morayshire roll of honour. 1914-1918 (1921)
- -
Reid, Wm. 2307 EB1
REILLY, Austin M. (17891). (2/9th) 52 Stock Street, Paisley, Renfrewshire -
The Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
REILLY, B. Unpaid A/L/Corpl. No. 3252. B. Coy., from 27/2/17 , To be Paid -
Acting L/Corpl., The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
REILLY, B.J. Pte. No. 3253. B. Coy., from 1/1/17 , To be Acting Unpaid -
L/Corpls, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Reilly, Bernard 3252 EB2
Clonmel Grammar School, Co. Tipperary. Student of Science, 1919. 9th Royal
Scots, Private April 1915. Royal Air Force, Cadet.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
?Reilly, Bernard. Royal Scots 350921 Pte. RAF 318482 Pte
?Reilly, Bernard Joseph b. 29.4.1896.
Reilly, Bernard L/Cpl 350921 9th RS 350921 Pte 0641
Remington, E.N.A, 2/Lt 9Bn Royal Scots -

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Remington, Edward Nicholson Archer. 3 Training Centre Perham Down Mar-16;

1.6.17 attd. R.Berks.R. to be TLt for duty with R.F.C.; 15.6.17 to be Flying
Officer and to be transfd. to Gen. List
? MIC shows R Berks R 2/Lt, RFC&RAF Lt VM&BWM East Fl??, Cookham,
Berks MIC
Rennie, G 4153 EB2
Rennie, G 4153 A Coy LS7
Rennie, John J Private 9th NBW-S
Rennie, Peter Pte 353509 9th RS 0640
Rennie, Robert L/Cpl 43105 1/6th RS 1525 Pte, 2nd RS 9th RS 0634
Rennoldson, William
Record b.1897 Private, 3rd Battalion, Durham Light Infantry, 2nd/9th and 1st/9th
Battalions, RS Regiments; After early Service in Ireland, to France, and later, to
Ypres; Describes the chaos of attacking over No Mans Land at St Quentin and his
experiences following being wounded; Discharged following further Service in
Ireland 1917/18. Newspaper cutting with photograph marking 101st birthday on
13 April 1999.
Transcript headed “Mr W Reynoldson” 81 Tudor Grove, Sunderland b. 13 Apr
1897, enlisted Sunderland age 17 back end of 1915 into 3rd Durhams, went to
Ireland, County Cork. Trained there, then went to France from there. In France
posted to 2/9th RS and then transferred to 1/9th RS. First to Ypres, transferred to St
Quentin and went over the top. Just over 18 months in France, came out in 1918.
Rennoldson, William, R. Scots Pte 352679, SWB List D/A/624 MIC
No. 6494, 352679 RS, 380672 L Corps. City of Edinburgh TFA.
Attestation: Address 42 Back Barkley St, Sunderland. 18 yr 8 mnth. Trade: rivet
heater. Are you married? Unmarried. Sunderland 6th Dec 1915. Appoint 2/9th RS.
Date crossed out and 13 Sep 16 in place, Sunderland crossed out and Newcastle-
On-Tyne substituted. William Rennoldson, father, 42 Back Barclay St,
Sunderland. Home Service 13.9.16 to 14.6.17; BEF 15.6.17 to 10.8.18 = 1 yr 57
days. Home 11.8.18 to 12.11.18 = 2 yrs 61 days. Wounded 1.08.18.
Height 5 ft 1-1/4
Pte 6-12-15 DLI, 2/9 RS posted Pte 17.9.16, 1/9 RS posted Pte 15.6.17,
transferred to Labour Corps and posted to 66th Labour Coy 7.10.17. 9th RS Pte
10.4.18, TF Depot 137 11.8.18, 4th (Res.) RS 19.10.18, discharged ‘No longer
physically fit for war service’ Para 392 xvi KR 12.11.18. Address 40 Stobard St,
Monkwearmouth, Sunderland.
Attested 6.12.15, joined 13.9.16. Ministry of Pensions stamp 18 Nov 18.
Dependent mother, Mrs Mary Rennoldson at 40 Stobart St, Sunderland.
Ministry of Pensions receipt of documents for review 22.11.18 to 4th Res Bn.
Weekly pension 8/3 from 13.11.18. King’s Certificate on discharge no. 3995,
received 7.3.19, signed for by William Rennoldson 12.3.19, stamped at Ministry
4th (Res) Bn at Cupar Aug 18. [?] Para 207 to Res.
Pension a different copy here

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4643 Rennoldson, William Pte 352679 No. of badge and certificate B63509
enlisted 6.12.15 discharged 12.11.18, Wound KR 392 xvi B1, age 21, served
overseas: yes [4643 9RS is Frank McQueen]
Rennoldson, William Pte 352679 9th RS 0640
Renton, J., Sergt. Master Cook. Address 1902: 13 Upper Grove Place. F
Renton, R.W ?
? Possibly Trooper Ralph Whitelaw Renton 37510, 2nd Scottish Horse
Renton, R.W, Pte, Scottish Horse, Imperial Yeomanry; D Coy 9th RS FSA
Renwick CSM p.398 Arras ‘fought heroically’, captured 12 Germans E
Renwick, G.A (?) 4813 EB2
RENWICK, J. C.S.M. No. 350120 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
RENWICK, J. L/Sergt. No. 1356, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, -
1st Nov 1916.
RENWICK, J. Sergt. No. 1356 , Military Medal – Notified in ‘Gazette’ of -
19/1/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Renwick, J. L/Sgt 350120 24/2/15 (1) K in A 23/4/17 2610
Renwick, J. Sgt -

Wounded He is a son of Mr Thomas Renwick, 13 Dalmeny Street, Leith

EED 10.8.16
Renwick, John CSM 350120 9th RS 1356 W.O.Cl.II 0640
Renwick, John d. - , 1356, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military Medal -
RENWICK, JOHN LAIDLAW, J L, Company Serjeant Major, '350120', 9th Bn.,
23, 23/Apr/1917, France, SON OF THOMAS AND AGNES RENWICK, OF 13,
RENWICK, John, b. Newington, Midlothian, e. Edinburgh , r. Leith, 350120, SD
C.S.M., Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, M.C., M.M., Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Renwick, John, Jack or Jackie, CSM, A Coy, MM
Awarded MC, with Cpl Fermie [Fernie] eliminated sniper at Poser Weg 9 Apr 17
22 year old. MC, DCM [?DCM or MM] -

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Led A Coy from Crump trench 23 Apr 17, seen to go to assistance of B Coy at
Chemical Works, last seen about 11 a.m. age 19[?] KIA 23/4/17
Nicholls, Jonathan, ‘Cheerful Sacrifice’, 1990
? John Renwick b.~1895 to Thomas (54, mason) and Agnes (23), address 14
Dalmeny St (not #13), brother William b.~1897
1901 census
Thomas b.~1847 Morebattle, Roxburghshire
Agnes born ~1878 at Ochiltree, Ayrshire
[Mr & Mrs G. Scott at 13 Dalmeny, Leith Scotsman 27.8.13]
[James Allen age 59 of 13 Dalmeny, Leith died, husband of Mary Duncan
Scotsman 4.1.17]
CSM John Renwick, Royal Scots MC
He displayed great courage and initiative in commanding the company. He
captured and consolidated his objective and sent in valuable reports. He also
captured several prisoners.
Daily Record 20.7.17
Renwick, John, WO Cl II 1356, Lance Sergeant 350120, France 24.2.15 -
350120 CSM Renwick, John, 9th R Scots 1356, WO Cl II
Medal Roll 0640
Renwick, John M.M. CSM 1356 / 350120 KIA 23.4.17 Fa. Thomas
Soldiers’ effects
1356 Sjt. J. Renwick, R.Scots
Military Medal for bravery in the field
Edinburgh Gazette 24.1.17; London Gazette 22.1.17
350120 C.S.M. John Renwick, R. Scots.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He displayed great courage and
initiative in commanding the company. He captured and consolidated his
objectives and sent in valuable reports. He also captured several prisoners.
Military Cross Edinburgh Gazette 20.7.17
John Laidlaw Renwick 350120 CSM
MM as 1356 Sjt. KIA Western Front 23 Apr 1917 aged 23. Son of Thomas &
Agnes Renwick,13 Dalmeny St,Leith.
MC cited 18.7.17
Renwick, William Pte 300200 9th RS 0638
- -
Renwick, William Pte RS 300200 VM&BWM MIC
RENWICK, William. 13 Dalmeny St. Leith. (3046) RSC
[same address as John Laidlaw Renwick qv]
Willey, Martin ?
352691 6507 9th Royal Scots
Transferred to depot Seaforth Highlanders 3.3.17, new # S/187?7 Dated 23.3.17
Also Payne, Herbert
Mixed into service record of Oxley, Thomas (qv)

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Service Record p.3849/4627

[?There was a Labour Corps man VM&BWM Cpl 345854]
REVIE, J. Pte. No. 352325 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917 ?
? Revie, J. Pte RE IWD 13526 Spr 326740, France 12.5.15, previous RS. RE
Medal roll
Rex, E.R, Capt. 5th RS joined for duty 8 June 1917
Capt ER Rex Piece 2181 BWM&VM medal roll RS off
TFWM Medal roll piece 3271 RS officers
Lt RS 1914 WD
British Army List -
REYNOLDS, Francis, Dr. 25 South Clerk St. Edinburgh. (2597) RSC
Reynolds, John Pte 70752 2nd HLI 7898 Pte, 9th RS 44151 Pte. 0637
Reynolds, T 3279 D Coy LS7
Reynolds, Thomas ?
? 9th RS 350929
Great War Forum
Reynolds, Thomas 3279 EB2
Reynolds, Thomas Pte 350929 9th RS 350929 Pte., 16th RS 350929, 11th RS 350929 0640
Rhind, Alex 4505 EB2
RHIND, C.O. Sergt. No. 5308, Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Rhind, C.O. Cpl 644 24/2/15 (1) Commissioned. Disc. 11/3/16 2610
- -
Rhind, Charles Ogilvie 9RS Cpl 644; 3/KOSB 2/Lt
15Star&BWM&VM Disch. Comm KOSB. France 24.2.15. Claim to T.E.M. total
service in ranks = 9 yrs 223 days – ineligible
7 Grange Lo?an, Edinburgh
291 Dalkeith Rd, Edinburgh
Charles Ogilvie Rhind 644 9RS D Coy Discharged
Born Dalry, age 21 yr 1 mo, Sculptor in employ of JS Rhind (J?), residing at 49
Belford Rd. Indentured apprentice. Single
Witness ?Simpson Sgt, attested Lt. J. Ferguson 12.3.1909, 7 Wemyss Pl. approved
Wm Green Capt&Adjt. Medical John Cumming.
Promoted (L/Cpl or Cpl?) 12.9.14
Embarked SS Inventor Southampton 24.2.15, landed Havre 26.2.15. L/Sgt 7.5.15
vice Yeatts; Sgt 31.5.15 vice Welsh to England. Granted prof pay 6d per day 5.8.15.
To Base for discharge 26.2.16, 2TerrBase Rouen 27.2.16, transferred to England for
discharge (time-ex) 4.5.16
Ref B Coy? [Agrees with Yeatts replacement]
Declaration for re-engagement 25.2.16 in the field, signed S. Fraser Capt & Adjt
Imperial Service signed Bruntsfield School 14.2.15, signed AS Blair

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Pte - re-enaged after 4 yrs for further year 27.2.1913 witnessed A.McKinnon CLS?,
signed RM Dudgeon Capt&Adj
L/Cpl D Coy - re-engaged for one year dated 30.1.14 witnessed Robert Gibson Col
Sgt and RM Dudgeon Capt&Adj
Pte attested 12.3.09, re-eng 12.3.13, re-eng 12.3.14, L/Cpl 21.5.14. Annual camps
Embodied Pte 5.8.14, promoted Cpl 12.9.14, L/Sgt 7.5.15, A/Sergt 31.5.15, Prof
Pay Class I (or T?) 5.8.15. Bounty paid. Discharge 11.3.16 392 xxi termination of
engagement as A/Sgt approved DH Huie OC Administrative Centre 9RS 14.3.16 at
89 E Claremont St
Father John S Rhind at 49 Belford Rd, Edin.
Home 5.8.14-23.2.15; BEF 24.2.15-4.3.16; Home 5.3.16-11.3.16
Pension Record
John Rhind (middle initial L, but S) age 41 sculptor, Janet Rhind (40), children
Aleander (Alex? 16), Charles (13) and Agnes (10) at 46 Torpichen St, Edinburgh
1901 Census
As above but at 22 Richmond Terr, Edin. and correctly Alexander and John S.
1891 Census
?Father John Stevenson Rhind (1859-1937), sculptor
Wife Janet Scott Brunton (1860-1919)
Rhind, Charles Ogilvie KOSB from Officer Cadet Unit to be 2/Lt 25.1.17 London
Gazette 9.2.17 p.1387
Born 1888, Married Helen Wood Rhind 1917, died 1970
Rhind, Charles O., A/Sgt 644. Commissioned (KOSB) 0629
Rhind, R 3044 A Coy LS4
RHIND, R. Pte. No. 3044, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Rhind, R. (3044) Edinburgh Evening News, 18th June 1915. The War Office list
of casualties published today, reported to be wounded.
Also Daily Record 18.6.15 -
Rhind, R., Pte NBW

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Also EED 22.5.15

Wounded. Employee of Messrs Charles ?, Edinburgh. Dated 22/5/15.
EED 22.5.15: Wounded. Employee of Messrs. Charles Ritchie & Co. Torpichen
Street, Edinburgh.
Rhind, Richard 3044 EB1
- -
RE 423973 5.5.15 – 5.3.19 (See also Baillie, W and Galley, H)
Medal Roll p.131/335 Piece 2593 RE
Rhind, Richard SPR (Sapper): R Scots (TF) 3044 Pte; Royal Scots 350825; RE
423973 Medal Roll p.224/311 Piece 0452 RE
France (1) 5.5.15 15Star&BWM&VM MIC
W.H. Geissler, from same draft, transferred to RE 423966
RHODES 2nd/Lieut. Played in Officers v. Sergeants Football Match, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Rhodes, F.R., 2nd Lt. 11 June 15 [R.F.?] W
- -
2nd Lt (temp Lt) R.F. Rhodes relinquishes temp rank, 1st Aug 17 [Note initials in
different order]
The London Gazette 31 July 1917 page 7874

2/Lt R.F Rhodes (sic)

Officers 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
RHODES, R.F. 2nd/Lieut. (Anti Gas) at Cork 26/3/17 , returned from Course of -
Instruction, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
RHODES, R.F. 2nd/Lieut. to be Temp. Lieut., 22/8/16, promoted, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
RHODES, R.F. Lieut., at Carlow. 14/5/17 , returned from Course of Instruction, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Rhodes, R.F. 2/Lt -
2/9th leaving Selkirk 24th Nov 15. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Lt RF Rhodes Lt RS BWM&VM Medal Roll Piece 2180 RS
Rhodes, Ralph Frank 2/9 RS 2/Lt, Lt, Sp List

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VM&BWM British East Africa Mar 1918

Rathgowrie, Oxhey Lane, Harrow Weald, Middx.
And 10 Cyril Mans., Prince of Wales Rd, SW11
RICE, C, Private, '352442', 9th Bn., , 24/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
Rice, Colin Pte 352442 9th RS 5773 Pte 0640
RICE, Colin, b. Leith, e. Edinburgh , r. Leith, 352442, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 24/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Rice, Colin, Pte 352442
Wounded in counter-attack 24.3.18 ‘in all probability he will be a prisoner’
Letter from A.F. Cameron to Miss Jane Rice (sister) 14.5.18, misreports number
as 352443
Letter from War Office 18.9.18 confirms he has been missing since the day he was
wounded, C.2. casualties No. 673103 to Miss Rice, 14 Springfield Street, Leith
b. 1880 ‘According to the census, Colin Rice was aged 30 in 1911 and living at
Springfield Street in Leith with his father, mother, sister Jane and his nephew John
Ford. Colin's father worked as an iron moulder, his sister was a machinist for a
waterproofs factory and Colin worked as a goods porter at the railway station.’ In
Sept 1919, missing presumed dead. Father, Peter to receive parents pension, letter
5 May 1920 was for the award of £13 10s 2d
See biography
Rice, Colin Pte 352442 Roy. Scots Rgt. Wounded and missing 24.3.18. Rep: Miss
Jane Rice (sist), 14 Springfield St, Leith. Négatif envoyé 23.7.18 [negative sent].
A further request Rep RS Assoc negative envoye 3.6.18
24.3.18 Presumed Dead.£13,10,2 Including War Grat £11, authorised to Fa. Peter
Soldiers Effects -
Rice, S. Pte 2472 1/6 S. Staffs. 28/6/15 (1) 9th RS 203332 Pte Disemb. 11/3/19 2610
Rice, Stephen J., Pte 203332 1/6th S.Staffs. 2472 Pte, 9th RS 0637
Richard 2/Lt -
Reported wounded. He is the son of Mrs Richard, 29 Chester St, Edin.

EED 3 May 15
Richard 2/Lt. wounded 23Apr 1915 WD
Richard 2nd Lt, p.96 Second Ypres, wounded E
Richard Lt, visited trenches 6 Apr 15 WD
Richard, W.R. Capt wounded -
Estimated casualties from March offensive as of 6.4.18 from 183 Bde War Diary
RICHARD, W.R. Second Lieut. (now Capt.) Wounded. The Leather Sporran, Vol. -
1, No.2, 1st November 1916

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Richard, William Raymond W

Richard, W.R., Lt 8 May 15, Sec-Lt – wounded -
2nd Lt (temp Capt) to be Capt with precedence from 1 June 16, 1st Aug 17
The London Gazette 31 July 1917 page 7873
Richard, W.R, 2/Lt, Lt, Capt, D Coy, TRB[?]
List of officers proceeding on active service, Records of T.W. Bennet Clark
2/Lt W.R Richard, October 1914 trained as Reserve Machine-Gun Officer (MGO)
Records of T.W. Bennet Clark
Richard, W.R. Capt
Medal Roll Piece 2180 BWM&VM
2/Lt Disembarked 26.2.15
Medal Roll Piece 2947 1915 Star
Probably William R. Richard, born approx. 1895 to W. Miller Richard and Kate
Richard, 29 Chester St, Edinburgh.
1901 Census
The 1911 census has a William Raymond Richard, born Edinburgh approx. 1895,
boarding at Clifton College, Bristol.
William Raymond Richard
9RS 2/Lt, 9RS Capt
BWM, VM, 1915 Star, SWB List Off 1528 Badge B80995
France 23.2.15
Application for 15 Star submitted by O/C Craiglockhart War Hospital on behalf of
Capt WR Richard 1.3.19, further letters from WR Richard 14.9.21
Home address. 29 Chester St, Edinburgh
No 2 Flat, White House, Lansdowne St, Hove, Brighton 14.9.21
31 River Coppice, Warning Camp, Arundel, Sussex
Capt Richard, W.R. Royal Scots B80995 River Coppice, Warning Camp, Arundel,
Sussex. IV 90 31.3.19

Huie Collection
Richards Lt -
3/9 RS Supernumerary Company, Supernumeraries’ Anniversary Gathering,
23.2.16, anniversary of landing in France, dinner at County Hotel ballroom,
The Southern Reporter 2.3.16
Richards, G.D.A. Pte -

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Pressroom of Thomas Nelson & Sons, Ltd, Parkside Works, Edinburgh, Roll of
Richards, Geo. D.A 3981 EB2
Richardson Pte -
9th Royal Scots sports and pipe-playing competition, held at Barry Camp
The Scotsman 1 Aug 1921
Richardson Cpl? -
C Coy 2/9 RS, witness offence Terling 16.10.16
Service record of Thomas Oxley (qv)
Richardson, A.A., Pte WTC
Richardson, Arthur 3727 EB2
Richardson, Arthur Archibald -
b. 2 Non 1892 educ. North Berwick High School and Univ of Edin., Chartered
Accountant. Enlisted as Pte on outbreak of hostilities. Comm Nov 14 as 2/Lt in
11th A&S Highlanders. July 1915 proceeded with regiment to France, killed Battle
of Loos 26 Sept 15.
Parish of North Berwick Roll of Honour
North Berwick High School. Student of Law, 1912-14 9th Royal Scots, Private
Aug. 1914. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 2nd Lieut. Killed at the Battle of
Loos on 25th September 1915.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Richardson, David C.A 19343 Pte. 16th R.Scots 9th R.Scots 0631
Richardson, Edwin George -
b.18.1.1897 entered bank 1.6.14 Bishop Auckland, joined forces 28.4.16, no 5118
Pte 2/9 RS
1917 January Sent to Tralee Co Kerry Ireland Made a member of the Regimental
Midland Bank Roll of Honour
Richardson, G -
202 Dundas St, 350768 L/Cpl 3/9th RS, killed
Grangemouth Roll of Honour
RICHARDSON, G J, Private, '350768', 9th Bn., , 21/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
RICHARDSON, G.G. Pte. No. 2911, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No -
2, 1st Nov 1916. [?G.J.]
Richardson, G.J 2911 EB1
RICHARDSON, George J., e. Edinburgh , r. Grangemouth, Stirlingshire, 350768, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 21/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Richardson, George J., Pte 350768 9th RS 2911 0640
RICHARDSON, H.O. Pte. No. 2720, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No -
2, 1st Nov 1916.
RICHARDSON, H.O. Pte. No. 2720, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No -
2, 1st Nov 1916.
Private, 9th Royal Scots, April 1913; Lance-Corporal, November 1917; Corporal,
June 1918; Sergeant, January 1919; Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, February

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1919. Royal Army Service Corps (Motor Transport), October 1916. Machine-Gun
Corps, February 1917; 51st Battalion Machine-Gun Corps, April 1917. Wounded
at Cambrai, March 1918.
Royal High School of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1920)
RICHARDSON, Henry Malcolm. Laurel Bank. Stanley Rd. Leith. (4129) RSC
Richardson, James Pte 34318 2nd RS 9th RS 0641
Richardson, James W., Pte 330767 9th RS 0639
Richardson, John Pte 352725 9th RS 352725 Pte, 7th RS 352725 0640
Richardson, Joseph E., 335631 Pte, 5/6th RS 1/9th RS 0639
Richardson, O.W.F 2720 EB1
Richardson, O.W.F. Pte 350676 (crossed out) 2720 24/2/15 (1) Comm KOSB 2610
Richardson, O.W.F. 2720 G Coy LS2
Richardson, O.W.F. L/Cpl 350676 9th RS 2720 Pte 0641
RICHARDSON, S. Pte. No. 351049 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Richardson, S. Pte 351049 18/11/15 (1) Disemb 8/3/19 2610
Richardson, Samuel 3460 EB2
Richardson, Samuel Pte 351049 9th RS 3460 Pte, 12th RS 351049 0640
RICHARDSON, T.R. Corpl. No. 3079. Instruction for NCO’s. 13/10/16 Returned -
from Course, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
RICHARDSON, T.R. L/Corpl. No. 3079. C Coy. To be paid Acting Corporal. -
2/9/16., The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Richardson, Thomas 3079 EB1
Richardson, Thomas Pte 350848 9 RS 350848 Pte, 11th RS 350848 Pte, 5/6th RS
RICHARDSON, W.P. L/Corpl. No. 351140 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, -
Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Richardson, William P., A/Cpl 351140 9th RS 3609 A/Cpl 0640
- -
KIA 23.4.17 Fa Alexander
Register Soldiers’ Effects
RICHARDSON, William Purves, b. Lasswade, Midlothian, e. Edinburgh , r. SD
Roslin, Midlothian, 351140, A/CPL., Killed in action, France & Flanders,
23/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Richardson, William Purves, Corp 351140
b. Roslin 1/11/1889, d. 23/4/17 age 17, Son of Alexander and Mary Richardson
(nee Purves). Memorials: Penicuik Co-operative Association Ltd; Roslin; Roslin
Middle Cemetery; Roslin Parish Church; commemorated on the family headstone
in Roslin Middle cemetery.
[Midlothian Journal 18 May 1917]: We also regret to announce the death of
Private Wm. Richardson, Royal Scots, and much sympathy is extended to Mr and
Mrs Alex. Richardson, Springfield Place, and family. Private Richardson was a
promising young man, and his loss is very much deplored. He was a grocer to
trade, and before joining the Army was employed by the Co-operative Store.
[Midlothian Journal 25 May 1917]: News has just been received by Mr and Mrs
Alex Richardson, Springfield Place, Roslin, of the death of their son, Corporal -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

William P. Richardson, somewhere on the great battlefield of Arras. He was in the

machine gun section of the Royal Scots. A great grandson of George Richardson,
late of the old 94th Scots Brigade, the lives of the two soldiers form a strange
contrast. Although 100 years divided them they both fought for the same cause, to
preserve the freedom and liberties of
Europe from a military tyrant. The Peninsular War was part of the great struggle
then waged to put down the French military domination of Europe and the present
war is to put down the military domination of Germany. In the Peninsular War
George Harrison was with the Scots Brigade in the advance to Madrid and in the
subsequent retreat to Corunna. He was present at the Battle of Corunna and the
burial of Sir John Moore. Returning again to the Peninsula under Lord Wellington,
he was present at most of the great battles down to Toulouse. He was afterwards
discharged with a wound in his leg, but notwithstanding his early hardships he
lived to the advanced age of 94. In the present war his great grandson has played a
no less worthy part. In the early stages of war William joined up, and when he
crossed the Channel he was put in the machine gun section of his battalion and
from that time onward he led a hard, busy life. In the great battles of the Somme
last year he had many hairbreadth escapes and was present at the assault and
capture of Beaumont Hamel. In the fighting leading up to the great opening battle
of Arras he had twice his dugout blown in on him, and at another time his billet
was burned down. He gave his life in the service of his country on 23rd April,
aged 27, and was the last of the draft who joined the battalion with him. He was
also a grandson of Sergeant William Purves, Dalkeith, who was thirty years
connected with the Volunteer movement and retired with the Long Service Medal.
RICHARDSON, WILLIAM PURVES, W P, Corporal, '351140', 9th Bn., 27,
Richardson, Wm. 3609 EB2
Richmond, John Pte 44150 15th HLI 3240 Pte, 10/11th HLI 9th RS 0635
RICHMOND, John, b. Govan, Glasgow, e. Glasgow , r. Glasgow, 44150, SD
PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 21/04/18, FORMERLY 3240,
H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
RICHMOND, JOHN, J, Private, '44150', 1st/9th Bn., 23, 21/Apr/1918, France,
RICHMOND, W. Pte. 4418, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Richmond, William Cpl 351573 9th RS 4418 Cpl, 5/6th RS 4418 Cpl 0640
Richmond, Wm. 4418 EB2
Ricks, Harry Pte 202247 13th East Surreys 13037 Pte, 1/9th RS 0637
RICKS, Harry, b. Wandsworth, Surrey, e. Wandsworth, 202247, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 22/04/18, FORMERLY 13037, E. SURREY
REGT., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
RICKS, HARRY, H, Private, '202247', 9th Bn., 19, 22/Apr/1918, France, SON OF

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Riddel, C.B ( )? 2858 EB1

RIDDEL, Robert. M.C. 37 Craiglea Dr. Edinburgh. (3148) RSC
Riddell, A. Pte 1614 24/2/15 (1a) Disc. 27/8/19 2610
Riddell, Adam Sgt 350238 9th RS 1614 Sgt, attd 154th Inf. Bde. Hqrs. 0640
- -
b.1896 disch 27.8.19 disability res Musselburgh
Pension Ledger
Pte 15Star&BWM&VM SWB France 24.2.15
Riddell, Adam, Pte 04-11
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Riddell, C. 2858, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No. 119687
Pte. Unit Discharged from 9 RS, enlisted 28.11.14, discharged 28.7.15 Sickness
392 xvi, served overseas = no. SWB
RIDDELL, Charles. (5883). (2/9th). 2 Observatory Road, Edinburgh 9 -
The Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Riddell, John 4795 EB2
Riddell, John Pte 351706 9th RS 4795 Pte 0640
Riddell, Peter 3946 EB2
Riddell, R.L 2825 EB1
RIDDLE, G. Corpl. No. 352215 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Riddle, George Cpl 352215 9th RS 5539 A/Cpl, 2nd RS 352215 A/Cpl 4th RS 352215 0640
Riddle, J. alias, see Brown, J.A. -
Ridley, William Pte 352653 9th RS 352653 Pte 0640
- -
29.2.16-17.6.19 wounds age 21
SWB and roll
b.1898 res St Albans House, Windynook, Gateshead, disch 17.6.19
Pension Ledger
William Ridley Pte 352653 3RS disch 17.6.19, St Albans House, Windynook,
Gateshead, born Gateshead. Class W, age 21. Painter & decorator, last employer
Felling Urban District Council, Felling on Tyne. Posted for duty 6.9.16. GSW leg
left comp fracture fib and tib, bullet 15.4.18 France, three operations, 4” scar outer
side of leg and smaller inner side, walks with a stick, treated St Lukes War Hosp
Bradford 21.4.18-22.2.19; broncho pneumonia 7.4.19 Glasgow, Maryhill Hosp then
3rd Sco Gen Hosp.
France for 10 mos, Company Signaller, machine gun bullet left leg 15.4.18
Further medical details
Furlough granted 1/9RS Pte W Ridley A Coy 22.2.19-4.3.19 from hospital
Enlisted 20 or 29.2.16 age 18yr4mos, service reckons from 7.9.16. 2/9 RS signed A
Egerton CO. Painter Group 30. CofE.

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Attested and posted reserve Pte 29.2.16, mob DLI Depot 7.9.16, transf 2/9RS
10.9.16, embarked Folkestone 15.6.17, Boulogne same day, Etaples next day, joined
in field 29.6.17, 2 days FP no2 for irregular conduct damaging civilian property
3.7.17, course at 51st Div Signal Coy 5-18.10.17, hosp 2.11.17 2/1HFA PUO, to
duty 14.11.17, 1/3 HFA adm 2/1 HFA 4.1.18, rejoined 14.1.18, attd 183 Inf Bde
Hqrs 7.4.18, wounded 15.4.18, further hosp details, Calais 18.4.18, to ULK ? Stad
Antwerpen 20.4.18, posted 137 TF Depot 21.4.18, posted 3RS 17.3.19
Next of kin Fa Edward Ridley 21 Cell?? Place, ?Wear
Home 29.2.16-14.6.17, BEF 15.6.17-20.4.18, Home 21.4.18-17.6.19
No offence as of Cupar 11.3.19 4th Res RS
8/9 pid to his mother, Mary Ridley, 2 Back St, Albans Pl, Windy Nook, Co Durham.
Pension Record
?No 4 digit number?
Rigby, James Gordon, Pte 330660
b. Lasswade 26/10/1897 d. 23/4/17 age 19, Youngest son of Frank and Agnes
Rigby (nee Gordon). Memorials: Bonnyrigg; Cockpen Parish Church; Lasswade
School War Memorial; Newbattle Churchyard. Jim Rigby's brother Frank also
served in the war.
[Dalkeith Advertiser 31 January 1918]: Mr and Mrs Rigby, 6 Salter Place,
Bonnyrigg, have been notified that their youngest son, James Gordon Rigby,
Royal Scots, who was previously reported missing on 23rd April 1917, is now
presumed to have been killed in action on that date. Previous to enlistment he was
employed as a grocer by the Dalkeith Co-operative Society. He was a lad of bright
and cheerful disposition and was respected by all who came in contact with him.
He enlisted when he attained the age of 18 in the Royal Naval Division, and was
latterly transferred to the Royal Scots. Mr and Mrs Rigby's eldest and only
surviving son is at present fighting in Mesopotamia. The sympathy of the
community goes out to the parents in their sad bereavement.
WW1_Casualties_by_Regiment_Letter_R.pdf -
RIGBY, JAMES, J, Private, '330660', "B" Coy. 9th Bn., 19, 23/Apr/1917, France,
Riley Pte – ?see Louis Riley
Missing after German trench raid night 11/12 Oct 1917 – left saphead in pursuit and
not seen
154 Bde WD WO 95/2884/3 p.47/148
Riley, Arnold 4161 A/Cpl (Pte added by hand) France 24.2.15; LC 512238 Cpl Dis -
9RS Piece 2836 Labour Corps Medal Roll (15Star)
Riley, B L/Sgt 2806 B Coy LS6
RILEY, B. L/Sergt. No. 2806, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Riley, B. Pte 350718 4/12/15 (1) Disemb 19/3/19 2610
Riley, Banjamin Cpl 350718 9th RS 2806 Cpl ?Benjamin 0640
Riley, Ben 2806 EB1
Riley, E 2721 EB1
Riley, Louis Pte 335552 1/8 RS 8236 Pte, 1/9th RS
- -
Louis Riley Pte 335552 B Coy 9RS 10.10.17

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Monchy 10.10.17 Douai. Bradford 22.2.89, wife 65 Thursby St, Bradford, Yorks.
Soltau. Frankreich. Dülmen. South Ward, Leeds. 65 ? Rd, Leeds
11.10.17 Arras. Nicht verwundet. [not wounded] Soltau.
Verwundet. Schoppenstedt.
See Riley Pte?
Ringer, Laurence H., Pte 49709 6th Bedford. R. 43195 Pte, attd. 112th T.M.Bty 1/9th 0635
RS -
Edited from Rinser to Ringer
Edited from Rinser to Ringer
Rinn, H., Pte -
Rinn, Hugh Pte 44285 9th RS 0635
Rintoul, John S., Pte 352328 2nd RS 14075 Pte, 9th RS 352328 0640
- -
Looks like Rintone, John 352328 Pte
3.9.14-29.6.18 sickness age 27 served overseas
Ritchie -
Accordion player C Coy 2/9th Dundee
In draft arriving Apr 16
Fetch equipment from Bray with Anderson ~June 16
Trench raid Jul 16 killed
A Anderson IWM 3608
?Thomas Forbes Ritchie died 23.4.1917? Unlikely to be trench raid as Arras.
Ritchie C-Sergt, E&F Coy
Highland Battalion shooting team, The Scotsman 29 Apr 1901 -
Ritchie, A 2438 EB1
Ritchie, Adam 3921 EB2
Ritchie, Alex 352364,[*], Badge No. 237679, gun-deafness
Pte 9RS
6.4.15-25.7.17 gun-deafness served overseas Register SWB
Ritchie, Alexander Pte 352364 9th RS 5695 Pte 0640
Ritchie, Arthur L/Cpl 350551 9th RS Pte 0641
- -
Enlistment 30.9.14-22.2.19 discharge, sickness 392 xvi a, age 27
SWB Roll
Pte L/Cpl RS 350551

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Ritchie, Charles Pte 62801 9th RS 0636

RITCHIE, D.F. Pte. No. 352997 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Ritchie, David Pte 370131 7th High.L.I. 3925 Pte, 9th RS 370131 Pte 0640
RITCHIE, Donald F., e. Edinburgh , r. Liberton, Midlothian, 352997, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, FORMERLY 2214, L. & B. -
HORSE., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Ritchie, Donald F. Pte RS 6885 352997 VM&BWM MIC
KIA 23.4.17 Mo Mary F?/J?
Register Soldiers’ Effects
Ritchie, Donald F., Pte 352997 9th RS 6885 Pte 0640
Ritchie, Donald Forbes 352997 born Dundee -
RITCHIE, DONALD FORBES, D F, Private, '352997', 9th Bn., 21, 23/Apr/1917,
Ritchie, Duncan 9 RS Pte 11284; RSF Pte 40853 MIC -
Ritchie, Geo. 4460 EB2
Ritchie, George Pte 300430 1/7th RS 1828 Pte, 1/9th RS 0638
Ritchie, J, Col-Sergt. Address 1902: 35 Sciennes Rd. Orderly-Room Sergeant. F
With detachment to Windsor for Colours, 19th June 1909.
Ritchie, J, Orderly-Room Sgt FCP
Ritchie, J. QMS

Colour Party photograph, Windsor Castle 19.6.1909

?Witnesses papers of Robert Connolly (qv) 6.5.1910
Ritchie, J. 9RS Gen List Captain -
Lime Kilns, Fifeshire
SWB? Eligible 9.4.19 MIC
Ritchie, J. QM-Sergt & OR-Sergt, c/o Findlay, 88 Marchmont Cres -
Drill Programme 1911-12
Ritchie, J., Quarter-Master, Hon. Lt. 25 June 15 W
Ritchie, J
To be Quartermaster with honorary rank of Lt
The Scotsman 13 July 15
Ritchie, Jeffrey -
Lyne Farm, Lyne
Peebleshire roll of honour : being names of men connected with Tweeddale
enrolled in His Majesty's forces, August 1914-December 1915 (1916)
Ritchie, Jeffrey 4016 EB2

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Ritchie, Jeffrey Pte 351411 9th RS 4016 Pte 0640

Ritchie, John A/Cpl 31119 17th RS Pte, 9th RS 0633
Ritchie, Robert 3580 EB2
RITCHIE, Robert Millar WWR
1896; son of Mr. J. Ritchie, Edin.; 1901 – 11; 9th R.S., Pte.; 2/8th A. and S.H.,
2/Lt. 1915, Lt.
? Robert Millar Ritchie b.~1888, Cardross, to John (house joiner) and Isabella
Ritchie, address 129 High St, Dumbarton
1901 Census
Ritchie, T.C. FCP
Ritchie 2nd Lt
Ritchie, T.C. 2/Lt

Colour Party photograph, Windsor Castle 19.6.1909

Ritchie, Thomas Clark F
Second Lieu 1st July 1908, 8th Sept 1908 Gazette (TF). Colour Party at Windsor
19th June 1909. Attended School of Instruction, Edinburgh, Jan 1909, and
attached to Depot, RS, at Glencorse, March 1909. Served in Edinburgh City
Volunteers, Royal Garrison Artillery, 1905-08. Born 26 Oct 1886. Son of James
Ritchie, M.D., Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Academy; Edin Univ.) Medical Student.
Appointed to the battalion # 49
Dr T.C. Ritchie OBE MD BSc, formerly consultant physician at Royal Victoria
Hospital, Folkestone died 19.3.1959. Born Edinburgh 26.10.1886, son of Dr James
Ritchie. Graduated BSc Edin Univ 1909, MD 1914, obtained rank of Major in
RAMC, OBE in 1919 for his services.
BMJ Obituary
See Ritchie 2nd Lt
Ritchie, Thomas Clark to be 2/Lt 1 Jul 1908
Officers from the 9th Volunteer Battalion (Highlanders), the Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), appointed to 9th (Highlanders) Batalion, The Royal Scots, 1st April 1908.
London Gazette 18 Sept 1908
Ritchie, William A., Pte 352455 9th RS 5786 Pte 0640
Ritchie, William, Piper, Wounded 25/3/18
Seton, Bruce, ‘The Pipes of War’, 1920 -
Roach, William H., Pte 353549 9th RS 0640
Robb Coy. Sergt-Maj. -
Organised 3/9 RS Sergeant’s Dance, County Hotel Ballroom [?Selkirk]
The Southern Reporter 2.3.16
[?John Robb]

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Robb, Alexander M., Pte 59872 9th RS 0636

- -
ROBB, Alexander, Pte. 66 Jackson Street. 59872 1/9th Bn.
Coatbridge and the Great War Roll of Honour by Rev. Samuel Lindsay (Minister of
Coatbridge Baptist Church)
Robb, E.A.G., 2nd Lt. (Lt 11 June 15) 11 Feb 15 W
Robb, E.G.A, 2/Lt. sent on machine gun course, St. Omer 16 July 1915 WD
Robb, Edgar A.G., 2/Lt 05-08
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Robb, Edgar Alexander Gage -
Robb, Lt, just back from hospital 10 May 15
Diary of James Nicol Beatson, Feb-Dec 1915; ‘Private Beatson’s War’, edited by
Shaun Springer and Stuart Humphreys, 2009
Robb, E.A.G, 2/Lt, C Coy, Regular Army RS, Transferred
List of officers proceeding on active service, Records of T.W. Bennet Clark
Robb, Edgar Alexander Gage R Scots 2/Lt, Lt
15 Star BW+VM Emblems, France 1915
O/C 1st Royal Scots Rangoon fwds roll of officers entitled to 14 or 15 Star 13.7.21
Address 1st Battn Royal Scots, India MIC
Edgar Robb told the men to Dig! on morning 24 Apr 15, 2nd Ypres. Quinn, J.
IWM Document 5992
Mr Robb picked up Holmer’s rifle after latter hit in leg, 2nd Ypres (C Coy)
B.C. Holmer IWM
Sgt Edgar Alexander Gage Robb
9RS NCO to be 2/Lt 11.2.15 LG 10.2.15
2/Lt to be Temp Lt 9RS 11.6.15 LG 13.8.15
Robb, J. Sgt 937 24/2/15 (1a) Disc. 23/4/19 2610
Robb, John A/RSM 350049 9th RS 937 A/W.O.Cl.I 0640
- -
27.3.09-23.8.19 [Aug unclear] sickness age 28
Silver War Badge
15Star&BWM&VM SWB France 24.2.15
Robb, John, L/Sgt -
Signed papers for Paterson, William, Sgt, 1913
Robbie, Charles A., Pte 352441 9th RS 5772 Pte, 12th RS 352441, 13th RS 352441 0640
- -
Enlistment 2.2.14-1.4.19 discharge, wounds 392 xvi a, age 21
SWB Roll
b.1897 res Haddington disch 31.3.19

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Charles Allan Robbie 2.2.14 8RS
953 crossed out 5772 8RS, born Haddington 17yr law clerk employ of John Starling,
solicitor, apprentice. Address 9 Court St, Haddington
Service Record [very short record]
Roberts -
No 9 Platoon, on account of bad knee got job as GMP in the town [prob
Armentieres] letter dated 13.6.15, letters of C.W. Gibb courtesy Graham Gibb
Roberts L/Cpl -
Ragtime at Bn concert 2/9th 23 June 16 YMCA tent, Terling
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Roberts, A 2807 EB1
Roberts, A 2807 H Coy LS2
ROBERTS, A. Pte. No. 2807, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Roberts, A. Pte 350719 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 6/3/19 2610
Roberts, Arnold Pte 350719 9th RS 2807 0640
Roberts, D.G. Pte 350139 24/2/15 (1) Demob 17/1/19 2610
Roberts, David G., Pte 350139 9th RS 1409 0640
Roberts, F 3229 L/Cpl B Coy LS7
Roberts, Frederick 3229 EB2
Roberts, J 4878 EB2
ROBERTS, J, Private, '3246', 9th Bn., 21, 30/Dec/1915, France, SON OF MR.
Roberts, J. Pte 3246 4/12/15 (1) K in A 30/12/15 2610
Roberts, J.F. Pte 50029 4th R.Fus. 18099 Pte, 3rd E. Kent. 23016, 2/9th RS 50029 0641
ROBERTS, J.H. Pte. No. 352883. B. Coy. , To be Unpaid A/L/ Corpl., from -
1/5/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Roberts, J.S, Pte. No 3246 killed in action 30 Dec 1915 WD
ROBERTS, J.S. Pte. No. 3246. 30/12/15 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916
Roberts, J.S. 3246 B Coy LS6
Roberts, James 3246 EB2
Roberts, James Pte 3246 0629
Roberts, James S Pte NBW
Roberts, James Stewart Private 9th NBW-S
Roberts, James Stewart, Pte NBW

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See also EED 8 Jan 16

Died of wounds in France. His home address was 38 Duff Street, Edinburgh. First
dated 25/1/16? Second dated 19/1/16
ROBERTS, James, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 3246, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 30/12/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.

D Coy 9th Royal Scots 1914

(Possibly Eric or William qv)
Collection of R.G. Thin (qv) -
Robertson Cpl B Coy 2/9 RS witnessed offence Wm EC Pryce (qv) Limerick
29.7.17 -
Robertson Corp B Coy
Highland Battalion shooting team, The Scotsman 29 Apr 1901 -
Robertson Drummer -
9th Royal Scots sports and pipe-playing competition, held at Barry Camp
The Scotsman 1 Aug 1921
ROBERTSON Lieut. A Coy. Marksmen - General Musketry Course (started -
August 13th), The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
ROBERTSON Lieut. Played in Officers v. Sergeants Football Match, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Robertson Lt, leadership in Relay Race, 1st place, ran 220 yds -
2/9th Bn, 65th Divisional Games, Hylands Park 9th Aug 16
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Robertson Pte -
Footballs for Soldiers, Registered under War Charities Act, 1916
‘The ball was not long in the paper, and ten minutes sufficed for us to give it its
baptism of fire in France. We did not halt till it was dark, and even then we were
loath to leave it.’
The "Hearts" & the Great War : with which is incorporated "The 'Hearts' and the
Army" (1918)
Robertson Pte -
Sang song
3/9 RS Supernumerary Company, Supernumeraries’ Anniversary Gathering,
23.2.16, anniversary of landing in France, dinner at County Hotel ballroom,
The Southern Reporter 2.3.16
Robertson Pte B Coy -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Member of winning marathon team 2/9th Bn, 65th Divisional Games, Hylands Park
9th Aug 16. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Robertson Pte, France -
‘The ball was not long in the paper, and ten minutes sufficed for us to give it its
baptism of fire in France. We did not halt till it was dark, and even then we were
loath to leave it.’
Robertson Sgt G&H Coy
Highland Battalion shooting team, The Scotsman 29 Apr 1901 -
Robertson Srgt, F Coy annual supper and presentation of prizes at Bisset’s Rooms, -
Edinburgh, The Scotsman 14 Feb 1902
Robertson, A 2722 EB1
Robertson, A 2722 C Coy LS7
Robertson, A, Chaplain, RS letter in West Lothian Courier Aug-18 (see Ezzi, -
Robertson, A., Sergt. Address 1902: 35 W. Preston Street. F
Robertson, Adam L/Cpl 300434 1/7th RD 1835 Pte, 1/9th RS 0638
Robertson, Alex 4429 EB2
Robertson, Alex (?) 4727 EB2
Robertson, Alexander Pte 40050 9th RS 13th RS 0634
Robertson, Bartley 3400 EB2
Robertson, C 2995 A Coy LS4
Robertson, Charles J. Pte served for several yrs with 9RS. Edu George Heriot’s.
Joined National reserve, and Glasgow Highlanders on mobil. On chemistry staff of
Messrs Beardmore & Co, Glasgow. Father at 12 Warrender Park Rd, Edin. KIA 16th
inst, Glasgow Highrs.
Daily Record 1.6.15
Robertson, Charles Pte 270609 12th RS 9th RS 0638
Robertson, Claude 2995 EB1
Robertson, Claude 2995 9RS Pte 4.5.15 (1) 66264? Pte MGC Disem 13.2.19 Star
found by Police and returned
Piece 2829 medal roll 15Star MGC
Robertson, Claude, Pte 02-09
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
ROBERTSON, D. Pte. No. 3966, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, -
1st Nov 1916.
Robertson, D. Pte 2286 26/2/15 (1a) Disc. to Comm. 25/4/17 2610
Robertson, D.M 2412 EB1
Robertson, David EB1
Robertson, David -
Son of David and Mrs Robertson, of Struan, Kinross. Educated at Dollar Academy
from 1903 to 1905.
Second Lieutenant Royal Scots 6th Bn attached 13th Bn. He enlisted in the 9th
Royal Scots in September 1914. He was for twenty three months almost
continuously engaged in action. He then returned home to train for his commission
and gazetted 6th RS. Killed during the retaking of St Julien on 31/07/1917, aged

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28. Belgium YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL Panel 11. Also

commemorated at Dollar Academy. Photograph: Dollar Magazine 1922, p86.

1915 The Dollar Magazine, p.108, Pte

1916 p.198, promoted Sergeant
David Robertson, 2nd Lieutenant, the Royal Scots, was the son of Mrs Robertson,
formerly of Kinross. He was at Dollar from 1903 to 1905. In September 1914 he
joined the 9th Royal Scots, and was for twenty-three months almost continuously
engaged in action. At the expiration of this service he came home to be trained for
a commission, and was duly gazetted to the 6th Royal Scots. At the retaking of St
Julien, in July 1917, he was killed.
Dec 1920 The Dollar Magazine
Hillfootsarmedforcesfatalitiesreformatted11082014standard.pdf by Ian Middleton
at and
Robertson, David 2286 EB1
Robertson, David 3714 EB2
Robertson, David 3966 EB2
Robertson, David Sgt 350490 9th RS 2286 Sgt 0641
Robertson, Eric -
Went out in Ypres with Eric and Bill Robertson
Russell Thin (qv), D Coy 30.3.15
Broughton School, Edinburgh. Student of Medicine, 1919. Lothians and Border
Horse, Private, Nov. 1914. 9th Royal Scots, Corporal April 1917. France.
Prisoner of War April 1917 to December 1918.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
ROBERTSON, Eric A. (5457) Montrose, 53 Wilson Street, Anlaby, E. Yorks. -
The Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Robertson, Eric A., Cpl 352959 9th RS 6847 Cpl 0640
ROBERTSON, Eric Andas. 17 Fraser Cres. Edinburgh. (5457) RSC
Robertson, F Private 9th NBW-S
Robertson, Geo. A 4773 EB2
Robertson, George 3277 EB2
Robertson, George 1431,[*], Badge No. 41024
9RS Pte 21.1.13-16.5.15 sickness xvi did not serve overseas SWB
Robertson, George 2173, 5 R. Scots (9 PB), Badge No. 119673 SWB
Robertson, George Waugh ?
9/RS ?Question as to battalions

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ADRIC 1921
[Cannot see MIC]
Robertson, George, Pte 1431, A Coy
b. Dean, Midlothian; residing 10 Heriothill Terr
Attested 21 Jan 1913, age 17 yr 1 mnth. A jeweller for Mr Yetton
Embodied 5.8.14, discharged 16.5.15 Para 392 XVI at Edinburgh [No longer
physically fit for service], Dilatation (Heart). Home service. Discharged from
2/9th. Was with service bn but moved to 2/9th on account of his freq falling out
complaining of pain in the side. He has disease of the heart. Fit for light duty.
Father Frank Robertson, same address. Mother Margaret
Ancestry -
Robertson, Godfrey A K 2516 EB1
ROBERTSON, H. Pte. No. 3607, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, -
1st Nov 1916.
Robertson, H.J 2399 EB1
Robertson, H.J. Pte 350534 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 16/2/19 2610
Robertson, Henry 3607 EB2
Robertson, Henry 1474,[*], Badge No. 200608
Pte 9RS 26.3.13-20.8.16 sickness xvi did not serve overseas SWB
Robertson, Henry J., Pte 350534 9th RS 2399 Pte 0640
Robertson, Henry Pte 335721 9th RS 8409 Pte, 9th RS 335721 0640
Robertson, Henry, J, Pte -
Left school 1913; 9th Royal Scots
The Dollar Magazine 1915, p.108
Robertson, Hugh 4673 EB2
ROBERTSON, I.M. Lieut., transferred to _ Battalion The Royal Scots from _ -
Battalion The Royal Scots 29/12/16 [censorship in place], The Leather Sporran,
Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Robertson, I.M. Capt -
[this list does not specify 9RS but includes many recognisable names, see T.G.
Clark for full list]
Territorial Army, the undermentioned relinquish their commissions 30 Sep 1921,
and retain their rank unless otherwise stated.
London Gazette 23 Dec 1921 p.10576
Robertson, I.M. Lt -
2/9th leaving Selkirk 24th Nov 15. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Robertson, I.M. Temp Lt relinquishes comm from 9th (D.F.) 3 Jul 21 London -
Gazette 26.7.21
Robertson, Ian Monro to be Temp Lt 9th (D.F.) 13.4.21 London Gazette 12.5.21
Robertson, I.M., 2nd Lt. (Lt 1 July 15) 10 Oct 14 W
Robertson, Ian M. -
Second Lt to be temporary Lt dated 1st July 1915
London Gazette 6 Aug 1915 p.7751

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Gazetted 2/ Lt, Reserve Bn 20th October 1914, assigned D Coy Reserve Bn 15

Nov 14. 1st Highland Cadet Battalion Royal Scots. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No
1, 1st Sept 1916
Edinburgh Institution; First XV. Cadet Corps 1911-14, Sergeant. Student of
Medicine, 1918-19. 9th and 2nd Royal Scots (T), 2nd Lieut. Oct. 1914;
Temp. Lieut. July 1915; Temp. Captain June 1916; Lieut. July 1917. Attached
RE. (Signals), Jan. 1918-19. France.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
2nd Lt (temp Lt) to be temp Capt 5th July 1916
The London Gazette 6 Jan 17, page 360
2nd Lt (temp Capt) to be Lt with precedence from 1st June 16, 1st Aug 17.
Relinquishes temp rank of Capt 1 Aug 17
The London Gazette 31 July 1917 page 7874
Robertson, Isaac 4585 EB2
Robertson, J 3111 EB1
Robertson, J Private 9th NBW-S
ROBERTSON, J. Pte. No. 3413, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
ROBERTSON, J. Pte. No. 351025 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
[this would be ~3427 pre-6-digit numbering]
ROBERTSON, J. Pte. No. 3474, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Robertson, J., Piper
Seton, Bruce, ‘The Pipes of War’, 1920

James Roberston, studio portrait

‘James Robertson (1893-1948) took over the bagpipe making business of John and
James Center in Grove Street, Edinburgh, when they emigrated to Australia in
1908. As bagpipe maker he made Highland bagpipes and, in the 1920s, began to
make Northumbrian Half-long pipes in collaboration with William Cocks of
Ryton-on-Tyne. The business closed in 1964.’
NMS link provided by Ron Abbott ‘purported to be of him in civilian highland
‘He actually became a renowned bagpipe maker taking over the business from his
father, located at 58 and then at 64 Grove Street in Edinburgh. -

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His bagpipes are still sought after today. They were of a heavier design than most
with very large projecting mounts, and they are renowned for producing a quality
He also subsequently became a Pipe-Major (Sergeant-Piper) in the Royal Scots,
first with the 1/4th Bn. Royal Scots (apparently from 1916 until 1919) and then
between 1919 (?) and 1925 was Pipe-Major of the 4/5th Bn. Royal Scots.
If you search the newspaper archives you will find mention of him as Pipe-Major
of the 4/5th and also find adverts pertaining to his bagpipe company.
(But beware; there are some bagpipe relate websites which purport he was Scots
Guards. He wasn't....that was another man of the same name who was around at a
similar time ! 100% definitely different men who sometimes get confused)
His name was James Robertson, born at Milhall Cottages, Penicuik on 22nd June
1892. He died in Edinburgh on 25th January 1948 at which time his residential
address was recorded as 21 Orchard Road South, Edinburgh. The records of
birth/death provide his father's name as James Robertson and mother as Isabella
Flockhart Martin. His wife/widow was called Jane Robertson Muir. They were
married in Edinburgh in 1921.
I also uncovered a newspaper article which may or may not relate to him. The 4th
Dec 1944 edition of The Scotsman contains an article about a march past in
Edinburgh of the massed bands of the Home Guard and the pipes and drums were
under "Pipe-Major J Robertson". There were at least three men called J
Robertson who had been army pipe-majors in WW1/1920s/ it may or
may not be him.’
Book of bagpipe music property of Robertson enscribed ‘Corporal Jas.
Robertson, 1/9 -15 Royal Scots, BEF France, Bound in France, October 14th
1918. This may be 1/9th Royal Scots – 15th Division’
In the 1920s he was certainly in the 4/5th Royal Scots and the adverts for his
business state that he was Pipe-Major of the 1/4th Royal Scots.
Marriage record in 1921 only records that he is a bagpipe maker with residence at
38 Polwarth Crescent.
Birth cert 23.6.1892, Milkhall Cottages, Penicuik to James Robertson, music
teacher, pipe major, and Isabella Robertson
Marriage cert 8.7.1921 James Robertson (29), bagpipe maker of 38 Polwarth Cres,
Edin, to ?Jane R. Muir (25) of 1 Middleby St, Edin., daughter of Richard Muir,
University Pathological Demonstrator
Death cert 25.1.1948 age 54, bagpipe manufacturer, married to Jane Robertson
Muir, 21 Orchard Rd South, Edin. Carcinoma of the lung. Witnessed brother at 38
Polwarth Cres. Motehr Isabella.
He's in the 1901 census as living with his parents and siblings at South View
Cottage, Penicuik
1901 Census South View Cottage (Milkhall Cottages?), father James, joiner and
bandmaster, Wellington reformatory school
Example advert of bagpipe maker, Southern Reporter 3.9.1925, also mentioned in
Scotsman 1.7.1922
Information kindly provided by Ron Abbott
ROBERTSON, J.D. L/Corpl. No. 1325, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, -
No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Robertson, J.D. L/Cpl 350107 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 12/8/19 2610
Robertson, J.L*, Lt E-P
Robertson, J.L, 2nd Lt F1901

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Robertson, J.L, Capt and Adjt, Reserve Bn -

Attestation of Boardman, Frederick, at Kilmarnock Jan 15
Robertson, J.L., Lt (Capt 1 Oct 14) 26 Nov 09 W
- -
Capt J.L. Robertson

Officers 9th RS, Tatler 1915

Lt J.L. Robertson transferred from First Line to Reserve Bn on formation 12th Sept
14, appointed Capt and Adjt. 1st October 1914
Capt Robertson, Adjt of Reserve Bn, with recruiting party to Manchester
November 1914.
Succeeded by Capt Aitken
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Lt (temp Capt) J.L. Robertson to be Capt and remain seconded 21 Mar 15 in
London Gazette 26 May 16
Signed papers AD Stephen 12.9.14 as Lt, OC Depot 9RS
Signed papers GA Gibb 14.9.14 as Lt, OC Depot 9RS at Edinburgh
Signed papers JAJ McKean 3.10.14 as Lt OC Depot 9RS at Edinburgh
Signed papers Harry Wilks, as Capt & Adjt 9 (Res) RS, Kilmarnock 12.1.15
Signed papers John Pendlebury as man transf from 5th Sco Prov to 3/9 RS 22.1.16,
Capt 5th Sco Prov
Captain. Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries Vol 7 1915
Capt JL Robertson OC D Coy 5th Scottish Prov Bn 4.3.16 papers of D. Lopez (qv)
Robertson, J.M. Lt [J.L.?] -

Officers 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916

Robertson, J.T. Sergt KIA France, eldest son of Mr and Mrs D. Robertson, -
Arboretum Lodge, Edin.
Daily Record 2.9.15
ROBERTSON, J.W. Pte. No 1717. Severe, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol -
1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Robertson, J.W. Pte 40090 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 29/8/19 2610
Robertson, J.W., Pte No.1717 wounded 18 Mar 15 WD
- -

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Robertson, J.W., Pte 1717 C Coy, slightly wounded, son of Mrs Robertson, 34
London St
Edinburgh Evening News 31st March 1915 and Capital Collections Item 29843
Robertson, James 3328 EB2
Robertson, James L/Cpl 202876 9th RS Pte 0637
- -
Robertson, J. Pte on proceeding overseas 202876, L/Cpl 3046734
Territorial Force War Medal piece 3260 (TFWM)
Robertson, James Leask F
Second Lieu 5th July 1908 (also listed as 7th July 1908, 8th Sept 1908 Gazette -
(TF)). Attached to Depot, RS, May 1909. Served in 9th VB (Highlanders) 1900-03.
Born 2nd April 1882. Son of Thomas Robertson, I.S.O. (Edinburgh Academy.)
Appointed to the battalion # 50
OC Depot 9th RS as signed on attestation of James Alexander Low for 2 Nov 14,
at Edinburgh; also Moir, N.J. 15.10.14; also AS Mackay 31.8.14 [as Lt]
Lt James L. Robertson to be Capt and to be Adjutant 1.10.14 9RS
London Gazette 9.10.14
? James Leask Robertson, Flight Lieutenants to be Squadron Leaders, under Stores
Branch Accountants, The London Gazette 1 Jan 1923
?Robertson, James Leark? Royal Scots Capt. RAF Honorary Lt
Robertson, James Leask to be 2/Lt 5 Jul 1908
Officers from the 9th Volunteer Battalion (Highlanders), the Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), appointed to 9th (Highlanders) Batalion, The Royal Scots, 1st April 1908.
London Gazette 18 Sept 1908
Robertson, James N., Pte 351146 9th RS 3625 Pte 0640
- EB2
Robertson, James 3625
Enlistment Book 2
Robertson, James Pte 335688 8th RS 8376 Pte, 9th R.S. 0640
[Killed 1.8.18 see SD and CWGC]
Robertson, James Pte 37464 9th RS 0633
Robertson, James Pte 59010 1/9th RS 0636
ROBERTSON, James S., b. Terregles, Dumfries-Shire, e. Dumfries , r. Terrgles, SD
58943, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 13/04/18, FORMERLY
2/13578, T.R. BATTN., 53257, H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Robertson, James S., Pte 58943 9th RS 0636
[killed 13.4.18 see SD and CWGC]
ROBERTSON, JAMES STEWART, J S, Private, '58943', 9th Bn., 18,

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ROBERTSON, James, b. Melrose, Roxburghshire, e. St. Boswell's, Roxburghshire SD

, r. St. Boswell's, 335688, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders,
01/08/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Robertson, James, Corp
Seton, Bruce, ‘The Pipes of War’, 1920 -
ROBERTSON, JAMES, J, Private, '335688', 1st/9th Bn., 21, 1/Aug/1918, France,
Robertson, James, Pte 3328
Attested 24 May 15, apparent age 21 yrs 3 mnths, embodied 24.5.15-1.7.15, 39
days, Home service. Presby. Plumber.
Prior: 3 yrs in 6th RS
Mother: Susan Robertson
20 Fowler Terr, Edin
Discharged 2 July 15 at Peebles, Para 392 IIIc [(iii) Not being likely to become an
efficient soldier (c ) Recruit within three months of enlistment considered unfit for
service] but also quotes XVI [No longer physically fit for service]
2/9th RS, had suffered 20 ft fall onto joists and for 3 years complained of pain in
lumbar region, did not disclose this fact on examination
Ancestry -
Robertson, Jas. 48(?)5 ?4815 EB2
Robertson, John 3413 EB2
- -
Robertson, John 3413 A/L/Cpl (A crossed out) France 12.10.15; LC 423649 Pte Dis
9RS Piece 2836 Labour Corps Medal Roll (15Star)
Robertson, John 3474 EB2
Robertson, John D., A/Sgt 350107 9th RS 1325 A/Sgt 0640
- -
Papers of Benjamin Bichen Irvine (qv) to be A/L/Sgt vice 1325 Robertson 9.12.16
Robertson, John Pte 351060 9th RS 3474 Pte 0640
Robertson, John Pte 42657 2nd RS 9th RS 0634
Robertson, John W., A/Sgt 40090 9th RS Cpl, 13th RS 0634
Robertson, P 2723 EB1
ROBERTSON, P. L/Corpl. No. 351246 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
June 1917
Robertson, Peter
KIA b. Canongate, Edinburgh
351246 born Canongate and
Roclincourt was just within the British lines before the Battles of Arras, 1917; and
it was from the village that the 51st (Highland) and 34th Divisions advanced on the
9th April, 1917. I actually found two Peter Robertsons died same day in Royal
Scots. -

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SDGW gives Peter ROBERTSON Lance Corporal 351246, 9th Battalion, Royal
Scots. Born and enlisted at Edinburgh; lived at Juniper Green, Midlothian Killed
in action 09/04/1917 in F&F.
Memorial Currie Church panels
Courtesy Malcolm Ferguson
Fa Peter
Register Soldiers’ Effects
Robertson, Peter 3769 EB2
Robertson, Peter L/Cpl 51886 10/11th HLI 22565 A/Cpl, 17th HLI 9th RS 0636
Robertson, Peter Pte 3769 0629
ROBERTSON, Peter, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh , r. Juniper Green, Midlothian, SD
351246, L/CPL, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
ROBERTSON, PETER, P, Lance Corporal, '351246', 1st/9th Bn., 20, 9/Apr/1917,
Robertson, R.N. Cpl 1517 24/2/15 (1) Comm KOSB 11/3/16 2610
Annan Academy. Student of Arts and Law, 1912-14 and 1919 ; M.A. 1919;
LL.B. 1920. 9th Royal Scots (T.), Private May 1913; Corporal 1915. 8th King's
Own Scottish Borderers, 2nd Lieut. March 1916. Transferred R.E. May 1916;
Lieut. 1917. France Feb. 1915-19.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Robertson, Richard W., Cpl 1517 comm 8th KOSB 11.3.16 0629
Robertson, Robert Pte 62609 9th RS 0636
Robertson, Robert Pte 62707 9th RS 0636
Robertson, Thomas A/Cpl 352595 9th RS 5993 Pte 0640
Robertson, Thomas Pte 43953 11th RS 9th RS 0635
Robertson, Thomas Pte 44283 9th RS 0635
Robertson, Thomas Pte 63214 9th RS 0636
Robertson, Thomas Stephen, L/Cpl -

Thomas Stephen Robertson, born 1896 - died 1934.
ROBERTSON, Thomas, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 44283, PRIVATE, Died, SD
Germany, 03/01/19, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
ROBERTSON, THOMAS, T, Private, '44283', "B" Coy. 9th Bn., 20, 3/Jan/1919,

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Robertson, W 2450 EB1

Robertson, W 2450 C Coy LS3
ROBERTSON, W, Private, '33520', 9th Bn., , 24/Mar/1918, France,
[See William Robertson 33520] CWGC
ROBERTSON, W, Serjeant, '5540', 1st/9th Bn., 41, 19/Nov/1916, France, SON
ROBERTSON, W. Pte. No. 2450, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, -
1st Nov 1916.
Robertson, W. Pte 350557 24/2/15 (1) K in A 15/10/18 2610
Robertson, W.M, 2nd Lt
Killed or died of wounds Aug 18; Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The
Fifteenth (Scottish) Division, 1914-1919’, 1926 -
Robertson, W.M, 2nd Lt, 'A' Coy; p.654 German offensive 1918, ‘A’ Coy, killed E
Robertson, W.M, Pte WTC
ROBERTSON, W.M. Corpl. No. 5162. B. Coy. 10/2/17 , returned from a Course -
of Instruction, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
ROBERTSON, W.M. L/Corpl. B. Coy., from 12/12/16 , To be Unpaid Acting -
Corpl, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
ROBERTSON, W.M. Pte. No. 5162. B Coy. To be paid Acting L/Corpl. 2/9/16, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
ROBERTSON, W.M. Unpaid A/Corpl. No. 5162. B. Coy., from 26/12/16 , To be -
Paid Acting Corpl, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Robertson, W.M. 2/Lt. Div. Wing. joined for duty 1 June 1918 WD
Robertson, W.M. 2412 F Coy LS1
Robertson, W.M. Pte 2412 24/2/15 (1) Comm RS 8/9/15 2610
Robertson, W.M. Pte The Accountants’ Magazine Vol 19 1915 -
Robertson, William 3350 EB2
Robertson, William 3701 EB2
Robertson, William (Bill) -
Went out in Ypres with Eric and Bill Robertson 30.3.15
Fell flat in a trench full of water 16.4.15
Russell Thin (qv), D Coy
Robertson, William A., A/Cpl 44370 9th RS 0641
Robertson, William A/Cpl 351194 9th RS 3701 A/Cpl 0640
Robertson, William Cpl 350557 9th RS 2450 Cpl 0640
Robertson, William d. - , 351194, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military -
Medal (Ancestry)
Robertson, William John Sgt
Robert Gordon’s College Born 18 February 1892, son of Major William
Robertson V.C., Quartermaster at Castlehill; lived at 410 King Street, Aberdeen;
he was a relation of Field Marshal Sir Donald Stewart. He entered RGC, aged 10
from Ashley Road School. D. 19 November, 1916 [see site, states records do not
_RoH.pdf -
Robertson, William L/Cpl 33520 2nd RS 12th RS 13th RS 1/9th RS 0633
- -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Army Council regards as having died on or since for official purposes dated 5.6.19
12RS C 33520 Robertson W age 26, 5/12 yrs of service, 1/12 in field, dysentery,
sick convoy 31/10/16
1/9RS B Coy date of adm 12/8/17, Medical Records ledger
Colitis 19.8.17, 9RS
Robertson, William L/Cpl 350970 9th RS 3350 Pte 0640
Robertson, William Maxwell
Died of wounds b. Juniper Green and
d.2.8.18 age 20 Died of wounds received at Soissons. Memorial Juniper Green St
The British 63rd Casualty Clearing Station was at Senlis for twelve days in
August, 1918. 2nd Lt in A Company at Buzancy, 80% casualties. DOW 63rd
CCS, Senlis. Buried Senlis.
Courtesy Malcolm Ferguson
Stewart Melville 1916
L/Cpl 2/9RS
Stewart Melville 1916
Stewart Melville 1917

2/Lt RS, was the eldest son of the late Mr Charles Robertson, Royal Bank,
Edinburgh, and of Mrs Robertson, Ridgemhor, Colinton.
See magazine for his school history
Joined 9RS May 1916 and after serving in England and Ireland received his
commission in February of this year and was sent to France in April. From Arras,
where he received his baptism of fire, his division the 15th wa shurreid south to
assist the French at Soissons.. Of the battalion which went into action nearly 800
strong little over a hundred are said to have returned… It was here that our old -

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captain was mortally wounded on 1st August while leading his men in the charge.
The next day he died at CCS.
Stewart Melville 1918
Writes about friend Lawrie, Thomas Helm (qv)
Stewart Melville 1918
ROBERTSON, WILLIAM MAXWELL, W M, Second Lieutenant, , 9th Bn., 20,
Robertson, William Moore, The son of Mr. W. Robertson, Edin., was born in GWC
1886, and .entered G.W.C. in 1896. On leaving he occupied a responsible position
in a stockbroker's office. Enlisting as a Pte. in 1914 in the 9th R.S., he later
received a commission in the 5th R.S. He went to France, and was in the second
battles of Ypres and St. Julien in Feb. 1915. He took a draft to Egypt in Jan. 1917,
and was sent to Palestine, where he won the M.C. for great gallantry at Gaza, Nov.
12, 1917. Though wounded, he carried on for four days before he fell.
William Moore Robertson Pte to be 2/Lt 9.9.15
LG 17.9.15
Robertson, William Pte 2412 comm 5th RS 8.9.15 0629
Robertson, William Pte 351194 -
Awarded MM for gallantry on 20/21 September 1917. 51st WD
Robertson, William Sgt 5540 5th RS 5540 Sgt, 9th RS - - 0630
Robertson, William T., Pte 59871 9th RS 13th RS 0636
Reg Ho 1875 685/1 1273 – William Robertson 16/8/1875, 49 Brunswick Street,
Stockbridge, Edinburgh, parents James Robertson, spirit dealer & Mary Jane
Davie 7/6/1875 Edinburgh;
Reg Ho 1905 685/1 385 – William Robertson 30, commercial traveller, 2
Craigcrook Place, Blackhall, Edinburgh, parents James Robertson, wine & spirit
merchant dec’d & Mary Jane Davie dec’d, m 26/12/1905 Thomas Church, Rutland
Place, Edinburgh, C of E, Emily Taylor 33, 14 Buckingham Terrace, Edinburgh,
parents Joseph Taylor, estate overseer & Eliza Harriett Wood, witnesses James
Robertson & Alfred C Power;
1911 Census 679 2 – William Robertson 35, traveller fancy goods, 5 Craigcrook
Gardens, Edinburgh, wife Emily 39 (b England), daughter Ada D M 2 (b Cramond
Reg Ho 1916 124/AF 215 – William Robertson, Sergeant, 9th Battalion Royal
Scots Regiment, died of wounds 19/11/1916 France, aged 42, Service no 5540;
CWGC – Serjeant W Robertson 1st/9th Battalion Royal Scots, died 19/11/1916
aged 41, service no 5540, son of James & Mary Jane Robertson, Edinburgh, -

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husband of Emily Robertson 6 Comely Bank Terrace, Edinburgh;

Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 – 1919, William Robertson Sergeant, 6th
Battalion, Royal Scots, died of wounds 19/11/1916 France & Flanders, born
Edinburgh, enlisted Portobello, Service no 5540
Many thanks to Margaret R Thorburn, the Church Archivist at Dean Parish
Church for the very detailed information
ROBERTSON, William, b. Dundee, Forfarshire, e. Biggar, Lanarkshire , r. SD
Biggar, 33520, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, Royal
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
William was born in Dundee and resided in Biggar prior to enlistment.
Information courtesy Swally, GWF
Robilliard, C.H 2340 EB1
- -
Charles Herbert Robilliard to be 2/Lt RS 20.11.15 LG 24.11.15
2/Lt seconded for duty with MGC 12.3.17 LG 11.6.17
Temp Lt 1.6.17 LG 21.7.17
Ref Lt CH Robilliard LG 9.2.18 and LG 8.12.17
[?Lt CA Robilliard, note CA, 5RS, relinquish actg Maj or ceasing to command coys,
MGC LG 10.10.19]
Lt (actg Capt) 5RS relinquish actg Maj on ceasing to command coy, MGC 4.2.19
LG 29.5.19
Robilliard, C.H, 2/Lt. 5th RS joined for duty 5 Oct 1916 WD
Robin, M 2518 F Coy LS1
Robin, M. Pte 2518 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 29/5/15 2610
Robin, Marcel 2518 EB1
Robin, Marcel Private 9th NBW-S
Robin, Marcel, Pte 2518 -
[M.H. Robin?]
Resident c/o Macpherson, 11 Meadow Place, Edinburgh
Attested 28 Oct 14, apparent age 18 yrs 6 mnths, embodied 28.10.14 – 29.5.15
(214 days)
Discharged in consequence of joining French Army, discharge dated 10.8.15
Home 28.10.14-23.2.15, BEF 24.2.15-15.4.15, Home 16.4.15-29.5.15
Wounded GSW Service 6.4.15
Father Henrir Robin, 7 Rue Godefroid de Vries, Brussels. Roman Catholic.
Embarked SS Inventor 24.2.15 landed 26.2.15
7.4.15 15FdAeb[?] Admitted (GSW Multiple) 6.4.15, transferred 7.4.15
9.4.15 5 G.H Admitted (GSW severe) Rouen, 15.4.15 transferred to England
Robin, Marcel Pte

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Wounded in France. Formerly employed with Messrs George Harrison & Co,
EED 10.6.15
Robin, Marcel, Pte 2518 0629
Robinson Sgt -
?Witnessed punishment Moore Park Dec 1917 see Wm Forrest 351901
Robinson, Geo. 4790 EB2
Robinson, George F., Pte 58942 9th RS 0636
ROBINSON, George McWatt. Brunton Cottage. Canonmills. Edinburgh. 3/9th. RSC
Robinson, H.J. 2399 F Coy LS1
An H Robinson witnessed papers of Archibald Fraser (qv), Manchester but may not
be this man
Robinson, James d.22.3.18
al.pdf -
Robinson, James Pte 40265 7/8th KOSB 25090, 12th RS 1/9th RS 0634
- -
Army Council regards as having died on or since for official purposes dated 5.6.19
ROBINSON, James, b. Roxburgh, e. Hawick , r. Roxburgh, 40265, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 22/03/18, FORMERLY 25090, K.O.S.B.,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.

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ROBINSON, JAMES, J, Private, '40265', 9th Bn., 39, 22/Mar/1918, France, SON
Robinson, R.J 2010 EB1
Robinson, R.J Private 9th NBW-S
ROBINSON, R.J. No. 2010. 2 Shandon Road, Edinburgh. D Comp. 17/8/14. 19 EBD
yrs 7 mons. Died of Wounds 26/4/15
ROBINSON, R.J. Pte. No. 2010. 26/4/15 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, -
Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November 1916
Robinson, R.J. 2010 B Coy LS1
Robinson, R.J. Pte 2010 24/2/15 (1) D of W 26/4/15 2610
Robinson, R.J., Pte NBW

Also EED 13.5.15

Son of Mr H. Robinson, 2 Shandon Road, Edinburgh. Died of wounds at
Boulogne. He was employed with the Norwich Union.
Died in hospital at Boulogne 26th ult having been wounded in the head four days
previously. Educ Edinburgh Institution and Stewart’s College, before the war in
Norwich Union Insurance office in George St. Joined Ninth in August. Resided 2
Shandon Rd, Edinburgh.
EED 10.5.15
Robinson, Reg. G. -
Stewart Melville
?Robinson, Reg. J.?
Reginald John Robinson Pte 9RS fied of wounds in hosp in Boulogne on 26th Apr,
he was 20 and left school in July 1912.
1915 Stewart Melville
Robinson, Reginald J., Pte 2010 0629
ROBINSON, Reginald John, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 2010, PRIVATE, Died SD
of wounds, France & Flanders, 26/04/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Robinson, Reginald John, Pte
Edinburgh, Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Ltd. Died 26 Apr 15 aged 21
He enlisted on the 17 March 1914 and was sent to France on 26 February 1915.
From 12 March 1915 - 1 April 1915 he was in hospital suffering from trench foot.
He died in 13 General Hospital Boulogne from a gunshot wound to the head.
Aviva -

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ROBINSON, REGINALD JOHN, R J, Private, '2010', 9th Bn., 21, 26/Apr/1915,

ROBINSON, W. Corpl. No. 7477. A. Coy. , to be Paid A/L/Sergt., from 27/2/17, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Robinson, W.F. 3176 B Coy LS6
Robinson, W.P. Pte 43915 4/12/15 (1) Disc. 13/5/18 2610
Robinson, William P., L/Cpl 43915 9th RS 3176 Pte, 2nd RS 16th RS 0635
Robley, George Pte 270709 17th RS 1/9th RS 0638
ROBLEY, George, b. Sunderland, e. Sunderland , r. Southwick, Sunderland, SD
270709, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/07/18, FORMERLY
TR/6/9239, T.R. BATTN., 6020 H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
ROBLEY, GEORGE, G, Private, '270709', 9th Bn., 18, 23/Jul/1918, France, SON
ROBSON Pte. Singer. Helped put programme together Battalion Concert, Friday -
25th August – held in the Dry Canteen, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov
Robson, C.C Private 9th NBW-S
ROBSON, C.C. Pte. No. 2560, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Robson, C.C. 2560 E Coy LS1
Robson, C.C. 2560, Wounded. The War Office list today, Edinburgh Evening
News, 23rd June 1915
Official information has been received to the effect that Private C.C. Robson of
the 9th Royal Scots was wounded on the 17th May. He acted as secretary to the
Stewart's College (F.P.) Cricket Club for the last two years and was apprentice
with the firm of Macandrew & Blair, C. A., Alva Street, Edinburgh
Edinburgh Evening Dispatch, 2nd June 1915 -
Robson, C.C. Pte 2560 24/2/15 (1) Comm 5/8/15 2610
Robson, Charles C 2560 EB1
Stewart Melville
RAF Prisoner of War in Germany
‘”not out” yet, and we hope see them on Stewart’s field as of old.’
Reported a prisoner exactly a month after his disappearance. He has had peculiarly
hard luck. The flight from which he failed to return was intended to be his last
previous to coming home to be trained as a pilot. If we must commiserate him on
his temporary loss of freedom we have to congratulate him on gaining the Military
Stewart Melville 1918
Robson, Charles C., Pte 2560 comm 15th RS 5.8.15 medals admin. By Air 0629
Ministry -
Robson, C.C. Pte

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Wounded in France. He resides at 80 Comely Bank Avenue, Edinburgh.

EED 5.6.15
Robson, CC of firm Macandrew & Blair, Edin. Pte (reported 12.6.15), wounded
(reported 1.7.15), later Lt RAF prisoner (reported 1.7.18)
Robson, Charles Crichton, Lt. Royal Scots 2560 Pte. Royal Scots 2Lt. RAF Lt
11 Sqn Flying Officer (Observer) (19.12.17); France; 15.5.18 PoW [C845 Bristol
Fighter] Last seen in fight over Bouchou on patrol. Lt HW Sellars+/Lt CC Robson
PoW; PoW [C845 Bristol Fighter] Last seen in combat over Bouchou - repatriated
30.12.18 (Obs). Lt HW Sellars missing; missing [C845 Bristol Fighter] Missing
from DOP [Distant Offensive Patrol] SE Amiens and SE Albert. Lt HW Sellars
missing/Lt CC Robson missing; repatriated [C845 Bristol Fighter] .Lt CC Robson
repatriated/Lt HW Sellars+ in air nr Beucher
The fourth production batch of 300 Bristol F.2B Fighters, C751 to C1050 built
under contract AS17573/17 dated 20 August 1917, was delivered between March
and May 1918. C845 and C846 11.4.18
Robson, J.W. Pte ? 353050 RS, 9090 Pte Yorks Regt ?
BWM&VM piece 0641 Medal Roll [incl for six digit]
?James W Robson Pte L/Cpl Yorks R 9090, RFC 148219, RS 353050
15Star&BWM&VM France 13.10.15
Robson, W. Lt -
[this list does not specify 9RS but includes many recognisable names, see T.G.
Clark for full list]
Territorial Army, the undermentioned relinquish their commissions 30 Sep 1921,
and retain their rank unless otherwise stated.
London Gazette 23 Dec 1921 p.10576
Robson, W Lt 9RS to be Lt 3 Dec
Army and Navy Gazette 11.12.20
?William Robson
From Officer Cadet Unit to be 2/Lt RS (TF) 26.4.17
LG 11.5.17 [amongst other Ninths]
Cannot find MIC
Roddick, Archibald Pte 49235 1/9th RS 0635

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- -
Archibald Roddick Pte 1/7 RS 49235 enlisted 24.5.17, discharge 8.5.19 para 392
xvi. SWB list D/A/1173. VM&BWM
RODEN, William E., b. Wolverhampton, e. Wolverhampton, 335626, L/CPL, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), -
9th Battalion.
Mo Sarah
Register Soldiers’ Effects
William E Roden RS Pte 8310 335626 VM&BWM
Roden, William E., Pte 335626 1/8th RS 8310 Pte, 1/9th RS 0639
RODEN, WILLIAM ENOCH, W E, Lance Corporal, '335626', 1st/9th Bn., 22,
1/Aug/1918, France, SON OF WILLIAM AND SARAH RODEN, OF 140, ST.
RODGER, G. Pte. No. 351403 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
George Rodger
Pte RS 351403; RDC 75168
VM&BWM SWB List TP/4930
George Rodger, 15 Loch?? Terr, Edin. [is this Lochore, Fife, in error putting
4003/351403 Born 1888
Attested 24.11.15 as 4003, leave listed, posted 4th (Res) 24.9.17
Imp Oblig 3/9 RS Selkirk 30.11.15
Disch 392 xvia KR signed 30.10.19
Record RDC office, no 75168 in 215 P. Coy (late RS) Single GSW lt shoulder,
pension provided. Character v good
215 Protection Company, Royal Defence Corps
15 Berry St, Lochgelly, Fife 1920
Fa John at same address. Presby.
Trans BEF signed OC A Coy AM Campbell Capt ?12/16. Trans to England
wounded 6.5.17, transfer RDC ?20.6.17 stamped 4th (Res) RS
3.11.18 absent without leave 10pm to ?3.50 – 2 days CB
Home 24.11.15-28.12.16, BEF 29.12.16-6.5.17, Home 7.5.17-5.4.19
Wd remained at duty 18.4.17, GSW leg l. shoulder 23.4.17
Service record
Rodger, George 4003 EB2
RODGER, J, Private, '352477', 9th Bn., 22, 23/Apr/1917, France, SON OF MR.
RODGER, J. Pte. No. 352477 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
RODGER, J. Pte. No. 3745, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.

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James Rodger RS Pte 3745, RAF 405597 VM&BWM

Rodger, J. Sgt 375381
Territorial Force War Medal piece 3260 (TFWM) -
Rodger, James 3745 EB2
- -
Rodger, James, Pte. Royal Scots 3745 Pte. RAF 405597 Pte.
Rodger, James Pte 352477 9th RS 5808 Pte 0640
- -
Pte James Rogers [note Rogers] 352477

Pte James Rodger [note Rodger] born Townend, educ Kirkcudbright, father John,
then employed as painter with Peter Henney 8 yrs. Joined 9th RS, France 1916, took
part in Arras, killed around Chemical Works, had been 5 months in theatre. Killed
23.4.17 age 22.
“We Will Remember Them: Kirkcudbright’s Sons 1914 1918.” by Ian Devlin. Pub
2005. ISBN 13 978-0-9551638-1-4. The bibliography lists the main sources as
Joseph Robinson’s Newspaper Cuttings Albums (1914-1919), in the Stewartry
Museum, Kirkcudbright; The Stewartry of Kirkcudbright Roll of Honour;
Regimental Websites 1914-1918; CWGC.
Courtesy William Bradshaw
Fa John, sis Lizzie McKimmel?
Register Soldiers’ Effects
Rodger, James Sgt 375381 15th RS 375381 Sgt, 9th RS 375381 0640
- -
VM&BWM, TF War R Scots/TFM/7-22 TFWM
362 High St, Linlithgow
RODGER, James, b. Kirkcudbright, e. Berwick-on-Tweed , r. Kirkcudbright, SD
352477, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Rodger, Thomas 3900 EB2
Rodger, Thomas Pte 351334 9th RS 3900 Pte, 16th RS 351334 0640
RODGER, Thomas. 20 Strachan Rd. Blackhall. (8438) RSC
Rodgers L/Cpl 2/9th gave pianoforte recitals at recruiting campaign Edinburgh July -
1915 EED 29 Jul 15
Rodgers, James 4456 EB2
ROE, J N, Private, '59011', 9th Bn., , 12/Apr/1918, Belgium, CWGC

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Roe, James N., Pte 59011 9th RS 0636

ROE, James Nichol, b. Dumbarton, e. Glasgow , r. Glasgow, 59011, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 12/04/18, FORMERLY 2/13632, T.R.
BATTN., 54248, H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Roger - see Paulin, Frederick
Rogers, C.B 2875 EB1
Rogers, C.B. L/Cpl 350749 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 3/4/19 2610
Rogers, Cecil B., L/Sgt 350749 9th RS 2875 Cpl 0640
Rogers, James – see Rodger -
Rogers, John W., 330192 5/6th RS 12th RS 9th RS 0639
Rogers, R.G 2724 EB1
ROGERS, R.K. Sergt. No. 520. Severe, wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916
Rogers, R.K. Sgt 520 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 12/2/16 2610
Rogers, Reginald K., Sgt 520 0629
b.1890 at Dunbar, the elder son of Reuben M Rogers, a Customs and Excise
Supervisor, and Harriet Rogers, of 5 Balfour Street, Alloa.
On 23 April 1915, the Alloa Advertiser reported: How Sergeant R K Rogers was
A letter has been received by Mr R. M. Rogers, 5 Balfour Street, Alloa, describing
how his eldest son, Sergeant R. K. Rogers, 9th Royal Scots Highlanders, was
wounded on 7th April, along with another Sergeant of D Coy., he was called out of
his billet to accompany the Captain and two Lieutenants on an inspection of
trenches, prior to leading in the platoons. That was shortly before the billets were
shelled by the Germans, resulting in nine of his comrades being killed and about
fifty wounded.
The trench was an uncompleted one, taken over from our allies, and another
company was busy strengthening it. A bullet came right through the parapet and
struck Sergeant Rogers on the left side of the nape of the neck, passed clean through
just under the skin, and emerged on the right side. Fortunately he stooped slightly
at the moment over a tea "dixie" and he also attributes his miraculous escape to the
fact that he had his Balaclava helmet rolled in several folds inside his greatcoat
collar. This doubtless helped to deflect the bullet, which passed through greatcoat
and tunic collars and several folds of wool before reaching the neck. The shock
blinded him and caused deafness to the right ear. He was made comfortable in a
"dugout" until nightfall, when he was taken to the rear, and sent to Boulogne. He is
now out of hospital and in the convalescent camp. He recovered his sight after three
days, and the deafness is disappearing. He expresses satisfaction that he "bagged
two that morning" before they got him.
France 24.2.15 Sjt 520 MIC
Rogerson, E.G. Pte 1534 L & B.H. 3/4/15 (1) 9th RS 353002 Pte K in A 7/10/17 2610
st th
Rogerson, Edward G., Pte 352002 1/1 L.&B. Horse 1534 Pte, 9 RS 6890 0640
Rogerson, Edward G. Loth & Bord Horse Pte 1534, RS 353002, RS 6890

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15Star&BWM&VM. France 3.4.15

Pte 353002 KIA 7.10.17 Mother Agatha A.E.
Register Soldiers’ Effects
ROGERSON, Edward George, b. Hertford, e. Haddington , r. Hertford, 353002, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 07/10/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
ROGERSON, EDWARD GEORGE, E G, Private, '353002', 1st/9th Bn., 24,
Rogerson, Edward George. Born 1893 in Bengeo, Hertfordshire. Private 353002
born in Hertford, lived in Hertford and enlisted at Haddington
Great War Forum -
ROGERSON, John. 4 Great King St. Edinburgh. (10497) RSC
Rolla, L. Cpl 350353 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 26/3/19 2610
Rolla, Louis Sgt 356353 9th RS 1900 Sgt 0640
Rolla, Louis 1900, 350353 Cpl, Sjt 9RS 15 Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15
?b.abt1893 Edin to Andrew (born Italy abt 1859, foreman confectioner) and Jane
(b.abt 1861 Fife) Rolla, address 10 E London St, Edin.
1901 Census
Rolla, Louis, Srgt 05-07
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
RONALD, J H, Private, '330688', 1st/9th Bn., , 9/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
RONALD, J.H. Pte. No. 330688 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Ronald, John H. Pte 8/RS 330688 Medal roll VM&BWM RS Piece 0639 [no ref
John H. Ronald VM&BWM RS Pte 330688
John H. Ronald, 8th Bn attd. 9th Bn RS Pte 330688 KIA 9.4.17 Fa. James
Register Soldiers’ Effects
RONALDSON, D. Pte. No. 3382, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, -
1st Nov 1916.
Ronaldson, D. Pte 350992 12/10/15 (1) Disemb 20/3/19 2610
Ronaldson, David 3382 EB2
Ronaldson, David Pte 350992 9th RS 3382 Pte 0640
Ronaldson, Wm. 4708 EB2
Rooke, G. Pte 353040 date of last leave 2-8.8.17 age 27 Bricklayer; Reg. or T.F.:
Five men: D.Sutherland (T.F.), R.E.Atkin, J.Odell, W.Reader and G.Rooke

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Transferred to R.E. (Inland Waterway & Docks), Sandwich, from 2/9th RS, Moore
Park, Kilworth Co. Cork 28.2.18
Room, C.A, 2/Lt. 4th RS joined for duty 10 May 1917
- WD
2/Lt CA Room to be Lt 1.9.18 4RS LG 17.2.19 -
Roose, Liegh R, L/Cpl, MM
Celtic FC goalkeeper (Welsh International) KIA Oct 1916
Great War Forum
?? Leigh Richmond Rouose / Rouse was 9th Royal Fusiliers, Welsh international
soccer player d.7.10.16 MM -
Rosbottom, William 3031 EB1
Rosbottom, William, 3031 -
109 Ladies Lane, Hindley, Nr Wigan
Attested 11 Jan 15, apparant age 19 yrs 2 mnths, examined Manchester, attestation
signed 9th Reserve Bn (2/9th) at Kilmarnock, embodied 11.1.15-15.7.15,
transferred to 5th Sco Prov Bn 20.5.15. Home service
Discharged Para 392 IIIcc [(iii) Not being likely to become an efficient soldier
(cc) Recruits with more than three months service considered unfit for
further military service], Dudhope Castle, Dundee 31 July 15
Father Wm Rosbottom same address. Roman Catholic.
Admitted to hospital at Craigleith 1.3.15-15.3.15 ([?]) and 3.5.15 (Colitis). Pain
along colon. 9 year sof complaints. Inability to eat army rations, pain kept in check
with limited diet. Discharge approved Senior Medical Officer, Tay Defences and
CO 5th Sco Prov Bn, W. Lachlan Forbes, Major. Signed JS Ewart, Lt-Gen, GOC-
in-C Scottish Command.
Rose, D.G, 2nd Lt F1901
- -
2/Lt resigns his comm 23.11.01
Volunteer Service Gazette 29.11.01
Rose, Donald Grant F
Second Lieut 3 Nov 1900. Called to Far East on private business, resigned
commission 23 Nov 1901. Had previously served for ten years in the Dutch Militia
in Java. Born 1869. Eastern Merchant.
Appointed to the battalion # 17
Rose, H, Capt. 7th RS joined for duty 10 May 1917 WD
Rose, H. Capt. demobilized Feb 1919 WD
Rose, H.A. Capt wounded -
Estimated casualties from March offensive as of 6.4.18 from 183 Bde War Diary
Rose, J. L/Cpl (A/Cpl) 1339 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 22/4/16 2610
Rose, John 1339,[*], Badge No. 41062
9RS Cpl 13.4.12-22.4.16 wounds xvi served overseas SWB
Rose, John A/Cpl 1339 0629
ROSE, T. Corpl. No. 1339, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Ross -
‘feats of strength’ C Coy 2/9th Dundee

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

A Anderson IWM 3608

Ross 2/Lt ? to be in composite battalion if required April 1918 -
5/GH WD WO 95 3061 2_1
Ross Haddon ?
? Ross Hadden here referring to Ross Haddon, DA?
‘When Lt Col Jim Blythe was commissioned in 1969 he was sent by the
Regimental Secretary of the day, Col Duncan Eykyn, to Hawick to the home of Dr
Ross Hadden who had made it known that he wanted his sword to go to a newly
joined subaltern. Ross Hadden served during the Great War with the 9th
(Highlanders) Battalion. His daughter married a Royal Scots Fusilier officer who
deployed to France in 1939, taking the sword with him and bringing it back via
Dunkirk before returning it to his father-in-law.’
The Thistle, Volume 29 – Number 3, Summer 2014
Dr D A Ross Haddon MC, Club President of Hawick Callants Club, 1947
? Macdonald, Lyn, ‘They Called it Passchendaele’, lists Maj. D.A. Ross Haddon
MC, 9th Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers [sic]
Ross Haddon, A.D., Lt (Hawick) -
Reported wounded, was struck in the jaw by a piece of shrapnel shell. He is in the
Red Cross Hospital in Rouen.
EED 1 May 15
Ross Haddon is home, or on the way. Hit in the jaw worse than he thought 8.6.15
Bennet Clark, T.W. Letters written by sons to mother during WWI, Ref: 1994.106,
National War Museum Scotland Library, Edinburgh Castle
Lt DAR Haddon Disembarked 29.5.15 [not SS Inventor?] 1915 Star Medal Roll
Piece 2947 – this looks in error – he was wounded and going home in this period
Marriage arranged and shortly to take place between Capt DA Ross Haddon
RAMC attd 9RS, third son of late Walter Haddon of Firth, Roxburghshire, and of
Mrs Haddon, Colislinn, Hawick; and Gwendolen Helen, only dau of Mr and Mrs
Arthur Owen of 49 Overstrand Mansions, London SW
The Berwick Advertiser 29.10.15
Court of inquiry in the field 13.3.16 by order AS Blair: deaths of WS Carter, JC
Wilson and poisoning of Pte Dishington 2005. President Maj RHF Moncrieff,
members Capt A Taylor, 2/Lt AS Nicoll.
Capt DA Ross Haddon RAMC gives evidence. Pte Simpson was conscious,
Dishington and Wilson unconscious and Carter dead.
Papers of WS Carter
See also Haddon
Ross Haddon, D.A, Lt E-P

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Ross Haddon, D.A, Lt, p.96 Second Ypres, wounded E

Ross Lt -
3/9 RS Supernumerary Company, Supernumeraries’ Anniversary Gathering,
23.2.16, anniversary of landing in France, dinner at County Hotel ballroom,
The Southern Reporter 2.3.16
Ross Pte C Coy -
Member of winning marathon team 2/9th Bn, 65th Divisional Games, Hylands Park
9th Aug 16. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Ross Pte, p.101 Patrol, hit and captured 10 June 1915 E
Ross Sergeant

Ross Srgt NBW
ROSS, A. Pte. No. 2014, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Ross, A.A 2264 EB1
Ross, A.A. Pte 350479 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 6/3/19 2610
Ross, A.A., L/Cpl (A/Sgt) 1/9th RS 350479 -
MSM Date of gazette 17 June 18 Ancestry
Ross, Arthur A., 9/R Scots Pte 350479; R Scots A/Sgt 2266
France 24.2.15
Ross, Alex 46(?)6 EB2
- -
Ross, Alexander 9RS 4616, 2nd KOSB 40883
BWM&VM Medal Roll Piece 1116 KOSB
ROSS, Alex. No. 2014. 5 Graham St., Edinburgh. F (crossed out) D Comp. 17/8/14. EBD
18 yrs 8 mons.
Ross, Alexander 2014 EB1
Ross, Alexander, Pte -
Kilmarnock Branch
Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, Roll of Honour (1919)
Ross, Angus Pte 63228 9th RS 0636
Ross, Arthur A., A/Sgt 350479 9th RS 2264 A/Sgt, attd 3rd Army Hqrs. A/Sgt 0640
Student of Law, 1903-5. S.S.C., 1908. 9th Royal Scots (T), Private Sept. 1914;
L/Corporal May 1915; Sergeant May 1918. M.S.M. Jan. 1918.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
ROSS, Arthur Alexander. 39 Albany St. Edinburgh. 1/9th. (1632) RSC
Ross, D 2024 EB1
Ross, D Pte 3659 Dundee hospital 12.12.16-10.1.17, from Edin -
Ross, D. Pte 350429 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 25/2/19 2610
Ross, D., Piper
Seton, Bruce, ‘The Pipes of War’, 1920 -

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ROSS, David 81 Glendevon Place. Murrayfield. Edinburgh. (2138) RSC

Ross, David Cpl 350429 9th RS 2124 Cpl, attd 3rd Army Hqrs. 0640
Stewart Melville
Ross, Douglas J., Pte 19914 16th RS 19914 Cpl, 9th RS 0632
Ross, Douglas M 3659 EB2
ROSS, Douglas M. Revd. (12870) Harroy Manse, Kirkwall, Orkney. The Royal -
Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Ross, Douglas M., Pte 351164 9th RS 3659 Pte, attd 5th Ent. Bn. 351164, 16th RS 0640
ROSS, Douglas Matheson WWR
Kirkcaldy, 1896; younger son of Rev. B. J. Ross, M.A., Kaffraria, South Africa;
1913 – 15; Lauriston House 1st XV.; 9th R.S., Pte. 1915; France 1916 – 18,
Somme and Beaumont Hamel 1916, Arras and St. Quetin 1917, Nestle, Villers-
Bretonneux, Amiens, Armentieres 1918; twice wounded; dischd. Nov. 1918.
ROSS, Duncan. 24 Dukes Ave. Chiswick. London W.4. (10766) RSC
Ross, F.M F 2381 EB1
Ross, F.M, 2/Lt wounded 16/9/16
154th Bde War Diary WO 95/2883/3 -
Ross, F.M, 2/Lt. wounded but assumed command of raiding party 16 Sept 1916 WD
Ross, F.M, 2nd Lt, 'A' Coy, p.328, wounded on raid where AH Douglas killed, led E
‘wild charge’, brought back body of Lt Douglas, 16 Sept 1916; p.654 German
offensive 1918, Lt ‘A’ Coy, killed
Ross, F.M, Lt, MC
Killed or died of wounds Aug 18; Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The
Fifteenth (Scottish) Division, 1914-1919’, 1926 -
ROSS, F.M. 2nd/Lieut. Awarded Military Cross., The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No -
2, 1st Nov 1916.
Ross, F.M. L/Cpl 2381 24/2/15 (1) Comm RS 23/10/15 2610
Ross, F.M. Lt. mentioned in operation order no. 16 11 July 1918 WD
ROSS, F.M. Second Lieut. Wounded. The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
Ross, F.McF Lt MC ww1
Ross, F.McF., 2381 Wounded. The War Office list today, Edinburgh Evening
News, 23rd June 1915 -
Ross, Findlay L/Cpl 2381 entered theatre as Pte comm 9th RS 23.10.15 0629
ROSS, FINDLAY MACFADYEN, F M, Lieutenant, , 1st/9th Bn., 25,
George Watson's College; First XV. Cadet Corps 1906-12, Cadet L/Corporal.
Student of Science, 1912-14. O.T.C. Engineers, April 1913 to Sept. 1914, Cadet.
9th Royal Scots, Private Oct. 1914; L/Corporal June 1915 ; Lieut. Sept. 1917;
Acting Captain. France Feb. 191 5. M.C. Sept. 1916. Wounded June 1915 and
Sept. 1916. Killed near Soissons on 1st August 1918. -

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University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)

Ross, Finlay M., The son of the late Rev. John Ross, D.D., was born at Moukden, GWC
Manchuria, in 1893. He attended G.W.C. 1900-12, playing football and drilling in -
the O.T.C. He then went to study forestry at Edin. Univ., where he was attached to
the R.E. division of the senior O.T.C. Joining the 9th R.S. in Sept. 1914, he went
to France, whence he returned for a commission. Returning to France he was
severely wounded in a raid in which he won the M.C. After a period of home
service in 1918, he again went to France, and as A/Capt. fell while leading his
company in Margin's assault round Soissons on Aug. 1, 1918.
Finlay McFadyen Ross 2/Lt
KIA (Lt) Western Front 1 Aug 1918, aged 25. Son of the late Rev J.Ross,
missionary in Manchuria. Born Manchuria.
2/Lt MC cited 20.10.16
2nd Lt. Finlay McFadyen Ross, R. Scots. For conspicuous gallantry during a raid.
On reaching the enemy parapet his Commander was killed, and he himself
wounded and rendered unconscious. On regaining; consciousness he rallied his
party, entered the enemy trench, and obtained identifications. He brought his
whole party back before having his wounds dressed.
LG 20.10.16
?Findlay Ross b.~1893 China, British subject, to Isabella Ross (Missionary’s
Wife). [Father not present, wife as Head] Address 1 Fingal Place, Edinburgh.
1901 1901 Census
Ross, Findlay Macfadyan of 12 Marshall Cres, Edin died 1 Aug 18. Confirmation
of Isabella Strapp MacFadyan or Ross widow.[mother?]

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Service record of John Herbert Ross (RAMC) has mother at 12
Marchhall/Marshall Cres. [1901 census above also has a John b.~1891]
Signs postcard of Harry Lazarus as censor
Ross, G 4158 A Coy LS7
Ross, G.W 4158 EB2
ROSS, H. Pte. No. 1810, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
ROSS, Henry W. 32 Attimore Rd. Welwyn Garden City. Herts. (5328) RSC
Ross, Henry W., L/Cpl 9th RS 859, L/Cpl RE 76750. France 17.9.15 -
Ross, Hugh 4461 EB2
Ross, Hugh 1810 Pte France 24.2.15; LC 253235 A/S Dism 13.2.19 -
9RS Piece 2836 Labour Corps Medal Roll (15Star)
Ross, Hugh Pte 63227 9th RS 0636
Ross, J 2846 EB1
Ross, J 4177 A Coy LS7
Ross, J L/Cpl 2564 A Coy LS7
ROSS, J, Private, '46057', 9th Bn., 29, 24/Feb/1919, Belgium, SON OF
ROSS, J. L.Corpl. No. 2564. A Coy. To be paid Acting Corporal. 22/8/16, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
ROSS, J. Pte. No. 2846. D Coy. To be paid Acting L/Corpl. 2/9/16, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
ROSS, J. Pte. No. 350735 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June -
ROSS, J.B. Pte. No. 1822. 22/7/16, missing, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, -
1st November 1916
Ross, J.B. Pte 1822 24/2/15 (1) P-D 23/7/16 2610
ROSS, J.D. Corpl. No. 4086. C.Coy. , Commissioned from Cadet School, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
ROSS, J.D. L/Corpl. No. 4086. C Coy. Marksmen - General Musketry Course -
(started August 13th), The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
ROSS, J.D. Pte. No. 4086. C Coy. To be paid Acting L/Corpl. 2/9/16, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
ROSS, J.P. Pte. No. 6704. C. Coy., from 26/12/16 , To be Acting Unpaid Corpl., -
whilst employed as Acting Bandmaster, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June
A very pleasing incident took place in the Kerry Protestant Hall last evening, when
a small presentation was made by a few of his friends here to Bandmaster John P.
Ross of the Royal Scots on his leaving Tralee.
… services rendered at many concerts since his advent here… presented with a
baton. Ross replied:

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

‘The Royal scots were all heartily sorry to leave Tralee, but they hoped to be sent
back again. They had been fairly treated in Scotch towns and they had been fairly
treated in English towns, but their warm-hearted reception in Tralee won all their
hearts, and would be a life-long memory to the Scots.’
Kerry Evening Post 19.5.17
ROSS, J.P. Unpaid A/Corpl. No. 352852. C. Coy. , To be Paid Acting L/Corpl., -
from 27/3/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
ROSS, J.P. Unpaid Corpl. No. 352852. A. Coy., from 1/5/17 , To be Unpaid -
A/L/Sergt [Paid Corpl.] whilst acting Bandmaster, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1
No.4, 1st June 1917
Ross, J.S 2585 EB1
Ross, J.W 2852 EB1
Ross, James D 4086 EB2
Ross, James H., Pte 58947 9th RS 0636
Ross, James Pte 31474 2nd RS 13th RS 9th RS 0633
Ross, James Pte 325448 2nd RS 8th RS 9th RS 0639
Ross, James Pte 330796 8th RS attd 5th Ent. Bn. 9th RS 0639
Ross, James W., Pte 352746 9th RS 0640
ROSS, James, b. Uphall, West Lothian, e. Broxburn, West Lothian , r. Broxburn, SD
31474, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 02/12/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
ROSS, JAMES, J, Private, '31474', 9th Bn., 33, 2/Dec/1917, France, HUSBAND
Ross, John 2564 EB1
Ross, John B Pte 1822 0629
- -
John Brown Ross 9RS ?L Cpl 1822 9RS on or since 23.7.16 presumed, Mo
Euphemia B.
Register Effects
ROSS, John Brown, b. Lasswade, Midlothian, e. Edinburgh, 350327, L/CPL, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/07/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
ROSS, JOHN BROWN, J B, Lance Corporal, '350327', (1822). "C" Coy. 9th Bn.,
Ross, John Pte 350735 9th RS 2846 0640
- -
Fa William
Register Soldiers’ Effects
Ross, John Pte 353502 9th RS 0640
Ross, John Pte 46057 1/9th RS 0635
Ross, John S. 4177 EB2
Ross, John S. 2585,[*], Badge No. 35283
9RS Pte 10.11.14-28.1.17 sickness xvi, overseas yes SWB
- ?

