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Paul M. N. Haakonsen Houston Sharp


Paul M. N. Haakonsen Katt Anira • Gabriella Antalli
Cameron August • Maxime B.
Wesley Burt • Fernando Correa
ASSISTANCE Matt DeMino • Tan Eric
Johnny Jensen Eldar Fahurdinov •Jessica Fong
A.J. Frena • Julia Galkina

PUBLISHER Crystal Graziano • Ahn Hyoungsup

Max Kennedy • Kullen
Karsten Frandsen Ray Lederer • Marienne Martin
Paul M. N. Haakonsen Ilya Nazarov • Harry Osborn
Anna Pazyniuk • Silviu Ploisteanu

PLAYTESTERS Scott Purdy • Vladimir Sidorov

Conor Smyth • Karol Sollich
Karsten Frandsen Fabián Soto • Guillermo Tallbott
Johnni Jensen Bogdan Tomchuk • Nikita Volobuev
Paul M. N. Haakonsen Tony Warne • Malte J. Zirbel
Rasmus Lund
Martin Rosenvinge

A copy of the Genesys™ core rulebook from Fantasy Flight Games is required to play.



Fallout is a registered trademark of Bethesda. Genesys is a trademark of Fantasy Flight Games. This material is
protected under the copyright laws of the Denmark. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork
contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Paul M. N. Haakonsen. This product is a work
of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. Copyright ©2018 PM
Games. LOVE THE CRAFT Publishing and SWON Books are subsidiaries owned by PM Games. Fantasy Flight Games
and the FFG logo are registered trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-01107-197-5 Product Code: FA-02

TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................1 Overview....................................................................38
FOREWORD..........................................................................3 Layout........................................................................38
THE ESSENTIALS...............................................................4
Living Quarters..........................................................39
What is a Role-Playing Game?...................................5
Command Center......................................................39
What Do You Need to Play?.......................................5
True Purpose.............................................................39
Dice Symbols..............................................................5
INTRODUCTION.....................................................................7 List of Known Vaults.................................................41
BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL....................................................44
50s Atompunk Americana........................................11
Early Years.................................................................45
Apocalyptic Wasteland.............................................11
The Super Mutants...................................................46
Radioactive Nation...................................................11
Mixed Technology.....................................................11
The Enclave...............................................................47
Fanatical Groups.......................................................11
War With the NCR......................................................47
The Vaults.................................................................12
Operations in the East..............................................48
THE SETTING.......................................................................13 Ideology.....................................................................48
Locations...................................................................14 Symbolism of the Insignia.......................................49
Agriculture.................................................................15 Structure....................................................................49
Cannibalism..............................................................16 Divisions and Locations...........................................50
Slavery.......................................................................17 Military.......................................................................52
Religion......................................................................17 Ranks.........................................................................52
CURRENCY..........................................................................22 Chain of Command...................................................54
Background...............................................................23 Relations with the Outside.......................................57
Variants.....................................................................23 Attitude Towards Mutants.......................................57
TECHNOLOGY.......................................................................25 Technology................................................................57
Artificial Intelligence.................................................26 THE ENCLAVE......................................................................59
Auto-Doc...................................................................26 Origins.......................................................................60
Biomedical Technologies.........................................26 The Vault Experiment...............................................60
Computers.................................................................27 Rise to Power............................................................61
Cryogenics.................................................................27 The Project................................................................61
Energy........................................................................27 Fall and Aftermath....................................................62
Holodisk.....................................................................27 Return........................................................................62
Hologram...................................................................27 Old Tricks...................................................................62
Personal Protection..................................................28 Enclave Sigma...........................................................62
Robotics....................................................................29 Western Remnants...................................................63
Vehicles.....................................................................29 NEW CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC.................................................64
Virtual Reality............................................................29 Background...............................................................65
Weapons....................................................................29 Society.......................................................................65
MUTATIONS AND THEIR CAUSES...........................................31 Structure....................................................................66
Forced Evolutionary Virus........................................32 Military.......................................................................66
Radiation...................................................................32 Relations with the Outside.......................................67
Other Mutants...........................................................33 Technology................................................................67
Enclave Mutation Policy...........................................33 Currency....................................................................68
DISEASES...........................................................................34 RAIDERS............................................................................69
New Plague...............................................................35 Background...............................................................70
Post-Cryogenic Syndrome.......................................35 Territory.....................................................................70
REPCONN Shakes.....................................................35 Relationships............................................................70
Super Ebola Virus.....................................................36 THE INSTITUTE....................................................................71
Vault Depressive Syndrome.....................................36 Background...............................................................72
VAULTS..............................................................................37 Structure....................................................................72


Society.......................................................................73 Types of Vehicles....................................................324

Military.......................................................................73 CRAFTING.........................................................................333
Technology................................................................73 How Crafting Works................................................334
Synth..........................................................................73 Armor Crafting........................................................336
FALLOUT CHARACTERS.........................................................76 Brawl and Melee Weapon Crafting........................338
New Starting Characters..........................................77 Gadget Crafting.......................................................340
Human.......................................................................77 Ranged Weapon Crafting.......................................342
Ghoul..........................................................................79 Robot Crafting.........................................................345
Robot.........................................................................80 Chassis Options......................................................345
Super Mutant............................................................81 Directive Options....................................................347
Synth..........................................................................82 CONFLICT AND COMBAT......................................................351
CAREERS............................................................................83 Enviromental Effects..............................................352
Career Skills..............................................................84 ADVERSARIES...................................................................353
Available Careers......................................................84 Adversary List.........................................................356
SKILLS................................................................................94 Alien.........................................................................357
Available Skills..........................................................95 Angler......................................................................358
TALENTS.............................................................................96 Ant, Giant.................................................................359
Available Talents.......................................................97 Ant, Fire....................................................................360
New Talents............................................................112 Bighorner.................................................................361
MOTIVATION.....................................................................163 Bloatfly....................................................................361
Merits.......................................................................164 Bloodbug.................................................................362
Flaws.......................................................................168 Bloodworm..............................................................363
GEAR AND EQUIPMENT......................................................172
Item Qualities..........................................................173
Cave Cricket............................................................366
Junk Items...............................................................180
PIP-BOY...........................................................................205 Deathclaw...............................................................370
BOBBLEHEADS..................................................................208 Dog...........................................................................372
Characteristic Bobbleheads..................................209 Floater......................................................................374
Skills Bobbleheads.................................................209 Fog Crawler.............................................................374
SKILL BOOKS AND MAGAZINES...........................................212 Gatorclaw................................................................375
CHEMS..............................................................................224 Gecko.......................................................................375
Chem Characteristics.............................................227 Ghoul.......................................................................377
Cutting Chems........................................................228 Gulper......................................................................378
Types of Chems......................................................229 Human, Raider........................................................379
WEAPONS........................................................................237 Lakelurk...................................................................380
Brawl Weapons.......................................................239 Mantis, Giant...........................................................381
Energy Weapons.....................................................242 Mirelurk....................................................................382
Heavy Weapons......................................................248 Mole Rat..................................................................385
Melee Weapons.......................................................251 Nightstalker.............................................................386
Other Weapons.......................................................255 Rad-Rat...................................................................386
Pistols......................................................................258 Radroach.................................................................387
Rifles........................................................................261 Radscorpion............................................................388
Shotguns.................................................................264 Robot.......................................................................391
Submachine Guns..................................................267 Spore Carrier...........................................................400
Ammunition.............................................................268 Spore Plant..............................................................401
Explosives and Grenades.......................................270 Stingwing................................................................402
Weapon Attachments.............................................275 Super Mutant..........................................................403
ARMOR............................................................................284 Trog..........................................................................405
Types of Armor.......................................................286
Power Armor...........................................................297
Types of Power Armor............................................300
Yao Guai..................................................................407
Armor Attachments................................................304
OUTFITS AND CLOTHING.....................................................313 FTAGHN!..........................................................................410
Beyond the Spheres................................................411


First and foremost, I would like to express my coming together with a glimpse of community,
gratitude to MICHAEL ENGESGAARD, for raiders rushing in to lay waste to these small
without him I would never have picked up settlements and plunder, while slavers
that first d20 die some 30-odd years ago capture people and lead them away to
and ventured into the worlds of role- horrible fates, and yet amidst the gloom and
playing games. So Michael, this one is radiation there is hope.
for you! It was never a question about working on
a Fallout setting, it was just a matter of
What you are reading now is the having the right system to handle
revised Second Edition of my Fallout the rules. And the d20 system sure
setting for the GENESYS role-playing would do Fallout no justice. Then came
game system with its rather the GENESYS system. The first edition,
impressive Narrative Dice system. which I ultimately thought was the final
So why a Fallout setting? Well, for edition, was completed in little time and
starters, I got into playing role-playing brought to the role-playing table shortly
games back when I was around 11 years old, thereafter. A few bugs were corrected and
which is now 32 years ago. My introduction things were tweaked along the way, but
was, of course, Dungeons & Dragons. But the GENESYS system handled the
over the years I branched out, and the Fallout setting quite well, and brought
computer role-playing games also had a big countless hours of gaming fun to the
lure, and I was instantly hooked when I group.
played the very first Fallout game on PC from Then after having worked on and
Interplay Entertainment. Needless to say that completed three other settings, I
I have been vigilantly and loyally playing wanted to revisit my beloved Fallout
every Fallout released game ever since, setting and revise it, giving it a visual
even the board games. touch-up as well making it more user-
With the years of being a DM (Dungeon Master) friendly for the GM and players alike, as well
and GM (Game Master), I have always yearned for correcting the minor faults, flaws, errors and game
diversity and branching out to different games, that we stumbled upon during the playtesting hours,
settings and tropes. But the players have been which spanded over a weekly session of 5 to 7 hours
mostly adamant on playing Dungeons & Dragons. for more than 6 months running.
Then came the GENESYS system, shortly after my Fallout will always have a special place in my heart
introduction ot the Narrative Dice through the STAR and will also weigh as one of the top contenders for
WARS game, also from Fantasy Flight Games. And a functioning role-playing game setting, alongside
GENESYS was the tool that I needed to expand into a with STAR WARS. After 32 years of mostly playing
more open-ended system. Thus, I first made a fantasy settings through Dungeons & Dragons
Fallout conversion, which has now undergone a and also EARTHDAWN, it has been long overdue to
second revised edition, as my familiarity and grasp branch out and explore new territories through the
on the GENESYS system is more established and Narrative Dice system and the wonders that is the
secure. After that I converted my own Dungeons & GENESYS system.
Dragons setting (named Kyrania), followed by
(a Lovecraftian and Cthulhu setting), and most October, 2018
recently a SHADOWRUN setting.
For me there is just something truly fascinating
and alluring about the post-apocalyptic setting and
the decay of society and the world at large that is
presented in the Fallout universe. The vast wasteland
with desolate cities, small hubs of sporadic people


arbitrate the results of character actions, and
WHAT IS A ROLE-PLAYING GAME? maintain the narrative flow. In tabletop RPGs the GM
A role-playing game (sometimes spelled performs these duties in person.
roleplaying game and abbreviated to RPG) is a game PLAYER CHARACTER: Another standard concept in
in which players assume the roles of characters in a RPGs is the player character (PC), a character in the
fictional setting. Players take responsibility for fictional world of the game whose actions the player
acting out these roles within a narrative, either controls. Typically each player controls a separate
through literal acting or through a process of player character, whom acts as a protagonist in the
structured decision-making of character story.
development. Actions taken within the game NON-PLAYER CHARACTER: In contrast to player
succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules characters, non-player characters (NPCs) are
and guidelines. controlled by the gamemaster. Non-player
Both authors and major publishers of tabletop characters fill out the population of the fictional
role-playing games consider them to be a form of setting and can act as antagonists, bystanders or
interactive and collaborative storytelling. Events, allies of the player characters.
characters, and narrative structure give a sense of a
narrative experience, and the game need not have a
strongly-defined storyline. Interactivity is the crucial WHAT DO YOU NEED TO PLAY?
difference between role-playing games and In order to step out into the desolate American
traditional fiction. Whereas a viewer of a television wasteland with your guns drawn, sword in hand, or
show is a passive observer, a player in a role-playing quick silvered tongue, you will need a copy of the
game makes choices that affect the story. Such book that you are reading. You will also need a copy
role-playing games extend an older tradition of of the GENESYS core rulebook, a copy of the
storytelling games where a small party of friends character sheet, and a pencil and scratch paper.
collaborate to create a story. You'll also need some dice, the kind that are
Tabletop and pen-and-paper (PnP) RPGs are usually available at your local friendly
conducted through discussion in a small gamestore – or embrace the
social gathering. The GM describes the technological future and go online to
game world and its inhabitants. The purchase them.
other players describe the intended The dice used in the GENESYS
actions of their characters, and the system are called the Narrative
GM describes the outcomes. Some Dice, and should be readily
outcomes are determined by the available at your local gaming
game system, and some are store. Dice sets are sold
chosen by the GM. separately; or players may use the
This is the format in which role- GENESYS DICE APP to roll
playing games were first them electronically.
popularized. The first If you are not already
commercially available RPG, familiar with the Fallout world
Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), from the numerous games
was inspired by fantasy readily available on PC and
literature and the consoles, it is
wargaming hobby and was recommended that you check out
published in 1974. The popularity of D&D led to the the official website or
birth of the tabletop role-playing game industry, do a Google search on Fallout.
which publishes games with many different themes,
rules, and styles of play.
GAME MASTER: One common feature of many
RPGs is the role of gamemaster, a participant who
has special duties to present the fictional setting, While the Fallout setting is set in the GENESYS


system, this book is made with the symbols on the

Narrative Dice for the STAR WARS setting (because I
have 10 sets of those, and none for GENESYS). But
for the sake of the GM and players who are about to
venture into the unforgiving American wasteland, a
conversion table has been included for your


Advantage a a
Success s s
Triumph x t
Threat t h
Failure f f
Despair y d


Welcome to the Fallout world, a world that exists in and miniaturization of electronics was neglected.
an alternate timeline that completely diverged from Some time before 1969, in an attempt to mitigate the
the real world timeline after World War II. From this influence of Communism, the United States adopts a
split until the Great War in 2077, a stylized system of thirteen Commonwealths. In 1970, China
representation of 1950s American culture (with more fails to adopt any free market reforms and ends up
advanced technology) dominated the Fallout world. retaining a political and economic structure similar
The science fiction anthology Worlds of Tomorrow, to what it had under Communist Party Chairman
released during the Golden Age of Science Fiction in Mao Zedong beginning in 1949. In 1991, the USSR
the 1950s, heavily influenced this representation. did not collapse.
No major international conflicts would take place
The Fallout roleplaying role-playing game is set in
until the middle of the twenty-first century. In 2052,
2287, exactly 210 years after The Great War –
the oil rich Middle East nations raised oil prices
though a GM is free to change this particular year to
causing the economic collapse of many smaller
fit his or her needs, of course.
countries. The European Commonwealth (analogous
to the real world European Union), similarly
OVERVIEW dependent on oil imports from the Middle East,
begins the Resource Wars by responding with
Although the Fallout universe and the real world military force. The United Nations, weakened by its
share a common timeline until about the mid 1940s, inability to prevent the conflict, attempts to
the defining moment of the Fallout universe was not intervene. Many of its member nations respond by
until the Great War of 2077. On October 23, 2077, the withdrawing and the UN disbands that year.
United States, China, and other nuclear-armed The United States, supplied with oil from Texas
countries commenced a rapid exchange of nuclear and Mexico, escaped any direct impact from the
strikes. Although the conflict lasted only two hours, Resource Wars. However, the U.S. would soon have
the destruction it brought was staggering and significant problems of its own. In 2052, the Texas
complete: more energy was released in the early oil fields run dry, making the country severely
moments of the war than in all previous global vulnerable to energy shortages. In 2053, the New
conflicts combined. Plague begins to ravage the U.S. population, causing
The world that remained was harsh and an estimated 200,000 deaths and prompting the
unforgiving. 90 years after the Great War, humanity government to close the country's international
continued to survive, but struggled to do so. Above borders. Nuclear fears grip the country when, in the
ground, small bands fought over the crumbling same year, Tel Aviv is destroyed by a terrorist
remains of once great cities while mutants prowled nuclear weapon and, in the following year, warring
the irradiated wastes. Underground, a fortunate few nations exchange nuclear weapon strikes in the
enjoyed the relative safety and comfort of the Vaults, Middle East. In response, the Americans begin
designed before the war, seemingly to protect Project Safehouse: a series of underground Vaults
residents from the nuclear destruction. Some sought designed to survive nuclear war or an epidemic.
to keep the world out, others to connect with and re- In 2059, oil resources grow increasingly scarce. To
populate it. Wherever humanity survived it was secure the Alaskan oil fields the United States ramps
under constant threat by psychotic mutants, rogue up its military presence in that state, creating the
machines, vicious raiders, and all manner of hostile Anchorage Front Line. Relations with Canada grow
mutant creatures. increasingly strained as the Americans press to have
their military units stationed on Canadian soil to
protect the Alaskan pipeline.
BEFORE THE GREAT WAR In 2060, the Middle East oil fields run dry. This not
For most of human history, the Fallout universe and only ends the Resource Wars in Europe, but the
the real world shared a common timeline. However, European Commonwealth as well. Without a
in 1945, significant political and technological common enemy, the European nations begin fighting
differences in the Fallout timeline set it on a different among each other for the remaining resources.
course. In 1947, the transistor was not discovered Fossil fuels become too expensive to use in


automobiles and alternatives begin to appear in the

market. Advances in nuclear technology pave the
way for nuclear fusion to replace traditional fossil The collapse of global civilization made it
fuel-based combustion engines in automobiles and impossible to ascertain the full extent of the damage
other vehicles. brought by the nuclear bombs. As viewed from orbit,
In 2066, the Resource Wars shift to the other side there were clear signs of a global catastrophe, and
of the globe. China, their oil reserves exhausted and much of the world's oceans were tinted green by
their economy near collapse, invades Alaska. radiation. The Great War's enduring legacy was the
America strong-arms Canada into allowing troops radiation that spread in its wake. Many of the plants
and planes to move across Canadian territory on and animals that survived the nuclear fire were killed
their way to the Alaskan theater. Relations between by the irradiated rain that fell a week later. Of those
the neighboring countries would continue to worsen that survived, many were mutated by 2080.
as the Americans help themselves to Canadian The American mainland was reduced to
resources, ignoring Canadian protests. Many Wasteland. Most major American cities, with a few
Americans begin referring to Canada as "Little exceptions such as Pittsburgh and Las Vegas, were
America." Their comments do not help the razed by the bombs. Even the surviving cities were
situation. reduced to hellish ruin as society rapidly
In 2072, the Sino-American War disintegrated. Although the Vaults were never
grinds on. While American power intended to preserve the entire American
armor proves effective in localized population, enough of their residents and
conflicts, it fails to completely technology survived for them to
dislodge Chinese forces. The U.S. jumpstart civilization when they
continues to demand more resources opened.
from Canada. When an attempt is made New California benefited the most
to sabotage the oil pipeline, the from these early openings. In 2083,
Americans (officially) begin to annex Vault 12 established Necropolis in
Canada. In 2076, the annexation is Bakersfield. Eight years later, Vault 8
complete. Also that year Americans established Vault City in Western
deploy the T-51b power armor to the Nevada, and the following year, the
Chinese mainland. The LA Vault established the
suits are highly effective Boneyard in Los Angeles.
and American troops Fifty years later, in 2142,
cut a swath through Chinese former residents of Vault
territory. 15 established Shady
In early 2077, the Americans reclaim Sands northwest of
Alaska but no armistice is signed. Necropolis.
Those in positions to foresee the The Mojave
nuclear conflagration make final Wasteland was another
preparations: Robert House puts incubator of civilization.
himself in stasis. The President and the This was due in no small part
Enclave retreat to the Poseidon oil rig. to Robert House's
The American public, having been exposed to too preparations; his secret missile defense systems
many false alarms, largely ignore the warning sirens ensured that Las Vegas and the surrounding desert
when the bombs begin to fall. Many Vaults are were hit by fewer bombs than anywhere else in the
underpopulated as their doors are shut. region, and as time passed the city was rebuilt
In the early hours of October 23, 2077, the world - through the combined efforts of House, the local
as everyone knew it - ended. Missiles and bombs tribals, and residents of Vault 21. Its infrastructure
rained from the sky, engulfing the world in flames in was so far advanced that by 2281 it was, according
an event that would become known as the Great to House, within a century of being able to launch a
War. Cities and nations fell, and humanity descended colonization spaceship.
into a nuclear Dark Age. Many believed it was the In the east, the Capital Wasteland was also left
end of human civilization, but instead it was simply surprisingly intact. Although unable to compete with
the beginning of a new and bloody chapter. the more advanced societies of the west, it was
nonetheless able to support a local radio station,
caravan routes and a large-scale water purification


Similarly, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts The remainder of mutations were caused by the
and Boston were left relatively unharmed, being Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV). Its origins lie in the
struck by only a single, high-yield nuclear weapon in years preceding the Sino-American War. In an effort
an area that came to be known as the Glowing Sea. to defend against a Chinese biological attack,
Like the Capital Wasteland, it too supported caravan defense contractor West Tek initiated the Pan-
infrastructure, regional radio broadcasts, and other Immunity Virion Project. The goal was simply to
such amenities. make the human immune system strong enough to
As these regions rose from the ashes, so too did resist any pathogen, natural or engineered. Some of
new societies. The New California Republic was the side effects, discovered during testing, were
established in 2186 and would control all of New increased size and strength. The US Army seized the
California a century later. The Brotherhood of Steel project in an effort to create a super soldier. They
was founded days after the Great War and would moved the project to the Mariposa Military Base.
become a technological powerhouse by 2150. The They also sent a large sample to Vault 87 on the
Enclave - descendants of the United States East Coast as part of the Vault Experiment.
government and military-industrial complex - made Following the Great War, Mariposa was abandoned
its presence felt in New California in 2237 and then - the surviving leadership having left to form the
in the Capital Wasteland in 2277. The Rome- Brotherhood of Steel. After laying dormant for 30
obsessed slavers of Caesar's Legion arose in 2247, years, the base was rediscovered by Richard
forged from the conquest of 87 tribes, and would Moreau, an exile from Vault 8. After realizing that the
control most if not all of Arizona and New Mexico, FEV could be used to create super mutants, he
along with some holdings in eastern Utah and parts attempted to raise an army but was defeated by the
of southern Colorado. Vault Dweller.
While very little is known of the world beyond the Despite the destruction of Mariposa base, a
former United States, things seem to be significantly sample of its FEV was claimed by the Enclave. Using
worse in Great Britain and Ireland than in North slave labor kidnapped from nearby Redding, the
America, as inhabitants of the Isles often emigrate Enclave excavated Mariposa. Those slaves
to the American Wastelands in search of fortune, inadvertently exposed to the FEV mutated into a new
opportunity, and a better life. batch of super mutants.
On the East Coast, the FEV sent to Vault 87 was
CREATURES used to create that area's own variety of super
mutants. Shelton Delacroix, a Vault 87 security
The distinctive creatures in the Fallout world arose officer was forcibly exposed to and mutated by it.
after the Great War and were the result of exposure While the mutation process took away much of his
to radiation or the Forced Evolutionary Virus. intelligence, he was, astoundingly, able to reclaim
Radiation led to the spontaneous rise of many new much of it by studying the Vault's database. The FEV
species three years after the bombs fell. The new also made it into the hands Weston Lesko who
species were larger, hardier and more dangerous inadvertently, but tragically, used it to mutate giant
than the animals and insects they mutated from. ants into fire ants.
Radscorpions, giant ants, and brahmin descended
from scorpions, household ants and cows,
respectively. TROPES
Heavy exposure of radiation mutated some
humans, who possessed a particular genetic trait, Fallout centers around a post-apocalyptic retro-
into ghouls. Although their decaying skin gave them future America. The tone of the setting is a cross
a frightening, almost inhuman appearance, they between post-apocalypse-survival and 50s-era-
generally retained their mental faculties: their ability atompunk. After World War II, the world advances
to reason and communicate were left intact. the power of the atom, and uses up many of its
Ironically, despite their physical decay they had natural resources in the process to create a variety
heightened senses and longer lifespans. of fusion powered comforts. When resources begin
Varying degrees of exposure gave rise to diversity to run dry, hostilities around the world escalate,
within the ghoul community. Ghouls exposed to resulting in a catastrophic nuclear war. Some people
prolonged radiation poisoning lost their intelligence managed to survive in the blasted Wasteland of
and mutated into feral ghouls. Longer periods of Post-war Earth, but others survived by paying for
radiation exposure resulted in further degeneration space in large underground Vaults constructed
into Glowing ones - ghouls with heightened physical before the Cataclysm, Vaults built by an American
capabilities who literally glow in the dark. corporation called “Vault-Tec”.


cases, anyone living in the Wasteland must

constantly contend with the threat of irradiation.
The Fallout United States diverges slightly from the
real world sometime after World War II. The
transistor was not invented, but vacuum tubes and With the near total destruction of America’s
atomic physics became the leading edge of manufacturing capability, the production level of the
technology. This lead to an “atompunk golden age,” Wasteland has dropped dramatically. Inventive
with all the socio- and economic ideals of the 1950s crafters have learned to build with scrap, making
marching in step with nuclear powered cars, useful items like armor, furniture, houses, and
advanced weapons and armor, robots, and other weapons. This has led to a great repurposing of a
futuristic technologies. Because of the lack of wide variety of salvaged items; as street sign might
transistors, technology tends to still be bulky. Cell be turned into a chopping weapon, a gardening tool,
phones were never invented, nor were small or an armored breastplate. A car’s hood could now
computers. TV monitors use cathode ray tubes, and be a table, window shutter, or a shield. Cables from
people still use landline based telephones. The an old telephone pole could now support a catwalk
1950s cold-war era paranoia persisted until the in a city, hold together a section of a defensive wall,
devastating end of the Great War in October, 2077. or utilize their original purpose and carry power from
one place to the next.
Although hundreds of years have passed, the
APOCALYPTIC WASTELAND denizens of the Wasteland still use a surprisingly
large amount of ancient technology. Robots
These themes carry through 200 years later, when
continue to serve as assistants, guards, or
civilization is trying to claw its way back from the
wandering dangers. Much of the hardware of the US
brink of extinction. The Wasteland world is littered
military was resilient enough to survive hundreds of
with the artifacts of pre-war America, some useful,
years of storage, or was able to be repaired.
but mostly junk. Ramshackle settlements try to
Computer terminals still store data on old memory
make a living in blasted out buildings that somehow
tapes, and can control a variety of machines
have survived 200 years of war, weather, and
scattered throughout the ruins of America. Even the
mutated creatures. Few animals survived
mighty power armor suits of the US Military and
unchanged; two-headed cattle and giant mutant
various private security contractors can be found
insects thrive in vast numbers. Even once-small
and brought back to life with a charged fusion
lizards have grown into apex predators called
Deathclaws, a common and deadly hazard in the
Encounter three people in the Wasteland and one
could be wearing armor made from scrap metal and
brahman hide wielding a laser pistol, another
RADIOACTIVE NATION wearing a few pieces of military combat armor using
a pipe-wrench with saw blades welded to it, while
The Wasteland is still reeling from the effects of the third stands resilient in T-51 power armor
the world-encompassing nuclear war, even 200 bearing a minigun in its grip. One never knows what
years later. Atomic energy was everywhere; from they’ll find in the ruins of the Wasteland.
power plants that lit up the city at night to fusion
powered cars and airliners, even down to small
fusion batteries that powered hand-held devices.
The radioactive by-products of the nuclear age litter
the Wasteland. Vast sections of the country are still Many people in the Wastelands have banded
deadly radioactive hot-zones. Vehicles once together to increase their odds of survival. Several of
powered by the atom lie dormant and rusting, these groups form settlements or small towns,
causing their fusion powered engines to leak and relying on each other for defense, production, and
sometimes explode in mini-atomic blasts. Vast companionship. Some form raider gangs and eke
quantities of radioactive waste were improperly out a living raiding settlements and the merchants
disposed of, allowing toxic sludge to seep into traveling the ruins of America’s roadways.
nearby ground-water. Lakes, streams, and even the A few survivors have even formed paramilitary
oceans have a small amount of radiation in them; organizations, or groups that could be considered
more so if they contain radioactive waste or a cults. They may keep to themselves, work for the
submerged and rusting nuclear-powered car. In all benefit of others, or actively try to rule or simply kill


anyone not belonging to their group. The Fallout

Wasteland is populated by a wide variety of such
groups; from the Brotherhood of Steel to the Legion,
and the Children of Atom to the Institute. Big or
small, these groups represent mankind's ability to
work together to survive, as well as man’s ability to
hurt or help their fellow man.

Of course, the greatest resource for surviving tech
may be the Vaults, the vast underground
communities created by Vault-Tec before the war.
Many of these Vaults suffered mechanical failures or
social hardships during their time in isolation (some
accidental, others intended as a part of Vault-Tec’s
twisted social experiments). At various points in the
past 200 years, a number of Vaults reopened and
joined the Wasteland community. A few Vaults are
even still closed off, living in isolation for one reason
or another and filled with vault-dwellers who know
relatively nothing of the dangers of the Wasteland
world. In any case; populated, abandoned, or ruined,
these Vaults represent a treasure trove for salvagers
and wanderers alike.

A main recurring theme of the Fallout game is
simply surviving in the ruins of Wasteland America.
With so few resources left, and truly safe havens
nowhere to be found, trying to survive against the
hazards of weather, radiation, mutants, and even
fellow man is a daunting task. A settler in the
Wastelands is just as likely to die from being shot by
a raider as they are from radiation poisoning, a bite
from a mole rat, or by simply catching a disease.


This chapter deals with the specific environmental the ruins of Pittsburgh. It was infested by Wildmen
setting of the Fallout roleplaying game. and trogs until a Brotherhood of Steel detachment
led by Paladin Owyn Lyons cleared the area on their
way to the Capital Wasteland. They left behind
LOCATIONS Ishmael Ashur, one of their own, who transformed
The Pitt into a slave colony. Just outside were the
The locations in the post-nuclear United States
settlements of Ronto and Monroeville.
form the backdrop in which the events of Fallout The Commonwealth consists of the city of Boston
occur. Many have diverse environments where and its surrounding towns, which weren't hit as hard
anything can happen, such as a special encounter, as many of the other cities in the United States,
or just a skirmish with raiders. The environments leaving most of the land relatively intact. Several
and places change over the course of the years, and settlements have popped up around the
always brought new surprises with them. Commonwealth, offering safe haven to the people of
the wasteland. Diamond City, established in a
EAST COAST baseball stadium in the center of the city and
While, strictly speaking, the "East Coast" describes Goodneighbor, established in the Old State House,
the entire eastern seaboard of the continental United are the two most prominent settlements in the
States, within the Fallout universe, it chiefly refers to Commonwealth.
the Northeastern US. Its major locations were the To the immediate north of the Commonwealth is
Capital Wasteland along the coast, The Pitt, the the Island, an island off the coast of Maine
Commonwealth and the Island. consisting of the town of Far Harbor, which is the
The Capital Wasteland encompassed the ruins of only remaining bastion for the Harbormen as the
Washington, D.C. and the surrounding wilderness. only place on the island not affected by the Fog, a
The city's downtown, though surrounded by rubble radioactive fog that has made many of the other
and accessible only through its Metro system, was a settlements on the island inhabitable. As well, the
hub of activity. The Galaxy News Radio building was Island is the home of Acadia, a refuge for synths
operational, its signal amplified by dish atop the located inside a wind farm to the west of Far Harbor,
Washington Monument. A contingent of slavers and a chapter of the Children of Atom, found in the
operates out of the Lincoln Memorial. Brotherhood submarine base known as the Nucleus.
of Steel paladins, super mutants and Talon Company To its immediate west, the Pre-War amusement
mercenaries fought to control the The Mall. The park of Nuka-World can be found, which has become
Museum of History housed a ghoul colony. the home of three vicious raider factions who seek
Just outside the city, the Brotherhood of Steel had to expand into the various sections of the park.
a base in the ruins of the Pentagon. Along the banks
of the Potomac River, Project Purity operated out of MOJAVE WASTELAND
the Jefferson Memorial. The Mojave Desert is now known as the Mojave
The wilderness surrounding Washington, D.C. was Wasteland. The Mojave Wasteland is the second
home to various vaults and settlements. Rivet City largest desert in North America.
was the most successful settlement and was The Mojave occupies a significant portion of
instrumental in delivering Aqua Pura to the area southern California, Nevada, and parts of Utah and
when Project Purity was completed. Vault 87 Arizona.
produced the region's super mutant population. Before the Great War, Las Vegas was the largest
Vault 101 was the home of the Lone Wanderer. oasis of civilization in the Mojave, and New Vegas
To the immediate south of the Capital Wasteland seems to maintain that reputation. 77 atomic
was the former coastal resort of Point Lookout. To warheads were launched at the city and surrounding
the Wasteland's immediate west was Adams Air areas, but due to an intricate system set in place by
Force Base where the Enclave sought to rebase itself Mr. House, 59 were force disarmed, 9 were blasted
after the destruction of their original East Coast out of the sky by a laser guided missile defense
base, Raven Rock, by the Lone Wanderer. system atop the Lucky 38, and only 9 hit the
The Pitt was the steelyard and surrounding area in surrounding desert, resulting in the local climate and


wildlife being much less radioactive, if not radiation- hours for the nuclear warheads that were fired to
free, than in other places in the post-atomic United change the face of the planet and affect life on Earth
States. for many centuries to come. After the atomic fire had
Most denizens attribute the region's survival to the cleared, the surface of the Earth was very different.
Chinese betting against the House - and the House Millions of buildings and cities were demolished or
always wins. severely damaged, with only a few exceptions. Most
The NCR is the most powerful faction in the area, of the plants that had once flourished on the Earth
with New Vegas being on the edge of the Republic's died as the Earth was changed from a diverse
southern borders. Other significant powers are landscape to a barren and hot desert, radiation
Caesar's Legion, the Great Khans, who before the becoming a serious threat to what little life
NCR came, had a strong grip on the region and a remained.
surviving pocket of Mariposa super mutants, called Countries such as the United States were turned
the State of Utobitha, and the Three Families that into scorching wastelands that became filled with
run casinos in New Vegas. The Brotherhood of Steel new dangers due to mutations in wildlife that altered
also have a small secret base in the area. many of the species, making them more dangerous
than before. As the remnants of humanity began to
THE WEST spread once again, new violence was introduced in
the form of different factions. They began warring
The first part of The West is known as the 'Core against each other in the new anarchic world which
Region'. It is mostly made up of New California. they now reside in, and though more than two
More specifically New California stretches from Baja centuries have passed since the Great War, progress
in the south to Klamath in the north. It covers most in the reclamation of humanity has been slow and
of the West Coast of the United States, including the wasteland remains a radioactive and war torn
California and parts of Oregon and Nevada. It is a desert, where life is a struggle.
largely inhospitable region, which is why most
people have chosen to seek refuge in the ruins of the
old cities, where they have found (relative) safety in
numbers. However, as resources grew more and
more scarce, people and creatures came to Agriculture is the cultivation of animals and plants
consolidate into groups of their own kind, so to create products used to sustain and enhance
locations are far more homogeneous than one might human life. Agriculture is key to the growth of any
expect from a world ravaged by mutation. society, with surpluses in food encouraging further
The ghoul population of New California was mostly development. The success and implementation of
clustered around old Bakersfield (Necropolis), but agricultural techniques depends greatly on the
were scattered after an attack by the master's army. climate, culture, resources, and technology involved,
Most of the surviving ghouls eventually found a in addition to the availability of reliable and pure
home in Gecko or Broken Hills along with humans water supplies.
and super mutants, both far to the north-east of Following the Great War, agricultural production in
their former home. the United States was gravely affected, with all
Super mutants were plentiful in the Mariposa area modern agrochemicals and industrial farming
from 2102 to 2162, and they sent patrols as far as to methods lost. Societal knowledge of agricultural
Los Angeles. After the master's defeat, however, was all but lost during that time. Once humans
most of them retreated to the east. began to reemerge and rebuild the land, revival of
Humans are the dominant species of the agricultural rapidly followed.
wasteland, and their main cities in New California
are The Hub, Los Angeles Boneyard, NCR, Vault City, CALIFORNIA AND OREGON
New Reno and San Francisco. During the 2100s, emergent agriculture was highly
As of 2281, most of New California is part of the limited and prone to failure throughout the former
NCR. Northwest and Southwest Commonwealths. Where
agriculture was able to take root, it was limited to
WASTELAND barely more than subsistence farming carried out by
The Wasteland or Wastes refers to the majority of small villages or towns. The Water Merchants of the
the world's post-nuclear environment in the Fallout Hub would play an instrumental role in the delivery
universe. of water throughout the region, thus spurring on
During the Great War, it took no more than two further agricultural development. The town of
Adytum was unique at the time for being able to


conduct hydroponic farming. reliable source of clean water as the Potomac River
By the 2200s, with the rise of the New California was irradiated and hazardous to use. Hostile wildlife,
Republic (NCR) and the elimination of various raider not to mention bands of Raiders and Super Mutants,
and super mutant threats, agriculture was allowed to also prevented the establishment of many large
grow further. Dedicated farms and ranches could communities which could sustain agricultural
now be maintained to feed the growing population. endeavors.
Unified behind the NCR, the citizens and Project Purity, constructed within the ruins of the
communities of the region would finally gain a Jefferson Memorial, would provide an answer to the
reliable source of food and water. Capital Wasteland’s water problem. Dr. Madison Li,
along with Catherine and James, were instrumental
MASSACHUSETTS in the initial development of the project. Project
Purity was finally brought online sometime in late
Agricultural production in the Commonwealth 2277 or early 2278, thanks to the efforts of the Lone
seems largely unhindered by environmental Wanderer and the Brotherhood of Steel.
concerns, with access to arable lands and usable The Enclave had intentions of seizing Project
water readily available. Several settlements in the Purity for their own genocidal ends. John Henry
region were specifically dedicated to agriculture, Eden, President of the Enclave, intended to introduce
going as far as to use greenhouses to grow crops. a modified strain of the Forced Evolutionary Virus
Raiders, however, were a constant concern as they into the purifier at the Jefferson Memorial that would
saw the agricultural settlements as an easy food kill any living thing which had been in any way
source without having to expend their time and affected by the radiation of the Capital Wasteland.
resources on actual farming. Had the Enclave been successful, not only would the
The Institute considered agricultural production to drinking water have become infected, ultimately any
be a key priority and dedicated any entire division to agricultural grown with the same water would have
engineering and producing a viable food stock for been as well.
their staff. Dr. Clayton Holdren is the Head of
Biosciences at the Institute in 2287.
NEVADA Cannibalism is considered a crime against nature
The lack of significant radiation from nuclear in most major Wasteland societies. Conversations
attacks, as had befallen the rest of the country, with members of the Family indicate that cannibals
meant that agriculture in the Mojave Wasteland are ostracized and often beaten by other members
rebounded which more successfully than was of society, although by implication this suggests
possible elsewhere. Hoover Dam and Lake Mead that cannibalism alone (when not also combined
provided ample fresh water for farms and ranches in with murder) is not considered a sufficient crime to
the region, especially once the local infrastructure warrant execution/extermination. Vance, the leader
was repaired by the NCR following the First Battle of of The Family, implies that cannibals are a species
Hoover Dam in 2277. Agriculture in the Mojave mutation like ghouls or psykers; they are born with
perhaps resembled pre-war practices as closely as an innate craving for human flesh, as well as the
was possible in the two centuries following the Great ability to consume it without ill effects.
War. Cannibals often form groups in order to obtain
The NCR Office of Science and Industry (OSI) took mutual social acceptance while engaging in this
great interest in the region, hoping to learn new taboo activity. Some, like the residents of Andale in
agricultural techniques to take back west to prevent the Capital Wasteland or the underground-dwelling
potential food shortages. Responsible for overseeing tribe that would eventually become the White Glove
farming efforts around New Vegas, the OSI branch in Society in the Mojave Wasteland, are descended
the Mojave Wasteland is headquartered in Camp from a long line of individuals who have practiced
McCarran and led by Director Thomas Hildern. the killing and consumption of fellow humans. Other
Hildern was also interested in convincing the Courier groups, like The Family, consist of individuals who
to mount an expedition to nearby Vault 22 to recover have banded together after being shunned or exiled
experimental agricultural data. from their home communities for their practice of
WASHINGTON DC, MARYLAND AND VIRGINIA Normal wastelanders may unwittingly engage in
cannibalism, as some vendors sell human flesh
The Capital Wasteland was a very precarious place
under the guise of regular meat, either because they
for the development of agriculture. The area lacked a


are practicing cannibals themselves, or because themselves may be of any ethnic background.
they can obtain human flesh cheaply and engage in
unethical business practices by selling it as food.
Iguana Bob, a highly successful food vendor in The
Hub, would obtain human flesh for cheap from the Slaves are not so much a faction as a collection of
local morgue, and sell it at a premium price as victims. No one is safe from slavery in the
"iguana bits." Certain groups of hunters in the wasteland. If you are weak or vulnerable, you may be
Capital Wasteland hunt wastelanders for their meat, taken as a slave.
and then sell it to unsuspecting travelers. Old Ben in
Freeside remarks that his father's butcher shop went
out of business after a local merchant began selling
"strange meat" at very low cost; after the merchant All the basic pre-War religions and belief systems
died from the debilitating shakes associated with are still active after the Great War. The entire
prolonged consumption of human flesh, human spectrum of Christianity still exists, and has
remains were found buried under his house. scattered into even more splinter groups, such as
the Catholicism-derived Saint Monica's Church as
seen in Rivet City, and the Abbey of the Road, a
SLAVERY Christian monastery somewhere west of the
Slavery is a lucrative business in the post-War Commonwealth. The Mormon church still exists as
world. Although many of the larger pockets of well. The Hubologists are even more active than
civilization have outlawed slavery, the practice yet before the war. Followers of Dharma also exist; such
persists throughout the wasteland. as Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs - Aradesh is a prime
After the bombs fell, many new religions also came
SLAVERS into being. Just before the War, and soon after it,
Slavery is a controlled business in the post- many doomsday cults were created, one of which
nuclear world. Nearly all the slave trade in the eventually became the Children of the
New California Republic is done Cathedral who were situated near Los
under the auspices of the Slaver's Angeles. The Children of the Atom in
Guild, a group of older slavers who Megaton and the Crater of
decide prices and organize capture Atom have a warped view of
hunts in the wastelands. Anyone nuclear weapons, viewing them
caught capturing or selling slaves in as a sort of deliverance, but are a
New California without their blessing generally peaceful group. Some
may be forced to undergo a series of of the post-War factions might
trials until either deemed worthy to join also be considered "religious"
the Guild or be killed. The Guild often even if they do not worship
controls smaller towns in which it any specific deity, such as the
operates, although quietly—preferring to Followers of the Apocalypse
remain behind the scenes. Guild and the Brotherhood of Steel.
members wear a distinctive tattoo There are also as many tribal
covering most of their face, making religions - some worship fragments
them readily identifiable and allowing of forgotten knowledge about the world
the Guild to make fast judgments when before the War; some, like Arroyo or
someone without "the tat" has a tribal up Sulik's tribe, worship their ancestors, and
on the auction block. many others deify the Nature, or
In 2241, the head of the Slaver's Guild is particular plants or animals (like the
Metzger, whose headquarters is in the Den. Vipers or the Hangdogs). Some natives of
Slavers in the Fallout games do not the Pitt worship Ishmael Ashur, Lord of
discriminate between people based upon The Pitt. The residents of Oasis in the
their race, species, or ideology; Capital Wasteland seem to have
anyone who can be easily cowed developed a religious system around
into submission, captured, and the love of nature. Caesar's
fitted with a slave collar is Legion, composed of
perfectly acceptable "meat" for reconditioned tribals, believes
them to use. Similarly, slavers in the divinity of Caesar as the


son of Mars.
CHILDREN OF THE CATHEDRAL Christianity is a pre-War monotheistic religion
The Children of the Cathedral was the religious based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth
branch of the Unity, a widespread religious cult that as presented in the gospels and other New
the Master established as a cover for his activities Testament writings. Although Christianity still exists
and to spread his philosophy. in post-War America, its overall influence has
The actions of the Cathedral's Children are based waned. Many new religions have sprung up in its
on the belief that the nuclear holocaust (referred to place. Where Christianity still holds sway, it has
as the Holy Flame, the Sacred Fire), invoked by scattered into even more splinter groups.
human greed, corruption and selfishness was a
chance to begin anew. It is the proverbial light that
nearly destroyed humanity. The Master is the
antithesis, the Dark God, waiting in the Darkness The exact origins of the Church of the Children of
below (quite literally), leading his children into a new the Atom is unknown, but it seems to have already
era of peace and unity. existed as far back as Megaton's construction, as
They have faith that the Master will bring about the Manya mentions that they were instrumental in
Unity, through which the Nexus of Rebirth will be getting the town built. The citizens of Megaton do
reached, during which all the worthy ones will be not mind them residing there as their technologies
baptized in the holy FEV and become the next and workforce were needed to build the city, in
generation of humans. When everyone reaches this exchange for it being "built around the bomb."
next stage of evolution, the Age of Peace will come, The Children of Atom believe that each atom
when there will be no more war and no more contains within it an entire universe, and when an
suffering. atom is split many universes are created. Therefore,
The Children believed in expanding their influence instead of seeing the Great War as destructive, the
through all possible means. Nightkin would assault Church believes it was a creative and unifying holy
cities assisted by Cathedral cultists, while loyal event. The Children of Atom also see death more as
servants would head into the wastes and establish a celebration of life and unification to Atom through
hospitals and offer healing to the body and the spirit. "the Glow." "The Glow" is the earthly embodiment of
The Master's plan was to unify all and bring them Atom and the Children of Atom's direct connection
into the glory that is his master plan. to Atom. The Children of Atom view the ghouls as
The lowest ranking members of the Cathedral cult "Atom's forsaken" or those who have unfinished
were "Initiates", used as menial workers or business and, for denying the ghouls their
indoctrinated cannon fodder, used against the unification with Atom himself, Atom touches them
enemies of the cult whenever nightkin involvement with "the Glow" and asks that they spread the word
was deemed unnecessary. An initiate that has of Atom to those around the world. Those ghouls
completed his assigned tasks could be elevated to that refuse to accept the "gift of the Glow" and
the rank of Scribe or Scholar, the latter tasked with refuse to spread the word of Atom are doomed to
spreading the gospel of the Holy Flame and sent as becoming feral ghouls.
healers throughout the wastelands to build up
support for the cult and prepare weapon stockpiles CHURCH OF THE LOST
for the imminent invasion. This lowest ranking group The majority of the city's population are members
is commonly referred to as Acolytes. of this cult, dedicated to guarding the secret vault
Servitors were the "officers" of the cult, who have from the outside world and to eradicate all humans
undergone intense brainwashing and indoctrination and super mutants that happen across their holy
in the Inner Sanctum of the Cathedral and whose ground. Their leader and spiritual guide is Blake.
faith is unquestioned. They are given vital The Church of the Lost is indeed a powerful force.
assignments and considered trustworthy enough to The ghouls have access to some advanced
know of the true foundation of the cult - the Master. weaponry, such as laser weaponry, and they use
A separate caste, the High Order, grouped Servitors glowing one comrades, poison dogs, and even
who were tasked with the most delicate of suicide bombers to fight their enemies.
assignments. The Church of the Lost consists not only of pre-
Elders were the leaders, ensuring that Cathedral War ghouls, but also ghouls who were turned after
operations ran smoothly, sometimes operating in the the war. Some of the members, including Blake
field. himself, have been ghouls for little over 20 years,


created by the explosion in the secret Vault from ago. The Star Father lives on the distant planet
which they originally came. 'Quetzal' in the constellation of Zyphus. Through
him, the Hubologists have received the knowledge
CTHULHU on 'alignments.'
The Star Father is the source of life on earth and
In Lovecraft's fiction, the various cults worshipping the Hubologists believe that they are all his
Cthulhu usually consist of primitive, or secluded descendants, but that they have lost their way, led
groups of people who either believe that Cthulhu will astray by the neurodynes. The Hub's grand plan
usher in an era of chaos and uninhibited violence or however will save them: The Hub convinced the
that he will wipe out all humanity but will great Star Father to let the true faithful live with him
thoughtfully kill off the cult quickly and relatively on 'Quetzal,' where they are forever saved from
painlessly. Either way, the return of Cthulhu for most neurodynes. The Star Father will free the full
people is thought of as a bad thing. potential of their minds and they will be able to do
It sounds strange, but over the years there have unimaginable things. Then they will return to Earth
been a few small "cults" that have actually formed to rule over mankind to end the influence of
around the Cthulhu mythos. Some of these cults neurodynes once and for all and guide the rest of
combined Lovecraft's mythology with other beliefs, mankind to its full potential.
like Satanism, while others seem to accept that Hubology uses a metaphor of a "wheel in the sky"
Cthulhu and his brethren are fictional, but subscribe to explain their existence, with Dick Hubbell
to the philosophy that those fictional beings representing the center hub of the wheel, the
represent. There are also several Lovecraft fan Hubologists the extending spokes, and non-
organizations that use the term Cult of Cthulhu to members the outer rim, "crushed" by the truth of
describe their group, though they are more about their teachings. The existence of extraterrestrial life
celebrating works of fiction than promoting a plays a role in Hubology, and as a part of this, the
particular world view. Hubologists in San Francisco are trying to repair a
pre-War space shuttle to leave the planet, and the
HUBOLOGISTS Hubologists in Nuka-World are trying to repair a UFO
The Hubologists originated as a cult founded with the same goal.
before the Great War by a man known as Dick
Hubbell (or "The Hub" by Hubologists). Hubology as MORMON CHURCH
a religion promotes the idea that humans are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
plagued by the spirits of the dead, causing more commonly known as the Mormon church to
neurodynes to form. most who are not members of the church, is the
Neurodynes can also be formed through contact largest denomination originating from the Latter Day
with so-called 'supressors: people that supress ones Saint movement founded by Joseph Smith in
talents and abilities. Their neurodyne-infested Upstate New York in 1830.
brainwaves can trigger neurodyne activity in others. Adherents, often referred to in-game as New
Through a 'cleansing' process offered at Hubology Canaanites, view good works and adherence to the
centers called 'alignment,' members can remove teachings of Jesus Christ as revealed through
these negative influences and gain greater powers. Joseph Smith, Jr. as the central tenets of their
This is done using zeta radiation to destroy some of religion. The Church has an open canon which
the neurodynes. Multiple alignments are therefore includes five scriptural texts: the Bible (both Old and
required, each one destroying more neurodynes. New Testaments), the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine
The degree to which a member has devoted his or and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Other
her time, efforts and caps to Hubology accords him than the Bible, the majority of the LDS canon
or her a numerical rank; the Hubologist leader, AHS- consists of revelation dictated by Joseph Smith
9, holds the highest rank of any living Hubologist, (who was subsequently murdered by an angry mob)
with his second in command being AHS-7. Guards and includes commentary and exegesis about the
are typically AHS-4s. In the group of Hubologists Bible, texts described as lost parts of the Bible, and
near Nuka-World, Dara Hubbell herself is also an other works believed to be written by ancient
AHS-9, with the Sole Survivor potentially becoming prophets. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
an AHS-8 (if they're willing to spend the caps Saints also follows a path of modern revelation, with
required). Phil Roller is an AHS-7. each successive president of the church (and his
Hubologists believe that their founder, Dick Hubbell Apostles) being sustained as prophets, seers, and
or 'The Hub,' made contact with the Star Father long revelators; church publications and talks from


General Conference are often likened to scripture, have a structure similar to a traditional government
and are used as such in a supplementary fashion. with politicians, a chief of the army, a medical
Groups of Mormons still survive in the wasteland, division, a science division, etc., but religious
mostly in the area that used to be known as the classes are also important in the Reaver Movement,
state of Utah, which originated as a safe haven for like priests. Also, the priest is the only reaver office
the Latter-day Saints as they migrated to escape that can be held in conjunction with the other
persecution. The Mormon Pioneers succeeded in classes, like scientist-priest. They are extremely
establishing a community, which became Salt Lake numerous, and a group of about forty reavers can be
City, Utah's capital and most populous city. Some seen in Junction City just to get one item of
time after a direct war with the United States, the technology and patrol the Midwest.
Utah territory, also known to the Mormons as Also, they have priests allowed to perform the
Deseret, became the state of Utah in 1896. This turn sacred rites of the Reaver Movement and acting as a
of events occurred after a series of unsuccessful mediatory between the reavers and the reavers'
petitions by the Church's former president, Brigham gods. They also have holy visions about prophecy or
Young, who had also been Utah territory's first technology, fanciful or not, that sometime take
governor. The petitions had been denied in the past, shape after in Temple-Laboratories, the reaver
primarily due to the Church's early stance on workshops. They generally perform a period of
polygamy. After the proclamation of the 1890 fasting, permitting them to have a better contact
Manifesto (which denounced any future plural with their gods.
marriages) by Church president Wilford Woodruff, Technology is everything for the Reaver Movement,
Utah was granted statehood. seeing it as sacred, searching for the spiritual
Though truly brutal groups like Caesar's Legion willenlightenment of science. Knowledge is divine for
not hesitate to enslave or kill Mormons, most tribals them and they don't hesitate to give courage in
and other organizations leave the Mormons alone, combat with citing the greatest invention of man or
knowing that they often will voluntarily give the scientific theory, like "for the glory of the
medicine or other aid to groups who need it. transistor" and "by the spirit of Counter-Electric-
Wastelanders tolerate the Mormons' proselytizing Motor-Force!", they also refer to each other as
because finding help with relatively benign brothers. They believe in a thing called the "current
conditions is rare; the New Canaanites are also flow", connecting them between the spiritual world
known as fair traders. of technology and the real world.
They have and revere many gods called Tech-Gods
REAVER MOVEMENT - mostly based on electrical units or pre-War
technology components - their domains being
The Reaver Movement is a religious cult of humans related to their function. The known Tech-Gods of
dedicated to the worship of technology operating in the Reaver Movement are:
the Midwest.  Electric Father of Creation, the creator of
The Reaver Movement was founded many decades everything.
before 2197 in the Midwest. They were raiders at  Be'alza-Gates, the acolyte of Satansoft (comes
first who found a military cache in the Midwest and from Beelzebub and Bill Gates, founder of
started to create a religion dedicated to the worship Microsoft).
of technology and everything around it. Sometime  Heavenly Ampere, the god of vision (comes from
after, they established a headquarters in the former the unit of electric current).
city of Newton in Kansas, where  His Capacitance, a kind of guide for
reaver scientists began to examine the Reaver Movement.
and produce technology and  Holy Ohm, the god of resistance
weapons. They are very different (comes from the unit of electrical
than the Brotherhood of Steel, since resistance).
they feel technology has an  Panasonica, lord of the Eternal
important religious significance and Assembly Lines of Panasonica
have religious beliefs in various (comes from the corporation
technology-related fields. They are Panasonic).
also more aggressive and have kept  Saint Di Ode, the god of
their likeness to raiders, acting like protection (comes from a diode -
them when they come close to getting wrongly named Di Ode).
new technology.  Saint Sony, the god of vision
They are lead by the four reaver elders and


(comes from the corporation Sony).

 Satansoft, the god of evil technology and lord of
the Tech-Underworld (comes from Satan and
While Reavers revere technological instruments
and weapons, they think hostile technology against
them, like the Calculator's robots, are possessed by
a evil god named "Satansoft" and are their creature,
a "Satansoft's creature". Each piece of recovered
hostile technology are surnamed "evil part". They
also have something called the "Holy Multimeter",
allowing them to get answers on something, but it's
only available for consultation by reaver priests.


Bottle caps, also commonly referred to as caps for
short, are the standard currency in the Fallout setting. VARIANTS
As odd as it may seem, then bottle caps are the There is a handful of different bottle caps available
standard accepted currency instead of regular bills that functions as currency in the Fallout setting.
and coins.


BACKGROUND Standard Nuka-Cola bottle caps featuring 21
In New California, the relative scarcity crimps and ridges, used as the basic form of
of bottle caps made them a perfect currency throughout the entire American wasteland.
currency for Hub merchants to
adopt in the 22nd century, leading COUNTERFEIT NUKA-COLA BOTTLE CAP
to the nickname "Hubbucks" and Physically they appear identical to standard
"Hubscript." Backed by the value Nuka-Cola bottle caps and are presumably
of water, the Hub merchants intended to be used for trading in place
supported bottle caps because the of actual bottle caps. They are
technology to manufacture them and produced by unknown persons,
paint their surfaces had been mostly have no trade value, and cannot be
lost in the Great War, which limited any used for any monetary purpose.
counterfeiting efforts. Secondly, there are a
limited number of bottle caps, which preserve their
value against inflation to some degree. For similar NCR DOLLARS
reasons the East Coast merchants also recognize The NCR introduced its own
bottle caps as a currency, although who backs them money around the turn of the 23rd
and guarantees their value is unknown. century and initially it relied on coins
While becoming the standard currency for Hub minted from gold. By 2241, the economy of NCR
merchants in the 22nd century, by the mid-23rd dominated the West Coast and coins became
century bottle caps were replaced by New California universal currency, used by the three big powers:
Republic (NCR) dollars, which were backed by gold. NCR, Vault City and New Reno. During this time
Caps would once again become a regularly-used bottle caps had become worthless in these regions.
currency after the destruction of NCR's gold reserves The gold in Redding, for a while, backed the NCR
by the Brotherhood of Steel destabilized the value of currency. However, by 2281, the currency was no
the dollar. longer backed by gold due to it losing its value as a
By the late-23rd century, the NCR's tenuous grip on result of the NCR-Brotherhood War. The NCR dollar
New California, the presence of Caesar's Legion had value due to it being backed by commodity rare
(who have their own currency), and the low value of metals. Due to this, the money has become severely
the now water-backed NCR dollar caused bottle devalued, with a hundred-dollar bill coming out to
caps to re-emerge as the standard currency of the around 40 caps rather than its face value, even in
Mojave Wasteland in 2281. Nevertheless, NCR and NCR territory or shops. This means that the
Legion currency are both considered legal tender by exchange rate for NCR Currency to bottle caps is
the various caravan companies and on the New about 2 bottle caps to 5 NCR dollars. Its form had
Vegas Strip. Mojave merchants also accept also changed: instead of minted coins, the NCR
nonstandard variants, such as Sunset Sarsaparilla issues banknotes, similar to pre-War money. In the
bottle caps. Mojave Wasteland, these notes can be seen in the
However, based on the relative prices of items on $5, $20, and $100 denominations.
the East Coast and West Coast, the bottle cap The notes are issued by the Republic Reserve
currency is used in larger amounts in the former. located in Angel's Boneyard. In 2281, the current
Treasurer of the Republic and head of the Republic
Reserve is John Michael Henderton; his signature
can be found on the front face of all NCR notes


found in the Mojave Wasteland.

Pre-War money was the currency of the United
States of America before the Great War. Despite its
former status, no contemporary individuals or
organizations use pre-War money as a form of
currency, treating it as a low-value collectable item
instead. Since the holograms at the Sierra Madre
Casino were programmed before the war, they still
use pre-War money as their primary basis of


This nonstandard variant, taken off Sunset
Sarsaparilla bottles, is used in the Mojave Wasteland
alongside Nuka-Cola caps.


A rare variant of the Sunset Sarsaparilla bottle cap,
featuring a blue star on the underside of the cap.
These can be traded in to Festus at the Sunset
Sarsaparilla headquarters for a reward.


Technology in the world of Fallout is different from well as the Mark IX and Sink models.
ours. First, due to the Divergence, it has developed in Typically, Auto-Doc functionality includes
a radically different direction. It's a world in which regenerating health, restoring crippled limbs and
integrated circuits were developed very late and performing surgeries, as well as being capable of
even then their popularity was limited, as people implementing implants that enhance both physical
preferred the more resistant and reliable vacuum and mental performance. Optional upgrades also
tubes. Second, the technology has progressed allow it to mitigate fatigue (by injecting adrenaline -
beyond our current level, as the development not recommended for extended use) and dispense
proceeded all the way until 2077 and even further in medical supplies. Even after the Great War, Auto-
certain cases (such as the Enclave). Docs have remained a rare technology found in the
Much of the Fallout world and technology is possession of only a few individuals.
inspired by 1950s pulp science fiction. The world is The Auto-Doc is considered to have three points of
not our own, functioning due to a different set of Intellect for the purpose of Medicine checks, and
rules. It is a world in which radiation can mutate also have two ranks of Medicine skill. Further, it also
people into ghouls and portable directed energy have two ranks of both the Physician and Surgeon
weapons are not only viable but also (relatively) talents.
widespread. This article aims to highlight the
differences between the Fallout world's technology
and our own.
Yet another startlingly advanced field in the Fallout
world, biomedical science flourished in the retro-
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE futuristic world. The most basic example, the
In colloquial parlance, Artificial Intelligence refers stimpak is astounding by our standards - a self
to a computer or a robot that is "self-aware" - it is contained stimulation delivery package, sending the
capable of not only logical deduction, reasoning and cells into a replication frenzy, swiftly healing minor
communicating, but knows of its own existence, the wounds, doing in seconds what often takes days by
possibility of its own mortality (and immortality), regular means. What further deepens the gap
and possesses creativity, desire, and, in many cases, between our technology and that of Fallout is the
emotion. existence of superior versions, the super stimpak
The most notable, and the most advanced AI to and ultra stimpak, which can heal even the worst of
date, are the Synths, specifically the Generation 3 injuries at a minor cost of health damage from the
Synths. Almost entirely biological and near-perfect frenzy of replication a few minutes later.
clones of humans with the exception of a number of Of course, developments also took place in fields
mechanical components inserted during other than healing, namely, pharmaceutical
manufacturing, Generation 3 Synths are entirely enhancement. In comparison, our drugs look like
sapient and self aware, with few exceptions. primitive hallucinogenics, as those in the Fallout
world last longer and have much stronger effects.
Buffout, synthetic steroids, amplifies Strength and
AUTO-DOC Endurance greatly, Mentats increase Intelligence and
An Auto-Doc (abbreviation of "Automatic Doctor") Perception while psycho increases both resistance
is a miracle of pre-War medical technology - a to pain and physical damage.
device capable of performing even the most Yet all of the above pales in comparison with truly
complex medical procedures without qualified revolutionary technologies. Beginning with the
medical personnel. Even for a talented physician, ability to easily clone replacement limbs and organs
these are invaluable aids. Early models were for humans, through surgeries permanently
retroactively upgraded with new software and enhancing the human body all the way to viruses
functionality introduced in later Auto-Docs before capable of rewriting human DNA and altering their
the Great War and as such, even Mark I devices are physical appearance in real time. This last, most
commonly able to perform complex surgeries just as phenomenal achievement is called the FEV, Forced
Evolutionary Virus.


as well, making the systems at the Raven Rock

COMPUTERS facility, and using cryonic chambers in the Sierra
Compared to other fields, computers are strangely Army Depot.
primitive - while portable units (such as RobCo Pip-
Boys) and robots exist, it seems that the actual
processing power is quite low (64k of RAM in ENERGY
Enclave terminals), contrasting with other advanced One of the key elements of the backstory are the
technologies. Their frames are also typically large Resource Wars, fought for the last remaining energy
and cumbersome, compared to the small, sleek resources on Earth. In the wake of the crisis, as the
forms of today. Desktop personal computers are economy ground to a halt, the United States sought
larger than a breadbox, while computers used in alternatives to fossil fuel energy, arriving at two
offices can consist of multiple vending-machine solutions - utilizing fission and fusion as the primary
sized magnetic-tape servers, filling entire rooms. power sources. The first crude fusion cell was
One of the main reasons for these bulky computers unveiled in 2066, providing the United States with an
was that the computers in the Fallout universe make edge and averting its imminent bankruptcy.
use of primarily bulky vacuum tubes, with only a By 2077, microfusion cells were commonplace,
small number of compact integrated circuit-boards. used widely as chargers for energy-consuming
Computer monitors also relied on large, primitive technology, ranging from laser rifles to cars.
Cathode ray tubes, which only allowed for However, perhaps the most representative element
monochrome picture. Because of this, Television in of the new energy source is the iconic T-51b power
the Fallout world never moved past black and white. armor, powered by a back-mounted TX-23 Micro
While most pre-War computers were bulky, Fusion pack, with enough fuel capacity to allow
primitive or both, there were exceptions. The U.S. operation for nearly a century.
government possessed several ZAX Fission power sources have found their use as
supercomputers, which were capable of complex well, as power sources for robots, which can utilize a
artificial intelligence. Some robots, including the nuclear power unit as its energy source or backup
Mister Handy series, robobrains and assaultrons generators.
also possess complex artificial personalities and
libraries worth of information, despite being built
around compact chassis. HOLODISK
A holodisk, holotape or THT tape, is a durable
laser-readable storage device produced by Wattz
CRYONICS Electronics, based on the tape holography
Cryonics is the low-level temperature preservation technology, storing their information safely for
of humans and animals in a suspended animation extended periods of time.
by slowing their vital functions, for the purposes of Holotapes, according to the Vault Dweller's
preserving them and keeping them alive for periods Survival Guide, could hold as much as 256 kilobytes
of time ranging from decades or even centuries until (with the middle models holding 128 kilobytes and
they are needed. Other purposes include standard tape holding only 64 kilobytes), while
safekeeping, or for keeping them alive for as long as according to Vree, high-density, manufactured-
possible while their brains are connected to an crystal holodisks could hold as much as 4,000
external expression device. gigabytes (nearly 4 terabytes) of information.
Before the Great War, Robert House and his
company, as well as the Big Mountain Research
Facility, are known to have produced technology HOLOGRAM
within the cryogenic and cryonic field. Robert House A hologram is an three-dimensional photograph
extensively researched extending the human life, recorded via refracted lasers onto a two-
and created his own cryonic chamber that allowed dimensional surface. In the Fallout universe,
the user to connect their brain pattern and holograms appear as they do in other works of
consciousness to an external interface. Big science fiction, I.E. as three-dimensional volumetric
Mountain produced hibernation chambers with projections of objects and people made of beams of
similar purposes, however, the nature of their monochromatic light. It is one of the more rare
research into the field is unknown. The United States technologies found in the Fallout universe.
Armed Forces experimented with cryonic technology Holograms were an advanced experimental


technology before the Great War, and never achieved being made of only light, they cannot be killed, hurt,
the same level of prominence as other forms of or even slowed down by conventional weapons.
technology. Due to the enormous energy Their only weakness is the hologram emitter they
requirements for projecting holograms, as well as are bound to, and limits the range at which they will
the cost of materials and manufacturing, holograms pursue their targets. Due to the limited range
were largely unseen by the public eye, existing hologram emitters, they can often be found near
primarily in top-secret research labs and military guards, after which they can be destroyed with a
facilities. decent amount of force. Emitters can also be
It is believed that hologram technology originally reprogrammed via terminals, either switching
stemmed from Stealth Boy research, in a scientific holograms to a non-hostile state or shutting them
drive to match Chinese stealth suit technology. off completely.
All holograms in the Fallout universe appear as
bright blue, monochromatic 3-D projections, often
with visible scan lines and "flickering" effects similar PERSONAL PROTECTION
to an old CRT monitor. Being made of light, they are One of the most noticeable technological leaps
intangible, and thus cannot be touched, held or, in was made in the field of protecting people from
the case of security holograms, killed. All harm (as well as causing it, but more on that later).
holograms require an emitting device to The United States was especially proficient at doing
appear. They are used primarily for so, as its research into polymers paid off, resulting
displaying images for communication and in suits of advanced combat armor being widely
research, although some are deployed across the country to police and military
used for entertainment as well forces, sometimes even civilians with a special
as security. BADTFL permit. This armor protected the
Service protocol holograms wearer considerably from conventional and
perform a specific function - explosive damage as well as laser and
greeters, simple vendors, or in the plasma, a trait quite useful on the modern
case of the Sierra Madre casino battlefield.
itself, even monitoring gambling Another example of considerable
tables. These service holograms advancement is the power armor, an
follow simple routines, being little armored suit with a hydraulic endoskeleton,
more than robots. They cannot attack, powered by a fusion pack, designed to be a one-
nor will they respond to attacks. In the man tank replacing traditional, inefficient
Sierra Madre, they appear as ordinary vehicles in their role. It is an exclusively
humans with neat haircuts and fancy American technology, which is also the root of
suits. many other technologies, such as the
Security protocol holograms are aforementioned cold fusion.
somewhat more sophisticated than Even the Great War failed to stall research into
Service holograms, capable of the technology, as the Enclave continued to
providing security to a designated area. develop new suits to create an even
Using invisible field-of-view sensors to more powerful suit than the pre-War
scan their surroundings, Security cutting edge T-51b power armor.
holograms can patrol a fixed path and An interesting example of
respond to any threats they encounter research into personal protection
with swift retaliation. Their memory cells exists, in the form of the Tesla
can only perceive the area in a fixed cone in armor, a suit based on Nikola
front of them, so two or more holograms are Tesla's blueprints, in which
utilised to cover each other's blind spots. Once an Tesla Attraction Coils attract
intruder is detected, Security holograms will and disperse energy attacks,
turn from blue to yellow in color, indicating providing a surprisingly
that they are aware of the intruder's effective protective apparel and
presence. If the trespasser does not leave their another example of how Fallout's physics are
line of sight, they will flash red, and attempt to different than our own.
subdue the target with a powerful discharge beam
fired from their foreheads.
Attacking a security hologram head-on is useless-


robots have a naturally adverse attitude towards

ROBOTICS humans, or animated things in general- living or
A fledgling field of science in our world has robotic, as all the robots feature a combat "inhibitor"
meaning that the robots all exhibit an uncontrollable
become a thriving industry of its own in the Fallout
urge to kill, without the inhibitor anyway.
world. Robots are widely used and have reached a
very high level of refinement and advancement. They
can operate individually, can process visual and
audio data in real time and make tactical decisions
in the heat of the moment, operate human or inbuilt In 2077, due to the oil crisis, gasoline was no
weapons with deadly accuracy and even host longer a viable car fuel, even more so with the
artificial intelligences. excellent power the automobiles had. As such, many
An indication of just how advanced robotics were car companies have desperately pursued research
is the fact, that robots were commercially available into alternative power sources, with Chryslus Motors
to civilians and companies, apart from the military - finally patenting the successor to gasoline: electric
Mister Handy and protectron robots being the best engines, powered by energy cells. Charged with
examples of just how widespread and popular they fusion cells, a Chryslus Corvega or Highwayman
were. featured 800+ horsepower and acceleration from 0
At the time of the Great War, robots were just to 60 MPH in under a second, all done with a full
making their appearance in the average suburban analog system and no computers. However, not
household, but the military still had the largest many of these cars were produced and those that
number of active robots. The robots that are still were had a limited success due to their hefty price
running are found in isolated former military bases tag.
or ones that have been restored by settlements with Steam-powered trucks were also being used by
the sophisticated technology needed to keep them the time of the Great War, and unlike the bulky
running. nuclear cars, were also very viable for transit in the
Typically, robots are equipped with a basic post-Apocalypse.
programming structure that dictates behavior and
priorities. In most cases, these rules are effectively
set in stone, and there's little the player can do to VIRTUAL REALITY
influence them. However, robots can also develop Virtual reality or VR simulators were a fairly new
personalities. Whether this is an intended feature technology before the Great War and are known to
present from manufacturing or the cumulative result have been in use only in the United States military
of centuries of poorly-attended operation is unclear. and in at least one Vault-Tec Vault.
Some robots, such as the Nuka-Cola shipping The extent to which the simulators replicate reality
foreman appear to have rather harsh personalities is unknown - in some cases, being killed in the
present from their first days of activation, while simulation results in the person being killed in real
others, such as the protectron series seem to have life. It is possible this is only an extreme case, as it is
little personality at all. At times, this personality a fail safe in Vault 112, and a simulation used to
seems to operate at odds with the fundamental core open an armory in the VSS facility. Since, as
programming of the robot. previously stated, these simulators are known to
Robots are often pressed into emergency duty have no civilian or entertainment applications, the
outside their normal menu of skills, although this question remains whether they were part of a
meets with varying degrees of success. A general- previous training simulation or other project,
maintenance Mister Handy will likely make a poor possibly involving the development of power armor.
medic. Again, due to the limited information available since
It may also be noted that without proper the bombs fell, this may never be known.
supervision, robots may handle situations rather
extremely. Metro protectron will kill an unarmed
person if they do not have a ticket, on top of this they WEAPONS
do not accept red pass or blue pass cards, meaning Likely the single field in which the greatest
someone traveling on these lines may be attacked
advancements were made, weaponry of the Fallout
even with proper authorization. With this in mind it
world is varied and incredibly advanced in some
can be safe to say that robots of the Fallout universe regards. Apart from conventional weapons based on
do not follow Asimov's three laws of robotics, or if combustion of gunpowder, energy weapons
they do very loosely. It would seem that east coast


development advanced at a rapid pace, allowing for

the creation of mass produced laser, plasma and
pulse rifles.
While many conventional weapons echo those
available in our world (such as the AK-112 Assault
Rifle or Colt Rangemaster hunting rifle), advances in
high-tech, light-weight polymer have also enabled
man to carry huge weapons: man-portable
miniguns. Developed not only by America, these
massive rotary cannons are capable of delivering
extreme firepower in a compact package.
Yet they were still horribly bulky and inefficient
when compared with energy weapons. These
advanced armaments were developed to be powered
with Microfusion cells, although battery packs or
cabled power systems could also be used as well.
There are three distinct types of these weapons in
the wastelands - laser based, which emit a several
megawatt beam of coherent light, plasma based,
relying on delivering damage via condensed plasma
and pulse, in which the damage is done via a
powerful electrical energy pulse.
The United States Armed Forces were principally
interested in the development of these weapons and
employed them widely. The Enclave, successor to
the US government, followed this trend.
A curious offshot of research into ways to harm
other humans was the Gauss coilgun technology.
Originating in Germany, the weapons fired a small
caliber metal slug (2mm energy cell) down a barrel
surrounded by magnets, propelling it to extreme
speeds and guaranteeing massive damage upon



Fallout is a world full of mutations, and this chapter blessed with exceptional strength, intelligence and
deals with what causes mutations and what endurance, super mutants were superior to humans
happens when mutations takes effect. in every way. They also possessed the exceptionally
long life of the mutated as well as total sterility. Grey
– who now called himself the Master – lamented the
FORCED EVOLUTIONARY VIRUS needless destruction of the war. He decided that he
would have to force humanity to evolve. Those who
The other major source of mutations in the Fallout could not evolve would die.
world is FEV: the Forced Evolutionary Virus. The Creating super mutants was a very hit-or-miss
super mutants, floaters, centaurs, and possibly process. The great majority of super mutants
wanamingos are products of FEV infection. Harold produced by the Master and later his Lieutenant
was also mutated by FEV, even though he looks in Mariposa's Vats were big, dumb brutes.
like a ghoul. Physically, they were vastly superior
It was initially called the Pan-Immunity to humans, but they had the
Virion Project and was created to fight a intelligence of children. What
disease called the New Plague. exactly causes some mutants
However, abnormal side effects to be brilliant and others to be
were observed in test subjects. stupid is unknown. As a rule
The test animals began to grow of thumb, the less damaged
dramatically and their brain or altered by radiation the
activity increased. Seeing the subject's DNA, the better.
potential there, the Army sent its Aside from super mutants,
own people to secure the the Master also created a
project, renamed it FEV: Forced variety of other creatures.
Evolutionary Virus, and began Floaters are hostile mutant
performing experiments on creatures that likely originated
humans within the from the FEV-infected flatworms
Mariposa Military Base, mentioned in the FEV
which would turn soldiers into experiment disk, and were later
abnormally strong and intelligent further enhanced by the Master's
supermen. experiments. Centaurs were created by
After the Great War, and the exodus of Roger tossing a varied mix of dogs, cats, brahmin
Maxson and his troops to the Lost Hills Bunker, the and other animals into a vat and seeing what came
base sat quiet until it was discovered by a group of out the other end.
explorers including Harold and Doctor Richard Grey,
most of whom died when they encountered the
automated defense systems. Soon, only Grey and
Harold remained. Harold was knocked out (he never
did find out how) and woke up out in the desert The various types of mutant creatures that inhabit
looking like a ghoul. Grey was knocked into a vat full the Wastelands were mostly created by radiation.
of FEV by a crane and managed to crawl out. He This is where mantises, geckos, radscorpions,
began to mutate in horrible ways, turning into a sort brahmin and the various mutant rodent species
of blobby kind of thing. He developed psychic originated from. Radiation is also how ghouls -
powers, which were enhanced by consuming living decrepit, zombie-like victims of massive radiation
minds to expand his own brainpower. Slowly, he poisoning - are created. Many ghouls were once
started doing his own experiments with FEV. Vault dwellers living in Vault 12 under the city of
Grey found that many of the test subjects were Bakersfield (better known as the Necropolis after the
metamorphosing into giant, mindless brutes with War). As part of the vast Vault Experiment Program,
the intelligence of a child, if they survived at all. the Vault 12 door was designed not to close
However, a rare few test subjects became super properly. Thus, the vault's inhabitants were exposed
mutants. Immune to disease or radiation while to massive amounts of radiation, leading to most of



them becoming ghouls.

Indeed, this "Radiation Gigantism" has been shown
by many types of the Wasteland's creatures, such as
giant ants, radroaches, bloatflies, and mirelurks.

There are a few other types of mutant creatures in
the Wastelands that don't directly stem from FEV or
radiation. These are mostly the intelligent animals.
The intelligent spore plant and radscorpion in
Broken Hills were another, separate experiment
conducted by a scientist there. The wanamingos
were a pre-War experiment conducted by the U.S.
military similar to the Enclave's intelligent Deathclaw
research, were all, without exception, systematically
eradicated. Occasionally, other intelligent animals
have appeared here and there, but all have been
There are human societies that have undergone
gradual mutations over several generations due to
either environmental conditions like exposure to the
modified airborne strain of FEV that permeates the
Wastelands of New California, radiation exposure, or
other reasons. Two examples are the Slags (mutated
by genetic adaption to life underground) and the
Beastlords (mutated by a unique form of radiation).
Additional forms of these such mutants include the
Trogs of the Pitt, the Swampfolk of Point Lookout
and the Tunnelers of Hopeville.


The Enclave holds the view that any "human" who
has been "exposed" to the post-nuclear world's
ambient environmental radiation is a mutant and
that all mutants should be destroyed and disposed
of. The Enclave's definition of "exposure" would
seem to mean that only Enclave members and those
people still residing in Vaults count as "pure" human



Not only is the radioactive Wasteland a threat in one. When this reach no upgrade, the patient is
itself, but so are the many denizens that roam the successfully treated of the New Plague.
blasted wastes, but diseases also run rampart
among those that traverse the Wastelands.
NEW PLAGUE Post-cryogenic syndrome is a medical condition
that can be suffered by individuals who are removed
New Plague, the Blue Flu, or Limit 115 is a socially from cryogenic stasis after having been submerged
transmitted plague which arose in the middle of the in bio med gel for prolonged periods of time. Dobbs
21st century in the United States. is the only known person to have suffered the
The time from onset of early, flu-like symptoms to condition.
death was three to five days. Later, infected subjects The symptoms can be fatal, and can result in the
suffered from profuse sweating, unexplained individual completely dissolving seconds after
contusions/swelling, and massive external leaving stasis.
hemorrhaging. Eventually, the New Plague resulted
in clogged respiration, usually killing the infected  Vector: None.
subject. Survivors of the New Plague usually ended  Speed: Immediate.
up sterile.  Duration: Instantaneous.
Limit 115 was a secret, genetically engineered  Effect: When brought out from cryogenic freeze, a
weapon designed by scientists working for the character must make an Average (dd) Resilience
United States government or the shadow check. Any uncancelled t results in 2 points of
government later known as the Enclave. The intent unsoakable Strain damage each. A y results in the
was initially to create a virus that would sterilize the character being Disoriented for a duration of one day
infected people, to be used on enemies such as per uncancelled t on the check, with a minimum of
China. one day. Should the check result in y and ttt
The "New Plague" arose in 2052 after Chinese Hei the body immediately starts to dissolve, leaving the
Gui agents managed to steal some of the Limit-115 character with a single turn before dying.
during a sabotage of the Hoover Dam testing labs.  Treatment: There is no known treatment for Post-
The spies were in the process of trying to escape Cryogenic Syndrome.
Denver and were killed, breaking samples of the
virus in a crowded public area. The epidemic killed
approximately two-hundred thousand citizens in the REPCONN SHAKES
United States, including cities such as Denver,
The REPCONN Shakes was an illness that was
Boulder, and Colorado Springs. The United States
caused when a few pre-War children drank the
closed its borders and the first-ever national
glowing blue liquid from a rocket souvenir toy. The
quarantine was declared.
children mistook the liquid inside of said rocket toy
for Nuka-Cola Quartz (presumably) and drank it
 Vector: Airborne.
down after getting them at the REPCONN gift shop.
 Speed: [24 – Brawn] hours.
It is assumed that the symptoms would be the
 Duration: [Resilience] days.
same as drinking any other poisonous substance
 Effect: Anyone affected with the New Plague must
such as Windex. Symptoms include:
upgrade the difficulty of all skill checks once. This
 Severe diarrhea
upgrade penalty increases by an additional upgrade
 Vomiting.
per day, to the point of the patient's Resilience ranks
 Severe shaking.
in days, at which point the patient dies a horrible
 Fever.
suffocating death.
 Teeth chattering.
 Treatment: New Plague can be treated, although it
 Pale-looking face.
is quite difficult. A Daunting (dddd) Medicine  Blood in vomit.
check is required each day of treatment. A  Increased blood pressure to compensate for lost
successful check lowers the upgraded difficulty by blood after vomiting.


The REPCONN Shakes, according to Cliff Briscoe write that the afflicted person should be encouraged
“was a bad thing indeed for RobCo”. Having no want to see a vault physician for diagnosis. If diagnosed
for the rocket toys after that incident, they unloaded with VDS, the afflicted person is prescribed an anti-
all of their stock of rocket toys onto the Dino Bite gift anxiety medication.
shop in Novac, where they have sat for over 200
years.  Vector: None.
 Speed: Usually one check is made every year in a
 Vector: Ingestion. Vault, at the GMs discretion.
 Speed: [Brawn + 1] turns.  Duration: Until cured.
 Duration: [Brawn – 6] days.  Effect: Anyone suffering from VDS must upgrade
 Effect: RepCONN shakes renders the character the difficulty of all skill checks once. Furthermore,
Disoriented for a duration of [6 – Brawn] days. any skill check with a y result, means that the
During this time, the character adds bb to all skill character performs an erratic and random act, which
checks. is determined by the GM. The character is well aware
 Treatment: RepCONN shakes can be treated by of his actions during the time, but his mental state of
administering an Average (dd) Medicine check. mind has driven him to do such an abnormal
 Treatment: Vault Depressive Syndrome, or VDS, is
SUPER EBOLA VIRUS relatively easile cured, requiring an Average (dd)
From the name alone Super Ebola Virus (SEBOV), it Medicine check.
can be assumed to be a mutated strain of the well-
known, standard Ebola virus. If it is anything at all
like or similar to the regular Ebola virus, the Super
Ebola virus would likely cause a virally hemorrhagic
fever in the infected and ultimately lead to high fever
shock and ultimately death much more quickly or
much more severely overall than the regular Ebola

 Vector: Inhalation.
 Speed: [Brawn x 2] hours.
 Duration: Until cured.
 Effect: Every day that the character is affected with
SEBOV, he reduces both of his Agility and Brawn
characteristics by 1 point. If either of these two
characteristics reach 0, the character dies.
 Treatment: The Super Ebola Virus is rather
resistant to medicine and treatment, making it one
of the most difficult diseases for doctors to treat.
Attempts to cure a patient of SEBOV requires a
Formidable (ddddd) Medicine check.


The Vault depressive syndrome, or VDS, is a
mental health ailment. VDS was first diagnosed in
the mid-21st century by Vault-Tec vault physicians.
The physicians' notes and treatment methods were
recorded and codified in the Vault-Tec medical
protocols. The physicians listed some of the
symptoms of this ailment as lethargy, anxiety, and
low self-esteem. Some residents who have these
symptoms can sometimes act out their insecurities
and low self-esteem by bullying other residents. If a
resident exhibits these symptoms, the physicians


A vault is a type of subterranean installation occupants at any given time, although hot-bunking
initially designed by the Vault-Tec Corporation, later was required at maximum capacity, and equipped
constructed in collaboration with RobCo Industries. with all facilities and supplies needed by them to
Officially, they were designed for the sole purpose of survive in isolation for the designated time.
sheltering up to one thousand individuals in the According to the Vault 101 PA System, the life
event of a nuclear holocaust; however, in reality, they support system could work for over 900 years
were part of a series of secret experiments without failure, and the odds of a vault failing were
orchestrated by the United States government. 1,763,497 to 1. In addition, the PA system also
stated that the average life expectancy in a properly
maintained vault is 92.3 years. The facilities and
BACKGROUND supplies for Vault 13 included complete construction
Commissioned by the U.S. government in 2054 as equipment, hydro-agricultural farms, a water
part of “Project: Safehouse,” also known as the purification system, defensive weaponry to equip 10
"Societal Preservation Program," the Vault-Tec people, communication systems and surface
Corporation constructed 122 vaults across the monitors, social, and entertainment files (for total
country. However, at the onset of the Great War in duration). Waste management was conducted by
2077, the vaults sealed without many of their burning trash on scheduled "burning days." Larger
intended inhabitants, a result of the “cry wolf effect" incinerator receptacles were used for the destruction
that previous training drills of human corpses. In addition, some vaults received
had on the populace. one or two G.E.C.K.s,
The first vault was intended to help the
constructed beneath Los inhabitants create a viable
Angeles, and was intended civilization in the post-
to demonstrate the viability nuclear world after the All
of such a facility. Unlike Clear signal is sent.
subsequent installations, Different types of power
this demonstration vault sources were utilized for
was not part of the ulterior the vaults. Vault 13 relied
experiment behind Project: primarily on geothermal
Safehouse. By 2063, most energy, with backup power
of the vaults had finished construction, with the available from a General Atomics nuclear power
exceptions of Vault 13, Vault 114, Vault 118 and generator, enough to sustain the vault for two
Vault 88. Vault 112 is the last known vault to be hundred years. Vault 8 on the other hand, relied on
completed, construction having concluded in June an inefficient nuclear reactor, which, while enough
of 2074. for Vault City to emerge, could only support a
relatively small, highly advanced settlement, and in
2241 was nearing its capacity, after which further
OVERVIEW growth would be impossible.
All vault dwellers wear blue-and-yellow jumpsuits,
The vaults were some of the most expensive
although the design varied between different vaults.
shelters in the pre-War world. According to the Vault
Needless to say, most vaults in the experiment
Dweller's Survival Guide for Vault 13 (otherwise
failed and had results completely different than
known as the Fallout manual), the intended budget those advertised. Many who exited successful vaults
for that particular installation was 400 billion dollars, seem to suffer from xenophobia (fear of strangers)
and by the end of its construction reached $645 and/or agoraphobia (fear of open places).
billion (although it should be mentioned that prices
in the Fallout setting are highly inflated). The vaults
were located in various locations, and little LAYOUT
information is available as to why those particular The vaults are all very similar in their basic
sites were chosen. functions, but sometimes were constructed
Each vault was designed to hold one thousand


according to different designs. The vaults of the New bruises to radiation.

California area differ from those constructed in the
vicinity of Washington, DC, the Commonwealth, and
the Mojave area. LIVING QUARTERS
Due to scaling, the size of vaults shouldn't be Standard pre-War design of the living quarters was
taken at face value. Many of the explorable vaults in that of a single room with a sanitary annex. Vault 13
have enough space or facilities to actually house had one hundred living quarters, and at maximum
1000 people (or rather 500, as hot-bunking is used capacity, ten people would be assigned to a single
at maximum capacity). However, many doors within living quarter, in a hot-bunking system. A standard
vaults are inaccessible, from collapses, security level had 20,000 square feet of usable area.
lockdowns, broken mechanical parts, etc., which The lights in the vaults used Simu-Sun technology,
allows for the possibility that the vault is far larger making it feel just like the outdoors, with only a
than the areas the player can access. fraction of a sunburn risk.


The entrance houses the vault's only connection to At the heart of the vault, the command center was
the outside world - the airlock. where the overseer's seat was located. The
It is closed from the inside by a reinforced high- operations center, apart from the seat of power,
security door and from the outside by a massive, included the computer lab, where the water
gear-shaped, four-foot thick vault door, which Three purification system was located, and an armory,
Dog claims "weighs, like, thirteen tons." For most where the vault's weapons, ammunition and armor
vaults this is the only means of entering or leaving. was stockpiled. A security guard was posted in the
Most vaults have consoles located on both the command center at all times, to ensure that the
inside and outside, both of which require a security armaments were properly secured and handed out
code to open the outer door. These codes are usually only to people possessing the proper clearance from
only known to a handful of people within the facility the overseer. The overseer is also able to see anyone
so as to prevent unauthorized exits. inside the vault with the Eye-on-You cameras.
The automated narrator in Washington DC's Apart from that, the level also contained the
Museum of Technology states that the vault doors computer core (with the vault's AI monitoring the
had a projected 2% failure rate in case of a direct hit shelter 24/7), housing data processing units, a
by a nuclear missile. The only known vault to have library playing an important role in educating vault
been hit by a nuclear weapon is Vault 87, and dwellers, a common meeting room, and the primary
according to the logs of its overseer, that blast store room, where the most important supplies
damaged the door beyond repair. This could have would be stored.
been merely a "lucky shot" falling within the 2% Equipped with dual 5.56mm miniguns in some
failure, but it seems more likely that Vault-Tec's vaults, the overseer's command post can be
strength projections were incorrect or defined failure considered the last line of defense in case vault
as allowing the inside of the vault to be damaged or security is breached.
Most vaults use a Seal-N-Safe Vault door Model
No. 343 to secure the airlock. Some older vaults,
such as Vault 101, use a different, cruder blast door
Officially, the vaults were nuclear shelters designed
model. Vault 8, the control vault, had also a second,
to protect the American population from nuclear
much larger, blast door built, securing the entry
holocaust. However, with a population of almost 400
hallway leading to the entrance to the vault. Vault
million by 2077, the U.S. would need nearly 400,000
111 and Vault 118 are the only known vaults to
vaults the size of Vault 13, while Vault-Tec was
feature an elevator leading to an underground area
commissioned to build only 122 such vaults. The
where the gear shaped door is located already
government, and Vault-Tec, never really believed an
secure in the hill it was built in.
actual nuclear war would occur; the real reason for
The entrance level also houses the Emergency
the existence of these vaults was to run social
Medical Lab complete with an Auto-Doc. A vault
experiments on pre-selected segments of the
medic was required to be present at the EML 24
population to see how they react to the stresses of
hours a day. The lab had the equipment to treat
isolation and how successfully they recolonize Earth
nearly all injuries and illnesses, ranging from simple
after the vault opens.


The total number of vaults is a government secret failures. However, as noted in the Penny Arcade
and has been lost; there were the aforementioned comic, the vaults were never truly intended to ‘save’
"public" vaults, which numbered 122 and an anyone; there was simply not enough time, money or
undisclosed number of "private" vaults. Information resources to build enough shelters to house more
on whether Vault-Tec was an international than a fraction of the population. While the “control
corporation or strictly U.S. based, cannot be vaults” did function as advertised and opened on
released due to Vault-Tec and United States federal schedule, most of the vaults were actually intended
regulations. That said, Vault-Tec seems to have to explore and observe how societies succeeded or
constructed some vaults in Canada. In a letter sent failed to adapt in response to various challenges and
to a rejected DC citizen the company offered to restrictions. These social experiments were
provide a list of "Vault-Tec facilities with available conducted on live, (largely) unaware subjects,
accommodations, in exciting locales such as monitored by Vault-Tec researchers in several
Oklahoma and newly-annexed Canada." separate facilities, and undertaken at the behest of
Of the 122 known public vaults, only 17 were the future Enclave as part of a massive feasibility
control, meaning that only 17 were made to public study of how to best resettle a devastated Earth or, if
expectations. All others were designed to include a necessary, colonize another planet.
social experiment, sometimes with a select few of Most of the vaults seen in the games were non-
the inhabitants observing the occupants. viable 200 or even a mere 80 years after the War.
While some vaults had 'noble' goals, such as to While Vault 13 might have lasted until its
eradicate disease (Vault 81) or improve the scheduled opening date of 2277, the
human genome (Vault 75), they had unplanned failure of the water chip
incredibly unethical methods of doing forced the overseer's hand and
so, often exposing their inhabitants - set subsequent events in
often fatally - to some danger motion. If Vault 101 was truly
specific to certain vaults to intended to stay closed "forever,"
research the effects. its failure was inevitable; the
The few vaults that only question was how
survived intact for more than 80 long, and what form the
years came to serve another, change or disaster would
unanticipated purpose: they were take. Many other vaults were
an excellent source of pure abandoned because of
human stock, uncontaminated unlivable conditions, or saw the
by the mutated airborne residents driven violently
strain of FEV and prime insane by the procedures
candidates for conversion inflicted on them. Some of these
into super mutants. continue to pose a hazard to the
The true nature of the vaults unwary who wander in from
epitomized the insidious nature of the government outside, looking for loot or a place
at its most callous, a running theme in Fallout that of safety.
the American government was unconcerned with Out of all the vaults, only the
the wellbeing of its people even in absolute control vaults were a success,
crisis. The innumerable loss of life caused by with all experimental vaults failing
making so few vaults, and their intended use in one way or another. There
as social experiments, and toying with what are however exceptions; Vault
little remained of the American population 101 while an experimental
highlights this. Worse, if the Enclave met vault technically failed as it
setbacks, failed or were rendered incapable of was never meant to open; Vault
recolonizing the world, it appears there was no 3 is another exception as
backup plan to utilize the vaults to replenish technically a control vault, it
humanity. failed as all the residents were
massacred by the Fiends; Vault 81 is the last
exception, as its experiment was sabotaged from
RESULTS the start by the overseer, so it instead acted like a
In terms of providing safety and security for their control vault.
inhabitants, most of the vaults were complete Despite all of this, the experiment may be


considered a success in terms of the data collected

- data that was much more important to the Vault-
Tec and Enclave scientists than a few hundred In order to study the effects of radiation on the
thousand lives, most of whom would have died selected population, the vault door was designed not
anyway if not for the vaults. However, it is unknown to close properly. This is the Necropolis vault and a
if this data was recovered/used, as there is no large population of ghouls was the result.
 Location: Bakersfield (Necropolis), California.
reference in the Fallout universe of the Enclave
receiving/collecting the data or Vault-Tec existing in
the post-war world. VAULT 13
Intended to stay closed for 200 years as a study of
prolonged isolation, the broken water chip forced
LIST OF KNOWN VAULTS Overseer Jacoren to improvise and use the Vault
Listed below are the known vaults, though this is Dweller as a pawn. Later study of the Vault 13
by no means a near-complete index of existing records by the Enclave led them to their current plan
vaults. to end the war.
 Location: Mt. Whitney, Southern California.


The Vault-Tec demonstration vault. It was not part VAULT 15
of the experiment. Intended to stay closed for 50 years and include
 Location: Southern California. people of radically diverse ideologies. Gathered from
what Aradesh says in Fallout, he has quite a bit of
multicultural flavoring to his speech. The birthplace
UNFINISHED VAULT of three raider groups and Shady Sands (later to
A fenced construction area in a small cave north of become the NCR).
Vaults 13 and 15. It may have been the first location  Location: Southern California.
of Vault 13 before its relocation.
 Location: Northern California.
The vault was raided in 2154 and its inhabitants
VAULT 3 taken prisoner by the Master's Army. They were
A control vault designed to open after 20 years, but subsequently turned into super mutants. It is
kept closed longer due to the wishes of the vault unknown what this vault's experiment was, or if it
inhabitants. However, an unplanned water leak was one of the seventeen control vaults.
forced the occupants to open in hopes of trading  Location: Uknown.
with the outside. Unfortunately, all of the vault's
residents were massacred by a group of raiders
known as the Fiends shortly after they opened the VAULT 19
vault door. The vault was segregated into two groups, Red and
 Location: West of Las Vegas, Nevada. Blue. The groups lived in separate sections of the
vault and the inhabitants may have been chosen due
to pre-existing paranoia.
VAULT 8  Location: Red Rock Canyon, Nevada.
A control vault, intended to open and recolonize
the surface after 10 years and is equipped with a
GECK. Vault City is the result. VAULT 21
 Location: Northern Nevada. This vault's purpose was gambling, reinforced by
having only compulsive gamblers admitted as vault
residents and with all conflicts within the vault to be
VAULT 11 resolved through gambling. It is one of the few non-
This vault was a social experiment testing human control vaults that didn't end in failure. When
nature - most specifically the ability to sacrifice opened, its residents successfully integrated into the
oneself for others and the ability to place ideals societies around them, and the lower levels of the
above one's own life. vault were collapsed by Robert House.
 Location: Southeast of Las Vegas, Nevada.  Location: Las Vegas, Nevada.


VAULT 22 The Lone Inhabitant of the vault went insane from

lack of human contact and eventually abandoned
Apparently a vault designed to develop advanced the vault after "murdering" one of the puppets.
agricultural technologies. Successful experiments  Location: Unknown.
were executed, creating strains of plants that could
grow under artificial light. However, an experiment
on pest control involving a genetically- VAULT 81
manufactured spore annihilated or transformed the Intended to develop a single cure for all human
vault's inhabitants. diseases through testing on unaware human
 Location: West of Las Vegas, Nevada. subjects. The vault had two sections: the residents
lived in one section, while Vault-Tec scientists
VAULT 34 secretly observed them and worked in the other.
Unexpectedly, the original overseer disabled the
The armory was overstocked with weapons and equipment the scientists were to use to expose the
ammunition and not provided with a lock. The residents to diseases. As of 2287, the vault's
Boomers, the weapon-crazy inhabitants of Nellis Air residents are alive and well, and regularly trade with
Force Base, descend from the inhabitants of this the outside world.
vault.  Location: Boston, The Commonwealth.
 Location: East of Las Vegas, Nevada.

A Forced Evolutionary Virus (F.E.V.) research and
Populated by twenty men, ten women, and one testing facility. The residents were exposed to the
panther. FEV in locked chambers where scientists would
 Location: Unknown. observe their changes. In two weeks, the subjects
VAULT 69 underwent changes that gave birth to super mutants
As Vault 68's counterpart, the vault had one and centaurs.
thousand people maximum and is populated by nine  Location: Capital Wasteland.
hundred and ninety nine women and one man.
 Location: Unknown. VAULT 88
Intended to test various prototype devices with the
VAULT 75 aim of rolling them out to the rest of the vaults; this
Excluding vault staff, all residents were under the vault was never fully constructed; only the entrance
age of 18 at the time of vault activation; parents and a few interior rooms were finished before the
were quietly separated from their children and later Great War began. With the assistance of the vault's
executed by vault security. The children were intended overseer, Valery Barstow, the Sole Survivor
subjected to various methods of torture and harsh can build this vault however they like, and run
tests by vault staff, with the hope of making them various experiments of their choosing on the
capable of surviving the wastes. The experiment dwellers.
went well for several generations, but the archives  Location: Boston, The Commonwealth.
were destroyed and most if not all of the progress
made was lost. VAULT 92
 Location: Malden, The Commonwealth. Populated largely by renowned musicians, this
vault was a test bed for a white noise-based system
VAULT 76 for implanting combat-oriented posthypnotic
This vault was designed as a control group for the suggestions. Nearby Old Olney, Capital Wasteland
vault experiment. Like Vault 3 and Vault 8, it was Vault 95 Populated solely with drug addicts, with
intended to open and re-colonize the surface after the exception of a single vault-tec employee
20 years. Vault 76 was unveiled by Vault-Tec in 2076 undercover. The vault residents would elect an
in celebration of the United States' tercentenary. overseer regularly and hold therapy sessions as part
 Location: Unknown. of a rehab program. Five years after the vault was
sealed, a hidden stash of drugs was unlocked.
Within a few days, all of the vault residents but one
VAULT 77 fell back into addiction or killed each other.
Populated by one man and a crate full of puppets.  Location: The Commonwealth.


VAULT 101 security personnel to mutiny against the scientists

and leave. Over a century after activation, a
The vault was created to evaluate the performance mercenary broke into the vault in order to kidnap an
of an omnipotent, dictatorial overseer in a closed infant resident. In the process, he killed all but one of
community, adopting a policy of "isolationism." the vault's frozen residents.
Supplied with equipment that was needed to  Location: Sanctuary Hills, The Commonwealth.
function for many years, this vault was never
intended to open to the outside world.
 Location: Capital Wasteland. VAULT 112
All residents were placed in suspended animation
VAULT 106 and connected to a virtual reality simulator, where
they thought they would live a "perfect" virtual life
As an experiment, the overseer instructed the vault indefinitely. Unfortunately, Dr. Stanislaus Braun held
to be filled with colorless psychoactive drugs into absolute control of the simulation and used it to
the air filtration system exactly 10 days after the torture the residents for his own pleasure.
door was sealed. The drugs caused hallucinations  Location: Capital Wasteland.
which led to all of the vault residents' insanity.
 Location: Capital Wasteland.
VAULT 108 Intended to test the stress of living in
impoverished, disenfranchised conditions by those
Intended to test conflicts in leadership, the vault's previously accustomed to extreme wealth and
overseer was expected to die of cancer after 40 power. Residents were to be exclusively politicians
months. In addition, the vault had a power supply and Boston's wealthy elite, with the exception of the
that was to malfunction after 240 months, an overseer. Construction was never completed.
insufficient backup, an overstocked armory, and no  Location: Boston, The Commonwealth.
entertainment tapes. The vault also housed a
cloning lab and all (surviving) residents are clones of
one man called Gary. VAULT 118
 Location: Capital Wasteland. The vault was intended to encompass two wings
under one overseer, each one to house exclusively
VAULT 111 members of the highest class of society (Hollywood
actors, business tycoons, scientists, artists, etc.) or
Tested the long-term effects of cryogenic the lower classes. The second wing was never
suspension on unaware individuals. The vault's staff finished and while the vault was used as a fallout
were assigned to observe the residents and protect shelter, the vault experiment never started.
the vault for 180 days. Dwindling supplies drove the  Location: Mount Desert Island, Maine.


The Brotherhood of Steel is a quasi-religious days after the attack, on October 25, Captain
technological organization operating across the Maxson sent one of his men, Platner, outside in
ruins of post-war North America, with its roots protective power armor to scout the area and gather
stemming from the United States Armed Forces and readings on the atmosphere. Platner reported no
the government-sponsored scientific community significant amounts of radiation in the surrounding
from before the Great War. area.
After burying the bodies of Anderson and his
executed staff members, Captain Maxson and his
ORIGINS men raided the base for various supplies and
The Brotherhood of Steel was founded by Roger weapons schematics before sealing Mariposa and
Maxson, a captain in the United States Army. Led by venturing off into the desert. The following weeks of
Colonel Robert Spindel, Maxson was part of a team travel inflicted casualties on the party at the hands
sent on January 3, 2076 to monitor progress at a of various raider gangs and the harsh conditions of
West-Tek facility in California, which was conducting the Wasteland. In November 2077, Captain Maxson
research on behalf of the American government. On eventually led his band of survivors to the safety of
January 7, 2077, all West-Tek research and Lost Hills, a government fallout shelter. This journey
personnel – Maxson and his team included – were came to be immortalized in Brotherhood lore as “the
relocated to the newly constructed Mariposa Military Exodus”.
Base in an effort to enhance security. In time, Captain Maxson set the bunker as the
On October 10, 2077, Captain Maxson and his men headquarters for his new organization, the
discovered, to their horror, that the West-Tek Brotherhood of Steel. As the Brotherhood's first High
scientists at Mariposa were using military prisoners Elder, Maxson sought to use Lost Hills' resources to
as unwilling test subjects for their genetically help rebuild civilization – no matter the cost.
engineered Forced Evolutionary Virus (F.E.V.). Morale
in the base quickly collapsed and Colonel Spindel
suffered a mental breakdown, eventually committing EARLY YEARS
suicide five days later. In the midst of the crisis, Relatively little is known about the early years of
Maxson's men turned to him for leadership. Captain the Brotherhood of Steel. In 2134, an emerging
Maxson proceeded to interrogate Robert Anderson, faction of the Brotherhood, led by Sergeant Dennis
the chief scientist of the West-Tek research team Allen, petitioned the Council of Elders for permission
stationed at Mariposa, learning the extent of their to explore the remnants of the West-Tek research
experiments. Anderson, along with most of his facility in search of technological artifacts. In the
research team, were subsequently executed for their wake of the Great War, the facility was left a highly
crimes. irradiated ruin referred to by locals as “the Glow”.
Maxson, now in control of the base, declared his The Elders thus denied Sergeant Allen's request,
desertion from the United States Army via radio on prompting him and his followers to splinter from the
October 20. To his confusion, he received no Brotherhood, taking some advanced weapons and
response from the chain-of-command, as the U.S. technology with them. Despite this incident, the
Army was currently focused on escalating conflicts Brotherhood of Steel continued to grow in strength
with the Chinese. Three days later on October 23, under the guidance of Elder Maxson, further refining
both nations launched their entire nuclear arsenals. their technology and gradually forming the orders of
Within two hours, the Great War had ended and Knights, Scribes, and Paladins that are known today.
much of the Earth was reduced to a radioactive That following year, Roger Maxson died of cancer.
wasteland. On October 21 Maxson ordered that the His son, Maxson II, succeeded him as High Elder.
families, including his, be brought inside the base to In the 2150's, the Brotherhood began extending
protect them. The Mariposa Military Base survived their influence out into the surrounding areas,
the onslaught, its numerous safety protocols quickly asserting their place as one of the major
protecting the soldiers within from the radiation and powers of New California of the post-War West
the F.E.V., which had been accidentally released and Coast. The early 50's saw the emergence of a
was now seeping into the newborn Wasteland. Two prominent raider group known as the Vipers, who


quickly established a base of operations in the upon the corpse of a super mutant. The remains
badlands to the south of Lost Hills. Driven by a near- were transported back to Lost Hills for study by
religious frenzy, the Vipers' raids become bolder and Head Scribe Vree.
more frequent over time, eventually attracting the In 2162, the Vault-Dweller arrived at the Lost Hills
attention of the Brotherhood of Steel. bunker, seeking entry into the Brotherhood. His
In 2155, the Brotherhood sent a handful of squads request was not taken seriously and he was tasked
out into the Wasteland to track the Vipers down. To with retrieving the records of Sergeant Dennis Allen's
the Elders, this seemed a glorified training exercise, expedition from the hazardous ruins of the Glow, a
as they were convinced that a small detachment of fool's errand commonly used to deter would-be
Brotherhood troops in power armor would be Brotherhood members. To the Brotherhood's
sufficient to deal with a band of raiders, no matter surprise, not only did the Vault-Dweller return from
how large. One Brotherhood squad, led by High Elder the West-Tek facility alive, but he had also
Maxson II himself, located the Vipers. Expecting the succeeded in his fool's errand and recovered a
raiders to break and run at the sight of such a holodisk recording of Allen's doomed expedition. As
heavily armed force, Maxson did not take into a result, the Vault-Dweller became the first outsider
account the Vipers' zeal and ferocity... or their in decades to be accepted into the Brotherhood of
poisoned weapons. A single arrow nicked the High Steel, despite the protests of a few members.
Elder while he had his helmet off, leading to his It was from the Vault-Dweller that the Brotherhood
death a few hours later. John Maxson, subsequently learned of the Master's mutant army
grandson of Roger, took up the role of and its plans to forcibly convert the surviving human
High Elder. population into Super Mutants. With the support
In the wake of this incident, the of High Elder John Maxson, the Vault-Dweller
newly appointed Head Paladin was able to convince the Council of Elders
Rhombus launched a full-scale to deploy a squad of Paladins to
campaign against the Vipers, Mariposa, where the Master's F.E.V. vats were
hunting them down and driving located. With the assistance of the
them to near-extinction over Brotherhood, the Vault-Dweller managed to
the course of a month. The defeat the Master and disrupt his mutant
few remaining Vipers army. They also helped drive some
managed to scatter north mutants away from other human
and east to the Sierra Madre outposts. At this point in time, the
mountain range. It was Brotherhood of Steel stood as the
towards the end of this most technologically advanced faction in
campaign that the New California. Although the remaining
Brotherhood sent a handful of super mutants and the nascent Gun
scouts and emissaries to the Hub Runners had access to
in order to track down these comparably advanced
runaway Vipers. It was from weaponry, the Brotherhood
these beginnings that the Hub had a monopoly on power
and the Brotherhood of Steel armor, supercomputers, and
opened full trade relations. advanced medical
(Caravans had delivered to technologies, such as cybernetics. With
the Brotherhood in the past, this technology slowly being
but in the wake of the Vipers' introduced into New California,
destruction, caravan trains the Brotherhood of Steel
now ran directly from the became a major research
Hub to the Brotherhood's and development house.
headquarters at Lost Hills on a regular basis.)

THE SUPER MUTANTS In the wake of the Master's defeat, the Brotherhood
Several years after the Viper campaign, the of Steel began arguing amongst itself over the need
Brotherhood of Steel encountered an enemy far for new recruits versus their secrecy as an
more formidable than any band of raiders. In organization. In the end, most of the Elders ruled
October of 2161, a Brotherhood patrol stumbled against the sharing of their technology with


outsiders, confident that their organization could

survive on their traditional principles. The minority WAR WITH THE NCR
who opposed this ruling were sent eastward to track By 2231, Jeremy Maxson had assumed the
down the last remnants of the Master's army via a position of High Elder. Vocal in his ideas of pushing
small fleet of airships. When these airships crash- Brotherhood operations eastward, Maxson was also
landed near the ruins of Chicago, the surviving notably aggressive in his “hoarding” of pre-War
individuals founded the Midwestern chapter of the technology. The High Elder sought to restore the
Brotherhood. In the following years, the Brotherhood Brotherhood of Steel to power by wresting any and
continued to expand somewhat, establishing small all advanced technology from the hands of “lesser
outposts throughout California, as well as launching people” by any means necessary. Naturally, this led
expeditions to regions such as Washington, D.C., and to disputes with the New California Republic, which
the Mojave. had always been in favor of utilizing advanced
In addition, the end of the Master was technology for the benefit of society. Not long after
accompanied by the birth of the New California the destruction of the Enclave, conflict erupted
Republic (NCR). What began in the small farming between the Brotherhood and the NCR.
community of Shady Sands quickly blossomed into With their superior technology, the Brotherhood
a spirited effort to reclaim what was lost in the Great managed to hold out against the NCR, even coming
War. As the young NCR expanded, the Lost Hills close to achieving total victory and avoiding a
region was incorporated into the growing nation in protracted conflict altogether, However, the Lost Hills
the form of the newly founded state of Maxson. Brotherhood's technological advantage was
While the bunker itself still remained under the gradually outmatched by the sheer size of the NCR
control of the Brotherhood, the NCR held jurisdiction military; no matter how many troops the NCR lost,
over the lands outside. Though tensions simmered they always seemed to have more. Meanwhile, the
between the two factions, peaceful relations Brotherhood, a selective and isolationist group,
remained. lacked sorely in numbers. This discrepancy in troop
numbers caused major issues for the Brotherhood,

THE ENCLAVE fundamental weakness that has been constant until

recently as the Brotherhood has started recruiting
By 2242, the Brotherhood of Steel were but a from the outside. The Brotherhood was forced to
fraction of the power they had been once before. retreat into their bunkers, where they remained in
With the emergence of the Enclave, the Brotherhood hiding. However according to terminals on the
found that they were no longer the most advanced Prydwen, the Brotherhood has been able to come
faction in the Wasteland. Intimidated and lacking the out of hiding in the west and is operating on the
resources to deal with this new foe, the best the surface again once more.
Brotherhood could manage was just to keep an eye The Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood would still
on the newcomers. To this end, several previously- be fighting the NCR in 2274. After establishing a
dormant bunkers and outposts in areas of Enclave base at the HELIOS One solar plant, the Mojave
activity were reactivated. Brotherhood soon found itself at odds with the NCR
Eventually, the Brotherhood learned of the and its growing power in the region. Eventually, the
Enclave's Vertibird technology. Lacking any similar NCR sought to control HELIOS One and the
technology of their own, the Brotherhood saw itself Brotherhood. Under orders from their Elder, against
as vulnerable to a possible Enclave invasion. In light the will of his Paladins, the Brotherhood refused to
of this possibility, Matthew, an operative stationed in leave. This led to a confrontation between the two,
the San Francisco outpost, was requested to enlist and while the Brotherhood's superior technology and
the aid of the Chosen One to steal a set of Vertibird training was able to inflict outstanding losses on the
schematics from a major Enclave outpost at NCR, eventually the NCR's superior numbers
Navarro. prevailed, forcing the Brotherhood to retreat. With
Although the Chosen One was successful in his nearly half the chapter dead, the Mojave
mission, it is unknown if the Vertibird plans ever Brotherhood retreated to Hidden Valley, where
reached the High Council, as Operative Matthew was Paladin McNamara, in light of the disappearance of
killed by Agent Frank Horrigan a short time after the Elder Elijah following the battle, took the role of Elder
mission's completion. However, with the destruction upon himself and placed the complex under
of their oil rig base and NCR forces subsequently lockdown. The Brotherhood's loss can be put down
hunting down remaining members, the Enclave to its indefensible location, its low manpower, and its
ceased to pose a threat on the West Coast. poor leadership in Elder Elijah. Colonel Moore states


that had the Brotherhood not suffered from such overwhelming acceptance and reverence for Elder
poor leadership, and had been able to utilize its Maxson in light of his ideals and namesake. The
training, then despite their numerical advantage, the Brotherhood also has a hardline stance against
NCR would still have lost. Since then, the "abominations" since Maxson took charge, notably
Brotherhood's presence in the Mojave Wasteland wishing to eradicate the 'Synth menace' and all
has been restricted to only a few scouting missions, super mutant and feral ghouls, sentient ghouls are
a point of major controversy within the chapter. The treated with suspicion, but far more leniency. It is
Courier, however, may prove to the elder that the clear that from the sheer amount of troops and
NCR is no where near as strong as he thinks it is, advanced weaponry that the Brotherhood were
causing Elder McNamara to lift the lockdown, victorious against the Enclave in D.C. They have a
allowing patrols into the wastes once more. vast supply of Vertibird aircraft to facilitate the
transport of Brotherhood forces across the
Commonwealth. However, there have been some
OPERATIONS IN THE EAST changes to Brotherhood equipment. The
In the year 2254, the Brotherhood sent a large Brotherhood no longer equips all of its troops in
contingent under the leadership of Owyn Lyons power armor, that right is reserved only for the rank
eastward. Their primary goal was to make contact of Knight and above. Initiates are denied this right
with the lost Midwestern Brotherhood chapter, who until they pass training. However this is not due to
had previously been sent east to hunt down the an inability to equip their soldiers but to maintain
remnants of the Master's army. The contingent flexibility in their military. Their power armor is also
failed to make contact with the Midwestern far more advanced than their previous standard
Brotherhood and ended up overshooting their target, issue model, they now equip their forces with the
marching all the way to Pittsburgh. Upon arrival, it more advanced T-60 power armor instead of the
became obvious to Elder Lyons that the East Coast older T-51 or T-45s.
was in far worse condition than the West, and thus
he made radical changes to the Brotherhood
doctrine. The first step was to eradicate the slavers SOCIETY
of the Pitt, after which the contingent continued on The Brotherhood of Steel is a neo-knightly order
to the nation's capitol. Once there, the Brotherhood that rose from the ashes of the United States
worked tirelessly to eradicate the Super Mutant military in the years following the Great War of 2077.
threat and help the people of the Capital Wasteland. The organization's tenets include the eradication of
A new threat soon challenged them in the form of a mutants and the veneration of technology. In recent
resurgent Enclave, which had relocated to Raven years the Brotherhood has broken its trend of
Rock and silently rebuilt itself into an effective reluctancy in sharing advanced technology with their
fighting force. In the end, the conflict came down to fellow Wastelanders. They generally consider them
a fight over Project Purity. too irresponsible and unpredictable to be trusted
By 2287, the Brotherhood is still engaged in the with such technology, however the Brotherhood has
ongoing conflict with the NCR, but in the East they recently been more trustful of wastelanders, and has
saw a significant resurgence led by Arthur Maxson. established relationships with settlements and
After establishing themselves in the Capital traders on the east coast akin to their early
Wasteland, they sent an expeditionary force relationships with factions on the west coast, where
northward in a mission to locate and destroy the they had been known to trade their technology with
Institute. Using their giant airship, the Prydwen. Over frontier communities and the NCR.
a period of six years (two to design and four to
build), the Brotherhood constructed an airship to
transport a large contingent of troops to the IDEOLOGY
Commonwealth in order to destroy The Institute and Although the Brotherhood has always been
salvage what tech remained once they finished. portrayed as aloof, as time went on more negative
Notably, Arthur Maxson himself has led numerous aspects of their beliefs have been increasingly
changes to Brotherhood policy. The Brotherhood emphasized as their power has decreased. Originally
hearkens back to its traditional methods of they stood for relatively benign goals of
technology collecting, although it remains trustful of preservation. Indeed, in one of the possible endings
human outsiders and is still willing to accept in Fallout; they voluntarily reintroduce technology,
wastelanders into their ranks. There is evidence The engage in novel research, and actively assist those
West Coast may have also followed suit, due to their inhabiting the wasteland. Later, in Fallout Tactics,


the Midwestern faction eventually would go on to

become a near-fascist state, but only if a specific SYMBOLISM OF THE INSIGNIA
ending is chosen in which this faction assumes the In the Brotherhood symbol, the gears represent
new leadership of a prejudiced General Barnaky. A their engineering knowledge, the sword is their will
different ending involves the Midwestern to defend themselves, the wings represent the
Brotherhood working together with the humans and uplifting hope that the acquisition of lost technology
non-humans of the Midwestern wasteland for the represents for mankind's salvation following the
greater good, and create a post-apocalyptic utopia devastation of the Great War, and the circle
(however, none of the endings of Fallout Tactics represents the fraternal unity that makes the
have yet been established as canon, and so this is organization a true brotherhood.
open to speculation). By the time of Van Buren/New Another interpretation is that the Brotherhood's
Vegas the main Brotherhood is strongly paranoid; it symbol represents each of the organizations
not only seeks to preserve technology, but actively different orders. The sword represents the Paladins,
remove it from outsiders, is disinterested in the wings represent the Elders (the "wings" control
nonmilitary assets, and engages in little if any the movement of the sword), the large gear
work to actually improve their tech. Much represents the Knights, and the two
of the Brotherhood's belief system is smaller gears represent the Scribes
enshrined in a document known as and the Initiates, whose services
the Codex, which acts as an keep the Knights supplied with
important source of information the information and the
on regulations and rules that manpower required to get their
members must adhere to. jobs done. This interpretation
The East Coast could also be supported by
Brotherhood of Steel is looking at the Outcast's
vastly different from the insignia, which is absent of
West Coast, recruiting from wings & shows that they do
the outside and helping not need Elders or their
protect civilians in the equivalents.
wasteland through the While both the original
extermination of super mutants, Brotherhood of Steel in New
feral grouls, raiders and synths California and the East Coast
are just some of the smaller faction of the Brotherhood use
differences. different colors for different elements
The Brotherhood in the East still seeks of the symbol (blue for the wings, gray for
and prioritizes the collection and preservation of the sword and black for the gears), the Midwestern
pre-War technology, but also regularly develops Brotherhood uses several mono color variations. A
new technologies. Shown from their construction of blue version is used by the Midwestern
their aircraft carrying airship the Prydwen, their Brotherhood's Knights and Paladins, a black one by
research into experimental crops and their the Scribes and an orange one by the Elders. The
development of the X-111 compound, a superior golden/yellow variant seems to symbolize the
successor to both Rad-X and RadAway. They also Midwestern Brotherhood as a whole. The
mass-produce their power armor from scratch, Midwestern version of the Brotherhood symbol is
using pre-War schematics allowing them to equip also reversed horizontally - the large gear is to the
the bulk of their military in T-60 power armor. right of the smaller ones, not to the left as in the
They are also far more assertive in the wasteland, original.
their vastly increased power, mobility and numbers
allowing them to exert their will. Shown from their
crusade into the Commonwealth from D.C. to stop STRUCTURE
the Institute. Arthur Maxson's Brotherhood, although
The Brotherhood is mostly composed of the
not as charitable as Lyons' Brotherhood, are still
descendants of those military officers, soldiers, and
more caring to the people in the wasteland than their
scientists, but aside from some outsiders among
west coast counterparts.
their ranks, the Brotherhood is as close to pure-
The Brotherhood also protects trade caravans with
strain humanity (prime normals) that may be found
their vertibirds in order to secure better trading
outside of a Vault or the Enclave. A notable
exception is the Midwestern Brotherhood who were


known to recruit ghouls and other mutants into their Their installations include bunkers in the Den, San
ranks. Francisco, and Shady Sands (capital of the New
The ranks of the Brotherhood of Steel are generally California Republic). All Brotherhood outposts are
recognized as being composed of the best and the formally subject to the Lost Hills' ruling council's
brightest remaining to humanity, which means the authority, even if they sometimes tend to act
BoS is a relatively small organization, at least independently, especially if they are located far from
compared to the New California Republic. They California and contact with the headquarters is rare.
make up for this with their intimidating arsenal of The Lost Hills bunker is surrounded by the town of
pre-and-post-Great War technology: they have laser Maxson, which, while named after the founder of the
and plasma weapons, power armor, surgical Brotherhood, is officially outside Brotherhood rule
cybernetic enhancements, combat implants, and and is a state of the New California Republic. The
Brotherhood Paladins have the ability to erase an later conflict between the Republic and the
entire town from the map without a scratch. The Brotherhood most likely resulted in the destruction
vast majority of BoS members are born into the of many of the Brotherhood's bunkers in New
Brotherhood - they very rarely accept outsiders into California.
their ranks. While not an official policy, many
members believe that in order to survive, all
members are obligated to procreate. This results in a
lack of tolerance for same-sex relationships, at least While not necessarily a separate chapter, a fairly
when the proponents of the aforementioned stance large group of Brotherhood soldiers and staff were
are concerned. Those born in the Brotherhood that sent to the Maxson Bunker in southern Colorado.
want to be neither Scribes, Knights nor Paladins are In the year 2231, High Elder Jeremy Maxson
free to leave - the Brotherhood does not believe in decided that it was time to expand Brotherhood
forcing anyone to serve them against their will. operations into the east, and he sent an
Although, members who decide to leave the expeditionary force composed of five Paladins to
Brotherhood will face the punishment of death for confirm the location of pre-war Senator Todd
sharing any medical or scientific knowledge they Peterson's bunker. The expedition leader, Andrea
have acquired with any outside faction. Brixley, discovered the bunker, disabled its security,
While they have great reverence for technology, and opened it for habitation. For over a decade, she
most of the Brotherhood members have little regard and her fellow Paladins explored the east, and
for non-technical fields of knowledge (and even for forged relationships with many of the local tribes
non-combat-related technology). Even most of the that inhabited the area.
Scribes do not care about history, and some In the year 2242, Jeremy Maxson renamed the
Brotherhood of Steel Initiates do not even know who bunker after his famous ancestor, Roger Maxson,
Roger Maxson, the founder of the Brotherhood, was. and later sent a full complement of troops for
occupation there. Andrea Brixley was promoted to
Elder, given the rank of General, and was placed in
DIVISIONS AND LOCATIONS charge of the bunker. The remainder of her
exploratory team were given the title of Elder as well.
Following below is a detailed description of each of It was not long afterward that the war with the New
the different chapters found within the Brotherhood California Republic was announced, and the bunker
of Steel. was re-suited for war.


(FOUNDING CHAPTER) On the East Coast, the East Coast division of the
The headquarters of the Brotherhood is the Lost Brotherhood established a base called the Citadel,
Hills bunker in California, the seat of the built into and beneath the ruins of the Pentagon in
Brotherhood's High Elder and its ruling council, and Washington, D.C. This faction was led by the
the place where the organization was founded. It is idealistic Elder Owyn Lyons who decided to make the
also the center of their research and military protection of the human inhabitants of the Capital
activities. However, by 2242, the Brotherhood was Wasteland from super mutants and other threats his
spread across the wastes of California in small top priority, instead of the acquisition and
bunkers and installations hidden from the eyes of preservation of technology. While Lyons was
common folk, and finding them all and wiping them officially recognized by the ruling council at Lost
out would be a difficult and dangerous task. Hills as the leader of a Brotherhood faction, because


of his changed priorities he received no support from assault on the feral ghouls occupying Boston
California and his faction, for all intents and Airport, and established their main base of
purposes, was independent. Without reinforcements operations there. They are capable of and frequently
from the West Coast, Lyons was forced to recruit conduct air assault operations, especially when
locally, but, as most new wastelander conscripts are inserting patrol teams and assaulting objectives
overeager, unskilled, or both, the survival rate of such as Bunker Hill.
these local members was atrocious. Elder Lyons’
daughter Sarah commanded her own elite squad,
Lyons' Pride. These soldiers help preserve the
Capital Wasteland by holding back the super The Midwestern branch, a splinter faction which
mutants, who tend to remain in the urban ruins of lost contact with the Brotherhood leadership at Lost
Washington, D.C. Hills has been an independent organization since
As the war with the super mutants intensified, the the 2160s, when the airships of its founders crashed
Enclave returns in the flesh after relocating from near Chicago. Unlike the original, isolationist
New California several years prior. Their radio Brotherhood, this faction rules over a large part of
broadcasts had been heard for years on Wasteland the area between the former states of Illinois and
radios. In a bold first move they seized the Jefferson Kansas and drafts tribals from villages under
Memorial's "Project Purity" (a project intended to Brotherhood protection into its ranks. While more
provide clean water to the wasteland), and open to the outside world, this faction of the
subsequently consolidated their power throughout Brotherhood is by no means altruistic - the villagers
the Capital Wasteland. At first favoring caution, Elder under Brotherhood rule, while protected from raiders
Lyons soon changed his mind, engaging the Enclave and mutants, live in fear of the infamous
in a full-scale battle after the Enclave acquires Brotherhood Inquisitors. The Midwestern
possession of Vault 87's G.E.C.K. and nearly Brotherhood main bases were bunkers that were
activating Project Purity. With the aid of Liberty probably pre-Great War military bunkers that were
Prime, the Enclave was ousted from the Jefferson found, taken, and rebuilt. In accordance with the
Memorial and into uncertain disarray. After the Brotherhood's military roots, they were renamed
events of Broken Steel, the East Coast chapter had Bunkers Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon. The
become as powerful and well-equipped as their Midwestern Brotherhood power armor is very similar
fellow chapters back west, possibly even more so. to the advanced power armor Mk II, and may be a
There are members of Lyons' expeditionary force variant of it.
to the East Coast who preferred to stay faithful to
the Brotherhood's original goals of locating and MOJAVE CHAPTER
preserving technology and knowledge. These The Brotherhood's bunker is located in Hidden
members of the Brotherhood left the Citadel to take Valley, directly east of the settlement of Goodsprings
up residence in Fort Independence, and stylized in the Mojave Wasteland. It is surrounded by
themselves as the Brotherhood Outcasts. In addition powerful underground fans that serve as a high-tech
to carrying out Lyon's original orders, the Outcasts defense system, creating artificial sandstorms which
are also trying to re-establish contact with the allow the inhabitants to travel to and from the
western Elders, and have Lyons placed in front of a bunker under cover. It also serves as a kind of
firing squad. electronic disturbance to any and all outside
Between 2277 and 2287, Elder Lyons died and, factions' targeting sensors, therefore rendering the
after a series of other Elders, the chapter came bunker safe from detection.
under the leadership of Elder Arthur Maxson. They Prior to 2276 the Mojave Brotherhood had been
spent years developing the Prydwen, a large airship very active in the region before their crippling defeat
to act as a mobile base, and acquired large at HELIOS One by NCR Forces and were forced
quantities of Vertibirds and T-60 power armor and underground on the orders of their new leader Elder
the ability to manufacture more, as well as energy McNamara. Due to a complete lockdown ordered to
weapons. They also spent years sending recon preserve what remaining soldiers he had, McNamara
teams, such as Recon Squad Gladius, to the relies solely on teams that were trapped outside of
Commonwealth to investigate the region. Some time the bunker for intel and trusted undercover
later, a large contingent of Brotherhood troops operatives to bring food and supplies back to those
arrived in the Commonwealth aboard the Prydwen, trapped inside.
and began their offensive against the Institute. Once Despite their seclusion from the outside world they
they arrived, the Brotherhood conducted an air still are regarded as a powerful faction in the region,


this is shown in Mr. House's calculations as they person's rank and affiliation in the brotherhood.
painted the Brotherhood insurgency to be the
greatest threat to his reign in the Mojave Wasteland
in the long-term.
Initiates are trainees and amateurs of the
Brotherhood of Steel who are expected to perform
MONTANA BROTHERHOOD well enough in the training process to be promoted
A bunker exists in Montana and is at some point to senior initiates, and later to apprentices. After
the home of Elder Patrocolus. proving themselves, apprentices are promoted to
journeyman knights or scribes. The next rank is
TEXAS BROTHERHOOD senior knight/scribe, and finally the leader of each of
these orders is the head knight and head scribe. The
After the death of John Maxson, Rhombus, the initiates must prove the Brotherhood of Steel
head of the Brotherhood's Paladins, became the new training is well-developed and that it can make the
High Elder. After the death of the Master, the weak into soldiers, and that the Brotherhood has
Brotherhood of Steel helped the other human superior soldiers with enough training via utilizing
outposts of New California drive the mutant armies their skills.
away with minimal loss of life on both sides of the Scribes are responsible for copying the ancient
conflict. However, a super mutant faction under the technologies, maintaining the current technology
leadership of Attis moved east and attempted to and even experimenting with new weapons and
recreate the mutant army in Texas using the Secret other useful devices to be used on the field by the
Vault. Rhombus, despite some criticism from the knights and paladins. Scribes rarely leave the
ruling council of the West Coast safety of the bunkers, but they are
Brotherhood of Steel, started a crusade sometimes called into the field to examine
against the still existent threat of the a piece of technology or perform a task
super mutant army, now led by Attis. beyond the skills of the Brotherhood
They traveled eastward to Texas. There, soldiers. They can act as medics if need
he discovered a prototype Vault which be, to test medical advances, but usually
was abandoned and installed the the Brotherhood has specialized medic
Brotherhood's main base of operation units for that.
in this area. Their principal mission Knights are trained soldiers of war
was to eradicate the menace of all that know their enemy well enough
super mutants. For this reason, they to show their progression on the
created a new Texas Brotherhood battlefield. They take part in
icon, which featured a pair of wings, maintaining strategic advances in the
topped by dual pistols, all of a red color. battlefield and they support their fellow soldiers
with the utmost honor and respect, even giving their
MILITARY own lives to save their comrades. It is this courage
that shows that many have the heart of a true lion.
The Brotherhood of Steel has characteristics The ranks of knight are: apprentice knight,
similar to that of today's military such as standard journeyman knight, senior knight and head knight.
armor (T-45d power armor, T-51b power armor, or T- From there it is possible to be promoted to paladin.
60 power armor), standard weapons (laser rifle and Paladins are in charge of all security and outside
the laser pistol), standard ammunition (microfusion activities. The paladin ranks are junior paladin,
cells, small energy cells and electron charge packs). paladin, senior paladin, and head paladin.
They also have training equal to that of pre-war US Elders are the most senior members of the
military training and trade training, have a chain of Brotherhood, responsible for setting its course. They
command, various bases, supply their own troops must go through all ranks before reaching elder and
and have distinct branches/trades (i.e. Paladins and must have many years of experience. The only
Scribes) that cover combat and support roles within exception is when one dies and the next elder is
the organization. "coronated." The leader of the council and the
Brotherhood itself is the high elder, usually

RANKS descended from the Maxson family.

Like all military forces, the Brotherhood of Steel

adheres to a strict ranking code that indicates a


WEST COAST RANKS founder of the Brotherhood.

Ranks on the East Coast can be split up into four
parts: regular ground soldiers (initiates and
Apprentice Knight Junior Paladin Apprentice Scribe aspirants), non-commissioned officers (knight to
Journeyman Knight Paladin Journeyman Scribe knight-commander), junior commissioned officers
Senior Knight Senior Paladin Senior Scribe (paladin and paladin-commander), and field
commanders (star-paladins and sentinels). The East
Head Knight Head Paladin Head Scribe
Coast still considers Brotherhood High Command
structure as the West Coast does, with an elder as
EAST COAST supreme commander of their chapter and the high
The east coast detachment utilizes a considerably elder as leader of the Elder Council and Commander-
different system of rank to that of the original in-Chief of all chapters.
Brotherhood on the west coast.
There are 3 main paths an initiate can take: the EAST COAST RANKS
Army, Air Force or a civilian role as a scribe. The AIR FORCE ARMY CIVILIAN
Brotherhood actively recruits wastelanders who Squire Squire Squire
have been sponsored by those already in their ranks
Lancer-Initiate Initiate Scribe Initiate
who take up the mantle of initiate, something not
commonplace within other Brotherhood chapters. Lancer Aspirant Scribe
Those born into the Brotherhood take up the rank of Lancer-Knight Knight Senior Scribe
squire and on becoming an initiate will then join one
Lancer-Sergeant Knight-Sergeant Protector
of the services, much like those who have been
sponsored and recruited. Lancer-Captain Knight-Captain Head Scribe
The three services are: Knight-Commander
The Air Force consists of lancers, those who pilot Paladin
the airship the Prydwen as well as the many VB-02
Star Paladin
Vertibird gunships the Brotherhood has in its
possession. The ranking structure is similar to that Sentinel
of the Army's knights, although the rank of lancer-
captain is the highest rank in the Air Force as
opposed to commander. Several lancer-captains are
The midwestern branch has a rank system that
stationed in the Commonwealth and can be found
differs from the original Brotherhood ranks. In the
aboard the Prydwen or piloting Vertibirds, but they
midwest, the scribes act as both scientists and
report to Lancer Captain Kells who is the second in
engineers, taking the place of both western scribes
command to Elder Arthur Maxson and captain of the
and knights. Midwestern knights are just a military
rank lower in the hierarchy than paladins and are not
Civilian roles are dedicated to the scribes who
allowed to use power armor. The inquisitors are the
follow a separate ranking structure to that of the
Brotherhood's law enforcement and intelligence. The
Brotherhood's two military services. Scribes are split
“general” rank seems to be made from the real life
into three distinct 'Orders': the Order of the Sword,
general rank, and the "commanding officer" is the
the Order of the Shield, and the Order of the Quill,
military leader of the Midwestern Brotherhood of
which are responsible for the research and
Steel and also the only one rank higher than
maintenance of weapons, the research and
generals, responsible for giving mission orders to
maintenance of armor and for history, record
everyone, and also the only one that can give their
keeping and non-combat technology; respectively.
opinion on the elders' politics. Also, the assignment
Each order is led by a proctor who consults with the
into commanding officer is done by the elders and
head scribe and elder on certain issues.
only a general can become commanding officer. Like
An elder is the leader of the Brotherhood and is
all Brotherhood of Steel, the midwestern elders are
selected and instated by the Elder Council back on
the leader and the thinkers of all decision. The
the west coast. An elder can be selected from any of
midwestern division is perhaps the section of the
the three services, though it is most common for
Brotherhood of Steel that is the most military-
elders to be selected from a background of military
service. The current elder of the East Coast Chapter
of the Brotherhood of Steel is Elder Arthur Maxson
(as of 2283), descendent of the great Roger Maxson;



MILITARY CIVILIAN Generals control all of the Brotherhood's military.
Initiate Civilian They report to the high elder and the Elder Council
Senior Initiate Scribe
and will only make a move if it's approved by them.
They obtain the title of general by showing
Squire Elder
outstanding performance in military tactics and
Senior Squire combat. They help decide the titles of the most
Junior Knight promising recruits from initiates and squires all the
way up to the head paladin and head knight.
Senior Knight
Knight Commander
The head knight is responsible for allocating
Junior Paladin
knights to missions ( i.e. to defend bases or to
Paladin secure areas of interest.) The head knight is also
Paladin Commander responsible for reporting all incidents involving the
knights to the generals, elders or high elder
Paladin Lord
(depending on the severity of the situation.) The
General head knights are also present at meetings with the
Commanding Officer high elder, elders, head scribe, generals and head
Elder paladin, like knight commanders and knight captains
in the Midwestern and East Coast branches.


The high elder is the leader of the entire The head paladin is responsible for dealing with
Brotherhood of Steel and the other elders. Since all the paladins in the same way the head knight does,
other known high elders came from the Maxson but the head paladin chooses which paladins should
family, it has been speculated that Rhombus was lead each knight squad and which areas may prove
descended from Roger Maxson as well. There were to be suitable HQ's. The head paladin holds
most likely some high elders between Rhombus and meetings with the high elder, elders, head scribe,
 Jeremy Maxson. generals and head knight. Both the head knight and
 Roger Maxson (2077 - 2135) head paladin report to the high elder and generals,
 Maxson II (2135 - 2155) no one else. The head paladin and knight don't tend
 John Maxson (2155 - ?) to go out into the field of battle, although they may in
 Rhombus (? - 2208) critical circumstances. When they do enter a battle it
is almost certain that they will have a huge army
protecting them and will very rarely be seen on the
ASPIRANT front line, they normally sit back with the generals
The rank of aspirant was created by the East Coast and help plan strategic maneuvers.
Chapter of the Brotherhood some time prior to 2287,
denoting an initiate who has entered training under a
superior officer - such as a paladin or knight- HEAD SCRIBE
commander - in order to be promoted to a full- The head scribe is the highest ranking civilian
fledged knight. class of the Brotherhood of Steel. The head scribe is
responsible for choosing which scribes work on
which project and which scribes should be assigned
ELDER to each order. The head scribe also chooses the high
The elders form the Brotherhood's ruling council. scribes or proctors of each order and must also
Individual elders are occasionally leaders of oversee the projects each order is working on. The
localized splinter chapters of the Brotherhood. head scribe is a highly intelligent person who has
Under normal circumstances, the ability to become mastered the orders of the Sword, Shield and Quill,
an elder is reserved for paladins, although there are and may also take on a project of their own interest.
exceptions, such as Elder Elijah, who was a scribe. The head scribe is one of the people who must
attend the meetings with the high elder, elder
council, generals, head paladin and head knight. The


head scribe reports to the high elder and Elder Commonwealth, initiates are never seen wearing
Council only. power armor, and are instead seen with uniforms
(referred to as "fatigues") made from some sort of
HIGH SCRIBE light ballistic fiber that offers small protection from
small arms fire and shrapnel.
The high scribes are the proctors of the Orders.
There are three high scribes: one of the Sword,
Shield and Quill. They oversee and approve of each INQUISITOR
project that the scribes in their order are working on Inquisitors primarily act as a detective service
and assign the proper scribes to the right projects. within Brotherhood territory. An inquisitor is a
Each high scribe must report to the head scribe on special rank of the Midwest Brotherhood, and they
each project and to get approval to move ahead with are usually extremely sadistic. They are in charge of
a new project. The high scribes often work on their interrogation and intelligence within the
own projects, which are usually completed very Brotherhood, and are not restricted by much of the
quickly because the high scribes can prioritize them Brotherhood's code when it comes to their job.
and assign senior scribes to them. In some cases,
high scribes have been called to meetings with the
high elder and the Elder Council.
Journeyman knight is the one small step rank
before becoming a full fledged knight. It is where an
INITIATE initiate decides after their advancement whether to
Initiate is one of the lowest ranks in the continue as a knight or scribe. It is an important step
Brotherhood of Steel's rank system. The precise in advancement as they continue to serve the
definition of the rank appears to vary between the Brotherhood.
regional chapters.
The West Coast division uses the term to indicate
a mere trainee as having been initiated into the
Brotherhood, whereas the other two reserve that title Journeyman scribes are scribes-in-training. They
until the recruit has completed initial training. The are often taken in by one of the senior scribes and
most plausible explanation lies in the fact that the made apprentices, where they are then taught to be
West Coast division is significantly more insular full scribes. If they are not apprenticed by a senior
than the others; the bulk of its new recruits are the scribe, they are often chosen to work on projects
offspring of existing members, and only rarely are that are very insignificant. Journeyman scribes start
outsiders accepted into the organization. By off in no order but will either pick an order
contrast, circumstances have forced the other two themselves, or their master will choose for them.
divisions to actively recruit from among the local
population. JUNIOR KNIGHT
Both the West Coast and Midwestern divisions Not much is known about this rank only that it is
divide the rank into "buck" initiate and senior initiate. higher than journeyman knight.
It is not known whether the East Coast division
follows this practice.
In the West Coast division, initiate is the base rank KNIGHT
of one who has only just been accepted into the Knights are responsible for manufacturing and
Brotherhood as a trainee. After completing initial repairing the weapons and other pieces of
training, initiates are slated to become either scribes technology. After many years of service and
or knights, and are promoted to apprentice in the experience, the best knights are promoted to
appropriate branch. Initiates on the West Coast were paladins - the pinnacle of the Brotherhood military.
also not allowed to leave the Lost Hills Bunker and The next rank is senior knight, and finally the leader
experience field combat. They would have to be of the order is the head knight. As all paladins are
promoted to squire before they could actually fight. also knights, the head paladin is usually also the
Unlike in the other Brotherhood divisions, east head knight. Knights wear mostly power armor. The
coast initiates may even be issued power armor if large gear in the Brotherhood of Steel symbol
their assignment merits it. They were also sent out represents the knights.
into the field of battle to experience fighting the In the East Coast and Midwestern divisions,
mutants for real, because of the low numbers of "knight" is a strictly military rank and the scribes are
soldiers. However, since their arrival in the the ones responsible for manufacturing technology


there. This rank is most likely the equivalent of real- from the generals, because they often clash with
life junior non-commissioned officers (corporal or Brotherhood military regulations. They are given
sergeant). specially selected squads that will follow the paladin
lords without question, and are forbidden to talk
KNIGHT CAPTAIN about their missions to other members of the
Though not officially officers, they hold influence
and command similar to that of a modern day
second or first lieutenant. Knight captains can be SCRIBE
seen holding staff jobs as well as command Scribes are tasked with creating and keeping
positions. records of the technology used by the Brotherhood.
The attitude of many scribes in the Brotherhood can
KNIGHT COMMANDER be described as techno-centric. While a great
number study history and culture, the majority of
Knight commanders are often seen in the field scribes focus their studies on subjects related to the
leading shock troopers dropped off of Vertibirds, or acquisition, repair, or creation of technology.
in charge of a command post in the Commonwealth, It is implied by the Fallout Tactics Manual that
leading lower ranking knights into battle. Being the some scribes, at least in the Midwest chapter,
highest ranked field knight, they are accountable organize themselves into unions similarly named to
only to officers such as paladins, the sentinel, and American labor unions.
the elder.


Senior initiates are initiates who have completed
Knight sergeant is a rank used by the East Coast basic training and move on to more advanced
branch, denoting a position below knight captain. training.
The rank gives a command of one or two squads of
knights, as well as the command of a base or
outpost like the GNR building plaza. SENIOR KNIGHT
Senior knights are knights which show promise to
PALADIN move up to be paladins, knight commanders or
knight captains. They are very well respected among
Paladins are a class of members of the the other knights, and in the western Brotherhood of
Brotherhood of Steel. They are likened to the scribes Steel they are some of the top mechanics and
of the Brotherhood as being on the same level, but engineers.
with a different purpose. They are the protectors of
the Brotherhood, fighting and protecting its interests
across the wasteland, equipped with power armor SENIOR PALADIN
and an array of lethal weapons. Senior paladins are paladins which show promise
to become paladin commanders, paladin lords or
PALADIN COMMANDER sentinels. They are very well respected among other
paladins and knights and can increase the morale of
Paladin commanders lead squads (if not soldiers greatly.
battalions) in the East Coast, and are well respected
among the Brotherhood's ranks. They are scarcely
found in the field, often planning with the other SENIOR SCRIBE
commanders in the Brotherhood, but when they are, Senior scribes are some of the most advanced
they are a force to be reckoned with, often found scribes. They are always chosen for the most
with powerful energy weapons and leading huge important projects and are the next in line to become
forces. They rank only below star paladin, sentinel proctors of orders when the old proctor retires or
and elder. dies. They often take on the most promising
journeyman scribes to be their apprentices and
PALADIN LORD choose what order they should be in (usually, it is
the same order that the senior scribe is in). Senior
Paladin lords are paladins who lead special scribes teach their apprentices everything they know
operations outside of the main Brotherhood of Steel and will continue to teach them until they are nearly
military. They only report to the high elder and head senior scribes themselves. On rare occasions, the
paladin. Their operations are sometimes kept secret


senior scribe will be promoted to head scribe and

their apprentice to high scribe. When this occurs, the RELATIONS WITH THE OUTSIDE
apprentice will be given special treatment and the While they are generally not hostile to others
elders usually separate the two to remove any without a good reason, members of the Brotherhood
impression of impropriety. are not interested in justice for the obviously weaker
and less fortunate wastelanders around them. They
SENIOR SQUIRE largely focus on keeping their secrecy and
Senior squires are squires which are ready to preserving and developing technology, which they
become knights and are taught all the requirements often put above human life since technology is
and oaths to be a knight of the Brotherhood of Steel. irreplaceable in the post-nuclear wastelands—lives
are not. Their motives are often unclear, and
Brotherhood members are not people to be trifled
SENTINEL with. It is safe to say, however, that if a group of
Sentinel is a rank used by the East Coast division, Brotherhood Paladins appears to be helping
ranking between paladin and elder. Maxson states outsiders, their motives are not altruistic.
that the Sole Survivor is the only member of the The Brotherhood does not like to share their
Brotherhood of Steel that currently holds this title choicest technological bits with others, despite the
and it has been some years since the last sentinel obvious benefits their technology could bring to the
served under him. Wasteland. It is a commonly accepted truth within
the Brotherhood that the people of the Wasteland
SQUIRE are not responsible enough to use (and maintain) all
of the technology they have at their disposal. They
In the early years of the Brotherhood, squire is a
are known for trading some of their technologies
title which ranked above initiate, similar in function
with frontier communities and the states of the New
to the East Coast's later aspirant rank. However, by
California Republic in exchange for food and other
2277, the rank appears to have changed its purpose,
resources, but they keep the more sensitive and
as the only member of the Brotherhood known to
advanced technologies to themselves.
hold it is the young Arthur Maxson of the East Coast
By 2287, the East Coast chapter of the
Brotherhood has adopted the rank of squire as a title
for children who have been recruited by the The Brotherhood's attitude towards mutants
Brotherhood, making it the lowest rank in the ranges from dislike (e.g. in the case of ghouls) to
chapter. These children are not permitted to take outright hostility (in the case of super mutants).
part in combat, instead performing errands and Early contact with the Master's super mutants was
menial labor for the Brotherhood's military, and are mostly hostile, and the BoS helped drive the majority
provided with training and education in return. They of the mutant armies away from California. The
also appear to be heavily conditioned by Brotherhood grew angry when various salvaging
propaganda, with those aboard The Prydwen operations began in the Glow, a location which the
claiming not to fear death and possessing an almost Brotherhood came to regard highly both for their
religious devotion to the Brotherhood. Upon fallen comrades and the pre-Great War technology
reaching adulthood, squires become initiates and located there, with Dayglow ghouls at the forefront.
begin active duty. Most Brotherhood members came to see ghouls as
Squires are occasionally taken out as observers on filthy scavengers. In the years after the Master's
sweep and clean missions led by high ranking defeat in New California, many super mutants
members of the Brotherhood. settled peacefully among humans and the
Brotherhood was no longer hostile to them.

Star paladins are paladins who have been TECHNOLOGY
recognized by the Brotherhood for their honor, Military technology is the Brotherhood's main
tenacity in battle, and loyalty to the Brotherhood. priority, and their efforts over the centuries have
They are a separate caste (similar to sentinel) in that equipped them with a powerful array of power armor,
they are free from the chain of command, although energy weapons, defense turrets, combat implants,
they are not given as much freedom as a sentinel and computers. Their devotion to the cause of
would. collecting technology is such that they are willing to


go to war in order to obtain it, even against much

larger organizations such as the NCR.
Although less advanced than the Enclave,
Brotherhood soldiers are generally equipped with
energy weaponry and suits of power armor, usually
either the T-60, T-51b or T-45d models, all three of
them were designed before the Great War. Recon
armor and combat armor is also widely used,
primarily by scouts, knights, and initiates. In
addition, the Brotherhood has access to some of the
best medical technology available in the post-war
world, and other technologies such as cybernetics
and surgical implants.
The Brotherhood also has access to advanced
computers which they have found in various military
bases and Vault-Tec Vaults such as the Lost Hills
bunker, the ruins of the Pentagon, Bunkers Alpha,
Beta, Gamma, Hidden Valley and the Vault prototype.
They also possess heavy duty combat robots that
have assisted them in battle, like the intimidating
sentry bots, and even a 40-foot Communist-hating
metal giant in the hands of the East Coast


The Enclave is a secretive Finally, early in the fateful year of
political, scientific, and militaristic 2077, with the planet ultimately
organization that is descended headed directly for nuclear
directly from members of the pre- devastation, the President of the
War United States government, United States and various other
and claims to be the legally- members of the continuity of
sanctioned continuation of the government fell back to multiple
government, while also styling fortified areas around the world.
themselves and their overall The Poseidon Oil Rig in the Pacific
demeanor as such. Ocean was chosen as their main
The Enclave is comprised of hidden fortress with which the
(mostly) ancestral descendants of United States could continue to
top ranking officials of the exist and wage war on China, with
government (most notably, the the eventual goal of retaking the
last standing president of the continental United States and
United States before the Great War), and elite wiping out communism forever. Other members of
members of various branches of the United States' the Enclave retreated to remote locations in other
military, as well as a few others such as those who parts of the world, but when the bombs began to fly,
had considerable ties and/or sway with powerful they lost communications with the main group.
corporations that worked closely with the U.S As the world burnt in nuclear hellfire and the
government that retreated to the Poseidon Energy United States with it, its President, and the Enclave,
Oil Rig. remnants of the pre-War American government,
assumed positions and established themselves as
its continuation...
One of the few old world organizations to survive
the Great War, the Enclave finds its roots in various THE VAULT EXPERIMENTS
branches of the pre-War American government. Its The Vaults were funded by the U.S. government
founding members embraced the inevitability of and, accordingly, the government had control over
nuclear war. They believed that the common man of them. Ostensibly, they were intended to allow a
the nation could not survive it. With most believing selection of privileged United States citizens to
that as long as the 'important people' of the United survive the Great War. Secretly, however, a large part
States survived, they could regroup quickly when of the Vault Project had a far more sinister goal.
worse came to worst and wipe out communism The U.S. government's real plan to survive a
once and for all. nuclear war was simply to find another planet to live
Though not technically a part of the Enclave, many on after blowing up Earth. A spacecraft designed to
powerful corporations lobbied for the benefits that ferry the human race to another planet was either
they hoped would result from government- under construction or ready to go before the War.
sanctioned war contracts. Based in many of the The plan was for the government to flee to the oil rig,
Enclave's research facilities, most were protected or and then leave in a spaceship for another planet.
grazed during the nuclear firestorm of 2077. Any voyage to space or recolonization of Earth
In 2073, as the global race to exploit the handful of would have been very difficult and fraught with
remaining natural resources reached its most unforeseeable complications. Thus, many of the
fevered peak, the United States managed to stake a Vaults were designed to have some sort of critical
claim on the entire world's last known supply of flaw in order to test how an average American would
crude oil, buried thousands of feet beneath the be able to deal with various circumstances. Vault 12
Pacific Ocean. Poseidon Oil, which in the years in Bakersfield had a faulty Vault door that wouldn't
leading to the war became the world's leading close all the way, allowing dangerous radiation to
monopoly on remaining oil reserves, was contracted leak in, leading to the creation of California's ghoul
to build an oil rig and extract the precious oil. population. Vault 15 was built normally (the rock


slide that buried its control center was accidental), Enclave troops stumbled across the old abandoned
but was populated with a diverse mix of races and Military Base, where research on the Forced
people to see what sort of tensions arise when Evolutionary Virus had been done before the Great
varied backgrounds are packed into a small War. The FEV was what had created the super
environment. Vault 13 was intended to stay shut for mutants, the biggest threat of all to the Enclave.
a full 200 years to test the effects of long term The Enclave excavated the military base, largely
isolation. Vault 101 was to be sealed permanently to using slave labor gathered from the nearby mining
study the evolution of small communities in town of Redding, eventually finding the vats deep
complete isolation from the rest of the world. The inside the lower levels of the base. Though they had
types and purposes of the experiments go on. been buried in rock and forgotten for decades, the
Eventually, due to either a change of plans by the vats still contained that old familiar green bubbling
Enclave's leadership or the spacecraft being gunk, the Forced Evolutionary Virus. The Enclave
destroyed, the Enclave abandoned their initial goal of gathered samples to be sent back to the oil rig for
settling on another planet, and decided to resettle further analysis. Before long, though, the slave
the one they already had, although the Vault miners, some being fully exposed to raw FEV, others
monitoring and research continued as the Societal likely falling into the vats accidentally, began to
Preservation Program. In order to monitor the mutate into a second generation of super mutants.
populations being experimented upon, the Enclave's The mutant slaves soon overthrew their guards.
oil rig possessed a great deal of equipment that Seizing their weapons, hardware left behind by the
allowed them to observe and control the Vaults. For first mutant army or anything lying around, the super
example, the Enclave sent the all clear signal to mutants stormed the upper levels and quickly
Vault 8 shortly after the War, prompting them to overran the troops in the base. Panicked and
leave their Vault and build their city. These retreating, the Enclave troopers on the upper levels
monitoring tools also let the Enclave see that the fled the base and used explosives to seal the
population of Vault 13 was largely intact, although entrance, trapping the second generation mutants
this wouldn't become important until much later. inside the base.