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

? Pte John S. Ross Wounded. He resided with his grandparents at 102
Spottiswoode St, Edinburgh
EED 13.7.16
Ross, John S., Pte 08-10
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Ross, John S., Pte 2585 0629
ROSS, John, b. Edinburgh, e. Glencorse, Midlothian , r. Penicuik, Midlothian, SD
353502, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 04/12/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
ROSS, John, e. Edinburgh, 350735, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & SD
Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
ROSS, JOHN, J, Private, '350735', "B" Coy. 1st/9th Bn., 23, 9/Apr/1917, France,
ROSS, JOHN, J, Private, '353502', "A" Coy. 9th Bn., 18, 4/Dec/1917, France, CWGC
Ross, John, Pte 353502
d. 4/12/17 Memorial at Penicuik. [Midlothian Journal 21 Dec. 1917]: Mrs
Webster, Wester Howgate, has received intimation that a boy whom she brought
up, Private John Ross, Royal Scots, has fallen in action. The deceased soldier, who
was only nineteen years of age, enlisted in May last, and went to the front in
August. He was formerly employed as a porter at Leadburn Station.
WW1_Casualties_by_Regiment_Letter_R.pdf -
Ross, P.M, 2/Lt. joined for duty 6 June 1916 WD
Ross, R ( )? 2657 EB1
Ross, R.E 2957 EB1
[Cannot locate an MIC, there was a Robert E Ross 5/6 RS]
Ross, Reginald C. HLI Pte 282711, Sco Rif 316732, MGC 152867 VM&BWM -
Ross, Reginald Cameron Pte 152867; 282711 MGC, 316732 Sco Rif Class Z (AR)
MGC Medal Roll BWM&VM Piece 1760
Ross, R.C. Pte 350786 9RS transferred 9.5.17 to 7th HLI as 282711 FMP
Ross, Reginald Pte 29257 2/9th RS Balgavies Sanatorium hospital 6.10.15-20.10.15, -
from Manchester, Dundee Hosp 21.8.18-7.10.15, Dundee Hosp adm 21.9.15
[?2957 not 29257?]
Ross, Stephen Pte 352693 9th RS 0640
Ross, T 4654 A Coy LS7

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ROSS, T. Unpaid A/L/Corpl. No. 6409. A.Coy. , To be Paid A/L/Corpls., -

25/1/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Ross, Thomas Pte 352610 9th RS 352610 Pte 0640
Ross, Thos. 4654 EB2
Ross, W, Pte. Wounded on night patrol, thought to be taken prisoner 16 June 1915 WD
Ross, W. Pte 2041 24/2/15 (1a) Discharged 22/1/18 No. 350400 2610
- -
Ross, William 350400 SWB 316646 26.8.14-22.1.18 wounds 23yo served overseas
Ross, W., Piper
Seton, Bruce, ‘The Pipes of War’, 1920
Concert at Selkirk given by officers and men of 3/9th RS: Pipe-Major McKinley,
Corporal-Piper Lauder, Piper Manderson, Piper Ross, Piper Reid and Piper Bell
The Southern Reporter 20.4.1916 -
Ross, W., Pte 350400 9th RS 2041 0641
Ross, W.F. Pte 350145 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 9/2/19 2610
Ross, W.G Private 9th NBW-S
Ross, W.G. -
Private W. G. Ross, C Company 1/9th Royal Scots, was severely wounded at
Ypres, and is now in hospital in Aberdeen. He is the son of Mr and Mrs Ross, The
Register Hotel, Edinburgh.
Edinburgh Evening Dispatch 14th May 1915
ROSS, W.G. Pte. No. 2028, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
William George Ross
9RS 2028 350394 enlisted 20.8.14 Pte at edin
Embarked SS Inventor Southampton 24.2.15, landed Havre 26.2.15
1st Sco Gen (Central School) Aberdeen 7.5.15-3.6.15 Superficial bullet wound of
chest, bullet entered 1 inch below right side ? re-emerged left, wounds healed
26.4.15 14GenHos GSW abdomen sev Boulogne, 2.5.15 14GenHos transf HS
Valdivia Wimereux, transf Southampton
28.2.17 Embarked/arr, 20 IBD 1.3.17, joined in field 19.3.17, leave 16.2.18-
2.3.18, PUO adm 45 Field Amb 1.7.18, to duty 7.7.18, rejoin 9.7.18, leave 6.2.19-
20.2.19, to UK 3.3.19, demob 2.4.19, home address Register Hotel, Edin.
Z reserve age 26, served France & Belgium, 23.2.15-8.5.15 rifleman and 23.2.17-
27.2.19 piper, bullet wound in stomach 23.4.15, no 2 Gen Hos Aberdeen
Group 35 Architect, last employer District Valuer, Inland revenue (City), 53
Hanover St, Edin.
Digestion easily upset. Disablement <20% 45 Field Amb. 26.2.19 Braine l’Alleud
[bn here from Dec 1918]
Service Record and Service Record
Ross, W.G. Pte 350394 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 2/4/19 2610
Ross, W.G., Pte NBW

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Also EED 17.5.15

Wounded at Ypres. He is the son of Mr and Mrs Ross, Register Hotel, Edinburgh.
Ross, W.R 2766 EB1
ROSS, W.R. Pte. No. 2966, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Ross, William 2041 EB1
Details: 15 Deanpark St Edinburgh. E Coy. Attested 26.8.14 “Joining Battalion
Ross, William F., Pte 350145 9th RS 1416 0640
Ross, William G 2026 [index page in error, 2028 on main page] EB1
Ross, William G., Pte 350394 9th RS 2028 Pte 0640
ROSS, William George. No. 2028. Register Hotel. C changed to B Comp. 20/8/14. EBD
22 yrs 10 mons.
Ross, William Private 9th NBW-S
Ross, William Pte 63233 9th RS 0636
ROSS, William Rutherford WWR
Edinburgh, 1894; 1902 – 9; draper; 9th R.S., 1916; France 1917 – 18, Arras.
Ross, William, Pte
21 yo is a POW in Germnay. Wounded and captured whilst reconnoitring the
enemy’s advanced line on the 16th inst. Employed by Mr Cranston, grocer, Gilmore
Place. A member of the Northern Harriers. His father, Mr Donald Ross, resides at
15 Dean Park Street, Stockbridge.
The Scotsman 3 Jul 1915
Edinburgh Evening Dispatch. 1st July 1915
No. 2041, Private William Ross (21) of the 1/9 Royal Scots, wounded and taken
prisoner on the 16th June, while out scouting the enemy's wire entanglements
along with Lieut. Macdonald (who was also taken prisoner) Prior to enlistment
Ross was employed by Mr. Cranston, grocer, Gilmore Place, and was a member of
the Northern Harriers. His father, Donald Ross, resides at 15 Dean Park Street,
Ross, William, POW, A Cie
Pte No 2041, Royal Scots, 9me Bataillon. 16/6 en patrouille pres Armentieres
Father M. Donald Ross, 15 Dean Park, Edinburgh
PA 2682 / 3462 / 4433 Wounded in thigh
Feld. Lag. 7; Valencienne; Chateau d’Oex
2682 Feldlaz. 7/XEX A.K. OBerschenkelschuss bdrsaits [thigh wound]
4433 Gefl. Ingolstadt [Bavaria] -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots
Interned Switzerland
Wm Ross Pte 2041 c Coy 9th RS
Last camp in Germany, Ingoldstadt, Englestatd Lazarette. Interne region Chateau
d’Oex FS530 => Ingoldstadt Lazarett, header letter dated 13 Jun 16 regarding 380
internees. Veuillez trouver ci-inclus 380 questionnaires remplis par les prisoniers
internees dans les cantonnement de Chateau d'Oex, Rougemont Rossiniere. Les
cantonnements les plus voisins de sont a ma connaissance les suivants./ Please
find included 380 questionnaires completed by prisoners interned in the
cantonment of Chateau d'Oex, Rougemont Rossiniere. The nearest cantonments
are to my knowledge the following.

William Ross, Pte. Taken prisoner on June 16th. His home is at 15 Dean Park
Street, Edinburgh.
EED 3.7.15 [alongside photo Norman Macdonald (qv)]
ROSS, William. 9 Orchard St. Paisley. (10330) RSC
ROSS, William. No. 2041. 15 Deanpark St., Edinburgh. E Comp. 26/8/14 EBD
Ross, William. Page no: 1618-1619. Corps: 9th Royal Scots. Regiment No: 2041.
Rank: Private. People mentioned: Captain Barron W Allistone, Middlesex
Wounded by bomb both thighs. Left leg 9cms short. Captured 16 Jun 15.
Lomme nr Lille for two months (16 Jun – 19 Aug); then Valenciennes (19 Aug –
28 Oct); end of October 1915 2-day journey to Reserve Lazarette, Remise No.2,
Ingoldstadt, Bavaria, Germany (30 Oct – 26 May 16); left with first party to
Switzerland end of May 16 TNA
Rothery, Hugh 4304 EB2
Rothery, John H., Pte 325995 9th RS 0639
ROTHERY, John Henry, b. Leeds, e. Leeds, 325995, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 20/09/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.

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ROTHERY, JOHN HENRY, J H, Private, '325995', 9th Bn., 25, 20/Sep/1917,

Rothery, Savile Pte 62696 9th RS 0636
- -
Rough, James J., Pte 58946 9th RS 0636
- -
Roundhill, A 4853 EB2
Routledge, John R., Cpl 300355 1/7th RS 1656 Cpl, 1/9th RS 300355 Cpl 0638
Rowall, Charlton 4484 EB2
?There is a Charlton Rowell Sco Rif 1961 202407
?There is a Rowell, C Sergt. 302181 4RS FMP
Rowand, W 2892 EB1
Rowand, William L/Cpl 350756 9th RS 350756 Pte 0640
- -
Rowand, William M., Pte -
Kerse Parish Church
Rowand, William Pte 350756 -
MM for gallantry 22-24 Nov 17 51st WD
Rowand, Wm. M., 99 Marshall St, 350756, Cpl 9th RS -
Grangemouth Roll of Honour
Rowatt, James Pte 44286 9th RS attd. 46th T.M.B. 0635
- -
Rowbotham Capt, p.309 8th RS joined 9th RS as 2-i-C, Maj following losses at E
High Wood; p.398 Arras, excelled in organising assault parties -

Capt J. Rowbotham, 8th RS, Nov 1914; Ewing

Capt Rowbotham, came from 8th RS just before High Wood, describes putting
white line across No Man’s Land for line of communication trench, in broad
Civil defence chief in Hampstead in WW2
Bill Hay IWM interview

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8RS WD 24th July 1916: ‘In the afternoon Captain Rowbotham went up to the
front with four men and at great risk in broad daylight taped out a trench joining
High Wood and Windmill.’ That night C&D Coys 8RS cut this trench [No ref to
moving to 9RS found]
? J. Rowbotham Lt to be Capt 8th (Lanark) Bn HLI 1914 British Army List fold3
? J. Rowbotham, Maj, Lt-Col attd Gordon Highlanders Piece 2249 BWM&VM
Medal roll HLI Officers
? Capt J. Rowbotham (8th HLI) disembarked 4.11.14 attached 1/8 RS 1914 Star
medal Roll Piece 2510 HLI Officers
? J. Rowbotham Capt 8HLI disembarked 4.11.14 ‘Star issued from HLI roll’ 14
Star Piece 2508 8RS
? J. Rowbotham DSO, MC, Capt, Maj, Lt-Col 8HLI 14Star&BWM&VM, SWB,
LG 4.2.19, first theatre 4.11.14, address J.C. Zenea (Neptuno) 58 (Bafos),
Apartado 1952, Itabana [?] MIC
Signs papers John Wilson 4955 ?Maj 9RS 30.3.17
Maj Rowbotham acting CO, WCS Lindsay takes over
C Company 9 April 1917, Diary pages Bennet Clark, TW
Rowbotham Capt. M.C. 8th HLI attached to 8th RS joined to act as senior Major
31 July 1916, wounded 9 Apr 1917, joined for duty 25 June 1917 WD
Rowbotham, J, Maj wounded 9/4/17 -
April 1917, 154th Bde War Diary WO 95/2884/1
ROWBOTHAM, J. Major , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June -
Rowe, G.W. Drummer 10228 8th Buffs 7/10/15 (1) 9th RS 48402 Pte K in A 28/3/18 2610
- -
George William Rowe 8/E Kent R Dmr Pte 10228, RS Pte 48402
15Star&BWM&VM F&F 7.10.15
58 Porthcawe Rd, Lower Sydenham SE26
L/Cpl d.28.3.18 mo Emma
Pension Ledger
2/9RS KIA Mo Emma
Register Effects
10228 The Buffs, crossed out. 48402 2/9 RS
Born Sydenham, age 19yr120 days, shop porter, attesting officer Woolwich
Mo Emma, 58 Porthcawe Rd, Lower Sydenham SE26. Siblings listed. Fa Richard
[later at #48?].
KIA 28.3.18 9RS
Engaged 14.8.14, joined Canterbury 15.8.14, attested Depot Buffs Pte, posted 9th
26.10.14, appt drummer 11.2.15, posted 8th 7.10.15, further details, Transf 2/9RS
3.6.17, kia 1/9RS

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Home 14.8.14-6.10.15, France 7.10.15-23.8.16, Home 24.8.16-19.2.18, ?20.2.18-

Adm hosp 24.8.16-30.9.16 SH [?] 1st finger left hand. Shell shock.
Out for obs to 3rd Bn 15.3.17
Synovitis [?] of knee 11.9.14 3/Buffs, Dover.
Jan 1915 10 days CB Dover, improper conduct on march
9.10.16 shell shock adm hosp 4 days, able to march up to 6 miles
Transf D Coy 2/9 RS
Folkestone 20.2.18, Boulogne next day, ?Div Wing 24.2.18, joined 9RS 18.3.18
Service Records
Rowe, George W., Pte 48402 8th E. Kent. R. 10228 Pte, 1/9th RS 0635
ROWE, George William, b. Sydenham, Kent, e. Woolwich, Kent, r. Sydenham, SD
48402, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 28/03/18, FORMERLY
10228, E. KENT REGT., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
ROWE, GEORGE WILLIAM, G W, Private, '48402', 9th Bn., , 28/Mar/1918,
France, CWGC
Roxburgh, Charles Pte 63168 9th RS 0636
- -
Roy, Donald L/Cpl 273139 11th RS 9th RS 0638
Roy, J 2126 EB1
Roy, J. Pte 350431 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 3/3/19 2610
Roy, J., Pte

In hospital at Wimereux, nr Boulogne, wounded in right side 25th Apr. He is

admitted by Capt Towse of the Gordon Highrs who writes for him to be now in far
less pain and tolerably comfortable
EED 29 Apr 15 -
Roy, James d. - , 350431, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military Medal -
Roy, James Pte 350431 9th RS 2126 A/Cpl, attd 3rd Army R.E. A/Cpl 0640
See Ray

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Roy, Jas. 4358 EB2

- -
James Roy, was killed on the 23rd April 1917, whilst serving with the 1/5th
Cameronians. Their Roll of Honour has him as formerly in the Royal Scots with
the number 4358. James was one of two brothers killed at Arras; the other Robert
was in the Cameron Highlanders. They lived in Montgomery Street and between
1912 and 1915 James played for Everton as a reserve. He left the side in May
1915 and our best guess is that he joined up in December 1915.
Information courtesy John Drouot
James Roy, born Edin. Died of wounds 24.4.17. Pte 5/6th Cameronians 202382,
formerly 4358 RS.
James Roy 202382, 5 Sco Rifles 1929 Pte BWM&VM medal roll Cameronians
(Scottish Rifles) piece 1127
Jame Roy Pte Sco Rif Pte 1929, 202382 VM&BWM
Jame Roy 5/6 SR Pte 202382 24.4.17 of wounds. Mo Jane
Register Soldiers’ effects
Jame Roy 5th/6th Cameronians age 27 d.24.4.17 202382. Son of George and Jane
Roy 168 Montgomery St, Edinburgh.
? Likely to be Derby Scheme volunteer, mobilized late Feb/first few days March
? Possibly another transfer to 5th Cameronians in July 1916, with James Bryce and
Robert Purves

Born 1890, lived 10 South Elgin Rd, Edin. Among Everton players promising to
join up (Evening Telegraph and Post 22.1.15) and advertised by Lord Derby.
Professional footballer 13.12.13. Everton Minute book, engaged at £3 per week, fee
of £60/£85 to Broxburn 9.12.13
Lives of the First World War

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Everton 1914-15 Penicuik 1910-11

December 1913 Edinburgh to Liverpool to sign for Everton
James Roy was born in 1889 in South Leith, Edinburgh to George and Jane Roy.
James was the eldest of four sons and he had one elder and two younger sisters.
When the 1891 census was taken two year old James and his family were living at
10 Elgin Street, between Calton Hill at the end of Princes Street and what is now
Hibernian's Easter Road Ground. Ten years on the family had moved across the
road to number 11, and by 1911 they were living above the shops of Easter Road
at number 24. James, by this time 22, was working as a railwayman and his father
as a postman.
Aside from the day job James was making a name for himself as a left-half in local
non-league football, and in the 1910-11 season he captained Penicuik Athletic to
the East of Scotland Junior Cup. Penicuick was a small town south of Edinburgh
on the Lothian coalfield; it would become the home of Everton's legendary hero
Alex Young after he finished playing. James' performances resulted in a move to
nearby Broxburn the following year and within months he had come to the
attention of Everton. At a board meeting on 3rd December 1913 two directors
were deputed to travel north to arrange a transfer the following Saturday. In the
days before widespread telephone use it was difficult to communicate back to
Liverpool and the directors were allowed to decide on the terms on the spot; “with
powers” is the phrase used in the board minutes. The fee agreed was £60 rising to
£85 if he was retained for the following season and James would be paid a £10
bonus and £3 a week. The same board minutes record his selection for a junior
team to play Prescot Wire Works, and two weeks later he made his debut for the
reserves on Christmas Day at Goodison against Manchester United.
Group 9 was mobilised 8th February 1916
ToffeeWeb and ToffeeWeb
Everton minutes 15.6.17 record James Roy kia
In April 1917 he is likely to have fought in the Hindenburg line south of Arras and
was probably mortally wounded attacking along the forward trench in the Tunnel
trench section on 23rd April as his battalion attempted to reach a group of Suffolks
cut off by the Germans.
GWF courtesy Fattyowls
Roy, Robert Pte 352186 9th RS 5506 Pte, attd 2/2nd Fld.Coy.R.E., attd 401st 0640
Fld.Coy.R.E. 352186 Pte, attd 479th Fld.Coy.R.E.
RUDD, W. L/Corpl. No. 351208 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Rudd, William 3718 EB2
Rudd, William L/Cpl 351208 9th RS 3718 Pte 0640
Rugg, J. Pte -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Wareroom of Thomas Nelson & Sons, Ltd, Parkside Works, Edinburgh, Roll of
Rugg, John 3601 EB2
Runciman Sergeant
See account of Annan, James B., Lt. in Macdonald, Lyn, ‘They Called It
Passchendaele’, 1978 -
Runciman, T [looks like I] 2166 EB1
Runciman, T. Pte 350451 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 8/3/19 2610
- -
Thomas Runciman 9/RS Pte 350451, Sjt 2166. Disemb.
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15
Runciman, Thomas Sgt 350451 9th RS 2166 Sgt 0640
Runciman, Thos. (Cutter). Stationery World Vol 48 1915 ‘British Market’ -
Russ, Henry E., L/Cpl 48420 1/9 RS Pte 0635
Russell, A, Srgt -
Trench map used at Beaumont Hamel
RUSSELL, A. Pte. No. 1430, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
RUSSELL, A. Pte. No. 3808, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Russell, A. 1430 -
Wounded EED 6 May 16
Russell, A. Pte 350153 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 20/6/19 2610
Russell, A. Sgt (7 names, 8 people) - Base

Nr Fricourt. Geissler collection, courtesy of Erik Geissler -

Russell, Alastair (?) 4439 EB2
Russell, Alex. 3808 EB2
Russell, Alexander Pte ?

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Wounded. He is a well known junior football player and resides at 56 High St,
EED 12.8.16
Russell, Alexander Pte 351270 9th RS 3808 Pte 0640
Russell, Alexander Pte 46137 1/9th RS (corrected by hand) 11th RS 0635
Broughton School, Edinburgh. Student of Arts, 1917-20; M.A. 1920. 9th Royal
Scots, Private Aug. 1915. France, 51st (Highland) Division. Wounded. Invalided
out Oct. 1917.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Russell, Alistair S. T., Pte 40076 11th RS 889th Lab. Co. 411233, 9th RS 0634
Russell, Archibald Sgt 350153 9th RS 1430 Sgt 0640
RUSSELL, E.G. L/Corpl. No. 350972. D.Coy., at the Curragh, 20/5/17 , returned -
from a Course of Instruction, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
RUSSELL, E.G. Pte. No. 351972. D. Coy. , To be Unpaid A/L/Corpl., from -
27/3/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Russell, Edmund Pte 351972 9th RS 0640
RUSSELL, G. Pte. No. 351018 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Russell, George 3420 EB2
Russell, George Pte 351018 9th RS 3420 Pte, 8th RS 351018 0640
RUSSELL, J. Pte. No. 350993 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Russell, J. Pte 1665 24/2/15 (1) K in A 9/5/15 2610
Russell, J. Pte 350993 12/10/15 (1) D of W 20/4/17 2610
RUSSELL, J. Pte. No. 1665. 9/5/15 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
Russell, James 3960 EB2
Russell, James Private 9th NBW-S
Russell, James Pte 1665 0629
Russell, James Pte 351375 9th RS 0640
RUSSELL, James, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 1665, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 09/05/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
RUSSELL, JAMES, J, Private, '1665', 9th Bn., 19, 9/May/1915, Belgium, SON
Russell, James, Pte NBW

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See also Edinburgh Evening News 22 May 1915

Russell, John 3384 EB2
Russell, John (Ik 1887). 1900-03. 1st XV. F.P.; also played Cricket. On Staff of
the Heritable Securities and Mortgage Investment Association, 95 George Street.
9th Royal Scots (Highlanders), Private, May 1915. France, October 1915.
Corporal, April 1917. Killed in action on 9th April 1917. Only son of the late Mr
and Mrs Richard Russell, and brother of Miss Russell, 51 Roseburn Terrace.

George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -

Russell, John Pte 350993 9th RS 0640
RUSSELL, John, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 350993, A/CPL., Died of wounds, SD
France & Flanders, 20/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
RUSSELL, JOHN, J, Corporal, '350993', 9th Bn., , 20/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
Russell, Robert Pte 62694 9th RS 0636
RUSSELL, T, Private, '44284', 9th Bn., 19, 12/Apr/1918, France, SON OF THE
Russell, T. Pte 9RS at VAD Hospital, Perth
Daily Record 10.2.16
Russell, Thomas 3576 [also Murphy, Thomas?] EB2
- -
Russell, Thomas 3576 Pte France 12.10.15; LC 521194 Pte Disc 16.3.19
9RS Piece 2836 Labour Corps Medal Roll (15Star)
Russell, Thomas Pte 44284 9th RS 0635
RUSSELL, Thomas, b. Shotts, Lanarkshire, e. Selkirk, 44284, PRIVATE, Killed SD
in action, France & Flanders, 12/04/18, FORMERLY 2/5330, T.R. BATTN.,
56524, H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Russell, Victor H 4779 EB2
Russell, Victor H., Pte 40068 9th RS 11th RS 0634
RUSSELL, W. Pte. No. 352358 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917

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Russell, William Pte 352358 16th RS 19912 Pte, 2nd RS 19912 Pte, 9th RS 5689 Pte 0640
Rutherford -
‘of our Gun Team whom I helped dig out of the blown in trench but I was too late’
remembered among the dead
W.Grossart IWM doc 5929
Rutherford, Alexander 3351 EB2
RUTHERFORD, ALEXANDER R., A R, Lance Corporal, '3351', 9th Bn., 21,
Low Middleton Farm, Belford. B.13.5.1895. Gardener. L/Cpl, died of wounds CWGC
Book of rememberence Belford -
RUTHERFORD, Alexander R., b. Belford, Northumberland, e. Edinburgh, 3351, SD
L/CPL, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 15/11/16, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Rutherford, Alexander R., Pte 3351 0629
Rutherford, George 4564 EB2
Rutherford, James 3617 EB2
RUTHERFORD, John Muir. 'Ormslea' Liberton Brae. Edinburgh. (5492) RSC
RUTHERFORD, P. Pte. No. 3385 , Previously Reported Missing – Now -
Reported Killed in Action, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June 1917
RUTHERFORD, P. Pte. No. 2285. 22/7/16, missing, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916
Rutherford, Philip 3385 EB2
Rutherford, Philip F., Pte 3385 0629
Rutherford, Philip Flucker 350994 -
RUTHERFORD, Philip Flucker, e. Edinburgh, r. Leith, 350994, PRIVATE, Killed SD
in action, France & Flanders, 23/07/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
RUTHERFORD, PHILIP FLUCKER, P F, Private, '350994', 9th Bn., ,
23/Jul/1916, France, CWGC
RUTHERFORD, Robert, Pte. 34 Calder Street. 5989 9th Bn. -
[No other ref?]
Coatbridge and the Great War Roll of Honour by Rev. Samuel Lindsay (Minister of
Coatbridge Baptist Church)
Rutherford, Robert 4044 EB2
Rutherford, Robert Wilton Glendinning, Capt 4th RS d. 28/6/15 Dardanelles
‘In April 1908 he became supernumerary on the merging of the Volunteer Force
into the Territorial Force; was appointed Instructor of Signalling to the 9th
Battalion Royal Scots for a year; and assumed command of F (3rd Highland)
Company, 4th Royal Scots, in June 1910.’ The Scotsman 8 July 1915
WW1_Casualties_by_Regiment_Letter_R.pdf -
Rutherford, T.E, Pte. No 2258 taken prisoner 5 Jan 1916 WD
Rutherford, T.E. Pte 350476 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 15/3/19 2610
Rutherford, Thomas E Private 9th NBW-S
Rutherford, Thomas E., Pte NBW

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Left NBW, middle EED 18 Feb 16, right EED 8 May 15

Reported missing, now a prisoner of war at Giessen, Germany. His parents reside
at 7 Ryehill Terrace, Leith. Dated 18/2/16.
D Coy Wounded at Hill 60, Ypres on 23rd Apr 15. Son of Mr Robert Rutherford, 7
Ryehill Terrace, Leith, employed as clerk with Messrs McVitie & Price,
EED 6.5.15

Prisoner of War: Rutherford, Thomas Edgar, Pte, No. 2258, Veaux. (Somme),
PA4481 11.3.16, taken at Vaux. Communique famille 31.3.16.
Rep Van den Berghs Ltd, Rotterdam. From Leith. D Coy.
At Giessen
Thomas E. Rutherford, D Coy. Wounded at Hill 60, Ypres on 23rd April. Son of
Robert Rutherford, 7 Ryehill Terrace, Leith. Employed as clerk with Messrs
McVitie & Price, Edin.
The Scotsman 7 May 1915
Missing – Rutherford, T.E. 2258
The Times 22.1.16
‘The Germans had learned much about the Derby Scheme through documents
found on Private Thomas Rutherford of 1/9 Royal Scots, captured on 5 January
1916. Rutherford’s father was a Derby commissioner, and his letters, a bundle of
which the prisoner was carrying when captured, explained the system, how men
were ‘persuaded’ to enrol, and more. As an extra bonus, Rutherford was also
carrying the complete paper trail of a failed attempt to gain a commission.’
Tolerating Mystery and Challenging History by Peter Barton
The Western Front Association, Stand To! No.109, June/July 2017

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Rutherford, Thomas E., Pte (wounded, prisoner) 06-08

George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921)
Wounded 23rd April 1915 according to grandson, Great War Forum -
Rutherford, Thomas E., Pte 350476 9th RS 2258 0640
Rutherford, W, Drummer, Scottish Horse, Imperial Yeomanry; A Coy 9th RS FSA
RUTHERFORD, W. Pte. No. 351469 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
RUTHERFORD, W. Pte. No. 4125, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, -
1st Nov 1916.
Rutherford, William Pte 351469 9th RS 4125 Pte 0641
Rutherford, Wm. 4125 EB2
Ruthford, T.E 2258 EB1
Ruxton Company Quartermaster-Sergeant 2/9S
Ruxton Company Quartermaster-Sergeant NBW
Ruxton, A.J ?
? Possibly Corporal Alfred James Ruxton, 22432, 2nd Scottish Horse
Ruxton, A.J, Corp 33378 (deleted, new number inserted but unreadable 2?4?2),
2/Scottish Horse
South Africa Medal, 9th V.B. Royal Scots Ancestry -
Ruxton, A.J, Cpl, Scottish Horse, Imperial Yeomanry; B Coy 9th RS FSA
Ruxton, Alf. J. [entered as Alf. I.] 187, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
Badge No. 249111, RQMS, enlisted 7.4.08, discharged 6.4.16 age 41 xxi did not
serve overseas
Alf. J. Ruxton R.Scots G/. 187. RQMS 7.4.08-6.4.16 Para 392 xxi List TD/301
Alfred James Ruxton 187 9RS (no 323 crossed out) B Coy 7.8.1908 at Edin.
Born Arbroath, Forfarshire, age 31yr7month, draughtsman for A. McMillan & Co,
Edin, resides 27 Albion Rd, Edin., married, 9th VB RS, Scottish Horse at close of
SA war
Scottish Horse and 9th VB RS Pte 18.8.00-31.3.08, Cpl 29.12.03, L/Sgt 9.6.11, Sgt
Attested 7.4.08, Sgt 5.8.14, Col Sgt 12.9.14, transfer 5th Sco Prov bn 20.5.15, Reg
QMS 20.5.15, depot discharge para 392 XXI 5.4.16 termination of engagement at
Randalstown Scottish Command Depot. Home 5.8.14-6.4.16
Queen’s S. African medal, TF Efficiency AO11 of 1913
Wife Mrs Jessie ? Ruxton of 37 Wellington St, Portobello
Imperial Oblig as 323 Cpl AJ Ruxton 1.4.08
VOLUNTEER CORPS Highland Batt ?2.R.I.B? RS attesting officer 18.9.00, also
adj signature, no. 323
Alfred James Ruxton 20 Brunton Place, Edin. Business address 57 Henderson
Row. Age 24. Born Forfarshire. Engineering draughtsman for Mr W (or Wm)
Colam (?) C.E., Edinburgh. Unrecognised adjutant signature – possibly QRVB SWB
officer. -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

9VBRS Cpl 18.8.00-31.3.08 (note August 00), 187 9RS Cpl 1.4.08-31.10.12, in
1912 efficient 5 times in TF and 8 in VF, completed 13 trainings in 12 and 76/365
years, qualifies for TF Efficiency Medal
Pension records
Also previous file:
Discharge RQMS 6.4.16 Randalstown, Ireland 41 yrs, termination of service,
exemplary. Signed F. Graham Bt Col commanding Scottish Command Depot.
South Africa 1901 and 02. TF Eff Medal.
Ryan, T 3128 A Coy LS7
RYAN, T.R. Pte. No. 40391 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Ryan, Thomas 3128 EB1
Rycroft, L 2956 EB1
RYDER, J.A. Pte. No. 6652, C Coy., to Miss E. M. Hardy, at Newcastle-under- -
Lyme, on 16/12/16 , Marriages, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June 1917
RYDER, J.A. Pte. No. 6653. C. Coy. , To be Unpaid Acting L/Corpl., from -
27/2/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Ryecroft, N.L. 2956 B Coy LS7
Sumner?, Edward ? Summer? Sumner? Samuel? 3165 EB1
?Edward Sumner 350889? Reasonable match 3165-350889
Salberg, S. Pte 57885 DCM 1/9th
British Jewry Book of Honour

Picture -
Salberg, S.G Pte DCM 57885 ww1
Salberg, S.G, Pte 51885 -
Awarded D.C.M. Oct 18
Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The Fifteenth (Scottish) Division, 1914-
1919’, 1926
Salberg, S.G, Pte, p.728 1918 A and C Coys at Deule ‘a very successful attack’ E
- -
D.C.M. citation:
‘51885 Pte. S. Salberg 1/9th Bn. TF (Glasgow)
During the attack on Vendin le Viele on 12th October 1918, his platoon
commander became a casualty. He then took command of a number of men in his
vicinity who were held up in marshy ground, and reorganised them and led an
attack on an enemy machine gun, personally killing the leader of the crew, and by
great dash and gallantry carried the attack forward and captured the position.
[See also Hynds, J]
DCM in London Gazette p.973 20.2.19
Salberg, Samuel HLI Pte 27062, R.Scots 51885 BWM&VM MIC

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

? There is a Samuel Salberg b.~1886 in Glasgow in 1891 (130 Thistle St) and
1901 (16 Main St, Gorbals, Jeweller Apprentice) census
Salberg, S.G. Pte. no. 51885 D.C.M. Vendin le Vieil Oct 1918 WD
Salberg, Samuel Pte 51885 2nd HLI 27062 Pte, 17th HLI 9th RS 0636
Salmon, H, Pte 350787 -
Awarded M.M. Aug 18
Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The Fifteenth (Scottish) Division, 1914-
1919’, 1926
[Salmon, Samuel?]
Salmon, James W., Pte 353125 4th York.&Lanc.R. 6155 Pte, 9th RS 353125 0640
Salmon, S 2958 EB1
Salmon, S 2958 G Coy LS2
- -
Samuel Salmon Pte 2958 350787 9RS
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 Disemb
Samuel Salmon 2958 350787 9RS b.1888 (2598 crossed out in one place)
16 Inkerman St, Harpurhey, Manchester; mo Mrs E Salmon, same address
Sprained ankle rt 26.3.17, 3.4.17, 30 Gen Hosp Calais 19.2.19, ? Calais 19.3.19
Attested 29.12.14, embodied same day, disem 23.4.19, 62 Halls Cres, Rochdale Rd,
Manchester. 1921 1 ?Alison St, Collyhurst rd, Manchester
SS Inventor 24.2.15/26.2.15, 2/1 HFA 22.3.17, 30 CCS 23.3.17 sprain ankle rt, 28
Amb Train 26.3.17, ? Gen Hosp Etaples, 6 Con Depot 8.4.17, 5 Con Depot 11.4.17,
dis to Base Depot Etaples ? 20IBD, rejoined for duty 11.5.17
Occurred on active service, not to blame
Home 29.12.14-23.2.15, BEF 24.2.15-
Medical 26yr7mos 29.12.14 Manchester
Signed JL Robertson Capt & Adj 9(Res)RS 31.12.14 Kilmarnock, joined at
Imp Oblig signed Kilmarnock with JL Robertson, and another at Edinburgh 13.2.15,
signed AS Blair
Service Records [poor, go left of first page]
Salmon, S. Pte 350787 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 23/4/19 2610
Salmon, Samuel d. - , 350787, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military -
Medal (Ancestry)
Salmon, Samuel Pte 350787 9th RS 2958 0640
Salmon. H. Pte. no. 350787 M.M. Soissons Aug 1918 [?Samuel Salmon] WD
Salton, Joseph I., Pte 58955 9th RS 0636
- -
Joseph I Salton (Joseph G Salton)
SALVESEN, E. 2nd/Lieut. , Missing, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June -
1917 ?
? Only reference to this officer is The Leather Sporran – appears he was 7th RS
attd 13th RS

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? Salvesen, Eric Thomas Somervell 2/Lt 7th RS died 23.4.17 age 19, son of Mr J.T.
Salvesen of 6 Rothsay Terrace, Edinburgh, buried at Vis-en-Artois British
Cemetery, Haucourt. CWGC This cemetery is in the vicinity of the Arras actions
on the Scarpe
1/7th RS only arrived France 17.4.18
9RS WD only refers to 2/Lt H. Cook (4th RS attd) as missing officer
? 2/Lt 3/7 RS BWM&VM first theatre France, missing 23.4.17, deceased MIC
? Died on or since 23.4.17, 7th RS, ref Johan Thomas Salvesen. Soldiers’ effects
? 6 children to Johan T and Lihas [typo?] S Salvesen, 1901 Census (7th child Iver
born 1901)
? 9.5.1897-23.4.1917, Son of Lilias Stuart Brown, Gravestone
? Brother of Iver Ronald Stuart Salvesen 1901-1957 (qv); also brother Christian
Raymond Salvesen (16.10.1890-22.5.1915 in Scotland, Lt in 7th RS – Gretna
Railway disaster); totalling 3 sons and 4 daughters
There is a photo outside premises J.T. Salvesen & Co. on GWF
Negatif envoy ICRC
?Ewing refers to E.T. Salvesen missing later transpired killed 13th RS at Roeux
?13th RS WD p.179/751 2/Lt E.T. Salvesen missing, April 1917
Salvesen, Iver Ronald Stuart -
Born 1901, commissioned into 9 Royal Scots in 1921, died 1957. Member of the
well known Leith shipping family, youngest son of Johan Thomas Salvesen.
Educated Cargilfield and Fettes, joined family firm 1926 and became a partner
four years later. Director of South Georgia Co, the whaling concern. Attained rank
of Lt-Col serving in France in BEF in Second World War.
Glasgow Herald 30 Sep 1957
The undermentioned officers are appointed to the unit, and retain their rank and
precedence 1st Jan. 1922; from 9th Bn R. Scots to 7th/9th R.Scots:
Salvesen, IRS, 2nd Lt
London Gazette 11 Aug 1922 p.5969
Major, The Royal Scots (21402), Efficiency Decoration
London Gazette 2 Dec 1941
IRS Salvesen
Capt 1932; Lt Col 1939; Maj 1940-41-42-43-44-45
British Army Lists
Died 27.9.1957
Probate index
Iver Salvesen, Second BEF, positive, pleased to wear the kilt. Family with him at
Yeovil and Aberdour. Shipping skills meant he was sent to fuel the convoys from
Australia on the Gold Coast, West Africa for ~3 years. Brought to Antwerp to help
open the docks, though the bombing was heavy.
Conversation with son, Robin Salvesen 30 Jan 2018
Salvesen, Iver Ronald Stuart to be Temp 2/Lt 9th (D.F.) 9.4.21 London Gazette -
Samuel, James Pte 62938 9th RS 0636

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Sanderson, Alexander Pte 250178 5th RS 1542 Pte, 5/6th RS 17th RS 9th RS 0637
Sanderson, Frederick W., Pte 51945 17th HLI 45007 Pte, 9th RS 0636
Sanderson, T. Pte 2/9 RS trial at Tralee 7.4.17 WO 86/75 p.127 insub/disob Cpl 28 -
days detention remitted 21 days
Sanderson, W.F. 2831 C Coy LS2
Sanderson, W.F. Pte 350728 24/2/15 (1) Dis. 20/3/19 2610
Sanderson, William F., A/Cpl 350728 9th RS 2831 A/Cpl 0640
Sanderson, William Pte 375715 13th RS. attd R.A.M.C. 375715 Pte, 9th RS 375715 0640
Sandilands, George
Haddington RFC XV 1913

Newbattle at War
?There are MICs for two George Sandilands RS – RS Pte 14790 / RE and 5/6 RS
Pte 275461 -
Sandilands, H. Corp 467 Wounded, Edinburgh Evening News, 29th June 1915 -
Sandilands, H. Cpl 353373 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 21/3/19 2610
Sandilands, Henry Cpl 353373 9th RS 467 Cpl, 17th RS 353373 Cpl 0640
SANDILANDS, J, Private, '353490', 1st/9th, , 1/Aug/1918, France, WARD OF
Sandilands, James Pte 353490 9th RS 0640
SANDILANDS, James, b. Craiglockart, Midlothian, e. Glencorse, Midlothian , r. SD
Loanhead, Midlothian, 353490, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders,
01/08/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Sandilands, James, Pte 353490
b. Colinton 21/5/1897, d. 1/8/18 age 22, son of Helen Sandilands. Memorial at
WW1_Casualties_by_Regiment_Letter_R.pdf -
Sandison, Alexander Cpl 351890 9th RS 5155 Cpl 0640
- -
Born 1888. ‘Struan’ Anlaby Park Rd, nr Hull, 27yr9mnth, commercial traveller,
married 30.7.15 to Lucy Ann Sandison c/o Robertson, 22 Lochend Rd West, Edin,
Home 13.5.16-3.1.17, BEF 4.1.17- , wounded (remained at duty) 24.4.17
Attesting officer Hull 11.12.15, approving officer 19.5.16, attested 11.12.15 to army
res same day, mob 13.5.16, posted same day 9/RS, promotions and leave listed.
Demob 18.7.19
Service record, Service record
SANDISON, Alexander. 10 Panmore St. Arbroath. (5033) RSC
SANDISON, B. Pte. No. 350280 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Sandison, Burnett Pte 350280 9th RS 1702 0640

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- -
CWGC website shows that Burnett Sandison was the son of Lewis Grant Sandison
and Isabella Burnett Sandison of 18 Balmoral Place, Edinburgh. The 1901 Census
shows him aged 3 years living with his parents at 1 Rintoul Place, Edinburgh.
Both of these addresses are in the Stockbridge ‘Colonies’. His father was a
He served in the 1st/9th Royal Scots and died of wounds on 15/04/1917. He is
buried in Etaples Military Cemetery in France. Burnett Sandison is also
commemorated on the War Memorial at Broughton High School.
The Edinburgh Evening Dispatch reported his death on 23rd April 1917 but there
was no indication of any connection with Granton. The report did, however,
include the additional information that:-
• He was the third son of Mr & Mrs L G Sandison (no address given)
• Before enlisting he had been an apprentice with Messrs Baildon, Chemists,
Edinburgh (this firm had premises on Princes Street)
• An elder brother had returned from the United States to join the Royal Scots
and had also died of wounds.
The Granton War Memorial does not include the name of the elder brother
(probably he had never lived in Granton) but he can be identified as John Sandison
who served in the 10th Battalion Royal Scots and who died of wounds on 23rd
June 1915 [continues].
Granton History
SANDISON, BURNETT, B, Private, '350280', "B" Coy. 1st/9th Bn., 19,
SANDISON, Burnett, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 350280, PRIVATE, Died of SD
wounds, France & Flanders, 15/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Sandison, J.H.M 2329 EB1
SANDISON, James Hamilton Mundell WWR
1891; brother of the above; 1904 – 8; 9th R.S., Pte.; 15th R.S., 2/Lt., Lt., Capt.
Brothers referred to –
SANDISON Charles Gilbert Duncan R.F.C.
SANDISON, Alexander Mundell, died from wounds received in action Feb.
Sons of Mr. J. Sandison J.P., Shetland.
Sandison, R 3445 D Coy LS7
Broughton School, Edinburgh. Student of Arts, 1914-15, and Medicine, 1918-19.
9th Royal Scots, Private June 1915. 1st Royal Scots Fusiliers, 2nd Lieut. Oct.
1917 to March 1919. Machine-Gun Corps. France.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
?Cadet to be 2/Lt. MGC 27.10.17 LG 10.11.17
Sandison, William, Pte WTC

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Sandridge, Arthur E., Pte 58952 9th RS 0636

SANSUM, E.R. Pte. No. 352833. B. Coy. , To be Unpaid A/L/Corpl., from -
27/3/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
? There is an Ernest R. Sansum Pte ASC M/376454 VM&BWM MIC
Satchell, Frederick M., Pte 351935 9th RS 0640
Satchell, FM (Leicester) 351935
Daily List wounded reported 5 January 1918 GWF
Saunders -
‘Cpl Saunders of 9/Royal Scots was commissioned immediately’
[Can see the footnote but not the text on amazon, Chapter 1 note 75]
Mitchison, K.W., ‘The Territorial Force at War, 1914-16’, 2014
Saunders Lt signals officer -

[v poor picture]
Daily Record 4.3.15
Saunders, F.B., Lt 8 May 15 W
- -
Saunders, F.B., 2/Lt Royal Scots 1914 British Army Lists ?
?There was a Lt F.B Saunders RE
R.E 2/Lt (temp Lt) F.B. Saunders from Royal Scots to be 2/Lt with precedence
from 19 Aug 14. Dated 8 July 1915 Gazette 25 May 16
R.E 2/Lt to be temp Lt 1 Aug 16 Gazette 27 Dec 16
Saunders, F.B. Lt R.E. MIC
Second Lieutenant Francis B. Saunders to be Lieutenant, with seniority next after
Lieutenant Simon Fraser, and to remain seconded. Dated 8th May, 1915
LG 27.7.15
Savage, William (Bill) 248571
‘The closest I can get on ancestry is 353421 Private William J Savage serving in
the Royal Scots’ [Waddell] ?
Savage, William J., Pte 353421 9th RS 0640
Saveall, William Pte 302271 8th RS 9th RS 0639
- -
Pte Wm Saveall 9RS 302271 KIA 21.3.18, no effects, scroll to Mrs L (mother) / Mr
W Saveall 6 Orlop St, Greenwich 1920
Born Grays, Essex, examined Woolwich 8.11.16. 18yr90da
2/7 RS on enlistment 302271, stamped Curragh 7.10.17
Adm King Geo V Hosp ?Dublin 3.8.17-3.8.17 transf,Curragh 3.8.17-11.?.7, King
Geo V 10.2.17 examine eye (causes hard to read ?influenza ?inflmaed, tenderness),
to shoot from left shoulder

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Family details listed incl mo Lucy and fa Walter, grandparents at 2 Melton rd,
Offences 2/7 RS Chelmsford (17.12.16 and 31.12.16) and Dublin (22.4.17,
Ballsbridge, Dublin 9.7.17) – absent, irregular conduct
Enrolment Rifle Brigade S/28019, overstamped 2/7 RS, 4925 crossed out 302271
Home 15.11.16-17.10.17, BEF 18.10.17-21.3.18
Posted Rifleman RB depot 15.11.16, 5th KRR 28.11.16, transf 2/7 RS 15.12.16,
furlough 19-23.9.17, posted 1/8 RS Pte 18.10.17, posted 1/9 RS 22.10.17, KIA
Folkestone 18.10.17, Boulogne same day, IBD Etaples, posted 1/9 22.10.17, joined
in field 30.10.17
Hospital details. Group 2 Seaman S
Service record
SAVEALL, William, b. Grays, Essex, e. Woolwich, Kent, r. Greenwich, Kent, SD
302271, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 21/03/18, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SAVEALL, WILLIAM, W, Private, '302271', 9th Bn., , 21/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
Saville, Frank Pte 335539 1/8th RS 8223 Pte, 9th RS 0639
Sawyer, George S., Pte 201955 9th RS 0637
- -
VM for sale EBay
Saxon, J. [entered as Paxon?] 2658,[*], Badge No. 24094
9RS Pte 11.11.14-20.6.15 sickness xvi, overseas no SWB
Saxon, John 2658 [crossed out] EB1
- -
John Saxon Pte 2658 2/9th RS B Coy
TF discharge during period of embodiment, discharged 20.6.15? at Peebles, age 27
3 mnths, trade: compositor, intended address?? Gorton Rd, Stockport
Medically unfit for further service KR Para xvi. Military character: good
Signed Lt-Col Gordon, Peebles 24.6.15. Served 222 days.
27 Wellington St, Gorton, Manchester. Born Reddish, Stockport.
Pension awarded. Enlisted 11.11.14
Indigestion, originates about a yr ago in Manchester, pain after food, not military
Pension record
Saxton, Walter Pte 353116 9th RS 353116 Pte, 5/6th RS 353116 0640
SCARTH, F W, Private, '352701', 9th Bn., , 10/May/1918, France, CWGC
SCARTH, Frederick W., b. Glaisedale, Yorks, e. Egton, Yorks , r. Grosmont, SD
Yorks, 352701, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 10/05/18, Royal
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Scarth, Frederick W., Pte 352701 12th RS 9th RS 0641
SCHNOPEL?, D. L/Sergt. No. 352957 (same no. as Wilson, David C.) , -
Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Schofield, F 2725 [?F] EB1
Schofield, H 2725 H Coy LS2

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SCHOFIELD, H. Pte. No. 2725, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Schofield, H. Pte 2725 24/2/15 (1) K in A 13/11/16 2610
Schofield, Harry Pte 2725 0629
SCHOFIELD, Harry, e. Manchester , r. Manchester, 2725, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 13/11/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
SCHOFIELD, HARRY, H, Private, '2725', 9th Bn., 26, 13/Nov/1916, France,
Schultz, H.S. 1494 C Coy LS7
- -
Harry S. Schultz 9RS 1494 (crossed out), Pte 40299 (next Kimmet, P) 1 Sco Rifles
Medal Roll
Also MIC for Harry S. Schultz VM&BWM Pte Sco Rif 40299
Sclater, J.R.P., Chaplain, Rev MA (UFC) 4th Class (attd) 1 May 09 W
Sclater, J.R.P., Rev, Chaplain, 26 Mansionhouse Rd -
Drill Programme 1911-12
Examples from newspapers
Conducting marriage Wardie UFC Rev JRP Sclater DD
Scotsman 12.7.17
New North Church, Edin (Minister here, Scotsman 7.6.15)
Scotsman 21.4.16
Sclater, John Robert Paterson -
Author of ‘Eve of Battle: addresses at church parade’, 1915
Chaplain to the Ninth, minister for New North UFC, The Scotsman 16 Feb 1915
Speaker in recruitment campaign for the Ninth
The Scotsman 24th July 1915
Chaplain of the bn. Attended recruiting meeting Hamilton Place 26th July 15
EED 27th July 15
Author of various works, including The Sons of Strength (1909) and God and the
Soldier (with Norman Maclean, 1917) ‘If a stranger, say from Mars, were brought
into the world and told that God had made it, and then was taken to see the ruins
of Ypres, he would be puzzled about God.’ ‘A sergeant in a base camp some time
ago was returning to his unit after being wounded twice. He was, as we have it in
Scotland, “fey.” A presentiment was upon him that he would not come back; and
to all optimistic prophecies he turned a deaf ear. “But,” he said, “I don’t mind. It’s
going to be a better world for the kiddies afterwards.” What is this but religion in a
very pure form?’
Author of ‘The Eve of Battle, Addresses at Church Parade’ 1915, church parades
for 9th RS, EBay example
Sclater, William Pte 351650 9th E. Scots attd 5th Ent. Bn. 351650 Pte, 9th RS 351650 0640
Scoles, Charles Sgt 26509 16th RS Sgt, 9th RS 0632
Scotland, George, Pte 9th RS tr. 12th HLI, 07-10
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921)
?41367 Pte RS George Scotland – a few options for this man -

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George Heriot's School. Student of Science, 1918-19. 9th Royal Scots (T.),
Private Aug. 1914. 12th Highland Light Infantry. France. Wounded at the
Somme Sept. 1916.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Scott -

D Coy 9th Royal Scots 1914

Out with Scott in Armentieres 31.5.15 (same man?)
Collection of R.G. Thin (qv)
COs Runner (Maj Rowbotham acting CO) C Company 9 April 1917, Diary pages
Bennet Clark, TW
Scott -
‘Monday morning while having breakfast about 6 o’clock Scott and Lyon were hit
in the head by a sniper. Jock was also hit in the hand, both pretty bad.’ Ref 12th
Apr 15. Both would seem to be B Coy (see also Lyon)
Diary of James Nicol Beatson, Feb-Dec 1915; ‘Private Beatson’s War’, edited by
Shaun Springer and Stuart Humphreys, 2009
The editors put Scott as Pte Robert James Scott, Pte No.2510 and insert ‘[Scott]’
after ‘Jock’ in the above entry. However it seems likely Scott 2510 was fatally
wounded in the bombardment of D Coy billets on the 7th, died of wounds 8th Apr
War Diary records 2 ORs wounded 12 Apr 15, Glencorse Wood.
Scott Srgt NBW
Scott 5th , 9th NBW-S
Scott CSM
Witness to offence, Malcolm, William A Coy, 3/9th, Sept and Oct 15 at Peebles -
Scott, Peter Nucator
b.14.1.1881, entered bank 7.5.1900 Rochdale, joined services 16.5.16 no 5147 RS
23 Feb 1917 Was originally passed for General Service but has since been put in
class BI. Now in training in Ireland
Midland Bank Roll of Honour -
Scott CSM
Was transferred RSF (prob 10th) 23 Sept 16. B.C. Holmer IWM. -
Scott Pte ‘the “Boys” of the Staff, all E.F. men’ -

Depot Staff. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.

Scott Sergeant 2/9S

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Scott, A 2695 D Coy LS7

SCOTT, A, Private, '352336', 9th Bn., , 21/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
SCOTT, A. Pte. No. 352336 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Scott, A.J. Pte 1513 22/4/15 (1) Comm 4th Res. RS 9/9/15 2610
Scott, A.J., Pte -
A Coy, wounded in the foot 24 Apr at Ypres, now in 5th Southern General
Hospital, Portsmouth. Employed in counting-room of Messrs McVitie & Price and
resided with his parents at 38 Hazelbank Terrace, edin.
The Scotsman 5 May 15
Scott, Alexander 2965 EB1
Scott, Alexander Pte 62605 9 RS 0636
SCOTT, Andrew J., Mr. 38 Hazelbank Terr. Edinburgh. (5975) RSC
Scott, Andrew J., Pte 1513 comm 4th (Res) Sco Rifles 9.9.15 0629
SCOTT, Archibald M., b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 58954, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, FORMERLY 2/13591, T.R. BATTN.,
54170, H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Scott, Archibald M., Pte 58954 9th RS 0636
SCOTT, ARCHIBALD MITCHELL, A M, Private, '58954', "A" Coy. 1st/9th Bn.,
19, 1/Aug/1918, France, SON OF JOHN AND ISABELLA SCOTT, OF 4,
Scott, Arthur Pte 352336 13th RS 15727 Pte, 9th RS 5667 0640
SCOTT, Arthur, b. Leith, e. Leith, 352336, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & SD
Flanders, 21/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Scott, B 2969 C Coy LS3
Scott, B Pte 2969 2/9th RS Arbroath V.A.D. hospital 11.4.16-12.5.16, from Selkirk -
Scott, B. Pte 2969 24/2/15 (1) Dis. 20/5/16 2610
Scott, Bertram 2969 EB1
- -
Bertram Scott Pte 9RS 2969 15Star&VM&BWM SWB List (1) France 24.2.15 MIC
Scott, Bertram 2969,[*], Badge No. 41060
9RS Pte 4.1.15-20.5.16 sickness xvi served overseas SWB
Scott, Bertram Pte 2969 0629
Scott, C 2810 EB1
Scott, C 4782 C Coy LS7
Scott, C L/Cpl 2810 A Coy LS7
Scott, C.C 2104 EB1
Scott, C.C. Pte 2104 24/2/15 (1) Comm 3/8 RS 30/11/15 2610
Scott, Charles C., Pte 2104 comm 3/8th RS 30.11.15 0629
Scott, Charles R. 3723, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No. 208655
Pte 9RS 8.9.15-4.10.16 sickness xvi did not serve overseas SWB
Scott, Charles Richard, 3723
House painter
61 Buccleuch St, Edin -

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Re-enlisted, attestation marked 48 North Bridge. Attested 8 Sep 15.

Apparent age 29 yrs 11 mnths.
Prior 6 years 6th RS no. 283, discharged para 392 XVI. 3 years Queens, time
expired. Embodied service 8.9.15 - 4.10.16 Reserve Bn. Granted pay Class II 3d
per diem. Home service
Discharged Para 392 XVI unfit for further military service, approved Hamilton
22.9.16. Ulceration of stomach, originated 5 yrs previous. Eligible for gratuity
1917 £40. Aggravated temperature 9.12.18. Appeal board stated amount already
awarded adequate compensation.
Mrs Isabella Scott (wife), 105 Dundee St, Edinburgh. Religion: Prest.
Later address 2 West Fountain Place, Edin.
Scott, Colin F., A/Sgt 353460 9th RS 353460 A/Sgt 0640
- -
Postcard to Cpl Dr.[?] C.F. Scott, 9 RS, Stobhill Military Hospital, Glasgow.
Dear Colin... glad to hear getting better. Ref J Haig. Signed F. Tweedie, who has
brother Joe. 28.3.15
Postcard EBay
Colin F Scott A/Sjt 353460 VM&BWM
SCOTT, F.M. Lieut. B.Coy. Dead heat. , Hundred Yards [Open to Officers], -
26.1.17, Battalion Sports – Somewhere in France, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1
No.4, 1st June 1917
Capt FM Scott Piece 2181 VM&BWM medal roll
?2/Lt FM Scott disembarked 10.6.15 (2B) Royal Scots
Piece 2947 15Star medal roll [this piece RE and Grenadiers?]
Frank Montgomery Scott MC 2/Lt 5th RS, Lt, Capt 2/10th Bn RS
Gallipoli May 1915
Claim submitted OC 2/10 RS 24.5.19
52 Roslyn Cres, Edin.
Frank Montgomery Scott Lt RS
‘The leading wave of the company was held up by hostile machine-gun fire. He
quickly reorganised the three platoons, and again leading them forward captured
the objective.’
LG 22.3.18 p.3609 (indexed LG 19.11.17)
Sergt to be 2/Lt 2.2.15 5th RS
LG 1.2.15
Born Newbattle 10.1.1892
5th RS Gallipoli, 5/6th RS, France, 2/10th RS North Russia, 1920 ADRIC
(Auxiliary Division of the Royal Irish Constabulary), discharged 1922, joined

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British Gendarmerie of the Palestine Police as Head Constable 1922, 1930 stabbed
in Jaffa, recovers. Still Palestine 1938.
Died 1974 Cleveland, Yorkshire.
In Palestine known as Lofty due to his great height.
[See this site for further details]
Photos of the 2/10th Royal Scots at Toulgas?
GWF courtesy MAW and ref here
Scott, F.M., Lt, p.476 Passchendaele Coy Commander 'B' Coy, rallied coy and led E
them forward again
Scott, F.M., Lt. 5th RS joined for duty 7 Aug 1916, officer commanding 'B' Coy
reorganised line 20 Sept 1917, remained at Izel-Lez-Hameau with 'B' Echelon 17
Nov 1917 WD
Scott, Frank Montgomery Lt 5th Bn attd 9RS awarded MC for gallantry 19-21 Sept -
17 51st WD
Scott, H.M Rev., officiating clergyman Baptists and methodists Bruntsfield and -
Warrender Park Schools
Scotsman 17.7.15
Scott, Herbert M., Pte 42178 2nd RS 9th RS 0634
Scott, J 3043 C Coy LS3
Scott, J. Pte -
Pressroom of Thomas Nelson & Sons, Ltd, Parkside Works, Edinburgh, Roll of
Scott, J. Pte 3043 24/2/15 (1) Comm 24/10/16 2610
Scott, J.D 2042 EB1
- -
Scott, John Drysdale 2042 Pte France 24.2.15; LC 598752 Pte Dism 28.2.19
9RS Piece 2836 Labour Corps Medal Roll (15Star)
Scott, J.D Private 9th NBW-S
SCOTT, J.D. Pte. No. 2042, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Scott, James 2966 EB1
SCOTT, James (crossed out) John Drysdale. No. 2042. 7 Edina Place, Edinburgh. EBD
B Comp. 27/8/14. 20 yrs 3 mons.
Scott, James Pte 301768 9th RS 4293 Pte 0639
Scott, John 3043 EB1
Scott, John C., Pte 351684 9 RS 0640
Scott, John Pte 3043 comm 4th KSOB 24.10.16 0629
Scott, John Pte 44300 9th RS 0635
SCOTT, John Tulloch, Mr. 38 Hazelbank Terr. Edinburgh (10477) RSC
SCOTT, John, b. Selkirk, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 44300, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 22/04/18, FORMERLY 2/17758, T.R. BATTN.,
56539, H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SCOTT, JOHN, J, Private, '44300', 9th Bn., 19, 22/Apr/1918, France, SON OF
SCOTT, John, Mr. 8 Grierson Cres. Edinburgh. (5975) RSC

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SCOTT, John, Mr. (5975). 8 Grierson Crescent, Edinburgh. The Royal Scots -
Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Scott, R, Srgt
Signed papers Watson, William 1915 -
SCOTT, R. Pte. No. 4242, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
SCOTT, R.J. Pte. No. 2510. 8/4/15 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, Vol. -
1, No.2, 1st November 1916
Scott, R.J. 2510 C Coy LS3
Scott, R.J. Pte 2510 24/2/15 (1) D of W 8/4/15 2610
- -
Holmer dug the grave of Pte Scott (2510) on the ramparts at the right side of the
Lille Gate, Ypres, 8th Apr 15. [Suggests DoW following D Coy bombardment]
B.C.Holmer IWM
SCOTT, Robert J., e. Edinburgh, r. Edinburgh, 2510, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, SD
France & Flanders, 08/04/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Scott, Robert J., Pte 2510 0629
Scott, Robert James 2510 EB1
Scott, Robert James -
‘two of my friends of the Olympia [suggests 2/9th] – Scott and Sergt. Jamieson –
have been killed’ after only a week or two in France. Suggests this is Robert James
A. Anderson IWM 3608
Robert J Scott 9RS Pte 2510 DofW 15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15
Died from wounds 15 Field Ambulance Ypres from wounds Fa Robert, Bro Charles.
‘See also 14/182820’ – this crossed out as is the duplicate reference it refers to
Register Soldiers’ Effects
Died same location/day as Hugh Aiken
SCOTT, ROBERT JAMES, R J, Private, '2510', "D" Coy. 9th Bn., 20,
Scott, Robert L/Sgt 330476 9th RS A/Sgt 0639
Scott, Robert Pte 351505 9th RS 4242 Pte 0640
Scott, Robert Pte 4594 3-9 R Scots -
Labourer, 25yo, 5’2”, from Watson’s Land, Lanarkshire, b. Paisley 26 May 1890,
attested 16 Feb 16, stamped E. Claremont St. ‘C’ Coy. Discharged medically unfit
8.6.16 (77 days) ‘would certainly break down under physical training’
neurasthenia. Short Service Attestation
4594 Pte Robert Scott C Coy 9RS discharged 8.6.16 at Stobs when age 26.
Labourer, intended res Watson’s Land, Calder???, Lanarkshire. Medically unfit
392 iiic. Military character very good.

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Stamped 2nd Sco Gen Hosp, Craigleith, Edinburgh 28.5.16

Signed AC Aitken Capt & Adjt 9(Res) 29.5.16
On Attestation to 3/9RS age 25yr9mo, labourer, ?J.Glen & Sons, Caldereruix?
Attesting officer 16.2.16 approved 26.3.16. Father John
Home 22.3.16-8.6.16
Attested 16.2.16, to Army Res 17.2.16, Mob 22.3.16, posted 9RS 22.3.16,
discharged para 392 iiic? 8.6.16
He was laid up the day after joining his regiment, He was sent to Craigleith Hosp,
suffering mitral imcompetence and neurasthenia with marked tremors. Unfit for
military service. Selkirk 22.4.16 Anaemia
2nd Sco Gen Hosp 29.3.16-
C Coy 3/9th RS signed Henderson 2/Lt and James Cowan 2/Lt OC C Coy
Born Paisley 26.5.1890, enlisted Airdrie 22.3.16
Mothers name ?deceased
Scott, Robert S., Pte 250570 5th RS 2433 Pte, 5/6th RS 250570, 9th RS 0638
Scott, Robert, Pte
Information has been received today that Private Robert Scott, of D Company of
the 9th Royal Scots, was wounded at the front on Wednesday last by the bursting
of a shell, and died the next day. He was a son of Mr Robert Scott, veterinary
surgeon, Oliver Crescent, Hawick and was about twenty years of age. He enlisted
shortly before the New Year.
Evening Dispatch, Edinburgh 12th April 1915 -
Scott, Samuel Pte 271180 16th RS 9th RS 0638
- -
Repatriated PoW arrived England 17.11.18
Scott, T, Pte, South African Constabulary; C Coy 9th RS FSA
Scott, W 2386 EB1
Scott, Thomas O’Shea -
1 RSF 6445, 9RS 3826, 2 KOSB 40879, 6 KOSB, 7/8 KOSB, 6 KOSB
BWM&VM Medal Roll Piece 1116 KOSB
Disability, res Edin, disch 2.2.19, KOSB
Pension Ledger
RSF Pte 6445, RS 3826, KOSB 40879
3.11.15-5.9.19 wounds xvi a served overseas age 26
SWB Roll
Court or Trial date 21.1.16, Selkirk, RS (TF) WO 86/68
Courts Martial Register
6445 Pte T O Scott disembarked 7.10.14

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Fraudulently enlisted into 3/9th Bn. Royal Scots and held to serve in that Corps.
Subsequently transferred to KOSB and discharged there from under 392 xvi a on
5.9.19. Regtl no 40879. Name previously submitted on page 141 of 1914 Star Roll
of 1st Bn R.Sc.Fus.
14 Star Medal Roll Royal Scots Fusiliers Piece 2442
Scott, W 2386 F Coy LS1
SCOTT, W, Private, '353474', 1st/9th Bn., 26, 25/Jul/1918, France, SON OF
SCOTT, W. Pte. No. 2386, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Scott, W. Fever and home Oct 15. With MGC later. -
MG Section on landing France Feb 15. See Quinn, J. IWM Document 5992
Scott, W. Pte 2386 26/2/15 (1a) Disc. to Comm. into S.W. Bdrs. 30/4/18 2610
SCOTT, W.B. Pte. No. 3219. 18/5/15 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, -
1st November 1916
Scott, W.B. 3219 A Coy LS6
Scott, W.B. Pte 3219 4/12/15 (1) K in A 18/5/16 2610
See Scott, Walter B.
SCOTT, W.D. L/Corpl. No. 3249. 4/7/16 Military Medal, The Leather Sporran, -
Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
SCOTT, W.D. L/Corpl. No. 350920 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Scott, W.D. 2566 E Coy LS1
Scott, W.D. 3249 A Coy LS6
Scott, W.D. Corp -
Lithographer of Thomas Nelson & Sons, Ltd, Parkside Works, Edinburgh, Roll of
Scott, W.D. Pte 350601 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 26/2/19 2610
Scott, W.D. Pte 350920 (crossed out) 3249 4/12/15 (1) Comm 28/2/17 2610
Scott, W.H 2176 EB1
Scott, W.H. Cpl 2176 24/2/15 (1) Comm 3/5 KOSB 27/7/15 2610
Scott, Walter -
MS diary at TNA catalogue ref NRA 44886
Pte Walter Scott (1799) B Coy MGS 1/9th RS 81st Bde 27th Div BEF “Belgium”
Diary printed North British & Mercantile Insurance Company for 1914 but written
in for 1915, beginning Wed 17 Feb 15. Wrote home – Lizzie, freq. Lizzie A., less
often Lizzie S.. Maybe: ‘Lizzie & Mary Allan’? LA’s birthday 17th July.
11 May 15 ‘leave starts’ but seems to continue with bn.
Birthday 24 August. 4 Oct 15 To trenches at Bras. Followed by mainly blank
pages. Later that month MG School. 29 Oct 15 Invalided to Amiens Hosp. 4 Nov
Rouen Hosp. Calculation £50 per year = 19/3 per week (1st year), 21/3 (second)
Drill programme 1914 to 1799, rifle no.381
Application for Officer Cadet Unit OTC, a temp comm in regular army MGC.
DOB 24 Aug 1896, Edin. Father: artist. 13 Queens Park Ave, Edin. Parsons Green
Public School, Edin; Broughton Higher Grade School, Edin; Service College,

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London. Civil Service, Board of Education, Whitehall, London 1912-13, HM

Sasine Offcie 1913-14. (Assistant Clerk) General Register of Sasine. Previous 4th
Res Black Watch 18th June 1914 Pte, 9 months Exped Force. Dated 6 Aug 18.
Good character for last 4 years signed David Bell, Capt 9th RS 13.8.18, Mervue
Ferry Rd, Edin.
Embodiment B Coy 1799 5th Aug 14 HQ no later than 5.30p.m. signed Adjt 4.8.14
Testimony from TW Bennet Clark In the Field 10.8.18: No 288160 4th Black
Watch W. Scott Pte served in MG Section 9th RS, to France Feb 15, exemplary for
10 months in service, invalided home end of 1915 with a poisoned leg and unfit as
a result for a long time, recommended for commission.
Casualty Form enlisted age 17 yr 10 mnth, 4 yrs with TF reckons from 13.6.14
Home 13.6.14-23.2.15, France 24.2.15-4.11.15, Home 5.11.15. Attested 9 RS
13.6.14, Labour Corps 7.7.17 Employment Coy 395, 462 19.2.18, Black Watch
(4th) transferred 28.6.18
To Wharncliffe War Hosp, Sheffield 5 Nov – visit slip Miss Jessie K. Mitchell 11
Nov 15.
Furlough 30.12.15-8.1.16 Edinburgh – return Sheffield.
General Programme for 1914 Drill Season 1799, rifle no. 381

Wattie b1896 d1954. His father Walter Scott (1871-1940) also in uniform. Sisters?
Betty and Nennie?
? Randalstown, Co Antrim 9.1.16-7.7.17 or 18? Convalescent
Attended first reunion dinner MGS 23rd March 1920
Brother Jim killed 29 Aug 16, this will be Pte James Gordon Scott S/15091, son of
Walter and Helen Elizabeth Scott of 13 Queen’s Park Ave, Edin, 2nd Argylls, died
29.8.16 age 22, Delville Wood Cemetery.
Note 395th Home Service Employment Company at Randalstown, Co Antrim
Scott, Walter 9th RS Pte 1799; R. Highrs Pte 203640 15Star&BWM&VM (1)
France 24.2.15 Dis 22.2.19 MIC
Copy of ‘B Coy on Active Service’, of Walter Scott’s NMS
SCOTT, Walter B., b. Biggar, Lanarkshire, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 3219, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 18/05/16, Royal Scots (Lothian -
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Scott, Walter Brown 3219 9th RS 32 Pilrig St, Edinburgh, for duration of war, age
19, law clerk, attested 7.4.15, total service 7.4.15 to 18.5.16 KIA
Medals acknowledged by Marion G. Scott, mother
Born Biggar, Lanarkshire. Doctor Maj Cumming passed for foreign service
23.9.15. Returned effects: identity disc. Brothers and sisters listed.
C Coy 2/9th RS signed A.M. Campbell Capt OC C Coy. Transferred A Coy.
Absent 9a.m. to 9.30 p.m. (12 ½ hrs) 1.7.15 at Peebles, witnessed L/Sgt Whyte,

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Sgt [W?] Donald. Awarded 2 days C.B. awarded by 2/Lt C.L. Marburg. Also
offence 28.7.15 – unreadable. Signed G.F. Deas Capt OC A Coy. Transferred 3/9th
11.11.15 [?]
Transferred to 1/9th. KIA with name Capt WCS Lindsay
5.12.15 Embarked ‘Queen Alexandra’ Southampton; Rouen 6.12.15; Terr Base; In
the Field 18.12.15; Hospital 29.4.16, 2/1st HFA Influenza; rejoined 11.5.16; KIA
18.5.16; buried 19.5.16 Military Cemetery LOUEZ map 51c 1/40,000 square
Service record
Marion Minnie[?] Register of Soldiers effects
We regret to notice that Walter B. Scott Pte 9RS has been kille din action. Pte
Scott was the fifth son of of the late Rev John Scott MA, minister of the Gillespie
Church here, and of Mrs Scott, 32 Pilrig St, Edin, and brother of Mr R.M. Scott,
solicitor, 54 Queen St, Edin. He joined the bn fully a year ago and had not yet
reached 19. He first attended Biggar High School, then Daniel Stewart’s College
in Edin. He was serving his apprenticeship with Messrs Boyd, Jamieson & Young,
Writers to the Signet, Leith.
Hamilton Advertiser 27.5.16
Walter, born 1898 in Biggar, was the son of Rev. John Scott (M.A., of Gillespie
Manse, Biggar) and Marion Gilmour Scott, 32 Pilrig Street, Edinburgh. Private
Scott arrived in France 4th December 1915. Commemorated on Biggar High School
Memorial Plaque.
Information courtesy Swally, GWF
Stewart Melville

Walter Brown Scott, Pte, RS, was killed in action 18th May 1916. He was the son
of the late Rev John Scott MA, Gillespie Church, Biggar, and of Mrs Scott, 32
Pilrig St, Edinburgh. He received his early education at Biggar High School and in
1907 he came to Danield Stewart’s College which he left in 1913. On leaving
school he entered the office of Messrs Boyd, Jamieson & Young, WS, Leith,
where he was employed until April 1915 when he joined 9RS with whom he was
drafted to France in November.
How he was regarded by his comrades in France may be seen from the following
excerpt froma letter received by his mother from his Platoon Officer, Lt James R
Black: “Your son was in my Platoon since he joined us, and he was always a
cheeful and willing worker. His pasing will be felt by his comrades in no small
measure, as he was a universal favourite.”
Stewart Melville 1916
Scott, Walter B., Pte 3219 0629

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SCOTT, WALTER BROWN, W B, Private, '3219', "D" Coy. 1st/9th Bn., 18,
18/May/1916, France, SON OF THE LATE REV. JOHN SCOTT, M.A., OF
SCOTT, Walter, Mr. 52 Findlay Ave. Edinburgh (4634) RSC
Scott, William 3249 EB2
Scott, William D 2566 EB1
Scott, William D., Cpl 350601 9 RS 2566 A/Cpl, 2nd RS 350601 A/Cpl
Scott, William D., Pte 350920 9th RS 3249 0641
Scott, William Dawson d. - , 3249, Royal Scots, 9th Battalion, awarded Military -
Medal (Ancestry)
Scott, William H., Cpl 2176 comm 3/5th KOSB 27.7.15 0629
Scott, William L/Cpl 351385 9th RS 3973 Pte, 11th RS 351385 0640
- -
Enlisted 16.11.15-15.1.19 discharged, wounds 392 xvi a, age 23
SWB Roll
Scott, William Pte 325697 8th RS 2157 Pte, 9th RS 0639
Scott, William Pte 353474 9th RS 0640
Scott, William Sgt 350531 9th RS 2386 Sgt 0640
SCOTT, William, b. Govan, Glasgow, e. Glasgow , r. Glasgow, 353474, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 25/07/18, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Scott, William, Sec-Lt, South Wales Borderers
At outbreak of war a salesman with Jenners, Edin. Joined Ninth Sept 14.
Commissioned May 18. Died of wounds.
The Scotsman 26 Oct 18
2/Lt William Scott d.8.10.18 South Wales Borderers, attd 13th Welsh Regiment,
age 26, Bellicourt British Cemetery. Son of Christina Haxton Scott, of 73, Pratt
St., Kirkcaldy, and the late Alexander Scott. SDGW/CWGC
Scott, William 2/Lt. Links soldier dies of wounds
Mrs Scott, 73 Pratt St, Kirkcaldy has news elder grandson died of wounds in
France 8th Oct. Comm in May this year. Seven years with Messrs Swan, Mackie &
Co drapers, High St, at outbreak he was one of the leading salesmen in Messrs
Jenners, Edinburgh. He joined 9RS as Pte in Sept 14, two years at the front.
Promoted Sergt. Invalided home with trench fever. Returning to France
recommended for a comm, trained at Gailys and gazetted May as 2/Lt South
Wales Borderers attd 13th Welsh Regiment. The chaplain: ‘I saw your grandson
just a few minutes after he was wounded. He was being carried from the
battlefield by the company stretcher bearers, and I had a short talk with him and he
seemed most cheerful nad was smoking a cigarette. He had his leg badly damaged,
but I never dreamt he would other than get over it, still according to the report he
must have died that evening. We mourn the loss of such a gallant officer. He led
his company more than half way to the objective, and he was most unfortunate in
being knocked out just before a great victory came our way… During the short
time your grandson was with us we had learnt to love him as he was one of the
most genial of fellows’ ?Williams. C.F.
Col Kennedy DSC MC OC wounded and in hospital -

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Fife Free Press & Kirkcaldy Guardian 26.10.18

Scougall Cpl A Coy 4th in mile race -
2/9th Bn games Terling Park 22 Jul 16.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Scougall, A 3285 D Coy LS7
- -
? An Alexander Scougall appears on a couple of page of Ninths as RSF 40217
Medal Roll RSF p.211/333
Scougall, George Pte 351130 -
MM for gallantry 22-24 Nov 17 51st WD
Scougall, George Pte 351130 9th RS 3585 Pte, 2nd RS 351130 0640
- -
George Scougall res Edin born Peebles enlist Edin d.5.11.18 F&F 2nd Bn RS 351130
Died. MM.
Pneumonia. Wid. Margaret & children.
Register Soldier’s effects
Buried Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension
Scougall, M 3271 A Coy L/Cpl to be paid Cpl 8.7.16 2/9thBn The Leather Sporran, -
Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Scougall, M Cpl 3274 A Coy LS7
- -
? A Matthew Scougall appears on a couple of page of Ninths as RSF 40211
To Comm. 5 Lan Fus 27.9.16
Medal Roll RSF p.210/333
? MIC only shows RSF Cpl 40211 and Lan Fus 2/Lt comm 27.9.16.
SCOULAR, J.S. Pte. No. 2476, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Scoular, Matthew Pte 44288 9th RS 0635
SCOULAR, R.G. Pte. No. 1983, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.

Stewart Melville 1914, also 1915 as Robert Guy Walker Scoular

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Scoular, R.G.W, Pte WTC

- -
Pte Guy Scoular, belonging to Dalkeith district, residing at Shawfair, Bonnyrigg,
cut on the knee.
The Scotsman 15 Apr 1915
Scoular, Robert Guy Walker Pte 1983 9RS, 2/Lt Sea.Hrs., Capt & Adjt attd
6/Black Watch. 15Star&VM&BWM Comm. France 24.2.15
Scoular, RW Guy [initials order?]
Firm Barstow & Millar Pte wounded reported 1.5.15
Scoular, R.G.W. Pte 1983 24/2/15 (1) Comm 10th Seaf. Hrs. 7/5/15 2610
Scoular, Robert G.W, Pte 1983 comm 10th Seaforths 7.5.15 0629
SCOULAR, S.J. Pte. No. 2476 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Scoular, S.J.S, Pte 2476 comm 3rd Cameron High 24.1.17 0629
Scoular, S.J.S. 2476 A Coy LS4
Scoular, S.J.S. Pte 2476 4/5/15 (1) Comm 3rd Cam. Hrs. 24/1/17 2610
Scoular, Sydney J.S 2476 EB1
?Witnessed papers of William Ogilvie (qv) 16.11.15
Scoular, Sidney John Sturrock
Stewart Melville
SCRIVENS, A. Pte. No. 6813, C Coy., to Miss F. Fenton, at Smethwick, on -
25/12/16 , Marriages, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June 1917
?Scrivens, Arnold Pte RS 352932, HLI 350184 VM&BWM
Scutts, D.A. -
Private D.A. Scutts, 9th Royal Scots, who has been wounded and is in hospital in
Dundee, joined the Ninth two years ago, and has a brother serving in the same
battalion. Before the war he was in the employment of Messrs Bruce Peebles. His
parents reside at 12 Middleby Street, Edinburgh
Edinburgh Evening Dispatch 12th May 1915
Scutts, D.A. Pte 350201 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 23/3/19 2610
Scutts, Donald A., Pte 350201 9th RS 1550 0640
- -
15Star&BWM&VM Disemb France 24.2.15
?1901 Census b.~1898 to Peter (laundry proprieter) and Annie D Scutts, with
brother William J Scutts (qv), 12 Middleby St, Newington, Edinburgh.
Scutts, Donald Pte 1550 (T. 9th R.Scots?) Dundee hospital 11.5.15-15.5.15, from -
Scutts, W.J. Pte 350272 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 1/4/19 2610

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Scutts, William J., Pte 350272 9th RS 1685 0640

- -
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 Disemb
See Scutts, Donald A as likely sibling
Seaborn, Rupert S., Cpl 352531 16th H.L.I. attd 9th RS 27113 Cpl, 9th RS 5927, 16th 0640
RS 352531, 12th RS 352531 [corrected from Seabora] -
HLI Cpl 27113; R Scots 5927, 352531 BWM&VM MIC
SEARLE, S.C. Pte. No. 353220. A. Coy. , To be Unpaid A/L/Corpl., from -
27/3/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Searle, S.C. Pte 16423 Essex Regt. 25/7/15 (1) 9th RS 353220 Pte K in A 20/9/17 2610
Searle, Sidney C., Pte 353220 10th Essex.R. 16423 Pte, 9th RS 353220 0640
Seaton Sgt, in command of No 10 Platoon 7 April, wounded by Mills bomb -
~9.30pm 8 April in dug-out, replaced by ?Hempseed
C Company April 1917, Diary pages Bennet Clark, TW
[Probably William Seaton]
Seaton Cpl 1/9th RS -
Replaced by A/Cpl John Nimmo (qv) 28.4.16
Seaton L/Cpl 2nd in Gas Helmet Race 2/9th Bn, 65th Divisional Games, Hylands Park -
9th Aug 16.
Seaton L/Cpl B Coy 2nd Gas Helmet Race, 2/9th Bn games Terling Park 22 Jul 16.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Seaton, J 2726 EB1
[Cannot find MIC]
SEATON, R.B. L/Corpl. No. 3134. B Coy. To be paid Acting L/Corpl. 2/9/16, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
[Cannot find MIC]
Seaton, Robert 3134 EB1
Seaton, W 3065 A Coy LS4
SEATON, W. Pte. No. 3065, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
SEATON, W. Sergt. No. 2065 , Inter-Company Tug-of-War. Won by C. Coy. -
26.1.17, Battalion Sports – Somewhere in France, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1
No.4, 1st June 1917 [3065?]
SEATON, W. Sergt. No. 350840 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Seaton, W. Pte 350840 (crossed out) 3065 4/5/15 (1) Comm 23/11/18 2610
- -
Seaton, William 9RS Pte 3065 350840 (crossed out), RS Sgt, Tank Corps 2/Lt
15Star&BWM&VM France 4.5.15 Comm 23.11.18 Tank Corps
Claim from O/C No 3 Area Weymouth 6.2.19
c/o Dickson, 88 Marchmont Crescent, Edinburgh
Seaton, William Sgt 350840 9th RS 3065 Sgt 0640
Seaton, Wm. 3065 EB1
Selkirk, William Pte 301676 9 RS 0639
- -

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William Selkirk tried to join his older brothers in the Seaforths when he turned 18,
but wasn't allowed to. Photo taken in France where he met his older brothers.
Born 1898, resident Jeffrey St, Edinburgh, age 21 on discharge in Edinburgh 27 Mar
Wounded daily list 5 Jan 1918, GSW abdomen (Edinburgh)
Incorrectly transcribed pension ledger as 30176
Courtesy Scott Selkirk et al
His serial number was 7 Royal Scots, so that suggests he was posted.
In early January 1918 the 9th were in the line near Lebucquiere, improving the
trenches in hard frost, this was a month before they left 51st Division.
On 31.12.17 there is 1 OR wounded reported in the War Diary (note however
other Ninths are in the casualty list)
301676 Pte Wm Selkirk RS 5.6.16-27.3.19 wounds xvi a age 21
SWB Roll and MIC
30176 RS res Edin b.1898 disability disch 27.3.19
Pension Ledger
Sellar Robert J., Pte 351033 9th RS 3439 Pte 0640
Sellar, James L/Cpl 351552 9th RS 4374 Pte 0640
Sellar, R.J. Pte 351033 12/10/15 (1) Pres. D 23/4/17 2610
- -
Robert John Sellar 351033 9RS on or since 23.4.17 d. pres. Mo Margaret
Register Soldiers’ Effects
SELLAR, Robert John, b. Northallerton, Yorks, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, SD
351033, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SELLAR, ROBERT JOHN, R J, Private, '351033', "D" Coy. 9th Bn., 21,
23/Apr/1917, France, SON OF MRS. MARGARET SELLAR, OF 29,
Sellars Lt -
Diary of James Nicol Beatson, Feb-Dec 1915; ‘Private Beatson’s War’, edited by
Shaun Springer and Stuart Humphreys, 2009
[No other reference]
? Brown in A Coy refers to Lt S---- who ‘swanked along as if he were on Princes
Street.’ at St Julien, 2nd Ypres 1915
Brown, John, ‘Letters, Essays and Verses, with two portraits’, 1921
This might be Cyril Falconer Stewart though
SELLARS, J. Sergt. No. 2110 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June -

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Sellers, J 2110 EB1

Sellers, J. Sergt wounded, France -
Binding Department of Thomas Nelson & Sons, Ltd, Parkside Works, Edinburgh,
Roll of Honour
Sellers, John CSM 350425 9th RS 2117 W.O.Cl.II 0640
SEMPLE, Robert A., b. Glasgow, e. Glasgow, 58951, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 12/04/18, FORMERLY 2/13532, T.R BATTN., 54167, H.L.I.,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Semple, Robert A., Pte 58951 9th RS 0636
- -
58951 Semple appears to have embarked in the UK on 31st March 1918,
been posted to 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry on 31st March, then
transferred/posted to 9/Royal Scots on 3rd April 1918. Reported missing 12 Apr 18.
GWF courtesy clk
Robert Alexander Semple RS 58951
17 Hill St, Glasgow East. 18yr19days, labourer, unm. Enlisted 28.6.17
Mother Mrs Robert Semple / father Robert Semple. Siblings listed
55h Training Reserve Battalion Pte. Absent 14-17.11.17 forfeits 8 days pay, transf
4th ALI ? – still stamped 55th TR
Embarked 31.3.18, joined Scottish BD same day, posted 2HLI same day, transf RS
and posted to 9th Bn and allotted new Regtl No 58951 3.4.18
NOTE new regimental number not from 9RS six-digit batch
Death presumed 12.4.18
Posted 55TRB (TR/2/13532) 29.6.17, transf 4HLI (54167) 6.12.17, posted 2HLI
31.3.18, transf and posted 9RS 3.4.18, missing 12.4.18, detah presumed for official
purposes 12.4.18
Born Barony, Lanark
Inverkeithing 29.6.17
Service Record
SEMPLE, ROBERT A., R A, Private, '58951', 9th Bn., , 12/Apr/1918, Belgium, CWGC
Senior, Frederick Pte 326211 9th RS 0639
- -
Resident Yorkshire
Pension Ledger
Senior, William H., 330938 9th RS 0639
- -
Pte 330938 BWM&VM
There is another man with same name as given here, RE Spr WR/347227, E Kent R
10443, RS 45901, Sco Rifles 50056 – this would seem to be the man in the Service
record below – so two with 9RS?
William Henry Senior at Bury St Edmonds 12.7.16

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Address: Orford Light House, Suffolk

Light House Keeper, 27yr5mos, married, prefer RAMC
Medical classification service at home, appt (Buffs) E Kent Regt. 12.7.16, ?5.9.16
Next of kin 41 Wilson Rd, East Ham, London Mr MG Senior
Wife May Gertrude Cantrell, East Ham 25.7.14 at same address
Front page has Buffs crossed out and 2/9 RS entered. Ref to Scottish Rifles and Spr.
Employed on cross channel service at various times. Demob 11.1.19
Service record (burnt record)
SETH, D. Pte. No. 4510, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Seth, David Pte 351600 9th RS 4510 Pte 0640
SETH, DAVID, D, Private, '351600', 9th Bn., , 21/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
SETH, David, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 351600, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 21/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Sewell, A.R 2265 EB1
Sewell, A.R. 2266 C Coy LS2
Sewell, A.R. Pte 350480 24/2/15 (1) Dis. 26/10/18 2610
- ?
? A Sewell is mentioned in MG Section at Maricourt late 15 by J.Quinn, IWM doc
Sewell, Andrew R., Pte 350480 9th RS 2266 Pte, attd 154th Inf. Bde. Hqrs 0640
Sexton, J, Pte. D Coy wounded whilst attending bomb school 29 June 1915 WD
SEXTON, J. Pte. No. 3060, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Sexton, J. Pte 350835 4/5/15 (1) Disemb 1/3/19 2610
Sexton, John 3060 EB1
Sexton, John Pte 350835 9 RS 3060 0640
- -
4.5.15 France MIC
3060 John Sexton 9RS 25.1.15 Pte, medical 20.1.15 24yr1mos
37 Baker St Lloyd Sq, London WC
Adm to Hosp or Cas Rep by OC
29.6.15 Accid. wound in ?? while at Bomb School
2.7.15 GSW face
7.7.15 GSW R Eye
14.7.15 GSW eyes
350835 Pte, 2 Cumberland Rd, Acton, London W age 27 1919
Qualif Grenadier
Embarked Southampton 4.5.15, disembarked Rouen 5.5.15
Accidentally wounde in face while at Bomb School 29.6.15; Adm 8 CCS 30.6.15
and trans 9T? Bailleul 1.7.15; Adm 16 Gen Hosp GSW face Boulogne 2.7.15; adm
3 Gen Hosp GSW R Eye Le Treport 7.7.15; transf England 14.7.15 per HS
Newhaven; 2nd EasT GH Brighton; Eastbourne Section
?Rouen 12.10.15? Fever ?18.12.15 ?improper reply 14.7.16

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Transf to A Coy 27.2.15 signed AM Campbell OC C Coy; transf 1/9 Bn signed JG

Burns 27.4.15 ?OC A; invalided to England 14.7.15 ?D Coy
Home 25.1.15-3.5.15, BEF 4.5.15-14.7.15, Home 15.7.15-11.10.15, BEF 12.10.15
GSW R Eye 2.7.15
Passed for foreign service 2.10.15 by Cumming
Supernumerary Coy. Discipline 4.10.15, absent from ?? witness Sgt Crichton and
?? resulting in CB; 7.10.15 absent from parade again CB. Signed Capt Alexander
Taylor Supernumerary Coy 9.10.15. Looks like three other discipline actions,
July 1916 ‘When on Active Service irregular conduct making an improper reply to
an officer. Witness 2/Lt Campbell [?2/Lt William Campbell]. 6 days FP No 1
awarded 16.7.16 by Lt Col W Green
Disemb 1.3.19 Dispersal Dover 31.1.19 A1
In France 22.11.15 was drunk in his billet, 14 days CB. Only drunkenness recorded.
No entry of venereal disease. Letter to Met Police London 23.3.19
Service record
Shand, Alexander Pte 30893 11th RS 13th RS 2nd RS 15th RS 9th RS 0633
SHAND, D.G. 80 Boswall Terr. Edinburgh. (2044) RSC
Shand, David G., Pte 350273 9th RS 1687, attd 46th T.M.B. 350273 0640
- -
Shand, D.G. Pte 1687 / 1696
Territorial Force War Medal piece 3260 (TFWM)
Shand, David G. Pte RS 1687, 350273 VM, BWM, TFWM roll T5 R Scots 27.
Shand, William Pte 200203 1/4th RS 1503 Pte, 1/9th RS (written by hand) 0637
Shankie, John Pte 250212 5th RS 1625 Pte, 11th RS 9th RS 0637
SHANKIE, R.B. Pte. No. 352709 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
SHANKIE, Robert B., b. Balerno, Midlothian, e. Edinburgh , r. Balemo, 352709, SD
PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 11/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Shankie, Robert Brash -
Died of wounds b. Balerno
d.11.4.17 age 19 Memorial Currie Church panels and Balerno Church panel.
Buried Etaples. Died of wounds in one of the Allied Forces Base Hospitals at
Etaples. Born Balerno, Resident Balerno, Enlisted Edinburgh
Courtesy Malcolm Ferguson
Balerno Parish Church
Shankie, Robert Pte 352709 VM&BWM MIC
Shankie, Robert B. 352709 Pte DoW 11.4.17 Mo. Barbara (H?)
Soldiers’ Effects
[Brother T.R. Shankie?]

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Robert B Shankie b~1898 to John (36, domestic gardener) and Barbara H Shankie
(37), Larchgrove Lodge, Currie, Midlothian. Older brother Thomas R. Shankie
age 7 (born ~ 1894).
1901 Census
Malcolm GWF notes local memorial unveiled 1923 by Mrs Barbara Shankie, who
lost both sons in war, aged 19 and 23.
SHANKIE, ROBERT BRASH, R B, Private, '352709', 9th Bn., 19, 11/Apr/1917,
Shankie, Robert Pte 352709 9th RS 0640
Shankie, Roy -
James Gillespie’s
SHANKIE, T. Pte. No. 2210, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Shankie, T.R 2210 EB1
- ?
?? ‘I saw T.R.S. the other day’ enjoying himself but strain from fast bowling last
season, and digging. Letter from C.W. Gibb 5.4.15, copy held Royal Scots Club
?? There is a Pte Thomas R. Shankie 2RS as 43196, by chance has disembarkation
date 24.2.15 France? KIA 20.11.16. Fa John Mo Barbara. Age 23, commemorated
Thiepval Memorial, Son of John and Barbara Shankie, of Larchgrove Lodge,
Balerno, Midlothian. [Brother Robert B Shankie?]
Shankie, Thomas -
James Gillespie’s
Shannon, A, Pte, 'B' Coy. 'Another Private' from “9th Royal Scots (T.F.), B -
Company on active service from a private's diary, February-May 1915”, Turnbull
and Spears, Edinburgh, 1916. Letter printed under his name in Edinburgh Evening
News 26th March 1915. From Scotsman letter 18 May 1915, he was a Watsonian.
“9th Royal Scots (T.F.), B Company on active service from a private's diary,
February-May 1915”, Turnbull and Spears, Edinburgh, 1916
Shannon, A. Pte 2348 24/2/15 (1) Comm 1/HLI 27/11/15 2610
Shannon, Alastair Pte 2348 comm 1st HLI 27.11.15 0629
?JA Shannon
Shannon, Alister, Pte, 9th RS [?Alastair] -
Arts University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914
Shannon, J.A., Pte, 9th RS -
Arts University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914
SHANNON, John Alastair WWR
Hawick, 1894; son of Rev. J.W. Shannon, M.A.; 1904 – 12; Edin. Univ., Arts; -
journalist; 9th R.S., Pte. Sept. 1914; 1st H.L.I., 2/Lt. 1915, Lt. 1917; Flanders, 2nd
Ypres, Mesopotamia Relieving Force; Prisoner of war in Turkey Apr. 1916 to
Nov. 1918.
Cannot find census
?Father James W Shannon U P Church Minister b.~1859 Carluke
1891 Census

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

?James Wigston Shannon b.13.8.158 Carluke to John Shannon and Mary Wigston
m.27.6.1893 Agnes Elizabeth Renton, Edin d.8.1.1926 NZ
Heritage Index links to – see for further details
?Immigration card Brazil?
? JA Shannon – there is a boarder in Oban 1901 and a nephew in Buccleuch Pl,
Edin in 1901
JA Shannon Lt HLI R.52248
‘Following not verified records not yet received’
Lt JA Shannon HLI
[previous section ‘Arrivals at Alexandria’ 24.11.18]
NZ Family history by Yvonne Wilkie, centred on Molly Whitelaw, sister of JAS,
with excellent information on JAS.
Studying philosophy when war broke out.
‘John Alastair Shannon of the Highland Light Regiment. Having been captured in
the December 1915, he had been reported missing. The Shannon’s much wished-
for news that Alastair, their son and brother, was alive in a POW Camp in
Anatolia was confirmed in July 1916. References in Molly Whitelaw’s papers
indicate Alastair was part of the ‘Death March’ that crossed 1900 kms of Syrian
Desert where thousands died of ‘dysentery, beri-beri, scurvy, malaria, enteritis’
and exhaustion. Of the 2,500 white British prisoners who set out on the march,
only 856 survived. Shannon spent the rest of the war in Anatolia, quite possibly at
Afion Karahissar, with at least 100 British Officers. He was repatriated in
December 1918.’
Wrote book in captivity ‘Morning Knowledge: the Story of the New Inquisition’
1920 – see site for details
J A Shannon 2/Lt
Mesopotamia HLI missing Apr 16, repat 16 Dec 18 record no 7903
?A Shannon
George Watson's College. Student of Arts, 1912-14. 9th Royal Scots, Private
Sept. 1914. 1st Highland Light Infantry, 2nd Lieut. Nov. 1915; Lieut. Jan.
1917. Prisoner of War in Turkey for two and a half years.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Shannon, Samuel Pte 41806 10th Ent. Bn. 33339 Pte, 15th RS 1/9th RS 0634
Sharman, A 2348 EB1
Sharp, Andrew (b. 1898). 1906-13. Apprentice Engineer with Messrs Bruce
Peebles & Co. 9th Royal Scots (Highlanders), August 1914. Discharged on
account of health. October 1915. Died on 24th December 1917. Younger son of
Mr and Mrs Thomas Sharp, 1 Melgund Terrace. -

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George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921)

Sharp, Andrew 1780,[*], Badge No. 45065
9RS Pte 12.5.14-7.10.15 sickness xvi did not serve overseas SWB
Sharp, Andrew, Pte (died) 06-13
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Sharp, Archibald Pte 58956 9th RS 0636
Note John Sharp is 58957, following number.
SHARP, G N, Private, '351496', 1st/9th Bn., 22, 23/Dec/1917, France, NEPHEW
[10?] CWGC
Sharp, George N., Pte 351496 9th RS 4194 Pte 0640
- -
23.12.17 Wounds France Sis Janet S.
Register Soldiers’ Effects
SHARP, George Norman, b. Abercom, Linlithgowshire, e. Edinburgh , r. SD
Edinburgh, 351496, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 23/12/17,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Sharp, John Pte 58957 9th RS 0636
- -
Captured 12 Apr 18, D Coy, La Bassee. Injured right ankle. POW card gives number
54173. [?] Laz, possibly Frankreich then Munster; then Soltau.
Postcard has written G.W. Dransfeld's, gemusebau (vegetable growing), Kreigs,
Jahr 1918 written on the back. Probably related to a work party as G.W.
Dransfeld owned a mill in Soltau.

“Private John Sharp, Royal Scots, whose parents reside at Ashfield Buildings,
Uphall. Much anxiety was felt on his behalf as no communication had been received
from him for about two months, but all fears have now been set aside by his parents
receiving a letter from him saying he is a prisoner of war in Germany. Before
enlisting, Private Sharp was employed with Cunningham Brothers, butchers

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West Lothian Courier of 28th June 1918

GWF courtesy Denmags, alf mcm et al
Note Archibald Sharp is 58956, preceding number.
SHARP, M. Pte. No. 4013. 25/6/16 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
Sharp, Michael Pte 4013 0629
SHARP, Michael, b. Kinross, e. Edinburgh , r. Kinnesswood, Kinross, 4013, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 25/06/16, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SHARP, MICHAEL, M, Private, '4013', 9th Bn., 30, 25/Jun/1916, France, SON
Sharp, W 2727 EB1
Sharp, W.W. 2727 D Coy LS3
Shaw Pte C Coy 2nd Driving Competition -
2/9th Bn games Terling Park 22 Jul 16.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Shaw Pte C Coy Middle Weight Boxing Competition -
2/9th Bn games Terling Park 22 Jul 16.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Shaw remembered among the dead -
W.Grossart IWM doc 5929
Shaw L/Sgt -
Papers of Benjamin Bichen Irvine (qv) remained A/L/Sgt vice Shaw Feb 1917
Shaw, A. L/Cpl 350287 24/2/15 (1) K in A 21/3/18 2610
Shaw, A.E. Cpl 350334 24/2/15 (1) K in A 20/9/17 2610
Shaw, Alex. L., L/Cpl, 9th RS
26 Roseburn St
Murrayfield Roll of Honour 1917 -
Shaw, Alexander d. 21/Mar/1918, 350287, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded -
Military Medal (Ancestry)
Shaw, Alexander Pte 350287 -
Awarded MM for gallantry on 20/21 September 1917. 51st WD
Shaw, Alexander Pte 350287 9th RS 1715 0640
- -
Unpd L/Cpl, death 21.3.18, widow Janet, children Alexander, Alexia Alexandrina
Elizabeth [?]
Pension Ledger
15Star&BWM&VM KIA France 24.2.15
Wid Jessie
Register Effects
SHAW, ALEXANDER, A, Lance Corporal, '350287', 9th Bn., 29, 21/Mar/1918,

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SHAW, Alexander, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 350287, L/CPL, Killed in action, SD

France & Flanders, 21/03/18, M.M., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Shaw, Alfred E., Cpl 350334 9th RS 1834 Cpl 0640
Shaw, Alfred Ernest
Sergeant Alfred Ernest Shaw, 9th Royal Scots. 31 Broughton Place, Edinburgh,
was the fifth son of William Shaw, plumber, and of his wife Jessie Dorward, 48
Fergus Square. Arbroath. He was twenty-four years of age and was a Highland
ornament-maker and jeweller in the employment of Messrs Mackay &
Chisholm, Princes Street, Edinburgh. Being a Territorial, he was mobilised
on the outbreak of war, and went to France in February 1915 with the 9th
Royal Scots, "the Dandy Ninth." He saw a great deal of hard fighting, his
battalion, owing to the extraordinary pressure of the enemy, having at one time
occupied the same trenches for thirty-one days. A year later he was invalided
home suffering from myalgia, and on his return to France, after being employed
for some time as a hut-builder he was promoted to the rank of sergeant.
He again took part in many engagements, and was made platoon sergeant, and it
was while leading his platoon in an attack on the enemy trenches that he was
killed on the 20th of September 1917.

Roll of honour, Arbroath and district. 1914-1919 (1921) -

SHAW, ALFRED ERNEST, A E, Serjeant, '350334', 9th Bn., 24, 20/Sep/1917,
SHAW, Alfred Ernest, b. Arbroath, Forfarshire, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, SD
350334, SERGT., Killed in action, France & Flanders, 20/09/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SHAW, David. (6335) 91 Granton Road, Edinburgh. The Royal Scots Club, War -
Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
SHAW, J, Corporal, '352368', 9th Bn., , 25/Jul/1918, France, CWGC
Shaw, J. L/Cpl 835 24/2/15 (1) Dis. 21/3/16 2610
Shaw, J.D -
LIEUTENANT JOHN DONALD SHAW, 66 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh.
Joined 9th Royal Scots 2nd December 1915. Afterwards attached to 13th
Royal Scots. Received Commission as 1st Lieutenant. Served in France until 26th
July 1918, when killed in action.

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Roll of honour of members of the Society of Writers to His Majesty's Signet, and
apprentices 1914-1919
SHAW, JOHN DONALD (b. 1887).
George Watson's College. Student of Law, 1909-12. Writer to the Signet, 1911.
3/9th and 13th Royal Scots, Private Sept. 1915; 2nd Lieut. Dec. 1915; Lieut.
Sept. 1917. France 1916. Killed in action on 26th July 1918.

University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)

Shaw, James, Corporal. -
(Walkerburn) 1917. September 23.
News was received by his sister, Miss Mary Shaw, Tweed View, Walkerburn, of
the death of her brother, Corporal James Shaw, Royal Scots. He was wounded in
the left leg by shrapnel on 23rd September, and lived only a few hours after
admission to hospital. Corporal Shaw joined up on the day of mobilisation, having
done seven years' service in the Volunteer and Territorial Force. He did not go out
to France in 1914 with the 8th Royal Scots, but he went out in July, 1915, coming
home at the end of the year on special leave owing to bereavement. In 1916,
Corporal Shaw was drafted to the 9th Royal Scots, with whom he spent some
months, seeing some severe fighting at Beaumont, Hamel, and other places. He
was home again at the beginning of 1917 for four weeks being time expired, but
before he went out again he spent 3 months in hospital in Edinburgh. Going to
France again in July, he was dangerously wounded on 22nd September and died
the following day after having a leg amputated. Before war broke out, Cpl. Shaw
was employed in the yarn department of Tweedvale Mills (Messrs Henry
Ballantyne & Sons, Limited). He was a prominent member of Walkerburn Rugby
Club, being a three-quarter of no mean order, being possessed of a rare turn of

Gunn, Dr., ‘The Book of Remembrance for Tweeddale’, 1925
Shaw, John Donald, Was born in 1887 and attended G.W.C. 1902-5. After leaving GWC
School he served a legal apprenticeship, and qualified in 1911, shortly afterwards
joining Mr. W. X. Hislop, W.S., in partnership. Obtaining a commission in the

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3/9th R.S. in 1915, he went to France in 1916, and served continuously till he was
killed instantaneously on July 26, 1918.
Shaw, John L/Cpl 352368 9th RS 5699 A/Cpl 0640
Shaw, John, A/Sgt 835 0629
SHAW, John, b. Liverpool, e. Liverpool, 352368, A/CPL., Killed in action, France SD
& Flanders, 25/07/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Shaw, Peter Pte 59013 9th RS 0636
SHAW, R. Pte. No. 3440, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Shaw, R disembarked with 9RS as 351034 19.11.15 France, transf Royal
Engineers 243145, to Z Reserve 2.7.19
15Star Medal Roll RE piece 2592
R. Shaw
RHA (TF) R/111 RS Pte 351034, RE 243145
15Star&BWM&VM France 19.11.15
Z Res 2.7.19
Robert Shaw Spr RE 243145
R Horse Artillery R/111 (T), 9RS 351034 Pte, RE 243145
BWM&VM Medal Roll RE piece 0416

Courtesy Alasdair Baker, grandson

[3440 a good match for 351034]
Shaw, R.P. 4048 L/Cpl D Coy LS7
SHAW, Robert Philip. 22 Sutherland Cres. Bathgate. 2/9th. (6688) RSC
- -
Shaw, Robert Philip
L/Cpl KOSB 40449 disch 17.6.19, enlisted 3.12.15 age 27yrs3mnths, malaria May
18, abscess thigh Sept 18, Port Amelia hospital, Dar Es Salaam; born Bathgate,
architect, enlisted 9RS as 4048, Edinburgh. 26.12.16 nephritis, also 17.4.17.

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Mother Mrs Agnes P. Shaw, 26 North Bridge St, Bathgate. Home 3.12-15-30.8.16,
BEF 31.8.16-25.12.16, Home 26.12.16-27.9.17, East Africa 28.9.17-8.4.19, Home
9RS Pte 3.12.15, Imp Service 7.12.15, transferred 4 Res KOSB 11.9.16,
immediately 1st KOSB …. KAR Posted as Platoon Sgt 28.9.17. Medical details
Embarked Folkestone 31.8.16, disembarked Boulogne same day. Arrived
20InfB/D Etaples 3.9.16, transferred KOSB 11.9.16, proceeded to join 13.9.16…
further details, incl attd Labour Corps as Ganger.
Pension record
1st KOSB Sgt, 3rd KOSB attd KAR BWM&VM Medal Roll KOSB Piece 1116
3rd KOSB, 3rd KAR Sgt BWM&VM Medal Roll KAR Piece 2342
Shaw, W.H., Corporal
Quoted in Culpin & Bangham, ‘This is History: The Trenches’, 2002 -
Shawcross, H 2789 EB1
SHEA, D.J. Pte. No. 352241 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Shea, Denis J., Pte 352241 9th RS 5571 Pte 0640
Shead, Hugh Pelham -
4th Battalion, The Royal Scots Fusiliers
Private Hugh Pelham Shead, from 9th Battalion, Royal Scots – to be Second
Lieutenant – dated 22 April 1915
Supplement to the London Gazette – dated 21 April 1915
Shead, Hugh Pelham 2418 EB1
SHEARER, G. Pte. No. 4328 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Shearer, James Pte 335255 8th RS 7720 Pte, 9th RS 0639
Shearer, P. Pte 250926 24/5/15 (2B) Disemb 14/5/19 (entry crossed out) 2610
Sheils, C and Shiels, W
Mentioned by William Dea, June 1917 as a ‘local lad’ to Juniper Green
Diary of Pte William Dea, transcribed by Malcolm Fergusson
[There is a James Shiell and some ‘Shields’ but nothing close?] -
Shepherd, A. Pte 350155 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 3/3/19 2610
SHEPHERD Sergt. D Coy. B and D Companies met in the final of the Royal Scots -
Football Competition to decide which team would go to Fermoy to represent the
Battalion in the Brigade Championships. Winner – D Coy. Score 2-1 21st Apr 17,
.Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SHEPHERD Sergt. Royal Scots ground, Fermoy. Championship Football Final to -
win the Brigade Cup. D. Coy. against D. Coy. Scottish Rifles. Winner – D. Coy.
of the Highlanders. Score 2-1. 14th May 1917. Battalion Sports, The Leather
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SHEPHERD Sergt. Royal Scots ground, Fermoy. Semi-final Football Match. D. -
Coy. against the Brigade Headquarters’ team. Winner D. Coy. Score 2-0. 9th May
1917. Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Shepherd Sergt B Coy 2/9 RS witnessed offence Wm EC Pryce (qv) Limerick -
Shepherd, A -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

? Kilted RS?
St Cuthbert’s UFC Photographic Album
Shepherd, Alexander Pte 350155 9th RS 1439 0640
- -
Alexander Shepherd 9RS Pte 1439 350155 15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15
[1439, see Lindsay, T, however Shepherd’s medal roll and MIC specifies 9RS]
Shepherd, C.H. Pte 14059 10th Devons 22/9/15 (1) 9th RS 44149 Pte Cl. Z. 7/3/19 2610
Shepherd, Charles H., Pte 44149 10th Devon Regt 14059 Pte, 9th RS 0635
Shepherd, Frank Pte 301487 9th RS 0639
SHEPHERD, J.H. A/L/Sergt. No. 353096. B. Coy., from 1/5/17 , To be Paid -
Acting Sergt., The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SHEPHERD, J.H. A/L/Sergt. No. 353096. B. Coy., from 23/5/17 , To be Unpaid -
Acting Sergt., The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SHEPHERD, J.H. L/Sergt. No. 353096. D. Coy. 21/2/17 , returned from a Course -
of Instruction, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Shepherd, John A., Pte 353096. 1st Notts.& Derby.R. 32947 Pte, 9th RS 353096 0640
- -
Shepherd, K.C Lance Corporal 9th NBW-S
Shepherd, K.C, L/Cpl NBW

Wounded in neighbourhood of Ypres. Resides at 2 Kerr Street, Stockbridge,

Edinburgh. Dated 6/5/15.
See also EED 6.5.15

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Shepherd, K.C. L/Cpl 1842 24/2/15 (1) Comm 3rd A&S Hrs 11/10/15 2610
Shepherd, Kenneth C., L/Cpl 1842 entered theatre as Pte comm 3rd A&SH 0629
Shepherd, W.A. Pte RS -

Missing. Information gladly received by his parents at 33 High Street, Macduff.

EED 28 Jan 1919
SHEPHERD, WILLIAM ANDREW, W A, Private, '44141', 9th Bn., 19,
Shepley, Thomas H., Pte 62607 9th RS 0636
SHEPLEY, Thomas Holdsworth. 11 Restalrig Ave. Edinburgh. (6915) RSC
Sheppard, Philip Pte 47638 9th RS 0635
SHEPPARD, William A., b. Gamrie, Banffshire, e. Aberdeen , r. Macduff, SD
Banffshire, 44141, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 13/04/18,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Shepperd, William A., Pte 44141 9th RS 0635
Sheratt, George Pte 352756 9th RS 0640
Sherman, A. Pte 1989 24/2/15 (1) Comm 2610
Alfred Sherman 9RS Pte 1989, 7th A&SH 2/Lt, KA Rifles Lt, Capt
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 comm 21.2.15
OC 2 Bn A&SH, Parkhurst, I of W. [Isle of Wight, probably Albany Barracks]
Sherman, A., Pte to be made 2/Lt
The Scotsman 22 Feb 15
Privates Richard John Patterson Harle, Alfred Sherman, Simon Forrest, William
Reid, from 9RS to be 2/Lt 7th A&SH 21.2.15
LG 20.2.15 -
Sherman, Alfred, Pte 1989 comm 7th A&SH 21.2.15 0629
Sherry Piper -
9th Royal Scots sports and pipe-playing competition, held at Barry Camp
The Scotsman 1 Aug 1921
Shields an old regular from RSF, D Coy early 17, good man, steady as a rock, game -
all the time
J.Quinn IWM doc 5992
[?George Shields if Quinn meant to say HLI?]
Shields, G. Pte 17117 1st H.L.I. 2/6/15 (1A) 9th RS 352550 Pte C. Z. 2610
- -
George Shields HLI Pte 17117, RS 352550, HLI 77230
15Star&BWM&VM [1] 2.6.15
12 Alexander St, Ardrie, Lanarkshire

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SHIELDS, G. Pte. No. 352550 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Shields, G.L 2728 EB1
[poor match for 352550 so looks like different man][no MIC found]
Shields, G.L. 2728 D Coy LS7
Shields, John Pte 51837 9th RS 0636
Shiell, James Pte
He was killed by a shell splinter in action in France on 24th March 1918, aged 19
and is commemorated on the Pozieres Memorial, Somme, France. He had enlisted
on 9th July 1915, aged 17 and was a Battalion Runner, a very dangerous
memorials/profile/chirnside-james-shiell -
Shiell, James Pte 351119 9th RS 3566 Pte 0640
SHIELL, James, e. Peebles , r. Chirnside, Berwickshire, 351119, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), -
9th Battalion.
Shiell, James Pte, 9RS, Chirnside. Memorium
Berwickshire News and General Advertiser 20.5.19
SHIELL, JAMES, J, Private, '351119', 9th Bn., , 24/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
Shingler, Richard Pte 352533 16th High.L.I. attd 9th RS 27133 Pte, 9th RS 5929 Pte 0640
- -
Richard Shingler
HLI Pte 27133, RS 5929, 352533
Officially accepted as on 9.4.17 at Roclincourt. Mo Mary
Register Effects
Mo Mary
Pension Ledger
SHINGLER, Richard, b. Glasgow, e. Glasgow, 352533, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 09/04/17, FORMERLY 27133, H.L.I., Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SHINGLER, RICHARD, R, Private, '352533', 9th Bn., , 9/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
Shirlaw, H, 2/Lt. 9th RS joined for duty 7 Aug 1916, proceeded to Hermin for
training 27 Feb 1917
Lt commanding advance party on march Jan 18 ops Order 144 WD

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Shirlaw, H. Lt. 7th RS. reinforcement officer Oct 1918, proceeded to

demobilization Jan 1919
L/Cpl Hugh Shirlaw A&SH to be 2/Lt RS 10.1.16 LG 18.1.16
VM&BWM, France 3.8.16, 2/Lt, Lt WD
Lasswade School. M.A. 1907; B.D. 1910. Minister, Church of Scotland. 14th
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, Private June 1915; Sergeant Dec. 1915.
9th Royal Scots (T), 2nd Lieut. Jan. 1916; Lieut. July 1917. France.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
SHIRLEY, T, Private, '352372', 9th Bn., , 23/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
SHIRLEY, T. Pte. No. 352372 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Shirley, Thomas Pte 352372 11th RS 5703 Pte, 9th RS 5703 Pte 0640
SHIRLEY, Thomas, b. Maryhill, Lanarkshire, e. Glasgow, 352372, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
Shoobridge, Reginald Harold -
Served 25th (Service) Battalion (Frontiersmen) Royal Fusiliers. Unit formed in
London on 12 February 1915 by the Legion of Frontiersmen; 10 April 1915
embarked at Plymouth for East Africa, arriving Mombasa 4 May 1915; left for
England at end of May 1917; disbanded at Putney on 29 June 1918.
At some stage he transferred to 2/9th (Highlanders) Battalion. Disbanded near
Fermoy in March 1918.
Reginald Harold Shoobridge was awarded a Serbian Silver Medal of Valour
(Milos Obilic Medal for Bravery) whilst according to the LG, 19 Sept 1919 he was
49668 serving with 2/9th Royal Scots as Acting CSM.
Working in Mobilization Directorate War Office, acting rank authorised 18.1.19.
No 49668 L/Cpl Shoolridge [sic] to be acting CSM WO (Class II) 2/4th RS.
Shoolridge, Reginald Harold, 49668, A/CSM, 2/9 R Scots T.F. (Muswell Hill,
London N) Medal for Value Serbia, LG 20/09/1919, Pg 11759 then correction to
Medal for Valour, LG 07/10/1919, Pg 12416.
Probably transferred from 2/4 to 2/9 RS when former disbanded August 1917,
Courtesy ForeignGong, SteveE GWF
Shoobridge, updated from Shooleridge R. Fus L/Cpl, Cpl 12856; RS 49668
15Star&BWM&VM Theatre 4a 1.5.15
Name corrected as per MIC. 25th R. Fus.
Medal Roll 15 Star, Depot RS, Piece 2612
A/CSM Shoobridge, Reginald H.
Medal Roll VM&BWM Piece 0635

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This man possibly 2/4th RS and possibly transferred to 2/9th in Ireland in Aug 17?
See also Sidney Sutton, Alexander Massey and Albert Fenlon
SHORT, A. L/Corpl. No. 351271 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Shawcross, H 2789 L/Cpl D Coy LS7
Shreenan, Hugh Pte 44301 9th RS 0635
Shreeve, Edward Pte 48599 11th North’d Fus. 333 Pte, 9th RS 0635
Sibbald Sgt
Colour party returned to Waverley station
The Scotsman 19th June 1919 -
SIBBALD, D. Pte. No. 3895, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Sibbald, David Pte -
Wounded and missing since July 22nd. Any information will be gratefully received
by his parents who reside at 12 Rodney Street, Edinburgh.

The Evening Dispatch 6 Sept 16

David Sibbald 3895 Pte RS disparu depuis 22.7.16 negatif 16.4.17
Mrs Sibbald (son) 12 Rodney St, Edin
Sibbald, David Pte 3895 0629
SIBBALD, David, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 351330, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 23/07/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
SIBBALD, DAVID, D, Private, '351330', 9th Bn., 19, 23/Jul/1916, France, SON
SIBBALD, Francis Alexander. 18 Northfield Terr. Edinburgh 8. (10519) RSC
SIBBALD, Francis Alexander. (10519). 78 Willowbrae Road, Edinburgh 8 -
The Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
SIBBALD, J, Private, '352232', 1st/9th Bn., , 28/Jan/1918, France, CWGC
Sibbald, James Pte 352232 9th RS 5562 Pte 0640
Sibbald, James Pte d.28.1.18, Courier 8.2.18 East Lothian -
SIBBALD, James, b. Prestonkirk, East Lothian, e. North Berwick, 352232, SD
PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 28/01/18, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.

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Sibbald, John N., A/Sgt 352976 9th RS 6864 A/Cpl 0640

Sidebottom, Joseph Pte 351266 9th RS 0640
Sidebottom, William 2989 EB1
Sigar, M. Pte 301146 9RS
British Jewry Book of Honour -
Sillers, J. Pte 350422 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 18/3/19 2610
Silver, Algernon Pte 353013 8th Yorks.L.I. 2956 Pte, 9th RS 353013 Pte, 17th RS 0640
353013 Pte -
Yorks LI Pte 2956, R Scots 353013 France 26.8.15 15Star&BWM&VM MIC
26 yr 69 days, attested 8 Sept 1914, labourer b. Earley Rise (Early Rise?), Berkshire
8th KOYLI; to Army Reserve; rejoined; Cpl, reverted to Pte by his CO; 11th KOYLI;
transferred 2/9th RS as Pte 18.11.16; wounded and missing 26.9.17; Now Repd Regd
Unit 28.9.16; Depot 10.1.18
Home 8.9.14-25.8.15; France 26.8.15-5.1.16; Home 6.1.16-4.8.17; BEF 5.8.17-
9.1.18; home 10.1.18-5.7.18; BEF 6.7.18- 6.10.18; Home 7.10.18
Wounded 27.9.17
Next of kin mother 119 Wykeham Road, Reading
No 7407 Silver A. 9th Royal Scots
No 353013 Silver A. 9th RoyaL Scots posted to 2nd RS 22.8.17
Service record
Silver, H 3032 B Coy LS4
SILVER, H. Sergt. No. 3032 , Inter-Company Tug-of-War. Won by C. Coy. -
26.1.17, Battalion Sports – Somewhere in France, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1
No.4, 1st June 1917
SILVER, H. Sergt. No. 3032 , Inter-Platoon Football Tournament. – concluded -
two days before the Battalion took up trench positons for the Battle of Arras.
Finalists were No’s 10 and 12 Platoons from C.Coy. Narrow win for No. 12
Platoon. Score 1 – 0. 5.4.17, Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4,
1st June 1917
Silver, H. Pte 350818 4/5/15 (1) Disemb 23/2/19 2610
Silver, Harold 3032? EB1
th th
Silver, Harold Sgt 350818 9 RS 3032 Pte, attd 154 Bde.H.Q. 0640
- -
Harold Silver, R Scots Pte 3032, 9 R Scots Pte 350818 15 Star, BWM, VM France
Disembarked 4.5.15, disemb. 23.2.19. 1915 Star Piece 2610

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Silver and Souter photo

Sim, Robert Pte 3541 (“4/9th Royal Scots”?) Dundee hospital adm 19.10.15 -
Sime, Harry Pte 44371 9th RS 11th RS 0635
Sime, Henry Pte 48760 13th RS 9th RS 0635
Sime, T 2859 A Coy LS6
SIME, T. Pte. No. 2859, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Sime, Thomas 2859 EB1
- -
Disembarked 6.12.15 France as Pte 9RS; 92337 Sgt Tank Corps
15Star Medal Roll Tank Corps Piece 2834
Also Sgt 9RS BWM&VM Medal Roll Tank Corps Piece 1774
Simmons, Daniel Pte 44837 8th R.W.Surrys 10928 Pte, 11th RS 1/8th RS 1/9th RS 0635
Simmons, James Pte 1696 0629
? Simons, J. Pte 1696
Territorial Force War Medal piece 3260 (TFWM)
Simons, James (Drummer) -
Stewart Melville
SIMMS, T.H. Pte. No. 351943 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
[See Simpson, Adam]
Simpson Pte, 1st Service Company, Royal Scots; E Coy 9th RS FSA
- ?
?There are six Simpsons listed under QSA Queens South Africa Medal Roll
(initials: A, N, R, T, W, W) for the regular 1st Bn
Includes QSA 4848 Cpl R. Simpson, clasps Belfast, Cape Colony, Orange Free
State; KSA clasps: South Africa 1901, 1902 Ancestry Page 78/544

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This is the only Simpson in the 1st VSC pages of the QSA Medal Roll p.224/544
1st VSC RS Pte Simpson, R. 8167 – QSA South Africa 1901 = yes Ancestry
Page 224/544
?Simpson, Robert – no not this man
4848 Robert Simpson, Corporal, 1st Royal Scots South Africa
‘His WW1 records show that he served with the 9th Royal Scots (probably as a
musketry instructor)’ Stebie9173, refers to a postman Robert Warwick Simpson
(Newtown St Boswells), London Gazette 4 Apr 1905 p.2554
Great War Forum
Chelsea records - born ~1875, Selkirk; 4848 RS, service started 1893
? Is this the record referred to on GWF? Yes, but no RS reference.
Robert W. Simpson, Newstead, Melrose, 16.2.15 joined KOSB as 8498, previous
9 yrs 1st RS (L/Sgt), 38yr10mos, postman, wife Agnes Simpson (McLean), Fairfax
Cottage, Newstead, Melrose, married 17.12.97, children Agnes Warwick 25.5.99
Edin and Jane White 2.1.04 Hawick
KOSB depot 13.2.15, 9th KOSB 19.2.15, 3rd KOSB 1.9.16
Robert W Simpson Sgt 658085. Z class 26.3.19
Group 30 (postman). Presby. 4th (Res) KOSB
Embarked 12.11.18 IBD 12.11.18 Field 27.11.18 – lots of detail RASC? BEF
Labour Corps 24.12.18 758 Coy, 435 Coy. Signed HS Hope Gill (qv) but no RS
reference. Born Selkirk.
Enteritis, Red Cross Hosp Kinghorn 11.2.18-18.2.18. Dentistry 1917
Service record – and previous record
9th KOSB became 53rd Training Res Bn. Wrote from Greenyards Lodge, Melrose
19.1.31 to OC Records
Robert W Simpson 8498 KOSB LC MIC
See Simpson, R.
Simpson Sgt -

Signed papers CO Rhind (qv) 1909

?R. Simpson
Simpson, A 2480 B Coy LS1
SIMPSON, A, Private, '351153', 9th Bn., , 20/Sep/1917, Belgium, CWGC
Simpson, A, Pte 350566 -
Awarded D.C.M. Jan 19
Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The Fifteenth (Scottish) Division, 1914-
1919’, 1926
Simpson, A.
D.C.M. citation:
‘350566 Pte. A. Simpson 9th Bn. (Edinburgh)
For gallantry during the advance in October and November 1918, as mounted
orderly. He carried out his work under most trying conditions, never failing to -

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keep in touch, though often under fire. He had two horses wounded under him.
Simpson, Andrew Pte 2480 350566 15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 MIC
SIMPSON, A. L/Corpl. No. 351153 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
SIMPSON, A. L/Corpl. No. 351153 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Simpson, A. Pte 350566 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 21/3/19 2610
Simpson, A. Pte. no. 350566 D.C.M. Vendin le Vieil New Years List 1918 WD
SIMPSON, A.G. C.S.M.Referee. B and D Companies met in the final of the -
Royal Scots Football Competition to decide which team would go to Fermoy to
represent the Battalion in the Brigade Championships. Winner – D Coy. Score 2-1
21st Apr 17, .Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Simpson, Adam F., Cpl 351153 9th RS 3633 Pte 0640
SIMPSON, Adam, b. Portobello, Midlothian, e. Edinburgh , r. Leith, 351153, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 20/09/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Simpson, Andrew 2480 EB1
Simpson, Andrew Pte 350566 9th RS 2480 0640
Simpson, Arthur E. 9th R.S., member Royal Scots Club 1940/41, membership -
number 13344, 5 Gibsons Hill, Norbury, London S.W. 16
Simpson, D. Pte 350179 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 24/2/19 2610
Simpson, D. Pte 350193 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 25/3/19 2610
Simpson, Daniel Sgt 350179 9th RS 1495 Sgt 0640
Simpson, David Pte 350193 9th RS 1530 0640
- -
Court of inquiry in the field 13.3.16 by order AS Blair: deaths of WS Carter, JC
Wilson and poisoning of Pte Dishington 2005. President Maj RHF Moncrieff,
members Capt A Taylor, 2/Lt AS Nicoll.
1530 David Simpson gives evidence. ‘The next thing I remember was being in the
Field Ambulance some time the next day’
Papers of WS Carter
15Star&BWM&VM Disemb. France 24.2.15
SIMPSON, David, Mr. 39 Kekewich Ave. Edinburgh. (6331) 1933/34 RSC
Also member 1935/36, 1940/41, 1942/43 at same address -
Simpson, David, Pte 06-11
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Simpson, H.C. Lt H Coy, University (along with FR Lucas). Address: University -
Union. The Edinburgh University Calendar 1907
Simpson, H.C., Lt F1901
Simpson, Harold Christopher F
Second Lieu 1 Dec 1906. Lt 20 Oct 1908, Gazette 13th April 1909 promoted Lieu
with effect prior to 31st March 1909. Attached to 2nd Bn Seaforth Highlanders,
April 1907. Served in QRVB, RS, 1903-05; and in 9th Highlanders, RS, 1906-08.

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Born 12 Mar 1882. Son of the Rev. --- Simpson, Rector of Waddingham, Kirton
Lindsey, Lincolnshire. (Edinburgh University.)
Appointed to the battalion # 44
Simpson, Harold Christopher 2/Lt
Officers from the 9th Volunteer Battalion (Highlanders), the Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), appointed to 9th (Highlanders) Battalion, The Royal Scots, 1st April
1908. London Gazette 18 Sept 1908
Trent College, Derbyshire. M.B., Ch.B. 1908. L.M.S.S.A. (Lond.) 1908. No. 4
Coy. Q.R.V.B., Royal Scots, and 9th Royal Scots (T.), 1902-8. R.A.M.C. (T.),
Captain Oct. 1914; Temp. Major Jan. 1919. Military Hospital, Newcastle, Dec.
1916. D.A.D.M.S., Lucknow Division, India, 1919. Dispatches 1919.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)

1882-1949 Born Thongs Bridge, Yorks. Medical Officer, late Major RAMC TF,
served in Great War 1914-19, India 1917-19. Married Barbara (Ara) Nichol 1909.
Family tree and who’s who
Simpson, J 2907 EB1
SIMPSON, J W, Private, '352670', 1st/9th Bn., , 4/Aug/1917, Belgium, CWGC
SIMPSON, J. Pte. No. 3463, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Simpson, James Francis Pte 3465 -
Disembarked 13.10.15 France as Pte 9RS; 92343 Gun. Tank Corps DofW 30.11.17
15Star Medal Roll Tank Corps Piece 2834; also BWM&VM Medal Roll Piece
1774, listed as Pte Tank Cps.
Died 30.11.17 F&F. Enlisted Edinburgh Pte. Royal Tank Corps 92343, Died of
wounds. 3465 RS. SDGW
Tank Corps Gnr. Father William. States: See also 377/638613 [this was originally
recorded as Gunner Samuel Francis Simpson and changed to James, states: see also
392/66140 pointing back at other record]
Register Soldiers’ Effects
Gunner, ‘C’ Bn Tank Corps 92343, d.30.11.17, Rocquigney-Equancourt Road
British Cemetery [used mainly by 21st and 48th CCS] CWGC
15Star&BWM&VM 9RS Pte 3465; Tank Corps Gnr 92343, DofW 30.11.17 France
13.10.15 MIC
Simpson, John Grant 9th R.S., member Royal Scots Club, membership number -
1935/36 – 26 Grange Road, Edinburgh
1940/41, 1942/43 – Langley, Kirkbrae, Liberton

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31.12.1955 - 76 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh (listed as J.G. Simpson, membership

no. 5650)
?Simpson, J.G. Lt QRVB to be Instructor of Musketry 21.9.01
Volunteer Service Gazette 27.9.01
SIMPSON, John Grant, Mr. 26 Grange Rd. Edinburgh. (5650) RSC
Simpson, John W., Pte 352670 9th RS 0640
SIMPSON, John William, b. Durham, e. West Hartlepool, Durham , r. Ferry Hill, SD
Durham, 352670, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 04/08/17,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Simpson, R. CQMS 350022 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 25/4/19 2610
- -
Simpson, R. CQMS 252 Wounded. The Leather Sporran, vol 1 no 2, published 1 st
Nov 16
SIMPSON, R. CQMS. No. 252, wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
Simpson, R. Sergt No.3 Sec. Cmdr. ‘E’ Coy, 98 E. Claremont Street. -
General Programme, Drill Season 1914
Simpson, Robert CSM 350022 9th RS 252 W.O.Cl.II 0640
- -
Simpson, Robert, R.Scots WO Cl II 252; 9/R Scots CQMS 350022
VM&BWM&15Star (1) France 24.2.15
MIC (p.1522/2891 Simpson, John-Simpson,Wm)
252 would most likely have been 8 April 1908
SIMPSON, Robert, Mr. Captains Rd. Liberton. Edinburgh. (1850) 1933/34 RSC
Also a member of the Royal Scots Club 1935/36, 1940/41 and 1941/42 but not at
this address after this date.
Simpson, Robert 9th R.S. Q.V.B.R.S., membership number 17292, Four Canons
Close, Craigwell, Bognor Regis, Sussex 31.12.1950 and 31.12.1955 (See
Simpson, Robert for an earlier membership no)
Simpson, Tubbie [?] -

Huie Collection
Simpson, W Private 9th NBW-S
SIMPSON, W. Drummer. No. 431, wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, -
1st November 1916
SIMPSON, W. Pte. No. 350925 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Simpson, W. Bandsman -

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Wounded at Ypres. His father resides at 18 Yeaman Place, Edinburgh. EED

Simpson, W. Pte 431 24/2/15 (1) Dis. 30/11/15 2610
- -
Dr Wm Simpson 431 9RS 28.5.08-30.11.15 wounds xvi served overseas
Simpson, William -
Born at Dollar. Eldest son of John Simpson, of Cemetery Lodge, Dollar. Educated
at Dollar Academy. He left in 1899. Occupation: employed in Kilmarnock.
Private 352724 Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment) 2nd/9th Bn. He enlisted in
September 1916. He and some others were holding a front line trench, when a
shell burst among them, killing two and wounding the rest. Died of wounds on
05/08/1917, aged 32. Belgium MENDINGHEM MILITARY CEMETERY IV. A.
18. Also commemorated at Dollar Parish Church; Dollar Academy. Photograph:
Dollar Magazine 1918, p36.

Hillfootsarmedforcesfatalitiesreformatted11082014standard.pdf by Ian Middleton

at and
Dollar magazine 1917 p.142 severely wounded and succumbed to wounds on
same day. Employed in Kilmarnock until Sept 1916, when he joined the RS.
Simpson, William B., Pte 63216 9th RS 0636
Simpson, William G., Pte 58953 9th RS 13th RS 0636
Simpson, William Pte 350925 9th RS 0640
Simpson, William Pte 351144 9th RS 3623 0640
Simpson, William Pte 352237 9th RS 5567 Pte 0640
Simpson, William Pte 352724 9th RS 0640
Simpson, William Pte 431 0629
Simpson, William Pte 62557 9th RS attd 5th Gor. Hrs. 0636
SIMPSON, William, b. Dollar, Clackmannanshire, e. Kilmarnock, Ayrshire , r. SD
Dollar, 352724, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 05/08/17, Royal
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.

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SIMPSON, William, b. North Leith, e. Edinburgh , r. Leith, 350925, PRIVATE, SD

Killed in action, France & Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
SIMPSON, William, b. Ormiston, East Lothian, e. Edinburgh, 352237, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 21/04/17, FORMERLY 30606, H.L.I., Royal
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Simpson, William, Drummer 1426 becomes 431 in 1908, G Coy changed to H
Coy. b. Hutchison Town, Lanarkshire. Laboratory assistant, as non-indentured
apprentice, residing at 1 Buccleauch St
Attested 28th May 1908, age 15 yr 1 mnth at 7 Wemyss Pla, height 4ft 9 ¼ inches,
71 lbs (5 stone). Drummer.
Embodied service 5.8.14-30.11.15, discharged Para 392 XVI at Peebles 26 Nov
15. Edinburgh 28.5.08-23.2.15, BEF 24.2.15-11.5.15, Home 12.5.15-30.11.15
GSW L shoulder 8.5.15
Father: Andrew Simpson 1 Buccleuch St [crossed out], 31 Gibson Ter.
Simpson, W. 431
Arrived No.3 General Hospital, Stobhill, Glasgow
The Scotsman 14 May 15 -
SIMPSON, WILLIAM, W, Private, '350925', "A" Coy. 9th Bn., 21, 9/Apr/1917,
SIMPSON, WILLIAM, W, Private, '352237', 9th Bn., 35, 21/Apr/1917, France,
SIMPSON, WILLIAM, W, Private, '352724', 2nd/9th Bn., 32, 5/Aug/1917,
Simpson, Wm 431,[*], Badge No. 108206 SWB
Sims -
Made L/Cpl ~June 16.
Joe Sims B Coy Lewis Gun Team
J. Quinn IWM doc 5992
Sims, Cyril J., L/Sgt 350391 9th RS 2022 Pte 0640
Sims, Cyril Joseph 2022 EB1
SIMS, Cyril Joseph. No. 2022. c/o Caly Station Hotel. D changed to B Comp. EBD
19/8/14. 19 yrs 3 mons.
Sims, E.E 2729 EB1
Sims, J. Pte 350391 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 24/2/19 2610
Sims, Thomas H., A/Sgt 351943 9th RS 5213 Pte, 2nd RS 351943 0640
Simson, H.M 2088 EB1
Simson, HARRY MACDONALD, Capt, 51 Manor Place, Edinburgh. -

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Enlisted in 9th Royal Scots in August 1914. Afterwards obtained a Commission

and served with 52nd Lowland Divisional Train at Cape Helles, Gallipoli, from
May till August 1915, and with New Zealanders at Anzac from August till
September 1915; from October 1915 till August 1919 with 10th Divisional Train
in Servia, Macedonia, Palestine, and Egypt.
Roll of honour of members of the Society of Writers to His Majesty's Signet, and
apprentices 1914-1919
15 Star: Simson, H.M., Lt RASC, disembarked 6.6.15 (2A). British War Medal
and Victory Medal: Simson, H.M., Capt RASC. MIC: Simson, H.M., RASC Lt;
16 Divl? Capt; 6.6.15 Gallipoli. Allenby’s Despatch 5 Mar 1919
SIMSON, Harry McDonald. No. 2088. 31 Manor Place, Edinburgh. W H Comp. EBD
29/8/14. 31 yrs. 11/11/14 Edinburgh Commission
Sinclair -
[no futher identification]
Wounded in the ear last month, a shell burst five yards in front of him, now in
hospital in Rouen. Son of Mr and Mrs R. Sinclair, 12 Bonington Terrace,
The Scotsman 6 May 15
Sinclair Maj. Is the Reserve Bn at the Castle and do you know if Col Doig is with -
them? I wrote Maj Sinclair 2-i-c 12.10.18
Bennet Clark, T.W. Letters written by sons to mother during WWI, Ref: 1994.106,
National War Museum Scotland Library, Edinburgh Castle
Sinclair Private 9th NBW-S
Sinclair Pte

Wounded and now in hospital at Rouen. He is a son of Mr and Mrs R. Sinclair, 12

Bonnington Terrace, Edinburgh.
EED 6.5.15
Wounded in the ear last month, a shell burst five yards in front of him.
EED 6.5.15 (different page) -
Sinclair, A. 2008
The Scotsman - Monday, 14th June 1915, page 11 [PPCLI] re. Valentine, Cecil.
Great War Forum -
Sinclair, A. Pte 2008 24/2/15 (1) Dis. 3/12/15 2610
Sinclair, Alex 2008, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No. 140591
9RS Pte 17.8.14-13.12.15 sickness xvi, overseas yes SWB
Sinclair, Alexander 2008 EB1
SINCLAIR, Alexander No. 2008. 1 So. St. James Street, Edinburgh. F (crossed EBD
out) B Comp. 17/8/14. 21 yrs 8 mons.
Sinclair, Alexander C., Pte 44299 9th RS 0635

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Sinclair, Alexander Private 9th NBW-S

Sinclair, Alexander Pte 2008 0629
Sinclair, Alexander, Pte NBW

See also EED 13 July 15

Wounded and suffering from gas poison. He resided with his parents at 1 South St
James Street, Edinburgh.
SINCLAIR, B, Private, '375901', 1st/9th Bn., , 1/Aug/1918, France, SON OF
Sinclair, Bruce Pte 375901 17th RS 375901 Pte, 9th RS 375901 Pte 0640
SINCLAIR, Bruce, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 375901, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
SINCLAIR, C. Pte. No. 350985, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917 [wounded before killed, or did this intend to report killed?]
Charles Sinclair
Pte 9RS 350985 15Star&BWM&VM France 12.10.15 KIA
[Cannot find in Register of Soldier’s Effects]
[350985 ~3371, close to 350980 enlisted 4.6.15]
WD has draft of 105 NCOs and men 20.10.15
WD states 1 OR killed 19.4.17. On this day they went into the sunken road before
‘Charlie’ only son of 13 children (one boy and 12 girls)
Only lived a short time at Caithness, moved around a lot due to father’s work

Information courtesy Margot McLaughlin, grand-dau of one of the sisters

There is an otherwise unidentified Charles St. Clair (qv)?

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Sinclair, C. Pte 350985 12/10/15 (1) K in A 19/4/17 2610

Sinclair, Charles Pte 350985 9th RS 0640
SINCLAIR, Charles, b. Tarbert, Argyllshire, e. Edinburgh , r. Thurso, Caithness, SD
350985, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 19/04/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SINCLAIR, CHARLES, C, Private, '350985', 9th Bn., , 19/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
Sinclair, Charles. 350985. Pte. 9th (Hldrs) Royal Scots. TF. 154th Bde, 51st -
(Highland) Div. Born Tarbert. Home Thurso. Enlisted Edinburgh. Killed in action
19/04/17 Scarpe, Arras. Parents; Robert, Duncan St, Thurso.
Sinclair, D.B., 2nd Lt. 4 Oct 14 W
Sinclair, Donald Boase -
CAPTAIN DONALD BOASE SINCLAIR, O.B.E., 43 Castle Street, Edinburgh.
Received Commission as 2nd Lieutenant 9th Royal Scots on 4th October 1914.
Thereafter promoted Captain. Served as Intelligence Officer on South-East Coast
of Kent. Staff Captain at War Office, and thereafter under New Recruiting
Roll of honour of members of the Society of Writers to His Majesty's Signet, and
apprentices 1914-1919
The London Gazette, 26 Jan. 1923 (p.613)
7th/9th Bn. Royal Scots.- The undermentioned Offrs. are transferred, retaining
their rank and precedence. 27th Jan. 1923. From the 9th Bn
Capt. D.B. Sinclair, O.B.E.
Sinclair, Donald B., 2/Lt (Reserve Bn)
Society of Writers to HM Signet, serving
The Scotsman 31 Dec 14
Donald Boase Sinclair to be 2/Lt 4.10.14 9RS
London Gazette 9.10.14
2nd Lt to be Lt with precedence from 1 June 16, 1st Aug 17
The London Gazette 31 July 1917 page 7873
House M started 1902, start war 2/Lt end Capt, OBE, served 14-19 GB
Gazetted 2/Lt, Reserve Bn 12th October 1914, assigned H Coy Reserve Bn 15 Nov
14. Oxford Univ Volunteer Bn. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
SINCLAIR, Donald Boase, Captain. 9 Belgrave Place. Edinburgh. (5608) RSC
Fettes College. B.A. (Oxford) 1908; LL.B. and Writer to the Signet, 1911. 9th
Royal Scots (T.), 2nd Lieut. Oct. 1914; Lieut. June 1916; Captain Aug. 1917.
Staff Captain, War Office. Intelligence Officer, South-East Coast of Kent.
O.B.E. (Military) 1919.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
SINCLAIR, G. Pte. No. 3674, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Sinclair, H. Pte 1837 24/2/15 (1) Comm 3/4th D. of W. Regt. 13/1/16 2610

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Sinclair, Harold Pte 1837 comm 3/4th West Riding 13.1.16 0629
SINCLAIR, HAROLD, Lieut., 2/4th (Territorial) Battn. The Duke of Wellington's -
(West Riding Regt.), 4th and youngest s. of Andrew Work Sinclair, of Stepney
Road, Scarborough, J. P., Builder and Contractor, by his wife, Alice
Maudy dau. of John Stephenson ; b. Scarborough, co. York, 22 June. 1893 :
educ. Woodhouse Grove School. Apperley Bridge ; was employed as a Draper's
Assistant with Messrs. Jenner and Sons. Edinburgh ; volunteered for foreign
service and joined the 9th Battn. The Royal Scots Regt. 4 Aug. 1914. the day
war was declared : served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders
from Feb. 1915; took part in the Second Battle of Ypres ; was invalided home in
Oct. after an operation for appendicitis ; obtained a commission as 2nd Lieut.
The West Riding Regt. 17 Jan. 1916. and was promoted Lieut, about 15 July
following, specializing in bombing, for which he held a Brigade Instructor's
certificate: returned to France 10 Jan., and was killed in action near Serre 17
Feb.1917. Buried in Serre Road British Cemetery, Beaumont Hamel
Roll of Honour, Ruvigny, Vol III
SINCLAIR, Ivan (18719) Rosebank, Yetholm, Kelso. The Royal Scots Club, War -
Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Sinclair, J L/Cpl 1829 A Coy LS5
Sinclair, Jasper I., L/Cpl 351478 9th RS 4142 Pte 0640
Sinclair, Thomas W.T., Pte 02-07
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Sinclair, Thomas W.T., Pte 352980 9th RS 6868 A/Cpl 0640
Sinclair, W.G 2328 EB1
Sinclair, W.G. 2328 -
Wounded EED 6 May 16
Sinclair, W.G. Pte 2328 24/2/15 (1) Comm 4th Res. RS 22/11/16 2610
Sinclair, W.G., Pte 2328 comm 4th RS 22.11.16 0629
Sinclair, W.J, 2nd Lt F1901
Sinclair, W.J., 2/Lt -
Signed papers for Peddie, Geo. 1910
Sinclair, W.J. Lt resigns his commission (21.1.14)
The Times 21.1.14
Private, 9th Battalion Royal Scots, September 1914; 2nd Lieutenant, November
1916; Lieutenant, May 1918; Staff Captain (Civil Administration), April 1919.
Attached 17th Royal Scots, January 1917; 11th Battalion, April 1917. Wounded at
Ypres, April 1915, and Passchendaele, October 1917.
Royal High School of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1920)
Sinclair, William G.S., Pte 351393 9th RS 3988 Pte 0640
SINCLAIR, William George Syme, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh , r. Leith, 351393, SD
L/CPL, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 21/09/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SINCLAIR, WILLIAM GEORGE SYME, W G S, Lance Corporal, '351393', "B"
Coy. 9th Bn., 28, 21/Sep/1917, Belgium, HUSBAND OF ELIZABETH K.

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Sinclair, William John F

Second Lieu (supernumerary) 29 March 1909, dated prior 31st March 1909,
Gazette 21st May 1909. Served for two years in Merchiston Castle Cadet Corps.
Born 10 March 1891. Son of William Gardner Sinclair. (Merchiston Castle
School, Edinburgh.) In Printing and Lithographic Business.
Appointed to the battalion # 56
Sinclair, W.J
? There is a man of this name, schooled 1905-08, listed as 2nd Lt, RAF
Merchiston Castle School, Roll of honour 1914-1919 (1921)
? William John Sinclair b.10.3.1891 [there is also a William James] 6.3.16 to be
“Sinclair” 1912, assume this to be W.J.S.

Huie Collection
Not able to find military records on Ancestry…
? Could be WJS b.10.3.1891 Edinburgh to William Gardner Sinclair and Elizabeth
Macdonald Births
? Or WJS to William and Jane S, 10 Leviot Pl, Edinburgh 1901 Census
Sinclaur -
The East of Scotland half-back transferred by Airdrieonians to Leith, has joined
the Dandy Ninth
Daily Record 15.12.15
SKELDING, R D, Private, '351527', 9th Bn., , 23/Apr/1917, France, SON OF MR.
Skelding, Royle D., Pte 351527 9th RS 0640
SKELDING, Royle David, b. Aston, Birmingham, e. Edinburgh , r. Aston, SD
351527, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Skeldon Pte A Coy -
Transport section, won pair in hand driving contest ‘1st Drivers’ Turn Out’ and ‘1st
Driving Competition’. 2/9th Bn games Terling Park 22 Jul 16.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Skeldon, S.C 2912 EB1
SKELDON, S.C. Pte. No. 350769 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Skeldon, Samuel C., Pte 350769 9th RS 2912 0640

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SKELDON, Samuel Cowan, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 350769, PRIVATE, SD

Killed in action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
SKELDON, SAMUEL COWAN, S C, Private, '350769', 9th Bn., 29,
Skinner, Alexander G, Pte, 3876 351316, 61 Abbeyland, Newtongrange NBW
Skinner, Alexander G., Pte 351316 9th RS 3876 Pte 0640
Skinner, H.J 2123 EB1
Skinner, H.J. Pte 350428 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 29/5/19 2610
Skinner, Henry J., L/Cpl 350428 9th RS 2123 A/Cpl, attd 3rd Intel. Corps. A/Cpl, 0640
attd Mil. Police A/Cpl, 8th RS 350428
Skinner, J 2790 EB1
Skinner, J.M. 2790 D Coy LS7
Skinner, R. 2025, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No. 61555
9RS Pte 20.8.14-29.8.16 wounds xvi, overseas yes SWB
Skinner, R. Pte 2025 24/2/15 (1a) Disc. 29/8/16 2610
Skinner, Robert 2025 EB1
Skinner, Robert Pte 2025 0629
SKINNER, Robert. No. 2025. 211 Pleasance. C Comp. 20/8/14. 28 yrs 5 mons. EBD
Skinner, W 2079 EB1
SKINNER, William. No. 2079. 20 Wilton Road, Edinburgh. W H Comp. 29/8/14. EBD
27 yrs. 23/12/14. Edinburgh Commission
Skitt 3058 EB1
SKITT, R.W. L/Corpl. No. 3058 , Inter-Platoon Five-a-side Football Competition. -
Won by 16th Platoon. 26.1.17, Battalion Sports – Somewhere in France, The
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SKITT, R.W. L/Corpl. No. 3058 , Military Medal – Notified in ‘Gazette’ of -
19/1/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SKITT, R.W. Pte. No. 350834 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Skitt, R.W. 3058 A Coy LS4
Skitt, R.W. Cpl 350834 4/5/15 (1) Dis. 11/10/17 2610
- -
Skitt, Richard W. 9RS Cpl 3058, 350834 France (1) 4.5.15 SWB List D/61/1
L/Cpl 3058 MM
Manchester 16.12.15 Reserve Bn RS 3058
?Highley War Hosp 15.6.17-11.10.17 GSW Shoulder (this page is Skitt’s on
account of page edge shape)
Cpl Richard William Skitt 3508?? 9RS discharged 11.10.17, address 99 Harley St,
Openshaw, Manchester, weekly pension 24/- to be reviewed in 13 weeks. GSW
right shoulder fract of head of humerus and scapula right
350834 para 392 xvi

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Home 16.12.14-3.5.15, BEF 4.5.15-13.6.17, home 14.6.17-11.10.17 Boiler maker

born 1895 [confirm page reads from 16.12.14 but handwritten in corner]
Service record – very burnt – mixed up with F. Leuchars (qv)
Skitt, Richard W d. - , 3058, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military Medal -
Skitt, Richard W., Cpl 350834 9th RS 3058 Cpl 0640
Slater, James Pte 44292 9th RS 0635
Slater, Sydney Pte 50116 9th RS 50116, E.Surr. R. 10722 Pte (written by hand) 0635
- -
1 E Surrey R Pte L/10722; RS 50116
14Star&BWM&VM Disch 392 xvi 7.2.16 SWB List
Theatre 16.8.14
9RS 50116 24.3.18 action France Wid Lilian
Register Soldiers’ Effects
Sydney Slater 10722 Pte E Surreys 17.9.13-7.2.16 sickness 392 xvi served overseas
SWB roll East Surrey
10722 3rd East Surrey Regt 17.9.13 Pte
Sydney Slater born Catford, London. 18yr2mos, shop porter.
Posted 1st 14.11.13
Sentended six months for sleeping at his post whilst sentinel on active service
4.11.14/ Posted D 30.6.15, posted 3rd 21.7.15. Discharged no longer physically fit
7.2.16. Father Charles, mo Mary, brothers John and Frederick Leonard?
?Cleveland rd, New Malden
Home 17.9.13-12.8.14, BEF 13.8.14-29.6.15, Home 30.6.15-7.2.16
50116 Pte Slater SS 1/9 RS
Widow LF Slater writes from c/o Mrs Warner, 65 Russell Rd, Wimbledon 2.11.20
‘Private Sydney Sydney Slater’ Re-enlisted 1917
Appears no in East Surrey on re-enlisting 31917, but a short time before transfer to
RS 10.7.17. Hospital record 12 GH Rouen May 1915, catarrh, impelige?
Fa Chas E Slater 16 Clevelend Rd. Pension details, other address for widow
Draxmont, Wimbledon Hill; also 86 Wimbledon Hill etc Fa address Jan 1918
?Thurlands cottage, Robin Hood engineering Works, P?? SW.
Death certificate for George Edward John Slater, male, 10 months, died 1.3.18, son
of Sydney Slater Pte RS 11 Cochrane Rd, Wimbledon, glazier (journeyman). Cause
gastro interitis, cardiac syncope?
Sidney [sp] Slater Pte 50116 9RS KIA 24.3.18
2/9 RES IV D Coy enlisted 19.5.17
Offence 12.9.17 Fermoy Pte ?exceeding pass; witness L/Cpl ?Renn? Denn?
Service from 19.5.17 age 20yr9mos Group No 36 Glazier’s labourer, later Group
37 M. CofE
Lilian Florence Slater, 16 Cleveland Rd, New Malden
Enlisted 19.5.17, posted 3rd E Surrey 22.5.17, transf 2/9 RS 10.7.17
Boulogne? 31.10.17, joined in field 4.11.17
Service record

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SLATER, Sydney, e. Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey , r. Wimbledon, Surrey, 50116, SD

PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, FORMERLY 31917, E.
SURREY REGT., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SLATER, SYDNEY, S, Private, '50116', 9th Bn., 22, 24/Mar/1918, France,
SLAUGHTER, Harold F. (1851). 4 Kilmaurs Terrace, Edinburgh 9 -
The Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Harold Fawdon Slaughter - 9RS 2/Lt, Lt; MGC Lt
BWM&VM France 1.7.16?
3 Hamilton Terrace, Portobello, Edin. [same street as Edmund Slaughter]
Slaughter family: Robert Y, Mrs Edith M, Geo H, Clement R, Ida L, Florence E,
Harold F.
3 Hamilton Terrace, Portobello
Electoral register 1925-26
Harold F Slaugter and Margaret M Slaughter, 3 Duddingston Park
Electoral register 1965 (numerous other entries for different years)
Robert Y Slaughter (railway advertising lesee?) and Edith M Slaughter, 3
Hamilton Terr. Children include Edmund W (10) and Harold F (9)
1901 Census
Harold F Slaughter b~1892
Edmund William Slaughter 10.10.1891-9.1971, married 1931
Family tree from nj_hutchison
Service record for Clement Reid Slaughter, another, younger brother, 2221 4RS
13.9.14; also Geo H brother was RSF
XV. 1906-7. Private, 9th Battalion Royal Scots, December 1915; 2nd Lieutenant,
March 1917; Lieutenant, September 1918. Attached 11th Battalion, August 1916;
3rd Northumberland Fusiliers, April 19l7; 23rd Northumberland Fusiliers, May
1917; 37th Garrison Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers, June 1918. Prisoner of
War Camp, Sheffield, January 1919. Wounded at Passchendaele, October 1917.
Royal High School of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1920)
Edmund William Slaughter 11 RS Pte 40071; Northumberland Fus 2/Lt [note
11RS not 9] VM&BWM Comm 28.3.17
Linden, Hamilton Terrace, Portobello, Edin. [note same street as Harold
40071 Edmund W Slaughter Pte 11 RS commm Northd Fus 28.3.17
BWM&VM Medal roll RS piece 0634
Slaughter, H.F, 2/Lt. joined for duty 16 Aug 1916 WD
- ?

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?Signs papers G Maskew as Capt OC A Coy 2/9 RS 27.2.17?

SLAUGHTER, Harold Lowdon. 3 Hamilton Terr. Duddingston Rd. Edinburgh. RSC
(1851) [Harold Fawdon Slaughter?]
Slavin,? Slaven, J. Pte 1/9 RS trial at Leeds 1.12.17 WO86/79 p.165 -

Violence to superiors, marked Cpl, 28 days imprisonment. Quashed S.&S.[?] com

to D 1.1.18 [commuted to detention rather than imprisonment?]
SLAVEN, James, Pte. 77 Whifflet Street. 3203. 9th Bn. -
[Little other info? Earliest ‘S’ in EB2 is 3233]
Coatbridge and the Great War Roll of Honour by Rev. Samuel Lindsay (Minister
of Coatbridge Baptist Church)
?There is a L/Cpl J. Slaven 3RS 53252 trade Lr.Dr. 25.5.19 transf RASC (MT)
FMP and a James Slaven of this # MIC for RS and RASC; but also an MIC for
John Slaven RS and RASC and LC
SLOAN, William W., e. Edinburgh, 351005, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France SD
& Flanders, 07/11/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion. [Looks like
SLEAN, William, print unclear in book]
SLEIGH, W. Pte. No. 3879, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Sleigh, William H., A/L/Cpl 351319 9th RS 3879 Pte 0640
Sloan, ‘Tod’ casualty, raid 7/8 Nov 16 at Beaumont Hamel, B Coy ‘the whole Coy -
were grieved. Kings have been mourned less than ‘Tod’.’
J.Quinn IWM doc 5992
Sloan, David Pte 36615 15th RS 12th RS attd. 5th Gordons, 9th RS 0633
Sloan, Frank A/Cpl 34463 16th RS Pte, 13th RS Pte, 9th RS Pte 0641
- -
34463 Pte Frank Sloan awarded MM gallantry displayed 8.9.17
51st WD
Sloan, W.W. Pte 3399 12/10/15 (1) Pres. D. 7/11/16 2610
Sloan, William W., Pte 3399 0629
SLOAN, WILLIAM W., W W, Private, '351005', 9th Bn., 31, 7/Nov/1916,
SMAIL, James Cameron. Prof. O.B.E. 1 Grange Terr. Edinburgh. (8980) RSC
SMAILES, J.W. Pte. No. 352712. C Coy., to Miss M.J. Martin, at Gateshead, on -
23/3/17 , Marriages, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June 1917
SMAILL, J. Cameron , Principal. O.B.E. F.R.S.E. (8980) 1 Grange Terrace, -
Edinburgh. The Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st
December 1969

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Smaill, D.S 2574 EB1

SMAILL, D.S. L/Corpl. No. 2574. B Coy. To be paid Acting Corporal. 2/9/16., -
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Smaill, David S., [Smaill not Small] Pte 2574 0629
Smaillie, George M 2976 EB1
Small Drum-Maj NBW
Small Drum-Major

Small, G 3064 A Coy LS4
SMALL, G. Pte. No. ? , Inter-Platoon Five-a-side Football Competition. Won by -
16th Platoon. 26.1.17, Battalion Sports – Somewhere in France, The Leather
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Small, G. Pte 353837 4/5/15 (1) Disemb 2/4/19 2610
Small, George 3064 EB1
th th
Small, George A/Cpl 353837 9 RS 3064 Pte, 13 RS 353837 0640
Small, J. Pte 59381 2/10/15 (1) Cl. Z 29/3/19 (entry crossed out) 2610
Small, J., Drum Major

Cannon, Roderick, ‘The Highland Bagpipe and Its Music’, 2002

Dress claymore worn by Drum-Major. J. Small of the Dandy Ninth, the 9th
Battalion (Highlander) The Royal Scots (the Royal Regiment), Prior to and
during the Great War 1914-18, Presented by his son Mr James Small 35 Castle
Street Dun. The hilt stamped '12.1900, H.B., Q.R.B, 6', the scabbard locket also
stamped '12.1900, 6'.
Bonhams -
Small, John Pte 351642 9th RS attd 154th Bde. H.L.I. 4620 Pte, 9th RS 351642 0640
SMALL, John, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 351642, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 10/06/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SMALL, JOHN, J, Private, '351642', 9th Bn., 26, 10/Jun/1918, France, SON OF
Small, N.H 2096 EB1
Small, N.H Pte 2096 ww1

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Royal High School of Edinburgh

Small, N.H. 2096Died of Wounds, The Times 17.5.15
SMALL, N.H. Pte. No. 2096. 23/4/15 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, -
Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November 1916
Small, N.H. Pte 2096 24/2/15 (1) D of W 23/4/15 2610
SMALL, Norman EL, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 2096, PRIVATE, Died of SD
wounds, France & Flanders, 23/04/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
SMALL, NORMAN H. (1907). -
Private, 9th Royal Scots. Killed in action, 23rd April 1915.

Royal High School of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1920)

Norman Howard Small, fell at St Julien 23 Apr 15, age 20, of Mr and Mrs D.A
Small, St Andrew’s, Granby Rd, Edin. Also commemorating his brother William
EA Small, Royal Horse Guards.
In Memoriam. The Scotsman 25 Sep 22
Mr D.A Small presented the battalion with two colour belts and a drum-major’s
sash in memory of Norman. Commended for his work with ex-servicemen,
particularly the blind.
At anniversary parade, The Scotsman 25 Feb 29
Mr DA Small, a member of the church, presented ten memorial windows in
Mayfield Parish Church, Edinburgh, dedicated to the 7th/9th RS. Windows
designed and executed by Misses Chilton and Kemp.
The Scotsman 21 Mar 27
The windows are now in Craigmiller Park Church which combined with Mayfield
South Church a few years ago. The father was an Elder of the church. When the
church was established there were three Elders - one died - and Mr SMALL took
over. He was invested in choral works. He lived in Granby Road and his brother
lived in Glenorchy Terrace. There are a series of windows - one each for the sons
who were KIA representing Stephen and the other a Centurion - plus ones for
parents and uncle.
Birth certificate b. 27 Sept 1895, St Andrews, Granby Rd, Edinburgh to David
Alexander Small (Clothier and outfitter) and Wilhelmina Small MS Donald, m. 14
Aug 1888, Edinburgh
Stained glass windows, posted SMRG

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Pte Norman Howard Small, son of Mr and Mrs DA Small, Granby Rd, Edin, died
27.4.15 from wounds, 20yo and joined on outbreak of war. ‘His knowledge of
French, one of the officers writes home, was found very useful by them.’
Daily Record 4.5.15
Small, Norman H., Pte 2096 0629
Small, Norman Howard Private 9th NBW-S
Small, Norman Howard Pte d. age 19 23.4.15 Hazebrouck died of wounds
Return Other Ranks KIA or died on active service. ScotlandsPeople RD: 124-AF -
SMALL, NORMAN HOWARD, N H, Private, '2096', "B" Coy. 1st/9th Bn., 19,
23/Apr/1915, Belgium, SON OF MR. AND MRS. DAVID A. SMALL, OF 28,
Small, Norman Howard, Pte NBW

(left: NBW; right: Edinburgh Evening

Dispatch 3 May 15)
Of St Andrews, Granby Road, Edinburgh. Died of wounds on 27th ult.
SMALL, NORMAN HOWARD, Private, No. 2096, 1/9th Battn. (Highlanders)
The Royal Scots (T.F.). third s. of David Alexander Small. of 106, Princes Street.
Edinburgh, Outfitter, by his wife. Minnie, 3rd dau. of William and Elizabeth
Donald; b. Edinburgh. 27 Sept.1895; educ. Edinburgh Academy ; was a
Business Student ; volunteered and joined 1/9th Royal Scots in Aug, 1914 ; left for
France. 23 Feb. 1915, and died at No. 5 Casualty Clearing Station, Poperinghe. 23
April. 1915, of wounds received the same day at St. Jean,
near Ypres. Buried in Military Cemetery, Poperinghe ; His brother. W. E. A.
Small, was killed. 26 Sept. 1915

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Roll of Honour, Ruvigny, Vol I

Brother: William E.A. Small, Royal Horse Guards age 24
Small, Robert Pte 36011 10th A&S Hrs s/8089 Pte, 1/9th RS 0633
SMALL, W L, Private, '350110', 9th Bn., , 19/May/1917, France, CWGC
Small, William L., Pte 350110 9th RS 1333 0640
SMALL, William Lamont, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 350110, PRIVATE, Killed SD
in action, France & Flanders, 19/05/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Smallbones, F. Pte 2/9 RS trial at Limerick 27.9.17 WO 86/78 p.149 Desertion 2 -
yrs detention
?There is a F Smallbones born 1896 age 22 died 1.10.18 as Pte 353288 12 RS,
buried Dadizeele New British Cemetery
Son of Ernest Inkerman Smallbones, of Station Rd., Shalford, Surrey. CWGC
Also a Pte Frederick Smallbones 11024 The Queen’s Regt, 353288 RS
SDGW 12RS Fred Smallbones b. Guildford e. Guildford (Shalford) formerly
11024 RW Surrey Regt [RS # is 9RS block]
Smalley, J 3101 B Coy LS4
SMALLEY, J. Pte. No. 3101, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Smalley, J. 3101
The Scotsman - Monday, 14th June 1915, page 11 [PPCLI] re. Valentine, Cecil.
Great War Forum -
Smalley, James 3101 EB1
SMART, Alexander WWR
1897; son of Mr. J. Smart, Edin.; 1904 – 13; farming; 3/9th R.S., Pte.
Smart, Alexander Lawrence 3362 Pte France 12.10.15; LC 630323 Pte Disc 29.3.19 -
9RS Piece 2836 Labour Corps Medal Roll (15Star)
Smart, E 3955 A Coy LS7
Smart, J 3042 A Coy LS4
SMART, J. Pte. No. 1541. 29/4/15 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, Vol. -
1, No.2, 1st November 1916
SMART, J. Sergt. No. 350824 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Smart, J. Pte 1541 24/2/15 (1) D of W 26/4/15 2610
Smart, J. Pte 350824 (crossed out) 3042 4/5/15 (1) Comm Roy. Hrs. 28/10/18 2610
Smart, J.S, Pte 5195 -
Awarded M.M. Aug 18

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Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The Fifteenth (Scottish) Division, 1914-
1919’, 1926
Smart, J.S. Pte. no. 51915 M.M. Soissons Aug 1918 WD
Smart, James 3042 EB1
Smart, James
(Glasgow Herald 12th June 1915)
"Inspector John Smart, Waverley Station, Edinburgh, residing at 28 Lochend
Road, has received official information that his son, Private James Smart, A
Company 1-9th Battalion Royal Scots ("Dandy Ninth"), died of gunshot wounds
on April 23. Private Smart had been a member of his battalion two years, and was
a clerk in the audit office of the North British Railway Company."
Wounded Ypres 23rd April. Clerk at Audit Office, North British Railway Co.
The Scotsman 28 May 15
Private James Smart, 9th Royal Scots (Highlanders), son of Inspector John Smart,
Waverley Station, residing at 28 Lochend Road, Edinburgh, was wounded at
Ypres on 23rd April. He was a clerk in the Audit Office of the North British
Railway Company.
Edinburgh Evening Dispatch 28th May 1915
?J. Smart, Pte, North British Railway, Clerk -
Smart, James -

Died of wounds received in France. He resided at 28 Lochend Road West,

EED 17.6.15
SMART, James 6 Midholm Close. Golders Green. London N.W.11. (1526) RSC
Smart, James Cpl 350824 9th RS 3042 A/Sgt 0640
Smart, James Private 9th NBW-S
Smart, James Pte 1541 0629
SMART, James, b. Leith, e. Edinburgh, 1541, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France SD
& Flanders, 26/04/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SMART, JAMES, J, Private, '1541', 9th Bn., 17, 26/Apr/1915, Belgium, SON OF

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Smart, John Pte 51915 18th HLI 37131 Pte, 9th RS 0636
Smart, Sidney C., A/Cpl 352844 9th RS 352844 Pte 0640
Smart, William Henderson 14155 Pte France 11.5.15; LC 222468 Pte Cl Z 4.6.19 -
9RS Piece 2836 Labour Corps Medal Roll (15Star)
SMEATH, R, Lance Serjeant, '350389', 1st/9th Bn., , 1/Aug/1918, France, SON
[Grave Registration Report has ‘Sneath’] CWGC
Smeath, R. Pte 350389 24/2/125 (1) K in A 1/8/18 2610
- -
R. Smeath 9RS Pte 350389 15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 KIA
MIC [MIC for this man also as Sneath?]
SMEATH, Robert, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 350389, A/L/SGT., Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
See Sneath, Robert
Smelt, Hugh Pte 270668 14th H.L.I. attd 10th Ent. Bn. 242414 Pte, 17th RS 9th RS 0638
SMELT, Hugh, b. Dronfield, Yorks, e. Chesterfield, Derbyshire , r. Dronfield, SD
270668, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, FORMERLY
242414, H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SMELT, HUGH, H, Private, '270668', 1st/9th Bn., 26, 1/Aug/1918, France, SON
Smith 2/Lt ? to be in composite battalion if required April 1918 -
5/GH WD WO 95 3061 2_1
SMITH C.Q.M.S. Played in Officers v. Sergeants Football Match, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Smith Grant see Grant, John Gordon Smith Cheetham -
Smith Grant, Lt Joined 1/9th spring/summer 15 from 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol -
1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
John Gordon Smith Cheetham Smith Grant
Buried Glenlivet, Banff. KIA age 25, died 30.5.18, KIA in enemy air raid on
Doullens. Born Glenlivet, Banff. Capt RAF 70 Sqn, pilot, prior service 9RS Fold3
Smith Pte B Coy -
3rd in mile race
2/9th Bn games Terling Park 22 Jul 16.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
SMITH Pte. , First Round Knock Out Company Football Matches. A Coy. versus -
B. Coy. Won by B. Coy, Wed 18 Apr 17. Score 4 -1. This man B Coy. Battalion
Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SMITH Pte.B Coy. B and D Companies met in the final of the Royal Scots -
Football Competition to decide which team would go to Fermoy to represent the
Battalion in the Brigade Championships. Winner – D Coy. Score 2-1 21st Apr 17,
.Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SMITH Pte.D Coy. B and D Companies met in the final of the Royal Scots -
Football Competition to decide which team would go to Fermoy to represent the

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Battalion in the Brigade Championships. Winner – D Coy. Score 2-1 21st Apr 17,
.Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SMITH Pte.Royal Scots ground, Fermoy. Championship Football Final to win the -
Brigade Cup. D. Coy. against D. Coy. Scottish Rifles. Winner – D. Coy. of the
Highlanders. Score 2-1. 14th May 1917. Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran,
Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SMITH Pte.Royal Scots ground, Fermoy. Semi-final Football Match. D. Coy. -
against the Brigade Headquarters’ team. Winner D. Coy. Score 2-0. 9th May
1917. Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Smith Sgt D Coy
Highland Battalion shooting team, The Scotsman 29 Apr 1901 -
Smith, A.D Private 9th NBW-S
SMITH, A.D. Pte. No. 1988, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Smith, A.D., Pte NBW

“D” Company. Wounded on Friday, 23rd ult. Dated 5/5/15

See also EED 5.5.15
Pte Andrew D. Smith (1938)[?1988] D Coy wounded in the left foot and right
shoulder 23rd Apr when in action. Now in a military hospital in Manchester and
going on well. He rejoined Ninth at outbreak of war having previously been in for
nearly 5 years and was acting as Sergeant when he left for US. He was educated at
Daniel Stewart’s and in civilian life was an electrician. He is elder son of Mrs
David Smith, 15E[E?] London St. His brother Bombardier James G. Smith is in
Kitchener’s RFA.
The Scotsman 8 May 15
? Smith, A.D. Royal Scots 1988 Pte. RFC 405542 Pte

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Pte A.D Smith, wounded

Daily Record 4.5.15
Smith, Andrew D. Pte
15 East London St, wounded in left foot and right shoulder
Daily Record 10.5.15
See Smith, Andrew D.
Smith, Andrew -
Stewart Melville
Smith, A.E Acting L/Cpl 2201 killed Glasgow Herald 21 May 1915 -
Smith, A.E Private 9th NBW-S
SMITH, A.E. L/Corpl. No. 2201. 24/4/15 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916
Smith, A.E. Pte 2201 24/2/15 (1) K in A 24/4/15 2610
Smith, A.E., L/Cpl NBW

Killed. He resided at 34 London Street, Edinburgh

See also EED 10.5.15
Smith, Albert 352845,[*], Badge No. 196590
Pte 9RS 23.10.16-1.6.17 sickness xvi did not serve overseas
[Cannot find other record, SWB MIC also has six digit only. Would match with
6696 but discharge date and cause are different] SWB
Smith, Albert E 2201 EB1
Smith, Albert E., Pte 2201 0629
Smith, Albert 2/9 RS 6696
1 New St , Walsall, 36yo, fitters labourer, previous 25492 Somerset LI 32 days,
preference ASC, approved Lichfield 24.10.16 Depot South Staffs appointed 2/9
RS. Home 23.10.16
?Wife Lottie May Smith -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Called up Pte 23.10.16, posted 2/9RS 27.10.16, transf Class W(T) TF Reserve on
substitution labourer with Whitehouse Bros, Cannock 7.2.17, discharged surplus
to military reqt xxva 31.1.19
Engaged to 31.1.19, service towards pension to 7.2.17
Service Record
[6696 would match exactly with 352845 but discharge date and cause are
different?][could have been disch Class W in Feb 17 and then sickness June 17?]
SMITH, ALBERT EDWARD, A E, Private, '2201', 9th Bn., , 24/Apr/1915,
Belgium, CWGC
SMITH, Albert Edward, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 2201, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 24/04/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th -
Smith, Albert E. 9RS Pte 2201 15Star&VM&BWM KIA France 24.2.15 MIC
Pte 2201 (ag. LCorp). Fa Charles, Sis Mary F Reid, Harriet L Barner[?], Bro
Robert E, Sis Lilian McIntyre, Sis Emily E.
Register Soldiers’ Effects
Albert Edward Smith was born on 13 September 1885 in Belfast the son of
Charles Smith, a soldier and Theresa Hind. Albert had at least five siblings Mary
Florence, Harriet Louisa, Emily Elizabeth, Robert Cecil, and Lillian M.
Albert joined Ordnance Survey on 2 January 1899. At the 1901 census he was
living at 6 Eyre Terrace, Edinburgh with Father, Mother and siblings, his
occupation is recorded as surveyor’s clerk. Albert enlisted into the 9th Battalion,
Royal Scots on 5th September 1914, he arrived in France on 26 February 1915.
KIA 24.4.1915
Albert Edward Smith enlisted 8 Sept 1914 (same day as WH Stow 2202/2203)
List of Ordnance Survey civilians who enlisted, published 25 June 1915
(AE Smith, J. Campbell, AR Montgomery, WH Stow)
Courtesy Clive, SapperBoo on GWF
Smith, Alexander Pte 50716 17th RS 9th RS 0635
Smith, Andrew
? Sergt RS 1915-18
Selkirk Roll of Honour (1921) ?
Smith, Andrew D. 1988 Pte D Coy wounded in left foot and right shoulder on 23rd -
April, now in a military hospital in Manchester and going on well. Joined at
outbreak having previously been in for nearly 5 years, and was acting as Sergt
when he left for Canada. Edu Daniel Stewart’s College and was an electrician.
Elder son of Mrs David Smith 15 E. London St. His brother, Bombardier James G.
Smith is in Kitchener’s RFA.
EED May 1915
SMITH, Andrew David. 3 Belmont Park. Edinburgh. (1757) RSC
Smith, Andrew Sgt 351156 9th RS 0640

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SMITH, ANDREW, A, Serjeant, '351156', "C" Coy. 9th Bn., 21, 31/Mar/1918,
SMITH, Andrew, b. Selkirk, e. Edinburgh , r. Selkirk, 351156, SERGT., Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 30/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Smith, C.H Lt ww1

Lt Charles Hoyle Smith

Entered the Company’s service Feb 1907 and appointed Local Secretary at Durban
in Aug 12. Volunteered Oct 14 and joined Natal Mounted Rifles. In Feb 15 the
regt was drated for service in German South-West Africa and on conclusion of the
campaign in Aug, Mr Smith returned to Durban. He again volunteered in May 16
and left for England, shortly after arrival gazetted 2/Lt in 9th (Reserve) RS, with
whom on service in France when killed in action 23rd Apr 17, age 31.
Northern Assurance Co War Record
SMITH, C.H. 2nd/Lieut. , Missing, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June 1917 -
Smith, C.H., 2nd Lt, p.421 killed Arras E
Smith, Charles H., Pte 302265 9 RS 0639
Smith, Charles Hoyle (b. 1885). 1895-1901. Played Rugby for School and F.P.
Club. Served apprenticeship in Sun Insurance Office. Manager of Northern
Assurance Company's Branch in Durban. Natal Mounted Rifles, Trooper.
German S.W. African Campaign. Came home to join up. 9th Royal Scots
(Highlanders), 2nd Lieut., August 1916. Gas Officer, Catterick. France, January
1917. Transferred 13th Battalion. Killed in action on 23rd April 1917. Son of the
late Mr and Mrs George Smith. Brother of Mrs Hughes, Rosemount, Hawick.

George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921)

Durban, South Africa, The Northern Assurance Company Ltd. Died 23 Apr 17,
age 31. The Royal Scots Regiment 9th Battalion attached 13th Battalion.
He entered company service in February 1907 and was appointed Local Secretary
at Durban in August 1912. He volunteered for service in October 1914 joining the
Natal Mounted Rifles. In February 1915 he was drafted for service in German
South-West Africa. He returned to Durban at the conclusion of the campaign. He
volunteered again in May 1916 and on arrival in England was gazetted as 2nd
Lieutenant in the 9th Reserve Battalion (Highlanders) Royal Scots. He was killed
in action in France. -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Missing 23.4.17, enquiry 20.7.17 2/Lt
Smith, Charles Hoyle, 2nd Lt.
15 Main Street, St Ninians
Royal Burgh of Stirling, Roll of honour -
SMITH, CHARLES HOYLE, C H, Second Lieutenant, , 9th Bn. attd. 13th Bn., ,
23/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
Smith, Charles Pte 250669 1/5th RS 2672 Pte, 16th RS 9th RS 0638
SMITH, Charles Taylor. 2 Queens Cres. Blackhall. Edinburgh. (10637) RSC
Smith, Chauncey Pte 51879 10/11th HLI 21900 Pte, 9th RS 0636
SMITH, Christopher George. 17 Craigs Cres. Corstorphine. Edinburgh 12. RSC
Smith, D 4246 C Coy LS7
SMITH, D, Private, '352129', 1st/9th Bn., 30, 2/Aug/1918, France, SON OF
SMITH, D.O. Pte. No. 352977 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
SMITH, D.S. L/Corpl. No. 3151. B Coy. To be paid Acting Corporal. 2/9/16., -
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Smith, D.S. 4707 D Coy LS7
Smith, Daniel Pte 300521 1/9th RS 2038 Pte 0638
Smith, David 3151 EB1
nd th
Smith, David L/Cpl 51866 2 HLI 9605 Pte, 9 RS 0636
Smith, David O., Pte 352977 9th RS 0640
SMITH, David Orr, b. Edinburgh, e. Haddington , r. Edinburgh, 352977, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, FORMERLY 1801, L.
& B. HORSE., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SMITH, DAVID ORR, D O, Private, '352977', 9th Bn., 28, 23/Apr/1917, France,
Smith, David Pte 352129 9th RS 5449 Pte 0640
Smith, David T., Pte -
(Stobo) Royal Scots. 1918. August 2 (Friday).
Died of wounds on 2nd August, 1918, Pte. David Telfer Smith, aged 31 years.
Royal Scots, beloved husband of Annie Pyper, and youngest son of William
Smith, Newhouses, Stobo, Peeblesshire.
David Telfer Smith was born at Skirling, on 4th Sept., 1887. He received all his
education at Stobo School. Entering the employment of the Caledonian Railway
Company he served at Carmyle, Scotston West, Glasgow Central, and Greenock.

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Thereafter he joined the Caledonian Steam, Packet Co., Ltd., and was in their
office at Gourock when the war called him to the Army. He joined the Royal Scots
Fusiliers on 3rd July, 1916, and transferred to the 9th Royal Scots. He was
severely wounded in France, and had to spend about a year in this country before
he was able to return to the front. Then he was in active service for eight months
until, on 2nd August, 1918, he was badly hit by machine-gun fire, and expired on
the way to the dressing station. He was buried in the British Military Cemetery at
He was of exceptionally gentle and kindly disposition, a great favourite with all
who knew him. He was married to Miss Ann Pyper, by whom and a little
daughter, Betty, three years old, he is survived. A beautifully illuminated address
with portrait has been presented to Mrs Smith by the Steam Packet Company,
paying tribute to her husband's worth as a man and valour as a soldier. The deepest
sympathy is felt for her and her child as well as with David's father (Mr William
Smith, Newhouses, Stobo), brother and sisters.
In Honour of David Telfer Smith, who gave his life in his country's cause in the
Great European War, the Directors, Manager and Staff of the Caledonian Steam
Packet Co., Ltd., desire to place on record the following facts: —
"Mr Smith, who was a clerk in the office at Gourock, had a successful career in
the Company. After two years' devotion on active service he died of gunshot
wounds at a Casualty Clearing Station in France, on 2nd August, 1918.
The Staff are proud to have been associated with this gallant man in the peaceful
occupation of former times, and in order that his devotion may not be forgotten
and that his heroism may remain a shining example to after years, his name has
been inscribed upon the Company's Roll of Honour.
When the Great War shall have come to an end and men look back upon the cause
for which Britain fought, it will be seen ever more vividly and gratefully that those
who have shown themselves thus loyal unto death have assuredly not given their
lives in vain." God Save the King.

Gunn, Dr., ‘The Book of Remembrance for Tweeddale’, 1925
Smith, D.T., Pte, Caledonian Railway, Steamboat Service
SMITH, David, b. Skirling, Peeblesshire, e. Glasgow , r. Gourock, Renfrewshire, SD
352129, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 02/08/18, FORMERLY
24709, R. SCOT. FUS., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Smith, Donald R., Pte 44296 9th RS 0641

SMITH, E, Private, '352863', 9th Bn., , 20/Sep/1917, Belgium, CWGC
Smith, Edward
Private 352863 9th Royal Scots, died 20/9/1917 age 20. Son of Joseph & Sarah
Ann, Kiln Lane Leek. Commemorated on the Tyne Cot memorial Belgium also
mentioned on family grave in Leek Cemetery
Leek Cenotaph
Great War Forum -
Smith, Edward Pte 325981 13th RS 9th RS 0639
Smith, Edward Pte 352863 9th RS 0640
SMITH, Edward, b. Leek, Staffs, e. Lichfield, Staffs , r. Leek, 352863, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 20/09/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
SMITH, F. Pte. No. 5267. B. Coy. from 1/1/17 , To be Acting Unpaid L/Corpls, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SMITH, F. Unpaid A/L/Corpl. No. 5267. B.Coy., from 7/2/17 , To be Unpaid -
Acting L/Sergt., whilst employed as Mess Caterer in Sergeants’ Mess, The Leather
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Smith, G 2659 L/Srgt B Coy to be paid Sergt 29.1.16 2/9thBn The Leather Sporran, -
Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Smith, G 2659 Sgt A Coy to be paid CQMS 8.7.16 2/9thBn The Leather Sporran, -
Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
SMITH, G. C.Q.M.S. No. 350648 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SMITH, G. No. 2659. Coy. Q.M.S. A Coy. Promotion. Recommended for -
Officer’s Cadet Unit after interview by the Divisional Commander at Boreham
House on October 2nd., The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Smith, G., CQMS -

Sergeants 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916

Smith, George 2659 EB1
Smith, George CSM 271418 1/9 RS W.O.Cl.II 0638
Smith, George E., Pte 5501
Postcard (20th April 1917) written while he was in the convalescent camp at
Shanes Park Camp, Randalstown, Co. Antrim.
There was a Scottish Command Depot established in this camp Feb 1916.
Great War Forum
? Medal sale BWM Pte GE Smith 5501 RS
George E Smith RS Pte 5501, A&SH 351500
Smith, George Pte 301317 1/9th RS 0639

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Smith, George Pte 40077 9th RS 11th RS 0634

Smith, H, 2/Lt. reinforcing officer joined for duty 10 Jan 1917 WD
SMITH, H. Pte. No. 351432 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
SMITH, H.A. Pte. No. 5215 D. Coy. , To be Unpaid Acting L/Corpl., from -
27/2/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Smith, H.G. 2841 A Coy LS4
Smith, H.G. Pte 350732 4/5/15 (1) Disemb 4/2/19 2610
Smith, H.G. Pte 392 Queens R.W.S. 1/6/15 (1) 9th RS 353305 Pte K in A 26/9/17 2610
SMITH, H.M. Corpl. No. 2730. D Coy. To be paid Acting L/Sergt. 2/9/16, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
SMITH, H.M. L/Sergt. No. 350679 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SMITH, H.M. No. 2730. L/Sergt. D Coy. Promotion. Recommended for Officer’s -
Cadet Unit after interview by the Divisional Commander at Boreham House on
October 2nd., The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Smith, H.M. 2730 L/Cpl D Coy to be paid Cpl 20.5.16 2/9thBn The Leather Sporran, -
Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Smith, H.N? 2730 EB1
Smith, H.S 2/Lt wounded 9/4/17 -
April 1917, 154th Bde War Diary WO 95/2884/1
Smith, H.S 2nd Lt ww1
Smith, H.S, 2/Lt. wounded 9 Apr 1917 WD
Smith, H.S, 2nd Lt, p.411 Arras, died from the effects of his wounds E
SMITH, H.S. 2nd/Lieut., Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
June 1917
Smith, Harold D Pte 201959 9th RS attd 10th Ent. Bn. 0637
Smith, Harry J., Pte 302195 7th Suffolk R. 12116 Pte, 9th RS 0639
Smith, Harry J., Pte 351432 9th RS 4053 A/Cpl 0640
Smith, Harry Pte 373002 9th RS 373002 Pte, attd 5th Gord. Highrs Pte 0640
Smith, Henry G., Pte 353305 6th R.W.Surr.R. 392 Pte, 9th RS 353305 Pte 0640
- -
The Queen’s R. Pte 392, R Scots Pte 353305 France 1.6.15 15Star&BWM&VM
Smith, Herbert G., L/Cpl 350732 9th RS 2841 Pte., 16th RS 350732 0640
Smith, Herbert S.
? 2nd Lt RS 1916-17
Selkirk Roll of Honour (1921) ?
SMITH, HERBERT SHAW, H S, Second Lieutenant, , 9th Bn., 19, 12/Apr/1917,
Smith, Horace A., Pte 351944 9th RS 0640
SMITH, Horace Alfred, b. Leicester, e. Leicester , r. Leicester, 351944, SD
PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 07/08/17, FORMERLY 28287,
LEIC. REGT., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.

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SMITH, HORACE ALFRED, H A, Private, '351944', 1st/9th Bn., 23, 7/Aug/1917,

SMITH, Horace. 31 Muirpark. Eskbank. Dalkeith. (5725) RSC
Smith, Hugh M., Pte 352202 6th RS, attd 8th RS 2077 Pte, 8th RS 2077 Pte,9th RS 0640
Smith, I.F 2199 EB1
Smith, I.F. L/Sgt 2199 24/2/15 (1) Died 20/5/15 2610
Smith, Ivan F., A/L/Sgt 2199 entered theatre as Cpl 0629
- -
Smith, Ivan F. 9RS L/Sjt 2199, Cpl. 15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 Died.
Ivan Fulton Smith, 9RS L/Sergt 2199 d.20.5.15 at 9 Gen Hosp, Rouen. Fa. James
Fulton. Soldiers’ Effects
Sergeant Ivan Fulton Smith, 1/9th Royal Scots, died on the 20th inst. in hospital at
Rouen from injuries received in action on the 23-24th April. He was the elder son
of Mr James Fulton Smith, Warrington.
EED 29.5.15
Smith, Ivan Fulton 2199 Sergt
Died of wounds 20.5.15 age ~34
Ivan was born in 1881 in Scotland to James, a Brewers Clerk, and Lucy. The 1891
census shows Ivan was a 10 year old scholar living in the family home at Fairfield,
Warrington. By 1901 his father was a Brewery Manager, Ivan was a brewer, and
his brother Graham was 14. In the last quarter of 1905 Ivan was married in
Unfortunately, no record of Ivan has been found in The Tech registers. The
cemetery in which he is buried served the many hospitals that were based in
Rouen. Researched by Neil Shuttleworth and Prof. Hankins.
? An Ivan Fulton Smith was 2/Lt 1st Volunteer Battalion [regiment unspecified] in
1902, British Army List Fold3
SMITH, Ivan Fulton, e. Edinburgh , r. Warrington, Lancs, 2199, A/L/SGT., Died, SD
France & Flanders, 20/05/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SMITH, IVAN, I F, Serjeant, '2199', 9th Bn., , 20/May/1915, France, CWGC
SMITH, J, Private, '351609', 1st/9th Bn., , 16/Sep/1918, France, CWGC
SMITH, J. Pte. No. 2033. 11/5/15 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
SMITH, J. Pte. No. 4951 B. Coy. , To be Unpaid Acting L/Corpl., from 27/2/17, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Smith, J. 9RS, beaten by H.D. McLagan (Perth Gymnasium) in first series of the -
light-weights, at Glasgow, 9 March (1912), Scottish Amateur Championships.
The Sporting Chronicle Annual for 1912
Smith, J. beaten by J. Whiteford (Edinburgh Gymnastic) Middle-weights, Scottish
Amateur Championships (SABA) at Edinburgh, 1st March.

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

The Sporting Chronicle for 1914

SMITH, J. F. L/Sergt. No. 2199. 20/5/16 [from pneumonia] , Died on Active -
Service, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November 1916
Smith, J. Pte 13157 7th R.S.F. 10/7/15 (1) 9th RS 36306 Pte Cl. Z. 15/1/19 2610
Smith, J. Pte 2033 24/2/15 (1) K in A 11/5/15 2610
- -
Jimmy Smith killed 11 May 15 Diary W.Scott TNA
Smith, J. Pte 350250 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 21/3/19 2610
SMITH, J.F. L/Sergt. No. 2199. 20/5/15 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, -
Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November 1916
SMITH, J.G. Pte. No. 5367. A.Coy., from 26/12/16 , To be Acting Unpaid -
L/Corpls, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SMITH, J.G. Unpaid A/L/Corpl. No. 5367. D.Coy. , To be Paid A/L/Corpls., -
25/1/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SMITH, J.H. (11959). (2/9th) 10 Bangholm Avenue, Edinburgh 5. The Royal -
Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Smith, J.J. Pte 350088 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 22/2/19 2610
Smith, J.R. Sgt-Instr -

Sergeants 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916

Smith, James 2033 EB1
Smith, James A/Sgt 300602 1/9 RS A/Cpl 0638
Smith, James E., Pte 44294 9th RS 0635
Smith, James F., Pte 59015 0636
Smith, James Hay Thomson, 3047064 [note 7 digits for 7/9 RS]
17 Rutland Sq, Edinburgh, b. 9 Apr 1899, Canongate. Path. Lab. Assistant, single
Prior: 237579 RE, 20044 Scots Guards, combined service 2 yrs 9 mnths 23 days.
Prior records also contained in this source, having joined RE age 17 yrs on 15th
July 1916, wireless training, Pioneer JHT Smith. Served in Italy 11.10.18-29.1.19.
30.1.19 admitted hospital with influenza (5 days). 16 West Newington Place,
father 10 St Andrew Sq. Letter ‘I beg to apply for a transfer to the infantry’ 3rd
Argylls, 31.5.17, found theory of wireless telegraphy difficult, had been in infantry
before but discharged as underage. 22263 L/Cpl Smith, J, 3rd A&S H. 3.18
9th Bn (Hrs) The Royal Scots
Attested 28 Feb 1921 to 31.12.1921 with 15 days annual training, total 307 days
Home service. Apparent age 21 yrs 326 days
Discharged Para 156 (3) TF Regs [at own request], signed 1.1.1922, Character:
Good ?Poor. Presby. Mother at 17 Rutland Sq.
Ancestry -
Smith, James L/Cpl 351894 9th RS 5159 Pte 0640
Smith, James Private 9th NBW-S
Smith, James Pte 2033 0629
Smith, James Pte 335298 9th RS 7799 Pte, 8th RS 7799 Pte 0639
Smith, James Pte 350250 9th RS 1638 0640

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Smith, James Pte 351770 9th RS 0640

Smith, James Pte 36306 7th RSF 13157 Pte, 1/9th RS 0633
Smith, James Pte 46122 1/9th RS 0635
Smith, James Pte 59017 9th RS 0636
Smith, James Pte 62606 9th RS 0636
Smith, James Pte 63151 9th RS 0636
SMITH, James White. 4 Burgess Terr. Edinburgh. (5399) RSC
SMITH, James, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 2033, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 11/05/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SMITH, JAMES, J, Private, '2033', 9th Bn., 18, 11/May/1915, Belgium, SON OF
Smith, James, Pte NBW

Also EED 20.5.15

Killed. Youngest son of Mrs Smith, 28 Melville Terrace, Edinburgh. Dated
Smith, James, Pte No.2033 -
Jimmy Smith killed in neighbouring traverse 11 May 15, on eve of his discharge
Diary of James Nicol Beatson, Feb-Dec 1915; ‘Private Beatson’s War’, edited by
Shaun Springer and Stuart Humphreys, 2009
SMITH, James. No. 2033. 28 Melville Terr, Edinburgh. B Comp. 24/8/14. 18 yrs EBD
1 mon. Killed in Action 11/5/15
SMITH, James, Pte. 1 Alexander Street. 54254 9th Bn. -
[# not elsewhere?]
Coatbridge and the Great War Roll of Honour by Rev. Samuel Lindsay (Minister of
Coatbridge Baptist Church)
Smith, John 2484 EB1
Smith, John 350567 9 RS
Died as patient aboard hospital ship HMHS Warilda, torpedoed English Channel
by UC-49 3 Aug 1918
Smith, John 2484, 350567 Pte Piece 0640
- -

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Warilda served from 25th July 1916 to 3rd August 1918 and was used on the
Southampton - Le Havre route. On 3rd August 1918, at 1.30 am, while on a
voyage from Le Havre, she was torpedoed and sunk by the German submarine
UC-49 in the English Channel. There were 471 sick and wounded on board, 439 of
these were cot cases. The losses were very heavy - 115 patients, one nursing sister,
and an RAMC orderly. The rest of the patients, staff and crew were evacuated
from the ship within an hour. She sank 30 minutes later.
Torpedoed by UC.49 when 32 miles SSW of Owers LV on pasage from Le Havre
to Southampton. UC-49 was sunk by depth charges from British destroyer
Opossum off Start Point on 8 August 1918.
Smith, John C., Pte 62853 9th RS 0636
- -
BWM & VM Pte 62853 MIC
? R Scots 62853 A/Cpl. R. Smith [R. Smith not John C. Smith?]
Seems unlikey as this man well documented
RS 62853 A/Cpl R. Smith (Armadale)
DCM Citation

This man Cpl Robert Smith (DCM, Belgian Croix de Guerre) 2/RS from
Armadale at
Smith, John Gordon Smith Cheetham see Grant, John Gordon Smith Cheetham -
Smith, John Pte 350567 9th RS 2484 0640
Smith, John Pte 351609 9th RS 0640
Smith, John Pte 352171 9th RS 5491 Pte, 11th RS 352171 0640
Smith, John Pte 353391 9th RS 0640
Smith, John Pte 44297 9th RS 0635
Smith, John T Pte 300482 1/7th RS 1946 Cpl, 1/9th RS 0638
SMITH, John, b. Dairy, Ayrshire, e. Hamilton, Lanarks , r. Glasgow, 351609, SD
PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 15/09/18, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SMITH, John, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 350567, PRIVATE, Died, France & SD
Flanders, 03/08/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SMITH, JOHN, J, Private, '350567', 9th Bn., , 3/Aug/1918, United Kingdom, CWGC
Smith, Joseph J d. - , 350088, Royal Scots, 9th Battalion, awarded Military Medal -
Smith, Joseph J., L/Cpl 350088 9th RS 1284 Pte 0640
Smith, Joseph John L/Cpl 350088 -

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MM awarded for gallantry 4-5 Dec 17 51st WD

Smith, Joseph Pte 302343 1/8th RS 9th RS 0639
- -
Smith, J (Bow, E.) 302343
Daily List wounded reported 5 January 1918 GWF
Smith, Joseph Pte 44135 8th S.Staffs 16088 Pte, 9th RS 4th RS 0635
Smith, Kenneth Pte 62760 9th RS 0636
Smith, L. Sgt Killed 9.4.17 (7 names, 8 people)

Nr Fricourt. Geissler collection, courtesy of Erik Geissler -

SMITH, L.A. Sergt. No. 350744 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June -
Smith, L.A. 2864 A Coy LS2
Smith, L.A. Pte 350744 24/2/15 (1) K in A 9/4/17 2610
SMITH, LAURENCE ALEXANDER, L A, Serjeant, '350744', "A" Coy. 9th Bn.,
Smith, Lawrence A., Pte 350744 9th RS 2864 0640
SMITH, Lawrence Alexander, e. Edinburgh, r. Edinburgh, 350744, SERGT., SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
Smith, Lawrie
No 4 Platoon
Nicholls, Jonathan, ‘Cheerful Sacrifice’, 1990 -
Smith, Peter Pte 70967 2nd RS 2101 Pte, 12th RS 1/9th RS 5632, M.G.Corps 139676 0637
(written by hand)
Smith, R, 2/Lt. 4th RS joined for duty 8 June 1917 WD
Smith, R, Colour-Sergeant. With detachment to Windsor for Colours, 19th June F
Smith, R, Colour-Sgt FCP

Colour Party photograph, Windsor Castle 19.6.1909

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SMITH, R. Pte. No. 3346. 22/7/16, missing, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, -
1st November 1916
Smith, R.D. Pte 3346 12/10/15 (1) Pres. D. 23/7/16 2610
Smith, R.M. L/Cpl 350009 24/2/15 (1) 2610
SMITH, Ralph O'Hara. 15 Merchiston Gardens. Edinburgh. (5568) RSC
Smith, Robert D., Pte 3346 0629
- -
On or since 2.37.16 presumed, fa Robert
Register effects
SMITH, Robert Dyer, b. Beith, Ayrshire, e. Edinburgh , r. Leith, 350967, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/07/16, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SMITH, ROBERT DYER, R D, Private, '350967', (3346). 9th Bn., 18,
Smith, Robert McL., Sgt 350009 9th RS 68 Sgt, attd 4th Div. Train. 68 Sgt, attd 48th 0641
Div. Train. 68 Sgt
Smith, S. Pte 508 K.O.Y.L.I. 6/12/15 (3) 9th RS 353034 Pte Disc. 25/7/17 2610
Smith, Stuart Pte 44855 15th RS 9th RS 0635
Smith, Sydney Pte 335969 8th RS 9261 Pte, 9th RS 0640
- -
Smith, S (Ovington) 335969
Daily List wounded reported 5 January 1918 GWF
Smith, T 4876 B Coy LS7
Smith, T Private 9th NBW-S
SMITH, T, Private, '270327', 1st/9th Bn., 22, 1/Aug/1918, France, SON OF MRS.
SMITH, T. Pte. No.2004. 23/4/15 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
Smith, T. Pte 2004 24/2/15 (1) K in A 23/4/15 2610
Smith, T. Srgt A Coy – defence of Moeuvres December 1917 E
Smith, T., Pte NBW

See also Edinburgh Evening News 11 May 1915

Smith, T.F. Sgt 350996 12/10/15 (1) K in A 22/3/18 2610
- -
Thomas F. Smith 9RS Sjt 350996 15Star&VM&BWM KiA
France 12.10.15
Smith, Thomas 2004 EB1

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Smith, Thomas F., Sgt 350996 9th RS 350996 Sgt 0640

Smith, Thomas Finlayson d. 22/Mar/1918, 350996, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, -
awarded Military Medal (Ancestry)
SMITH, Thomas Finlayson, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 350996, SERGT., Killed SD
in action, France & Flanders, 22/03/18, M.M., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
SMITH, THOMAS FINLAYSON, T F, Serjeant, '350996', 9th Bn., 26,
Smith, Thomas H., Pte 63280 9th RS 0636
- -
Smith, Pte T.H. 63280 RS
VM&BWM medal sale ebay
SMITH, Thomas No. 2004. 19 Bothwell Street, Edinburgh. F Comp. 17/8/14. 25 EBD
yrs 2 mons. Killed 23/4/15
Smith, Thomas Pte 270327 12th RS 9th RS 0638
Smith, Thomas Pte 39999 19th D.L.I. 1123 Pte, 13th RS 1/9th RS 0634
Smith, Thomas Pte 43983 5/6th RS 9th RS 0635
Smith, Thomas Sergt 350996 -
MM awarded for gallantry 4-5 Dec 17 51st WD
SMITH, Thomas, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 2004, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 23/04/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Smith, Thomas, Pte 2004 0629
Smith, Thomas, Pte d. age 25 23.4.15 KIA
Return Other Ranks KIA or died on active service. ScotlandsPeople RD: 124-AF -
SMITH, THOMAS, T, Private, '2004', 9th Bn., 25, 23/Apr/1915, Belgium, SON
SMITH, Tom, e. Beverley, Yorks, 270327, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & SD
Flanders, 01/08/18, FORMERLY 2611, YORK REGT., 201768, R. SCOT. FUS., -
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SMITH Tom Private 270327 1/9th Royal Scots, formerly 2611 Yorkshire
Regiment and 201768, Scottish Fusiliers. He was killed in action 1st August 1918
aged 22. He was the son of Thomas and Elizabeth Smith of 145, Keldgate,
Beverley, Yorkshire. In 1911 he was living with his parents at 1, Rose Lane,
Beverley. He is at rest in Raperie British Cemetery, Villemontoire, France GWF
SMITH, W. Unpaid A/L/Sergt., No. 3151. B. Coy., from 18/1/17 , To be Paid -
Acting L/Sergt, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Smith, W.J L/Sgt -

Sergeants 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916

SMITH, W.J. L/Sergt. (unpaid) No. 1589. D Coy. To be paid Acting L/Sergt. -
12/9/16, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.

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SMITH, W.J. L/Sergt. No. 1589. D. Coy. , Commissioned from Cadet School, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Smith, W.J. 1589 Cpl D Coy to be unpaid L/Sergt 4.3.16 2/9thBn The Leather -
Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Smith, W.R. 1251 A Coy LS7
SMITH, W.S. Pte. No. 5329 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Smith, William J., A/Cpl 44295 9th RS Pte 0641
Smith, William J., Pte 51868 Army Cyc. Corps 9421 Pte, 19th Lancs. Fus. 36166 0641
Pte, 10/11th H.L.I. 13082 Pte, 9th RS 51868
Smith, William O., Cpl 352956 9th RS 6844 Cpl, attd 1/1st Fld.Coy.R.E., 15th RS 0640
352956, 2nd RS 352956
Smith, William Pte 201791 9th RS 0637
Smith, William Pte 26834 2nd RS 13th RS 15th RS 16th RS 9th RS 0632
Smith, William Pte 351580 9th RS 4447 Pte 0640
SMITH, William, b. Sorbie, Wigtonshire, e. Ayr , r. Uliauphill, Wigstonshire, SD
351580, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 21/04/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SMITH, WILLIAM, W, Private, '351580', 1st/9th Bn., 26, 21/Apr/1917, France,
Smithers, J. 3528,[*], Badge No. 45059
9RS Pte 14.7.15-3.9.16 sickness xvi served overseas SWB
Smithers, J. Pte 3528 12/10/15 (1) Dis. 3/9/16 2610
Smithers, John Pte 3528 0629
Smith-Grant see Grant, John Gordon Smith Cheetham -
SNEATH, A. Pte. No. 2012, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
SNEATH, R. Corpl. No. 2012. D Coy. On winning team. , Inter-Company Relay -
Race – teams of three - each man to run 220 yards, Battalion Sports – Somewhere
in France, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SNEATH, R. Corpl. No. 2012. D.coy. 2nd. , Quarter Mile 21.10.16, Battalion
Sports – Somewhere in France, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917 -
Sneath, Robert 2012 EB1
- -

Bob Sneath killed, Jock Anderson; Dragoon Wood

Wm Geissler collection, courtesy Erik Geissler
See Smeath, Robert for CWGC, 1915 Star medal roll etc.
Pte 2012 350389 BWM&VM MIC

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Robert Sneath 9th RS 350389 Act L/Sgt KIA France 1 Aug 18, mother sole leg Jane.
Register of Soldiers Effects
In John Duncan’s list GWF
? Robert Sneath, son of James (railway lorryman) and Jane S Sneath, b.~1895
Edinburgh, address 3 Abbey St, Canongate.
1901 Census?
? Photo with name possibly Sneath/Smeath? GWF
Sneath, Robert L/Cpl 350389 9th RS 2012 Pte 0640
SNEATH, Robt. No. 2012 and 350359. 8 W. Norton Pl., Edinburgh. F Comp. 19 EBD
yrs 7 mons. Killed. Sergt.
Snedden, Thomas Sgt 375141 15th RS 375141 Sgt, 9th RS 375141 Sgt 0640
- -
Sneddon – see Anderson, Peter Hendry (alias Sneddon) -
Sneddon, G 4554 C Coy [no other record yet found] LS7
Snodgrass, Robert Pte 352495 9th RS 5826 Pte 0640
- -
On or since 22.4.17 pres dead Mother Jane D.
Register Soldiers’ Effects
SNODGRASS, Robert, b. North Leith, e. Leith, 352495, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 22/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
SNODGRASS, ROBERT, R, Private, '352495', 9th Bn., , 22/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
Snowball, Edwin Pte 352055 9th RS 0640
- -
SNOWBALL, Edwin, b. Sunderland, e. Sunderland, 352055, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
SNOWBALL, EDWIN, E, Private, '352055', 9th Bn., 36, 24/Mar/1918, France,
Snowden, John Pte 352172 9th RS 5492 Pte 0640
Snowie, G. Cpl 1233 24/2/15 (1) Comm 8th KOSB 18/3/16 2610
SNOWIE, G. Corpl. No. 1233 Severe, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No -
2, 1st Nov 1916.
Snowie, George, changed from Snow, Cpl 1233 comm 8th KOSB 18.3.16 0629
- -
Snowie, George 2/Lt 8/KOSB KIA 15.9.16 SDGW
Snowie, George 9RS L/Cpl, Cpl, KOSB 2/Lt

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15Star&BWM&VM Comm KIA 15.9.16. France 24.2.15

Sister Miss A.M. Snowie, c/o Mrs Brown, Rosegarth, Gerrards Cross, Bucks.
SOLES, W, Private, '201994', 1st/9th Bn., 1/Aug/1918, France, SON OF MR. A.
Soles, William -
Son of Mr. A. Soles, of 26, Abbott St., Nottingham (CWGC). Arthur was 13 at the
time of the 1911 census; he had a younger sister, Florence, aged 9. Member of 2nd
Nottingham Company Boys' Brigade (Dakeyne Street Lads' Club).
Soles, William Pte 201994 1/9th RS 0637
- -
Pte 201994 1.8.18 Fa. Arthur
Register Soldiers’ Effects
Pte 201994 VM&BWM
18 yr 230 days, carter, approving officer Derby 19.10.16 Depot The Sherwood
Foresters. Enlisted and examined 18.10.16 Nottingham, physical development poor.
5’3” 97lbs, poor physique
Address 26 Abbot St, Blue Bell Hill, Nottingham, father Arthur
Home 18.10.16-13.4.17, class W 14.4.17-27.9.17, Home 28.9.14-
2/4 RS. 4 RS crossed out and replaced with 1/9.
Killed in action, in the field, memo 1.8.18 by OC 9RS
Mother Annie, Sis Florence
Property: Religious book, wallet, photo, letters, cards
Colchester Gen Hospital 25.11.16-30.11.16 Colic, discharged to duty
2/4th Bn RS 5557 crossed out, 201994
Letter from The Highland Railway, General Manager’s Office, Inverness 4.9.17 to
recruiting Officer, Cameron Barracks, Inverness re Wm Soles, Porter, Inverness
Soles given to the company by the Substitution Officer at Inverness as sub for fit
man, not giving satisfaction. Dispensed with, leaving 8th Sept 17. Arrange recall to
army. Signed Robert?? Park, Parth??
?Soles last seen joining a south goingtrain Friday past ??? 12.9.17 write police
Must endeavour to trace… point out they had no right to let ?? away without
instructions 10.9.17
Present address unkown. Park / Parks, Railway 10.9.17
Letter Soles left service 6th, did not present himself for work 7th and could not be
found, thought may have gone south. Rowt Parks?
Police written to 12.9.17
Letter Chief Constable’s Office, Guildhall, Nottingham 17.9.17: Soles has been
seen, states left Highland Railway Coy 4th as ill and could not work, permission
from foreman named McKenzie though notice should have expired 8th. Thought he
was discharged from the army as uniform taken when he went to the coy 6 months
Recalled for 28.9.17
Called up for service ?date unreadable (p.1722/9273), posted 2/4 21 ???
Called up 18.10.16 Group 33.

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Pte 21.10.16. Attached for Depot Camerons 8.3.17. Transferred to Class W (T) TF
Res on substitution for employment with High Rly Coy Inverness 14.4.17. Recalled
and posted to 4th (Res) 28.9.17
Embarked / disembarked 4.4.18, posted to 9 bn 4.4.18, joined 11.4.18
10.6.18 45 FA to 57 CCS
53 Gen Hos PUO Mild Boulogne 12.6.18, arrived base depot Calais 19.6.18,
rejoined in the field 1.7.18, KIA 1.8.18
Re-buried in Raperie British Cemetery about 5 ¾ miles s. of Soissons
Service record
[Robert Park was secretary 1911-22, previously General Manager ]
Soles listed on site recording Abbott St [two ‘t’s] , nr St Matthias Rd in St Ann’s,
Nottingham, now demolished and replaced
SOLES, William, b. Nottingham, e. Nottingham, 201994, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Soliwansky, M. Pte 350774 1/9th [note same number Poluvansky/Poliwansky]
British Jewry Book of Honour -
Somers, David Pte 352574 9th RS 5972 Pte, attd 154th Bde. 352574 0640
Somerville, Adam Pte 63157 9th RS 0636
Somerville, H.M. -
The London Gazette, 26 Jan. 1923 (p.613)
7th/9th Bn. Royal Scots.- The undermentioned Offrs. are transferred, retaining
their rank and precedence. 27th Jan. 1923.
From the 9th Bn
Lt. H.M. Somerville, M.C.
Henry Munro Somerville MC
RS 2/Lt Lt VM&BWM [3 - Egypt] 21.3.18
27 Colinton Rd, Edin
From Officer Cadet Unit to be 2/Lt RS 26.4.17
LG 11.5.17
Henry Munro Somerville
2/Lt 9RS MC att 2nd Bn, 2.12.18
2nd Lt. Henry Munro Somerville, 9th Bn., R. Scots., T.F., attd. 2nd Bn.
For conspicuous gallantry during an attack. He led his platoon with great dash
and ability and destroyed several machine-gun nests which were holding up the
attack. His example of courage and determination contributed largely to the
success of the operations.
LG 2.12.18
Lt BWM&VM Medal Roll RS Officers piece 2180

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?HM Someville Lt RS 1939-45

British Army Lists
Somerville, James, Bandsman -
High Street, Innerleithen
Peebleshire roll of honour : being names of men connected with Tweeddale
enrolled in His Majesty's forces, August 1914-December 1915 (1916)
Somerville, John, L/Cpl -
Hillhead High School war memorial volume (1921)
Somerville, Robert Sgt 351108 9th RS 3551 Sgt 0640
Sorlie, J. Pte 350031 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 24/2/19 2610
Sorlie, John L/Cpl 350031 9th RS 549 Pte 0640
Souter, F 3033 (Soutes?) B Coy LS4
Souter, F. Pte 350819 4/5/15 (1) Disemb 10/2/19 2610
- -
Souter, Frank (states see Soutor, F.) Cpl 3033, 350819
15Star&BWM&VM MIC [This man has two MICs]
Soutor, F. (states see Souter, Frank) Pte 350819
15Star&BWM&VM France 4.5.15 MIC
Souter, Frank 3032? EB1
Souter, Frank Cpl 350819 9th RS 3033 Cpl 0640
Soxton, J 3060 A Coy LS4
Spackman, George Pte 49169 9th E.Surr. R. 8050 Pte, 9th RS 0635
Spackman, H. Pte 8050 7th E. Surrey 28/7/15 (1) 9th RS 49169 Pte P. D. 24/3/18 2610
SPACKMAN, Horace, b. Chelsea, London, e. Chelsea , r. Battersea, London, SD
49169, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, FORMERLY
8050, EAST SURREYS., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SPACKMAN, HORACE, H, Private, '49169', 9th Bn., 19, 24/Mar/1918, France,
Spalding, E 4230 D Coy LS7
SPALDING, J. L/Corpl. No. 350171 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Spalding, J., Pte 1470, 12 Brighton Rd, shrapnel, left arm
Dalmeny Hospital
See The Scotsman for an account of his experience in the shelling of D Coy
The Scotsman 20 Apr 15
See also EED. Asleep at time, left billet clad in kilt but little else. On the way
down the stairs hit by shrapnel.
EED 20 Apr 15 -
SPALDING, J.H. L/Corpl. No. 1470 , Inter-Platoon Five-a-side Football -
Competition. Won by 16th Platoon. 26.1.17, Battalion Sports – Somewhere in
France, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SPALDING, J.H. Pte. No. 1470, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Spalding, J.H. 1470 -
Wounded EED 6 May 16

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Spalding, J.H. Pte 350171 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 18/3/19 2610

Spalding, John H., Pte 350171 9th RS 1470 13th RS 0640
SPALDING, R.W. Pte. No. 4009. 18/5/16 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916
SPALDING, Robert W., b. Boyndie, Banffshire, e. Edinburgh , r. Boyndie, 4009, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 18/05/16, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Spalding, Robert W., Pte 4009 0629
SPALDING, ROBERT WALLACE, R W, Private, '4009', 1st/9th Bn., 24,
Spalding, Wm. 2493 EB1
SPECK, J.W. Pte. No. 353365. D. Coy. , To be Unpaid A/L/ Corpl., from 1/5/17, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Speck, John W., Pte 353365 4th E.Yorks.R. 3121 Pte, 9th RS 353365 0640
SPECK, John William, e. Hull, r. Hessle, Yorks, 353365, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 25/07/18, FORMERLY 3127, E. YORKS REGT.,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Spedding, John Pte 51921 16th HLI 37761 Pte, 9th RS 0636
- -
Mo Hannah
Register Soldiers’ Effects
Very poor record, does have Leeds War Hosp 26.12.17
Poss 2/7th RS in 1917? Cannot see HLI?
Embarked /Disembarked 31.3.18, posted to 9/RS, KIA 1.8.18
Mobilized 28.1.16
Admitted East Leeds War Hosp 15.12.17 [hard to read descrip]
Home 12.12.15-5.3.17, BEF 6.3.17-15.12.17, Home 16.12.17-9.3.18, BEF 30.3.18-
[further details available]
Service record
SPEDDING, John, b. Dewsbury, Yorks, e. Ossett, Yorks, 51921, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, FORMERLY 27068, YORKS L. L,
37761, H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SPEDDING, JOHN, J, Private, '51921', 9th Bn., , 1/Aug/1918, France, CWGC
Spedding, John, Pte 51921

Born in Chickenley, Yorks on the 16 November 1893, the eldest child of thirteen
born to Thomas Henry Spedding and his wife, Hannah (nee Hepworth). Painter, -

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enlisted November 1915. He was posted to the army reserve and mobilised in
January 1916. He joined the HLI, 37761, and was subsequently transferred to The
Royal Scots as 51921. He embarked for France on 6th March 1917, but on 15th
December 1917, he was admitted to Leeds War Hospital probably wounded,
gassed or suffering an illness whilst serving in France.
‘For five days they had to shelter in a shell hole between the lines, being without
food and sometimes up to the waist in water. He was at the point of death when
found, and was invalided home, suffering from exposure and shell-shock. He
returned to France in February.’ Obituary, Ossett Observer, 21st September 1918
He left hospital in late January 1918 and, after a period of convalescence at home,
he returned to France on the 31st March 1918. He was killed an action on the 1st
August 1918.
See website for a detailed history:
[shell hole probably with HLI?]
SPENCE 2nd/Lieut. Played in Officers v. Sergeants Football Match, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Spence Lt C Coy subaltern -
Trench raid, Jul 16, missing, later brought in wounded
A Anderson IWM 3608
Spence L/Cpl -
Charles Haig (qv) to be paid L/Cpl vice Spence ?.8.16, BEF, possibly A Coy MG
Spence, C. Cpl -
2/9th newly formed MG Section 3rd May 15.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
SPENCE, C.F. Corpl. No. 1328. B. Coy. 2nd place with A. Hume. , Three-legged -
Race, Battalion Sports – Somewhere in France, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4,
1st June 1917
SPENCE, C.F. Corpl. No. 350108 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Spence, Charles F., Cpl 350108 9th RS 1328 A/Cpl 0640
- -
Spence, Charles F. Cpl 350108 9.4.17 KIA Fa. David; Mrs Agnes Paterson Spence,
bro. Alexander
Soldiers’ effects
SPENCE, Charles Fred, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 350108, CPL., Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
SPENCE, CHARLES FREDERICK, C F, Corporal, '350108', 9th Bn., 22,
9/Apr/1917, France, SON OF DAVID SPENCE, OF 89, LOTHIAN RD.,
SPENCE, J, Private, '352173', 9th Bn., 33, 5/Dec/1917, France, HUSBAND OF
BUTE. Red Cross Corner Cemetery, Beugny. CWGC
Spence, J.S. 2606 A Coy LS6
Spence, J.S. Pte 350622 4/12/15 (1) Disemb 27/3/19 2610
Spence, James Pte 352173 9th RS 5493 Pte 0640
- -

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5.12.17 died of wounds Wid Catherine
Register Soldiers’ Effects
SPENCE, James, b. Dunblane, Perthshire, e. Rothesay, Bute , r. Rothesay, SD
352173, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 05/12/17, FORMERLY
24529, R. SCOT. FUS., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Spence, John Pte 25609 17th RS 11th RS 9th RS attd. 5th Gordons 0632
Spence, John S 2606 EB1
Spence, John S., Pte 350622 9 RS 2606 Pte, 51st Div.H.Q. 2606 Pte
SPENCE, S.J. 2nd/Lieut. , returned from a Course of Instruction on 9/12/16, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
SPENCE, S.J. 2nd/Lieut. Musketry Course. 28/7/16. Classified as First Class -
Instructor Returned from Course, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Spence, S.J. 2/Lt -
2/9th leaving Selkirk 24th Nov 15. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Spence, S.J. 2/Lt -

Officers 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916

Sergt S.J. Spence 9RS, son of Mr Spence, St Ronan, Rotchell Park, Maxwelltown,
has been promoted Second Lt in the same regiment. Mr Spence was engaged in the
Royal Bank, first at Dumfries and afterwards at Edinburgh. He enlisted in October
of last year. His battn is presently at Peebles.
Dumfries and Galloway Saturday Standard 2.10.15
Spence, Sam. Capt 9th RS -
Nithsdale Amateur Rowing Club RoH
Spence, Samuel James 2513 EB1
Spence, Thomas Pte 62838 9 RS 0636
Spencer, G.E. Pte 203216 4/8/15 (1) Cl. Z. 19/4/19 2610
SPENCER, J.S. Pte. No. 4251. C Coy. To be paid Acting L/Corpl. 2/9/16, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
SPENCER, James (13800). 'Dalveen'. 225 Ferry Road, Edinburgh 6. The Royal -
Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Spencer, John H., Sgt 11351 2nd RS Sgt, 15th RS 16th RS 9th RS 0630
Spens 2/Lt Joined 1/9th spring/summer 15 from 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, -
No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Spens, W.P, 2/Lt. joined from Peebles 22 July 1915 WD
SPENS, W.P.T. Lieut. [pneumonia] , Died on active service, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June 1917
SPENS, W.P.T. Lieut. Wounded. The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
Spens, W.P.T., 2nd Lt. 5 Mar 15 W

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Spens, W.T Lt
154th Bde War Diary WO 95/2883/2, wounded 26 July 1916 at High Wood
154th Bde War Diary WO 95/2883/3, wounded 6 Aug 1916 -
Spens, W.T.P, Lt. slightly wounded returned to duty 25 July 1916, wounded 6
Aug 1916, joined for duty 4-7 Jan 1917, died 18 Feb 1917 WD
Spens, Walter Thomas Patrick [most sources Walter, one source William] -
Spens, W.T. Patrick, Lt, 18th Feb 1917
2nd Lt RS, Lt, died at a casualty clearing station in France (of pneumonia) 18th
February 1917
The Glasgow Academy roll of honour, 1914-1918 (1918)
Spens, William Thomas Patrick
Beginning of war/on joining 2nd Lt; End of war Lt. Died on service, 18th Feb 1917.
The Glasgow Academy roll of honour, 1914-1918 (1933)
Spens, Walter Thomas Patrick, Lt, “killed in action”
MA BL degree
Spens, Walter Thomas Patrick, Lt, M.A. 1901, B.L. 1903
University of Glasgow (1922)
Spens, Walter T.P. 2/Lt to be temp Lt dated 4 Jan 16; LG 14 Mar 16 p.2794
2nd Lt (temp Lt) WTP Spens (since deceased) to be Lt with precedence from 1st
June 16, 1st Aug 17
The London Gazette 31 July 1917 page 7874
Supplement to the London Gazette, 4th March 1915, War Office, 4th March 1915;
Infantry; 9th (Highlanders) Battalion, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment); the
under mentioned to be second Lieutenants:-
Private Walter Thomas Patrick Spens, from the Inns of Court Officers Training
Corps. Dated 5th March 1915 [same OTC and date as DA Bannatyne]
SPENS, Walter Thomas Patrick
Joined corps 07 Jan 1915, Served in K Company, Service Number 2621
Commissioned Royal Scots 05 Mar 1915
Served in France & Flanders; reached Lieutenant; wounded twice.
Died 18 Feb 1917
[NB joined OTC same date and consecutive number to D.A Bannatyne, comm into
RS same date]
The Inns of Court O.T.C. during the Great War, Lt-Col F.H.L. Errington

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

GWF courtesy of MBrockway

Inscription Third son of Walter C. Spens, 23.10.1881-18.2.17 died on active
service in France
On stone of Henry Glassford? Bell Spens, fifth son of Walter Cook Spens,
advocate 15.5.1886?-23.6.1911
Also sixth son Nathaniel Spens 9.9.1887-13.9.1935
Dean Cemetery, Edinburgh
SPENS, WALTER THOMAS PATRICK, W T P, Lieutenant, , 9th Bn., 36,
Spiers, George Pte 351952 9th RS 5224 Pte 0640
SPIGANOVICZ, Victor J. De. Rosemary. Blackford. Perthshire. (3343) RSC
N.B. Spiganovicz comes under S in the book not De Spiganovicz ?
Victor James de Spiganovicz (1881-1970) Born Odessa. Educated Edinburgh.
Architect. Outbreak of war turned down for active service on medical grounds,
joined recruiting office, Sergt. ‘Spiggy.’ Writer and humanitarian established
Scouts movement in Scotland. ‘This Is Your Life’ in 1960.