For a long time after the Great War, the Enclave sat Even though things went badly at Mariposa, the
quietly in its oil rig, consolidating its forces and Enclave still had the samples of FEV they needed.
working on gaining a technological edge over Back at the oil rig, the United States Chemical Corps
anyone on the mainland. Eventually, when they felt it began work on the serum immediately. They found
would be safe, they decided it was time to move out that it would be possible to make from FEV an
and start working towards the rebirth of America. incredibly potent and lethal toxin that only affected
Using their vertibirds, the Enclave sent out scouting mutants. But, in order for research to progress, they
parties all over California, the closest state to the oil would need test subjects. They needed two test
rig. groups: one of clean, pure humans and another
The Enclave scouting parties arrived in California composed of the "mutants" that lived all over the
after the Master's defeat, and so saw super mutants mainland, suffering radiation and FEV exposure for
and ghouls inhabiting the land. When this was decades that, to the Enclave, made them unclean.
reported to the higher ups at the Enclave, it was This unclean sample was easily obtained by
decided that all the mutants would have to go. It kidnapping the entire tribal population of Arroyo.
occurred to the Enclave that those who had lived out The clean group would be more difficult to obtain
in the open on the mainland for over a hundred years though. The Enclave wouldn't allow the Chemical
since the end of the war must have been Corps to use people living on the oil rig so they had
contaminated or compromised somehow by to look elsewhere. Thus, they traveled in force to
radiation...or worse. These mutants too, then, would Vault 13 and sent a command to the Vault's
have to be destroyed before "true" humanity (as computers to open the Vault door. After taking care
defined by the Enclave's leadership), could once of some mild resistance, the Enclave troops rounded
again lay claim to the mainland. up the residents of Vault 13 and shipped them off to
Reconnaissance and exploration of California the oil rig in Vertibirds to take part in the Chemical
continued, looking for a way of carrying out their Corps' FEV experiments.
genocidal ambitions without destroying the world all
over again with nuclear weapons. Eventually,


pre-War America of legend: a land of white picket

FALL AND AFTERMATH fences, baseball, apple pie, and good, old-fashioned
Just as the Enclave was preparing to launch the American global supremacy.
poison into the jet stream to kill off the entire known President Eden’s secretive plan all along had been
population of the mainland, a tribal known as the to rule over an America of the "pure", free from any
Chosen One arrived at the oil rig on the Poseidon oil mutation, just as his predecessor had planned
tanker that had sat in the San Francisco bay for before him. He has learned of a ridiculously
many years. The Chosen One freed the survivors of ambitious scientific experiment known as Project
both the Vault 13 population as well as the Arroyo Purity, and knew the time to strike had come: the
tribals and started a self-destruct sequence in the Enclave's armed forces would "reclaim" the
oil rig that destroyed the entirety of the Enclave's Jefferson Memorial. By controlling the purified water
headquarters, saving the world from horrible death supply, Eden would control the Capital Wasteland,
at the hands of the modified FEV. and the rest of the country eventually. What better
Although the Enclave survived the destruction of way than to administer a Modified FEV virus, which
their oil rig, all traces of President Richardson were kills anyone infected or irradiated with any form of
erased from history. Weakened and cut off from mutation – than through a deceptively clean water
much of their leadership, eventually the remainder of supply?
Enclave personnel stationed in New California that
did not retreat prior were finally shattered by the
combined might of the Brotherhood of Steel and the OLD TRICKS
New California Republic. But beforehand, Autumn When Project Purity was restarted in 2277, the
Senior led the majority of surviving Enclave Enclave acted at once. Troops under Autumn
personnel east, such as to the ruins of occupied the Purifier, and established a
Washington D.C. at Raven Rock, to re- presence in the wastes, which was
establish the Enclave as the dominant resisted by the Brotherhood of Steel.
power in their nation's former capital. After retrieving a Garden of Eden
Those who remained (why Autumn Creation Kit from Vault 87, Eden
Senior and his subordinates left so attempted to recruit the individual
few of the remnant personnel behind known as the Lone Wanderer to work
in New California to begin with remains as a double agent, participating in the
an unsolved mystery) were hunted by Brotherhood's attempted reclamation
the Brotherhood and the NCR, while of Project Purity but infecting the water
some tried to integrate themselves into supply with the modified FEV at the last
the NCR and met temporarily minimal moment. Eden was opposed by Colonel
success, from time to time stories will Autumn, who wanted to make a bid to lead
crop up of an elderly Enclave veteran the populace by completing and activating
that was caught integrating being executed or the purifier, thus providing the Enclave with a strong
arrested. bargaining chip in unifying the wastes under their
flag. When the Brotherhood took the Jefferson
Memorial, Autumn was defeated by the Lone
RETURN Wanderer, but it is not known whether he survived.
In D.C, the ZAX mainframe installed in Raven Rock The Lone Wanderer stood poised to finally realize
to ensure continuity of government continued to the Enclave's goal of purifying the wasteland, but it
function until the destruction of the oil rig. When is unknown to history whether or not they took that
President Richardson was vaporized, ZAX created a action.
persona, John Henry Eden to claim the post and The definitive fate of the Enclave as a whole after
assume authority over the remaining California these unclear events, remain a mystery.
Enclave forces, in addition to resuming construction
of military ordnance to provide for the resource-
stricken subordinates. Augustus Autumn was ENCLAVE SIGMA
chosen as the commanding officer of the armed After the destruction of Raven Rock, the Enclave
forces (eventually succeeding his father). A series of performed a combination of tactical retreat and all-
eyebots were sent to roam the Wasteland, spreading out flight, and their grip on the Capital Wasteland
hope and patriotism. Eden could spout his pro- loosened significantly. Now contending with
government rhetoric, and promise a return of the overwhelmed soldiers, ragged Enclave camps dot


the Wasteland with little communication to and from Legion. Whether they joined the Courier, and/or the
the others. With the conventional Enclave military outcome of the battle, remains unknown. Enclave
experiencing a lack of new recruits and the high scientists and engineers stationed at Adams Air
command remaining silent, the Enclave would seem Force Base sent a reinforced combat-model eyebot,
to be a doomed force. ED-E, to Navarro to be serviced and repaired there,
However, a small influx of specially trained fighters seemingly uninformed of the assault on the outpost.
is seeking to fill the manpower losses caused by the ED-E's programming contained a message saying
Brotherhood of Steel advances. Previously posted to that any repairs needed on the way were to be made
remote and classified locations outside of the by Chicago Enclave personnel, indicating that there
Capital Wasteland, only the most elite of Enclave are Enclave outposts there. The Illinois license plate
personnel having training in multiple forms of bolted to ED-E's side is just one more fact that
combat can earn the right to belong to Sigma. Squad supports the idea that other Enclave outposts or
sigma operates in six-soldier units, which utilize holdings still exist elsewhere within North American
heavy incinerators and are led by a soldier clad in Wastelands.
Hellfire Armor. Furthermore, Squad Sigma members
are experienced fighters, each member being a
hardened veteran of numerous successful combat
operations. Sigma Squads are posted around
locations deemed by Enclave high command as
imperative to the salvation of the cause.

In the year 2281 on the west coast, a few elderly
Enclave survivors make an existence on the fringes
of, or near the borders of NCR territories, keeping
their heads down for fear of persecution. Many left
for the Mojave Wasteland, where the NCR's grip was
significantly weaker due to the presence of Caesar's
Legion. Enclave remnants may have supported the
Courier at the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, either
desperate for a final shot at glory and to exact
revenge on the NCR, or assist them against the



New California (officially the New California its armed forces in a morally corrosive imperialist
Republic, often abbreviated to NCR) is a large, project.
democratic federation of well over 700,000 based in The NCR government's aim is to annex New Vegas
California, with holdings in Nevada, Oregon, Mexico as the republic's newest state. While it already
(Baja California) and along the Colorado River. The controls Hoover Dam, its treaty with Mr. House and
NCR emphasizes and claims to support a myriad of the three families compel it to allocate 5% of the
old world values, such as democracy, personal dam’s electrical and water production to local use
liberty, and the rule of law. It also strives to restore free of charge. Adding insult to injury, the NCR is
general order to the wasteland, the improvement and locked into protecting New Vegas from invasion by
development of infrastructure and economic Caesar's Legion even as it receives not one cap in
systems, and a basic common peace between the tax revenue from the Strip's highly lucrative resort
people. Though appearing to be a benevolent entity operations. NCR citizens in the Mojave have largely
of governance, the ability to control the land it come here for economic reasons, whether as paid
claims to protect, the fidelity of those who live under citizen soldiers or as prospectors and fortune-
their rule, and the widespread corruption within their seekers.
political system has been questioned by many,
without a clear response by the NCR themselves.
BACKGROUND The majority of the NCR populace is made up of
farmers, traveling merchants and poor settlers
The New California Republic was born from the seeking protection from the dangers of the post-
remnants of the survivors of Vault 15 and the small apocalyptic world - a luxury usually only available to
walled community they founded, Shady Sands. the rich and powerful. In exchange for their
Under the leadership of Aradesh, and with the protection, the NCR classes them as a 'citizen' and
assistance of the Vault Dweller (who saved Tandi, collects taxes from them which is mostly used on
Aradesh's daughter and a future president of the the military to arm, train and supply their troops.
NCR), the community prospered. Trade routes with Citizenship can be given to entire settlements and
other settlements allowed cultural exchange, and a put under NCR jurisdiction if requested, however, this
movement to form a national entity gradually took practice is controversial in the Mojave due to rumors
root and won popular acceptance. of the NCR supposedly bullying weaker settlements
In 2186, the town of Shady Sands changed its and incorporating them against their will.
name to "New California Republic" and formed a trial The NCR enforces strict rules upon their citizens
council government to draft a constitution. Four and in their cities. In areas under military law, such
more settlements joined the council, and in 2189 the as the Mojave, crimes are typically punished by
NCR was voted into existence as a sprawling death. Openly carrying arms, prostitution, gambling,
federation of five states: Shady Sands, Los Angeles, and slavery are not permitted within NCR city limits.
Maxson, the Hub, and Dayglow. Persons found under the influence of alcohol or
By post-apocalyptic standards, the NCR is a drugs will be arrested.
paragon of economic success and good ethical A notable trait of the New California Republic, often
character: political enfranchisement, rule of law, a to the annoyance of its citizens, is the government's
reasonable degree of physical security and a tendency to be overly bureaucratic and give power to
standard of living better than mere subsistence are those of an important background rather than by
daily realities for its impressive population of citizen. ability. As much power is invested in particular
Currently, the NCR is in a state of transition, with individuals in the cities back west, citizens at the
rapid economic growth and a series of changes in frontier regions often feel that they are not listened
political leadership endangering its grand to and forgotten. This type of governing has lead to
humanitarian ideals. Nowhere is this more evident many of the towns in the Mojave wishing to stay
than in the Mojave, where the occupation of Hoover independent rather than living under NCR rule,
Dam has improved access to electricity and water, having only seen inefficiency in their systems and a
but at the cost of straining its budget and embroiling lack of being able to assist their own citizens.



rather than democracy), the NCR grew substantially,

STRUCTURE focusing its efforts on rebuilding the pre-War
The NCR is a democratic federation, modeling infrastructure and restarting technological
itself on the government of pre-War United States. development. Conversely, while under Aaron Kimball,
The government is divided into three branches: the NCR has become more imperialistic and
legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative expansive, overextending itself on multiple fronts in
branch is the Congress, staffed by representatives the process.
elected by their states and senators, forming two There is little to no sexism in the NCR (unlike many
houses: House of Representatives and the Senate. other factions in the wastes), most likely due to the
The Congressmen use a variety of titles: "Councilor," community's origins in Vault 15 and Tandi's
"Counselor," "Councilman," "Representative," and extended presidency. The republic has also shown
"Senator." In particular, the Hub (in its own obstinate little discrimination against ghouls and mutants,
way) prefers to call their representatives though many political analysts argue that this is
"Governors." The executive branch is the Republic because NCR has had limited contact with
council, headed by the President and Vice-President. them (the NCR did have little contact with
The President and Vice-President are elected by Necropolis or the Master's Army). Some of
NCR citizens, with advice from the Congress. their Veteran Rangers are ghouls,
Last, the judicial branch comprises courts and however, and they accept ghouls into
judges ruling in accordance with NCR's their army. In any event, some
adapted version of American common law. politicians use lingering anti-mutant
In theory, this is a sound and well- sentiments to boost their popularity
balanced system, but in practice, every among voters.
state tries to assert its independence There is a clear separation of church
and work toward furthering its own and state within the NCR. In
agenda. There is a great amount of particular, the NCR has resisted
friction between the states of Hub any attempts to canonize the
and Shady Sands, usually related to Vault Dweller within its city limits
trade rights and caravan routes, (the statue outside the Hall of
while New Reno remains Congress being the only
dominated by various exception). Both Aradesh
criminal interests. and Tandi found that politics
Significant pressure is and religion don't mix; a
exerted upon the political realization that was
and economic direction of cemented when they gained
the NCR by a variety of more exposure to the people
private interests: in particular, of the Hub and received visits
the brahmin barons whose from a few well-spoken
wealth gives them great members of the Followers of the
influence at the ballot box and Apocalypse. As long as there is no
whose needs are often placed first by officials interaction between church and government,
seeking support in their political ambitions. With the the NCR (past and present) allows any non-radical
armed forces, the Gun Runners gain special religious groups within their borders. Accordingly,
dispensation and influence as they are the primary the NCR are very tolerant of religion as long as its
contributor to NCR's weapon arsenal. Elsewhere, various assemblies do not participate in human
monopolies like the Crimson Caravan and similar sacrifice or indulge in dipping people into vats of
trading families dominate the trade routes and use Forced Evolutionary Virus, such as with the Legion
their wealth to gain influence with the NCR and the Master's Army.
government and extort large amounts of money.
Smaller competitors who are unable to compete with
both the larger competition as well as the high taxes MILITARY
are inevitably muscled out. The NCR's military is composed of several
The president is the biggest factor in deciding the Divisions, including marksmen, scouts, mechanized
course the Republic should take. For example, under units and a small number of Vertibirds. In addition,
Tandi (who served over ten terms as President; many of their major cities are protected and
something Caesar mocks as indicative of monarchy patrolled by heavily armed police officers. One of



their Special Forces units consists of the New Brotherhood of Steel would launch a military
California Rangers, a select group that is pledged to campaign with the goal of pacifying the NCR and
protect the people of the Wastes much like the Texas reclaiming technology that they felt the NCR was not
Rangers of old. The Rangers are said to have fully capable of understanding. After narrowly
numerous safe houses throughout the wastes, and avoiding defeat in the early days of the war, the NCR
they use these to strike at slavers outside of NCR would ultimately prevail and force the Brotherhood
territory (usually in the North). As expected, the two into retreat and hiding. The NCR had pushed back
groups hate each other with a passion. NCR was their strongest opponent yet but at a cost. With the
also in the habit of establishing marshals in the destruction of their gold reserves in the early days of
major population centers in their territories, the war, the Republic could not continue to fund their
responsible for enforcing the laws of NCR costly war with the Brotherhood for long, unless
throughout the Republic. Ghouls, super mutants, and more revenue was acquired.
humans were all known to serve in the NCR armed After the death of President Tandi, her successors
forces. The NCR gained access to a would gradually change the direction of the NCR.
limited number of Vertibirds from their battle with Rapidly expanding the Republic's borders in every
the Enclave over Navarro, along with the direction in a more imperialistic fashion, they
Brotherhood of Steel. sacrificed some of the NCR's principles and moral
Although diverse, the NCR military is mostly high ground in the process. Now led by President
composed of their regular troopers who are Aaron Kimball, the NCR's expansion has led it to the
characterized by their tan uniforms, wide-brimmed Mojave Wasteland, where it would encounter the
hats, goggles and armed with a standard service impressive city of New Vegas, and the even more
rifle. These soldiers are the image often associated promising Hoover Dam. However, it would also
with the NCR and are commonly seen in both pro- encounter its greatest enemy to date, Caesar's
and anti-NCR propaganda. Legion, across the Colorado River. Seeking to annex
New Vegas and drooling over the prospects of the
money that would flow back towards the Republic in
RELATIONS WITH THE OUTSIDE taxes, they sent their army east.
Many people in the western wastelands have The NCR initially had great success in the Mojave
mixed feelings about the NCR. Some people strongly Wasteland, setting up several bases and even an
support the Republic's goals of spreading embassy on The Strip. The front line of the new
democracy and the rule of law, and others conflict between the NCR and Caesar's Legion
vehemently oppose their methods of "controlling" moved towards the Colorado River. The Legion
everything they come into contact with. With attacked the NCR with its full strength during the
wastelanders who were used to having no more than First Battle of Hoover Dam. The NCR was forced to
a mayor or sheriff now suddenly being part of a retreat, but lured the Legion into a trap at Boulder
complex political structure and having to pay taxes, City and was able to retake the Dam. After their
some view it as a loss of the frontier lifestyles that defeat, the Legion regularly conducted raids on the
once defined them. As the NCR's power and territory west side of the Colorado, even creating permanent
grew, it made progressively stronger enemies who bases at Cottonwood Cove and sacking towns like
would test the resolve of the Republic. Nipton and Nelson with little response from the NCR.
Under President Tandi, the NCR made slow but
sustainable territorial expansion, allowing towns and
other small communities, who were impressed by TECHNOLOGY
the principles of the NCR, to join of their own The NCR has access to stockpiles of pre-War
volition. While defending their borders from hostile technology. Standard NCR soldiers have service
raiders like the once legendary Vipers and Jackals, rifles along with standard pre-War and self-made
who would be ravaged by the NCR's military until combat armor. The NCR possesses salvaged power
they became broken shadows of their former glory. armor acquired from engagements with the
Eventually taming Southern California, these Brotherhood, but lack the training to use it. Instead,
achievements would garner such respect for the servos in the joints are stripped out and an air-
President Tandi that the people would come to adore conditioning unit is installed in place of the power
her, and tribals outside the NCR's borders would core, turning it into extremely heavy, but effective,
refer to her as the "Great Mother." armor. However, the NCR special forces, the NCR
Viewing the NCR's growth and success as a threat Veteran Rangers, use pre-War riot gear and armor.
to their already stagnating power and influence, the The weapons used by the Rangers include: anti-



materiel rifles, Ranger Sequoias, hunting revolvers

and brush guns, among others.
As for civilian technology, they appear to have
knowledge of irrigation (as apparent in the NCR
sharecropper farms). They can also maintain
some pre-War transportation, such as the
monorail at Camp McCarran. The NCR were
also working on an extensive railroad
network in the New Vegas area into New
California. The network used in the Mojave
was used for transporting limestone from
Quarry Junction to Boulder City; these efforts
were halted by the Powder Gangers revolt and the
unsuccessful efforts to curb deathclaw population

The NCR created its own currency in the form of
gold coins around the turn of the 22nd century.
Bottle caps were useless at this time due to the gold
reserves of the NCR. This changed when the
Brotherhood of Steel destroyed the gold reserves in
2281. The NCR dollar devalued and the conversion
rate lowered to 2.5 NCR dollars to one cap.
The common denotations of NCR currency are the
$5, $20, and $100 bills. The $5 bill features a picture
of Aradesh and Shady Sands, the $20 bill features
pictures of Seth and the NCR Ranger insignia, and
the $100 bill features pictures of Tandi.



Raiders is a term used to describe a group of gangs – often there is a connection between the
hostile gangs in the Wasteland. The raiders are raider gang name and the symbols they incorporate.
loose bands of outlaws banding together for a For example, a raider gang under the name The Red
common cause, but there is no larger community Claws could have a symbol of a Yao Guai's claw
between rival raider gangs. splattered with blood.
Individual stats for different types of raider
opponents are listed in the Adversary Menagerie
Raiders have no alliances with other factions and

BACKGROUND will attack everyone, even other rival raiders or

slavers. They appear to be quite cruel, as places they
The raiders of the Wasteland are mostly hostile, inhabit are usually filled with the mutilated bodies of
lawless, chem-addled ruffians who roam the infinite other raiders and wastelanders, implying that they
wastes. torture captured enemies and occasionally their
Raiders, sometimes referred to as bandits, are any own. The raider sadist armor is equipped with
group of wastelanders who pillage, plunder, murder, several dismembered hands that the raider has kept
or otherwise ruin the day of anyone unfortunate as trophies. Raiders appear to show no mercy
enough to not be one of them. Raiders tend to even toward each other; some mention killing
organize into loose confederations of gangs in the one of their own just to make him shut up.
post-apocalyptic wasteland and are a constant Raiders also show very little
problem. Raiders typically prey upon travelers and respect for new recruits, as
very small towns, leaving more populous or larger shown by conversations with
areas alone. one another. Raiders also appear to
Numerous raider groups can be be cowardly, like Talon Company
found across the wasteland. Most are mercenaries, they will flee if the tide
composed of only a few people scraping of battle is turning against them.
out a living by preying on other
inhabitants of the wastes,
typically without any real
driving purpose (besides for
the thrills). Others, however,
such as the Khans and the
80s, form their own tribal
customs through raiding for
survival rather than for thrills.

Raider territory tends to be marked with spray – it
could range from painted symbols and mutilated
bodies hung up with meat hooks on chains to skulls
on pikes, and everything in between. Many raiders
also use symbolic tags, much like graffiti spray tags.
These symbols could include a green-blue circle
with the number 21 in the middle, a "FUCK YOU"
written in blood, and a colorful mushroom cloud, a
grinning skull, a deathclaw talon, and so forth. Every
single raider gang have their own unique markings
and symbols. So the GM should be creative in
coming up with symbolisms for the individual raider


The Institute is an advanced scientific organization lasting prejudice against synths and wariness of the
in the Commonwealth. It is known and feared for its secretive Institute.
ability to produce advanced synthetic humans (also By 2227, work on the third generation of synths,
known as synths) of high enough quality to pass as who would be indistinguishable from genuine
true humans. humans, was well underway. The mercenary Conrad
Kellogg was sent out to find Vault 111, where the
Institute's scientists believed they could find a
BACKGROUND cryogenically-preserved pre-War human for their
The Institute was born from the Commonwealth experiments. Kellogg returned with the infant Shaun,
Institute of Technology, or CIT, a renowned university whose pristine DNA was used to finish the synths.
based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Robert House The people of the surface first encountered a
attended it in his youth. During the Great War, a prototype Generation 3 synth in 2229, when it
number of CIT personnel survived by taking attacked the residents of Diamond City in what
refuge in the underground level of the became known as the "Broken Mask
campus. In 2110, the survivors and Incident." Existing prejudices against
their descendants founded the synths were compounded into
Institute, an organization paranoia; the people of the
dedicated to furthering pre- surface realized that the
War science. Institute could secretly
In its early days, as the very kidnap and replace them with
first Generation 1 synths synths. While some scoffed
were being built, the at such a notion, this
Institute reached out to aid paranoia was in fact
the people of the justified, as the Institute did
Commonwealth in begin using synths to
rebuilding civilization, but infiltrate and even sabotage
mutual mistrust quickly surface communities to
doomed that enterprise. further their own goals.
Soured on any further By 2287, the Institute was
cooperation with the surface, the actively opposed by the Railroad,
Institute withdrew into the shadows who viewed the third-gen synths as
and adopted a new purpose: to abandon the fully sapient and wished to liberate
Commonwealth to whatever fate awaits it and them from the Institute, as well as the
focus only on furthering their own vision of Brotherhood of Steel, who viewed the Institute's
humanity's future - regardless of how many work with synths as a return to the days of amoral
innocent lives they would have to sacrifice in the pre-War corporations such as Poseidon Energy and
process. Mass Fusion. This quickly led to a large conflict
The Institute's Advanced Systems department between the three factions.
completed work on the Molecular Relay, a
teleportation device, in the late 2180s. This allowed
the Institute to completely seal itself off from the STRUCTURE
surface and begin expanding its facilities deeper The Institute is divided into four main divisions,
underground. Whenever the Institute required each with specific areas of expertise. All divisions
materials that it could not produce itself, Generation answer to the directorate, composed of the division
1 and 2 synths were teleported to the surface to heads plus the director, who lead the Institute. The
scavenge, as well as to conduct experiments which director is the overall leader of the organization,
would otherwise have required Institute personnel to whose main purpose is to ensure proper cooperation
leave the safety of the facility. These directives between the divisions so that the goals of the
frequently led to conflict between the synths and the Institute are properly met. These divisions are:
people of the surface, and instilled in the latter a


 THE SYNTH RETENTION BUREAU (often inside the cafeteria and main chamber. Despite its
abbreviated to SRB), temporarily headed by Justin secrecy, the Institute maintains a friendly and
Ayo in the absence of Dr. Zimmer. The bureau welcoming demeanor to those introduced into its
employs completely obedient Generation 3 synths ranks, and allows access to almost every area inside
known as coursers. Responsible for tracking down the facility to newcomers.
and retrieving escaped synths, courser training, There appears to be no strict work hours for most
synth wiping and monitoring the Commonwealth. scientists, as they often take many hours off and
They wear the black variant of the Institute lab coat. come and go as they please from meals.
A notable member was A3-21, also known as
 ROBOTICS, responsible for synth construction, While the Institute is primarily a scientific group, it
development and maintenance. They wear the has a powerful army at its disposal: the synths.
orange variant of the Institute lab coat. Inside the main HQ of the Institute, the Robotics
Department can produce very large numbers of
 BIO-SCIENCE, headed by Clayton Holdren: Focuses synthetic organisms, which can be very efficient foot
on the study and creation of biomechanical life, and soldiers with enhanced strength and resilience. This,
bridging the gap between organic life and robotic coupled with the advanced technology at their
life. Responsible for genetic and bio-engineering, disposal, makes the Institute's synths a serious
medical care, FEV experimentation, crop production threat to anyone who dares to oppose them.
and pharmaceuticals. They wear the green variant of Coursers are a particular type of synth with higher
the Institute lab coat. Virgil was a member before military capability, used as special agents to pursue
fleeing due sabotaging a secret program that and recover lost synths.
involved working with FEV.


Responsible for advanced technological research
The Institute is home to the most advanced social
and development, including laser weapons and
structure and technology in the post-War wasteland,
synth armor. The Advanced Systems division
surpassing the Brotherhood of Steel and is possibly
designed the teleportation matrix the Institute uses
on par with the Enclave and Think Tank.
on a daily basis. They are rumored to be planning a
The main and most important technology of the
dark matter initiative, which can be overheard in
Institute is the synth. While the first and second
conversations after the player character arrives at
generations of synths are only very advanced
the Institute. They wear the blue variant of the
machines, the third generation is completely
Institute lab coat.
indistinguishable from humans, making them
perfect agents and soldiers.
 FACILITIES, headed by Allie Filmore: The
Also, the Institute has many powerful energy
department that maintains the building and upkeep
weapons at its disposal, advanced AI and other
of the institute facilities and superstructure.
robotic technologies. Another powerful technology
Responsible for life support, security systems, power
of the Institute is teleportation, which scientists use
distribution, food and housing, mechanical
to enter and exit the Institute, and can be used to
engineering and maintenance. They wear yellow lab
relocate large numbers of troops and agents to
coats. As their work encompasses the whole of the
almost any location instantly via radio waves. This is
Institute, they do not have specialized quarters.
used under the guise of the Classical Radio station
that can be heard throughout the Commonwealth,
SOCIETY which will shut down if the Institute's HQ is
Despite the Institute's prowess, there are a limited
amount of scientists at its disposal, with a small
team working with each division, and several
auxiliary scientists elsewhere. As a result, the
Synth is a diminutive for synthetic humanoid and
Institute requires relatively little housing space, and
is used to name synthetic intelligence units
has apartments to accommodate all scientists and
designed by the Institute to look, function and
their families.
behave like humans. They are sometimes also called
Scientists interact regularly, and often spend time
androids or artificial humans. They are found in the


Capital Wasteland in 2277 and in the "born" with the bodies and mental faculties of full-
Commonwealth and the Island in 2287. grown adult humans. Though entirely biological,
each Gen 3 synth contains a neurological implant
BACKGROUND inside their brain allowing them to be "programmed"
and manipulated via voice commands. This implant
Synths, created by the Institute, are cybernetic cannot be detected nor removed without killing the
organisms designed to resemble humans. They are synth.
classified into one of three generations depending
upon their complexity: Although it is unknown when each successive
generation was developed, the people of Diamond
 GENERATION 1 SYNTHS are purely robotic City first encountered a synth in 2229, in an event
androids, possessing all the physical capabilities of called the Broken Mask Incident. The synth, which
a human, but being no smarter called itself Mr. Carter, was a
than a standard protectron. prototype that was field
They resemble a lanky tested without the Institute
skeleton with metal joints, director's approval. Though
mechanical "organs" and the Institute did not actually
hydraulic muscles. They are intend to massacre the
completely loyal to the people of Diamond City, the
Institute and speak in a high- people of Diamond City have
pitched, robotic tone. Like all feared and resented the
robots, they can take large Institute ever since.
amounts of damage, never By 2277, at least one
backing down from a fight Generation 3 synth is known
even with their limbs blown to have had traveled to the
off. Capital Wasteland after
becoming fully self-aware
 GENERATION 2 SYNTHS are and escaping the Institute.
similar in appearance to their With the help of the
predecessors, but are hardier underground organization
and sheathed in plastic "flesh" known as the Railroad, he
mounted on a thin metal had his appearance and
lattice surrounding their memories altered and
mechanical skeleton. Though eventually wound up as the
more human-like in chief of security at Rivet City.
appearance, Gen-2s still Incidents of synths escaping
possess limited A.I. and have occurred multiple times
superficially resemble a prior to 2277 as the Synth
mannequin more than a Retention Bureau was
human, having visible seams created and had multiple
along their sickly, yellow-gray coursers tracking rogue
skin. Their skin is fragile synths as far as the Island.
however, and will fall off in Many denizens of the Commonwealth have
large chunks if struck or shot with enough force to become paranoid and prejudiced against synths,
reveal their mechanical insides. These synths are fearing they might be abducted by the Institute and
often found dressed in synth armor when on the replaced with identical copies of themselves. Their
surface, or else in Institute jumpers when working paranoia is justified, as some of the most
down in the Institute. They also speak in a robotic sophisticated synths encountered act as spies and
voice, but at a much lower pitch than Gen 1 synths. could fool the unaware. There are some examples of
Commonwealth citizens that were murdered and
 GENERATION 3 SYNTHS represent the pinnacle of replaced with synth duplicates whom the Sole
synth technology, being virtually indistinguishable Survivor interacts with on missions if they choose to
from natural-born humans down to the cellular level. join the Institute.
Each Gen 3 synth is built from lab-grown bones, The synths' Institute creators view them as
muscles and other tissues that are assembled and nothing more than machines and treat them as
brought to life at the Institute's Robotics lab, and are


slaves. The Railroad has committed itself to freeing comment that their systems may be in need of
Generation 3 synths from their masters and recalibration if they lose track of a target. During the
smuggling them out of the Commonwealth to Tradecraft quest, Deacon comments that Gen 1 and
somewhere the Institute cannot reach them. In 2 synths are on a similar mental level to protectrons
contrast, the Brotherhood of Steel has sworn to and other pre-War robots, causing some debate
eliminate all synths, for to them, a machine capable among members of the Railroad as to if Gen 1 and 2
of thinking like a human is an abomination of synths are worth trying to rescue.
technology. Generation 3 synths are physically and mentally
Most encountered hostile synths belong to either indistinguishable from ordinary humans, having lab-
Generations 1 or 2, are armed with Institute laser grown bodies of real human flesh, bones, and organs
weapons and shock batons and are immune to instead of plastic and metal. As Dr. Roslyn
radiation damage. When fighting against the Gen 1 Chambers found, no medical tests or procedures can
and 2 synths, it is possible to shoot off their limbs. identify someone as a synth without killing them
The moment one of their arms is destroyed, they (synths that infiltrate settlements, for example, only
may be unable to use their weapons. However, they drop synth components when killed). Psychological
will then proceed to rush the player character and tests, such as Covenant's SAFE test, are dubious at
begin attacking them with their remaining arm. best. However, they are not perfect duplicates, and
Shooting their legs will result in them crawling to the have a few key differences from humans that are not
player character and attacking them with their immediately obvious: synths cannot gain or lose
hands. weight (one Institute researcher remarked on this
Gen 1 and 2 synths are less intelligent than Gen 3 after discovering that many of the Institute synths
synths, but display a level of sapience, as had a taste for snack cakes).
exemplified in their dialogue. They call out to their
target "whoever you are, I know you're there" and will



Characters are the center of the Fallout roleplaying or bleeders by their mutant counterparts. Four
game, as they are in just about every roleplaying distinguishable, common ethnic groups are present
game ever published. They are the extensions of the in post-War America: African, Asian, Caucasian, and
player's portraying them within the Fallout setting. Hispanic.
Characters come in a multitude of variety in Post-nuclear humans, as a direct result of the
archetypes, races and careers, everyone is unique in radiation and exposition to the F.E.V. of the West Tek
his or her own way as determined by skills, talents Research Facility (that mutated after the Great War
and background. A character can be whatever you, due to radiation), and some other biochemical
the player, wants it to be. Remember you are playing agents released into the environment during and
someone else, not yourself! after the Great War, exhibit more diversity, primarily
in genetic structure. The aforementioned factors
have resulted in an increased rate of mutations in
NEW STARTING CHARACTERS humans, although very few of these result in
phenotypical changes. Most of these changes are
Characters in Fallout can be any human archetype, non-lethal, non-damaging variations in the human
as detailed below. In addition, radiation and genetic DNA that simply increase the gene pool
experimentation has led to two mutant-human variety. Also, humans with minor mutations,
races; Ghouls and Super Mutants. Many robots have like additional toes, skin lesions due to TDC
either survived since the Great War or have been infection, permanent red eyes, permanent
repaired by wasteland technicians. Some ingenious varicose veins or complete lack of hair, are
survivors are even able to build new robots from still considered to be normal humans.
scrap. Several of these robots possess complex “Pure” humans, or “prime normals”
personalities and individual desires, and are theoretically humans which have
strike off on their own. Synths are also not been mutated unnaturally by
making appearances, though they mostly radiation or other Post-War
remain hidden among human settlements. pollutants. They can be said to be
While ghouls, robots, super mutants and original humans, no different
synths are indeed a big part of the Fallout than those from before the War.
setting, you should consult with your Game However, because of the
Master before selecting a deviation from widespread and pervasive fallout
the human species, to see how a ghoul, in the Wasteland, these represent a
robot or super mutant will fit into his or her very small minority of all sentient
campaign. species on Earth. They exist only in
A new character starts with a total of isolated factions, such as the
500 bottlecaps for spending on Enclave, or in remote areas
equipment. A character can spend 10 XP untouched by radiation, such as the
for an additional 500 bottlecaps one time. underground vaults. Some vaults,
opening at times where the radiation

HUMAN has faded, can produce tribes which can

be said to be pure, such as the Boomers.
Humans (Homo sapiens) are the All of these variations have been
dominant species of Earth. In the post– uniquely interpreted by the Enclave
apocalyptic age, "human" is more leadership as basis for claiming that the
specifically used to denote those that humans living outside the Enclave and
have been more-or-less unaffected by isolated vaults are no longer pure, that
radiation as opposed to mutants like they are, in fact, "near-humans" that
ghouls and super mutants, even though pose a threat to the "pure" humanity
said mutant types originate from living in the aforementioned locations.
humans. Non–mutated humans are Likewise, humans are the only race to
sometimes called normals, smoothskins have been seen reverting back to a


primitive age. The most notable example of this are creation.

tribals that have developed their own culture; having  Forceful Personality: Once per session, your
distinct beliefs and superstitions, religious rituals, character may spend a Story Point as an Incidental.
customs and even their own unique languages in If they do so, during the next skill check they make
some cases. They also commonly bear tattoos as during that turn, your character doubles the strain
one of their traditions, commonly practiced to they inflict or the strain they heal (you choose before
implicate an important, symbolic meaning to the making the check).
tribe or the human.
The human species is the most diverse of all the
playable races, and thus seven archetypes are
readily available to those players settling on a The dedicated archetype represents a character
human character. with a stout and stalwart dedication or morale
compass, who has a background in a field that
requires an unmatched will and nerves of steel. This
AVERAGE HUMAN could be a student, an entrepreneur, or even a
The average human archetype is the baseline for religious man. Strong willed and alert, the dedicated
character creation, and portrays the most character typically relies on a high Willpower
customizable example of a person. characteristic.

 Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn.  Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn.

 Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower.  Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower.
 Starting Experience: 110 XP.  Starting Experience: 100 XP.
 Starting Skills: An average human starts with 1  Starting Skills: A dedicated character starts with 1
rank in each of two different non-career skills at rank in Discipline during character creation. They
character creation. They obtain this rank before obtain this rank before spending experience points,
spending experience points, and these skills can not and may not increase Discipline above rank 2 during
be increased higher than rank 2 during character character creation.
creation.  Focused: Once per session, as an out-of-turn
 Ready For Anything: Once per session, as an out- Incidental, you may spend one Story Point to recover
of-turn Incidental, you may move one Story Point all your strain up to your strain threshold.
from the Game Master's pool to the player's pool.

The charismatic archetype reprensts any character INTELLECTUAL HUMAN
who has the gift of a silver tongue. This could be a The intellectual archetype represents a character
entertainer of some sort, a politician, a musician, an who has a background grounded in some sort of
aristocrat, or even a merchant. As charming smooth intellectual pursuit. This pursuit could be
talkers, charismatic archetype typically rely on high mechanical, medicine, or even teaching. Brilliant and
Presence characteristics. skillful, the intellectual archetype typically relies on a
high Intellect characteristic. The intellectual is quick
to deduce even the most complex of thinking into
logical, rational thought.

 Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn.

 Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower.
 Starting Experience: 100 XP.
 Starting Skills: A charismatic character starts with  Wound Threshold: 8 + Brawn.
1 rank in Cool during character creation. They obtain  Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower.
this rank before spending experience points, and  Starting Experience: 100 XP.
may not increase Cool above rank 2 during character  Starting Skills: An intellectual starts with 1 rank in


Knowledge during character creation. They obtain

this rank before spending experience points, and  Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn.
may not increase Knowledge above rank 2 during  Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower.
character creation.  Starting Experience: 100 XP.
 Brilliant!: Once per session, your character may  Starting Skills: A resourceful character starts with
spend a Story Point as an Incidental. If they do so, 1 rank in Perception or Streetwise. They obtain this
during the next check they make during that turn, rank before spending experience points, and may
you count their ranks in the skill being used as equal not increase Perception or Streetwise above rank 2
to their Intellect. during character creation.
 It Came Out of the Blue!: Once per session, your
NIMBLE HUMAN character may spend a Story Point, as an Incidental,
to change any number of a to s equal your
The nimble archetype represents a character with
Cunning on a single skill check that he has made.
increased body control and coordination, who has a
background in something that requires precision and
deft hand-eye coordination. This could be an athlete STRONG HUMAN
or even thieves. Quick and nimble, the nimble The strong human archetype represents a
archetype typically relies on a high Agility character who has a background in some form of
characteristic. manual labor, and who is generally strong and
tough. Powerful and usually good at combat, the
strong human archetype typically relies on a high
Brawn characteristic. Strong archetypes usually
include the likes such as body builders, laborers, and
others whom either actively seek to strengthen their
 Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn. bodies by physical training, or have acquired such a
 Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower. feat by means of years of hard labor.
 Starting Experience: 100 XP.
 Starting Skills: The nimble character starts with 1
rank in Athletics or Coordination during character
creation. They obtain this rank before spending
experience points, and may not increase Athletics or
Coordination above rank 2 during character creation.  Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn.
 Did You See That?: Once per session you may  Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower.
spend a Story Point, as an Incidental, and  Starting Experience: 100 XP.
immediately take two additional Maneuvers in that  Starting Skills: A strong human starts with 1 rank
turn, even if this exceeds the limitations of 1 in Athletics during character creation. They obtain
Maneuver and 1 free Maneuver. Which means you this rank before spending experience points, and
can essentially have up to four Maneuvers in a may not increase Athletics above rank 2 during
single turn! character creation.
 Tough As Nails: Once per session, your character
RESOURCEFUL HUMAN may spend a Story Point as an out-of-turn Incidental
immediately after suffering a Critical Injury and
The resourceful archetype represents a character
determining the result. If they do so, they count the
who gets things done by unconventional ways or
result rolled as “01”.
manners, one whom does not always think inside
the box. The pursuit of a resourceful character could
be a con artist, survivalists, outdoorsmen or even
spies. Unconventional and innovative, the
resourceful archetype relies on a high Cunning Specifically, the neurotransmitters affected in a
characteristic. Resourcefuly characters are quick to ghoul's mutation are those responsible for cardiac
put words to an idea and are quite capable of solving and respiratory function in a healthy human being.
even the most mind-boggling of puzzles. These transmitters are continually regenerated at a
greatly accelerated rate after the mutation sets in,
carrying sufficient oxygen to sustain the life of the
subject while being insufficient to retain dermal
elasticity and avoid the resulting necrosis, the result
of which is the decaying, corpse-like appearance of


post-mutation humans. Considering that ghouls are Ghouls are immune to most forms of radiation that
missing their noses, the pinna of the ear, still remain in the wasteland. Radiation poisoning
and some complain about knee pain, it cannot get worse for the ghouls, though it can
may be that the process of hasten the process of decay and lead to their
ghoulification severely damages decline into the feral state as described above.
cartilage in the human body. However, many ghouls report feeling
In physical appearance, healthier when exposed to low-
a ghoul's flesh is level radiation, and thus
constantly rotting off, make their homes near
appearing very raw and locations with acute
discolored from necrosis. background radiation. The
Lips and eyelids are ghouls known as
sometimes absent, and "glowing ones" actually
noses are in almost every enjoy large amounts of
case completely rotted radiation, which they
off. Feral ghouls are describe as being
typically heavily "comfortably warm." They
emaciated and hunched are even healed by it.
over (possibly due to As one of the more
malnutrition and lack of common consequences of
sunlight), while non-ferals ghoulification seems to be
typically have a healthier, sporadic or even complete
more human-like build and hair loss and loss of their
posture. Another major normal voice: few ghouls retain
difference between ferals and non- enough hair on their heads to actually
ferals is dress: while non-ferals dress like maintain a haircut, and ghouls with
normal humans, feral ghouls wear little clothing facial hair seems to be even more rare. Also,
other than tattered pants or sections of old armor, ghouls with clear voices are very uncommon;
having long ago lost the mental capacity to mend or most possess raspy voices. While the exact cause
replace their clothes. of their hoarse voices is unknown, it is more than
Ghouls, at least the non-feral ones, are generally likely caused by partial decay of their vocal cords.
as intelligent as normal humans. However, their
intelligence decreases at varying rates as a result of
the radiation rotting their brains, this continues until
their ability to reason has gone completely, and they
become feral. Their physical repulsiveness makes
the life of a ghoul difficult at best - only the most  Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn
tolerant human communities accept them as  Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
anything more than monsters. Some ghouls  Starting Experience: 90 XP.
eventually go mad and it remains unclear exactly  Special Abilities: Ghouls get a free Rank in
what precipitates this change in neurobiology and Survival. They obtain this rank before spending
psychology, but anecdotal evidence seems to experience points.
indicate that non-social ghouls, or those in isolation,  Rad Resistance: Ghouls take no damage from
are more prone to the condition. It is known that Radiation damage sources. Once per session when
ghouls can turn feral when exposed to excessive exposed to a source of radiation damage, a ghoul
levels of radiation. Ghouls that succumb to insanity character may spend a Story Point to heal a number
are called "feral ghouls": they are mindlessly of wounds equal to the rating of the radiation
aggressive and, having lost their ability to reason, source.
driven entirely by their instincts. These feral ghouls
strongly resemble zombies like those depicted in old
horror films, and this misconception succeeds in ROBOT
alienating non-feral ghouls even more from humans. Robots in the wasteland come in a variety of
The term "zombie" has become an offensive racial shapes and sizes. Their capabilities are determined
slur to ghouls and "smoothskin" is a derogatory term by their original purpose of construction; the
for humans often used by ghouls. hovering Mr. Handy came with a trio of spindly arms


that have pincer hands, buzzsaws, or even small Willpower-based checks for each other friendly
flame projectors. Meanwhile the Protectron series of character of the same species (robot) within
robots were used in fire and rescue, police and Medium range – to a maximum of sss.
security, and even construction. Other robots  Robotic: Robots do not need to eat, sleep, or
were specifically built with warfare in mind, breathe, and are unaffected by toxins and poisons.
and possess a lethal variety of weapons
bonded directly to their metal frames.
A player character robot can be built SUPER MUTANT
from a Mr. Handy or Protectron blueprint, Super mutants are mutated humans,
but abiding to the rules below. Or the products of infection by the Forced
player is free to come up with his or Evolutionary Virus (FEV). They are much
her own unique appearance for a robot, taller, bulkier and muscular than pure strain
but have to restrain to using the humans, have (mostly) green, gray, or yellowish
rules that apply to normal skin, are immune to disease and radiation, and
characters; for example, no are gifted with superhuman strength and
flying. One might argue that a Mr. endurance. Although they are completely sterile,
Handy is flying, but it is not. It is the rapid regeneration of their cells caused by
floating by means of a propulsion engine, FEV makes them virtually biologically immortal
which is equivalent of walking, just a given (but not immune to death from injury).
distance above the surface of the ground. Average super mutants stand approximately
The GM should allow the player to use 10.4 feet tall (although they typically stand with
unique designs for his or her robot hunched backs that reduce them to about 7.8
character, but feet) and weigh around 800 pounds, possibly
Robots are built using variation to the character even more. Their skin color is predominately grayish
creation rules (see below). All robots start with green in the case of Mariposa mutants and yellow
characteristics of 1, but have a higher starting XP. with tints of red and green in the case of Vault 87
This is for the player to customize his robot ones, although some mutants with other skin colors
according to his character design. also exist. Their skin is extremely tough, and their
muscle and bone structure are enhanced
well beyond the human norm.
Super mutant cells undergo cellular
division at a greatly increased rate.
Mitosis occurs at a rate 15%
 Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn. quicker than that found
 Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower. in pure strain humans. A
 Starting Experience: 175 XP. super mutant's
 Special Abilities: After selecting their cellular structure is
career, your robot character may train one said to be highly
rank in six of the eight career skills similar to normal
(instead of the usual four). humans. Super mutant
 Inorganic: Since robots are inorganic, DNA strands are nearly
they do not gain the benefits of flawless, with all of the
recovering Wounds with stimpaks or a recessive genes that
Medicine check. Robots can recover Wounds produce many of the
and Strain naturally by resting, as their most common
systems attempt self-repairs. Robots can ailments like
also be “healed” by using the Mechanics diabetes, cancer and
skill instead of the Medicine skill, but cardiovascular
otherwise following the guidelines disease eradicated
detailed on page 116 of the GENESYS core from the genome. Those
rule book. recessive genes which
 Metal Body: Robots increase their are commonly found in
Soak value by 1. humans have been
 Networked Intelligence: A robot adds manipulated in such a
automatic s to its Intellect- and way by the infection of the


FEV as to bring about the best possible combination has a focused skill option, but less experience. The
of genetic traits. A super mutant's RNA structure “A Face in a Crowd” rule represents a synth blending
was also altered by the virus to produce more rapid into an urban setting (after all, they look exactly like
transcription, resulting in the enhanced regenerative a bunch of other synths), but may have to deal with
capacities of the mutated form. anti-synth bias.
The mutation produced by the FEV in this case has
some severe side effects. Chief among them is
sterility. As the gametes of the reproductive system
consist of 'half-cells' comprising only 23 of the
normal 46 chromosomes, they are perceived as
'damaged' cells by the FEV's integrated genetic  Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn
sequences, which "repairs" them by restoring the  Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
missing chromosomes, which essentially renders  Starting Experience: 80 XP.
the mutants sterile since their gametes lose the  Special Abilities: You may select two skills when
ability to recombine with other sex cells in sexual creating a synth character. Your synth character
reproduction. Other side effects of this form of FEV starts play with two ranks in each of these skills.
infection include an alteration of the pigment cells of You still can't train their skills above rank 2 during
the epidermis. While the super mutants originating character creation.
from Mariposa are sterile, they do not lose their  A Face in a Crowd: Characters add b to any
sexual organs, but they do lose their secondary checks they make to pick a synth out in a crowd.
sexual characteristics, such as breasts; Similarly Synths also add b to Social skill checks
East Coast mutants are said to lose most sexual they make when interacting with people
characteristics. who don't know the specific synth.
While they will not normally die due to the normal
effects of aging, super mutants are prone to senility,
leading to tendencies to engage in near-psychotic,
aggressive attacks against other humans and other
creatures. As super mutants created by the modified
strain of FEV as part of the Evolutionary
Experimentation Program in the Capital Wasteland
age, they grow consistently larger and stronger,
eventually reaching heights of up to 2 stories.

 Wound Threshold: 13 + Brawn

 Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower
 Starting Experience: 80 XP.
 Brute: A super mutant character is Silhouette 2.
 Forced Evolutionary Virus: Super Mutants reduce
the Encumbrance and Cumbersome value of all
wielded weapons by 1. Super Mutants are also
immune to damage from radiation.

This profile is for a human synth. It is an Institute-
produced synth that has been tailored for a certain
job (otherwise, if this were an unmodified synth, you
could simply use the Average Human profile).
Synths have customization options to represent
their “designed” nature, but in their case, the synth


Once you've settled on a species – human, ghoul, four predetermined career skills, what about the
robot, super mutant, or synth – that you want to remaining four career skills to complete the career?
play, it is time to further flesh out your character with The Fallout setting allows the player to select the
choices of careers, skills and talents. So what is it remaining four career skills and make notice of
that makes your character SPECIAL? these as being career skills on the character sheet.
Fallout uses careers, skills, and talents that would However, the player must adhere to the following
be appropriate in a Modern Day setting. The Knight restrictions for selecting the remaining four career
career is also appropriate for use with the sci-fi skills. It is important to notice that the
setting changes, as it is used for the Brotherhood of predetermined career skills do not count against the
Steel, though this is not an available starting career requirements listed below, of course.
for the player character to select.
The choosing of an character's career  At least one Social or Combat
is probably the most important skill must be selected.
choice a player makes. The  No more than a total of three
occupation of your character has Combat or Social skills can be
a direct bearing on which skills selected: Magic skills (Arcana,
she may have and her status Divine and Primal) are not
in the community. available in the Fallout
Select one starting career setting.
for your starting Wasteland  No more than two
survivor. This represents additional General skills can
the training and life be selected.
experience the character has
had prior to the start of the Following the normal rules
campaign. A character may hold for career skills, on page 40 in
other jobs as his career unfolds, the GENESYS core rulebook, a
but the benefits of a starting career starting character may
are only applied once, at the time of character choose four of their career skills and gain one rank
creation. in each of them. This is done before spending
You can think of a career as your character's job or experience during character creation.
role. It's a broad concept of what your character is
going to be especially good at during the game.
Careers enable your character to focus on being AVAILABLE CAREERS
better at certain tasks at the expense of others. A The following careers below are available to the
career is usually definited by the role the character
plays in the game. players in the Fallout setting. Please take into
consideration that the Game Master has the final
vote on determining whether or not the list below fits
CAREER SKILLS into his or her specific Fallout campaign.
The default rules of career skills, as detailed on
page 40 of the GENESYS core rulebook, has been AMBASSADOR
modified for the Fallout setting to allow for a greater An ambassador seeks out those who can help a
character customization. cause and works to ensure they do. He brings the
Each available career now only comes with four best arguments he can to sway hubs, settlements,
predetermined career skills (individually listed under organizations, and other groups to side with the
each specific career; see below), that are irrevocably forces he serves. The ambassador brings every
unchangeable, whereas in the GENESYS core possible asset to bear in order to convince them to
rulebook careers come with a default set of eight see things his way.
predetermined career skills. Compromise is a way of life for the ambassador;
As the careers presented below only comes with he won't even bother going into a negotiation if he


has no room in which to maneuver. The true mastery time living on the fringes of society, learning to make
of his trade is in getting his most important goals do with whatever materials and facilities were on
agreed to and making the other side of the hand, regardless of their apparent functionality or
discussion feel like the agreement was its doing. crude construction. Ascetics may be out of practice
Ambassadors are just as effective in dealing with in social interactions and interpersonal
individuals in crisis situations as they are in communication, but the awareness and resilience
managing discussions with a room full of skeptical they have gained through their trials, as well as the
politicians. physical strength their chosen path has earned
The ambassador counts the following skills as them, can be invaluable to a group when more
career skills: Charm, Discipline, Knowledge and refined, civilized plans have failed.
Negotiation. The ascetic counts the following skills as career
skills: Athletics, Discipline, Resilience and Vigilance.
Most explorers are searching for the new – new ASSASSIN
opportunities, new settlements, new locations, new Whereas most bounty hunters focus primarily on
marketplaces, etc. Archaeologists, on the other the capture of quarry, those who specialize as
hand, are firmly entrenched in the old. The assassins are generally tasked with the
Wasteland is impossibly old, and nigh-infinite straightforward proposition of terminating their
millennia have witnessed the rise and fall of targets.
countless civilizations. The archaeologist endeavors Despite their different methods, assassins still
to find these lost cultures and unlock the secrets of adhere to many of the same ethics and practics of
their history, art, science. and everything else about other bounty hunters. They take their work very
them. seriously, avoid all needless bloodshed, and honor
Most archaeologists believe very passionately that their contracts to the letter. Some treat their
what they do is noble and important to the people of methods with reverence, even assigning a certain
the Wasteland. They tend to be less concerned with mystique to it. Others simply see themselves as cold
who is currently in charge, except for how the killers, and are just fine with it.
prevailing policies of the current government impact The assassin counts the following skills as career
their studies and digs. Unfortunately for the current skills: Melee, Ranged [Heavy], Skulduggery and
state of the field, the Brotherhood of Steel tends to Stealth.
take a very heavy hand in matters of "revisionist
history," preferring to alter findings to best fit its
agendas As such, most archaeologists either work
outside of Brotherhood channels or wish they did. While most any being can ride a trained mount, it is
The archaeologist counts the following skills as the beast rider who can break in wild mounts and
career skills: Athletics, Discipline, Knowledge and train them. Once he has trained a mount, the skilled
Perception. beast rider can coax his mount to perform incredible
feats, even in the heat of battle. The beast rider is
also something of an outdoorsman, and is a
ASCETIC valuable member of a team with or without his
There are many paths that might lead one to the creature companion.
role of ascetic. Whether they are particularly Beast riders might be expert riders on a single type
sensitive and seek seclusion to contend with some of mount or experienced creature wranglers who
failure that haunts their steps or wish to have spent time with all manner of riding creatures.
contemplate the greater role of fate in the Wasteland Most cultures and militaries still rely heavily on
at large, ascetics are individuals driven to a calmer, mounts.
more comtemplative approach to their life, their The beast rider counts the following skills as
needs, and their place in the Wasteland. They do not career skills: Athletics, Knowledge, Perception and
seek to gather caps, possessions, or laurels, but Survival.
rather judge their worth by the depth of their
understanding of and communication with fate.
Ascetics concentrate on honing their own mind to
a razor sharp focus. As a result, they are likely to He’ll hunt man or beast – bail jumpers, molerats,
have the versatility to work their way through almost runaway daughters, yao guai... whatever you pay
any difficulty. An ascetic has spent a considerable him to find, he’ll track it down and bring it back alive,
dead, or as a trophy. Truth be told, it’s not the money


that matters so much as the challenge of pitting brand of flair and style. The charmer keeps a cool
himself against man and/or beast, facing down head in the hottest situations, which often serves as
whatever life throws at him and returning the winner. inspiration to others, and he has no qualms with
Plains, desert, or the concrete jungle, he’s the alpha taking a leadership role if it furthers his purposes.
predator. And you? You’re just prey. Run if you want, Whether or not he knows the right thing to say, the
but when he’s chasing, he knows how it’ll end. charmer always knows how to say it.
The bounty hunter counts the following skills as The charmer counts the following skills as career
career skills: Brawl, Ranged [Heavy], Streetwise and skills: Charm, Cool, Leadership and Negotiation.
CHARMER Commandos are specialists trained to strike the
Confident and elegant, the charmer employs his enemy from unexpected directions to do the most
wits and wiles with more precision than a laser damage in the most vulnerable locations.
scalpel. Rather than resorting to uncivilized Commando teams are often used like surgical
intimidation tactics or distasteful acts of violence, instruments by the commanders who have access
the charmer believes the best way to get what he to them. A commando knows how to find a target,
wants is to simply ask for it. A charmer knows how attack it, disable it, survive the aftermath, and find
to talk the talk, possessing natural charisma that his way home.
makes him irresistible. Struck by the flash of his For any team, a commando is a fine general-
smile or the wink of his eye, people have a hard time purpose combat specialist to have around.
denying anything to the He handles fights well
charmer. (especially hand-to-hand
The charmer combines the situations), and can manage in
silver tongue of a politico, the almost any high-stress
street smarts of a scoundrel, situation. More often than not,
and the keen mind of a he's also effective as backup
trader. Where the politico during covert operations.
might rally, chastise, or even Matters of overall philosophy
bribe to achieve his or strategy rarely concern a
objective, the charmer commando; he's almost
showers his mark with always focused on the
flattery. While the trader mission at hand or training to
relies on his ability to haggle ensure he and his companions
down a price, the charmer survive the next one.
convinces others that The commando counts the
lowering the price is their following skills as career
idea. When a scoundrel skills: Brawl, Melee,
resorts to coercion and Resilience and Survival.
violence, a charmer applies a
softer touch to disarm his
opponents with words alone.
The chief weapon in a There is more to military
charmer’s arsenal is clearly intelligence than stealing the
his undeniable charisma. enemy's secrets. The data
When coaxing his way into a must be secured and
private club or restricted delivered to the specialists
area, the charmer knows how who can best exploit it. The
to compliment without courier specializes in
sounding sycophantic. In transporting critical
rare cases when his debonair information, often while
appearance and refined taste working incognito far behind
fails him, the charmer enemy lines. These experts take
knows how to resort to the necessary risks of repeatedly
negotiation and trickery to get his crossing through security checkpoints or
way, doing so with his own smooth even active battlefronts. They must be capable of


operating under foes' scrutiny without drawing the treatment of illnesses with him, he brings a
undue attention. To a certain extend, these spies are broad spectrum of knowledge and a solid persona in
a very specialized type of smuggler, dealing primarily the face of adversity.
in information rather than physical goods. Most doctors trade their healing talents for a
The courier counts the following skills as career chance to see more of the Wasteland than their time
skills: Athletics, Deception, Streetwise and Vigilance. in medical school ever allowed. Their overall motives
can be as varied as those of any being, yet they tend
DEMOLITIONIST to share a common instinct to heal where there is
harm. While many will simply take up residence with
Demolitionists are masters of explosives and whatever lord, organization, or boss will hire them,
incendiary devices. Often seen as dangerous other doctors will find a way to get out into the larger
pyromaniacs, most demolitionists possess a deep Wasteland, both to bring help to those in need and to
understanding of the physics behind combustion experience life in some fashion.
and explosion on an intuitive level as well as an The doctor counts the following skills as career
academic one. They are not mindless destroyers. skills: Cool, Knowledge, Medicine and Resilience.
but artists. Demolitionists are adept at wreaking
havoc while avoiding being injured by their own
handiwork – most of the time. ENFORCER
The work of a demolitionist is extremely Enforcers know that achieving results does not
dangerous, as a single misstep can spell doom for always require violence – sometimes the threat of it
the character (and anyone unfortunate enough to be is enough. Enforcers focus on social interactions as
in the general vicinity). In order to succeed. A much as combat. They can handle themselves in a
demolitionist must be able to keep a clear head and fight, to be sure, but prefer to accomplish their
focus on his work. even as bullets fill the air around objectives through savvy, intimidation, blackmail,
him As such, most demolitionists are adept at and straightforward threats. If they need to fight,
staying cool in the most nerve-wracking situations. however, they can brawl with the best.
In order to put their skills to the greatest use, In most criminal organizations, enforcers fill the
demolitionists must have an understanding of the dual role of hired muscle and the "face" of a criminal
principles of construction, as well as knowing how organization. The enforcer brings a criminal
to construct their explosive devices. Both of these syndicate's message to the streets, then ensures
are where some skill with Mechanics becomes that message is followed (and punishes those who
important. By knowing how a machine operates, or stray). Enforcers should have no trouble finding
the load-bearing points of a structure, a work, whether in the uncivilized Wasteland or in the
demolitionist can determine where to place shady underworlds the sporadic settlements
explosives for the greatest effect. Similarly, throughout the Wasteland. Enforcers are a natural fit
demolitionists know how to get the most from their for organized crime syndicates. where they collect
tools, creating larger than expected explosions or debts and ensure everyone shows the proper
causing devastating chain reactions. Demolitionists respect and deference to bosses and leaders. Many
can use their creative talents for more than sheer enforcers practice a certain subtlety, avoiding police
destruction, and can usually be counted on to find forces while enforcing the rules of gangs and
an inventive route out of a dangerous situation. Of criminal organizations.
course, sometimes that plan is even more While most enforcers have a fondness for violence,
dangerous than the original threat. they also display a degree of self-control. Violence is
The demolitionist counts the following skills as a tool in the enforcer's arsenal. and not an end in
career skills: Computers, Cool, Mechanics and itself. An enforcer is more likely to try words before
Skulduggery. violence, though these words may be laced with
venom and the threat of imminent violence.
DOCTOR However. an enforcer must always be ready to fight.
The enforcer counts the following skills as career
Of all the types of people who come to the skills: Brawl, Coercion, Melee and Streetwise.
Wasteland, doctors probably have the easiest time
finding employment They are in high demand almost
anywhere they go. Unfortunately, most of what they FRINGER
are asked to do involves patching up the wounds of Part negotiator, part navigator, and savvy in the
the worst kind of beings. ways of the Wasteland beyond the settlements, the
With his skills, a doctor brings not only healing and fringer is a jack-of-all-trades. He focuses on


knowing how to find what he needs and how to get are soon parted, and the gambler is always happy to
where he needs to go. He's got the gift of gab when oblige.
it's time to talk, and the awareness and reflexes to The gambler counts the following skills as career
maneuver away when it's time to run. skills: Charm, Cool, Deception and Skulduggery.
Fringers can also be tough, wiry, and nimble,
surprising any would-be assailant, with their ability
to avoid getting hit and avoid getting caught.
A Player Character fringer stands a good chance The gunslinger knows better than most that
of being either the primary or secondary one the making a living in the Wasteland is a constant
group turns to when it comes to dealing with struggle. He needs to be fast on the draw to stay
employers, or finding a job in the first place If alive. The gunslinger and his beloved sidearm are
someone needs to go into a town to handle inseparable, but he often carries a holdout weapon
business, the fringer should definitely be a part of when stuck in a hostile, target-rich environment To
that excursion. face off with a gunslinger is a dangerous and foolish
The fringer counts the following skills as career proposition.
skills: Coordination, Negotiation, Streetwise and A gunslinger often has a special bond with his
Survival. favorite weapon. His knack for gunplay often earns
him a reputation that puts him at odds with other
bandits who want to prove their mettle. This lifestyle
GAMBLER is second nature to the gunslinger, so he knows how
When the chips are down, the gambler holds all the to keep his cool when threatened. When some thug
cards. Like the devious thief, the gambler loves sticks a pistol in his face, the gunslinger doesn’t
misleading others and taking big risks to profit. Like flinch. He shoots first and skips asking questions.
the clever trader, the gambler has a knack for The gunslinger often needs to remain one step
convincing others to part with their valuables for ahead of the law, and so he wanders the Wasteland
next to nothing. The gambler has a unique variety of in search of his next job. The hard life of the streets
tricks up his sleeve to deceive or misdirect is not all gunfights, so the gunslinger takes on work
opponents, keeping them guessing as to whether he wherever he can find it. The gunslinger uses his
has a winning or losing hand. However, the gambler underworld contacts to secure odd jobs for a variety
knows that there is no such thing as a losing hand; of criminal groups.
winning is all about knowing how to play the cards The gunslinger counts the following skills as
that have been dealt. career skills: Coercion, Cool, Ranged [Light] and
The gambler knows how to play all the most Streetwise.
popular games of chance; however, he also
recognizes there is far more to winning than just
knowing the rules. His ability to identify subtle clues
in the body language, mannerisms, voice patterns, For the hacker, a computer or robot is just a puzzle
and behavior of his opponents gives the gambler all to solve with prizes for doing so. “Slicing” or
the information he needs to decide when to make his “Hacking” is the term used for the invasive efforts to
move. The gambler prides himself on being steal or alter data in a system. With practically the
unpredictable, denying his opponents any hints to entire Wasteland once wired to computerized
his intentions with his stone-cold expression. systems, hackers are extremely valuable people to
Whether the situation is a game of cards, betting on know, and dangerous to cross. Hackers are a skilled
races, or talking a thug out of blasting his with computers and robots, in fact they excel at
companions, the gambler has a strategy, and rarely taking them apart and rebuilding them, or even
the one people expect. reprogramming them.
A gambler may not always look like much, but Hackers are among the most valued professionals
looks can be deceiving. The gambler is an excellent in the Wasteland, especially to the criminal world. A
actor, always able to project an air of calm hacker's worth, however, is only as good as his
confidence so he seems as cool as carbonite even reputation; success and loyalty will earn him top
when he is as tense as a raider on Jet. A great caps, while blowing key operations or double-
gambler knows to never count his caps at the table, crossing an employer will tend to make his
so to speak, but sometimes playing hurt can throw prospects far less attractive.
his opponents. Some gamblers love baiting their The hacker counts the following skills as career
opponents by looking vulnerable just so they can skills: Computers, Knowledge and Mechanics and
gloat while raking in the pot. A fool and his money Stealth.


HEAVY investigators bring the one who did it to justice.

Since crimes are inflicted upon (and inflicted by)
For a heavy, size really does matter. These people, these acts leave an impression behind.
characters prefer to use the biggest guns possible, Particularly violent crimes leave a strong
and usually have the physique to match. Heavies are disturbance. Extremely evil crimes leave a wound –
often physically impressive, a necessity for a cold, dark space that frightens the unwary and
effectively wielding the heaviest manportable consumes the foolhardy. Investigators can tease out
weapons. Heavies are inevitably found at the front in details from those impressions, unwinding them so
combat. as allies back away and give them space. they can heal. In many ways, investigators are
Heavies generally approach combat in the most physicians for the souls of communities, solving
direct way possible – stealth and duplicity are not festering mysteries, airing out toxic secrets, and
becoming of a walking arsenal. Similarly, heavies cauterizing hidden crimes.
tend to be very straightforward in their dealings. The greatest tools of investigators, though, can
This bluntness sometimes comes across as a lack often become their greatest weaknesses. Their
of intellect, though few would be brave enough to emotions can help them understand a person's
say so to the heavy's face. There may be some truth motives, giving context to a fact. If a perpetrator
to the perception that heavies sacrifice brains for killed a dangerous chem lord, is that person a
brawn, but as with all generalizations, there are murderer or a savior? However, emotions can cloud
many exceptions. In a world of double-crosses and an investigator's judgment. If the good friend who
altered deals, steadfastness and blunt honesty can saved a life turns out to be a slaver, is it a betrayal to
be seen as virtues. turn that friend in? Finally, the constant exposure to
The heavy counts the following skills as career suffering can burn out even the most stalwart of
skills: Gunnery, Perception, Ranged [Heavy] and investigators.
Resilience. The investigator counts the following skills as
career skills: Cool, Knowledge, Perception
The initiate is a warrior sworn to servitude
of the Brotherhood of Steel. He is MARAUDER
considered to be a noble warrior Marauders don't
amongst the wastelanders. An necessarily mind
initiate's life comes with privilege shooting their
and often wealth, but also a opponents, but they
responsibility to defend their liege would much rather
lord and the people who rely on get mixed up in a
the Brotherhood of Steel for melee, weapons in hand,
protection. Initiates often train for smashing and slashing their way
war from childhood, and they equip themselves through. Marauders are tough-
with the best arms and armor available. probably the toughest combatants
The initiate of the Brotherhood of Steel counts in any conflict. They tend to take a
the following skills as career skills: Gunnery, great deal of punishment while
Leadership, Melee and Resilience. dealing·out far more to any who dare go
against them.
INVESTIGATOR Marauders may come from low-tech
Investigators examine unsolved crimes, settlements, where advanced weaponry simply
using their knowledge and skills to figure out wasn't an option for them. Alternately, they might
the who, what, when, where, and why. They come from a culture where melee combat is
don't seek this information merely to satisfy some considered far more honorable and worthy, and they
obsession over the ugly side of society but rather to keep to their traditions. Moreover, many slavers and
honor the victims by bringing the perpetrators to raiders of the Wasteland favor melee weapons in
justice. order to avoid damaging vital parts of whatever
Investigators piece together what has been lost or object they're in the middle of trying to take.
stolen by uncovering the past. Weaving the stories The marauder counts the following skills as career
of what happened into a living chronicle, they skills: Coercion, Melee, Resilience and Survival.
discover secrets and untangle lies. Only by
understanding the how and why of a crime can


MARSHAL A military-minded mechanic always has a solid,

portable kit for his tools and is ready to go into the
Criminals might run and criminals might hide, but line of fire to get a desperately needed piece of
the marshal won't rest until he drags them back to equipment back up and running before the enemy
town in binders. The presence of a strong marshal is overruns the position.
often the only thing keeping a settlement from The mechanic counts the following skills as career
plunging into chaos. The marshal has a gift for skills: Brawl, Computers, Mechanics and
extracting information from witnesses and Skulduggery.
confessions from criminals, and separating lies and
irrelevant information from the truth. Should
suspects turn violent, the marshal is equally adept at MERCENARY
talking criminals into a pair of binders or blasting The mercenary is a warfare expert. An adept of
them into oblivion. both ranged combat and military tactics, he is a
Equally as important is the marshal's knowledge of leader of warriors in combat and a deadly
crime and criminal elements, especially those combatant himself.
operating within his jurisdiction. A marshal who A mercenary can be a true mental rock in critical
doesn't take the time to familiarize himself with the situations. He is a deadly foe all on his own, and
local malcontents isn't going to be very good at his deadlier still if he has a force to lead in battle.
job. And when it comes time to go toe to toe with Mercenaries are the most likely to have come from
those criminals, the marshal is ready. Most marshals prior service with a larger organization, and they
know how to use the guns at their hips. almost certainly had at least a non-commissioned
The marshal counts the following skills as career officer role with that force. They have a keen grasp
skills: Coercion, Knowledge, Ranged [Light] and of both tactics and strategy, though they will tend to
Vigilance. focus more on the former as a matter of practicality
and survival. Even in less formal situations, a
MARTIAL ARTIST mercenary will tend to show a high degree of
personal discipline and order.
The martial artist is an unstoppable typhoon of The mercenary counts the following skills as
kicks and punches, but the martial artist is also a career skills: Discipline, Gunnery, Leadership and
wandering force that stands up for those who Ranged [Heavy].
cannot defend themselves. In a martial artist’s eyes,
it is the duty of the strong to protect the weak, not
dominate them. The brawling adept puts her fists PERFORMER
and force in the service of others, battling against The performer must always be the center of
those who oppress the common people. In the attention, and if all eyes aren't on the performer, he
Wasteland world, this most often pits her against the has ways to make them shift their focus. For them,
raiders and slavers, but corrupt government officials all the Wasteland is a stage, and the performer is
and criminal syndicates have all been known to draw always putting on a show. They can lie with more
her wrath as well, and her wrath is a force of nature.sincerity than even the a politico, and do so as easily
The martial artist counts the following skills as as if they were running lines for a one-man showing
career skills: Athletics, Brawl, Coordination, of the Robots of the Great-War. They can be as
Discipline. charming as a diplomat, and leave their targets
enchanted and completely manipulatable. And far
MECHANIC too many people underestimate the strength many
performers must possess for acrobatics, athletics,
Virtually nothing can function without a competent and even live theater.
Mechanic, due to the constant wear-and-tear on the Other performers may rely on different tactics in
mechanical and technical assets the usage relies their interactions. A cutting comedian or brilliant
upon to function. Mechanics do everything from actor can hurl a litany of insults that cut to the core
minor tune-ups and adjustments to massive of most beings, making them question their worth
overhauls and repairs. They are both the gears of the and their right to deny the performer what he wants.
Wasteland and the grease that makes it run Unfortunately, these almost psychotic breaks are
smoothly. just as likely to be directed against their closest
Most mechanics are definitely "in the field" types. allies and assistants as enemies. The performer
While they prefer to have a good place to work where knows how to use this to his advantage, though, and
they can keep their tools, they don't want to be too can create a scene to distract a bouncer while his
far away from the unit they support to do any good.


friends sneak into a building that would otherwise expensive call girl, brothel whore or streetwalker.
never have granted them access. Often driven by circumstance, many dream of a way
However, there is often more to a performer than out. A few work completely independently; however
just words. Performers may include dancers, for most, they are lured and kept in the business by
acrobats, jugglers, and other individuals who must ruthless pimps whose only concern is cash.
possess impressive coordination and be at peak The prostitute counts the following skills as career
physical condition. Their acrobatic abilities can give skills: Deception, Melee, Skulduggery and
some performers an unexpected edge in a fight. In Streetwise.
addition, many have been trained in martial arts and
the use of stage weaponry for roles in theater or
holovids. The agility and overall fitness required to
perform on stage means they are often in great Almost anathema to the usual technician's
shape, and as such, it is not uncommon for the mentality, the saboteur specializes in disrupting and
performer to be the last one standing when the dust destroying technical and mechanical assets. His job
settles. is to diminish the enemy's capacity to wage war by
The performer counts the following skills as career denying the enemy use of its weapons and vehicles.
skills: Charm, Coordination, Deception and Melee. Of course, it takes a high degree of understanding
about how something works in order to ensure it
ceases working, or better still, to ensure it never
POLITICO works again.
If there is one thing a politico knows how to do Blowing things up is a popular way to commit
better than anyone else in the Wasteland, it's talking. sabotage, and saboteurs are often the best at
He can talk to anyone about anything in any handling demolitions tasks (often using a
necessary way. What others accomplish with might combination of Mechanics and Skulduggery).
and fear, a talented politico may well achieve with a However, there are many other ways to disrupt
few well-placed words and a decent plan. and destroy machinery, and the saboteur
A politico might join a discussion, speech, or knows them all. Most often, he will seek a
debate in any number of ways. With his talents, way to cause the most damage and the most
he might act to inspire greatness in those chaos at just the right moment. For the
around him, or he might know just what to saboteur (especially one with a sense of
say to cut an opponent to the core, style), timing is everything.
diminishing his confidence and leaving him The saboteur counts the following skills
vulnerable. as career skills: Coordination, Mechanics,
Politicos in the Wasteland are usually up to Skulduggery and Stealth.
something; ambition is hardwired into their
very being. They may not yet know what they
wish to accomplish, but when they see an
opportunity to achieve some kind of greater With a fraction of the resources
goal, they will turn all their will and and funding of the
personality towards achieving it. pre-War world, the survivors and
Politicos might sign on to temporarily settlers are constantly forced to
work for another, but they will not find creative solutions to
long be happy in a subservient problems. These problems
role. Leadership is the core of include matters of supply,
who they are. housing, transport, effective
The politico counts the weaponry and defenses,
following skills as career and a host of others. The
skills: Charm, Coercion, people they turn to for those
Deception and Knowledge. creative solutions are those
who are trained and driven
to identify a need and seek
PROSTITUTE out a technical solution to it
Depending on – in other words, scientists.
circumstance, breeding and Most Scientists pursue
background, a prostitute their work in labs, rarely
may be a high-rolling venturing out into the


greater Wasteland. Their lives are spent on theories surprisingly, most scouts develop fairly independent
and research, pondering the latest mysteries streaks and personality quirks, making them ill-
comfortably away from conflict and strife. Some suited to general military service. At the same time,
scientists, however, seek the satisfaction of bringing scouts often develop a profound love of travel and
their theories and their ideas into the world in order an appreciation for the diverse beauty of the
to help others. They design solutions, help create of Wasteland.
the technology to implement those solutions, and The scout counts the following skills as career
actively test and use those solutions alongside skills: Athletics, Medicine, Stealth and Survival.
others who are also trying to help make life better.
The scientist counts the following skills as career
skills: Computers, Knowledge, Perception and
Vigilance. With a love of firearms and a pride in personal
accuracy, the sharpshooter is the most desirable
asset a team can ask for when a firefight erupts. He
SCOUNDREL maintains his composure under a blanket of bullets,
Part con artist, part gunslinger, and part bar takes careful aim, and eliminates threats with
brawler, the scoundrel is quick-witted, quick on his ruthless efficiency and lightning speed.
feet, and quick to get himself into a great deal of Sharpshooters are, simply, the masters of personal-
trouble at the drop of a hat. He doesn't care one whit scale ranged combat.
for rules or laws, except where he can use them to Most sharpshooters are thoroughly comfortable
work an angle that either nets him a lot of caps or with any ranged weapon, though many will focus
brings down an enemy If he's really lucky-and he attention and effort on mastering a single (often
tends to have an unshakable faith in his luck-he'll highly-personalized) weapon. Some prefer a sniper
manage both. role, taking up a hidden position and removing
Scoundrels fulfill many roles in the Wasteland. threats from the field as invisible dealers of death.
Some are grifters, others are middle-men, and still Other sharpshooters prefer a more direct approach,
others are simply thrill-seekers looking to see what blaster energy blazing in waves of destruction as
they can get into next. Scoundrels tend to avoid they cover their teammates against hordes of
taking charge of anything, but they are more than raiders.
willing to ride the coattails of powerful people, often The sharpshooter counts the following skills as
applying their unique skill set to help their employer career skills: Cool, Perception, Ranged [Heavy] and
in any number of ways. Scoundrels rarely put down Ranged [Light].
roots for very long, and will always be looking for the
next interesting thing to do (especially if it can make
them some caps).
The scoundrel counts the following skills as career War. War never changes. Soldiers are warriors
skills: Charm, Cool, Deception and Ranged [Light]. through and through. At home on the battlefield, they
know everything there is to know about surviving the
horrors of combat – and making sure the opposition
SCOUT doesn't. Whether your soldier is a toughed brawler
Before an army dares commit its forces to action, it armed with a sword, carrying an assault rifle and
must know where the enemy is, what that enemy is body armor, or wielding a laser pistol, the soldier
doing, and what the conditions of the area of gets the work done. However, the basics of a career
operations are. Additionally, military forces require member of the military never really change.
constant updates on possible future sites for The soldier counts the following skills as career
operations. Operations like that being conducted by skills: Athletics, Gunnery, Ranged [Heavy] and
the military are in continual need of contingency Vigilance.
locations for new bases as raiders and slavers
relentlessly tracks down existing headquarters.
Scouts are the vital source of this information.
Most scouts tend to be loners, or else are used to Strategists are responsible for forming the core
working with a very small group. The ability to slip directives of many military units. Rather than
into and out of a system unnoticed is the key to their focusing on individual battles, they analyze the big
success and survival, and most scouts are picture – both what has happened and what is
accustomed to going long stretches of time without bound to happen should their plans bear fruit. They
direct contact with their command structure. Not also monitor the effectiveness of logistics to ensure
that military units aren't too thinly spread or


sparsely supplied to be effective. Anything that people or groups, seeking to accomplish something
might change the tide of battle concerns them, and against an opponent that is far beyond the realms of
they must possess sharp minds and keen wits to legal action. Of course, thieves must always be on
keep all the variables under control. the lookout for a double-cross.
The strategist counts the following skills as career The thief counts the following skills as career
skills: Cool, Knowledge, Leadership and Vigilance. skills: Computers, Skulduggery, Stealth and
Beyond civilization, in the farthest reaches of the TRADER
Wasteland, there are places where few (if any) Those seeking to take what they discover as they
sentients have ever trodden the ground. Places like explore the Wasteland and beyond (and turn a
these are ideal hiding places for those fleeing the serious profit from it) are traders. For a trader, a new
law or retribution for their actions. Places like these undiscovered location represents nigh-infinite
are where survivalists thrive. potential for resource exploitation, while a new
Not everything that happens in the world occurs in culture or hidden community is a customer base just
cities. In fact, most of the habitable places of the begging for his particular talents.
Wasteland are rural or wilderness in nature. Being a Traders are exceptionally adept at
survivalist ensures a character has the necessary commerce, naturally; they know how to find
knowledge and training to what is needed, and can usually bypass the
make his way in such kinds of restrictions that stymie others. At
environments. and help the far the same time, traders can get the most
more urban-minded folks he's out of a transaction, as well as talk
likely traveling with. themselves into or out of almost
Despite their capacity to live off anything. Traders are strategic
the land, survivalists enjoy caps and the thinkers, planning ahead for
things that can be purchased with them just contingencies. They are also
like anyone else. They will often look to hire strong-willed, making them
themselves out to customers who need their excellent companions in a
expertise in seeking out (or hunting) something crisis.
beyond the concrete. A trader played in a
The survivalist counts the following skills as campaign will likely serve as the group's
career skills: Knowledge, Perception, Resilience public face, though not necessarily as
and Survival. the leader. He will be one of the best first
choices for interacting with public
THIEF officials, money men, and anyone with
whom the group seeks to do business.
Where the scoundrel is a bit flashier, the thief When it comes to finding and buying
really is a covert operative. His ideal circumstance something that the team needs, or fencing
is to get into places blocked to others, grab things something that they wish to get rid of for a
he's not supposed to have, and get out without profit, he is invaluable.
anyone ever knowing he was there. If he can sell The trader counts the following skills as
what he grabbed for a tidy sum, that makes for a career skills: Cool, Deception, Knowledge
perfect day. and Negotiation.
Generally, thieves tend to either operate with a
group that shares in their larcenous goals, or they
work alone. The Wasteland is full of treasures, many
of which are guarded by locks and goons A thief will
gladly handle the locks, though he'll probably
appreciate having some back-up to handle the
goons if things go badly. Then again, if he's truly
good at what he does, that shouldn't happen. Some
thieves gain a strong enough reputation that they
are offered contract opportunities by powerful


Playing in the Fallout setting means that not all
skills listed in the GENESYS core rulebook are
available. The skills listed below is the complete skill
list available for player characters and non-player
characters alike.