? Ancestry
SPINK, J. Pte. No. 352348 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June -
Spink, Thomas Pte 352348 13th RS 18367 Pte, 2nd RS 18367 Pte, 9th RS 352348 0640
Pte -
Thomas Spink 13RS Pte 18367 352348 15Star&BWM&VM Disch France 9.7.15
T. Spink Pte 352348 9.7.15 (France)-Dis 21.7.19 13RS 15Star Medal Roll 2612
See Spink, John – same number
Spink, John [?] 352348 RS -
Enlisted 11.1.15-21.7.19 discharged, wounds 392 xvi, age 31
SWB Roll
John [?] Spink RS 352348 Pte 11.1.15-21.7.19 392 xvi SWB MIC
See Spink, Thomas – same number
Spivey, Herbert Pte 330897 9th RS 0639
SPROTT, W.A. Pte. No. 3446 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June -
Sprott, W.A. Pte 351039 12/10/15 (1) Dis. 21/7/19 2610

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Sprott, William A., L/Cpl 351039 9th RS 3446 Pte 0640

- -
Enlisted 20.6.15-21.7.19 discharged, wounds 392 xvi, age 24
SWB Roll
Leith Academy. Student of Arts, 1914-15. 9th Royal Scots (T.), Private June
1915; L/Corporal Dec. 1917. France. Wounded March 1918.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Squair, A
D.C.M. citation:
‘350106 Cpl. A. Squair 9th Bn. (Edinburgh)
For gallantry during the period 25th February to 31st December 1918. In the
Soissons area during July and August 1918, he did good work with the transport of
the battalion. Though often under very heavy shell fire he never failed to get his
transport through to its destination. (11.3.20)’ -
Squair, A, Cpl 350106 -
Awarded D.C.M. Jan 19
Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The Fifteenth (Scottish) Division, 1914-
1919’, 1926
Squair, A. Pte 350106 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 21/3/19 2610
Squair, Andrew Cpl 350106 9th RS 1323 Cpl 0640
Transport Section
Letter written to Miss Stewart and Miss Wright of Edinburgh. Miss Stewart
worked in Mauls Department Store in Edinburgh in the 'V' department sending
cigarettes, tobacco and other items (parcels) to serving and wounded men.
Letter sale
Court of inquiry in the field 13.3.16 by order AS Blair: deaths of WS Carter, JC
Wilson and poisoning of Pte Dishington 2005. President Maj RHF Moncrieff,
members Capt A Taylor, 2/Lt AS Nicoll.
L/Cpl A Squair 1323 gives evidence, went to wake Dishington on morning
Papers of WS Carter
SQUAIR, John 92 Montpelier Park. Edinburgh. (6840) RSC
Squair, John Pte 353539 9th RS 0640
Squir, A. Cpl no. 350106 D.C.M. Soissons New Years List 1918 WD
Stafford, Ernest E 18018 Pte. 15th R.Scots 17th R.Scots 9th R.Scots 0631
Stalker Sergeant

(in fold of image) 2/9S

STALKER Sergt. Linesman. B and D Companies met in the final of the Royal -
Scots Football Competition to decide which team would go to Fermoy to represent
the Battalion in the Brigade Championships. Winner – D Coy. Score 2-1 21st Apr
17, .Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917

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STALKER Sergt., First Round Knock Out Company Football Matches. A Coy. -
versus B. Coy. Won by B. Coy, Wed 18 Apr 17. Score 4 -1. This man A Coy.
Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Stalker, R -

Sergeants 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916

Stalker, R. Sgt 2/9 RS trial at Limerick 27.9.17 WO 86/78 p.161 Drunkenness, -
‘Discharge with Ignominy’ ‘rks’ [to ranks?]
Stalker, Robt. 2410 EB1
Standley, Clifford 352200,[*], Badge No. 241551
Pte 9RS 18.2.16-25.7.17 sickness xvi served overseas SWB
Standley, Clifford Pte 352200 9th RS 5520 0641
Stanton, J.W 2818 EB1
Stanton, J.W. 2818 H Coy LS2
Stanton, William Pte 351184 9th RS 3686 Pte 0640
STARK, A. Pte. No. 2572, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Stark, A. 350602, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No. 198879,
transferred 18.5.17 Class P(T) TF Reserve
Pte 9RS 9.11.14-18.5.17 transf served overseas 22/2 17wks cond. SWB
Stark, Alex 2572 EB1
th th
Stark, Alexander Pte 350602 9 RS, attd 5/6 Sco. Rif. 2572 Pte 0640
Stark, Eden H., Pte 353540 9th RS 0640
- -
Enlistment 7.12.15-23.12.19 discharge, wounds 392 xvi B1, age 30
SWB Roll
Eden Harrison Stark
b.1890 Res Leith disch 23.12.19
Pension Ledger
Stark, I 2178 EB1
Stark, J., B Coy
Highland Battalion shooting team, The Scotsman 29 Apr 1901 -
Stark, James Pte 63293 9th RS 0636
Stark, Thomas 2178, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No. 153650
Pte 9RS 1.9.14-19.4.15 sickness iii cc served overseas - no SWB
Stark, Thos. (Ruler). Stationery World Vol 48 1915 ‘British Market’ -
STARK, W.A. Pte. No. 40304 , In Hospital Abroad,The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, June 1917
Stark, W.A. 1690 C Coy LS7
Stark, William Pte 201766 1/8th RS 5184 Pte, 11th RS 9th RS 0637
Stark, William Pte 350364 9th RS 1927 A/Sgt 0640

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Stark, William Pte 351699 9th RS 0640

STARKEY, H, Lance Corporal, '352564', 1st/9th Bn., 25, 10/Apr/1917, France,
STARKEY, H. L/Corpl. No. 352564 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, -
Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Starkey, Harry Pte 352564 12th RS 5962 Pte, 9th RS 5962 Pte 0640
STARKEY, Harry, e. Bradford , r. Bradford, 352564, L/CPL, Died of wounds, SD
France & Flanders, 10/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Starkings, B. L/Cpl 302160 30/8/15 (1) Dis. 17/12/18 2610
Stavert, J 1667 B Coy LS6
Stavert, J.J. Pte 350264 4/12/15 (1) Disemb 6/4/19 2610
Stavert, John James Pte 350264 9th RS 1667 0640
- -
9RS Pte 1667 350264 15Star&BWM&VM Disemb France 4.12.15
b.1892 res Edin disch 6.4.19 disability
Pension Ledger
Stead, William Pte 251272 9th RS 11th RS 0638
Steadman, C. Pte 21382 10th K.O.Y.L.I. 11/9/15 (1) 9th RS 353033 Pte Cl. Z. 2610
Steadman, Charles Pte 353033 10th Yorks.L.I. 21382 Pte, 9th RS attd 5th Gordons 0640
STEEDMAN, David. 5 Victor Park Terr. Corstorphine. Edinburgh. (9142) RSC
Steedman, Andrew C., Pte 351262 9th RS 3792 Pte 0640
- -
KIA 3.8.17 Mo Mary
Register Effects
Steedman, Andrew Chalmers (b. 1888). 1902-03. Associated with father in the
business of ironmonger in Newington Road. Royal Scots, Private, October 1915.
France, April 1916; invalided home, June 1916. France, January 1917. Killed in
action in Flanders on 3rd August 1917. Younger son of the late Mr J. C. Steedman
and of Mrs Steedman, 1 Rillbank Terrace.

George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921)

[Does not say 9th, see CWGC]
- -

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STEEDMAN, ANDREW CHALMERS, A C, Private, '351262', "A" Coy. 9th Bn.,
STEEDMAN, Andrew Chalmers, b. Alloa, Clackmannanshire, e. Edinburgh , r. SD
Edinburgh, 351262, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 03/08/17,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Steedman, D 2220 EB1
Steedman, D. 350465, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No. 231986
Pte 9RS 7.9.14-28.8.17 wounds xvi served overseas age 22 SWB
Steedman, D. Pte 350465 24/2/15 (1) Dis. 28/8/17 2610
Steedman, David, Pte NBW

See also EED 26 Apr 15

A member of “C” Company, Private David Steedman, 8 Victor Park Terrace,
Corstorphine, is being treated in the Western Hospital, Cardiff, having been
wounded on the head by a shrapnel bullet. Private Steedman was only eighteen
years of age the day he set sail for France. He is well known in Edinburgh juvenile
football circles.
Steedman, David, Pte 350465 9th RS 2220 0640
Steedman, J. Pte 350372 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 3/3/19 2610
Steedman, John Pte 350372 9th RS 1952 0640
STEEDMAN, John. 12 Hutchison Ave. Edinburgh. (5503) RSC
Steedman, R 2830 C Coy LS2
Steedman, R T 2830 EB1
Steedman, R.T. Pte 2830 24/2/15 (1) Comm 11/3/16 2610

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Steedman, R.T., Pte 2830 comm RSF 11.3.16 0629

Steedman, Robert N., Pte 59014 0636
Steedman, Robert, Pte 99-02
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Steedman, T 3233 D Coy LS7
Steedman, Thomas 3233 EB2
Steel 2/Lt ? to be in composite battalion if required April 1918 -
5/GH WD WO 95 3061 2_1
Steel, George Pte 51931 9th RS 0636
Steel, J.G, Lt
Wounded Sept 18; Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The Fifteenth (Scottish)
Division, 1914-1919’, 1926
- -
Steel, J.G., Lt, Billetting Party, Nov 18 [War Diary] WD
STEEL, J.G. Sergt. No. 1383 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Steel, J.G. Pte (A/Sgt) 1383 24/2/15 (1) Disc. to Commission 18/12/16 2610
Steel, John G., A/Sgt 1383 comm 9th RS 19.12.16 0629
Steel, John Gibson -
Royal Scots, 19/12/1916, LG Issue 29887, 01/01/1917, p64
Formerly A/Sgt 1383, 1/9th Royal Scots; BEF 24/02/1915
2nd Lieutenant, Royal Scots; Lieutenant 19/06/1918
116 East Claremont Street, Edinburgh
Great War Forum, incl photo
9th RS 1383, R Scots Lt, France 24.2.15, 116 East Claremont St, Edinburgh MIC
STEEL, John Gibson. 42 Mossway. Blackley. Manchester. (467) RSC
STEEL, John Gibson. 42 Mossway. Blackley. Manchester. (467) RSC
STEEL, R.P. Pte. No. 350960 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Steel, Robert P., Pte 350960 9th RS 0640
STEEL, Robert Page, b. Currie, Midlothian, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 350960, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Steel, Robert Page, Pte 350960
b. Balerno 24/10/1891 d. 24/10/17, Son of George Steel and Catherine Page,
residence Edinburgh. Memorials Alex Cowan &Sons, Penicuik; Penicuik.
[Midlothian Journal 27 April 1917]: Private Robert P. Steel, a stepson of Mr
Peacock, saddler, Bridge Street, is also reported killed. He was about 20 years of
age and was employed at the machines in Valleyfield Mills.
KIA b. Currie
Born Currie, Resident & Enlisted Edinburgh
Arrived France Oct 1915 KIA Arras/Vimy Ridge -

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Courtesy Malcolm Ferguson

STEEL, ROBERT PAGE, R P, Private, '350960', 9th Bn., 25, 9/Apr/1917, France,
Steel, W 2532 E Coy LS1
STEEL, W. Pte. No. 2532 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Steel, W.P. Capt. M.M. billeting officer mentioned in operations order no. 42 5
Dec 1918, proceeded to join 11th Bn RS 15 Mar 1919 WD
Steel, W.P., 2/Lt wounded 28/5/1917
154th Bde War Diary WO 95/2884/1 -
Steel, W.P., 2/Lt. wounded 27 May 1917, Capt.& Adjt. signed operation orders
no. 143 14 Jan 1918 and No. 144 19 Jan 1918
Acting as Billetting Officer, December 1918, Operation Order 42 WD
Steel, William 2532 EB1
- -
Steel, William. Royal Scots 2532 Pte. Royal Scots 2Lt. RAF Lt
? Steel, W. Lt 21.1.19 57 Sqn [H7147 DH4] Badly damaged by civilians and various
parts stolen after landing Spa while carrying mails Morville-Spa. 2Lt WE Hall/Lt
W Steel
? Steel, Lt 17.12.18 57 Sqn Ok [B7939 DH4] Crashed and wrecked on t/o for
travelling flight. Lt Erskine inj/Lt Steel Ok
? Lt Steel 206 Sqn 15.4.18 Ok [D5582 DH9] Crashed on ploughed ground at
Drionville on ferry flight from 1 Air Issues. Lt Steel Ok/AG Bevis slightly inj
[shown as 5582]
Steel, William -
Royal Scots, 19/12/1916, LG Issue 29911, 22/01/1917, p825
Formerly Pte, 2532, 1/9th Royal Scots; BEF 24/02/1915
2nd Lieutenant, Royal Scots; Lieutenant, Royal Air Force
Great War Forum, incl photo
Steel, William Pte 2532 comm 4th RS 18.12.16 0629
Steel, William Pte 351721 9th RS 0640
- -
William Steel 351721 9RS Pte
Father James Steel 116 East Claremont Street.
12.4.18 GSW R elbow adm 6th Gen Hosp, ???, Woodside Central Hosp - Glasgow,
discharged 20.12.18. Temp address 1919 41 Caithness Rd, West Kens?Kensington
Service records (carries on from Allan Finlayson 351720 qv) FMP
STEEL, William. 1 Viewforth Square. Edinburgh. (2105) RSC
STEEL, Wm. (2105). 2 Viewfield Road, Juniper Green, Midlothian. The Royal -
Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Steel. W. Pte 2532 24/2/15 (1) Comm 4th Res. RS 8/12/16 2610
Steele, James I? 2923 EB1
Steele, James W., Pte 352421 9 RS 5752 0641
Steele, T 3304 A Coy LS6
Steel, R.P. Pte 350960 12/10/15 (1) K in A 9/4/17 2610
Mentioned by William Dea, June 1917 as a ‘local lad’ to Juniper Green
Played a trick on Todd, burning his boots which cost Todd £1 -

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Diary of Pte William Dea, transcribed by Malcolm Fergusson

STENHOUSE, D. Corpl. No. 1498. 9/5/16 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916
Stenhouse, D. L/Cpl 1498 24/2/15 (1) K in A 9/5/16 2610
Stenhouse, David L/Cpl 1498 entered theatre as Pte 0629
STENHOUSE, David, b. Dunfermline, e. Edinburgh, 1498, CPL., Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 09/05/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
STENHOUSE, DAVID, D, Corporal, '1498', 1st/9th Bn., 27, 9/May/1916, France,
Stenhouse, George Pte 353559 9th RS 0640
Stenhouse, Peter S., Pte 51367 10th Sco. Rif. 40692 Pte, 16th RS 9th RS 0636
Stephen, A, Colour-Sergeant transferred from 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders, F
appointed instructor March 1905, replacing J Duncan. -
The first Sgt-Maj of Reserve Bn was Colour-Sgt A.D Stephen, joined from
National Reserve. Previously 1st Gordons and Sgt Maj in 1/9th RS. Held post until
formation of 3/9th at Peebles, replaced by T. Low.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
‘When with the 2/9th we obtained much hard training under our excellent R.S.M. –
Stephens who had fought with the Gordons at Dargai and in South Africa.’
Marching and shooting his subjects, encouraging to the young, ruled the srgts
mess with an iron rod – no swearing, high standards, little drinking.
? Seems likely RWFJ also means Stephen with ‘The RSM was a former Gordon
Highlander who spoke of Dargai, the Frontier and the Boer war.’ He recalled
Modder River. DCM and LSM. A strict disciplinarian who ensured they were well
spaced between men and between waves for skirmishing. ? RWFJ also relates an
instructor tearing a strip of recruits at 1912 camp for missing their targets, and
referring to the poor shooting at Modder River. This could again be Stephen.
IWM Papers RWF Johnston
Stephen, A.D 2336 EB1
- -
Stephen, Alexander Daniel 2336, 350508 9th RS
50 Craighouse Gardens, Edinburgh; wife Theresa. Previous Gordon Highlanders
and 9th RS 8 yrs. Attested 12th Sept 1914 as Pte 9th RS, apparent age 40 yrs,
immediately A/S.M. then S.M. 4th Res for much of war [?]. ?RAF York as RSM
28.8.18, demob 1919
Pte 1810 1st GH enlisted 13.7.1885 for 7 yrs, re-engaged 18.1.1897 with 11 yrs 188
days of service, at Rawalpindi.
9th Vol Bn RS stamped 18.1.1906, dated 17.1.06 at 7 Wemyss Place, Edinburgh,
9197 Col Srgt Stephen, Alex. Daniel with 20 yrs 6 mnths service, good character, 4
good conduct badges, promoted 26.9.99, service expires 12.7.06. Signed James
Clark ‘most efficient’, desirous of continuing service. Letter in own hand, most
service in India
Pension record
Alexander Stephen 1st Gordon Highlanders joined 13.7.1885 no 1810, RS 9197[?]
Born Aberdeen, comb maker, 18yo, currently 3rd Batt GH, 5’5”. Attested Pte.

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Home 13.7.1885-14.12.86 (incl Guernsey), Malta 86-88, Ceylon 88-92, West Indies
92-98, Egypt Oct-Dec98, St?? 98-99, S.Africa9.11.99-22.10.02, Home 23.10.02-
Mo Mrs Jessie Shaw 83 Causewayend, Aberdeen, wife with battalion, son
Alexander Clifford
Waziristan Field Force 11.12.94-24.3.95, Chitral Relief Exped 1985, Punjab
Frontier Disturbances & Tirah Exped 1897-8, SAF 1899-1902
Promoted Sergt in field 28.6.01, MID & DCM AO Off June 1903
Married Theresa Grant, Dundee 30.1.1903. Dischrge Edin, intended 50 Craighouse
Gardens, Edin. claimed discharge 392 xxiii
Children Alexander 1.12.03, Jessie 13.3.06, James Grant 14.6.07, Robert Mason
27.5.09, William Gordon 24.3.12
Drunkenness 3.9.96 Gharial [?], reduced to ranks, fined. Six further times recorded
drunk, admonished or reprimanded, 1886-1897
This is to certify that 9197 Col Sergt &A/S-M A Stepehn 9RS in receipt of extra
pay as Acting Sergeant Major 26.4.10 to 31.1.13 on which date he was discharged
to pension. Signed AS Blair, CO 9RS 13.1.1913
Promoted Col Sergt GH 1.4.04, transferred to permanent staff 9th VB (Highrs) RS
7.3.05, authority GOC 8th Division dated 23.2.05
9VBRS permitted to continue beyond 21 years on 20.1.06, authority Lowland
Group No 38 18.1.06
Posted to permanent staff 9TS (TF) 5.5.08, appointed A/S-M 26.4.10, discharge to
pension 31.1.13
DCM GH No 1810 Army Order No 10 of January 1903
Attestation with 9RS
Previous 20 yrs GH 8 yrs 9RS No 2336 crossed out and replaced with 350508
Pte 12.9.14, A/S.M. 12.9.14, 4th (Res) Bn 12.9.14 as CSM (until at least Jul 17), RS
Glencorse Depot as CSM undated
Attd HQ NE Area RAF York as RSM 28.8[or 9].18, disemb 5.4.19, 50 Craighouse
Gardens. Served Home.
Left forearm tattoo thistle surmounted by ‘Bonaccord’ etc
Special qualifications for civilian life 1913 clerk and bookkeeper
[further info in here on GH service, incl hospital admissions, syphilis?]
Signed papers Alfred James Ruxton (qv) as Colour Segt Instr April 1908
Signed papers JAJ McKean Oct 1914 as Sergt Maj
Signed appers Houston, P.C 9.4.08 Col Sgt Instr
Stephen, A.D. Sergt-Maj, 50 Craighouse Gardens -
Drill Programme 1911-12
Stephen, A.D., Colour-Sgt -
Signed papers for Peddie, Geo. 1910, RFS Page Nov 1909
Stephen, David Gilchrist 2300 EB1
Stephen, G. Pte discharged, resumed work -
Caseroom of Thomas Nelson & Sons, Ltd, Parkside Works, Edinburgh, Roll of
Stephen, J.R 2457 EB1
STEPHEN, R.E. Pte. No. 3717, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Stephen, Robert E., Pte 43216 9th RS 3713 Pte, 2nd RS 0635
Stephen, W 4683 A Coy LS7
Stephens Sergt-Maj, ‘worthy’ RSM -
Made appearance and received rousing reception – took the Chair
3/9 RS Supernumerary Company, Supernumeraries’ Anniversary Gathering,
23.2.16, anniversary of landing in France, dinner at County Hotel ballroom,
The Southern Reporter 2.3.16
Stephenson Lt-Col, new CO from 16th RS 3rd August 1918 p.686 ‘who had well E
established his reputation as the leader of the now disbanded 16th Battalion’
Stephenson, A, Lt-Col, DSO, MC
Awarded CMG 1 Jan 19
Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The Fifteenth (Scottish) Division, 1914-
1919’, 1926
?Mention in despatches Stephenson, A. Temp Lt-Col M.C. Royal Scots
London Gazette 18 Dec 1917 page 13226
Arthur Stephenson, MC as T/Capt cited 30.3.1916
T/Lt Col 1/9 RS DSO, MC, MID
MC -
Stephenson, A. Lt. Col. D.S.O. M.C. assumed command of Bn 30 Aug 1918,
awarded CMG New Years List 1918/19, repatriated 27 Mar 1919 WD
Stephenson, Arthur -
Known in 16th Bn as ‘Steve’, Stephenson was born 9th August 1881 at Stoke
Damerel, near Devonport. After working for the Post Office, he moved to South
Africa in 1900 and found work with the post office there. When the Boer War
broke out he served with the Orange River Scouts. Later he established post
offices in remote parts of East Africa. At the start of the First World War he
served with the militia, sailed to England in May 1915 and was commissioned in
the 10th Devonshires. Transferred to 9th King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry and
crossed to France in September. Awarded MC for action at Loos. Promoted Major
April 1916. Wounded 1st July 1916 on assault south of Round Wood, after which
he had a run in with Haig.
Transferred to 16th Bn RS. Assumed command 24th August 1916. On 16th May
1918, following heavy losses, the 34th Division was disbanded.
Lt-Col A. Stephenson D.S.O., M.C., assumed command of the Ninth 30th August
1918, until 27th March 1919 when proceeded to UK for repatriation. Later that
year he returned to Rhodesia to farm, joined the police in 1925. Served in the
Second World War as commander of division of East African forces. Died March

From Alexander, Jack, ‘McCrae’s Battalion’, 2003

Stephenson, Arthur CMG DSO MC

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Yorks LI, 9th KOYLI, RS Lt-Col. France 11.9.15, Commanding, Northern

Rhodesian Rifles, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa
DSO LG 1.1.18 Lt-Col late 9th R. Scots 1914-18 and escaped without wound;
Despatches; CMG, MC
The VC and DSO Vol III
16th RS turned into training cadre and ceased to exist May 1918 after heavy losses
in Spring Offensive. Col Stephenson returned Northern Rhodesia after war, where
he had been an Inspector of Labour. Given command of a Rhodesian Regiment but
died before the Second World War.
A trooper in Boer war, employed in Rhodesia after it. Comm 1914 in New Army,
Capt at Loos (won MC), promoted Major, posted 16th RS ‘where he showed us
splendid leadership. He knew his officers and men and saw them always’
[continues]. Gassed at Third Ypres.
Papers of RWF Johnston, IWM
Born on 9 August 1881 in Stoke Damerel, the son of a bank manager, Stephenson
worked for the Post Office on leaving school, becoming a telegraphist. In 1900 he
left for South Africa, working his passage as a stoker. He began work for the
postal services in Cape Town, but enlisted in the Imperial Light Horse. Rising to
the rank of Seregeant, he was demobilised in 1902. He moved to Rhodesia, again
working for the postal services. He became a Squadron Sergeant-Major in the
Southern Rhodesian Vounteers. In 1912 he became an Inspector in the Native
Labour Bureau.
He returned to England in 1915, being commissioned into the Devonshire
Regiment. He was transferred to the 9th Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry,
knowing the unpopular CO Colmer Lynch. He won the MC at Loos rescuing a
wounded soldier under fire. He became Major 2ic in April 1916, but was wounded
by shrapnel on 1 July 1916. ‘Steve’ was then transferred to the 16th Royal Scots.
After the War he returned to Rhodesia and was appointed Commandant Northern
Rhodesia Rifles, 1919-25; being also made Chief Intelligence Officer for Northern
Rhodesia, June 1920; Commandant Northern Rhodesia Police, 1925-30; before
returning to a Military capacity with the outbreak of the Second World War, as
Lieutenant-Colonel East African Forces, 1939-42; appointed as a Member of the
Executive Council of Northern Rhodesia, January 1940. He died in 1950.
Lt Col Arthur Stephenson 16th RS 25.11.16-8.11.17 temporary absence
Temp Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Stephenson DSO MC Royal Scots
New Year Honours 1919, Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB)
T/Lt-Col Arthur Stephenson MC RS LG 1.1.18
Temporary Captain Arthur Stephenson, 9th Battalion, The King's Own (Yorkshire
Light Infantry).
For conspicuous gallantry. During a heavy bombardment by the enemy a man

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was wounded and lying in an exposed position on the parapet. Captain Stephenson
and a lance-corporal rescued him, and rendered first aid, although they had to
move their position three times owing to the trench being blown in.
MC EG 3.4.16
? Born 1881; father Reuben (1838-) and mother Fannie (1848-); Arthur W
Stephenson married Leah Louisa Heath (1891-) in 1919 Family tree
Reuben and Fanny Stephenson 1901 Census
Reuben Stephenson, 52, Bank Manager; Arthur, son, age 9. Stoke Damerel 1891
Reuben married to Fanny S. Stephenson 1881 Census
Poelcapelle – 20 Oct, 16th RS came into the line and Lt Col Stephenson gassed
whilst reconnoitring.
The Great Offensive – Stephenson sent two companies across the Lys near Fort
Rompu. Later driven back.
The Thirty-Fourth Division, 1915-1919 ,by Lieut.-Colonel J. Shakespear
STEPHENSON, G. Pte. No. 350649 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Stephenson, George 2660 EB1
Stephenson, George Pte 350649 9 RS 2660 Pte, 12th RS 350649
Stephenson, S. Pte 12655 10th Yorks. Reg. 9/9/15 (1) 9th RS 202112 L/Cpl Cl. Z. 2610
Steuart, James William Harvey, Was born at Broxburn in 1895, and attended GWC
G.W.C.1902-11. Adopting banking as his profession, he served two years of his
apprenticeship before enlisting in the 16th R.S. as a Pte. in 1914. Crossing to
France in Jan. 1916, he was present at the battle of the Somme in July of that year,
and served continuously with his Bn. till Apr. 1917, when he was seriously
wounded at the battle of Arras. In Mar. 1918 he was gazetted 2/Lt. and posted to
the 9th R.S. Returning to France in Oct. 1918, he was attached to the 1/7th R.S.
and served with that unit till Dec. Discharged in May 1919 disabled, he died at
Bangour War Hospital, May 12, 1920.
STEUART, JAMES WILLIAM HARVIE, J W H, Second Lieutenant, , 9th Bn.,
25, 12/May/1920, United Kingdom, SON OF DANIEL RANKIN STEUART,
Steven Sergeant-Major 2/9S

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

STEVEN Sergt. Major. Master of Ceremonies and ‘genial host’, 23rd February -
1917. Second Anniversary of the Battalion leaving Edinburgh. Dinner in Sergeants
Mess. The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Steven Sergt-Maj NBW
Steven, E, Srgt 2/9th RS (No. 5 Prov. Battalion)
Granted Assistant Instructor’s Certificate of Signalling on termination of course at
School of Signalling, Edinburgh, held 5th May to 2nd June
The Scotsman 10 June 15 -
Steven, E. Signalling Sergt, c/o Peebles, 28 Comely Bank Place -
Drill Programme 1911-12
STEVEN, Edwin. 4 Marchmont St. Edinburgh. (8617) RSC
- -
[Edwin Steven 8 years 9RS as no. 275, then KOSB in 1917]
There is an Edwin Steven, Sgt 6th KOSB 30779 Medal Roll
Edwin Steven 30779 3rd KOSB c/o Peebles, 28 Comely Bank Place, Edin. b.1883
33yrs54 days, Commercisal Traveller, single. Next of kin Miss Sarah Ann Grant
Steven, same address, mother. Previously 9th RS 8 years 275
Signed 10 Feb 17 Edinburgh. Home 24.6.16-9.7.17, BEF 10.7.17-19.9.17, Home
20.9.7. Recruiting Office 63 Cockburn St, Edinburgh.
1920 residing c/o 54 Easter Rd, Edin.
8.11.18 Curragh as Sgt, offence: When on Active Service neglect of duty in
command of main gate guard allowing a prisoner to escape. Reprimanded
19.11.18. 6 KOSB D Coy
PUO mild Rouen 14.9.17; Sick adm 2nd West Gen Manchester 20.9.17; furlough
24.5.18-3.6.18. Transferred Army Reserve 8.3.19
Enlisted Pte 24.6.16, Called up for service 27.3.17, KOSB Depot 28.3.17, 3 KOSB
1.4.17, Promoted Sgt 27.3.17 (previously served as Sgt 9 RS), posted 6 KOSB
Service Records
Stevens Srgt NBW
Stevens Sergeant

Stevens, J.W 2791 EB1
Stevenson Srgt NBW
Stevenson Lt B Coy -
Lts Stevenson and Macdonald organised 2/9 Bn games Terling Park 22 Jul 16.
Officer of winning marathon team 2/9th Bn, 65th Divisional Games, Hylands Park
9th Aug 16
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Stevenson Sergeant

Stevenson, A.J -
The undermentioned officers are appointed to the unit, and retain their rank and
precedence 1st Jan. 1922; from 9th Bn R. Scots to 7th/9th R.Scots:

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Stevenson, AJ, 2nd Lt

London Gazette 11 Aug 1922 p.5969
Stevenson, D.C. Pte 350550 24/2/15 (1) Cl. Z. 8/3/19 2610
Stevenson, D.S 2437 EB1
Stevenson, D.S. 2437 C Coy LS3
STEVENSON, David Mr. 28 Saughton Cres. Murrayfield. Edinburgh. (7916) RSC
Stevenson, David S., L/Cpl 350550 9th RS 2437 Pte 0640
- -
Stevenson, David Spreull, L/Cpl (wounded), 9th RS -
28 Saughton Cres
Note at same address Charles Stevenson, Jr, L/Cpl, RAMC, lost at sea
Murrayfield Roll of Honour 1917
Stevenson, Edward Pte 352226 9th RS 5556 Pte 0640
STEVENSON, Edward, b. Glasgow, e. Glasgow, 352226, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
STEVENSON, EDWARD, E, Private, '352236', 9th Bn., 21, 24/Mar/1918, France,
Stevenson, George C 2975 EB1
th th
Stevenson, George T., Pte 301750 9 RS 1/4 RS 0639
Stevenson, H. MacD. Lt temp Capt attd. 9RS on appointment -
The King’s Levée, Ceremony at Holyrood. The Times 19.7.1911
Stevenson, J 2/Lt wounded -
Estimated casualties from March offensive as of 6.4.18 from 183 Bde War Diary
Stevenson, J.J, 2/Lt. 9th RS joined for duty 2 May 1917 WD
Stevenson, James Pte 325366 9th RS 0639
Stevenson, Jas. 2/B A/Adjt 9th RS. signed operation order no. 141 6 Jan 1918 WD
Stevenson, John Pte 330652 8th RS attd 1/9th RS 5626 Pte 0639
Stevenson, John Pte 330965 9th RS 0639
Stevenson, John Pte 335479 8th RS 9th RS 0639
STEVENSON, John, b. Dairy, Ayrshire, e. Ayr , r. Dairy, 335479, PRIVATE, SD
Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 17/12/17, FORMERLY 30844, H.L.I.,
28266, T.R. BATTN., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
STEVENSON, JOHN, J, Private, '335479', "A" Coy., 1st/9th Bn., 26,
Stevenson, P 2602 EB1
Stevenson, Peter A/Sgt 350620 9 RS 2602 Pte, attd 51st Div. H.Q. 2602
Stevenson, T, Lt
Killed or died of wounds Aug 18; Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The
Fifteenth (Scottish) Division, 1914-1919’, 1926 -
Stevenson, T, Lt, 'D' Coy; p.654 German offensive 1918, killed E
Stevenson, T., 2nd Lt. 11 June 15 W
Stevenson, Thomas 2409 EB1

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Stevenson, Tom, Born in 1890, was the only son of Mr. J. St. Clair Stevenson, GWC
Edin. After receiving his early education at G.W.C., he passed to Leys School, -
Cambridge, in 1903. Later he joined his father in business at 60 Princes St. Having
enlisted in the 9th R.S., he won speedy promotion, and was gazetted to his own
Bn. in 1915. A year later he rose to the rank of Lt. With the 51st Div. he engaged
in much severe fighting in France and fell at Villemontoire, south of Soissons,
Aug. 1, 1918. A brilliant golfer, as a member of Bruntsfield Links Golfing Society
he won all the Bruntsfield Scratch Trophies in 1913, with the exception of the
Autumn Medal, and in that year and in 1914 took part in the Amateur

Left GWC, right Bruntsfield Links

Stevenson, Thomas [Tom]: Lieutenant, 9th Royal Scots. Born around 1891 at
Edinburgh. A son of James St Clair Stevenson, Drapery Manager, and Catherine
Jane Stevenson of “Burnbrae”, 15 Cluny Drive, Edinburgh. Nephew of Sir Robert
Maule. Lieutenant Stevenson was educated at George Watson’s College [1903]
and Leys School, Cambridge [1903] and was later employed in his father’s
Drapery firm located at 60 Princes Street, Edinburgh. He enlisted into the Royal
Scots as soon as war was declared and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in
the Royal Scots in 1915. He was a musketry instructor for the battalion and was
promoted to Lieutenant in 1916 having served in Ireland for a year. He entered
France as a theatre of war on 19/04/1918. He was killed in action close to
Villemontoire, south of Soissons, on 01/08/1918, aged 28 and is buried in Raperie
British Cemetery, Villemontoire, Aisne, France, Grave II.C.8. He was awarded the
British War Medal & Victory Medal and is mentioned in the Watsonian War
record 1914-1918, and a short biographical note in The Scotsman, 20/08/1918. He
is remembered on the Brunstfield Links Golfing Society Limited Memorial.
2nd Lt (temp Lt) T. Stevenson to be Lt with precedence from 1st June 16, 1st Aug
The London Gazette 31 July 1917 page 7874

Lt T. Stevenson, Officers 2/9th.

Joined 2/9th from 9th (Reserve) Bn (Highlanders) RS 12th June 1916
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916

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Courier 15.2.18 East Lothian
STEVENSON, TOM, T, Lieutenant, , 1st/9th Bn., 28, 1/Aug/1918, France, SON
Stevenson, W.B -
Attended funeral of 2/9th Charles Melvile Munro. Chaplain to bn
The Scotsman 7 Apr 15
Service of WS Millikin conducted by WB Stevenson, chaplain to 2/9th
The Scotsman 7 May 15
St. Clair, Charles -
?There is a Charles Sinclair. Only St. Clair hits are under Tom Stevenson.
eBay sporran pin
Stevenson, W.B, Reverend F1901
Stevenson, W.B. Rev, Chaplain, The Manse, Blackhall -
Drill Programme 1911-12
Stevenson, W.R., Chaplain, Rev MA (CS) 3rd Class 31 Mar 13 31 Oct 08 W
Stevenson, William Black, Rev., Acting Chaplain F
Chaplain 31 Oct 1903 (also listed as September 1903). Minister (Church of -
Scotland) of St. Columba’s Church, Blackhall. Born 10 June 1862. Son of Rev.
Robert Horn Stevenson. (Edinburgh Academy; Edin Univ., M.A.)
Appointed to the battalion # 32
Stevenson, W.E. [probably W.B.] Rev., Chaplain attd. 9RS on appointment
The King’s Levée, Ceremony at Holyrood. The Times 19.7.1911
Edinburgh Academy; First XI. M.A. 1884. Minister, Church of Scotland.
Chaplain, 4th Class, 1903; 3rd Class, 1915. 9th and 3rd Royal Scots (T).
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Stevenson, William Pte 51894 12th High.L.I. 31023 Pte, 9th RS 4th RS 0641
Stewart 2/Lt -
Killed by sniper when looking over the top 1916
A Anderson IWM 3608
Stewart Lt -
Beatson makes frequent reference to him including ‘Our Lt Stewart’, ‘bowled
over’ by a ‘stink bomb’ bursting six feet from him
Diary of James Nicol Beatson, Feb-Dec 1915; ‘Private Beatson’s War’, edited by
Shaun Springer and Stuart Humphreys, 2009
Stewart Lt, B Coy 8 Platoon, injured 2nd Ypres -
“9th Royal Scots (T.F.), B Company on active service from a private's diary,
February-May 1915”, Turnbull and Spears, Edinburgh, 1916
Stewart Sergeant

Stewart Sgt, E&F Coy
Highland Battalion shooting team, The Scotsman 29 Apr 1901 -
Stewart Srgt NBW

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Stewart, A 2814 EB1

Stewart, A 2814 C Coy LS7
STEWART, A, Private, '352334', 1st/9th Bn., , 9/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
STEWART, A. L/Corpl. No. 2371 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
STEWART, A. L/Corpl. No. 352344 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
June 1917
STEWART, A. Pte. No. 350958 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Stewart, A. Pte 350958 4/12/15 (1) K in A 23/4/17 2610
Stewart, A. Shaw, Pte, 9th RS
Law University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914 -
Stewart, A.M., Pte, F Coy annual supper and presentation of prizes at Bisset’s -
Rooms, Edinburgh, The Scotsman 14 Feb 1902
Stewart, A.N 2371 EB1
Stewart, A.P 2359 EB1
Stewart, A.P. Pte 350518 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 31/1/19 2610
Stewart, A.V. L/Cpl 2371 24/2/15 (1) Comm 4th Res. Gor. Hrs. 18/12/16 2610
Stewart, Albert Pte 352381 12th RS 5712 Pte, 2nd RS 5712 Pte, 9th RS 5712 Pte 0640
Stewart, Alex
Only son, 19 Montpelier. Private 1/4th RS latterly 1/9th RS, reported ‘missing’ 3
Sep 18
In Memoriam. The Scotsman 2 Sep 22 -
Stewart, Alex., Pte, 4th RS att. 9th RS (killed) 08-10
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Stewart, Alexander (b. 1895). 1908-10. Member of Boys' Brigade. Apprentice
Engineer. 1/4th Royal Scots (Q.E.R.), Private, 1912; mobilised August 1914.
Gallipoli, wounded 28th June 1915. Palestine, wounded 12th November 1917.
Attached 1/9th Royal Scots, France, July 1918. Killed in action at Hulluch on 3rd
September 1918. Only son of Mr and Mrs Alexander Stewart, 19 Montpelier.

George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -

Stewart, Alexander L/Cpl 352334 1st RS 15256 Pte, 9th RS 5665 Pte 0640
- -
Stewart, Alexander 9RS 352334 9.4.17 KIA Wid Margaret
Register Effects
Stewart, Alexander P., Pte 350518 9th RS 2359 0640
Stewart, Alexander Pte 200122 1/4th RS 1357 Pte, 1/9th RS 200122 0637
Stewart, Alexander Pte 335729 8th RS 8417 Pte, 9th RS 0640
Stewart, Alexander Pte 350958 9th RS 0640

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Stewart, Alexander Pte 44133 9th RS 0635

Stewart, Alexander V., corrected to add V, L/Cpl 2371 entered theatre as Pte 0629
comm 4th GH 18.12.16
(See also Stewart, Vivian A.)
Ewart High School and Boroughmuir School; First XV. Student of Medicine,
1913-14. O.T.C. Infantry, Oct. 1913 to Sept. 1914, Cadet. 9th Royal Scots,
Private Sept. 1914. 4th Gordon Highlanders, 2nd Lieut. Dec. 1916. France, the
Somme, and Ypres. Killed at the Battle of Arras on 23rd April 1917.

University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)

Alexander Vivian Stewart, Gordon Highlanders, 19/12/1916, LG Issue 29885,
30/12/1916, p12742
Formerly L/Cpl 2371, 1/9th Royal Scots; BEF 24/02/1915
Lieutenant 4th Gordon Highlanders
Killed in action 23/04/1917, age 21; Arras Memorial, Bay 8 and 9; Son of the Rev.
Alex. Stewart and Mary J. Rae Stewart, of 21, Greenbank Crescent, Edinburgh.
Enlisted Aug., 1914. A Medical Student (Edinburgh University).
Great War Forum, incl photo
Born Minigaff, Newton Stewart 1895. Ewart High School, Boroughmuir Higher
Grade School until 1910. Matriculated Univ of Edin 1913-14 Faculty of Science;
First XV Rugby. Edin Univ Officer Training Corps (EUOTC), Infantry, from Oct
13 to Sept 14, rank of Cadet. Sept 14 joined 9th RS as Pte. Dec 16 2/Lt 4th
Gordons. Killed at Arras 23 Apr 17.
Elder brother Nathaniel William Stewart, 7th RS attached RFC.
Univ of Edin Archives -
STEWART, ALEXANDER, A, Private, '200122', 9th Bn., 23, 3/Sep/1918,
STEWART, ALEXANDER, A, Private, '350958', 9th Bn., 21, 23/Apr/1917,
STEWART, Alexander, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 200122, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 03/09/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
STEWART, Alexander, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 350958, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
STEWART, Alexander, b. Old Monkland, Lanarkshire, e. Airdrie, Lanarkshire , r. SD
Airdrie, 352334, L/CPL, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.

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Stewart, Allan McD., Pte 44290 9th RS 0641
Stewart, Andrew Pte 30345 2nd RS 1/9th RS attd. 154th M.G.C. 0633
Stewart, Augustus 2288 EB1
George Watson's College. O.T.C. 1907-11. Student of Law, 1913-14. 9th Royal
Scots (T.), Private Sept. 1914. 6th West Riding Regiment, 2nd Lieut. June 1915;
Lieut. July 1917; Acting Captain 1918. France. Dispatches.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
STEWART, Charles Mr. Aberdour. Kingsway Cres. N. Harrow Middlesex. (5438) RSC
Stewart, Cyril Falconer (also recorded as C. Falconer-Stewart or C. Falconar- W
Stewart, without hyphens etc.) -
Stewart, C.F., 2nd Lt. 22 Oct 14
Falconar-Stewart Cyril Binny Second Lieutenant Royal Scots 9th 24-Jan-16 6
Awarded Military Cross
Evening Times Roll presented as: Surname, Forename, Home, Rank, Regiment,
Date of Death, Date in ET, Page, Portrait, Notes
Marriage arranged between Cyril Falconar-Stewart (second son of George, late of
Binny, Linlithgowshire) and Nita (only daughter of Bryce Allan, The Cliff,
Wemyss Bay).
The Scotsman 6 Jul 15
Falconar-Stewart, C., MC (note Falconar spelling)
2nd Lt (temp Lt) to be Lt with precedence from 1st June 16, and to remain
seconded, 1st Aug 17
The London Gazette 31 July 1917 page 7874
Stewart, Cyril Falconer Sgt to be 2/Lt 22nd Oct 14, London Gazette 21 Oct 14
STEWART, C.F. Lieut. 1/1/16 Awarded Military Cross., The Leather Sporran,
Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
FALCONER STEWART, C. 2nd/Lieut. Mentioned in Despatches, The Leather
Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Mentioned in Despatches, 2/Lt C.F. Stewart
Complete Despatches of Lord French 1914-1916
Falconer-Stewart, C., Capt. MC 9th RS, became Assistant Provost-Marshal,
Scottish Command for Sub-Area “C” Dunfermline, 19th Feb 1917.
The Scotsman 26 Feb 17

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Falconer Stewart, C, 2/Lt, Lt, MC, B Coy, ADC (Home), APM
List of officers proceeding on active service, Records of T.W. Bennet Clark
Cyril Falconer Stewart, Sergt 9/RS 1914
British Army Lists
Stewart, C. Falconer MC RS 2/Lt, Maj.
15Star&BWM&VM SWB 2.4.19 LG 19.4.19 France 26.2.15
“Name amended from Falconar to Falconer auth”
Medals to Hillpaer?, Bannockburn, Stirlingshire. 23.5.21
Stewart, C. Falconar [note spelling] MC 9/RS 2/Lt
15Star 23.2.15. CinC Scottish Command submits claim 25.1.19
Address 1 - Edinburgh (ref Scottish Cmd?) 2 - Hillpark, Bannockburn
MIC [entered as Stewart, G. Falconar]
? Cyril Falconer Stewart b.~1885 Linlithgow to George (Visiting Officer Board of
Supervn) and Louisa, 2 Chester St, Edin. 1891 Census
Stewart, C. Falconer, Maj, Feddal Castle (Ardoch and Braco)
Directory 1939
?d.1963, of Feddal Braco, Perthshire. Probate
? Brown in A Coy refers to Lt S---- who ‘swanked along as if he were on Princes
Street.’ at St Julien, 2nd Ypres 1915
Brown, John, ‘Letters, Essays and Verses, with two portraits’, 1921
[Could this have been Lt Sellars mentioned by James Beatson though?]
? CF Stewart looks like B Company from TWBC, though A and B were together
at Second Ypres
Stewart, D.W. -
New entrant to battalion, writes to complain of tartan choice.
Scotsman 30.7.00
Stewart, Donald A., RQMS 350053 4th RS 350053 W.O.Cl.II, 9th RS 0640
- -
? D.A. Stewart ORS

Signed as witness to discharge of John Saxon (qv) 24.6.15 2/9th RS Peebles

Stewart, Donald A. RS WO Cl.II 350053 VM&BWM
Stewart, Frederick A., Pte 351439 9th RS 4063 Pte, 7th RS 351439 0640
- -
Stewart, Frederick Alexander MM. 351439 KIA 24.8.18 age 20 7RS
Elder son of Mr and Mrs Frank J Stewart, Edinburgh.

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Awarded Military Medal gaz. 16.7.18 Company Runner with 9RS Pte, F. Stewart
RS (Aberdour)

Battle of Albert, 7RS heavily shelled in touch with Hindenburg line. Buried at
Bucquoy Road Cemetery, Ficheux, France.
Born 3.10.1897 Edinburgh. 1901 with aunt at 12 Warrender Park Terrace. West
Jesmond Junior School 18.5.1908, living 62 Lavender Gardens, Newcastle 1911
Resident Aberdour, Fife. Enlisted Edin. 4063 / 351439. Parents at 10 Marchmont
Rd, Edin.
On West Jesmond school plaque
Information courtesy Mike Holland
[4063 would have attested slightly after 4056 on 6 December 1915]
SDGW as above
Register soldiers’ effects – fa. Frank J.
MM awarded
STEWART, G.F. Pte. No. 2231, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Stewart, G.F. Pte 2231 24/2/15 (1) 3/8 RS 30/11/15 2610
Stewart, Geo. F 2231 EB1
Looks like George F Stewart attended first reunion dinner MGS 23rd March 1920
Diary W.Scott TNA
Stewart, George F, Pte, 35126, Bellfield, Eskbank NBW
Stewart, George F., Private 9th NBW-S
Stewart, George F., Pte NBW

See also EED 17 Apr 15

One of the party of the 9th Royal Scots who were wounded by the bursting of a
shell on a convent in France was Private Stewart, Bellfield, Dalkeith. He is a
native of Fairlie, and was educated at George Watson’s College, Edinburgh. Dated

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Pte George Stewart 2231, Bellfield, Dalkeith, wounded in the back of the neck
The Scotsman 15 Apr 1915
Stewart, George F., Pte 2231 comm 3/8th RS 30.11.15 0629
STEWART, George Fairlie WWR
Fairlie, Ayrshire, 1895; youngest son of Mr. P. Stewart; 1903 – 11; locomotive
engineering; 9th R.S., Pte. Sept. 1914; 8th R.S., 2/Lt. 1915; K.A.R., Lt. 1916;
France, 2nd Ypres; German East Africa and Portuguese East Africa, 1917 – 18;
wounded Apr. 1915.
Stewart, George Pte 375890 9th RS 0640
STEWART, George, b. Govan, Glasgow, e. Glasgow , r. Glasgow, 375890, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 20/09/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
STEWART, GEORGE, G, Private, '375890', 9th Bn., , 20/Sep/1917, Belgium, CWGC
Stewart, Gordon L. 3952,[*], Badge No. 24092
9RS Pte 15.11.15-24.1.17 wounds xvi, overseas yes SWB
Stewart, Gordon, L., Pte 3952 SWB 0629
Stewart, Hugh Pte 58950 9th RS 0636
STEWART, Hugh, b. Glasgow, e. Glasgow, 58950, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 01/08/18, FORMERLY 2/12690, T.R., 54166, H.L.I., Royal
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
STEWART, HUGH, H, Private, '58950', 1st/9th Bn., 19, 1/Aug/1918, France,
Stewart, J, Sgt, Scottish Horse, Imperial Yeomanry; E Coy 9th RS FSA
STEWART, J. Corpl. No. 351404 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Stewart, J.E, L/Cpl A Coy wounded 24 Aug 1915
‘1 walking case of our own. None very serious.’ 24.8.15 Diary of James Lawson WD
Cairns (qv) -
Stewart, J.E.I. L/Cpl 350136 24/2/15 (1) Dis. 11/3/17 2610
STEWART, J.G. Pte. No. 1403. Severe, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, -
No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Stewart, J.G. Sergt-Cook, 12 Dean Path Buildings -
Drill Programme 1911-12
Stewart, Jackie -
Buried July 1916
A Anderson IWM 3608
Stewart, Jacob Pte 302316 17th K.R.Rif.C. C/4249 Rfm, 1/9th RS 0639
STEWART, Jacob, b. Penge, London, e. Southwark, Surrey , r. Camberwell, SD
Surrey, 302316, L/CPL, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 21/03/18,
FORMERLY C/4249, K.R.R.C., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
STEWART, JACOB, J, Lance Corporal, '302316', 9th Bn., 19, 21/Mar/1918,
Stewart, James 9RS A/Cpl 4718, 2nd KOSB L/Cpl 40887 -
BWM&VM Medal Roll Piece 1116 KOSB

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Stewart, James E.I. A/L/Cpl 350136 9th RS 1403 Pte 0640
Stewart, James Pte 351282 9th RS 3827 Pte 0640
- -
Stewart, James R., A/Cpl 44191 9th RS 0635
Stewart, James T D., Pte 59027 9th RS 13th RS 0636
Stewart, John -
James Gillespie’s
Stewart, John M., Pte 353441 9th RS 0640
- -
Stewart, J (Gargunnock) 353441
Daily List wounded reported 5 January 1918 GWF
Stewart, John Pte 63099 9th RS 0636
Stewart, Lyle McK., Pte 352094 9th RS 5408 Pte 0640
STEWART, M. Pte. No. 4392, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Stewart, Methven I.R., L/Cpl 351561 9th RS attd 5/6th Sco. Rif. 4392 A/Cpl 0640
Stewart, P.D. Pte 350117 24/2/15 (1) Pres. D. 20/9/17 2610
Stewart, Peter D., L/Sgt 350117 9th RS 1348 Cpl 0640
STEWART, Peter Deuchars, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh , r. Wolverhampton, SD
350117, L/SGT, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 20/09/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
STEWART, PETER DEUCHARS, P D, Serjeant, '350117', 9th Bn., 21,
Stewart, R, Pte No.1435 wounded 23 Mar 15 WD
- -
Stewart, R., Pte 1435, D Coy, seriously wounded, son of Mr R Stewart, 72
Brunswick St
Edinburgh Evening News 31st March 1915 and Capital Collections Item 29843

Stewart, R. Pte 1435 dies from wounds at No 3 General Hospital, Le Treport,

France on Sunday from bullet wound in shoulder
Former pupil Broughton Higher Grade School, employment of Provost Malcolm
Smith, clerk. Joined Ninth two ?years ago.

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Mrs Stewart, mother, at Brunswick St, Edin. Matron writes died suddenly last
night, came in wounded through the spine, planned to be home on ship to England.
EED 2 Apr 15
STEWART, R. Pte. No. 1435. 28/3/15 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, -
Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November 1916
Stewart, R.B 2326 EB1
STEWART, Robert Bell WWR
Pollokshields, 1892; 1902 – 10; Edin. Univ., M.B.Ch.B. 1916; 9th R.S., Pte. Aug. -
1914; 12th R.S., 2/Lt. Nov. 1914, Capt. 1916; trans. R.A.M.C., Lt. 1916, Capt.
1917; France, Festubert, Loos, Somme, Passchendaele, Amiens, Hindenburg Line,
Le Cateau; wounded Sept. 1915, Sept. 1916; Despatches Dec. 1915; M.C. 1916,
Bar to M.C. Apr. 1917, 2nd Bar to M.C. Sept. 1918.
A fine Great War M.C. and 2 Bar group of four awarded to Captain R. B. Stewart,
M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps, late Royal Scots
MILITARY CROSS, G.V.R., with Second and Third Award Bars; 1914-15
STAR (2.Lieut. R. B. Stewart, R. Scots); BRITISH WAR AND VICTORY
MEDALS, with M.I.D. oak leaf (Capt.) good very fine (4) £3000-3500
M.C. London Gazette 14 January 1916: ‘For distinguished service in the Field’ -
Temporary Second Lieutenant Robert Bell Stewart, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment) (Service Battalion).
Bar to M.C. London Gazette 18 January 1918; citation London Gazette 25 April
1918: Capt. Robert Bell Stewart, M.C., R.A.M.C., Spec. Res.
‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He successfully carried out the
evacuation of the wounded from the regimental aid post, over extremely bad
ground, and under very heavy fire.’
2nd Bar to M.C. London Gazette 2 April 1919; citation London Gazette 10
December 1919: Capt. Robert Bell Stewart, M.C., M.B., R.A.M.C., Spec. Res.,
attd. 55th Fd. Amb., R.A.M.C.
‘For conspicuous gallantry near Preux aux Bois and Hecq on 4th November, 1918.
He was in charge of a division of stretcher-bearers when, finding the attack held
up, he went forward alone to reconnoitre. He organised the evacuation of wounded
under heavy fire, and pushed on into the Forest de Mormal to reconnoitre roads for
the purpose of getting wounded back. Throughout the day by his energy and
devotion to duty all casualties were expeditiously got away.’
Robert Bell Stewart was born at Pollockshields in 1892 and was educated at
George Watson’s College for Boys 1902-10. He was a student of medicine at
Edinburgh University, 1910-16 (M.B., Ch.B. 1916), but enlisted as a Private into
the 9th Royal Scots in August 1914, becoming 2nd Lieutenant in November 1914
and Captain in September 1915. He transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps
as a Lieutenant in August 1916, becoming Captain in February 1917. He served in
France at Festubert, Loos, Somme, Passchendaele, Amiens, Hindenburg Line, and
Le Cateau; was wounded in September 1915 and September 1916, and mentioned
in December 1915. Captain Stewart relinquished his commission on 1 April 1920.
168 two-bar Military Crosses were awarded during the Great War.
DNW Auction
Temp 2/Lt Robert Bell Stewart RS awarded MC

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Daily Record 14.1.16

George Watson's College. Student of Medicine, 1910-16; M.B., Ch.B. 1916. 9th
and 12th Royal Scots (T.), Private Aug. 1914; 2nd Lieut. Sept. 1914; Lieut. Nov.
1914; Captain Sept. 1915. R.A.M.C, Lieut. Aug. 1916; Captain Feb. 1917. France.
Wounded Sept. 191 5 and Sept. 1916. Dispatches Dec. 1915. M.C 1915;
Bar to M.C. April 1917; second Bar to M.C. Sept. 1918.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Stewart, Robert J., Pte 200554 1/4th RS 2291 Pte, 9th RS 200554 0637
STEWART, Robert Mr. 28 Braid Cres. Edinburgh. (634) RSC
Stewart, Robert Pte 1435 0629
Stewart, Robert Pte 352559 2nd High.L.I. attd 9th RS 25658 Pte, 9th RS 5957, attd 0640
5th Ent. Bn. 352559, 16th RS 352559 -
21.3.16-5.2.18 SWB wounds age 34 served overseas
STEWART, Robert, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 1435, PRIVATE, Died of SD
wounds, France & Flanders, 28/03/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
STEWART, ROBERT, R, Private, '1435', 9th Bn., 18, 28/Mar/1915, France,
STEWART, Robert. Mr 30 Northfield Ave. Edinburgh. (819) RSC
STEWART, T. W. Mr. M.C. (391). 100 Northfield Crescent, Edinburgh. The -
Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Stewart, T.W. Cpl 215 24/2/15 (1) Disc. to Commission 12/7/16 2610
Stewart, Thomas Grainger
See Grainger-Stewart
STEWART, Thomas Mr. 68 Northfield Cres. Edinburgh. (391) RSC
Stewart, Thomas W Sgt 215 Comm 7th G Hdrs 12.7.16 0629
- -
Stewart, Thomas Walker MC 9RS Cpl (Sjt crossed out) 215, GH 2/Lt, Lt, Capt
15Star&BWM&VM Emblems Comm Gordons 12.7.16
France 24.2.15 Ineligible for TE Medal
68 Northfield Crescent, Edinburgh
Gordon Highlanders
Sergt from RS to be 2/Lt (on prob) 12.7.16
LG 12.8.16
Lt 7 GH Croix de Guerre EG 9.10.19
2nd Lt. Thomas Walker Stewart, Gord. Highrs.
For conspicuous gallantry in action. He showed great courage and determination
in leading his platoon under very heavy fire, and while bombed by the enemy from
both flanks. He greatly assisted in the success of the operations.
LG 10.1.17

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Stewart, Vivian A. Pte 2371 -

See also Stewart, Alexander V.
STEWART, W. Pte. No. 1843, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Stewart, W.G 2872 EB1
STEWART, W.G. Pte. No. 2872, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, -
1st Nov 1916.
Stewart, W.S. Pte 43207 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 5/3/19 2610
Stewart, William C., Pte 300849 1/9th RS 0639
STEWART, William G., e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 350748, PRIVATE, Killed SD
in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Stewart, William G., Pte 350748 9th RS 2872 0640
STEWART, WILLIAM G., W G, Private, '350748', 9th Bn., 24, 1/Aug/1918,
Stewart, William L/Cpl 325327 9th RS 1275 Pte 0639
Stewart, William Pte 352233 9th RS 5563 Pte 0640
Stewart, William S d. - , 43207, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military -
Medal (Ancestry)
Stewart, William S Private 9th NBW-S
Stewart, William S., Pte NBW

See also EED 3 May 15

23 years old. Suffering from asphyxiating gases,
Stewart, William S., Pte 43207 9th RS 1843 Pte., 2nd RS 0635
Stiff, Charles RS 351670 Pte enlisted 7.12.15 discharged 25.4.19 Para 392 xvi KR -
S. List D/A/1159 MIC
Assumption on six-digit number, not medal roll
Stiff, S ?

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

? Kilted RS?
St Cuthbert’s UFC Photographic Album
Stiff, Sidney Joseph 3582
From 13 Sciennes Road, Edinburgh, occupation footman, born 1896 St Cuthberts
parish, Edin.
Attested 9 Royal Scots Pte Home 26.7.15, transfer MGC 16.4.16 as 32709, re-
enlisted into MGC 26.11.16
Father Ernest/Earnest Spencely? Stiff 13 Sciennes Rd, Edin.
MGC attestation age 19 yr 9 months, at Grantham 26.4.16. Previous service 3/9RS
3582 25.4.16
To MEF/BSF 4.7.16 66 Co MGC. 66 Co embark England 5.7.16, disembark
Salonika 14.7.16 and taken on strength of EEF. Embarked Stavros 25.10.18. To
GBD [?] 25.3.19. Embarked Itea 6.4.19. Pte. Transferred Class Z 17.5.19, home
address same. A Sqn, Batty or Coy
[includes various hospital records, defaults (5 days punishment for dirty rifle],
signal school]
Payment of 2/1 requested for Extract of Death of mother Mrs Janet Stiff from
Imp Service Oblig signed Lt-Col JA Ferguson OC 3/9RS Peebles 4.8.15
Service record FMP and Ancestry
Stiff, Sidney Joseph
Note also a Seaforth High no 4042 of this name, also from St Cuthberts, also a
footman, father Ernest, 13 Sciennes Rd.
Attested Edinburgh 9.9.14, joined at Fort George 11.9.14, posted 3rd bn 15.10.14,
discharged 22.1.15 having made a mis-statement as to age on enlistment para 392
vi. Age according to birth certificate 17 3/12 yrs. 135 days service.
Apparent age 18 yr – months. Presby.
Pension record
?Sidney J Stiff age 3 to Ernest (letterpress printer) and Jessie, 11 Bread St; among
siblings there is a Charles
1901 Census
?Sidney Jospeh Stiff b.28.10.1897 Durban-Southampton 1960, married, bar
manager, c/o Thomas Cook. Also Sarah Stiff b.10.8.1896

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Incoming Passenger
MGC Medal Roll Piece 1741
Stobie, George Pte 352201 16th RS 5524 Pte, 9th RS 352201, 8th RS 352201, 13th 0640
RS 352201 -
Died after SDGW published, so does not appear. Last 9RS death on CWGC.
George Stobie
Market Gardener (Army Pensioner), single, d.12.7.1921, Ministry of Pensions
Hospital, Craigleith, Edinburgh. Usual address Drummore Cottages [?], Inveresk,
Musselburgh. Male age 26. Father George Stobe, market gardener, mother Jane
Stobie (Harper). Ulcerative Endocarditis [heart valves], duration unknown.
Death Cert
Stobie, G 352201 (Samuelston)
Daily List wounded reported 5 January 1918 GWF
STOBIE, GEORGE, G, Private, '352201', 1st/9th Bn., 26, 12/Jul/1921, United
Stocks, F 3140 L/Cpl D Coy to be paid Cpl 18.3.16 2/9thBn The Leather Sporran, -
Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Stocks, Frederick 3140 EB1
Stocks, Frederick Pte 350880 9 RS 350880 Pte, 13th RS 350880 Pte
Stocks, William Pte 351796 9th RS 4992 Pte 0640
Stoddart, Adam R., L/Cpl 351553 9th RS 4375 A/Cpl 0640
Stewart Melville 1916
Stoddart, Adam K. now Cpl [Adam R.?]
Stewart Melville 1918
Stoddart, Gilbert C., 271442 1/9th RS 4554 Pte, 12th RS 0638
Stoddart, Robert l., Pte 44289 9th RS 0635
Stoker, J 5121 C Coy LS7
STOKES Drummer No. 3144 B Coy. Marksmen - General Musketry Course -
(started August 13th), The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Stokes, James Pte 202426 13th North’d Fus. 28325 Pte, 1/9th RS attd 46th T.M. Bty. 0637
Stokoe 3144 EB1
- -
Stokoe, William H. RS Pte 350882, Lab C. 663901 VM&BWM
William Henry Stokoe 3144 9RS, Labour Corps. 2/9

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Age 19, 1 Rectory View, Heaton Park, Lancs. Attested Manchester 24.2.15,
embodied service 9RS same day Pte, appointed drummer 10.6.16, leave 2.12.16-
6.12.16, posted TF Depot 137 as pte 14.3.18, 4 Res RS 27.8.18, Lab Corps 18.10.18
and posted to 463rd Agr Coy, character very good, demob 12.3.19. Married 15.8.18
at ? Hants. Fa Harry Stokoe at same address. Home 24.2.15-3.1.17, BEF 4.1.17-
13.3.18, Home 14.3.18. Qualified as Marksman 6.9.16. BWM&VM.
Service Record
[Another man of this name was 475812 Labour Corps]
William Henry Stokoe 350882 Pte RS, Pte LC 663901
Labour C medal roll piece 1875 VM&BWM
See Stokes Drummer
Stokoe Drummer (or Dr.) B Coy -
Runner-up for cup for individual championship, running, ‘he has improved
wonderfully since last year’; 1st place 440 yds 57 secs; 1st place ½ mile 2mins 15sec.
2/9th Bn games Terling Park 22 Jul 16.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
? William Stokoe, drummer in the Royal Scots, summoned for riding a bicycle
without front or rear lights at Witham, pleaded guilty and was fined 5s. Essex
Newsman 27.5.16
Stokoe Drummer ran 440 yds -
Member of winning relay team 2/9th Bn, 65th Divisional Games, Hylands Park 9th
Aug 16.
1st in Half-Mile race
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Stoller, Israel 2925 EB1
- -
Israel Stoller in MGC as Gunner 68876 BWM&VM MIC
Israel Stoller 2925, replaced with 68876; 9th RS (D Coy), stamped over MGC.
To serve in the 9 Bn (Hrs) R.S. 41 Lothian Rd, Edinburgh; 16th Dec 1914
Pte 16.12.14, transfer to 5th Sco. Prov. Bn. 20.5.15, transfer to 2/9th 31.5.16, leave
28.9.16-8.10.16, transfer to MGC(M) 24.10.16 – Grantham, 6 Btn? Overseas to EEF
as Gnr 6.2.17, posted 23.2.17, UK en route 10.2.19, demob 25.3.19. 55 Clark St,
Edinburgh or 55 Lo. Clerk St. 4 yrs 100 days.
Home 16.12.14-6.2.17, EEF 7.2.17. Father J. Stoller, 41 Lothian Rd. Religion
Jewish. Apparent age 17, seen by Dr John Cumming.
MGC Motors, or Motor Branch. No 6 Dominion Bn. Also A Bty. 1919 Battery Light
Armoured Cars
Stoller, Ellias Israel, Gunner; later Stoller, Ernest
Embarked Southampton 7.2.17, disem Alexandria 28.2.17, posted to no 1 battery in
field 31.8.17, 13.5.18 Akaba / Suez, [other information present in record] embarked
Port Said 9.2.19 for UK
Trade: Jeweller’s Salesman, born Midlothian
Service record
?b. 24.1.1898 father Jacob and mother Leah Oppenheim, 1901 11 West Richmond
St, Edin 1911 17 Lauriston Gardens, Edin

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

?Family tree by Debra Crosby

?11 West Richmond St, Edin. Jacob (born Russia, Russian subject, tailor) and Leah
Stoller (born Russia, Russian subject), Bella (born Edin c.1897) and Israel Stoller
(born Edin c.1898) and David Oppenheim (born Russia, Russian subject, Leah’s
younger brother, jewellery traveller)
?1901 Census
?Under bankruptcy an Israel Stoller, photographer 29 Turner St, Commercial Rd.,
London EG 2.12.1921
Stoller transferred to MGC(Motors) in October 1916 he appears to have been sent
to 6th Armoured Car Brigade and posted to 1st Light Armoured Car Battery. His
posting is signed by "OC Hejaz Armoured Cars". This means he was with Lawrence
of Arabia! Cross checking he appears in the nominal roll in Seven Pillars as E
Stoller. So he was in the Rolls Royce cars rather than the light cars, and his service
record notes he was MG qualified.
Information courtesy David Murdoch
Nominal Roll: Hejaz Armoured Car Company
Appendix of ‘Seven Pillars of Wisdom’ by TE Lawrence
STONE L/Corpl. , First Round Knock Out Company Football Matches. A Coy. -
versus B. Coy. Won by B. Coy, Wed 18 Apr 17. Score 4 -1. This man B Coy.
Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Stone, James 311905 Gem 9th RS taken PoW Honton Wood 24.3.18. Dunfermline -
17.5.91. Co McDonald, Lawn St, Paisley. Güstrow 22.8.18
STONE, W. Pte. No. 352874. B. Coy. , To be Unpaid A/L/Corpl., from 27/3/17, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
STORER, J. Corpl. No. 2792. B Coy. Instruction for NCO’s. 8/9/16. (received -
special mention.) Returned from Course, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st
Nov 1916.
STORER, J.T. Sergt. No. 2792. B. Coy. , Commissioned from Cadet School, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
J.T.E. Storer 2/Lt VM&BWM Medal roll RS Piece 2180
? JTE Storer Royal Army Service Corps (RASC) TA Capt 1939
British Army List
Storer, Joseph Thomas Edward 9RS 2/Lt, Lt
VM&BWM France 26.11.17
140 Wilmslow Road, Didsbury, Manchester
Storer, J.T. Lt -
[this list does not specify 9RS but includes many recognisable names, see T.G.
Clark for full list]
Territorial Army, the undermentioned relinquish their commissions 30 Sep 1921,
and retain their rank unless otherwise stated.
London Gazette 23 Dec 1921 p.10576
Storer, JT Lt 9RS to be Lt 3 Dec
Army and Navy Gazette 11.12.20

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Storer, J.T.E 2792 EB1

STORER, J.T.E. Corpl. No. 2792. B Coy. To be unpaid Acting L/Sergt. 12/9/16, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Storer, J.T.E. 2792 B Coy L/Cpl to be paid Cpl 29.1.16 2/9thBn The Leather -
Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
STORER, Joseph Thomas. 'Braeside'. 192 Corporation St. Stafford. (10910) RSC
Storey, G 4102 A Coy LS7
STOREY, J. L/Corpl. No. 3386, Inter-Platoon Football Tournament. – concluded -
two days before the Battalion took up trench positons for the Battle of Arras.
Finalists were No’s 10 and 12 Platoons from C.Coy. Narrow win for No. 12
Platoon. Score 1 – 0. 5.4.17, Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4,
1st June 1917
STOREY, J. Pte. No. 3386 , Military Medal – Notified in ‘Gazette’ of 19/1/17, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Storey, J. Pte 350995 12/10/15 (1) Disemb 4/5/19 2610
Storey, John d. - , 350995, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military Medal -
Under awards for 9 - 11 April 17
John Storey L/Cpl 350995 Bar to MM 29.4.17
51st WD
Storey, John Pte 350995 9th RS 3386 Pte 0640
Storie, Peter -
Storie, P. Pte 9RS
10.7.16 to 9.8.16
Admissions to Leckhampton Court VAD Hospital, near Cheltenham
Courtesy dink999 GWF
Peter Storie RS Cpl 3321, MGC 68608 VM&BWM MIC
Peter Storie Cpl 3321 RS, 68608 MGC disembodied 22.4.19 Medal Roll
BWM&VM Piece 1747 MGC
Peter Storie 3321 9RS, 68608 Machine Gun Corps
37 St Leonards St, Edinburgh
Attested Pte 20 May 15 by DH Huie, witnessed James M. Laing
Transferred MGC 25.11.16, L/Cpl 9.2.17, Cpl 25.4.17
MGC 5 Btn, 5 Res Bn, 25 R. Coy, A/Sgt
Proceeded overseas to Salonika with draft no.370 as Cpl 18.10.18
Disembarked 2.11.18 at Itea 84 Coy
Wife Margaret Thomson Storie, 15 east London St [crossed out], c/o Mrs Mather
4 Dalkeith Rd. Married 2.1.17, dau Margaret Patricia 5.6.18
3/9th RS qualification Machine Gunner
7.2.16 embarked ‘Mona’s Queen’ for Rouen, disembarked 8.2.16, joined in the
field 11.2.16
2/1st HFA admitted PUO 14.6.16, transferred 30CCS, trench fever, to base per
amb Train 7 22.6.16, 16 Gen Hosp Le Treport adm myalgia 22.6.16, transferred
England 7.7.16

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Pres. 28yrs on enlistment, Grocer Group 37 M. Mother Annie Storie, 37 St

Leonards St, Edinburgh
Clipstone and Grantham dates, Belton park avvination 29.9.17
Salonika 10.11.18, then Dardanelles 29.12.18 with 84 Coy MGC, reprimanded
drunk 12.1.19, embark UK 9.3.19
Home 20.5.15-6.2.16, BEF 7.2.16-6.7.16, Home 7.7.16-14.10.18, en route Sal
18.10.18-1.11.18, BSF 2.11.18
Not suffering disability, examined Gallipoli 18.2.19, age 32, born 1887 Canongate
Service Record (good, clean example)
STORMONT Corpl. D Coy. Marksmen - General Musketry Course (started -
August 13th), The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
STORMONT Pte. D Coy. B and D Companies met in the final of the Royal Scots -
Football Competition to decide which team would go to Fermoy to represent the
Battalion in the Brigade Championships. Winner – D Coy. Score 2-1 21st Apr 17,
.Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
STORMONT Sergt. D Coy. Marksmen - General Musketry Course (started -
August 13th), The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
STORMONT Sergt.D Coy. B and D Companies met in the final of the Royal -
Scots Football Competition to decide which team would go to Fermoy to represent
the Battalion in the Brigade Championships. Winner – D Coy. Score 2-1 21st Apr
17, .Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Stormont, G -

Sergeants 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916

George Stormont RS Sjt 350140 VM&BWM
Piece 0640 RS medal roll BWM&VM has him as 5/6th RS, and after him Pte John
Stormont 350141 as 8th RS. Those before and after are 9th RS.
STORMONT, J. Corpl. No. 1411. B Coy. Instruction for NCO’s. 8/9/26 -
Returned from Course, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
STORMONT, J. L/Corpl. No. 1411. D Coy. To be paid Acting Corporal. 2/9/16., -
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
STORMONT, J. L/Sergt. No. 1411. D.Coy. [Qualified as Assistant Instructor. -
Anti-Gas] at Cork, 26/2/17. , returned from a Course of Instruction, The Leather
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
STORMONT, J. Paid A/L/Sergt., No. 1411. D. Coy., from 27/2/17 , to be Paid -
Acting Sergeants, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
STORMONT, J. Sergt.Royal Scots ground, Fermoy. Championship Football -
Final to win the Brigade Cup. D. Coy. against D. Coy. Scottish Rifles. Winner –
D. Coy. of the Highlanders. Score 2-1. 14th May 1917. Battalion Sports, The
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
STORMONT, J. Sergt.Royal Scots ground, Fermoy. Semi-final Football Match. -
D. Coy. against the Brigade Headquarters’ team. Winner D. Coy. Score 2-0. 9th
May 1917. Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

STORMONT, J. Unpaid A/L/Sergt., No. 1411. D. Coy., from 18/1/17 , To be -

Paid Acting L/Sergt, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Stormont, John Pte ?
? RS 350141 enlisted 11.12.12, discharge 31.1.19 para 392 xvi
List D/A/1012 MIC
This man seems to fit well with 1411 for enlistment date and 350141
Piece 0640 RS medal roll BWM&VM has him as 8th RS, and before him Sgt
George Stormont 350140 as 5/6th RS. Those before and after are 9th RS.
Stormont, Walter Pte 352751 Pte, 12th RS 352751 Pte 0640
Storrar, Andrew Pte 351547 9th RS 0640
STORRAR, ANDREW, A, Private, '351547', 9th Bn., , 27/May/1917, France, CWGC
STORRAR, Andrew, b. Barrhead, Renfrewshire, e. Kilmarnock, Ayrshire , r. SD
Glasgow, 351547, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 27/05/17,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Andrew Storrar
Birth Place: Barrhead, Renfrewshire
Residence: Glasgow
Death Date: 27 May 1917
Death Place: France and Flanders
Enlistment Place: Kilmarnock, Ayrshire
Rank: Private
Regiment: The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment)
Battalion: 9th Battalion
Regimental Number: 351547
Type of Casualty: Killed in action
Theatre of War: Western European Theatre.
The 1901 census finds the Storrar family living at 17 Winton St Ardrossan
Father Robert Storrar . age 47 Born Ballgeadie, Kinrosshire 1844 a Spirit
Merchant to trade
Mother Agnes (Buchanan) Storrar age 48 born 1842 Fifeshire
Elizabeth Storrar age 23 born 1868 England - a Spirit Shop Woman
Isabella B Storrar age 21 Born Glasgow, Lanarkshire working as a Dressmaker to
Robert Storrar age 19 Born 1872 Glasgow, Lanarkshire working as a Tailor's
Ellen M Storrar age 17 Born Glasgow, Lanarkshire
And Andrew Storrar age 6 Born Barrhead, Renfrewshire.
Andrew must have been living at Troon Ayrshire during WW1 as he is
commemorated on the War memorial there, He is not commemorated at his birth
Town of Barrhead.
Courtesy Matt Drennan, Neilston War Memorial association East Renfrewshire
Stothard, William Pte 353329 5th Leic. R. attd 3rd Ent. Bn. 4508 Pte, 5th Leic.R. 0640
4508 Pte, 9th RS 353329 Pte
Stothard, William Pte 353329 -
5th Leic. R. Attd; 3rd Ent. Bn. 4508 Pte; 5th Leic. R. 4508 Pte; 9th R. Scots
353329 Pte. Medal Roll Piece 0640
Leic R Pte 4508, R Scots 353329 [No 15 Star] MIC

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Listed on
Letter written 7 Jun 1976 from Pevensey Rd, Loughborough, 77 yo. b.
Sunderland, joined army at 16, went to France 1916 with 5th Leicesters, after some
months repatriated back to Britain as under age. On turning 18 on 8 Jan 1917
called up and had to go into 9RS.
Stott, Willie Pte 302021 9th RS 13th RS 0639
STOUT, A.V. L/Corpl. No. 4824. D.Coy. , Commissioned from Cadet School, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
?AV Stout 2/Lt 19th Bn London regt to be actg Capt whilst commanding a
company 22.9.18, 10th Bn London regt
LG 5.12.18
?To be Lt (actg Capt) 19th Bn 30.11.18 LG 23.1.19
?Lt (A/Capt) 19th Bn attd 2/10th Bn London Regt (TF) LG 10.7.19
[Cannot find MIC]
Stow, Albert E 2202 [?Enlisted same day as Ordnance Survey colleague Albert EB1
Edward Smith 2201, possible error in Enlistment Index – should be Stow, W.H?]
STOW, F.G. [F.J.?] Pte. 2048. 22/7/16 (wounded 9/4/15), missing, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November 1916
Stow, F.J 2048 [S.J.?] EB1
STOW, F.J. No. 2048. 58 Rodney St., Edinburgh. H Comp. 28/8/14. 21 yrs 1 mon. EBD
STOW, F.J. Pte. No. 2048 , Previously Reported Missing – Now Reported Killed -
in Action, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June 1917
Stow, F.J. Pte 2048 24/2/15 (1) Pres. D. 23/7/16 2610
STOW, Frederick J., e. Edinburgh, 350401, L/CPL, Killed in action, France & SD
Flanders, 23/07/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Stow, Frederick J., Pte 2048 0629
STOW, FREDERICK JAMES, F J, Lance Corporal, '350401', (2048). "C" Coy.
1st/9th Bn., 22, 23/Jul/1916, France, SON OF JOHN HENRY AND ANNE
1914. CWGC
STOW, W.H. L/Corpl. No. 2203., Prisoner of War, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916 [note 2203 not 2202]
Stow, W.H. Pte 350460 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 4/4/19 2610
Stow, William H., L/Cpl 350460 9th RS 2202 Pte 0640
- -
Stow, William H. 9RS Pte 2202, 350460 15Star&BWM&VM Disemb.
France 24.2.15 MIC
Pte W.H Stow enlisted 8 Sept 1914 (same day as AE Smith 2201)
List of Ordnance Survey civilians who enlisted, published 25 June 1915
(AE Smith, J. Campbell, AR Montgomery, WH Stow)
Courtesy Clive, SapperBoo on GWF

?Listed as Stowe in 1927 in Ordnance Survey picture library, back row 8th from left

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Index of 9th Royal Scots
Picture taken outside Ordnance Survey, 18-19 Claremont Crescent, Edinburgh
(?Stowe, WH; ?Campbell, J; ?Montgomery, AR)
Courtesy Clive, SapperBoo on GWF
See Stow, Albert E.
Prisoner of War
1. Stow, William; Korp Royal Scots C Kp PA35462, PA36286
Tenby. Dittos may refer to “üb. [über=via] Aachen in Holland intern. Hameln.”
Column headed Krankheit gegenwurtiger = existing disease
2. Stow, W.H. 23.7.16 99th [sic] R.Scots PA7111, 14549, 15226, 17155,
Entered 9.11.16 Korporal RS Ypern 23.7.1916; William Stow 9RS C 2202,
Contalmaison 21.7.16, Rücken, Cassel; Tenby 27.3.88, Mother 69 Ellen St, Hove,
Sussex; Wife 69 Ellen St, Hove, Sussex; [same and other PoW camps listed?];
Wunden am R.Schulter und Rücken [wounds right shoulder and back/spine] Soltau.
Stow, W.H. Corpl. 9RS 2202, last receiving parcels at Hameln camp, captured
Mametz 23.7.16
Interned Military, date of arrival Holland 13.6.1918
3. Stow, William RS C Coy PA5994 6658
S. Royal Scots R.C.K.Krgsgflz. Gottingen. Sch. Rücken, stamped 30 Aou 1916,
same stamped 14 Oct 1916
4. Stow, W. L/c. 350460 9RS R52575
List of repatriated British Prisoners of War arrived at Hull 22 Nov 1918 per SS
Porto; 350460 L/C Stow, W. 9RS
[Listed with Black, W. Cpl 29390 9RS and Gemmel, C. Cpl 11810 9RS, but
possibly neither of these 9RS] ICRC
Stracey, William C., A/Cpl 201826 9th RS 0637
Strachan L-Sgt, G&H Coy, highest score in the team
Highland Battalion shooting team, The Scotsman 29 Apr 1901 -
Strachan Srgt, the best shot in the Battalion, winner of the Clan MacLeod Society -
trophy, bronze cross and £2. 10s. 2, ‘F’ Coy annual supper and presentation of
prizes at Bisset’s Rooms, Edinburgh, The Scotsman 14 Feb 1902
Lt Strachan, 9th RS part of the Scotland rifle shooting team (teams of 12) for the
Mackinnon Challenge Cup at Bisley, first big international match won by
Montreal Gazette 18 Jul 1913 (listed under 16 Jul)
Sergt Strachan scored 29 and awarded £1 (three top winners all Queen’s
Edinburgh scored 33, awarded £5, £4 and £3), The Lord Advocate’s and Faculty
Prizes, open to all comers, 600 yards, seven shots.
Edinburgh & Midlothian Rifle Association, 42nd annual prize meeting, Malleny
Volunteer Service Gazette 13.6.1902
Bisley Col-Sgt Strachan scored 35 (£10), seven shots at 600 yds, 3rd place, this
after nine competitors with scores of 35 had fired their tie shots.

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Army and Navy Gazette 20.7.07

Strachan, Alexander Pte 352521 16th High.L.I. attd 9th RS 27118 Pte, 5917 0640
STRACHAN, ALEXANDER, A, Private, '352521', 9th Bn., , 23/Apr/1917,
France, CWGC
STRACHAN, Alexander, b. Glasgow, e. Glasgow, 352521, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Strachan, E 2845 EB1
Strachan, Edward Pte 62813 9 RS 0641
STRACHAN, Edward. Bank of Scotland. Duns. Berwickshire. (10587) RSC
Strachan, G.S, 2nd Lt F1901
Strachan, G.S. Capt TD -
[this list does not specify 9RS but includes many recognisable names, see T.G.
Clark for full list]
Territorial Army, the undermentioned relinquish their commissions 30 Sep 1921,
and retain their rank unless otherwise stated.
London Gazette 23 Dec 1921 p.10576
Strachan, G.S., Lt (Capt 1 Oct 14) 2 Apr 11 W
Strachan, G.S.G Colour-Sergt. H Coy, University. Address: 68 Queen St. The -
Edinburgh University Calendar 1907
Strachan, G.S.G, Capt wounded 23/4/17
April 1917, 154th Bde War Diary WO 95/2884/1 -
Strachan, G.S.G, Capt. reinforcing officer joined for duty 10 Jan 1917, wounded
22 Apr 1917 WD
Strachan, G.S.G, Sergt. F Coy. Committee of Battalion Rifle Club 1903 F
STRACHAN, G.S.G. Capt. , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June -
Strachan, G.S.P, Sergt. Address 1902: 68 Queen St (error on GSG Strachan?) F
Strachan, George Smith F
Strachan, George Smith Goodall
Second Lieu, 26 Oct 1908, Gazette 13th April 1909 with effect prior to 31st March
1909. Served in 3rd Volunteer Battalion Seaforth Highlanders, 1896-1901, and in
9th Highlanders, RS, 1901-08. Born 11 March 1878 at Kimberley, South Africa.
Son of Charles S. Strachan, Mine-owner, Kimberley. (Dollar Academy; Edin
Univ.) Legal Profession.
Appointed to the battalion # 54
Dollar Academy. Student of Law, 1901-9. Writer to the Signet, 1919. 9th
Royal Scots (T.), Lieut; Captain. Mobilised Aug. 1914. France July 1916 and
Jan. to May 1917. Wounded at Roeux April 1917.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
The London Gazette, 26 Jan. 1923 (p.613)
7th/9th Bn. Royal Scots.- The undermentioned Offrs. are transferred, retaining
their rank and precedence. 27th Jan. 1923.
From the 9th Bn
Capt. G.S. Strachan, T.D.
Capt GS Strachan, 9th RS Reserves, winner of The Ranken (M.R.), rifle shooting,
ten shots at 1000 yards, awarded £1, 3s, 9d.

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

The Scotsman 27 July 1922

GS Strachan, late 9th RS, shot 10 out of 10 at 1000 yards, made grand total of 73
out of a possible 75
The Scotsman 11 July 22
Capt GS Strachan appt Adjutant of the Mother Country Team
The Scotsman 18 July 22, see also 15 Jul 22
Forced to fire from left shoulder, on account of a wound to his right which he
received in the war
The Scotsman 9 July 20
Lt George S. Strachan to be Capt 1.10.14 9RS
London Gazette 9.10.14
Lt H Coy (Univ) 1912, 2 Ettrick Rd
Edinburgh Univ Calendar
STRACHAN, George Smith Goodall, Capt. W.S. 50 Queen St. Edinburgh. RSC
STRACHAN, GEORGE SMITH GOODALL, Captain, 50 Queen Street, -
Mobilised as Lieutenant 9th Battalion The Royal Scots 4th August 1914.Served in
France from 16th to 31st July 1916, and from 3rd January 1917 to 2nd May 1917.
Promoted Captain. Severely wounded at Roeux on 23rd April 1917.
Roll of honour of members of the Society of Writers to His Majesty's Signet, and
apprentices 1914-1919
It seems from Ferguson that he was promoted from the ranks, having been a
Sergeant in F Coy.
? m. Jean Shearer Paul 10th September 1930, daughter of John Gavin Dickson
Strachan, G.S.G., Capt, 9th RS
W.S. University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914
Strachan, George S.G., Capt
Society of Writers to HM Signet, apprentice, serving
The Scotsman 31 Dec 14
Bennet Clark believed Strachan was commanding A Coy on 23 Apr 17, but it
seems likely P.A. Blair was in command. Bennet Clark, T.W. Letters written by
sons to mother during WWI, Ref: 1994.106, National War Museum Scotland
Library, Edinburgh Castle
? Capt Geo. S Strachan OC ‘B’ Coy 3/9th 21.11.16 signs papers of Arnott, George
2287 Pte
Strachan, G.S.C., Capt [note C at end]

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Left Officers 9th RS, Tatler 1915, right Strachan in Huie Collection 1909
Strachan, G.S.C., Lt (note C at end)
One of four officers forming Reserve Bn (2/9th) 12th Sept 1914
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Lt (temp Capt) to be Capt and remain seconded 12 Aug 15 in London Gazette 26
May 16
Strachan, J 3178 A Coy LS5
STRACHAN, J, Private, '375331', 1st/9th Bn., , 1/Aug/1918, France, CWGC
Strachan, J. Pte -
Lithographer of Thomas Nelson & Sons, Ltd, Parkside Works, Edinburgh, Roll of
Strachan, J. Pte 350894 3/9/15 (1) Disemb 14/3/19 2610
Strachan, James Pte 375331 9th RS 0640
STRACHAN, James, e. Berwick-on-Tweed , r. Berwick-on-Tweed, 375331, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Strachan, John Pte 350894 9th RS 3178 0640
Strang, William Pte 63166 9th RS 0636
Strangeways, A.L 2545 EB1
Strangeways, Alexander L., A/Cpl 350590 9 RS 2545 A/Cpl 0640
STRANGEWAYS, Alexander L., b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 350590, A/CPL., SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
Coy. 9th Bn., 20, 24/Mar/1918, France, YOUNGEST SON OF MARGARET L.
Strangeways, Alexander Leishman. Corporal. No. 350590. "A" Coy, 9th Bn, -
Royal Scots. Scottish. Served during WWI, killed in action in March 1918 his
name is commemorated on the Pozieres Memorial, Somme, France. Son of
William and Margaret Strangeways, of Harrison Road, Edinburgh.
Strathearn, William Pte 62559 9th RS attd 5th Gor. Hrs. 0636
Strathie, Geo 4746 -
Hipswell Camp, Catterick 11.2.17 9th (Res) RS
From papers Wm Ogilvie (qv) – also mentions Jas Prentice

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

[Only lead that this man 9RS]

George Strathie Pte RS 4746, Lab C 205680 VM&BWM
Labour Corps medal roll VM&BWM Piece 1892
Stringer, A.C. D Coy 2833 L/Cpl to be paid Cpl 18.3.16 2/9thBn The Leather -
Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
STRINGER, A.O. L/Sergt. No. 2833. D Coy. To be paid Acting Sergt. 22/8/16, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Stringer, A.O. 2833 Cpl D Coy to be paid L/Sergt 8.7.16 2/9thBn The Leather -
Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Stringer, A.O. L/Sgt -

Sergeants 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916

Stringer, A.O. L/Srgt 2833 D Coy LS7
Stringer, George Pte 275811 6th RS 3016 Pte, 5/6th RS 9th RS 0638
Strutt, Walter L/Cpl 352308 1st RS 10433 Pte, 2nd RS 10433 Pte, R.D.Coy.R.E. 0640
423904 Pte, 9th RS 352308
Strutt, Wilfred Pte 353337 7th Notts. & Derby R. 5346 Pte, 9th RS 353337 0640
STUART, CHARLES G., C G, Lance Corporal, '23067', 12th Bn. attd. 1st/9th
Bn., 37, 22/Jul/1916, France, HUSBAND OF MARGARET STUART, OF 11,
Stuart, Charles Gordon, L/Cpl
Attached, killed High Wood
He was transferred to the 12th RS after leaving the Royal Scots Greys after
promotion, he was only attached to the 9th RS after returning from being
hospitalised as a result of a GSW to the neck on the opening day at Loos
Great War Forum and here -
Stuart, Charles L/Cpl 23067 killed 22.7.16 attd 9RS, High Wood
Joined Royal Scots Greys to be with his brothers, Dunbar 1914-15, L/Cpl, joined
12th RS. Shot in neck opening day battle of Loos 1915, hospital ship, returned to
France 1916
See -
STUART, P. L/Corpl. No. 350725 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June -
Stuart, P.M 2824 EB1
Stuart, Peter M., Pte 350725 9 RS 350725 0640
Stuart, Peter Maxwell
KIA b. Juniper Green
Memorial Currie Church panels. Resident Currie, Enlisted Edinburgh. KIA
Arras/Vimy Ridge
Courtesy Malcolm Ferguson -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

STUART, Peter Maxwell, e. Edinburgh, r. Currie, Midlothian, 350725, SD

PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
STUART, PETER MAXWELL, P M, Private, '350725', 9th Bn., , 9/Apr/1917,
France, CWGC
Stuart, R
Mentioned by William Dea, June 1917 as a ‘local lad’ to Juniper Green
Diary of Pte William Dea, transcribed by Malcolm Fergusson -
Stuart, William Leitch
Enlisted in 9th Royal Scots in August 1914, and obtained a Commission in
7th Royal Highlanders (Black Watch) in October of that year. Went to
France in May 1915 and served with his Regiment until invalided home in
November 1917.
Roll of honour of members of the Society of Writers to His Majesty's Signet, and
apprentices 1914-1919 -
Edinburgh Academy. M.A. (St Andrews). Student of Law, 1911-14 and 1918-19.
Writer to the Signet, 1919. 9th Royal Scots (T.), Private Aug. 1914. 1/7th
Royal Highlanders (Black Watch) (T), 2nd Lieut. Oct. 1914; Lieut. June 1916.
France May 1915. Invalided home Nov. 1917.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Stubbs, Herbert Pte 352776 9th RS 0640
STUBBS, Herbert, b. Longton, Staffs, e. Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs , r. Longton, SD
352776, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 20/09/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
STUBBS, HERBERT, H, Private, '352776', 9th Bn., 37, 20/Sep/1917, Belgium,
Sturrock, Douglas 2983 EB1
Sturrock, Gordon -
Stewart Melville
Edinburgh, 1896; youngest son of Mr. W.C. Sturrock, Edin; 1905 – 13; 1st XI.
1913; shipping; 9th R.S., Pte; A. and S.H., 2/Lt. 1915, Lt. 1917; France 1916 – 18,
Somme, Soissons.
Sturrock, T.G.G 2874 EB1
- -
Sturrock, Thomas Gibbs Gordon, 2/Lt
1 Sqn 16.10.16 missing [A137 Morane Biplane] Seen going down towards
Harlebeke on escort to special recce believed e/f [engine failure]. 2Lt CM Kelly
missing/2Lt TGG Sturrock missing; DoW as PoW [A137 Morane Biplane] Seen to
go down nr Harlebeke on escort to special recce. 2Lt CM Kelly wounded PoW
(repatriated 20.01.18)/2Lt TGG Sturrock DoW as PoW; DoW as PoW [- Morane
Biplane] Died as PoW (Obs). 2Lt CM Kelly

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Second Lieutenant Thomas Gibbs Gordon Sturrock, Royal Scots, was the son of
John Sturrock, a Wholesale General Merchant, and Annie Marie Lloyd Sturrock, of
9 Links Place, Leith. He was born in Leith and worked at the Leith branch of the
National Bank of Scotland. He died on 16 October, 1916, age 20.

Ewing photo of 2/Lt TGG Sturrock 17th RS Feb 1916


Thomas Gibbs Gordon Sturrock 2/Lt RS and RFC. Son of John Sturrock, 27 Stirling
Rd, Leith. Left school 1912 and joined National Bank of Scotland at Leith. Pte RS
at outbreak. July 15 comm, passed exams with distinction, July 16 trans RFC. Oct
16 reported wounded and POW, news later that he has died 16 Oct in a field hospital
at Lincelles and had been buried ina cemetery of that village. His Captain writes of
him ‘he had an unusual faculty for making friends’ and his Col says ‘he was
uniformly bright and cheery, and cheerfulness is a very great asset to an officer on
the other side.’
Stewart Melville 1917
Sudell, Thomas Ed., Sgt 351062 9th RS 0640
SUDELL, Thomas. C/o Gourlay. 15 Quality St. Kirkcaldy. (3339) RSC
Sullivan, F 3166 D Coy LS7
Sullivan, Frank 3166 EB1
Sullivan, J 2793 EB1
Sullivan, J 2795 L/Cpl D Coy to be paid Cpl 10.6.16 2/9thBn The Leather Sporran, -
Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916 [2793?]
Sullivan, J Cpl 2793 D Coy LS7
SULLIVAN, J. Corpl. No. 2793. D Coy. To be paid Acting L/Sergt. 22/8/16, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
SULLIVAN, J. Corpl. No. 350712 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Sullivan, James A/CQMS 350712 9th RS 2793 A/Sgt 0640
- -
?There is a L/Cpl John Sullivan 2937 RS in SWB list – unlikely
Sullivan, James 350712 RS ?A/CQMS

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Enlistment 13.11.14-27.3.19 discharge, wounds 392 xvi a, age 31

SWB Roll
Sullivan, James Sergt 350712 -
Awarded MM for gallantry on 20/21 September 1917. 51st WD
Sullivan, James, Acting Sergeant
Awarded MM 20/21 September 1917?
Joined in Manchester 1914, MM for action 20/21 Sept 1917
Pte 350712 9th RS, later 4th RS, 16 Hutton St, Hulme
‘There is also a family story that after being wounded in France he was brought
back to UK and based at Edinburgh Castle. One night whilst on guard duty a
deserter escaped from the toilet and climbed down the cliff and escaped along
Princess Street. The story goes that he was subjected to a Court Martial but was
exonerated.’ martinSullivan
Great War Forum and here and here
Brother to Frank Sullivan KIA, information courtesy martinSullivan GWF ?
SUMMER, Thomas, e. Manchester, 2731, A/CPL., Died of wounds, France & SD
Flanders, 06/08/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion. -
L/Cpl A/ Cpl 2731 6.8.16 wounds Mo Catherine
Register Soldiers’ effects
[See Sumner]
Summers, Samuel G., Pte 353057 9th RS 7464 Pte, 13th RS 353057 Pte 0640
SUMNER, E. Pte. No. 350889. B. Coy. , To be Unpaid A/L/ Corpl., from 1/5/17, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Sumner, Edward L/Cpl 350889 9th RS 350889 Pte, 2nd RS 350889 0640
- -
Sumner, T 2731 EB1
Sumner, T 2731 G Coy LS2
- -

Leather Sporran Vol 1 No 2 Nov 16

SUMNER, T. Corpl. No. 2731. 6/8/16 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, -
Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November 1916
SUMNER, T. Corporal, died of wounds in August, 1916. His Company -
Commander wrote of him that ‘he was one of the best junior N.C.O.’s in C
Company, and his excellent work had brought him before the notice of the
Company Officers. Personally I had more opportunities than some of the others in
seeing him, and it was a great pleasure to me to be able, from information
received, to include his amongst the six names in the Company which I brought
before the Colonel’s notice for special work done during an attack by the
Company. He was recommended by me on that occasion ‘for excellent general
work and assistance’ given to his Platoon Commander. After the latter was

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wounded close to the German trench, Lance-Corporal Sumner brought him in.’
Killed. The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November 1916
Thomas Sumner 9RS Pte 2731 A/Cpl D of W 15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15
C Coy action at High Wood?
A/Cpl Thomas Sumner 2731
d.6.8.16 Mo Catherine
Pension Ledger
See Summer, Thomas
Sumner, T. Pte 2731 24/2/15 (1) D of W 6/8/16 2610
Sumner, Thomas A/Cpl 2731 0629
SUMNER, THOMAS, T, Corporal, '2731', "C" Coy. 9th Bn., 25, 6/Aug/1916,
Sunderland, James Pte 251142 1/9th RS 0638
Sutcliffe, F 2732 H Coy LS2
SUTCLIFFE, F. Pte. No. 2732, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
SUTCLIFFE, F. Pte. No. 2732, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Sutcliffe, F.E 2732 EB1
- -
Sutcliffe, Frederick E. RS Pte 2732 350680, HLI 356540
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15, comm 18.11.17
19 Ellesmere Rd, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester
Appt to Comm 1/1st Highland Cyc Bn 17.11.17
HLI Medal Roll BWM&VM Piece 1641
Sutherland -
Gets lost on train and crawls along footplate, draft Apr 16
Several ribs broken when billets collapse ~Jun 16. No 9 platoon, C Coy.
A Anderson IWM 3608
Sutherland, Charles [entered as Suherland] 350438,[*], Badge No. 200977,
transferred 1.5.17
Pte 9RS 31.8.14-1.5.17 transferred Class P(T) TF Reserve served overseas
8/3 26 wks cond. SWB
Sutherland, A 3001 E Coy LS2
Sutherland, A, Pte, Imperial Yeomanry; A Coy 9th RS FSA
Sutherland, A. Pte 350807 24/2/15 (1) 29/3/19 2610
Sutherland, A.D 2043 EB1
Sutherland, A.D. “wee Alan Sutherland”, “Alan Suddie”. Commissioned into -
Gordons Oct/Nov 15 and wounded ‘17
MG Section on landing France Feb 15. Dived in ditch when Suzanne shelled Jan
16. Used to sing ‘Phil the Fluter’

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Quinn, J. IWM Document 5992

Attended first reunion dinner MGS 23rd March 1920
W.Scott diary TNA
Sutherland, A.D. Pte 2043 24/2/15 (1a) Dis. to Comm 10th Gor. Hrs. 29/4/16 2610
RS Pte 2043; 10/Gordons 2/Lt. 15 Star, (1a) 24.2.15. Comm GH 29.4.16. MIC
SUTHERLAND, Alan Douglas. No. 2043. Clifton Villa, Currie. B Comp. 27/8/24. EBD
18 yrs 2 mons. 29/4/16 France. Commission.
Sutherland, Allan D. Pte 2043 comm 10th G High 29.4.16 0629
Sutherland, Andrew T., Pte 41352 1/4th RS 1768 Pte, 13th RS Lab Corps 442385 0634
9th RS
Sutherland, Archibald 3001 EB1
Sutherland, Archibald Pte 350807 9 RS 3001 Pte, attd R.E. 3001 Pte, 11th RS
Sutherland, C 2137 EB1
SUTHERLAND, C. Pte. No. 2137, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, -
1st Nov 1916.
Sutherland, C. Pte 350438 24/2/15 (1) Dis. 25/7/17 2610
Sutherland, Charles Pte 350438 9th RS 2137 0640
SUTHERLAND, Charles. C/o Jamieson. 3 Hermand Cres. Edinburgh. (7437) RSC
SUTHERLAND, D. Piper. A Coy., No. 2620, to Miss L.M.Cottee; at Witham, on -
the 29th July, 1916. Married. The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November
SUTHERLAND, D. Piper. No. 2620. A Coy. To be paid Acting L/Corpl. 2/9/16, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Sutherland, Donald 1295 9RS Pte, 13th RS Pte 40087. Piece 0641 Medal Roll RS 0641
RS Pte 1295, 40087 BWM&VM MIC
Sutherland, Donald 2620 attested at Edinburgh 14.11.14 -
FMP GWF courtesy ss002d6252
Sutherland, Donald 2620, 350628 9RS
Enlisted 14.11.14 age 20yrs8mnths, promoted A/Cpl 1.12.16, Presby. Bricklayer
Wife Mrs J. Sutherland, c/o Mrs Cottee, Holbrook House, Guithavon Rd, Witham.
Embodied Pte 9RS 14.11.14, Paid A/L/Cpl 2.9.16, leave 25.11.16-29.11.16, paid
A/Cpl 1.12.16, child Edmund Alister Sutherland born at Witham 16.7.17
Births (Ancestry): Edmund A. Sutherland 16.7.1917-3.1984; Norman D.
Sutherland in Sept 1919, mother’s maiden name Cottee, reg Braintree [reg district
includes Witham]
Sutherland, D. A/L/Sgt 350628 date of last leave 30.12.17-7.1.18 (sick) age 23
Bricklayer; Subs. Rank Pte. T.F. (other four men on this list listed as ‘Reg.’)
Five men: D.Sutherland, R.E.Atkin, J.Odell, W.Reader and G.Rooke
Transferred to R.E. (Inland Waterway & Docks), Sandwich, from 2/9th RS, Moore
Park, Kilworth Co. Cork 28.2.18

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? Edmund A S b.16.7.17 d. 28 Mar 1984 reg Braintree Death Index

Mother’s maiden name “Cottes”.
Donald Sutherland 21.2.94 (occupation hard to read, ?grinder postals), Lucy M
Sutherland (unpaid domestic duties) 7.9.96 and Edmund AS ?7.17 (brass hot press
foundry statistics clerk). 3 Temple Lane. Register 1939
Sutherland, Donald, Pte, 9th RS -
38 Roseburn St
Murrayfield Roll of Honour 1917
Sutherland, George A/Cpl 44291 9th RS 0635
Edinburgh Institution; Dux; First XV. Student of Arts and Law, 1912-14 and
1919-20; M.A. 1920. O.T.C. Infantry, April 1913 to Aug. 1914, Cadet.
9th Royal Scots (T.), Private Aug. 1914. 4th Royal Scots Fusiliers (T), 2nd
Lieut. Sept. 1914; Lieut. June 1915; Captain June 1916. Transferred to 1st
Gordon Highlanders (Regulars), Lieut. Sept. 1917 to July 1919. Gallipoli,
Palestine. Dispatches Oct. 1916. M.C. May 1917; Bar to M.C. Dec. 1917.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
SUTHERLAND, J. 2nd/Lieut. , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June -
SUTHERLAND, J. L/Corpl. No. 350307 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
SUTHERLAND, J. Pte. No. 351172 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Sutherland, J. Pte 350307 24/2/15 (1) K in A 30/8/18 2610
Sutherland, J.M 2/Lt killed in action 23/4/17
April 1917, 154th Bde War Diary WO 95/2884/1 -
Sutherland, J.M 2nd Lt ww1
Sutherland, J.M, 2/Lt. 9th RS joined for duty 7 Aug 1916, killed 22 Apr 1917 WD
Sutherland, J.M, 2nd Lt, p.421 killed Arras E
Sutherland, J.M. Pte 350233 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 16/4/19 2610
Sutherland, James M., Pte 350233 9th RS 1603 0640
Sutherland, James Pte 350307 9th RS 1762, 13th RS 350307 0640
Sutherland, James Pte 351172 9th RS 3671 Pte 0640
Sutherland, John MacIntyre
M.A., 2nd Lt., 23rd April 1917 (Master at the Academy)
Master on Service. 2nd Lt, killed in action 23 Apr 1917
The Glasgow Academy roll of honour, 1914-1918 (1918)
Sutherland, John McIntyre
Beginning of war/on joining 2nd Lt; End of war 2nd Lt. Killed in action 23rd Apr
1917. France.
The Glasgow Academy roll of honour, 1914-1918 (1933)
Fettes College. Student of Arts, 1 898-1902; M. A. (Hons. Classics) 1902.
Schoolmaster. 9th Royal Scots, 2nd Lieut. Jan. 1916. France Aug. 1916. Killed
near Roeux on 23rd April 1917. -

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University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)

House S started 1891, start war 2/Lt end 2/Lt when killed, KIA at Roeux. Served
Jan 16-Apr 17 France
2/Lt Born Ayr
Jamieson, C.; Sutherland, J.M.; Brunsdon, H.G. ?
Three subalterns who belonged to ?C Coy killed. One a Ninth, the other two Fifth
attached to us, one arrived shortly before I left but was left out at the start, one had
been on an outside job for several months and the third had being doing Bn
Intelligence Officer from the time I took over the Coy.
Bennet Clark, T.W. Letters written by sons to mother during WWI, Ref: 1994.106,
National War Museum Scotland Library, Edinburgh Castle
JM Sutherland signs postcards of Harry Lazarus as censor (two off)
Sutherland, John Macintyre, Born at Ayr in 1879, and attended G.W.C. 1890-91, GWC
where he gained a bursary which took him to Fettes College. A distinguished
scholar at that institution, he passed to Edin. Univ. in 1898, the holder of Fettes
Exhibition, and winner of a Grierson bursary at the Open Competition in Arts.
After graduating M.A. with 1st Class Hons. in Classics in 1902, he became an
assistant master in Glasgow Academy. Joining the 9th R.S. in Jan. 1916, he
crossed to France in the following July, holding the rank of 2/Lt. He was killed in
action at Roeux, near Arras, Apr. 23,1917.
SUTHERLAND, JOHN MACINTYRE, J M, Second Lieutenant, , 9th Bn., 37,

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SUTHERLAND, Norman Edward, e. Edinburgh, 335567, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 12/10/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th -
See 9/RS and 154 Bde War Diary – patrol encountered thirty Germans night of
11/12 Oct 17 and 1 OR killed. On the following night a patrol went out to recover
his body but it could not be found. Wancourt area.
Pte 8251 335567 BWM&VM
KIA Fa Norman
Register Soldiers’ Effects
SUTHERLAND, NORMAN EDWARD, N E, Private, '335567', 9th Bn., ,
12/Oct/1917, France, CWGC
Sutherland, Robert 3533 Pte France 12.10.15; LC 510696 Pte Dis 2.4.19 -
9RS Piece 2836 Labour Corps Medal Roll (15Star)
Sutherland, S.S 2149 EB1
Sutherland, S.S. Sgt 2149 24/2/15 Commissioned in K.O.S.B. 29/5/17 Later No. 2610
350444 Sgt R. Scots
Sutherland, S.S. Sgt 350444 9th RS 2149 Sgt 0641
SUTHERLAND, Sinclair S. 55 Ladysmith Rd. Edinburgh. (2881) RSC
Sutherland, W.L 2548 EB1
Sutherland, W.R 2413 EB1
- -
Sutherland, W.R. L/Cpl
2/9th newly formed MG Section 3rd May 15.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Sutherland, W.R., 2nd Lt. 9 July 15 W
Sutherland, William A., Pte 350592 9th RS 2548 0640
Sutherland, William Robertson Cpl -
To be 2/Lt 9 RS dated 9.7.15, LG 8.7.15
Sutherland, William S., Pte 351321 9th RS 3881 Pte 0640
SUTHERLAND, William. 8 Kirkhill Rd. Edinburgh. (10428) RSC
Sutton, Cuthbert G.
1/E Surrey R. Pte L/10391; 2/9th RS Pte 353205; theatre 16.8.14, 14 Star, 20A
Broomfield Rd, Tolworth, Surbiton MIC -
SUTTON, F. Pte. No. 5178. D Coy., to Miss M.P. Smith, at Leicester, on -
24/12/16 , Marriages, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June 1917
Sutton, Frank Pte 351913 9th RS 5178 Pte 0640
Sutton, G.H. Pte 22302 1st L. N. Lanc. 25/3/15 (1a) 9th RS 353114 Pte Disc. 20/8/17 2610
Sutton, George 353114, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No. 237664
Pte 9RS 14.9.15-20.8.17 wounds xvi served overseas SWB
Sutton, Joseph, Pte 6816 2/9th RS
Attested Wolverhampton South Staffs, age 39 yrs 8 mnths, blacksmith -

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Resident 29 Paradise St, Wolverhampton. Trench tool maker [?]. Married 1.6.1903
to Harriet Ann Sutton (Cook)
Attested 11.12.15, to army reserve 12.12.15, mobilised 26.10.16, posted 30.10.16
Home service 26.10.16-10.1.17 77 days Discharged Para 392 XVI 10.1.17 [No
longer physically fit for service] age 40, epilepsy since childhood
Sutton, Sidney H., Pte 49667 1/9th RS 0635
- -
See Shoobridge. Probably transferred from 2/4 to 2/9 RS when former disbanded
August 1917, Ireland.
Swain, James H., Pte 351870 9th RS 0640
- -
Died on or since 20.9.17 death presumed. Fa James H.
Register Effects
Mo Isabella Sarah Swain, fa Jas Herbert
Pension Ledger
SWAIN, James Herbert, b. Lanchester, Durham, e. Stanley, Durham , r. SD
Lanchester, 351870, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 20/09/17,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SWAIN, JAMES HERBERT, J H, Private, '351870', 9th Bn., 20, 20/Sep/1917,
Swales, John R. McD., Pte 301394 9th RS 0639
SWALLOW, J H, Private, '352131', 1st/9th Bn., 26, 1/May/1917, France,
SWALLOW, J. Pte. No. 352131 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
SWALLOW, J. Pte. No. 352131 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
SWALLOW, John H., b. Leadgate, Durham, e. Ayr , r. Dunaskin, Ayrshire, SD
352131, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 01/05/17, FORMERLY
24621, R. SCOT. FUS., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Swallow, John H., Pte 352131 9th RS 5451 Pte 0640
Swan, A.J. 1479, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No. 44918
9RS Pte 1.4.13-30.6.15 sickness xvi did not serve overseas SWB
SWAN, Alex. J. C/o Taylor. 7 Ivanhoe Cres. Wishaw. (2936) RSC
Swan, Alexander Pte 352290 9th RS 5621 Pte 0640
- -
SWAN, Alexander, Pte. 24 Dunbeth Ave., 352290. 9th Bn.

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Coatbridge and the Great War Roll of Honour by Rev. Samuel Lindsay (Minister of
Coatbridge Baptist Church)
SWAN, C. L/Corpl. No. 350487 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Swan, G 3863 B Coy LS7
Swan, George K., Pte 375631 13th RS 375631 Pte, 9th RS 375631 0640
Swan, Gordon Pte 351307 9th RS 16th RS 14th RS 0641
- -
Enlistment 2.11.15-23.8.18 discharge, sickness 392 xvi a, age 23
SWB Roll
Died 12.1.20 age 20 b.1898 or 1896? res Edin disch 8.4.19 4RS Pte 351307, Mo
Janet Swan NW England
Pension Ledger – multiple records
[Not CWGC, not SDGW for 9RS or 4RS]
Swan, J. Pte 1975 24/2/15 (1) K in A 15/7/15 2610
Swan, J.B Pnr 1975 ww1
Swan, J.B, Pte. No 1975 B Coy killed 15 July 1915
‘One of our men attached to Brigade Pioneers was wounded late last night & died a
few minutes after getting to our station’ WD
Diary of James Lawson cairns (qv) 16.7.15 -
Swan, J.B., Pioneer
9th ROYAL SCOTS Died of Wounds
Pioneer J.B. Swan, 1/9th Royal Scots, died on the 15th July of wounds received in
France. He was 21 years of age, and was the youngest son of David and Helen
Swan, 21 Sloan Street, Leith.
Edin Evening Dispatch 20 July 15
See also The Scotsman 20 July 15 -
SWAN, JAMES BLAIR, J B, Private, '1975', 1st/9th Bn., 21, 15/Jul/1915, France,
Swan, James Pte 1975 0629
SWAN, James, e. Edinburgh , r. Leith, 1975, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France SD
& Flanders, 15/07/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SWAN, Jas S. Pte. No. 1975. 15/7/15 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, -
1st November 1916
SWAN, N. 2nd/Lieut. , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June 1917 -
Swan, R.H. 3152 B Coy LS7
Swan, Robert D.M., Pte 05-08
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Swan, Ronald 3152 EB1
SWAN, W.S. Pte. No. 1727, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Swan, W.S. Pte 350296 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 19/3/19 2610

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Swan, William Pte 300684 9th RS 0638

Swan, William S., Cpl 350296 9th RS 1727 A/Sgt 0640
Swan, William S., Pte 1727, 350296 -
France 24.2.15 MIC
? Identified just as Royal Scots, not bn number
Wm S. Swan L/Cpl

Wounded. His home address is 51 Prince Albert Buildings, Edinburgh.

The Evening Dispatch 26 Aug 16
Swan, William, Pte No.2283 -
‘Bill Swan’
Transferred Army Service Corps, L/Cpl No. M/398004
Diary of James Nicol Beatson, Feb-Dec 1915; ‘Private Beatson’s War’, edited by
Shaun Springer and Stuart Humphreys, 2009
Swan, Wm. Clark 2283 EB1
th th
Swann, David Pte 335962 8 RS 9227 A/Cpl, 9 RS 0640
SWANN, John. 30 Waverley St. Glasgow S.1. (4482) RSC
Swanney, William Pte 352503 9th RS 5834 Pte 0640
SWANNEY, WILLIAM, W, Private, '352503', 9th Bn., 20, 10/Nov/1917, United
Swanson, A Cpl 1548 B Coy LS7
Swanson, A.K. Pte 350361 24/2/15 (1) 3/4/19 2610
Swanson, Alexander K., Pte 350361 9th RS 1923 0640
SWANSON, Alexander. 32 Roseburn St. Edinburgh. (5105) RSC
Swanson, John L/Cpl 275343 1/9th RS A/Cpl 0638
Swanson, John Pte 275343 -
MM for gallantry 22-24 Nov 17 51st WD
Swanson, W Cpl 2415 B Coy to be unpaid L/Sergt 10.6.16 2/9thBn The Leather -
Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Swanson, W L/Sergt 2415 B Coy to be unpaid Drum-Major 26.7.16 2/9thBn The -
Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Swanson, W., Drum-Major -

Sergeants 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916


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? Pte William Swanson 7th and 8th RS

SWANSTON, A. Corpl. No. 40301 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Swanston, Alex Cpl 1548 2/9th Carnousie Hall hospital 12.2.16-16.3.16, from Edin -
Swanston, David S., Cpl 40030 9th RS Cpl, 13th RS 0634
SWANSTON, G.D. Pte. No. 351323 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Swanston, George B., Pte 351323 9th RS 3833 Pte, attd 404th Coy. R.E. 3383, attd 0641
401st Coy. R.E. 3833 Pte
Swanston, John Pte 59016 9th RS 0636
Swanston, W 2415 EB1
SWANSTON, W, Serjeant, '350539', 9th Bn., , 22/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
Swanston, William A/Sgt 350539 9th RS 350539 A/Sgt 0640
SWANSTON, William, e. Edinburgh, 350539, A/SGT., Killed in action, France & SD
Flanders, 22/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Swanston, Wm., Sergt.
Leith Branch, missing

Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, Roll of Honour (1919) -

Sweeney, D S 2200 EB1
Sweeney, D, Sergt. B Coy appointed bandmaster 27 Div. 28 July 1915 WD
Sweeney, D.S. Sgt 350459 24/2/15 (1) Dis. 22/1/19 2610
Sweeney, Daniel S., Sgt 350459 9th RS 2200 0640
Sweeney, Daniel Spence
Joined staff of Garden as Hall Attendant, 1 June 1911. Enlisted 9th Royal Scots,
16 September 1914. Rank: Divisional Bandmaster. Service in field in Flanders,
one year. Mentioned in despatches. Demobilised, 22 February 1919.
The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh War Service Roll, 1914-1918 -
Sweenie Bandmaster -
Cornet solo
3/9 RS Supernumerary Company, Supernumeraries’ Anniversary Gathering,
23.2.16, anniversary of landing in France, dinner at County Hotel ballroom,
The Southern Reporter 2.3.16
?DS Sweeney

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SWINDALL, Thomas W., b. Queenstown, Co. Cork, e. Derby, 330771, SD

PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, FORMERLY 31340,
NOTTS & DERBY REGT., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Swindall, Thomas W., Pte 330771 8th RS 5859 Pte, 9th RS 0639
SWINDALL, THOMAS W., T W, Private, '330771', 9th Bn., , 24/Mar/1918,
France, CWGC
SWINDELL, T, Private, '270236', 1st/9th Bn., , 1/Aug/1918, France, CWGC
Swindell, Thomas Pte 270236 5/6th RS 1/9th RS 0638
SWINDELL, Thomas, e. Ayr , r. Stevenston, Ayrshire, 270236, PRIVATE, Killed SD
in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, FORMERLY 9863, R. SCOT. FUS.,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Swires, Thomas Pte 335607 1/8th RS 8291 Pte, 1/9th RS 0639
Sydserff, Alexander Pte 62855 9th RS 0636
Sykes, A.C 2733 EB1
Sykes, A.C, 2/Lt. 7th RS reinforcement officer joined for duty 27 Mar 1917 WD
Syme from Ladybank, in Jimmy Quinn’s Lewis gun team, young and a bit lazy but -
a grand gunner. Wounded in neck by bit of trench mortar but back in ~3 weeks.
J.Quinn IWM doc 5992
Symington, A 2887 EB1
Symington, A.J 2405 EB1
Symington, Alexander Jamieson
6th Battalion, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment)
The undermentioned to be Second Lieutenant – Dated 10 May 1915
Private Alexander Jamieson Symington from the 9th (Highlanders) Battalion, The
Royal Scots.
Supplement to the London Gazette – 15 May 1915 -
SYMINGTON, Alexander Jamieson WWR
Lauder, 1891; only son of the late R. Symington, Lauder, 1904 – 7; banking; 9th
R.S., Pte.; 6th R.S., 2/Lt. 1915, Lt. 1917; Egypt, France, Final Advance 1918;
wounded Aug. 1918
SYMINGTON, D. L/Corpl. No. 352213 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
June 1917
SYMINGTON, DAVID SCOTT, D S, Lance Corporal, '352213', 9th Bn., ,
9/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
SYMINGTON, David Scott, e. Haddington, 352213, L/CPL, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
SYMINGTON, David Scott, K.I.A. Apr. 1917. 9th R.S. Territorial Bn. Lance
Corporal. Service No. 352213. Battle – 1st Scarpe. Remembered on Arras
Memorial. Haddingtonshire Courier 27th April 1917 ‘It is officially notified that
Lance Corporal David Scott SYMINGTON, 9th Royal Scots (Highlanders)
youngest son of Mr. James Symington, Sidegate Street, Haddington, was killed in
action on 9th April. Deceased leaves a young widow [Isa INGLIS] who resides in
Haddington.' Gravestone Inscription ‘also of Sergeant David Scott Symington, 9th
Royal Scots, beloved husband of Isa INGLIS, who fell in action in France on 9th
April 1917 aged 28’. The Haddington War Memorial 1914 – 1918 compiled by
Alastair K Shepherd -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Sergeant David Scott Symington 9th Royal Scots beloved husband of Isa Inglis
who fell in action in France on 9th April 1917 aged 28.
Courier 27.4.17, Note HC 18.5.17 East Lothian
Symington, Donald S., L/Cpl 352213 9th RS 5537 Pte 0640
Symington, William A/Cpl 53207 13th RS Pte, 9th RS 0636
TAGGART, T, Private, '5416', 1st/9th Bn., 23, 26/Oct/1916, France, SON OF
Taggart, Thomas Pte 5416 (6/7th RSF Pte 23018) 0629
TAGGART, Thomas, b. Govan, Glasgow, e. Glasgow, 5416, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 26/10/16, FORMERLY 23018, R.S.F., Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Tait Pte C Coy -
Member (reserve) of winning marathon team 2/9th Bn, 65th Divisional Games,
Hylands Park 9th Aug 16. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Tait Sergeant

Tait Srgt NBW
Tait, Harry F. -
9th Royal Scots, Redford Detention Camp
Stewart Melville Dec 14
Tait, Henry F.

Stewart Melville 1917

Tait, A 3305 D Coy LS7
TAIT, A. Pte. No. 351415 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June -
Tait, A. New Police Chief at Hexham, native of Selkirk, served 9/RS in 14-18 war. -
Berwickshire News and General Advertiser 7.10.1947
Tait, Ainslie 3837 EB2
Tait, Ainslie A/Sgt 351289 9th RS 3837 Pte 0640
- -

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Ainslie Tait 9RS, c/o Ainslie, 28 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh. Born 1892
Next of kin Browns Place, East Linton, Prestonkirk
Alfred crossed out, Ainslie
Medical 28.10.15 age 24yr146days, shoemaker, born East Linton
Attested Pte 9RS 5.11.15, a/Sgt ?Shoemaker vice ?Currie 3.2.19?, disembodied
[?Thomas Currie, Sgt, disemb 5.2.19?]
3837 351289 enlisted 28.10.15
Imp Service Oblig 3/9 RS signed Ferguson
Home 5.11.15-31.3.16, BEF 1.4.16
Embarked per ‘France’ Southampton 1.4.16, Rouen next day, proceeded to join
Etaples 20.4.16, joined in field 22.4.16, granted working pay 1/- while employed in
Shoemakers Shop 29.8.16, attd DADOS 51st Div 31.3.17, rejoined from attachment
3.4.17, leave 24.9.17-4.10.17, attd DADOS 51st Div 9.11.17, course DADOS (gum
boot repair) 9-11.11.17, serving with 9RS 17.7.18, leave to UK 27.9.18-11.10.18,
A/Sgt shoemaker vice ?Currie 3.2.19, to UK 20.2.19, demob 19.4.19, specialist qual
Regt. Bootmaker
Service Record [poor]
Tait, Alexander 3133 EB1
Tait, Alexander Pte 350876 9th RS 0640
- -
Tait, Andrew 4021 EB2
- -
Andrew Tait
RS Pte 4021, 351415; RE 423431, WR/305204
Tait, Andrew L/Cpl 350941 9th RS 350941 Pte 0640
- -
Tait, F.W 2661 EB1
Tait, F.W. 2661
Brookdale Hall, Newton Heath, Manchester. Attested 11.11.14 age 43. CofE
Previous ?4th VB Lancs. Home Service.
? There is a Frederick W Tait enlisted 11.11.14 on rolls as RSF, another of this name
TAIT, G, Serjeant, '350509', 9th Bn., , 9/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
TAIT, G. Sergt. No. 350509 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June 1917 -
Tait, G. L/Cpl 350509 24/2/15 (1) K in A 9/4/17 [George Tait] 2610
Tait, G.H, Pte. D Coy wounded 3 Sept 1915 WD
Tait, G.H. 2868 A Coy LS2
Tait, G.H. Pte 2868 24/2/15 (1) Comm 26/1/16 2610
Tait, G.H., Pte 2868 comm 4th Cameron High 26.1.16 0629
- -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Tait, George Henry. Royal Scots 2868 Pte. Cameron Highlanders attached
Liverpool Regt 2Lt. RAF Lt
GH Tait 2868 reported wounded EEN 4.10.15
George Henry Tait
9RS Pte 2868, 2/Lt 4 Cam Highrs att 1/10th Liverpol Regt, Lt RAF
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15, Comm
29 Marchmont Rd, Edin.
Tait, Geo. Acting CSM D Coy Vimy Ridge (vice Goodfellow?) -
Said to Quinn ‘Oh! Lucky Jim’ on Quinn being wounded. Geo was killed in the
J.Quinn IWM doc 5992
Tait, George 2337 EB1
Tait, George (Staff). [gth probably 9th RS] Stationery World Vol 48 1915 ‘British -
TAIT, GEORGE H. (1897). -
Private, 9th Battalion (Highlanders) Royal Scots, November 1914; Lance -
Corporal, October 1915; 2nd Lieutenant, January 1916; Lieutenant, July 1917.
Attached 4th Battalion Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, January 1916; 1/10th
Battalion (Scottish) King's Liverpool Regiment, September 1916; Royal Flying
Corps, October 1917; and Royal Air Force, June 1918. Wounded at Armentieres,
September 1915, and at Ypres, November 1916.
Royal High School of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1920)
Tait, George Pte 330547 8th RS 5419 Pte, 9th RS 5419 Pte 0639
Tait, George Sgt 350509 9th RS 2337 Sgt attd 51st Div. H.Q. 2337 Sgt 0641
- -
Fa George. KIA 9.4.17
Register Effects
L/Cpl Sjt France 24.2.15 KIA
Mo Elizabeth
Pension Ledger
TAIT, George, e. Edinburgh , r. Leith, 350509, SERGT., Killed in action, France SD
& Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Tait, I. Pte 2316 24/2/15 (1) Comm RE 3/9/16 2610
Tait, Ivan 2316 EB1
Stewart Melville and LCpl Stewart Melville 1915
Letter in the school magazine
Stewart Melville 1916
Tait, Ivan Pte 2316 comm RE 3.9.16 0629
- -

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Ivan Tait Pte 9RS 2316, Lt RE 15Star&BWM&VM Comm RE 3.9.16. France

‘Park House’ Frenchie, Fife NB
A Lt I. Tait RE in piece 2173 RE Medal Roll BWM&VM
TAIT, Ivan, Mr. 2 Ruskin Place. Hillhead. Glasgow. (4387) RSC
TAIT, Ivan, Mr. (4387). 6 Lennox Row, Trinity, Edinburgh 5 -
The Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Tait, Ivan. Comm. Wounded – lost an eye and other injuries -
MG Section on landing France Feb 15. See Quinn, J. IWM Document 5992
Tait, J, Pte. employed as instructor at Bomb School 15 July 1915 WD
Tait, J.R, 2/Lt 6th RS 6th RS joined for duty 7 Aug 1916, wounded 9 Apr 1917 WD
Tait, J.R, 2/Lt wounded 9/4/17 -
April 1917, 154th Bde War Diary WO 95/2884/1
Tait, J.R. 3011 A Coy LS4
Tait, J.R. Pte 3011 4/5/15 (1) Comm 15/10/15 2610
Tait, James 3011 EB1
TAIT, James Ritchie WWR
Edinburgh, 1895; younger son of Mr. A. C. Tait; 1905 – 12; C.A., Secy. and
Accountant National Filling Factory No. 22, Gainsborough; 9th R.S., 2/Lt. 1914;
6th R.S., 2/Lt. 1915, Lt. 1917; France 1915 and 1916 – 17, Ypres, Somme,
Beaumont Hamel, Vimy Ridge; wounded Apr. 1917.
Tait, John R., Mr., Pte 3011 comm 6th RS 15.10.15 0629
TAIT, John, Mr. 25 Eyre Place. Edinburgh. (257) RSC
TAIT, R. Pte. No. 352136 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June -
Tait, R. Sgt 350187 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 2/4/19 2610
Tait, R.B.S. Sgt 350149 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 7/6/19 2610
TAIT, R.B.S., Mr. 56 Boswell Dr. Edinburgh. 9th & 3rd. (1746) RSC
Tait, R.J 2055 EB1
Tait, R.J. Pte 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 14/3/19 2610
Tait, Robert B.S. Sgt 71239 17th RS 250064, 1/9th RS 1421 A/CSM, K.Afr.Rif. 0637
350149 [A/CQMS crossed out] -
African Rifles 350149; 9th R. Scots 1421, 350149. Awarded 15 Star. Theatre France
24.2.15 MIC
Robert Bruce Sinclair Tait RS 71239 3045509 Authorised to re-enlist for Cost
Accounting duties.
Born Newington, Edin. Address 22 Scotland St, Edin age 27yr325 days, clerk and
bookeeper, single, present no 350149 RS class Z army reserve. Dated 13.11.1919,
City Recruiting Area, 63-65 Cockburn St.
Joined 13.11.19 Pte RS, Sergt, prior qualifying service 4yr307days, service 6 yr 303
days, discharge on demob 392 xxviii KR 16.11.20 crossed out, stamped 16.11.20
392 xxi KR. Charac very good. Discharge depot RS, Glencorse 1920. His
probationary period with Corps of Military Accountants had expired and unwilling
to extend service as corporal. Presby.

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Re-enlist to report to Officer i/c Cost Accounts, Scottish Command, Carlton Hotel,
Mother Isabella 22 Scotland St, Edin.
EARLIER attestation for 4 years, age 21yr. Clerk for McVitie & Price. Same
address. Previous 9RS 18.12.08 to 17.12.12 4 yrs. Attested 14 Jan 1913. Corporal
6.4.14, L/Sgt 12.9.14, Sergt 7.11.14, posted 4th (Res) RS as Sgt 15.7.17. Proceeded
for embarkation for service with KAR Sgt 29.9.17 crossed out, instead 9.10.17.
Posted from KAR to 3RS 9.3.19. Demob 7.6.19
Home 14.1.13-23.2.15, BEF 24.2.15-19.11.16, home 20.11.16-28.9.17, on board
ship 29.9.17-3.1.18, Africa 4.1.18-21.1.19, home 22.1.19-12.11.19
GSW knee elbow r. 13.11.16. 1913 medical states commercial traveller. 9RS 1421,
9(Res)RS 350149. Red Cross Hosp Peckforton Castle GSW r knee and elbow
21.11.16-6.12.16. sprain right ankle, hosp ?Waverney Bally?? 30.3.17-12.4.17
10.8.17 fit for service in east Africa. 9677 KAR. Formerly 494 9RS. Previously
discharged 11.1.13 cause ‘mistake by officer’. Joined for duty 4.8.14. Bounty of
£15, £10 paid 14.5.18.
Embarked for England [wording seems incorrect] 9.10.17, disembarked in east
Africa 3.1.18, embarked for England 21.1.19. Imp Oblig 28.8.14 A Coy.
SS Inventor 24.2.15, Havre 26.2.15. Hosp 27.5.15 81stFdAm, to 83rdFdAm, 2
CanGH admitted chr. Diarrhoea Treport, 29.5.15, to Rouen ConDepot 22.6.15,
2TerrBase Rouen 23.6.15, to rejoin unit 6.7.15, rejoined 7.7.15, 81st FdAm ulcer leg
12.9.15, 27DivRstStn ICT ankle 13.9.15, rejoined 16.9.15, performed duties CQMS
vice Wardlaw on leave 11.1.16. Trench mortar school 22.4.16 attached 154/2
Trench MB 22.6.16, rejoined ex TM Battery 1.9.16, absorbed vice Hills 1.9.16.
Wounded knee elbow right 5FdAm 13.11.16, 5CCS 14.11.16, 29CCS 15.11.16, 4
Amb Train to 16 GenHosp Treport 15.11.16, trans England 19.11.16 Adm Red
Cross Hosp Peckforton castle 20.11.16. Leave 8.9.17-28.9.17. Clerk Group 37 S.
Pension Record
Attestation of 494, 3045509 A Coy. 17yrs
Clerk employed at ?? 17 Clyde St. Apprentice, not indentured.
Aberdour 1909, West Linton 1910. Termination of service para 156 (1) disch
17.12.12 signed RM Dudgeon
Pension Record
Tait, Robert J., Pte 350405 9th RS 2055 Pte 0640
15Star&BWM&VM Disemb. France 24.2.15
TAIT, Robert James. No. 2055 and 350405. c/o Mc(?)and, 20 Waverley Park, EBD
Edinburgh. C Comp. 28/8/14. 23yrs 7 mons.
TAIT, Robert James. No. 350405, Pte., 9th Royal Scots ; born at Arbroath, 11th
Jan., 1891, father employed at Grantown-on-Spey ; joined at Edinburgh, 31st
August, 1914 ; served in France. Son of Robert Tait, Dunedin, Grantown-on-Spey,
and Mrs. Johanna Smith or Tait. Occupation, plumber.
The Morayshire roll of honour. 1914-1918 (1921) -
Tait, Robert Pte 70877 7th R.S.Fus. 15265 Pte, 1/9th RS 352134 0637
Tait, Robert Sgt 350187 9th RS 1514 Sgt 0640
- -
Mention in despatches Tait, R. Sergt 350187 Royal Scots
London Gazette 18 Dec 1917 page 13226

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Robert Tait 9RS Sjt 1514, 350187, 6191, 3046707

15Star&BWM&VM. T. Eff Medal of 1927
France 24.2.15
TAIT, Robert, Mr. 12 Broughton Rd. Edinburgh. (384) RSC
Tait, Robert? ‘Bob’ -
Said to have climbed in his cooker when Zeppelin dropped bombs on Vlamertinghe.
‘It was a delight to hear Bob Tait at a Battalion Dinner tell us about that bomb’. At
Vaux, Sgt cook Bob Tait complained about bullets landing in his cookers. ‘had
many trials – but could nearly aye smile’ Quinn, J. IWN doc 5992
? Robert BS Tait 494/1421 18.12.08 has no cook ref in his pension papers
?Robert Tait 1514 joined 1913 more likely?
Looking for caretaker 1911 census Leith has 8 Robert Taits, three in their 30’s, two
in 40’s. The 30’s are all under 692/2 Leith South followed by 29/20, 13/10, 20/6
Tait, Robt. (T)? 4404 EB2
Tait, T

? Kilted RS?
St Cuthbert’s UFC Photographic Album -
Tait, T 2815 Sergt G Coy to be paid CSM 29.1.16 2/9thBn The Leather Sporran, Vol -
1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
TAIT, T. Pte. No. 3447, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
TAIT, T. Pte. No. 351077 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June -
Tait, T. Pte 351016 12/10/15 (1) Disc. 12/4/19 2610
Tait, T., CSM -

Sergeants 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916

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Tait, T.H. Pte 351040 12/10/15 (1) K in A 12/10/17 2610

Tait, T.W.K 2815 EB1
TAIT, T.W.K. C.S.M. No. 350722. C.Coy. [Qualified 1st Class Instructor -
Bombing], at Dublin, 21/4/17 , returned from a Course of Instruction, The Leather
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Tait, Thomas 3415 EB2
Tait, Thomas 3447 EB2
Tait, Thomas H., Pte (killed) 06-10
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Tait, Thomas H., Pte 351040 9th RS 3447 Pte, 12th RS 351040 0640
Tait, Thomas H., Pte, 9th RS, killed in action
5 Murrayfield Place
Murrayfield Roll of Honour 1917 -
Tait, Thomas Henderson (b. 1894). 1906-10. Apprentice in office of Messrs
Robertson & Carphin, C.A., Stafford Street. 9th Royal Scots (Highlanders),
Private, July 1915. France. Wounded, 1916. Wounded second time, severely,
Arras, April 1917. France, September 1917. Killed in action at Ypres on 12th
October 1917. Elder son of the late Mr William Tait and of Mrs Tait, 5
Murrayfield Place.

George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921)

d.12.10.17 12 RS 351040 KIA Pte enlisted Edin
12 RS Belgium 12.10.17 Fa Wm Mo Janet
Register Soldiers’ Effects

?Thos H Tait b.~1894, address 12 Roseburn Pl, Wm (seedsman) and Janet Tait,
brother and sister
1901 census -
Tait, Thomas Pte 351016 9th RS 3415 Pte 0640
- -
Discharge 12.4.19 Born 1896, resident Edin
Pension Ledger
TAIT, Thomas William Kirk. 7 Royston Terr. Edinburgh. 2/9th. (2635) RSC
TAIT, Thomas. 322 Morningside Rd. Edinburgh. (1941) RSC

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Tait, Thomas 5319 2/9RS -

14 Roseneath Pl, Edin age 28yr8mos born 1887
Baker and confectioner. Group 7 (confectioner). Presby.
Prior 3 yrs with Volunteers. Married Sarah Wood, Edin.
Edinburgh attested Pte 12.12.15 to Army Reserve next day, mob 2/9RS D Coy
5.8.16, posted 7.8.16
Home 5.8.16 to –
Transf 4th Res RS; Cupar as of 17.2.19, examined St Andrews 23.1.19, demob
Service record
TAIT, W. Unpaid A/L/Corpl. No. 350947. C. Coy. , To be Paid Acting L/Corpl., -
from 27/3/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Tait, W.M. Pte 351077 3/9/15 (1) Disemb 1/4/19 2610
Tait, William 3314 EB2
Tait, William 3503 EB2
Tait, William 3971 EB2
Tait, William M., L/Cpl 351077 9th RS 3503 Pte 0640
Tait, William Pte 43449 6th RS 2317 Pte, 15th RS 9th RS 0635
Tanfield, Ernest S., Pte 302071 9th RS 16th RS 0639
- -
302071 Pte Ernest Spenceley / Spenseley / Spencely Tanfield 16 RS transfer to
reserve 29.7.19
Enlisted 19.9.16 19yo CofE ?4RS Telegraph clerk
Father John 19 North View / Northville, Hallamfields, Ilkeston, Derbys
Holmefield, St Marys St, Ilkeston
19 Hallam Fields Rd, Ilkeston
Hosp adms listed
Joined 5/6 RS 29.3.19, to UK for release 26.6.19, demob 29.7.19
?302071 2/7 RS Ernest Spencely 19yr2mos enlisted 30.10.16 Group 31 Rly
Telegraph Clerk
Called up 30.10.16, posted 2/7 7.11.16, embarked 8.6.17, France same day, 20IBD
Etaples next day, posted 9RS 23.6.17 joined same day, attd 154 MGC 13.7.17, hosp
30.8.17 PUO, ?UK 12.9.17 , depot 13.9.17, posted 4th Res RS 9.11.17, Scottish
Command Depot Nigg 28.5.18, posted 4th Res RS Haddington 29.8.18, BEF 6.9.18
?2 RS ?14 Sep 18
Home 30.10.16-7.6.17, BEF 8.6.17-12.9.17, Home 13.9.17-1.2.18, BEF 2.2.18-
13.4.18, Home 14.4.18-5.9.18, BEF 6.9.18
Folkestone/Boulogne 2.2.18, IBD 4.2.18, posted 16 RS 2.2.18
Wounded in action France 10.4.18, hosp adms, GSW left arm and shoulder, St John
Hosp, The Grange, Southport. Wound details.
Pension record
[This man 9RS 23.6.17-13.7.17]
TANNER, F. Pte. No. 5608 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June -
Tanner, Frederick J., Pte 352277 9th RS 5608 Pte 0640

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Frederick J Tanner RS 5608 352277 Pte 25.1.16 to 14.2.19 Para 392 xvi VM&BWM
SWB List D/A/1143
Tansey, John Pte 201643
d.28.3.18 with 5th/6th RS. Born 1898 Juniper Green, Resident, Ivy Terrace Juniper
Green. Enlisted Edinburgh 1916 to 4th RS aged 18yrs 5 days. Posted to 13th RS
July 1917, to 9th RS Dec 1917 to 5/6th RS 1910.[1918?]
Courtesy Malcolm Ferguson
201643 Pte John Tansey 13 RS
BWM&VM Medal Roll RS Piece 0637
Born and resident Juniper Green, enlisted Edin, died 28.3.18 5 6th RS 201643 KIA
[Not apparent from this that he was anything other than 13 RS in F&F]
5023 201643 John Tansey 4RS
Ivy Terr, Juniper Green; mill worker; 18yo. Fa Thomas, mo Bridget. 17.6.16
Full list of family, hospital admissions etc
Home 17.6.16-10.7.17, BEF 11.7.17-28.3.18
Etaples 12.7.17 20 IBD
13RS 29.7.17, joined 5.8.17, missing 28.3.18, death presumed
Service record
Pte John Tansey 201643 died 28.3.18 5th/6th Bn RS Tyne Cot Memorial
13RS Pte death presumed Fa Thomas
Register Soldiers’ Effects -
Tarbet Cpl of newly formed C Coy 3/9th RS for recruits, Jan 1916. Made Sgt 26 Jan -
B.C. Holmer IWM
Tarbet, W.D. L/Cpl 1469 24/2/15 (1) Comm Sea. Hrs. 6/9/16 2610
- -
William Duncan Tarbet 9RS L/Cpl Sjt [crossed out] 1469, 10/Seaforth att MGC
15Star&BWM&VM KIA 9.4.17 comm France 24.2.15
Medals to W Tarbet (fa) 4 Balfour St, Leith
Tarbet, W.D. Pte 1469 Sick Adm East Leeds War H 10 Jun 15
Casualty list from Bardess GWF post 458 p.19
Tarbet, William D., A/Sgt 1469 comm 10th Seaforths 6.9.16 0629
Tarity, A 4863 EB2
Tarpil? David D 4738 EB2

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Tarves, George 4140 EB2

- ?
?George Tarves RS Pte 351477 [six-digit looks like 9RS], LC 447433 VM&BWM
Also BWM&VM Medal Roll LC Piece 1839
Taylor -
Wounded Apr 15. Comm.
MG Section on landing France Feb 15.
Quinn, J. IWM Document 5992
Wounded shoulder 9 May 15
W.Scott diary TNA
TAYLOR CAMERON Major. Made speech, 23rd February 1917. Second -
Anniversary of the Battalion leaving Edinburgh. Dinner in Sergeants Mess. The
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Taylor Cameron, J.S*, Maj E-P
TAYLOR CAMERON, J.S. Major. Commanded Companies A, B and C billeted -
at Warrender Park School, 1914.The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Taylor Cameron, J.S., Major -
The Faculty of Advocates in military service
The Scotsman 27 Nov 1914
Taylor Cameron, J.S, Major
List of officers proceeding on active service, Records of T.W. Bennet Clark

Major J.S Taylor Cameron

Officers 9 RS, Tatler 1915
Maj I.S. Taylor Cameron RS ?
Maj Taylor Cameron 9RS heard quail near farm at Swanston 7 July 1919 [!]
The Scottish Naturalist 1919
Maj J.S Taylor Cameron, presiding
3/9 RS Supernumerary Company, Supernumeraries’ Anniversary Gathering,
23.2.16, anniversary of landing in France, dinner at County Hotel ballroom,
The Southern Reporter 2.3.16
See also Taylor-Cameron, J.S. and Cameron, J.S.T and Cameron Taylor
Taylor Cameron, Maj. P.92 Second Ypres, commanding half-Bn. E
Taylor Capt -
3/9th RS, admonished Holmer for neglect of duty Sept 15, Peebles. Also Dec 15.
Forms new C Coy for recruits Jan 16.
B.C. Holmer IWM

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Taylor Capt NBW


See also EED 3 May 15

Dated 6/5/15. Sheriff-Substitute for Forfar. Reported wounded.
Capt Taylor

Huie Collection

Capt A .Taylor, wounded

Daily Record 4 May 15
Taylor Capt, p.96 Second Ypres, wounded E
Taylor Capt. casualty 23 Apr 1915 WD
Taylor Captain, wounded – bullet in his thigh -
Macdonald, Lyn, ‘1915: The Death of Innocence’, 1997
TAYLOR Pte. , First Round Knock Out Company Football Matches. A Coy. -
versus B. Coy. Won by B. Coy, Wed 18 Apr 17. Score 4 -1. This man A Coy.
Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Taylor, A, 2nd Lt F1901
- -
Taylor, A.
2/Lt to be Lt 23.11.01
Volunteer Service Gazette 29.11.01

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Taylor, A, Capt F1901

Taylor, A, Capt killed 22/4/1917
154th Bde War Diary WO 95/2884/1
Taylor, A, Capt, A then B then C Coy
List of officers proceeding on active service, Records of T.W. Bennet Clark

Capt A. Taylor (reported wounded)

Officers 9 RS, Tatler 1915
Signs papers John Sexton (qv) 9.10.15 as Capt Supernumerary Coy.
Court of inquiry in the field 13.3.16 by order AS Blair: deaths of WS Carter, JC
Wilson and poisoning of Pte Dishington 2005. President Maj RHF Moncrieff,
members Capt A Taylor, 2/Lt AS Nicoll.
Papers of WS Carter -
Taylor, A, Capt, p.333 led ‘B’ coy raid, unable to complete raid due to water- E
logged ground 7/8 Nov 1916; p.414 Nr Fampoux killed, ‘unlucky action’ around
Mount Pleasant and Roeux Wood
Taylor, A, Capt. joined Bn for duty 9 March 1916, failed raid on German trenches
7 Nov 1916, killed 21 Apr 1917 WD
TAYLOR, A, Captain, , 9th Bn., 45, 21/Apr/1917, France, SON OF THE LATE
Taylor, A, Lt resigns his commission
The Scotsman 25 Oct 1902 -
TAYLOR, A. Capt. , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June 1917 -
TAYLOR, A. Capt. Wounded. The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November -
Taylor, A., Capt
Trench raid 8 Nov 16 commanded by Captain A. Taylor, 154th Bde War Diary
WO 95/2883/4 -
Taylor, A., Capt., 5 Aug 14, Capt - wounded. W
Taylor, Alexander
M.A., Capt, 21st April 1917
Wounded, invalided, rejoined, killed in action 21st April 1917
The Glasgow Academy roll of honour, 1914-1918 (1918)
Beginning of war/on joining Lt; End of war Capt. killed in action 21st April 1917.
The Glasgow Academy roll of honour, 1914-1918 (1933)
Capt., The Faculty of Advocates in military service
The Scotsman 27 Nov 1914 -

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Known as ‘Daddy Taylor’
Correspondence with Jon Nicholls
b. 25.3.1872 Carrickfergus, d. 21.4.17 age 45. Son of the late James Taylor and
Helen Stewart Taylor; husband of Rhoda Macintyre White (formerly Taylor), of
“Highlands,” Taunton, Somerset. Born at Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim. M.A., LL.B.
and Sheriff-Substitute of Forfar. Parents: James Taylor (c1837-1871) & Ellen
Stewart (c1847-1931) mar. 1866, Glasgow; father Flax Spinner; partner in Barn
Mills, Carrickfergus. Siblings: Edith M (1867-), Arthur S (1868-), James (1869-
1896), Mabel E, (Mrs Coulson) (1870-1932). Spouse: Rhoda Macintyre White
(formerly Taylor), did not remarry until after 1919. Education: University of
Glasgow, MA 1892; LLB 1895, Admitted to Faculty of Advocates 1896.
1881 Census St Andrews Avenue, Bothwell, Lanarkshire
1891 Census Hillhead Street, Partick
1901 Census 8 Albany Street, Edinburgh
1911 Census Not known
Home Address 1917 – Rosehill, Brechin

Compiled by Morag Fyfe, see link for further information
TAYLOR, Alexander (1872 - 1917), Sheriff-Substitute of Forfarshire at Forfar
since 1912; Captain 9th Battalion (Highlanders) The Royal Scots, military
Who's Who and Who Was Who (Oxford University Press)
Taylor, Alexander F
Second Lieut 3 Nov 1900. Attached to RS Depot for one month, April 1901.
Promoted Lieut 23 November 1901. Address 1902: 8 Albany St. Resigned
commission on departure to South America, Oct 1902. Rejoined and gazetted Lt 8
Feb 1905. Promoted Capt "A" Coy, 14 March 1908. Attended School of
Instruction, Edinburgh, Feb 1907. Born 25 March 1872. Son of James Taylor,
Barn Mills, Carrickfergus. (Glasgow University, M.A. 1892, LL.B. 1895.)
Advocate, 1896.
Appointed to the battalion # 18
Taylor, Alexander Capt
Officers from the 9th Volunteer Battalion (Highlanders), the Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), appointed to 9th (Highlanders) Batalion, The Royal Scots, 1st April 1908.
London Gazette 18 Sept 1908
9th RS Capt Alexander Taylor from the Territorial Force Reserve to be Capt 5.8.14
LG 4.9.14
Taylor, Alexander Capt 21.4.17 1872-1917 Father: manufacturer

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Law firm: Robertson, Low, Robertson & Cross (Glasgow)

Admitted to Faculty Nov 1896
Educ. Glasgow Academy, Glasgow University

Many of the men on these pages were killed in action after only a few weeks or
even days at the front, but Taylor endured lengthy service and saw action in some
of the worst battles of the Great War.
Born in Barnmills, Carrickfergus, Ireland, in 1872, his parents moved the family to
Glasgow when he was young, and he was educated at Glasgow Academy and
Glasgow University. His father was a manufacturer, although of what is not
known. He graduated with honours in Classics, before taking his law degree, and
carried out his training at Messrs Robertson, Low, Robertson and Cross. He was
admitted to the Faculty in 1896.
According to the Scots Law Times he never acquired a large practice despite
appearing in several important cases. He contributed many articles to the law
journals of the time, and reported on Justiciary cases. He acted as interim Sheriff-
Substitute in Banff, Stornoway, Aberdeen and Glasgow; and in 1911 he was
appointed Sheriff-Substitute at Forfar where he proved most efficient, and his
judgements were always apparently cogent and well-reasoned, and only rarely
He married Rhoda McIntyre at Bridgend House, Callander in March 1905; her
father was a fancy dress manufacturer from Glasgow and Taylor‟s address at that
time was given as 1 Albyn Place, Edinburgh.
In 1900 9th Battalion (Highlanders) The Royal Scots was formed to meet a widely
held desire that the capital of Scotland should have a Highland unit, just as
London and Liverpool boasted kilted regiments in the London and Liverpool
Scottish. It was raised as a battalion of the Queen's Rifle Volunteer Brigade, but
with distinctions of its own, notably the kilt, which has earned for it the nickname
of “The Dandy Ninth.” It sent forty-five men to South Africa. Taylor was
commissioned in this battalion on 3rd November 1900, along with fellow
Advocate James Ferguson, Senior. He resigned in 1902, but rejoined in 1905; in
1912 he was moved to the reserve list after being made Sheriff in Forfar. On 4th
August 1914 he was mobilised as a reservist, and as a Captain took command of
“A” Company. 9th Royal Scots were based at 89 East Claremont Street,
He landed with his battalion at Le Havre on 26th February 1915, and fought
initially with 81st Brigade of the 27th Division, later with the 154th Brigade of the
51st (Highland) Division. He fought at the 2nd Battle of Ypres (with Walter Lyon)
and was severely wounded at St Julien, one of the actions during the battle, on
23rd April 1915. After almost a year‟s recuperation, he returned to his battalion on
1st March 1916, and survived the Somme offensive, when his battalion suffered
huge losses. He was killed at the Battle of Arras on 27th April 1917 when leading
his Company in the fighting for the Scarpe Valley.

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The Scots Law Times mentioned his kindly nature, and genial humour, which
made him a great favourite.
The Royal Scots' official history states that the battalion took over trenches near
Fampoux on the 15th April. On the 21st, "A" Company succeeded in forcing a
passage along a trench in front of Mount Pleasant Wood, and after ejecting the
Germans, established a post there. This should have been enough, but the Company
then went on to Roeux Wood, where it was sadly cut up by the enemy riflemen and
machine gunners, and was forced back to its starting point. In this unlucky action,
Captain Taylor was killed.
Taylor was buried at Level Crossing Cemetery, Fampoux. Beside him lie another
51 officers and men of 9th Royal Scots, almost all of whom were killed in the same
week as Taylor.
Taylor, Alexander, Capt -
Killed in action 21 Apr 17. Born at Carrickfergus, Co Antrim, held master’s
degree as well as a degree in law, later working for the Sheriff’s Office at Forfar.
Hughes, Peter, ‘Visiting the Fallen - Arras North’, 2015
Taylor, Alexander, Capt
The Faculty of Advocates, list of members serving, The Scotsman 27 Nov 14 -
Taylor, Alexander, Capt, Sheriff-Substitute for Forfar -
His widow Rhoda to marry Mr S White, of Highlands, Taunton
The Scotsman 22 Jun 21
Taylor, Alexander, Capt M.A. 1892, LL.B. 1895
University of Glasgow (1922)
M.A.; LL.B. 1896. 9th Royal Scots (T.), March 1908; Captain Aug. 1914.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Speaker in recruitment campaign for the Ninth
The Scotsman 24th July 1915
Taylor, Arthur Pte 201883 9th RS attd 10th Ent. Bn. 0637
Taylor, Ben 3114 EB1
Taylor, D 2431 EB1
th th
Taylor, Daniel Pte 32484 15 RS 9 RS 0633
Taylor, David 4203 EB2
Taylor, David Pte 350546 9th RS 2431 0640
Taylor, David Pte 42183 2nd RS 9th RS 0634
Taylor, Ewart 4253 EB2
Taylor, Frank Pte 352354 16th RS 18933 Pte, 2nd RS 18933 Pte, 9th RS 5685 Pte 0640
- -
3.12.14-22.3.18 wound age 23 served overseas
TAYLOR, G. Pte. No. 350740 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
TAYLOR, G. Pte. No. 350755 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Taylor, Geo. 2891 EB1
Taylor, George A/Cpl 350755 9 RS 2891 Pte 0640

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Taylor, George W., Pte 202729 1/9th RS 0637

Taylor, George, Corp (wounded) 03-08
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
TAYLOR, H. Paid A/L/Sergt. No. 353078. B.Coy., from 27/3/17 , To be Paid -
Acting Sergt., The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
TAYLOR, Harold Gordon. 20 Findhorn Place. Edinburgh. (3030) RSC
Taylor, J 2855 EB1
Taylor, J 4231 C Coy LS7
TAYLOR, J. Pte. No. 350740 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
TAYLOR, J.C. Unpaid A/L/Corpl. No. 5369. B.Coy. , To be Paid A/L/Corpls., -
25/1/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Taylor, J.E. 4236 D Coy LS7
Taylor, James 4245 EB2
Taylor, James G., Pte 44342 9th RS 0635
Taylor, James L/Cpl 351507 9th RS 4245 Pte 0640
Taylor, Jas E 4236 EB2
Taylor, John 4213 EB2
Taylor, John ? 353070 Pte 8.11.11-9.7.18 392 xvi SWB MIC ?
Does not specify 9RS, this is a late number for 1911
As above, wound age 27 served overseas
Taylor, John A., Pte 58959 9th RS 0636
TAYLOR, JOHN AIR, J A, Private, '58959', 1st/9th Bn., 19, 1/Aug/1918, France,
TAYLOR, John Charles. 'Ingleside' Granville Rd. Newcastle-on- Tyne. (9310) RSC
Taylor, John L/Cpl 350740 9th RS 2855 Pte 0640
- -
TAYLOR, John, b. Glasgow, e. Glasgow, 58959, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 01/08/18, FORMERLY 2/13670, T.R., 54175, H.L.I., Royal
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Taylor, Louis Pte 251274 1/8th RS 1/9th RS 0638
TAYLOR, P.R. Private. D Coy., No. 5259, to Miss R Cole; at Pellsall, Walsall, -
on the 14th August, 1916. Married. The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st
November 1916
Taylor, Percival R., Pte 351984 9th RS 85295 [all the others round about have four 0640
digit numbers and 5259 would fit into this pattern perfectly – but the added 8 on
front looks like a mistake], 16th RS 351984, 15th RS
Taylor, R 3150 B Coy LS6
Taylor, R.W. Pte 350884 4/12/15 (1) K in A 9/4/17 2610
- -
Robert Watt Taylor KIA 9.4.17 Mo Margaret, Sis Margaret
Register Effects
Taylor, R? Bob -

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Gun Team B Coy 1916 a bit older, therefore a fair man of the world. Good chap to
look after our grub. Killed at Passchendaele, I think. J.Quinn IWM doc 5992
TAYLOR, Reginald J., b. Leicester, e. Leicester, 302621, L/CPL, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 24/03/18, FORMERLY 21419, LEIC. REGT., Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
TAYLOR, REGINALD J., R J, Lance Corporal, '302621', 9th Bn., 19,
Taylor, Robert 3150 EB1
TAYLOR, Robert W., b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 350884, A/L/CPL., Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Taylor, Robert W., Pte 350884 9th RS 0640
TAYLOR, ROBERT WATT, R W, Lance Corporal, '350884', 1st/9th Bn., 28,
Taylor, Robt. A 4480 EB2
Taylor, T 2959 EB1
Taylor, T 2959 D Coy LS3
TAYLOR, T. Sergt. No. 350788 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Taylor, T. Pte 350788 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 17/7/19 2610
Taylor, Thomas -
9RS Pte 350788, Sjt 2959 France 24.2.15 MIC
Taylor, Thomas Reekie Morrison, The only son of Mr. R. Taylor, Edin., was born GWC
in 1898, and attended G.W.C. 1903-14. He took a keen interest in sport and won
prizes at the Games. He received a prize for seven or eight years' perfect
attendance, and was a member of the O.T.C. He had begun his career as a dentist
when in 1915 he enlisted as a Pte. in the 9th R.S., and in 1917 was gazetted to the
R.S.F. He saw service in Palestine and in 1918 came to France with the 52nd Div.
He fell near Vimy, Aug. 14, 1918.
Taylor, Thomas Sgt 350788 9th RS 2959 Sgt, 1st RS 350788 0640
Taylor, Thos. R( ) 4093 EB2
Taylor, Tom Pte 330849 9th RS 0639
TAYLOR, Tom, b. Leeds, e. Leeds, 330849, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France SD
& Flanders, 04/08/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
TAYLOR, TOM, T, Private, '330849', 9th Bn., , 4/Aug/1917, Belgium, CWGC
TAYLOR, W, Private, '351810', 9th Bn., , 23/Apr/1917, France, SON OF MR. F.
[On Grave Registration Document as Pte R. Taylor d. 22.4.1917] CWGC

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TAYLOR, W. Pte. No. 351810 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Taylor, W. Stuart, Pte WTC
TAYLOR, W.S. Pte. No. 1887, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Taylor, W.S. Pte 1887 24/2/15 (1) Comm R.Hrs. 4/8/16 2610
Taylor, William Pte 351810 9th RS 0640
Taylor, William S., Pte 1887 comm R High 4.8.16 0629
Edinburgh Academy. Student of Law, 1910-12. Chartered Accountant, 1913.
O.T.C Infantry, Jan. to Aug. 1914, Cadet. 9th Royal Scots (T.), Private Aug.
1914. 7th Royal Highlanders (Black Watch) (T.), 2nd Lieut. Aug. 1916; Lieut.
Feb. 1918. France. Wounded May 1915 and June 1917.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Pte William Taylor, who joined from an Edinburgh C.A. office, has been
wounded. His mother, Mrs Taylor, Woodlands, Markinch, has been notified he is
in Rouen Hospital with a bullet in his right shoulder – the work of a German
sniper in the neighbourhood of Ypres.
The Scotsman 22 May 15
TAYLOR, William Stuart. 15 Leamington Terr. Edinburgh. (4051) RSC
TAYLOR, William, b. Nottingham, e. Doncaster, Yorks , r. Notingham, 351810, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, FORMERLY 20464,
YORKS L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Taylor, William, Pte 351810
Enlisted Doncaster, Yorks. Formerly 20464 Yorks LI. Soldiers Died
KIA. Father Frank. Soldiers Effects -
Taylor, Wm. M 4276 EB2
Tearle, S. Pte 350354 24/2/15 (1) K in A 9/4/17 2610
TEARLE, S.T. L/Sergt. No. 350354 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
June 1917
Court of inquiry in the field 13.3.16 by order AS Blair: deaths of WS Carter, JC
Wilson and poisoning of Pte Dishington 2005. President Maj RHF Moncrieff,
members Capt A Taylor, 2/Lt AS Nicoll.
Pte ST Tearle gives evidence ‘noticed that Sgt Carter was looking very yellow’
Papers of WS Carter
Tearle, Sidney A/L/Sgt 350354 9th RS 1901 Cpl 0640
TEARLE, SYDNEY THOMAS, S T, Lance Serjeant, '350354', 1st/9th Bn., 21,
TEARLE, Sydney, e. Edinburgh , r. London, N.W., 350354, A/F/SGT., Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Tedman, Harry Pte 352557 2nd High.L.I. attd 9th RS 21195 Pte, 9th RS 5955, 8th RS 0640
5955 -

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Harry Tedman HLI Pte 21195; RS 5955 352557 VM&BWM SWB
Tedman, Henry
Enlisted 17.8.15-6.6.19 discharged, sickness 392 xvi B1, age 24
SWB Roll
Enlisted 17.4.15-6.6.19 discharged, sickness 392 xvi a, age 24
SWB Roll - ?appears on roll twice?
Tidswell, F.H. 2270 [looks like Tedswell] EB1
Telfer, A. Pte 352660 20/3/15 (1) Disc. 3/8/17 2610
Telfer, Andrew 352660,[*], Badge No. 237681
18.5.14-3.8.17 sickness xvi served overseas Pte 9RS
Register SWB
Telfer, Andrew Pte 352660 9th RS 6472 0641
Telfer, John L. 4521 EB2
Telfer, Maitland 4520 EB2
Telfer, Maitland [see EB2]
Pte 13th Bn RS 40116 [? formerly 9RS?] KIA 22.8.17 age 35 b. Kirknewton
Memorial at Currie Kirk, listed as Pte 9th RS -
Telfer, Stephen 4522 EB2
Telfer, W, Cpl, p.569 German offensive 1918, skilfully protected withdrawal with E
his Lewis Gun
Telfer, William d. - , 351253, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military -
Medal (Ancestry)
Telfer, William Sgt 351253 9th RS 3781 Sgt 0640
Telfer, William RS Sjt 3781 351253 VM&BWM
Telfer, Wm. 3781 EB2
Telford, David S., Pte 30095 1th RS 13th RS 9th RS 15th RS 0633
Telford, John G., Pte 08-11
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Telford, John George 3207 EB2
Telford, P 2896 EB1
Telford, P 2896 B Coy LS2
Telford, P. Pte 2896 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 12/2/17 2610
Telford, Percy 2896,[*], Badge No. 35284
9RS Pte 8.12.14-12.2.17 sickness xvi, overseas yes SWB
Telford, Percy Pte 2896 0629
Telford, Percy, Pte No.2896 -
Enlisted Dec 14. Beatson writes ‘lay under pine trees and recalled bygone days’
Diary of James Nicol Beatson, Feb-Dec 1915; ‘Private Beatson’s War’, edited by
Shaun Springer and Stuart Humphreys, 2009

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France 24.2.15
TELFORD, W. Pte. No. 6532 C. Coy. , To be Unpaid Acting L/Corpl., from -
27/2/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Telford, William Pte 352713
Awarded MM for gallantry on 20/21 September 1917. 51st WD -
Telford, William Pte 352713 9th RS 0640
Tempeman, [Templeman] C.G, Pte. No 1468 wounded at La Grenovillere 3 Jan
1916 WD
Temple, James Pte 202730 1/9th RS 0637
- -
TEMPLE, T. Pte. No. 4284, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Temple, Thos. D 4284 EB2
Temple, Wm 4469 EB2
Templeman, C.G Private 9th NBW-S
TEMPLEMAN, C.G. Pte. No. 1468, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No -
2, 1st Nov 1916.
Templeman, C.G. Pte 1468 24/2/15 (1) D of W 20/4/16 2610
Templeman, C.G., Pte NBW

Also EED 13.5.15

In St Omer Hospital. His parents reside at 3 Dalmeny Street, Leith.
Templeman, C.J Private 9th NBW-S
Templeman, C.J., Pte [Charles Gray Templeman] NBW

Wounded in France. His home address is 3 Dalmeny Street, Leith. Dated 20/1/16.

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Templeman, Charles G., Pte 1468 0629

Templeman, Charles G., seriously wounded while bombing a German outpost, -
now in hospital in Rouen. Previously wounded in April at St Julien. 3 Dalmeny St,
The Scotsman 18 Jan 16.
TEMPLEMAN, CHARLES GRAY, C G, Private, '1468', "A" Coy 1st/9th Bn., 21,
20/Apr/1916, United Kingdom, SON OF RICHARD AND MARY BURNESS
TEMPLEMAN, E.G. Pte. No. 1465. 20/4/16 (probably Charles Gray Templeman -
20/4/16) , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November
Templeton Private 9th NBW-S
Templeton R 2380 EB1
Templeton R Private 9th NBW-S
TEMPLETON, Charles Grey, b. North Feith, e. Edinburgh , r. Feith, 1468, SD
PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 20/04/16, Royal Scots (Lothian -
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Templeton, C.G. 1468
Wounded The Times 24.1.16 (Dalziel, Reid and Templeton)
TEMPLETON, G, Private, '352971', 9th Bn., 24, 22/Apr/1917, France, SON OF
[On Grave Registration Document edited from 12th RS, No. 6839, d. 17.4.1917] CWGC
Templeton, G. Pte 1747 L. & B. Horse 29/12/15 (1) 9th RS 352971 Pte K in A 2610
Templeton, George Pte 352971 L & B Horse 1747 Pte, 9th RS 352971 0640
TEMPLETON, George, b. Grantown-on-Spey, Morayshire, e. Haddington , r. SD
Grantown-on-Spey, 352971, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders,
22/04/17, FORMERLY 1747, L. & B. HORSE., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
TEMPLETON, George. No. 352971, Pte., Royal Scots ; born at Grantown-on-
Spey, 18th April, 1893 ; joined at Haddington, 14th, Sept., 1914 ; served in France
; killed near Arras, 22nd April, 1917. Son of Alexander and Jessie Templeton, 8,
Castle Road, Grantown-on-Spey. Occupation, footman.
The Morayshire roll of honour. 1914-1918 (1921) -
TEMPLETON, J, Private, '352293', 1st/9th Bn., , 9/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
TEMPLETON, J. Pte. No. 352293 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Broughton School, Edinburgh. Student of Science, 1911-15; B.Sc. 1914. Assistant
Lecturer in Botany. 9th Royal Scots, Private April 1915. R.E. (Special Brigade),
July 1915 ; Sergeant June 1917 to Jan. 1919. France.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Templeton, John Pte 352293 9th RS 5624 Pte 0640

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TEMPLETON, John, b. Lanark, e. Irvine, Ayrshire , r. Irvine, 352293, PRIVATE, SD

Killed in action, France & Flanders, 09/04/17, FORMERLY 30577, H.F.I. -
2/24593, T.R., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Courier 4.5.17 East Lothian
Templeton, R. Pte 2380 24/2/15 (1) D of W 27/4/15 2610
Templeton, R., Bandsman NBW

[left: Bandsman, NBW; centre: Templeton, R., Bandsman (10 Cambridge Avenue,
Edinburgh.) Died in St Omer Hospital on 27th ult., NBW; right: Edinburgh
Evening Dispatch 3 May 15]
See also Edinburgh Evening News 3 May 1915
Bandsman R. Templeton died from wounds at St Omer Hospital 27 April, age 24.
Prior to war in employ McDougall’s Educational Company, Edinburgh, and was a
trombone player in the Hallelujah Army Band.
Daily record 4.5.15
Templeton, Robert Pte 2380 0629
TEMPLETON, Robert, e. Edinburgh, 2380, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & SD
Flanders, 27/04/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
TEMPLETON, ROBERT, R, Private, '2380', 9th Bn., 24, 27/Apr/1915, France,
Templeton, William Pte 58958 9th RS 17th RS 0636
- -
Wounded in action 13 Apr 18.
GWF courtesy clk
TEMPLTON, R. Pte. No. 2380. 27/4/15 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, -
Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November 1916
Tennant, W. McK. Pte 7170 8th H.L.I. 12/6/15 (2b) 9th RS 302496 Pte Disemb. 2610
Tennant, William McK Pte 302496 8th H.L.I. attd 1/7th RS 7170 Pte, 9th RS 0639
Tennent Robt. 4156 EB2
Tennent, R 4156 A Coy LS7
TERRELL, C. Pte. No. 353155 , To be Unpaid A/L/Corpl., from 27/3/17, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Thin, R.G. Pte 1813 24/2/15 (1) Disc. to Commission 26/7/15 2610
Thin, R.G., Pte, 9th RS -
B.Sc. University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914

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Thin, R.G. 9RS, candidate for examination serving with the colours
Royal Institute of Chemistry journal 1915
Thin, R.G. ‘Cherry’

Collection of material realting to the service of Captain R.G. Thin, diary covering
16th March - 2nd June 1915, recording service in the second battle of Ypres as
Private with D Compay, 9th Battalion Royal Scots NMS and Armentieres NMS;
Copy of ‘B Coy on Active Service’ named Russell G. Thin NMS; diary covering
3rd January - 21st June 1916, covering service as 2nd Lieutenant with 4th
Battalion King's Own Scottish Borders in the Sinai campaign NMS; collection of
material relating to the service of Captain R.G. Thin, group photograph depicting
D Company, 9th Battalion Royal Scots, Private ‘Cherry’ Thin extreme left of
middle row, all named on reverse, 1914 NMS also NMS; photo sent to brother Lt
J.A. Thin, PoW in Germany, June 1918 NMS
[?James A Thin ?Pte L&B Horse 1692, disembarked France 28.9.15, comm
30.4.16; postcard to Lt JA Thin No 421 Haus B Stube 50,
Offiziergefangenenlager, Holzminden. Cherry June 1918.]
D Coy, either 13 or 14 platoon. Papers signed for commission by Brigadier 8.7.15
Thin, Russell G Pte 1813 comm 4th KOSB 27.7.15 0629
George Watson's College. O.T.C 1909-10. Student of Science, 1910-14; B.Sc.
1914. A.I.C 9th Royal Scots (T), Private Aug. 1914. 4th King's Own Scottish
Borderers (T), 2nd Lieut. July 1915; Acting Captain June 1917. France 1915;
Egypt and Palestine 1916-18.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Thom, D. Pte 1428 24/2/15 (1) Comm HLI 27/11/15 2610
THOM, DAVID (1911). -
Private, 9th Royal Scots, August 1914. 2nd Lieutenant, 10th Battalion Highland
Light Infantry, December 1915. Killed in action, 15th September 1916.

Royal High School of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1920)

Thom, David Pte 1428 comm 10th HLI 27.11.15 0629
Thomas, A.J. Pte S/8851 8th Rif. Brig. 19/8/15 (1) 9th RS 302330 Pte Cl. Z. 7/3/19 2610
Thomas, Alfred J., Pte 302330 8th Rifle Bde. 1/8851 Pte, 1/9th RS 0639

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Thomas, Arthur John Gordon

2nd Lieutenant Arthur John Gordon Thomas, 6th (Terr.) Battn. The Black Watch
(Royal Highlanders), was born in June 1895, and was at Loretto from 1909 to
1913. Prefect. XV. Sergeant Piper, O.T.C. At the outbreak of war he tried several
times to join the Army, but was refused on account of defective eyesight. Finally
he was accepted, and joined the 9th (Terr.) Battn. Royal Scots as a private, and
soon afterwards was given a commission in the 6th Black Watch.
Lieut. Thomas was shot dead on June 3, 1916, whilst trying to locate a sniper who
had already, that day, very narrowly missed him at Vimy Ridge.
Loretto Roll of Honour (1925)
Thomas, A.J.G.
(Edinburgh Academicals)
Scored and converted in rugby game between Ninth and Edin Univ OTC
The Scotsman 7 Sep 14 -
Thomas, F. Pte 1/9th RS -
14.4.18 to 7.8.18 (same admission date Maltman, T.W., McArthur, J., McCalman,
N. and Thomas, F.)
Admissions to Leckhampton Court VAD Hospital, near Cheltenham
Courtesy dink999 GWF
Thomas, Frederick Pte 58962 9th RS 0636
- -
Thomas, Herbert F., L/Cpl 370127 9th RS 370127 Pte 0640
Thomas, D -

Listed as D. Thomas?
Thomas, William 3357 EB2
THOMASON Corpl. Pianist. Battalion Concert, Friday 25th August – held in the -
Dry Canteen, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Thomason L/Cpl -
Pianist at Bn concert 2/9th 23 June 16 YMCA tent, Terling
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
THOMASON Sergt. , First Round Knock Out Company Football Matches. A Coy. -
versus B. Coy. Won by B. Coy, Wed 18 Apr 17. Score 4 -1. This man A Coy.
Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
THOMASON, W. L/Corpl. No. 2734. D Coy. To be paid Acting L/Corpl. 2/9/16, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
THOMASON, W. Unpaid A/L/Sergt., No. 2737. A. Coy., from 18/1/17 , To be -
Paid Acting L/Sergt, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

[2737 see Trussell]

THOMASON, W. L/Corpl. No. 2734. D Coy. To be paid Acting Corporal. -
12/9/16, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Thomason, Walter Pte 350681 9th RS 350681 0640
THOMES Pte. , First Round Knock Out Company Football Matches. A Coy. -
versus B. Coy. Won by B. Coy, Wed 18 Apr 17. Score 4 -1. This man A Coy.
Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Thompson Pte D Coy -
Member of winning marathon team 2/9th Bn, 65th Divisional Games, Hylands Park
9th Aug 16. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Thompson, D. Pte 1986 24/2/15 (1) D of W 23/7/16 2610
- -
Dugald Thompson
23.7.16 in action. Mary Macfie [?hard to read but see probate]
Register Soldiers’ effects
D. Thompson (Thomson crossed out) 9RS Pte 1986
15Star&BWM&VM DofW France 24.2.15. Name amended on medal 1920
Dugald Thompson, clerk HM exchequer, Edin. Srgt 9RS kia 23.7.16. Sister Mary
Thompson or Macfie, wife of James Macfie 39 Willowbrae Rd, Edin. Estate
THOMPSON, Daniel J. E., b. Rothesay, Bute, e. Edinburgh , r. Rothesay, 370122, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 16/04/18, FORMERLY 5513,
H.F.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
THOMPSON, DANIEL J. E., D J E, Private, '370122', 9th Bn., 24, 16/Apr/1918,
ROTHESAY. [See Dugald Thompson] CWGC
Thompson, Daniel J.E., Pte 370122 17th High.L.I. 40864 Pte, 9th RS 370122 0640
- -
HLI Pte 40864, RS 370122 VM&BWM
?Brothers Daniel (~1894) and Dugald (~1889) to mother Sarah and father Daniel
27 East Princes St, Rothesay. Also two sisters incl Mary W Thompson ~1877,
photographer printer
1901 Census
Mo Sarah
Register Soldiers effects
THOMPSON, DUGALD, D, Serjeant, '1986', 9th Bn., 28, 23/Jul/1916, France,
THOMPSON, Dugald, e. Edinburgh, 1986, SERGT., Killed in action, France & SD
Flanders, 23/07/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Thompson, Dugald, Srgt, hit by bullets 10 May 15; killed at High Wood -

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Diary of James Nicol Beatson, Feb-Dec 1915; ‘Private Beatson’s War’, edited by
Shaun Springer and Stuart Humphreys, 2009
Thompson, F 2788 EB1
Thompson, F. Pte 2788 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 27/7/16 2610
THOMPSON, F. Pte. No. 2788. 27/7/16 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, -
Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November 1916
THOMPSON, Fred, e. Manchester , r. Altrincham, Manchester, 2788, PRIVATE, SD
Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 27/07/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
Thompson, Frederick Pte 2788 0629
THOMPSON, FREDRICK, F, Private, '2788', 9th Bn., 29, 27/Jul/1916, France,
Thompson, J.S, Lt
Awarded Croix de Guerre 12 Aug 18
Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The Fifteenth (Scottish) Division, 1914-
1919’, 1926 -
Edinburgh, 1895; only son of Mr. J. Thompson, Penicuik; 1911 – 12; banking;
Penicuik Cricket Club; 9th R.S., Pte. 1915; K.R.R.C., 2/Lt. 1917, Lt. 1919, attd.
2/6th Gurkha Rifles; France 1916, Somme, Vimy ; Salonika, advance into
Bulgaria; wounded Oct. 1916
THOMPSON, James Smith. 8 Craighall Cres. Leith. (2682) RSC
Thompson, Jas. S 4610 EB2
Thompson, John H., Pte 201875 9th RS 0637
THOMPSON, K.M. Pte. No. 325560 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Thompson, T Pte 2489 badge 102913 SWB
Thompson, T. Pte 2489 24/2/15 (1) Died 20/5/16 2610
Thompson, Thomas 2489 EB1
- -
Thompson, T 2489 Pte 15.10.14-20.5.16 wounds served overseas
Thompson, Thomas, corrected from Thomson, Pte 2489 0629
Thompson, Wm R, Pte 213859, badge 371311, E.C.L.C. Ex. 2/9. Royal Scots,
Discharge Unit 9 Royal Scots, enlisted 12.2.15 discharged 26.3.18 age 39, served
overseas. Labour Corps (Nottingham).
[Cannot find MIC]
Thompson, Wm. G. 1918,[*], Badge No. 41022
9RS Pte 6.8.14-3.8.16 15 sickness xvi did not serve overseas
R Scots 9
? 191? RS resident Sussex, military service region NE England -
Pension Ledger [not seen on fold3] ?
Thomson -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Mrs Thomson, 90 South Clerk Street, has received word that her son, who is a
member of the 'Dandy Ninth' has been wounded.
Edinburgh Evening Dispatch 12th May 1915
Thomson Pte -
2nd in Mile race. 2/9th Bn, 65th Divisional Games, Hylands Park 9th Aug 16. The
Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Thomson Pte D Coy -
Won mile race, 5 mins 10 sec. 2/9th Bn games Terling Park 22 Jul 16.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Thomson Pte D Coy Best turned out soldier 2nd -
2/9th Bn games Terling Park 22 Jul 16.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
THOMSON Pte., Left Machine Gun Section of Battalion to join the Machine Gun -
Corps. Set out for M.G.C. Depot on 3rd June 1916 (13 names), The Leather
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Thompson, William ?
RS Pte 351998, Lab Corps 397648, K R Rif C 58484 VM&BWM
MIC [included for six digit number]
THOMSON Pte. , Returned to ‘Blighty’ suffering from wounds or sickness, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Thomson Sergeant
Badly wounded and then killed, by a shell splinter, at High Wood, see David
Watson’s account in Macdonald, Lyn, ‘Somme’, 1983
? See Dugald Thompson -
Thomson Sergeant

Thomson Srgt NBW
Thomson Srgt 5 Platoon killed 11 May 15 Diary W.Scott TNA -
Thomson, A 4808 EB2
THOMSON, A. Pte. No. 1756, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
THOMSON, A. Pte. No. 352478 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
THOMSON, A. Pte. No. 3748, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Thomson, A.G Lt ww1
Thomson, A.T, Sergt. Address 1902: 5 Springvalley Gardens. F
Thomson, Alex M 3748 EB2
Thomson, Alexander -
Pte 5759 Pte 9th RS, Pte 352428 5/6th RS; “Declared a Deserter. 18.5.19. Still a
deserter. No Medals”
BWM & VM Piece 0640
Deserted 18.5.19 MIC

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

?Cannot find in records. A.Thomson RSF tried Ayr 20.12.19, drunkeness, is in

WO86/89; A.Thomson Royal Scots Greys tried Edinburgh 11.3.20 desertion, also
in WO 86/89
Thomson, Alexander -
23 Biggiesknowe, Peebles
Peebleshire roll of honour : being names of men connected with Tweeddale
enrolled in His Majesty's forces, August 1914-December 1915 (1916)
See also Thomson, John
Thomson, Alexander H., Cpl 200456 1/8th RS 2068 A/Sgt, 1/9th RS 2068 A/Sgt 0637
- -
Born Ormiston, enlisted Edin, Cpl, d.30.9.18 Home
SDGW under RS Depot
Sergt Alexander Hossack Thomson, Newington Cemetery
Find a grave
b.~1892 Ormiston to Leonard (foreman masons labourer) and Christina, address 36
?1901 Census
2068 4RS 2.9.14 later ref 2/4RS
Born Ormiston, age 22y9m, motor bus conductor, Scottish Motor Taxi Co, 38
Pleasance, unm, previous 4 years 9RS
200456 Cpl widow Annie Thomson of 25 Watson Cres, Edin. Family details incl fa
Leonard, mo Christina (38 Pleasance), siblings born Vancouver and New York.
Territorial War Medal.
13.4.18 GSW L Leg adm Torquay. Further details. Ref to 9RS. Hammer toes. GSW
bullet L Leg adm 5.4.18. Pneumonia.
Letetr from wife that she has bought a layer in Newington Cemetery and the funeral
is on Saturday, of Sergt A H Thomson 9RS late 4th Queens. Stamped 5.10.18.
Telegram death at King’s Lancs Mil Conval Hosp, Blackpool, at 11.10pm 30.9.18,
cause of death pneumonia. Further details, more and more weak, cardiac failure.
Occupation chauffeur group 34 stamped 2/4 RS. Asst Anti-gas instr. Qualified
Folkestone 5.8.17, Boulogne same day, IBD Etaples 6.8.17, posted 1/8 RS 23.8.17
joined in the field 25.8.17, to 20IBD 16.9.17 joined from front for disposal, posted
1/9 RS 1.10.17, joined next day. Absbd into establishment of Cpls v. W L? 16.10.17,
A/L/Sgt (pd) vice Crawford 1.11.17, A/Sgt v McKinley 11.11.17. GSW L Leg
25.3.18 adm 53CCS, 4 Gen Hosp Rouen ? 4.4.18
Posted 137 Depot 5.4.18
Home 2.9.14-3.8.17 BEF 4.8.17-4.4.18 Home 5.4.18-30.9.18
Service Record
[This record brings to mind, quite erroneously I’m sure, postcard sent c/o Alexis
Thomson, mentions chauffeur, previous 4 yrs RS and American connection, see
McCormick, D]
THOMSON, ALEXANDER HOSSACK, A H, Serjeant, '200456', 1st/9th Bn., 26,
30/Sep/1918, United Kingdom, HUSBAND OF ANNIE THOMSON, OF 25,
Thomson, Alexander McI., Pte 351227 9th RS 3748 Pte 0640

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Thomson, Alexander 0640

Pte 352428 9th RS 5759 Pte, 5/6th RS 352428 -
Alexander Thomson RS Pte 5759 352428 VM&BWM Deserted 18.5.19
See other reference 5759
Thomson, Alexander Pte 352478 9th RS 5809 Pte, 12th RS 352478 0640
Thomson, Alexander Sgt 375063 1/9th RS 353237, 11th RS 375063 0641
Thomson, Andrew F., Pte 44372 9th RS 0635
Thomson, Andrew Pte -

Wounded atYpres and now in Chichester Hospital. His parents reside at 90 South
Clerk St, Edinburgh. EED 15.5.15
Thomson, Andrew Pte 34513 2nd RS 13th RS 12th RS 1/9th RS 0633
Thomson, Andrew, Pte (wounded) 07-11
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
THOMSON, Andrew. 133 Dalkeith Rd. Edinburgh. (5971) RSC
Thomson, C Pte 351431 ww1
THOMSON, C. Pte. No. 2577, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
THOMSON, C. Pte. No. 351431 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Thomson, C.T 2577 EB1
Thomson, Charles 4052 EB2
Campbell College, Belfast. Student of Law, 1911-15. Chartered Accountant,
1915. 9th Royal Scots, Private Nov. 1915; L/Sergeant May 1916. France.
Killed in action on 23rd April 1917.

University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921) -

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Thomson, Charles Alexander, 9th Royal Scots -

9th RS No. 1934; later 304341 Tank Corps
b. Leith, electrical engineer for Brace Peebles & Co (?), apprentice 5 yrs, residing
40 Restalrig Terrace, Leith; attested Pte 17 yrs 2 mnth on 7th Aug 14, Edinburgh,
John Cumming RAMC, approved R.M Dudgeon Capt and Adjt.
Embodied service 7.8.14 Pte, signed Imperial Service Obligation 4.3.16 (Brentwood
CO Gordon), transferred 5th Scottish Rifles 11.9.16; under age (date of birth
25.6.1898), forfeit 6 days pay 29.12.16 for absence, 3 Bn 7.1.17, BEF 29.10.17,
Tank Corps transferred 20.12.17, Unit 17th BEF 27.4.18, 17 Ireland 23.1.19
Home 7.8.14-30.8.16; BEF 31.8.16-4.12.16; Home 5.12.16-28.10.17; France
29.10.17-22.1.19; Home 23.1.19. Military Medal L/G 23.7.19, BWM. Next of kin
Mrs Alex. Thomson, 40 Restalrig Terr. Demob 30.5.19 at Cornwall Gdns SW7,
home address 40 Restalrig Terr, Leith.
Casualty Form Gnr A Thomson 17th Bn Tank Corps. Emb Folkestone, disemb
Boulogne 27.4.18. Home with 17 H Bn TC. Proceeded to dispersal centre for
demobilisation, Dublin 29.4.19 17th Tank Bn. No. 304341. A Coy 17th Bn Tank
Corps as of 23.4.18.
Signs Chas. A Thomson, 40 Restalrig Terr, Aug 1920
3rd Scottish Rifles Conduct Sheet 40313 Thomson C. Pte
Nigg 15.10.17 Overstaying his leave 4 days = 14 days CB [confined to barracks],
forfeit 4 days pay; losing waistbelt value 2/9
Service Record
Thomson, Charles Pte 351431 9th RS 351431 Pte 0640
Thomson, Charles Pte 351431 born Caledon, Tyrone -
THOMSON, Charles, b. Caledon, Tyrone, e. Birmingham , r. Corstonshire, SD
Midlothian, 351431, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
THOMSON, CHARLES, C, Private, '351431', 9th Bn., 27, 23/Apr/1917, France,
Thomson, Charles, Pte 351431
“Son of the Rev Charles Logan Thomson, MA LLD, and Agnes I Thomson,
“Ashdene”, 48 Belgrave Road, Corstorphine. Charles’s parents were married in
Strathmartine Free Church, Angus, on 31 August 1887. His father’s residence is
given as Caledon, County Tyrone, and his mother’s Dundee. He is described as
“Presbyterian Minister”. His wife’s father is described as a jute manufacturer.”

St Ninian’s Church Corstorphine War Memorial -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots
Thomson, Colin T., A/Sgt 350606 9th RS 2577 Pte 0640
Thomson, D 1986 B Coy LS1
THOMSON, D. Sergt. No. 1986. 22/7/16 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916
Thomson, W.H 2228 [looks like D.H.] EB1
Thomson, David 4688 EB2
Thomson, David Cpl 58960 9th RS 0636
Thomson, Dougald Sgt 1986 commissioned? 0629
Thomson, G( ) 48 (1)(4)? EB2
Thomson, G., Pte 351644 9th RS 0641
Thomson, G.A? -

Pte 2/9RS trial 5.6.16 at Witham WO 86/70 p.157. theft, 6 mnths detention, remitted
2 mnths.
Thomson, Geo. A 2885 EB1
Thomson, George 3205 EB2
Thomson, George 4635 EB2
THOMSON, George Archibald. 3 Baird Grove. Edinburgh. (7131) RSC
Thomson, J 3186 Cpl A Coy to be paid Sergt 29.1.162/9thBn The Leather Sporran, -
Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
THOMSON, J. Pte. No. 351124 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Thomson, J. Sgt 350506 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 5/6/17 2610
Thomson, J. Transport Sergt, 15 Albion St, Leith -
Drill Programme 1911-12
Thomson, J.S 2877 EB1
Thomson, J.S, Lt, Transport Officer, p.455 Steenbeek, brought up rations under E
shellfire with ‘unfailing regularity’ -
? Lt J. Thomson MC to be T.O. [Transport Officer] in composite battalion if
required April 1918
5/GH WD WO 95 3061 2_1
CAUTION – two JS Thomsons i) James Smith 1021 comm RS and ii) James Stein
2877 comm West Riding killed 22.7.18. The man in this box is the latter.
THOMSON, J.S. Pte. No. 2877, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Thomson, J.S. 2877 A Coy LS2
Thomson, J.S. L/Cpl 350751 24/2/15 (1) 29/1/18 2610
- -
James Stein Thomson 9/RS L/Cpl 350751; W Rid R 2/Lt
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15
Comm, Died 22.7.18
Sister Mrs R. Brooks, 35 Watson Cres, Edin.

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2/Lt James Stein Thomson died 22.7.18 age 24, 1st/2nd Duke of Wellington’s (West
Riding Regiment) attd. 1st/7th Bn Lancashire Fusiliers. Son of James and Margaret
Thomson, of Edinburgh. Formerly served with the 9th Bn Royal Scots. Buried
Bertrancourt Military Cemetery, Somme.
KIA 22.7.18
‘C Coy tried to take WATLING STREET in the forenoon, but failed.’ KIA
War Diary 1/7 Lanc Fus 22.7.18
Thomson, J.S. Lt. M.C. awarded Croix de Guerre (Palms) 12 Aug 1918,
proceeded to join 11th Bn RS 16 Mar 1919 WD
Thomson, J.S. Sgt 1021 24/2/15 (1) Comm RS 11/3/16 2610
Thomson, J.S., L/Cpl 350751 9th RS 2877 Pte 0640
Thomson, James -
13 Northgate, Peebles
Peebleshire roll of honour : being names of men connected with Tweeddale
enrolled in His Majesty's forces, August 1914-December 1915 (1916)
Thomson, James A 4071 EB2
Thomson, James B., Pte 353130 9th RS 0640
THOMSON, James Bryden. 55 Northfield Broadway. Edinburgh. (9977) RSC
Thomson, James Pte 273123 12th RS 9th RS 0638
Thomson, James Pte 44373 9th RS 0635
Thomson, James Pte 45853 13th RS 9th RS 0635
Thomson, James R., Pte 301769 9th RS 4295 Pte, 13th RS 0639
Thomson, James R., Pte 376323 12th RS 376323 Pte, 9th RS 376323 0640
Thomson, James S. Pte -

Suffering from a bullet wound in the side. In Rouen Hospital.

EED 8.5.15
[Two possible JS Thomsons]
Thomson, James S., Sgt 1021 Comm. 9th RS 11.3.16 0629
- -
Thomson, James Smith Lt MC
pendant toute la duree des operations avec l'armee francaise et dans des
circonstances parfois tres difficiles, cet officier a toujours assure le ravitaillement
du bataillon en munitions en eau et aliments chauds. Le 29 juillet, quoique ayant
eu deux hommes et six chevaux blesses et devant passer par des routes prises sous

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

le feu de barrage de l'ennemi, s'est ingenie a faire parvenir quand meme tout le
ravitaillement, n'a jamais faibli a la tache pendant tout la duree de ces operations.
[Throughout the duration of the operations with the French army and in sometimes
very difficult circumstances, this officer has always ensured the supply of the
battalion with water and hot food ammunition. On 29 July, though having had two
men and six horses wounded and having to go through roads taken under the
enemy's barrage, was ingenied to send all the supplies, never weakened to the spot
for the duration of these Operations.]
Journal officiel de la République française 16.3.19
James Smith Thomson MC 9/RS Sjt 1021; Lt
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15; Comm; 2 Balfour Pl, Leith NB
THOMSON, James, b. Govan, Glasgow, e. Glasgow, 45853, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 23/10/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
THOMSON, JAMES, J, Private, '45853', 9th Bn., 30, 23/Oct/1918, Belgium, SON
Thomson, John 2333 EB1
Thomson, John -
?12th Bn RS
23 Biggiesknowe, Peebles
Peebleshire roll of honour : being names of men connected with Tweeddale
enrolled in His Majesty's forces, August 1914-December 1915 (1916)
Thomson, John M., Pte
1917—May 3. MRS JOHN THOMSON, 22a Biggiesknowe, Peebles, received
official intimation from the Infantry Record Office, Hamilton, informing her
that the Army Council had been constrained to conclude that her husband, Private
JOHN M. THOMSON, Royal Scots, who had been previously reported as missing
in France since 3rd May 1917, was dead, and that his death took place on that
date, as they had received no further information concerning him.
The deceased, who was 36 years of age, previous to enlisting in the “Dandy
Ninth” (Royal Scots) while they were encamped at Peebles during August 1915
was employed as a powerloom tuner in Damdale Mill, Peebles, and went out to
France in September 1916. He was survived by his wife and three young
children—two boys and a girl—whose ages at the time of their father's death were
9, 6, and 4 respectively. Private Thomson, who was the third son of Mr and
Mrs R. Thomson, 23 Biggiesknowe, had four brothers serving with the Colours,
one of whom—Private Alex. M. Thomson, Royal Scots — was also reported
missing a few days previous to the deceased being reported missing. A
communication, however, was received from Private Alexander Thomson, stating
that he was a prisoner of war in Germany.
"Our reports show that on 3rd May 1917 the 12th Royal Scots took part in the
fighting near Gavrelle, on the Arras front. They made a night attack, or as some
call it, ' a bombing raid,' to relieve two other Battalions which were 'in a tight
place' near the Chemical Works at Roeux. The hour of starting was 9 P.M., and the
enemy artillery was very active. Shells were dropping all round, and this made it
practically impossible for the 12th Royal Scots to advance far enough to be of

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

assistance to the other regiments. They must have been almost in touch with the
enemy at one time, for one man speaks of 'the Germans being nearly on us, and it
was difficult to get help to the wounded.' One company got held up in No Man's
Land, and remained in a shell-hole for many hours. When the order to retire came
they crawled out, and some of them succeeded in getting back to their own lines.
This was 3.30 A.M., and it is said that during the action wounded men crawled
back. The ground was lost, but patrols went out over and over again on successive
nights to try and find wounded officers and men. Shell-fire must have accounted
for many of the wounded. The ground is said to have been taken by another
regiment some time afterwards."

The book of remembrance for Tweeddale, Vol. I (1920)

Thomson, John McIntyre, Pte 40123 12th Bn
See also WW1_Casualties_by_Regiment_Letter_R.pdf
Thomson, John 3539 EB2
Thomson, John 3572 EB2
- -
Thompson, John Pte 3572 France 18.11.15; LC 205653 Pte Dis 1.7.18
9RS Piece 2836 Labour Corps Medal Roll (15Star)
Thomson, John 4036 EB2
Thomson, John 350506, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No. 214128,
Sgt, enlisted 12.9.14, discharged 5.6.17 shell shock xvi served overseas SWB
Thomson, John F., Pte 353568 9th RS 0640
Teviot Grove Academy, Hawick. Student of Arts and Divinity, 1912-15; M.A.
1915. 9th Royal Scots (T.), March 191 5, Sergeant. 9th and 1/4th King's Own
Scottish Borderers, 2nd Lieut. Aug. 1916; Lieut. Feb. 1918; Captain April 1919.
Egypt, Palestine, France, and The Rhine. M.C. Sept. 1918.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Thomson, John L/Cpl 44192 9th RS 0635
Thomson, John M 3738 EB2
Thomson, John M., Pte 40123 9th RS 12th RS 0634
Thomson, John S., Pte 352947 9th RS 352947 Pte, 11th RS 352947 0640
Thomson, John Sgt 350506 9th RS 2333 Sgt 0640
THOMSON, John. 17 Greenbank Gardens. Edinburgh. (3317) RSC
Thomson, Joseph Pte 325188 8th RS 998 Pte, 5th Ent. Bn. 9th RS 0639

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Thomson, L.E. Pte 350335 24/2/15 (1) (entry crossed out) 2610
Thomson, L.E. Pte 350335 24/2/15 (1) [crossed out] 2610
Thomson, L.E. Pte 350335 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 22/5/19 2610
Thomson, LE. Pte. no. 350335 M.S.M. New Years List 1918/19 WD
Thomson, Lewes E. (M.S.M.) Srgt (wounded) 06-08
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Thomson, Lewes E., Sergeant, M.S.M.
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
THOMSON, Lewis E. C/o Elphinstone. 9 Riselaw Rd. Edinburgh. 1/9th (3358) RSC
Thomson, Lewis E., A/Cpl 350335 9th RS 1839 Pte, attd Div. Hqrs. 1839 Pte, attd 0640
A.P.M. 51st Div.
Thomson, Lewis L 3961 EB2
Thomson, Maitland B 3970 EB2
THOMSON, N.C. L/Corpl. No. 352174 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Thomson, Nicol C., L/Cpl 352174 9th RS 5494 Pte 0640
Thomson, Norman V 4489 EB2
Thomson, Percy 2662 EB1
Thomson, Percy 2662
97 Rosehill Rd, Harpurhey, Manchester. Attested 11.11.14 age ?18, ?Transferred
No previous service. 20.2.16 Dundee, transf to ?7th Lanc or London
Home Service
THOMSON, Peter Dunn. 7 Shandon St. Edinburgh. (2984) RSC
Thomson, Peter L 3918 EB2
Thomson, R 2816 EB1
Thomson, R 3257 D Coy LS7
Thomson, R S-Maj MM -
Colour party collecting colours from Edinburgh 17.12.18 Daily Record 18.12.18
Thomson, R. Pte 350161 24/2/15 (1) 2610
Thomson, R. Sergt-Major M.M. -
Part of colour party to take colours back to France
Picture NBW/ Text EED 17 Dec 18
Thomson Sgt-Maj
Colour party to take colours from Edinburgh to France
The Scotsman 18th December 1918.
Thomson, Robert 4956 9 RS -
Attested 9RS Pte 8.5.16, embodied same day, leave 9-12.9.16, posted 137 depot
7.12.17, 4 Res RS 31.1.18, 5/6RS 21.3.18, 137 depot Nigg 29.4.18, 4 Res RS
22.8.18, BEF 9RS 7.9.18, demob 26.2.19, address Wingates, Long Horseley,
Attestation Heron’s Close, Morpeth
Service Record. Mixed in papers of John Wilson 4955 351773 (qv)
? Robert Thomson 351774
Thomson, Robert 3257 EB2
Thomson, Robert CSM 350161 9th RS 1445 W.O.Cl.II 0640
- -
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Warden, Francis D. Lt -
Stewart Melville 1917
Daniel Stewart's College. Student of Science, 1918-19. O.T.C. Infantry, March to
Nov. 1916, Cadet Corporal. 9th and 15th Royal Scots, 2nd Lieut. April 1917;
Lieut. Sept. 1918. France.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Stewart Melville 1917
Thomson, Robert d. - , 350161, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military -
Medal (Ancestry)
Thomson, Robert Pte 351774 9th RS 351774 Pte, 5/6th RS 351774 0640
- -
? Thomson, Robert 4956
Thomson, Samuel H., L/Cpl 353497 9th RS 353497 Pte 0640
Thomson, T 2051 EB1
Thomson, T 2489 C Coy LS3
THOMSON, T. Pte. No. 3571, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Thomson, T. Pte -
Pressroom of Thomas Nelson & Sons, Ltd, Parkside Works, Edinburgh, Roll of
THOMSON, T. Pte. No. 2051 Severe, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No -
2, 1st Nov 1916.
Thomson, T.A. 3571, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No. 122314
Pte 9RS 20.7.15-3.9.16 sickness xvi served overseas SWB
THOMSON, T.G. Pte. No. 351711 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Thomson, Thomas 3571 EB2
Thomson, Thomas 3919 EB2
Thomson, Thomas A 528, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No.
208654 age 26 XXI
Cpl 9RS 22.2.09-21.2.16 age 26 rejected xxi did not serve overseas
[cannot find other records]
? Very little to go on but possible
Thomas A Thomson b~1889 Lasswade, Edin. To Thomas (paper mill worker) and
Jane B, address Frankfield
?1891 Census SWB
THOMSON, Thomas G., b. Edinburgh, e. Annan, Dumfriesshire , r. Edinburgh, SD
351711, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Thomson, Thomas G., Pte 251711 [351711?, all other numbers in sequence begin 0640
351…] 9th RS 4801 Pte -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Thomas G Thomson
RS Pte 4801 251711 VM&BWM
Thomson, Thomas G.
351711 Pte 9RS 4801 KIA 9.4.17 Fa James
Register Effects
THOMSON, THOMAS GIBSON, T G, Private, '351711', 1st/9th Bn., 32,
Thomson, Thomas L/Sgt 351347 9th RS 3919 A/Cpl 0640
Thomson, Thomas Sgt 335254 9th RS Sgt, 2nd RS 0639
THOMSON, Thomas. 55 Frederick St. Edinburgh. (3126) RSC
THOMSON, Thomas. (3126). Flat 9, Coldstones, Hill Road, Gullane
The Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969 -
THOMSON, Thomas. No.2051. Poulton Priory Farm, Fairford, Gloucestershire. G EBD
Comp. 28/8/14. 25 yrs 1 mons. 14/9/15 To R.E. (Chem. Sect) -
Thomson, Thomas RS Pte, Cpl 2051; RE 120616; RGA 2/Lt
15Star&BWM&VM France 26.2.15 Comm 21.7.18
Board of Agriculture for Scotland, York Bldgs, Queen St, Edinburgh.
Thomson, Thos. A, Corp (wounded) 06-07
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Thomson, Thos. G 4801 EB2
Thomson, W Sergeant 9th NBW-S
THOMSON, W. CQMS. No. 90. Severe, wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916
THOMSON, W. Pte. No. 2603, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
THOMSON, W. Sergt. No. 196. 11/5/15 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916
Thomson, W. Sgt 196 24/2/15 (1) K in A 11/5/15 2610
[Walter Thomson]
Thomson, W. Sgt 350011 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 8/6/29 [William, 90, 350011] 2610
THOMSON, W. V. (1912). -
Private, 9th Battalion (Highlanders) Royal Scots, September 1914; Lance-
Corporal, September 1916. Wounded at Ypres, April 1915.
Royal High School of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1920)
[?2281 Thomson, William Valentine]
Thomson, Walter NBW
Thomson, W., Srgt

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Also EED 22.5.15

Sergeant Killed. He was a tailor in Edinburgh, and had been in the
battalion practically since its formation. Dated 22/5/15.
See also Edinburgh Evening News 22 May 1915
Sgt. Walter Thomson B Coy, killed Ypres 11th May 15, shot by sniper. Elder in
Holyrood Abbey U.F. Church. 23 Waverley Park, Edinburgh. Letter received by
sister in Glasgow.
The Scotsman 21 May 15
Under date 11 May Capt Ferguson wrote of the death of Sgt Thomson, son of the
late Walter Thomson, Croftheads, Lockerbie. ‘Capt Ferguson states that he and
Sgt. Thomson were standing together trying to locate a sniper who had been rather
troublesome, when a bullet from the sniper in hiding struck the sergeant and he
died almost immediately. He was married and had resided in Edinburgh for some
Glasgow Herald 21 May 15
Makes this man Walter Thomson, and in Ferguson’s B Coy
Thomson, W.D 3668 EB2
- -
William D. Thomson RS A/Cpl 3668 351169 VM&BWM
THOMSON, W.D. Pte. No. 351169 , Missing, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
June 1917
THOMSON, W.H. Pte. No. 351228 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, -
Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
[William Henry Thomson]
Thomson, Walter RS Pte 353395, Lab C 444369, R Innis Fus 47515 VM&BWM ?
MIC [included only for RS number]
Thomson, W.H. A/L/Cpl 2228 entered theatre as Pte comm 8th Middlesex 6.9.15 0629
Thomson, W.H. Pte 2228 24/2/15 (1) Comm Midds 6/9/15 2610
Wilfred Hood Thomson, Pte, L/Cpl crossed out, 9RS 2228, Capt Tank Corps
15Star&VM&BWM France 24.2.15 Comm Middlx 6.9.15
Claim submitted GOC Tank Corps 29.1.19
View Camp, Dalkeith, Scotland

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L/Cpl Wilfred Hood Thomson from RS to be 2/Lt 7.9.15, The Duke of Cambridge’s
Own (Middlesex Regiment)
LG 15.9.15
Wilfred Hood Thomson baptised 10.5.96 Dalkeith, fa Adam, mo Helen Bell
Scotland, Births and Baptisms
Fa Adam (draper shop keeper), mo Helen Bett, siblings, b.~1896, View Camp,
1901 Census
Thomson, W.T. Pte 350370 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 25/2/19 2610
- -
William T. Thomson 9RS Pte 1941, 350370
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 Disemb.
See Thomson, William T.
Thomson, Walter 3660
Discharged under 17 yrs of age 3.9.15, examined 13.8.15 at Edin., declared age
19yrs10mnths, born Edin., waiter, enlisted 13.8.15 9RS as 3660.
Pension record (p.893/8983) mixed in with another man (Litster) -
Thomson, Walter J., Pte 36772 1/9th RS 0633
- -
Thomson, Walter J. RS Pte 36772 VM&BWM
Thomson, Walter Sgt 196 0629
THOMSON, Walter, b. Annan, Dumfriesshire, e. Edinburgh, 196, SERGT., Killed SD
in action, France & Flanders, 11/05/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th -
Sergt 196 KIA 11.5.15; Sister Janet Mary
Soldiers’ effects
Walter Thomson Sjt 196 9RS 15Star&VM&BWM France 24.2.15 KIA
THOMSON, WALTER, W, Serjeant, '196', 9th Bn., 34, 11/May/1915, Belgium, CWGC
Thomson, Wilfred, Pte
Viewcamp, Dalkeith
Re. shelling of ‘D’ Coy billets… ‘had just crossed the room of the nunnery for a
shaving brush, and so probably escaped with his life, as one of the men fatally
wounded was at the spot which Thomson had occupied a minute or two
The Scotsman 15 Apr 1915
[? 2228 Wilfred Hood Thomson] -
Thomson, William 3486 EB2
Thomson, William A/RQMS 350011 9th RS 90 Sgt 0640
- -
Sjt 9RS

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15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 Disemb.

Entitlement sent OC Lowland 52nd Div. 21.5.20
Thomson, William D., A/Cpl 351169 9th RS 3668 A/Cpl 0640
[See Thomson, W.D]
Thomson, William H., Pte 3749 0629
- -
See Thomson, Wm.
THOMSON, William Henry, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 351228, PRIVATE, SD
Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 21/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), -
9th Battalion.
Mo Annie F., Fa William Henry
Pension Ledger
?351228 same as 3749? These are in the right sequence
THOMSON, WILLIAM HENRY, W H, Private, '351228', "A" Coy. 9th Bn., 19,
Thomson, William Pte 351067 9th RS 0640
- -
Thomson, William Pte 51933 12th HLI 40375 Pte, 16th HLI 9th RS 0636
- -
HLI Pte 40375, RS 51933
THOMSON, William S. 21 Nottingham Ave. Glasgow. (4167) RSC
Thomson, William T., L/Cpl 350370 9th RS 1941 Pte, attd 51st Div. Hqrs. 0640
See Thomson, W.T.
THOMSON, William, Capt. 6 Eyre Place. Edinburgh. (688) RSC
Thomson, Wm. 2603 EB1
- -
Thomson, William RS 2603 Pte; 18th Tank Corps 92327 A/Cpl
BWM&VM Medal Roll Tank Corps Piece 1774
William Thomson RS Pte 2603, Tank C 92327 VM&BWM
Thomson, Wm. H 3749 EB2
Thomson, Wm. V 2281 EB1
- -

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Thomson, William Valentine Pte 2281 France 24.2.15; LC 146933 A/L/C Cl Z

1/9RS Piece 2836 Labour Corps Medal Roll (15Star)
William Valentine Thomson RS Pte 2281, Lab Corps L/C 146933
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 Cl Z 27.3.19
Thorburn Major for Lt. Col. signed war diary e.g. 6 Aug 1917, decoded German
messages 28 Oct 1917 WD
Thorburn, Archibald Pte 352575 9th RS 5973 Pte 0640
Thorburn, M.P. Capt. 8th RS proceeded to demobilization Jan 1919 WD
Thorburn, Michael P., Capt. -
List of Officers connected with Peeblesshire who served during the Great War
Gunn, Dr., ‘The Book of Remembrance for Tweeddale’, Vol. II, 1920
Thorburn, W, Lt-Col, 8th RS under the command of Thorburn of 9th RS, 1918 E
Thorburn, W. Maj in command (temp) 9RS on W. Green being appointed CO of
153rd Bde 14.4.18; Thorburn appointed to command 8RS on 16.4.18
183 Bde War Diary
William Thorburn DSO 9RS Maj, 8RS Lt Col
VM&BWM France 21.7.17. Kingsmoir, Peebles
Thorburn, William L/Cpl 51919 9th RS Pte 0636
THORBURN, William. Belford Ave. Edinburgh. (10720) RSC
Thorburn, Wm. 2941 EB1
Thorley, W 2857 EB1
Thorley, W 2857 C Coy LS7
Thorley, Walter Pte 2857 2/9th RS Dundee Hospital 9.6.15-6.7.15 -
Thorne, John H., Pte 23649 12th RS 2nd RS 1/9th RS 16th RS 0632
- -
Thorne, John Henry RS d.9.4.18 at Fleurbaix
Memorial Coldstream IWM
Thorne, John Henry 23649 16RS d.9.4.18 age 41, Son of Esau and Jane Thorne, of
Prospect House, Wingrave, Aylesbury; husband of Marie Gertrude Thorne, of 10,
Graham St., Pimlico, London.
THORNTON, Jack, b. Elland, Yorks, e. Halifax, Yorks , r. Elland, 302148, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 17/12/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
THORNTON, JACK, J, Private, '302148', 9th Bn., 21, 17/Dec/1917, France, SON
Thornton, John Pte 250766 5th RS 2866 Pte, 5/6th RS 9th RS 0638
Thorpe, A 4861 EB2
Thorpe, A. 335186 (Peebles) ?

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?In a list of 13 wounded, two are not known Ninths: Heagens 45888 and Thorpe
Daily List wounded reported 5 January 1918 GWF
Thorpe, T.C 2914 EB1
Thorpe, T.C. 2914 B Coy LS7
THURSTON, A.J. Pte. No. 3048 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Thurston, A.J. 3048 A Coy LS4
Thurston, A.J. Lt -
[this list does not specify 9RS but includes many recognisable names, see T.G.
Clark for full list]
Territorial Army, the undermentioned relinquish their commissions 30 Sep 1921,
and retain their rank unless otherwise stated.
London Gazette 23 Dec 1921 p.10576
Thurston, A.J. Pte 3048 4/5/15 (1) Comm 21/11/16 2610
Thurston, Arthur 3048 EB1
Thurston, Arthur J., Pte 3048 comm 9 (R) RS 21.11.16 0629
- -
Thurston, Arthur James 9RS Pte 3048; Lt
15Star&BWM&VM (1) France 4.5.15 Comm Claim by 9th Div 21.1.19; 6
Templeland Rd, Corstorphine, Edin. MIC
THURSTON, Arthur James. Braecroft. Pearce Ave. Corstorphine (1380) RSC
Thurston, C.E 2442 EB1
Thurston, C.E. 2442 A Coy LS4
Thurston, C.E. Pte 2442 24/2/15 (1) Comm RS 27/11/15 2610
Thurston, Charles E., Pte 2442 comm 12th RS 27.11.15 0629
THWAITES, J. Pte. No. 1645, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Thwaites, J. Pte 350254 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 2/4/19 2610
Thwaites, Joseph Pte 350254 9th RS 1645 0640
- -
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 Disemb.
Bandsman, res Edin, disability
Pension Ledger
Tibbetts, A 3243 B Coy LS7
Tibbetts, Albert 3243 EB2
Tibbs, David Pte 271443 1/9th RS 4810 Pte, 12th RS 0638
Tidswell, F. Pte 2270 24/2/15 (1) Comm KOL reg 4/8/16 2610
Tidswell, Francis A/Sgt 2270 comm King’s Own Lanc 4.8.15 0629
TIERNEY, F, Private, '44132', 9th Bn., , 12/Apr/1918, France, CWGC
Tierney, Francis Pte 44132 9th RS 0635
TIERNEY, Francis, b. Greenock, Renfrewshire, e. Glasgow , r. Glasgow, 44132, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 12/04/18, FORMERLY 52560,
H.F.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.