 Athletics (Brawn)
 Computers (Intellect)
 Cool (Presence)
 Coordination (Agility)
 Discipline (Willpower)
 Driving (Agility)
 Mechanics (Intellect)
 Medicine (Intellect)
 Operating (Intellect)
 Perception (Cunning)
 Piloting (Agility)
 Resilience (Brawn)
 Skulduggery (Cunning)
 Stealth (Agility)
 Streetwise (Cunning)
 Survival (Cunning)
 Vigilance (Willpower)

 Brawl (Brawn)
 Gunnery (Agility)
 Melee (Brawn)
 Ranged [Heavy] (Agility)
 Ranged [Light] (Agility)
Skills represent what your character excels at
doing; the more ranks in a skill, the better your KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
character performs that skill. Anytime your character  Knowledge (Intellect)
does something that has a possibility of failure (and
that failure has some negative consequences for
your character), your character makes a skill check SOCIAL SKILLS
to see if they succeed or not.  Charm (Presence)
The skills are divided into four different groups of  Coercion (Willpower)
skills; Social, General, Knowledge and Combat. This  Deception (Cunning)
is further detailed in the GENESYS core rulebook on  Leadership (Presence)
pages 57 through 69 for your reference. Naturally,  Negotiation (Presence)
the Magic skills on page 70 are not an integrated
part of the Fallout setting.


Talents generally represent specialized techniques part of a talent entry conveys specific information.
that a character has mastered, typically through  Name: Every talent has a name, making it easy for
intense practice and study. A character is likely to be you to refer to the talent, and hopefully providing you
more successful when engaged in actions for which a bit of colorful description as well!
they have appropriate talents.  Tier: Each talent belongs in one of five tiers, as
Generally, skills are what your character uses to detailed in the GENESYS core rulebook. The higher
perform a task. If your character wants to climb a the tier, the more XP it costs for your character to
wall, they use the Athletics skill. Talents, on the other purchase the talent.
hand, modify how a character uses that skill (such  Activation: Some talents, once chosen, constantly
as rerolling a failed Athletics check when attempting apply to your character; these are passive talents.
to climb that wall). Talents may also modify some of Toughened, which increases your character’s Wound
your character's other attributes (such as changing threshold, is one such talent. Once you buy it, your
their Wound threshold), or perform actions character always has a higher Wound threshold.
normally not allowed by the rules (such as Other talents are active, which means you choose
ignoring Critical Injuries). when your character uses the talent. Natural, for
Listed below is a complete list of available example, lets you reroll one check in a game
talents in the Fallout setting. For easy refering, session, and you choose when your character uses
all talents from the GENESYS core rulebook it. If a talent is active, it has additional details in
have also been included in this book. parentheses describing how much time and effort it
Each talent belongs in one of five tiers, takes for your character to use the talent. Finally,
as detailed in the GENESYS core you can use most talents only on your
rulebook. The higher the tier, the character’s turn, but some talents can
more XP it costs for your be used during another character’s
character to purchase the turn. These talents have the “out of
talent, and the more beneficial turn” descriptor.
or powerful the talent will be.  Ranked: Some talents are ranked,
Some talents are better which means
than others. They may have your character can take them more
more exciting abilities or than once.
just better mechanical  Rules: These are the rules that
boosts for your character. To describe what the talent does.
balance these talents out and
create an opportunity for characters to progress
toward better abilities, this system sets different AVAILABLE TALENTS
talents at different tiers. These talents are unique to the Fallout setting and
Particular talents are only beneficial if you have a are detailed below. The talents are readily available
prerequisite talent already. These talents will start to anyone who can fulfill any prerequisites in terms
the descriptive text with a red text indicating what of Tier availability. Please notice that the GM has the
particular talent you should have prior to selecting final saying on whether or not a new talent is
this talent, in order to benefit from this talent. available in his or her particular campaign, so
Each tier determines how much a talent costs in remember to check before with the GM before you
experience points. spend all your hard earned experience points.
For easier and quicker reference, the talents from
 Tier 1: Each talent costs 5 XP. pages 72 through 81 in the GENESYS core rulebook
 Tier 2: Each talent costs 10 XP. are reprinted in this book. The reason for this is to
 Tier 3: Each talent costs 15 XP. make it far easier and simpler for you, as a player
 Tier 4: Each talent costs 20 XP. and GM, to look up talents without having to juggle
 Tier 5: Each talent costs 25 XP. two books simultaneously.

The following is a breakdown of each talent. Each


Adaptable Flanker No Designate one Engaged target, allies gain b on combat checks made
against this foe.
All-Terrain Driver No Ignore penalties for difficult terrain when using Driving skill.
Bad Cop Yes Spend aa on Coercion or Deception check to upgrade ally's subsequent
Social skill check against the target.
Beautiful Beatdown Yes Brawl combat checks against you deal 1 less damage.
Black Market Contact Yes Reduce rarity of goods by 1 at increase cost by 50%.
Bought Info No Succeed on Knowledge check by spending cash on the info.
Brace Yes Remove b from skill check imposed by environment.
Broad Daylight No Use light in Pip-Boy actively during Stealth with no penalties.
Bullrush No Spend aaa or x to knock target prone within one range band.
Call 'Em No Do not add bb to Aim Maneuvers at specific target.
Cannibal No Eat human corpse to heal your Wounds.
Catch Off-Guard No Do not suffer imposed t when using improvised melee weapons.
Catfall Yes Add b to Athletics and Coordination check to reduce damage from falling,
and reduce Wound and Strain damage by 1.
Cave Dweller Yes Remove f from checks to find dangers in subterranean area.
Challenge! Yes Force adversaries to target you in combat.
Chem Resistant Yes Add b to to checks to avoid addiction from using chems.
Clever Retort No Add automatic tt to opponent's Social skill check.
Code Breaker Yes Remove b from checks to break codes or decrypt communications.
Collector of Stories No Hard (ddd) Knowledge check to identify creatures.
Complimentary Insight No Add bb when using the Assisting Maneuver instead of b.
Construction Specialist Yes Remove b on checks to build engineering projects.
Coyote Style No Use Brawn characteristic instead of Willpower for Coercion checks.
Crack Shot No Opponent's cover does not impose b on your ranged attack.
Creative Design Yes Add a on crafting checks, but equal amount of t.
Deathclaw Style No When you inflict a Critical Injury your opponent bleeds for 2 turns.
Defensive Sysops No Add bb to attempts to hack your computer system.
Desperate Recovery No Heal two additional Strain at end of encounter if over half of Strain
Duelist No Add b against single opponent, add b if Engaged with 3 or more.
Durable Yes Reduce the result of Critical Injury by 10, to a minimum of 1.
Energy Transfer No Power up an unpowered electric device with other gear.
Entomologist No Add b to combat checks against insects.
Expert Tracker Yes Remove b from check to find or follow tracks at 50% less time.
Extra Ammo No Cannot run out of ammunition on a y or ttt result.
Familiar Sky No Hard (ddd) Knowledge check to gain useful information on
Fast Metabolism Yes Heal additional Wounds from natural rest.


Forager No Remove bb from skill checks to find food, water and shelter.
Friend of the Night No Remove b from checks imposed by darkness.
Ghost Steps Yes Throw your movement sounds to originate from other location.
Good Cop Yes Spend aa on Charm or Negotiation check to upgrade ally's subsequent
Social skill check against the target.
Grit Yes Increase your Strain threshold by one.
Hamstring Shot No Halve your Ranged damage in order to Immobilize your target.
Hidden Storage Yes Hidden storage in vehicle or equipment to hold 1 encumbrance.
Initiate of Pain Yes Add b to combat and Discipline checks when hurt.
Iron Soul No If carrying 2 Encumbrance or less heal all Strain at end of encounter.
Jump Up No Stand up from seated or prone position as an Incidental.
Kill With Kindness Yes Remove b from all Charm and Leadership checks.
Knack For It Yes Remove bb from any one selected skill.
Know Somebody Yes Reduce rarity of item when purchasing.
Knowledge Specialization Yes Spend x to gain additional s on Knowledge checks.
Lead Belly Yes Add b to resist effects of radiation from radioactive food or water.
Let's Ride No Mount or dismount from vehicle or steed as an Incidental.
Listen to This Yes You can perfectly imitate what you have heard.
Lurk Style No Hard (ddd) Knowledge check for foe add b to combat checks.
Machine Bender Yes Heal additional Wounds to robots.
Mole Rat Style No Combat checks against you add b, add b against some opponents.
Museum Worthy No Hard (ddd) Knowledge check to gain information on a relic, ruin or
piece of history.
Never Outnumbered Yes Hard (ddd) Coercion check to give all foes in Short range an automatic
t on all skill checks.
Night Person Yes Add b to Perception checks between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.
One With Nature No May use Survival instead of Discipline or Cool to recover Strain.
Painful Blow No Increase difficulty of combat check, on a successful combat check inflict
2 Strain on opponent everytime it performs a Maneuver.
Parry Yes Suffer Strain to parry a Brawl or Melee attack and reduce the damage
before applying Soak.
Party Animal No Add b to all skill checks while intoxicated.
Physician Yes Heal additional Strain when using Medicine skill.
Plausible Deniability Yes Remove b from Coercion and Deception checks.
Prone Mastery No Attacks against you while prone do not incur the usual b bonus.
Proper Upbringing Yes Add a to your Social skill checks.
Quick Draw No Draw or holster item as Incidental, reduce weapon Prepare quality.
Quick Strike Yes Add b to checks against opponent who has not yet acted.
Rapid Reaction Yes Add automatic s to Vigilance or Cool check for Initiative.
Rapid Recovery Yes Heal 1 additional Strain after end of an encounter.
Redundant Systems No Easy (d) Mechanics check to use components from functional item to
repair a broken item, without breaking the functional item.


Refractor Yes Energy weapon attacks against you have b penalty.

Researcher Yes Remove b from Knowledge checks, research time reduced by 50%.
Respected Yes Downgrade Social skill checks with specific groups/factions.
Second Wind Yes Heal Strain during an encounter.
Shake It Off No Gain on b all checks if Engaged to ally with Shake It Off talent.
Signature Vehicle No Increase Mechanics checks on your “Signature Vehicle”.
Silver Palm Yes Negotiation is a career skill, add b to Negotiation skill checks.
Skilled Jockey Yes Remove b from Driving, Operating, and Piloting skills.
Smooth Talker Yes Spend x on Charm, Coercion, Deception or Negotiation for additional s.
Solar Powered Yes Add b to Perception checks between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Solid Repairs Yes Repair 1 additional point of hull trauma.
Soothing Tone No Average (dd) Knowledge check to allow animal/beast to recover
additional Strain.
Steady Nerves Yes Remove b from Cool and Skulduggery checks.
Street Slang Yes Suffer Strain to add a on Social skill checks with seedy persons.
Strong Arm No Increase range of thrown weapon by one range band.
Surgeon Yes Heal additional Wounds when using Medicine skill.
Swift No Move unhindered through difficult terrain.
Thug No Add b to Initiative and automatic a on Coercion checks.
Toughened Yes Increase your Wound threshold by 2.
Travel Light No When wearing no armor or an armor with Encumbrance 3 or less, add b
on all Athletics and Coordination checks.
Tumble No Suffer 2 Strain to move to Short range of engaged adversary.
Uncanny Reactions Yes Add b to all Vigilance checks.
Uncanny Senses Yes Add b to all Perception checks.
Undying Fate No Discern Wound and Strain status of a character or adversary.
Unremarkable No Others add f to checks made to identify you.
Vigilant Recycler No Your energy weapons cannot run out of ammo on a y result.
Vow of Abstinence No Add bb to Resilience checks against poisons and chems.
Vow of Chastity No Add b to resist Charm and Coercion checks.
Vow of Purity No Add bb to Resilience checks to resist diseases.
Wanamingo Style No Inflict Strain damage with your Brawl attacks.
Warrior Instincts Yes Add automatic s to Initiative checks.
Wheel and Deal Yes Gain 10% more bottle caps on legal dealings.
Yao Guai Style No Impose b to opponent and may attempt a knockdown.


Adroitness No Reduce time to perform specific General skill by 25%.
Alluring Yes Add automatic a to all Social skill checks.
Animal Expertise Yes Add b on all skills when interacting with animal/beast.
Ant Style No Gain +1 Ranged Defense while using Brawl and having one hand free.
Anticipate Dodge Yes Add b to combat checks against target using Dodge talent.
Barrage Yes Add 1 damage to Gunnery and Ranged [Heavy] skill at Long and Extreme
Basic Military Training No Athletics, Ranged [Heavy] and Resilience skills are career skills.
Black Widow / Lady Killer No Deal 1 additional damage against Nemesis adversaries, remove b from
Social skills when dealing with Nemesis adversaries.
Blackmail No Spend 1 Story Point to convince NPC to perform a task.
Bullwark No Parry to reduce Brawl/Melee damage on an Engaged ally.
Burly Yes Reduce weapon's Cumbersome quality and Encumbrance by 1.
Cazador Style No Remove b from Guarded Stance, +1 Melee Defense.
Chemist No Any chem you use have double its duration.
Child at Heart No Decrease difficulty of Social skill check when interacting with child.
Command Yes Add b to Leadership. Affected targets add b to Discipline checks.
Concussive Attack Yes Spend aa to add b on target's Intellect and Willpower checks.
Conditioned Yes Remove b from Athletics and Coordination. Reduce falling damage by
Confidence Yes Decrease difficulty of Discipline checks to avoid fear.
Coordinated Assault Yes Automatic a to combat checks per rank in Leadership.
Counteroffer No Negotiation vs Discipline check to stagger a non-nemesis opponent.
Crashing Wave Style No You can immediately follow a disengaging adversary.
Cutting Question No When making Coercion check, may use Deception skill instead.
Daring Aviator Yes Add t to Driving/Piloting skill check to add equal number of s.
Debilitating Shot No Spend aa to reduce maximum speed of hit vehicle.
Deceptive Taunt No May force an adversary to focus attacking the character.
Defensive Stance Yes Upgrade difficulty of Brawl and Melee combat checks against you.
Defensive Sysops(Improved) No Add s and t to Defensive Sysops check instead of bb.
Dirty Tricks No Upgrade adversary's next skill check upon a Critical Injury.
Disorient Yes Spend aa to Disorient opponent.
Distracting Behavior Yes Give Engaged opponent's automatic t on skill checks.
Dual Wielder No Decrease difficulty of using two weapons simultaneously.
Dynamic Fire No Suffer 2 Strain to reduce difficulty of Ranged while Engaged.
Enforcer No When dealing Strain damage with Brawl or Melee attempt Coercion check
to demoralize opponent and add b to his skills.
Exploit Yes Suffer 2 Strain to add Ensnare quality to Melee combat check.
Fan the Hammer No Add Auto-Fire quality to pistol, but immediately run out of ammo.
Fancy Paint Job No Upgrade all Charm, Deception and Negotiation checks once within


Engaged range of Signature Vehicle.

Fearsome Yes Engaged adversaries must make fear check if in Engaged range.
Feral Strength Yes Add +1 damage to Brawl and Melee combat checks.
Fighter's Stance No Suffer 1 Strain to ignore the penalties of Guarded Stance.
Fine Tuning Yes Reduce 1 additional point of System Strain on a vehicle.
Flash of Insight No x on Knowledge checks adds additional bb to the check.
Fleet of Foot No Take a free movement Maneuver once per encounter.
Flower Child No Decrease difficulty of chem addictions.
Freerunning No Suffer 1 Strain to move to any location within Short range.
Gearhead Yes Remove from Mechanics, time to apply attachments is 50% less.
Gecko Style No Add up to bb on a single target's combat checks.
Ghastly Scavenger No Eat super mutant or feral ghoul corpse to heal your Wounds.
Go Without No Once per session have the right tools for a job.
Grapple No Suffer 2 Strain to have adversaries spend 2 Maneuvers to disengage.
Gun Nut No Add b to Ranged [Heavy] and Ranged [Light] checks with slugthrowers,
but add t to all other combat checks.
Hard-Headed Yes Daunting (dddd) Discipline check to remove Staggered or Disoriented
Heightened Awareness No Give allies b or bb to Perception and Vigilance according to range.
Heroic Recovery No Spend 1 Story Point to recover Strain equal to specific characteristic.
Hold Together No Spend 1 Story Point to turn damage on vehicle into System Strain.
Hunter No Ranged [Heavy] and Survival skill become career skills.
Hunter's Quarry No Hard (ddd) Survival check to upgrade attacks against opponent within
Long range.
Impaling Strike No Immobilize opponent on a Critical Injury with a Melee attack.
Improved Defenses No Average (dd) Survival check to fashion a small defense.
Inspiring Rhetoric No Average (dd) Leadership check to heal Strain on allies.
Inventor Yes Add b to check to construct or modify existing items.
Knockdown No Spend x to knock opponent prone with Brawl or Melee attack.
Know the Enemy No May make Knowledge check for determining Initiative.
Know-It-All No Perfectly recall an important fact as if having spent 1 Story Point.
Known Schematic No Hard (ddd) Knowledge check to get familiarity with building or vessel.
Knows the Ropes No Add b to escape restraints, spend x to free allies in Short range.
Light Step No Cannot accidentally trigger floor traps or mines.
Long Haul Yes Remove b from Agility- and Brawn-based checks from over-
Loom No Add a to Engaged ally's Charm, Deception or Negotiation check.
Lucky Strike No Spend 1 Story Point to add damage equal to a characteristic.
Multiple Opponents No Add b to Brawl and Melee checks when fighting multiple foes.
Nuclear Physicist Yes Weapons with Rad quality deal 1 additional point of damage.
Outdoorsman Yes Remove b from difficult terrain movement. Decrease overland travel time
by 50%.


Overstocked Ammo Yes Increase value of Limited Ammo on Signature Vehicle weapons.
One With the Shadows No In shadows or darkness add b to Initiative checks and all combat checks
against you have b.
Opening Tap No Open lock without tools at a twice increased difficulty.
Pack Initiative No Add automatic s to Initiative if ally has Pack Initiative talent.
Physical Training Yes Add b to Athletics and Resilience checks.
Pride and Joy No Upgrade all Social checks once in Short range of Signature Vehicle.
Quick Draw (Improved) No Use Quick Draw twice per turn, and reduce the Prepare quality of a
weapon by 2.
Rad Resistant Yes Gain b to resist all types of external radiation sources.
Radroach Style No No b to you or b to foes when you are being prone.
Rapid Reload Yes Reduce a weapon's Prepare quality to reload.
Reckless Charge No Suffer 2 Strain to add ss and tt on Brawl or Melee attack.
Reconstruct the Scene No Hard (ddd) Perception check to identify physical characteristics of a
person present at scene within 24 hours.
Researcher (Improved) Yes On successful Knowledge check, character and allies add automatic a to
all skill checks.
Resist Disarm No Suffer 2 Strain to avoid being disarmed or have weapons damaged or
Sadistic Reward Yes If dealing damage, all attacks against you have a b penalty.
Scathing Tirade No Average (dd) Coercion check to inflict Strain to enemies.
Scavenger Yes Remove b from checks to scavenge, reduce time needed by 50%.
Selective Detonation Yes Spend a on weapon with Blast quality to exclude person in blast.
Sense Danger No Remove bb from any one skill once per session.
Sense Emotions No Add b to all Charm, Coercion and Deception checks.
Shortcut Yes Add b to checks to catch or escape an opponent.
Side Step Yes Upgrade difficulty of all Ranged combat checks made against you.
Stalker Yes Add b to all Coordination and Stealth checks.
Stunning Blow No Melee attacks may inflict Strain damage instead of Wound damage.
Sturdy Frame No While wearing armor, the armor weighs 1 Encumbrance less.
Sundering Strike No The cost of triggering Sunder quality is one a less.
Suppressing Fire Yes Spend a on failed combat check to inflict Strain on opponent.
Technical Aptitude No Spend aa or x on Computers check to reduce the time by 50%.
Threaten Yes Suffer 3 Strain to inflict Strain upon opponent within Short range.
Time to Go No Spend 1 Story Point to move into cover or out of blast range of a weapon
or explosion.
Tinkerer Yes Add 1 additional hard point to items.
Touch of Fate No Add bb to any one skill check once per session.
Unarmed Parry No May parry Brawl and Melee attacks while unarmed.
Unstoppable No Do not receive Critical Injury on a Critical Injury result of 01.
Vehicle Combat Training No Driving, Gunnery and Piloting become career skills.
Walker Instinct No Add s and a to Perception checks when outside and outdoors.


Acrobatic Strike No Suffer 3 Strain and make a Hard (ddd) Coordination check to add bb
on Brawl or Melee combat check against an opponent.
Ambush No Add damage equal to Stealth when benefiting from cover.
Animal Companion Yes Gain a special animal companion.
Armor Master No Increase Soak by 1 when wearing armor.
Backstab No Attack unaware adversary for additional damage using Skulduggery skill
instead of Melee.
Bad Press No Hard (ddd) Deception check to reduce Strain threshold of members of a
specific faction.
Barrel Roll No Reduce damage to vehicle at the cost of System Strain.
Blind Spot No You and allies in Short range add a to combat checks while benefiting
from cover.
Blindsense Yes Ignore b from darkness within Short range.
Bloody Assault No Suffer bb to Melee or Ranged combat check to cause bleeding wound.
Body Guard Yes Suffer Strain to upgrade attacks against an Engaged ally.
Bullheaded No Add b to checks against fear, cannot become Disoriented.
Capital Sendoff No Hard (ddd) Cool check to make 2 vehicles suffer minor collision.
Center of Being Yes Increase critical rating against you by 1 when wielding melee weapon with
Defensive quality.
Cherchez La Femme / No Deal 1 additional damage against members of the opposite sex, add b to
Confirmed Bachelor Social skill checks against members of the opposite sex.
Chopshop Expertise Yes Average (dd) Knowledge check to reduce cost and time of repairs of
Chosen Foe Yes Gain b on combat checks and +1 Defense against one target, bb on
combat checks against others and they add b against you.
Combat Veteran No Add b to Brawl and Discipline checks.
Confidence (Improved) No Spend a on fear check to give allies in Short range automatic s on the
same fear check.
Congenial Yes Suffer Strain to downgrade or upgrade difficulty of Charm or Negotiation
Constant Vigilance No Use Vigilance to determine Initiative.
Counterattack No Activate item quality when using Improved Parry.
Creative Killer No Reduce critical rating by 2 with improvised weapon.
Customized Cooling Unit Yes Increase System Strain threshold by 2 on Signature Vehicle.
Daredevil Yes Add b to skill checks that is of Hard (ddd) difficulty or greater.
Daring Turn No Suffer 2 Strain to negate the effects of Gain the Advantage.
Defy Death No Immune to fear effects, allies in Short range gain b to fear checks.
Disarm No Spend aa or x with Brawl or Melee attack to disarm opponent.
Disarming Smile Yes Make Charm check to lower Defense rating of an opponent.
Distinctive Style No Add ss and tt to Computers checks to hack a system.
Dodge Yes Suffer Strain to upgrade difficulty of combat checks targeting you.


Double of Nothing No Suffer 2 Strain to double the amount of a on a skill check with increased
difficulty of one.
Dual Strike No Suffer 2 Strain instead of using aa to hit with secondary weapon.
Eagle Eyes No Increase your weapon's range band by one.
Easy Prey No Suffer 3 Strain to add bb to combat checks at Immobilized foes.
Encoded Communique No Upgrade difficulty to decrypt your coded messages.
Encouraging Words No Suffer 1 Strain to assist Engaged ally's next skill check.
Eye for Detail Yes Suffer Strain to convert s to a on Mechanics or Computers check.
Fear the Shadows No Hard (ddd) Deception check to make minion group or rival flee.
Fearsome Reputation Yes Add a to Coercion skill checks.
Feint Yes Spend x or aaa on a failed Brawl or Melee combat check to upgrade
opponent's combat check.
Ferocious Loyalty No When you exceed half Wound threshold, your animal companion adds
automatic s and a to combat checks.
Field Commander No Average (dd) Leadership check for allies to perform a Maneuver.
Fire Control No All combat checks made from vehicle count target's Silhouette as 1 larger.
Flick of the Wrist No Add s and a to combat check if drawing a one-handed weapon.
Forgot to Count? No Spend tt on opponent's combat check to run out of ammunition.
Formation Tactics No Hard (ddd) Leadership check to upgrade combat checks against all
allies within Short range.
Fortified Structure Yes Increase hull trauma by 1 on Signature Vehicle.
Fortune Finder Yes Find 10% additional bottle caps.
Freerunning (Improved) No Suffer 4 Strain to move anywhere within Medium range.
Frenzied Attack Yes Suffer Strain to upgrade Brawl or Melee combat checks.
Full Stop No Bring piloted vehicle to speed zero immediately at 1 System Strain.
Full Throttle No Hard (ddd) Driving/Piloting check to increase top speed by 1.
Greased Palms Yes Pay 50 bottle caps to upgrade Social skill check once.
Grenadier Yes Spend 1 Story Point to trigger Blast quality without using aa, and
increase range of grenades to Medium range.
Harass No Animal companion may forego inflicting damage on foe to upgrade
difficulty of the target's next check instead.
Hard-Boiled Yes Spend a when recovering Strain to recover 1 Wound.
Heroic Resilience Yes Spend 1 Story Point to increase Soak.
Heroic Will No Ignore effects of Critical Injuries on two characteristics.
Hindering Shot Yes Spend 1 Story Point to increase difficulty of Gunnery, and inflict System
Strain to a moving vehicle.
Hit the Deck No Increase Soak by 1 against explosive weapons.
Hunter's Quarry (Improved) No Suffer 2 Strain to perform Hunter's Quarry as Maneuver instead of as an
Informant No Reveal a contact who can shed light on a chosen subject.
Inspiring Rhetoric No Allies affected by Inspiring Rhetoric add b to all skill checks.
Interjection No Average (dd) Vigilance check on another character's failed Social check,


add s or f equal to s, and a or t equal to a.

Intimidating Yes Suffer Strain to downgrade or upgrade Coercion checks.
Iron Body Yes Remove b from Coordination and Resilience. Reduce critical rating on
Brawl combat checks by 1.
Larger Project Yes Can have Signature Vehicles of 1 larger Silhouette.
Lethal Blows Yes Add +10 to Critical Injury results.
Life or Death No When at half Wound threshold or greater, add b to combat checks.
Lone Wanderer No All combat checks have b against you, increase your Encumbrance
Lucky Start No Suffer 3 Strain to re-roll Cool or Vigilance for Initiative.
Mind Over Matter No Spend 1 Story Point to recover Strain equal to Willpower.
Natural No Choose two skills and re-roll one skill check per session.
Nobody's Fool Yes Increase difficulty of Charm, Coercion and Deception checks against you.
Opportunist Yes Suffer Strain to convert s to a on non-combat skill check.
Outside the Box No Use other characteristic for making one skill check.
Overwhelm Defenses Yes Spend aa to reduce Defense on vehicle.
Pack Rat No Items with Encumbrance 2 or less weight half their weight.
Parry (Improved) No Spend y or ttt to make parried attack hit the attacker.
Pin No Opposed Athletics check to Immobilize an Engaged opponent.
Pinning Fire Yes Opponent within range suffers b to skill checks and 1 Strain.
Plasma Spaz No Increase damage and range with plasma weapons by one.
Plausible Deniability No Hard (ddd) Coercion check to convince bystander to depart.
Point Blank Yes Increase damage with Ranged [Heavy] and Ranged [Light] at Engaged and
Short range.
Point Blank Shot Yes Ignore increased difficulty on ranged weapon in Engaged range.
Powerful Blast Yes Increase damage by 1 to damage dealt by Blast quality.
Precision Strike No Change a Critical Injury result to Easy (d) result at 1 Strain cost.
Preemptive Avoidance No Spend 1 Story Point to disengage from opponent as out-of-turn
Pressure Point No Deal Strain damage with Brawl attack, deal additional Strain damage
equal to ranks in Medicine.
Pride and Joy (Improved) No Recover additional Strain within your Signature Vehicle.
Purifier No Deal additional damage against mutations.
Rad Child No Increase your Wound threshold for every level of radiation you have.
Radscorpion Style No Gain Pierce 1 when using Brawl combat checks.
Resourceful Refit No Average (dd) Mechanics check to scavenge attachment for parts to
construct a new attachment at reduced cost.
Scathing Tirade (Improved) No Enemies affected by Scathing Tirade add b to all skill checks.
Seize the Initiative No Hard (ddd) Athletics check to let other PCs take their turn immediately.
Sense Advantage No Add bb to one NPCs skill check.
Share Pain No Reduce damage on animal companion, character suffers Wounds instead.
Shortcut (Improved) No Suffer 2 Strain to add s to check during a chase.


Shotgun Surgeon No Wielding a shotgun gives it a Pierce 1 quality for you.

Sixth Sense No Increase Ranged Defense value by 1.
Skilled Teacher Yes Suffer Strain to add s to ally's skill check within Short range.
Smart Handling No Hard (ddd) Knowledge check to increase Handling of vehicle of
Silhouette 4 or bigger.
Sound Investments Yes Gain 100 bottle caps at start of each session.
Staggering Critical No You also Stagger your opponent when inflicting a Critical Injury.
Stalwart No Forefeit Defense rating to add to Soak value instead.
Stim Application No Increase a characteristic by one by the expense of 4 Strain.
Stimpak Specialization Yes Heal 1 additional Wound when using stimpaks.
Stonewall No Brawl and Melee checks targeting you have b, cannot be knocked prone
by such attacks.
Strong Back Yes Increase Encumbrance threshold by 2.
Studious Plotting No May use Intellect instead of Cunning while navigating with Streetwise or
Survival skill.
Stunning Blow (Improved) No Spend x to Stagger opponent when dealing Strain damage with Brawl or
Melee attack.
Sunder Expertise No Damage item two steps instead of one when using Sunder quality.
Super Slam! No Weapons with Knockdown quality require one less a to activate.
Superior Reflexes No Increase Melee Defense value by 1.
Talk the Talk No Substitute Knowledge checks with Streetwise skill.
Time to Go (Improved) No Allow 1 ally to perform out-of-turn Maneuver to move into cover or out of
range of an explosion.
Tricky Target No Count piloted vehicle as one Silhouette lower when attacked.
Trust the Overseer Yes Hard (ddd) Leadership check to increase allies' ranks in Discipline check
within Short range.
Tuned Maneuvering Parts Yes Increase the Handling of Signature Vehicles by 1.
Twin Warriors No +1 Melee Defense and b to Brawl checks for allies with this talent.
Twisted Words No Suffer 1 Strain to inflict Strain on another character's failed Social skill
Up the Ante Yes Win 10% more bottle caps when gambling.
Utility Belt No Spend 1 Story Point to produce an undocumented item.
Valuable Facts No Add automatic x to ally skill check.
Well-Rounded No Choose 2 skills, they permanently become career skills.


Action Boost Yes Spend 1 Story Point to flip positive die to adjacent side.
Armor Master (Improved) No When wearing armor with Soak 2+ increase Defense rating by 1.
Assassin Strike No After melee/brawl, spend 1 Story Point to disengage from opponent.
Back-to-Back No Add b to your and allies in Engaged range combat checks.
Body Guard (Improved) No When your protected ally is hit, you can suffer the hit instead.
Bolstered Armor Yes Increase Armor value by 1 of Signature Vehicle.
Brilliant Evasion No Make opposed Driving or Piloting check to stop opponent from attacking
your vehicle.
Can't We Talk About This? No Prevent target from attacking you.
Capital Sendoff (Improved) No When performing Capital Sendoff targets suffer major collision instead.
Careful Planning No Introduce a “fact” into the narrative as if spent 1 Story Point.
Center of Being (Improved) No Suffer 1 Strain to use Center of Being as an Incidental.
Commanding Presence No Make a Cool vs. Discipline check to make adversary within Short range
leave the encounter.
Comrades In Arms No Hard (ddd) Discipline check to grant you and allies within Medium
range +1 Defense rating.
Deadeye No Select the outcome of your Critical Injuries within same severity.
Deadly Accuracy No Add ranks of combat skill as damage to attack.
Death Rage No +2 damage to Brawl and Melee by per sustained Critical Injury.
Defensive Yes Increase Melee and Ranged Defense Rating by 1.
Defensive Driving Yes Add b to combat checks against vehicle piloted by you.
Discredit No Hard (ddd) Deception check to upgrade character's Social skill check.
Distracting Behavior No Distracting Behavior Maneuver adds automatic tt on NPC skill checks
(Improved) if targeting your allies.
Don't Shoot! No Cannot be targeted by combat checks on a Hard (ddd) Charm check.
Double or Nothing No Doubles up the remaining s after resolving a skill check.
Double-Talk No Spend aa or x on Charm or Deception check to Disorient opponents
within Short range.
Dreadful Carnage No Hard (ddd) Coercion check when incapacitating an enemy to Stagger
foes in Short range.
Enduring Yes Increase your Soak Rating by 1.
Field Commander (Improved) No Spend x on Field Commander to let ally take an Action.
Flurry of Blows No Suffer Strain to add Linked quality to Brawl or Melee attack.
Formation Tactics No Reduce difficulty of Formation Tactics to Average (dd). Spend x or
(Improved) aaaaaa to have effect last the entire encounter.
Fortune Favors the Bold No Suffer 2 Strain to move GM Story Point to Player Story Point pool.
Full Throttle (Improved) No Suffer 1 Strain to perform Full Throttle as a Maneuver, and reduce
difficulty to Average (dd).
Grim Reaper's Spirit No Recover 1 Strain per a on combat check when making adversary
excceed Wound or Strain threshold.
How Convenient! No Hard Mechanics (ddd) check to have 1 device spontaneously fail.


In the Know No Make opposed Deception vs. Vigilance check to have target NPC believe
false intelligence.
Incite Rebellion No Hard (ddd) Cooercion check to make minions and rivals become
Inspiring Rhetoric (Supreme) No Use Inspiring Rhetoric as a Maneuver instead of as an Action.
It's Not That Bad No Hard (ddd) Medicine check to prevent ally from gaining Critical Injury.
Jury Rigged Yes Modify a personal weapon or armor.
Life or Death (Improved) No Upgrade your combat checks when you are at are wounded to half or
more of your Wound threshold.
Mad Inventor No Cobble together a function item from spare parts.
Mantis Style No Reduce your Critical Injury rating by one with Brawl checks.
Moving Target Yes If you have already acted this turn increase Ranged Defense rating.
Nightstalker Style No Engaged enemies with ranged weapons must upgrade combat checks
one additional time.
Not Today No Spend 1 Story Point to prevent Signature Vehicle from being destrouyed.
Offensive Driving No Suffer System Strain to upgrade target's next Driving check.
Overbalance No Spend y or ttt on Engaged foe's combat check to Stagger foe.
Pain Train No When wearing power armor you can charge and stagger you foe.
Persistent Attacker Yes Spend aa on successful combat check to upgrade next combat check
against the same adversary.
Pinning Fire (Improved) No Affect additional targets with Pinning Fire.
Precise Aim Yes Suffer Strain to reduce adversary's Defense rating.
Precision Strike (Improved) No Change a Critical Injury result to Average (dd) result at 2 Strain.
Prey On the Weak Yes Add +1 damage against Disoriented targets.
Pride and Joy (Supreme) No Reduce Silhouette of Signature Vehicle by 2, to a minimum of 0.
Prime Positions Yes You and allies in Short range gain +1 Soak when in cover.
Prophetic Aim No While aiming, y cannot result in hitting an Engaged ally.
Pyromaniac No Increase Burn quality by +1 on weapon with Burn quality.
Rain of Death No Ignore the increased difficulty due to Auto-fire quality.
Reinforced Frame No Signature Vehicle gains Massive 1 quality, Critical ratings on weapons
against the vehicle count as 1 higher.
Reroute Processors No Decrease and Increase 1 characteristic of an Engaged robot.
Resolve Yes Suffer 1 less Strain when voluntarily suffering Strain.
Retention No Double duration and effect from skill magazines and books.
Savage Sweep No Increase difficulty of Brawl or Melee combat check and spend aa to
strike an additional Engaged opponent.
Savvy Negotiator No Hard (ddd) Negotiation check to make observers see opponent's sides
as maliciously unreasonable.
Scathing Tirade (Supreme) No Use Scathing Tirade as a Maneuver instead of as an Action.
Second Chances Yes Select positive dice and re-roll them.
Seen a Lot of Things No Spend aaa to attempt a new Knowledge check on a failed attempt.
Set Lasers For Fun No Add 5 to Critical Injury results with laser weapons per rank of appropriate
combat skill.


Showboat No Suffer 2 Strain to gain x on success or y on failure on a check while in a

Skilled Slicer No Spend x to make further Computer checks within system as Maneuvers.
Sniper Shot Yes Increase ranged weapon's range by 1 range band by upgrading the
difficulty of the skill check.
Sorry About the Mess No Decrease Critical Rating against foe that has not yet acted.
Spitfire No Additional hit with two weapons can be dealt to other target.
Spray and Pray No Deal only 50% damage to allies accidentally hit in combat.
Steady Aim No Do not lose the benefit of Aim Maneuver by performing other Maneuvers
or Actions.
Stim Application (Improved) No Stim Application is an Incidental instead of an Action. Reduce the Strain
cost of using the Stim Application Incidental to 1.
Stingwing Style No Use Brawl ranks instead of Stealth, negate adversary's Defense Rating.
Street Smarts Yes Formidable (ddddd) Streetwise or Knowledge check to get vital clue
from GM.
Supporting Evidence Yes Add automatic a to Charm, Deception, Leadership or Negotiation checks
when assisting an ally.
Targeted Firepower No Hard (ddd) Knowledge check to grant allies in Short range automatic
a on attacks against target.
That's How It's Done Yes Suffer 1 Strain to give allies in Short range automatic a on usage of the
same skill.
Third Time's the Charm No Re-roll one negative die.
True Aim Yes Benefit from aiming and upgrade your ranged combat check.
Trust No One No Suffer 1 Strain to add automatic t when targeted by a Social skill check.
Take immediate Maneuver as out-of-turn Incidental on a y.
Unbelievable Luck No If sufficient Story Points in the player's pool add b to all skill checks.
Unrelenting No Suffer 4 Strain to make a second Brawl or Melee attack against the same
adversary at increased difficulty.
Unrelenting Skeptic No Add automatic f to check when targeted by Deception.
Weak Foundation No Hard (ddd) Knowledge check for you and your allies to add automatic
s or aa on combat checks targeting the structure.
Wise Warrior No Spend 1 Story Point to use any characteristic for a combat check.
Works Like a Charm No Use Presence instead of other characteristic for skill check.


Action Boy No Add an additional Story Point to the player pool.
Action Surge No Spend 1 Story Point to perform an additional Maneuver or Action.
Agent 47 No Roll twice for Critical Injury and select one result while hidden.
Armor Master (Supreme) No Suffer 3 Strain to reduce result of Critical Injury by 10 per Soak.
Baleful Gaze No Spent 1 Story Point to upgrade opponent's combat check within Medium
Biggest Fan No Hard (ddd) Charm check to turn NPC into biggest fan.
Body Guard (Supreme) No May protect Engaged characters equal to ranks in Resilience.
Comrades In Arms No Spend x or aaa for you an ally to gain +1 Soak rating.
Coordinated Dodge No Spend 1 Story Point to add f to combat checks against you.
Critical Mastery No Spend 1 Story Point to inflict two effects on a Critical Injury result.
Crushing Blow No Suffer 4 Strain to give Melee weapon Breach 1 and Knockdown.
Custom Loadout No Add mount for weapon on Signature Vehicle.
Dedication Yes Increase a characteristic by 1 point, to a maximum of 5.
Double or Nothing No Double all x and y on Double or Nothing Incidental result.
Dumb Luck No Suffer 3 Strain to spend aaa to change y result to f result.
Evasion No While in Guarded Stance attempt to negate a single successful Brawl or
Melee attack against you.
Finish Him! No Incapacitate any adversary that is Staggered.
Friendly Foe No Spend 1 Story Point to change y to f on combat check to avoid hitting
an ally Engaged with target.
Full Throttle (Supreme) No Full Throttle increases vehicle's top speed by 2, not 1.
Heavy Hitter No Add Breach 1 quality to attack with Ranged [Heavy] or Gunnery.
Indomitable No Spend 1 Story Point to prolong your incapacitation until next turn.
Inspiring Leadership No Hard (ddd) Leadership check to give allies in Short range automatic s.
Intense Focus No Suffer 1 Strain to upgrade skill check once.
Just Kidding! No Spend 1 Story Point to ignore y on Social skill check of ally within Short
Let's Talk This Over No Daunting (dddd) Charm check to turn potential combat encounter into
Social encounter.
Life or Death (Supreme) No Life or Death activates when taking Wounds equal to one quarter of
Wound threshold.
Master No Reduce the difficulty of one skill by two.
Master Demolitionist No Spend a or x to extend Blast quality to Short range.
Master Driver/Pilot No Suffer 2 Strain to perform vehicle Action as Maneuver instead.
Master Grenadier No Reduce a cost to activate Blast quality.
Master Instructor No Suffer 2 Strain for ally in Short range to have ranks in Discipline equal to
your ranks in Discipline.
Master Merchant No Suffer 2 Strain to buy or sell goods at an additional 25% of cost.


Meltdown No Killing opponent with energy weapon triggers a meltdown effect.

Mind Over Body No May attempt to heal 2 Critical Injuries in a week.
Most Impressive No Spend x on any skill to give allies in Short range automatic a.
Mysterious Stranger No Gain a Mysterious Stranger guardian angel.
Nerd Rage No +1 Brawn characteristic when at 20% Wound threshold or below.
Now the Master No Immitate one talent of another character for an encounter.
Precision Strike (Supreme) No Suffer 3 Strain to change a Critical Injury result to a Hard (ddd) result.
Rad Absorption No Reduce Radiation level by 1 per day, but heal less wounds.
Retribution No Spend 1 Story Point to automatically hit adversary that successfully hits
an ally within Medium range of you.
Ricochet No Spend y on opponent's attack to have the attack ricochet back and hit
the attacker instead.
Ruinous Repartee No Inflict Strain upon one opponent, you heal the same amount of Strain.
Stim Application (Supreme) No Increase additional characteristic on a x result.
Superhuman Skill No Spend 1 Story Point to change y to s equal to ranks in the skill.
Thorough Assessment No Hard (ddd) Knowledge check to gain additional b.
Unmatched Fortune No Spend 1 Story Point to set aside a x and roll one more c die.
Unrelenting Skeptic No Spend 1 Story Point when targeted by a failed Deception check to add y
(Improved) to the result.
Whirlwind No Suffer 4 Strain to increase difficulty of Brawl or Melee combat check and
hit all Engaged adversaries.
Wise Warrior (Improved) No Allow ally in Short range to use the same characteristic for attack.
Zealous Fire No Heal 2 Strain whenever the GM spends 1 Story Point.


Tier: 5
The rest of this chapter details each individual Activation: Passive
talent in great detail. Each talent is presented on the Ranked: No
list in alphabetical order, not by tier order. Action Boy (or Action Girl depending on your
character's gender) allows you to add an additional
ACROBATIC STRIKE Story Point to the player pool.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action) ACTION BOOST
Ranked: No Tier: 4
Your dexterous maneuvers and skilled acrobatics Activation: Active (Incidental)
allow you to slip past a foe's defenses and deliver an Ranked: Yes
accurate strike against him. You must attempt at a You have the ability to alter your luck drastically in
Hard (ddd) Coordination check as part of your dire circumstances. Spend one Story Point to flip a
attack. Whether or not this Coordination check positive dice to any adjacent side. For each rank
succeeds or fails, you suffer 3 Strain. If you succeed, beyond the first, Action Boost applies to an
you gain a bb bonus on the Brawl or Melee combat additional positive die.
check that you make against that foe as long as the
attack occurs before the end of your current turn.
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
You can spend 1 Story Point to take an extra


Action or Maneuver in a turn, either before or after

your regular actions. This would allow you to
surpass the limitation of 2 Maneuvers per turn. ALLURING
Tier: 2
ADAPTABLE FLANKER Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 1 Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Incidental) Others have an inexplicable urge to believe your
Ranked: No every word. Add automatic a to Charm, Coercion,
When you and an ally team up against a foe, you Deception, Leadership and Negotiation skill checks
know how to maximize the threat your ally poses to per rank of Alluring.
ruin your target's defenses. As an Incidental, you
designate a single opponent as the target of this
talent. When you are in Engaged range with the
Tier: 3
chosen target, you grant a b to combat checks
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
other make against this particular target.
Ranked: No
Once per turn while benefiting from cover, may
ADROITNESS make the Ambush Maneuver. Add damage equal to
Tier: 2 Stealth skill to one hit of next successful combat
Activation: Passive check against a target within Short range before the
Ranked: No end of the turn.
When first acquired, choose a General skill. When
making a check with that skill, reduce the time ANIMAL COMPANION
required by 25%. The GM may determine that this
Tier: 3
talent may not be used with certain skills or
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Your character creates a bond with a single animal
ADVERSARY or drone approved by your GM. This animal must be
Tier: None Silhouette 0 (no larger than a mid-sized
Activation: Passive dog). The bond persists as long as your
Ranked: No character chooses, although at your GM’s
Upgrade the difficulty of any combat checks discretion, the bond may also be broken
targeting this character once per rank of due to abusive treatment or other
Adversary. extenuating circumstances.
This talent is only accessible to NPCs. As long as the bond persists, the
animal follows your character, and you
dictate the animal’s overall behavior
AGENT 47 (although, since the animal is only
Tier: 5 bonded with the character, not
Activation: Active (Incidental) dominated, it may still perform
Ranked: No inconvenient actions such as scratching
Whenever you score a Critical Injury with an furniture, consuming rations, and
attack while you are hidden, you may roll twice marking territory). Once per turn in
for a Critical Injury effect and select whichever structured encounters, your character
you prefer. may spend one Maneuver to direct
their animal in performing one
ALL-TERRAIN DRIVER Action and one Maneuver during
Tier: 1 your character’s turn. The
Activation: Passive animal must be within
Ranked: No hearing and visual
Do not suffer usual penalties for driving range of your
through difficult terrain when using the character (generally
Driving skill. Medium range) to do
this. Otherwise, the animal
does not contribute to the encounter.


The specifics of its behavior are up to you and your

For every additional rank of Animal Companion Tier: 3
your character has, increase the allowed Silhouette Activation: Passive
of the companion by one (this may mean your Ranked: No
character gets a new companion, or their companion When wearing armor, increase total Soak value by
grows in size). 1.


Tier: 4
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes
Your character must have purchased the Armor
Add b per rank of Animal Expertise to all checks
Master talent to benefit from this talent. When
when interacting with beast or animals (including
wearing armor with a Soak value of 2 or higher,
combat checks). Add +10 to Critical Injury results
increase Defense by 1.
against beasts or animals per rank of Animal
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Tier: 2
Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Your character must have purchased the Armor
Ranked: No
Master (Improved) talent to benefit from this talent.
The ant style emphasizes active defense with one
Once per turn, when the character suffers a Critical
hand. Students of the unarmed Brawl style utilize a
Injury, he may suffer 3 Strain to take the Armor
variety of locks, grabs, and circular blocks to protect
Master incidental. If he does he reduces the Critical
themselves, as well as employing a debilitating
Injury result that he suffers by 10 per point of his
Soak, to a minimum of 1.
While using the ant style talent with at least one
hand free, you gain a +1 Ranged Defense.
As an Incidental, you can enter the stance ASSASSIN STRIKE
employed by the fighting style. Although you cannot Tier: 4
use a style talent before combat begins, the style Activation: Active (Incidental)
you are in persists until you spend an Incidental to Ranked: No
switch to a different combat style. For example, if After making a successful Brawl or Melee check,
you have the Deathclaw Style and Cazador Style, you may spend a Story Point to disengage from an
can use an Incidental to adopt Cazador Style at the opponent as an Incidental.
start of one turn, and then by another Incidental at
the start of your next turn, you could adopt
Deathclaw Style.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Tier: 2 While engaged with one or more allies, your
Activation: Active (Incidental) character and allies they are Engaged with add b to
Ranked: Yes combat checks. If one or more allies Engaged with
Your knowledge of mobility and your attack your character also have the Back-to-Back talent,
prowess allow you to thwart elusive opponents. You the effects are cumulative to a maximum of bb.
automatically know whether a creature you can is
benefiting from the Dodge talent. You gain a b
bonus per rank of Anticipate Dodge on combat BACKSTAB
checks against a target that is using the Dodge Tier: 3
talent. This bonus cannot exceed the ranks of Dodge Activation: Active (Action)
the creature is using. Ranked: No
Your character may use this talent to attack an
unaware adversary using a Melee weapon. A


Backstab is a Melee attack, and follows the normal piloting an airplane of Silhouette 3 or less. When
rules for performing a combat check (see page 101 your vehicle suffers a hit from a ranged combat
of the GENESYS core rulebook), using the check, after damage is calculated but before Armor
character's Skuduggery skill instead of Melee. If the is applied, your character may have their vehicle
check succeeds, each uncanceled s adds +2 suffer 3 System Strain to use this talent. Then,
damage (instead of the normal +1). reduce the damage suffered by a number equal to
their ranks in Piloting.
Activation: Passive Tier: 2
Ranked: Yes Activation: Passive
May spend aa from a Deception or Coercion Ranked: No
check to upgrade ability of a single ally’s Athletics, Ranged [Heavy], and Resilience are now
subsequent Social Interaction check against the career skills for your character.
target a number of times equal to ranks in Bad Cop.
Tier: 3 Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Action) Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No You are no stranger to physical punishment. Any
Once per session, choose an organization and unarmed Brawl combat check against you deal 1
make a Hard (ddd) Deception check. On success, less damage per rank of Beautiful Beatdown after
organization members have their Strain thresholds the combat check has been resolved.
reduced by 1, plus 1 per sss, until the end of the
session. When he does this, the player must explain BIGGEST FAN
how the PC disseminated the propaganda such that
Tier: 5
it has affected his targets. The chosen organization
Activation: Active (Action)
must be narrow and cohesive enough to be affected
Ranked: No
by bad publicity.
Once per session, may take a Biggest Fan Action;
make a Hard (ddd) Charm check to turn one NPC
BALEFUL GAZE into the character’s biggest fan. The exact effects of
Tier: 5 this vary depending on the NPC and the situation.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn) They can include drastically decreasing the difficulty
Ranked: No of Social Interaction skill checks the character
When targeted by combat check from within makes targeting his biggest fan, the fan being willing
Medium range, may spend a Story Point to upgrade to perform minor or even significant favors for the
the difficulty of the check a number of times equal to character, or the character even becoming a
ranks in Coercion. reoccurring ally in the narrative. At the CM’s
discretion, this talent may not be able to target
certain NPCs whose adversarial nature is vital to the
BARRAGE plot, or NPCs who would be unable to appreciate the
Tier: 2 character’s work.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Add 1 damage per rank of Barrage to one hit of BLACK MARKET CONTACT
successful attack while using Ranged [Heavy] or Tier: 1
Gunnery skills at Long or Extreme range. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
When purchasing illegal goods, may reduce rarity
BARREL ROLL by 1 per rank of Black Market Contacts, increasing
Tier: 3 cost by 50 percent of base cost per reduction.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Ranked: No
Your character can only use this talent while


BLACK WIDOW / LADY KILLER before making the combat check, and its effects last
until your next turn (although the bleeding lasts until
Tier: 2 healed, as normal).
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
You're charming... and dangerous! Nemesis BODY GUARD
adversaries suffer an additional Wound in combat Tier: 3
whenever you deal damage, and you can remove a Activation: Active (Maneuver)
b from Charm, Coercion, Deception, Leadership and Ranked: Yes
Negotiation checks when dealing with the Once per turn, may suffer a number of Strain
nemesis adversaries. no greater than ranks in Body Guard to use
this talent. Choose one ally Engaged with
your character; until the end of your
BLACKMAIL character's next turn, upgrade the difficulty
Tier: 2 of all combat checks targeting that ally a
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn) number of times equal to the Strain suffered.
Ranked: No
When an NPC exceeds his Strain threshold,
may spend 1 Story Point to convince that NPC BODY GUARD (IMPROVED)
to perform a single task of choice instead. Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
BLIND SPOT Your character must have purchased the
Tier: 3 Body Guard talent to benefit from this talent.
Activation: Passive Once per session, when an ally protected by
Ranked: No the Body Guard Maneuver suffers a hit,
Your character, and allies within Short range, suffer the hit instead.
add automatic a to combat checks they make
while benefiting from cover.
Tier: 5
BLINDSENSE Activation: Passive
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Your character must have
Ranked: Yes purchased the Body Guard (Improved)
As long as your character can hear, talent to benefit from this talent. Body
you may ignore b imposed by Guard Maneuver may protect a number of
darkness or blindness within Engaged characters up to ranks in Resilience.
Short range. Each additional rank
increases range.
Tier: 4
BLOODY ASSAULT Activation: Passive
Tier: 3 Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Incidental) Your character must have purchased the Signature
Ranked: No Vehicle talent to benefit from this talent. Increase
Sacrificing accuracy, you can inflict bloody wounds the Armor value of Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank of
that are slow to heal. You can choose to take a bb Bolstered Armor.
penalty on all Melee or Ranged combat checks to
inflict 1 Wound of bleed damage with your attack, in
addition to the normal damage dealt by the weapon. BOUGHT INFO
A creature continues to take bleed damage every Tier: 1
turn at the start of its turn, and cannot soak this Activation: Active (Action)
bleed damage.. Bleed damage can be stopped by an Ranked: No
Average (dd) Medicine check or through a When making a Knowledge skill check, your
stimpak. Bleed damage from this talent does not character can instead use this talent to spend an
stack with itself. You must choose to use this talent amount of bottle caps equal to fifty times the


of the check and automatically succeed on the
Tier: 1
knowledge check with one uncanceled s (instead of
Activation: Active (Incidental)
rolling). At your GM’s discretion, your character may
Ranked: No
not be able to use Bought Info if the information is
When your character makes a Brawl or Melee
particularly sensitive or difficult to find, or buying it
combat check after using a Maneuver to engage a
doesn’t make narrative sense.
target, you may spend aaa or x to use this
talent to knock the target prone and move them up
BRACE one range band away from your character.
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: Yes
As a Maneuver, the character may Brace himself. Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
This allows a character to remove b per rank of
Ranked: No
Brace from the next skill check based on changing
Your character must have purchased the Parry
conditions, inclement weather, unstable surfaces,
talent to benefit from this talent. While wielding a
zero gravity, heavy gravity, or other disruptive
weapon with the Defensive quality, your character
physical obstacles that would make a skill check
may use Parry to reduce the damage of an attack
more difficult.
targeting an Engaged ally.


Tier: 4
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes
Once per vehicle encounter, your character may
Reduce any wielded weapon’s Cumbersome
take Brilliant Evasion Action. Select 1 opponent and
quality and Encumbrance rating by a number equal
make Opposed Driving or Piloting check to stop
to ranks in Burly to a minimum of 1.
opponent from attacking character for rounds equal
to Agility.
Activation: Passive
Tier: 1
Ranked: No
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Do not add bb to combat checks due to the use
You can use the built-in light in your Pip-Boy of the Aim Maneuver if targeting a specific object or
without imposing any b penalty to Stealth checks
while the light is on.
Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 3
Ranked: No
Activation: Passive
Your character can use this talent to make an
Ranked: No
opposed Charm or Deception versus Discipline
Your stubbornness and determination is legendary.
check targeting a single non-nemesis adversary
You are exceptionally headstrong and difficult to
within Medium range. If the check succeeds, the
sway from your course. You add b to skill checks
target cannot attack your character (or perform
against fear effects. Furthermore, you cannot
hostile actions against your character) until the end
become Disoriented.
of their next turn. You may spend aa to increase
the length of the effect by one additional turn, and
spend x to extend the benefits to all of their
identified allies within Short range.
The effect ends immediately if your character or a
known ally attacks the target. In addition, your GM


may rule that some targets are immune to this

ability. An automated sentry turret, for example, has
no interest in resolving a conflict through talking, nor Tier: 1
would someone consumed by rage and the desire Activation: Passive
for revenge against your character. Ranked: Yes
When rolling Athletics or Coordination to reduce
damage from falling, add b. In addition, reduce
CANNIBAL damage and Strain suffered from a fall by 1 per rank
Tier: 1 of Catfall.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Feast on mortal flesh to heal your Wounds. Eating
human corpses has the effect of a single stimpak Tier: 1
usage for you. Note that this counts against the Activation: Passive
daily stimpak usage. Ranked: Yes
After your character makes a Perception, Vigilance,
or Knowledge check to notice, identify, or avoid a
CAPITAL SENDOFF threat in a cavern, subterrean ruin, or similar
Tier: 3 location, your character cancels a number of
Activation: Active (Action) uncanceled f no greater than your character's
Ranked: No ranks in Cave Dweller.
Take a Capital Sendoff Action targeting two
vehicles at Close range; make a Hard (ddd) Cool
check to cause the targets to suffer a minor
collision. Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
CAPITAL SENDOFF (IMPROVED) Cazador style focuses on defense and agile
Tier: 4 counterattacks. Practitioners are known for graceful,
Activation: Passive one-legged stances and folding arm techniques that
Ranked: No mimic a cazador's enormous wings.
Your character must have purchased the Capital You do not take the usual b penalty on attack rolls
Sendoff talent to benefit from this talent. When for Guarded Stance. While using this style and
performing a Capital Sendoff, the targets suffer a Guarded Stance, you gain an additional +1 Melee
major collision instead. Defense while fighting unarmed using Brawl skill
CAREFUL PLANNING As an Incidental, you can enter the stance
employed by the fighting style. Although you cannot
Tier: 4
use a style talent before combat begins, the style
Activation: Active (Incidental)
you are in persists until you spend an Incidental to
Ranked: No
switch to a different combat style. For example, if
Once per game session, the character can choose
you have the Mantis Style and Deathclaw Style, you
to introduce a “fact: or additional context directly
can use an Incidental to adopt Deathclaw Style at
into the narrative as if he had spent a Story Point.
the start of one turn, and then by another Incidental
at the start of your next turn, you could adopt Mantis
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Tier: 3
Foes are surprised by your skilled use of
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
unorthodox and improvised weapons. You do not
Ranked: Yes
suffer any t penalties for using an improvised
While wielding a weapon with the Defensive
Melee weapon.
quality, your character may perform a Center of
Being maneuver. Until the beginning of your
character’s next turn, whenever an enemy makes a
melee attack targeting them, the critical rating of the


enemy’s weapon counts as 1 higher per rank of character is by one point. Furthermore, you also gain
Center of Being. a b to all Charm, Coercion, Deception, Leadership
and Negotiation checks you make against members
CENTER OF BEING (IMPROVED) of the opposite sex.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive CHILD AT HEART
Ranked: No Tier: 2
Your character must have purchased the Center of Activation: Active (Incidental)
Being talent to benefit from this talent. Suffer 1 Ranked: No
Strain to use a Center of Being Maneuver as an The Child at Heart talent improves your
Incidental. interactions with children (and even some adults at
the GMs option), allowing you to decrease the
CHALLENGE! difficulty on a single Social interaction skill check
involving a child.
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Once per encounter, your character may use a Tier: 3
Maneuver to use this talent to choose a number of Activation: Active (Action)
adversaries within Short range no greater than your Ranked: Yes
character's ranks in Challenge! (a minion group Your character may make an Average (dd)
counts as a single adversary for this purpose). You Knowledge check when at a dry dock, mechanics
have to succeed on a Coercion check against the garage, etc. with suitable personnel and equipment
adversaries to make use of the talent. Until the to conduct repairs to a vehicle, or to add
encounter ends or your character is incapacitated, attachments or modifications to one. If successful,
these adversaries add b to combat checks targeting the cost and time for repairs is reduced by 20% for
your character and bb to combat checks targeting each rank of Chopshop Expertise to a minimum of
other characters. 100 bottle caps and one day.


Tier: 1 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: Yes
All the rush without the hassle! You add b At the expense of attention to other
per rank of Chem Resistant to all checks to distractions, you focus on a single
avoid addiction when consuming chems. opponent to give you a decided
advantage while fighting
against him. Once during your
CHEMIST turn, as an Incidental, you can
Tier: 2 designate a single opponent.
Activation: Passive You gain on b per rank of
Ranked: No Chosen Foe on all combat
Any chem you take lasts twice as checks you make against this
long. Far out. opponent. You also gain 1
Defense Rating against this
CHERCHEZ LA FEMME / opponent, this doesn't
increase with ranks in
CONFIRMED BACHELOR Chosen Foe, however. The
Tier: 3 effects last until the end of
Activation: Active (Incidental) your next turn.
Ranked: No In exchange, you take bb
This talent allows you to on combat checks against
deal increase any damage other opponents, and other
dealt to the opposite sex of opponents gain a b on
whatever gender your


combat checks against you.

Tier: 1
CLEVER RETORT Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Tier: 1 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn) You get more out of having skills that work well
Ranked: No together with others. You add bb when using the
Once per encounter, your character may use this assist option, instead of the normal b.
talent to add automatic aa to another character’s
Social skill check.
Tier: 4
CODE BREAKER Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 1 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Once per encounter, make a Hard (ddd)
Ranked: Yes Discipline check. If successful, you plus one ally per
You remove b per rank of Codebreaker from your s within Medium range gains +1 Defense for the
attempts to break codes or decrypt remainder of the encounter. Effects end if affected
communications. targets move beyond Medium range.


Tier: 1 Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
You've heard so many tales of legendary monsters Your character must have purchased the
that you remember all sorts of gory details. When Comrades in Arms talent to benefit from this talent.
you attempt a Hard (ddd) Knowledge check to Spend x or aaa when performing Comrades in
identify a creature or to learn its special powers or Arms to also gain +1 Soak or give one affected ally
vulnerabilities. +1 Soak.


Tier: 3 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Add b to all Brawl and Discipline skill checks. Your attacks can damage your opponent's ability
to think clearly. On a successful attack you can
COMMAND spend aa to imposes a b penalty on the target's
Intellect and Willpower skill checks for 1 turn. For
Tier: 2
each rank beyond the first in Concussive Attack, you
Activation: Passive
extend the duration by 1 turn.
Ranked: Yes
Add b per rank of Command when making
Leadership checks. Affected targets add b to CONDITIONED
Discipline checks for next 24 hours. Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
The character removes b per rank of Conditioned
Tier: 4
from his Athletics and Coordination checks. He
Activation: Active (Action)
reduces the damage and Strain suffered from falling
Ranked: No
by 1 per rank of Conditioned.
Once per session, may take Commanding
Presence Action; make an opposed Cool vs.
Discipline check to force target within Short range to
leave the encounter.


CONFIDENCE to have a number of allies engaged with your

character equal to your ranks in Leadership add a
Tier: 2
to all combat checks they make until the end of your
Activation: Passive
character’s next turn. The range of this talent
Ranked: Yes
increases by one band per rank of Coordinated
May decrease difficulty of Discipline checks to
Assault beyond the first.
avoid fear by 1 per rank of Confidence, to a minimum
of Easy (d).
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Your character must have purchased the Dodge
Ranked: No talent to benefit from this talent. When targeted by a
Your character must have purchased the
combat check, may spend 1 Story Point to add f
Confidence talent to benefit from this talent. May
equal to ranks in Coordination to the combat check.
spend a on a fear check to steady the nerves of
allies making the same fear check. If the character
does so each ally within Short range who makes the COUNTERATTACK
fear check adds automatic s equal to the Tier: 3
character’s rank in Confidence. Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Improved
CONGENIAL Parry talent to benefit from this talent. When your
Tier: 3 character uses the Improved Parry talent to hit an
Activation: Active (Incidental) attacker, they may also activate an item quality of
Ranked: Yes the weapon they used as if they had generated aa
May suffer a number of Strain to downgrade on a combat check using that weapon.
difficulty of Charm or Negotiation checks or upgrade
difficulty when target by Charm or Negotiation
checks, by an equal number Strain suffered this way COUNTEROFFER
cannot exceed ranks in Congenial. Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action)
Once per session, your character may use this
Tier: 3 talent to choose one non-nemesis adversary within
Activation: Passive Medium range and make an opposed Negotiation
Ranked: No versus Discipline check. If successful, the target
May always use Vigilance when making checks to becomes Staggered until the end of their next turn.
determine Initiative.
At your GM’s discretion, you may spend x on this
check to have the adversary become an ally until the
CONSTRUCTION SPECIALIST end of the encounter. However, the duration of this
Tier: 1 may be shortened or extended depending on
Activation: Passive whether your GM feels your offer is appealing to the
Ranked: Yes adversary and whether your character follows
Your character removes one b per rank of through on their offer!
Construction Specialist from checks made to
construct bases, defense works, positions, COYOTE STYLE
fortifications, tunnels, bunkers, and similar combat Tier: 1
engineering projects. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
COORDINATED ASSAULT This crafty unarmed Brawl style improves its
Tier: 2 practitioners’ chances to feint and to avoid sneaky
Activation: Active (Maneuver) tactics employed by their foes, and also expands
Ranked: Yes their ability to deploy other devious and dirty tricks.
Once per turn, your character may use this talent Your martial training helps you manipulate foes.


While using this style, you can use your Brawn

characteristic in place of your Willpower when you
use Coercion. Tier: 1
As an Incidental, you can enter the stance Activation: Passive
employed by the fighting style. Although you cannot Ranked: Yes
use a style talent before combat begins, the style As part of resolving a successful crafting check,
you are in persists until you spend an Incidental to your character may also apply a result equivalent to
switch to a different combat style. For example, if spending a number of a equal to their ranks in
you have the Mantis Style and Deathclaw Style, you Creative Design. The GM may then apply a result
can use an Incidental to adopt Mantis Style at the equivalent to the same number of t.
start of one turn, and then by another Incidental at
the start of your next turn, you could adopt CREATIVE KILLER
Deathclaw Style. Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Tier: 1 Reduce the critical rating of improvised
Activation: Passive weapons by 2 (to a minimum of 1).
Ranked: No
You are skilled at making well- CRITICAL MASTERY
placed shots at targets Tier: 5
behind cover. When you Activation: Active
make a Ranged combat check (Incidental)
against an opponent behind Ranked: No
cover, the target's cover Your Critical Injuries cause
does not give you any b on two additional effects. When you
your combat check. score a Critical Injury, you can
spend a Story Point, and you can apply the effects of
CRASHING WAVE STYLE two Critical Injuries in addition to the damage dealt.
You must roll twice to determine the effects of the
Tier: 2
Critical Injuries. Note that you do not add +10 to the
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
second Critical Injury from the first determined
Ranked: No
result when using this talent.
Someone skilled in this unarmed Brawl style
jostles and pulls her opponents about, inspired by
the power of ocean waves churning upon the shore. CRUSHING BLOW
You relentlessly push your enemies around, as the Tier: 5
sea moves those within and upon it against their Activation: Active (Incidental)
will. When an opponent disengages from you and Ranked: No
moves away from your position, you can take 3 Once per session after rolling a Melee attack but
Strain and immediately follow the opponent, even if before resolving the check, your character may
you have used your Maneuvers for this turn. suffer 4 Strain to use this talent. While resolving the
As an Incidental, you can enter the stance check, the weapon gains the Breach 1 and
employed by the fighting style. Although you cannot Knockdown item qualities.
use a style talent before combat begins, the style
you are in persists until you spend an Incidental to
switch to a different combat style. For example, if CUSTOM LOADOUT
you have the Radroach Style and Cazador Style, you Tier: 5
can use an Incidental to adopt Radroach Style at the Activation: Passive
start of one turn, and then by another Incidental at Ranked: No
the start of your next turn, you could adopt Cazador Your character must have purchased the Signature
Style. Vehicle talent to benefit from this talent. May add
one mount for a weapon or piece of equipment
(approved by the GM).



Tier: 3 Tier: 4
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Signature Choose one combat skill. The character may add
Vehicle talent to benefit from this talent. Increase his ranks in that combat skill as additional damage
the System Strain threshold of Signature Vehicle by to one hit of a successful attack made with that skill
2 per rank of Customized Cooling Unit. made with non-vehicle weapons.


Tier: 2 Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per encounter, when making a Coercion skill Your character adds +2 damage to Brawl and
check, the character may use Deception skill Melee attacks for each Critical Injury they are
instead. currently suffering. (Your GM may also impose
additional penalties on Social skill checks your
DAREDEVIL character makes if they are suffering Critical Injuries
due to their frenzied behavior.)
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Once per session, when performing a skill check of Tier: 1
Hard (ddd) or higher difficulty, you add b to your Activation: Active (Incidental)
roll for every rank of Daredevil your character has. Ranked: No
This unarmed Brawl style seeks to emulate the
power and fury of the great deathclaw. Practitioners
DARING AVIATOR use their hands like claws, perfecting overpowering
Tier: 2 double hand strikes and driving attack chains.
Activation: Active (Incidental) While using this style, whenever you score a
Ranked: Yes Critical Injury with your unarmed Brawl strike, your
Before your character makes a Driving or Piloting opponent also takes 1 point, which cannot be
check, they may add a number of t to the results to soaked, of bleed damage at the start of his next two
use this talent to add an equal number of s. The turns.
number may not exceed your character’s ranks in As an Incidental, you can enter the stance
Daring Aviator. employed by the fighting style. Although you cannot
use a style talent before combat begins, the style
DARING TURN you are in persists until you spend an Incidental to
Tier: 3 switch to a different combat style. For example, if
Activation: Active (Maneuver) you have the Radroach Style and Mantis Style, you
Ranked: No can use an Incidental to adopt Radroach Style at the
When an opponent has Gained the Advantage on a start of one turn, and then by another Incidental at
vehicle being piloted, may spent 2 Strain perform a the start of your next turn, you could adopt Mantis
Daring Turn Maneuver to remove the effects. Style.


Tier: 4 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
After your character inflicts a Critical Injury with a Upon successful attack with a vehicle weapon,
ranged weapon and rolls the result, your character may spend aa to reduce the maximum speed of
may suffer 2 Strain to use this talent. Then, you may the target by 1 until the end of the next turn.
select any Critical Injury of the same severity to
apply to the target instead.



Tier: 2 Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per session, may make Deceptive Taunt When attempting to defend a computer system
Action. Make opposed Deception check. If against intrusion (or when someone attempts to
successful, one adversary must attack the character hack a computer owned or programmed by your
during adversary’s next turn. character) your character adds bb to their
opponent’s checks. If your character has access to
DEDICATION the computer system when the intrusion takes place,
they are automatically aware of the intrusion.
Tier: 5
Activation: Passive
Each rank of Dedication increases one of your Tier: 2
character’s characteristics by one. This talent Activation: Active (Incidental)
cannot increase a characteristic above 5. You Ranked: No
cannot increase the same characteristic with Your character must have purchased the
Dedication twice. Defensive Sysops talent to benefit from this talent.
Before adding bb from Defensive Sysops to a
DEFENSIVE check, use this talent to add f and t to the results
of the check instead.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes DEFY DEATH
Each rank of Defensive increases your character’s Tier: 3
Melee Defense and Ranged Defense by one. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
DEFENSIVE DRIVING You fear nothing. Not the undead, not death, not
the unknown, nothing. You are immune to fear
Tier: 4
effects, and you confer a b to fear checks to all
Activation: Passive
allies within Short range.
Ranked: Yes
Increase the Defense of any vehicle your character
pilots by one per rank of Defensive Driving. DESPERATE RECOVERY
The specifics of this talent require the optional Tier: 1
vehicle rules, on page 220 in the GENESYS core Activation: Passive
rulebook. If your game does not use these rules, this Ranked: No
talent adds b per rank to combat checks targeting Before your character heals Strain at the end of an
your character’s vehicle or your character while encounter, if their Strain is more than half of their
piloting it. Strain threshold, they heal two additional Strain.


Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Once per turn, your character may suffer a number After your character inflicts a Critical Injury on an
of Strain no greater than their ranks in Defensive adversary, they may use this talent to upgrade the
Stance to use this talent. Then, until the end of your difficulty of that adversary's next skill check.
character’s next turn, upgrade the difficulty of all
Brawl and Melee combat checks targeting your
character a number of times equal to the Strain DISARM
suffered. Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
May spend x or aa with a successful Brawl or


Melee check to disarm an opponent. suffer Strain no greater than ranks in Deception.
Until the beginning of next turn, equal number of
DISARMING SMILE Engaged NPC’s suffer t on checks. Range
increases with additional ranks.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Take the Disarming Smile action; succeed at an Tier: 4
opposed Charm check against a target within Short Activation: Passive
range to lower all defenses of a target by ranks in Ranked: No
Disarming Smile until the end of the encounter. Your character must have purchased the
Distracting Behavior talent to benefit from this
DISCREDIT talent. The Distracting Behavior Maneuver inflicts
tt on NPC’s checks when NPC’s target
Tier: 4
character’s allies.
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Once per encounter, take the Discredit Action, DODGE
make a Hard (ddd) Deception check to upgrade Tier: 3
the difficulty of one character’s social checks once, Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
plus once for every aa, until the end of the Ranked: Yes
encounter. When your character is targeted by a Gunnery,
Melee, Ranged [Heavy] or Ranged [Light] combat
DISORIENT check, they may suffer a number of Strain no greater
than their ranks in Dodge to use this talent. Then,
Tier: 2 upgrade the difficulty of the combat check targeting
Activation: Passive your character a number of times equal to the Strain
Ranked: Yes suffered.
After hitting with combat check, may spend aa
to Disorient target for number of turnss equal to
ranks in Disorient. DON'T SHOOT!
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 3 Once per session as an Action, make a
Activation: Active (Incidental) Hard (ddd) Charm check. On a success,
Ranked: No cannot be target of combat checks until the
When making a Computers check to hack a end of the encounter or until making a
system or break into a secured network, combat check.
before rolling, your character may use
this talent to add ss and tt to the
If you are using the optional Tier: 3
hacking rules on page 232 in the Activation: Passive
Genesys core rulebook and your Ranked: No
check generates tt, your Suffer 2 Strain to perform
GM should spend it on the I the Double or Nothing
Know You! option in Table I.2- Incidental to increase the
22 on page 234 in the difficulty of the next check by
GENESYS core rulebook. one. Then, after canceling
opposing symbols, double the
amount of remaining a.
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: Yes
Make a Distracting Behavior Maneuver and



Tier: 4 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Double or Your character may use this talent to decrease the
Nothing talent to benefit from this talent. When difficulty of the next combined combat check (see
performing the Double or Nothing Incidental, after Two-Weapon Combat, on page 108 in the GENESYS
canceling opposing symbols, also double the core rulebook) they make during the same turn by
amount of remaining s. one.


Tier: 5 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Double or Your character adds b to his Brawl and Melee
Nothing (Improved) talent to benefit from this talent. combat checks while Engaged with a single
When performing the Double or Nothing Incidental, opponent. Your character adds b to his Brawl or
also double the number of x and y. Melee combat checks while engaged with three or
more opponents.
Activation: Passive Tier: 5
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Spend aa or x from a successful Charm or Ranked: No
Deception check to Disorient a number of opponents You can survive situations that should kill you.
within Short range equal to your character’s When you roll a y result on any skill check, you can
Presence for the remainder of the turn and the next spend aaa from the same skill check to change
two turns. the y result to a f result. Using this talent is taxing
on your system and costs you 3 Strain, and you can
DREADFUL CARNAGE only use once a per session.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental) DURABLE
Ranked: No Tier: 1
Incapacitating or slaying an enemy demoralizes Activation: Passive
your other nearby foes. Whenever you cause an Ranked: Yes
enemy to exceed his Wound threshold, you can Your character reduces any Critical Injury result
make a Hard (ddd) Coercion check to stagger all they suffer by 10 per rank of Durable, to a minimum
enemies Short range as an Incidental. Enemies that of 01.
cannot see both you and the enemy you
incapacitated are unaffected.
Tier: 2
DUAL STRIKE Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental) When making a Ranged [Heavy] or Ranged [Light]
Ranked: No attack while engaged with an opponent, may suffer 2
When resolving a combined check to attack with Strain to reduce the difficulty of the Ranged combat
two weapons in combat, your character may suffer 2 check by one, to a minimum of Easy (d).
Strain to use this talent to hit with the secondary
weapon (instead of spending aa).


EAGLE EYES to ignore an “out of ammo” y result.

Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) ENFORCER
Ranked: No Tier: 2
Once per encounter before making a ranged Activation: Active (Incidental)
combat check, you may use this talent to increase Ranked: No
your weapon’s range by one range band (to a You are skilled at causing fear in those you
maximum of Extreme range). This lasts for the brutalize. Whenever you deal Strain damage with a
duration of the combat check. Brawl or Melee combat check, you can make an
Coercion check to demoralize your target as an
EASY PREY Incidental. If you are successful, the target suffers b
to skill checks for a number of turns equal to aa
Tier: 3
on the combat check, minimum of 1 turn.
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No
Your character may suffer 3 Strain to use this ENTOMOLOGIST
talent. Until the start of your character's next turn, Tier: 1
your character and allies within short range add bb Activation: Passive
to combat checks against Immobilized targets. Ranked: No
Entomologist allows you to add b to all combat
ENCODED COMMUNIQUE checks you make against every radroach, giant ant,
bloatfly and radscorption.
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No EVASION
Upgrade the difficulty of checks to decrypt this Tier: 5
character’s coded messages without the proper Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
cipher a number of times equal to Computers skill. Ranked: No
Your speed, agility, and talent for intelligent
ENCOURAGING WORDS fighting allow you to avoid your opponent's blows.
You take careful stock of an opponent and slip away
Tier: 3
from his blow just as he commits to the attack.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
While in Guarded Stance, you can attempt to negate
Ranked: No
a single Brawl or Melee attack, as an Incidental. To
After an Engaged ally fails a check, may suffer 1
do so, you must make a Brawl or Melee attack
Strain to assist that ally’s next check this encounter
(depending on if you are unarmed or armed) attack
as an out-of-turn Incidental.
roll and beat the attacker's result. A tie falls in favor
of the attacker.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Tier: 1
Ranked: Yes
Activation: Passive
Each rank of Enduring increases your character’s
Ranked: Yes
Soak value by one.
You remove b per rank of Expert Tracker from your
checks to find or follow tracks. Survival checks
ENERGY TRANSFER made to track targets take 50% less time than
Tier: 1 normal (this does not decrease with additional ranks
Activation: Active (Maneuver) of Expert Tracker).
Ranked: No
You may suffer 1 Strain to perform the Energy
Transfer Maneuver; when you do, you can power up
Tier: 2
an appropriate unpowered device (such as a
Activation: Active (Incidental)
computer, a robot, or a door) until the end of the
Ranked: Yes
encounter. Alternatively, you can restore ammunition
When your character makes a combat check with a
to an energy-based weapons, allowing a character


Melee weapon, they may suffer 2 Strain to use this Engaged range of Signature Vehicle once.
talent to add the Ensnare quality to the attack. The
rating of the Ensnare quality is equal to your
character's ranks in Exploit.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
EXTRA AMMO Ranked: Yes
Tier: 1 You recover faster than normal. You recover one
Activation: Passive additional Wound per day of natural rest per rank of
Ranked: No Fast Metabolism.
Cannot run out of ammo due to a y or ttt
result. Items with Limited Ammo quality run out of
ammo as normal.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 3 Once per session, may make a Hard (ddd)
Activation: Active (Incidental) Deception check to force a single Minion
Ranked: Yes group or Rival to flee the encounter.
After making a Mechanics or Computers
check, may suffer Strain up to ranks in Eye
for Detail to convert that many s to a.
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Tier: 1 When an non-nemesis adversary
Activation: Active (Maneuver) becomes Engaged with the
Ranked: No character, the character
Once per session, may perform a may force the adversary
Familiar Sky maneuver; make a to make a fear check,
Hard (ddd) Knowledge check to with the difficulty equal to
reveal the current type of the character’s ranks in
environment and other useful Fearsome.
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No Add a to results of Coercion
Once per encounter before making a combat checks equal to ranks in Fearsome
check with a pistol (your GM has the final say on Reputation.
whether a weapon is a pistol or not), your character
may use this talent to add the Auto-fire quality to the
pistol when resolving the check. If your character
Tier: 3
does, the weapon runs out of ammo exactly as with
Activation: Passive
an Out of Ammo result (see page 104 in the
Ranked: Yes
GENESYS core rulebook).
Spend x or aaa generated on a missed Brawl
or Melee attack to upgrade difficulty of opponent’s
FANCY PAINT JOB next attack targeting character by ranks in Feint.
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Signature Tier: 2
Vehicle talent to benefit from this talent. Upgrade all Activation: Passive
Charm, Deception, and Negotiation checks made in Ranked: Yes
Add +1 damage to Brawl and Melee combat


checks per rank in Feral Strength.

Tier: 5
FEROCIOUS LOYALTY Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive You can take advantage of an enemy's debilitated
Ranked: No state to attempt a coup de grace. You can deliver a
Your character must have purchased the Animal coup de grace to staggering targets, and instantly
Companion talent to benefit from this talent. put the target 1 Wound above its Wound threshold.
Whenever you exceed half of your Wound threshold, Note that the GM may overrule the use of this talent
your animal companion adds an automatic s and on certain cruicial Nemesis characters vital to the
a to all combat checks. plot.


Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character may use this talent to make an Take the Fire Control Maneuver; all combat checks
Average (dd) Leadership check. If successful, a made from current vehicle count their target’s
number of allies equal to your character’s Presence Silhouette as one higher than normal until the
may immediately suffer 1 Strain to perform one beginning of next turn.
Maneuver (out of turn). If there are any questions as
to which allies take their Maneuvers first, your
character is the final arbiter.
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Tier: 4 When your character generates x on a Knowledge
Activation: Passive skill check, roll bb and add the results to the check,
Ranked: No in addition to spending the x as usual.
Your character must have purchased the Field
Commander talent to benefit from this talent. When
your character uses the Field Commander talent,
your character affects a number of allies equal to Tier: 2
twice the character’s Presence. In addition, you may Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
spend x to allow one ally to suffer 1 Strain to
You are extraordinarily swift. Once per encounter,
perform an Action, instead of a Maneuver.
you are allowed to take a free Maneuver for moving.
This free Maneuver does not count towards the
FIGHTER'S STANCE number of Maneuvers you have or will take in the
Tier: 2 specific given turn. This benefit only applies if you
Activation: Active (Incidental) are wearing no armor or light armor with Soak 1 or
Ranked: No less, and not over-encumbered.
When making a combat check, if your character
has performed the Guarded Stance Maneuver this
turn, you may suffer 1 Strain to ignore the penalties
Tier: 3
of the Guarded Stance Maneuver.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
FINE TUNING With a single motion, you can draw a light weapon
Tier: 2 and make a devastating attack. If you draw a one-
Activation: Passive handed weapon and make a combat check with it in
Ranked: Yes the same turn, you can catch your opponent off-
When reducing the amount of System Strain a guard, and you add s and a to your combat check
vehicle suffers, reduce 1 additional System Strain against that one target. You may use this talent only
per rank of Fine Tuning. once per turn and once per opponent during any


single encounter. You can use this talent with the

Quickdraw talent.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Tier: 2 Your character must have purchased the
Activation: Passive Formation Tactics talent to benefit from this talent.
Ranked: No Reduce the difficulty of Formation Tactics to
You are no stranger to chems and drugs of all Average (dd). Spend x or aaaaaa to have
kinds, as such you decrease the difficult of any the effect last until the end of the encounter.
chem additions once whenever you use chems.
Tier: 4 Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No Your character must have purchased the Signature
Perform the Flurry of Blows Maneuver, suffering Vehicle talent to benefit from this talent. Increase
Strain up to your ranks in Coordination to gain the the hull trauma threshold of Signature Vehicle by 1
Linked quality with a rating equal to the amount of per rank of Fortified Structure.
Strain suffered on your next Brawl or Melee combat
check this turn.
Tier: 4
FORAGER Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 1 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Once per session as an Incidental, suffer 2 Strain
Ranked: No to flip one GM Story Point to a Player Story Point.
Your character removes up to bb from any skill
checks they make to find food, water, or shelter.
Checks to forage or search the area that your
character makes take half the time they would Tier: 3
normally. Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
You find 10% more bottle caps whenever your
FORGOT TO COUNT? character would find bottle caps per rank of Fortune
Tier: 3 Finder, rounded up.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Ranked: No
When an opponent makes a ranged combat check,
Tier: 2
you can spend tt from that check to use this
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
talent to cause their weapon to run out of ammo
Ranked: No
(see page 104 in the GENESYS core rulebook), as
Suffer 1 Strain when making a move Maneuver to
long as the weapon can normally run out of
move to any location within Short range.


Tier: 3
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the
Make a Hard (ddd) Leadership check. If
Freerunning talent to benefit from this talent. Suffer
successful, choose a number of allies within Short
4 Strain when making a move Maneuver to move to
range equal to generated. Upgrade the difficulty of
any location within Medium range.
attacks against these allies once until the end of
your character’s next turn.


FRENZIED ATTACK vehicle rules, on page 220 in the GENESYS core

rulebook. If your game does not use these rules, this
Tier: 3 talent simply makes the vehicle go much
Activation: Active (Incidental) faster than normal, with the specifics up to
Ranked: Yes your GM.
When making a
Brawl or Melee
suffer a number of Tier: 4
Strain to upgrade the Activation: Active (Action)
attack an equal Ranked: No
number of times. The Your character must have
Strain suffered may not purchased the Full Throttle talent to
exceed ranks in Frenzied benefit from this talent. Suffer 1
Attack. Strain to attempt Full Throttle as a
Maneuver and decrease its difficulty to Average
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive FULL THROTTLE (SUPREME)
Ranked: No Tier: 5
Your eyes adapt quickly to low-light conditions. Activation: Passive
Remove b from environmental modifiers due to Ranked: No
low-light conditions. Your character must have purchased the Full
Throttle (Improved) talent to benefit from this talent.
FRIENDLY-FOE When performing Full Throttle, top speed increases
by 2 instead of 1.
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Your knack for picking foe from friend in frantic Tier: 2
ranged combat allows you to spend a Story Point to Activation: Passive
downgrade a y to f and thus avoid accidentally Ranked: Yes
hitting your allies Engaged with your allies. The character removes b per rank of Gearhead
from his Mechanics checks. In addition, time to
FULL STOP install attachments to armor or weapons takes 50%
less time.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
When piloting a vehicle, the character may take the Tier: 2
Full Stop Maneuver to immediately reduce the speed Activation: Active (Incidental)
of the vehicle to zero. The vehicle then suffers 1 Ranked: No
point of System Strain for every point of speed it had Pulling from the trickster habits of gecko, this style
before stopping. focuses on duping and incapacitating foes in the
heat of combat. Your quick movement and trickery
FULL THROTTLE allow you to catch opponents off guard. While using
this unarmed Brawl style, you can attempt to
Tier: 3 perform a dirty trick in place of an attack at the end
Activation: Active (Action) of a charge. As part of a Maneuver that you use for
Ranked: No
movement, you can attempt an Average (dd)
While driving or flying, your character may use this
Coercion check to impose a b penalty on a single
talent to make a Hard (ddd) Piloting or Driving
opponent. You are able to impose a second b to the
check. If successful, the top speed of the vehicle
same opponent if you use a second Maneuver for
increases by one (to a maximum of 5) for a number
moving as well, and must attempt a second
of rounds equal to your character’s Cunning.
Coercion check.
The specifics of this talent require the optional
As an Incidental, you can enter the stance


employed by the fighting style. Although you cannot subsequent Social Interaction check against the
use a style talent before combat begins, the style target a number of times equal to ranks in Good Cop.
you are in persists until you spend an Incidental to
switch to a different combat style. For example, if
you have the Lurk Style and Nightstalker Style, you
can use an Incidental to adopt Lurk Style at the start Tier: 2
of one turn, and then by another Incidental at the Activation: Active (Incidental)
start of your next turn, you could adopt Nightstalker Ranked: No
Style. Your character may suffer 2 Strain to use this
talent. Until the start of your character's next turn,
enemies must spent two maneuvers to disengage
GHASTLY SCAVENGER from your character.
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
You can feast upon super mutants and feral ghouls Tier: 3
in order to heal your Wounds. Eating such corpses Activation: Active (Maneuver)
has the effect of a single stimpak usage for you. Ranked: Yes
Note that this counts against the daily stimpak Before making a Social skill check, may spend up
usage. to 50 bottle caps of per rank of Greased Palms to
upgrade the ability of the check once for every 50
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Tier: 3
Your footsteps echo strangely and no longer Activation: Active (Incidental)
betray your location. Thanks to your knowledge of Ranked: Yes
acoustics you can, should you choose, cause the When your character makes a ranged combat
sound of your footsteps (as well as breathing and check with a weapon that has the Blast item quality,
the rustle of gear) to issue forth from any direction you may spend one Story Point to use this talent to
and location within Short range. With a successful trigger the weapon’s Blast quality, instead of
Stealth check, enemies are not aware of your true spending aa (even if the attack misses). In
location and believe the Ghost Steps to be real. On a addition, your character treats grenades as having a
failed Stealth check, enemies are aware of your real range of Medium.
location and hear your Ghost Steps for what they
are, echoes. Ghost Steps does not work when GRIM REAPER'S SPIRIT
underwater. Tier: 4
For every rank you have of Ghost Steps, you can Activation: Passive
extend the range by one range band. Ranked: No
Death becomes you! Whenever you kill or
GO WITHOUT incapacitates an adversary – making the adversary
Tier: 2 exceed its Wounds or Strain threshold – you
Activation: Active (Incidental) immediately recover 1 Strain per a generated on
Ranked: No your combat check. Note that you don't have to
Once per session, count as having the right tools spend your a on recovering these Strain, it just
for the job when performing the next skill check this happens along with whatever you opt to spend your
turn. a on.


Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: Yes
May spend aa from a Charm or Negotiation Each rank of Grit increases your character’s Strain
check to upgrade ability of a single ally’s threshold by one.


GUN NUT Discipline check to remove status. The difficulty is

once reduced per rank of Hard-Headed.
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Guns, guns, guns, I'm looking for a good time! You Tier: 5
are good with guns, and know how to fully optimize Activation: Active (Incidental)
the potentiel of each and every singly type of gun. Ranked: No
While using any type of ordinary firearm Once per session, spend on a successful Ranged
(slugthrower) that uses the Ranged [Heavy] or [Heavy] or Gunnery check to add the Breach 1 quality
Ranged [Light] skill, you add b to your combat to the attack, or increase an existing Breach rating
checks. However, your expertise with guns comes at by 1.
a cost, as you add an automatic t to all other
combat checks made with weapons that are not
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Tier: 1 Allies within Short range of your character add b
Activation: Active (Action) to their Perception and Vigilance checks. Allies
Ranked: No Engaged with your character add bb instead.
Once per turn, your character may use this talent
to perform a Ranged combat check against one non-
vehicle target within range of the weapon used. If
the check is successful, halve the damage inflicted Tier: 2
by the attack (before reducing damage by the Activation: Active (Incidental)
target’s Soak). The target is Immobilized until the Ranked: No
end of its next turn. When your character acquires this talent, choose
one characteristic. Once per encounter, you may
spend one Story Point to use this talent to have your
HARASS character heal Strain equal to the rating of the
Tier: 3 chosen characteristic.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Animal
Companion talent to benefit from this talent. Tier: 3
Whenever the character’s animal companion makes Activation: Active (Incidental)
a successful combat check against a target, it may Ranked: Yes
forgo inflicting damage to upgrade the difficulty of Immediately after being hit by an attack but before
the target’s next check once instead. suffering damage, spend 1 Story Point to increase
Soak by ranks in Heroic Resilience.


Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Tier: 3
Ranked: Yes Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
When recovering Strain after an encounter, may Ranked: No
When you purchase this talent for your character,
spend a up to ranks in Hard-Boiled to recover 1
choose two characteristics. You may spend a Story
Wound per a spent.
Point to use this talent to have your character ignore
the effects of all Critical Injuries on any skill checks
HARD-HEADED using those two characteristics until the end of the
Tier: 2 current encounter. (Your character still suffers the
Activation: Active (Action) Critical Injuries; they just ignore the effects. See
Ranked: Yes page 114 of the GENESYS core rulebook.)
When Staggered or Disoriented, perform the Hard
Headed Action; make a Daunting (dddd)



Tier: 1 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Gain hidden storage in vehicles or equipment that Ranged [Heavy] and Survival are now career skills
holds items with total encumbrance equal to ranks for your character.
in Hidden Storage.
Tier: 3 Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes Take Hunter’s Quarry
Spend a story point and increase the Action, make a Hard (ddd)
difficulty of next Gunnery check by Survival check to upgrade
1. If check deals damage, target the ability of all attacks
vehicle suffers System Strain made against a target within
equal to speed when it Long range until the end of
moves for a number of turns the character’s next turn.
equal to ranks in Hindering
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your extensive familiarity with Your character must have
explosives allows you to ignore a purchased the Hunter’s
portion of their damage. You Quarry talent to benefit from
increase your Soak rating by this talent. Suffer 2 Strain to
1 against all explosive perform Hunter’s Quarry
weapons. Action as a Maneuver.


Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Spend 1 Story Point to perform a Hold Together When your character inflicts a Critical Injury with a
incidental immediately after vehicle takes damage to Melee weapon, until the end of the target's next turn
turn it into System Strain. they may use this talent to Immobilize the target (in
addition to the other effects of the Critical Injury).


Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action) Tier: 2
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Action)
Once per session, your character may use this Ranked: No
talent to make a Hard (ddd) Mechanics check. If Your character may attempt an Average (dd)
successful, one device involved in the current Survival check to fashion small defenses using
encounter (subject to your GM’s approval) scavenged materials. If the check is successful, the
spontaneously fails. This can be because of your structure can provide cover for up to 4 characters for
character’s actions, or it can simply be incredibly the rest of the encounter. Your character may spend
convenient timing! aa or x from the check to increase the Ranged
Defense the structure provides to 2.



Tier: 4 Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per session, make an opposed Deception vs Make a Hard (ddd) Leadership check. If
Vigilance check with the difficulty downgraded a successful, a number of allies not exceeding your
number of times equal to your ranks in Deception to character’s Presence within Short range add s to
have a target NPC believe specific false intelligence. their next skill check.


Tier: 4 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per session, may take an Incite Rebellion Your character may use this talent to make an
Action; make a Hard (ddd) Coercion check to Average (dd) Leadership check. For each s the
cause a number of minions or rivals up to ranks in check generates, one ally within Short range heals
Coercion to become rebellious until the end of the one Strain. For each a, one ally benefiting from
encounter. Inspiring Rhetoric heals one additional Strain.


Tier: 5 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per encounter, when your character would be Your character must have purchased the Inspiring
incapacitated due to exceeding their Wound or Rhetoric talent to benefit from this talent. Allies
Strain threshold, you may spend a Story Point to use affected by your character’s Inspiring Rhetoric add
this talent. Then, your character is not incapacitated b to all skill checks they make for a number of turns
until the end of their next turn. If your character equal to your character’s ranks in Leadership.
reduces their Strain or Wounds to below their
threshold before the end of their next turn, they are
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 3 Your character must have purchased the Inspiring
Activation: Active (Incidental) Rhetoric (Improved) talent to benefit from this talent.
Ranked: No Your character may choose to suffer 1 Strain to use
Once per session, may reveal a contact who can the Inspiring Rhetoric talent as a Maneuver, instead
shed light on a chosen subject. of as an Action.


Tier: 1 Tier: 5
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
The first time you take Wound damage in any Before making a skill check, may perform the
combat, you gain a b bonus on combat checks, and Intense Focus maneuver. Suffer 1 Strain and
Discipline checks against fear effects for 1 turn per upgrade the ability of the skill check once.
rank of Initiate of Pain.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Ranked: No
After another character makes a Social skill check,


suffer 3 Strain to take an Interjection Incidental

make an Average (dd) Vigilance check to add s or
Tier: 4
f equal to s, and a or t equal to a to the check.
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
INTIMIDATING Once per session when an ally would suffer a
Tier: 3 Critical Injury, may take an It’s Not That Bad action;
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn) make a Hard (ddd) Medicine check to stop the
Ranked: Yes ally from gaining the Critical Injury when you are
May suffer a number of Strain to downgrade within Engaged range.
difficulty of Coercion checks, or upgrade difficulty
when targeted by Coercion checks, by an equal
number. Strain suffered this way cannot exceed
ranks in Intimidating. Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
INVENTOR Once per turn during your character’s turn, your
Tier: 2 character may use this talent to stand from a prone
Activation: Active (Incidental) or seated position as an Incidental.
Ranked: Yes
When your character makes a check to construct
new items or modify existing ones, use this talent to
Tier: 4
add a number of b to the check equal to ranks of
Activation: Passive
Inventor. In addition, your character may attempt to
Ranked: Yes
reconstruct devices that they have heard described
The character chooses one personal weapon or
but have not seen and do not have any kinds of
piece of armor per rank of Jury Rigged. He may
plans or schematics for.
increase the damage of the weapon by one;
decrease the a cost on its Critical, or any single
IRON BODY other effect by one to a minimum of one; or increase
Tier: 3 armor’s Ranged or Melee Defense by one.
Activation: Passive Alternatively, he can decrease the Encumbrance of
Ranked: Yes the item by two to a minimum of one. The bonus
Remove b per rank of Iron Body from Coordination only applies so long as the character is using the
and Resilience checks. Reduce the critical rating of item. If the item is ever lost or destroyed, the
Brawl attacks by 1 per rank of Iron Body (to a character may apply Jury Rigged to a new personal
minimum of 1). weapon or piece or armor.


Tier: 1 Tier: 5
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
If you are carrying items that total 2 Encumbrance Once per turn as an incidental spend 1 Story Point
or less (after factoring in reductions such as for to ignore y generated on a Social skill check by the
armor being worn), at the end of the encounter you character or any ally in Short range.
heal all Strain that you are currently suffering.
If a character normally carries items that total
more than 2 Encumbrance but discards or otherwise
loses those items temporarily, the GM can rule that Tier: 1
the character still does not gain the benefits of Iron Activation: Passive
Soul. Ranked: Yes
You remove b per rank of Kill with Kindness from
your Charm and Leadership checks.


KNACK FOR IT a x result to gain additional s equal to ranks in

Knowledge Specialization.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
When you purchase this talent for your character, Tier: 2
select one skill. Your character removes bb from Activation: Passive
any checks they make using this skill. Ranked: No
Each additional time you purchase this talent for Add b to checks made to escape from restraints
your character, select two additional skills. Your equal to ranks in Skullduggery. Spend x to free all
character also removes bb from any checks they other allies within Short range.
make using these skills. You cannot select combat
skills when choosing skills for this talent.
Tier: 2
KNOCKDOWN Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Once per session, may perform the Known
Ranked: No Schematic Maneuver; make a Hard (ddd)
After hitting with a Brawl or Melee attack, may Knowledge check. Success grants familiarity with a
spend a x to knock the target prone. building, vessel or vehicle's design.


Tier: 1 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: Yes
Once per session, when attempting to Your character must have purchased the Signature
purchase a legally available item, your Vehicle talent to benefit from this talent. Signature
character may use this talent to reduce its Vehicle can have a Silhouette 1 larger per rank of
rarity by one per rank of Know Larger Project.
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No Your digestive tract has adjusted to the
May use a Knowledge skill weirdness of the wasteland! Gain b per rank of
check, instead of Cool or Lead Belly to resist the effects of radiation from
Vigilance, when making checks to eating or drinking.
determine Initiative.

Tier: 2 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Once per round during your character's turn,
Once per session, perfectly recall an your character can use this talent to mount or
important fact previously learned as if a dismount from a vehicle or animal, or move from
Story Point had been spent. one position in a vehicle to another (such as from
the cockpit to a gun turret) as an Incidental.
KNOWLEDGE SPECIALIZATION In addition, if your character suffers a
Tier: 1 Short-range fall (see page 112 in the GENESYS core
Activation: Passive rulebook) from a vehicle or animal, they suffer no
Ranked: Yes damage and land on their feet.
When making a Knowledge skill check, may spend



Tier: 5 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per game session, when a combat encounter You are incredibly light on your feet and make very
against one or more sentient beings is about to little noise in comparison to others. With the Light
begin, the character make a Daunting (dddd) Feet talent you cannot risk accidentally setting off or
Charm check. If successful, the combat encounter triggering floor traps or mines, regardless of
instead becomes a Social encounter, with the PCs knowing there are there or not.
attempting to convince their opposition to back
down, come around to their viewpoint, or accept a
compromise. The GM is the final arbiter of how the
Tier: 1
situation resolves without violence (or how the
Activation: Active (Action)
combat encounter continues if the character’s check
Ranked: Yes
is unsuccessful).
You can perfectly repeat to others what you hear.
Whenever you make a successful Perception check
LETHAL BLOWS to hear a noise, you can describe that sound any
Tier: 3 time up to 1 hour later with such clarity that any
Activation: Passive individuals hearing the description are treated as if
Ranked: Yes they had heard the sound themselves. For every rank
Add +10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any Critical of Listen to This beyond the first, you can extend the
Injury results inflicted on opponents. duration with another hour.
This trick is particularly useful if you overhear a
conversation but don't understand the language
LIFE OR DEATH spoken, since it allows you to repeat it verbatim to
Tier: 3 an ally who might be able to translate.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
When your character suffers Wounds equal to half LONE WANDERER
of their Wound threshold or greater, add b to all Tier: 3
combat checks they make. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Who needs friends anyway? When you are by
LIFE OR DEATH (IMPROVED) yourself all attacks against you suffer b and you
Tier: 4 can carry additional Encumbrance equal to half your
Activation: Passive Brawn rating (rounded down).
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Life or
Death talent to benefit from this talent. When your LONG HAUL
character suffers Wounds equal to half of their Tier: 2
Wound threshold or greater, upgrade the ability of all Activation: Passive
combat checks they make once. This replaces the Ranked: Yes
normal effects of Life or Death. Being over-encumbered is no longer a hindrance to
you. For every rank of Long Haul you can remove
LIFE OR DEATH (SUPREME) one b from all Agility- and Brawn-based checks
imposed from being over-encumbered, as per rules
Tier: 5 detailed on page 85 in the GENESYS core rulebook.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Life or LOOM
Death (Improved) talent to benefit from this talent. Tier: 2
The effects of Life or Death activate when your Activation: Passive
character takes Wounds equal to one quarter of their Ranked: No
Wound threshold, instead of half. When an ally Engaged with the character makes a
successful Charm, Deception, or Negotiation check,


the character adds a per rank in Coercion to the

ally’s check.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Tier: 3 When you make a Mechanics check to help a
Activation: Active (Incidental) character heal Wounds, the target heals one
Ranked: No additional Wound per rank of Machine Bender.
Sometimes your luck overcomes a slow natural (Typically, only robots can be healed with Mechanics
reaction. At the expenditure of 3 Strain, you can re- checks.)
roll your Initiative check (Cool or Vigilance according
to the situation and dictated by the GM). You must
keep the result of the re-rolled Initiative check.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 2 Once per session, your character may use this
Activation: Active (Incidental) talent to make a Mechanics check to attempt to
Ranked: No cobble together the functional equivalent of any item
When your character purchases this talent, choose using spare parts or salvage. The difficulty of the
one characteristic. After your character makes a check is based on the item’s rarity; see the table
successful combat check, you may spend one Story below.
Point to use this talent to add damage equal to your Your GM will modify the check based on the
character’s ranks in that characteristic to one hit of circumstances and might decide that some items
the combat check. simply can’t be created with what’s available (if you
are being held in a prison cell, for instance). Your GM
LURK STYLE may spend y on the check to indicate the item ends
up being dangerous to the user and anyone around
Tier: 1 them in some way. For instance, a pistol might
Activation: Active (Incidental) explode instead of running out of ammo, or a
Ranked: No breathing mask might make the user light-headed.
The school of the lurk employs critical
observations as weapons against opponents.
Practitioners catalogue a foe's weaknesses and
seek the perfect moment to strike, ensuring that no RARITY DIFFICULT
movement or effort is ever wasted. 0-2 Easy (d)
While using this unarmed Brawl style, you can
spend an Incidental to make a Hard (ddd) 3-4 Average (dd)
Knowledge check to identify a single creature. If you 5-6 Hard (ddd)
succeed at the check, while using this style, you add
a b to all combat checks the creature makes 7 Daunting (dddd)
against you. These bonuses last for as long as you 8 Formidable (ddddd)
use this style. If you cease combat with the creature
during this time and resume it later, you can attempt 9+ Impossible
the check again.
As an Incidental, you can enter the stance
employed by the fighting style. Although you cannot
use a style talent before combat begins, the style Tier: 4
you are in persists until you spend an Incidental to Activation: Active (Incidental)
switch to a different combat style. For example, if Ranked: No
you have the Radscorpion Style and Deathclaw Based on the hunting techniques of the praying
Style, you can use an Incidental to adopt Deathclaw mantis, practitioners of this unarmed Brawl style
Style at the start of one turn, and then by another fight with their hands turned down to emulate the
Incidental at the start of your next turn, you could insect's sharp grasping forelimbs. Mantis style uses
adopt Radscorpion Style. precise, accurate strikes to pinpoint an opponent's
vital areas, such as eyes, throat, and pressure points.
While using this style, you gain reduce the Critical


Rating of your unarmed Brawl attacks.

As an Incidental, you can enter the stance
employed by the fighting style. Although you cannot Tier: 5
use a style talent before combat begins, the style Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
you are in persists until you spend an Incidental to Ranked: No
switch to a different combat style. For example, if Once per turn, suffer 2 Strain to allow an ally within
you have the Stingwing Style and Ant Style, you can Short range to count as having the same number of
use an Incidental to adopt Stingwing Style at the ranks in Discipline as your character for the next
start of one turn, and then by another Incidental at Discipline check the ally makes.
the start of your next turn, you could adopt Ant Style.
MASTER Tier: 5
Tier: 5 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No
Ranked: No When buying or selling goods, may suffer 2 Strain
When you purchase this talent for your character, to sell for 25% more or buy for 25% less.
choose one skill. Once per turn, your character may
suffer 2 Strain to use this talent to reduce the MELTDOWN
difficulty of the next check they make using that skill Tier: 5
by two, to a minimum of Easy (d). Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
MASTER DEMOLOTIONIST When a target exceeds its Wound
threshold by an energy weapon,
Tier: 5
this talent will trigger an
Activation: Active (Incidental)
explosion centered on the
Ranked: No
target, similar to a plasma
When resolving an attack from a personal
grenade explosion, but
scale explosive or ordinance weapon, your
smaller. The explosion can
character may spend a or x to have the
cause Critical Injuries,
weapon’s Blast quality affect all characters
potentially killing nearby
within Short range (rather than Engaged).
targets and propagating
If the weapon normally affects all
further meltdowns.
characters within Short
range, then the range of the
effect is increased to Medium MIND OVER BODY
range instead. Tier: 5
Activation: Passive
Your body heals faster than most others,
Tier: 5
and you are allowed to attempt to heal
Activation: Passive
two Critical Injuries per week, instead of
Ranked: No
one as per normal healing rules.
Once per turn when driving, piloting, or
operating a vehicle, may suffer 2 Strain to
perform any vehicle Action as a Maneuver. MIND OVER MATTER
Tier: 3
MASTER GRENADIER Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Tier: 5
You may spend 1 Story Point to recover Strain
Activation: Passive
equal to your Willpower rating.
Ranked: No
Decrease the a cost to activate the Blast quality
on any attack by 1 to a minimum of 1.


MOLE RAT STYLE combat checks when engaged with multiple

opponents. This includes single groups of multiple
Tier: 1 minions.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
This unarmed Brawl style, originating humbly from MUSEUM WORTHY
the folk traditions of disparate peoples, represents Tier: 1
several similar unarmed fighting arts practiced Activation: Active (Action)
around the world. Regardless of variations in Ranked: No
technique, all practitioners have a fluid fighting Once per session, take Museum Worthy Action,
stance that emphasizes rapid, powerful kicks. The make a Hard (ddd) Knowledge check to ascertain
style's constant motion and graceful footwork lead information regarding a relic, ruin, or piece of history.
many to mistakenly view practitioners as highly
skilled dancers, a misconception that has allowed
the technique to be taught in secret, the hidden
weapon of the downtrodden and the oppressed. Tier: 5
Openly martial versions of this style lose some of Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
the dance-like qualities but retain the style's Ranked: No
extraordinary kicking techniques and agility. You have a guardian angel, but with a deadly hand-
While using this style, attacks against you take a cannon instead of wings. Meet the Mysterious
b penalty. Further, you add a b against opponents Stranger. An odd and eldritch entity said to appear
that are yet to act in this encounter. and aid you in combat before you draw your dying
As an Incidental, you can enter the stance breath. Of course, it helps if you have said a prayer
employed by the fighting style. Although you cannot to the Mysterious Stranger first.
use a style talent before combat begins, the style Once per session, by spending a Story Point, the
you are in persists until you spend an Incidental to Mysterious Stranger can make an appearance and
switch to a different combat style. For example, if help you in a hostile situation. The Mysterious
you have the Radroach Style and Deathclaw Style, Stranger will show up on Medium range, wearing a
you can use an Incidental to adopt Radroach Style at long leather duster and a fedora, carrying a weapon
the start of one turn, and then by another Incidental of sorts. If your character is male, the Mysterious
at the start of your next turn, you could adopt Stranger is also a male, while a female character has
Deathclaw Style. a female Mysterious Stranger guardian angel.
The Mysterious Stranger has the exact same skill
ranks, talents, Wound and Strain threshold as the
MOST IMPRESSIVE character, and is carrying the same weapon (if the
Tier: 5 character is wielding a Brawl or Melee weapon,
Activation: Active (Incidental) equip the Mysterious Stranger with a slugthrower).
Ranked: No The Mysterious Stranger takes his (or her) turn
Spend x from any skill check to allow a number of immediately after the character, shooting at the
allies not exceeding your character’s Presence same target (or another target as specified by the
within Short range add a to their next check. character if the original target has been
incapacitated). The Mysterious Stranger is always at
Medium range of the character and all of his allies
MOVING TARGET trying to interact with the guardian angel, though
Tier: 4 adversaries may battle and close in on the
Activation: Passive Mysterious Stranger normally.
Ranked: Yes Once the hostile situation and encounter is
If the character has already acted this turn, finished, the Mysterious Stranger makes a quick
increase Ranged Defense by 1 per rank of Moving escape and is nowhere to be found.

Tier: 2 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: No When your character purchases this talent, choose
Your character adds b to his Brawl and Melee two skills. Once per session, your character may use


this talent to reroll one skill check that uses one of switch to a different combat style. For example, if
those two skills. you have the Coyote Style and Lurk Style, you can
use an Incidental to adopt Lurk Style at the start of
NERD RAGE one turn, and then by another Incidental at the start
of your next turn, you could adopt Coyote Style.
Tier: 5
Activation: Passive
Whenever your Wound threshold drop to 20% or Tier: 3
below, you gain +1 to your Brawn characteristic. This Activation: Passive
stacks with other talents and applies to Soak. Ranked: Yes
May upgrade difficulty of incoming Charm,
NEVER OUTNUMBERED Coercion, or Deception checks once per rank of
Nobody’s Fool.
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: Yes NOT TODAY
You can demoralize multiple enemies. You can Tier: 4
perform the Never Outnumbered Maneuver and Activation: Active (Incidental)
attempt a Hard (ddd) Coercion check to Ranked: No
demoralize all opponents within Short range whom Your character must have purchased the Signature
can see you. If you succeed, all opponents add an Vehicle talent to benefit from this talent. Once per
automatic t to all skill checks until the end of their session, spend a Story Point to save Signature
next turn. Vehicle from destruction.
For every rank of Never Outnumbered you extend
the duration by one additional turn. NOW THE MASTER
Tier: 5
NIGHT PERSON Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 1 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Once per session, you may choose any one
Ranked: Yes character in the current encounter and one talent
You are a creature of the night! Gain b to that the target character possesses. For the
Perception per rank of Night Person between the remainder of the encounter, you count as having that
hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. talent. If you select a ranked talent, you count as
If your character has the Night Person talent he having ranks in that talent equal to the number of
cannot have the Solar Powered talent. ranks in that talent that the target possesses.


Tier: 4 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Students of the nightstalker throw caution to the You've learned to split the atom... and command it.
wind as they weave recklessly among their foes. All weapons that have the Rad quality now deal 1
Those who master the style turn their unrivaled point of additional additional damage per rank of
mobility into a weapon, striking their enemies with a Nuclear Physicist.
series of swift retaliatory strikes.
While using this unarmed Brawl style, opponents in
Engaged ranged of you that attack you with a
Tier: 4
Ranged combat check must upgrade the difficulty of
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
their combat check one additional time because of
Ranked: No
your style.
As a Maneuver, suffer System Strain up to vehicle’s
As an Incidental, you can enter the stance
highest Defense to upgrade the difficulty of target’s
employed by the fighting style. Although you cannot
next Driving check that many times.
use a style talent before combat begins, the style
you are in persists until you spend an Incidental to



Tier: 1 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
When in the wilderness, your character may make You remove b per rank of Outdoorsman from your
a Simple (–) Survival check, instead of Discipline or checks to move through terrain or to manage terrain
Cool, to recover Strain at the end of an encounter or environmental effects. Decrease overland travel
(see page 117 of the GENESYS core rulebook). times by 50% (this does not decrease with
additional ranks of Outdoorsman).
Activation: Passive Tier: 3
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
You are adept at fighting in darkness. Ranked: No
Whenever you begin combat within an Choose one characteristic when
area of darkness or shadowy illumination, purchasing this talent. Once per
you gain a b on your Initiative check. session, make one skill check using
When in shadowy illumination or low- that characteristic rather than the
light conditions, all attacks against you characteristic linked to that skill.
have a b on all combat checks.
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Action) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Whenever an enemy Engaged with
”No time to waste on tools – a sharp the character makes a combat check,
tap should pop that lock!” As an after the attack is resolved, the
Action, you can make a Skulduggery character may spend y or ttt
check with an upgraded twice to Stagger the attacker until the
difficulty (which is determined by end of the attacker’s next turn.
the lock) by tapping a lock with a
hard, blunt object such as the
pommel of a weapon. You don't
take any additional penalty for making the Tier: 2
check without tools. Activation: Passive
You can use this trick any Ranked: Yes
number of times per day Your character must have
until you fail an Skulduggery check made in this way. purchased the Signature Vehicle talent to benefit
After a failure, you can't use Opening Tap again until from this talent. Increase the value of the Limited
after you have rested for 8 hours. Ammo quality of any weapons mounted on
Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank of Overstocked
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Tier: 3
When your character purchases this talent, choose Activation: Active (Incidental)
one non-combat skill. When you roll a check using Ranked: Yes
this skill, you may suffer Strain up to ranks in Upon unsuccessful attack with a vehicle weapon,
Opportunist to convert that many s into a. may spend aa per rank of Overwhelm Defenses.
Reduce the defense in the targeted zone by 1 for
every aa spent.


PACK INITIATIVE before Soak is applied (so immediately after Step 3

of Perform a Combat check, page 102 of the
Tier: 2 GENESYS core rulebook), your character may suffer
Activation: Passive 3 Strain to use this talent to reduce the damage of
Ranked: No the hit by two plus their ranks in Parry. This talent
You can coordinate your Initiative with your allies. can only be used once per hit, and your character
If you and an ally both have the Pack Initiative talent, needs to be wielding a Melee weapon.
you add an automatic s to your Initiative check
(applying to both Cool or Vigilance checks for
Initiative) per ally that has the Pack Initiative talent, PARRY (IMPROVED)
not including yourself. Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Ranked: No
PACK RAT Your character must have purchased the Parry
Tier: 3 talent to benefit from this talent. When your
Activation: Passive character suffers a hit from a Brawl or Melee combat
Ranked: No check and uses Parry to reduce the damage from
You are efficient at arranging your inventory in that hit, after the attack is resolved, you may spend
general. This makes it much easier to carry that little y or ttt from the attacker’s check to use this
extra you've always needed. This is useful for talent. Then, your character automatically hits the
characters with low Brawn. Any items that have an attacker once with a Brawl or Melee weapon your
Encumbrance of 2 or less now weighs half their character is wielding. The hit deals the weapon’s
normal weight for you. base damage, plus any damage from applicable
talents or abilities. Your character can’t use this
PAIN TRAIN talent if the original attack incapacitates him.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental) PARTY ANIMAL
Ranked: No Tier: 1
Choo Choo! All aboard! While wearing Power Activation: Passive
Armor, sprinting into enemies hurts and staggers Ranked: No
them. This requires you to make a Maneuver to run You are such a Party Animal that you no longer
into the enemy and succeed at a Brawl attack suffer the withdrawal effect from alcohol addiction.
against the opponent (does not count as an Action).
While intoxicated you add b to all your skill checks.
The opponent is suffers normal damage as per
brawling rules and is Staggered until the end of his
next turn if you have aa on your Brawl check. PERSISTENT ATTACKER
Tier: 4
PAINFUL BLOW Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Tier: 1 Once you find a target's weak point, you can easily
Activation: Active (Incidental) strike it again. If your attack successfully hits your
Ranked: No
intended target, you can spend aa from your
When your character makes a combat check, you
attack to increase your next attack against the same
may voluntarily increase the difficulty by one to use
target, as long as the attack is within the following
this talent. If the target suffers one or more Wounds
turn. You can upgrade the next combat check once
from the combat check, the target suffers 2 Strain
per rank of Persistent Attacker.
each time they perform a Maneuver until the end of
the encounter.
PARRY Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Tier: 1
Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Add b per rank of Physical Training to Athletics
Ranked: Yes
and Resilience skill checks.
When your character suffers a hit from a Brawl or
Melee combat check, after damage is calculated but


PHYSICIAN from your Coercion and Deception checks.

Tier: 1
Ranked: Yes Tier: 3
When making a Medicine check to help a character Activation: Active (Action)
heal Wounds, the target heals 1 additional Strain per Ranked: No
rank of Physician. Your character must have purchased the Plausible
Deniability talent to benefit from this talent. Take a
PIN Plausible Deniability Action makes a Hard (ddd)
Coercion check to convince one bystander equal to
Tier: 3
your Willpower to depart quietly.
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Take Pin Action; make an opposed Athletics check POINT BLANK
to Immobilize an Engaged opponent until the end of Tier: 3
the character’s next turn. Spend x to extend Activation: Passive
duration one turn. Ranked: Yes
Add 1 damage per rank of Point Blank to damage
PINNING FIRE of one hit of successful attack while using Ranged
[Heavy] or Ranged [Light] skills at Short range or
Tier: 3 Engaged.
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: Yes
Select a target within range of your currently POINT BLANK SHOT
wielded ranged weapon and make a Pinning Fire Tier: 3
Action. Until the start of your next turn, the targeted Activation: Passive
character adds b to their checks for each rank of Ranked: Yes
Pinning Fire, and suffers 1 Strain. You are adept at firing against opponents at
Engaged range. Ignore one difficulty increase to your
ranged combat check when Engaged with
PINNING FIRE (IMPROVED) opponents per rank of Point Blank Shot.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action)
Your character must have the Pinning Fire talent to Tier: 3
benefit from this talent. When making a Pinning Fire Activation: Passive
Action, you may affect a number of targets equal to Ranked: Yes
ranks of Pinning Fire. Increase damage dealt by Blast quality by +1 per
rank of Powerful Blast.
Activation: Passive Tier: 4
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Plasma weapons is your weapon of choice. And Ranked: Yes
your specialization with them certainly bear fruit. Once per turn, may perform Precise Aim Maneuver.
When you are using plasma weapons, you increase Suffer a number of Strain no greater than ranks in
the damage dealt by one point, and you also Precise Aim, then reduce target’s Melee and Ranged
increase the range of the weapon by one range Defense by that number.
Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes When you inflict a Critical Injury with a Brawl or
You remove b per rank of Plausible Deniability Melee attack, you may suffer 1 Strain to change the


result to any Easy (d) Critical Injury result.

Additionally, whenever you defeat a minion or rival
Tier: 4
NPC, you may always choose to do so by nonlethal
Activation: Passive
means, even if the environment or exceptional
Ranked: Yes
circumstances would normally make that very
Add +1 damage to one hit of successful combat
difficult or impossible.
checks against Disoriented targets per rank of Prey
on the Weak.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Tier: 2
Ranked: No
Activation: Passive
Your character must have purchased the Precision
Ranked: No
Strike talent to benefit from this talent. Once per
Your character must have purchased the Signature
turn, when the character inflicts a Critical Injury with
Vehicle talent to benefit from this talent. Your
a Brawl or Melee weapon, she may suffer 2 Strain to
character's Signature Vehicle, with a Silhouette
change the result to any Average (dd) Critical
of 4 or greater, becomes their “Pride and Joy”
Injury result.
vehicle. Upgrade the ability of all Social skill checks
your character makes while within Short range of the
PRECISION STRIKE (SUPREME) Signature Vehicle once.
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Ranked: No
Tier: 3
Your character must have purchased the Precision
Activation: Passive
Strike (Improved) talent to benefit from this talent.
Ranked: No
Once per game session, when the character inflicts a
Your character must have purchased the Pride and
Critical Injury with an unarmed attack, she may
Joy talent to benefit from this talent. While inside
suffer 3 Strain to change the result to any Hard
your character’s Pride and Joy, recover +1 Strain
(ddd) Critical Injury result. Combat checks to
whenever recovering Strain and spend on checks
activate this talent cannot be made with any
made to recover Strain to allow an ally also within
the vehicle to recover 1 Strain.


Tier: 3
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
May spend 1 Story Point to disengage from
Your character must have purchased the Pride and
Engaged enemy as an out-of-turn Incidental.
Joy (Improved) talent to benefit from this talent.
Once per session while inside your character’s Pride
PRESSURE POINT and Joy, reduce its Silhouette by 2 (to a minimum of
Tier: 3 0) for the remainder of
Activation: Active (Incidental) the turn and the
Ranked: No following turn.
When your character makes an
unarmed Brawl check targeting a
living opponent, they may use this
Tier: 4
talent to deal Strain damage
Activation: Passive
instead of Wound damage,
Ranked: Yes
and inflict additional Strain
When this character or an ally in Short
damage equal to their ranks
range takes cover, he increases Soak against
in Medicine.
ranged attacks by 1 per rank of Prime Positions
until he leaves that cover.



Tier: 1 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
You are skilled at attacking from a prone position. Your character must have purchased the Quick
Opponents gain no bonus b on attacks against you Draw Talent to benefit from this talent. May use
while you are prone. Quick Draw twice per turn. This also allows you to
reduce the prepare rating by 1 additional point, to a
minimum of one.
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental) QUICK STRIKE
Ranked: Yes Tier: 1
When your character makes a social skill check in Activation: Passive
polite company (as determined by your GM), they Ranked: Yes
may suffer a number of Strain to use this talent to Your character adds b for each rank of Quick
add an equal number of a to the check. The Strike to any combat checks they make against any
number may not exceed your character’s ranks in targets that have not yet taken their turn in the
Proper Upbringing. current encounter.


Tier: 4 Tier: 5
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
While benefiting from an Aim Maneuver, y from You have mutated on a cellular level. Your body is
the character’s Ranged checks cannot cause now capable of absorbing radiation and effectively
attacks to hit allies Engaged with the target. separate harmful radiation and excrete it from your
body. Reduce your Radiation level by one for every
24 hours. However, your body is slower to heal cuts
PURIFIER and bruises; whenever you recover Wounds, recover
Tier: 3 1 less Wound than normal.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
All your attacks against centaurs, night stalkers, RAD CHILD
spore plants, spore carriers, deathclaws and super Tier: 3
mutants deal one higher damage than normal. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Increase your Wound threshold by 1 per level of
PYROMANIAC Radiation you have accumulated, instead of
Tier: 4 decreasing your Wound threshold as according to
Activation: Passive Radiation level rules.
Ranked: No
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
Your attacks with fire weapons that possess the RAD RESISTANT
Burn quality increase its Burn rating quality by +1. Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
QUICK DRAW Exposure to the wasteland has made you more
Tier: 1 resilient, gaining b per rank of Rad Resistant
Activation: Passive against all external radiation sources.
Ranked: No
Once per turn on your character’s turn, they may
use this talent to draw or holster an easily
accessible weapon or item as an Incidental. Quick
Draw also reduces a weapon’s Prepare rating by one,
to a minimum of one.


RADROACH STYLE attacks made this turn.

Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) RAPID REACTION
Ranked: No Tier: 1
Renowned for its speed and agility, radroach Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
unarmed Brawl style blends jumping strikes, rolling Ranked: Yes
blows, and ground fighting into a continuous Your character may suffer a number of Strain to
onslaught aimed at disorienting and damaging an use this talent to add an equal number of s to a
opponent through superior mobility. Vigilance or Cool check they make to determine
While using this style, you do not suffer b on Initiative order. The number may not exceed your
Brawl attack rolls nor do opponents gain any b character’s ranks in Rapid Reaction.
while you are prone. Further, you can crawl and
stand up from lying prone as an Incidental if you
succeed at a Daunting (dddd) Athletics check.
Tier: 1
As an Incidental, you can enter the stance
Activation: Passive
employed by the fighting style. Although you cannot
Ranked: Yes
use a style talent before combat begins, the style
When healing Strain after an encounter, heal 1
you are in persists until you spend an Incidental to
additional Strain per rank of Rapid Recovery.
switch to a different combat style. For example, if
you have the Mole Rat Style and Deathclaw Style,
you can use an Incidental to adopt Deathclaw Style RAPID RELOAD
at the start of one turn, and then by another Tier: 2
Incidental at the start of your next turn, you could Activation: Passive
adopt Mole Rat Style. Ranked: Yes
You can reload weapons such weapons and
RADSCORPION STYLE firearms quickly. Every rank of Rapid Reload reduces
the Prepare quality of a weapon by 1, to a minimum
Tier: 3
of 0.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
The radscorpion unarmed Brawl style emphasizes RECKLESS CHARGE
quick, shifting movements. Its practitioners normally Tier: 2
hold their hands flat with the fingers together to Activation: Active (Incidental)
mimic the tail of a radscorpion. Able to strike when Ranked: No
least expected, radscorpion stylists are known for After using a Maneuver to engage an adversary,
opportunism and blinding speed. your character may suffer 2 Strain to use this talent.
While using the Radscorpion Style talent, you gain They then add ss and tt to the results of the
Pierce 1 quality on your Brawl combat checks. next Brawl or Melee combat check they make this
As an Incidental, you can enter the stance turn.
employed by the fighting style. Although you cannot
use a style talent before combat begins, the style
you are in persists until you spend an Incidental to RECONSTRUCT THE SCENE
switch to a different combat style. For example, if Tier: 2
you have the Lurk Style and Nightstalker Style, you Activation: Active (Action)
can use an Incidental to adopt Lurk Style at the start Ranked: No
of one turn, and then by another Incidental at the Perform the Reconstruct the Scene Action; make a
start of your next turn, you could adopt Nightstalker Hard (ddd) Perception check to identify the
Style. physical characteristics of person present at the
scene within 24 hours.
Activation: Action (Maneuver) Tier: 1
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Action)
Perform the Rain of Death Maneuver to ignore the Ranked: No
increased difficulty due to the Auto-fire quality of Once per session, may take a Redundant Systems


Action; make an Easy (d) Mechanics check to

harvest components from a functioning device to
repair a broken one without breaking the first device.
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Tier: 1 Your character must have purchased the Signature
Activation: Passive Vehicle talent to benefit from this talent. On a
Ranked: Yes successful Knowledge check, character and allies
You must be part mirror! All attacks against you gain automatic a per rank of Researcher on checks
with energy weapons suffer a b per rank of to act on those facts until the end of his next turn.
Tier: 4 Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: No Suffer 2 Strain to avoid being disarmed or have
Your character must have purchased the Signature weapon damaged or destroyed.
Vehicle talent to benefit from this talent. Signature
Vehicle gains Massive 1: when making an attack
targeting the vehicle, the Critical rating of any
Tier: 4
weapon used counts as 1 higher.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
REROUTE PROCESSORS When a character involuntarily suffers Strain, he
Tier: 4 suffers 1 less Strain per rank of Resolve to a
Activation: Active (Action) minimum of 1.
Ranked: No
Once per encounter, you may perform
the Reroute Processors Action on a
Tier: 3
robot that you are Engaged with by
Activation: Active (Action)
making an Average (dd) Computers Ranked: No
check. If the robot is unwilling, the May perform the Resourceful Refit
Computers skill check is set with a Action, make an Average (dd)
difficulty equal to the robot's ranks in Mechanics check to scavenge an old
Brawl. If you succeed, you decrease attachment to construct a new one,
one of the robot's characteristics reducing its price by that of the
by 1 (to a minimum of 0) until dismantled attachment.
the end of the encounter and
increases another of its
characteristics by 1 (to a RESPECTED
maximum of 6) until the end of Tier: 1
the encounter. If you are a robot, Activation: Passive
you may perform this Action on Ranked: Yes
yourself, but still need to make the Average When first acquired, choose one social
(dd) Computers check. group. The character downgrades the difficulty of
Social skill checks to interact with members of that
social group a number of times equal to his ranks in
RESEARCHER Respected. The social group affected must be
Tier: 1 approved by the GM, but possibilities include
Activation: Passive institutions of higher learning, law-enforcement
Ranked: Yes agencies, a specific biker gang, etc.
You remove b per rank of Researcher from your
Knowledge checks. Researching takes 50% less time
(this does not decrease with additional ranks of



Tier: 4 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
With Retention, the duration of the skill magazines Your mind and body are fortified by harming
and books lasts for 2 encounters instead of 1 single others. If you deal damage to a living creature, all
encounter. Furthermore, it also doubles the benefits attacks that target you suffer b per rank of Sadistic
that a character would gain from reading a skill Reward until the beginning of your next turn.
magazine or book. This talent is useful when
supplementing a skill with magazines, where time
may be a factor.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 5 Increase difficulty of Brawl or Melee check once to
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn) perform Savage Sweep Action. May spend aa to
Ranked: No hit an additional Engaged target (you cannot strike
Once per turn when an adversary attacks an ally the same target twice with Savage Sweep).
within Medium range, your character may spend one
Story Point to use this talent to automatically hit
that enemy once with a weapon your character is
wielding, if the enemy is within the weapon’s range. Tier: 4
The hit deals the weapon’s base damage, plus any Activation: Active (Action)
damage from applicable talents or abilities. Ranked: No
While engaged in a debate or argument, make a
Hard (ddd) Negotiation check. If successful, a
RICOCHET number of bystanders or observers equal to your
Tier: 5 Presence sees one of the opponent’s points (chosen
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn) by your character) as maliciously unreasonable.
Ranked: No The GM has the final say as to whether bystanders
What goes around comes around! Any enemy's could see a point as unreasonable, based on who
ranged attacks will sometimes ricochet back and hit those bystanders are and what the point is. In these
the shooter instead. You may spend y from an cases, the GM can suggest a modified version of
enemy's attack pool to have the attack ricochet back that argument that would be more believable.
to the shooter and resolve the attack normally.
Tier: 5 Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Action) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Your character may use this talent to make an
Once per encounter, your character may use this Average (dd) Coercion check. For each s the
talent to make an opposed Charm or Coercion check generates, one enemy within Short range
versus Discipline check targeting one character suffers 1 Strain. For each a, one enemy affected by
within Medium range (or within earshot). If Scathing Tirade suffers 1 additional Strain.
successful, the target suffers Strain equal to twice
your character’s Presence, plus one additional Strain
per s. Your character heals Strain equal to the SCATHING TIRADE (IMPROVED)
Strain inflicted. Tier: 3
If incapacitated due to this talent, the target could Activation: Passive
flee the scene in shame, collapse in a dejected heap, Ranked: No
or throw themself at your character in fury, Your character must have purchased the Scathing
depending on your GM and the nature of your Tirade talent to benefit from this talent. Enemies
character’s witty barbs. affected by your character’s Scathing Tirade add b
to all skill checks they make for a number of rounds
equal to your character’s ranks in Coercion.


SCATHING TIRADE (SUPREME) PCs may take their turns immediately.

Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental) SELECTIVE DETONATION
Ranked: No Tier: 2
Your character must have purchased the Scathing Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tirade (Improved) talent to benefit from this talent. Ranked: Yes
Your character may choose to suffer 1 Strain to use When using a weapon with the Blast quality spend
the Scathing Tirade talent as a Maneuver, instead of a to exclude 1 target that would be affected by the
as an Action. explosion, up to ranks in Selective Detonation.


Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
The character removes b equal to the character's Once per session, may add bb to one NPC’s skill
ranks in Scavenger from checks made to find or check.
scavenge items or gear. These checks could include
Negotiation, Perception, or other checks, depending
on circumstances and the GM's discretion. Such
skill checks take half their normal time (this does not Tier: 2
decrease with multiple ranks in Scavenger). Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Once per game session, the character may remove
SECOND CHANCES bb from any one skill check.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Once per encounter choose a number of positive Tier: 2
dice equal to ranks in Second Chances and re-roll Activation: Passive
them. Ranked: No
Add b to all Charm, Coercion, and Deception
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental) SET LASERS FOR FUN
Ranked: Yes Tier: 4
Once per encounter, your character may use this Activation: Active (Incidental)
talent to heal an amount of Strain equal to their Ranked: No
ranks in Second Wind. All laser weapons deal increased Critical Injuries in
your hands. Add +5 to the result of all Critical
Injuries that you inflict with a laser weapon per rank
SEEN A LOT OF THINGS of appropriate skill used (Gunnery, Ranged [Heavy]
Tier: 4 or Ranged [Light].
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Whenever your character fails a Knowledge check, SHAKE IT OFF
they may spend aaa to roll the check again Tier: 1
during their next turn. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
You support your allies and help them recover from
SEIZE THE INITIATIVE crippling effects. When you are in Engaged range to
Tier: 3 one or more allies who also have this talent, you gain
Activation: Active (Maneuver) a bonus b on all skill checks.
Ranked: No
Once per session, as a Maneuver, may make a
Hard (ddd) Athletics check. On success, other



Tier: 3 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn) Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Your character must have purchased the Animal Once per turn, your character may suffer a number
Companion talent to benefit from this talent. May of Strain no greater than their ranks in Side Step to
perform the Share Pain Incidental when animal use this talent. Until the end of your character’s next
companion suffers Wounds. Reduce Wounds turn, upgrade the difficulty of all ranged combat
suffered to half, then character suffers Wounds checks targeting your character a number of times
equal to number reduced. equal to the Strain suffered.


Tier: 2 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
During a chase, add b per Choose one vehicle with a
rank in Shortcut to any checks silhouette of 3 or lower that
made to catch or escape an your character owns. This
opponent. vehicle is your character’s
“Signature Vehicle.” Upgrade
the ability of all Mechanics
SHORTCUT checks made to work on the
(IMPROVED) vehicle once. If the vehicle
Tier: 3 ever lost or destroyed, the
Activation: Passive character may apply
Ranked: No Signature Vehicle to a new
Your character must have vehicle that meets the
purchased the Shortcut talent to requirements.
benefit from this talent. When
engaging in a chase or race, may SILVER PALM
suffer 2 Strain to add s equal to ranks in Tier: 1
Shortcut to the check. Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
SHOTGUN SURGEON You are no stranger to haggling and the art of the
Tier: 3 deal. Negotiation becomes a career skill when you
Activation: Passive select the Silver Palm talent. Furthermore, you add
Ranked: No b to Negotiation checks per rank of Silver Palm.
When using shotguns, regardless of ammunition
used, treat the shotgun as if it had the Pierce 1 SIXTH SENSE
quality. Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Tier: 4 The character gains +1 Ranged Defense.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
When making a check in a vehicle, may suffer 2 Tier: 1
Strain to gain x on success or y on failure. You Activation: Passive
must declare that you use this talent before rolling Ranked: Yes
your check. You remove b per rank of Skilled Driver from your
Driving, Operating, and Piloting checks.


SKILLED SLICER the shot due to longer range).

Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental) SOLAR POWERED
Ranked: No Tier: 1
When making a Computers check may spend x a Activation: Passive
to make further Computers checks within this Ranked: Yes
system as Maneuvers. Catch some rays! Gain b to Perception per rank of
Solar Powered between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and
If your character has the Solar Powered talent he
Tier: 3 cannot have the Night Person talent.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
Ranked: Yes
Before an ally within Short range makes a skill SOLID REPAIRS
check, if that ally has fewer ranks in that skill than Tier: 1
your character does, your character may suffer a Activation: Passive
number of Strain no greater than ranks in Skilled Ranked: Yes
Teacher to add an equal number of s to the ally’s The character repairs one additional point of hull
check. trauma per rank of Solid Repairs whenever he
repairs a vehicle.
Activation: Active (Action) Tier: 1
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Action)
Once per session, while aboard a vehicle of Ranked: No
Silhouette 4 or higher, your character may make a Once per encounter, take a Soothing Tone Action;
Smart Handling Action; making a Hard (ddd) make an Average (dd) Knowledge check to allow a
Knowledge check. If successful, until the start of the beast to recover Strain equal to s.
next turn, the vehicle’s handling increases by two
plus one per a scored on the check to a maximum
handling of +4. x can be spent to extend the effect
Tier: 4
until the end of the encounter.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
SMOOTH TALKER Decrease the Critical Rating of a weapon by 1 (to a
Tier: 1 minimum of 1) against targets that have not yet
Activation: Active (Incidental) acted this encounter.
Ranked: Yes
When first acquired choose 1 skill; Charm,
Coercion, Deception, or Negotiation. When making
Tier: 3
checks with that skill spend x to gain additional s Activation: Passive
equal to ranks in Smooth Talker. Ranked: Yes
At the start of each session, gain 100 bottle caps
SNIPER SHOT for each rank of Sound Investments.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Maneuver) SPITFIRE
Ranked: Yes Tier: 4
Once per turn before making a non-thrown Ranged Activation: Passive
attack, the character may perform the Sniper Shot Ranked: No
Maneuver. Sniper Shot increases the maximum After a successful combined check with two
range of his ranged weapon up to one range band Ranged [Light] weapons, additional hits can be
per rank. For each rank beyond the normal maximum allocated to other targets within range of the
of the weapon, upgrade the difficulty of the check by weapon.
one (this is in addition to the increased difficulty of



Tier: 4 Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Spray 'n Pray reduces the damage you do to your You remove b per rank of Steady Nerves from
companions by 50% - rounded down. In other words, Cool and Skulduggery checks.
you only do half of your normal damage to allies that
you accidentally or actively hit in combat situations,
from a y result, for example.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 3 You may take the Stim Application Action. To
Activation: Passive perform this Action, you must have access to chems,
Ranked: No a medpac, or stimpak. You make an Average (dd)
Your Critical Injuries leave your opponents reeling. Medicine check. If successful, one ally you are
When you successfully inflict a Critical Injury, the Engaged with (including yourself) increases one
target is also Staggered for 1 turn. characteristic of your choice by one for the
remainder of the encounter, and suffers four Strain.
STALKER A single character's individual characteristic may
each only be increased once by Stim Application
Tier: 2
during an encounter.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Add b per rank of Stalker to all Coordination and STIM APPLICATION (IMPROVED)
Stealth checks. Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Your character must have purchased the Stim
Tier: 3 Application talent to benefit from this talent. When
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn) performing the Stim Application it becomes an
Ranked: No Incidental instead of an Action. You may increase
You adopt a defensive stance that allows you to
the difficulty of the Medicine check to Hard (ddd)
absorb and redirect hits. When you are the target of
as an Incidental. If you do so, the target of the talent
a combat check, but before the dice are rolled and
suffers one Strain instead of four.
the result calculated, you can opt to forefeit your
Defense Rating and instead add it to your Soak
instead. For example, if you have Melee Defense STIM APPLICATION (SUPREME)
rating of 2 you can negate this and increase your Tier: 5
Soak by 2 points against a Brawl or Melee attack. Or Activation: Passive
if you have Ranged Defense 1, you could negate this Ranked: No
to improve your Soak value by 1 against ranged Your character must have purchased the Stim
attacks. Application (Improved) talent to benefit from this
talent. When performing the Stim Application
STEADY AIM Incidental, each x may be spent to increase an
additional characteristic by one.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Your character does not lose the benefits of the Tier: 3
Aim Maneuver if they perform other Maneuvers Activation: Passive
(including moving) or Actions. Your character does Ranked: Yes
lose the benefits of the Aim Maneuver if the When your character uses stimpaks (or their
encounter ends. equivalent, depending on the setting), the target
heals one additional Wound per rank of Stimpak
Specialization. The sixth stimpak and beyond each


day still has no effect.

Tier: 4
STINGWING STYLE Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 4 Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Incidental) Once per session, may take a Street Smarts Action;
Ranked: No make a Formidable (ddddd) Streetwise or
You take advantage of basic training in skills that Knowledge check to learn one vital clue from the
affect movement to enhance those skills through GM. Reduce the difficulty once per rank of Street
combat ability. You can move with the quiet grace of Smarts.
an stingwing. While using this unarmed Brawl style,
you can use your ranks in Brawl in place of your
ranks in Stealth when you make Stealth checks.
Foes that fail their Perception checks and don’t Tier: 1
otherwise notice you do not add their Activation: Passive
Defense Rating to your first attack Ranked: No
against them. Treat thrown weapons as if
As an Incidental, you can enter the they had one step greater range, to
stance employed by the fighting a maximum of Medium range.
style. Although you cannot
use a style talent before STRONG BACK
combat begins, the style Tier: 3
you are in persists until you Activation: Passive
spend an Incidental to switch to a Ranked: Yes
different combat style. For Increase your Encumbrance threshold value
example, if you have the by 2 per rank of Strong Back.
Radscorpion Style and
Lurk Style, you can use an
Incidental to adopt Lurk STUDIOUS PLOTTING
Style at the start of one Tier: 3
turn, and then by Activation: Passive
another Incidental at the Ranked: No
start of your next turn, you When making a Streetwise or Survival
could adopt Radscorpion skill check to navigate, the
Style. character may use Intellect
instead of Cunning.
Activation: Passive Tier: 2
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental)
All melee and brawl attacks that target you suffer a Ranked: No
b to the attack dice pool, and you cannot be When making a Melee combat check, may inflict
knocked prone by such attacks. damage as Strain instead of Wounds. However, Soak
does still apply.
Activation: Active (Incidental) Tier: 3
Ranked: Yes Activation: Active (Incidental)
When making a Social skill check in criminal or Ranked: No
dubious company, may suffer a number of Strain no Your character must have purchased the Stunning
greater than ranks in Street Slang to add an equal Blow talent to benefit from this talent. When dealing
number of a to the check. Strain damage with Brawl or Melee combat checks,
may spend x to Stagger target for 1 turn per x.



Tier: 2 Tier: 4
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
While wearing armor, your sturdy frame and build When assisting an ally with a Charm, Deception,
allows you to decrease the Encumbrance of the Leadership, or Negotiation check, add a automatic
armor by 1, to a minimum of 0. per rank of Supporting Evidence.


Tier: 3 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Each aa your character spends to activate a The character and each ally within Short range
weapon’s Sunder quality damages the target item may spend a on their failed combat checks to
two steps, instead of one. inflict one Strain on the target per rank of
Suppressing Fire. Each character can only activate
SUNDERING STRIKE this effect once per turn.
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) SURGEON
Ranked: No Tier: 1
You can sunder your foes' weapons more easily. Activation: Passive
Whenever you attempt to active a Sunder effect as Ranked: Yes
part of a combat check, you require one less a to When your character makes a Medicine check to
activate the effect, to a minimum of a. heal Wounds, the target heals one additional Wound
per rank of Surgeon.
Tier: 3 SWIFT
Activation: Passive Tier: 1
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
All Brawl and Melee weapons that have the Ranked: No
Knockdown quality require one less a to activate Your character does not suffer the penalties for
on a combat check, to a minimum of one a. moving through difficult terrain (they move through
difficult terrain at normal speed without spending
additional Maneuvers).
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental) TALK THE TALK
Ranked: No Tier: 3
When purchased, choose a skill. Once per session, Activation: Active (Incidental)
when rolling y on a check with that skill, spend a Ranked: No
Story Point to remove the y and replace it with a When about to make a Knowledge skill check, the
number of s equal to ranks in that skill. character may spend one Story Point to substitute
Knowledge with Streetwise. The GM may suitable
embellish any information gathered due to a
SUPERIOR REFLEXES success on the check to reflect its possible criminal
Tier: 3 and underworld origins.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
The character gains +1 Melee Defense. TARGETED FIREPOWER
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Once per session, identify one enemy target and
make a Hard (ddd) Knowledge check. If


successful, for the rest of the encounter, allies within talent increases by one band per rank of Threaten
Short range of your character add one a to attacks beyond the first.
against the target equal to s generated on the
check. THUG
Tier: 1
TECHNICAL APTITUDE Activation: Passive
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive You have a knack for getting the jump on the
Ranked: No competition and pushing other people around. While
When making a Computer skill check may spend others debate, you act. You gain b to Initiative
aa or x to reduce the time spent to complete the checks, and also a a bonus to Coercion skill
task by 50% checks.


Tier: 4 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
May suffer 1 Strain on successful skill check to The character may spend 1 Story Point to perform
add a to the same skill check made by a number of a move Maneuver as an Incidental to attempt to
allies equally to Willpower within Short range during move into cover or out of the blast range of a
the next turn. Range increases with ranks. weapon or explosion.


Tier: 4 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
One or more of the gods must be smiling upon you. Your character must have purchased the Time to
Once per encounter you can select one negative die Go talent to benefit from this talent. When activating
and re-roll it. You must keep the result of the re-roll, Time to Go, allow one Engaged ally to also perform
even if it is not as good as the first roll. an out-of-turn move Maneuver as an Incidental to
You suffer 3 Strain when you activate the Third attempt to move into cover or out of the blast range
Time's the Charm talent. of a weapon or explosion.


Tier: 5 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Once per session, take a Thorough Assessment May add 1 additional hard point to a number of
Action: make a Hard (ddd) Knowledge check to items equal to ranks in Tinkerer. Each item may only
gain s equal to that can be distributed during the be modified once.
Tier: 2 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn) Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes Once per game session, the character may add
After an adversary within Short range of your bb to any one skill check.
character resolves a combat check that deals
damage to one of your character's allies, your
character may suffer 3 Strain to use this talent to
inflict a number of Strain on the adversary equal to
your character's ranks in Coercion. The range of this


Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Each rank of Toughened increases your character’s While engaged with one or more adversaries, may
Wound threshold by two. suffer 2 Strain to move to Short range as an
incidental, and thus circumventing having to
TRAVEL LIGHT disengage from opponents.
Tier: 1
Ranked: No Tier: 3
When you are wearing no armor or an armor Activation: Passive
with a base Encumbrance of 3 or less, add b Ranked: Yes
on all Athletics and Coordination Your character must have purchased the
checks. Signature Vehicle talent to benefit from this
talent. Increase the Handling of Signature
TRICKY TARGET Vehicle by 1 per rank of Tuned Maneuvering
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Count vehicle piloted as having a Tier: 3
Silhouette 1 lower when being attacked. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
TRUE AIM Some martial arts schools teach their
students to fight in teams, one martial artist
Tier: 4 using aggressive techniques and the other
Activation: Active (Maneuver) fighting defensively, the better to keep
Ranked: Yes opponents off balance. For each ally, to
Once per turn, before the character makes a maximum of two, who possess this
a ranged combat check, he may perform a talent, is fighting using the Brawl
True Aim Maneuver. By performing this skill and is within Short range of
Maneuver, the character gains all the benefits you, you benefit from a +1 bonus to Melee
for aiming and also upgrades his attack roll
Defense and also add a b to Brawl combat
once per rank of True Aim.
checks. No two characters may benefit
from the same bonus simultaneously but
TRUST NO ONE any character can change the bonuses
Tier: 4 (including the bonuses of their allies) on
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn) their turn as a Maneuver.
Ranked: No
When targeted by a Social skill check, suffer 1 TWISTED WORDS
Strain to add automatic f to the check. If the check Tier: 3
fails with y, your character may immediately Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
perform a Maneuver as an out-of-turn Incidental. Ranked: No
When an incoming Social skill check generates
TRUST THE OVERSEER tt or y, may suffer 1 Strain as an Incidental to
Tier: 3 inflict Strain equal to ranks in Coercion on speaker.
Activation: Active (Action)
Make a Hard (ddd) Leadership check. If Tier: 2
successful, for the rest of the encounter allies within Activation: Passive
Short range increase their ranks in Discipline by an Ranked: No
amount equal to ranks in Trust the Overseer. May Parry while unarmed. When your character


suffers a hit from a Brawl or Melee combat check,

after damage is calculated but before Soak is
applied (so immediately after Step 3 of Perform a Tier: 5
Combat Check, page 102 in the GENESYS core Activation: Active (Incidental)
rulebook), your character may suffer 3 Strain to use Ranked: No
this talent to reduce the damage of the hit by two. By some odd twist of fate or grain of luck you gain
This talent can only be used once per hit, and your an extra edge when you need it the most. You can
character does not need to be wielding a Melee spend a Story Point to set aside any x result on a
weapon. skill check and roll a new c in its place.
For every c you generate on your roll, even on
newly added dice, you roll a new c to your skill
UNBELIEVABLE LUCK check. However, any subsequent x results only
Tier: 4 count as s results.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
The powers of fortune truly smile on you more than UNRELENTING
most others. As long as there are at least Story Tier: 4
Points equal to the number of player characters Activation: Active (Incidental)
excluding yourself in the player pool, you gain a b Ranked: No
bonus on all skill checks that you make. Once per turn after resolving a successful Brawl or
For example a gaming group with 5 player Melee combat check, your character may suffer 4
characters (obviously not including the GM) require Strain to use this talent to make an additional attack
a minimum of 4 Story Points in the player's pool for as an incidental against the same target. Increase
you to benefit from the Unbelievable Luck talent. the difficulty of the combat check once if this attack
uses a secondary weapon, or by two if the attack
uses the same weapon.
Tier: 1
Ranked: Yes Tier: 4
Add b per rank of Uncanny Reactions to all Activation: Passive
Vigilance checks. Ranked: No
When targeted by a Deception check, the
character automatically adds f to the check equal
UNCANNY SENSES to ranks in Vigilance.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Add b per rank of Uncanny Senses to all Tier: 5
Perception checks. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the
UNDYING FATE Unrelenting Skeptic talent to benefit from this talent.
Tier: 1 When targeted by a Deception check that fails, may
Activation: Active (Incidental) spend 1 Story Point to add y to results.
Ranked: No
As an Incidental, you can determine how close
creatures are to death. This extraordinary ability can UNREMARKABLE
be used at will. The GM will tell you what the status Tier: 1
is of one specific creature that you can see, in terms Activation: Passive
of Wounds and Strain and its threshold. You take a Ranked: No
b penalty to your next skill check after having used Other characters add f to any checks made to
the Undying Fate talent. find or identify your character in a crowd.



Tier: 2 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
If a Critical Injury roll is 1 or reduced to 1, do not You have taken a sacred vow to abstain from
receive the Critical Injury. alcoholic beverages, chems, stimulants such as
caffeine, and intoxication. You gain a bb bonus on
UP THE ANTE Resilience checks against poisons and chems (as
long as you are subjected to a chem unwillingly).
Tier: 3
To fulfill your vow, you must not consume
Activation: Passive
intoxicating, stimulating, depressant, or
Ranked: Yes
hallucinogenic substances, including alcohol,
When gambling win 10% more bottle caps per rank
caffeine, and other chems. If you intentionally break
of Up the Ante.
your vow, you immediately and irrevocably lose the
benefit of this talent. You may not take another
UTILITY BELT talent to replace it. If you break your vow
Tier: 3 unintentionally (a chem slipped into your drink, for
Activation: Active (Incidental) example), you lose the benefit of this talent until you
Ranked: No perform a suitable penance.
Spend 1 Story Point to perform a Utility Belt
Incidental; produce an undocumented item VOW OF CHASTITY
(maximum 1 encumbrance) or weapon (with Limited
Tier: 1
Ammo One quality) from a tool belt or a satchel.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
VALUABLE FACTS You have taken a sacred vow to refrain from
Tier: 3 marriage and sexual intercourse. You gain a b
Activation: Active (Action) bonus on attempts to resist Charm and Coercion
Ranked: No checks.
Once per encounter, the character may make a To fulfill your vow, you must abstain from any
Hard (ddd) Knowledge check. If successful, the sexual contact with any other creature. If you
character may add x to any one check made by an intentionally break your vow, you immediately and
allied character during the encounter. The irrevocably lose the benefit of this talent. You may
subsequent check should relate in some way to the not take another feat to replace it. If you break your
facts the character learned, or the player should vow unintentionally (being raped, for example), you
come up with an explanation for why the information lose the benefit of this talent until you perform a
the character learned is instrumental in the success suitable penance.
of the ally’s check.
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: No You have taken a sacred vow to avoid contact with
Driving, Gunnery and Piloting become career skills. dead flesh. You add bb to Resilience checks to
resist diseases.
To fulfill your vow, you must avoid all contact with
VIGILANT RECYCLER dead creatures, including meat cooked for food. You
Tier: 1 may not touch fallen foes. You may fight the living
Activation: Active (Incidental) dead, but must purify yourself as soon as possible
Ranked: No afterward. You may touch dead characters in order
When using energy weapons (laser and plasma to restore them to life, but for no other purpose. If
weapons), you cannot run out of energy you fight the living dead or accidentally touch dead
(ammunition) on a y result in a combat check. flesh, you must purify yourself in a special ritual that
requires 1 hour. If you intentionally break your vow,
you immediately and irrevocably lose the benefit of


this talent. You may not take another talent to identify one bunker, weapon emplacement, or other
replace it. If you break your vow unintentionally, you fixed combat structure (subject to the GM’s
lose the benefit of this talent until you perform a approval) and then take a Weak Foundation Action;
suitable penance. make a Hard (ddd) Knowledge check. If
successful, until the end of the encounter, your
WALKER INSTINCT character and all allies add automatic s or aa to
all combat checks made targeting the structure
Tier: 2
(your character’s choice).
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Add automatic s and a to your WELL-ROUNDED
Perception checks while outside Tier: 3
and outdoors. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
WANAMINGO STYLE Choose any two skills. They
permanently become career skills for
Tier: 1
your character.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
You savagely squeeze and twist when WHEEL AND DEAL
grappling. This grappling unarmed Brawl Tier: 1
style mimics the powerful crushing blows Activation: Passive
of the tentacled wanamingo. This style Ranked: Yes
focuses on pulverizing holds around a When selling good legally, gain
creature’s chest, limbs, and throat. If you 10% more bottle caps per rank of Wheel
succeed on a Brawl combat check against and Deal.
any target while using this style, you can
inflict Strain damage instead of Wound
As an Incidental, you can enter the Tier: 5
stance employed by the fighting style. Activation: Active (Action)
Although you cannot use a style talent Ranked: No
before combat begins, the style you Your character may suffer 4 Strain to
are in persists until you spend an use this talent to make a Brawl or Melee
Incidental to switch to a different attack against the engaged adversary
combat style. For example, if you have who is hardest to hit (as determined by
the Mole Rat Style and Deathclaw the GM), increasing the difficulty by one. If the
Style, you can use an Incidental to combat check succeeds, each adversary Engaged
adopt Deathclaw Style at the start of one turn, and with the character suffers one hit from the attack,
then by another Incidental at the start of your next that deals base damage plus damage equal to the
turn, you could adopt Mole Rat Style. total s scored on the check.