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TINDALL, W, Private, '351873', 2nd/9th Bn., 26, 28/Jul/1918, United Kingdom,

Tindall, William
2/9th RS Pte, A/Sgt 351873, 10 Ellison St, West Hartlepool MIC -
Tinning, Lawson 4532 EB2
- -
9RS 4532, 2nd KOSB 40881 L/Cpl
BWM&VM Medal Roll Piece 1116 KOSB
TOD, FREDERICK LEWIS MAITLAND, Lt, 45 Castle Street, Edinburgh. -
Enlisted in 9th Royal Scots in August 1914. Afterwards obtained a Commission
and served in Egypt with the Army Service Corps from June till September 1915;
from October 1915 till April 1918 in Servia [sic], Macedonia, and Palestine ; and
from April till September 1918 in France. Accidentally wounded on 20th
September 1918.
Roll of honour of members of the Society of Writers to His Majesty's Signet, and
apprentices 1914-1919
Edinburgh Academy. Student of Law, 1902-6. Writer to the Signet, 1907. 9th
Royal Scots (T.), Private Aug. 1914. A.S.C. (T.), Lowland Division, 2nd Lieut.
Nov. 1914; Lieut. Jan. 1916. Egypt June to Sept. 1915; Serbia, Macedonia, and
Palestine, Oct. 1915; France April to Sept. 1918. Accidentally wounded Sept.
1918. Dispatches. O.B.E.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Tod, J Sergeant 9th NBW-S
Tod, J, Sergt. B Coy killed by enemy sniper 28 Aug 1915
‘We were wakened at 6.00 a.m. with the sad news that one of our sergeants had
been killed & body was being brought down. When it arrived we found it was our
own platoon sergeant. After breakfast we had to make the body ready for
burial.’(?No.5 Platoon)
28 Aug 15, Diary of James Lawson Cairns, transcribed by Margaret Donaldson
- WD
See John Tod -
TOD, J. Sergt. No. 1386. 28/8/15 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
Tod, J. Sgt 1386 24/2/15 (1) K in A 28/8/15 2610
- -
Reported killed in War Office list published today
EEN 25.9.15
TOD, J.N. Pte. No. 3707, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Tod, J.S 2098 EB1
TOD, J.S. L/Corpl. No. 2098. B. Coy. 1st place with J French. , Three-legged -
Race, Battalion Sports – Somewhere in France, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4,
1st June 1917
Tod, J.S. L/Cpl 350418 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 20/2/19 2610
Tod, James -
George Street, Peebles

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Peebleshire roll of honour : being names of men connected with Tweeddale

enrolled in His Majesty's forces, August 1914-December 1915 (1916)
? James Tod of Peebles, one of four brothers, Royal Scots (one of whose legs was
The book of remembrance for Tweeddale, Vol. I (1920
Tod, James N 3707 EB2
Tod, James N 3707, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No. 176568
Pte 9RS 30.8.15-6.3.17 wounds xvi served overseas SWB
Tod, James N., Pte 3707 0629
- -
Tod, James S Private 9th NBW-S
Tod, James S. NBW

See also EED 7 May 15

Lance-corporal. Wounded at Ypres. He resided at 24 Deanpark Street, Edinburgh.
Dated 7/5/15
L/Cpl, James S. Tod 2098 wounded by bullet in left thigh Ypres 22 April, hospital
in Balham, London, progressing favourably. Joined in Sept. Employed Royal
Botanic Gardens for many years. Visited in Balham by their majesties the King
and Queen. 24 Deanpark St, Edinburgh. Has a brother in the same battalion
presently on active service.
The Scotsman 7 May 1915
Wounded bullet left thigh, when going into action 22 Apr 15, now in hospital in
Balham, London. [else as above] EED 6.5.15
Tod, James S., L/Cpl 350418 9th RS 2098 Pte 0640
- -
15Star&BWM&VM (1) France 24.2.15
Tod, James Stewart
Joined staff of Garden as Packer, 3 November 1902. Enlisted 9th Royal Scots, 29
August 1914. Rank: Lance-Corporal. Service in field in Flanders, three years,
eleven months. Once wounded. Demobilised, 22 January 1919.
The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh War Service Roll, 1914-1918 -
Tod, Jock Cpl -
‘A sad casualty occurred to us early one morning when Corporal Jock Tod, a sniper
who had much success in shooting Boche who came into the view of his telescopic
sights before dusk, was himself sniped when trying to shoot at first light at a German

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hat opposite. The reflection of the early sun on his rifle must have given him away
to the enemy’ Armentieres 1915
? John Tod 1386 KIA 28.8.15?
RWF Johnston IWM papers
Tod, John Sgt 1386 0629
- -
Tod, John Sergt No 1386 9th RS eldest son of the late Thomas Tod of Cleish,
Blairadam Co Kinross, farmer, by his wife Jessie (now wife of Duncan Robertson
of The Lodge, Arboretum Road, Edinburgh, Park Keeper of the Royal Botanic
Gardens, Edinburgh) dau. of James Stewart of Blairadam, farmer. Born Edinburgh
13.2.1880 educ Donaldson’s Hospital there; was employed as Law Clerk with
Messrs. White & Park, W.S., Edinburgh for 17 years; joined Queen’s Edinburgh
Rifles in 1896, served 8 years attaining rank of Sergt; joined the 9th RS in 1912,
was promoted L/Cpl after mobilisation and Sergt while at the front; volunteered
for foreign service at outbreak of war in Aug 14, went to France 23 Feb 15 and
was killed in action at La Bassée near Armentieres 28 Aug following. Buried in
the cemetery at La Bassée. A comrade wrote: “He was a very brave man and one
of the nicest men one could meet, and never without a smile on his face. His
orders were always carried out cheerfully, as his platoon liked him awfully much.
He was a perfect gentleman, and we all feel his death very much.” Unm.
De Ruvigny’s ROH
Mo. Sole leg Jessie, Mrs Jessie Robertson
Register Soldiers’ Effects
?Family probably Duncan Robertson (49), Jessie (42), Katie Tod Robertson (22),
John TR (21), James TR (19), Alexander Robertson (suggests son of Duncan and
Jessie, half-brother)(9) as per 1901 Census, 7 Hugh Miller Pce.
?John and James Tod both in 9th RS, probably James S. Tod 2098
Tod, J. Sjt 1386 9RS 15Star&VM&BWM KIA (1) France 24.2.15 MIC
TOD, John, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 1386, SERGT., Killed in action, France SD
& Flanders, 28/08/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
TOD, JOHN, J, Serjeant, '1386', "B" Coy. 9th Bn., 36, 28/Aug/1915, France, SON
Tod, John, Sgt
Popular “Dandy Ninth” Sergeant Killed
Sgt John Tod, who is reported killed, was a great favourite with the men of his
platoon. In a letter home Pte Roy McGregor says “He was a very brave man and
one of the nicest men one could meet, and never without a smile on his face. His
orders were always carried out wth cheerfulness as his platoon liked him awfully
much. He was a perfect gentleman, and we all feel his death very, very much.”
EED 6 Sept 15
Tod, R., Colour-Sergt. A Coy. Address 1902: 19 Comely Bank Street. F
TOD, Ross, Mr. 77 George St. Edinburgh. (3932) RSC
Mentioned by William Dea, June 1917 -

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Trick played on him by Stenhouse who burned his boots, cost him £1
Diary of Pte William Dea, transcribed by Malcolm Fergusson
Todd, Alfred 3691 EB2
Todd, Archibald 3794 EB2
Todd, Frank G., Pte 302258 26th Roy. Fus. B/20181 Pte, 9th RS 0639
TODD, G D, Private, '351596', 9th Bn., , 20/May/1917, France, CWGC
Todd, Geo. D 4501 EB2
TODD, George D., b. Kinross, e. Edinburgh , r. Kinross, 351596, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
Todd, George D., Pte 351596 9th RS 4501 Pte 0640
Todd, George Dickson Pte 351596 b. Kinross -
TODD, J, Private, '352496', 9th Bn., , 25/May/1917, France, CWGC
Todd, J, Pte, p.728 1918 A and C Coys at Deule ‘a very successful attack’ E
Todd, J. Cpl 352508 -
Awarded M.M. Oct 18
Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The Fifteenth (Scottish) Division, 1914-
1919’, 1926
Todd, J. Cpl. no. 352508 M.M. Vendin le Vieil Oct 1918 WD
Todd, J.D. Pte 350237 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 14/2/18 or 1919 2610
- -
Todd, John D. 9RS Pte 1612, 350237 15Star&BWM&VM (1) France 24.2.15 MIC
Todd, J. Pte 3-9th RS 1612
Southfield Hosp, Duns
The Berwick Advertiser 10.3.16
TODD, J.S. L/Corpl. No. 2098, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Todd, James 3273 EB2
Todd, James d. - , 352508, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military Medal -
Todd, James L/Cpl 352508 16th High.L.I. attd 9th RS 13226 Pte, 9th RS 5904 Pte 0640
Todd, Jas Pte 3273 2/9th RS Dundee Hospital 13.7.15-31.7.15, as James - Dundee -
adm 1.10.15
Todd, John D., Pte 350237 9th RS 1612 0640
Todd, John H., Pte 353449 9th RS 0640
- -
Todd, John H. RS Pte 353449 VM&BWM MIC
Todd, Joseph Pte 352496 7th RS 5827 Pte, 9th RS 5827 Pte 0640
TODD, Joseph, e. Armadale, West Lothian , r. Armdale, 352496, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 25/05/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
Todd, Joseph, Pte 352496
Date of death 25/05/1917 Age 21
Resided Armadale, Linlithgowshire -

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Enlisted Armadale, Linlithgowshire

Son of Mrs. Todd North Street Armadale.
Mrs. Todd received the following letter from Lt J N Cowan:
“6th Jun. It is with the greatest regret that I have to inform you of the death of your
son, Pte Todd. He was of the very best soldiers of our Company, and one we could
ill spare. He was well liked by all, and when I say that I include myself as his
Officer, for I saw and appreciated his qualities, his cheerful courage in the face of
danger, and uncomplaining performance of his duties. In the comparatively short
time he had been with the Battalion he had established a record of good work,
courage and reliability in battle. He was killed on May 25th by a shell while on
Sniping duty. His death was instantaneous and painless. He was buried in a British
soldier’s cemetery beside other brave men, and the place where he lies is
registered. You have my sincere sympathy in your sorrow.”
Joseph joined the 7th Royal Scots in early 1915, and survived the Gretna Rail
Crash, and he went on to serve in the Dardanelles 12th June 1915, from there he
then served in France.
Whilst he was in the Dardanelles he was wounded at Gallipoli, and another
Armadale lad wrote to his mother wrongly to tell her that Joseph had been killed,
luckily his mother received a post card shortly after informing her that he was
doing well.
Prior to enlisting Joseph was a fish hawker and salesman.
Armadale & District War Memorial Association
Todd, Joseph, Pte 352496, 7th, 9th RS Killed
Armadale & District War Memorial Association -
Todd, Robert Pte 353505 9th RS 0640
TODD, Robert, b. Peebles, e. South Queensferry, West Lothian , r. Edinburgh, SD
353505, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 22/03/18, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Todd, Robert, Pte 353503
b. Bridgend, Liberton Parish 28/2/1895 d. 22/3/18 age 33, Son of Robert Todd and
Jessie Weir, Huband of Mary M Learmonth, memorials: Borthwick Church
Memorial Gates; Lodge Gorebridge Dundas No 1039.
[Dalkeith Advertiser 9 January 1919]: It is now intimated that Private Robert
Todd, Royal Scots (Highlanders), is officially declared killed. Private Todd was
posted amongst the missing last spring and now the anxious wait of his relatives
has been ended by the announcement of his death. A son of the late Mr Todd, for
long grieve at Arniston Mains and latterly at Rosebery Home Farm, he was a
signalman in the N.B. Railway service previous to enlistment. He was brother-in-
law to Mr James Learmonth, Clayhouse. A quiet-going genial lad, he had a host of
friends in the locality who all mourn his loss, a great part of their sympathy going
out to his widow, who resides in Edinburgh. He was married immediately before
going on active service.
Private Robert Todd, 9th Royal Scots, born at Peebles in 1887, was the youngest
son of Robert Chalmers Todd, a Ploughman, and Agnes [Kerr] Todd.
His siblings were Richard, John, Margaret, Jessie, Agnes and Elizabeth.
Before enlisting at South Queensferry, he was employed as a Railway Signaller
and resided at Wester Dalmeny then 19 Montpelier Park, Edinburgh. He was -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

married to Mary Murray Todd, who resided at 22 Lennox Street, Edinburgh, after
the war. He was killed in action on 22 March 1918, age 33, and is buried in
Marteville Communal Cemetery, Attilly, Aisne, France.
Todd, Robert, Pte, 9th Royal Scots, born at Peebles in 1887, was the youngest son
of Robert Chalmers Todd, a Ploughman, and Agnes [Kerr] Todd.
His siblings were Richard, John, Margaret, Jessie, Agnes and Elizabeth.
Before enlisting at South Queensferry, he was employed as a Railway Signaller
and resided at Wester Dalmeny then 19 Montpelier Park, Edinburgh. He was
married to Mary Murray Todd, who resided at 22 Lennox Street, Edinburgh, after
the war.
He was killed in action on 22 March 1918, age 33, and is buried in Marteville
Communal Cemetery, Attilly, Aisne, France.
Dalmeny War Memorial -
TODD, ROBERT, R, Private, '353503', 9th Bn., 33, 22/Mar/1918, France,
Todd, Wm. P 4679 EB2
Tomason, W 2734 EB1
Tomlinson, A 4865 EB2
Tomoney,? Patrick 4585 EB2

Tomony?, P.
Tomony, Yourony, Tourony, Yomony, Fourony, Fomony?

351631 9RS transferred 9.5.17 to 7th HLI as 282712 FMP

Not present on HLI Medal Roll p.175/318 VM&BWM Piece 1640
He need not appear in records, i.e. may not have served in BEF
? There is a P. Tomoney Sco Rif awarded DCM 26.5.17 – seems unlikely
? There is a Patrick Tomoney Lab Corps Pte 123411 MIC (Medal roll adds nothing)
– possible?
? There is a Patrick Tomony KOSB Pte 7377, Lab C 699696 with 15Star (yet 1914
date of entry?) and SWB (enlisted 26.8.14) (Medal Roll shows KOSB, RASC, LC)
MIC - unlikely
? There is a Patrick Tommany/Tommony 4971 3/5 Manchester Reg, Army
Veterinary Corps Pension record - unlikely
Looking for his 4-digit number we find these ‘neighbours’:

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

McKellan 4587; Muirhead 351632 / 4589; Peacock 351633 / 4591; Mochic 351635
/ 4593. We might speculate this man is 4588 but this is Doughty. However 4585 (a
little way off) would bring us to the man in the enlistment book.
Tomorey – see Tomoney -
Tongue, E 2735 B Coy LS7
TONNAR, J. Pte. No. 352479 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Tonquer,? E 2735 EB1
TOOLAN, J. Pte. No. 1955, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Toolan, J. Pte 43197 24/2/15 (1) Z 1/4/19 2610
Toollan, John Pte 43197 9th RS 1955, 2nd RS 0635
TOOMBS, Herbert George. 31 Roseburn Terr. Edinburgh. (7558) RSC
Topham, John Pte 335610 1/8th RS 8294 Pte, 1/9th RS 0639
TOPP Sergt. Played in Officers v. Sergeants Football Match, The Leather Sporran, -
Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Topp, J.R 2736 EB1
- -

Sergeants 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916

TOPP, J.R. No. 2736. Sergt. B Coy. Promotion. Recommended for Officer’s -
Cadet Unit after interview by the Divisional Commander at Boreham House on
October 2nd., The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
TOPP, J.R. Sergt. No. 350682 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Torrance, Alexander 3764 EB2
Torrance, Alexander Cpl 351241 9th RS 351241 Cpl 0640
Torrance, Thomas Pte 62728 9th RS 0636
Torrence, James, Pte 88-89
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Tosh, Archd. 4412 EB2
Tough, G 2498 C Coy LS7
TOUGH, G. Pte. No. 40324 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Tough, George 2498 EB1
TOUTKUS, V, Private, '353506', 1st/9th Bn., 32, 1/Aug/1918, France, SON OF
Toutkus, Victor Pte 353506 9th RS 0640
- -
KIA 1.8.18, Bro. John
Soldiers’ effects

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? Unlikely – too young. Embarked Glasgow 3rd class 15.10.1910 for Montreal,
whole family, Russian, Victor Toutkus aged 2? Father furnace filler, plus another
couple also Russian and husband a furnace filler
Outward Passenger List
TOUTKUS, Victor, b. Raseinay, Russia, e. Glencorse, Midlothian , r. Fauldhouse, SD
West Lothian, 353506, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Trail, J.C.M, Trooper 31080 Imp Yeo 51st Sqn 12th Bn
South Africa Medal, 9th V.B. Royal Scots Ancestry -
Traill, J.C, Pte, Imperial Yeomanry; A Coy 9th RS FSA
Traill Cpl
Charles Haig (qv – A Coy BEF) Cpl vice Traill 14.1.17 -
Traill, Robert W. (Bertie), Signaller
Youngest son of Mr and Mrs J.M. Traill, 3 Norton Place W, Edin. Killed at Ypres
31 July 17, aged 21.
In Memoriam. The Scotsman 31 July 22 -
Traill, Robert W., Pte 350133 9th RS 0640
TRAILL, Robert Walls, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 350133, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 31/07/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
TRAILL, ROBERT WALLS, R W, Private, '350133', 9th Bn., 21, 31/Jul/1917,
TRAILL, William Henry. 'San Remo'. Barnton Grove. Cramond Bridge. 6 RSC
QERVBRS 5/9th R.S. (5292) [?5/9th? Transcribed as printed]
Train, Robert Pte 62727 1/9th RS 0636
Trainer, A.R 2594 EB1
- -
Trainer, Andrew R. 2594 Pte France 24.2.15; LC 571161 Pte Dis 28.4.20
9RS Piece 2836 Labour Corps Medal Roll (15Star)
Trainer, Andrew R. 2594 Pte RS, 571161 LC
Piece 1856 Labour Corps Medal Roll (BWM&VM)
Trainer, Andrew R. Pte RS 2594, Lab Corps 571161; 15Star&VM&BWM (1)
France 24.2.15 Disch 28.4.20 MIC

Trainer, Andrew Pte. Wounded, well known Glasgow tenor. Nephew of Jas. C.
Trainer. 16 Royal Exchange, Edinburgh.
EED 14.5.15

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Little found on ART, however James Caffield/Caufield/Canfield Trainer, 16 Royal

Exchange (291 High St) is listed as a bank messenger 1915-16, on this tree with
improbable age 1871-1984, married 1895
Trainer, A.R. 2594 C Coy LS3
Trainer, Andrew Private 9th NBW-S
Treasurer, R.C, Pte, South African Constabulary; C Coy 9th RS FSA
Trice, Charles Pte 353410 9th RS 353410 Cpl 0640

Trotter, A.C. Pte 2013 24/2/15 (1) Comm RS 30/10/15 2610

Trotter, A.C., British Journal of Dental Science Vol 57 1914 -
Trotter, Alexander G., Pte 44326 9th RS 0635
Trotter, Alfred C 2013 EB1
TROTTER, Alfred C. No. 2013. c/o Watson, 29 Roseneath Terr. D Comp. 25 yrs. EBD
30/10/15 Commission.
Trotter, Alfred C., Pte 2013 comm 4th RS 30.10.15 0629
Trotter, Alfred Charles, Pte 2013, theatre 24/2/15; 2/Lt
32 Hainault Ave, Southend on Sea
On 6th September 1915 he was back in Edinburgh (where he was a dental student
at the Royal College of Surgeons), getting married. He was commissioned as a
second lieutenant (London Gazette supplement 8th November 1915).
nhclark Great War Forum
Part of medical detail, frequently mentioned (left bn between 28 Oct and 5 Nov
15), also letters to “Nurse Trotter”
Diary of James Lawson Cairns (qv), transcribed by Margaret Donaldson
Alfred Charles Trotter (1889-1957) and "Nurse Trotter" (1883-1966) were brother
and sister – both born in India to Rigney Trotter, a Pleader in the Chief Court of
the Punjab, and Ellen Watsham (Elmstead, Essex) and lived in Simla, India.
"Nurse Trotter" was Lilian or Lillian Maud Trotter, born Rawalpindi, who served
for 4 ½ years in France and Flanders as a British Red Cross nurse.
ACT, born Simla, arrived in the UK 1910 and became a dental student in
Edinburgh. He was in Edinburgh 6 Sept 1915 to marry Anne Watson Morrison.
Commissioned 31 Oct 15 into the Royal Scots. Still 4RS in 1918 Army List.
Courtesy nhclark from GWF
Trotter, Alfred Charles 9RS Pte 2013, 2/Lt, Lt RS 15Star&BWM&VM France
24.2.15, Comm, 32 Hainault Ave, Southend on Sea.
Alfred Trotter to be 2/Lt 31.10.15 The Royal Scots
LG 8.11.15
2/Lt to be Lt 1.7.17
LG 9.11.17
Temp Comm Lt The Army Dental Corps 14.8.39
LG 5.9.1939
- -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

?Possible Gallipoli service. 4th RS return Egypt 8 Jan 16. Arr France 17.4.18
TROTTER, T. Pte. No. 3661. 22/7/16 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, -
1st November 1916
Trotter, Thomas 3661 EB2
Trotter, Thomas Pte 3661 0629
TROTTER, Thomas, b. Cambusbarron, Stirlingshire, e. Edinburgh , r. Selkirk, SD
3661, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/07/16, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
TROTTER, THOMAS, T, Private, '3661', 9th Bn., , 23/Jul/1916, France, CWGC
Troup, Peter M 4273 EB2
TROUSDALE, J, Private, '351447', 1st/9th Bn., , 3/Jul/1918, Germany, CWGC
Trousdale, J. Pte 3/9 RS trial 19.4.16 at Selkirk WO86/69 p.301. Appeal. AWOL -
[crossed out] 28 days detention. [Entered as Housdale, J.]
Trousdale, James 4083 EB2
Trousdale, James Pte 351447 9th RS 351477 Pte 0640
TROUSDALE, James, b. St. Quivox, Ayr, e. Ayr , r. Prestwick, 351447, SD
PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 03/07/18, Royal Scots (Lothian -
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Unable to find on ICRC
[One of five men in CWGC buried in Germany]
Trueman, George Pte 335508 1/8th RS 8192 Pte, 9th RS 0639
Trussel, S 2737 EB1
Trussell, Samuel [entered as Trussall] 2737,[*], Badge No. 200962
Pte 9RS 12.11.14-9.3.15 sickness iiicc did not serve overseas
Samuel Trussell Pte 2737 RS
b.1897, res Reimone, St Leonards Ringwood Hants, disch 26.8.15
d.17.3.20 Mo Jane, military service region Eastern/London/SE
Pension Ledgers
Not on CWGC
b.1896 Patricroft, Lancs to Frank Trussell and Jane Holt, res 1991 Eccles, Lancs SWB
Family Tree -
Tuley, W 2663 G Coy LS2
TULLEY, W. Pte. No. 2663, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916. [It looks like 2663 from Manchester is a different man to 352352 from
TULLEY, W. Pte. No. 352352 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917 [See Tully, William]
Tulley, William 2663 EB1
Tuley, William 2663 (note Tuley with one ‘l’)

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86 Hinde St, Kenyon Lane, Moston, Manchester. Attested 11.11.14 age 29, CofE,
previous service RAMC VB, Home Service [yet we have record of him wounded]
Tulloch, John 4671 EB2
TULLOCH, JOHN (b. 1894).
Perth Academy. Student of Medicine, 1912-16. 9th Royal Scots, Private
March 1916. France Aug. 1916. Killed at Martinpuich, Somme, on 15th
September 1915.

University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921) -

Tulloch, John Pte 51466 15th RS 9th RS 0636
TULLOCH, W. Pte. No. 5627 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June -
[See William Tulloch 5627]
Tulloch, W.J.B 2459 EB1
- -
Tulloch, W.J.B. 9RS Pte 2459, L/Cpl 3044072, MGC Pte 32949
15Star&BWM&VM France 23.2.15
Medal entitlement forwarded OC Lowland 52nd Div 31.5.1920
A second MIC for William Tulloch RS Pte 2459, MGC 32949, has no 15Star
William J.B. Tulloch 9RS 2459 Pte 24.2.15 France, MGC 32949 Pte Cl. Z AR
15 Star Medal Roll MGC Piece 2827
TULLOCH, W.J.B. Pte. No. 2459, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, -
1st Nov 1916.
Tulloch, W.J.B. 2459 D Coy LS1
Tulloch, William 3912 EB2
- -
William Tulloch 3912 9RS
95 Dalry Rd, attested Pte 15.11.15 age 23yr11mo, unpaid L/Cpl 20.1.17, reverts to
Pte on embarkation 9.6.17, unpaid L/Cpl 18.8.17, ? posted 3.11.18, 4 Res RS
26.11.18, demob 2.2.19 age 26 after 3 yrs 81 days, single
Imp Service Oblig at Peebles 23.11.15, signed J. Ferguson Col. 3/9 RS
351341 L/Cpl, born 1891. GSW right ?? Pension 11/-
Next of kin Euphemia Tulloch, Dalry Rd.
Home 15.11.15-21.4.16, BEF 22.4.16-20.2.17, Home 21.2.17-9.6.17, BEF 10.6.17-
2.4.18, Home 3.4.18-3.2.19, wounded 24.3.18
Service record (burnt record)

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Tulloch, William L/Cpl 351341 9th RS 3912 Pte 0640

Tulloch, William Pte 352296 9th RS 5627 Pte 0640
- -
William Tulloch RS Pte 5627 352296 VM&BWM SWB List D/A/131 no Tullock
William Tullock 352296 RS
3.6.16-13.3.18 wound age 29 served overseas
[enlistment looks a little early for number]
Tullock, John Pte 40041 9th RS 13th RS 0634
Tully, J., Piper
Seton, Bruce, ‘The Pipes of War’, 1920 -
Tully, John 3606 EB2
Tully, John S.K. Pte 351139 9th RS 3606 Pte 0640
Tully, William Pte 352352 [18519 crossed out] 13th RS 352352 Pte, attd 10th Ent. 0640
Bn. 352352 Pte, 9th RS 5683 Pte, attd 2/2nd (H) F.Coy.R.E. Pte -
BW & VM retd. (992 KR 1923) crossed out and redated 18.11.41
Explanation of 992 on GWF – medals undelivered after a year
Probably 2/2nd (Highland) 404th Field Company RE, 51st Division LLT
[5683 and 352352 look in sequence for 9RS, difficult to date but <Aug-16?]
Tully, W Pte 352352 5.8.15 France Z 24.2.19 Piece 2612 13RS 15Star Medal roll
Tully, William 13RS Pte 352352, 5683, 18519. 15Star&VM&BWM. France 5.8.15.
Address 14.11.41 64 Peddie Street, Dundee. MIC
L/Cpl William Tully

On day of marriage as L/Cpl 9RS Jan 1918

‘On his marriage certificate of Jan 1918 he is described as a L/Cpl 9th Royal Scots.
He was wounded four times as you can see. Family info says that he was once posted
missing and once buried by a shell. I know from my childhood that he had been
wounded in the knee as he suffered with cramp very badly. He died when I was 9
years old.’
‘From the Dundee People's Journal I found out that my grandfather's wound at Arras
was the second of his four so, since his wedding picture was taken in January 1918,

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that means he must have collected two more in quite a short time, possibly one at
Wounded, Casualty Return for 24 Dec 17
A W. Tully of Dundee was in the casualty list for 2 June 1916 - no. 18519 – this
would have been his first wound.
Courtesy of granddaughter Irene Moore
352352 William Tully b. 14/11/1894 In Dysart, Fife. Lived in Dundee and enlisted
in Edinburgh. Entered theatre of war August 1915 with 13th Royal Scots, but later
served with the 9th RS. Four wound stripes, survived GWF
As a small child I recall being frightened to see him in agony when his knee gave
way on the stairs, the result of one of those wounds. When my mother asked him
about his medals he told her they were awarded for keeping his kilt clean in the
See Tulley, W. 352352
Tunnah, Christopher Pte 201751 9th RS attd 10th Ent. Bn. 201751 Pte, 17th RS 0637
(written by hand)
Tupman, J. Pte 2037 24/2/15 (1) Commissioned. Disc. 21/10/15 2610
Tupman, James 2037 EB1
Leith, 1890; son of the late R.W. Tupman; 1901 – 6; Civil Service; 9th R.S., Pte.
1914; wounded Ypres 1915 and dischd.; Labour Corps, 2/Lt. 1917; R.T.O.,
Busigny, France, 1918 – 19.
Tupman, James 2037,[*], Badge No. 119671
Pte. Unit Discharged from 9 RS, enlisted 25.8.14, discharged 21.10.15 Wounds
392 xvi, served overseas = yes. SWB
TUPMAN, James 52 Wellshot Drive. Cambuslang. 1st 9th. (10318) RSC
Tupman, James Pte 2037 comm Field W.O. EF/9/1768 dated 30.12.19 0629
TUPMAN, James, No. 2037. 7 London St., Edinburgh. H Comp. 25/8/14. 23 yrs EBD
9 mons. Discharged 21/10/15 med. unfit. K.R. 392 (xvi)
Turnbull, Arthur Pte 62613 9th RS 0636
TURNBULL, G, Private, '58961', 9th Bn., 19, 12/Apr/1918, France, SON OF
Turnbull, George G., Pte 352518 16th High.L.I. attd 9th RS 25441 Pte, 9th RS 5914 0640
- -
Turnbull G.G. 9RS 352518 page R.52502 Repatriated PoW arr 24.11.18,
Embarkation Officer Calais
Turnbull, George Graham Pte 352518 9RS C Coy 10 Platoon missing since 22.3.18
Rep Mrs Margaret C. Turnbull (wife) 36 Gartcows Rd, Falkirk
The RS Assoc 24 Royal Circus negative
Born 22.2.91 Falkirk taken 22.3.18 St Quentin, arrived from front at Stendal
PA 35630 Aus dem Felde = from the field
Turnbull, George Pte 58961 9th RS 0636

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TURNBULL, George, b. Kelso, e. Berwick-on-Tweed , r. Kelso, 58961, SD

PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 12/04/18, FORMERLY 2/13714,
T.R. 54177, H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
TURNBULL, H. Pte. No. 3393, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Turnbull, Henry 3393 EB2
Turnbull, Henry Pte 350999 9th RS 3393 Pte 0640
TURNBULL, Henry, b. Ewes, Dumfriesshire, e. Hawick, Roxburghshire , r. SD
Hawick, 350999, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 28/03/18, Royal -
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Henry was the youngest son of Joanna Turnbull, who lived at 1, Trevelyan Terrace
in Hawick, and the late William who had died at Ewes in 1894. He was also the
brother of Bella, James, John and Jessie. Henry had been born at Ewes in 1894 but
at the time of the First World War he lived and enlisted in Hawick where he
worked at Messrs. A.P. Innes and Company, hosiery manufacturers. He was well-
known in the local Hawick area as a cricketer. Henry’s brother James also fell in
the Great War, at Arras in 1917.
Remembrance Book, Langholm Academy, courtesy John Crawford
See Robertson, Derek, ‘Hawick and District in the Great War 1914-1918’
Turnbull, W.F late 9RS commands platoon Stewart College Stewart Melville -
TURNBULL, HENRY, H, Private, '350999', 9th Bn., , 28/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
Turnbull, J 1522 C Coy LS7
Turnbull, J 4190 B Coy LS7
TURNBULL, J R, Private, '351448', 1st/9th Bn., , 1/Aug/1918, France,
[This close to 351488] CWGC
TURNBULL, J, Private, '335079', 9th Bn., , 24/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
TURNBULL, J. Corpl. No. 351488. D Coy., to Miss M O’Mara, at Limerick, on -
9/5/17 , Marriages, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June 1917
TURNBULL, J. Pte. No. 3529. 22/7/16, missing, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916
TURNBULL, J. Pte. No.4171. A Coy. To be unpaid Acting Lance Corporal -
12/9/16, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Turnbull, J. Cpl D Coy 351488 married Miss M. O’Mara at Limerick 9.5.17
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 4
? Mary Turnbull (Mary Kate O’Mara) 1888-30.6.1963 Ancestry
Daughter Gladys Turnbull (2 Apr 1918 – 2009) with John Robert Turnbull (1895-
1918) Tree
Same source: Mary Kate O’Meara. Census of Ireland 1901 aged 19yrs, read &
write, Servant in a Butter Store, born Limerick City, Roman Catholic, mother
Annie O’Meara (widow, shopkeeper)
- -

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Birth cert Mary Josephine Gladys Turnbull b.2.4.18 10 Bishop St, Limerick.
Mother Mary, formerly O’Mara. Father John Turnbull, Pte 4th RS [NB]. MJGT
(typist, Bishop St, father: soldier) married Timothy Christopher Frawley (Chemist
[?], 8 Parnell St, father: publican) 1.9.1941, St Mary’s, Limerick
Information courtesy Gerard Aherne
?This is close to CWGC J.R. Turnbull 351448, killed, buried at Raperie? Looks
like CWGC no. is in error?
Turnbull, John R. Pte 351488, born Edinburgh, resident Limerick, died 1 Aug 18
F&F Soldiers Died
Turnbull, John A/Cpl R.Scots 351488 BWM&VM MIC
Turnbull, John Pte 351488 KIA 1 Aug 18. Widow Mary. Soldiers Effects
Turnbull, J. Pte 3529 12/10/15 (1) K in A 23/7/16 2610
John Turnbull Pte 2529 [note number] 9RS 23.7.16 on or since, presumed. Fa
Register Effects
Turnbull, James (T)? 3556 EB2
TURNBULL, James Mackenzie. 10 Hutchison Crossway. Edinburgh. (3362) RSC
Turnbull, James Pte 335079 1/8th RS 7405 Pte, 9th RS 0639
TURNBULL, James, b. Peebles, e. Peebles, 335079, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 24/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion. -
Turnbull, James Pte 335079 B Coy 6th Plat last news 15.2.1918
Rep Mrs Christina Turnbull (moth) 20 Young St, Peebles negatif 30.5.18
Army Council regards as having died on or since for official purposes dated 5.6.19
Turnbull, James, Pte
1918—March 24.
Private James Turnbull, of the 1/9th Royal Scots, who was 18 years of age, was
born and educated in Peebles. He was the eldest son of Mark Turnbull, 20 Young
Street, Peebles. After leaving school he became an apprentice joiner with Renwick
& Weir, Elcho Street, Peebles. He joined the Territorials on the outbreak of war in
August 1914. After training, he was sent out to France, and was reported missing
on the 24th March 1918. -

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Gunn, Dr., ‘The Book of Remembrance for Tweeddale’, Vol. II, 1920
Turnbull, Jas. 4190 EB2
Turnbull, John 3529 EB2
Turnbull, John (R)? 4171 EB2
Turnbull, John A/Cpl 351488 9th RS 351488 A/Cpl 0640
Turnbull, John Pte 3529 0629
TURNBULL, John R., b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh , r. Limerick, Ireland, 351488, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
TURNBULL, John, b. Newton, Midlothian, e. Edinburgh , r. Penicuik, SD
Midlothian, 351092, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/07/16,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
TURNBULL, JOHN, J, Private, '351092', "C" Coy. 9th Bn., 25, 23/Jul/1916,
Turnbull, John, Pte 351092
b. Newton 21/8/1890 d. 23/7/16 age 25, Son of Henry and Margaret Turnbull (nee
Aitchison), Husband of Margaret Aitchison Turnbull. [MIDLOTHIAN JOURNAL
30 November 1917]: Mr Henry Turnbull, Pike, Penicuik, has received official
intimation that his son, Private John Turnbull,
Royal Scots, who has been reported missing since 23rd July last year, is now
reported to have been killed on that date. As far as can be ascertained from private
enquiries it appears that on the date mentioned Private Turnbull was wounded in
the leg, and took shelter in a shell hole where a shell was seen to burst later, and it
is presumed that he was then killed. Private Turnbull, who was 26 years of age,
was previously a farm servant at Auchendinny Mains.
WW1_Casualties_by_Regiment_Letter_R.pdf -
TURNBULL, R. Pte. No. 351571 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
TURNBULL, R. Pte. No. 351571 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Turnbull, Robert (b. 1887). 1898-1902. Served apprenticeship with Messrs H. D.
Young & Sons, wholesale leather merchants, High Street. In employment of Mr
Baird, bootmaker, South Bridge. 1/9th Royal Scots, Private, February 1916.
France, November 19 16. Died at St John's Hospital, Etaples, on 23rd April 1917
of wounds received in action three days before. Son of Mrs Turnbull, 28 Gardner's
Crescent. -

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George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921)

Turnbull, Robert L., Pte 351292 9th RS 3841 Pte 0640
Turnbull, Robert Lees 3841 EB2
Turnbull, Robert Pte 351571 9th RS 4416 Pte 0640
Turnbull, Robert Pte 352050 16th RS 352050 Pte, 9th RS 0640
TURNBULL, Robert, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 351571, PRIVATE, Died of SD
wounds, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Turnbull, Robert, Pte (died of wounds) 98-02
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
TURNBULL, ROBERT, R, Private, '351571', 1st/9th Bn., 30, 23/Apr/1917,
Turnbull, Robt. 4416 EB2
Turnbull, W Pte 1207 2/9th Balgavies Sanatorium Hospital 30.9.15-12.10.15, from -
Edin; as Turnbull, Walter Dundee Hosp 21.9.15-30.9.15
TURNBULL, W, Serjeant, '351383', 9th Bn., , 21/May/1917, France, CWGC
Turnbull, William 3971 EB2
Turnbull, William A/L/Sgt 351383 9th RS 3971 Cpl 0640
TURNBULL, William, b. Chimside, Berwickshire, e. Edinburgh , r. Chimside, SD
351383, A/L/SGT., Killed in action, France & Flanders, 21/05/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Turnbull, William, Srgt -
Sergeant William Turnbull 9th Battalion Royal Scots ( The Dandy Ninth ).He was
killed in action in France on 21st May 1917 during the Battle of Arras. He was
born in Chirnside and had enlisted in Edinburgh.

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Turner, A 1997 A Coy LS5
TURNER, A. Pte. No. 350997 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Turner, A. Pte 350382 3/9/15 (1) Disemb 26/2/19 2610
TURNER, A. Pte. No. 1997, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Turner, Alex. -
Nick Cottage, West Linton
Peebleshire roll of honour : being names of men connected with Tweeddale
enrolled in His Majesty's forces, August 1914-December 1915 (1916)
Turner, Alexander A/Sgt 350382 9th RS 1997 A/Sgt 0641
Turner, Alexander d. - , 350382, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military -
Medal (Ancestry)
Turner, Alexander L/Cpl 350382 for gallantry displayed on 12 Oct 17, MM -
51st WD
Turner, Alexander Pte 62540 9th RS attd 5th Gor.Hrs. 0636
Turner, Alexander, MG Section, wounded on 11th. Son of Mr and Mrs Turner, the -
Neuk, Dolphinton. In hospital in France. Employed as sorter and telegraphist in
the G.P.O. Edinburgh and enlisted August 1914.
The Scotsman 22 Jan 16
Turner, Andrew 3388 EB2
Turner, Andrew Pte 350997 9th RS 3388 Pte, 2nd RS 350997 0640
Turner, Bernard Pte 301896 9th RS 0639
- -
Death presumed 20.9.17 on or since, Fa Charles
Register Effects
TURNER, BERNARD, B, Private, '301896', 9th Bn., 19, 20/Sep/1917, Belgium,
TURNER, Bernard, b. Totley, Derbyshire, e. Chesterfield, Derbyshire , r. Totley, SD
301896, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 20/09/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Turner, E.C 2071 EB1
Turner, E.G. Pte 2071 24/2/15 (1) Comm RS 2/10/15 2610
Turner, E.G., Pte 2071 comm 1st RS 2.10.15 0629
TURNER, Ernest Gilbert. No. 2071. 11 Polwarth Gds., Edinburgh. W H Comp. EBD
29/8/14. 20 yrs 2/10/15 France Commission -
Turner, Ernest Gilbert
2/Lt (now Capt) has received the DSO for conspicuous gallantry. By a combined
bombing operation with another platoon he cut off and captured 63 of the enemy.
Two days later he did gallant work in an attack and afterwards returned under close
machine gun fire and rescued wounded men. On the outbreak of war, Capt Turner
of Edinburgh, who had been a private in 9RS, at once rejoined his old regiment, and
afterwards got his commission. Capt Turner was in the seed trade, and at the time
he rejoined was with Messrs Laird, Dickson and Sons Ltd, Edinburgh.
The Gardener’s Chronicle 7 Oct 1916

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Ernest Gilbert Turner DSO 2/Lt (T Capt) KIA 12.4.17 11RS SDGW
9RS Pte 2071, RS Capt
15Star&BWM&VM Comm KIA 12.4.17 France 24.2.15
Mrs Turner (mother) 24 Braid Cres, Edin
Turner, G 5271 B Coy LS7
Turner, Henry Pte 275356 1/6th RS 5/6th RS 17th RS 9th RS 0638
Turner, Horace W., Pte 352850 9th RS 352850 Pte, 1/4th RS 0640
Turner, J 3088 A Coy LS7
TURNER, J A, Private, '44347', 1st/9th Bn., , 1/Aug/1918, France, SON OF MR.
Turner, James 3088 EB1
TURNER, James A., b. Bridgeton, Glasgow, e. Glasgow, 44347, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, FORMERLY 2/9590, T.R. 53106,
H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Turner, James A., Pte 44347 9th RS 0635
Turner, James Pte 350855 9th RS 3088 Pte, 2nd RS 350855, 5/6th RS 350855 0640
Turner, Robert Holmes, 9th and 5/6th RS, 251427 NBW

Robert Holmes Turner 251427 was wounded on 8/9/17 and taken to 36 C.C.S. by
92 Field ambulance where he died on 17/9/17 of a gunshot wound to the head. He
is buried in Zuydcoote cemetery. See also

Turner, Robt. H 4465 EB2

Turner, Samuel K., Pte 325437 8th RS 1590 Pte, 9th RS 0639
Turpie, D 4738 C Coy LS7

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TWEDDLE, R. Pte. No. 352972 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Tweddle, Robert K., A/Cpl 352972 9th RS 6860 A/Cpl 0640
Tweedie, A
Mentioned by William Dea, June 1917 as a ‘local lad’ to Juniper Green
Diary of Pte William Dea, transcribed by Malcolm Fergusson -
Tweedily, William Pte 44374 9th RS 0635
Twigg, R.G. Pte 186 8th Rif. Brig. 20/5/15 (1) 9th RS 302331 Cpl Cl. Z. 22/2/19 2610
Twigg, Richard G., Pte 302331 8th Rif. Bde. 186 Pte, 9th RS 1/8th RS 0639
Twigg, William Pte 35661 8th RS 9th RS 0639
Tyler, O.B 2252 EB1
Tyler, O.B.
Capt RS (awarded bar to MC), former pupil St Mary’s, Melrose and Edin
Academy, student at Edin Univ. received his commission from the ranks of the
Ninth in the early days of the war. Severely wounded last year, did not return to
the front until the German advance this year, winning the MC and being promoted
Capt shortly afterwards.
The Scotsman 19 Oct 18 -
Edinburgh Academy. Student of Arts, 1912-13. 9th Royal Scots (T), Captain.
France. M.C. and Bar to M.C. Oct. 1918.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Tyrie, James 3736 EB2
Tyrie, James B., L/Cpl 351219 9th RS 351219 Pte 0640
Uffendell, E. Pte 350202 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 20/3/19 2610
Uffendell, Edward Pte 350202 9th RS 1551, attd 154th Inf. Bde. Hqrs, attd 154th 0640
Div. Signals -
Uffendell Pte 1551 Hernia, from General Military Hospital in Aberdeen, arrived
Saturday 29th May 1915 1.41p.m., discharged 11th June 1915, Ivybank Auxiliary
Hospital for recuperation
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 Disemb
Underwood, Amos Pte 353351 7th N. & Derby R. 3839, 9th RS 353351 0640
UNDERWOOD, Henry Walker. 49 South Clerk St. Edinburgh. (1876) RSC
Underwood, J.W, Lt. joined for duty 16 Dec 1917 WD
Underwood, J.W. 2/Lt wounded -
Estimated casualties from March offensive as of 6.4.18 from 183 Bde War Diary
Unsworth, W 3118 B Coy LS4
UNSWORTH, W. Pte. No. 3118, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, -
1st Nov 1916.
Unsworth, W. Pte 350872 4/5/15 (1) Disemb 16/1/19 2610
Unsworth, William 3118 EB1
Unsworth, William A/Sgt 350872 9 RS 3118 A/Sgt 0640

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Unsworth, William d. - , 350872, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military -

Medal (Ancestry)
Unsworth, William L/Cpl 350872 -
Awarded MM for gallantry 17 Dec 17 51st WD
Upton, Geo. 315018, I.C.L.C. ex. 2/9. R. Scots, Badge No. 336987 SWB
Ure, Alexander Pte 58963 9th RS 0636
- -
Pte 58963 VM&BWM
Ure, W., Sergt. Address 1902: 18 Queensferry St. F
URE, William. 7 Glengyll Terr. Edinburgh. (4526) RSC
[No overseas record yet found]
Urie, Donald McK. L., Pte 271174 2nd RS 9th RS attd 5th Gor. Hrs. 0638
Urquhart -

D Coy 9th Royal Scots 1914

Collection of R.G. Thin (qv)
Urquhart Lt -
Excelled himself singing ‘Pinkie Dinkie’ rousing reception
Read out some of book about departure to France by Pte W. Young
3/9 RS Supernumerary Company, Supernumeraries’ Anniversary Gathering,
23.2.16, anniversary of landing in France, dinner at County Hotel ballroom,
The Southern Reporter 2.3.16
Urquhart Lt. No. 7 Platoon commander, B Coy 1915 -
p.67 ‘Lieut. Urquhart’s refreshingly Irish order “ get out (of the trench) and fall
p.73 ‘leaving us reluctantly, going home for family reasons’ 11th May 1915
“9th Royal Scots (T.F.), B Company on active service from a private's diary,
February-May 1915”, Turnbull and Spears, Edinburgh, 1916
Urquhart, D.S. Pte 1389 24/2/15 (1) Comm 14/3/15 2610
Urquhart, Douglas S., Pte 1389 comm 8th Seaforth 15.3.15 0629
- -
Urquhart, Douglas Stanley 9RS Pte 1389, Seaforth Lt France 24.2.15
DAG 3rd echelon GHQ EEF fwds name eligible for 15 Star 22.2.19
Sunderland, Eheliyagoda, Ceylon [this looks like a tea or rubber estate in Sri
Lanka, possibly owned by Sunderland Rubber Co]
Yogama Group, Eheliyagoda, Ceylon
4 South Inverleith Ave, Edinburgh
?Brother of William Macduff Urquhart? A Douglas Stanley Urquhart born ~1895,
died 1-Aug-1959 Devon age 64?

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The London Gazette:

To be temp 2/Lt 15 Mar 15 in 19 Mar 15
Temp 2/Lt to be Temp Lt, Sea. Highrs. Dated 1 July 17 in 17 Oct 17
Sea. Highrs. Temp Lt from a Serv. Bn. to be Temp Lt 17 Mar 18 with seniority 1
July 17. In 10 May 18
Known as Twinkle, brother to Willie
Bell, J.R.S, ‘Ian A Memoir’, 2016
Urquhart, J., Piper
Seton, Bruce, ‘The Pipes of War’, 1920
[See Urquhart, J.J – Actg Piper?] -
Urquhart, J., Pte 1134 badge 35025, not receiving pension, exempted on medical
grounds [entered as Lingnhart, F. 1134,[*], Badge No. 35025]
9RS Pte 7.4.10-11.4.16 age 25 392 xxi served overseas SWB
Urquhart, J.G. Pte 350989 12/10/15 (1) Disemb 25/2/19 2610
Urquhart, J.J. Pte 1134 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 11/4/16 2610
- -
Urquhart, J.J
9RS Pte 1134 15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 Disch
MIC ‘See Urquhart Jeremiah identical’
9RS Pte 1134 15Star&BWM&VM SWB Disch France 24.2.15
MIC ‘See Urquhart J.J identical’
Jeremiah Johnstone Urquhart 9RS E Coy 7 April 1910, Edinburgh
Born parish St Nicholas, Aberdeen, age 17yr11mos, electrical engineer in employ
W Douglas Ltd, ?Picardy ?Brandy Place, indentured apprentice, unm
Address 20 Dryden St., Edin. List of camps, 1910-1914. Embodied 5.8.14-11.4.16,
disch 392 xxi from 89 E Claremont St.
Home 5.8.14-23.2.15, BEF 24.2.15-7.14.16, home 8.4.16-11.4.16
Fa Malcolm Urquhart, same address
Re-engaged in the field 18.3.16
Rank Actg Piper
SS Inventor 24.2.15 Havre 26.2.15, to base on termination of engagement 19.3.16,
Etaples 20.3.16, transf England 7.4.16
Pension Record
Urquhart, Jeremiah Pte 1134 0629
Urquhart, John G d. - , 350989, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military -
Medal (Ancestry)
URQUHART, John G. (5577). 97 E. Trinity Road, Edinburgh. -
The Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Urquhart, John G., Cpl 350989 9th RS 3379 Cpl 0640
Urquhart, W.M, 2nd Lt E-P

Left Ewing 2/Lt; centre Officers 9th RS, Tatler 1915, Lt; right+ Huie Collection

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Urquhart, W.M, Capt, p.476 Passchendaele, wounded on march to assembly, led E

‘A’ Coy with ‘fine dash’ rushed pill-box fortifications
Wounded 20.9.17 51st WD
Urquhart, W.M, Capt. joined for duty 2 June 1917, wounded at duty 19 Sept 1917 WD
Urquhart, W.M, Capt. MC -
Army Lists, Quarterly, 1919, Fourth Quarter, Part 2, p.1680
Urquhart, W. Macduff, Lt, 9th RS
LL.B. University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914
Urquhart, W.M., 2nd Lt. (Lt 5 Sep 14) 26 July 11 W
- -
The London Gazette:
William M. Urquhart 2/Lt (temp Lt) to be Lt dated 5 Sep 14; LG 6 Mar 16 p.2455
[announced 18 months after effect]
William MacD. Urquhart 2/Lt to be Lt 5th Sept 14, London Gazette 21 Oct 14
Lt to be temp Capt 31 Mar 16 in London Gazette 26 May 16
Lt (temp Capt) to be Capt with precedence from 1 June 16, 1st Aug 17
The London Gazette 31 July 1917 page 7873
Administrative Branch - Capt to be actg Maj whilst empld as Maj 24 Apr 18 in 8
Nov 18
Administrative Branch – transferred to unemployed list Capt (actg Maj) WM
Urquhart MC 13 Apr 19 in 15 Apr 19
Urquhart, WM, Lt, Capt, MC, B Coy, C Coy, RFC Cadet School Instr.
List of officers proceeding on active service, Records of T.W. Bennet Clark
Urquhart, William Macduff MC, R Scots Lt, Capt
1915 Star, entered France Feb 15. Mention in despatches. 8 Heope [?] St,
Edinburgh MIC
Born ~1888; died 1965, buried Dean Cemetery, Edinburgh, age 77. Husband of
Harriet Annie Leys Geddes (~1893-1958 age 65). Also son of HALG, Ronald
MacDuff Urquhart ~1925-1992 age 67
Gravestone photograph
?1891 Born to Andrew and Elsie D Urquhart at 18 Inverleith Gardens: Annie D 8,
Christain S 6, William M 3, Helen T 1
?1901 Born to Andrew and Elsie Urquhart at 9 Inverleith Ter: Annie D 18,
Christain S 16, William M 13, Helen T 11, Douglas S 6
Urquhart, William Macduff MC of 19 Clarendon Cres, Edin. Died 30 May 65 at
Edin. Conf Ronald Macduff Urquhart WS…
Known as Willie, brother to ‘Twinkle’ Douglas and Helen (engaged to Pussy
Milroy at time of latters death)
Willie wounded GSW right arm, Ian Bell records it 23 Oct 17
Bell, J.R.S, ‘Ian A Memoir’, 2016
Capt. William Macduff Urquhart, R. Scots.

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For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. When moving up to the assembly
position he was wounded in the arm, but continued at duty throughout the
operations. He led his company with great dash and skill, setting a fine example of
courage and devotion to duty.
LG 22.3.18
Urquhart, William Macduff Capt awarded MC for gallantry 19-21 Sept 17 51st -
URQUHART, William Macduff, Capt. 12 Clarendon Cres. Edinburgh. (4961) RSC
Edinburgh Institution; First XV. M.A. 1909; LL.B. 1912. Solicitor before the
Supreme Courts, 1913. 9th Royal Scots (T.), 1911; Lieut. Sept. 1914; Captain
June 1916; Major March 1918. Royal Air Force. France. Wounded Sept. 1917.
M.C. Sept. 1917.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Speaker in recruitment campaign for the Ninth
The Scotsman 24th July 1915
Lt Urquhart 1/9th. Attended recruiting meeting Hamilton Place 26th July 15
EED 27th July 15
William Macduff Urquhart AIR 76/519/56
[Not to be confused with Sgt Plt WM Urquart, RAF, killed in flying accident 6
Aug 18]
Vair, John Pte 41978 2nd RS 9th RS 0634
- -
Valance, G.C. Pte 1753 4/5/15 (1) D of W 23/7/16 2610
[See Vallance]
Valance, William Pte 350374 9th RS 1966 0640
VALENTINE, C. L/Corpl. No. 350517 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Valentine, C. Pte 350517 24/2/15 (1) D of W 10/6/17 2610
Valentine, Cecil 2358 EB1
Valentine, Cecil L/Cpl 350517 9 RS 2358 Pte 0640
VALENTINE, CECIL, C, Lance Corporal, '350517', "B" Coy. 9th Bn., 19,
10/Jun/1917, United Kingdom, CWGC
VALENTINE, Cecil, e. Edinburgh , r. Leith, 350517, L/CPL, Died of wounds, SD
Home, 10/06/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Valentine, Cecil, L/Cpl 2358/350517
Born Galashiels, 1897, son of John and Maggie Valentine
Enlisted: September 1914
Disembarked: France on 24th February 1915, with original contingent 1/9th Royal
Wounded: three times - May 1915, July 1916, April 1917
Died of wounds: 10th June 1917
The Scotsman - Monday, 14th June 1915, page 11
Wounded: ROYAL SCOTS, 9TH BATTALION (T.F.) Baxter, 2964, D.;
Montgomery, 3055, D.; Barr, 2406, D.; Nicol, 1671, J.; Gibb, 2342, L.-CpL G. A.;
Sinclair, 2008, A.; Harley, 2573, S.; Smalley, 3101, J.; Larnach, 2754, A.;
Valentine, 2358, C. -

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The Scotsman - Saturday, 25th September 1915, page 11

Major Robertson, V.C,, speaking at a recruiting meeting in Leith, announced that
it had been brought to his knowledge that a man present in the crowd had four
sons, two sons-in-law, a nephew, and a niece in the King's service. This, he
thought, was a most creditable record for one family, tho more so since the father
of the four sons held the Long Service Medal for twenty-two years' service in the
Volunteers. The father, Mr John Valentine, resides at 23 Buchanan Street, Leith.
His sons, Corporal John Valentine, Lance-Corporal George Valentine, and Private
Cecil Valentine, are in the 9th Battalion Royal Scots. His fourth son, Gunner
Harry Valentine, is in the Forth R.G.A. George and Cecil are both in France with
their regiment. George was wounded in the trenches on the 4th inst., and is now
reported to be in hospital at Boulogne. One son-in-law is with the British Naval
Air Squadron in the North of France; the other is mine-sweeping off the Southern
Coast. The nephew is in the 3rd H.L.I., and is now in hospital at Currie invalided
home from France. Mr Valentine's niece is a Red Cross nurse, and is now in
The Scotsman - Wednesday, 30th August 1916, page 11
Long list of wounded Royal Scots includes: Valentine, 2358, C. (Leith)
The Scotsman - Saturday, 26th May 1917, page 10
Wounded: Valentine, 350517, L-Cpl. C (Leith)
The Scotsman - Tuesday, 17th July 1917, page 7
Died of wounds: Valentine, 350517, L-Cpl. C (Leith)
Great War Forum
Valentine, Cecil, Pte, L/Cpl No.2358 -
Enlisted Sept 14, wounded Second Ypres May 15 and Somme July 16. d. 10 Jun
17 from wounds received two months earlier at Arras
Served in Ninth with two brothers, Cpl John and L/Cpl George
The Scotsman 25 Nov 15 ‘Patroitic Leith Family’
Diary of James Nicol Beatson, Feb-Dec 1915; ‘Private Beatson’s War’, edited by
Shaun Springer and Stuart Humphreys, 2009
No.2358, 350517. France 24.2.15 MIC
Valentine, G.A, L/Cpl. D Coy wounded 4 Sept 1915 WD
VALENTINE, G.A. L/Corpl. No. 2946, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, -
No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Valentine, G.A. Cpl 2946 4/5/15 (1) Disc. 22/1/16 2610
Valentine, G.G, L/Cpl 2946, badge 102909 [GA Valentine?] SWB
Valentine, George A 2946 EB1
Valentine, George A., Cpl 2946 0629
- -
L/Cpl GA Valentine 2946 reported wounded EEN 4.10.15
L/Cpl GA Valentine 2946 31.12.14-22.1.16 wounds served overseas
Valentine, George, L/Cpl -
Served in Ninth with two brothers, Cpl John and Pte Cecil
The Scotsman 25 Nov 15 ‘Patroitic Leith Family

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Diary of James Nicol Beatson, Feb-Dec 1915; ‘Private Beatson’s War’, edited by
Shaun Springer and Stuart Humphreys, 2009
‘We were just in the middle [of breakfast] when we got word a man had been
wounded & was on his way down. We were able to finish breakfast before he
arrived. The ambulance came about 10.30 a.m. & got him away.’ 4.9.15
Diary of James Lawson Cairns (qv)
Valentine, J Cpl 1613 2/9th Dundee Hospital 11.8.15-20.8.15 -
Valentine, John, Cpl -
Served in Ninth with two brothers, Pte Cecil and L/Cpl George
The Scotsman 25 Nov 15 ‘Patroitic Leith Family
Diary of James Nicol Beatson, Feb-Dec 1915; ‘Private Beatson’s War’, edited by
Shaun Springer and Stuart Humphreys, 2009
VALLANCE, G C, Serjeant, '1753', 9th Bn., , 23/Jul/1916, France, CWGC
VALLANCE, G.C. Sergt. No. 1753. 22/7/16 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916
Vallance, G.C. L/Cpl 1753 A Coy LS4
[See Valance, G.C.]
VALLANCE, G.C. Sergeant No. 1753, joined the Royal Scots, March, 1914. Left -
for B.E.F. in May, 1915. He fell in action on 22nd July, 1916. His Platoon
Commander writes: ‘As a sergeant he was one of the best in the Battalion, and his
loss will be much felt.’ Killed. The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November
VALLANCE, George C., b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 1753, SERGT., Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 23/07/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Vallance, George C., Pte 1753 0629

Sgt G.C. Vallance RS Killed. He resided at 22 Temple Park Crescent, Edinburgh

EED 12.8.16
?Listed as Vallance, J. Sergt

Leather Sporran Vol 1 No 2 Nov 16

Vallance, J Sergt – see Vallance, George C.

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Vallance, W. Pte 350374 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 23/3/19 2610

Vandanburgh, Frederick C., L/Cpl 44327 9th RS Pte 0641
- -
VAST L/Corpl. No. 40312 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June -
1917 [?40320 Sco Rifles William Vast?]
Vast, W 2394 EB1
Vast, W 2394 D Coy LS7
- -
W.Vast 1 Sco Rifles L/Cpl 40320
23.9.14-21.11.17 wounds xvi age 21 served overseas SWB Roll
William Vast
b.1896 Pension Ledger
Note 2394 is a good match for 23.9.14
William Vast
9RS 2394 crossed out Pte, 1/Sco Rif 40320 L/C
BWM&VM Roll Sco Rif piece 1123
Vaughan, Charles W., Pte 302380 12th RS 9th RS 0639
Vaughan, Henry Pte 352698 9th RS 352698 Pte, attd 5th Gord. Highrs. 0640
Veal, Charles E., Cpl 270884 16th RS Cpl, 9th RS 0638
- -
Veitch, C 2125 EB1
VEITCH, C. Pte. No. 2125, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Veitch, C. Pte 350430 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 12/3/19 2610
Veitch, Charles Pte 350430 9th RS 2125 0640
- -
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 disemb. MIC
Res Leith, disch 12.3.19 disability
Pension Ledger
Veitch, George 4131 EB2
- -
RS 4131, RE Pnr 129725
3/9 RS 4131, RE 129725
BWM&VM Medal Roll RE piece 0373
3rd Prov Co, RE 29.3.16-21.9.16 2bai wounds xvi served overseas age 26
Veitch, John L 3998 EB2
Veitch, John L., Pte 40127 9th RS 12th RS 16th RS 0634

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- -
Pte 16RS on or since 22.10.17 death pres fa George
Register Effects
John Lennie Veitch 40127 16RS age 29. Son of George and Janet Veitch of 23
Spittal St, Edinburgh. Tyne Cot Memorial.
John Veitch b.~1889 Edin to George (warehouseman) and Janet Lennie Veitch, 37
Arthur St, Leith, Edinburgh. Five children incl brother Charles, possible connection
1901 Census
Verity, J 4848 EB2
Verity, John A., Pte 351733 9th RS 0640
- -
John Arthur Verity
L/Cpl, on or since 24.3.18 death pres, mo Alice H?
Mo Alice Hannah Verity
Pension Ledger
[A science school teacher of the same name from Bradford, married to an Alice
Verity, was RE.]
VERITY, John Arthur, b. Bradford, e. York , r. Bradford, 351733, L/CPL, Killed SD
in action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, FORMERLY 4848, W. YORKS REGT.,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
VERITY, JOHN ARTHUR, J A, Lance Corporal, '351733', 9th Bn., ,
24/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
Vernon, Thomas, 2/9th RS Ireland, Dorset Rgt No 46325
On the 4th December 1917 he was transferred to the Depot Royal Scots and the
same day posted to the 2/9 Bn on the authority of 195th Infantry Brigade order no.
8208/10a. This was a second line TF unit according to LLT in Ireland at this time.
On the 10th February 1918 he returned to the Royal Scots Depot and was
transferred to the ASC…[continues]
Verth, William 3868 EB2
[No MIC on this number]
Vinals, C 3173 A Coy LS7
Vinals, Carnegie 3173 EB1
- ?
? This man only listed on Ancestry as Royal Scots Fusiliers Pte 40182.
Researched by Carnbo Lad on GWF: Vinals, Carnegie Honey, Private 40182, 1st
then 6/7th Royal Scots Fusiliers. Born on the 27th of January 1897 at 192 South
Street, Perth. The Dundee Courier reported on the 18th of December 1916 that
Private Vinals had been wounded. At some point after this he applied for a

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commission and in May 1918 he joined D Company 9th Scottish Officer Cadet
Battalion. Carnegie was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant on the 6th February
1919 in the Royal Scots Fusiliers, he was gazetted in the London Gazette
published on the 14th February 1919. He resigned his commission as from the 1st
September 1921 on his leaving the army. Two brothers also served.
Vinten, A. Pte 2304 4th Essex 21/7/15 (2b) 9th RS 202226 Pte Disemb. 21/6/19 2610
Vinten, Alfred Pte 202226 4th Essex R. 2304 Pte, 1/8th RS 1/9th RS 0637
Essex R Pte 2304, RS 202226
15Star&BWM&VM theatre 2B [Gallipoli and Aegean Islands] 21.7.15
Viola, Alexander Pte 51910 9th RS 0636
- -
15.1.17-2.10.18 w xvi VM&BWM
b.1896 res Springhum G Gov [?], disch 2.10.18 disability
Pension Ledger
?Alxr Viola b.~1895 Glasgow to Angelo (confectioner shopkeeper, born British
subject, Italy) and Maria Viola (born British subject, Italy), address 48 Nelson St,
Glasgow. Part of a large family.
?1901 Census
VIRTUE, R, Private, '352317', 1st/9th Bn., , 9/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
VIRTUE, R. Pte. No. 352317 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Virtue, R., Pte
Questions asked in Parliamant by Joseph Westwood, ‘asked the Minister of
Pensions if he is aware that a pension was granted to the mother of the late Private
R. Virtue, No. 352,317, 9th Royal Scots; that the mother is now dead; that the
father is now in very bad circumstances, with only 35s. per week to support
himself and his four motherless children; that the pension payable to the mother
has not been transferred to the father; and what action, if any, can he take to have
the pension previously paid to the mother transferred to the father?’
295W Hansard 27 Mar 1928 -
Virtue, Robert 352317
Born Coldingham, Berwickshire
Virtue, Robert Pte 352317 12th RS 12332 Pte, 9th RS 5648, attd 79th Coy.R.E. 0640
- -
Robert Virtue 12RS Pte 5648 352317 12332
15Star&BWM&VM 11.5.15 France KIA
Mary S Virtue, step-mother
Pension Ledger
VIRTUE, Robert, b. Coldingham, Berwickshire, e. Glencorse, Midlothian , r. SD
Loanhead, Midlothian, 352317, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders,
09/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.

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Vodrey, Clifford Pte 353363 9th RS 0640
- -
Clifford Vodrey RS Pte 353363 VM&BWM MIC
Clifford Douglas Vodrey
b.1899, res Tunstall, Stoke on Trent, disch 2.4.20 disability
Pension Ledger
Vries, see de Vries -
Waddell, George Pte 62668 9th RS 0636
Waddell, William Pte 375325 1st R.Sc.Fus. 2828 Pte, 9th RS 375325 0640
Waddie, John Norman 3/9RS -
Stewart Melville 1916
Signaller, died, MM

John Norman waddie, Signaller, RS, was the elder son of Mr James S Waddie, 5
Denham Green Terrace. A boy of good abilities, he gained several scholarships
while at the College and after leaving continued his studies with a view to entering
the Civil Service. In April 1916 he joined the 9th Royal Scots and proceeded to
France in November. In 1917 he came home for further training, rejoining his
battalion in August. On 11th April of this year he was killed in one of the most
desperate battles ever fought in this war. His gallantry in action about three weeks
before his death gained him the award of the Military medal. His Colonel writes
“Your son was a fine example to his comrades, and the award of the Military
Medal was thoroughly well earned, and I am grieved that he did not live to receive
it himself.”
Signaller waddie was twenty years of age. Of a bright and kindly disposition “he
was much liked by every one in his battalion and always did his duty, whatever it
Stewart Melville 1918
John Norman Waddie 40427 died 11.4.18 age 20 16RS MM Son of James Sinclair
Waddie and Annie Waddie of 5 Denhamgreen Terrace, Leith, Edinburgh.,-john-norman/
Waddie, T.W 2224 killed Glasgow Herald 21 May 1915 -
WADDIE, T.W. Pte. No.2224. 28/4/15 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, -
1st November 1916
Waddie, T.W. Pte 2224 24/2/15 (1) K in A 28/4/15 2610
Waddie, Thomas W., Pte 2224 0629
Waddie, Thomas Wallace Private 9th NBW-S

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WADDIE, Thomas Wallace, e. Edinburgh , r. Leith, 2224, PRIVATE, Killed in SD

action, France & Flanders, 28/04/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Waddie, Thomas Wallace, Pte NBW

Killed in Flanders on 28th April. He was the youngest son of the late Mr Charles
Waddie, St Stephen’s Works, Edinburgh. Dated 6/5/15
See also EED 6.5.15
Waddie, Thomas Wallace, Pte
C Coy. 26 yo., was for some time a Lieutenant in the Army Service Corps [?].
Youngest son of the late Charles M. Waddie and Mrs Waddie, Gleniffer House,
and was also a director of Waddie & Co (Limited), St Stephen’s Works.
The Scotsman 5 May 15
Mrs Waddie, Gleniffer House, Trinity received intimation son killed France
28.4.15 Pte Thomas Wallace Waddie in letter from platoon commander Lt
Macdonald. Waddie had cheerfully come through the recent fighting, death
painless. Another letter, Waddie just returned to trenches with rations for the men.
Joined after war declared, went to France February. Held a comm in ASC (T.) for
some time, along with brother, late Capt William Waddie. Youngest son of Mr
Charles Waddie, founder of Waddie & Co (Ltd) stationers, St Stephen’s Works,
Edin. Edu Edin Academy, director in father’s company, keen motorist.
EED 6.5.15
WADDIE, THOMAS WALLACE, T W, Private, '2224', "C" Coy. 9th Bn., 26,
Waddie, Thos. D 2224 EB1
Waddington, Frank Mr., Bandmaster ?

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‘The Brass Band was organised in the year 1907, Mr Frank Waddington being
appointed Bandmaster. He was succeeded in 1908 by Mr Hubert Ivo. Laubach.’
[Hubert and Ivo. with full stop in original]
This may refer to Waddington in newspaper article on Laubach (qv):
Appointed bandmaster of 9RS. For several years bandmaster of the 1st Edinburgh
City RGA. Mr ----, the late bandmaster of the 9th leaves shortly to take up duties of
bandmaster with the ---3d Regiment Canadian Militia. [?Frank Waddington]
Ships departing 1907/1908, all from Liverpool, men have country of origin
1. F. Waddington, departed 10/12/1908 on Empress of Britain – Canadian
Pacific Shipping Line , Master J. A. Murray. Born 1874 (34) male,
occupation FMR (farmer?) arrival port – St. Johns, Newfoundland
2. F. G. Waddington departed 19/9/1907 on Empress of Ireland, Master J.
Forster. Born 1868 (39) no occupation given, arrival port Quebec
3. F. J. Waddington departed 16/05/1907 ‘Canada’ Dominion Line, Master
R.O. Jones, Occupation Gent. Arrival Port – Montreal
WADDOCK, D. Pte. No. 3662 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
June 1917
Waddock, Daniel 3662 EB2
Waddock, Daniel Pte 351165 9th RS 3662 Pte 0640
- -
WAGGETT, F. Corpl. No. 2738, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, -
1st Nov 1916.
Waggett, F 2738 EB1
- -
Fred Waggett RS Pte 2738 350683, RE 423400
Fred Waggett Pte 9RS, A/Cpl RE
BWM&VM Medal Roll RE piece 0452
Wagman, F.J. Pte 20117 L.N.Lancs. 25/9/15 (1) 9th RS 353063 Pte Disc. 28/7/17 2610
- -
LN Lan R Pte 20117, RS 353063
15Star&BWM&VM France 25.9.15
MIC with ref to identical Waymna, Fred. J.
See Wayman
Wain, Joseph Pte 335414 1/8th RS 8024 Pte, 9th RS 0639
Wainwright, Arthur L., Pte 351754 9th RS 0640
Real photographic postcard of Officers, NCO's and men on parade serving with the
2/9th Battalion [Dandy Ninth ] Royal Scots. Inscribed to the reverse "Opposite the
"Retreat of Mons" We parade here at 7-0 am each day. By Order A.L. Wainwright".
Photo by W.E. Bull, Witham & Braintree. Plate no 60.

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36685 Pte Arthur Loreson Wainwright was born in Leeds in 1884. Son of William
Bennett Wainwright and Rachel Hudson Wainwright of 9 Park Ville Rd, Leeds.
Gave occupation as Insurance Superintendent ? Residing at Park View, Fink Hill,
Horsforth, Leeds. Enlisted in the West Yorkshire Regiment. Posted to the 13th
Battalion 24.3.1916. Transferred to the 2/9th Royal Scots on 26.4.1916. Served with
the 9th Royal Scots in France from 15.6.1917 as a Signaller. Wounded by bullet
wound to right arm and taken POW on 22.3.1918 at Martwal ? Interned at Damstedt.
Repatriated 11.1.1919 - arriving at Hull.
EBay postcard
26685 West Yorks Regt, 9RS
Park View, Fink Hill, Horsforth, Leeds 31 yo Ins Superintendant, single
Attesting off 30.11.15, approving 23.3.16 York
Next of kin William Bennett + Rachel Hudson Wainwright, 9 Park Ville Rd,
Bramley, Leeds. Parents.
Qual as 1st class signaller 1.5.17
Home 23.3.16-14.6.17 BEF 15.6.17-21.3.18 wounded 22.3.18
Missing 22.3.18, POW Darmstadt, Germany / Larnsdorf? Repat 11.1.19 Z Class
Attested 30.11.15 army reserve same day, posted depot West Yorkshire Regt
23.3.16, 13th Bn 24.3.16 Pte, transferred 2/9 RS Pte 26.4.16, leave 18.10.16-1.11.16
26685 crossed out, 4905
Folkestone 15.6.17 Boulogne same day, Etaples following day, joined 9RS in field
29.6.17, course at 51st Div Signal Coy RE 5-18.10.17. Qual Signaller.
Captured at Marteville 22.3.18, bullet right arm, POW Darmstadt
Repat arr Hull 11.1.19, to class Z from 3RS. Born 1884
4905 B Coy 2/9RS 22.3.16 signed DA Bannatyne Lt, to D Coy 22.5.17 signed AS
Drew, to 1/9 RS
Service record
Wainwright, Arthur L. 351754 9 Scots PA34298
Berry au Bac [this is 90km to SE of Marteville, near Reims]. R.Arm Kugel [bullet]
24.9.95 Hamesower. Mr WW 9 Parkville Rd, Bramley, Leeds. Lamsdorf.
Also Arthur Wainwright
9th RH Guards 22.3.18 C Coy PA22394
9 Roy. Guard C Martwal 22.3.18 Feld. 21.11.84 Brambey Lieds Vater: Williams 9
Park Villa Rodd, Brambey. Darmstadt
Wakelin Capt, 'C' Coy, p.569 German offensive 1918, stopped Germans E
progressing along valley nr Aubercourt
Wakelin, H, Capt. 10th RS joined for duty 7 May 1917, commander of Echelon 'B'
1 Dec 1917 WD
Wakelin, Harry, Captain M.C. 137 High Street, Linlithgow. -
Mobilised as Lieutenant with 10th Royal Scots in August 1914. Attached to 9th
Royal Scots in April 1917. Served in France with 51st Division until 12th April
1918, when wounded at Merville. Afterwards attached to Headquarters Scottish
Command. Promoted Captain. Awarded Military Cross.
Roll of honour of members of the Society of Writers to His Majesty's Signet, and
apprentices 1914-1919

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Wakelin, Harry Capt RS
VM&BWM France 1.5.17; St Margarets, South Queensferry. MIC
Capt H. Wakelin VM&BWM roll piece 2181
2/Lt 1914 RS British Army Lists
Wakelin, H. Lt, listed West Lothian Courier for 10th Reserve Bn RS, presently
billeted at Bathgate, 30th October 1914
Waklin, Harry (probably Wakelin), wrote letter 3.6.17 that appeared in West
Lothian Courier 1st June 1917 [dates seem out of order] to Mrs Johnston regarding
death of Capt John Thomas Johnston (qv) – described Johnston as a great friend
Courtesy alf mcm GWF topic 236321
Capt. To command No 1 Coy RS in composite battalion if required April 1918
5/GH WD WO 95 3061 2_1
? Harry Wakelin WS 37 George St, Edin. Edin Gaz 29.6.37
Capt. Henry Wakelin, R. Scots. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.
Just before a counter-attack was made against the enemy, it became necessary for
this officer to change front from the position he was holding and attack to the
right. He had his company moving in ten minutes, and successfully stopped any
advance of the enemy. His prompt action at a difficult moment was of great value.
Edin Gaz 29.7.18, also LG 26.7.18
Waldie, Andrew H., L/Cpl 301113 9th RS 7th RS 0639
Walduck, William H., Pte 352787 9th RS 0640
Walkden, ‘Bunty’ -
Wrestled on binge on champagne, early 16
Walkden, Bunty or Bumbo in charge No 14 Platoon (D Coy) Lewis Gun Team
December 1916
At Vimy dug-out blown in, but he got all his men out incl his ‘little self’. Cpl at this
Wounded in starting trench by shell, sent to dressing station, soon ‘all nice and
comfy and bandaged’
Wrote ~1918 from the ‘big Camp’ in Ireland where courting, but soon moved on
and the ‘romance’ fell through
J.Qunn IWM doc 5992
[This would seem to be Arnold Walkden as the only man with this surname?]
Walkden, A 2794 EB1
Walkden, A 2794 B Coy LS5
WALKDEN, A. Corpl. No. 350713 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
WALKDEN, A. Pte. No. 2794, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Walkden, A. Pte 350713 3/9/15 (1) Disc. 23/12/18 2610
Walkden, Arnold Pte 350713 9th RS 2794 0640
Walker CSM ? to be in composite battalion if required April 1918 ?
5/GH WD WO 95 3061 2_1
Walker, A ( )? 2455 EB1

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Walker, A.I. -
Left school 1911; 9th RS
The Dollar Magazine 1914 p.232
Walker, A.J., Pte, 9th RS [?Walker, A.I.] -
Science University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914
Walker, A.L. Pte 2292 24/2/15 (1) Comm Cam Hrs 21/10/15 [see Allan Walker] 2610
Walker, Alex 4496 EB2
Walker, Alex Private Royal Scots 9th 14-May-16 3 Footballers death -
Evening Times Roll presented as: Surname, Forename, Home, Rank, Regiment,
Date of Death, Date in ET, Page, Portrait, Notes
WALKER, Alexander Comiston. 41 Greenbank Rd. Edinburgh. (5375) RSC
WALKER, Alexander Comiston. (5375). 41 Greenbank Road, Edinburgh -
The Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Dollar Academy. O.T.C. 1905-10. Student of Science, 1912-15. O.T.C.
Engineers, 191 2-14, Cadet Corporal. 9th Royal Scots (T), Private Oct. 1914.
R.E., 2nd Lieut. Jan. 1915; Lieut. Nov. 1915; Acting Captain March 1917.
France. Dispatches July 1916. M.C Dec. 1917.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Temp 2/Lt RE LG 26.1.15
Temp Lt (A/Capt) Div Sig Coy RE LG 1.1.18
WALKER, Alexander, b. Edinburgh, e. Musselburgh, Midlothian , r. SD
Musselburgh, 4496, PRIVATE, Died, Home, 12/05/16, Royal Scots (Lothian -
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Pte A. Walker 4496 died 12.5.16 RS, buried at Edinburgh (North Merchiston)
Cemetery. On graves registration report form as 9/R.Scots CWGC [not in list from
9/RS search on CWGC]
Wandererpaul on GWF has a signature for those who played for Brentford FC in
their careers: Private Alexander White Walker 4496 3/9th Royal Scots died 12.5.16
Alexander White Walker
Played for Brentford 1904/05. Born St George, Edin 15.11.1881; census 1881 7
Oliver Ter, St George, Edinburgh; 1891 at 106 Gorgie Rd; 1901 gas meter maker,
living at 96 Gorgie Rd; 1911 Musselburgh.
Joined Heart of Midlothian FC April 1899 as an inside-right, following his brother
Bobbie Walker, and remained for three seasons. Left Hearts May 1903 for
Motherwell for 1903/04 season. Joined Brentford in Sept 1904 for one season,
suffered knee injury.

Part of team photo

Joined RS 9 Dec 1915 at Musselburgh

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Posted to the Reserve, mobilised for training on 18 March 1916 at Glencorse and
posted to C Company 3/9th Battalion. Sent to the 2nd Scottish General Hospital, at
Craigleith Edinburgh, on 8 April 1916 with symptoms of TB (Tuberculosis). Died
on 12 May 1916.
See article by Paul Briars/Briers for further information.
Brentford Fans
Alexander White Walker 15.11.1881-12.5.1916
Walker, Allan L. Pte 2292 comm 8th Cameron high 21.4.15 (corrected?) 0629
Walker, Allan Lindsay 2292 EB1
Berwickshire High School. M.A. 191 3. 9th Royal Scots (T.), Private Sept.
1914. 8th and 1st Cameron Highlanders, 2nd Lieut. Oct. 1915; Lieut. July 1917.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Walker, Allan, Pte, 9th RS -
M.A. University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914
Allan L. Walker MA Hons, Edin Univ, A Coy wounded in the left arm nr St
Julien, now in St Anselm’s Red Cross Hospital, Walmer, Kent, progressing
favourably. Son of Rev Johnstone Walker, Langton, Berwickshire, has a brother in
same bn and another a Lt in 6th Queen’s Own Camerons.
The Scotsman 7 May 1915 and EED 7.5.15
His brother Allan L. Walker MA (Hons) sustained a double fracture of one of the
bones in left forearm in the fighting 23rd April. Now in St Anselm’s hospital,
They are sons of Rev. Johnstone Walker, Langton, Berwickshire.
[Brother W.G. Walker (qv)]
EED 31.5.15
Walker, D, CSM, p.568 German offensive 1918, rendered yeoman service to his E
CO, rallied men under heavy fire
Walker, D. Pte 350317 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 1/4/19 2610
Walker, D. Sgt-Maj Letter in West Lothian Courier Sept-17 (see Lawrie, Robert) -
Walker, D., Coy. Sergeant-Major -
Farrell, Fred. A., with an introduction by Neil Munro, “The 51st Division War
Sketches”, Edinburgh, 1920
?Probably B Company. Note CSM Dunkley probably C Coy. Goodfellow looks
like D Coy. Renwick A Coy.
Walker, David 0640

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CSM 350317 9th RS 1788 A/W.O.CL.I, attd 1/2nd Fld. Co. R.E., attd 1/1st Fld. Co.
Walker, David 9RS Pte 1788, 350317, A/WO Cl.I
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15, Disemb.
OC Lowland 52nd Div fwds list entitled to medals 31.5.1920
Walker 1788 [looks like 1768]
Charles Haig (qv – A Coy MGS BEF) to be A/Cpl v Walker 7.12.16
WALKER, DAVID (1911). -
Private, 9th Battalion (Highlanders) Royal Scots, May 1914 ; Lance-Corporal,
March 1916; Corporal, April 1916 ; Sergeant, August 1916; Company
Quartermaster-Sergeant, April 1917; Company Sergeant-Major, May 1917.
Awarded Military Medal, April 1917, and Distinguished Conduct Medal, May
Royal High School of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1920)
D.C.M. Citation:
‘350317 CSM D. Walker MM (Edinburgh)
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during recent operations. He
repeatedly rallied men and, under heavy fire, reorganised and led them forward.
Throughout he set a fine example to all. (3.9.18)’
Ref probably to March 1918
? Sergt Walker in command No 11 Platoon night of 8 April 1917, afterwards
C Company April 1917, Diary pages Bennet Clark, TW
Walker, David d. - , 350317, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military Medal -
Walker, David H., A son of Mr. A. A. Walker, Leith, was born in 1892, and GWC
entered G.W.C. in 1906. Prior to the war he served for four years as a Territorial
with the 9th R.S. On the outbreak of the war he joined the Cameron Hrs., and
crossed to France, where in 1915 he was wounded. Soon afterwards he received a
commission in the Royal Marine Light Infantry, and was posted missing and
presumed killed in Apr. 1917.
Walker, David Pte 41934 5/6th RS 9th RS 0634
Walker, E.G Private 9th NBW-S
WALKER, E.G. L/Corpl. No. 1291. 7/4/15 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916

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Walker, E.G. L/Cpl 1291 24/2/15 (1) K in A 7/4/15 2610

Walker, Edward G., L/Cpl NBW

Right clipping see also EED 14 Apr 15

Intimation has been received at Leith from Lt Lindsay, 9th Royal Scots
(Highlanders) that Lance-Corporal E.G. Walker, No.15 Platoon, D Company, who
resided with his parents at 10 Fingzies Place, Leith, has been killed, with five of
his comrades during the bombardment of a town. Three shells had fallen into the
billets of the Company. Lance-Corporal Walker, who was 21 years of age, had
been five years in the Battalion. He was a Freemason, and was a traveller in the
employment of Messrs Spence & Co., grain merchants, Edinburgh. Dated 14 Apr
Three shells had been dropped in the billets of D Coy and six men had been killed.
Walker had been in the Ninth for about 5 years.
The Scotsman 14 Apr 15
Walker, Edward G., L/Cpl 1291 entered theatre as Pte 0629
WALKER, Edward George, b. Glasgow, e. Edinburgh , r. Leith, 1291, L/CPL, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 07/04/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
WALKER, EDWARD GEORGE, E G, Lance Corporal, '1291', 9th Bn., 21,
7/Apr/1915, Belgium, SON OF EDWARD AND MARY WALKER, OF 10,
WALKER, F J, Private, '44380', 1st/9th Bn., 19, 1/Aug/1918, France, SON OF
Walker, Francis J., Pte 44380 9th RS 0635
WALKER, Francis John, b. Londonderry, Co. Derry, e. Glasgow , r. Glasgow, SD
44380, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, FORMERLY
2/13949, T.R., 53174, H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Walker, G 1755 Cpl D Coy to be paid Sergt 29.1.16 2/9thBn The Leather Sporran, -
Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Walker, G Sergt 1755 D Coy LS7
Walker, G. -

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Sergeants 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916

WALKER, G.W. Pte. No. 2234, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Walker, George Butler, son of William and Ellen Louisa Foxley Walker of Bonaly -
Road, Edinburgh died on 9 April 1917. He served as a Lance Corporal with 1st/9th
Battalion The Royal Scots and was 21 years old. The Battalion was raised in
August 1914 at East Claremont Street, and was originally responsible for Scottish
coastal defences. However, by 1917, such was the demand for reinforcements that
they had been dispatched to France, and George found himself fighting as part of
51st Highland Division alongside his colleague Henry Adams in the Arras
offensive. George died on the opening day, and Henry was killed two weeks later.
George is buried at Nine Elms Cemetery, six kilometres from Arras. The cemetery
includes a large number of soldiers who fell on the same day as George, including
a row of 80 graves belonging to the men of a Canadian Infantry Battalion who
were all cut down as soon as they stepped out their trench.
Compiled by Neil MacLennan
WALKER, H.P. Private, D Coy., No. 5222, to Miss E Kettell; at Dunton Bassett, -
Leicester, on the 22nd July 1916 Married. The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st
November 1916
Walker, Herbert C 4407 EB2
Walker, J 2942 EB1
Walker, J 2942 F Coy LS2
Walker, J 5055 C Coy LS7
WALKER, J. L/Corpl. No. 350275 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
WALKER, J. Pte. No. 1691, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
WALKER, J. Pte. No. 2942, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Walker, J. Pte 350483 24/2/15 (1) D of W 25/3/18 2610
Walker, J. Pte 350782 24/2/15 91) Disc. 1/4/17 2610
Walker, James 4389 EB2
WALKER, James Glassford. 31 Comiston Dr. Edinburgh. (3746) RSC
Walker, James H., Pte 352025 Low. Fld. Ambul. 1772 Pte, 9th RS 5311 0640
Walker, James Pte 250599 5th RS 2506 Pte, 5/6th RS 13th RS 9th RS 0638
Walker, James Pte 30269 2nd RS 13th RS 1/9th RS 0633
Walker, James Pte 351559 9th RS 4389 Pte 0640
Walker, John 2276 EB1
Walker, John 350782, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No. 166486
Pte 9RS 23.11.14-1.4.17 wounds xvi served overseas SWB
Walker, John d.25.3.18 -

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Died of wounds. He had been born at Pease Mill, Cockburnspath and before
enlisting he had worked as a joiner in Leith. He had spent three years in France
and had been wounded at St Julien in 1915.
Walker, John L/Cpl 375838 9th RS 375838 Pte 0640
Walker, John Private 9th NBW-S
Walker, John Pte 330805 8th RS 5921 Pte, 9th RS 0639
Walker, John Pte 350483 9th RS 2276 Pte, attd 1/2nd High. Field Co. R.E. 2276 Pte, 0641
attd 34th Sanitary Sect. 350483
Walker, John Pte 350782 9th RS 2942 0640
WALKER, John, e. Edinburgh , r. Cockbumspath, Berwickshire, 350483, SD
PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 25/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WALKER, JOHN, J, Private, '350483', 9th Bn., 27, 25/Mar/1918, France, SON
Walker, John, Pte
Wounded in recent action at Hill 60. Parents at Pease Mill, Cockburnspath
The Scotsman 8 May 15 -
Walker, John, Pte NBW

See also EED 4 May 15

Wounded during last week’s fighting. Dated 4/5/15.
Walker, John Pte, parents reside Pease Mill, Cockburnspath. Wounded
Daily Record 10.5.15
Walker, Joseph A., L/Cpl 58966 9th RS 0636
Walker, Oswald 3242 EB2
27/12/1899-24/05/1981. Ref: 3241. Male.
Place of Birth: Madrid, Spain.
Profession: Chemist.
Appointments Held: Lecturer-1939, Chemistry, London University; Research
chemist 1945-9, Divisional Education -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Officer 1949-61, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.

Schools and Tutors: George Heriot's School, Edinburgh.
Undergraduate Studies: B.Sc (Edinburgh 1922).
Postgraduate Studies: Ph.D (Edinburgh 1925), D.Sc (Edinburgh).
War Service: 1914-18. 2nd Lieut Royal Scots; 1939-45. Inter Services Research
Bureau, Special Operations Executive.
Date of Election: 07/03/1938. [continues]
George Heriot's School. Student of Arts and Divinity, 1909-14 and 1918-19;
M.A. 1912. O.T.C. Infantry, 191 1-14, Cadet. 2/9th Royal Scots (T), Private April
1915. 4th Highland Light Infantry, 2nd Lieut. Sept. 1915; Lieut. July 1917.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Relinquished comm. 1 Apr., 1920
See brother, Walker, T.G.P.
Great War Forum
Walker, S R Pte 1876 ww1
Walker, S.F?? Initials not clear -
Died of wounds
Glasgow Herald 21 May 1915
WALKER, S.R. Pte. No. 1876. 23/4/15 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, -
1st November 1916
Walker, S.R. Pte 1876 24/2/15 (1) D of W 27/4/15 2610
Walker, S.R., Pte, A Coy, died in hospital in France on 27th from severe wounds
received in action 23rd. Employed with Messrs Jenner & Co, Princes St,
Edinburgh. Joined Ninth early August. 22 yo.
Mr and Mrs Walker, Newmarket Rd, Norwich
The Scotsman 7 May 1915
S. Reid Walker, Pte, youngest son or Mr and Mrs John Walker, Wentworth,
Norwich. 23 yo, A Coy. DoW 27th April from action 23rd April.
The Scotsman 6 May 15 and EED 6.5.15
Walker, Samuel Reid Pte 9th RS
Member of Old Boys’ Union, Norwich High School Magazine - Autumn Term
1916; Died of wounds in France - Summer Term 1916; Died of wounds 27 Apr 15
– Easter Term 1916, Summer Term 1917 [etc.]

Died from wounds. His parents reside at Norwich.

EED 8.5.15 -
Walker, Sam 2242 EB1

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- -
Walker, Sam 2242 Pte France 24.2.15; LC 224215 L/C. 6.4.19 Cl Z
9RS Piece 2836 Labour Corps Medal Roll (15Star)
Walker, Samuel Private 9th NBW-S
Walker, Samuel Pte -


Mr John walker, an ex-servant of the Gas Commissioners, residing at 11 East
Thomas St, Edinburgh, has four sons at the front, and two of them, David and
William, have been wounded.
Photos of: Pte David W. 1RS, Pte John W. 2RS, Pte William W. 2KOSB, Pte
Samuel W. 1/9RS.
EED 10.6.15
Walker, Samuel Pte 1876 0629
WALKER, Samuel Reid, b. Norwich, e. Edinburgh , r. Norwich, 1876, PRIVATE, SD
Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 27/04/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
WALKER, SAMUEL REID, S R, Private, '1876', 9th Bn., 22, 27/Apr/1915,
WALKER, SAMUEL REID. Private. Xo. 1876, A Coy. l/9th Battn. (Highlanders) -
Royal Scots (T.F.). yst. s. of John Walker, of Wentworth, Newmarket Road.
Norwich. by his wife. Jane, dau. of Samuel Reid,
of St. George’s Norwich ; b. Norwich. 13 Feb1893, educ. Belle Vue and King
Edward VI Middle- School, Norwich ; appienticed in the Drapery Trade, first at
Mr. Moll’s. Norwich, then to .Messrs, Bryant and Bryant. St. Ives, Hunts, and
lastly to .Messrs. Jenners, Edin; volunteered and joined l/9th Royal Scots (A
Coy.). 6 Aug. 1914: left for France 24 Feb. 1915, and died at No. 8 Hospital,
Bailleul 27 April following, of wountls received four days previously during the
Second Battle of Ypres. Buried Bailleul Cemetery. Corpl. W.M. Clarke wrote: "I
thought it would perhaps comfort you to know how much he was appreciated by
his comrades and how great a shock his death was to them. His bright face
and willingness made him a valued man in my section and won him everybody's
affection. Our only consolation, and I hope it may be yours also, is that he died
like a man fighting for the Old Country."

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Roll of Honour, Ruvigny, Vol I

Walker, Sidney Pte 375241 9th RS 375241 Pte, 13th RS 375241 0640
Walker, T.G.O 2373 EB1
Walker, T.G.P, Pte, 9 RS
M.A. University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914 -
Walker, T.G.P. L/Sgt 2373 24/2/15 (1) Comm G-Hrs 11/7/16 2610
Walker, T.G.P., Pte 00-04
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921)
Thomas Gambier Presland Walker, 2373. Joined 9th RS Sept 1914 as private.
MIC says entered France 24/2/1915. Promoted to Corporal, then Lance Sjt.
Wounded Nov. 1916. Commisioned 2nd Lt. to the 1/7th Gordon Highlanders, July
1916. Lt with same Bn Jan 1918, transferred ? to Territorial Force Reserve, July
1918 retaining rank of Lt.
See brother, Walker, Oswald Horne
Great War Forum
Thomas G. P. Walker born 1888, # 2373 L/Sjt 9th Royal Scots > 2nd Lt Gordon
Highlanders > Lt 7th Gordon Highlanders
Pte. T G P Walker, 9th Royal Scots (Thomas Gambier Presland, MA, 1913 from
Univ. of Edinburgh; Pte, 9 Royal Scots, Sep 1914; Sjt, 1/7 Gordon Highlanders; 2
Lt, Jul 1916; Lieut, Jan 1918, wounded Nov 1916).
Great War Forum -
Walker, Thomas G., L/Sgt 2373 entered theatre as Cpl comm 1/7th GH 11.7.16 0629
Walker, Thomas G.S., L/Cpl 351421 9th RS 4032 Pte 0640
Royal High and George Heriot's Schools. MA. 191 3. Schoolmaster. 9th Royal
Scots, Private Sept. 1914; Corporal; Sergeant. 1/7th Gordon Highlanders,
2nd Lieut. July 1916; Lieut. Jan. 1918. France 1915. Wounded Nov. 1916.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
WALKER, Thomas. 14 Dudley Terr. Leith. (3490) RSC
Walker, Thos. G.S 4032 EB2
Walker, W, Pte
Nicholls, Jonathan, ‘Cheerful Sacrifice’, 1990, Acknowledgements
Walker, W.G. Pte 2318 24/2/15 (1) Comm Cam Hrs 29/7/15 2610
- -
Walker, W.G. Pte 2318 wounded very slight, Adm Ryl Alexandra Inf Paisley 8 Jun
Casualty list from Bardess GWF post 458 p.19
Walker, W.G. Pte. Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries Vol 7 1915

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Walker, W.G. Pte has been wounded in the right hand on 23rd May. Previously he
had been struck in the head by a fragment of shrapnel but it did not necessitate his
leaving the trenches. Now in No 8 Stationary Hospital, Boulogne. Fellow of Faculty
of Actuaries, and in civilian life is Edinburgh secretary of the Scottish Amicable
Assurance Co.
His brother Allan L. Walker MA (Hons) sustained a double fracture of one of the
bones in left forearm in the fighting 23rd April. Now in St Anselm’s hospital,
They are sons of Rev. Johnstone Walker, Langton, Berwickshire.
EED 31.5.15
See Walker, Allan L.
Walker, W.H., Pte
‘a Territorial soldier, with an unblemished record of service in the 9th Battalion,
Royal Scots, and in the Field Artillery, who has been dismissed by his
commanding officer’
Questions asked in Parliament by James Maxton, Hansard 16 May 1935 1891 -
Walker, William G., Pte 2318 comm 6th Cameron High 29.7.15 0629
Walker, William Pte 250271 5th RS 1758 Pte, 9th RS 0637
Walker, Wm. Gray 2318 EB1
- -
Walker, William Gray Johnstone 9RS Pte 2318, Comm. Gen List attd. TMB Trench
Mortar Battery Lt, Capt. Deceased 18.7.17. 15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15.
Father: The Rev. J. Walker MA, Easter Rariebie [?], Nigg Station, Ross-shire. MIC
Captain age 31, General List attd Trench Mortar Batteries, 8th Division. MC and
Bar. Died 18.7.17. Son of the Rev. Johnstone Walker MA of Langton, Berwickshire.
Poperinghe New Military Cemetery. CWGC
d.18.7.17. T Lt (A Capt) General List, New Armies KIA. Comment: TM. Awarded
MC. Soldiers Died
Walker, William Gray Johnstone 2318 8.6.15 Wounded Very Slight Adm Royal
Alexandra Inf Paisley [same date Neilson, Thomas] from Bardess GWF
WALKINGSHAW, G, Lance Corporal, '301562', 9th Bn., 33, 16/Apr/1917,
Walkinshaw, Gideon [no g in surname] b. Edinburgh e. Edinburgh 301562 L/Cpl
d of w F&F 16.4.17
SDGW for 7th RS
The enlistment papers have his name spelt Walkinshaw on page 1 but
Walkingshaw on page 2. (He didn't sign his name.) Walkingshaw on the UK
CWGC but Walkinshaw on his son's Electorial records. It's Walkingshaw on the
UK Army Register of Soldiers' Effects and also on the two public family trees on
Ancestry. On the ww1 Medal Rolls Index Cards it's Walkinshaw...
Enlistment Papers - National Archives
Page 1 Gideon Walkinshaw, 32 years 200 days old, height 5' 7'', chest CWGC
measurement girth when fully expanded 36'' range of expansion 2'' -

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Name and address of next of kin - Jane Walkinshaw, wife, 43a Montgomery Road,
Particulars of Marriage - Jane Rennie, spinster, married Edinburgh 4/12/1903
Children's names - Flora, Margaret, Gideon, Helen, Eliza and Jane
Home 27.5.16 to 3.1.17, BEF 4.1.17 to 16.4.17
Died of wounds. G.S.W. Back. 16.4.17 - ? 18 (Gen)( ) (Damres) (Camiers)
Page 2 Statement of Sevices of 4009 Gideon Walkingshaw
7th R.S. Attested Pte 11.12.15, To Army Reserve Pte 12.12.15, Mobilised Pte
Posted Pte 29.5.16
7th R.S. Res. Appt ( ) A/L/Corpl 1/7/16
9th Res. Transferred to ( ) 31/8/16
Granted 4 days leave 7.10.16 to 10.10.16
R.S. 9th Res. Granted leave L/Cpl. 17/20 - 12-16
Under AC 1 10(4)1/16
R.S. 7th and 9th Died of Wounds L/Cpl 16.4.17
Information courtesy Pauline Gilhooley
U.K. army Registers of Soldiers' Effects 1901-1926
4447443. E340211 Walkingshaw, Gideon. 9th Bn. R.S. Pte 301562. 4009
16.4.17. Wound
WALL, A.M. Pte. No. 4157. A Coy. To be paid Acting L/Corpl. 2/9/16, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
WALL, Alexander Rolland, b. Kirkcaldy, Fife, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, SD
350069, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 24/04/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Wall, Arch. 4157 EB2
Wall, Archibald M., Pte 351484 9th RS 0640
Wallace -
Dived in ditch when Suzanne shelled Jan 16.
J.Quinn IWM doc 5992
Wallace, ‘Wandy’. Fever Mar 16. Comm. POW 1918 -
MG Section on landing France Feb 15. See Quinn, J. IWM Document 5992
Looks like Wallace, A. attended first reunion dinner MGS 23rd March 1920
Diary W.Scott TNA
Wallace, Andrew -
1996 9RS Pte 24.2.15 (1) 66599 MGC L/C comm to 6th Lanc Fus 25.9.17
Piece 2829 medal roll 15Star MGC
Wallace, Andrew RS Pte 1996, MGC L/Cpl 66599, Lan Fus 2/Lt
15Star&BWM&VM Comm 25.9.17
France 24.2.15. 62 Mosspark Oval, Glasgow
Wallace, B. L/Cpl 350436 24/2/15 (1) Comm N.F. 17/12/17 2610
Wallace, B? 2135 EB1

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Private, 9th Battalion Royal Scots, August 1914; Lance-Corporal, April 1917; 2nd
Lieutenant, December 1917. Attached 3rd Northumberland Fusiliers, December
1917, and Royal Air Force, April 1918. British Expeditionary Force (France).
Royal High School of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1920)
Wallace, Bertram, 2/LtRoyal Scots 350436 Lance Cpl. Northumberland Fusiliers
attached RAF 2135 Pte. Northumberland Fusiliers attached RAF 2Lt
Wallace, Bertram, L/Cpl 350436 9th RS 2135 Pte 0640
WALLACE, Bertram. 2 Queen's Rd. Blackhall. Edinburgh. (6468) RSC
Wallace, D
2/Lt. D. WALLACE. Missing 24/3/18 (Died 18/4/18 at Guise). -
Wallace, D 2/Lt missing -
Estimated casualties from March offensive as of 6.4.18 from 183 Bde War Diary
D Wallace 2/Lt 9RS missing 24.3.18 record no 550
Wallace, D, 2/Lt. 4th RS joined for duty 2 May 1917 WD
WALLACE, D. Pte. No. 2045, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Wallace, D., 2/Lt -
Missing 24.3.18, Died 18.4.18 at Guise
Two officers listed for 9RS (N. MacDonald and D. Wallace)
List of Officers Taken Prisoner in the various Theatres of war between August
1914 and November 1918, Complied from records kept by Messrs. COX & Co.’s
Enquiry Office, at Harrington House, Craig’s Court, Charing Cross, London
Wallace, D., 2/Lt
POW, date missing 24 Mar 18, record number 550
Wallace, Denis, 2/Lt
Missing 24.3.18
Mrs Margaret Wallace (wife) 29 Linkfield, Musselburg
H. Wallace 101 George St, Edinburgh
B Coy (B. Komp.) attached 429 Field Coy R.E.
Died 18.4.18, shot upper thigh in military hospiptal at Guise, buried in honorary
cemetery nr Guise, grave 2009
PA 25491 / 26094
Wallace, Denis. Sec. Leutn. 9 Royal Scots B Komp attached 429 Vieldboy R.E.
Nahere Angaben fehlen – verst 18.4.18 in Kriegslaz. Zu Guise, infolge
Oberschenkelschuss – beerd. Ehrenfriedhof be Guise, Grab 2009 – Aktz. 20498/W
[More timely information is missing][due to thigh shot] -
WALLACE, DENIS, D, Lieutenant, , 4th Bn. attd. 9th Bn., 30, 18/Apr/1918,
Wallace, Frank Pte 44124 16th Notts & Derbys 16/28743 Pte, 9th RS 0635

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Wallace, G 4193 B Coy LS7

Wallace, G F 4192 EB2
Wallace, G.W 2234 EB1
- -
Disembarked 26.2.15 France as Pte 9RS; 92328 A/W.O. Class 2 Tank Corps
15Star Medal Roll Tank Corps Piece 2834
Wallace, George Walker Sgt 9RS 2234; Tank Corps 92328 A/W.O. Cl.II
BWM&VM Medal Roll Tank Corps Piece 1774
Wallace, G.W Private 9th NBW-S
Wallace, G.W, Pte WTC
Wallace, G.W. 2234 -
Wounded EED 6 May 16
Wallace, G.W., Pte NBW

Also EED 13.5.15

Son of Mr and Mrs Wallace, 39 Spring Gardens, Edinburgh. Wounded in the head
at Ypres.
Son of Mr and Mrs Wallace, 29 Spring Gardens, Edinburgh. D Coy, wounded in
the head at Ypres last month.
EED May 1915
29 Spring Gardens, edin – wounded in the head
Daily Record 10.5.15
Wallace, George Pte 44306 9th RS 0635
WALLACE, GEORGE W. (1913). -
Private, 9th Royal Scots. Corporal, Machine-Gun Corps (Heavy Section), January
1917; Sergeant. Wounded at Ypres, 1915.
Royal High School of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1920)
WALLACE, J. Corpl. No. 352537 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
WALLACE, J. Corpl. No. 352537 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
WALLACE, J. L/Corpl. No. 5933 , Inter-Platoon Football Tournament. – -
concluded two days before the Battalion took up trench positons for the Battle of
Arras. Finalists were No’s 10 and 12 Platoons from C.Coy. Narrow win for No. 12
Platoon. Score 1 – 0. 5.4.17, Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4,
1st June 1917
Wallace, J. Pte 15462 17th H.L.I. 22/11/15 (1a) 9th RS 352537 Cpl Comm. K.O.S.B. 2610

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Wallace, James L., Pte 375227 9th RS 375227 Pte, 4th RS 375227 0640
Wallace, John 3635 EB2
Wallace, John Cpl 352537 17th High.L.I. 15462 Cpl, 9th RS 5933 Cpl 0640
Wallace, John Pte 59018 9th RS 2nd RS 0636
WALLACE, R. Pte. No. 1712, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Wallace, R. Pte 350284 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 2/4/19 2610
Wallace, R. Pte 48519 17th R. Fus. 17/11/15 (1) 9th RS 353149 Pte Cl. Z. 20/1/19 2610
Wallace, R.J, 2nd Lt F1901
Wallace, R.J, Capt E-P

Left Ewing, right Huie Collection

Wallace, R.J. Capt -
[this list does not specify 9RS but includes many recognisable names, see T.G.
Clark for full list]
Territorial Army, the undermentioned relinquish their commissions 30 Sep 1921,
and retain their rank unless otherwise stated.
London Gazette 23 Dec 1921 p.10576
Wallace, R.J. Lt Instr of Musketry, 7 Inverleith Row -
Drill Programme 1911-12
[? Brother: William Middleton Wallace, son of Robert Walker Wallace and Mary
Parker Wallace of 7 Inverleith Row. Scottish Rugby International. 5th Rifle Brigade,
RFC, killed 22.8.15 age 22 CWGC ‘Willie’ 23.9.1892-22.8.1915, observer with No
2 sqn, BE2c brought down by anti-aircraft fire near Lille wikipedia]
Robert J Wallace age 14 to Robert W (occupation WS) and Mary P Walker at 7
Inverleith Row 1901 Census
Wallace, R.J., Capt, 9th RS -
LL.B. University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914
Wallace, Robert J., Capt.
The Faculty of Advocates in military service
The Scotsman 27 Nov 1914
Mobilisation notices: ‘I worked away on the lists for two days and used Robbie
Wallace`s car to make sure they were posted in time’
‘Journal of an Edinburgh Mountaineer’, courtesy of John Richard Farrow
Capt R.J. Wallace transferred from First Line to Reserve Bn on formation 12th
Sept 14, seconded to Staff duty ‘and never served with the Battalion’
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Wallace, R.J. Lt on promotion
The King’s Levée, Ceremony at Holyrood. The Times 19.7.1911
R.J. Wallace Capt RS 1914
British Army Lists

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

?Wallace, Robert Johnston 24.4.1896 RAF [seems too young]
Wallace, R.J., Capt. 17 Dec 12 W
Wallace, Robert 3512 EB2
Wallace, Robert A/Sgt 350284 9th RS 1712 Cpl, 13th RS 350284 0640
- -
15Star&BWM&VM Disemb France 24.2.15
Wallace, Robert C., 44379 9th RS 0635
- -
Army Council regards as having died on or since for official purposes dated 5.6.19
WALLACE, Robert Cowan, b. Eaglesfield, Dumfriesshire, e. Gretna , r. Gretna, SD
Cumberland, 44379, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 12/04/18,
FORMERLY 2/2192, T.R., 53173, H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
WALLACE, ROBERT COWAN, R C, Private, '44379', 9th Bn., 18, 12/Apr/1918,
Wallace, Robert Johnston to be 2/Lt 20 Apr 1908
Officers from the 9th Volunteer Battalion (Highlanders), the Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), appointed to 9th (Highlanders) Batalion, The Royal Scots, 1st April 1908.
London Gazette 18 Sept 1908
Edinburgh Academy. M.A. (Oxford); LL.B. 1912. Advocate 1913. 9th Royal
Scots (V.) 1905; (T.) 1908; Captain 1912. Forth Defences, Staff Captain March
1915 to May 1916. Royal Air Force, Feb. 1918; Acting Captain (Wing Gunnery
Officer) Dec. 1918.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Wallace, Robert Johnstone F
Second Lieu from 20th April 1908, 8th Sept 1908 Gazette (TF). Served in Oxford
University Volunteer Corps, 1905-08.
Appointed to the battalion # 47
Wallace, Robert L., Pte 351082 9th RS 3512 Pte 0640
- -
12.7.15-14.5.18 wound age 42 served overseas
Wallace, Robert Pte 353149 17th R.Fus. 48519 Pte, 9th RS 353149 0640
Wallace, Robert Pte 44139 9th RS 0641
- -
Wallace, Thomas D., Pte 40251 7/8th KOSB 3163, 12th RS 2nd RS 16th RS 1/9th RS 0634
Wallace, W. 2045 -
Wounded EED 6 May 16
Wallace, W. Pte 2045 24/2/15 (1) Comm 9/5/15 2610
Wallace, W.J. Pte 3307 5th D.L.I. 27/6/15 (1) 9th RS 353141 A/Cpl Disemb. 9/3/19 2610

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Wallace, Walter G., Pte 352978 9th RS 0640

- -
KIA 23.4.17 Fa Henry
Register Soldiers’ Effects
WALLACE, Walter George, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 352978, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, FORMERLY 2661, L. & B.
HORSE., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WALLACE, WALTER GEORGE, W G, Private, '352978', "A" Coy. 9th Bn., 19,
23/Apr/1917, France, SON OF HENRY AND JEMIMA WALLACE, OF 38,
Wallace, William -
James Gillespie’s
Wallace, William J., A/Cpl 353141 5th Durh.L.I. 3307 A/Cpl, 9th RS 353141 A/Cpl 0640
Wallace, William Pte 2045 comm 9th RSF 9.4.15 0629
Wallace, William Pte 44307 9th RS 0635
Wallace, William, Pte, 9th RS -
M.A. University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914
George Watson's College. Student of Arts, 1900-12; M.A. 1912. Schoolmaster.
9th Royal Scots, Private Aug. 1914. Royal Scots Fusiliers, 2nd Lieut. May 1915.
Machine-Gun Corps. France. Wounded April 1915. Killed at Thiepval on 29th
September 1916.