Tier: 1 Tier: 4
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
You were born with a warrior's instincts and Once per turn when making a combat check, you
intuition. You add s to Initiative checks per rank of may perform a Wise Warrior Incidental to spend 1
Warrior Instinct. Story Point and use any characteristic for the check.


Tier: 4 Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per game session, your character may Your character must have purchased the Wise


Warrior talent to benefit from this talent. When you

perform the Wise Warrior Incidental, one ally at Short
range may use the same characteristic that you
used in the Wise Warrior Incidental for the next
combat check the ally makes before the end of your
next turn.


Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
This Brawl style seeks to emulate the tenacity and
savagery of the vicious yao guai. It focuses on
tripping or penalizing an opponent’s movement.
While in this unarmed Brawl style, you hamper foes
that turn their backs on you. For every 3 points of
uncanceled or unsoaked damage you deal to the
target, you impose a b to all of its skill checks until
the end of its next turn. If you deal 6 or more
damage, you can also spend aa or x to knock the
opponent prone.
As an Incidental, you can enter the stance
employed by the fighting style. Although you cannot
use a style talent before combat begins, the style
you are in persists until you spend an Incidental to
switch to a different combat style. For example, if
you have the Cazador Style and Coyote Style, you
can use an Incidental to adopt Cazador Style at the
start of one turn, and then by another Incidental at
the start of your next turn, you could adopt Coyote


Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Once per game session, the character can choose
to make one skill check using Presence rather than
the characteristic linked to that skill. When he does
this, he must explain how, in this particular instance,
his social ability helps him overcome this challenge.

Tier: 5
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Each time your Game Master spends a Story Point,
your character heals 2 Strain.


change that makes your character truly unique.
And unlike the rule presented in the GENESYS core
rulebook that allows you to select a Motivation, you
have to randomly roll both your Merit and Flaw in the
Fallout setting. This is to enforce that you become
forced into playing a character that is not
necessarily just an extension of yourself set in a
role-playing game setting. It is not much of a role-
playing game if you simply are playing a version of
yourself set in the dystopian Fallout setting.
While some players are ready to adopt the merits
and flaws of their character instantaneously, as it is
randomly determined, it means that they are quite
gifted for role-playing – you might go as far as
saying that they might actually have the Knack For It
talent, other players might have problems with
assuming a randomly determined Merit and/or Flaw.
These players are not deemed free of having a Merit
and Flaw for their characters, quite far from it
actually, as Merits and Flaws are part of the Fallout
setting. The GM could re-roll the result and let the
player choose which one he or she feels most
comfortable with. Or, in some cases, the GM might
actually let the player peruse through the lists and
pick one that is suitable, or have the player come
with suggestions and check the list for matching
entries. The possibilities are there, if you just look for
As with all rules in a role-playing game, the GM can
opt to not include Merits and Flaws in his Fallout
setting, although that is not recommended, as it
does make each character unique and

Merits, as the name suggests, provide boons or
Motivation includes a character's driving forces: advantages. Merits have a similar function to
what ultimate goal is your character pursuing? What backgrounds in that they flesh out a character via
are they most afraid of? What character trait allows minor modifiers to the game mechanics.
them to persevere in the face of adversity? What Your character's Merit is one of the best things
flaws hinder their ability to pursue their goals? about them. It's the first thing you'd put on your
Desires, Fears, Strengths, Flaws: these four character's résumé, the one word other people use
different facets of Motivation are described in the when praising your character, and the defining
feature that they're known for, that one word that
GENESYS core rulebook. However, the Fallout setting
defines the character's whole being.
does not make use of these four Motivations.
A Merit is usually a personality trait, a mental quirk
Instead, it makes use of a simplified system of
your character possesses that sets them apart.
Merits and Flaws that add additional flavor to your
What we're thinking of are personality traits that
character, and also add a minor game mechanic
people are born with.


01-02 Acute Sense: the character chooses one of the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch);
when using this sense to discern something about the environment or when applicable in a skill,
the character adds b to the skill check.
03-04 Ambidextrous: the character is equally adept at using either hand. Add s to checks when taking
an Action with both hands (ie, two-weapon fighting). Also extremely helpful should the character
happen to lose a hand...
05-06 Approachable: the character seems harmless, easy going, and warm to those around her. Add a
to the dice pool for all Charm and Negotiation checks.
07-08 Attractive: the character is physically attractive to members of the opposite sex. Add b to all
Charm, Coercion, or Negotiation skill checks made with members of the opposite sex.
09-10 Beast Affinity: Animals are unusually drawn to the character, and though he can't speak with
them, he can communicate with them on a limited level using tone of voice and body language.
The character adds s on all Social skill checks when interacting with animals.
11-12 Bundle of Energy: the character is full of energy. He subsists on five or six hours’ sleep at night,
he finds himself unable to stay in bed any longer. His days are full of physical activity, and he
can work long into the night without penalty.
13-14 Calm Heart: the character is naturally calm and well-composed, and do not easily fly off the
handle. Add an automatic s on all Cool and Discipline check.
15-16 Cat Napper: Although the character needs six to eight hours’ sleep per night, he doesn’t need it
all at once. He catches his Z’s as and when he can. As long as his naps total six to eight hours in
a 24 hour period he can function as normal.
17-18 Child-Like: the character has an aura of child-like innocence (whether he really is or not). Add b
on all Charm skill checks.
19-20 Coldly Logical: While some might refer to this character as a 'cold fish', he has a knack for
separating factual reporting from emotional or hysterical coloration. He may or may not be
emotional himself, but he can see clearly when others are clouding the facts with their feelings.
All Deception checks against you are increased in difficulty once.
21-22 Computer Aptitude: the character has a natural affinity with computers, and adds an automatic s
on all skill checks to repair, construct or operate them.
23-24 Crack Driver: the character can drive a car like he is on crack (but can do it without killing
anyone). Reduce the difficulty of all Driving skill checks by one.
25-26 Crack Shot: the character has a natural knack for firearms. Once per session, the character may
upgrade his Ranged [Heavy] or Ranged [Light] skill check once.
27-28 Danger Sense: “My Spider Senses are tingling!” The character counts Vigilance as a career skill.
29-30 Daredevil: the character loves to take risks, and is damn good at living through them. Once per
session, the character may reduce the difficulty of any skill check where a potential failure is
hazardous to his health.
31-32 Determined: the character gains +1 strain threshold.
33-34 Eagle Scout: all those years in the scout troop did pay off, just as your mother always said. The
character counts Survival as a career skill. If this is already a career skill, add b on all Survival
skill checks.
35-36 Excellent Liar: lying is as natural as breathing to the character. Deception is a career skill. If the
character already has Deception as a career skill, he instead adds an automatic s on all
Deception skill checks.


37-38 Fast Reader: the character can read and understand a piece of writing far faster than most
people. Although it can make long journeys by train or carriage expensive propositions due to
the number of books he goes through, it allows him to quickly extract useful information from
anything written in his native language. Add an automatic s on all Knowledge skill checks.
39-40 Flirt: the character claims that he is a terrible flirt, but that quite manifestly isn’t true. He is great
at it. He is an absolute master of all the subtle signals that give off the particular combination of
promise and denial that makes teasing so much fun. At his best, he can make members of the
opposite sex, or members of the same sex, putty in his hands. Increase Charm checks in such
circumstances once.
41-42 Funny: the character can make people laugh. His timing and sense of the absurd are second to
none. He is always being invited to parties because he is so much fun. However, he is also very
good at judging the appropriateness of his humor. Sometimes the right joke can lift the spirits of
people when everything seems to be going against them. So, the character does what he can to
make life more bearable for his fellows, even when the situation seems darkest. When assisting
in a Social skill check, the character adds bb instead of the usual b.
43-44 Gifted: the character is extremely talented in one particular skill. Choose one skill and add s to
all skill checks with that skill, and it becomes a Career Skill if it is not already.
45-46 Good Judge of Character: the character has an instinct for reading people. He can make an
appraisal of the kind of person someone is after meeting her for a few seconds, based on little
more than gut instinct. He is rarely wrong. Decrease the difficulty of any Perception skill check
based on assessing someone once.
47-48 Harmless: Everyone in the community knows the character, and knows that he is no threat to
their plans. While that sort of estimation may seen insulting, it's also what's kept him from being
killed. No one considers him worth the time to deal with, and that low opinion keeps him safe. If
he starts acting in a way that demonstrates that he is no longer harmless, others' reactions to
you will likely change as a result.
49-50 Herbalist: the character knows more than the average person about herbcraft, and gains s to all
Medicine skill checks made with herbs. Also gains b to Survival skill checks to find herbs.
51-52 Jack-of-All-Trades: the character has a large pool of miscellaneous skills and knowledge
obtained through your extensive travels, the jobs he has held, or just all-around know-how.
Select one non-career skill and it becomes a career skill for the character.
53-54 Lead Belly: the character is highly resistant to most poisons and toxins, and gains a b on all
Resilience skill checks to resist them.
55-56 Light Sleeper: the character awakens instantly when outside stimuli such as light or noise are
present. The character receives b to Perception skill checks to awaken if the entity approaching
is attempting to be stealthy.
57-58 Lucky: the character may reroll any one skill check or Initiative order roll once per session.
59-60 Martial Artist: increase the damage dealt by the character by +1 when Brawling an opponent.
61-62 Mechanical Aptitude: the character is naturally adept with all kinds of mechanical devices. In
game terms, add b to all Mechanic skill checks to understand, repair or operate any kind of
mechanical device. Note that this aptitude does not extend to electronic devices such as
computers, and doesn't help you drive any sort of vehicle.
63-64 Natural Leader: people always rallied to the side of this character. Add automatic s on all
Leadership checks.
65-66 Natural Survivalist: the character is at home in the wilderness, and gains s to all Survival skill
checks when not near civilization.
67-68 Night Sight: the character can see in near-total darkness, and subtracts b from all skill checks
imposed from darkness.


69-70 Nine Lives: fate has granted the character the opportunity to come as close to final death as
anyone can get and still survive. It the character would die from reaching twice his wound
threshold, he may, as an Incidental, spend two Story Points and be brought back to his
maximum wound threshold and recover from his near death experience. He can do this only
once per session.
71-72 Perfect Balance: the character's sense of balance is superb. The narrowest of ledges holds little
fear for him, because he has such a good command of his physical equilibrium. He is probably a
good dancer, as well. This Merit allows the character to reduce the difficulty of all balance-
related Athletics skill checks once.
73-74 Pillar of the Community: The character is a fine, upstanding person, respected by people around
him. Through participation in local events, helping out with community groups or helping others,
he has become well-liked and trusted by those who live around him. When he brings them a
warning of potential danger or offer an explanation of strange events, they’re likely to believe
him. Add automatic s on all Leadership skill checks.
75-76 Precognition: the character has glimpses of the future. Though he try to enter a trance and try to
summon a vision this foresight usually comes out of nowhere, and can be quite shocking in
some circumstances. The character can upgrade a single skill check for free during the session.
77-78 Robust Health: the character has the constitution of an ox. He rarely gets ill, if ever, and food
poisoning is a stranger to him. He doesn’t even get hangovers, you bastard. Reduce the difficulty
of any roll to resist illness or poisoning – including alcohol poisoning – once.
79-80 Sea Legs: No landlubber, this character is a salty sea dog at heart. He is at home on a boat, even
when traveling rough seas. He suffers no penalty incurred due to rough seas or unpredictable
ship motion on any actions performed while on board.
81-82 Sexy: the character might not necessarily be that good looking, but there’s something about the
way he moves and acts that exudes sexuality. As a result, he draws attention from members of
the opposite sex, or his own sex, with raw animal magnetism. He may lower the difficulty of any
Social skill check once when dealing with someone who is attracted to him. If he actively
attempts to direct his charms at a person, he may lower the difficulty twice.
83-84 Soothing Voice: the character has an entrancing voice. Add b to all Charm, Leadership and
Negotiation skill checks.
85-86 Sturdy: whenever the character suffers a Critical Injury, subtract 10 from the Critical Injury roll (to
a minimum of 1).
87-88 Surreal Beauty: the character possess a beauty far beyond that of normal mortals. People stand
in awe of his perfect form. Once per session, the character may upgrade a s result to a x result
on a Charm or Leadership skill check.
89-90 Time Sense: the character has an innate sense of time and are able to estimate the passage of
time accurately without using a watch or other mechanical device.
91-92 Tough: the character gains +2 wound threshold.
93-94 Unremarkable: the character does not stand out in a crowd. Anyone attempting to identify or
notice the character must add b to their skill check.
95-96 Well Balanced: add b to Coordination skill checks when traversing difficult terrain.
97-98 Well Grounded: the character is so well grounded that very few things truly phase him. Add b to
all skill checks to resist fear.
99-00 Well Traveled: the character is knowledgeable of the ways of the world from his travels and
studies. Once per game session, the character can gain an automatic s on a skill check to gain
a piece of information.


Everyone has an element of themselves that
they're not proud of. Why should your character be
any different? When someone speaks ill of your
character, this is always the first thing they bring up.
It's also what gets mentioned when your character's
friends say “they're a great person, but...” That “but”
is your character's Flaw.
Just like your Merit, your Flaw is primarily a part of
your character's personality. It is a selfish
Motivation, bad habit, or element of personality that
your character wishes they didn't have.
Flaws provide a minor modification to game
mechanics for your character.
Again, keep in mind that some players might not be
comfortable with playing certain aspects of the
flaws, and the GM should allow for a change. But be
wary that this is not exploited just because a player
doesn't want to be impeded by a specific flaw.
01-02 Addiction: the character is addicted to some substance, such as caffeine, nicotine, etc. The
character will start to crave the substance if he doesn't get it often enough, and have to make
a Hard (ddd) Discipline check every six hours to avoid giving in to the urge. A failed check
results in adding a b to all skill checks until the character get his fix.
03-04 Airhead: maybe the character has trouble paying attention, maybe he is just clueless, maybe
he just looks like a flake; no matter what, people don't take him seriously. Add f on all Social
skill checks.
05-06 Amnesia: the character has no memory of his past, or at least are missing a significant
portion of it.
07-08 Bad Liar: the character is a horrible liar. Add b to all Deception and Coercion skill checks.
09-10 Black and White: the character sees all situations in black and white, good and evil, etc. In
situations where this limited, judgmental way of thinking may hinder his reaction to
something or cause him to act socially inappropriate, increase the difficulty of Social skill
checks once.
11-12 Bully: the character tends to push people around when he can get away with it. This
aggression doesn’t necessarily require a physical display; it is often purely social. He chafes
under the leadership of more forceful personalities and can be a malcontent when he isn’t in
13-14 Chronic Pessimist: the character thinks the glass is half-empty, the water in the glass is
contaminated, and that the glass will probably tip over at any second. Others practice
pessimism out of habit. For this character, it’s an art form. Nothing can ever go right,
especially plans that others propose. The character is the implacable voice of gloom and
doom, always ready to point out a potential problem no matter how remote a chance it has of
coming to pass. Add automatic f on all Leadership checks.
15-16 Color Blind: the character has a difficult time differentiating colors. For rolls where coloration
and hues may be important, such as Perceptions rolls, add b to the dice pool.
17-18 Compulsive Speech: ror whatever reason, the character has difficulty sticking to the rule, "if
you can't say anything nice, don't say it at all." Add automatic f on all Social skill checks.


19-20 Crazy Old Coot: the character has delved too deeply into the secrets of the spiritual realm and
possibly spent too much time alone in the wilderness. Add b to all Charm and Negotiation
skill checks.
21-22 Creepy: the character is repulsive and more than a little creepy to the opposite sex. Add f to
all Charm and Negotiation skill checks made with members of the opposite sex.
23-24 Crude: the character is crude, disgusting, and often rank. During most social situations the
character will suffer an additional b to the dice pool.
25-26 Defensive: the character has problems taking responsibility for his actions. Perhaps he views
himself as perfectionist, or maybe he is simply too immature to accept the blame for failure.
When things go wrong, he looks for ways to blame others and rarely accept blame or criticism
for his actions without contention.
27-28 Disfigured: the character has an injury or physical defect which makes him perfectly hideous;
add an automatic f on all Social skill checks.
29-30 Disturbing Mannerism: the character has a habit or character trait which is peculiar, gross, or
annoying. The character may not even be aware of it-but boy, everyone else is. Upgrade the
difficulty of all Social skill checks once.
31-32 Easily Surprised: the character is easily surprised and taken aback. Add b to all Vigilance
and Perception skill checks.
33-34 Faint of Heart: the sight of gore and blood shocks this character to the core. If he witness a
gruesome scene, he must make a Hard (ddd) Discipline check or suffer the effects of fear,
as detailed on page 243 in the GENESYS core rulebook.
35-36 Frail: the character has an amazingly weak constitution. Add f to all Resilience checks.
37-38 Ghoulish Sense of Humor: the character finds humor in situations that make most people
uncomfortable or even nauseated. The character's questionable taste doesn’t make him
particularly resistant to the horror of gruesome sights. His defense mechanism is simply to
belittle the situation or those involved in an inappropriate way. When confronted with a
horribly gory scene or otherwise uncomfortable situation such as people trying to console
each other, the character tends to crack jokes and sling insults. Increase the difficulty of all
Social skill checks in such situations once.
39-40 Gullible: the character has a lot of trouble separating truth from fiction. He is not stupid, he
just tends to believe what people tells him rather than to take things with a grain of salt. All
Deception checks made against the character is upgraded once.
41-42 Heavy Sleeper: the character requires a significant amount of light, noise, or movement in
order to awaken. Once awakened, the character suffers an additional b to all dice rolls for the
encounter that awakened him.
43-44 Ignorant: the character is unfamiliar with the wider world at large, and may not even care.
While this character may select and purchase Knowledge skills, they tend to only focus on
elements that interest them. As a result, they suffer b to all Knowledge skill rolls.
45-46 Illiterate: the character can't read or write. This may make passing yourself off as that learned
professor from Oxford a bit difficult.
47-48 Impaired Sense: the character chooses one of the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, or
touch); when using this sense to discern something about the environment or when
applicable in a skill, the character suffers b to the skill check.
49-50 Insomniac: For whatever reason, the character has tremendous trouble getting more than a
few hours of sleep. He is often groggy and slow as a result. Add an automatic f on all
Vigilance checks.
51-52 Intolerance: the character has an unreasoning dislike of a certain thing. This may be an


animal, a class of person, a color, a situation, or just about anything at all. Add an automatic
f to all skill checks involving the subject.
53-54 Lazy: the character is simply lazy, avoiding anything that requires effort on his part. Preferring
to let others do the hard work, he lounges around. For any action that requires preparation,
there's a good chance the character didn’t prepare properly.
55-56 Low Alcohol Tolerance: Alcohol goes straight to this character's head. While this can be an
advantage when he tries to enjoy a night out on the cheap, it can be deadly in other
situations. Double any penalties the character suffers for consuming alcohol.
57-58 Low Pain Tolerance: the character has a very low capacity for pain. He turns into a
whimpering, blubbering ball of misery at the first sight of it. Although the character soaks
damage normally, he suffer an additional 1 point of damage whenever he is injured.
59-60 Lustful: the character can’t resist the erotic advances of the appropriate gender(s). He is
easily seduced and often exhibit very poor judgment when dealing with sexually attractive
people. All Charm checks against you are increased once.
61-62 Missing Eye: the character is missing the use of an eye; upgrade the difficulty of all Ranged
weapon attacks, as well as other skill rolls subject to GM discretion.
63-64 Mistaken Identity: people think the character is someone he is not; even if that person isn't
bad, it can still cause the character trouble if they realize he is not who they think he is.
65-66 Motion Sickness: the character becomes queasy and nauseous on board boats, when
travelling long distances by car or on amusement park rides. Increase the difficulty of all skill
checks he performs by once when dealing with these conditions.
67-68 Mute: the character is physically unable to speak, and must communicate through writing or
sign language.
69-70 Non-Swimmer: the character never learned to swim, and he has no natural talent for it. If he
ever finds himself in a position where he must try to swim, he can manage a pitiable dog
paddle. Increase the difficulty of any Athletics skill checks involving swimming once.
71-72 Obese: the character is seriously overweight and large enough that he have trouble using the
seats in most theaters. Increase the difficulty of all Athletics skill checks once.
73-74 Old Wound: the character suffers from a wound that never fully healed. This wound counts as
an existing Critical Injury whenever the character suffers another Critical Injury.
75-76 Phobia: the character has a specific phobia, an incredibly powerful fear and aversion to a
specific object of his fear. When confronting the fear, the character must make a Hard
(ddd) Cool check to avoid being affected by fear, as detailed on page 243 in the GENESYS
core rulebook.
77-78 Poor Personal Hygiene: the character often go days without showering, and only brush his
teeth when they start to gain a greenish tinge. He often smells quite bad, and his breath is
atrociously offensive. Increase the difficulty of all Social skill checks once.
79-80 Sensation Junkie: the character is addicted to sensation, and will do anything to find new
means of stimulation. The character must roll a Hard (ddd) Willpower check to resist
taking the opportunity to try a new kick, difficulty depending on the situation.
81-82 Short Temper: the character is easily driven to distraction by what would otherwise be minor
failures and other frustrations. If he fails to gain any uncanceled s on any single skill check
during an Action, increase the difficulty of all subsequent checks by one, cumulatively.
83-84 Shy: the character is distinctly ill at ease when dealing with people and try to avoid social
situations whenever possible. Add b to all Social skill checks.
85-86 Sickly: the character is constantly coughing and wheezing, and he has trouble shaking colds.
He suffered almost every childhood disease imaginable, and he has only become worse as an


adult. When making Resilience checks to avoid catching a disease or developing an infection,
increase the difficulty of the check by one.
87-88 Slow Healer: for some reason, the character's healing process is slow, and he subtracts 1
wound of healing from all healing attempts on him with the Medicine skill, and adds an
automatic f on any attempts to heal a Critical Injury.
89-90 Snob: the character is an arrogant snob. During most social situations, add b to Charm and
Negotiation skill checks.
91-92 Sterile: the character is incapable of reproducing.
93-94 Superstitious: the character fears and distrusts anything associated with the spiritual or
supernatural. Add b to all Charm and Negotiation skill checks made with someone known to
the character to be involved in any spiritual or supernatural undertakings. The character adds
b to all Discipline skill checks based on spiritual or supernatural fears.
95-96 Too Honest: the character has trouble lying convincingly. Adds automatic f on all Deception
skill checks.
97-98 Twitch: the character has a repetitive motion that he makes in times of stress, and it’s a dead
giveaway as to his identity. Examples include a nervous cough, constantly wringing his
hands, cracking your knuckles and so on.
99-00 Yellow-Bellied: the character lacks courage. Your strain threshold is reduced by 1, you can
never take the first PC slot in combat, and you add b to all Leadership and Coercion checks.
However, your concern for your life enables you to always find cover wherever you are, and
your Ranged Defense is always increased by 1.



The following section presents the weapons, raw damage. They are of short range, and deal
armor, and equipment commonly found in the damage to the target as system strain (affecting
wasteland. This is not an exhaustive list, but does robots and vehicles). It is still reduced by Armor and
represent the most common and well known items Soak. Robots are affected by pulse weapons, taking
in Fallout. damage to their Strain threshold.


When Rad is triggered, the target's radiation level
The following item qualities from the GENESYS increases by an amount equal to the weapon's Rad
core rulebook (see pages 86-89) are available in the rating. When a character's radiation level is
Fallout setting. increased by the Rad item quality, they do not make
a Resilience check to try and mitigate the increase,
 Accurate (Passive) but any Rad Resistance they have is still applied.
 Auto-Fire (Active) While wearing armor with this quality, reduce the
 Blast (Active) Radiation damage from all radioactive sources by an
 Breach (Passive) amount equal to the armor's Rad rating.
 Burn (Active)
 Concussive (Active)
 Cumbersome (Passive) GEAR
 Defensive (Passive) Gear is a catchall term for anything that isn't
 Deflection (Passive) weapons or armor. Generally, gear needs fewer rules
 Disorient (Active) than either of those.
 Ensnare (Active)
 Guided (Active)
 Inaccurate (Passive) ANTIDOTE SET
 Inferior (Passive) Poisoning has become a
 Knockdown (Active) common concern of those traveling
 Limited Ammo (Passive) the Wasteland, especially with the
 Linked (Active) emergence of radscorpions.
 Pierce (Passive) Small, portable antidote sets
 Prepare (Passive) offer a degree of protection,
 Rad (Active) providing an assortment of
 Pulse (Passive) single-use vials of antidote to
 Reinforced (Passive) common poisons.
 Slow-Firing (Passive) A character using an antidote
 Stun (Active) set reduces the difficulty of any
 Stun Damage (Passive) check to resist a poison by two (to a
 Sunder (Active) minimum of Easy (d)). If he does not
 Superior (Passive) know which poison was used, he
 Unwieldy (Passive) must make a Hard (ddd)
 Vicious (Passive) Knowledge check to make an
educated guess at the poison based
In addition, there are two new qualities on a region, its quality, and other
introduced in the Fallout setting; Pulse evidence at his disposal to benefit
(Passive) and Rad (Active), as detailed below. from this item.


Pulse weapons are designed to affect Backpacks are indescribably
electrical systems as opposed to dealing useful to the traveler in the



Wasteland. Most are simple textile constructs with a (dddd) Athletics or Coordination check to
number of compartments and external pouches escape.
good for carrying tools, survival equipment, trophies,
or anything else a user could desire. More advances
models are reinforced, built from advanced textiles,
and may have lightweight internal supports that Binoculars are rugged imaginng systems to
allow for the easy carrying of incredible weights. magnify far-off objects for their users. They are
Backpacks increase the wearer's Encumbrance reliable and sturdy. Binoculars magnify objects up to
threshold by 4. five kilometers away. There are countless of
binocular brands available, though most of the
differences are purely cosmetic.
Beast calls are some of the more simple and
effective tools used by hunters and trappers. Little
more than a small audio-playback machine encased This sophisticated and versatile camouflage is
in a sturdy, impact-resistant shell, a beast call is used by military personnel to conceal
used to lure creatures out of hiding by speaking to encampments. Supply caches. vehicles and other
them in their own language. They contain a high-value assets. Camouflage netting contains
sophisticated audio-signal modulator similar to photoreactive fibers that enable it to match the
those used by robot manufacturers to give their visual profile of its surroundings, as well as jamming
creations voice, as well as a nearly bottomless circuitry that offers an effective countermeasure
programmable database capable of holding the against standard sensor sweeps.
various screeches, howls, and calls of numerous Camouflage netting adds automatic ff to all
known animal species throughout the Wasteland. checks made to detect items concealed by it. One
Along with the preprogrammed database, these roll of netting can conceal one object up to
devices can also record sounds, allowing a user to Silhouette 2, two rolls can conceal one object up to
build his own sound library generated by previously Silhouette 3, and three rolls can conceal one object
unknown creatures. up to Silhouette 4. Anything Silhouette 5 or larger is
To use, a hunter simply sets the type of beast he too large to conceal by camouflage netting alone.
wants to attract. places the beast call in a
convenient area, and activates it. The call then plays CAMOUFLAGE PAINT
back the appropriate sounds at varying pitches and This thick paint comes in small tubes holding five
volumes until a creature or creatures are attracted or applications and is intended to camouflage exposed
the user turns the device off. The sounds produced skin. but can be used on everything from weapons to
by the beast call are so realistic that members of the personal gear. In the container. the paste appears an
species being imitated are hard pressed not to come almost colorless gray, but photoreactive pigments
as quickly as they can to investigate. allow it to match the color and visual texture of its
Using a beast call to lure an animal requires no surroundings once exposed to air.
skill check, but the beast being targeted must make Camouflage paint adds automatic f to all checks
an Average (dd) Discipline check to resist the call. made to detect items concealed by it. Note that
To record a particular beast's call to use later, the camouflage paint does not have any of the advanced
user must make an Average (dd) Computers check circuitry that provides concealment from electronic
modified by any other environmental conditions scanning and surveillance. Camouflage paint only
(heavy background noise, atmospheric interference. works for items or individuals with a Silhouette of 1
etc). or smaller.

Binders are simple restraints used to keep This standard military canteen is constructed from
prisoners subdued and manageable. They come in rugged synthetics and housed in a canvas cover
many shapes, sizes, and styles such as hardnened available in a variety of uniform specifications and
plastic strips and ordinary handcuffs. camouflage patterns. The military-issue canteen
Breaking free from a set of binders requires either holds 1.5 liters of liquid and features an integrated
brute force or feats of agility and flexibility. The filtration system that can purify water.
difficulty varies by the make and model of the binder,
but the most common restraints require a Daunting



CLIMBING GEAR coagulators, and more, all designed for ease of use
and fast patient stabilization. The intention of this
Climbing gear is a catchall term for tools used to medpac is to allow for basic first aid in the field.
scale and abseil steep or sheer surfaces. Whether a Emergency medpacs allow characters to attempt
character is attempting to scale a stony cliff or the to heal others using Medicine checks without
smooth transparisteel facade of an office tower, penalties.
climbing gear is essential for anyone who needs to
gain access to otherwise-unreachable places. Most
sets of climbing gear include a few coils of rope or EMERGENCY REPAIR PATCH
cable, a hook or adhesive attachment, and a number Used to perform temporary emergency repairs to
of pitons, picks, hammers, and other tools used to keep machinery running until proper repairs can be
secure lines. done, nearly every mechanic in the Wasteland keeps
one or two of these handy patches on hand.
CONCEALMENT HOLSTER Composed of a semi-flexible steel disk coated on
one side with insulation and edged with auto-
These compact holsters built for small, light activating thermal welds, emergency repair patches
handguns are designed to fit the contours of the come in a variety of sizes. From small enough to
carrier's body and mask his presence from even cover a bullet hole, to meter-long sheets used to
determined observation and surveillance. patch holes in vehicle hulls, emergency repair
Concealment holsters are available in a variety of patches are as varied as they are versatile. They are
forms, allowing them to be worn high on the belt, designed to be quickly applied over a hole or tear in
under the arm, in the small of the back, or on an a vehicle's hull, robot's chassis, or machine's casing,
ankle. keeping the vulnerable interior works of the machine
These holsters add b to Perception checks to safe and shoring up structural integrity.
discover the presence of the concealed weapon, but Emergency repair patches are one-use items that
may only hold pistols. can be utilized to gain the normal bonus for having
the right tools for a job at hand. Likewise, robots can
DATA BREAKER use them to heal Wounds similar to the way an
Data breakers are basic tools of the trade for many organic being employs a stimpak. Using an
slicers. While robot slicers are programmed to crack emergency repair patch requires a character to
complex sequences, humans usually lack this innate spend a Maneuver. When applied to robots,
option, and therefore rely on a data breaker to do the emergency repair patches heal 3 Wounds, and up to
grunt work of opening systems to them so that their five can be used in a single day. Unlike stimpaks,
true skills can shine once they are inside. Most data emergency repair patches do not decrease the
breakers are also recording devices, and can pull amount of Wounds healed after the first application.
vast amounts of information from ill-guarded Using a sixth emergency repair patch has no effect,
systems in seconds. Data breakers add bb to any as by that point the robot is so patched and jury-
Computers check made to slice computers (as rigged together that further patches would be
opposed to the usual one for having the right tools useless. It takes one day for a robot's self-repair
for the job). routines, or some actual repairs, to restore its
body to enough functionality to be able to take
any benefit from emergency repair patches.
Disguise kits are simple collections of make-
up, contact lenses. In addition, disguise kits FIELD RATION PACK
contain basic camouflage paints for use in Ration packs are typically bland, flavorless
various environments to help a user blend affairs comprising a calorie-dense meal
more easily into the surrounding. A packed with necessary nutrients and
disguise kit grants an automatic f on vitamins in a small, easily portable bag or
checks made to recognize the disguised box. They employ a built-in chemical heater,
individual. and generally consist of a main entree, sides,
and a dessert. Also included are disposable
eating utensils and small, single-serving packets of
EMERGENCY MEDPAC spice and condiments. Each ration pack is good for
Standard medpacs contain field dressing, basic one meal.
drugs, antisepctics, medical tools and knives, blood



FLASHLIGHT packs are available in a variety of uniform

specifications and camouflage patterns.
Flashlights are small, directional, handheld light This pack increases the user's Encumbrance
sources used in many applications. They project a capacity by 6, but has the Cumbersome 2 quality.
beam of bright light and can illuminate objects at
respectable ranges – usually out to Long range.
LOAD BEARING GEAR The number of different musical traditions across
the Wasteland is truly staggering. Along with
Load-bearing gear, or combat webbing, is a system musical traditions comes musical instruments.
used by soldiers to carry necessary equipment on Musical instruments are made in a dizzying array of
their persons in easily accessible pouches. They are styles, and the list of specific instruments is far too
commonly made of hard-wearing reinforced textiles, vast to include here (although some common
and often with removable armor plates. instruments are included to provide guidance), but a
Load-bearing gear increases a wearer's character needing to purchase an instrument or
Encumbrance threshold by 3. instrument accessory (strings, reeds, sticks, etc.)
can usually find what he's looking for with little
LOCKPICKS effort, the problem is whether or not it is functional.
Some smugglers and thieves find that it pays not The exact price and availability of a specific
only to keep a lockpick in hand in a figurative sense, instrument not found here is left to the discretion of
but also in a more literal fashion. A lockpick is a the Game Master, and the acquisition or theft of a
small appendage, usually a finger's length, equipped rare musical instrument can easily lay the
with a number of small tools that assist in cracking foundation for a complex and exciting adventure.
both physical and electronic locks. Without a
lockpick locks cannot be attempted opened with RESPIRATOR
Skulduggery checks. Designed to allow a being to breathe in
atmospheres that are typically dangerous to them,
MEDPAC respirators are some of the most common pieces of
Often referred to as “a hospital that you can fit in survival gear in existence. The respirator is a simple
your pocket”, a standard medpac is a larger and respirator plug and face mask that can filter toxins
better equipped version of the common emergency and airborne pathogens. Most are bulky and
medpac. Carried by field medics and first uncomfortable to wear for long periods.
responders, medpacs carry a full suite of surgical
implements, diagnostics tools, spray splints, various RESTRAINING BOLT
medicattions, and anti-radiation/anti-biological Restraining bolts are to robots what binders are to
contamination drugs, in addition to the equipment sentient creatures. Using magnetic clamps or
found in the emergency versions. chemical adhesives, restraining bolts attach to a
Standard medpacs allow a user to perform robot's chassis and are used to restrict its actions,
relatively complex medical procedures in the field. usually by means of a remote control. The most
Like emergency medpacs, standard medpacs allow a basic restraining bolts simply shut down a robot,
character to use the Medicine skill without penalty, allowing the user to bypass robot guards and
and in addition grant b to all Medicine skill checks. incapacitate any robot witnesses. More advanced
Also, thanks to their stock of stim applicators, these systems can be used to make a robot perform any
medpacs grant the equivalent of one stimpak per action commanded by the person holding the
scene, at the GM's discretion. restraining bolt controller.
Most robots cannot withstand the powerful
MILITARY PACK programming overrides in a restraining bolt.
This is a standard military-issue backpack used to However, Player Characters who are robots are made
stow and carry tents, rations, canteens, excavation of sterner stuff than their NPC comrades, and can,
tools, and all manner of other gear the soldier needs with the right amount of effort, overcome a
in the field. It is constructed of durable and restraining bolt. PC robots may make a Daunting
lightweight materials able to withstand a broad (dddd) Discipline check to shake off the effects
range of environmental conditions while adding as of a restraining bolt and act normally after one is
little as possible to the soldier's load. The military applied. If the check fails, they may make another
attempt at a later time, at the Game Master's



Quickly immobilizing a limb injury after it happens
SLEEPPAK can prevent the extremity from becoming more
Physically similar to a stimpak, a sleeppak is an seriously damage through accidental misuse.
auto-injection tube filled with a variety of natural Prompt action reduces the patient's overall healing
and synthetic sedatives. The intent is to quickly time, even though further treatment may be required
knock a target out, so that he can be safely before proper healing can begin. A spray plasto-cast
mampulated. Originally intended solely for medical is an easily portable tool that can be used in field
use – particularly when dealing with volatile patients conditions. When a patient suffers a serious injury,
– sleeppaks eventually spread to use in law the cast reinforces the wounded limb from the
enforcement, as well as amomg bounty hunters. outside, preventing it from bending or exacerbating
Applying a sleeppak to an aware an unwilling the tissue damage.
target requires the wielder to make a Hard (ddd) A character can make an Easy (d) Medicine check
Brawl or Melee combat check against the target. to apply a spray plasto-cast to a limb that has been
Instead of inflicting damage, if the attack succeeds, crippled or disabled due to a Critical Injury. If
the target must immediately resist the effects of the successful, the Critical Injury heal's automatically
medications that flood the system as a poison (with after one week of narrative time.
a Resilience check). Any sized dose has a Hard
(ddd) difficulty, and failure inflicts 10 Strain.
The RobCo Stealth Boy 3001 is a personal stealth
SPECIMEN CONTAINER device worn on one's wrist. It generates a
Made by numerous scientific-technology modulating field that transmits the reflected light
companies throughout the world during the pre-War, from one side of an object to the other, making a
specimen containers are ubiquitous among person much harder to notice (but not completely
explorers who need to transport delicate or invisible).
dangerous flora and fauna. They come in all shapes The Stealth Boy is a portable device that, when
and sizes, from the simple petri dish to massive, activated, renders the user invisible for a variable
environmentally sealed and controlled containers amount of time. Every rank of Stealth a user has
designed to hold the largest and most lethal allows the user to remain invisible for 2 full turns.
creatures. No matter their size. shape, or After this time has passed, the effect starts to wear
manufacture, specimen containers all possess a set off, and the Stealth Boy has to recharge its cell for 1
of common features and systems. They are hour.
constructed from sturdy impact-resistant polymers Stealth Boy users are extremely difficult to be
and have secure environmentally sealed lids. They detected by sight, and any attempts to detect a user
are generally transparent, the interiors of specimen any means make their skill checks at a difficulty of
containers are modular and can be configured to fit Formidable (ddddd). Any t or y generated
a number of small specimens or one large one. They while using a Stealth Boy may be used by the GM to
are also usually equipped with life-support and indicate the field flickers for a moment, or collapses
stasis systems that allow specimens to be safely altogether prematurely and renders the user visible.
transported. While they seem to not have any adverse effects
Specimen containers come in four general sizes, on humans, Stealth Boys increase the risk of
as follows: tiny, small, medium, and large. Tiny schizophrenia in nightkin, who, as permanent Stealth
specimen containers have an Encumbrance capacity Boy users, nearly always show one or several
of 1 and are typically roughly the size of a human's symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia, such as
hand. Small specimen containers have an paranoia, hallucinations, and/or delusion.
Encumbrance capacity of 3-5 and range up to the
size of a Silhouette 0 creature. Medium specimen
containers have an Encumbrance capacity of 5-10
and typically require two or more sentients to lift and This item consists of a syringe for containing and
carry them. Large specimen containers have an delivering the medication and a gauge for measuring
Encumbrance capacity of 10-15 and are designed to the status of the stimpak's contents. When injected,
carry the largest and heaviest specimens. These last it provides fast healing of injuries.
containers are so large that they need towing on a Stimpak are small single-use auto-injector
vehicle or wheeled-contraption in their handling. systems containing a powerful cocktail of
painkillers, anti-inflmmatories, antibiotics, and other



medications designed for quick healing in the field. encounter, for example, the side effect carries over to
Using a stimpak requires one maneuver, which the following encounter.
covers the simple act of a character using the
autohypo on himself or one other person. This
immediately heals 5 wounds. While a character can
use multiple stimpaks, doing so is an act of Found in larger survival kits and sold separately by
diminishing returns, as every stimpak used after the a number of vendors, tents are portable shelters
first heals one fewer wound. A second stimpak heals used to provide protection from the elements.
4 wounds, a third 3 wounds, and so on. Using a sixth Depending on the model, a tent can hold one to six
stimpak in a single day has no further effect, as the individuals, and can be made from any material.
character's system is already so saturated with
medications that additional stimpaks are THERMAL CLOAK
useless (and could even cause harm Thermal cloaks are versatile pieces of
at the GM's discretion). Once used, equipment that can be worn or used as a
the chemicals within a stimpak blanket and provide protection from
stay in a character's system extreme heat and extreme cold. Use of a
for 24 hours, after which thermal blanket or cloak removes up to
additional stimpaks have bb from any checks made to
their full effect again. handle extreme heat or cold.


A character who chews a stimstick removes b From small precision tools used to repair robots
from her Discipline, Perception, Resilience, or and advanced computers to huge rolling boxes used
Vigilance checks to stay awake or notice something to maintain buildings, tool kits are an essential piece
due to fatigue or lack of sleep until the end of the of equipment. Whether general kits used for
encounter. At the end of the encounter, the character maintainance or custom-built sets for specific jobs,
suffers 1 strain. tool kits offer their users a wide variety of necessary
tools for getting the job done. With the proper tools,
SUPER STIMPAK there is little that a skilled and inventive technician
The super stimpak is a more advanced version of can't accomplish if given the time and
the regular stimpak. While it heals more severe circumstances. Tool kits allow mechanics and
wounds, it also has unpleasant side effects. technicians to perform most mechanical checks to
The super version comes in a hypodermic, but with repair devices, as well as to “heal” robots.
an additional vial containing more powerful drugs When purchasing a tool kit, the player should
than the basic model and a leather belt to strap the specify the purpose of the tool kit. Examples include
needle to the injured limb. weapons maintenance tools, armor maintenance
A super stimpak functions similarly to an ordinary tools, crafting and repair tools, computer
stimpak, exact that it heals 10 wounds when maintainance tools, etc.
applied. Similarly to a stimpak, additional use of
super stimpaks heal less damage; 9 wounds on the UTILITY BELT
second super stimpak, 8 wounds on the third, and so A utility belt is a common item for those where
on. The sixth super stimpak heals has no further quick access to tools and gear is a necessity. Their
effect, as the character's system is already so contents will vary with their user and their planned
saturated with medications that additional stimpaks actions. Some belts even have weapon holsters.
are useless (and could even cause harm at the GM's Utility belts increase the character's Encumbrance
discretion). Once used, the chemicals within a threshold by 1.
stimpak stay in a character's system for 24 hours,
after which additional stimpaks have their full effect
The side effect of using super stimpaks is that Designed for use by veterinarians, animal breeders,
immediately after having used the super stimpak, a or anyone who deals with large and often dangerous
character suffers t and f to all skill checks based animals for a living, the veterinary kit features a
on Brawn and Agility for the rest of the encounter. veterinary clinic's worth of equipment in an easy to
Should a super stimpak be used after a combat carry, man-portable package. Roughly the size of a



large duffel, within its lockable, hard-sided case the Emergency Repair Patch - 25 4
veterinary kit contains enough drugs, medical
supplies, speciality tools and other gear to stabilize Field Ration Pack - 5 3
wounded creatures in the field until they can be Flashlight 1 10 3
moved to a fully outfitted clinic. The kit also contains
a book containing specialized knowledge and Load Bearing Gear - 25 4
emergency procedures database for many of the Lockpick - 50 6
more well-known animals, as well as tutorials to
Medpac 2 400 5
assist those with no veterinary training in treating
wounded animals in an emergency. Military Pack - 100 4
The veterinary kit allows a user to examine,
Musical Instrument 1-5 50-100 5
analyze, and perform medical procedures on all
manner of animals. Like the medpac does for Respirator - 25 3
humanoid species, the veterinary kit allow a Restraining Bolt - 75 6
character to medically treat animals without
penalties. Additionally, it grants b to all Medicine, Sleeppak - 250 7
Survival and Knowledge skill checks made to Specimen Container, - 10 3
analyze or treat these animals. Tiny
Specimen Container, 1 25 4
Walkie talkies are the most common
communication devices in the Wasteland. Small, Specimen Container, 3 50 4
convenient, and easy to use. Most are simple two- Medium
way devices that can transmit to and receive from a Specimen Container, 5 150 5
single mated unit at relatively long ranges over land Large
and even into low orbit. Most walkie talkies,
Spray Plasto-Cast 1 35 7
especially those made specifically for military or law
enforcement use, can be encrypted for secure lines Stealth Boy 1 2,000 10
of communications. While they are largely foolproof,
Stimpak - 25 2
walkie talkies can be disrupted by certain terrain
features, atmospheric disturbances, and deliberate Stimstick - 5 3
signal jamming. Super Stimpak - 150 6

GEAR Tent 4 100 3

NAME ENCUM PRICE RARITY Thermal Cloak 2 200 5
Antidote Set 1 250 6 Tool Kit 4 350 5
Backpack - 50 3 Utility Belt - 25 2
Beast Call 1 100 5 Veterinary Kit 4 600 4
Binders - 25 4 Walkie Talkie - 25 6
Binoculars 1 75 3
Camouflage Netting 4 100 5
Camouflage Paint - 40 3
Canteen 1 10 2
Climbing Gear 1 50 4
Concealment Holster - 40 5
Data Breaker 1 1,000 7
Disguise Kit 2 100 5
Emergency Medpac 1 100 3



"Industrial grade" added to the label. Because it is

JUNK ITEMS industrial grade, its potency is increased, and as
Junk items are exactly what the name indicates, such, it breaks down into twice as many
items that offers no in-game benefits in terms of b, components compared to normal Abraxo cleaner.
dice upgrades, dice increases, s, a or x. These
items are intended to be fillers for scenery and ABRAXO CLEANER INDUSTRIAL GRADE
setting the mood of the destroyed former nation of Abraxo cleaner is a pre-War cleaning agent
America, the Wasteland that it is today. These are produced by Abraxodyne Chemical.
items that can be refitted into usage by someone,
somewhere, and somehow, but items that is of little
or no use to the player characters. Often, junk items ALARM CLOCK
is little more than items to be hauled to vendors for a The alarm clock is a junk item.
few meager bottle caps. The items found on the junk
lists are, by default, always non-functional, empty or
in disrepair.
A pre-War red plastic bottle that contains
However, particularly inventive GMs can find
creative ways to incorporate the junk items and give
them some sort of value or purpose to the players.
The list below is far from complete, and the GM ANTIQUE POCKET WATCH
should feel free to come up with additional junk This antique pocket watch is one of the few junk
items found throughout the Wasteland. items in the Wasteland that have fared well after
The junk items are listed on two tables with d100 years of fallout.
rolling options for randomly determining what junk
items are readily found in any room or location. The
result is naturally subject to the GMs discretion.
A ceramic or glass item with rounded indentations
along its rim. Its primary functions are to deposit
$5 NCR ash and safely hold lit cigarettes.
$5 NCR appears as a paper bill similar to a US $5
bill. It features a picture of Aradesh on the face and
the view of Shady Sands on the back.
A tall bottle made of glass with a rubber tip on the
top to aid in its usage. Its primary use is the feeding
$20 NCR of babies and small children.
$20 NCR appears as a paper bill similar to a US
$20 bill. It features a picture of First Ranger Seth on
the face and the emblems of the NCR Rangers on
the back. A faded plastic toy that is used to entertain babies
and small children. When shook it produces a
rattling noise which is where its name derives from.
$100 NCR
$100 NCR appears as a paper bill similar to a US
$100 bill. It features a picture of President Tandi on
the face of the bill and the scene of the 'Dayglow A bag of cement is a pre-War item that was used
Incorporation Address' on the back. extensively in the construction industry. Following
the falling of the bombs, the larger stashes of
concrete can be found at development sites
ABRAXO CLEANER (buildings, vaults etc.) across the Wasteland.
Abraxo cleaner was a popular pre-War detergent Bags of cement are most commonly used in the
produced by Abraxodyne Chemical. It can be found construction of settlement structures, primarily
in many homes, laundromats and vaults across the those which are concrete in design and building
country. The undamaged boxes can be found in foundations.
areas that have not been tainted by radiation, such
as non-compromised vaults. Undamaged Abraxo
cleaner is fifty percent more caps as the more
commonly found worn boxes. Abraxo cleaner A bag of fertilizer is a common gardening good
industrial grade has a green color to it with that can be found across the Wasteland, but it is



unknown if its composition is organic or chemical. is portable, has a metal saw for cutting into flesh
and bone, and a wooden handle for handling by a
BASEBALL doctor. This item is associated with other hand-held
medical equipment on a compartment tray and often
A baseball is a ball used primarily in the sport of accompanies them.
the same name. The ball features a rubber or cork
center, wrapped in yarn and covered leather. BOURBON BOTTLE
The bourbon bottle is a brown glass bottle that
BASEBALL GLOVE used to contain bourbon, Old Appalachia branded
aged 9 years. The bourbon junk item looks exactly
Catcher glove, used for baseball play. like the consumable bourbon but cannot be
consumed. It is unclear as to if it is empty or
BASKETBALL contents has perished to the point that it is no
The basketball is plain and simple, with rubber longer fit to drink.
dimples and darker shade in color. There are no
logos or company names on the balls. The Nuka- BOWL
World variant is dark green with a star on it. A deep ceramic, plastic or glass bowl to hold food.


The beaker a simple glass container for stirring, A typical style bowling ball with a faded black
mixing and heating liquids commonly used in many color. It has 3 holes in it used to place fingers in
laboratories. Beakers are generally cylindrical in when throwing.
shape, with a flat bottom. Most also have a small
spout (or "beak") to aid pouring.
BEAKER STAND A white bowling pin made up of a wooden core
wrapped in a plastic polymer.
The beaker stand is a metal tripod stand with a
circular top. It is used to hold beakers and similar
objects during experiments. BOX OF DETERGENT
This item is simply a box of detergent of various
BEER BOTTLE brand names.
A typical glass bottle in terms of shape and size, it
once contained a type of beer. BRAHMIN HIDE
The brahmin hide, as the name indicates, is the
BENT TIN CAN hide of a killed brahmin.
A rusty, empty tin can with no label, similar to the
ordinary tin cans, only bent out of shape. BRAHMIN SKULL
The brahmin skull is the skull of a brahmin.
This book has empty pages waiting to be filled out. BREADBOX
The breadbox is a plastic box found in many
BLOATFLY GLAND homes. Before the War, it was designed help to keep
a single loaf of bread fresh once opened. It has an L-
The glands are part of a bloatfly which has shaped hinged lid spanning over the top and front of
mutated and evolved over years of exposure to the the box. Currently, it has no uses other than
radioactive wasteland. The purpose of the gland is decoration and scrapping.
to provide lift and stability to bloatflies, enabling
their oversized bodies to fly under their own power.
BONESAW A long, straight wooden cleaning tool with stiff
bristles used to gather and move debris.
A bonesaw is a type of pre-War hand-held medical
equipment used mostly for amputations. This item




The Brotherhood of Steel holotag is carried by A small wooden box used to store cigars.
every member of the order. When a member of the
order falls in battle their tags are handed over to the
Brotherhood of Steel scribes so their deeds can be
recorded in the scrolls.
A single cigarette, commonly found across the
A light blue plastic tray that was made for use in
cafeterias and mess halls in pre-war buildings
across the nation. It has two large and three smaller A wooden board with a metal spring clip for
sections for different food items to be placed in. holding paper down. Its pre-War use was to provide
a flat surface for writing. The batter clipboard is a
significantly weathered version of the clipboard.
A contraption used to take photographs.
A piece of steel wire bent into a triangular shape. It
CAN would commonly be used to hang shirts and other
An empty rusted metal can that once held food garments.
items such as Pork n' Beans and canned dog food.
CARTON OF CIGARETTES A rusty iron once used before the war for removing
A box containing several packs of cigarettes. wrinkles from clothing.


A small, plastic bowl commonly used to feed feline A white ceramic coffee cup weathered from the
pets and other small animals. years with scratches and stains.


A poison gland from a dead cazador. The coffee mug is a dinnerware item used for
carrying and containing coffee and tea. It is a
CENTAUR BLOOD ceramic cup with a looped handle.
It's a translucent jar full of a small amount of red,
valuable blood. COFFEE POT
The coffee pot is a large pot that gently slopes
CERAMIC DINNER PLATE inwards. As indicated by the untarnished pot, it was
originally chrome colored.
A round dinner plate made from ceramic.

A compass is a navigational instrument for
Chalk is a small white stick of writing chalk, determining direction relative to the Earth's
commonly found in schools and labs. magnetic poles. It consists of a magnetized pointer
(usually marked on the North end) free to align itself
CHERRY BOMB with Earth's magnetic field. The compass greatly
A small firecracker. improved the safety and efficiency of travel,
especially ocean travel.

A classic eight by eight brown/beige checkered CONDUCTOR
board. It show signs of being wore down. A mechanical part that used to serve as a
conductor for a piece of machinery.



CONTAINER OF CHLORINE pictures on a desktop. It provides wood when

A plastic container used for storing Chlorine.


A simple dinner plate, varying in size and resource.
The cooking pan is a large, flat bottomed pan with The regular dinner plate yields steel, while the other
a wooden handle, usually found in kitchens. two are made of ceramic.


The cooking pot is a large metal pot with two A plastic bowl used to feed canines and other
handles, one on other side to allow the user to pick it animals.
up with both hands.


The skinned hide from a dead dog.
The hide of a dead coyote.

A set of metal-plated dog tags. They contain
A medical crutch that is used to support those with essential personal and medical information about its
problems walking. owner.


It is a glassware item intended to be used for the Drinking glasses are a common glass found
carrying and containment of beverages and other across the Wasteland.


A roll of gray adhesive tape used before the war to
A pre-War wooden cutting board that was made seal ducts, leaks and fix just about everything. Post-
with a handle that had a hole drilled in it for hanging War they can be used to make weapons.
up. Once it was used for cutting vegetables, meat,
bread, and various other food items.
DEATHCLAW EGG The clipboard is a stationary item used for note
taking. A clipboard is a wooden board with a metal
Deathclaw eggs are the unhatched offspring of spring clip for holding sheets of papers.
deathclaws. They have a brownish-red shell which
appears to have cracks and small fissures all around
it. They are about the size of a human torso. EGG TIMER
The egg timer is a contraption used to measure a
DEATHCLAW HAND small amount of time, usually up to a maximum of
one hour.
The deathclaw hand, as the name implies is the
hand of a deathclaw. It has been removed below the
wrist from the deceased creature. EMPTY SYRINGE
The syringe is a type of pre-War hand-held medical
DESK FAN equipment used for injecting or withdrawing fluid or
gases from body tissues. This item is made of metal
Desk fans were commonly used to cool down and glass. Known as a hypodermic syringe, this
during warm temperatures before the War and can syringe has a glass barrel for containing substances,
be found in homes and offices across the a metal housing for the barrel, a metal needle for
Wasteland. delivery, and a plunger for controlling the flow of
substances into or out of the syringe. Empty
DESKTOP PICTURE FRAME syringes are often found with other hand-held
The frame would have been used to display medical equipment on a compartment tray in



various locations, including the Vault-Tec Vaults.

A metal gasoline canister covered in rust, it may or
EXTINGUISHER may not still containing some amount of gas.
A former large fire extinguisher, extinguishers are
mostly the exterior of a large fire extinguisher. The
inside of the container is hollow, and the sides are
lined with some asbestos to absorb outside heat. An eggs retrieved from the bodies of geckos.


The clipboard is a stationary item used for note The skin of a gecko.
taking. A clipboard is a wooden board with a metal
spring clip for holding sheets of papers. GLASS PITCHER
The glass pitcher is a normal-sized kitchen object
FIRE GECKO EGG formerly used for storing liquids.
A fire gecko egg is an egg that may be dropped
from a fire gecko. It has an appearance similar to GLOBE
gecko eggs or golden gecko eggs, differing in that it A mounted circular sphere that displays the map of
is primarily purple in color (much like fire geckos the world.


FIRE GECKO HIDE A golden color and quite large, golden gecko eggs
Fire gecko hide is the skin of a fire gecko. can sometimes be found on the bodies of golden
The nozzle used at firehose stations for spraying GOLDEN GECKO HIDE
water in case of fires. The hide of a dead golden gecko.


A long pole made of wood with a reel attached to The golf ball is a small white plastic ball used for
one end. It was used for the sport of fishing before playing the pre-War game of golf.
the War.


FISSION BATTERY These eggs are retrieved from the bodies of green
Produced among others by Wattz Electronics, the geckos.
fission battery has taken on the role of an on-hand
The hide from a dead green gecko.
The flip lighter is an oil based lighter with a basic
rectangular design, often found with or in the vicinity HAIRBRUSH
of other smoking paraphernalia like cigarettes and The hairbrush is a common brush found
ashtrays. throughout the Wasteland. It's body often sport an
ornate design on the back, which is lighter in color
than the bulk of the brush.
A bag or canister containing flour.
A small musical instrument used by placing it at
GARDEN GNOME the lip and blowing air into it.
Garden gnomes come in four sizes: large, normal,
medium and tiny.




The hot plate is a portable, self-contained tabletop Lottery tickets appear as small, square, gold-
appliance that features one a single electric heating embossed pieces of paper bearing text.
LAB BOTTLE A metal box from before the Great War that was
The lab bottle is a bell jar style bottle with a wide used for storing a small lunch.
rim at the top of it's neck. It is commonly found in
laboratory and educational facilities.
The mantis eggs are large eggs that are laid by
LANTERN female giant mantises to produce more mantises.
The lantern is a steel standing lamp with a glass
shield, secured in place by a wire frame, surrounding
the gas flame. It has an overhead handle so it
illuminates the surrounds area, as opposed to a A deck of cards that have been marked, allowing
torch which will only illumate the area directly the player to cheat during a game.
LARGE RUINED BOOK A medical brace is used to support an injured limb.
A large book that has been burned beyond
readable function. MEDICAL CLIPBOARD
The clipboard is a stationary item used for note
LARGE DESTROYED BOOK taking. A clipboard is a wooden board with a metal
This item is a small-sized book that has been spring clip for holding sheets of papers.
ruined after years of exposure and neglect, rendering
them unreadable. METAL BUCKET
The metal bucket is a round steel bucket used to
LARGE RUINED BOOK haul liquids or items.
A large book that has been ruined by the passing
A scientific microscope, used to study microscopic
LARGE SCORCHED BOOK organisms and substances. It shows significant
Scorched but not unreadable, this book bears weathering and rusting along the edges.
markings of scorching to some degree.
LEAF BLOWER A glass bottle from before the Great War. The bottle
A gardening tool used to clear away light debris was used for storing fresh milk.
with high-powered gusts of air.
LIFE PRESERVER The carapace of a mirelurk.
Life preservers are a ring buoy often installed on
ships as a safety measure, most often deployed in MOLE RAT HIDE
the event of a crew member or passenger falling A piece of skin from a killed mole rat.

LIQUOR BOTTLE The bottle is a packaging item used for carrying
A glass bottle that once held an unknown type of and containing Nuka-Cola. This item is a light blue
liquor. glass bottle with the Nuka-Cola logo printed on it.



NUKA-COLA TRUCK may not contain a company logo.

The Nuka-Cola truck is a red die-cast metal toy
delivery truck labeled with the corporate logo of PENCIL
Nuka-Cola on the right side. An orange pencil with a pink eraser.


Desk fans were commonly used to cool down The traditional counterpart to the salt shaker, it is a
during warm temperatures before the War and can plastic container fitted with a mechanism for
be found in homes and offices across the grinding peppercorns.
OPHTHALMOSCOPE Wooden frame to put a picture in. The regular
A medical instrument used to inspect eyes and frame has a frame of smaller width compared to the
ears. small frame.


The oven mitt is a red and white checkered mitt A small light bulb that is found in refridgerators
commonly found in domestic and commercial and ovens.
kitchens. It has been scorched from use, primarily at
the fingers.
A plastic skull looks exactly like a normal skull.
A small box containing pre-War cigarettes. This
box is labeled with the name of a brand or company.
Playing cards are a common thing at casinos and
other gambling dens.
Found in some places across the Wasteland. Used
to paint surfaces. Some cans contain paint which is
still usable, some are dried up and some are empty. A wooden stick equipped with a rubber suction cup
at the end.


A paint gun is a tool for spraying paint unto a
surface. There are 15 different variants of pool balls that
can be found across the Wasteland.


The paintbrush is a wide brush used for general
painting. A pre-War book is a book that has not been
destroyed, burned, or otherwise rendered
Paperweights are ubiquitous, but they appear more
frequently in office buildings or at reception desks.
They are also frequently found in the larger offices A cooking utensil that uses pressure.
on the top floor of office buildings.
PASSPORT The radioactive gland looks like a small putrefied
A Pre-War travel document for a single person. organ.


A commonly found, generic blue pen, which may or Radscorpion eggs are presumably the eggs of



radscorpions. readable function.


It is a poison gland taken from the tail of a This item is a small-sized book that has been
radscorpion, giant radscorpion, or albino ruined after years of exposure and neglect, rendering
radscorpion. them unreadable.


The radscorpion's stinger is found at the end of its A small book that has been ruined by the passing
arched tail. It contains a gland for producing venom of time.
which is used to weaken and kill its prey, and is
injected from the tip of the stinger.
Scorched but not unreadable, this book bears
RAKE markings of scorching to some degree.
A rake is a gardening tool.
RESEARCH TEST TUBE These rare, pre-War artifacts are widely considered
The research test tube is a thin glass tube used in to be useless baubles, but rumor has it that some
lab experiments. collectors will pay handsomely for them.


The rum bottle is a tall, square bodied bottle made It is a cleaning tool of the hand or body variety, it is
from brown glass. relatively clean in appearance.


The traditional counterpart to the pepper mill, it is A small shot glass embellished with symbolism of
a plastic container for salt with a hole in the top for a tourist attraction.
easy dispensing.
SCALPEL A souvenier magnet is a refridgerator magnet
A plain metal scalpel for cutting soft tissue. depicting some symbolism of a tourist location.


They are plain metal scissors for cutting, with an Sold at gift vendors, a souvenir toy is a children's
extra finger support on one of the bows. toy fused with some symbolism of a specific place.


A module for a technological item. The spatula is is a flat steel cooking utensil with a
rubber handle.
The shot glass is a small narrow glass, designed STOGIE
for consuming liqueur. The stogie is a pre-smoked, small cigar.


A shovel with a wooden handle, used for digging. It is an empty Sunset Sarsaparilla bottle. Visibly it
is differentiated from a full Sunset Sarsaparilla by
SMALL BURNED BOOK the lack of a cap and having a lighter, rusty orange
A small book that has been burned beyond




The fork is a four pronged eating utensil. The toothbrush is a small brush with bristles, used
for cleaning teeth.
A simple utensil used at dinner tables. TOOTHPASTE
The toothpaste is a small tube with a plastic screw
TABLE SPOON cap. It is unknown if its original contents has been
The table spoon is a table utensil used for eating
TABLETOP PICTURE FRAME The toy alien is a pre-War children's toy.
The picture frame usually has a picture of a cat or
landscape on it, but when picked up the picture TOY CAR
disappears. The toy itself is a metal or plastic race car, with
four rubber tires.
The flask and tall flask are wide bottomed glass TOY ROCKETSHIP
flash, with a long narrow neck. They are commonly A small toy rocketship, made of aluminum and with
found in laboratories and education institutes. a plastic shell.


A teddy bear is a child's toy shaped like a little bear A children's toy. Trucks come with or without
made from soft fabrics and stuffing used for play company logos on the sides.
and comfort. Teddy bears can be found in
abundance all across the wastes, in a wide variety of
shapes and sizes.
The tray is an aluminum tray with three ridges on
the base.
A telephone with a wheel dial.
The trifold American flag is an American flag
TIN CANfolded into a triangle and inserted into a wood box
Tin cans are sealed metal containers used to hold with a glass-like substance (that has since been
and preserve perishable food, such as Pork n' Beans. shattered) on one side to allow the flag to be seen. It
Their airtight seal allows food to keep for years, is sent to the families of those who served as a form
although after the Great War, most tin cans found of gratitude for their service, or to those who have
are open, empty and many times, even unlabeled. lost a loved one during service.


A plate made out of tin. Used for holding and Turpentine is believed to be a cleaning, or maybe
carrying foods until they are eaten. multipurpose household chemical that can be found
in any location where you might expect someone
TOASTER might be shopping.
The toaster is a pre-War kitchen appliance that
was used to toast bread. It has a stainless steel TV DINNER TRAY
casing with black painted levers and base, that has The TV dinner tray is an aluminum tray.
internal heating coils to toast the bread inside the
two slots on the top.
The tweezers are a pair of movable pinchers, fixed
the top with grip pads on either side.



TYPEWRITER the word "whet," which means to sharpen a blade,

not the word "wet."
A device for writing characters, by means of Stones are usually available in various grades,
keyboard-operated types striking a ribbon to which refers to the grit size of the particles in the
transfer ink through carbon onto paper. stone. Generally, the finer the grit, the denser the
material, which leads to a finer finish of the surface
UMBRELLA of the tool. Finer grits cut slower because they
Flexible sheet plastic set on retractable supports remove less material. Grits are often given as a
designed to be splayed out forming a barrier from number, which indicates the density of the particles
rain or the sun. It has a long handle so it can be with a higher number denoting higher density and
easily held above the user's head and body. therefore smaller particles.


This pristine version of the trifold American flag An empty bottle of whiskey.
can be found in areas that have not been touched by
radiation, such as non-compromised vaults. WINE BOTTLE
A burgundy bottle that used to contain wine.
A cleaning apparatus from before the Great War. WONDERGLUE
A tube of clear, liquid acrylic adhesive used before
VACUUM TUBE the war to fix broken plastics and ceramics, and in
A glass tube whose contents are kept at a near the assembly of a great assortment of items.
vacuum state to facilitate the effective flow of
electric current. YAO GUAI HIDE
The yao guai hide is the hide of a deceased yao
A canteen used to store a small amount of liquid. A
vault canteen comes with the vault number YARN
imprinted in yellow on one front of the blue metal Yarn comes in small spools.


Yeast is used in the production of bread and
A glass bottle that contained vodka, imported from alcohol.
Russia before the Great War.

A hand-held communications device. It has the
appearance of a United States Armed Forces
handheld radio set, similar to those used by civilians
for recreational uses.

A whet stone is a smooth stone used to sharpen
knives or other edged weapons and is used to grind
and hone the edges of steel tools and implements.
Examples of items that may be sharpened with a
sharpening stone include scissors, scythes, knives,
razors, and tools such as chisels and plane blades.
Though it is sometimes mistaken as a reference to
the water often used to lubricate the stones, the
word "whetstone" is a compound word formed with



JUNK ITEMS (TABLE 1) 36 Can 1 -

d100 ITEM PRICE ENCUM 37 Carton of Cigarettes 40 -
01 $5 NCR 2 - 38 Cat Bowl 2 -
02 $20 NCR 8 - 39 Cazador Poison Gland 85 -
03 $100 NCR 40 - 40 Centaur Blood 15 -
04 Abraxo Cleaner 5 - 41 Ceramic Dinner Plate 3 -
05 Abraxo Cleaner Industrial 15 - 42 Chalk 2 -
06 Alarm Clock 2 - 43 Cherry Bomb 5 -
07 Anti Freeze Bottle 4 1 44 Chessboard 1 -
08 Antique Pocket Watch 111 - 45 Cigar Box 40 -
09 Ashtray 1 - 46 Cigarette 1 -
10 Baby Bottle 1 - 47 Clipboard 1 -
11 Baby Rattle 2 - 48 Clothes Hanger 1 -
12 Bag of Cement 15 5 49 Clothing Iron 3 2
13 Bag of Fertilizer 25 3 50 Coffee Cup 1 -
14 Baseball 4 - 51 Coffee Mug 1 -
15 Baseball Glove 4 - 52 Coffee Pot 1 -
16 Basketball 1 - 53 Compass 1 -
17 Beaker 1 - 54 Conductor 30 4
18 Beaker Stand 4 - 55 Container of Chlorine 45 -
19 Beer Bottle 2 - 56 Cooking Pan 2 -
20 Bent Tin Can 1 - 57 Cooking Pot 4 -
21 Blank Book 1 - 58 Coyote Hide 7 -
22 Bloatfly Gland 2 - 59 Crutch 5 1
23 Bonesaw 5 - 60 Cup 1 -
24 Bourbon Bottle 2 - 61 Cutting Board 1 -
25 Bowl 1 - 62 Deathclaw Egg 400 6
26 Bowling Ball 5 3 63 Deathclaw Hand 75 -
27 Bowling Pin 3 1 64 Desk Fan 4 2
28 Box of Detergent 1 - 65 Desktop Picture Frame 2 -
29 Brahmin Hide 8 1 66 Dinner Plate 1 -
30 Brahmin Skull 1 1 67 Dog Bowl 1 -
31 Breadbox 2 - 68 Dog Hide 4 -
32 Broom 2 2 69 Dogtag 1 -
33 Brotherhood of Steel 1 - 70 Drinking Glass 1 -
71 Duct Tape 5 -
34 Cafeteria Tray 1 -
72 Earnings Clipboard 1 -
35 Camera 5 -
73 Egg Timer 1 -



74 Empty Syringe 8 - 09 Mantis Egg 12 -

75 Extinguisher 6 4 10 Marked Playing Cards 2 -
76 Finance Clipboard 1 - 11 Medical Brace 1 1
77 Fire Gecko Egg 65 2 12 Medical Clipboard 1 -
78 Fire Gecko Hide 25 - 13 Metal Bucket 2 1
79 Firehose Nozzle 5 - 14 Microscope 22 2
80 Fishing Rod 4 2 15 Milk Bottle 1 -
81 Fission Battery 75 5 16 Mirelurk Carapace 60 4
82 Flip Lighter 12 - 17 Mole Rat Hide 8 -
83 Flour 2 - 18 Nuka-Cola Bottle 1 -
84 Garden Gnome 1 - 19 Nuka-Cola Truck 5 1
85 Gas Canister 10 2 20 Office Desk Fan 4 2
86 Gecko Egg 10 - 21 Opthalmoscope 4 -
87 Gecko Hide 10 - 22 Oven Mitt 1 -
88 Glass Pitcher 1 - 23 Pack of Cigarettes 12 -
89 Globe 2 2 24 Paint Can 10 4
90 Golden Gecko Egg 50 - 25 Paint Gun 15 1
91 Golden Gecko Hide 20 - 26 Paintbrush 2 -
92 Golf Ball 1 - 27 Paperweight 1 1
93 Green Gecko Egg 80 3 28 Passport 1 -
94 Green Gecko Hide 30 - 29 Pen 1 -
95 Hairbrush 2 - 30 Pencil 1 -
96 Harmonica 2 - 31 Pepper Mill 2 -
97 Hot Plate 5 1 32 Picture Frame 4 -
98 Lab Bottle 1 - 33 Pilot Light 14 -
99 Lantern 15 1 34 Plastic Skull 1 -
00 Large Burned Book 1 - 35 Playing Cards 1 -
36 Plunger 1 -
37 Pool Ball 2 -
38 Pre-War Book 1 -
01 Large Destroyed Book 1 -
39 Pressure Cooker 15 3
02 Large Ruined Book 1 -
40 Radioactive Gland 30 -
03 Large Scorched Book 1 -
41 Radscorpion Egg 5 1
04 Leaf Blower 15 1
42 Radscorpion Poison Gland 25 -
05 Life Preserver 6 2
43 Radscorpion Stinger 30 -
06 Liquor Bottle 2 -
44 Rake 1 2
07 Lottery Ticket 1 -
45 Research Test Tube 1 -
08 Lunchbox 3 -
46 Rum Bottle 2 -



47 Salt Shaker 2 - 85 Tweezers 3 -

48 Scalpel 8 - 86 Typewriter 11 2
49 Scissors 3 - 87 Umbrella 3 1
50 Sensor Module 30 1 88 Undamaged American Flag 9 2
51 Shot Glass 1 - 89 Vacuum Cleaner 20 3
52 Shovel 3 2 90 Vacuum Tube 3 -
53 Small Burned Book 1 - 91 Vault Canteen 5 -
54 Small Destroyed Book 1 - 92 Vodka Bottle 2 -
55 Small Ruined Book 1 - 93 Walkie-Talkie 1 -
56 Small Scorched Book 1 - 94 Whet Stone 4 -
57 Snow Globe 2 - 95 Whiskey Bottle 2 -
58 Soap 4 - 96 Wine Bottle 2 -
59 Souvenir Drinking Glass 1 - 97 Wonder Glue 10 -
60 Souvenir Magnet 3 - 98 Yao Guai Hide 10 1
61 Souvenir Toy 5 - 99 Yarn 1 -
62 Spatula 1 - 00 Yeast 2 -
63 Stogie 1 -
64 Sunset Sarsaparilla Bottle 2 -
65 Table Fork 1 -
66 Table Knife 1 -
67 Table Spoon 1 -
68 Tabletop Picture Frame 2 -
69 Tall Flask 1 -
70 Teddy Bear 3 -
71 Telephone 5 2
72 Tin Can 1 -
73 Tin Plate 1 -
74 Toaster 5 2
75 Toothbrush 1 -
76 Toothpaste 3 -
77 Toy Alien 5 -
78 Toy Car 5 -
79 Toy Rocketship 7 -
80 Toy Truck 8 -
81 Tray 1 -
82 Trifold American Flag 3 2
83 Turpentine 10 1
84 TV Dinner Tray 1 -



normally produced when normal beer has been

CONSUMABLES exposed to radiation for an extended period of time.
Everyone in the needs to eat and drink, otherwise Being drunk on irradiated beer add an automatic
one would eventually die and wither away, and it a to Brawl and Presence skill checks, and an
does not matter if you are living safely within the automatic t to all Intellect skill checks.
depths of a protective Vault or if you are struggling
to stay alive in the irradiated Wasteland – you need IRRADIATED SCOTCH
to eat and drink, as simple as that! Similar to the non-radioactive scotch, this bottle of
Consumables are items which, when ingested or scotch has been exposed to prolonged exposure of
consumed by the character, provide various effects. radiation and thus has become irradiated.
Anyone drunk on scotch has automatic a on
ALCOHOL Brawl and Willpower checks, as well as an automatic
Various forms of alcohol appear throughout the on all t Intellect checks.
entire Wasteland. Alcoholic beverages are available
in varying forms. Alcoholic beverages provide both IRRADIATED WHISKEY
beneficial and negative effects to the consumer. As the name indicates, irradiated whiskey is simply
Unlike most foods, alcoholic beverages appear to be whiskey which has absorbed radiation.
completely radiation-free. Being drunk on whiskey, the intoxicated recipient
An excessive amount of alcohol consumption can adds automatic a to all Brawl and Presence skill
eventually lead to an alcohol addition, though this is checks, and adds automatic t to Intellect skill
a slowly building addiction, unlike a chem addiction. checks.
Excessive alcohol consumption over a prolonged
time, at the GM's discretion, will eventually result in
an addiction. See the rules for addictions under the
Chems section. Moonshine is a very potent homebrewed alcoholic
beverage which has a more pronounced effect on
the user's personality than other types.
ABSINTHE Moonshine's effects stack with other alcohol
Absinthe is a green, highly alcoholic beverage types, unlike other types of alcohol.
derived from wormwood, fennel, aniseed and other Getting intoxicated on moonshine gives the
herbs and does not stack separately from other character a b on Brawn checks, as well as a b on
alcohols such as beer etc. Intellect and Cunning checks.
Running drunk on absinthe provides the recipient
with an automatic a on Presence skill checks, as
well as an automatic t on Intellect, Cunning and
Rum & Nuka is a variation of Nuka-Cola mixed with
Willpower skill checks.
strong rum.
Intoxication from rum & nuka results in an
ATOMIC COCKTAIL automatic a on Brawn checks, as well as an
A novelty drink mixer shaped like a rocket ship, automatic on all t Intellect checks.
with a black logo on one side shaped like the words
"atomic cocktail" surrounding an atom.
Anyone drunk on atomic cocktails increase their SCOTCH
Wound threshold by 2, but add an automatic ff on Scotch is a type of whiskey, and thus have the
all skill checks. telltale bright pseudo-glowing golden orange color
similar to whiskey.
Anyone drunk on scotch has automatic a on
BEER Brawl and Presence checks, as well as an automatic
Beer is an addictive alcoholic drink commonly on all t Intellect and Willpower checks.
found throughout the wasteland.
Characters drunk on beer add an automatic a to
Brawl and Presence skill checks, and an automatic SIERRA MADRE MARTINI
t to all Intellect skill checks. The Sierra Madre martini is a potent alcoholic
beverage brewed by Dean Domino using toxins from
the Cloud and pre-War junk food.
IRRADIATED BEER Getting intoxicated on moonshine gives the
Irradiated beer is a radioactive variant of beer,



character automatic s on Brawn check. ALCOHOL CONSUMABLES

VODKA Absinthe 20 - 6
Vodka is a distilled alcoholic beverage, made
mostly from water and ethanol and then distilled Atomic Cocktail 25 - 6
from a fermented substance such as rye, wheat, Beer 2 - 3
potatoes or sugar beet molasses. It is also the
world's most popular spirit beverage. Irradiated Beer 1 - 1
Being drunk on vodka gives the recipient an Irradiated Scotch 5 - 2
automatic a to Brawn and Presence checks, and
also incurs an automatic t on all Willpower checks. Irradiated Whiskey 5 - 2
Moonshine 20 - 3
Wasteland tequila is an alcoholic drink which can
be easily brewed with materials readily available in Scotch 10 - 4
the Wasteland. Sierra Madre Martini 20 - 7
Anyone drunk on wasteland tequila gives the
Vodka 20 - 4
recipient an automatic s on Brawn checks and
automatic a on Presence checks, while suffering an Wasteland Tequila 20 - 4
automatic f on all Intellect checks. Whiskey 10 - 4
Wine 10 - 3
Whiskey is a strong, potent and spiced alcoholic
beverage that has a rich, golden amber hue to the BEVERAGE
liquid. Drinks come in a variety of taste, color and
Being drunk on whiskey, the intoxicated recipient presentation. Drinking and staying hydrated is every
adds automatic s to all Brawl checks and a to all bit as necessary as it is to eat and fill up a hungry
Presence skill checks, and adds automatic f and t belly. However, many of the drinks throughout the
to Intellect skill checks. Wasteland are irradiated. Beverages, like food stuff,
provides a benefit and negative effect for the
WINE recipient. As with food, overall caution should be
Wine is an alcoholic beverage made from the taken before drinking.
fermentation of grape juice. It is produced by
fermenting crushed grapes using various types of BLACK COFFEE
yeast which consume the sugars found in the Boiled from roasted coyote tobacco chew and
grapes and convert them into alcohol. honey mesquite pods, black coffee is a good way to
While intoxicated on wine, the recipient adds stay awake in the middle of the night as well as
automatic a to all Brawl and Presence skill checks, improving alertness, which makes repairing things,
and adds automatic t to Intellect and Cunning skill medical treatment and solving theoretical/practical
checks. problems easier. However, it comes with the
negative drawback of making it harder to maintain
focus in pitched combat.

Blood packs are simply packs of blood used in
blood transfusions before and after the Great War.
The bloodpack is stored in an IV bag.

Dirty water is the most common water in the
Wasteland. It is bottled from the tainted lakes and
rivers throughout the Wasteland. Unlike purified



water, this is radioactive, which, if accumulated, can bottle color was adopted as standard in 2052, after
cause sickness or death. Accumulated rads can be market research programs indicated that the blue
removed for a fee by a doctor or by using RadAway. color was the favorite in 86 people out of 100 polled.
It comes in either a bottle or a carton. Typically one The ingredients of Nuka-Cola include: carbonated
would only drink this in an emergency. water, caramel color, aspartame, phosphoric acid,
potassium benzoate (to protect taste), natural
IRRADIATED WATER flavors, citric acid, and caffeine. What gives it a
Basically dirty water, but a more potent radioactive unique flavor is the essence of seventeen different
content. fruits mixed in just the right proportion to give the
beverage its trademark taste. Some versions of the
drink also include vita-minerals and health tonics.
NIGHTSTALKER SQUEEZIN'S During the Great Passion Fruit Famine of 2044,
Nightstalker squeezin's are a biological product people actually noticed the taste difference when the
made by processing nightstalker blood. recipe was changed.
Drinking this bloody cocktail allows the recipient to By 2067, vending machines with ice cold Nuka-
add an automatic a to all Stealth and Perception Cola could be found on virtually every street in
skill checks for up to one minute per point of Brawn America.
that the character has.
NUKA-CHERRY This Nuka-Cola features the traditional rocket-like
Nuka-Cherry was originally the product of Merle bottle with an orange color. It is assumed that the
Haverston, branded as Merle's Very Cherry Soda, flavor of the cola is orange. It also features a half
prior to being acquired by the Nuka-Cola orange slice as the background of the label with red
Corporation. After acquiring the patent, Nuka-Cola text.
Corp. rebranded it as Nuka-Cherry, and changed the
flavor profile to that of a Nuka-Cola and cherry
mixture along with adding coloring to boost its
In 2077, a new version called Nuka-Cola Quantum
visual appeal to consumers.
was introduced. According to the advertisements, it
Sometime before the Great War, The Nuka-
had twice the calories, twice the
Cola Corporation introduced their own
carbohydrates, twice the caffeine and
cherry-flavored soft drink, branded
twice the taste. To make it stand
simply as Nuka-Cola Cherry.
out more on the shelves and to
However, unlike the Nuka-Cherry
give it an extra kick, the
beverages distributed in the
Quantum included a mild
Boston area, this other
radioactive strontium isotope
cherry-flavored soda proved
(and an eighteenth fruit
highly unsuccessful.
flavor - pomegranate). The
effect was a drink that not
NUKA-COLA only boosted your energy,
Nuka-Cola, produced by but also glowed with a
the Nuka-Cola Corporation, bright blue light. While no ill
was the most popular soft effects were recorded by the
drink in the world before the Food and Drug
Great War. After the War, many Administration, the isotope also
bottles of this pre-War favorite caused the drinker's urine to
still survived, and Nuka-Cola glow for almost a week.
remains one of the most popular soft Reports that can be obtained in the
drinks of the post-apocalyptic world. Nuka-Cola plant show that product
Their bottle caps are also famously used as development had not been without failures and
currency, along with Sunset Sarsaparilla and Vim. casualties. All of the testers of the first batch died
Nuka-Cola was invented in 2044 by John-Caleb soon after consumption. The company found a
Bradberton. Its unique taste gained widespread suitable isotope in strontium-90. The product was
popularity, quickly becoming the most popular soft made in small experimental groups, which were then
drink in the United States with an extremely sent out around Washington, D.C. for feedback.
dedicated following. The widely known dazzling blue Unfortunately, while the product was being sent out



for response, some of the packages were caught out throughout the Wasteland.
in the Great War. Sunset Sarsaparilla is a root-beer-type carbonated
Nuka-Cola Quantum was released to the public the beverage found around New Vegas. With its easy
same day the bombs dropped: October 23, 2077. availability and low cost, it is an excellent
Because of this, Nuka-Cola Quantum is incredibly consumable that provides a high health regeneration
rare in the Wasteland, with many bottles found in effect, while also lacking the radiation present in
trucks that were shipping the product, ravaged by many other drinks.
the bombs.
Nuka-Cola Quartz is a flavor of Nuka-Cola. In a
Black Coffee 5 - 6
similar sort of situation to Nuka-Cola Quantum. It is
a clear drink with a white tint and glow. This version Blood Pack 5 - 2
of the soft drink also gives the drinker low-light Dirty Water 10 - 6
vision. The Nuka-Cola Corporation had a trademark
battle with Vim! Pop Incorporated over the "Quartz" Irradiated Water 5 - 3
trademark, since Vim was also selling a drink known Nightstalker Squeezin's 100 - 8
as Vim Quartz. Nuka-Cola won the battle.
Nuka-Cherry 40 - 8
NUKA-COLA VICTORY Nuka-Cola 10 - 5
A variant of Nuka-Cola with an orange glow and a Nuka-Cola Orange 20 - 7
yellow-orange color, Nuka-Cola Victory is similar to
the variant found in the Mojave Wasteland but in the Nuka-Cola Quantum 30 - 8
signature Nuka-Cola rocket bottle instead. The new Nuka-Cola Quartz 40 - 8
bottle has a label with a graphic of the United States
flag on it, as well as red, white, and blue coloring. Nuka-Cola Victory 75 - 9
According to the tour guide announcer in the World Nuka-Cola Wild 20 - 7
of Refreshment, this "refreshingly patriotic" variant
was a "regional favorite" available "out west" along Purified Water 20 - 6
with Nuka-Cola Quartz. Sunset Sarsaparilla 3 - 3

A brown bottle of Nuka-Cola with a red and gold
Nuka-Wild label. Nuka-Cola Wild is a root-beer
flavored beverage and is the Nuka-Cola
Corporation's answer to Sunset Sarsaparilla. While it
was never officially advertised as such, the Wild
flavor was conceived as a direct counter to their
rival's locally popular product after their failed buy-
out of the Sunset Sarsaparilla Company. Wild is,
therefore, one of a number of localized flavors that
were not widely distributed through the whole of the

Purified water is water that is completely free of
radiation, and as such can be safely consumed
without harming the drinker. It's relatively rare in the
Wasteland. Purified water comes in a can or a bottle.

Sunset Sarsaparilla (also known as the Beverage
of the West Coast) is a well-known beverage




Some of the most readily available foodstuffs are Meat from an irradiated, mutated bloatfly.
packaged pre-War food, still edible thanks to their
preservatives as well as sterilization from being BLOODLEAF
irradiated. Some mutant plants and animals can be This plant grows in water containing little
harvested for food as well. Though cheaper and radiation, like streams and other shallow water
more abundant than stimpaks and other healing sources. There is only one variant and is moderately
chems, food is somewhat riskier to rely on for common, usually found in groups of 3-10 depending
healing, as most foodstuffs in the wasteland is on the area in question.
tainted with radiation, or otherwise has some
drawbacks as well as benefits. Overall, caution
should be taken before eating.
A piece of meat from the two-headed mutant cow.
It can be eaten in its raw state. Brahmin meat is a
ANT EGG fairly universal.
They are the eggs of giant ants that impart
radiation when consumed.
The steaks are a staple food source in the
ANT MEAT wasteland. The steaks are said to be quite tasty and
A carapace with meat belonging to ants found nutritious. It is also a very versatile food, for example
throughout the Wasteland. if the meat isn't used right away it can be dried out
and made into jerky, ideal for travelers and caravans.
An ash blossom is the flower of a Wasteland plant BRAHMIN WELLINGTON
which grows almost exclusively in heavily irradiated Brahmin Wellington is a gourmet food item. As a
bodies of water. This plant is nearly identical to the food item, brahmin Wellington is good for quenching
melon blossom plant found elsewhere in the your hunger with no negative effects, making it one
Wasteland, but with ash-colored vines and ash- of a small number of food items which do not
purple flowers. increase radiation when consumed.


A baked piece of bloatfly meat. The broc flower grows on broc plants.


Like all other Mojave Wasteland plants, ripe Bubblegum are consumables that are found in
banana yucca plants found in the Wasteland. small yellow boxes, with the product name clearly
shown against a blue background.
Barrel cactus fruit are found on barrel cactus; a BUFFALO GOURD SEED
spherical cacti that can be encountered while Buffalo gourd seeds are possibly the most
wandering the Wasteland. They usually form in common consumables from plants, being both sold
groups, with one large barrel cactus that contains by most food vendors and located in numerous
the fruit surrounded by several smaller cacti. areas. The plants themselves grow on cracked or
broken roads and, due to their contrast of color
BLAMCO MAC & CHEESE against the roads, they are very easily spotted.
BlamCo Mac & Cheese is a fast food product from
before the Great War, which can be found around the CARAVAN LUNCH
wasteland to this very day. They are found in The caravan lunch is a collection of food items
rectangular green boxes, which features both a with the harmful radiation removed. It is often eaten
picture of the product contained within, macaroni by caravan merchants, due to the filling nature of the
and cheese, and the company logo. food and preparation simplicity.




This meat item consists of a skinned leg of a cat Dandy Boy Apples were made by a pre-War
down to the heel, with the thigh and calf muscle company. On the front and sides of the box, there is
present. some sort of apple mascot with a bowler hat,
monocle, and mustache.
An insectoid gland belonging to cave crickets DEATHCLAW EGG OMELET
found throughout the Wasteland. A tasty Wasteland omelette cooked using the rare
eggs of a deathclaw.
The legs of cave crickets. DEATHCLAW MEAT
A piece of meat from a deathclaw.
Cave fungi are food items that, when consumed, DEATHCLAW STEAK
serve as an active ingredient for reducing the A tasty, juicy, baked piece of deathclaw steak.
consumer's radiation level.
CAZADOR EGG A salad made from various vegetables or fruits
A nourishing egg from a cazador. harvested from the Wasteland.


Chicken noodle soup is cooked with meat from the Dog meat is a food item scavenged from the
rad chickens. corpses of dead canines, consisting of their meat.


A cooked piece of softshell mirelurk meat. Roasted over fire and seasoned with spice, this
steak consists of meat from a canine.
Bite sized fun with this sweet cotton candy. FANCY LAD SNACK CAKES
Fancy Lads Snack Cakes are pre-War snack cakes
COYOTE MEAT found around the wastes, packaged in plain white
This is a slab of raw, uncooked meat from a boxes with red labeling set above a stylized picture
coyote. of a tied bow.


Coyote steaks are fried and prepared slices of A reddish-orange egg found rarely on fire ants.
coyote meat.
CRAM A cooked and prepared serving of fire ant meat.
Cram is processed meat from before the War, However, unlike the fire ant meat, there is no
found in blue cardboard boxes. They were useful radiation upon ingesting the fire ant fricassée.
rations during World War II.
CRISPY CAVE CRICKET Raw, uncooked meat from a fire ant.
Crispy slices of cave cricket meat.
CRUNCHY MUTFRUIT Food paste appears as a cafeteria tray with a blob
Crunchy mutfruit is a fruit of a slight purple tinge of pink paste on it. It replaced all forms of food at
that resembles an apple. It has a different Suffolk County charter school as an experiment to
appearance than the standard mutfruit. help fund the school through a program called the
Nutritional Alternate Paste Program (NAPP),



developed by Vault-Tec in conjunction with the wastes that induces a small amount of radiation
federal government. The paste was designed to when eaten.
provide complete nutrition and have a shelf life of
over 100 years. GRILLED HERMIT CRAB
Holotapes found in the school suggest that the Grilled hermit crab is the cooked version of hermit
paste is completely devoid of flavor, turns skin pink crab meat.
with regular consumption, and has psychological
effects such as irritability.
This grilled meat comes from a giant mantis.
Fresh apples are one of the few edible food items
that are not irradiated, besides other fresh fruits or GRILLED NUKA-LURK
vegetables and food found in a uncompromised A grilled steak of nukalurk meat that glows blue.
FRESH CARROT Some grilled radroach meat.
Like most common fruits and vegetables
(including its surface counterpart), fresh carrots are GUM DROPS
fully safe for consumption. However, they are also Gum drops are small drops of congealed gelatin.
one of the few edible food items that are not As such, they aren't helpful at quenching hunger and
irradiated, alongside other fresh food from a non- will give a small dose of radiation.
compromised Vault.
FRESH PEAR Meat from the fairly rare hermit crabs.
They are fresh fruit seldomly found in the
wasteland, usually cultivated in temperate areas
before the War.
The honey mesquite pod grows on a short tree
with willow-like branches. Trees with pickable pods
FRESH POTATO will appear bushier in foliage and have strings of
Fresh potato, one of the world's largest food crops pods on them, resembling a fern pattern. Pods can
before the Great War. be eaten or used in recipes.


Meat from a gazelle. Some vegetables and a freshly flame-broiled
iguana, delicately roasted in its own skin, makes this
GAZELLE STEAK tasty treat so sought after.
A grilled steak of gazelle meat.
GECKO KEBAB InstaMash comes in a rectangular box, with what
Fried gecko meat that is seasoned in various appears to be an electrical unit on the rear and its
spices and served on a skewer. beaters on the bottom of the box. As the name
suggests this is most likely a potato-based food
Uncooked meat from a gecko.
Jalapeño peppers can be obtained from jalapeño
GECKO STEAK plants, it is spicy and often served in conjunction
The filleted meat of a gecko which is cooked over with other foods.
an open fire.

GLOWING FUNGUS This egg comes from a lakelurk and can be used
A common and edible mushroom found in the for preparing a tasty meal.



LAKELURK MEAT fruit-growing climates can be replicated with the

Raw, uncooked meat from a lakelurk. proper technology.


Maize (or corn) can be obtained by picking a maize Mystery bacon appears as crispy strips of bacon
plant. and might just very well be made of human meat.


They appear like a cross between a watermelon Mystery bacon appears as crispy strips of jerky
and a pumpkin as far as the stem. and might just very well be made of human meat.


A cake made from mirelurk meat. The severed tail of a night stalker, rattle and all.


An omelette containing pieces of mirelurk egg. Noodles are a kind of long noodle served in a
ceramic bowl.

A shishkebab, made from mirelurk meat.
Pinto beans grow on bean plants, but they are rare
to find.
A piece of meat from a dead mirelurk.
Pinyon nuts are hard-shell nuts that grow on
MOLERAT CHUNKS plants. Pinyon nuts can be used as an ingredient for
Grilled bits of mole rat meat. desert salad and trail mix.


Piece of meat from a mole rat. Mostly recognizable by its red and blue colors, this
rusted can of food is still good to be eaten after all
MONGREL DOG MEAT these years.
A piece of meat from a dead mongrel or dog.
MUTANT CAVE FUNGUS Potato Crisps are packaged in a small red and
While cave fungus is normally grown in caverns as white box, with a yellow bubble encouraging the
a reliable healing reagent, some caverns over the purchaser to "See Moon Map Offer on Back!". They
years have been unfortunate enough to become are visually identical to junk food.
irradiated. This resulted in the mutated cave fungus,
considered a delicacy in the wasteland, it is often RAD-RAT MEAT
used to make black blood sausages and other A piece of meat belonging to rad-rats.
Whereas a normal cave fungus would reduce
radiation, mutant cave fungus adds radiation when
consumed and has an appropriate green glow. A grilled steak of rad-rat meat.


As the only living trees known present in the The edible meat from mutated and irradiated
Capital Wasteland are in Oasis it is possible that cockroaches known throughout post-War America
they were grown here, though it is just as likely that as radroaches. It is radioactive and offers very little
it was created through genetic experimentation. in terms of hunger satisfaction but may be cooked to
Rivet City scientists are capable of growing fresh, provide a slightly more nourishing meal.
radiation-free fruits and vegetables, so it's clear that




A tasty omelet made from a radscorpion's egg and Thick and sticky, this honey-like substance that
purified water. comes from spore carriers can actually be
Radscorpion meat appears SPORE PLANT PODS
to be a section of tail or leg These pods, that grow on spore plants, can be
from one of the Wasteland's plucked and prepared into a meal.
RADSCORPION STEAK Squirrel on a stick can be found in virtually
A cooked piece of every corner of the wasteland, even though live
radscorpion meat, with squirrels are nowhere to be found. It restores a
all traces of radiation relatively small amount of health, and adds a
removed. small amount of radiation.


Roasted slices of ant meat prepared at a cooking Squirrel stew is a staple food among wasteland
station. denizens, found in many households or kitchens
across the wasteland. Its commonality is strange as
ROASTED MIRELURK MEAT there are no squirrels to be found in the wastes.
A grilled piece of mirelurk meat.
SALIENT GREEN A cooked piece of stingwing meat.
A jar containing green plant material broken down
to its base components. This material is used as STINGWING MEAT
part of the nutrients required for think tanks as Stingwing meat appears to be the midsection of a
nourishment. stingwing with its head, legs and a portion of the tail
Salient green is a universal and easily convertible removed.
nutrient source. It is derived from 11 plant types
through a process at the biological research station. STRANGE MEAT
After conversion into salient green, the substance Widely suspected to be human flesh, no one knows
can be converted back into the original form, or one exactly what it is, other than that it looks and tastes
of several different plants via cooking it. strange.


Packaged in a small, red box, this slice of Strange meat, which some speculate might
preserved beef can still be eaten, although it have actually be human flesh, that has been ground up
that particular irradiated tinge to it. and baked into a pie.


A tasty seasoned rabbit skewer. Sugar Bombs is a pre-War breakfast cereal that
can be found all around the Wasteland, packaged in
SILT BEANS white and blue boxes with a red ovoid logo at the
Silt beans are red pods of beans that grow in the top, fully labeled as "Sugar Bombs breakfast cereal."
wilderness, appearing similar to a red flower at a Numerous promotional posters can be found posted
distance. Silt beans appear to be some form of on walls around the wasteland, touting the Sugar
mutated green bean. Bombs' "explosive great taste!" and some
supposedly contain a "free Captain Cosmos decoder
SOFTSHELL MIRELURK MEAT ring," though one has yet to be found. The cereal
Meat from a softshell mirelurk. pieces themselves are modeled after atomic bombs,
resembling the Fat Man, or perhaps more relevantly,



a mini nuke. WOLF MEAT

Rib meat from a wolf.
Tarberries are small, purple berries of the tarberry WOLF RIBS
plant, itself a water-grown crop ostensibly similar to Cooked rib meat from wolves, seasoned with lure
cranberries. weed.


A hybrid between a potato and tomato. Looks like Xander root is a large, turnip-like root. It can easily
a tomato on the outside, but is brown on the inside. be identified by its exposed head and tall green stalk
Tastes absolutely as disgusting as it looks. protruding from a raised ring of dirt, resembling an
Trail mix is a combination of nuts, fruits, and YAO GUAI MEAT
breakfast cereal taken on long hiking trips or Can be eaten raw or used to cook yao guai ribs or
camping expeditions. It's intended to be high in yao guai roast.
calories, carbohydrates, and saturated fats to
maintain energy during long periods of physical
exertion. YAO GUAI RIBS
The cooked rib meat of a yao guai.
Capable of growing up to 1 meter in height, and YAO GUAI ROAST
sporting both nettles and berries, white horsenettle A roasted piece of yao guai meat.
(Solanum elaeagnifolium) is a flowering plant
capable of growing in semi-arid climates with poor YUMYUM DEVILED EGGS
soil. As such, it is commonly found in the South and Yum Yum Deviled Eggs are a food item produced
Southwestern United States. Unchanged by the by YumYum before the Great War. YumYum deviled
environmental conditions that followed the Great eggs come in a blue box with red labeling. The full
War, the white horsenettle growing in the Mojave title on the packaging reads "YumYum Brand Pure
Wasteland has exhibited few morphological changes Dried Whole Deviled Eggs."
in the past two hundred years. Along with the
common potato and various species of datura, white
horsenettle is considered to be part of the
Solanaceae family of plants.
As with many other plants that share its taxonomic
grouping, white horsenettle produces a glycoalkaloid
compound known as solanine, which is highly toxic
to many animals. Absorption of solanine in humans
may cause symptoms indicative of severe
gastrointestinal and neurological poisoning,
including nausea, hallucinations, diarrhea, vomiting
and cardiac dysrhythmia; left unchecked, this can
eventually lead to paralysis and death. Most cases
of solanine poisoning are brought about by ingestion
of plant material; contraction through direct delivery
into the bloodstream is possible, although such an
occurrence is highly unlikely under normal
Nevertheless, the berries produced by the white
horsenettle plant have been used by indigenous
tribes for food preparation, medicine and tanning.



FOOD CONSUMABLES Fancy Lad Snack Cakes 5 - 3

Ant Egg 4 - 6 Fire Ant Fricassée 30 - 7
Ant Meat 20 - 6 Fire Ant Meat 6 - 7
Ash Blossom 6 - 6 Food Paste 1 - 2
Baked Bloatfly 15 - 5 Fresh Apple 5 - 9
Banana Yucca Fruit 6 - 5 Fresh Carrot 5 - 9
Barrel Cactus Fruit 5 - 3 Fresh Pear 5 - 9
BlamCo Mac & Cheese 5 - 4 Fresh Potato 5 - 9
Bloatfly Meat 8 - 5 Gazelle Meat 60 - 7
Bloodleaf 5 - 6 Gazelle Steak 75 - 7
Brahmin Meat 5 - 1 Gecko Kebab 4 - 4
Brahmin Steak 5 - 2 Gecko Meat 4 - 4
Brahmin Wellington 5 - 3 Gecko Steak 5 - 4
Broc Flower 3 - 3 Glowing Fungus 6 - 3
Bubble Gum 1 - 2 Grilled Hermit Crab 130 - 7
Buffalo Gourd Seed 2 - 2 Grilled Mantis 8 - 5
Caravan Lunch 5 - 2 Grilled Nuka-Lurk 40 - 8
Cat Meat 8 - 2 Grilled Radroach 7 - 1
Cave Cricket Gland 3 - 4 Gum Drops 2 - 4
Cave Cricket Meat 50 - 4 Hermit Crab Meat 80 - 7
Cave Fungus 50 - 6 Honey Mequite Pod 5 - 4
Cazador Egg 4 - 6 Iguana-On-A-Stick 5 - 2
Chicken Noodle Soup 23 - 3 InstaMash 5 - 3
Cooked Softshell Meat 40 - 5 Jalepeño Pepper 5 - 4
Cotton Candy Bites 7 - 2 Lakelurk Egg 4 - 6
Coyote Meat 4 - 3 Lakelurk Meat 12 - 6
Coyote Steak 4 - 3 Maize 5 - 3
Cram 5 - 3 Melon 6 - 6
Crispy Cave Cricket 65 - 6 Mirelurk Cake 35 - 7
Crunchy Mutfruit 5 - 3 Mirelurk Egg Omelet 30 - 7
Dandy Boy Apples 5 - 4 Mirelurk Jerky 100 - 7
Deathclaw Egg Omelet 80 - 8 Mirelurk Meat 18 - 7
Deathclaw Meat 110 - 8 Mole Rat Chunks 8 - 1
Deathclaw Steak 130 - 8 Mole Rat Meat 5 - 1
Desert Salad 5 - 4 Mongrel Dog Meat 8 - 2
Dog Meat 1 - 2 Mutant Cave Fungus 50 - 8
Dog Steak 4 - 2 Mutfruit 5 - 9



Mystery Bacon 15 - 4 Yao Guai Ribs 90 - 6

Mystery Jerky 15 - 4 Yao Guai Roast 110 - 6
Nightstalker Tail 18 - 8 YumYum Deviled Eggs 5 - 4
Noodles 5 - 3
Pinto Bean Pod 1 - 8
Pinyon Nuts 5 - 3
Pork N' Beans 5 - 3
Potato Crisps 5 - 3
Rad-Rat Meat 5 - 1
Rad-Rat Steak 8 - 1
Radroach Meat 3 - 1
Radscorpion Egg Omelet 65 - 4
Radscorpion Meat 55 - 4
Radscorpion Steak 65 - 4
Roasted Ant 7 - 6
Roasted Mirelurk Meat 40 - 7
Salient Green 50 - 8
Salisbury Steak 5 - 3
Seasoned Rabbit Skewers 15 - 3
Silt Beans 6 - 5
Softshell Mirelurk Meat 22 - 5
Spore Carrier Sap 1 - 9
Spore Plant Pods 1 - 9
Squirrel On A Stick 5 - 4
Squirrel Stew 5 - 4
Stingwing Fillet 35 - 4
Stingwing Meat 30 - 4
Strange Meat 2 - 3
Strange Meat Pie 2 - 3
Sugar Bombs 5 - 3
Tarberry 5 - 3
Tato 7 - 5
Trail Mix 5 - 3
White Horsenettle 2 - 5
Wolf Meat 8 - 4
Wolf Ribs 16 - 4
Xander Root 1 - 3
Yao Guai Meat 85 - 6



The RobCo Pip-Boy (Personal Information size made possible by the use of integrated circuits.
Processor) is an electronic device manufactured by Despite its advantages, the Lil' Pip remained less
RobCo Industries. It uses ultra-modern super-deluxe popular than its more durable predecessor.
resolution graphics, which coupled with its Using a Lil' Pip 3000 allows the user to add an
capability to store large amounts of information and automatic a on all Computers checks.
transfer data to and from holodisks and from data
tubes make it the obvious choice for the wandering
explorer, the out-on-his-own newbie or the all-
around survivalist expert. Some common The Pip-Boy 1.0 was the very first model of the
characteristics that Pip-boys had were Geiger Pip-Boy personal information processors created by
counters, Health status of the user, a radio, a map, a RobCo before the Great War. The device marked the
journal, and an inventory list for weapons, armor, and first known attempt by any company to create a
any supplies. wearable portable computer. The only observed unit
The Pip-Boys were standard equipment issued to of the Pip-Boy 1.0 featured a highly cumbersome
all Vault-Tec Vaults. Some Vaults received design with a small screen and no protective
newer models of the device, while outer casing. Due to its crude appearance
others were given older models. and a lack of protection for the circuitry,
A user can turn up the Pip- the Pip-boy 1.0 was most likely a mere
Boy’s brightness, causing prototype never meant for distribution
the screen to function as an to vaults.
ad-hoc flashlight. Pipboys The Pip-Boy 1.0's crude and
also have programs that somewhat simplistic design
help the wearers analyze imposes a b penalty on all
opponents and assist in Computers checks made
targeting weak spots on their with it.
A turned-up Pipboy provides light, PIP-BOY 2000
and removes bb added to checks due to The Pip-Boy 2000 displays information in bright
darkness. (If it becomes important to determine how green on its black 5" x 3" screen, can record sound
far the light reaches, a Pip-Boy provides light out to and video footage for later playback, and uses a
short range.) When a character using a Pip-Boy simple yet elegant form of sonar and satellite
takes the Aim maneuver to target a specific location, tracking where satellite coverage is available to map
they remove b from the subsequent combat check, out areas where its user travels. Though input is
because of the V.A.T.S. System – Vault-Tec Assisted slow, a user can also hand-enter and edit text
Targeting System. When using V.A.T.S. against a messages on the Pip-Boy 2000.
humanoid enemy, seven different areas can be The original Pip-Boy 2000 was a hand-held device,
targeted: the head, torso, left arm, right arm, though some very cumbersome models were made
currently held weapon, left leg, and right leg. to be worn on the arm. These models were
However, there may be other points available when unofficially called Pip-Boy 2000 Plus. A modified
facing off non-humanoid creatures (e.g. robot model was used by the Brotherhood of Steel.
combat inhibitors, ant antennae). The Pip-Boy 2000 allows the user to remove b
The character who shows the images which imposed on Computer skill checks.
illustrate all of the characteristics in the character
system (traits, stats, items, etc.) is often incorrectly
called The Pip-Boy”. His correct name is the Vault PIP-BOY 3000
Boy. The Pip-Boy 3000 abandoned the hand-held
design of its predecessor completely, making wrist-
mounted designs standard. Several different models
LIL' PIP 3000 of the 3000 were made, each incorporating minor
The Lil' Pip 3000 provides all of the functionality of ergonomic and technical changes but maintaining
the Pip-Boy 2000 Plus, but boasts a greatly reduced the same general appearance. The Pip-Boy 3000A


features a built-in radio, Geiger counter, flashlight,

and a biometric lock that can only be opened by
either the user or a skilled technician.
The Pip-Boy 3000A was distributed to Vaults in the
Washington, D.C. and Mojave Desert areas. It adds
an automatic s on all Computer skill checks.


The Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV is the fourth iteration of
the Pip-Boy 3000 line and includes a number of
design enhancements. The control dials were moved
from the left side of the device to the right to
improve accessibility and the biometric lock and
glove were replaced by a simple latch, allowing
for quick and easy removal. The Mark IV
also utilized a revamped display interface
with animated images and was capable of
playing the latest video games, such as
Atomic Command and Red Menace.
The Mark IV, unlike their
predecessors, are able to manually
unlock the main vault door
The Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV adds
an automatic s and a on all
Computers checks.

The PIP-Pad is an experimental tablet-sized
version of the Pip-Boy series, mainly for reading text
and high-resolution graphics. A cache of these
devices was discovered after the Great War in an old
RobCo warehouse by the staff of The Armageddon
Rag. There are some known bugs with the text
processor, and users may occasionally see some
strange characters.
The Pip-Pad allows the user to remove b imposed
on Computer skill checks, but it adds an automatic
t on all Computers checks.

Lil' Pip 3000 - 1,500 10
Pip-Boy 1.0 1 2,000 10
Pip-Boy 2000 1 1,000 10
Pip-Boy 3000 1 1,000 10
Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV 1 1,500 10
Pip-Pad - 1,500 10


Vault-Tec bobblehead figures are
promotional Vault-Tec items. Bobbleheads
are only encountered within the Capital This bobblehead figure is represented as the
Wasteland and the Commonwealth and Vault Boy holding both arms up in the air and
not, for example, in any of the other flexing his muscles.
vaults of the West Coast. This may AGILITY
suggest that the Vault-Tec Represented as the Vault Boy standing on
bobblehead range was an exclusive one hand lifting up his own body in the air.
item to the East Coast and not a line
of permanent Vault-Tec merchandise. The
idea of the bobbleheads being a piece of INTELLECT
exclusive Vault-Tec merchandise is This bobblehead figure is made as the Vault Boy
supported by a computer terminal found wearing a college graduation ceremonial robe and
within the Vault-Tec HQ. The computer hat.
provides a list of 'orderable' merchandise
such as clothing and lunchboxes, but when CUNNING
a bobblehead is requested the terminal This bobblehead figure is represented as the
reports that they are only available to Vault Boy standing with his arms crossed
executive staff. and one finger resting on his chin.
There are a total of 34 different
collectible bobbleheads from the Vault-Tec
assembly line. A bobblehead is a representation of WILLPOWER
the Vault Boy in some pose associated to the The bobblehead figure is depicted as the Vault Boy
specific Characteristic or Skill, standing on a neutral holding both index fingers up to the temples of his
black base. On the front side of the base is head.
embellished with the word Vault-Tec.
A collectible bobblehead will provide a small
personalized bonus to a specific characteristic or
skill, as determined by the individual bobblehead This particular bobblehead figure is depicted as
figure. Only a single recipient can benefit from a the Vault Boy holding a thumbs up and brandishing
bobblehead, and thus must be in possession of the a big smile.
specific bobblehead in order to benefit from it. It
should be noted that a character cannot benefit from
having two of the same bobblehead collectibles,
should he or she be so lucky as to have two of the There are 28 variants of the Skill bobblehead, and
same variant. despite still being fairly rare, they are, however,
somewhat more common than the Characteristic
CHARACTERISTIC BOBBLEHEADS Any character who owns a Skill bobblehead will
There are six variants of these bobbleheads, one benefit from having an automatic s on all skill
for each characteristic; Brawn, Agility, Intellect, checks made with that particular skill, for as long as
Cunning, Willpower and Presence. These the individual bobblehead miniature is on his person
bobbleheads are more rare than the Skill or at least within sight.
Owning a Characteristic bobblehead grants the ATHLETICS
recipient an automatic a on all skills that are based This bobblehead is shown as the Vault Boy having
on the respective skill of the bobblehead miniature. his sleeves rolled up and wiping sweat from his
The character needs to carry the bobblehead on his brow.
person, or at the very least be able to see it if it is not
on his person.


BRAWL page with the other hand.

The bobblehead shows the Vault Boy standing
with both arms raised in a boxing pose. LEADERSHIP
The bobblehead is shown as the Vault Boy
CHARM standing on top of a three stepped stairs and
pointing with his left hand while his right hand is
This particular bobblehead shows the Vault Boy indicating that he is motioning for someone behind
standing at a podium with a microphone. him.

The bobblehead is depicted as the Vault Boy The bobblehead is holding a large, two-
wearing glasses and holding a keyboard in one handed double-headed wrench.
hand and typing with the other hand.

The bobblehead is holding an oversized
This bobblehead shows the Vault Boy stimpack with both hands.
pointing out in front of him and having a
scowl on his face.
COOL This bobblehead is shown as the
Vault Boy holding a super sledge
This bobblehead is shown as the Vault Boy tipping resting comfortable against his
a worn hat with one hand while smirking. shoulder.

The bobblehead is depicted as the Vault Boy The bobblehead shows the Vault Boy
arched back at a perfect 90 degree angle with holding a Nuka-Cola bottle cap.
one hand on the ground and one hand extended
out to the side.
DECEPTION This bobblehead is depicted as the Vault Boy
wearing a hardhat and holding an operating manual
This bobblehead shows the Vault Boy brandishing in his hands.
a huge smile and holding one hand behind his back
with two fingers crossed.
DISCIPLINE This particular bobblehead shows the Vault Boy
holding his right hand up over his brow, as if he is
The bobblehead is shown as the Vault Boy scouting for something far away.
standing with his hands pressed together palm to
palm in front of him and with his eyes closed.
DRIVING The bobblehead is shown as the Vault Boy wearing
a fighter pilot helmet and shades, holding a model
This bobblehead depicts the Vault Boy wearing an airplane in his right hand.
old fashioned leather driving helmet and goggles.


This bobblehead figure is depicted as the Vault
The bobblehead shows the Vault Boy holding a Boy taking aim with a varmint rifle ready to shoot.
gattling gun.


The bobblehead figure depicts the Vault Boy
This particular bobblehead shows the Vault Boy holding a 10mm pistol with both hands out in front
holding a book open with one hand and pointing to a


of him.

This bobblehead shows the Vault Boy standing
with one foot on a barrel marked with a radioactive
symbol and showing a thumbs up with his right

This particular bobblehead is shown as the Vault
Boy wearing a black mask over his eyes, standing
hunched over and holding a set of bobby pins in his
outstretched hands.

This bobblehead is shown as the Vault Boy
hunched over and standing on the tips of his toes in
a stereotypical sneaky profile.

The bobblehead is shown as the Vault Boy
standing leaned back with his arms resting crossed
over his chest and he is looking to the left.

The bobblehead is depicted as the Vault Boy
wearing hiking boots and carrying a backpack on his

This bobblehead shows the Vault Boy having his
hands lodged behind his head with the fingers
folded, and brandishing a confident look on his face.



Skill books and magazines temporarily give a  #43 Rise of the Mutants!
bonus to the corresponding skill according to  #121 Rise of the Radiated
whichever book or magazine has been read, but
wear off after an encounter. Skill books and
magazines come in a multitude of variations to cater
different likes and interests.
Using a skill book or magazine require the
character to take the time to read the entire work,
which means that reading a skill book or magazine
is not possible during a combat encounter. However,
a character reads the skill book or magazine, and
would in turn benefit from the bonus the book or
magazine conveys for the next encounter. Once read,
that particular skill book or magazine is rendered
ineffective; it can still be read, though it no longer
confers any bonus to the reader. Nor could one
character read the magazine and benefit from it,
then pass it on to the next character whom would
also benefit from it. Consider the skill book or
magazine a single-use item; once a character has
read it and has the benefit, the item is rendered
useless for other characters. This is solely
implemented as the skill books and magazines are a
part of the Fallout world, and would require some
limitation while transferred to the GENESYS system.


There are well over one hundred and forty different
issues released of Astounding Awesome Tales.
Listed below are a few selected titles which have
been found relatively intact in the Wasteland.
Perhaps there are many more waiting to be It's a collection of writings on
found. general science, written before
Reading the Astounding Awesome Tales will the Great War. This heavy book
allow the recipient reader to deal +1 damage to contains information about
all of his or her attacks during the next different scientific fields.
encounter. Reading the Big Book of
 #1 My Brain and I... (A Twisted Love Tale) Science will grant the reader the
 #2 The Starlet Sniper option to upgrade all of his
 #3 Attack of the Metal Men Knowledge skill checks once
 #4 Invasion of the Zetans that he or she makes during the
 #6 Attack of the Fishmen next encounter.
 #7 Deep Sea Terror! "Sinister Seafood Strikes!!"
 #8 The Man Who Could Stop Time
 #9 When Apes Go Bananas!!! "A Gorilla Ate My BOXING TIMES
Patrol Car!" This particular magazine focuses on primarily
 #10 Giant Insects Invade mostly only boxing sports, but also occassionally
 #12 Have Dog, Will Travel! include other physical and martial sports in later
 #13 Curse of the Burned! issues. The Boxing Times comes with a phletora of
 #41 The Mad Russian's Revenge



training exercises forthcoming encounter.

illustrated throughout its
pages, showing how to
perform the exercises in
easy step-by-step Dean's Electronics is a skill book, written for
illustrations. amateur electronics engineers in the 21st century.
Reading the Boxing Shocking breakthroughs in teaching methods allow
Times magazine will you to learn about a variety of electronics.
allow the reader to add The book has been revised
once since its first edition. The
s to all unarmed Brawl
first edition had a blue cover,
checks he or she makes
with a picture of three
during the next
lightning bolts in a circle.
encounter. It is not
The revised second edition,
restricted to boxing only,
however, comes in a
so a character practicing martial arts can benefit
brown cover, there is the
from the Boxing Times magazine as well.
picture of a vacuum tube
in a circle lying atop
CHINESE ARMY: various electrical diagrams.
Anyone reading Dean's Electronics will be able
SPECIAL OPS TRAINING MANUAL to add a a to all Mechanics checks they make
The Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual is during the next encounter.
a collection of writings on covert operations, written
before the Great War. The characters on the cover
translates from Chinese to English as “Chinese DUCK AND COVER
Army: Training Manual". Duck and Cover is a book containing information
It is important to notice that about the manufacture and usage of big, heavy guns
the Chinese Army: Special and ground assault artillery. Duck and Cover
Ops Training Manual is provides in-depth detailed information about
written in Mandarin everything from construction to usage of heavy
Chinese, and thus would weapons.
require a Daunting It is said that there is a
(dddd) Knowledge noticeably bigger version of
check for anyone to read, unless Duck and Cover in circulation
coming from a Chinese background, in comparison to the
naturally. But not just everyone can pick this manual standard version.
up and delve right into it. Given the fact that the The recipient who reads
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual is Duck and Cover will
written in Mandarin means that many discards the benefit from adding a s
manual without giving a second thought. to all of his or her
Reading the Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Gunnery skill checks made during
Manual grants the reader the benefits of a bonus a the next encounter.
to all Stealth skill checks for the next encounter.
D.C. JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE A magazine that divulges
The D.C. Journal of Internal information on do it
Medicine is a collection yourself repairs and how to
of writings on medicine, mend things from metal
written before the Great tools to cloth. Fixin' Things
War. is a magazine that is aimed
Anyone reading the D.C. for the do-it-yourself and
Journal of Internal fixer-up types of individuals.
Medicine will benefit from The magazine is full of good
a bonus a to all Medicine advice and neat tips and
skill checks for the tricks of how to tweak and
perfect techniques.



Reading this do-it-yourself magazine will grant the

reader the benefits of s to all Mechanics checks
that he makes during the upcoming encounter after
having finished reading the magazine.


A pre-War magazine that is entirely devoted to
energy weapons. It is similar to the book Nikola
Tesla and You. The magazine offers the reader in-
depths detail and information on the latest
development in energy weapons research. There is
also frequent schematics and blueprints of
deconstructed energy weapons brandished on the
pages of this magazine.
Future Weapons Today also frequently includes
interviews with inventors and users of energy
weapons to cast light on the effects and usage of
energy weapons and how it enrich the lives of those
traversing the Wasteland.
Reading the Future Weapons Today magazine will
allow the recipient
reader to upgrade all of
his Ranged [Light],
Ranged [Heavy] and
Gunnery checks once
while employing laser
and plasma weapons.
The effects of Future
Weapons Today does GUNS & BULLETS
not apply to other Guns and Bullets is an annual pre-War magazine
weapons using the that makes no apologies or excuses for what it really
same skills, such as is. It presents itself as: "a magazine devoted to the
slugthrowers or practical use of firearms, and the occasional biased
railguns. review." There are 10 issues of the Guns and Bullets
Reading a Guns & Bullets magazine grants the
GROGNAK THE BARBARIAN recipient a bonus s to all Ranged [Light] and
Grognak the Barbarian is a series of comic books Ranged [Heavy] skill checks he or she makes during
published by Hubris Comics in the mid-21st century. the next encounter. The effects of a Guns & Bullet
The comic books relate the adventures of the titular magazine apply only to weapons of the slugthrower
character in a prehistoric world. The magazines type; that means laser, flame, plasma, cryo, etc.
consist of a 10-issue run. weapons are excluded. Needless to say that
The reader of any issue of Grognak the Barbarian weapons such as missile launchers and the likes are
benefits from upgrading all of his or her Brawl skill also not included within the confines of the Guns &
checks once during the next encounter. Bullets magazine.
 #1 Blood on the Harp  Avoid Those Pesky Gun Laws!
 #2 Cometh the Trickster  Street Guns of Detroit
 #3 Jungle of the Bat-Babies  “Little Guns For Little Ladies”
 #4 In the Bossom of the Corsair Queen  Lasers & Hunting: Acceptable Overkill
 #5 Demon Slaves, Demon Sands  “Guide to Hunting Commies!”
 #6 Enter Maula: War Maiden of Mars  The Future of Hunting?
 #7 Fatherless Cur!  Plasma - The Weapon of Tomorrow
 #8 Lost in the Snows of Lust  Bear Proofing Your Campsite
 #9 In the Lair of the Virgin Eater  Take Aim, Army Style
 #10 What Sorcery This?  The Moon: A Communist Doomsday Device?



¡La Fantoma! is comic written in Spanish, which
can prove somewhat difficult for certain readers to
fully grasp what ¡La Fantoma! is really all about. It
requires a Hard (ddd) Knowledge check to fully
understand and grasp the concept of ¡La Fantoma!
in order to benefit from the
magazine. However, if a
character is of Spanish
bloodline, this check is not
Anyone capable of
reading the magazine
and actually
understanding it will
benefit from a bonus s
to all Stealth skill
checks that he or she
makes during the next

La Coiffe is a high end magazine for those whom
care a great deal about their appearance. It is a
magazine that would be displayed at barbershops
and hair dressers before the Great War.
HOT RODDER Reading an issue of La Coiffe grants the reader a
The Hot Rodder magazine is targeted for a very bonus a to all Charm skill checks for the upcoming
narrow audience. The magazine is aimed for drivers encounter.
and those in love with the idea of driving; of which  #1 Megaton Hair
there isn't much of anymore after the Great War. As  #2 Anchorage – The Buzzed Cut Classic
such, there were only three issues published of Hot  #3 The Hornet's Nest
Rodder before it was cancelled.  #4 La Coiffe
Reading the Hot Rodder magazine provides the  #5 The “Jackie-Oh-My!!” - Putting the 'Style' in
reader with a bonus s to all Driving skill checks for Hairstyle
the next encounter.
Furthermore, the Hot Rodder magazines comes
with custom paint-job schematics for individual
Power Armors. The Flame Job! Issue provides a red
base with black flames schematic. The Shark Paint
Schemes! Issue provides an olive base with red
edges, and eyes with a shark mouth on the torso.
And finally the Hot Pink! issue provides a pink base
with white scallops.
 #1 Flame Job!
 #2 Shark Paint Schemes!
 #3 Hot Pink!

Lad's Life is a monthly magazine which is aimed at
teenage boy scouts. The magazine comes with
many outdoors tricks, valuable information and tips
and tricks of how to become the perfect boy scout.



Each magazine covers a

couple of different topics,
and usually is rather If the lock's too much for you to handle, reading
detailed with illustrations through the magazine might give you the edge you
and step-by-step need. The magazine publisher did not only make the
instructions for boy scouts magazine about methods and techniques of how to
to hone their techniques open locks, because that would perhaps have lead to
and skills. the banning of the magazine as it might have been
Anyone who reads Lad's viewed as promoting breaking and entering
methods. Instead, the publisher also includes
Life will benefit from a a
information about lock technology, the progression
to all Survival skill checks
of the evolution of locking systems and
that he or she needs to
mechanisms, as well as
make during the following
being an all-round
encounter after having read Lad's Life.
informative magazine about
the locksmithing profession.
LIVE & LOVE Anyone who reads the
The Live & Love magazine deals with relationships Locksmith's Reader
of all kinds, the good, the bad and the ugly. It comes magazine will benefit from a
with a phletora of advice and formulas to follow in bonus s to all Skulduggery
order to have the perfect relationship, and also skill checks that the
comes with constructive ways of how to find the recipient needs to make
perfect man or woman. There are 9 issues in total during the next encounter
published. after having read this
Reading the Live & Love magazine grants the particular magazine.
characters a bonus s to all Charm skill checks
made during the next encounter.
 Talk Yourself Sober
Lying, Congressional Style is a collection of
 An Experience to Remember
writings on speech and deception, written before the
 Beware the Man Handler
Great War. It is said that
 Advice From Married Men
numerous politicians and
 Fabulous 1st Issue: Life Long Best Friends!
men of the state have
 The Secretary Charmer
been interviewed for the
 Trim the Fat
making of this book.
 Nuke-The-Man!
Included within the pages
 I Married a Robot!
of Lying, Congressional
Style are techniques of
fast-talking, how to keep
your cool during
deceptions, easy ways to
keeping track of your lies, and the like.
Reading this particular book provides the reader
with a bonus s to all Deception skill checks that he
or she makes during the next encounter.


The Massachusetts Surgical Journal is a monthly
magazine that is aimed for those studying or
working in the field of medicine.
There are 9 different published issues of the
Massachusetts Surgical Journal. These issues are
not marked by a number.
Reading a Massachusetts Surgical Journal grants
the recipient a bonus s to all Medicine skill checks
that he or she makes for the upcoming encounter.



 Cryo-Technology: Haven or Tomb! survivalists.

 Scars Are Cool When the Milsurp Review
 Finding Your Funny Bone has been read, the reader
 Pay Now, Get Better Later!! benefits from a bonus a to
 ER Nurses Confess All all of her Ranged [Heavy] and
 Better Living Through Chems Ranged [Light] skill checks
 Let's Play Doctor! made during the following
 Happy Sedation Special encounter. The Milsurp
 Raised by Robots Review applies to weapons of
any type, as long as they fall
under usage of Ranged
[Heavy] and/or Ranged [Light] skills.


Ever wanted to shine like the stars you adore in the
movies? Ever found yourself practicing movie lines
in front of the mirror? The Motivational Secrets of
the Stars gives you every tool and method you need
to make yourself heard and noticed.
Reading the Motivational Secrets of the Stars
grants the reader the option to freely upgrade all of
his or her Coercion skill checks once during the next


This magazine is written for those whom are either Nikola Tesla and You is a book containing
looking to improve their own ways of how they information about energy-based weaponry. The
conduct themselves or those whom are learning book is a reference to Nikola Tesla, a scientist who
how to properly interact with other people. discovered the alternating
Regardless, Meeting People is a magazine that current electricity.
comes with numerous interviews with people highly Reading Nikola Tesla
educated and trained the way of social interactions, and you allows the
as well as a great number of recipient to add a to all
methods of how to revise, Ranged [Light], Ranged
train and expand your own [Heavy] and Gunnery skill
social interaction skills. checks while using laser
Reading the Meeting People and plasma weapons of
magazine greatly improves all kinds.
the methods readily available
for the reader to implement
while interacting with other
This particular book, albeit somewhat bleak for its
people. As such, the reader
time when it was written, deals with the topic that
can upgrade all of his Charms
nuclear energy could be seen as an analog to the
skill checks once during the
Fruit of Knowledge, the Old World to Eden, and so on.
next encounter after having
It is said that Paradise Lost is about a man making a
read Meeting People.
trip through the Underworld.
Anyone reading the Paradise Lost will add a to all
MILSURP REVIEW of his or her Coercion checks made for the following
"Milsurp" is short for "military surplus", and is a encounter.
term used for supplies used by the military, usually
guns and ammunition, that is sold or disposed of by
the military when no longer needed. Sometimes
The Patriot's Cookbook has a name that
milsurp are collected by gun collectors and
sometimes confuses those unfamiliar with its



contents. This is definitely not

an average cookbook with
food recipes, which many Programmer's Digest is a monthly magazine the
have found out after picking it focuses of smaller technology and the advancement
up and checking its contents. of home technology. The
The Patriot's Cookbook is a magazine is informative and
magazine that deals with appeals to anyone with an
heavy weapons and warfare. interest in how the items
The subtitle is "The around them work, operate
Underground Rebel's Guide to and how they have come into
Practical Dissent". On the being. One might be deceived
front is a red stamp administered by the pre-War into thinking that this monthly
federal government which says "Banned Material. magazine is one that focuses
Marked for Burn 02/11/69”. The magazine offers on computer programming,
articles on creating and disarming explosive devices but that is not the case.
for a variety of purposes. Given the banned nature of When read, the Programmer's Digest benefits the
the material, it is hinted to have a survivalist bent to recipient with a bonus a added to all Knowledge
it. The bottom corner says "NEW: Abraxo Recipe for skill checks that the reader makes during the
Mailbox Bombs". following encounter.
Anyone who reads the Patriot's Cookbook will be
granted a bonus a to all Gunnery skill checks that PUGILISM ILLUSTRATED
he makes in the forthcoming encounter after having Pugilism Illustrated is a collection of writings on
read the magazine. martial arts, written before the Great War. Pugilism
Illustrated, as the name
PICKET FENCES indicates, comes with a great
Picket Fences is a very homely magazine that many illustrations and easy
deals with home improvement and how to become to follow step-by-step
the perfect handyman; a grand do-it-yourself instructions of how to
magazine. The Picket Fences magazines saw a practice these martial arts
printing of five spectacular issues. oneself.
Reading the Picket Fences magazines grants the When Pugilism Illustrated is
read, the recipient reader
character a bonus s to all Knowledge skill checks
that he or she makes during the forthcoming adds a to all of his or her
encounter after having read the magazine. Brawl skill checks made
 #1 The House of Tomorrow...Today! during the next encounter.
 #2 Modern Hearth!
 #3 Essential Upgrades! ROBCO FUN
 #4 Modern Lawn Care! Reading the highly popular and hot in demand
 #5 Welcome Home! RobCo Fun magazine allows the reader to turn any
one single s to a x result in the forthcoming
encounter. It is important to notice that the
character can only change a single s to a x once
during the encounter and the benefits of having read
the RobCo Fun magazine is expended.
The RobCo Fun magazines comes with a holotape
that can be used with any Pip-Boy or computer
terminal. The holotape allows the user to play a
game on his Pip-Boy or any computer terminal.
 Atomic Command
 Automatron
 Captain Cosmos in "Jangles' Big Day"
 Grognak & the Ruby Ruins
 Pipfall
 Red Menace



 Zeta Invaders  #10 Eagle's Nest

 #12 Skulls Are Hip!!
 #16 Sailor


The "Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor" series is a
collection of books written by an unknown vendor of
jerky from Junktown. In a manner similar to the
Wasteland Survival Guide, it is a post-War
publication, and the covers are hand-illustrated with
simple black ink brush strokes. There are 8
published issues of Tales of a Junktown Jerky
Reading the Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor
grants the reader a bonus s to all Negotiation skill
checks he or she makes during the next encounter.
 #1 Benefits of Child Labor
 #2 The Art of Haggling
 #3 Capitalism & You
 #4 How to Run a Successful Vendor Stand
SALESMAN WEEKLY  #5 Suit Up & Succeed
Ever wondered where the phrase “he is able to sell  #6 Why I Sold My Mother
sand in Sahara” comes from? Well, with the  #7 The Joy of Wealth
Salesman Weekly magazine you have the chance to  #8 Take Your Business on the Road
become the salesman that you always wanted to be.
This weekly magazine is
crammed with sales pitch
techniques, methods of
improving your presentations,
and the like.
Anyone having read the
Salesman Weekly magazine
adds a to all Negotiation
checks made during the
following encounter.

Most of the Taboo Tattoos magazines are lost to
time and only a handful of issues are still in
Reading the Taboo Tattoos magazine provides the Like Grognak the Barbarian, the Tæles of Chivalrie
character with an added s bonus to all Coercion is a popular boy's comic book series which featured
skill checks he makes for the upcoming encounter. more outlandish melee feats of knights rescuing
 #1 13 damsels in distress, while battling cunning goblins,
 #2 Anchor ferocious orcs and fire-breathing dragons. Some



issues even focused the  #2 Precision Hunting

storytelling on wizards  #3 Far Harbor Sightseer's Guide
instead of the usual knights,  #4 Children of Atom Exposé
though these issues were not  #5 Recipe Roundup
as successful, and the
magazine quickly resumed its
heroic knight formula.
When someone reads Tæles
of Chivalrie, the recipient
reader adds s to all Melee
skill checks that he or she
makes during the following
encounter after having read
Tæles of Chivalrie.


The Tesla Science Magazine is indeed a niche TODAY'S PHYSICIAN
magazine, as it deals with fusion and reactor This monthly magazine specializes in the modern
technology, which may not be interesting to just wonders of medicine and medical care. Today's
everyone. But still, the magazines were well received Physician deals with many topics, ranging from
and have a large group of readers – mostly those everyday ordinary diseases to rare, exotic
fully devoted to the future technology of tomorrow. pathogens, the latest
Reading the Tesla Science Magazine grants the advancements in medical
recipient reader a bonus s to all Ranged [Light], technology, and the
Ranged [Heavy] and Gunnery skill checks that he stress of being a
makes while using laser or plasma weapons for the physician, to name but a
next encounter. few of the topics found in
 #1 Will Robots Rule the World? this monthly magazine.
 #2 What is Plasma, Anyway? Anyone who reads
 #3 Rocket Science for Toddlers Today's Physician can
 #4 Tomorrow's technology for Today's Super upgrade all of his or her
Soldiers (Blast Off to Adventure!) Medicine skill checks
 #5 Giant Super Weapons once during the next
 #6 Geckos and Gamma Radiation encounter.
 #7 U.S. Army Goes to Space
 #8 10 Number 1 Hits!!! TOTAL HACK
 #9 Future of Warfare? Total Hack is a paperback magazine with aged
covers. The details on the covers are done entirely in
ASCII art, a style of illustration which uses assorted
symbols on a computer to create a picture.
Total Hack provides a bonus s to all Computer
skill checks for the next encounter after having read
the paperback magazine.
 #1 Control Robots
 #2 Control Spotlights
THE ISLANDER'S ALMANAC  #3 Control Turrets
The Islander's Almanac is a series of post-War
magazines detailing various tips and tricks to better
survive natural hazards. Reading The Islander's
Almanac grants the reader a a bonus to all Survival
skill checks for the upcoming encounter.
There are five issues in total of The Islander's
 #1 Pincer Dodge



TRUE POLICE STORIES the basics of covert operations or at least have an

interesting in such. These magazines proved to be
This magazine was dedicated to articles on quite controversial, as many of the articles give
famous criminal investigations and busts of the detailed in-depth insight into undercover operations,
time. The True Police Stories would feature stings and the like. The magazines often also
interviews with real officers of the law and provided detailed techniques for the reader to hone
investigators. True Police Stories also offered the his covert operations skills.
reader in-depths looks at how the daily lives of these Reading an issue of the U.S. Covert Operations
men were, often having had the reporter tag along Manual allows the character to upgrade all Stealth
for a firsthand recap of the events. skill check once in the forthcoming encounter.
Reading True Police  #1 Whistling in the Dark
Stories allows the  #2 Urban Camouflage
character who read the  #3 Facepaint Fundamentals
magazine to roll twice  #4 Not the Soldiers You're Looking For
when scoring a Critical  #5 Who Goes There?
Injury and selecting  #6 Squeaky Floorboard, Sudden Death
which of the two results  #7 Bushes, Boxes, and Beehives Camouflage
he wants to keep. This Special
particular benefit is only  #8 Getting the Drop on Communists
functional for the next  #9 Look Better in Black
encounter after having  #10 Tiptoe Through the Tulips
read an issue of True
Police Stories.

Tumblers Today is a magazine containing
information about the art of lockpicking or rather
information of the latest in mechanical locks found
in safes, footlockers and doors. There are five
magazines available in the Tumblers Today
Reading an issue of Tumblers Today will grant the
character a bonus s to all Skulduggery checks he
makes in the next encounter.
 #1 Bobby Pins – More Effective Than Lockpicks?
 #2 Confessions of a Housebreaker
 #3 Open Any Lock in 5 Seconds Flat UNSTOPPABLES
 #4 Locksmith Certification Special – Pass With The Unstoppables is a five-issue comic book
Flying Colors release that included cross-over character from
 #5 Mysteries of the Master Key Exposed! various comics. The characters included in the
Unstoppables are The Inspector, Grognak the
Barbarian, The Silver Shroud, Mistress of Mystery,
Manta Man, Dr. Brainwash, Ragnarök and Commie-
Kazi. While the cross-over seemed unrealistic to
many in the comic book scene, the Unstoppables
proved to be rather popular.
Reading an issue of the Unstoppables provides the
reader with a +1 increase bonus to Soak Rating for
the next encounter.
 #1 Dr. Brainwash and His Army of De-Capitalists!
 #2 Who Can Stop The Unstoppable Grog-Na-Rok?!
U.S. COVERT OPERATIONS MANUAL  #3 Commie-Kazi VS. Manta Man
These in-depth manuals are written by experts for  #4 Trapped In The Dimension Of The Pterror-
experts, and it can be some very complex reading of Dactyls!
highly confusing material if one does not understand  #5 Visit the Ux-Ron Galaxy!!



Chinese Army: Special Ops Training 50 6

D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine 50 6
Dean's Electronics 50 6
Duck and Cover 50 7
Fixin' Things 20 7
Future Weapons Today 20 8

WASTELAND SURVIVAL GUIDE Grognak the Barbarian 50 8

Similar to Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor, The Guns and Bullets 50 7

Wasteland Survival Guide is a post-War edition Hot Rodder 100 7
magazine series, written and illustrated with crude ¡La Fantoma! 20 7
pen drawings. There are 9 published issues of
Wasteland Survival Guide. However, given the quality La Coiffe 100 6
of the front cover images, many tend to not even Lad's Life 20 7
give these magazines a second glance when
Live & Love 100 7
happening to come across them without knowing
what they truly are, shrugging them off a mere Locksmith's Reader 20 7
children's scribblings. Lying, Congressional Style 50 7
Should a person read a copy of a Wasteland
Massachusetts Surgical Journal 100 7
Survival Guide, he would benefit from a having
adding a bonus s to all Survival skill checks for the Meeting People 20 8
next encounter. Milsurp Review 20 6
 #1 Farming the Wastes
Motivational Secrets of the Stars 25 8
 #2 Insect Repellent Special
 #3 The Bright Side of Radiation Poisoning Nikola Tesla and You 50 6
 #4 The Scrapyard Home Decoration Guide Paradise Lost 20 6
 #5 Guide to Diamond City
Patriot's Cookbook 20 6
 #6 Commonwealth Coupon Spectacular
 #7 Water Aerobics for Ghouls Picket Fences 100 7
 #8 Self Defense Secrets Programmer's Digest 20 6
 #9 Hunting in the Waste
Pugilism Illustrated 50 6
RobCo Fun 100 8
Salesman Weekly 20 6
Taboo Tattoos 100 7
Tales of a Junkyard Jerky Vendor 50 7
Tæles of Chivalrie 20 7
The Islander's Almanac 100 6
Tesla Science Magazine 100 7
Today's Physician 20 8
Total Hack 100 7
True Police Stories 20 8
Tumblers Today 50 7
SKILL BOOKS AND MAGAZINES U.S. Covert Operations Manual 100 8
Unstoppables 100 8
Astoundingly Awsome Tales 100 6
Wasteland Survival Guide 20 8
Big Book of Science 50 8
Boxing Times 20 7



Chems (a truncation of "chemical") is both a pre- them. But chems are addictive and after having use
and post-War slang term for "drug". A chem is any a certain chem an unspecified number of times (as
chemical, medicine, etc. that is used to cause determined by the GM), using the chem warrants
changes in a person's behavior or biological Resilience checks against the chem's Addiction
systems. Rating on each subsequent use of the chem. Failure
on this Resilience check indicates that the character
BACKGROUND has picked up an addiction.
Once Hooked: Any t results on the Resilience
Chems were a pre-War term used to describe
indicates the character suffers a bad experience
narcotic drugs and substances that caused
with the chem (a bad trip, nasty side effects, or
numerous temporary side-effects, both positive and
something similar). A y means addiction occurs
negative. Pre-War narcotics included Mentats, a pre-
and the character develops an increased tolerance
War "party-drug," originally developed by Med-Tek
to the substance and must upgrade the difficulty of
for medical purposes. Buffout, a "sports-
any checks made to kick the habit (see below).
enhancement" drug popularized by athletes, Psycho,
a combat-enhancement drug developed per orders
of General Chase, and Med-X, a painkiller found in GETTING A FIX
many pre-War hospitals. A large drug-trade existed Once addicted, the character must use the
within pre-War society. Skylanes Air Flight 1981 was substance regularly to fulfill his craving. The
one of several illegal smuggling operations that substance's Fix Factor determines the maximum
utilized jet airliners to smuggle goods across the period a character can go between doses.
country. If the character fails to get a dose in time, he goes
Little is known about how chems entered the into immediate withdrawal (see below).
markets of post-nuclear America, but it is commonly
accepted by most wastelanders that the Khans
invented the chem trade. Their specialties were in
creating Jet and Psycho. However, that the Great In addition to cravings, an addicted character must
Khans did not know how to produce chemicals make a Hard (ddd) Discipline or Resilience check
before the Followers of the Apocalypse taught them (as determined by the individual chem addicted to)
between 2278 and 2281. once a month, every month until the addiction is
kicked. If this check fails, the
character now has a Mild addiction
ACQUIRING AN ADDICTION to the chem. If the substance abuser
Addiction can be physiological, fails his next monthly check,
psychological, or both. the addiction becomes
Psychological dependence Moderate. A third failed
usually stems from the emotional check raises the addiction
gratification, euphoria, and level to Severe. A fourth and
escapism derived from use of final failed monthly check
a chem. Physiological results in turning the
addiction results from the substance abuser into a
body’s dependence on the Burnout.
substance for its continued
“survival.” Some chems can
confer both types of addiction, and are ROLEPLAYING ADDITION
typically among the more difficult to kick Characters can handle addiction in
(assuming the character even wants to). different ways, depending on their
While there is no set rule for when chance Addiction level.
of addiction sets in, this is entirely up to the Those with a Mild addiction are more
GM. Be fair, if players want to have their social or habitual users. They will have a
character's use chems, by all means let craving “now and then,” and will
unhesitatingly indulge in their chem of


choice, seeing no reason not to. Many will not check (as the individual chem dictates). This roll can
recognize that they even have a problem, though any be modified by mitigating external circumstances,
attempts to “cut back” or go “cold turkey” will be such as a strong peer support, a long stay at a
problematic. While the addiction could get worse, at medical facility and so on. Addiction recovery
this stage it’s manageable. attempts can only be made if the GM believes they
Characters who have a Moderate addiction have are warranted – a player cannot decide that his
developed tolerances and stronger cravings, so they character is cured without cause. If the character
may use more frequently, take stronger dosages, or succeeds, he forces himself to avoid the substance
move on to a harder substance. By this time, the and goes into immediate withdrawal (see below). If
problem is more noticeable even if a character the character fails, he caves in and does whatever he
attempts to hide it or deny it. She may experience can to get his next fix. If other characters prevent
(additional) repercussions from her habitual use, him from getting his fix, he goes into forced
display increased mood swings or unreliability, and withdrawal (see further below).
may begin to have financial difficulties due to
increased spending on her habit. Characters with
Moderate addictions receive a b penalty on all skill
checks. During withdrawal a character suffers bb to all
Characters with a Severe addiction are more like skill checks. This is due to the ordeal of withdrawal
the junkies many think about when given the term pains and mental and/or physical shock.
“addict” - out of control, strung out, continually The penalties of withdrawal vanish immediately if
needing a fix, borrowing money to finance their a dose of the “required” chem is administered. In
habit, and so forth. Some may become desperate that case, however, the recovering character is
and resort to more theft, gambling, borrowing money automatically considered addicted once again.
from unreliable or loan shark services, and anything
else the player and GM can think of. How bad this FORCED WITHDRAWAL
gets is left up to the player and GM, keeping in mind In other circumstances – perhaps the character
that if or when a character bottoms out, she could cannot obtain the addictive chem in time – he might
die or be inspired to quit. A character with a Severe suffer forced withdrawal. This is not a recovery
addiction must upgrade the difficulty of all skills process, but a failure to satisfy artificially induced
checks made once. substance cravings.
Burnout characters are on their way down, and it’s Losses due to addiction accrue throughout a
not pretty. These are characters with longterm forced withdrawal period. The character could feel
Severe addictions who are now exhibiting physical physically and emotionally drained and wish he were
and mental side effects from continual substance dead. The character suffers bbb to all skill
abuse. Characters who continue in this state for checks. Also, the individual is in a state of constant
long will continue to suffer deteriorating health pain and will behave as if suffering from a
effects determined by the GM. Such effects may Compromised Critical Injury Result (increase
include: difficulty of all skill checks by one).
The effects and penalties associated with the
 Permanent characteristic loss (Willpower or withdrawal process are immediately removed once a
Brawn as dictated by the chem). dose of the “required” chem is administered.
 Psychological problems such as flashbacks, However, this only reinforces the addiction.
blackouts, drastic and violent mood swings,
paranoia, schizophrenia, amnesia, and so on.
 Physiological health issues as appropriate to the RECOVERY
substance, including such fun things as as Once the character has beaten the addiction, he
abcesses, incontinence, a weak immune system, must rest for 1 week per Brawn or Willpower
lower pain tolerance, slurred speech, and so on. (depending on the chem) rating he has to restore his
 Strain damage that cannot be healed. physical and mental health. During this time his
penalty from withdrawal is lowered by b. The
character recovers any Wounds according to normal
KICKING THE HABIT rules for natural rest and increases 1 point in each
At some point, an addicted character might want lowered characteristic for every 3 days of full rest,
to “kick the habit”. Quitting an addiction is difficult. unless the loss was permanent, of course. Once the
To begin the process, the character must make a rest cycle has elapsed, all b are removed.
Formidable (ddddd) Discipline or Resilience


STAYING CLEAN gas. A target wearing a gas mask or chemical seal is

immune to its effects. Chemical protection gives a
Even after withdrawal and recovery, cravings for bonus equal to its Rating to the Resilience check.
the substance may linger. If the character is offered Injection: Injection substancs must be injected
a substance he was recently addicted to, the GM into the target’s bloodstream. Similar to contact
might require him to make a Daunting (dddd) toxins, they may be used to coat a bladed (not blunt)
Cool check to refuse it. Modifiers for passed time, melee weapon and applied with a successful
exceptional therapy, counseling and so forth can be damage – causing melee attack.
applied. If a character takes a dose, he is
immediately addicted again.
Chem addiction is a very debilitating experience. SPEED
The best solution is prevention – not to become Speed determines how soon after exposure the
dependent in the first place. victim suffers the substance's effect. Substance
effects are always applied at the end of a turn.
Immediate: Immediate means the effect is applied at
OVERDOSING the end of the turn the victim is exposed to the
Extreme amounts of anything can kill a person. chem.
The exact point at which “a lot” becomes “too much” Turn: Turn means the effect is applied at the end of
and causes toxicity varies, depending on the the specified number of turn. For example, 3 turns
substance in question. Whenever you take a would mean that the effect takes place at the end of
substance while you’re already on that substance or the third turn after applied.
one that has a shared effect, you take Strain damage When a substance is applied, note its Speed to
equal to the sum of the Addiction Ratings of the determine when it will take effect. At the end of the
overlapping chems (add the d together and the total appropriate turn, a Resilience check is made to see if
number of d equals the amount of Strain damage the substance actually infiltrates the victim’s
suffered). biosystem and impacts her health.
It is the GM’s call to decide when this point is
reached and when to start applying additional
damage to the character. As a general guideline, a DURATION
check that generates y or tttt may result in This indicates how long the effects described in
an overdose. Effects will be effective. Most substance duration is
determined by a fixed number, while some have a
duration based on a characteristic subtracted a
CHEM CHARACTERISTICS specific amount in hours or minutes.
Chems have certain characteristics in regards of
how they function. Some are specific for each chem, EFFECT
and are detailed in their respective substance The Effect determines what happens to a character
section. exposed to the substance. Some substances simply
cause damage; in this case, the Effect supplies the
VECTOR base damage value. Once damage has been
Vector is the method in which the substance can inflicted, it is treated just like any other injury;
be applied. antidotes and similar protections only work as a
Contact: Contact substances (in liquid or gas form) defense when taken before the substance's effect
must be applied to the target’s skin. If coated on a kicks in.
weapon, they may be applied with a successful Some substances cause other effects, such as
melee attack (whether or not they cause damage). A nausea or paralysis, which are listed in their Effect
chemical seal offers complete protection unless description and take effect once the chem's effect
breached (by an attack causing damage), while wears off.
chemical protection gives a bonus to the Resilience Disorientation: The target suffers a bbb modifier
check. to all skill checks due to confusion and
Ingestion: Ingestion substances must be eaten by disorientation for the remainder of the encounter.
the victim. They generally take longer to have an Nausea: Nausea is a catch-all term that covers
effect. pain, panic, vomiting, double vision, and other chem
Inhalation: Inhalation substances must be inhaled effects. If the Resilience check failed and results in
by the target and are applied as an aerosol spray or nausea, the character must upgrade the difficulty of
all skill checks once for the remainder of the


encounter. “speedball,” or mix chems in order to increase the

Paralysis: This substance blocks the body’s level of their high. Speedballing is more addictive
neuromuscular signals, rendering the target unable than taking chems separately. Characters who mix
to move. If the Resilience check against the chem chems receive a b penalty to their addiction checks
failed, the character is Staggered and Immobilized – for chems that they have mixed.
unable to perform any Actions or Maneuvers for the
remainder of the encounter. Even if the
target is not paralyzed, she will suffer a b
modifier for the remainder of the Chems come in different qualities,
encounter. depending on where they were cooked up
It is important to keep in mind and produced.
that no characteristic can be Street Cooked: These are the chems a
raised above 5 from the wastelander makes in a basement or
effects of any substance, warehouse. The cook cuts the pure chems
unless so stated in the to get more product to sell and keep profits
individual substance up. Street-cooked chems are half the cost
description. Just as no of standard chems, but crash times
characteristic can be lowered (meaning the duration of negative
below 1. effects after chems wear of) are doubled.
Decreases the Rarity of the chem by 1.
Standard: The default chem grade unless
CUTTING CHEMS otherwise stated. No changes in effect or cost.
Pharmaceutical: High-end controls used to
Many chems are debased, or cut, with a filler minimize impurities and standardize effects. Costs
material so the chem dealer can realize a greater are doubled. Any crash effects are halved in time
profit. If the filler is harmless, the worst the duration. The Addiction Rating is reduced by 1 (to a
character has to deal with is being ripped off. Many minimum of Easy (d)). Pharmaceutical grade is the
dealers, however, are completely unscrupulous minimum grade for customized chems. Increases
about what they cut their chems with, and players the Rarity of the chem by 1.
may end up mainlining rat poison or dish detergent Designer: A chem made specifically for one person,
with their brainburner of choice. further reducing side effects and optimizing
It is up to the GM to determine if the chems the benefits. Cost is triple that of a pharmaceutical
characters use are cut or contaminated. If the filler grade of the same chem (making it six times the
is inert or harmless, the duration and effects of the Standard cost), and the cook making the chem must
chem are halved. If the filler is toxic or poisonous, keep a sample of the user’s DNA on file. The crash
users suffer as if ingesting the relevant compound in isn’t as severe since it is tailored for the individual,
addition to the chem’s normal effects. so the duration is quartered. Increases the Rarity of
the chem by 2.
CONCENTRATION If someone uses a Designer chem intended for
If a substance is applied at concentrated levels someone else, treat it as Street Cooked.
(more than a single dose), the GM may increase the
Power of the substance as he feels appropriate, as CHEM INTERACTIONS
well as increasing the damage it causes or its other When chems are mixed, bad things happen.
effects by an appropriate amount. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don’t, and
Likewise, if a character remains in contact with a the more chems involved, the worse it can get. If you
substance over an extended period, such as being take a chem while still under the effect of another
caught in a gas-filled room for several minutes, she chem or recovering from a chem crash, you run the
may receive an additional dose and suffer stronger risk of experiencing a chem interaction.
effects (or have to resist the substance again). When Roll 1d10 die for each chem beyond the first, and
the substance’s Speed period has elapsed again, total the results, and modify the die roll by the
apply additional concentration effects as following modifiers:
appropriate or call for another Resilience check. Street Cooked Chems: +1 to roll result for each
street cooked chem used in the concoction.
MIXING CHEMS Designer Chems: –1 to roll result if all chems used
Habitual users often develop a tendency to are designer chems.


CHEM INTERACTIONS  Speed: Immediate.

 Duration: Immediate, and see below.
 Addiction Rating: None.
1 Double duration of all chems  Addiction Type: None.
2-4 No side effect  Crash Effect: None.
 Fix Factor: None.
5-6 Duration of all crash effects are doubled  Effect: Alien biogel heals 1 Wound
7-9 Crash effect occur immediately per rank of Medicine the user has, a
minimum of 1 Wound. The alien biogel does
10 Immediately take 3 points of unsoakable not count towards stimpak usage for one
Strain damage day. In addition, the alien biogel has a 50%
11-13 Crash effect damage is Wounds instead of chance of causing one of ten random effects aside
Strain from its normal healing qualities:

14+ Immediately suffer 10 points of Wound

damage, soaked by Brawn only and
ignoring armor D10 ROLL SIDE EFFECT
1 t on all Intellect-based skill checks
for 1 minute per point of Brawn
TYPES OF CHEMS 2 t on all Cunning-based skill checks
Various chems exist in the wasteland, some more for 1 minute per point of Brawn
beneficial than others. Each chem has an individual
profile, allowing users to "stack" chems to provide a 3 t on all Brawn-based skill checks for
larger bonus than either does individually. Chems 1 minute per point of Brawn
may have 4 or 5 simultaneous effects, usually, with 4 t on all Agility-based skill checks for
some kind of balance — it might lower one stat while 1 minute per point of Brawn
raising another. Abusing chems results in addiction.
Addiction to a chem will cause withdrawal 5 Increase current Radiation level by 1
symptoms when the chem wears off, resulting in 6 Reduce current Radiation level by 1
lowered stats unless the user continues to take the
chem, or seeks a cure or treatments. 7 Recover 1 Wound per turn for 1 minute
It is important to keep in mind that no per point of Brawn
characteristic can be raised above 5, unless so 8 One additional Maneuver per turn for 1
stated in the individual chem description. minute per point of Brawn
9 s on all Brawn-based skill checks for
ADDICTOL 1 minute per point of Brawn
Addictol has the appearance of a small inhaler,
0 s on all Agility-based skill checks for 1
similar to the psychoactive chem jet.
minute per point of Brawn
 Vector: Injection.
 Speed: 1 turn.
 Duration: Immediate. ANT NECTAR
 Addiction Rating: None. Ant nectar is a naturally occurring substance
 Addiction Type: None. secreted by giant ants.
 Crash Effect: None.  Vector: Ingestion.
 Fix Factor: None.  Speed: 3 turns.
 Effect: Using the addictol will allow the recipient to  Duration: [Brawn x 10] minutes.
make an Average (dd) Resilience check to  Addiction Rating: None.
effectively have all of his addictions cured.  Addiction Type: None.
 Crash Effect: None.
ALIEN BIOGEL  Fix Factor: None.
This chem is of extraterrestrial origin, and its  Effect: When used, ant nectar adds an automatic
contents is quite simply beyond the comprehension s to all Brawn skill checks. Disorientation.
of present science.
 Vector: Injection.