University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)

WALLACE, William. No. 2045. 48 (?) Terr., Edinburgh. H Comp. 27/8/14. 31 yrs EBD
10 mons. 9/4/15 Commission
Wallace, Wm. 2045 EB1
Wallis ‘Sqeak’[sic] Bashed his head in 1914 and kept bandage on, people thought -
him wounded
Quinn, J. IWM Document 5992
Wallis, J.J. Sgt 350015 (crossed out) 113 24/2/15 (1) Comm G Hrs 25/4/17 2610
Wallis, John J., CQMS 350015 9th RS 113 Cr.Sgt 0641
- -
Wallis, John Joseph 9/R.Scots, Sgt 113, CQMS 350015, Gordons 2/Lt, Lt
15Star&VM&BWM (1) France 24.2.15. Comm 25.4.17 Gordons
5 Mackie Place, Aberdeen. MIC
WALLIS, John Joseph, Mr. 21 Baird Dr. Edinburgh. (833) RSC
Wallis, L.B. 1179,[*], Badge No. 119670
Regtl No 1179 L/Cpl Wallis, L.B. Unit Discharged from 9 RS, badge no 119670,
enlisted 5.11.10, discharged 30.10.14 Sickness 392 xvi, served overseas = no. SWB
WALLS, A. Pte. No. 350069 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917

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WALLS, A.R. Pte. No. 1202, wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
Walls, A.R. 1202 B Coy LS6
Walls, A.R. Pte 350069 4/12/15 (1) K in A 24/2/17 2610
Walls, Alexander R., Pte 350069 9th RS 1202 Pte 0640
WALLS, ALEXANDER ROLLAND, A R, Private, '350069', 9th Bn., 23,
24/Apr/1917, France, SON OF JOHN AND JEANIE H. WALLS, OF 6,
Walls, B.M. Pte 2295 24/2/15 (1) Comm Cam Hrs 6/10/15 2610
Walls, Bertram -

Private of 64 Thirlestane Road, Edinburgh. Slightly wounded

Edinburgh Evening Dispatch 3 May 15
Walls, Bertram M., Pte 2295 comm 8th Cameron high 6.10.15 0629
Walls, Bertram Monteith 2295 EB1
Walls, Bertram Monteith
The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders
The undermentioned to be temporary Second Lieutenant
Bertram Monteith Walls
Dated 7th October 1915
Supplement to the London Gazette 14 October 1915 -
WALLS, Bertram Monteith WWR
Lewisham, 1897; only son of the late Dr. J. M. Walls; 1906 – 12; 1/9th R.S., Pte.
1914, 2/Lt. 1915, Lt. 1917; France 1915 and 1916 – 18 , Italy; Vimy Ridge, Ypres;
Walmersley, G 4841 EB2
Walpole-Varo, George 3638 EB2
Walpole-Varo, George [Walpole-Yaro?] 3638,[*], Badge No. 45063
9RS Pte 4.8.15-3.8.16 sickness xvi did not serve overseas
Walpole-Varo, George, 9th RS, 3638, Pte, enlisted 4.8.15, discharged 3.8.16,
cause: Sickness Para 392 xvi KR
Index card for discharge
Originally written Walpole-Vara but corrected to Walpole-Varo. Born Roosky, SWB
Roscommon. Trade: Valet & Clerk. Previous service Volunteer 4 years [QER?] + -

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Army Pay Corps 119 days discharged “being unfitted for the duties of the corps.”
Attested Pte 4th Aug 15, 39 years old
Resident 50 George Square, Edinburgh. Wife: Lizzie Walpole-Varo, 50 George
Sq. Embodied service 4.8.15 – 3.8.16 (1 year), Home Service, KR Para 392 xvi
medically unfit. Age now 40. Character Good. Religion RC. ‘due to his obesity he
was unable to carry out his training. His weight at the time was 18 stone. He could
not keep up with his fellows on a march…abdomen measuring fifty inches in
girth… His feet also give him trouble in that they are easily chafed. He is quite
unfit for military service’. Signed Stobs 20.7.16
Attestation and Pension records
Walsh, George Pte 330990 8th RS 6328 Pte, 9th RS 6328 Pte 0639
Walshaw, B 4847 EB2
WALSHAW, B. Unpaid A/L/Corpl. No. 351732. B. Coy. , To be Paid Acting -
L/Corpl., from 27/3/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
WALSHAW, Pte. No. 4847. B. Coy., from 1/1/17 , To be Acting Unpaid -
L/Corpls, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Walter, Alexander C., Pte 335926 9th RS 9133 Pte, 8th RS 335926 0640
WALTER, G.B. L/Corpl. No. 351437 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
June 1917
Walter, Geo. B 4061 EB2
Walter, George B., L/Cpl 351437 9th RS 4061 Pte 0640
- -
St Michaels
WALTER, George Butler, e. Edinburgh, 351437, L/CPL, Killed in action, France SD
& Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WALTER, GEORGE BUTLER, G B, Lance Corporal, '351437', 1st/9th Bn., 21,
Walters, Herbert Pte 202693 9th RS 0637
WALTON C.S.M. Played in Officers v. Sergeants Football Match, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
WALTON C.S.M. Royal Scots ground, Fermoy. Championship Football Final to -
win the Brigade Cup. D. Coy. against D. Coy. Scottish Rifles. Winner – D. Coy.
of the Highlanders. Score 2-1. 14th May 1917. Battalion Sports, The Leather
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
WALTON C.S.M. Royal Scots ground, Fermoy. Semi-final Football Match. D. -
Coy. against the Brigade Headquarters’ team. Winner D. Coy. Score 2-0. 9th May
1917. Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
WALTON C.S.M., D Coy. B and D Companies met in the final of the Royal Scots -
Football Competition to decide which team would go to Fermoy to represent the
Battalion in the Brigade Championships. Winner – D Coy. Score 2-1 21st Apr 17,
.Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Walton, Frederick Pte 352305 2nd RS 6759 Pte, 9th RS 5636 Pte 0640
WALTON, J M, Private, '350803', 1st/9th Bn., 19, 9/Apr/1917, France, SON OF
Walton, J.M 2795 EB1

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Walton, J.M 2992 EB1

WALTON, J.M. Pte. No. 350803 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Walton, J.M. 2795 H Coy LS2
Walton, J.M. Pte 2795 DELETED 0629
Walton, John Pte 350803 9th RS 2992 0640
WALTON, John, e. Manchester, 350803, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & SD
Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Walton, S 2739 EB1
Walton, S 2739 Sergt D Coy to be paid CSM 29.1.16 2/9thBn The Leather Sporran, -
Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Walton, Sandy
From Manchester. No 4 Platoon, batman to Sgt Bill Hay
Killed at Poser Weg
Nicholls, Jonathan, ‘Cheerful Sacrifice’, 1990 -
Wanless, James Pte 44312 9th RS 2nd RS (2nd RS written by hand) 0635
Ward, A.B. 3782 C Coy LS7
WARD, ALEXANDER B. (1909). -
Private, 9th Battalion Royal Scots.
Royal High School of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1920)

Alexander Brodie Ward

[Tom Gordon]
WARD, J. L/Corpl. No. 1249, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Ward, J. Pte 1249 24/2/15 (1a) Disc. to Comm 5th Gor. Hrs. 26/3/18 2610
WARD, J.E. L/Corpl. No. 5335. A. Coy. [Qualified as 1st Class Instructor at 26th -
Grenade Course] 3/3/17 , returned from a Course of Instruction, The Leather
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
WARD, J.E. L/Corpl. No. 5335. A.Coy., from 26/12/16 , To be Acting Paid -
L/Corpl, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Ward, J.W 2854 EB1
WARD, James A. (14596). 9 Southfield Gdns West, Portobello -
The Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Ward, John Sgt 350076 9th RS 1249 Sgt 0640
Ward, Myles L/Cpl 51918 9th RS Pte 0636

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WARD, Myles, e. Glasgow , r. Glasgow, 51918, F/CPF, Killed in action, France SD

& Flanders, 16/04/18, FORMERLY 37682, H.F.I., Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WARD, MYLES, M, Lance Corporal, '51918', 9th Bn., 31, 16/Apr/1918, France,
Ward, William G., Pte 202412 7th E. Kent. R. 8502 Pte, 1/9th RS 0637
WARD, William George, b. St. Pancras, Middx., e. Fondon , r. Edinburgh, SD
202412, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 25/07/18, FORMERLY
8502, E. KENT REGT., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WARD, WILLIAM GEORGE, W G, Private, '202412', 9th Bn., , 25/Jul/1918,
France, CWGC
Ward, Wm G 2947 EB1
Wardell, Thos. H 4394 EB2
Wardlaw, J. Sgt 645 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 14/12/16 2610
Wardlaw, James 645,[*], Badge No. 45064
9RS CQMS 12.3.09-14.12.16 sickness xvi served overseas SWB
Wardlaw, James CQMS 645 entered theatre as Cr. Sgt. 0629
Wardlaw, James, Q.M.-Sergeant (gassed) (discharged) 01-07
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921)
Wardlaw, James, Corp
2nd place, Quarter Mile Race
The Scotsman 25 June 1914
Papers RBS Tait (qv), performed duties CQMS vice Wardlaw on leave 11.1.16 -
WARDLAW, James. 31 Great King St. Edinburgh. (672) RSC
Wardle, Mark C., Pte 202032 9th RS 0637
WARDLE, Mark Clifford, b. Fairfield, Derbyshire, e. Buxton , r. Buxton, 202032, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WARDLE, MARK CLIFFORD, M C, Private, '202032', 1st/9th Bn., 23,
Wardle, Mark Clifford, Pte
202032, formerly Private 64414 2/4th Battalion
Mark was born on the 28th May 1895, the only son of John Thomas (Railway
Engine Stoker) and Emma (née Harrison) Wardle, at 3 Cross Street, Buxton.
Mark enlisted at Derby on the 21st August 1916 into the Royal Scots, after
Attesting on the 31st August, he was immediately admitted to the Army Reserve
the next day and Mobilised on the 20th October 1916. Four days later he was
posted to the 2/4th Battalion of the Royal Scots.
Mark clearly went to Ireland with the 2/4th Battalion as he spent 17 days in
Fermoy Infirmary, from the 20th August to 6th September 1917. Two months
later, however, he was back in Scotland, and back in Hospital, spending almost
three months in Edinburgh Military Hospital (15th November 1917 to 12th
February 1918). His Service Papers do not make clear when Mark transferred to
the 1/9th Battalion. -

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'The Buxton Advertiser' of the 12th August 1916, stated that although Mark had
served in the Army for " … something like 18 months … " he had only been in
France about 5 weeks. It went on to say that he had been taken ill, delaying his "…
departure for the scene of hostilities, and was in hospital at Edinburgh." "Pte.
Wardle was taking part in an attack on a wood, and was killed by a machine gun
bullet. This was on the 1st August and he was buried on the same evening."
For this and further information see:
Wardrop Lt. visited trenches 7 June 1915 WD
Wardrop Major, owing to the resignation of Colonel Ferguson, senior officer,
Chairman of the prizegiving. The Scotsman 13th December 1904
The Queen’s Edinburgh mounted infantry formed 1886 at the suggestion of Lt-Col
Wardrop, late of the 9th V.B.R.S., he commanded until January 1891. Disbanded as
part of Haldane reforms, 1908.
The Scotsman 30th April 1908 -
Wardrop, A.M Lt
154th Bde War Diary WO 95/2883/2, wounded 23 July 1916 at High Wood
[? HM Wardrop] -
Wardrop, H.M, Lt, p.308 wounded at High Wood E
Wardrop, H.M, Lt. B Coy, wounded and 'brought back' 23 July 1916 WD
WARDROP, H.M. Lieut. Wounded. The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
Wardrop, H.M., 2nd Lt. (Lt 1 May 15) 22 Oct 14 W
Wardrop, Hew M. -
Pte to be 2/Lt 22nd Oct 14, London Gazette 21 Oct 14
2/Lt to be temp Lt 1 May 15, London Gazette 26 July 15 p.7314
2nd Lt (temp Lt) to be Lt with precedence from 1st June 16, 1st Aug 17
The London Gazette 31 July 1917 page 7874
Wardrop, HM, 2/Lt, Lt, B Coy, Adjt Volunteers [?]
List of officers proceeding on active service, Records of T.W. Bennet Clark
Wardrop, H.M. 2/Lt disembarked 26.2.15, 1915 Star Medal Roll Piece 2947
Hew Maitland Wardrop 9 R Scots 2/Lt, R Scots Lt, R Scot Capt
1915 Star France 26.2.15
SHR [?] Elegible 1.7.19 L.G. 1.7.19MIC
9th Bn Royal scots – Lt HM Wardrop relinquishes his commission on account of
ill health contracted on active service 2nd July 1919 and is granted rank of Capt.
London Gazette 1 July 1919 p.8316

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?Birth registered 1895 Kensington
?1911 census Hew Maitland Wardrop; b. abt 1896 Kensington, London; student,
Wellington College Public School, Berkshire.
?Married Carline M McKee 1939, Kensington ?Sybil M Farrar 1918 St Martin,
London ?Edith V Armfield-Marrow 1929 Kensington
?Probate died 3 Aug 1954 Edgington House, Chittlehambolt, Devonshire
(Barnstaple) – Edith Vera Wardrop, widow, £891 3s 1d.
Were James W., Hew Maitland W. and North Dundas W. related? James’ father
was James Maitland Wardrop.
Hew b.~1896, North perhaps ~1898
? Family tree by assemblyorder, this links all three.
Wardrop, James Charles F
(late Lt and Hon. Capt. 1st Volunteer Battalion Royal Berkshire regiment, formerly
Capt, Mounted Infantry, QRVB, RS).
Some years before had raised the Mounted Infantry Company of the Queen's Rifle
Volunteer Battalion, subsequently served as a Lieutenant in the 1st Volunteer
Battalion The Berkshire Regiment.
Major 19 October 1901. Address 1902: New Club. Assumed command on
resignation of Ferguson 3rd-16th Dec 1904, but unable to take command due to
civil commitments. Granted honorary rank of Lieut-Col 21 January 1905. 1 Aug
1905 Volunteer Decoration awarded. Gazetted out as part of TF changes, resigned
20 March 1908.
Attached to Depot RS Nov 1902. Served as Private QRVB, RS 1872-74; Second
Lt 1st Mid-Lothian Volunteer Artillery, 1876-78; Private, Fife Light Horse, 1878-
86; Lt and Capt, Mounted Infantry, QRVB, RS, which he raised and commanded,
1886-91; Second Lt Fife Light Horse, 1891-95; Second Lt and Lt, 1st Volunteer
Bn Royal Berkshire Regiment, 1900-01. Born 2 Aug 1854. Son of James Maitland
Wardrop. (Edinburgh Academy; Edin Univ.) Writer to the Signet. General
Secretary in London to the Life Association of Scotland.
Appointed to the battalion # 25
Wardrop, James Charles 1866-70 Cl2-5 b.2 Aug 1854, s. of Maitland Wardrop,
The Lodge, Forbes Rd.
Edin Uni; WS 1879; Jt Sec Life Assoc of Scot, Edin 1883; Gen Sec Lond 1890;
also Hon Sec Life Offices Assoc Lond; AIA Lond; Lt Fife Light Horse 1891-6;
Lt-Col (retd) 9 RSVB; VD; m.(1) 1884 Elizabeth Evelyn, 2nd dau of J.T. Hopwood
MP of Ketton Hall, Rutland; (2) Mildred 3rd dau of George hanbury of
Blythewood, Burnham, Bucks. Address: Lonehill, Langley, Bucks.
Edinburgh Academy Register
JAMES CHARLES WARDROP Extraordinary, 1878; W.S., 1879; joint secretary
Life Association of Scotland., 1882; and general secretary in London, 1890;
associate of Institute of Actuaries, 1905; Commanded South Bucks National
Reserve; d. 1939.
Speculative Society
Wardrop, James Pte 62567 9th RS attd 5th Gor. Hrs. 0636
Wardrop, N, 2/Lt. 'shell shock' 25 July 1916 WD
Wardrop, N.D 2230 EB1

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Wardrop, N.D Lt
154th Bde War Diary WO 95/2883/2, wounded 26 July 1916 at High Wood
2nd Lt (acting Capt) to be Lt (acting Capt) with precedence from 1st June 16, 1st
Aug 17. Relinquishes acting rank of Capt 1 Aug 17.
The London Gazette 31 July 1917 page 7874
Gazetted 2/Lt, Reserve Bn 12th October 1914, assigned E Coy Reserve Bn 15 Nov
14. Wellington OTC. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916 [there are
Wellington Schools in Somerset and Ayr (latter girls school), also reformatory
school in Midlothian, also former name Wrekin College in Shropshire?][HM
Wardrop at Wellington College Public School, Berkshire]
North Dundas Wardrop Pte 9RS 1914 British Army List fold3
N.D. Wardrop 2/Lt RS 1914 British Army List fold3
Wardrop, ND 9RS Lt [no further info]
?An N.D. Wardrop was 2/Lt Royal Regiment of Artillery 1940-45 and a North
Wardrop (Lt, Royal Artillery, 1 Armoured Division) was MiD, published
25.6.1946 TNA
? North Dundas Wardrop of 14 Kentons Lane, New Windsor, Berks died
28.4.1958, ref Jacqueline Ann Wardrop. Probate
? North Dundas Wardrop born Oct-Noc-Dec 1897 Eton, Bucks. Birth Index
? North D. Wardrop married Gwyneth M Davies, Sevenoaks, Kent 1931
? North D Wardrop married Jacquelin A Johnston Eton, Bucks 1946
?North Wardrop born abt 1898 to James (born Scotland, secretary, life ins coy)
and Mildred at Burnham, Bucks, living Love Hill House, Langley, Bucks 1901
Pte North Dundas Wardrop to be 2/Lt 10.10.14 9RS
London Gazette 9.10.14 -
Wardrop, N.D, Lt. joined for duty 6 June 1916 WD
WARDROP, N.D. 2nd/Lieut. [Temp. Lieut.] to be acting Captain, 11/4/17, -
promoted, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
WARDROP, N.D. Lieut. , returned from Course of Instruction in Bombing on -
12/1/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
WARDROP, N.D. Lieut., transferred to _ Battalion The Royal Scots from _ -
Battalion The Royal Scots 29/12/16 [censorship in place], The Leather Sporran,
Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
WARDROP, N.D. Lieut. Wounded. The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
WARDROP, N.D. Qualified to assist Anti Gas Instructor, at Cork. 16/3/17 , -
returned from Course of Instruction, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June
Wardrop, N.D., 2nd Lt. (Lt 1 July 15) 10 Oct 14 W

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Wardrop, North D. -
Second Lt to be temporary Lt dated 1st July 1915
London Gazette 6 Aug 1915 p.7751
Wardrope, Alexander 18942 Sgt. 1/9th R.Scots 0631
Wardrope, John Pte 62693 9th RS 0636
Wareham, G 2740 EB1
WARES, A.B. Pte. No. 351851 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
WARES, Alex B. O.B.E. (6563). 2 Lammerview Terrace, Gullane, East Lothian. -
The Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
WARES, Alex. B. 32 Rintoul Place. Edinburgh. (6563) RSC
Wares, Alexander 3082 EB1
Wares, Alexander B. H?., L/Cpl 350851 9 RS 3082 Pte 0640
Waring Pte -
Comedy / songs at Bn concert 2/9th 23 June 16 YMCA tent, Terling
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
WARING Pte. Helped organise concert. Singer with patter in between. Battalion -
Concert, Friday 25th August – held in the Dry Canteen, The Leather Sporran, Vol
1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Wark, John Pte 62671 9th RS 0636
Warr, Albert J., Pte 43209 9th RS 2974 Pte, 2nd RS 0635
Warr, Albert John 2974 EB1
WARR, G, Private, '335632', 1st/9th Bn., 19, 1/Aug/1918, France, SON OF
WARR, George, b. Carbrook, Yorks, e. Sheffield , r. Sheffield, 335632, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, FORMERLY 26491,
YORK & FANC. REGT., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Warrack John 3753 EB2
- -
WARRACK, J. Pte. No. 3753, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Warrack, John Pte 351232 9th RS 3753 A/Cpl 0640
- -
Enlistment 29.5.15-24.9.19 discharge, wounds 392 xvi B1, age 37
SWB Roll
Warwick, Andrew 3913 EB2
Waterhouse, E. Pte 3171 1/8 Notts. Derby 28/6/15 (1) 9th RS 353360 Pte Disemb. 2610
Waterhouse, Edgar Pte 353360 8th N. &. Derby R. 3171 Pte, 8th RS 353360, 9th RS 0640
WATERS, J, Private, '353256', 9th Bn., , 4/Jun/1918, France, CWGC
WATERS, J. Pte. No. 350279 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917 [see Watters]
Waters, J. Pte 3907 5th Nor. Fus. 11/11/15 (1) 9th RS 353256 Pte Died 4/6/18 2610
Waters, James Pte 353256 5th North’d.Fus. 3904 Pte, 9th RS 353256 0640

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WATERS, James, b. Hebbum, Durham, e. Walker-on-Tyne , r. Hebbum, Durham, SD

353256, PRIVATE, Died, Germany, 04/06/18, FORMERLY 3904,
NORTHUMBERFAND FUS., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Waters, John Pte -
Daily Record 10.5.15
[Can find no MIC]
WATERSON, W. Pte. No. 351278 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Waterston, William D., Pte 44313 9th RS attd 46th Inf. Bde. Hqrs. Pte 0641
Waterston, William K., 351278 9th RS 3821 Pte 0640
WATERSTON, WILLIAM K., W K, Private, '351278', 9th Bn., 24, 23/Apr/1917,
WATERSTON, William King, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 351278, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
Waterston, William Pte 62700 9th RS 0636
Waterston, Wm. K 3821 EB2
Watkin, Ernest Pte 251262 9th RS 1/4th RS 0638
Watson L/Cpl -
Frequent mentions by Beatson, share dug-out, fellow guide
Diary of James Nicol Beatson, Feb-Dec 1915; ‘Private Beatson’s War’, edited by
Shaun Springer and Stuart Humphreys, 2009
Watson Lieut. With detachment to Windsor for Colours, 19th June 1909. F
Watson Lt FCP
See Ewen-Watson, George John
Watson Pte -
9th Royal Scots sports and pipe-playing competition, held at Barry Camp
The Scotsman 1 Aug 1921
Watson Sgt -
Charles Haig (qv)(was A Coy in 1916) to be A/Sgt vice Watson 30.4.17 1/9RS
Watson, A Private 9th NBW-S
Watson, A Pte NBW

Wounded in the head in the recent fighting at Ypres. Dated 6th May 1915.
See also EED 6.5.15
Pte A. Watson wounded in the head. Mother resides at 36 Balfour St, Leith, has
two other sons in the service: 1st RS and 7th RS.

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The Scotsman 7 May 1915

One brother a sergt in 1st RS, came from India with his regt, recently home from
the front on leave; other brother 1/7 RS.
EED 7.5.15
Wounded in the head, Watson of 38 Balfour St, Leith. In the employment of Mr J.
Cochrane, Kirkgate. 21yo
EED 5 May 15
WATSON, A, Private, '375295', 9th Bn., , 22/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
WATSON, A, Private, '49195', 9th Bn., , 28/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
WATSON, A. Pte. No. 1736, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
WATSON, A. Pte. No. 351149 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Watson, A. L/Sgt 3380 13/10/15 (1a) Disem 30/3/19 2610
Watson, A. Pte 1736 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 22/7/15 2610
Watson, A.F 2/Lt wounded 22/4/1917
154th Bde War Diary WO 95/2884/1 -
Watson, A.F, 4th RS joined for duty 27 Mar 1917, wounded 21 Apr 1917 WD
Watson, Adam 3380 EB2
Watson, Adam Sgt 350990 9th RS 3380 Sgt 0640
Watson, Alexander Pte 353456 9th RS 0640
Watson, Alexander Pte 49195 1/8th RS 1/9th RS 0635
WATSON, Alexander, b. Govan, Glasgow, e. Glasgow , r. Glasgow, 49195, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 28/03/18, FORMERLY
S/255300, R.A.S.C., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Watson, Alfred 1736,[*], Badge No. 108207
Pte 9RS 22.4.14-22.7.15 wounds xvi served overseas SWB
Watson, Alfred, Pte 1736 0629
WATSON, Alfred. 5 Warriston Gardens. Edinburgh. (3337) RSC
Watson, Andrew 3330 EB2
Watson, Andrew Pte 375295 9th RS 0640
WATSON, Andrew, b. Edinburgh, e. Finlithgow , r. Bo'ness, Finlithgowshire, SD
375295, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 22/03/18, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Watson, Archibald 3629 EB2
Watson, Archibald Pte 351149 9th RS 3629 Pte 0640
- -
3.8.15-18.4.18 sickness age 23 served overseas
WATSON, D. L/Corpl. No. 352445 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
WATSON, D.A. Pte. No. 3721, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
David A.M. Watson RS Pte 3721, 351211 VM&BWM

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David Watson 351211 RS, 88 Warrender Park Rd, Edin.

Medical record unreadable 6.1.18
Birmingham War Hosp 9.1.18, 16.1.18-25.1.18
Next of kin Wm? Watson, 88 crossed out, 85 Warrender Park Rd.
List of injuries/sickness from 16.8.16 to 2.11.16
Disemb. 14.5.19 L/Cpl 11/RS, 88 Warrender Park Rd, born 1896, theatre
First joined 5.9.15
Service record
Watson, D.A.M, Cpl (not at Arras)
Nicholls, Jonathan, ‘Cheerful Sacrifice’, 1990, Acknowledgements
Watson, David -
‘David Watson, who fought at the Somme, Arras, Passchendaele and Ypres in
1918, has an equanimity disturbed only by one memory. In July 1916 he was with
B Company, the 9th Royal Scots, for the attack on High Wood in the battle of the
"Of the 232 of us who went up, only 11 came back. I was the ninth of those 11.
The wood was lined with German machineguns. It took us until 9 September and
the arrival of the tanks to take it. In the meantime we were losing 1,000 men a day.
Yes, I suppose I do feel bitter about that.”’
The Independent, 21 January 2012
Watson, D.A.M., L/Cpl
David Watson No. 3721, 9th, 12th and 11th Battalions Royal Scots
Macdonald, Lyn, ‘Somme’, 1983
Watson, David
Interview on film ‘Lions Led By Donkeys’ (1985)
‘wounded at the Capture of Y Ravine at Beaumont Hamel, he mention the Floors
of the Tunnels in Y Ravine being carpeted with Blue Circle Cement Bags’ [PBI]
Great War Forum GWF
Watson, David A 3721 EB2
Watson, David A.M., Pte 351211 9th RS 3721 Pte, 12th RS 351211, 11th RS 351211 0640
Watson, David Pte 352445 9th RS 5776 Pte 0640
WATSON, E. Corpl. No. 351752. A.Coy. [Qualified Platoon Commander], at -
Dublin, 13/4/17 , returned from a Course of Instruction, The Leather Sporran,
Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Watson, Ernest 351752 Pte 9.12.15-6.8.18 sickness age 37 served overseas
WATSON, E. L/Corpl. (unpaid) No. 4893. B Coy. To be paid Acting Lance -
Corporal 12/9/16, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
WATSON, G. Pte. No. 350742 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Watson, G.G., Pte, F Coy annual supper and presentation of prizes at Bisset’s -
Rooms, Edinburgh, The Scotsman 14 Feb 1902
Watson, G.K ?
? Could be George Knight Watson, Trooper, 20592, 19th Company, 6th Imperial
Yeomanry, QSA.

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? However Bennett lists the 19th Coy (Lothian and Berwick) as a first contingent
unit arriving in South Africa 19th March 1900, before the 9th RS were formed. The
first contingent had no drafts. The minimum age for the Imperial Yeomanry was
Bennett, Will, ‘Absent-Minded Beggars’, 1999DEATHS 1902: WATSON—On
May 7, at Charlestown, South Africa, of enteric fever, George Knight Watson,
19th Company Imperial Yeomanry, in his 21st year, second son of George
Watson, 5, Viewforth Terrace, Edinburgh.
Watson, G.K, Trooper, 20592
19th (Lothian & Berwickshire) Company, 6th Bn Imperial Yeomanry
South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902
Died of disease 5/02
Watson, G.K, Pte died 7 May 02 Charles town, 6th Bn Imp Yeo, 20592
The hospital at Charles town was No 1 Stationary Hospital (22.7.00-1.2.01) and
thence No 18 General Hospital
Deaths. George Knight Watson at Charlestown, South Africa, 19th Company
Imperial Yeomanry, in his 21st year, second son of George Watson, 5 Viewforth
Terrace, Edin. Died 7th inst.
Dundee Evening Post 12.5.02
Edinburgh Boy Dies at the Front

George Knight Watson, died from enteric fever on 7th of this month… When he
volunteered for the front he was one of the staff of Archibald Aikman & Co, St
Andrew Square. On one occasion he was lost for four days on the veldt in a thick
mist, his only food for that time being the raw flesh of a goat which he had shot.
He was an old pupil of George Watson’s College, and a son of George Watson,
Viewforth Terrace, Edin.
Edinburgh Evening News 23.5.02
Australian Wine Importers, The, London; Arch. Aikman & Co., 2 St Andrew sq.
and 19 Meuse lane, sole wholesale consignees for Scotland
PO Directory
Second son of George Watson
Scotsman 10.5.02

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19th Coy Imp Yeo 20592 George Watson, dangerously ill Charlestown 5th May
Dundee Courier 8.5.02
Geo K Watson 19 Imp Yeo Tpr 20592 born Edinburgh, enlisted 24.1.01, d.7.5.02,
next of kin George. Fa George, bro John, sis Jane K, bro Wm J.
Register Soldiers’ Effects
Mercantile Clerk, estate £301 7s 6d to father George Watson, builder, 5 Viewforth
Terr, Edin.
Born 11.09.1881
George K Watson b~1882 to Geo (builder) and Williamna [?Williamina]
Edinburgh, address Merchiston Ave No 1, second son, also Wm, John, Jane K. 1891
Commemorated with parents (Geo and Williamina of Edin 1838-1922, 1848-1924)
in Edmonton, Canada, 1881-1901
? Beware there was a Geo K Watson RS 49096 in 1914-18 war
Watson, G.K, Pte, deceased, formerly of ‘B’ Coy 9th VB RS, Imperial Yeomanry FSA
Watson, Geo. 4252 EB2
Watson, George 3555 EB2
Watson, George 2861 EB1
Watson, George Pte 350742 9th RS 2861 0640
WATSON, George, e. Edinburgh , r. Hawick, 350742, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 11/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
WATSON, GEORGE, G, Private, '350742', 9th Bn., 23, 11/Apr/1917, France,
WATSON, J, Private, '335319', 9th Bn., , 24/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
Watson, J.D.M L/Cpl 199 ww1

Edin Univ RoH

Watson, J.W 4274 EB2
Watson, James L/Cpl 352436 9th RS 5767 Pte, attd 2/2nd S.M.F.Amb. 0640

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James Watson Pte 352436 MM awarded for service between 2.7 and 7.8.1917,
date of award 21.8.17
51st WD
Boroughmuir School. Student of Arts and Science, 1909-14; M.A. (Hons.
Maths.) 1914; B.Sc. 1914. 9th Royal Scots, Private 1908. Mobilised Aug. 1914;
L/Corporal. Died at Edinburgh on 19th February 1915.

University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)

Watson, John D.M., L/Cpl, 9th RS
B.Sc. University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914
John David Moncur Watson 9th VB (Hrs) R.Scots, A Coy. No 1602
1 Keir St?, Midlothian. Pupil at Boroughmuir H.G. School, 17 years 3 months
Signed 7 Wemyss Pl. 5.3.1908, witness Sjt Maj Crosbie, given Regimental No
1602 [this will be one of the last VF numbers?]
Pension record beginning 1908, a good, clear VF record
John D.M. Watson No 199 L/Cpl A Coy 9RS
Born Canongate, 17 yrs 4 mnths, residing 1 Keir St, Edinburgh. Previous 9th VB
RS. Witness Buchanan. Attested 7th April 1908 as Pte at Edinburgh.
Former service 5.3.08-31.3.08
Joined TF 7.4.08
Annual training Hillend 19.7.08-2.8.08, Aberdour 18.7.09-1.8.09, West Linton
17.7.10-31.7.10, Riccarton 23.7.11-6.8.11, Stobs 21.7.12-4.8.12
Embodied service 5.8.14-28.11.14
Discharge 28.11.14 Edinburgh, signed on form 4.2.15
At discharge 23yrs10mnths, 105 Buccleuch St, Edinburgh. Medically unfit
‘presystolic & systolic mitral bruits’ [presystolic (diastolic) & systolic mitral
(valve) bruits, i.e. heart murmurs] KR Para 392 xvi
Pension record 1908, for TF
John David Moncur Watson MA BSc single
19.2.1915 Royal Infirmary Edinburgh (usual address 105 Buccleuch St). Father
John Watson (butcher), mother Annie Watson (Moncur)(105 Buccleauch St).
Morbus Cordis [heart disease, catch-all phrase]
Death certificate -
WATSON, JOHN DAVID MONCUR, J D M, Lance Corporal, '199', "A" Coy.
1st/9th Bn., 24, 19/Feb/1915, United Kingdom, SON OF ANNIE MONCUR

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Watson, John McD., Pte 62803 9th RS 0641

Watson, John Pte 335319 8th RS 7855 Pte, 9th RS 0639
- -
Army Council regards as having died on or since for official purposes dated 5.6.19
Watson, John W., A/Sgt 351520 9th RS 4274 Pte 0640
Watson, John William, Acting Sergeant
b. 1891 Glasgow
Pte 4274, 351520, apparently gassed during the war. A Clerk by trade. Attested at
Edinburgh 16/12/1915, mobilized 10/02/1916, to BEF 03/02/1917. Posted to 332
P-of-W Coy during April 1919 then discharged 30/08/1919 with rank of Acting
Great War Forum -
WATSON, John, b. Innerleithen, Peeblesshire, e. Innerleithen , r. Innerleithen, SD
335319, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Watson, John, Private -
(Innerleithen) 8th Royal Scots. 1918. March 24 (Sunday).
John Watson was the oldest son of Mr Thos. Watson, now of 1 Castle Street,
Selkirk, and was born at Innerleithen in January, 1890. He was employed at
Waverley Mills, Innerleithen, also with Lowe, Donald & Co., Peebles, and at the
time of enlisting was head warehouseman at Waverley Mills, Innerleithen. He
enlisted in the 3/8th Royal Scots on 28th February, 1916; was transferred to the
1/9th Royal Scots in December, 1916, and drafted to France. He was invalided
home with septic poisoning in April, 1917. He was drafted again to France in July,
1917, and was wounded with shrapnel in September, 1917; was acting as
stretcher- bearer in March, 1918, and was reported wounded and missing in the
engagement of 24th March, 1918, and not since reported.
On the 25th the Germans carried Bapaume in a night attack; later, their advance,
though less rapid than on the previous two days, continued on the whole front
from Ervillers (north of Bapaume) to the Oise. From the beginning of the attack
the Germans claimed 45,000 prisoners.

Gunn, Dr., ‘The Book of Remembrance for Tweeddale’, 1925
WATSON, John. St. Andrews Prov. Tr. College. Park Place. Dundee 9th & RSC
R.A.M.C. (9133)
WATSON, R. Pte. No. 3830 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June -
Watson, Rob. F.M., L/Cpl, 9th RS
Arts, University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914 -

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Watson, Robert 3830 EB2

Watson, Robert d.4.8.18 died of wounds
memorials/profile/kelso-robert-watson -
Watson, Robert F.M, A/L/Cpl 1187, entered theatre as Pte DELETED ‘Entered in 0629
error’ BWM&VM Medal Roll
George Watson's College. Student of Arts, 1912-16; M.A. 1916. Schoolmaster.
9th Royal Scots (T), Private 1910; L/Corporal. Mobilised Aug. 1914. Invalided
out April 1915.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
[Cannot find MIC]
Watson, Robert Pte 351283 9th RS 3830 Pte 0640
WATSON, Robert, b. Kelso, e. Edinburgh , r. Kelso, 351283, PRIVATE, Died of SD
wounds, France & Flanders, 04/08/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
WATSON, ROBERT, R, Private, '351283', 1st/9th Bn., 21, 4/Aug/1917, Belgium,
Watson, T.W Corp awarded DCM NBW
Watson, T.W Corporal 9th NBW-S
WATSON, T.W. Pte. No. 1879. 1/1/16 Awarded the Distinguished Conduct -
Medal, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Watson, T.W. L/Cpl 350344 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 19/3/19 2610
Watson, T.W., Corporal, awarded DCM, dated 24/1/16. NBW

See also EED 24 Jan 16

Awarded the D.C.M. His home address is 88 Warrender Park Road, Edinburgh.
[Alongside record for J. Lawson Cairns]
D.C.M. citation:
‘1879 Cpl. T.W. Watson 1st/9th Bn. TF (Highlanders)
For conspicuous gallantry and good work. Lance-Serjeant Black and Cpl. Watson
were always ready to volunteer for any hazardous work. (11.3.16)’
[See also Black, J.R.]
Watson, Thomas W. 9RS L/Cpl, Sjt, 1878 [not 1879], 350344
15Star&BWM&VM Disemb, France 24.2.15 MIC
There was a Capt T.W. Watson RS but he disembarked with 8RS 4.11.14

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Cpl TW Watson 1879 1/9RS DCM citation

Daily Record 13.3.16
Watson, Thomas 3433 EB2
Watson, Thomas W., Sgt 350344 9th RS 1878 Sgt, attd 51st Div. Hqrs. 0640
WATSON, W. Pte. No. 352481 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
WATSON, W. Glennie. 7 Glebe Cres. Airdrie. 2/9th. (1229) RSC
Watson, W.G. 4091 D Coy LS7
Watson, William L/Cpl 352481 9th RS 5812 Pte, 11th RS 352481 0640
Watson, Wm. Glennie 4091 EB2
WATT, G. Pte. No. 4373, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
WATT, G. McR., G M, Lance Corporal, '351551', 9th Bn., , 31/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
Watt, Geo. M 4373 EB2
WATT, George Mcr., b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh , r. Hull, Yorks, 351551, F/CPF, SD
Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 31/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
Watt, George McR., Pte 351551 9th RS 4373 Pte 0640
WATT, H E, Corporal, '350341', 9th Bn., 30, 22/Apr/1917, France, BROTHER
WATT, H.E. Corpl. No. 350341 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
WATT, H.E. Pte. No. 1868, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Watt, H.E. Pte 350341 24/2/15 (1) D of W 22/4/17 2610
Watt, H.M. Temp 2/Lt relinquishes comm from 9th (D.F.) 24 Apr 21 and retains -
rank 2/Lt (correcting Gaz 21.6.21) London Gazette 26.7.21
Watt, Hector Maclean Temp 2/Lt relinquishes comm from 9th (D.F.) 24 Apr 21
London Gazette 21.6.21
Watt, Hector Maclean to be Temp 2/Lt 9th (D.F.) 15.4.21 London Gazette 12.5.21
Watt, Harry E., Cpl 350341 9th RS 1868 Cpl 0640
WATT, Harry Edward, b. Cupar, Fifeshire, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 350341, SD
CPF., Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 22/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WATT, J, Private, '19680', 9th Bn., 24, 27/Oct/1918, Belgium, SON OF
Watt, James 19680 Pte. 16th R.Scots 9th R.Scots 0631
Watt, James Pte 51929 10/11th HLI 39646 Pte 9th RS 0636
WATT, James, b. Dunfermline, e. Edinburgh , r. Dunfermline, 19680, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 27/10/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
Watt, Joseph Pte 352095 9th RS 5409 Pte 0640
Watt, P Pte 325326 Briars Cottage hospital 4.5.18-1.7.18, from Haddington -
Watt, Peter Pte 325326 9th RS 0639

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WATT, R. Pte. No. 352401 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Watt, Robert A/Cpl 352222 9th RS 5551 Pte, 12th RS 352222 0640
Watt, Robert W., Pte 352401 9th RS 5732 Pte 0640
WATT, S. L/Corpl. No. 35?686 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June -
Watt, T. Cpl -
9th RS in France, member of staff of Southern Reporter serving with the King’s
Southern Reporter 15.10.15 [see also Park, Alexander Crabbe]
Watt, T.G. Pte 350034 24/2/15 (1) P-D 24/3/18 2610
Watt, T.G., Pte 01-05
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Watt, Thomas G., L/Cpl 350034 9th RS 625 Pte 0640
WATT, Thomas Goodall, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 350034, F/CPF, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
WATT, THOMAS GOODALL, T G, Lance Corporal, '350034', 9th Bn., 27,
WATT, W, Lance Corporal, '351109', 9th Bn., , 25/May/1917, France, CWGC
Watt, William J., Pte 352209 9th RS 5533 Pte 0640
- -
Watt, John 352209 RS [not Wm?]
Enlistment 17.11.15-30.10.19 discharge, sickness 392 xvi B1, age 35
SWB Roll [probably not mobilised until 1916]
Watt, William John -
Watt, William. Born in Penicuik in 1895, he enlisted in 9th Battalion The Royal
Scots in 1916 and was sent to France. Gravely wounded at Arras in 1917, he lost
both hands and most of one arm. Accepting that he would have to earn a living, he
enrolled at Edinburgh College of Art. Working with a brush strapped to his
remaining forearm, he learned to paint. Later he branched out into decorating
household wares such as bowls and dishes. Became a resident of Kitchener
Crescent in Longniddry.

'Coastal Ward 1914-1918' exhibition by the Coastal Communities Museum Trust,

showing the impact of WW1 on East Lothian communities. North Berwick
Library - 2014.

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“William John Watt, born in Penicuik in 1895, was the younger son of William
Watt, a General Labourer, and Ann Watt of 7 Hamilton Place, Penicuik. He had four
older sisters, Jane, Ann, Wilhelmina and Alison, and a brother, James. His father
had died before the 1901 Census and his mother then went back to working as a
Confectioner. William was glad to leave school and went to work in Cowan’s Paper
Mill then at the Moat Colliery, Loanhead.
He enlisted in the 9th (Dandy Ninth) Royal Scots at Glencorse early in 1916, and
saw active service in France. Gravely wounded at the battle of Arras in 1917, he lost
both hands and most of one arm, leaving him severely disabled and was in hospital
until October 1919 before being discharged.
Knowing that opportunities for regular employment for a disabled man like him
were slim, Watt resolved to learn to paint, enrolling in classes at the Edinburgh
College of Art. Working with a brush strapped to his remaining forearm, he
achieved a modest level of competence in easel painting of watercolours and oil
paintings. It was only around 1930, that William realised that he would stand a much
better chance of earning a living by selling his work in the form of useful or
decorative household wares - as he saw others making a success of this kind of
enterprise - and he decided to transfer his skills to paint on pots, rather than paper
or canvas.
Along with other survivors of the War, he was housed in Longniddry, East Lothian,
where a colony of veterans’ homes had been established. Longniddry was,
incidentally, the village where the first of the Women’s Rural branches in Scotland,
founded in 1917, offered classes for teaching how to paint on pots; hand-painted
wares were marketed, under the enthusiastic leadership of Catherine Blair, as
‘Hamearts’, or home made craft, and sold through outlets such as stalls at
Agricultural Shows, and other events. However, according to his family, William
had not chosen to join the ladies in their classes: he was self-taught, using one or
two of the popular manuals on ceramic decoration in circulation at the time.
The photograph of Watt in his studio shows the ingenious devices by which he
overcame his handicap, in order to manipulate the brush and support the piece he
was working on. An old wind-up gramophone served as a turntable, allowing him
to reach all parts of the pot.
In these makeshift surroundings, over a period of several years till the m id-1930s,
Watt produced a substantial output of painted pots, including table-wares, vases,
ginger jars, and other items: small pieces decorated with surprisingly intricate
patterns, as well as larger items, such as ginger jars, in a broader, and simpler style.
They were displayed in a glass-fronted showcase on a post in the front garden of his
Despite the trauma he experienced in the war, Watt’s sense of humour remained
intact - he marked his painted pots 'Stump'.
Watt sold his pottery to passing trade from the confectionary and newsagent’s shop
he and his family ran in the village.
He also received orders from further afield, and even from abroad - possibly helped
by one of the charities established to assist wounded veterans.
Sources: Text and images © H R Jack 2012. Image of 'Stump' courtesy William
Watt Junior.”

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Index of 9th Royal Scots
References at Written and researched
by David M Robertson
Described in McVeigh, Patrick, ‘Look After the Bairns’, 1999
Watt, William L/Cpl 351109 9th RS 3552 Pte 0640
- -
KIA see CWGC, SD etc.
WATT, William, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 351109, F/CPF, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 25/05/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Watt, Wm. 3552 EB2
WATTERS, J. Pte. No. 1700, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Watters, J. Pte 350279 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 15/3/19 2610
Watters, John Pte 350279 9th RS 1700 0640
- -
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 Disch.
See Waters, J
Watters, Thomas L/Cpl 335127 8th RS 7485 Pte, 9th RS 0639
Watterson, John Pte 46055 1/9th RS 0635
Watts, S 2741 EB1
Watts, S 2741 B Coy LS6
WATTS, S, Lance Corporal, '350686', 1st/9th Bn., , 9/Apr/1917, France,
date_of_death2 10/04/1917 CWGC
Watts, S. Pte 350686 4/12/15 (1) K in A 9/4/17 2610
Watts, Syd -
Gentle chap from Manchester. B Coy Lewis Gun Team 1916 J.Quinn IWM doc
Watts, Sydney Pte 350686 9th RS 350686 0640
- -
15Star&VM&BWM France 4.12.15 KIA MIC
L/Cpl, NW England, Mo Ellen Watts
Pension Ledger

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L/Cpl KIA Mo Ellen
Register Effects
WATTS, Sydney, e. Manchester, 350686, F/CPF, Killed in action, France & SD
Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WAUGH, A. Pte. No. 351725 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Waugh, A.S 4832 EB2
Waugh, Archibald S., Pte 351725 9th RS 4832 Pte 0640
WAUGH, ARCHIBALD STENHOUSE, A S, Private, '351725', 9th Bn., 36,
WAUGH, Archibald Stenhouse, b. Sprouston, Roxburghshire, e. Edinburgh , r. SD
Jedburgh, 351725, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 09/04/17,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Waugh, Daniel 2254 EB1
- -
Waugh, Daniel 2254 Pte France 24.2.15; LC 271511 Pte Dis 27.11.17
9RS Piece 2836 Labour Corps Medal Roll (15Star)
Waugh, Daniel, Pte 2254/271511, 182nd Coy Labour Corps, ex 9th R. Scots, badge
289768 enlisted 1.9.14, discharged 27.11.17 wounds, served overseas. Labour SWB
Corps (Nottingham)
Waugh, James M., Pte 48622 16th RS (changed by hand) 9th RS 0635
Waugh, Jas. B 4553 EB2
Waugh, John W. 352669 – included here for six digit number ?
Enlistment 10.12.15-21.3.19 discharge, sickness 392 xvi a, age 22
SWB Roll
John William Waugh RS
Disch 21.3.19 352669 Pte, res Harehills, Leeds, disability
Pension Ledger
4139 same as 352669? – these are not in sequence, different age, Leeds instead of
Waugh, John William -
- EB2
Waugh, John H 4139 [looks like H on EB2] -
Waugh, John William 4139 9RS
134 Rye Hill, Newcastle. Draper. Mo Margaret Hope Waugh
18.1.16 Edin. 27yr2mos Home 15.1.16-
Attest Pte 1.12.15 army res next day moob 15.1.16 embodied 9RS same day. Leave
24-27.11.16. Unpd A/L/Cpl 23.12.16
Service Record
4139 same as 352669? – these are not in sequence
Waugh, John Pte 62558 9th RS attd 5th Gor. Hrs. 0636
- -

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Waugh, Richard 3153 EB1
Wayman, Fred J. 353063, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No.
Pte 9RS 10.2.15-28.7.17 sickness xvi served overseas
LN Lan R Pte 20117, RS 353063
MIC with ref to identical Wagman
See Wagman SWB
Weatherston, Maxwell Pte 58971 9th RS 0636
WEATHERSTON, Maxwell, b. Glasgow, e. Glasgow, 58971, PRIVATE, Killed SD
in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, FORMERLY 2/13491, T.R, 54190, H.L.I.,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WEATHERSTON, MAXWELL, M, Private, '58971', "D" Coy. 1st/9th Bn., 19,
WEATHERSTON, Wm. R. Drumsheugh. Peebles. (3057) RSC
Weaver, John L/Cpl 352132 9th RS 5452 Pte 0640
WEAVER, John, b. Paisley, e. Paisley, 352132, F/CPF, Killed in action, France & SD
Flanders, 03/08/17, FORMERLY 24631, R. SCOT. FUS., Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WEAVER, JOHN, J, Lance Corporal, '352132', 9th Bn., 21, 3/Aug/1917,
WEAVER, W, Private, '352242', 9th Bn., , 10/Jan/1918, France, SON OF MRS.
Weaver, William Pte 352242 9th RS 5572 Pte, attd 2/2nd H.F.Coy.R.E. 0640
WEAVER, William, b. Manchester, e. Darlaston, Staffs, 352242, PRIVATE, Died SD
of wounds, France & Flanders, 10/01/18, FORMERLY 9557, H.F.I., Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Webb, Arthur 302751. Attack at Poelcappelle, battalion losses 54 men incl 19 yo -
Webb, ‘his body lost, sucked into the morass, never to be seen again.’
Tyne Cot Cemetery and Memorial by Paul Chapman
Webb, Arthur Pte 302751 9th RS 0639
WEBB, ARTHUR, A, Private, '302751', 9th Bn., 19, 20/Sep/1917, Belgium, CWGC
WEBB, Arthur, b. Limpsfield, Surrey, e. Redhill, Surrey , r. Edenbridge, Kent, SD
302751, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 20/09/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Webb, Cecil Pte 44123 1/9th HLI 50781 Pte, 9th RS 0635
Webb, Charles A., Pte 270304 16th RS 9th RS 0638
WEBB, Charles Arthur, b. Pontefract, Yorks, e. Huddersfield , r. Huddersfield, SD
270304, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, FORMERLY
11375, RS. FUS., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WEBB, CHARLES ARTHUR, C A, Private, '270304', 1st/9th Bn., 20,

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Webb, W.G, Sgt, 9th Royal Scots
A serving soldier, he was mobilised on the outbreak and almost immediately
drafted to France where he fought in the Retreat from Mons, and was wounded at
Ypres on Nov 6th 1914. On recovery was in action in the Battles of Hill 60, the -
Somme, Arras, Passchendaele and Cambrai. He was demobilised in July 1919. 68
Lilley, near Luton.
National Roll of the Great War
Webb, William G., A/Sgt 202186 2nd Bed. R. 7289 Cpl, 1/9th RS 0637
Webber, Alfred H., A/CSM 202220 11th RS 9th RS 4th Suffolk Regt, 3. W.O.Cl.II 0641
Webber, Frederick R.J., Pte 44138 9th RS 0635
Webster, (Welster?) Wm. C? 4507 EB2
Webster, B, 2nd Lt
Killed or died of wounds September 18; Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John,
‘The Fifteenth (Scottish) Division, 1914-1919’, 1926 -
Webster, Bruce, 2/Lt
20 South Mount St, 5th September 1918
Roll of honour, Aberdeen and district who gave their lives 1914-1919 (1926)
Webster, Bruce 52 Train Res Bn A/Sgt TR2/597, R Scots 2/Lt
Widow: Mrs B Webster c/o C. Monro, 3 Hawthorn Terrace, Aberdeen
KIA Bn not shown att. 1/9 5 Sep 18
Soldiers Died -
WEBSTER, BRUCE, B, Second Lieutenant, , 1st/9th Bn., 23, 5/Sep/1918, France,
Webster, D 2960 EB1
Webster, D 2960 B Coy LS5
WEBSTER, D, Private, '19682', 9th Bn., 24, 13/Jan/1919, Belgium, SON OF
WEBSTER, D. Pte. No. 350789 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Webster, David G 19682 Pte. 16th R.Scots 9th R.Scots 0631
Webster, David Gifford, Pte 19682
b. Newliston, Parish of Kirkliston 27/2/1894, d. 13/1/19 age 24, Son of James and
Christina Webster, Beeslack Cottages, Penicuik; Brother of George L Webster
[qv] and Thomas Webster. Memorials: Glencorse; Glencorse Parish Roll of
Honour; Penicuik South Church; Penicuik South Church Roll of Honour.
[Dalkeith Advertiser 30 January 1919]: Pte. David Webster, 9th Royal Scots,
transferred from the 16th Royal Scots, who died of pneumonia in Belgium, is the
third loss sustained by Mr and Mrs James Webster, Beeslack Cottage, near
Penicuik, their other sons having been killed in action in 1916 and 1917. Before
enlistment in December, 1914, Pte. Webster was employed as a groom at Beeslack
House. He was 25 years of age.
WW1_Casualties_by_Regiment_Letter_R.pdf -
Webster, David Gifford, Pte 19862 died 13/01/1919 age 24 -

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Buried: Tournai Communal Cemetery Allied Extension, Tournai, Hainaut,

Belgium. Born: Kirkliston.
Kirkliston Roll of Honour
WEBSTER, G, Private, '352985', 1st/9th Bn., 20, 23/Apr/1917, France, SON OF
Roeux British Cemetery
Grave Registration 3/7 RS changed to 1/9 RS; date of death stated as 18.5.17 CWGC
WEBSTER, G. Pte. No. 352985 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Webster, George L.
Private, 9th Bn Royal Scots, 352985. Killed in action 23/04/1917. Aged 20.
Buried: Roeux British Cemetery, Pas-de-Calais, France. Born: South Queensferry.
Kirkliston Roll of Honour
?George ?F Webster 39 Briarbank Terr, Edin -
Diary W.Scott TNA ?
Webster, George Livingstone, Pte 352985
b. Newbigging, Parish of Dalmeny 14/3/1897 d. 23/4/17 age 20, Youngest son of
James and Christina Webster (nee Crosbie), Brother of David G Webster [qv] and
Thomas Webster. Memorials: Glencorse; Glencorse Parish Roll of Honour;
Penicuik South Church; Penicuik South Church Roll of Honour.
[Midlothian Journal 25 June 1917]: Mr and Mrs Webster, Beeslack Cottage, have
received official intimation that their youngest son Private George Webster, Royal
Scots (transferred from the Yeomanry), had been killed in action on 23 April. He
was, before enlistment, employed with Messrs Charles Wilson &Son, painters,
Penicuik. The eldest son, Corporal Thomas Webster, was killed in the July push of
last year and a third son is still on active service.
WW1_Casualties_by_Regiment_Letter_R.pdf -
Webster, George Pte 352985 9th RS 6873 Pte 0640
WEBSTER, George, b. South Queensferry, West Lothian, e. Edinburgh , r. SD
Penicuik, Midlothian, 352985, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders,
23/04/17, FORMERLY 2197, L. & B. HORSE., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
Webster, Harry Pte 335547 1/8th RS 8231 Pte, 1/9th RS 0639
Webster, Richd. 4361 EB2
Wedderburn, H.S, Capt. and Adjutant Gordon Highlanders F1901
Wedderburn, Henry Scrymgeour (younger of Birkhill) F
Capt and Adjutant, Gordon Highlanders. Adjutant “on formation”, joined Sept -
1900, took up duties (taken on strength) as Adjutant 1st October, though not
formally gazetted as “on formation” until June 1901. Address 1902: 13 Ravelston
Park. Resigned his commission in the Army, vacated the appointment of Adjutant
20 Feb 1904.
Born 28 June 1872. Eldest son of H. Scrymgeour Wedderburn of Birkhill, Fife.
Gazetted Second Lt in the Gordon Highlanders and joined the 2nd Bn (92nd) at the
Royal Barracks, Dublin in Jan 1894. Served with the 2nd Bn at Maryhill Barracks,
Glasgow 1894 to 1896, and in the Autumn Manoeuvres of 1896 and at Malplaquet
Barracks, Aldershot. Lt Jan 1897. Exchanged to 1st Bn (75th) at the end of 1898,
and served with them at Edinburgh. In Aug 1899 was Senior Lt of the Queen’s

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Guard at Ballater, when the Bn received new Colours from his Majesty the present
King, and made a route march through Aberdeenshire. The Queen’s Guard
returned to Edinburgh at the end of October, and the Bn sailed for South Africa in
November, Lt Wedderburn being left, under War Office Order, at Edinburgh as
senior available subaltern. A month later he was sent out in command of a draft of
250 men, with which he joined the 1st Bn at Enslin, in Cape Colony, at the
beginning of January 1900. Promoted to Captain while on active service in South
Africa on 7th Jan 1900 vice [in place of] Major Miller-Wallnut, killed in action at
Ladysmith on the 6th, when the 2nd Bn was so heavily engaged in the defeat of the
great attack by the Boers. Served with 1st Bn in South Africa until the beginning of
Lord Roberts’ advance north from Bloemfontein in April 1900, when he was sent
to hospital, and later invalided home.
Appointed to the battalion # 14
Lt.-Col. Henry Scrymgeour-Wedderburn of Wedderburn (Angus) and Birkhill
(Fife) b. 28 June 1872, d. 12 May 1924 age 51, m. 30 July 1901
In 1911 he carried Royal Standard of Scotland in place of his father at King
George V's Coronation. Lt-Col of 5th Black Watch in First World War
10th Earl of Dundee de jure and 12th Viscount Dudhope de jure on 1st Feb 1914 on
death of his father.
Succeeded to command September 1909. 5th Black Watch embarked 1st
November 1914 under Lt Col H. Scrymgeour-Wedderburn. Invalided home Jan
1915 due to illness (p.61 and appendix).
History of the Black Watch
1/5th Battalion (into 4/5th) Black Watch Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Scrymgeour
Wedderburn 04/08/1914 to 31/01/1915 Replaced
Boer War, Capt. 2nd Bn The Gordon Highlanders, Literary Refs – Muster Roll of
Angus. Brodie & Salmond Arbroath (second edition) 222

Photos Ferguson, Adjutant 1903 left, Tyndrum 1902 right

Weerns,[?] W. Pte 2/9th trial Limerick 1.9.17. Absence Without Leave [different -
column to desertion], 56 days detention.

WO86/77 p.319
Capt HS Wedderburn Gordon Highlanders to be Adjt on formation 1.10.00

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Volunteer Service Gazette 7.6.01

Weir, A 4826 EB2
WEIR, A. Pte. No. 352979 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June -
Weir, Adam d. - , 352979, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military Medal -
Weir, Adam L/Cpl 352979 Lanark. Yeo. 787 Pte, 9th RS 6867 Pte, 12th RS 352979 0640
Weir, Adam Pte 352979 -
Under awards for 9-11 April 1917, Military Medal 51st WD
Weir, David 4444 EB2
Weir, Henry Pte 51875 9th RS 0636
Weir, J McM. Pte 350105 24/2/15 (1) P-D 28/3/18 2610
WEIR, J, Private, '44310', 9th Bn., 19, 7/May/1918, France, SON OF MRS.
1895; son of Mr. A. Weir; 1903 – 9; stationer, Messrs Dobson, Molle and Coy.;
9th R.S., Pte.
WEIR, J. McM., J M, Private, '350105', 9th Bn., , 28/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
Weir, J.H 2160 EB1
Weir, James M., Pte 352546 2 High.L.I. attd 9 RS 20100 Pte, 9th RS 5942
nd th
Weir, John H, Pte WTC
WEIR, John Henry WWR
Edinburgh, 1890; eldest son of Mr. W. Weir, Edin.; 1898- 1908; O.T.C., 1905 – 8; -
C.A.; 9th R.S., Pte.; A. and S.H., 2/Lt. Dec 1914, Capt. 1915; Salonika; invalided
from service Apr. 1918.
? Weir, J.H. Invalided April 1918. Watson’s Cadet Corps 1905/6
Howie, Les, ‘George Watson’s College’, 2006
George Watson's College. O.T.C. Student of Law, 1911-13. Chartered
Accountant, 1914. 9th Royal Scots (T.), Private Aug. 1914. Argyll and
Sutherland Highlanders, 2nd Lieut. Dec. 1914; Captain Sept. 1915. Salonika.
Invalided out April 1918.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
WEIR, John Henry. 208 Braid Rd. Edinburgh. (9394) RSC
Weir, John McM., Pte 350105 9th RS 1321 0640
WEIR, John Mcmichael, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 350105, PRIVATE, Killed SD
in action, France & Flanders, 28/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Weir, John Pte 44310 9th RS 0635
Weir, John Pte 62898 9th RS 0636
WEIR, John, b. Paisley, Renfrewshire, e. Glasgow , r. Govan, Glasgow, 44310, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 07/05/18, FORMERLY 2/4905,
T.R., 56549, H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Edinburgh Academy; First XI. Student of Law, 1906-8. Chartered Accountant,

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

1909. 9th Royal Scots, Private Aug. 1914. 1st Lovat Scouts (T.), Captain Dec.
1914; Acting Major March 1917 to Jan. 1919. Dispatches Aug. 1917, Nov. 1918,
and March 1919. O.B.E. March 1919.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
WEIR, T.D. Pte. No. 350357 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Weir, Thomas D., Pte 350257 9th RS 1650 0640
- -
Thomas Duncan Weir
Wounds 26.4.17 Fa Charles C
Register Effects
Weir, Thomas Dunbar
SC70/8/534/28 Will of 350257 Private Thomas Dunbar WEIR, 9th Bn.or 1/9th,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment). Cause of death: Died of Wounds, No 42
Casualty Clearing Station, France, France and Flanders, 26 April 1917 10 Apr
1916 Open
From John Duncan, Soldiers Wills, National Archives of Scotland. Place of death:
Field Ambulance, date of death followed by date of will. http://1914- -
WEIR, Thomas Dunbar, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 350257, PRIVATE, Died of SD
wounds, France & Flanders, 26/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
WEIR, THOMAS DUNBAR, T D, Private, '350257', 9th Bn., 20, 26/Apr/1917,
Weir, W.H 2262 EB1
Weir, W.H. 2262 D Coy LS1
Welch, Arthur J., Pte 302378 9th RS 12027 Pte 0639
Welch, J 5060 C Coy LS7
Welch, Joseph Pte 200875 1/8th RS 1/9th RS 0637
Wells, Bertram Private 9th NBW-S
Wells, H.F. 2915 B Coy LS6
Wells, H.T 2915 EB1
Wells, John W 4748 EB2
Wells, Ronald E., Pte 42992 M.G.Corps 7162 Pte, 13th RS 1/4th RS 1/9th RS 0634
Wells, Ronald Ewert -
British private served with Machine Gun Corps in GB and on Western Front,
1915-1916; served with 9th and 1st Bns Royal Scots on Western Front, 1917-1918
IWM 9930, audio interview produced 1987
Called ‘Taffy’ by his good friend Cpl Grant ?MGC
Sent home from MGC underage, posted to Ireland with Scottish Bicycle Coy. 9th
and 1st RS, posted 1917-18. ?Sent to France, Arras with 9th RS, spring 1917.

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German counter-attack at Arras, shot in leg. Convalesence. Then 1st RS ?‘only bn

to wear the kilt’
Wellwood, T.G 2821 EB1
Wellwood, T.G, Pte. No 2821 C Coy killed 27 July 1915
‘We were just in the middle of tea when we got a message that one of our men had
been hit but the poor chap was dead before we could do anything’ WD
Diary of James Lawson Cairns (qv) 27.7.15 -
WELLWOOD, T.G. Pte. No. 2821. 27/7/15 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916
Wellwood, T.G. Pte 2821 24/2/15 (1) K in A 27/7/15 2610
- -
Thomas G Wellwood 9RS Pte 2821
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 KIA
Thomas Goodwin Wellwood 1/9RS Pte 2821 27.7.15 KIA Bro Frederick H.
Register Effects
Thomas Goodwin Wellwood 9(Res)RS 2821
Manufacturer’s Agent 24yo
Brooklands, Cambridge Grove, Eccles, Manchester
Signed Gilbert Black and James Leask Robertson at Manchester 12.11.14, medical
examination at Manchester by John Cummings
Attested and embodied 12.11.14, Pte, KIA 27.7.15, imp Serv Oblig 14.1.15
Burial Sheet 36 I9c1.8 reported by WW Beveridge, Chaplain (McMaster map)
Brothers listed incl Frederick N Wellwood, half-brother
Papers signed Capt GF Deas commanding D Coy 9(Res)RS, Kilmarnock 30.1.15,
on transfer to service bn. KIA signed Capt PJ Blair 27.7.15, suggests C Coy
SS Inventor 24.2.15
?1920 14 Park Rd, Pendleton nr Manchester.
Inventory of effects incl wrist watch, pipe case, 2 trinkets
Service Records
Wellwood, T.S. [?should be T.G.?] KIA France -
Manchester Grammar School Magazine Oct 15 RoH
Wellwood, Thomas C., Pte 2821 [Thomas G Wellwood] 0629
WELLWOOD, Thomas G., e. Manchester, 2821, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 27/07/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WELLWOOD, THOMAS GOODWIN, T G, Private, '2821', 9th Bn., 25,
Chapelle-d’Armentieres Old Military Cemetery CWGC
Welsh Sgt, B Coy -
Brought in seriously wounded 18 May 15, Diary of James Lawson Cairns,
transcribed by Margaret Donaldson
CO Rhind (qv) made Sgt 31.5.15 vice Welsh to England, suggests B Coy

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WELSH, J, Private, '352288', 1st/9th Bn., , 23/Dec/1917, France, AWARDED

WELSH, J. Sergt. No. 222, wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
Welsh, J. Sgt 350019 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 15/2/19 2610
- -
John Welsh 9RS Sjt 222 350019
15Star&BWM&VM Disemb
France 24.2.15
Welsh, J.
Serge. J. Welsh, 9th Royal Scots, is at present in hospital in Derby. He has been in
the 'Ninth' for the past ten years.
Edinburgh Evening News, 21st June 1915
Mrs Castle, of 7 Wardlaw Place, has received intimation that her brother, Sergeant
J. Welsh, No. 222, 9th Royal Scots, has been admitted to hospital in Derby. For
the past ten years Sergeant J. Welsh, has been in the 9th Royal Scots.
Edinburgh Evening Dispatch, 19th June 1915
Sergeant J. Welsh

Wounded. His relatives reside at 7 Wardlaw Place, Edin.

EED 22.6.15 -
Welsh, John -
Born at Glasgow. Eldest son of Joseph and Mrs Welsh, of Union Street,
Tillicoultry. Resided at Tillicoultry. Occupation: printer compositor. He served his
apprenticeship in the Devon Valley Tribune office.
Private 352288 Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment) 9th Bn. Formerly 28448 Highland
Light Infantry. He enlisted at Glasgow. Awards: Military Medal, circa December
1917. Died of wounds at No. 3 Casualty Clearing Station on 23/12/1917, aged 28.
commemorated at Alva War Memorial; Tillicoultry War Memorial; Tillicoultry
E.U. Congregational Church font.
Hillfootsarmedforcesfatalitiesreformatted11082014standard.pdf by Ian Middleton
at and
John Welsh Pte 352288 wounds 23.12.17 paid to Janet J.
Soldiers effects

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Welsh, John d. 23/Dec/1917, 352288, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded -

Military Medal (Ancestry)
Welsh, John Pte 352288 -
MM for gallantry 22-24 Nov 17 51st WD
Welsh, John Pte 352288 9th RS 5619 Pte 0640
- -
Welsh, John Sgt 350019 9th RS 222 Sgt 0640
WELSH, John, b. Glasgow, e. Glasgow , r. Tillicoultry, Clackmannanshire, SD
352288, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 23/12/17, FORMERLY
28448, H.L.I., M.M., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Welsh, Samuel 4428 EB2
Welsh, Stewart Pte 351683 9th RS 4742 Pte, 2/10th RS 351683 0640
- -
Enlistment 22.2.16-11.10.19 discharge, wounds 392 xvi B1, age 27
SWB Roll
Welsh, Stuart 4742 EB2
Welsh, William Pte 46082 1/9th RS 0635
Welsh, William Pte 62741 9th RS 0636
Wesson, Walter Pte 301556 9th RS 0639
WEST, J. Sergt. No. 351405 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
[351405 could well be 4005 from sequence]
West, John Geo. 4005 EB2
?John George West, RS 2/Lt Lt, VM&BWM, Palestine 31.7.17, 33 Dudley Ave,
Stewart Melville 1916
West, John George
Romanian Order of Michael the Brave, 3rd Class London Gazette 20 September
This scarce order was awarded to only nine British recipients for services during
the Great War. The 1st Class was given to Earl Haig, Lord Allenby and Admiral
Beatty, while the 3rd Class was given to six officers, Lieutenant West being the
only officer of the British Army to receive this class.
John George West was born, according to accompanying family notes, at Loch
Awe, Argyllshire, in 1893. His father died when he was 18 months old and the
family moved to Edinburgh, where he was educated at Daniel Stewart’s Merchant
Company School. He joined the 4th Royal Scots Territorials in 1909 but was
discharged on medical grounds. When war broke out he was in civil employ as
company clerk to a Major at H.Q. Yeomanry, buying horses for the army. He -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

enlisted at Edinburgh into the 9th Battalion, Royal Scots, quickly rose to the rank
of Sergeant and was commissioned into the same battalion. The 9th went to France
in early 1915 but he was posted east and, attached to the 7th Battalion, Royal
Scots, served in Palestine from 31 July 1917. He ‘took part in the 3rd Battle of
Gaza and on to Tel-Aviv. Slightly wounded at Esdied, Gaza, in the advance to the
Judean Hills. Turkish machine guns, 100 yards away had the wadi covered,
received a bullet hole in his haversack and a flesh wound in his arm... Sent to
hospital in Alexandria. Got back after advance to Jerusalem. The decoration could
be associated with the crossing of the river Arja, the river was in flood, and the
Division crossed on small box-like rafts, pulled by ropes, 2 to 3 hours behind
schedule. The Transport Officer said to him “I bet you a fiver you get the M.C.”
He was recommended for it, but did not get it.’ He afterwards served in France
with the 53rd Division.
Sold with original Romanian award certificate and related War Office
correspondence; an invitation to attend a dinner for recipients of the Order at
Chateau de Gelesch, dated 8 November 1932; and a rare original copy of a
Romanian publication giving a list of the recipients of the Romanian Order of
Mihai Viteazul 1916-1920. Together with copied m.i.c., a copied photograph of
West in uniform, and other copied research.
Four: Lieutenant G. J. [?] West, Royal Scots, one of only 9 British recipients of
the Romanian Order of Michael the Brave for services in the Great War
British War and Victory Medals (Lieut. J. G. West.); Defence Medal; Romania,
Order of Michael the Brave (Mihai Viteazul), 3rd Class, silver-gilt and enamels,
the last with chips to both sides of upper arm, otherwise nearly extremely fine (4)

Medal Sale
? John West born Loch Awe, Argyleshire [as written] 1893, visitor to 27 Alva St,
Edinburgh age 8
1901 Census
? A John G West Brisbane-London 1922 b.~1893 [looks unlikey - mariner]
? Lt J. West 7RS on p.525 of Ewing
The undermentioned from Officer Cadet Units to be 2/Lts 28.3.17
John George West, Royal Scots, War Office 17.4.17, LG 17.4.17
Order of Michael the Brave, 3rd Class
Lt John George West, 9RS Edin Gaz 24.9.19, LG 20.9.17
West, John George, Lt, 9/R Scots TF, St Michael the Brave 3rd Cl, Romania, LG
20/09/1919, Pg 11750

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Courtesy ForeignGong GWF, LG

2017 text on Romanian Order Auction
Crossed river Nahr El Auja
Yarkon (Auja) GWF
?7RS 2/Lt J. West wounded, Ewing p.525
?Crossing the Auju p.539+
WEST, R, Private, '352480', 1st/9th Bn., , 10/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
WEST, R. Pte. No. 352480 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
West, Reginald Pte 352480 9th RS 5811 Pte 0640
West, Reginald
SC70/8/601/3 Will of 352480 Private Reginald WEST, 9th Bn., Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment). Cause of death: Died of Wounds, No 1/3 Highland Field
Ambulance, France, France and Flanders, 10 April 1917 3 Jan 1917 Open
From John Duncan, Soldiers Wills, National Archives of Scotland. Place of death:
Field Ambulance, date of death followed by date of will. http://1914- -
WEST, Reginald, b. Birmingham, e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 352480, SD
PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 10/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Westacott -
Westacott, Gourlay, Finch and Holmer, 3/9th RS, November 1915 to private billets
– No 2 Gibson Place, Peebles. B.C. Holmer IWM
Westacott Bandsman -
Sang song
3/9 RS Supernumerary Company, Supernumeraries’ Anniversary Gathering,
23.2.16, anniversary of landing in France, dinner at County Hotel ballroom,
The Southern Reporter 2.3.16
Westacott, W 2991 B Coy LS4
Westacott, W 2991 H Coy LS2
Westacott, W. Pte 2991 4/5/15 (1) Disemb 3/3/19 2610
Westacott, William 2991 EB1
Westacott, William Pte 2991 DELETED 0629
Westacott, William Pte 350802 9th RS 2991 0640
Westlake, Frederick G., Pte 370119 17th High.l.I. 39157 Pte, 9th RS 370119 0640
Westmorland, P.T, Lt. Col. CMG DSO joined Bn 23 Apr 1916, relinquished
command 15 May 1916 WD
Westmorland, P.T, Lt-Col, p.257 briefly C.O. E
Wilkie, James Pte 352010 [first two digits hard to read] -
Awarded MM for gallantry on 20/21 September 1917. 51st WD
Woodsford Pte -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Recited in performance
3/9 RS Supernumerary Company, Supernumeraries’ Anniversary Gathering,
23.2.16, anniversary of landing in France, dinner at County Hotel ballroom,
The Southern Reporter 2.3.16

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Westmorland, P.T., (Maj ret pay) (Lt Col TF Res) -

W. Coast of Africa 1894 – expedition to the Gambia against Fodey Silah. Lon Gaz
4 May 94. Medal with clasp.
Ashanti Expedition 1895-6 Star
S. African War 1899-1900 Staff Officer, Glencoe. and in command St Helena 7
Jan to 9 Apr 00. Medal
West Africa 1901 – expedition up the Gambia. Medal with clasp
NW Frontier of India, 1908. Operations in the Zakka Khel country. Operations in
the Mohmand country. Engagement of Matta. Lon Gaz 14 Aug 08. Medal with
clasp. DSO.
1914-9 Lon Gaz 1 Jan 16. CMG.
Army Lists, Quarterly, 1919, Fourth Quarter, Part 2, p.1746
Percy Thuillier Westmorland was born on 25 July 1863, son of Colonel J. P.
Westmorland, R.E., and Rose Julia, eldest daughter of General Sir Henry
Thuillier, C.S.I., R.A. Educated at Wellington College and Sandhurst, he entered
the Army on 9 September 1882, as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Bedfordshire
Regiment., in which regiment he was promoted to Captain in August 1889. He
was transferred to the West India Regiment in December 1892 and employed with
the Army Pay Department, May 1894 - December 1897. He served on the West
Coast of Africa, 1894, with the Expedition of the Gambia against Fodey Silah, for
which he was mentioned in despatches (London Gazette, 4 May 1894). He served
with the Ashanti Expedition, 1895-96 and in December 1897 was promoted to
Major. He served in the South African War 1899-1900; as Staff Officer, Glencoe,
and in command, St Helena. Then in West Africa 1901, he served with the
expedition in Gambia, January-March 1901. He then served on the North-West
Frontier of India and took part in the operations in the Mohmand country, for
which he was again mentioned in despatches, and was created a Companion of the
Distinguished Service Order (London Gazette 14 August 1908): 'Percy Thuillier
Westmorland, Major Royal Warwickshire Regt. In recognition of services in
connection with the recent operations against the Zakka Khel and Mohmands.'
Major Westmorland retired from the service on 4 December 1912. He served in
the European War during 1914-16, for which he was mentioned in despatches
(London Gazette 1 January 1916) and was created a C.M.G. in 1916. He was
Brigade Commander in 1916, and joined the Territorial Force Reserve in 1918, as
Lieutenant-Colonel. He died on 4 June 1929.
Brigadier-General P.T. Westmorland, GOC 151 Brigade, replaced by NJG
Cameron. Westmorland had had a thirty year army career retiring in December
1912. Recalled, he had battalion command experience before being promoted
GOC 151 Brigade in May 1916
Westmorland had been CO 5/Lincolnshire from 1 November 1915 to 6 April 1916
and CO 9/Royal Scots from 26 April 1916 to 15 May 1916. On 23 June 1916
Westmorland was thrown from his horse. He was badly bruised and cut. TNA
WO95/2840 6/DLI WD, 23 June 1916
‘An Army of Brigadiers’ Trevor Gordon Harvey, Thesis

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Lt Col PT Westmorland CMG DSO 5th Lincolnshire Bn

IWM HU 127298 purchased Jun 18
WESTON, A G, Private, '351930', 9th Bn., 25, 21/Apr/1917, France, HUSBAND
WESTON, A.G. Pte. No. 351930 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
WESTON, A.G. Pte. No. 351930 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Weston, Arthur G., Pte 351930 9th RS 0640
WESTON, Arthur Graham, b. Leicester, e. Leicester , r. Sileby, Leicestershire, SD
351930, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 21/04/17, FORMERLY
28210, LEICESTER REGT., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Weston, D? -
?DW sends postcard to Miss C. Weston, 7 Pembroke Place, Edin; from Stobs camp
1905. [cannot find on Ancestry]
?From same collection, Miss Weston at 16 Douglas Cres. c.1909, signed
?Also Mrs Weston, 7 Pembroke Place c.1904
Weston, James 3734 EB2
- -
Weston, James 3734 and 351217 BWM&VM MIC
KIA 23.10.18 War Gratuity, to Ms Williamina McD. Soldiers Effects
Medal pair for sale
Weston, James Pte 351217 9th RS 3734 Pte 0640
WESTON, James, b. Cramond, Midlothian, e. Edinburgh , r. Blackhall, SD
Midlothian, 351217, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/10/18,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WESTON, JAMES, J, Private, '351217', 9th Bn., 20, 23/Oct/1918, Belgium, SON
Weston, John Pte 62793 9th RS 0636
WESTON, T. Pte. No. 5130 C. Coy. , To be Unpaid Acting L/Corpl., from -
27/2/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Weston, Thomas Sgt 351875 9th RS 351875 Sgt 0640
WESTWOOD, A.L. Pte. No. 2993 , Military Medal – Notified in ‘Gazette’ of -
19/1/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Westwood, A.L. 2993 A Coy LS4
Westwood, A.L. Pte 350804 5/5/15 (1) Disemb 12/3/19 2610
Westwood, Alexander L., L/Cpl 350804 9th RS 2993 Pte 0640

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Westwood, Alexander Lawrence d. - , 2993, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded -

Military Medal (Ancestry)
Westwood, Alexr. L 2993 EB1
Westwood, Enoch Pte 201471 10 Ent. Bn. 201471 Pte, 9th RS
Westwood, J 2372 EB1
Westwood, J 4860 EB2
Westwood, J. Pte 350525 24/2/15 (1) Comm RGA 8/4/17 2610
Westwood, James (b. 1889). 1903-05. Pupil Teacher. Student of Arts, Edin. Univ.,
1909-12. M.A., 1912. Teacher under Edinburgh School Board. 9th Royal Scots
(Highlanders), Private: September 1914. Lce.-Corpl. France, February
1915. Wounded, July 1916. Royal Garrison Artillery, 2nd Lieut., April 1917.
France, May 1917. Killed in action on 25th June 1917. Second son of the late Mr
David Westwood and of Mrs Westwood, 27 Royal Park Terrace.

George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921)

WESTWOOD, JAMES (b. 1889).
George Heriot's and Broughton Schools, Edinburgh. Student of Arts, 1909-12;
M.A. 1912. 9th Royal Scots, Private Sept. 1914; L/Corporal. France Feb. 1915 and
June 1917. Wounded July 1916. R.G.A., 2nd Lieut. April 1917. Killed in action in
France on 25 th June 1917.

University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921) -

Westwood, James 4860,[*], Badge No. 121191
Pte 9RS 1.3.16-10.7.16 sickness iiicc did not serve overseas SWB
Westwood, James Pte 350525 9th RS 2372 Pte 0641
Westwood, James, Pte, 9th RS -
M.A. University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914
Whan, Charles Pte 51926 12th HLI 39366 Pte 9th RS 0636
WHARAM, A, Private, '3204', 9th Bn., 19, 14/Apr/1915, United Kingdom, SON
Wharam, Alan 3204 EB2
- -
Allan Wharam Pte 3204, B Coy 2/9 RS 14.4.15, Edinburgh Craigleith Hosp.
Pneumonia. Under six months Home Service. Fa. William A.

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Soldiers’ effects
WHARAM, Allan, e. Manchester, 3204, PRIVATE, Died, Home, 14/04/15, Royal SD
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Wheatley R.J. Pte 350535 24/2/15 (1) Comm MGC 27/12/16 2610
Wheatley, H.J. 2404 C Coy LS3
Wheatley, R.J 2404 EB1
Private, 9th Royal Scots, September 1914. 2nd Lieutenant, Machine-Gun Corps,
December 1916; Lieutenant, June 1918. Awarded Military Cross, September
Royal High School of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1920)
Ronald James Wheatley, Machine Gun Corps, 29/12/1916, LG Issue 29904,
16/01/1917, p611
Formerly 2404/350535, 9th Royal Scots; BEF 24/02/1915
Lieutenant, 30th Bn Machine Gun Corps
Military Cross (LG Issue 31158, 01/02/1919, p1701):
T./Lt. Ronald James Wheatley, 30th Bn., M.G. Corps.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during the advance against the
Messines Ridge on 28th September, 1918. Accompanying the leading waves of
infantry, he went forward with his scouts, when there was a check owing to
machine-gun fire, and sent back useful information, besides moving across the
front and establishing touch be- tween neighbouring units. His work in
reconnaissance was of a high order.
Great War Forum, incl photo
Wheatley, Ronald J., Pte 350535 9th RS 2404 0641
WHEATLEY, Ronald James. Corrieville. Pentland Ave. Colinton. (3720) RSC
Wheelan ? -

Alexander Hossack Thomson (qv) made Cpl vice ? Wheelan 16.10.17 in F&F
WHEELAN, J. L/Corpl. No. 351028 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Wheelan, J. Cpl 351028 12/10/15 (1) Disc. 13/10/17 2610
- -
John Wheelan 9RS Cpl 3431 351028
15Star&BWM&VM France 12.10.15 Disch
Res Edinburgh disch 13.12.17 [not October?]
Pension Ledger
John Wheelan 351028 Cpl 21.6.15-13.12.17 wounds B1 23 yrs, served overseas
SWB Roll
Wheelan, John Cpl 351028 9th RS 3431 Cpl 0640
Wheeler, Henry Pte 44304 9th RS 0635
Whelan, John 3431 EB2
Whetton, Victor Pte 352857 9th RS 0640

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Whiley, W 4862 EB2

Whillier E.D. Pte Sgt 3873 11/5/15 (1) 2610
Whitaker, J.W. Pte 350888 4/12/15 (1) Disemb 3/3/19 2610
Whitaker, John 3158 EB1
WHITE Pte. , Left Machine Gun Section of Battalion to join the Machine Gun -
Corps. Set out for M.G.C. Depot on 3rd June 1916 (13 names), The Leather
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
WHITE Pte. , Returned to ‘Blighty’ suffering from wounds or sickness, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
WHITE, A, Private, '352456', 9th Bn., 22, 23/Apr/1917, France, SON OF MRS.
White, A 3295 L/Cpl D Coy LS7
- -
? An Adam White appears on a couple of page of Ninths as RSF 40221
Medal Roll RSF p.211/333
WHITE, A.L. Pte. No. 352456 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
White, A.T. Pte 350135 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 26/3/18 2610
White, Adam 3295 EB2
White, Adam T., Pte 350135 9th RS 1401 0640
- -
23.11.12-26.3.18 sickness age 23 served overseas
White, Alex S 4118 EB2
White, Alexander Pte 352456 9th RS 5787 Pte 0640
White, Alexander Pte 5787 352456 KIA 23.4.17
Territorial Force War Medal piece 3260 (TFWM) -
WHITE, Alexander S. 24 Hartington Place. Edinburgh. (4421) RSC
WHITE, Alexander, b. North Leith, e. Leith, 352456, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 23/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
White, D.N 2168 EB1
WHITE, D.N. Pte. No. 2168, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
White, D.N. L/Cpl 350452 24/2/15 (1) Comm HLI 15/4/17 2610
White, David M., Pte 350452 9th RS 2168 0641
WHITE, David. 15 Nelson St. Edinburgh. (1578) RSC
White, Edwin L/Cpl 351830 9th RS 5043 Pte 0640
White, G 2479 EB1
WHITE, GEORGE (1910). -
Private, 9th Royal Scots, 1915. Died of wounds received at Passchendaele, 25th
October 1917.
Royal High School of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1920)
White, George Pte 350565 9th RS 2479 0640
White, H.P.W., M.B., Lt, 9th RS -
M.B. University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914 p.49/88

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?There was a 2/Lt G.P White, RS and a Pte Harry P. White, 4th & 11th RS but this
is probably Lt/Capt H.P.W White RAMC disembarked 14.12.14
H.P.W. White, Dr from Blenheim NZ Lt 9th RS
Press NZ 10 Mar 15, also
White, J 2576 EB1
WHITE, J. Pte. No. 3355. 3/8/16 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
White, James W., Cpl 19956 16th RS 19956 Cpl, 9th RS 0632
White, James, Pte 200485 [? Same no and date of death as Wm White]
d. 1/10/18 Son of James White and Marion White (nee Melrose). Headstone states:
'Wounded at Gallipoli 28 June 1915 and died of wounds received in France on 1
October 1918'. Commemorated on the White family headstone in Dalkeith New
Cemetery (lair B454).
WW1_Casualties_by_Regiment_Letter_R.pdf -
White, John 2871 EB1
White, John
Joined staff of Garden as Probationer, 9 December 1912. Enlisted 9th Royal Scots,
6 December 1914. Rank: Private. Later, Machine Gun Corps. Service in field in
Flanders, one year, two months. Demobilised, 15 February 1919.
The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh War Service Roll, 1914-1918 -
White, John
Heather Lodge, 9th Royal Scots. In Yorkshire. Jan 1917
In France. 1918
Parish magazine, Whittinghame -
White, John 3355 EB2
White, John L/Cpl 352498 9th RS 5829 Pte 0640
White, John Pte 3355 0629
White, John R 3950 EB2
White, John R., Pte 351370 9th RS 0640
WHITE, John, b. Musselburgh, Midlothian, e. Edinburgh , r. Portobello, SD
Midlothian, 3355, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 03/08/16,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WHITE, JOHN, J, Private, '3355', 9th Bn., 17, 3/Aug/1916, France, SON OF
White, Robert Sgt 325365 9th RS Sgt 0639
White, Robt. 4586 EB2
WHITE, T. Pte. No. 352469 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
White, Thomas Pte 352469 9th RS 5800 Pte 0640
WHITE, Thomas, b. Bo'ness, Linlithgowshire, e. Blackness, Linlithgowshire , r. SD
Bo'ness, 352469, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 10/04/17, Royal
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WHITE, THOMAS, T, Private, '352469', 1st/9th Bn., 19, 10/Apr/1917, France,

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

WHITE, William WWR

1895; 1902 – 10; 2/9th R.S., L/Cpl.
WHITE, William F., e. Edinburgh , r. Edinburgh, 250608, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 24/07/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
White, William F., Pte 200485 4th RS 2132, 9th RS 200485 0637
- -
William F White 200485 9RS DoW 1.10.18 Mo Marion
Register Soldiers’ Effects
White, William F., Pte 250608 5th RS 2531 Pte, 9th RS 0638
WHITE, William Fraser, b. Dalkeith, Midlothian, e. Edinburgh , r. Dalkeith, SD
200485, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 01/10/18, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
White, William L/Cpl 351876 9th RS 5132 Pte, 11th RS 351876 0640
White, William Pte 202256 1st E.Surr. R. 11699 Pte, 1/9th RS 0637
White, William Pte 351687 9th RS 4749 Pte, 13th RS 351687 0640
WHITE, William, b. Bermondsey, Surrey, e. Peckham, London , r. Camberwell, SD
London, 202256, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 22/04/18,
FORMERLY 11699, E. SURREY REGT., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
White, William, Pte 200485 [? Same no and date of death as James White]
b. Dalkeith 4/2/1879 d. 1/10/18 age 39, Son of James White and Marion Melrose.
Memorials: Dalkeith; Dalkeith New Cemetery; St Nicholas Buccleuch Parish
Church, Dalkeith. [Dalkeith Advertiser 10 October 1918]: The sympathy of many
friends will go out to Mrs James White, Porteous Place, who has just been
informed that her son, Pte. William White, Royal Scots, has died in hospital in
France. About two months ago Pte. White was wounded on the right side, his
injuries being of such a serious nature that little hope could be entertained of his
recovery, and he passed away on 1st October. The deceased, who was wellknown
in Dalkeith and generally esteemed, answered the call to arms in the early days of
the war. He took part in the ill-starred Gallipoli campaign, where he engaged in
much severe fighting until he was severely wounded and invalided home. About
three months ago he was drafted to the Western front. Pte. White was an
ironmonger to trade, having served his apprenticeship with Messrs Metcalfe,
Duncan &Co., Dalkeith, and for a number of years prior to his enlistment he was
an esteemed employee of Messrs Thos. Scott &Co., Ltd., Grassmarket, Edinburgh.
WW1_Casualties_by_Regiment_Letter_R.pdf -
WHITE, WILLIAM, W, Private, '200485', 1st/9th Bn., 39, 1/Oct/1918, France,
WHITE, WILLIAM, W, Private, '202256', 9th Bn., 19, 22/Apr/1918, France, SON
White, Wm. 4749 EB2
WHITEFIELD, J. Pte. No. 352443 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Whitefield, J. L/Cpl 350143 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 3/4/19 2610
Whitefield, Joseph L/Cpl 350143 9th RS 1414 Pte, 2nd RS 0640

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Whiteford, George 4333 EB2

Whiteford, George Pte 351537 9th RS 0641
WHITEHEAD, J, Private, '351704', 9th Bn., 22, 9/Apr/1917, France, SON OF
Whitehead, Henry Pte 44328 9th RS 2nd RS 0635
WHITEHEAD, J. Pte. No. 351704 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
1st June 1917
Whitehead, James E. (b. 1894). 1906-10. In employment of Mr John Donaldson,
seed merchant, St Giles Street. 9th Royal Scots (Highlanders), Private, November
1915. France, November 1916. Killed in action on 9th April 1917. Only son of Mr
and Mrs John Whitehead, 22 Roseburn Place.

George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -

Whitehead, James E., Pte (killed) 06-10
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Whitehead, James Pte 351704 9th RS 0640
WHITEHEAD, James, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 351704, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 09/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Whitehead, Jas. 4791 EB2
WHITEHEAD, W. A/L/Corpl. No. 351683. B. Coy. , To be Paid Acting Corpl., -
from 27/3/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
WHITEHEAD, W. L/Corpl. No. 351688. B. Coy. [Qualified as Assistant -
Instructor, 12th Anti-Gas Course] 6/3/17 , returned from a Course of Instruction,
The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
WHITEHEAD, W. Pte. No. 4750. B Coy. To be paid Acting L/Corpl. 2/9/16, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Whitehead, W. Pte (A/L/Sgt) 2/9 RS trial at Limerick 10.10.17 WO 86/78 p.197 -
Miscellaneous military offences S.20.2 not guilty
Whitehead, W. Pte 350977 12/10/15 (1) Disemb 9/3/19 2610
Whitehead, William -
Mr William Whitehead, manager of the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh for the last 11
years, has joined the 2/9th Royal Scots. As manager he has made himself highly
The Era 26.4.16 (stage and entertainment magazine)
Whitehead, William 3361 EB2
WHITEHEAD, William B. (16708). 83 Main Street, Newton Grange, Midlothian. -
The Royal Scots Club, War Memorial, Roll of Members as at 31st December 1969
Whitehead, William Baillie, Pte, 302632 or 350977, 9th RS attd 5th/6th RS, 66
Dean Park, Newtongrange, Taken POW 1918 NBW

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Whitehead, William Pte 350977 9th RS 3361 Pte, attd 151st Inf. Bde. 350977 0640
Whitehead, William, 3361, 350977
Arrived France 12/10/15
John William B. (Baillie) Whitehead of Newtongrange - 9 RS. Coal miner to
trade. POW in 1918 (possibly with 5/6 RS)
Great War Forum -
Whitehouse, Alex Pte 351968 9th RS 0640
WHITEHOUSE, ALEXANDER, A, Private, '351968', 9th Bn., 21, 3/Aug/1917,
WHITEHOUSE, Alexander, b. Short Heath, Staffs, e. Wolverhampton, 351968, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 03/08/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Whitehouse, J.E [J?] 2664 EB1
Whitehouse, James J. 2664
5 Charles St, Pendleton, Manchester, attested 11.11.14, age 22, CofE, no previous
service, Home service.
Whitehouse, F ?Fred. Pte 352785 – added here for six digit number ?
Enlistment 10.12.14-6.2.19 discharge, sickness 392 xvi a, age 37
SWB Roll
WHITEHOUSE, J.J. Pte. No. 2664. B Coy. To be paid Acting L/Corpl. 2/9/16, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Whitehouse, James 350651,[*], Badge No. 210724
Pte 9RS 11.11.14-12.7.17 sickness xvi served overseas SWB
Whitehouse, James I., Pte 350651 9th RS 2664 [James J?] 0640
WHITEHOUSE, L. Pte. No. 351982 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Whittle, John Hamer -
Only bn reference is 14 RS, except picture taken at Grantham – presumably on
joining MGC. Joined RS 20 Nov 15, then MGC 14 Mar 16 as 27941. Apparent RS
number crossed out 27541, possible error on MGC number.
His service record states 14th Bn - after enlistment he went to Glencorse in Nov
1916, but then it says he was posted to 14th Bn 3 days later. Cpl in the MGC (117th
MG Coy, 39th MG Bn.) MG Proficiency badge left wrist.
Service record on FMP
John Hamer Whittle, age 19, b. 1896 in Bury. service no. 27541 Royal Scots
14th Bn. Year 1915
John Hamer Whittle, b. Bury, Lancs. M.G.C. No. 27841 Bn 117th, Year 1915
(transferred from R.S. 14.3.16 to M.G.C.)
Lived at 580 Walmersley Road, Burnley
Made corporal – some disciplinary problems

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Information courtesy Travelgirl154 GWF

John Hamer Whittle
27541 crossed out 27941, Royal Scots crossed out Machine Gun Corps
Service Record [burnt and therefore poor quality]
VM&BWM MGC Cpl 27941 [no RS]
Whitehouse, Robert Pte 351973 9th RS 5248 Pte, 2nd RS 351973 0640
Whitelaw, Robert Pte 352986 9th RS 6874 Pte, 13th RS 352986 Pte 0640
Whitely, W.J Private 9th NBW-S
Whitinshaw, John F., Pte 352497 9th RS 5828 Pte 0640
WHITLEY, Wilfred A. 27 Darnell Rd. Leith. (8668) RSC
[Cannot find MIC for this man]
WHITLIE, W.J. Pte. No. 1679. 22/5/16 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, -
1st November 1916
Whitlie, W.J. Pte 1679 24/2/15 (1) K in A 22/5/15 2610
Whitlie, W.J., Pte, B Coy -
Edinburgh Evening News 1 June 1915
Whitlie, William J., Pte 1679 0629
- -
William J Whitlie 9RS Pte 1679 15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15. KIA
KIA 22.5.15. Mo Jane
Register Effects
Whitlie, William J., Pte No.1679 -
Bill Whitlie, shot through head by sniper 22 May 15
Diary of James Nicol Beatson, Feb-Dec 1915; ‘Private Beatson’s War’, edited by
Shaun Springer and Stuart Humphreys, 2009
‘A young chap in B Coy. was shot through the head but died before he reached
us.’ Diary of James Lawson Cairns (qv) 22.5.15
Three men were killed that day, but CWGC specifies B Company and this matches
description given by Beatson above

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

WHITLIE, WILLIAM J., W J, Private, '1679', "B" Coy. 9th Bn., 20,
22/May/1915, Belgium, SON OF WALTER AND JANE WHITLIE, OF 106,
WHITLIE, William, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 1679, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 22/05/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
WHITSON, J. Pte. No. 1990. B. Coy. 2nd., Open hundred, Battalion Sports – -
Somewhere in France, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Whitson, J.M. Pte 350379 24/2/15 (1) Re-en Ryl Hrs 9/6/19 2610
Whitson, John Pte 353473 9th RS 0640
- -
25.11.15-13.8.18 sickness age 31 served overseas
Whittaker, G.W. 3158 B Coy LS6
Whittaker, H 2742 EB1
Whittaker, H 2742 B Coy LS7
Whittaker, John W., Pte 350888 9th RS 3158 Pte., attd 183rd Inf. Bde. H.Q. 0640
Whylock,? John 3037 EB1
Whyte 2/Lt -
2/Lt Whyte, 1st Black Watch, third son of the Rev D. Whyte, United Free St
George’s, Edinburgh, was killed in action on 25th ult. Lt Whyte was attached to the
9th Royal Scots, and subsequently received a commission in the Black Watch.
Montrose, Arbroath & Brechin Review 8.10.15
? 2/Lt Robert Barbour Whyte; d.25.9.15; age 23; 3rd BW attd 1st Bn; buried Dud
Corner Cemetery, Loos; Son of the Rev. Alexander Whyte, D.D. (Principal of New
College, Edinburgh) and Jane E. Barbour Whyte, of 22, Church Row, Hampstead,
London. Educated at Merchiston School, Edinburgh; Clayesmore; and Balliol
College, Oxford.
Whyte L/Sgt 2/9th witness to absence Scott, Walter Brown -
Whyte, Malcolm Pte 33073 13th RS 1/9th RS 0633
Whyte, Peter ( )? 3855 EB2
WHYTE, Peter M. 13 Findlay Gardens. Edinburgh. (692) RSC
Whyte, Robert Balfour enlisted as Pte 9RS at outbreak, third son of Rev Principal -
Whyte of New College and St George’s UFC Edin. 2/Lt 1st Black Watch kia. Born
1892, edu Merchiston Castle School, Clayesmore School and Balliol, Oxford.
Comm Oct last year.
Daily Record 5.10.15
Whyte, Robert Pte 58967 9th RS 13th RS 0636
Whyte, W -

Sergeants 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916

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WHYTE, W. No. 1343. Sergt. A Coy. Promotion. Recommended for Officer’s -

Cadet Unit after interview by the Divisional Commander at Boreham House on
October 2nd., The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
WHYTE, W. Sergt. No. 350114 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Whytock Sergeant

Whytock Srgt NBW
Whytock, J 3037 A Coy LS4
Whytock, J. Pte 350821 4/5/15 (1) Disemb 20/3/19 2610
Whytock, John Cpl 350821 9th RS 3037 Cpl, attd 95th Bde.H.Q. 0640
Whytock, Ron, signed in lieu of adjutant 11 July 18 WD
Lt R.M. Whytock on marching order 15 December 18 -
Ron Whytock 2/Lt Assistant Adjutant 9th Res Bn RS, signed appers of Andrew
McPherson (qv), date uncertain, possibly Aug 1916
Signed papers Wilson, John 4955
Whytock, Ron. Lt. & Adjt. signed operation order no.17 12 July 1918, entraining
officer listed on operation order no. 17A 15 July 1918, no. 16 11 July 1918, signed
administrative order 11 July 1918, administrative order no. 2 11 July 1918, named
on operations order no. 44 16 Dec 1918, no. 45 17 Dec 1918 WD
WHYTOCK, Ronald M. 238 Ferry Rd. Edinburgh. (1210) RSC
Wight, Frank Pte 62589 9th RS 0636
WIGHT, J. Sergt. No. 330375 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Wight, James Sgt 330375 8th RS 5119 Sgt, 9th RS 0639
Wight, T. Cpl 350062 24/2/15 (1) Disc. 12/2/18 2610
Wight, Thomas Cpl 350062 9th RS 1159 Cpl 0640
- -
27.5.10-12.2.18 wounds age 25 served overseas
Thomas Wight 9RS Cpl 1159 350062 15Star&VM&BWM Disch SWB France
Wight, William Stewart Balmain 2/Lt -
Second Lieutenant William Stewart Balmain Wight. 3rd Battalion, Royal Scots
attached to 9th Battalion. (C.W.G.C. site states 2nd Battalion). He was killed in
action near The Scarpe on 9th April 1917 during the Battle of Arras, aged 19. He
was the son of James and Jane Wight of Greenwood, Grantshouse and is buried in
Tilloy British Cemetery, Arras, France.
He died of wounds received leading his platoon in an attack in France during the
Battle of Arras on 9th April 1917, aged 19. He was the son of James and Elizabeth
Wight of Greenwood, Grantshouse and is buried in Tilloy British Cemetery,

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Tilloy-Les-Mofflaines, France. Before the War he had been studying agriculture at

a college in Edinburgh.
Wightman -
In draft arriving Apr 16
A Anderson IWM 3608
Wightman, Alex C 3976 EB2
Wightman, Alexander C., Pte 351387 9th RS 3976 Pte 0640
- -
17.11.15 [stamped over] -14.2.18 sickness age 31 served overseas
Wightman, J.M 2982 EB1
WIGHTMAN, John McFarlane WWR
1891; 1902 – 6; 9th. R.S., Pte.
Wilcock, Arthur Pte 352597 9th RS 352597 Pte 0640
WILCOCK, ARTHUR, A, Private, '352597', 9th Bn., 23, 23/Apr/1917, France,
WILCOCK, Arthur, e. Edinburgh , r. Warrington, Lancs, 352597, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, FORMERLY 2194, R.A.M.C.,
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Wilcockson, Thomas W., Pte 353344 7th Notts. & Derby R. 4024 Pte, 9th RS 353344 0640
Wilcoxon, Gordon L/Cpl 302303 17th K.R.Rif.C. 3637 Pte, 9th RS 0639
Wilde, Charles Pte 51941 8th RS 9143 Pte, 16th HLI 353057, 9th RS 0636
Wilhelm, James R., Pte 06-12
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Wilkie CQMS 3/9th May 1916 -
B.C. Holmer IWM
CMS Wilkie [CQMS?]
Sang ‘Drinking’ with great vim
3/9 RS Supernumerary Company, Supernumeraries’ Anniversary Gathering,
23.2.16, anniversary of landing in France, dinner at County Hotel ballroom,
The Southern Reporter 2.3.16
?John H Wilkie 546/350030 or James Wilkie 352010? [JHW has a good early
number for this man]
Wilkie, Andw. A 4349 EB2
Wilkie, G K Private 9th NBW-S
WILKIE, G. L/Corpl. No. 1841, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Wilkie, G.K. L/Cpl 1841 24/2/15 (1) Comm Sea. Hrs. 11/8/15 2610
Wilkie, G.K., L/Cpl NBW

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Also EED 21.5.15

Wounded, in hospital at Aberdeen. Senior assistant in Dundee Street Public
Library, Edinburgh. Dated 21/5/15
Wilkie, George K. L/Cpl -
Shrapnel wound in left shoulder on 9th May, now in hospital in Aberdeen,
progressing favourably. Senior assistant librarian in Dundee St Public Library.
Formerly in Queen’s, joined Ninth in August.
The Scotsman 21 May 15
Wilkie, George K., L/Cpl 1841 entered theatre as Pte comm 5th Seaforths 11.8.15 0629
WILKIE, J.H. CQMS. No. 546., wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
Wilkie, J.H. Sgt 350030 (crossed out) 546 24/2/15 (1) Comm HLI 19/8/17 2610
- -
John Hay Wilkie 9RS Sgt 546 CQMS 350030, 1st G. Batt. Seaf. Hrs 2/Lt, HLI 2/Lt
15Star&BWM&VM comm HLI 19.8.17
France 24.2.15 +SWB
c/o Lindsay [added], 311 [crossed out] 805 Moy Ave, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Wilkie, James A/CQMS 352010 9th RS 352010 Cpl, attd 154th Inf. Bde. 0640
Wilkie, James d. - , 352010, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, awarded Military Medal -
Wilkie, John H., Sgt 350030 9th RS 546 Sgt 0640
Wilkie, John H., Srgt NBW

(left: NBW; right: Edinburgh Evening Dispatch 3 May 15)

Wounded on April 23rd.

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Wilkie, John K., L/Cpl 20915 11th RS 20915 Pte, 2nd RS Pte, 9th RS 0632
Wilkie, Wm. 4149 [same no Woodsford] EB2
Wilkinson, Arthur E., Pte 58968 9th RS 0636
Wilkinson, Frank Pte 42199 2nd RS 9th RS 0634
Wilkinson, George
Father: George Wilkinson, born in 1870 at Lambley, Nottinghamshire, working as
an agricultural labourer. Mother: Caroline, born in 1870 at East Bradford.
Brothers: Francis, born in 1891, Robert R., born in 1894 and Horace, born in
1895. Sisters: Winifred, born in 1893 and Ina, born in 1896 and working as a
domestic nurse. All the children were born in East Bridgford, but they later lived
at 4 Mafeking Street, Sneinton, Nottingham. George Wilkinson worked as a farm
labourer. Pte. Wilkinson was called up for service and following training he was
drafted to France. The battalion took part in the fighting during the Third Battle of
Ypres. They were tasked with capturing the Stroombeek and Quebec Farm which
they achieved. Unfortunately Pte. Wilkinson was killed during the operation and
his body was never recovered. However, his name was commemorated on the
Tyne Cot Memorial. -
Wilkinson, George Pte 202035 4th RS attd 10th Ent. Bn. 9th RS 0637
WILKINSON, George, b. East Bridgeford, Nottingham, e. Nottingham, 202035, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 20/09/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WILKINSON, GEORGE, G, Private, '202035', 9th Bn., 20, 20/Sep/1917,
Wilkinson, James McG. H., Pte 63153 9th RS 0636
Wilks, Harry 3034 EB1
- -
8 Duncan Rd, Longsight, Manchester
Attested Manchester 11.1.15 Pte, embodied 11.1.15-8.7.15 392 iii cc, character
good, Peebles 15.7.15 signed C Gordon Lt Col 2/9 RS
Home 11.1.14 [sic]-8.7.15 179 days
Aunt Mrs Eliz Robertson, 8 Duncan Rd, Manchester. Pres.
Medical age 24yr11mos. Approved Kilmarncok 12.1.15 9 (Res) RS
2/9 RS 3034
?Arthritis, 2nd Scott Gen Hosp, Craigleith, 14 days, malaria, adm on disch from
army, further details hard to read handwriting
Same hosp April 1915 varicocele? 15 days
Not likely to become efficient, was laid up for 12 months previous to enlisting with
blackwater fever... cannot take army food at all
Pension Record
Wilks, Harry [entered as Wiks] 3034,[*], Badge No. 25638
9RS Pte 11.1.15-8.7.15 sickness iiicc, overseas no SWB
Wilks, S. Pte 9th RS Manchester Grammar School magazine, April 1915 RoH -
WILL, A C, Private, '28970', 1st/9th Bn., , 25/Jul/1918, France,
[?58970 Arthur C Will?][Graves Registration Report has A. Wills 58970] CWGC
Will, Alfred Pte 63169 9th RS 0636

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

WILL, Arthur C., b. Stonehaven, Kincardineshire, e. Glasgow , r. Glasgow, SD

58970, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 24/07/18, FORMERLY
54188, H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Will, Arthur C., Pte 58970 9th RS 0636
WILLCOCKS, John, b. Dairy, Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 350039, A/C.S.M., SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 25/05/17, M.M., Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Willesen, J.D., Lt
Killed or died of wounds July 18; Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The
Fifteenth (Scottish) Division, 1914-1919’, 1926 -
William, Frederick Pte 351030 9th RS 3435 Pte, 12th RS 351030 0640
- -
17.6.15-26.7.18 wound age 28 served overseas
Williamson, Henry J., Pte 351201 9th RS 3709 Pte 0640
- -
Williamson, Henry 351201 Pte
Enlisted 28.8.15-18.1.19 discharged, wounds 392 xvi a, age 31
SWB Roll
Henry Johnstone Williamson
Age 37, disability, res Gorebridge, disch 18.1.19
Pension Ledger
Williams, A.C 4237 EB2
Williams, A.C. 4237 D Coy LS7
Williams, A.J 3854 EB2
Williams, Albert J. H., Pte 40093 9th RS 13th RS 0634
Williams, Andrew Pte 49070 15th RS 9th RS 0635
Williams, Arthur -
Buried July 1916
A Anderson IWM 3608
WILLIAMS, F. L/Corpl. No. 351030 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
WILLIAMS, F. Pte. No. 3435, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Williams, F. Pte 351030 12/10/15 Disc. 26/7/18 2610
WILLIAMS, F.J. Unpaid A/L/Corpl. No. 352062. A.Coy. , To be Paid A/L/ -
Corpl., from 1/5/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Williams, Frederick 3435 EB2
WILLIAMS, H. Pte. No. 3999, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Williams, Howard O 3999 EB2
Williams, Howard O., Cpl 351399 9th RS 3999 Cpl 0640
Williams, N.C 4279 EB2
Williams, N.C. 4279 D Coy LS7

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Williams, Roye C., Pte 63124 9th RS 0636

Williamson, Andrew L., Pte 51336 16th RS 9th RS 0636
Williamson, C. 1236,[*], Badge No. 35026, not receiving pension, exempted on
medical grounds
9RS Pte 13.4.11-12.4.16 age 24 392 xxi did not serve overseas SWB
Williamson, C. L/Cpl 351029 (crossed out) 3432 12/10/15 (1) Comm RS 31/10/17 2610
Williamson, Charles 3432 EB2
Williamson, Charles L/Cpl 351029 9th RS 3432 Pte 0640
Williamson, Charles Pte 351366 17th RS 351366 Pte, 9th RS 351366 Pte 0640
WILLIAMSON, Charles. 38 Fullwood Ave. Garscaddens. Knightswood. RSC
Glasgow. (5741)
Williamson, Chas. 3943 EB2
Williamson, H, 2nd lt
Wounded Sept 18; Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The Fifteenth (Scottish)
Division, 1914-1919’, 1926 -
Williamson, H. Pte 23057 8/9/15 (1) 2610
WILLIAMSON, H.J. Pte. No. 351201 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
See also Williams, Henry
Williamson, Henry J 3709 EB2
Williamson, J.F, 2/Lt. rejoined for duty 20 Aug 1916 WD
WILLIAMSON, J.F. 2nd/Lieut. 19/4/17, Div. Infantry Officers’ School , returned -
from Course of Instruction, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
WILLIAMSON, J.F. 2nd/Lieut. Qualified as Instructor (Anti Gas) at Dublin. -
23/3/17 , returned from Course of Instruction, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4,
1st June 1917
WILLIAMSON, J.F. 2nd/Lieut. (Anti Gas) at Cork 26/2/17 , returned from Course -
of Instruction, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Williamson, J.P, joined for duty 6 June 1916 WD
Williamson, J.R 2961 EB1
Williamson, J.R, Pte. C Coy killed by T.M. 30 March 1916 WD
WILLIAMSON, J.R. Pte. No 2961. 30/3/16 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916
Williamson, James L/Cpl 352524 16th High.L.I. attd 9th RS 15069 Pte, 9th RS 5920, 0640
attd 29th Corps 352524
Williamson, John Pte 38573 11th RS 9th RS 0634
Williamson, John Pte 352722 9th RS 0640
Williamson, John Pte 62873 9th RS 0636
Williamson, John R., Pte 2961 0629
WILLIAMSON, John Reuben, e. Manchester, r. Manchester, 2961 [digitised SD
version comes out as 2951], PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders,
30/03/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WILLIAMSON, JOHN REUBEN, J R, Private, '2961', 9th Bn., 21, 30/Mar/1916,

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Williamson, Norman L., A/Cpl 44378 9th RS 0635

Williamson, Peter 4308 EB2
Williamson, Peter Pte 62872 9th RS 0636
Williamson, R 3045 L/Cpl C Coy LS7
WILLIAMSON, R. Pte. No. 4308 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Williamson, Robert 3045 EB1
Williamson, William H., Pte 44376 9 RS 0641
Willis, A. Pte 7436 1st H.L.I. 4/1/15 (1) 9th RS 51863 Pte Cl. Z. 11/2/19 2610
Willis, Alfred Pte 51863 1st HLI 7436 Pte, 2nd HLI 9th RS 0636
Willis, C.B. Pte 1729 3/9th RS Forfar hospital adm 3.3.16; as 1/? 9th RS Balgavie -
Hosp 3.3.16-24.3.16, from Edin
Willis, Charles 1729,[*], Badge No. 41058
9RS Pte 14.4.14-5.8.16 sickness xvi did not serve overseas SWB
WILLIS, J. Pte. No. 352645. B. Coy. , To be Unpaid A/L/ Corpl., from 1/5/17, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Willisen, J.D, Lt, 'C' Coy; p.654 German offensive 1918, killed E
WILLISON 2nd/Lieut. Played in Officers v. Sergeants Football Match, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
WILLISON, J.D. 2nd/Lieut. Instruction of Scouting and Sniping Course. 11/8/16 -
Returned from Course, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Willison, J.D. 2/Lt -
2/9th leaving Selkirk 24th Nov 15. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Willison, John Downie -
Native of Alloa. Second son of Robert and Agnes Jane Willison, of Westbourne or
Bedford Place, Tillicoultry.
Lieutenant Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment) 2nd/9th Bn. (Highlanders). Died
25/07/1918, aged 23. France BUZANCY MILITARY CEMETERY II. D. 15.
Hillfootsarmedforcesfatalitiesreformatted11082014standard.pdf by Ian Middleton
at and
WILLISON, JOHN DOWNIE, J D, Lieutenant, , 2nd/9th Bn. (Highlanders), 23,
Willocks, J. Cpl [Cpl on disembarkation] 350039 24/2/15 (1) K in A 25/5/17 [sic 2610
?27.5.17] 9RS Medal roll
Willocks, John CSM 350039 9th RS 767 W.O.Cl.II 0640
- -
350039 767
KIA 27.5.17 Mo Elizabeth
Register Soldiers’ Effects
John Willocks 9RS Cpl, WO Cl II 767 350039
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 KIA

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Willocks, JS, Sjt (A/CSM), RS 350039
LG 18.6.17 EG 20.6.17
? 767 looks like joined March 1909
Willocks, John S., CSM, MM -
Willocks, John Simpson d. 25/May/1917, 350039, Royal Scots, 1/9th Battalion, -
awarded Military Medal (Ancestry)
Willocks, John Simpson, CSM, MM
KIA 27 May 17 age 26. MM was gazetted 20 Jun 17, less than a month after his
Hughes, Peter, ‘Visiting the Fallen - Arras North’, 2015 -
WILLOCKS, JOHN SIMPSON, J S, Company Serjeant Major, '350039', 1st/9th
Bn., 26, 27/May/1917, France, SON OF MR. AND MRS. JOHN WILLOCKS, OF
Roeux British Cemetery
Grave registration date of death changed from 28.5.17 to 27.5.17 CWGC
Willocks, Johnny, Sgt
No 2 Platoon, A Coy. Nicknamed ‘Bollocks’ by Bill Hay, won MM 23 Apr 17,
promoted CSM to replace Renwick, killed 27 May 17
Nicholls, Jonathan, ‘Cheerful Sacrifice’, 1990 -
WILSHART, Gordon. 22 St. Fillans Terr. Edinburgh. (3857) RSC
See Wishart
Wilson -

D Coy 9th Royal Scots 1914

Collection of R.G. Thin (qv)
Wilson -
9 Platoon C Coy killed by minnenwerfer 1916
A Anderson IWM 3608
Wilson Pte A Coy -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Member of winning marathon team 2/9th Bn, 65th Divisional Games, Hylands Park
9th Aug 16. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
WILSON, G S, Private, '4165', 9th Bn., , 23/Jul/1916, France, CWGC
WILSON, J C, Private, '1556', "C" Coy. 9th Bn., , 12/Mar/1916, France, CWGC
WILSON, J, Lance Corporal, '2473', 9th Bn., , 3/Aug/1916, France, CWGC
WILSON, R N, Lance Corporal, '44343', 1st/9th Bn., , 1/Aug/1918, France, SON
Wilson, A 2100 EB1
Wilson, A 2129 EB1
Wilson, A 4049 D Coy LS7
Wilson, A, Armourer-Sergeant. Address 1902: 10 Merchiston Bank Gardens. F
Challenge Cup presented to Sergeants’ Rifle Club by Armourer-Sergeant Wilson.
WILSON, A. Pte. No. 352240 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
WILSON, A. Sergt. No. 2100, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Wilson, A. Pte 350432 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 14/4/19 2610
Wilson, A. Sgt 350420 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 11/2/19 2610
Wilson, A., A Coy
Highland Battalion shooting team, The Scotsman 29 Apr 1901 -
WILSON, A.E. L/Corpl. No. 351975. B.Coy. [1st Class Instructor Musketry] at -
Dublin, 10/3/17 , returned from a Course of Instruction, The Leather Sporran,
Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Wilson, Alex 4837 EB2
Wilson, Alexander Cpl 351727 9th RS 4837 Cpl 0640
Wilson, Alexander CSM 350420 9th RS 2100 W.O.Cl.I 0640
Wilson, Alexander Pte 350432 9th RS 2129, attd 3rd Survey Coy. R.E., 11th RS 0640
Wilson, Alexander Pte 51939 14th HLI attd 18th Ent.Bn. 42733 Pte, 9th RS 0636
Wilson, Alexander R 19687 Pte. 16th R.Scots 9th R.Scots 0631
Wilson, Alfred E., Pte 351949 9th RS 0640
Private, 9th Royal Scots.
Royal High School of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1920)
Wilson, Andrew 4049 EB2
Wilson, Andrew Pte 352240 9th RS 5570 Pte 0641
Wilson, Andrew Pte 352999 9th RS 6887 Pte, 5/6th RS 352999, attd 14th Inf. Bde. 0640
Wilson, Bruce Pte 38624 2nd RS 16th RS 9th RS 0634
WILSON, C. Pte. No. 351892 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
WILSON, C.S. Pte. No. 4163 , Previously Reported Missing – Now Reported -
Killed in Action, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June 1917
WILSON, D.S. Pte. No. 1250, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.

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Wilson, D.S. Pte 1250 24/2/15 (1) Comm RS 3/8/15 2610

Wilson, Daniel Pte 352973 9th RS 6861 Pte, attd 183rd Inf. Bde 0640
Wilson, David NBW

See also EED 4 May 15

Victor Wilson, David Wilson. Wounded privates in the “Dandy Ninth”, the
Wilsons are sons of Mr Wilson, manager of Leith tramways, and Mrs Wilson, 313
Leith Walk.
Wilson, David 4272 EB2
Wilson, David C., Corp (wounded) 08-11
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Wilson, David C., Cpl 352957 9th RS 6845 Cpl (same no. as Schnopel) 0640
Wilson, David Private 9th NBW-S
Wilson, David Pte 352365 12th RS 5696 Pte, attd 79th F.Coy.R.E., 9th RS 352365 0640
Wilson, David Pte 44742 19th RS 3325 Pte, 1/9th RS 44742, 1/9th HLI 350707 0635
Wilson, David S., Pte 1250, to 3/7th RS 3.8.15 0629
- -
Wilson, David Scott Pte 1250; RS officer and 2/Lt, Lt, Capt MGC. France
24.2.15. 313 Leith Walk, 232 Ferry Rd, Leith MIC
[1250 would have attested in 1911]
?David S. Wilson at 313 Leith Walk 1920 with Mary M. W. and Agnes A.M W.
?David S. Wilson age 18 (b.~1893), with head Mary M. Wilson, widow age 46,
also Agnes AM age 16, John V, age 14 and Thomas M. 9. 1911 Census courtesy
[Might John V have been known as Victor as per newspaper cutting?]
? At 103 Cornhill Terr, Leith 1901 Census
Undefended divorce case. David Scott Wilson, warehouseman, 313 Leith Walk,
Edin., against Jessie Ann Rose or Wilson, Victoria Hotel, Princes St, Perth and
against Frank R. Enefer, commercial traveller, of the same address.
Scotsman 29.6.1925
[There was a Frank Reginald Enefer MGC and in 1911 a commercial traveller]
Information courtesy Joe Rock
Wilson, Douglas D 4114 EB2
WILSON, Douglas David WWR
East London, S. Africa, 1898; eldest son of the late J. A. Wilson; 1909 – 15;
O.T.C., 1913 – 15, Cpl. 1915; 3/9th R.S., Pte. 1916, L/Cpl. 1918, 2/Lt. 1918;
France 1916 – 17, Somme.

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WILSON, E. Pte. No. 351877 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Wilson, E.Y 1760 L/Cpl D Coy LS7
WILSON, E.Y. L/Corpl. No. 40307 , Missing, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, -
June 1917
Wilson, Edward Pte 351877 9th RS 0640
WILSON, EDWARD, E, Private, '351877', 9th Bn., , 23/Apr/1917, France, CWGC
WILSON, Edward, e. Gateshead, Durham , r. Dunston-on-Tyne, Durham, 351877, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WILSON, G. Pte. No. 4165, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Wilson, G.S 4165 EB2
Wilson, George M., Pte 59019 0636
Wilson, George Pte 375706 9th RS 375706 Pte, 11th RS 375706 0640
WILSON, George S., b. Berwick-on-Tweed, e. Holloway, London , r. Berwick- SD
on-Tweed, 4165, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/07/16, Royal
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Wilson, George S., Pte 4165 0629
Wilson, H, Pte 376054 -
Awarded M.M. Aug 18
Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The Fifteenth (Scottish) Division, 1914-
1919’, 1926
Wilson, H. Pte. no. 376054 M.M. Soissons Aug 1918 WD
WILSON, H.M. Pte. No. 3992 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June -
Wilson, Harold Pte 351975 9th RS 5250 Pte 0640
Wilson, Henry 3558 EB2
Wilson, Henry A 4473 EB2
Wilson, Henry A. [entered as Hanry] 4473,[*], Badge No. 122323
Pte 9RS 14.3.16-19.7.17 sickness xvi served overseas SWB
Wilson, Henry A., Pte 351586 9th RS 4473 Pte 0640
Wilson, Henry Pte 325201 9th RS 0639
Wilson, Hugh -
Peebleshire roll of honour : being names of men connected with Tweeddale
enrolled in His Majesty's forces, August 1914-December 1915 (1916)
Wilson, Hugh M 3992 EB2
Wilson, Hugh M., Pte 3992 0629
WILSON, Hugh Munro, b. Glassford, Lanarkshire, e. Edinburgh , r. Innerleithen, SD
Peebles, 3992, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 01/12/16, Royal
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WILSON, HUGH MUNRO, H M, Private, '3992', 9th Bn., 20, 1/Dec/1916,
Wilson, Hugh Pte 376054 17th RS 376054 Pte, 9th RS 0640

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Wilson, Hugh, Pte -

(Traquair) Royal Scots. 1916. December 1. The sad news reached Traquair that
Private Hugh Wilson, Royal Scots, had been killed in France on 1st December.
Previous to enlistment he was employed as a ploughman at Traquair Knowe. For
the last ten years he had resided with his mother in Traquair village. He was a
quiet, conscientious, and hard-working young man. He saw much serious fighting
during the nine months he was in France. From letters received it appears he was
acting as one of a bearer company, and when exposed to shell fire was hit on the
back of the head by part of a bursting shell — death being instantaneous. Much
sympathy was felt for his relatives.
The Battle of the Ancre had been raging ever since November 13. This was the
fourth phase of the Battle of the Somme. The British had captured St Pierre
Divion, south of the Ancre, and Beaumont Hamel, north of the Ancre, and 4000
prisoners. They captured next Beaucourt-sur-Anvre, and advanced east of Butte de
Warlencourt. They extended their line to the east, and advanced north and south of
the Ancre, reaching the outskirts of Grandcourt. Thereafter there was a sort of a
lull until December 11.

Gunn, Dr., ‘The Book of Remembrance for Tweeddale’, 1925
Reference to him in write up of Tom W. Brown
Ovillers Huts, working parties, 1 OR killed, 1 Dec 16 War Diary
Wilson, I.F 2361 EB1
Wilson, J 2058 EB1
Wilson, J 2473 EB1
WILSON, J. L/Corpl. No. 2473. 3/8/16 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, -
1st November 1916
WILSON, J. Pte. No. 2058. 22/7/16, missing, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, -
1st November 1916
Wilson, J. L/Cpl 2473 24/2/15 (1) K in A 3/8/16 2610
Wilson, J. L/Cpl 350407 (crossed out) 2058 24/2/15 (1) P-D 23/7/16 2610
Wilson, J.B. Pte 1472 24/2/15 (1) Comm RS 8/10/17 2610
WILSON, J.C. Pte. No. 1558. 12/3/16 [from suffocation] , Died on Active -
Service, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November 1916
[Wilson, John Cairns]

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WD states ‘On 12th two other ranks died from suffocation due to gas fumes from a
coke brazier’ See also Carter, W.S.
Court of inquiry in the field 13.3.16 by order AS Blair: deaths of WS Carter, JC
Wilson and poisoning of Pte Dishington 2005. President Maj RHF Moncrieff,
members Capt A Taylor, 2/Lt AS Nicoll.
Pte Wilson had taken ill two days previously with bronchitis and was specially put
into the room, on the orders of Lt Col Blair, for rest and rermained in bed
throughout 11.3.16. Contracted bronchitis serving as groom for the colonel, during
the march from Pierregot – his condition at the time may have contributed to his
death. [The bn left Pierrgot 6.3.16 and arrived at Etrun 10.3.16 WD].
Pte ST Tearle gives evidence for about 8.30am ‘I looked at Wilson – his face was
swollen and he was foaming at the mouth’
Major GF Whyte RAMC received them at about 10am on 12.3.16, Pte Wilson
never regained consciousness and died about 5pm.
Papers of WS Carter
Wilson, J.F. Cpl 353350 9RS transferred 9.5.17 to 7th HLI as 282710 FMP -
Wilson, J.C. Pte 1558 24/2/15 (1) Died 12/3/16 2610
[Wilson, John Cairns]
Wilson, J.F 2665 EB1
- -
Joseph Frederick Wilson 17.6.1881 – 1962 Pte 9RS, born Newton Heath,
Manchester. 1911 census at New Moston, Failsworth, Manchester, by 1914 was 32
years old.

At Kilmarnock (left), possibly in their initial training group (right)

Information and pictures courtesy of Ian Cooper
Wilson, Joseph Fred. 2665
59 Belgrave Rd, New Moston, Failsworth, Manchester. CofE. No former service.
Attested 11 Nov 1914 age 32, became sergeant and transferred 10th RSF on 5.8.16
(?Stobo Castle or Stobs). Home service.
From Tom Gordon RS Museum [EBD] kindly passed on by Ian Cooper
10th (Works) Battalion RSF, formed Ayr June 1916, remained in UK, moved to
Dumbarton. Apr 17 converted to 4th Labour Bn of the Labour Corps.
The serial number 2665 relates to attestation on ~9-11 November 1914, a good
match for Manchester into 2/9 RS.
JF Wilson 353350 is a poor match for this however. HLI might be 2/7th HLI also
65th Division. No MIC / medal roll found.
WILSON, J.G. Unpaid A/L/Corpl. No. 5397. D.Coy. , To be Paid A/L/Corpls., -
25/1/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917

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Wilson, J.L 2909 EB1

Wilson, J.P 2063 EB1
Wilson, J.P. -
Watsonian rugby player
Scored in rugby game between Ninth and Edin Univ OTC
The Scotsman 7 Sep 14
Wilson, J.P. Pte 2063 24/2/15 (1) Comm 14/3/15 2610
Wilson, J.P., British Journal of Dental Science Vol 57 1914 -
Wilson, J.T.R Lt Col 9th NBW-S
Wilson, James Cpl RS

? Killed. He resided at 56 West Bowling Green St, Leith and previous to enlisting
was employed by Messrs Mushet & Co, Granton
EED 12.8.16 ?
Wilson, James E., Pte 58969 9th RS 0636
WILSON, JAMES FOSTER, J F, Serjeant, '300138', 9th Bn., 25, 7/Aug/1918,
Wilson, James L/Cpl 350407 9th RS 2058 Cpl 0640
Wilson, James P., Pte 2063 comm 13th HLI 5.3.15 0629
WILSON, James Pillans WWR
Edinburgh, 1890; youngest son of the late W.S. Wilson; 1903 – 8; 2nd XV. 1907;
dentist; 9th R.S., Pte. 1914; H.L.I., 2/Lt. 1915; France, St. Eloi 1915, Egypt 1915
– 18, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Gaza 1916, Romani 1916, River Anja 1918, Henin Village
1918; wounded 1918.
WILSON, James Pillans. 68 Grange Loan. Edinburgh. (4391) RSC
WILSON, James Pillans. No. 2063. 94 Craighouse Road, Edinburgh. W H Comp. EBD
29/8/14. 23 yrs. 14/3/15 Edinburgh (crossed out) Commission
Wilson, James Pte 300138 1/9th RS Sgt 0638
Wilson, James Pte 51904 17th HLI 33959 Pte, 9th RS 0636
WILSON, James, b. North Leith, e. Leith , r. Wick, 300138, SERGT., Died of SD
wounds, France & Flanders, 07/08/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
WILSON, James, e. Edinburgh , r. Leith, 350407, L/SGT, Killed in action, France SD
& Flanders, 23/07/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WILSON, JAMES, J, Lance Serjeant, '350407', (2058). 9th Bn., 30, 23/Jul/1916,
Wilson, James, L/Cpl No.2058 -
Witness to the will of Thomas Crichton (qv) 23rd Feb 1915

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Wilson, James. 300138. Sgt. 9th (Hldrs) Royal Scots. TF. 46th Bde, 15th -
(Scottish) Div. Born & Enlisted Leith. Home Wick. Died of wounds 07/08/18
Soissonais-Ourcq, Marne. http://www.internet-
WILSON, James. No. 2058. c/o Day, 373 Easter Road, Leith. C Comp. 29/8/14. 28 EBD
yrs 6 mons Capt. Killed
Wilson, James. Son of James Wilson; born Grenada, West Indies, 5 October 1875.
M.B., 1900; F.R.C.S. (Ed.), 1907. Lieutenant, St. John's Ambulance Society,
1908-10. Commissioned, R.A.M.C., September, 1914; attached to 39th Field
Ambulance, 37th Gen. Hospital, M.O., 3/6th, 3/9th, Royal Scots. Served-Home,
1914-15, 1915-16; Gallipoli, May-September 1915; Macedonian Front, May
1916-September 1917. Final rank, Captain.Roll of Service, edited by Mabel
Desborough Allardyce. Published 1921. -
Wilson, Jas Pte 1511 2/9th Dundee hospital 12.7.15-2.8.15; Dundee Hosp 27.8.15- -
Wilson, John -
Kingledores, Tweedsmuir
Peebleshire roll of honour : being names of men connected with Tweeddale
enrolled in His Majesty's forces, August 1914-December 1915 (1916)
Wilson, John 3557 EB2
Wilson, John 4641 EB2
Wilson, John 3557,[*], Badge No. 237642
Pte 9RS did not serve overseas
9RS Pte John Wilson 3557 19.7.15-18.11.15 sickness 392 iiic
Wilson, John 4955 3/9 RS 351773 9 RS 12 RS -
7 Hermand Terrace, Edin. 21yo, rubber worker, group 9, unm Mo Sarah 120 or 128
Main St, Newmilns, Ayrshire, fa ?, presby, born Sunderland
Attest pte 10.12.15, army res next day, mob 9RS 13.5.16, leave 13-16.10.16, posted
4 Res RS 22.7.17, embarked and disemb 10.9.17, Etaples 20 IBD next day, posted
12 RS, joined 28.9.17
Home 13.5.16-31.10.16, BEF 1.11.16-16.4.17, Home 17.4.17-9.9.17, BEF 10.9.17-
Lacerated wound leg l sev (barbed wire) 29.3.17, adm 11 GH Dannes Camiers,
16.4.17 to UK per HS Antrim, 17.4.17 sick adm Vol Aid H Cheltenham, 20.6.17
Convalescent Hos Woodcote Park, Epsom. Further adm details.
Hosp again March 1918 Rouen. Posted depot 23.3.18, 4 Res RS 10.6.18, forfeits 10
days pay absence 10-20.6.18
9 (Res) RS. Folkestone 1.11.16, Boulogne same day, Etaples next day 20IBD.
Posted 9RS and allotted new regtly number 10.2.17 [?a long time at IBD], joined in
the field 21.2.17. 42 CCS 30.3.17 (barbed wire)
Born 1894, dispersal from 4 Res RS L/Cpl medical aiii, rejoin Cupar, class Z 18.3.19
Twice awol Haddington June 1918. Examined Wormit 5.1.19, D Coy, 4 Res RS
Wound, barbed wire, soldier not to blame.
?small piece of bone .... result of fall.
Service Record (then mixed into papers Robert Thomson 4956)
See also Wilson, John 4965

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Wilson, John A 4711 EB2

Wilson, John B., Pte 353432 9th RS 0640
Wilson, John C., Pte 1558 0629
- -
9RS 15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 Died
12.3.16 on active service, Mo Jane C.
Register Effects
WILSON, John Cairns, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 1558, PRIVATE, Died, SD
France & Flanders, 12/03/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Wilson, John Cairns, Pte
Before the war resided with his parents at 2 Glenorchy Place, Edinburgh; died
from gas poisoning. His father was killed in the Dardanelles with 5th RS. In May
last a brother in HLI succumbed to a chill. Another brother, Pte Christopher
Wilson, who was wounded with 1st Cameron Highrs at Aisne, is now stationed at
Invergordon. In civil life John Wilson, 27 yo, was employed at the Kennels at St
The Scotsman 29 Mar 16 -
Wilson, John K 4318 EB2
Wilson, John L., Pte 350767 9th RS 2909 0640
Wilson, John L/Cpl 2473 entered theatre as Pte 0629
Wilson, John L/Cpl 351773 9th RS 4965 Pte, 12th RS 351773 0640
See also Wilson, John 4955
WILSON, John Law, e. Edinburgh , r. Broughton, Peebles-Shire, 350767, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 25/05/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WILSON, JOHN LAW, J L, Private, '359767', 9th Bn., 20, 25/May/1917, France,
Wilson, John Law, Pte -
(Drumelzier, Tweedsmuir, Broughton) Royal Scots. 1917. May 25 (Saturday).
He was the son of Mr Benjamin Wilson, shepherd, Kingledoors. He was educated
at Tweedsmuir Public School, and was in course of training as an
engineer. In his 18th year he joined the Royal Scots, and at 20 has given himself
heroically for his country.
An anxious scholar and a dutiful son, exhibiting ideals of life not always to be
found in one as young, John Wilson was a general favourite with his fellow-
pupils, as well as with those who were his seniors; and the announcement of his
death on the field of battle evoked great regret and deep sympathy for his parents,
of whom he was their only child.
Killed in action on the 25th May, 1917, Private John Law Wilson, Royal Scots,
aged 20, only son of Benjamin and Mrs Wilson, Kingledoors, Broughton.

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This gallant young lad joined the army at the beginning of the war, on the 10th
December, 1914, and would not have been eighteen years of age until the 28th of
January, 1915. He went into the offensive on Easter morning, the 9th of April,
1917, and engaged in two very severe battles at that time. The third battle that he
fought in was less severe, as his very last letter stated. It was dated the 23rd May
(two days before he fell), and in it he said — "Still in the trenches, but having an
easy time." On coming out of his second battle, there were left but three only out
of the draft he went out with. Referring to his last engagement, his officer said that
John was killed instantaneously by a shell while gallantly fighting on the Scarpe,
near to Arras, and that his loss was keenly felt by all his comrades. He was a
machine-gunner in the Second Ninth Royal Scots. "My boy was a good boy, loved
and adored by all who knew him, and his death was a great blow to his parents, as
he was our only boy." He did not fight long, only from the 9th of April, 1917, until
the 25th of May.

Gunn, Dr., ‘The Book of Remembrance for Tweeddale’, 1925
John, born 1897, son of Benjamin (shepherd) and Isabella Law Wilson, of
Kingledores, Broughton, Peeblesshire, resided in Broughton, Peeblesshire.
Commemorated on Biggar High School Memorial Plaque
Information courtesy Swally, GWF
Wilson, John Pte 20861 11th RS Pte, 5th Ent. Bn. 9th RS attd 9th High. L.I. 2nd RS 0641
13th RS
Wilson, John Pte 300291 9th RS 0638
Wilson, John Pte 38908 15th RS 12th RS 1/9th RS 0634
Wilson, John V., Pte 1472 comm 3/7th RS 8.10.17 0629
- -
? Pte John Victor Wilson to be 2/Lt RS 9 Oct 1915 London Gazette [2 yrs earlier]
John Victor Wilson, Lt RS, was the second son of the late Mr John Wilson,
manager of Leith Corporation Tramways. Born in October 1896, he was educated
at Leith Academy and Daniel Stewart’s. On leaving school he entered the office
eof Messrs Mackie, Koth & Co, shipowners, Leith. Mobilized at the outbreak of
war with the Royal Scots he was sent to France in Feb 15 and was wounded and
gassed at the first battle of Ypres [sic – should be Second]. He obtained his
commission in October 1915 and after taking part in several actions was invalided
home suffering from shell shock. He returned to the front for the third time on 1st
November 1917 and fell in action on the 17th. While he was leading his company

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into the firing line the enemy’s artillery opened a heavy fire and he was struck by a
piece of shell and instantaeously killed.

1918 Stewart Melville

Wilson, John W., Pte 62854 9th RS 0636
WILSON, John, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 2473, L/CPL, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 03/08/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Wilson, John, Private, 9th Royal Scots, twice wounded -
Wilson, John, wounded in action twice. Drummer. Joined Home Guard in Second -
World War, contracted pneumonia at Inchcolm, died Edinburgh 6th Feb 1940.
Heart of Midlothian Football Club Roll of Honour, 1914-18.
Alexander, Jack, ‘McCrae’s Battalion, The Story of the 16th Royal Scots’, 2003
Wilson, J, Pte, twice wounded
The "Hearts" & the Great War : with which is incorporated "The 'Hearts' and the
Army" (1918)
WILSON, M. Pte. No. 352470 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Wilson, Nichol, Pte 3044312 [7-digit], listed for DF as Army No. 9RS/108
11 Cannon St, Edinburgh
b. 15 Aug 1901, gardener, attested 10 Aug 1920, to 30.12.20, 143 days, discharged
having enlisted into the regular army (RASC)
Mother H Wilson, 11 Canon St. Presbyt.
Attested Defence Force 13 April 1921, Pte, Edinburgh, discharged 5.7.21 (84
days) KRs 392 XXI
Ancestry -
Wilson, Peter L/Cpl 325766 9th RS attd. 5th Ent. Bn. 0639
WILSON, R.F. Pte. No. 3711, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
WILSON, Richard N., b. Aldershot, Hants, e. Glasgow , r. Glasgow, 44343, SD
L/CPL, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, FORMERLY 28416,
SCOT. RIF., 56581, H.L.I., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Wilson, Richard N., L/Cpl 44343 9th RS 0635
- ?
? There is a Richard N. Wilson RS who was a Oxbridge golf blue
NZ Herald 27 May 15
Wilson, Robert 3584 EB2
Wilson, Robert L/Cpl 44193 9th RS 0635
Wilson, Robert Pte 330614 8th RS 5533 Pte, attd 5th Ent. Bn. 9th RS 0639

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Wilson, Roderick F., Pte 351202 9th RS 3711 Pte 0640

Wilson, Roderick T 3711 EB2
Wilson, S.T. CQM. no. 350520 M.S.M. New Years List 1918/19 WD
Wilson, S.T., CQMS 350520
Awarded M.S.M. Jan 19
Stewart, Lt-Col J., and Buchan, John, ‘The Fifteenth (Scottish) Division, 1914-
1919’, 1926 -
Wilson, T 4855 EB2
WILSON, T.F. C.Q.M.S. No. 2361 , Inter-Company Relay Race – Teams of 6 – -
1 Officer, 1 C.S.M., 1 C.Q.S.M., 1 Sergt., 1 Corpl., 1 Pte. Each to run 220 yards.
Won by B. Coy. 26.1.17, Battalion Sports – Somewhere in France, The Leather
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
WILSON, T.F. CQMS. No. 350520 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Wilson, T.F. L/Cpl 350520 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 20/2/19 2610
- -
Wilson, T.F. D Coy QMS December 1916
J.Quinn IWM doc 5992
Wilson, T.H 2491 EB1
Wilson, Thomas F., CQMS 350520 9 RS 2361 Col. Sgt. 0640
Stewart Melville
Wilson, Thomas Hamilton
6th Battalion, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment)
The undermentioned to be Second Lieutenant – Dated 10 May 1915
Private Thomas Hamilton Wilson from the 9th (Highlanders) Battalion, The Royal
Supplement to the London Gazette – 15 May 1915
? Mention in despatches Wilson, T.H. 2/Lt (actg Capt) Royal Scots
London Gazette 18 Dec 1917 page 13226 -
WILSON, THOMAS J. (1903). -
Private, 9th Battalion Royal Scots, December 1915. Served also with 13th
Battalion, August 1916. Badly wounded at Martinpuich (Somme), September
1916, and afterwards discharged unfit.
Royal High School of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1920)
? Pte T.J. Wilson

Wounded. He is a son of Mr Wilson, 42 Wardie Road, Trinity, Edin.

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EED 9.10.16
Wilson, Thomas J., Pte 40043 9th RS 13th RS 0634
Wilson, Thomas Pte 330390 8th RS 5146 Pte, 9th RS 0639
WILSON, Thos. F. City Chambers. Edinburgh (686) RSC
Wilson, Thos. J 4680 EB2
WILSON, Thos. Wm. Royal Bank House. Edinburgh. (3824) RSC
Wilson, Victor NBW

See also EED 4 May 15

Victor Wilson, David Wilson. Wounded privates in the “Dandy Ninth”, the
Wilsons are sons of Mr Wilson, manager of Leith tramways, and Mrs Wilson, 313
Leith Walk.
Handwritten: Grandsons of Wilson ?Hesbulshaw near ?Pennant
Wilson, Victor Private 9th NBW-S
WILSON, W. Pte. No. 352468 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Wilson, William 275238 Gem 9th RS taken PoW Nurrlie 23.3.18. Middlesborough -
20.12.91. 95 Smeaton St, Armsby, Middlesborough.
Güstrow 28.8.18
Wilson, Wm Pte RS 275238 VM&BWM
Wilson, W.M 4094 EB2
Wilson, William G., Pte 42812 11th RS 9th RS 0634
WILSON, William Muirhead WWR
Edinburgh, 1898; only son of Mr. J. Wilson, Edin.; 1903 – 15; O.T.C., 1914 – 15;
Dux and Gold Medalist 1915; 1st XV. 1914 – 15, 2nd XI. 1914; Edin. Univ., Arts
1915, medicine 1918; Edin. Univ., Half Blue for Golf 1919, Winner of Club Gold
Medal; 9th R.S., Pte.; trans. 5th S.R., L/Cpl. 1917; France 1916 – 17, Somme,
Arras; wounded Apr. 1917; dischd. Mar. 1918.
George Watson's College; First XV. O.T.C. 1914-15. Student of Arts and
Medicine, 1915 and 1917. Anatomy Staff, 1919. O.T.C. Infantry, Oct. to Dec.
1915, Cadet L/Corporal. 9th Royal Scots, Private Dec. 1915; L/Corporal April
l9l7. 1/5th Scottish Rifles. France 1916-17; Somme, Arras. Wounded. Invalided
out March 1918.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Wilson, William Pte 59954 1/9th RS Pte 0641
Wilson, William R., Pte 62883 9th RS 0636
Boroughmuir School. Student of Arts, 1911-14. 9th Royal Scots (T.), Private

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1911. R.E. (Special Brigade), Corporal 191 5. R.F.A., 2nd Lieut. 1918-19.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Windle Pte A Coy -
‘Windle is a “dark horse” too and deserves special mention’ – 100 yds race.
Gas Helmet Race, winner ‘he positively pranced home’
2/9th Bn games Terling Park 22 Jul 16.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Windle Pte ran 880 yds, gave a good lead as member of winning relay team 2/9th -
Bn, 65th Divisional Games, Hylands Park 9th Aug 16.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
WINDLE, H. Pte. No. 351785 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Windle, Herbert Pte 351785 9th RS 4976 Pte, 12th RS 351785 0640
- -
Window, Arthur C., Pte 335709 8th RS 8397 Pte, 9th RS 0640
- -
Window, Arthur C., Pte RS 8397, 335709 VM&BWM
‘This is my grandad. We have photographs of him in uniform and letters from a
prisoner of war camp when he was captured at ypres. As far as we know he was a
stretcher bearer when he was captured. When he was repatriated he was sent to
Scotland to be fattened up before he was returned to his family as he weighed only
6 stone.’ Attached to MIC on ancestry by gill15639
Arthur Cyril Window, Marteville 22.3.18, Stendal
1.11.95 Kilnhurst. Mutter L. Window, Goldthorpe, Yorks.
Headed Metz 30.9.18
335709 1/9 RS C (another place has A)
List of repatriated arriving Dover 2.12.18
Wing, A. Pte 9/559 10th Nor. Reg. 30/9/15 (1) 9th RS 353226 Pte Disc. 22/7/17 2610
- -
Albert Wing, Norf R Pte 9/559, RS Pte 353226
15Star&BWM&VM SWB France 30.9.15
Wing, Albert 353226, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Badge No. 130608
Pte 9RS 5.9.14-22.7.17 sickness xvi served overseas age 23 SWB
Wing, Albert Pte 353226 9 R Scots, wheelwright from Suffolk. Essex Regiment, -
joined Chelmsford 5.9.14 transferred 2/9th 2.2.17. Rheumatism Jan 1916 at Ypres,
invalided home then troubled with breathlessness on leaving Newcastle hospital
May 16 – heart disease. Discharged 22.7.17. Degree of disablement 1/2., awarded
pension. Address 30 George St, Brandon, Suffolk.
Short Serice Attestation 1914
Winning, Walter Pte 51891 17th HLI 29945 Pte, 9th RS 0636
- -
Walter Winning HLI Pte 29945, RS 51891

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Widow Margaret
Pension Ledger
[reference to death, but none of usual supporting documents, there was a man of this
name 19400 d.30.3.16 16RS]
Winstanley, H 2743 EB1
[A few men with this name found, but not RS]
Winter, Robert B., L/Cpl 51884 9th RS attd 12th HLI 0636
Winter, William Pte 352176 9th RS 5495 Pte 0640
- -
KIA Fa Charles Mo Isabella
Register Effects
WINTER, William, b. Forfar, e. Forfar, 352175, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 20/09/17, FORMERLY 133985, RH. & R.F.A., 25443, R.
SCO. FUS., Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WINTER, WILLIAM, W, Private, '352175', 9th Bn., 26, 20/Sep/1917, Belgium,
Winterbottom, Harry 3035 EB1
Winterbottom, Harry 3035,[*], Badge No. 45056
Pte 9RS 11.1.15-19.5.16 sickness xvi did not serve overseas
SWB Roll and MIC
Disch 19.5.16 b.1896 Disability, res ‘Treams-oth-hught’? NW England
Pension Ledger
?Harry Winterbottom b.~1896 Pendleton, Lancs, address 5 Stapleton Dr, Irlams
Oth Height, Pendleton, Manchester = Irlams o’ th’ Height
Van Lad, Co-op
?1911 Census SWB
Winton, Duncan 3645 EB2
- ?
?Duncan Winton RS Pte 353844 [included for six digit number, not a particularly
good match to 4 digit], Lab C 603742 VM&BWM MIC and Lab C medal roll piece
1861. b.1895, res Canongate, Edin, disch 18.2.19, age 29 Pension Ledger
WINTOUR, A G, Private, '2840', 2nd/9th Bn., 17, 6/Sep/1915, United Kingdom,
WINTOUR, Angus G., e. Edinburgh, 2840, PRIVATE, Died, Home, 06/09/15, SD
Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Wintour, Angus G., Pte, 2/9th
Died Dundee Royal Infirmary on 6th 18 yo. Youngest son of J.C. Wintour of 2
Glenisles Gardens, Edin.
The Scotsman 7 Sep 15
In Memoriam The Scotsman 6 Sep 16
Wintour, Angus George, Pte 2/9th attd 5th Scottish Provisional Battalion, 2840
d. 6.9.15 age 18 buried Morningside, Edinburgh. b. Edinburgh -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots
Angus George Wintour 5th Scottish Prov Bn 2/9th Royal Scots Pte 2840,
pneumonia 6.9.15 Dundee, fa James ?C.
Register Effects
Angus George Wintour 2840 2/9RS 24.11.14
2 Glenaisle Gardens, Edinburgh
Apparent age 17y7mos, medical Edinburgh 24.11.14 by John Cumming
Signed Maj DH Huie 24.11.14, witness WF Gordon?
Transf 5 Scot Prov Bn 20.5.15
Death 6.9.15, appendicitis and pneumonia. Character good. Signed Dundee.
Royal Infirmary, Dundee adm 22.8.15. Some medical details.
Fa James Crawford, mo Christina Elsbeth?, same address, siblings listed
B Coy 9th (Res) RS, signed Maj Gordon
Transf to D Coy ?
Home 24.11.14-6.9.15
Service Records
WISHART, G. Sergt. No. 85. Severe, wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, -
No.2, 1st November 1916
Wishart, G. Sgt 350010 (crossed out) 85 24/2/15 (1) Comm HLI 11/3/17 2610
- -
Gordon Wishart
Thomas Shepherd
9RS Sjt 85 350010, 2/Lt Lt HLI
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15 comm 11.3.17
20 Roseneath Pl, Edinburgh
Sgt Gordon Wishart 85 RS
Enlisted 6.4.08, disch 11.2.17
Pension Record [2 pages, states no service docs]
Wishart, Gordon Sgt 350010 9th RS 85 Sgt 0640
[Almost certainly had Volunteer Force service before TF]
Wishart, Gordon, Sgt
Son of Mr Thomas Wishart, cabinet maker, 27 Panmure St, Arbroath. Wounded in
the head at Ypres. Now in hospital in Rouen. Prev Board of Agriculture. Resided
with wife in Edin.
EED 1 May 15
See Wilshart, Gordon
Srgt Gordon Wishart, 9RS, son of Mr Thomas Wishart, 27 Panmure St, was
wounded in the head during the recent fighting at Ypres. He is in Rouen Hospital.
Prior to war he resided in Edinburgh, where he was employed by the Board of
Montrose, Arbroath & Brechin Review 17.5.15
Lt Gordon Thomas Shepherd Wishart 1884-1940 -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

b.11.3.1884 in Dundee
Boy copywriter in the War Office 1900, attested 9RS 6.4.08, assistant clerk
Arbroath 1911, board of agriculture Edinburgh by 1914
Married nurse, Harriet Daisy Stewart Mawer 5.11.14
GSW to head at Second Ypres, hosp Rouen. Comm HLI 11.3.17, possibly
attached To Labour Corps Agricultural Company, Lewes, East Sussex later in
See website for further information
General Register of Sasines, Edin, assistant clerk LG 2.12.04
Transfer Assistant Clerk from Register House Edinburgh to Board of Agriculture
(Scotland) LG 1.4.13
HLI Cadet to be 2/Lt and to be seconded to 21st Bn HLI 11.2.17 LG 9.3.17
Wishart, J, 2/Lt. 4th RS joined for duty 8 June 1917, wounded 19 Sept 1917 WD
Wishart, J. 2/Lt. 4th RS. proceeded to demobilization Jan 1919 WD
Wishart, John, (M.A.) Captain (mentioned) 92-97
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
Wishart, John, Capt. Mentioned in Despatches
George Heriot’s Roll of Honour (1921) -
George Heriot's School. M.A. 1901 Schoolmaster. 9th Royal Scots, Private
Dec. 1915, 2nd Lieut. April 1917; Captain Oct. 1918. Education Officer, 15th
Division. France. Dispatches March 1919.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Captain John Wishart
b.1879 Edinburgh, enlisted 4.2.15, F&F 30.5.15
S4/064748, 4019
61st Depot Unit of Supply, Army Service Corps
1/5th QER RS
1/9th RS
‘The details I have online don’t quite match up with the chap mentioned in the
Edinburgh University roll of honour...There are two Johns who were captains in
the RS, one from Edinburgh, the other Kirkcaldy. Unfortunately their service
papers (over 70 documents) at the National Archives are mixed in with each other’
John Wishart

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?John Wishart RS Lt, Capt VM&BWM Emblems

France 1.6.17. 2 Savil Pl, Edin.
WISHART, W.M. Pte. No. 6576 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Wishart, William Muir, 2/Lt
William Muir Wishart was born at 3 Mulberry Place in Edinburgh on 22 May
1885. He was educated at the prestigious George Heriot’s School and in 1911
William’s time was divided between working as an Insurance Clerk and as a part
time student.
He had been attending Edinburgh University, and on 26 November 1915 whilst he
was employed as an actuarial clerk, William visited the recruiting office on
Frederick Street and enlisted under the Derby Scheme with the 9th Battalion Royal
Private 6576 William Muir Wishart was described as being 5 feet 5½ inches in
height, weighed 10 stone 3lbs and with good physical development and was sent
to the army reserve on 1 December.
Six months later on 14 June 1916 William joined the Edinburgh University
Officers' Training Corps, serving as a Cadet Private. A formal application to join
an Officer Cadet Unit was made and was duly accepted and William was sent to
join the No.8 Officer Cadet Battalion at Lichfield on 5 October.
On 24 January 1917, William’s commission came through, and he was appointed
the rank of Second Lieutenant in the 8th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders. The
position was gazetted a month later on 26 February, and overseas service followed
shortly afterwards when William joined his battalion in France on 19 March

See ‘Wisharts Who Served’
see also
‘Although he enlisted with the 9th, I don’t believe William Muir ever actually
joined them as he was still a cadet at the time and gained his commission with the
Seaforths’ Scott Wishart
Seaforths 2/Lt, Lt VM&BWM France 19.3.17. 38 Gosford Place, Edin. MIC -
Withers Cpl B Coy 3rd Gas Helmet Race -
2/9th Bn games Terling Park 22 Jul 16.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Withers, S 2666 EB1

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Withers, Stanley 2666
260 Upper Chorlton Rd, Whalley Range, Manchester
Attested 11.11.14, age 17, non conformist, no previous service, Home service.
Withers, S 2666 B Coy LS7
Withers, S 2666 L/Cpl B Coy to be paid Cpl 10.6.16 2/9th Bn The Leather Sporran, -
Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
WITHERS, S. Corpl. No. 2666 B Coy. To be paid Acting L/Sergt. 22/8/16, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Withers, Thomas R., Pte 44375 9th RS 0635
- -
Witherspoon, James Pte 251010 5th RS 3482 Pte, 2nd RS 9th RS 0638
- -
b.1900 [?], disch 19.3.19 disability, res Edinburgh
Pension Ledger
J. Witherspoon Pte RS 251070 [note number] 1.9.14-18.3.19 s xvia age 22
SWB Roll
Wittenberg, B. Pte 5890/8 9RS [looks like slash / in number]
British Jewry Book of Honour -
Wittenberg, H. Pte 5889/8 9RS [looks like slash / in number]
British Jewry Book of Honour -
Wittenberg, J. Pte 330793 9RS
British Jewry Book of Honour -
Wellwood, T.G. 2821 H Coy [looks like Wollwood] LS2
Wood Bandsman -
Cornet solo at Bn concert 2/9th 23 June 16 YMCA tent, Terling
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Wood Bandsman B Coy 1st in Band Race -
2/9th Bn games Terling Park 22 Jul 16.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Cornet solo
Essex Weekly News 26.5.16
WOOD L/Corpl.B Coy. B and D Companies met in the final of the Royal Scots -
Football Competition to decide which team would go to Fermoy to represent the
Battalion in the Brigade Championships. Winner – D Coy. Score 2-1 21st Apr 17,
.Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Wood Pte ‘the “Boys” of the Staff, all E.F. men’ -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Depot Staff. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.

WOOD, Alexander Drylaw Gardens. Blackhall. Edinburgh. (5974) RSC
WOOD, A. Pte. No. 2495 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
WOOD, A. Pte. No. 2495 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Wood, A. Pte 2495 24/2/15 (1) Comm G-Hrs 24/1/17 2610
Wood, Alex B 3782 EB2
Wood, Alexander -
Witness to papers Angus Litster (qv)
Wood, Alexander 2038 EB1
WOOD, Alexander No. 2038. 55 Marchmont Rd., Edinburgh. B Comp. 25/8/14. EBD
17 yrs 9 mons
Wood, Alexander Pte 2495 comm 4th GH 4.1.17 0629
Wood, Alexr. 2495 EB1
Wood, Bruce Lt 9 RS (Highlanders), mourner of father John Wood, solicitor, -
The Berwick Advertiser 28.1.16
Wood, D 2554 A Coy LS4
WOOD, D. Pte. No. 25?6?4. 22/7/16 (wounded 3?0/5/15), missing, The Leather -
Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November 1916
Wood, D. Pte 2554 4/5/15 (1) P-D 23/7/16 2610
Wood, David 2554 EB1
WOOD, David, b. Melrose, Roxburghshire, e. Edinburgh, 350505, A/L/CPL., SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/07/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment),
9th Battalion.
WOOD, DAVID, D, Lance Corporal, '350595', 9th Bn., , 23/Jul/1916, France, CWGC
Wood, David, Pte 2554 0629
Wood, F. 2/Lt. escorted POW Comp 4 Apr 1919 WD
Wood, G 2939 C Coy LS2
WOOD, G. Pte. No. 2939, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Wood, G. (2939) Edinburgh Evening News, 18th June 1915. The War Office list
of casualties published today, reported to be wounded.
Also Daily Record 18.6.15 -
Wood, George 2939 EB1
Wood, George J., Pte 63163 9 RS 0636
Wood, H 2667 EB1
Wood, H 2667 G Coy LS2
WOOD, H. Pte. No. 2667. 27/6/16 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
Wood, Henry Pte 2667 0629
Wood, Henry Sgt 352998 9th RS 6886 Sgt. attd 183rd Inf. Bde. 352998 0640
WOOD, Henry, e. Manchester, 2667, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & SD
Flanders, 27/06/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.

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WOOD, HENRY, H, Private, '2667', 1st/9th Bn., 22, 27/Jun/1916, France, SON
Wood, J 2994 E Coy LS2
Wood, J 3896 L/Cpl B Coy LS7
WOOD, J. Pte. No. 2994, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Wood, J.G 2191 EB1
Wood, J.G, Pte WTC
Wood, James Pte 376052 9th RS 0640
Wood, John 3896 EB2
Wood, John 4390 EB2
Wood, John McC 4601 EB2
Wood, John McC Pte 351637 9th RS 0640
Wood, John Moir 2994 EB1
Wood, John S., L/Cpl 302319 17 K.R.Rif.C. C/4175 Rfm, 5/6th RS 9th RS
Wood, John t., Pte 201964 9th RS attd 10th Ent. Bn. 0637
Wood, John W., Pte 351749 9th RS 0640
WOOD, John William, b. Leeds, e. Leeds, 351749, PRIVATE, Killed in action, SD
France & Flanders, 08/09/17, FORMERLY 26514, W. YORKS REGT., Royal
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WOOD, JOHN WILLIAM, J W, Private, '351749', 9th Bn., 33, 8/Sep/1917,
Wood, Lawrence Pte 47823 9th RS 0635
Wood, M. Pte 2667 24/2/15 (1) K in A 27/6/16 2610
Wood, P 2668 EB1
Wood, p 2668 G Coy LS2
Wood, P. Pte 350652 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 3/3/19 2610
Wood, Peter Pte 350652 9th RS 2668 0640
WOOD, R. Pte. No. 351343 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st
June 1917 -
WOOD, R. Pte. No. 351343 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
WOOD, R. Pte. No. 3914, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
WOOD, R.E.F. L/Corpl. No. 351963 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Wood, Richard E.V. Pte 351963 9th RS 5237 Pte, 11th RS 351963 0640
- -
Wood, Robert 3914 EB2
Wood Bandsman -
Cornet solo – assume 2/9th
Essex Weekly News 26.5.16
Wood Sgt, detailed reconnaissance party 11 Nov 18 WD

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WOOD, W.A. Unpaid A/L/Corpl. No. 351740. B. Coy. , To be Paid Acting -

L/Corpl., from 27/3/17, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Wood, W.B, Pte, Imperial Yeomanry; E Coy 9th RS FSA
Wood, W.E. 3775 B Coy LS7
Wood, W.S. 3159 B Coy LS7
Wood, Walter 3159 EB1
Wood, William H., Pte 44303 9 RS 0635
Wood, William Pte 352024 7th RS 1478 Cpl, attd R.A.M.C. 1478 Cpl, 9th RS 352024 0640
WOOD, William, e. Edinburgh, 352024, PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & SD
Flanders, 27/05/17, FORMERLY 1478, R.A.M.C., Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WOOD, WILLIAM, W, Private, '352024', 9th Bn., 23, 27/May/1917, France,
Wood, Wm. E 3775 EB2
WOODHOUSE L/Corpl. , First Round Knock Out Company Football Matches. A -
Coy. versus B. Coy. Won by B. Coy, Wed 18 Apr 17. Score 4 -1. This man B
Coy. Battalion Sports, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Woodhouse Pte B Coy 3rd High Jump -
2/9th Bn games Terling Park 22 Jul 16.
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 1, 1st Sept 1916
WOODHOUSE Pte. No. 4864 B Coy. Marksmen - General Musketry Course -
(started August 13th), The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Woodhouse, W 4864 EB2
WOODHOUSE, W. Pte. No. 4864. B. Coy. from 1/1/17 , To be Acting Unpaid -
L/Corpls, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
WOODHOUSE, W.A. L/Corpl. No. 351101. B.Coy. (Accelerated Promotion] -
27/3/17 , returned from a Course of Instruction, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4,
1st June 1917
Woodley, William C., L/Cpl 370124 12th E.Surr.R. 25608 Pte, 9th High.L.I. 334096, 0640
9th RS 370124
Woodsford, ( )? T 4149 [same no William Wilkie] EB2
Wooldrige, Thomas 3720 EB2
Wooldrige, Thomas N., Pte 351210 9th RS 3720 Pte, 5/6th RS 351210 0640
- -
Wooldridge, Thomas N [note spelling] RS Pte 3720 351210 VM&BWM MIC
See Woolridge
Woolley, Geo. 4491 EB2
Woolls, Richard J., Pte 351983 12th RS 351983 Pte, 9th RS 351983 Pte, attd 185th 0640
Tun. Coy.
WOOLRIDGE, T. Pte. No. 3720, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, -
1st Nov 1916. [Wooldrige]
WORRELL, E. Unpaid A/L/Corpl. No. 7521. D. Coy., from 27/2/17 , To be Paid -
Acting L/Corpl., The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Wortley, John 4608 EB2
Wotherspoon -

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D Coy 9th Royal Scots 1914

Collection of R.G. Thin (qv)
Wotherspoon, Henry Pte 375804 9th RS 375804 Pte, 12th RS 375804 Pte 0640
Wotherspoon, J.D. L/Cpl 1748 24/2/15 (1) Comm RS 30/11/15 2610
Wotherspoon, John D., L/Cpl 1748 entered theatre as Pte comm 2/7th RS 30.11.15 0629
- -
John David Wotherspoon Pte, L/Cpl 9/RS 1748; 12/RS Lt
15Star&BWM&VM Comm
France 24.2.15. Claim from OC 9th Div. 21.1.19
5 Eyre Cres, Edin.
Stewart Melville
Wotherspoon, L 3146 B Coy LS7
Wotherspoon, Lawrence 3146 EB1
- -
Lawrence Wotherspoon 3146 9/RS, 1/Scottish Rifles
26 Comiston Rd, Edin.
Attested 25.2.15, transferred 5th SR 11.9.16, posted 1st SR same day, depot 7.2.17,
3rd 11.1.18, Labour Corps 339 [359? 358?] Coy 14.3.18, no longer physically fit
16.4.18, ref 295 Coy LC. LC 535404. 1/SR as 6623, ?40394
c/o Mrs Mary Higgins (sister), 26 Comiston Rd, Edin.
Age on enlist 33yr330days. 2/9th RS 25.2.15
GSW injuries to ? vein and fracture of lower jaw due to enemy overseas. Disch
16.4.18. Presby.
France 31.8.16-5.2.17. GSW face 24.1.17 [with 1st Scottish Rifles]
Service record
Formerly Pte 40394 RS; LC 535404
BWM&VM Medal Roll LC Piece 1850
RS Pte 40394, 295 Coyex, Sco Rif. 535404. 25.2.15-16.4.18
Wray, Ernest 3036 EB1
Wright Sgt
Witness to offence, Malcolm, William A Coy, 3/9th, Sept and Oct 15 at Peebles -
Wright Sgt
Platoon Sgt in A Coy 3/9th, Jan 1916. B.C. Holmer IWM -
WRIGHT, A G, Serjeant, '350234', 1st/9th Bn., 21, 23/Apr/1917, France, SON OF
[363 Easter Road, Leith]
WRIGHT, A, Private, '1257', 9th Bn., 21, 5/Sep/1916, France, SON OF

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Wright, A. Pte 1257 24/2/15 (1) K in A 5/9/16 2610

WRIGHT, A. Pte. No 1257. 5/9/16 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
WRIGHT, A. Sergt. No. 1607, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Wright, A.G Lance Corporal 9th NBW-S
Wright, A.G. Cpl 350234 24/2/15 (1) K in A 23/4/17 2610
Wright, A.G., L/Cpl NBW

Also EED 13.5.15

Seriously wounded at Ypres, now in military hospital, Shorncliffe. His parents
reside at 363 Easter Road, Leith.
Signal Section, 9RS seriously wounded nr Ypres 23rd April. He is the second son
of Mr and Mrs AG Wright 363 Easter Rd, Leith, and is now in the Military
Hospital, Shorncliffe. His eldest brother is in the 10th Gordon Highlanders
(Kitchener’s Army) and his younger brother is serving with the 2/7th Royal Scots.
In civil life he was employed as a butcher with James S. Hynd, 39 Lorne St, Leith.
EED 10.5.15
MIC Wright, Alexander G. Cpl 350234, Sgt 1607, awarded 15 Star, France
Alexander George Wright Sgt 350234 23.4.17 in action, Mo Elizabeth M.
Register Soldiers’ Effects
? Alex G Wright b.~1896 Berwick to Alexander G Wright (32, railway porter -
goods) and Elizabeth (27), resident 7 Ballantyne Place, Leith
1901 Census
?Looking for father ?b.15.8.68 to George Wright and Jessie Munro ?d.1950 Edin.
This family tree has father b.1864, his parents George Wright 1842- and Helen
Watson 1841-1912, his wife Elizabeth b.1874 Edin, and our man AGW as born
1896, Berwick. Brothers are Geo M Wright b.1894, AGW 1896, Andrew Wright
1898 David Wright 1900.
?Looking for brothers. Geo M.W. in 10/GH there are MICs for Geo W. 11382,
265892 and Geo W. S/4837, later RE with a 15Star (9.7.15) and SWB. There are
Geo M.W.s but not listed as GH.
?Andrew Wright, RS, a number of possibles.
Note seriously wounded 23.4.15 and killed 23.4.17

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WRIGHT, A.J. [A.G.?] Sergt. No. 350234 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, -
Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Wright, Alec/Alex
Killed in communication trench near, thinks Hay, Ecurie, Arras, by minenwerfer
on his way to Coy HQ. Badly mutilated he died soon afterwards lying there.
Another chap was blown to bits. Friend of Bill Hay mentioned in IWM interview.

Lions Led By Donkeys (1985)
?Hay says twice he thinks it was Arras, then this would seem to be Sgt Alexander
George Wright from Leith killed 23.4.17 (though this would be Roeux not Ecurie).
However the description of A Coy minenwerfer attack and two deaths, and that he
also recalls leave after the Somme when he went to see mother of Wright, would
suggest Alexander Wright 1257 KIA 5.9.16. Question on GWF. -
Wright, Alexander G., Sgt 350234 9th RS 1607 Sgt 0640
WRIGHT, Alexander George, b. Berwick-on-Tweed, e. Edinburgh , r. Leith, SD
350234, SERGT., Killed in action, France & Flanders, 23/04/17, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Wright, Alexander Pte 1257 0629
WRIGHT, Alexander, b. Edinburgh, e. Edinburgh, 1257, PRIVATE, Killed in SD
action, France & Flanders, 05/09/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
Wright, Alexander, Pte, killed 5 Sep 16
In Memoriam, The Scotsman 5 Sep 22, inserted by his parents, 16 Broughton Rd
Pte 1257 Alexander Wright 5.9.16 in action, fa. William, sis Mary, bro Thomas
Register Soldiers’ Effects
Pte 9RS 1257 KIA 15Star&VM&BWM France 24.2.15
? Alexander Wright b.~1895 Edin. to William Wright (33, vanman) and Annie,
resident 4 Thirlestane Lane, Edin, sis Mary and bro Thomas.
1901 Census
?Two trees (A B) have Alexander Wright born 17.11.1891, 16 Lauriston Place,
Born 17.11.1894, fa William, mo Annie Mary Horne Wright, bro Thomas (joined
HLI to avenge older brother’s death), sis Mary.
1911 working as clerk
Parents alive when he died -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Information kindly supplied by Iona Dargie via Ancestry

1257 meant attested 1911/12
Photo from Ian Dargie is from Kilmarnock, hence camp at Riccarton 1911 when
Wright would have been 16. Shows Capt Alexander Taylor A Coy.
See J.L. Hood, killed the same day.
Great War Forum
Wright, Archibald Pte 44377 9th RS 0635
Wright, Arthur Pte 201501 9th RS 0637
Wright, Arthur Pte 44134 9th RS 0635
Wright, Claud W., Pte 351239 9th RS 3762 Pte 0640
Wright, Claude W 3762 EB2
Wright, David Pte 58965 9th RS 0636
WRIGHT, F. L/Corpl. No. 351811. A.Coy. [Qualified Anti-Gas Assistant -
Instructor] at Cork, 16/3/17 , returned from a Course of Instruction, The Leather
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Wright, H 4821 C Coy LS7
Wright, Harry 4821 EB2
WRIGHT, J.B. Pte. No. 350245 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Wright, James 4327 EB2
Wright, James B., Pte 350245 9th RS 1625, 12th RS 350245, 5/6th RS 350245 0640
- -
Wright, John 4512 EB2
Wright, John Pte 202598 16th RS 9th RS 0637
Wright, M.L. Pte 2299 24/2/15 (1) Comm Sea. Hrs. 15/11/15 2610
- -
Wright, M.L. Pte 2299 Sick Adm East Leeds War H 10 Jun 15
Casualty list from Bardess GWF post 458 p.19
Wright, Matthew L., Pte 2299 comm 10th Seaforths 15.11.15 0629
Wright, Matthew Lind. 2299 EB1
Wright, P.G. (? G.P. written in pencil below entry) 2393 6th N. Staffs 5/3/15 (1) 9th 2610
RS 202081 Pte Comm. R.S. 26/3/18
Wright, R.W. Pte 2/9 RS trial at Limerick 26.1.17 WO 86/74 p.51 Desertion, loss -
of public property, 8 mnths detention, stoppages. Same date Ferguson, W.
Wright, S. Pte GS/EK/176 The Buffs 1/6/15 (1) 9th RS 48404 Pte Disc. 15/10/17 2610
Wright, Thomas 4121 EB2
WRIGHT, W. Pte. No. 3365. 22/7/16 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, -
Vol. 1, No.2, 1st November 1916
Wright, W. Pte 3365 12/10/15 Killed Acc- 24/2/16 2610
Wright, William
SC70/8/335/6 Will of 3365 Private William Wright, 9th Bn.or 1/9th, Royal Scots
(Lothian Regiment). Cause of death: Died of Wounds, No 30 Casualty Clearing
Station, France, France and Flanders, 24 July 1916 9 Oct 1915 Open -

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From John Duncan, Soldiers Wills, National Archives of Scotland. Place of death:
Field Ambulance, date of death followed by date of will. http://1914-
In loving memory of Pte Willie Wright 9RS who died in France 24.7.16 through
being accidentally wounded.
From his father nad mother, Templehall, Coldingham.
Berwickshire News & General Advertiser 23.7.18
Wright, William 3365 EB2
Wright, William Pte 3365 0629
WRIGHT, William, b. Coldingham, Berwickshire, e. Duns, Berwickshire , r. SD
Ayton, Berwickshire, 3365, PRIVATE, Died of wounds, France & Flanders,
24/07/16, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WRIGHT, WILLIAM, W, Private, '3365', 9th Bn., 19, 24/Jul/1916, France, SON
Wrightson, Charles E., Pte 335724 8th RS 8412 Pte, 9th RS 335724, attd 479 F. Coy. 0640
R.E., attd 5th Gord. Highrs
Wyartt, Jack Pte 202255 1st E.Surr. R. 3/31080 Pte, 9th RS 0637
- -
WYLIE, A.W. Corpl. No. 1222, wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
WYLIE, A.W. Sergt. No. 1222 , Commissioned from Officer Cadet Unit, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
Wylie, A.W. Pte 350073 (crossed out) 1222 24/2/15 (1) Comm KOSB 8/2/17 2610
Wylie, Andrew W., Private, B Company NBW

Wounded near Ypres, April 23rd. Dated 5/5/15.

See also EED 5.5.15

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Wylie, Andrew W., Private, B Company, wounded 23 Apr and is now in a

convalescent home nr Manchester. Linotype operator in the Scotsman office. Son
of Bandmaster J. Wylie, 85 McDonald Rd.
The Scotsman 5 May 15
Andrew Wright Wylie MC, 9RS Pte 1222 350073; 3rd attd 1/KOSB [KOSK
written] Lt. 15Star&VM&BWM; TEM AO NOV [NOU?] 1440
Comm 9.2.17. France 24.2.15
OC 87th Inf Bde submits medal claim.
26 Craighouse Ave, Edinburgh
Pte AW Wylie 9RS, wounded near Ypres April 23rd 1915. 83 McDonald Rd,
Cartoon and autograph GWF book from ‘Swiss finishing school’
The undermentioned from Officer Cadet Units to be 2/Lts 25.1.17
Andrew Wright Wylie, KOSB
LG 9.2.17 Special Reserve of Officers
Awarded Military Cross
Lt Andrew Wright Wylie 3rd Bn attd 1st Bn KOSB
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty near Gheluvelt on 28th September
1918. He advanced in command of a company 2,000 yards beyond the objective,
capturing a battery of artillery en route. On the 29th his company was the first to
reach the forward slopes of some high ground which it was essential to hold. On
the 2nd and 3rd of October, when the situation was critical, his company maintained
its position, keeping touch with the flanks, and sending in accurate reports.
Edinburgh Gazette 5.2.1919, also LG 1.2.1919
? Andrew W Wylie b.~1893 to John (stationer) and Agnes (nee Wright), address
27 Montgomery St, Edinburgh 1901 Census
At 26 Craighouse Ave, Morningside as late as 1970. British Phone Books
A.W. Wylie, OR Sergt, Hopewell ? Hipswell Camp, Catterick (with 3/9RS)
Signed papers Frederick Hislop (qv)
Wylie, Andrew W., Pte 350073 9th RS 1222 0641
WYLIE, Andrew Wright. M.C. 26 Craighouse Ave. Edinburgh. (4552) RSC
Wylie, John 3844 EB2
Wylie, John L/Cpl 351294 9th RS 3844 Pte 0640
- -
(L/C) Pte KIA Fa John
Register Effects
WYLIE, John, e. Edinburgh, 351294, L/CPL, Killed in action, France & Flanders, SD
20/09/17, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
WYLIE, JOHN, J, Lance Corporal, '51294', 9th Bn., 23, 20/Sep/1917, Belgium,

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Wylie, Thomas, L/Cpl

Armadale & District War Memorial Association
[Cannot find further references] -
Wynn, John A/CSM 34375 2nd RS Sgt, 16th RS Sgt, 12th RS Sgt, 9th RS Sgt 0641
Mentioned by William Dea, June 1917 as a ‘local lad’ to Juniper Green
Diary of Pte William Dea, transcribed by Malcolm Fergusson -
Wynne, S.T. 5131 C Coy LS7
[Cannot find MIC]
YARROLL, John. 5 Comely Bank Place. Edinburgh. (5201) RSC
Yates, Frank Pte 352774 9th RS 352774 Pte, 12th RS 352774 0640
Yates, Frank Pte 352890 9th RS 0640
Yates, Tam - see Yeatts
Yeadon, Harry Pte 301988 9th RS 0639
- -
4.12.15-11.4.18 wounds xvi B1 age 26, served overseas
SWB Roll
Res Dorfield Shipley, NE England. b.1892 disch 11.4.18
Pension Ledger
Yeats 2/Lt Joined 1/9th spring/summer 15 from 2/9th. The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, -
No 1, 1st Sept 1916
Yeats, B.E., 2nd Lt, joined Btn 8th May 15, 10th May “sent to Hospital suffering WD
from shock due to shell fire.” ?
- -
Yeats, B.E.
? There is a B.E. Yeats who was a rugby forward at St Peter’s School, York in

Photo, March 1905

“B. E. YEATS (1904-5) A hard-working forward, always on the ball. Very good
in the line-out.”. Rugby captain in July 1905. “B. E. Yeats. Day-Boy, V. Classical,
1st XV. colours '04 -05, Hockey colours '03, '04, Captain of Hockey '05. Came
Sept.,1901.”. By Oct 05 playing for the Old Boys.
In “Cambridge letter” of Old Peterites ‘Yeats has been seen playing hockey…he
divides his leisure time between manoeuvres and higher theology’ Apr 1908
Yates 10.5.15 ‘As I thought Yates nerves would not stand the show and he has
gone back. He ought never to have come out with nerves in the condition he’s in’
Bennet Clark, T.W. Letters written by sons to mother during WWI, Ref: 1994.106,
National War Museum Scotland Library, Edinburgh Castle
Yeats, B.E. 2/Lt

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Officers 9th RS, Tatler 1915

J. Quinn IWM Document 5922 seems to refer to him, “the officer who brought out
our draft to the wood”, “wind-up mountains high”
B.E. Yeats 2/Lt 9RS NW/8/23886 – no further information MIC, nor TNA of
2/Lt B.E. Yeats RS
British Army Lists
Yeats, B.E. to be 2/Lt (Jan.15[1914]) The Times 4.2.14

Lt B.E. Yeats RS, HU125330, purchased Feb 18
? Basil E Yeats (3) born York to George (Vicar of Heworth) and Rosa Bertha
Yeats, about 1888, one of 8 children
Holy Trinity Vicarage, Monk, York, parish of St Cuthbert. Heworth Holy Trinity.
1891 Census
Largely as above but spelt Basel
1901 Census
Birth cert Jul-Aug-Sep 1887 at York
? Basil Edward Yeats, resident 34 Clifton rd, Wallington, Mitcham, Surrey 1937
[cannot access records US border crossing from Canada, and shipping list]
[older sister, Monica K. Yeats b.Jan-Feb-Mar 1885 at Barnet, Lyonsdown
Vicarage, Monica Kathleen Balderstone Yeats 1911 Census in Kent with brother
Thomas Flasby Yeats, d.1944 Chichester, spinster. BWM&VM Medal Roll Driver
British Committee, French Red Cross, Macedonia (2a) 5.17 to 6.18 and France
(1a) 8.18 to 11.18][Yeats, Monica K.B. chauffeur 5.8.18-2.1.19 listed in ‘Angels
of Mercy’ by Eileen Crofton (Scottish Women’s Hospital at Royaumont), first to
enter Fourmies after Armistice][French Red Cross, under Women’s Services,
DCMs and MMs. TNA MIC][RedCrossOrg]
2/Lt Basil E. Yeats resigns his commission 22.10.15 RS

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

London Gazette 21.10.15

Newspaper search requires subs. Yorkshire 1912
?also expect something in Church times from ukpressonline?
Yeats, B.E., 2nd Lt. 15 Jan 14 W
YEATTS, T. L/Sergt. No. 897, wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, 1st -
November 1916
Yeatts, T.G. L/Sgt 350045 24/2/15 (1) Z 18/2/19 2610
- -
Yeatts, T.G. Sergt. Wounded in the face by shrapnel, now in hospital in Rouen.
News to mother Mrs A.G. Yeatts, Dean Park Street, Comely Bank, Edinburgh. EED

Sergt. Wounded. His mother resides at 4 Dean Park St, Edin.

EED 8.5.15
CO Rhind (qv) made L/Sgt 7.5.15 vice Yeatts
Yeatts, Tam -
Platoon Sergeant, took over command of platoon on death of officer May 1915
? RWF Johnston refers to a Sgt Tam Yeatts (spelling?) in his IWM sound
RWF Johnston writes of Tam Yates, Platoon Sergt No 8 Platoon, B Coy early
May 1915 at Sanctuary Wood. Becomes Platoon Commander when Alastair
Macfarlane killed.
RWFJ says B Coy ‘had lost 6 NCOs in 6 days’, which might have included Yeatts.
If Yeatts wounded before 7 May how did he take over command 7 (?8) Platoon
from Macfarlane 12 May, or meet RWFJ who came to trenches 8 May?
August 1915 replaced by Aymer Maxwell, Tam Yeatts leaves B Coy to become
CSM of another Coy.
IWM document
Yeatts, Thomas G., CQMS 350045 9th RS 897 A/W.O.Cl.II 0640
- -
Yeatts, Thomas G. 9RS WO Cl II 897, L/Sjt 350045 15Star&VM&BWM, (Z) Res,
(1) France 24.2.15 MIC
YEATTS, Thomas G., Mr. 5 Wolseley Terr. Edinburgh. (1768) RSC
Yellowlees, John Pte 335423 1/8th RS 9th RS 0639
YERBURY, Edward R., Mr. 48 Comiston Rd. Edinburgh. (8612) RSC
?There is an E.O. Yerbury 2/Lt MGC (BWM&VM medal roll piece 2262) – but he
is Edgar Olyve Yerbusry (MIC)
Yorston, H.G. Pte 350484 24/2/15 (1) Disemb 16/2/19 2610
Yorston, Herbert G., A/Cpl 350484 9th RS 2277 A/Cpl 0640

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Yorston, Herbert G., R Scots A/Cpl 2277

9/R. Scots Pte. 350484
Victory, British and 15 Star medals
Theatre of war first served – France
Date of entry therein – 24/2/15
Assignments to the Clerical Class (Men)
Ministry of Pensions – Herbert George Yorston
The Edinburgh Gazette August 11 1922 -
Yorston, Herbert Geo. 2277 EB1
Young -
‘E.[?] Young’s brother … was wounded through the arm at the elbow.’
The wounded man is most likely WP Young, his brother James Roy Stephen
Young was also in the battalion
There is an Edward Young here but the initial is in question
10 Jun 15, Diary of James Lawson Cairns, transcribed by Margaret Donaldson
Young Lt -
Mentioned in War Diary and other places for instructing the Ninth in how to enter
trenches etc, on their arrival. Identified as an old-Ninth in the Diary of James
Lawson Cairns ‘Lieut. Young of 1st Royal Scots & an old member of the 9th’
See Young, Norman Mitchell
YOUNG, A. L/Corpl. No. 35320 , Died of Wounds, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 -
No.4, 1st June 1917
Young, Alexander L/Cpl 352320 2nd RS 12694 Pte, 9th RS 5651 Pte, attd 79th 0640
Young, Alexander Pte 26723 9th RS 0641
YOUNG, ALEXANDER, A, Lance Corporal, '352320', 9th Bn., , 22/Apr/1917,
France, CWGC
YOUNG, Alexander, b. Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire, e. Port Glasgow, 352320, SD
L/CPL, Died of wounds, France & Flanders, 22/04/17, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Young, Andrew Pte 30625 12th RS 1/9th RS 0633
Young, Arthur 18049 Pte. 15th R.Scots 9th R. Scots 0631
Young, C, Sgt, killed 20 Apr 15 WD
YOUNG, C. Pte. No. 1967, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
YOUNG, C. Sergt. No. 1127. 20/4/15 , KIA, The Leather Sporran, Vol. 1, No.2, -
1st November 1916
Young, C. Sgt 1127 24/2/15 (1) K in A 20/4/15 2610
- -
Sergt d.20.4.15, Helen widow, Christina Charlotte Ueland [?] child
Pension Ledger
Sgt Charles Young 1127
Age 23yr6mos when enlisted 31.3.1910 at Edinburgh 9RS
Cpl 5.4.13, L/Sgt 23.7.14, Sgt 20.8.14

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

Camp 1910, 1911, 1912. KIA 20.4.15 – 5yr20days

Wife Mrs Helen Young, c/o Mrs Clelland, 3 Caledonia Place, Edinburgh
Home 31.3.10-23.2.15, BEF 24.2.15-20.4.15
Service Record
Young, Charles McK., Pte 353551 9th RS 0640
- -
Enlisted 2.3.16-18.8.19 discharged, wounded 392 xvi, age 21
SWB Roll
Military Medal
Charles M. Young RS Pte 353551 CM&BWM
b.1899 res Boness disch 18.8.19 disability
Pension Ledger
Young, Charles Sgt 1127 0629
Young, Charles Sgt d. age 28 20.4.15 KIA
Return Other Ranks KIA or died on active service. ScotlandsPeople RD: 124-AF -
YOUNG, Charles, b. Midcalder, Midlothian, e. Edinburgh, 1127, SERGT., Killed SD
in action, France & Flanders, 20/04/15, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th -
Sgt 1127 20.4.15 KIA; Wid. Helen
Register of Soldiers’ Effects
YOUNG, CHARLES, C, Serjeant, '1127', 9th Bn., , 20/Apr/1915, Belgium, CWGC
Young, Charles, Private 9th NBW-S
Young, Charles, Srgt, ‘A’ Coy, No. 2 Platoon NBW

See also EED 26 Apr 15

C. Young Charles Young. Dated 26/4/15.
Third image: Intimation has been received in Edinburgh that Sergeant Charles
Young “A” Company, who resided at 3 Caledonian Place, Edinburgh, was killed
in action on the morning of the 20th inst. Prior to the war Sergeant Young was in
the service of the GPO, Edinburgh, where he commenced as a telegraph lad. He
was married in the beginning of June last year, and a baby girl was born to him the
day after the battalion left Edinburgh. Mrs Young had just posted a photograph of
the child to her husband, and the letter would reach France the day on which
Sergeant Young met his death.

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Mrs Young has received a touching letter from Colonel Blair, commanding the
“Ninth”, in which he says – “I knew your husband well and liked him much – for
his personal charm as well as his devotion to duty. Poor fellow he kept his head a
little too long above the parapet, and a German sniper must have been on the
watch, for he received a bullet in the head and died almost immediately. His body
will be removed to-night and brought back to the little cemetery at the edge of the
wood, where he will sleep his last sleep alongside several of his comrades and
amid the incessant roar of the guns of both sides and the whistle of bullets. A cross
with his name and regimental number will be erected to his memory, and you may
be sure his last resting place will be reverently cared for.”
Lieutenant Paulin, in a letter of sympathy to Mrs Young, says – “By the death of
your husband the battalion has lost one of its best sergeants and also the men of
No. 2 platoon a true friend.”
One of the youngest sergeants in the battalion, was shot through the heart. Before
the war he was a postman having been in the service a good many years,
commencing as a telegraph lad. Married only a month or two before mobilisation
he leaves behind a widow and a baby girl, born after the bn had gone to the front.
The Scotsman 26 Apr 15
Young, C., Srgt (1127) killed, reported from the Base under date 25th April.
The Scotsman 12 May 15
‘Sgt. Young of “A Coy.” was killed this morning’ 20 Apr 15
Diary of James Lawson Cairns, transcribed by Margaret Donaldson
Young, David W., Pte 44166 12th HLI 37140 Pte, 18th HLI 9th RS 0635
Young, Douglas L., A/Sgt 50742 17th RS Pte, 9th RS 0641
Young, Duncan 3765 EB2
Young, Duncan A/Cpl 351242 9th RS 351242 Pte 0640
YOUNG, Duncan Martin, Mr. Lanark Rd. Currie. (3129) RSC
Young, E. L/Cpl 1980 24/2/15 (1) Comm 24/6/16 2610
Young, Edward L/Cpl 1980 comm 19th King’s Liverpool 24.6.16 0629
- -
Edward Thomas Young 9RS L/Cpl, Cpl 1980, 19 King’s Liverpool 2/Lt
15Star&BWM&VM Comm
SWB List
France 24.2.15
7 Royson Terrace, Goldenacre, Edinburgh (1921)
See simply ‘Young’ for possible reference to a brother – but this seems like an
error in the initial
YOUNG, Edward Thomas, Mr., 7 Royston Terr. Edinburgh. 1/9th (373) RSC
YOUNG, F. Pte. No. 4380, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov -
Young, Frank Pte 301801 1/9th RS 0639
Young, Fred 4380 EB2
Young, Frederick B., Pte 351556 9th RS 4380 Pte, 11th RS 351556 0640
Young, H.J. Pte 350230 (crossed out) 1600 Commissioned. Off Cad Bn 9/11/18 2610

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Young, Hugh J., Pte 350230 9th RS 1600 [?L crossed out] comm RFC 20.6.17 0640
- -
Hugh Joseph Young
9RS Pte 1600, RFC, RAF Lt. Off Cad Bn, comm RFC 20.6.17
15Star&BWM&VM France 24.2.15
Medal claim OC 9th Bde RAF 21.3.19
Air OC RAF No 1 Stores Depot, Kidbrooke, London SE3
Hugh Joseph Young RS Pte 1600, Lt RFC and RAF
?HJ Young posted 83 Sqn 5.7.18
?HJ Young posted 11 Sqn 16.2.19
?HJ Young posted 58 Sqn 10.4.19, to Egypt with sqn 3.6.19
Young, J 2584 EB1
[Can find no further evidence]
YOUNG, J. Corpl. No. 4184. C. Coy. [Qualified as Assistant Instructor, Anti- -
Gas] at Cork, 26/2/17 , returned from a Course of Instruction, The Leather
Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st June 1917
YOUNG, J. L/Corpl. No. 4184. B Coy. To be paid Acting L/Corpl. 2/9/16, The -
Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Young, J., Sergt. Address 1902: 3 Ferguson Place, Duddingston. F
[Cannot find address]
Young, James H., Pte 352444 9th RS 5775 Pte 0640
- -
Young, James Pte 301539 11th RS 9th RS 0639
Young, James Pte 62563 9th RS attd 5th Gor. Hrs. 0636
Young, James Roy Stephens 9th RS, RAF
Beginning of war/on joining Pte; End of war Lt. Distinguished Flying Cross.
Mediterranean 1917-18, Caucasus 1918.
The Glasgow Academy roll of honour, 1914-1918 (1933)
Edinburgh Institution. M.A. (Hons. Hist.) 1912. Schoolmaster. 9th Royal
Scots, Private April 1917. R.N.A.S., Temp. Sub.-Lieut. (Observer) Aug. 1917,
Royal Air Force, Temp. Lieut. (Observer) April 1918. D.F.C. Dec. 1918.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
YOUNG, James Roy Stephens (EI 1903-1907)
Roy Young had a long and distinguished connection with the School. After
graduating in Arts at Edinburgh University and training as a teacher at Moray
house he joined the staff in 1914. In 1930 he became Senior History Master and
Deputy Headmaster and was appointed Headmaster of Melville College in 1945,
an office he filled until his retiral in 1955. During the First World war he saw
service with both the Royal Scots and the Royal Naval Air Service, gaining the
award of the Distinguished Flying Cross in 1918. In the Second World war he was
Mentioned in despatches while serving with the RAF. He died in June 1968.
Distinguished Former Pupils.pdf, Stewart’s Melville College -

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Index of 9th Royal Scots
James Roy Stephens Young b.12.11.1890; James Ray Stephens Young RNAS?
James Roy Stephens Young RFC Naval Wing (RNAS) Probationary Oberver
Officers (tempy) 14 July 17. Serving - Eastchch
Navy List and here
James R S Young, Tempy Proby Observer Offrs to be tempy Observer Sub-Lieuts
18.1.17, LG 27.11.17
?Lt JRS Young DFC transferred to unemployed list 12.6.1919 LG 29.7.1919
Young, James Roy Stephens DFC RAFVR Sqn Ldr 4 (C) OTU 17 Group, Coastal
Command RAF, mentioned in despatches. Home Service 1941-45
The Glasgow Academy Roll of Service 1939-45
[OTU on wikipedia]
Edinburgh Institution, 1832-1932. Edited by J. R. S. Young. A history, together
with records and registers. With plates 1933
James Roy Stephens Young 60626 28.1.41 Administration and Special Duties
Branch, commissioned Pilot Officer on probation LG 28.2.41
History 1912-13 Univ of Edin Calendar
JAMES Roy YOUNG.-(1895-1903)-Roy Young attended the Academy from 1895
to 1903 when he moved to Edinburgh and to Edinburgh Institution, now Melville
College, of which school he became Dux. He served in the 1914-1918 war with
the Royal Naval Air Service and the R.A.F. and was awarded the D.F.C. He
served again with the R.A.F. in the Second World War and was mentioned in
despatches. He graduated with Honours in History from Edinburgh University and
later joined the staff of Melville College where he became Second Master and, in
1945, Headmaster. He retired in 1955 after a most successful reign.
Lieut. James Roy Stephen Young.
A most skilful and gallant observer. This officer has taken part in long-distance
raids over an important enemy town, and has obtained most valuablie information
and photographs under very difficult conditions, displaying marked ability.
Edin Gaz 5.12.18, LG 3.12.18
[Can find no MIC for this man. Could be 2584 but no evidence]
?Brother to William Paulin Young (qv)
Young, John RS Cpl 351491, Lab C 511714 VM&BWM ?
Number looks like 9RS?

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YOUNG, James, e. Berwick-on-Tweed , r. Kelso, 301539, PRIVATE, Killed in SD

action, France & Flanders, 01/08/18, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th
YOUNG, JAMES, J, Private, '301539', 1st/9th Bn., 37, 1/Aug/1918, France, SON
Young, Jas. 4736 EB2
- -
James Young RS Pte 4736, 2/KOSB Pte 40891
BWM&VM Medal Roll Piece 1116 KOSB
Young, John 4184 EB2
YOUNG, John Irving, b. Carlisle, Cumberland, e. Carlisle, 5953, PRIVATE, SD
Killed in action, France & Flanders, 16/09/16, FORMERLY 25482, H.L.I., Royal
Scots (Lothian Regiment), 9th Battalion.
YOUNG, JOHN IRVING, J I, Private, '5953', "D" Coy. 9th Bn., 28, 16/Sep/1916,
Young, John J. (L. crossed out, handwritten text hard to read), 2nd HLI 25482 Pte, 0630
9th RS 5953 [John Irving Young]
Young, John Pte 352424 9th RS 5755 Pte 0640
- -
YOUNG, John, Mr. 'Dunedin' Cimla Rd. Neath. 2/9th. (9191) RSC
Young, N.M, 2nd Lt F1901
Young, Norman Mitchell F
Second Lieu 20th Oct 1908. Attached to Depot RS for one month. Born 23 Aug
1890. Son of Alexander Young. (Edinburgh Academy.) Chartered Accountant
Appointed to the battalion # 52
Edinburgh Academy; Athletics. Student of Law, 1911-13. 9th and 1st Royal
Scots, Private; 2nd Lieut. Dec. 1913; Lieut. India Dec. 1913. France Dec.
1914. Dispatches June 1915. Killed in action near Ypres on 23rd April

University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)

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Index of 9th Royal Scots

YOUNG, NORMAN MITCHELL, Lieut., 1st Battn. Royal Scots, eldest s.of
the late .Alexander Young, Director of Alexander Cowan & Sons. Paper Makers,
by his wife, Bessie P. Ravenslea, Trinity. Edinburgh. dau. of William and Selina
Hannah Cormack : b. Edin. 23 Aug. 1890; educ. Edinburgh Academy; joined
the 9th (Territorial) Battalion of the Royal Scots, .Aug. 1908, and was in
command of a company at the Coronation of King George V and Queen .Mary in
1911 (medal); passed into the Regular Army in 1913 and was gazetted 2nd Lieut.
10 Dec. 1913 ; promoted Lieut. Aug. 1914; served in India, Feb. to Oct. 1914,
and with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders. 19 Dec. 1914. to 23
April, 1915, on which date he was killed in action at the second Battle of Ypres.
He was mentioned in Sir John (now Lord) French's Despatch of 31 May, 1915. for
gallant and distinguished conduct in the field. His commanding officer.
Col. (now Brigadier) D. Callender wrote : " He was so brave always, so devoted to
his duty, such a favourite with both officers and men, that he will be the greatest
loss to the regt. In all my 28 years’ experience I have never met a young officer
who promised so well. He was so keen, so absolutelv reliable that I do not see how
I can ever replace him. He was hit by a shell killing him outright, so did not suffer
at all.” and again “He was one in a thousand. I had some time before
recommended him for the Military Cross for his constant good word and
bravery. He so thoroughily deserved it "; and Private J. T. Devlin : "Your son,
Mr. Young, joined my company when he came out to India ; when we were
ordered for active service he took charge of our platoon, and I took over Observer
to him and was by his side when he was killed. .My job in the trenches was to go
with the late .Mr. Young wherever he went, and believe me he was as brave an
officer as ever walked on to the field. I may state here that he was known in the
company as the best officer in it and he only missed four days in the trenches,
when he went down to Rouen for a draft of new men, and then the men could be
heard saying, “ Oh, how I wish Mr. Young was here ; you could always trust your
life in his hands."" Capt. Lucas of the 9th Battn. also wrote: “He told me he didn't
like burying his men without saying a prayer, and he just made one up as he went
along. For his sympathy in this way, these rough lads loved and respected him. I
was with them in the trenches at St. Eloi. and I could see very plainly they would
do anything for Norman. He was straight, dead straight in his dealings, and had no
affectation or false pride about him. and that is what we all like, simple, true,
honest, and with a kind and generous heart ; to know him was to love him.
Already we in the 9th Royal Scots had hoped that in the future he would be our
Adjutant, and that shows better than words can tell what we thought of him.”

Roll of Honour, Ruvigny, Vol I

Lt Norman M. Young

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Son of late Alex. Young of Ravenslea, Trinity, killed in action on Saturday. Edin
Academy and a member of the first XV. Five years an officer in 9RS, after study
at Aldershot and Edinburgh attached for six months to 1st Black Watch. Gazetted
2/Lt 1st Bn RS then in India. Came home with his regiment in the late autumn and
soon after went to the front in Belgium.
EED 29 Apr 15
The Late Lt Norman M. Young. A son of the late Mr Alexander Young and Mrs
Young. 1st Royal Scots formerly attached to 9th RS and the Black Watch. KIA

EED 3 May 15
Young, Norman Mitchell. Fellow who used to be in 9th then moved to the 1st a
year ago has been killed ‘greatly to our regret here. He was the most popular
officer the 9th ever had and our Transport Officer and Quartermaster were at the
funeral’ 1.5.15
Bennet Clark, T.W. Letters written by sons to mother during WWI, Ref: 1994.106,
National War Museum Scotland Library, Edinburgh Castle
Lt N.M. Young killed 23.4.15. ‘Our trenches were exposed to enfilade fire from a
light gun (or guns) and Lt Young and 2Lt Pecker were both killed by shell fire
from these guns.’

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Mentioned in Despatches, dated 31st May

1st RS War Diary WO95/2264/1

Huie Collection
Young, Norman Mitchell 1896-1908 b. 23 Aug 1890 s. of Alexander Young,
Ravenslea, Trinity Rd.
CA apprentice; 2/Lt 9RS; 2/Lt 1RS 1914
Address: Allahabad
Edinburgh Academy Register on
Young, NM 9RS score 3348
Competitive examination for Commissions in the Army, successful candidate for
regular army, held October
Army & Navy Gazette 8.11.13

RS Lindsay Collection
Young, Peter Pte 353523 9th RS 353523 Pte, 2nd RS 353523 0640
Young, R 4173 A Coy LS7
Young, R.D 2351 EB1
YOUNG, R.M.A. Pte. No. 2607, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916. [RMH?]
Young, R.M.H 2607 EB1
Young, R.M.H. Pte 2607 24/2/15 (1a) Comm 5 R.S. 8/9/15 2610
Young, R.M.H., Pte 2607 comm 5th RS 8.9.15 medal admin Air Ministry 0629
Young, Robert 4173 EB2
YOUNG, Robert Murray Hamilton WWR
Edinburgh, 1897; eldest son of Lt.-Col. T. Young, T.D.; 1903 – 13; O.T.C., 1910 –
13, Cpl.; farming; 9th R.S., Pte. Oct. 1914, 2/Lt. 1915; R.F.C. and 5th R.S., Lt.
1917; R.A.F., Capt. 1918; France 1915, Ypres, St. Eloi, Bapaume, Bullecourt,
Ypres, Polygon Wood and Passchendaele 1917; wounded Apr. 1915.
Young, Robert Murray Hamilton, 2/Lt, Lt, Capt. 5 R Scots.
Royal Scots 2607 Pte. RAF Capt. 31.1.17 to be Flying Officer seconded for duty
with the R.F.C.; 5.3.17 4 Sqn [2536 BE2c] Bad landing from practice flight. 2Lt
RMH Young/2Lt J Brodie; 4.4.17 4 Sqn [2532 BE2c] Badly hit by AA fire on
artly obs. 2Lt RMH Young/2Lt W Wallace

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Young, Thomas Pte 62713 9th RS 0636
Young, W 2547 C Coy LS7
- -
William Young RS Cpl 2547, Sco Rif 40325, MGC 151864
See Young, Wm.
YOUNG, W. Pte. No. 40325 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, 1st -
June 1917
Young, W.A. 1916 C Coy LS2
Young, W.A. Pte 1916 24/2/15 (1) Comm Ryl Hrs 18/9/15 2610
- -
Pte WA Young 9RS to Black Watch regular forces T/2/Lt dated 19.9.15
LG 1 Oct 15
YOUNG, W.G. Pte. No. 2497 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4, June -
YOUNG, W.G. Pte. No. 2497, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Young, W.G. 2497 B Coy LS1
Young, W.G. Pte 350570 24/2/16 Comm R-War 25/6/18 2610
Young, W.P 2357 EB1
YOUNG, W.P. Pte. No. 2357. 1/1/16 Awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal, -
The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st Nov 1916.
Young, W.P. Pte 2357 24/2/15 (1) Chaplaincy 27/1/16 2610
Young, William 4122 EB2
Young, William A Pte 1916 comm 2nd R High 18.9.15 0629
Young, William Alexander
Edinburgh. (Apprentice.)
Enlisted in 9th Royal Scots in August 1914. Went to France in February 1915, and
in September of that year obtained a Commission as Lieutenant in 2nd Royal
Highlanders (Black Watch). Left France in November 1915 and served till the end
of 1917 in Mesopotamia; thereafter in Egypt and Palestine. Was wounded in
Palestine on 8th June 1918 when leading his Company in an attack against the
Turks, being shot it is believed by a sniper. Died on 10th June 1918 from the
effects of his wound. Was acting Captain at the time of his death. Awarded the
Military Cross and twice mentioned in Dispatches.
Roll of honour of members of the Society of Writers to His Majesty's Signet, and
apprentices 1914-1919
Young, WA, Pte, 9th RS
Former Student University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour 1914
Edinburgh Institution. Student of Law, 1912-14. 9th Royal Scots, Private
Aug. 1914. 2nd and 3rd Royal Highlanders (Black Watch), 2nd Lieut. Sept.
1915; Captain. France Feb. 1915. Mesopotamia Nov. 1915 ; Egypt and
Palestine 191 8. Twice mentioned in Dispatches. M.C. Aug. 1917. Wounded in
Palestine on 8th and died on 10th June 1918. -

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University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)

Young, William A., Pte
Society of Writers to HM Signet, apprentice, serving
The Scotsman 31 Dec 14
Young, William G., Pte 350570 9th RS 2497 Pte, attd 16th War. R., attd 1/2nd (H) 0640
Fld. Amb., attd 5th Ent. Bn. 350570, 16th RS
Young, William P., corrected from just William, Pte 2357, appointed to 0629
Chaplaincy in the Field 27.1.16
Glasgow Academy; First XI. M.A. 1906. Minister, U.F. Church of Scotland.
9th Royal Scots (T.), Private Sept. 1914; Wounded and Discharged Jan. 1916.
Chaplain, 4th Class, Feb. 1916, 5th Seaforth Highlanders. Royal Air Force
A.P.C., April to May 1919. Prisoner of War March to Nov. 1918. France
1915. Dispatches May 1918. D.C.M. Jan. 1916; M.C.June 1919.
University of Edinburgh Roll of Honour (1921)
Young, W.P., Pte
D.C.M., Listed in Honours as 9th RS
Young, (Rev.) Wm. P., M.A., Pte R; wounded; DCM; invalided; Chaplain;
reported missing, now a prisoner.
The Glasgow Academy roll of honour, 1914-1918 (1918)
Young, William P.
9th RS; Royal Army Chaplains Department
Beginning of war/on joining Pte; End of war Chaplain (3rd Class). Wounded June
1915. Prisoner of War March 1918. Mentioned in Despatches twice. DCM. MC.
France and Belgium 1915 and 1917-18.
The Glasgow Academy roll of honour, 1914-1918 (1933)
Author 'A Private' from “9th Royal Scots (T.F.), B Company on active service
from a private's diary, February-May 1915”, Turnbull and Spears, Edinburgh,
1916. With an identical quote (‘The enemy had burned their boats…’) from Cecil,
Hugh and Liddle, Peter H (editors), ‘Facing Armageddon’, Pen & Sword, 2003,
p.326 identifies ‘A Private’ as Rev. W.P. Young. In addition the copy in the
Edinburgh Castle Museum Library has had a name handwritten beneath the title
page as “Rev. Wm. P. Young”
This book also listed under name ‘England’, Subject Index 1922
? Probably POW Young, William, Capt, Army Chaplains Dept., Louvervel
21.3.1918 Rastatt., 10.11.86. Edinburgh. Rev. Dr. Young. 14 Zetland Place,
Trinin, Edinburgh. PA 26213

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Pte W.P. Young ‘B’ Coy, a son of Rev Dr Young, ex-Moderator &c. of the United
Free Church, and Mrs Young, 38 Drummond Place, Edinburgh, received a bullet
wound in the forearm while scouting close to the German trenches on Thursday
morning. Educated at Glasgow Academy, Edin Univ and New College,
Edinburgh, Young was a prominent member (three-quarter) of the Edinburgh
Institution Football Club for several years. He entered the ministry of the UFC and
was ordained May 1911. He went to the Livingstone Mission of that Church in
Central Africa in June 1911 and was on his way home on furlough when the news
of the war reached him. He joined the Ninth in September as a Private. He acted as
platoon guide.
The Scotsman 15 June 15
[Thursday = 10 June 1915]
D.C.M. citation:
‘2357 Pte. W.P. Young 3rd/9th Bn. TF (formerly 1st/9th Battalion)
For conspicuous gallantry when acting as guide across dangerous parts of the
country at night. He also carried messages under heavy fire. (11.3.16)’
Also quoted Daily Record 13.3.16
W.P. Young, b. Edinburgh 1886, son of a minister. Educ. Glasgow Academy and
Univ of Edin. Appointed to Livingstonia (a Scottish Mission in Malawi) in 1910.
Absent for 8 years 1914-1922, four of those years on military service firstly as a
combatant and then as a chaplain. He was then Secretary of the Student Christian
Movement. Returned to Livingstonia, Nyasaland, as headmaster of the Institution
School in 1922. Subsequent Principal, he retired in 1938.
McCracken, John, ‘Politics and Christianity in Malawi 1875-1940’, 2000
WP Young became Principal of Overtoun Institution in 1927.
Thomson, Jack, ‘Ngoni, Xhosa and Scot: Religious and Cultural Interaction in
Malawi’, 2007
WP Young, younger brother to Thomas Cullen Young, suggested establishment of
a secondary school in Malawi in 1930
Thompson, T. Jack, ‘Christianity in Northern Malawi: Donald Fraser's Missionary
Methods and Ngoni culture’, 1995
See Young, W.P., ‘A Schoolmaster in Africa’ 1927; ‘Livingstonia’, 1947
Pte, RS 2357
Royal Army Chaplain’s Department, Chaplain to the Forces 4th Class
The Rev. William Paulin Young, DCM, T/CF, 4th Cl., RACD, attd. 1/5th Bn Sea.
Highrs, TF
London Gazette 3 June 1919 p.6836
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Officer of the Civil Division
For public services in the Nyasaland Protectorate.
London Gazette, 1 January 1938, p.16
Awarded DCM
Young, W.P., Pte, 2357 3rd/9th (Highlanders) Battalion, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), TF (formerly 1st/9th Battalion).

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London Gazette 14th Jan 1916 p.614

‘For conspicuous gallantry when acting as a guide across dangerous parts of the
country at night. He also carried messages under heavy fire.’
Edinburgh Gazette 14 March 16 p.506
W.P. Young was Chaplain of Gordonstoun in 1947
‘Hahn had determined to have a returned missionary as School Chaplain, the first
being AG Fraser of Achimota. In the fifties The Revd WP Young, M.C., or ‘WP’
filled that role. We would return weary on Sunday evenings from the Cairngorms
to Chapel in the Hall, sitting under the heads of Buffalo and Antelope, to listen to
WP’s clear and compelling use of scripture.’ John Fay
‘The then Chaplain, W. P. Young, whose daughters had been taught with me by
Miss Mather before the war, smoked the most pungent tobacco in his pipe and his
study was beyond the library.’
Campbell, Diarmid, ‘In the Beginning,’ Gordonstoun
A WP Young letter (9 Sep 17) to relatives of 2/Lt Thomas Edward Bartleman
(Seaforth Highlanders) is included in the Peebles Book of Rememberence
William Paulin Young, Minister of Religion (retired), widower, b. 10.11.1886, 82
years, spouse Anne Neilson Cumming. d. 30.5.1969 at Dr Gray’s Hospital, Elgin.
Res. Gordonstoun School, Duffus, Elgin. Father John Young, Minister of Religion
(deceased), mother Catherine nee Cullen (deceased)
Cause 1a intestinal obstruction b sigmoid volvulus 2 old age and general
disability. Informant JAN Young (daughter) [Janet Anne Neilson Young b.
24.1.1931 at 39 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. Father WP Young, Missionary
(CofS), domicil Livingstonia, Nyasaland. Mother Anne Neilson Young nee
Cumming m. 21.9.1923, Karonga, Nyasaland. Reg Dist No 685-01 Entry 178
Reg Dist No. 135 Year 1969 Entry 189 District of Elgin, County of Moray
Confirmed as Chaplain at Gordonstoun at time when HRH The Prince of Wales
attended, by archives of HRH, letter from Jeff Johnson, Clarence House.
Awarded MC – Rev William Paulin Young DCM T/CF 4th Cl. RACD attd 1/5th
Sea High TF
Aberdeen P&J 3.6.19
OBE for public services in the Nyasaland Protectorate
Scotsman 1.1.38
Former CofS chaplain at Gordonstoun died in hosp yesterday age 83. OBE for
missionary work in Uganda, retired a few years ago to Lossiemouth but still kept
up his assoc with Gordonstoun and continued to take services there. He is survived
by three daugthers, one of whom is a nursing sister at Gordonstoun School.
Aberdeen P&J 31.5.1969
Some of his book read out, about the bn departing for France, by Lt Urquhart (qv),
noting Pte W. Young had won DCM for gallantry
3/9 RS Supernumerary Company, Supernumeraries’ Anniversary Gathering,
23.2.16, anniversary of landing in France, dinner at County Hotel ballroom,

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The Southern Reporter 2.3.16

Welsh language article poorly translated by Google:
‘a book written by Major WP Young, MA, MC, DCM, with Foreword by Dr.
Cairns, trying to answer this question. Major Young is a son to the Rev. John
Young, DD, a minister in the Free Church of Wales. WP Young, who graduated
from MA, at the University of Edinburgh, went to the New College to get a
tragedy of admiralty adventure, and then became a missionary to Livingstonia in
Mid Africa. In September, 1914, he joined as a private and the 9th Royal Scots,
and, he fought with a witchcraft near Ypres, until he was wounded in June, 1915.
That's when he won the DCM. his right arm was disrupted so that more could not
go out to fight, but he tried the Chaplain post with the 5th Seaforth Highlanders,
and served his spiritual needs and his Rip on campus from Feb. Feb. 16th to
Garffen- naf, 1917. On the 17th of July he went out to France as Chaplan with the
6th and 6th Seaforths in the 51st Division until March, 1918. The M.C. and he was
made Major. He was with these Catrons in Cambrai, and there he died as a
prisoner, and was in Ger- llawer, TiaiOhwedid ^ 1918. He is now one of the
Traveling Secretaries of the Students Union. It is immediately seen that a man of
his ability, from his culture, and from his scandalous and military experience is
entitled to a hearing. The title of Illyf r is "A Soldier to tlhe GhurCih,"’
Y Goleuad 12.12.1919
William Paulin Young MC, DCM. Chaplain to the Forces, Army Chaplain's
MC att 1/5th Bn Seaforth Highlanders. DCM as 2357 Private 1/9th Bn Royal
Scots. Chaplain's commission 27 Jan 1916.
MC cited 3.6.19
‘About 1.00 a.m. we got a phone message saying a man had been wounded while
out scouting between the trenches & was on the way down. It turned out to be
E.[?] Young’s brother & was wounded through the arm at the elbow. We soon got
him dressed & made comfortable & I stayed with him until the ambulance came at
10.00 a.m.’
The wounded man is most likely WP Young, his brother James Roy Stephen
Young was also in the battalion
There is an Edward Young here but the initial is in question
10 Jun 15, Diary of James Lawson Cairns, transcribed by Margaret Donaldson
Census search?
Born 1886 to Rev John Young and Catherine nee Cullen
?1901 William Pauline [?] Young, born Edinburgh, with John (Mimater? meaning
Minister?) and Catherine Copeland Young as parents, living at 1 Kelvinside
Terrace North, Glasgow
Siblings: John Junr, Thomas Cullen (as mentioned above), George Ernest R,
William Paulin (spelling), Edwin Lang, James Rae Stevens (cf James Roy Stephen
Young (qv)), Catherine Mary Lang
Note James a possible brother in the battalion
Young, Wm. 2547 EB1
See Young, W

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Young, Wm. G 2497 EB1

YOUNG, Wm. Gordon, Mr. 13 Fraser Ave. Edinburgh. 1/9th (7965) RSC
YOUNGER, D, Private, '351244', 9th Bn., , 24/Mar/1918, France, CWGC
Younger, A, Sergt. Address 1902: Viewfield House, Tipperlinn Rd. F
YOUNGER, D. Pte. No. 3767, Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol 1, No 2, 1st -
Nov 1916.
Younger, David 3767 EB2
Younger, David Pte 351244 9th RS 3767 Pte 0640
YOUNGER, David, b. Paisley, Renfrewshire, e. Edinburgh , r. Paisley, 351244, SD
PRIVATE, Killed in action, France & Flanders, 24/03/18, Royal Scots (Lothian
Regiment), 9th Battalion.
Younger, L.R. Temp 2/Lt relinquishes comm from 9th (D.F.) 24 Apr 21 and retains -
rank 2/Lt (correcting Gaz 20/21.6.21) London Gazette 26.7.21
Younger, Laurence Richardson to be Temp 2/Lt 9th (D.F.) 15.4.21 London Gazette
Younger, W 3206 A Coy LS7
Younger, W.H 2669 EB1
YOUNGER, W.H. Pte. No. 40341 , Wounded, The Leather Sporran, Vol.1 No.4,
1st June 1917 -
Younger, William Pte 351664 9th RS 4699 Pte, 11th RS 351664 0640
- -
Wm Younger RS Pte 4699 351664 enlisted 6.4.16 discharge 20.9.19 para 392 xvi
SWB D/A/1323
William Younger 4699 9RS 351664
46 West End, Tweedmouth, Berwickshire, 20yrs1mo, Locomotive fireman NER,
single, approved 6.4.16 at Berwick, medical class I. Father Robert, same address.
Home 6.4.16-13.11.16, BEF 14.11.16-29.12.16, Home 30.12.16-22.7.17, BEF
23.7.17. Then 25.4.18 HSHS. Para 392 xvi
Pension claim for Pte Wm Younger RS Depot discharge 20.9.19, reviewed
15.10.19, disability left hand (GSW?), weekly pension 8/- from 21.9.19, review 26
weeks, at same address
Called up for service 6.4.16
Conduct, Stobs 26.6.16 Pte, overstaying pass 2¾ hrs 9.30am to 12.15pm 26.6.16,
witness Sgt Holmer, 3 days CC. B Coy.
Service Record
Enlisted 6.4.16-20.9.19 discharged, wounded 392 xvi B1, age 23
SWB Roll
Younger, Wm. 4699 EB2


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