BLACK NO. 1 Using too much buffout causes cardiac arrest, or

even death. The pill-shaped chem, typically
Black No. 1 comes in a small container, and its fine contained in small bottles, with the disadvantage of
powdered black crystalline contents needs to be being highly addictive.
inhaled through the nose, which often leads to a  Vector: Ingestion.
severe nose bleed. Black No. 1 is heavily scented  Speed: 1 turn.
with perfume. It is believed that it contains grounded  Duration: [Brawn] hours.
dust from a corpse.
 Addiction Rating: Daunting (dddd).
 Vector: Inhalation.
 Addiction Type: Psychological.
 Speed: 1 turn.
 Crash Effect: When Buffout wears off, the
 Duration: [Brawn] hours.
user suffers f and t to all Brawn checks for
 Addiction Rating: Average (dd).
[10 – Brawn] hours.
 Addiction Type: Psychological.
 Fix Factor: 1 day.
 Crash Effect: After Black No. 1 wears off,
 Effect: Buffout provides the wearer with a
the user will have his Wounds and Strain
+1 increase to his Brawn score. Buffout
thresholds reduced by 2 for a duration of
adds bb to all Resilience checks made
twice the duration of the effect.
to resist getting addicted to Buffout.
 Fix Factor: 7 days.
 Effect: Black No. 1 increases the user's
Presence characteristic by 1 point, to a maximum of CALMEX
6, when dealing with members of the opposite sex. Calmex is believed by many to be a pre-War light
However, it also decrease the user's Presence tranquilizer for veterinarian purposes. Despite these
characteristic by 1 when dealing with members of rumors that this medicine is for animals, the value of
the same sex, to a minimum of 1. it is exceptional due to its pre-War quality.
This tranquilizer doesn't work as a painkiller when
BONES administered to humans. However, it still carries a
high enough dosage to cause a kind of head high
Bones is a rather unique chem, albeit a very rare
that boosts some survival senses that are
chem at that too. Bones is created with a mixture of
ordinarily dulled by reasoning.
synthesized chemicals, powdered bones from
 Vector: Ingestion.
irradiated creatures, brahmin urine and a good
 Speed: 1 turn.
amount of odd household chemicals.
 Duration: [Brawn x5] minutes.
 Vector: Injection.
 Addiction Rating: Average (dd).
 Speed: 2 turns.
 Addiction Type: Psychological.
 Duration: [Brawn] hours.
 Crash Effect: When Calmex wears off, the recipient
 Addiction Rating: Average (dd).
user suffers an automatic f to all Agility skill
 Addiction Type: Physiological.
checks for 24 hours.
 Crash Effect: When Bones wears off, the recipient
 Fix Factor: 3 days.
user suffers a reduction of a random characteristic
 Effect: Calmex lets the user upgrade all Stealth
(as under Effect) by 1 point, to a minimum of 1 for 24
checks once he makes.
hours. The user also adds b to all skill checks from
physical exhaustion, just wanting to lay down with
his legs elevated high, if possible. CALMEX SILK
 Fix Factor: 1 day. This chem is identical in appearance to regular
 Effect: Bones courses through the user's system Calmex, but gives the user an extra edge in
with a vengeance, causing a strange random effect. comparison to basic Calmex.
When using Bones, roll 1d10 to see which  Vector: Ingestion.
characteristic is increased by 1, to a maximum of 5,  Speed: 1 turn.
for the entire duration: 1-3 for Brawn, 4-6 for Agility,  Duration: [Brawn x5] minutes.
7 for Intellect, 8 for Cunning, 9 for Willpower and 10  Addiction Rating: Average (dd).
for Presence.  Addiction Type: Psychological.
 Crash Effect: When Calmex Silk wears off, the
BUFFOUT recipient user suffers an automatic f to all Agility
skill checks for 24 hours.
Buffout is a highly advanced steroid that was
 Fix Factor: 3 days.
popularized before the Great War by professional
 Effect: Calmex Silk lets the user upgrade all Stealth
athletes and their clandestine use of the chem.


checks once that he makes. Furthermore, the having Intellect lowered by 1 point and also suffering
Calmex Silk also adds automatic aa to all of the an automatic f on all Perception skill checks for 12
user's Stealth checks. hours.
 Fix Factor: 5 days.
 Effect: Daddy-O increases the user's Intellect by 1,
CATSEYE as well as adding automatic s to all Perception
Catseye is not as effective outdoors, especially
checks, but also lowers the user's Presence by 1
during daytime. When used during the day, the
character will lose the ability to make out many
colors until the effects wear off.
 Vector: Ingestion. DAY TRIPPER
 Speed: 2 turns. An unusual chem, Day Tripper enhances the
 Duration: [Brawn] hours. user's self-confidence while weakening the
 Addiction Rating: Easy (d). user's physical strength.
 Addiction Type: Physiological.  Vector: Ingestion.
 Crash Effect: The user suffers a b penalty  Speed: 1 turn.
to all skill checks made where sight is a  Duration: [Brawn] hours.
crucial factor for success. This lasts for [12  Addiction Rating: Hard (ddd).
– Brawn] hours.  Addiction Type: Both.
 Fix Factor: 6 days.  Crash Effect: Coming off a Day Tripper
 Effect: The user effectively have low-light high results in decreasing all Presence skill
vision and thus reduces b to any skill checks by one for a duration of [24 – minus
checks made due to penalty from lack of two hours per point of Brawn] hours.
adequate light.  Fix Factor: 1 day.
 Effect: Day Tripper adds automatic s on
COYOTE TOBACCO CHEW all Presence skill checks, while also adding
automatic f to all Brawn skill checks.
It is not the same plant that is typically processed
into tobacco cigarettes; it is instead based upon the
real-world coyote tobacco plants which grow wild in FIRE ANT NECTAR
the Western United States, classified as Nicotiana Fire ant nectar is a naturally occurring substance
attenuata. secreted by fire ants.
 Vector: Ingestion.  Vector: Ingestion.
 Speed: 3 turns.  Speed: 1 turn.
 Duration: [Brawn x10]  Duration: [Brawn x10] minutes.
minutes.  Addiction Rating: None.
 Addiction Rating: Easy (d).  Addiction Type: None.
 Addiction Type: Physiological.  Crash Effect: None.
 Crash Effect: None.  Fix Factor: None.
 Fix Factor: 1 day + [Brawn x2] hours.  Effect: Fire ant nectar adds automatic x on
 Effect: Using Coyote Tobacco Chew will add an Resilience checks made against fire and extreme
automatic s to all Perception skill checks the user heat. Furthermore, fire ant nectar also adds
makes. automatic a to all Agility skill checks. Nausea.

Daddy-O is a small syringe with two vials filled This obscure chem is believed to have originated in
with a bright orange liquid inside. According to the New York commonwealth, but this not a proved
Wasteland rumors, the drug is popular with beatniks statement. Fuckitall is a thick, semi-opaque liquid
and intellectuals of the time. that must be administered by injecting it into the
 Vector: Injection. bloodstream.
 Speed: Immediate.  Vector: Injected.
 Duration: 30 minutes  Speed: 5 turns.
 Addiction Rating: Hard (ddd).  Duration: [Brawn] days.
 Addiction Type: Psychological.  Addiction Rating: Average (dd).
 Crash Effect: Crashing on Daddy-O results in  Addiction Type: Physiological.


 Crash Effect: Fuckitall causes uncontrollable irradiated water and other equally interesting things.
shakes and spasms, effectively lowering the The ingredients are mashed to a pulp and treated
recipient's Brawn and Agility by 1 point for a with chemical ingredients and then worked into a
duration equal to the chem's initial effect. fine turquoise powder once the entire cooking
 Fix Factor: 6 days. process is completed.
 Effect: This chem lets the user ignore the effects  Vector: Inhalation.
of any Critical Injuries for the duration the chem is  Speed: 2 turns.
coursing through his system. A character suffering a  Duration: 24 hours.
Critical Injury still obtains the Critical Injury, its  Addiction Rating: Formidable (ddddd).
effects is just not applied to him, not even after the  Addiction Type: Psychological.
effects of Fuckitall wears off.  Crash Effect: Anyone crashing on Janx must make
a Daunting (ccdd) Resilience check upgraded
GHOST SIGHT twice as the chem wears off. A failed check results
in the user suffering from severe sweating and
Ghost Sight provides a green night vision effect.
debilitating nausea, which inflicts 10 points of
The effect is similar to that of Catseye or Nuka-Cola
unsoakable Strain damage, plus an additional Strain
Quartz, and is useful in low-light areas.
damage per uncancelled t on the check. The user
 Vector: Ingestion.
is not able to recover these Strain before the end of a
 Speed: 1 minute.
period of 24 hours. A y result means that the user
 Duration: [Brawn x5] minutes.
experiences extreme, acute projectile vomitting and
 Addiction Rating: None.
diarrhea. Furthermore, regardless of the Resilience
 Addiction Type: None.
check result, the character is Disoriented for the next
 Crash Effect: None.
 Fix Factor: None. 24 hours, suffering bbb to all skill checks.
 Effect: The user of Ghost Sight benefits from  Fix Factor: 2 days.
 Effect: Those using Janx says that it is beyond
having darkvision and removes all b imposed on
euphoria, almost as if witnessing a thousand nuclear
skill checks from darkness. Furthermore, any
bombs going off, just without all the radiation,
increases on skill checks imposed due to darkness
fallout, mutations and all that nastiness. Using Janx
is also negated. In fact, the user perceives his
raises all characteristics by 1, to a maximum of 5.
surroundings as if he had a light source available.

Jet is a highly addictive drug. It is extracted from
Hydra appears as a "Supa Yum"-brand soda bottle
brahmin dung fumes and administered via an
with three sealed glass vials of liquid taped around
its middle, each one with a thin rubber tube feeding
 Vector: Inhalation.
their contents up to the mouth of the bottle.
 Speed: 1 turn.
 Vector: Ingestion.
 Duration: [Brawn x5] minutes.
 Speed: 1 turn.
 Duration: [Brawn] hours.  Addiction Rating: Daunting (dddd).
 Addiction Type: Both.
 Addiction Rating: Hard (ddd).
 Crash Effect: Coming off Jet results in an
 Addiction Type: Both.
 Crash Effect: Crashing on Hydra automatic f to all Agility checks for 12 hours.
means that the user will add  Fix Factor: 1 day.
automatic ff on all Resilience checks  Effect: Using Jet adds an automatic s and a to
for [48 – 3 hours per point of Brawn] hours. all skill checks that the user makes. Nausea.
 Fix Factor: 7 days.
 Effect: The use of Hydra allows the user to ignore MED-X
the results of any Critical Injuries suffered. Hydra Med-X is a potent opiate analgesic that binds to
adds f to all Resilience checks the user makes to opioid receptors in the brain and central nervous
ward off hydra addiction. system, reducing the perception of pain as well as
the emotional response to pain. Essentially, it is a
JANX painkiller delivered by a hypodermic needle.
 Vector: Injection.
Part of the ingredients used to create Janx is said
 Speed: 2 turns.
to be radscorpion poison, bleach, cacti juice,
 Duration: [Brawn x20] minutes.


 Addiction Rating: Average (dd).  Fix Factor: 4 days.

 Addiction Type: Physiological.  Effect: Morno allows the user to upgrade all
 Crash Effect: Crashing on a Med-X high results in Agility-based skills once.
the user's Strain threshold being reduced by 2 as
well as suffering t on all Agility skill checks for 24
A powerful mutagenic compound designed to give
 Fix Factor: 4 days.
the user abilities resembling those of a super
 Effect: Increases the user's Soak rating by 1.
mutant. It has very nasty side effects. It's sort of a
mutagenic serum that gives its user temporary stat
MENTATS modifications.
This pre-War chem was created by Med-Tek. They  Vector: Injection.
were designed to increase memory related functions  Speed: 1 turn.
and speed up other mental processes. These chalky  Duration: 60 minutes.
red pills were a popular party drug once favored for  Addiction Rating: Daunting (dddd).
the boost it gave to creativity - turn on, tune in, drop  Addiction Type: Psychological.
out.  Crash Effect: Once the effects of Mutie wears off,
After the war, the Professor allegedly developed an the user suffers a Brawn decrease of two points, but
easy method to mass-produce Mentats, likely owing increases his Intellect and Presence by 1 point each
to its ubiquitous nature across the country, even for 1 hour. Paralysis.
years after the war had already ended.  Fix Factor: 3 days.
Mentats were sold in  Effect: Mutie increases the user's Brawn rating by
both cardboard and tin 2 points, but also reduces the user's Intellect and
packaging, the latter a Presecence by 1 point each.
bit more likely to
survive the nuclear
holocaust. They are, of
Psycho appears as a form of injected chem
course, highly addictive.
composed of strange, unknown chemicals of
 Vector: Ingestion.
military origin which comes with its own
 Speed: 5 turns.
unique delivery system. It was designed
 Duration: 30 minutes.
specifically for military use. It increased a
 Addiction Rating: Hard (ddd).
soldier's damage resistance, and its
 Addiction Type: Psychological.
dampening effect on higher brain
 Crash Effect: The user suffers automatic tt to
functions made for tough — but
all Presence skill checks he makes for 12 hours
uncontrollable-troops. This
while crashing on Mentats.
chem was very popular for
 Fix Factor: [Brawn] days.
human-wave assaults.
 Effect: Mentats allows the user to upgrade all
 Vector: Injection.
Intellect skill checks once.
 Speed: 1 turn.
 Duration: [Brawn x5]
MORNO minutes.
This black dust is laced with metallic green flecks,  Addiction Rating: Average (dd).
making it shiny when moved about in adequate  Addiction Type: Physiological.
lighting. Inhaling this dust usually tears the  Crash Effect: Crashing on Psycho results in the
nostril cavity to shreds, resulting in a bloody user having his Brawn characteristic reduced by 1
nose. for a duration of 12 hours.
 Vector: Injection.  Fix Factor: 1 day.
 Speed: Immediate.  Effect: Anyone using Psycho adds an
 Duration: [6 – Brawn] hours. automatic s on all Brawl and Melee combat
 Addiction Rating: Daunting (dddd). checks.
 Addiction Type: Both.
 Crash Effect: Coming off a Morno trip
leaves the recipient weak and sluggish,
Rad-X is an anti-radiation chemical that
suffering -3 to Brawn (to a minimum of Brawn
can significantly reduce the danger of
1) for 48 hours.
irradiated areas. When combined with an


advanced radiation suit, Rad-X can create near-  Speed: 1 turn.

immunity to radiation, even at moderate medical  Duration: [Brawn x5] minutes.
skill levels.  Addiction Rating: Easy (d).
Rad-X is reasonably common and can be used  Addiction Type: Physiological.
frequently. Like stimpacks and RadAway, Rad-X is  Crash Effect: Coming off Rebound results in an
non-addictive. Taking multiple doses of Rad-X does automatic f to all Agility checks for 12 hours.
not increase the total radiation resistance (the  Fix Factor: 1 day.
effects do not stack). Instead, the drug's active time  Effect: Allows the user to take an additional free
is lengthened (the effective time stacks). Maneuver each turn (although he may still not take
 Vector: Ingestion. more than two Maneuvers in a turn). Rebound also
 Speed: 2 turns. adds an automatic x on Initiative checks. Nausea.
 Duration: [Brawn x12] minutes.
 Addiction Rating: None.
 Addiction Type: None. ROCKET
 Crash Effect: None. Rocket is a variant of Jet that kicks in immediately
 Fix Factor: None. and takes you on a wild ride.
 Effect: Rad-X grants the user an automatic ss on  Vector: Inhalation.
all Resilience checks made against radiation  Speed: Immediate.
exposure.  Duration: [Brawn x5] minutes.
 Addiction Rating: Formidable (ddddd).
 Addiction Type: Both.
RADAWAY  Crash Effect: Coming off Rocket results in an
RadAway is an intravenous chemical solution that automatic ff to all Agility checks for 12 hours.
bonds with radiation particles and passes them  Fix Factor: 1 day.
through the body's system. It takes some time to  Effect: Using Rocket adds an automatic ss and
work, and is also a potent diuretic. a to all skill checks that the user makes. Nausea.
It cannot be used to keep away from, or resist
radiation when entering radioactive areas like its
relative namesake Rad-X, but is instead used for SLASHER
after receiving radiation to purge some of it from the Slasher is a chem which combines the effects of
body. Med-X and Psycho into a single chem.
On top of being addictive, it has several adverse  Vector: Injection.
effects, most notably headaches, stomach pains,  Speed: 1 turn.
and hair loss.  Duration: [Brawn +1] minutes.
 Vector: Injection.  Addiction Rating: Hard (ddd).
 Speed: 5 minutes.  Addiction Type: Physiological.
 Duration: Immediate.  Crash Effect: Crashing on the Slasher chem results
 Addiction Rating: in the user having his Brawn characteristic reduced
None. by 1 point (to a minimum of 1) for a duration of 12
 Addiction Type: None. hours.
 Crash Effect: None.  Fix Factor: 1 day.
 Fix Factor: None.  Effect: Slasher allows the user to add automatic s
 Effect: RadAway purges radiation from the user's to all Brawl and Melee checks he makes, as well as
body, effectively reducing his current Radiation level ignoring up to ss on any damage he sustains while
by 3. high on Slasher. Disorientation.

Rebound appears as a metal hip flask filled with A combat chem made from unknown chemicals, it
liquid jet and a pair of glass vials of pre-War provides the user with a steady aim that makes it
adrenaline drugs taped to the side, which flow up impossible to miss in sharpshooting, perfect for
through tubes into the mouth of the flask. A needle snipers lining themselves up for the perfect shot.
on the top administers the drug cocktail, causing a Due to the potency and untested nature of the drug,
steady rush of energy rather than an instant energy however, it is also highly addictive.
rush. The item appears to be a makeshift inhaler crafted
 Vector: Injection. from an empty Sunset Sarsaparilla bottle, complete


with a tinfoil heating element and a hose the next 48 hours.

mouthpiece.  Fix Factor: 3 days.
 Vector: Inhalation.  Effect: The user is allowed to take an additional
 Speed: 2 turns. Action per turn. Paralysis.
 Duration: [10 + Brawn x2] minutes.
 Addiction Rating: Average (dd).
This is a rather foul-smelling and even worse
 Addiction Type: Both.
tasting small brown pill. It is easily swallowed,
 Crash Effect: Crashing from Steady adds
though reports of diarrhea and cold sweats have
automatic t to all Ranged [Light], Ranged [Heavy]
been reported amongst the side effects of the chem.
and Gunnery skills checks made for the next 24
 Vector: Ingestion.
 Speed: 1 turn.
 Fix Factor: 7 days.
 Duration: [Brawn x5] minutes.
 Effect: Using Steady adds automatic b to all
 Addiction Rating: None.
Ranged [Light], Ranged [Heavy] or Gunnery skill
 Addiction Type: None.
checks the user makes. Furthermore, Steady adds
 Crash Effect: When the effects of Wasted wears off,
automatic f to all Resilience checks made to avoid
the user suffers an automatic f and b to all skill
Steady addiction.
checks for 24 hours.
 Fix Factor: None.
SWON  Effect: The user of Wasted automatically recovers
Injecting Swon into one's system requires some 2 Wounds he has at the beginning of each of his
talent and no weak heart – literally. Those using turns.
Swon must inject the chem directly into the heart for
utilizing the effects of the chem to its fullest
Created before the War as a general performance
 Vector: Injection.
enhancer, X-cell never got out of the prototype stage,
 Speed: 1 turn.
but was widely distributed on the black
 Duration: [Brawn x2] hours.
market. It boosts every
 Addiction Rating: Easy (d).
characteristic for a limited
 Addiction Type: Physiological.
period of time, but is highly
 Crash Effect: When Swon wears off, the character
immediately suffers 6 points of unsoakable Strain
 Vector: Inhalation.
damage. Paralysis.
 Speed: 1 turn.
 Fix Factor: 5 days.
 Duration: [Brawn] minutes.
 Effect: Adds an automatic ss to all Initiative
 Addiction Rating: Formidable (ddddd).
 Addiction Type: Both.
 Crash Effect: The user who comes off of a X-Cell
TURBO high suffers f to all skill checks for 24 hours.
Turbo appears as an inhaler of Jet hastily duct-  Fix Factor: [24 + Brawn x6] hours.
taped to a can of "HairStylez"-brand hair spray. The  Effect: X-Cell increases Brawn, Agility, Intellect,
effect of turbo is a brief slowdown of the Cunning, Willpower and Presence by 1 point.
surroundings (time goes at about 35% of its original Furthermore, X-Cell adds ff to all Resilience
speed), including everything from your enemies' checks made for the addiction.
movements, to projectile speeds (your own projectile
speed included), and even the duration of the drug
itself. However, you are not slowed down yourself -
your own movement speed and fire rate will remain
the same.
 Vector: Inhalation.
 Speed: Immediate.
 Duration: [Brawn] minutes.
 Addiction Rating: Daunting (dddd).
 Addiction Type: Physiological.
 Crash Effect: Anyone coming down from a Turbo
high suffers an automatic f on all skill checks for


Addictol 125 8
Alien Biogel 25 9
Ant Nectar 20 4
Black No. 1 55 6
Bones 15 9
Buffout 45 6
Calmex 70 8
Calmex Silk 150 9
Catseye 20 4
Coyote Tobacco Chew 1 3
Daddy-O 50 7
Day Tripper 40 5
Fire Ant Nectar 50 7
Fuckitall 175 8
Ghost Sight 40 7
Hydra 55 4
Janx 550 10
Jet 50 3
Med-X 50 6
Mentats 50 3
Morno 75 6
Mutie 400 9
Psycho 50 3
Rad-X 20 3
RadAway 80 5
Rebound 35 6
Rocket 120 7
Slasher 50 8
Steady 45 5
Swon 35 4
Turbo 50 3
Wasted 175 7
X-Cell 270 9


There are a lot of ways to kill someone in this
world. The weapons that can be encountered out in
the wasteland are varied; they could be The base damage the weapon inflicts.
relics from the Pre-War, cobbled This is the minimum damage inflicted with
together with junk and ingenuity this weapon hits. Each s the combat
in the time since, or in rare check generates adds one point to
cases newly manufactured by this damage rating.
one of the few weaponsmiths Some weapons (including most
still able to make new weapons. Brawl and Melee weapons) have a “+”
Weapons come in a great in front of their base damage. This
variation and suits many means you add your character's
different purposes. Many of the Brawn rating to this value.
weapons found throughout the
Wasteland have seen better CRITICAL RATING (CRIT)
days and tend to be victim of Indicated by a number of a
poor maintenance or neglect. required to trigger Critical Injuries
The weapons in the Fallout using this weapon. If the weapon's
setting function similar to the Critical rating triggers, the character
weapons found in the modern rolls percentile dice on Table 6-10:
setting (as detailed on page 166 Critical Injury Result, on page 115 of
of the GENESYS core rulebook). the GENESYS core rulebook to
Weapons have a number of determine the effect on the target. A
distinct characteristics, which is Critical Injury can only be triggered on
how they are defined within the a successful hit that inflicts Wounds
Fallout setting and delineate on the target.
their capabilities. All weapons Some weapons and talents modify
share the characteristic categories this Critical roll, potentially making
covered here. a Critical Injury more or less
Some also come with unique effective. In addition, a character
rules, which are covered in the can only generate one Critical
weapon's individual entry. Those rules are so Injury per hit on a target.
specialized that making them universal would just However, if the check generates enough a to trigger
create clutter in the general rules, since they won't the Critical rating of the weapon multiple times, the
come up often. character can choose to add +10 to the Critical roll
for each trigger after the first. More on Critical
Injuries can be found on page 114 in the GENESYS
NAME core rulebook.
This is the name or generalized type of the weapon
in question.
The range of the weapon. Range is measured in
SKILL USED (SKILL) several broad range bands. Melee weapons usually
All weapons require a combat skill to operate, and require the attacker to be Engaged with the target.
this entry defines which skill the weapon requires. Ranged weapons have ranges listed as Short,
Skills also can determine whether a weapon Medium, Long, or Extreme. See pages 102 and 105 in
requires one or two hands to wield. The [Heavy] the GENESYS core rulebook for more details.
version of the Ranged skill means the weapon takes
two hands to use, and the [Light] version of the skill
means it can be used with one hand. ENCUMBRANCE (ENCUM)
Encumbrance is an abstract measurement of how
heavy and awkward something is to carry and


transport. The higher the Encumbrance, the more glove incorporating what amounts to a laser pistol
difficult the item is to carry. More details on on the back of the wearer's hand. Impact-sensitive
Encumbrance can be found on page 84 in the plating across the knuckles fires the laser when the
GENESYS core rulebook. wearer lands a punch. delivering a devastating blast.
While these weapons are undeniably effective, they
HARD POINTS are also dangerous for the wielder. Despite the fact
that the impact-plating supposedly also shields the
Many weapons can be customized, to an extent user, only the very brave or very reckless embrace
determined by the number of Hard Points they have. the idea of a laser impact just scant centimeters
The vast majority of weapons have a limited number from their fingers. Even the toughest fighters can
of Hard Points that determine how many only withstand repeated blaster impacts on their
attachments can be mounted on them. This is knuckles for so long.
covered in greater detail on page 206 in the When using blast knuckles, every successful hit
GENESYS core rulebook. inflicts 1 Strain on the wielder (in addition to any
strain suffered due to check results) . Blast knuckles
PRICE cannot deal damage to a target's Strain threshold.
The price of the weapon on the open market. The
price is listed in bottle caps currency, naturally. BOXING GLOVES
Boxing gloves are a large, red leather mitt laced
RARITY onto the wearer's hands. They are intended for
The rarity of the item, before modifying (see page throwing stunning blows to the opponent, and not
82 in the GENESYS core rulebook). for causing lethal wounds.


These are the qualities or other special rules each The deathclaw gauntlet appears as a set of
weapon possesses. More in-depth descriptions of severed finger-bones from a deathclaw, joined with
these qualities can be found on page 86 in the hose clamps and a handle attached via threaded rod
GENESYS core rulebook, while rules specific to a welded to wire to make a deadly handheld weapon.
certain type of weapon are detailed in the weapon's
individual description. GARROTE
The garrote has been the go-to weapon for quiet
BRAWL WEAPONS assassinations since the dawn of time. An extremely
simple and deceptively lethal weapon, a garrote is a
Brawl weapons are simple, often easily concealed length of cord or cable with a handle attached at
weapons that are worn on the hands as both a each end. The cable is wrapped around a target's
means of protection and a way to increase the throat and the handles are pulled tight at the back of
damage of physical blows. While there are many the neck, cutting off air, and either knocking out or
kinds of brawl weapons in the Wasteland, brass suffocating the target. Garrotes are easy to conceal
knuckles are the most common types available. and can even be made in the field with readily
When using a brawl weapon, users add their Brawn available materials.
characteristic to the damage dealt, unless the A character who makes a successful Brawl attack
weapon description indicates otherwise. When a when using a garotte against a target can cause that
brawl weapon has its own stated damage, the target to become suffocated (see page 112 of the
inclusion of a plus sign next to the damage indicates GENESYS core rulebook). Targets may attempt to
that the user adds his Brawn to the damage dealt. break free of the garrote with an opposed Brawl vs.
Brawl check, adding b for each turn they have been
This brawl weapon is composed of three The garrote can only be used against opponents
sharpened blades arranged around a wooden cup of that are of the same Silhouette or up to 1 Silhouette
sorts and secured with leather bindings. difference in size than the wielder of the garrote.


This unusual weapon consists of a heavy, armored Knuckles, brass knuckles, or knuckledusters, take


the form of four linked metal rings in a shallow power generators and dozens of meters of superfine
convex formation with a bumper attached to the metallic thread that turns them from simple hand
concave face. The rings are slipped over a protection into extremely effective anti-personnel
combatant's fingers with the bumper pressed into weapons. When an individual wearing shock gloves
the palm of the hand. When a punch is thrown, the strikes a target, the gloves release stored energy in a
brass knuckles take the majority of the impact burst of power that can knock even the toughest
impulse, transferring much of the punch's kinetic opponent unconscious in an instant.
energy to the target by way of the harder, smaller
impacting surface of the metal knuckles. This
drastically increases the likelihood of serious tissue
disruption and bone damage. This gauntlet is constructed the paw of a yao guai.
The massive bear paw can not only cut deep
wounds but bruise or even break bones because of
MANTIS GAUNTLET its burdensome size.
Consisting of a severed mantis foreleg, this
weapon is fitted to the wielder's forearm and
reinforced with metal bars and leather straps.

A typical butcher's meat hook used for holding
animal carcasses, readily used as an improvised

The power fist is a mechanical glove mounted with
a hydraulic piston powered ram. When punching, the
pistons push the ram forward, smashing into the
enemy. Sometimes, enough power is transferred to
the target to knock them down.

Made in a variety of styles for nearly every
species, they are simply a pair of gloves with heavy
plates, alloy pellets, sand, or some other dense,
weighty material sewn into the fingers and
back of the hand. Relatively innocuous when
worn, sap gloves amplify a wearer's punch
and act almost like knuckles.
Spotting sap gloves on an individual
requires a Daunting (dddd)
Perception check.

Popular among infiltrators, law
enforcement agents, and others needing a
quick, non-lethal weapon easily at hand, shock
gloves are an excellent addition to any
Wastelander's equipment loadout. They are
produced in a variety of styles, from sleek hide
gloves suitable for evening or formal wear to
heavily armored gauntlets built to match battle
armor. Shock gloves fit snugly over the
hands and are threaded with tiny kinetic


Bladed Gauntlet Brawl +1 3 Engaged 1 1 35 4
Blast Knuckles Brawl +4 4 Engaged 2 - 50 6 Inaccurate 1
Boxing Gloves Brawl +0 5 Engaged - - 10 2 Disorient 2, Stun
Deathclaw Brawl +4 3 Engaged 3 1 150 8 Cumbersome 3,
Gauntlet Pierce 1, Vicious 2,
Unwieldy 3
Garrote Brawl +0 - Engaged 1 - 5 2 Stun
Knuckles Brawl +1 4 Engaged 1 - 10 2 Disorient 3
Mantis Gauntlet Brawl +2 3 Engaged 1 - 72 3
Meat Hook Brawl +2 3 Engaged 2 1 32 4 Pierce 1
Power Fist Brawl +3 3 Engaged 3 2 100 7 Knockdown,
Unwieldy 3
Sap Gloves Brawl +2 5 Engaged 1 1 50 4 Concussive 1
Shock Gloves Brawl +0 5 Engaged - 1 30 2 Stun 3
Yao Guai Gauntlet Brawl +3 2 Engaged 2 1 150 6 Cumbersome 2,
Vicious 1


preventing frequent malfunction, but when a diverter

ENERGY WEAPONS fails the weapon becomes unusable.
Energy weapons come in a seemingly broad array As with all energy weapons, the AER9 can suffer
of shapes and sizes, from small pistols that can be from poor performance if not properly maintained.
hidden in a sleeve or pocket to heavy repeaters used The crystal arrays and non-mechanical components
to mow down whole squads of infantry and destroy are delicate and if not properly serviced can lead to a
light vehicles. All energy weapons use some sort of loss of beam intensity, overheating, and energy
highly pressurized volatile combustible gas as their regulation failure. The GM can spend ttt or y
propellant. When the weapon is fired, the gas is on the Ranged [Light] combat check to have the
pushed through a second chamber that "excites" the AER9 laser pistol become damaged one step (as
gas. The next compartment converts the gas into detailed on page 89 in the GENESYS core rulebook).
energy particles, which are then focused through a
crystal of some sort. The end result is a dense AER9 LASER RIFLE
packet of charged particles that can tear through The AER9 laser rifle was actually not the top laser
everything from flesh to concrete to armor alloys. rifle in service at the time of the Great War. The
model line went up to the state-of-the-art AER12,
AEP7 LASER PISTOL which saw service in a handful of specialty units.
The AEP7 laser pistol was put into service to The reason that the AER9 is much more commonly
replace the AEP5 model. With a generous battery found is that it was much sturdier and more reliable
size, tight shot grouping at range, resilience to than the models that followed. A new model, the
extended use, and fairly decent damage output, it is AER14, was in development prior to the war, with at
a very good choice for a sidearm and is used least one working prototype in Vault 22.
extensively in this role by the Brotherhood of Steel
and the Enclave in the Capital Wasteland. AER14 PROTOTYPE LASER RIFLE
As the successor to the AEP5, it boasted a The AER14, a successor to the AER9 and AER12,
redesigned focusing crystal pattern, an improved was a prototype in development before the Great
photonic focusing chamber, and selectable laser War. The unit found in Vault 22 is one of these
focus, wavelength, pulse energy and repetition rate. development models, complete with exposed wiring
In addition, it was lighter and less bulky than its and loose prototype circuit boards taped to the
predecessor and was perceived as a step toward stock.
replacing the N99 10mm pistol with a laser weapon The AER14 is similar in appearance to the AER9,
as the standard issue sidearm for military forces. although it is a lighter gray scheme with an orange-
The AEP7 was produced in large numbers thanks red trim. It also has two integrated circuit chips
to newly developed manufacturing technologies in housed inside its stock, which are connected to the
the United States, although logistics and supply rest of the weapon via wires. It uses two microfusion
issues (caused by prolonged war with China) cells per shot. The AER14 also fires a green laser
prevented its wide-scale deployment. instead of the normal red laser.


The AER9 features a The atomizer is an alien
titanium housed crystal pistol commonly used by
array which proved to withstand the aliens. It has an
long years of exposure to the average rate of fire and
elements much better than the gold does relatively high
alloy housing of the later models. As a damage when compared to
result, the crystal arrays stayed focused other sidearms found
within operating parameters, rather than throughout the Wasteland. The
falling completely out of focus like the alien atomizer is dead-on
newer models. Power is drawn from accurate.
microfusion cells and processed Alien atomizers may never
through a wave/particle diverter benefit from upgrades or
manufactured by General Atomics attachments that improve their
International. The diverters are range or grant multiple shots.
protected by a carbon-fiber housing,


Whenever a target is hit with an alien atomizer, any Institute military and scientific personnel were
Critical Injury results in a “Crippled” effect, unless developed by the organization's Advanced Systems
the roll on Table 6-10 (on page 115 in the GENESYS division. The Institute's laser pistol system was
core rulebook) would result in a more grievous constructed from the ground up, unlike the
injury. Brotherhood of Steel, who use pre-War military
surplus weapons. The weapons are mass-produced
ALIEN BLASTER in a factory located within the Institute's
The gun is very futuristic in appearance, with a The Institute laser pistol is a much-more bulky
chrome and red paint job. It fires blue bolts of package and sports less stopping power than its
energy. The alien blaster can also be set for a stun pre-War counterpart.
setting, unlike all other energy weapons.


The technology for laser rifles standard-issue to
The alien disintegrator is an energy weapon Institute military and scientific personnel were
created by aliens. It has an impressive magazine developed by the organization's Advanced Systems
capacity for a rifle, containing 100 alien power division. The Institute's laser rifle system was
modules. The alien disintegrator has a unique way of constructed from the ground up, unlike the
reloading: it charges multiple alien power modules in Brotherhood of Steel, who use pre-War military
the weapon. The user just presses a specific button surplus weapons. The weapons are mass-produced
on the top to charge the next alien power module. in a factory located within the Institute's
The alien disintegrator does high damage, has a low headquarters.
spread, an impressive ammunition capacity, and a The Institute laser rifle is a much-more bulky
quick reload speed. Although it has good accuracy, package and sports less stopping power than its
its accuracy is not as good as that of the alien pre-War counterpart.
atomizer. However, it remains reliable for long and
short-range combat.
Alien disintegrators may never benefit from MULTIPLAS RIFLE
upgrades or attachments that improve their range or The multiplas rifle (a portmanteau of "multiple" and
grant multiple shots. "plasma") is based on the urban plasma rifle design.
Whenever a target is hit with an alien disintegrator, It is a sort of "plasma shotgun," firing three rounds
any Critical Injury results in a “Crippled” effect, of plasma in a volley, at the cost of a massive drain
unless the roll on Table 6-10 (on page 115 in the on the microfusion cell.
GENESYS core rulebook) would result in a more A Ranged [Heavy] combat check that generates
grievous injury. tt or y can result in the multiplas rifle having run
out of microfusion energy, and needs a fusion cell
Designed specifically for military use, the L30
Gatling laser was in the prototype stage at the PLASMA PISTOL
beginning of the Sino-American War. Capable of Plasma pistols are high-tech weapons which find
firing only in burst and with a low energy capacity, it numerous applications in military and industrial
was eventually superseded by the more advanced fields. They fire superheated bolts of plasma
full auto Gatling. powered by either microfusion cells, heavy energy
The Gatling laser achieves a high damage output cells or plasma cartridges. The bolt forms in a
by firing multiple low powered lasers at an incredibly special chamber, which is then sent down a
fast rate, about 1800 rpm. It consumes ammunition superconducting barrel, propelled by, and in some
at an equally incredible rate, depleting a full battery models stabilized by electromagnetic claws upon
of 240 electron charge packs in just 8 seconds. exiting it.
On a Gunnery check that generates tt or y can The plasma bolt is a toroid of superheated
result in the gatling laser to run out of microfusion hydrogen gas that delivers high levels of both
energy, and needs a fusion cell reload. thermal and kinetic energy damage to the target,
melting through most types of armors and causing
INSTITUTE LASER PISTOL massive 3rd-degree and 4th-degree burns.
Initially, these weapons were bulky, industrial
The technology for laser pistols standard-issue to plasma casters designed to be an industrial welding


tool rather than a weapon, manufactured by ammunition. It's a more advanced and compact
Winchester Arms; while it performed admirably as a version of the recharger rifle that is fitted with a
welding tool, it was expensive and required microfusion breeder that provides it a virtually
specialized training to use. However, later limitless power supply.
developments for the US Army would lead to a more If a recharger pistol runs out of ammunition as a
compact and smaller designs, such as the plasma result of y or ttt on a Ranged [Light] combat
pistol, that was cheaper to produce and easier to check, it has fully recharged itself in time for the next
train for, perfectly suited for urban warfare. forthcoming encounter, and thus is ready for usage
If a plasma pistol scores a critical hit with a xx again, without the wielder having to purchase a
result, they can literally melt down enemies and fusion cell reload.
instantly kill them. While most industrial casters
aren't powerful enough to dissolve bones too,
subsequent models have no problem converting the
target into a puddle of goo. A specialized laser rifle designed to work with
microfusion breeder ammunition, the recharger rifle
effectively has unlimited ammunition. The recharger
PLASMA RIFLE rifle is also an incredibly sturdy weapon and requires
This plasma rifle is a lightweight urban warfare less skill with energy weapons to use effectively.
weapon created by REPCONN Aerospace for the US However, this particular rifle is much weaker and
Army based on engine parts from the failed Z43- heavier than the more common AER9, and the user
521P - "Green Bean" plasma-powered rocket. Like must time their shots to compensate for the
the AER9 laser rifle, it uses a microfusion cell as its weapon's need to charge up its shots.
power supply. It taps into the cell, essentially a small If the recharger rifle runs out of ammunition on a
fusion reactor, to produce a toroid of plasma that is y or ttt result, it has fully recharged itself in
ejected down a superconducting barrel. In contrast time for the next forthcoming encounter, and thus is
to the Winchester P94, it does not have the ready for usage again, without the wielder having to
electromagnetic claws. purchase a fusion cell reload.
As of 2277, these plasma rifles can usually be
found in use by Enclave soldiers on the East Coast.
By 2281, they can be found less commonly
throughout the Mojave Wasteland. The sonic emitter's chassis is composed of a grey
If a plasma rifle scores a critical hit with a xx metallic tube outfitted with four vacuum tubes, a
result, they can literally melt down enemies and housing for a small energy cell, a conical muzzle,
instantly kill them. While most industrial casters and a rear-mounted oscilloscope, all attached to a
aren't powerful enough to dissolve bones too, pistol grip. It shares some visual features with other
subsequent models have no problem converting the pistol-grip energy weapons, such as the pulse gun
target into a puddle of goo. and the recharger pistol. When the trigger is pulled,
the vacuum tubes light up as the weapon charges
for a moment before firing concentric rings of blue
PULSE GUN energy at the target.
The pulse gun is an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) A sonic emitter is particularly efficient against
based weapon, similar in principle to that of pulse robots, synths and power armor users. Against such
grenades and pulse mines, it delivers pulse damage opponents, the sonic emitter allows the user to add
to robots, vehicles and those wearing power armor. an automatic s on his Ranged [Light] combat
When fired, the pulse gun suffers from a small checks, and deals an additional point of damage.
delay before discharging, due to it building up the
charge for the pulse. This results in the need to
continue aiming on target after pulling the trigger to
ensure a hit. As a weapon, the pulse gun is only The tri-beam laser rifle is essentially a "laser
effective against robots and power armor shotgun", which fires three laser beams with each
opponents, since it only delivers a small amount of shot. Compared to the regular AER9, it's missing the
impact damage otherwise. tube on the bottom length of the barrel, is shorter in
overall length and has a new emitter aperture and
attached wires.
The recharger pistol is the second version of a
self-charging weapon with effectively limitless


AEP7 Laser Pistol Ranged [Light] 6 3 Medium 1 1 175 6 Accurate 1
AER9 Laser Pistol Ranged [Light] 7 3 Medium 2 1 250 7 Accurate 1
AER9 Laser Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 8 3 Long 4 2 800 7 Accurate 1
AER14 Prototype Ranged [Heavy] 9 3 Long 6 3 1,000 8 Accurate 1
Laser Rifle
Alien Atomizer Ranged [Light] 10 2 Short 2 1 500 10 Accurate 1, Vicious
Alien Blaster Ranged [Light] 5 4 Short 1 1 500 10 Stun
Alien Ranged [Heavy] 10 2 Long 5 3 300 10 Cumbersome 2,
Disintegrator Vicious 5
Gating Laser Gunnery 12 3 Extreme 9 5 2,000 10 Auto-Fire only,
Cumbersome 5,
Pierce 2, Prepare 1
Institute Laser Ranged [Light] 5 3 Medium 3 2 100 7 Accurate 1
Institute Laser Ranged [Heavy] 7 3 Long 5 3 500 8 Accurate 1
Multiplas Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 12 2 Short 4 2 2,500 10 Inaccurate 2,
Vicious 2
Plasma Pistol Ranged [Light] 8 2 Short 2 1 200 8 Inaccurate 1,
Vicious 2
Plasma Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 10 2 Medium 4 2 1,300 9 Inaccurate 1,
Vicious 2
Pulse Gun Ranged [Light] 6 3 Medium 2 1 1,800 7 Pulse only
Recharger Pistol Ranged [Light] 5 4 Medium 2 1 270 7 Accurate 1
Recharger Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 7 4 Long 6 3 2,500 7 Accurate 1
Sonic Emitter Ranged [Light] 6 4 Short 1 1 750 8 Stun Damage
Tri-Beam Laser Ranged [Heavy] 8 3 Medium 3 2 1,000 7 Accurate 1, Pierce 1




magazine, typically at a rate of several hundred

HEAVY WEAPONS rounds per minute.
Weapons intended for mass interdiction. This The heavy machine gun is a powerful support
includes demolition, rocket-propelled grenades, weapon firing .308 caliber rounds. It is a rifle with a
squad automatic weapons, and stationary machine very long barrel and high-powered rifle ammunition,
guns. Basically anything big and heavy that isn't but suffers from poor spread.
readily shoulder-fired and does massive amounts of
The light machine gun is a fully automatic 5.56mm
FAT MAN LAUNCHER machine gun with a rapid rate of fire and an
First entering service in September 2077 with the ammunition capacity of 90 5.56mm rounds. In 2281
U.S. Army, the Fat Man is a shoulder mounted mini within the New California Republic Army, the light
nuke launcher. machine gun is only issued to the NCR heavy
Developers struggled to find a way to fire the heavy troopers, the finest of the NCR troops. The light
ammunition from a man-portable system far enough machine gun has a decent rate of fire, high
to keep the operator outside the blast radius, losing magazine capacity, damage, and remarkably fast
a lot of people in the process. Eventually, it was reload speed.
discovered that by placing a small sub-charge into
the ammunition itself, similar to bullets being fired MINIGUN
from a gun (or perhaps more accurately described This weapon is a six-barreled heavy machine gun,
as being along the lines of a recoilless launcher), the fed by a "cassette" ammunition box using the 5mm
warheads could be launched a considerable round. Utilizing the Gatling style rotating barrels
distance without adding too much weight to the powered by an internal motor, it delivers an
already heavy weapon. extremely high rate of fire, making it an effective
A y rolled while using a Fat Man means the weapon and is ideal for inflicting heavy damage on
nuclear detonation injures the firing character as large quantities of relatively unarmored enemies.
well (the character takes damage equal to the With the use of armor piercing ammunition, the
weapon's Blast rating, even if Blast was not minigun is extremely deadly, being able to cut
triggered). through even the toughest target very fast, the
downside being that it uses up the 5mm ammunition
FLAMER rather quickly.
The flamer is by far the most effective big gun for A Gunnery skill check that generates tt or y
close-quarters action, as it doesn't have as great a can result in the minigun depleting its ammunition
warm-up as the minigun or risk-to-self as the supply prematurely.
missile launcher or Fat Man. The flamer and its
ammunition are fairly common, and can be found on MISSILE LAUNCHER
any Mister Gutsy (and even Mister Handy) and in The missile launcher is a shoulder-fired explosives
many stores. weapon. It is heavy but powerful, and can fire several
types of missiles. Multiple enemies can be hit with a
HEAVY INCINERATOR single shot due to the blast radius of the explosion.
The heavy incinerator is essentially a napalm Enemies not killed by the blast will often have
launcher; it lobs flammable fuel with a splash multiple limbs crippled and will be easier to
damage possibility at the target in an arc. These dispatch.
'projectiles' cause splash damage, and will most
often set the enemy on fire, unless a large 'miss' NUKA NUKE LAUNCHER
variance is registered. The heavy incinerator can be The Nuka-nuke launcher is a Fat Man nuclear
fired at extremely long distances with relatively good catapult with a unique modification. Instead of
accuracy. regular mini nukes it launches Nuka-nukes, a
specially modified, quantum-enhanced version with
HEAVY MACHINE GUN increased explosive power. Apart from its superior
A heavy machine gun is a fully automatic mounted damage output and its unique ammunition, the
or portable firearm, usually designed to fire bullets in Nuka-nuke launcher looks and handles exactly like
quick succession from an ammunition belt or its base version.


The Tesla cannon is a pre-War, portable, directable
energy weapon. It was designed to be used as a
lightweight, compact anti-tank weapon. The design
was named after Nikola Tesla, whose designs for the
technology were seized by the U.S. government after
his death. When used, the cannon projects a blast
that will damage the enemy on impact. It will
continue to gradually reduce the enemy's health due
to its ability to electrify the target and its
It is aesthetically identical to a missile launcher
and uses missiles as its ammunition source.


Fat Man Launcher Gunnery 25 2 Long 7 4 1,000 10 Blast 15, Breach 1,
Cumbersome 4,
Limited Ammo 1,
Prepare 1, Rad 5
Flamer Ranged [Heavy] 8 2 Short 6 3 500 6 Blast 8, Burn 3
Heavy Incinerator Gunnery 10 2 Long 8 4 775 8 Blast 9, Burn 4,
Cumbersome 3,
Inaccurate 1
Heavy Machine Gunnery 15 2 Long 8 4 520 8 Auto-Fire,
Gun Cumbersome 5,
Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Light Machine Ranged [Heavy] 11 3 Long 7 4 450 7 Auto-Fire,
Gun Cumbersome 2,
Pierce 1
Minigun Gunnery 13 2 Long 8 4 1,000 8 Auto-Fire only,
Cumbersome 5,
Inaccurate 1, Linked
Missile Launcher Gunnery 20 2 Extreme 7 4 500 8 Blast 10, Breach 1,
Cumbersome 3,
Limited Ammo 1,
Prepare 1
Nuka-Nuke Gunnery 25 2 Long 7 4 650 10 Blast 15, Breach 2,
Launcher Cumbersome 4,
Limited Ammo 1,
Prepare 1, Rad 6
Tesla Cannon Gunnery 12 3 Long 7 3 1,800 10 Blast 8, Burn 3,
Cumbersome 4,
Limited Ammo 1,
Prepare 1, Pierce 1,
Vicious 1



In addition to its damage causing potential, the

MELEE WEAPONS cattle prod also causes Strain damage, which can
In a Wasteland filled with deadly firearms and help knock out targets quicker.
lasers with bolts of charged particles that can burn
through a car's hull in an instant, not to mention CHINESE OFFICER'S SWORD
explosives so powerful that the smallest can destroy These weapons are remnants from the United
an entire squad of infantry, a melee weapon seems States' war with China, an event that triggered the
an almost comical anachronism. In truth, the utility Great War. They were most likely brought back by
and deadliness of a well-honed blade or a heavy American soldiers fighting in various campaigns in
blunt object is well-respected. From the deadly mainland China, or were brought by Chinese
combat knife to the shishkebab, melee weapons still infiltrators and saboteurs.
have their place on the battlefield.

The cleaver was designed to chop hunks of meat
The axe is a wooden handled weapon with a heavy for use in butcher's shops, but has since been
steel head intended for firefighting use. It has a repurposed as a melee weapon. It also does bonus
broad finely sharpened front blade and a sharp pick damage to limbs.
point on the rear of the head. The long hardwood
handle allows for sweeping attacks at reasonable
distance and is partially rubber coated to ensure a COMBAT KNIFE
good grip on the weapon. Originally designed for A large knife designed for both combat and
breaking down walls and doors, this weapon can survival purposes. It has a long, clip-point blade with
inflict severe damage to a soft target. serrations along the back intended for cutting rope
An axe requires the wielder to use two hands to and small branches. The knife uses a fast swing
wield it properly and effectively. stabbing and slashing motion when used.


This is a long, smooth wooden bat, typically made It is a hand-axe with a rubber-gripped wooden
of ash, for use in the sport of baseball. Under MLB handle for chopping wood and limbs alike.
regulations, a baseball bat cannot exceed 2.61
inches in diameter at the widest point, can be no
longer than 42 inches, and must be a single solid
A katana is a type of Japanese sword with a blade
piece. Bats found in the Commonwealth have a base
length greater than 23.6-28.7 inches (60-73
weight of three pounds, approaching the weight of
centimeters) and characterized by its distinctive
bats used in the early 20th century by players like
appearance: a curved, slender, single-edged blade,
Babe Ruth.
circular or squared guard, and long grip that can
The baseball bat requires the wielder to use both
accommodate two hands. Often called a "samurai
hands for effectively wielding it as a melee weapon.
sword" or "samurai's sword" because of its use by
the feudal warriors, it became a symbol of the
BATON samurai caste.
This is a collapsible model law enforcement baton, Renowned for its sharpness and cutting ability, its
used by various police departments before the Great origins go back at least as far as the Kamakura
War. It is standard issue gear for Vault-Tec security Period (1185–1333). Most often held with two
forces, alongside the 10mm combat pistol. hands, some techniques and combat styles were
performed with a one-handed grip. The katana was
generally carried in a saya, or scabbard,
CATTLE PROD manufactured from lightweight wood, with a coat of
Normally used for herding stubborn cattle, it has lacquer on the exterior and a wooden knob on one
been re-purposed as a non-lethal weapon against side for attaching a braided cord.
humans. In addition to the taser-like prongs at the
tip normally found on cattle prods, it has been
outfitted with a thick, electrified metal coil around KNIFE
the striking end, hooked up to a pair of batteries A simple chef's knife with low melee damage.
taped down near the handle. Extremely common to the point of being cheap


clutter. Its availability and low cost makes it ideal for being wielded effectively.
repairing higher-ended one-handed melee weapons.
MACHETE Although a simple weapon, a spear is easy to wield
A machete is essentially a large, long, sharp knife, and allows the user to keep some distance from an
designed to hack through vegetation. They make opponent. Hence, spears don't have very high
handy melee weapons too. The machete is a broad, damage, but the Accurate 1 quality represents their
single-edged blade with a wooden grip wrapped in ease of use. In addition, the Defensive 1 quality
cloth. It has a medium swinging speed and is swung represents their usefulness at keeping someone at
in alternating diagonal slashes. arm's reach.
The spear can be wielded by using two hands in
REVOLUTIONARY SWORD melee, or thrown out to Short range requiring only a
single hand.
The revolutionary sword is a simple steel spadroon
with a straight, single-edged blade and wooden hilt.
It has a medium swing speed, swinging in a diagonal SUPER SLEDGE
downward slash and a horizontal swipe following It is a heavy two-handed hammer, and contains a
that. A downward chop serves as its power attack. It kinetic energy storage device to increase the
is the same type of sword that the original knockback effect of the weapon. It is rather
Minutemen would have used during the cumbersome and slow, but very powerful.
Revolutionary War.
RIPPER The switchblade is a small melee weapon that may
This weapon is essentially a chainsaw compacted be swung fast, but with small damage inflicted upon
into knife form so that it can be wielded with just one enemies. Any attempts to find a hidden switchblade
hand. Nevertheless, the Ripper inherits many of the has a b penalty on the skill check.
qualities of its larger version.

The shishkebab is a flaming sword which sets the
target on fire upon impact. It runs on fuel from a
tank on the wielder's back. When simply held in
hand, the sword emits a steady stream of small
bluish flames from the nozzles mounted along its
blade. However, when the weapon is swung, the fire
immediately starts burning much hotter and brighter,
creating a far more spectacular effect than any
previous incarnation of this weapon ever displayed.

The shock baton is a melee weapon of alien origin.
The design is somewhat similar to that of a police
baton, except that the stun baton release a high
electrical jolt upon impact.
A Brawl melee combat check that generates
ttt or y can deplete the shock baton of
electrical energy. Recharging the shock baton
requires a fusion cell.

A sledgehammer is used in heavier working
conditions, such as industrial areas or for breaking
ground. A sledgehammer requires two hands for


Axe Melee +3 3 Engaged 2 1 25 3 Vicious 1
Baseball Bat Melee +2 4 Engaged 2 1 25 2
Baton Melee +2 4 Engaged 1 - 70 2
Cattle Prod Melee +2 4 Engaged 2 1 45 3 Stun Damage
Chinese Officer's Melee +3 2 Engaged 1 1 75 7 Defensive 1
Cleaver Melee +3 3 Engaged 1 - 20 3 Vicious 1
Combat Knife Melee +1 3 Engaged 1 1 35 3 Vicious 1
Hatchet Melee +2 3 Engaged 1 - 75 3
Katana Melee +3 2 Engaged 1 1 2,500 8 Accurate 1, Vicious
Knife Melee +1 3 Engaged 1 - 20 2
Machete Melee +3 2 Engaged 2 1 50 4 Pierce 1
Revolutionary Melee +3 2 Engaged 1 1 50 5 Pierce 1
Ripper Melee +3 2 Engaged 2 1 1,200 8 Pierce 1, Vicious 2
Shishkebab Melee +2 4 Engaged 2 1 2,500 8 Burn 1, Vicious 2
Shock Baton Melee +3 4 Engaged 2 1 70 10 Stun Damage
Sledgehammer Melee +3 4 Engaged 3 2 130 3 Cumbersome 2,
Spear Melee +2 4 Engaged 2 1 25 2 Accurate 1,
Defensive 1
Super Sledge Melee +4 4 Engaged 4 2 580 7 Cumbersome 3,
Disorient 3,
Switchblade Melee +1 3 Engaged 1 - 35 2



Other weapons cover a rather broad spectrum of GAMMA GUN
weapons that fall outside every other specified type The gamma gun is crude weapon but a
of weaponry. They may resemble other weapons in technological marvel. Most weapons of this type
appearance and function, but incorporate unique look home made, but always consist of a pistol grip,
firing mechanisms and effects, that differentiate a central hexagonal housing, and have a small
them from other classifications of weapons. emitter dish that projects the weapon's gamma ray
when fired. Targets hit by the gamma ray suffer
ACID SOAKER some damage, but the true threat comes from the
An acid soaker is a small pistol that has been jury- weapon's ability to apply large amounts of radiation
rigged to fire acid concentrate from a small glass to a target.
container rather than ordinary ammunition. It sprays
an acidic solution at targets, causing acid damage. It GAUSS RIFLE
has an intake that dispenses liquid from a glass jar The Gauss rifle, also called a "coil gun," is a device
that is screwed into place. The solution visibly used to propel a ferromagnetic projectile by
drains as the weapon is fired. accelerating it through a process of electromagnetic
induction. The Gauss rifle is named after German
CRYOLATOR mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss, who formulated
The cryolator was developed by the overseer of mathematical descriptions of the magnetic effect
Vault 111 as a way to occupy time, waiting for the demonstrated by magnetic accelerators.
All-Clear signal from Vault-Tec that never came. The Gauss rifle uses a series of eleven
Using chemicals and components readily available electromagnetic coils to energize and magnetize a
within the vault, the prototype was able to be preloaded standard projectile round to a tremendous
completed, making cryogenic freezing available in a speed.
portable, on-demand form. Conceptually, it is a
flamer that shoots ice. H&H TOOLS NAIL GUN
The weapon creates a cryogenic spray when fired The H&H Tools nail gun was a tool created by H&H
that fades away at mid-range. Firing continuously at Tool Company, now re-purposed as a fully-
an enemy may freeze it solid and render it unable to automatic weapon. It has a layout comparable to a
move or attack for a period of time. More durable 9mm SMG, with a yellow color.
enemies will require a longer exposure, and some This weapon uses nails for ammunition.
cannot be frozen at all. The Cryolator can chew up
large amounts of (rather expensive) ammunition, so
use it wisely. RADIUM RIFLE
The radium rifle is a pre-War carbine that has
been modified to deal radiation damage.
DART GUN Its regular wooden and steel rifle components have
The dart gun is a weapon which functions like a been upgraded with all manner of wiring and
small pistol-crossbow. The weapon fires a small circuitry, among them what looks like two sets of
dart, which can be coated with radscorpion venom gamma rounds on the barrel in front of the ejection
or various injection vector chems. If the dart is port. A crudely made dish fashioned from wire and
treated with venom or chems, the wielder must tin foil surrounds the muzzle on long barreled
spend x or aaa on his Ranged [Light] check to variants. This component is somewhat reminiscent
have the toxin successfully be injected into the of the gamma gun and most likely the source of the
target's blood stream. radium rifle's radiation damage. With the ported
variant of the long barrel, looking at the weapon from
FLARE GUN the front shows the dish's foil parts forming the
The flare gun is a break-action single-shot well-known radiation warning symbol with the barrel
weapon that is not designed to deal direct damage, representing the center point.
but instead to summon nearby sentients for It utilizes a gas-delayed blowback design, where
assistance. Firing a flare directly at an enemy will the bolt is never locked, and is pushed rearwards by
cause a small amount of damage, but virtually every the expanding propellant gases, which are vented
other weapon will yield better results in the heat of from the barrel into a cylinder that delays the


opening of the bolt.

The radium rifle utilizes ordinary .45 rounds.
It fires an electrical discharge that arcs between
targets, and uses fusion cells as ammunition. Due to
RAILWAY RIFLE its arcing nature, the Tesla rifle is capable of
The railway rifle fires railway spikes as projectiles damaging multiple enemies at once, but with a
in the same manner as a crossbow or a flechette limited range. It is an ideal choice for close range
gun. These are rarely found as ammunition, but are crowd control, e.g. feral ghouls.
cheap to buy and may be recovered from enemies When attacking with a Tesla rifle, the attacker can
slain using the weapon. In exchange, the railway rifle use x results from the attack roll to hit an additional
has become enormously more powerful from its last target within Engaged range of the original target for
iteration while retaining its ability to do extreme the same amount of damage.
damage to limbs - sometimes even pinning
detached ones to walls.

The Syringer is a weapon that uses air pressure to
propel custom-made syringes at a target. Rather
than dealing direct damage, the Syringer is used to
weaken the target with various effects. This weapon
supports a wide variety of injectable ammo, such as
chems, toxins, venoms, and the like. The syringer
uses darts for its ammunition, similar to the dart

Acid Soaker Ranged [Light] 4 - Short 1 - 125 7 Burn 2
Cryolator Ranged [Heavy] 8 2 Short 6 3 300 8 Blast 8,
Cumbersome 3,
Ensnare 3
Dart Gun Ranged [Light] 4 4 Short 1 - 500 6 Limited Ammo 1
Flare Gun Ranged [Light] 6 3 Long 1 - 50 3 Burn 4, Disorient 2,
Inaccurate 2,
Limited Ammo 1,
Prepare 1
Gamma Gun Ranged [Light] 4 - Medium 2 1 155 10 Rad 4
Gauss Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 10 2 Extreme 5 3 500 7 Cumbersome 3,
Pierce 5, Slow-
Firing 1
H&H Tool Nail Gun Ranged [Light] 5 3 Short 1 - 500 6 Pierce 2
Radium Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 7 3 Long 4 2 110 8 Rad 1
Railway Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 7 2 Medium 3 2 200 5 Pierce 2
Syringer Ranged [Heavy] 4 4 Medium 3 1 135 7 Limited Ammo 1
Tesla Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 8 3 Medium 4 2 900 8 Burn 1,
Cumbersome 3,
Pierce 1, Vicious 1



LED on the back. The 5.56mm pistol is a heavily

PISTOLS modified, pared down .223 pistol, successor to the
The smallest of all firearms is the handgun. There same weapon. It is a weighty pistol and has a
are two common types of handguns: revolvers and motorized cylinder and crane for quicker shooting
semi-automatic pistols. Revolvers have a number of and reloading than a typical revolver.
firing chambers or "charge holes" in a revolving The green light on the left side
cylinder; each chamber in the cylinder is turns yellow while reloading,
loaded with a single cartridge or then turns green and
charge. Semi-automatic pistols have makes a ringing noise once
a single fixed firing chamber the weapon has reloaded.
machined into the rear of the barrel,
and a magazine so they can be 9MM PISTOL
used to fire more than one The M&A 9mm pistol is a
round. Each press of the semi-automatic handgun,
trigger fires a cartridge, designed by M&A Guns
using the energy of the Manufacturers. It is the
cartridge to activate the standard issue sidearm of the
mechanism so that the next New California Republic Army and
cartridge may be fired a common sight in the Mojave
immediately. This is opposed Wasteland. It is very cheap to buy,
to "double-action" utilizes very common ammunition,
revolvers which and requires very little in order to be
accomplish the same end handled effectively. It has three-dot
using a mechanical action luminescent front and rear iron-sights for
linked to the trigger pull. better low-light fighting, and a minor idle sway.


The .357 Magnum revolver is a single action, After the phase out of the N80 in 2051, the N99
fixed-cylinder revolver that can fire both .357 sidearm became standard issue military gear. The
Magnum and .38 special rounds. It has an average N99 was known for its ability to survive in the
firing rate but makes up for it with a somewhat more harshest of conditions and did so in many tests, as
powerful damage output. Its fixed cylinder is the weapon was reliably able to be restored to
reloaded by hand one round at a time through the working condition after an extended period of time
loading gate, as such it can be interrupted mid-way exposed to hard elements and without maintenance.
through reloading and fired if needed. The N99 proved to stand up to its claims and as a
result is one of the most common weapons found in
.44 MAGNUM REVOLVER use in the wasteland. While many civilian weapons
The .44 Magnum revolver is a double action, were ruined beyond use in the extreme conditions
swing-out cylinder revolver, with a high damage following the War, the N99 is commonly able to be
output for a one-handed gun, but its ammunition is easily restored to working order by anyone with even
slightly rarer in the wasteland. Additionally, the .44 the most basic knowledge of firearm mechanics.
Magnum fires and reloads quickly, due to its speed- Vault-Tec issued them to vault security units, as
loader and ejector rod. It is, however, somewhat seen in Vault 101 where the security is only armed
inaccurate. with N99's.


The .45 Auto pistol is a single-action, semi- A Swiss SIG-Sauer 14mm handgun rechambered
automatic, magazine-fed handgun that utilizes .45 for 12.7mm ammunition, likely designed for long-
Auto ammunition. range pistol hunting or target shooting. It was
imported to the United States from the European
Commonwealth before the war. They were decently
5.56MM PISTOL common early on in the survivor era, but the number
The 5.56mm pistol has an intact black finish, two of working units has swiftly declined. The 12.7mm
small red LEDs on the side, and a large pale green fires and reloads like a 9mm, but packs a more


serious punch.

Originally produced in 1929 by the Taiyuan
Arsenal for the army of Yan Xishan, this pistol is now
a relic of the Sino-American War. The Shanxi Type
17 was a mass-produced sidearm before the Great
It shares a strong resemblance with the late 19th
century Mauser C96 pistol, with the addition of the
manufacturer's stamps and the text on the sides, but
using 10mm instead of the original Mauser's
7.63mm, or Shanxi's .45 calibers.

A crude, homemade weapon, pipe guns were
common in pre-war street gangs and gun
enthusiasts. Two centuries later, it's a staple of
wasteland combat favored by settlers, raiders, and
super mutants all over. Pipe guns are highly
modifiable, more so than any other weapon in the

The western revolver is a revolver chambered for
the .44 round. It comes standard with a clean finish
and wooden grip in good condition. The western
revolver is similar both in use and appearance to
the .44 pistol.

.357 Magnum Ranged [Light] 6 3 Medium 2 1 110 4 Limited Ammo 6
.44 Magnum Ranged [Light] 7 3 Medium 2 1 300 6 Inaccurate 1,
Revolver Limited Ammo 6
.45 Auto Pistol Ranged [Light] 5 3 Short 1 1 175 5
5.56mm Pistol Ranged [Light] 6 4 Medium 2 1 1,200 4
9mm Pistol Ranged [Light] 5 4 Short 1 1 100 4
10mm Pistol Ranged [Light] 5 4 Short 1 1 225 3
12.7mm Pistol Ranged [Light] 6 3 Short 2 1 400 6 Inaccurate 1
Chinese Pistol Ranged [Light] 5 4 Short 1 1 190 8
Pipe Gun Ranged [Light] 5 5 Short 1 3 20 2 Inaccurate 1
Western Revolver Ranged [Light] 6 4 Short 1 1 85 6 Limited Ammo 6




The Type 93 Chinese assault rifle was designed
A rifle is so named for the spiral fluting (rifling) and manufactured by a Chinese industrial
machined into the inner surface of its barrel, which conglomerate for the People's Liberation Army
imparts a self-stabilizing spin to the single bullets it during the Resource Wars, for the purpose of
fires. Rifles have a very small impact area but a equipping the Chinese infiltrators and
long range and high accuracy. American fifth-columnists. To this end,
it was chambered for the abundant
ANTI-MATERIEL RIFLE 5.56mm round and utilizes a 24-
The anti-materiel rifle is a round magazine. Thousands of
magazine-fed, bolt-action .50 caliber these weapons were smuggled
rifle that is designed for use against into the US for use by Chinese
military targets and equipment (or operatives and sympathizers on
"materiel" in military terminology). The the East Coast, and many remain
rifle is similar in design principle to that functional even two hundred years
of a sniper rifle, delivering a high-powered after the Great War. These rifles are
shot at long distances with great accuracy. also proven to be ready for
It is specially chambered with a larger manufacturing in post-War
caliber for hardened targets, and as conditions.
such has extremely high damage
and low weapons spread. The COMBAT RIFLE
damage benefits of the rifle are The combat rifle was a weapon
offset by the fact that it is used before the Great War. They may
bolt-action, greatly lowering the now be found scattered around the
rate of fire, and the weapon itself wasteland.
without modifications has
an Encumbrance of 6,
making it one of the COWBOY REPEATER
heaviest shoulder-fired The cowboy repeater is a
weapons around. The gun's lever-action rifle firing
recoil is extreme, causing each small-caliber .357 Magnum
shot to push the player back a rounds. Its iron sights are
few inches. similar to that of the brush
gun. Due to the gun having
a tube magazine, it is reloaded by hand one bullet at
ASSAULT RIFLE a time, as such it can be interrupted mid-way
The assault rifle starts off semi-automatic, but through reloading and fired if needed. Because of
can be modded or found with an automatic receiver this, it gives the gun the added advantage of being
at the expense of a hefty damage reduction. The quickly available to fire again if only a single/few
assault rifle has low recoil and good accuracy (even rounds are needed.
when fitted with a fully automatic receiver), both of
which are excellent handling traits for sustained
automatic fire, though the weapon can burn through HUNTING RIFLE
ammo rapidly. Burst firing is advised, especially for In general, a hunting rifle is any high-caliber long-
long range engagements. range rifle designed for hunting medium game. They
are a little less effective as military sniper rifles, but
will more than make up for a decrease in
BB GUN performance through an increase in availability.
The Red Ryder BB gun is a BB gun made by Daisy
Outdoor Products and introduced in 1938 that
resembles the Winchester rifle of Western movies. PIPE RIFLE
Named for the comic strip cowboy character Red Pipe rifles share many qualities as pipe pistols
Ryder, it is arguably the most famous BB gun in with a few additions; a stock has been affixed and a
American history. The BB gun fires pellets. longer barrel worked into the weapon to allow it to
hit distant targets. Like their smaller cousins, pipe


rifles are highly customizable.

A semi-automatic medium power rifle, this rifle is
chambered in the common 5.56mm cartridge and
has a magazine capacity of 20 rounds. The rifle is
simple yet well made, and since it requires relatively
low strength and Guns skill to use accurately, it
makes a very reliable weapon often used by New
California Republic troopers.

A sniper rifle is chambered for .308 ammunition,
it's also extremely fragile and requires regular repair
and maintenance to keep it in working condition.
The sniper rifle is a semi-automatic rifle, designed
primarily as a extreme range weapon.

The varmint rifle is a low-powered hunting rifle,
designed for hunting varmint and small game such
as geckos. It utilizes a magazine-fed bolt-action
system and is chambered for 5.56mm caliber

Anti-Materiel Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 12 2 Extreme 6 3 5,600 8 Accurate 1,
Cumbersome 3,
Pierce 5, Prepare 1,
Slow-Firing 1
Assault Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 8 3 Long 4 2 300 7 Auto-Fire,
Cumbersome 2
BB Gun Ranged [Heavy] 2 5 Long 2 - 35 3
Chinese Assault Ranged [Heavy] 8 3 Long 4 2 500 9 Auto-Fire
Combat Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 8 3 Medium 3 2 115 4 Accurate 1
Cowboy Repeater Ranged [Heavy] 8 3 Long 4 2 800 4
Hunting Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 7 4 Long 4 2 220 4 Accurate 1, Limited
Ammo 5
Pipe Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 7 4 Medium 3 5 200 6 Inaccurate 1
Service Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 7 3 Long 3 2 540 6 Auto-Fire
Sniper Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 9 2 Extreme 4 2 400 6 Accurate 1,
Cumbersome 3,
Pierce 1
Varmint Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 8 3 Long 4 2 75 4 Limited Ammo 5



gauge shells. It's pump-action, which means there's

SHOTGUNS a longer than average reload delay between shots. It
Shotguns are predominantly also loads through the bottom.
smoothbore firearms designed to fire a
number of shot; pellet sizes commonly LEVER-ACTION SHOTGUN
ranging between 2 mm and 8.4 mm This shotgun has a lever-action (similar to the
buckshot. Shotguns are also capable of cowboy repeater) and fires a 20 gauge shotgun
firing single slugs, or specialty (often shell. The only real disadvantages to the
“less lethal”) rounds such as bean bags, lever-action are the ammunition
tear gas or breaching rounds. capacity and the fact that it must be
Shotguns have a large impact area with single-loaded instead of feeding from
considerably less range and accuracy. a detachable magazine.
However, the larger impact area can
compensate for reduced accuracy, since
shot spreads during flight; consequently, in RIOT SHOTGUN
hunting, shotguns are generally used for The riot shotgun is a semi-
flying game. automatic shotgun with a
drum magazine. It has a
high damage-per-second,
CARAVAN SHOTGUN due in part to its large
The caravan shotgun is a short shotgun in ammunition capacity when
which one barrel is mounted on top of the compared to other
other. The iron sight is a screw which holds shotguns, and its high rate
the action release lever to the receiver. of fire. It also reloads
much faster than any other
COMBAT SHOTGUN shotgun and therefore can
Vastly superior to the sawed-off shotgun, change ammunition types very
the combat shotgun combines a large drum quickly.
magazine with mutilating close-range
damage. The only drawback is the weapon's SAWED-OFF SHOTGUN
poor reliability, as the combat shotgun The sawed-off shotgun is a break
deteriorates quickly. action, 12 gauge shotgun with most of
the original barrel and stock removed to
DOUBLE-BARREL SHOTGUN make it smaller and more easily concealed at
The first double-barrel shotguns were the expense of range. Pulling the trigger fires both
originally muzzle-loaded firearms, first used barrels at once, unleashing 14 pellets instead of the
during the American Civil war. typical 7. However, its incredible damage is offset by
The primitive, but efficient, design was popularly the fact that it has an extremely wide spread, the
used during the era of the American frontier. Double- highest in the game. In addition, because it fires
barrel shotguns are mainly used for hunting and both barrels at once it wears out fast, eats up more
home defense, among various other purposes. They ammo than other shotguns, and must be reloaded
come in an either a side-by-side, or over-and-under after each shot.
barrel configuration. Still used greatly after the Great
War, the shotgun has become a rather common SINGLE SHOTGUN
sight in the Wasteland. A single shotgun, also called a "scattergun," is a
firearm designed to shoot a multitude of lead or
HUNTING SHOTGUN steel balls of varying sizes, greatly increasing the
The hunting shotgun is a long range precision weapon's hit potential. This makes it very effective
shotgun used for hunting big game. This shotgun at hunting game. However, the accuracy and power
was built for accuracy and power, and is one of the found at close range starts to diminish as the target
best shotguns available, it uses rare but powerful 12 gets farther away. Though it only carries a single
round of ammunition, it has a fast reload speed.




Caravan Shotgun Ranged [Heavy] 6 2 Short 2 2 675 5 Blast 4, Limited
Ammo 4, Vicious 2
Combat Shotgun Ranged [Heavy] 8 3 Short 3 2 200 5 Blast 4
Double-Barrel Ranged [Heavy] 7 3 Short 3 2 175 4 Blast 3, Inaccurate
Shotgun 1, Knockdown,
Limited Ammo 2,
Vicious 2
Hunting Shotgun Ranged [Heavy] 9 3 Medium 3 2 380 7 Blast 2, Limited
Ammo 2, Prepare 1
Lever-Action Ranged [Heavy] 8 3 Short 3 2 200 6 Blast 4, Knockdown,
Shotgun Limited Ammo 5,
Prepare 1, Vicious 1
Riot Shotgun Ranged [Heavy] 8 2 Short 3 2 550 5 Blast 4, Vicious 3
Sawed-Off Ranged [Heavy] 9 3 Short 2 2 190 3 Blast 3, Knockdown,
Shotgun Limited Ammo 2,
Vicious 1
Single Shotgun Ranged [Heavy] 7 2 Short 3 2 175 3 Blast 5, Knockdown,
Limited Ammo 1



A submachine gun (SMG) is a magazine-fed
firearm, usually smaller than other automatic
firearms, that fires pistol-caliber ammunition; for
this reason certain submachine guns can also be
referred to as machine pistols, especially when
referring to handgun-sized designs. Because of their
small size and limited projectile penetration
compared to high-power rifle rounds, submachine
guns are commonly favored by military, paramilitary
and police forces for close-quarters engagements
such as inside buildings, in urban areas or in trench


The .45 Auto submachine gun (SMG) is an old
two-handed automatic weapon that was stored in
U.S. Army and National Guard armories at the time
of the war. A large number of them have surfaced
after these armories were breached by looters after
the war.


The 9mm submachine gun is a small, yet capable
weapon, able to empty a full magazine in under 3
seconds. The 9mm rounds are common and
lightweight, making it even easier to spray-and-pray.


The 10mm SMG is most effective at close-range
by unleashing a hail of bullets. However, the SMG is
next to useless at longer ranges. The SMG simply
has too much spread to be of much use beyond
short range combat.


The PMNH-666 is a 12.7mm submachine gun is a
heavy duty large caliber submachine gun. It features
a unique top mounted magazine, the bullets lie at a
right angle to the weapon.

.45 Auto SMG Ranged [Heavy] 5 3 Medium 3 2 375 6 Accurate 1, Auto-
9mm SMG Ranged [Heavy] 5 4 Long 2 1 850 5 Auto-Fire
10mm SMG Ranged [Heavy] 6 3 Short 2 1 330 4 Auto-Fire
PMNH-666 SMG Ranged [Heavy] 7 4 Short 2 1 430 6 Auto-Fire,
Inaccurate 1


Weapons with the Limited Ammo quality function

AMMUNITION somewhat differently, however; ammunition for
Ammunition or ammo is the term used for those weapons must be found or purchased
expendable ordnance material used in charging individually by the number, as they tend to be bulkier
firearms of all kinds; such as powder, balls, shot, and more cumbersome.
shells, percussion caps, rockets, missiles, energy,
etc. The purpose of ammunition is to project force ACID
against a selected target or area. These small jars contains a highly corrosive acid
All ammo is weightless, except in Survival Mode, that is used with the acid soaker.
so there is never a reason to avoid collecting it.
There are certain types of ammo that will only
appear at specific locations. There is plenty of BBS
ammo scattered throughout the Wasteland, but if BBs are lead-free metal pellets for use in air guns.
you don't feel like venturing out to find more and They are usually propelled using compressed air or
have the caps, the nearest trader should have what gas; therefore, there is no need for common
you need in stock. ammunition ingredients such as gunpowder or
While it is not necessary to keep micromanaging primers.
ammunition in the Fallout game, it is important to
keep in mind that weapons can run out of BALLISTIC
ammunition by rolling ttt or y on combat A hard-hitting ammunition type that include bullets
checks, and thus player's may need to restock on for various types of pistols, rifles and submachine
ammunition once such an occurrence have taken guns. The ballistic ammo also includes shotgun


shells. Fusion cores are rugged, but if their casing is

breached while they still carry a charge they could
CRYO CELL explode. Any hit to a fusion core that deals 10
damage will rupture the cell, resulting in a nuclear
A small casing, possibly containing liquid nitrogen, detonation at the end of the current round (Damage
used by emergency services and in cryogenic 15, Breach 1) and apply a Radiation 5 effect out to
weaponry. short range until the end of the following round.
Fusion cores are also used as ammunition for
DART gatling lasers.
Darts are used with the dart gun. They can be
treated with toxins, such as radscorpion venom or GAMMA ROUND
chems to provide an additional effect when used The gamma rounds closely resemble high voltage
against opponents in combat. Administering a toxin electrolytic capacitors in size and shape. The
to a dart requires a Maneuver. gamma round is used for the gamma gun.


This compact electromagnetic coil is used power A small, football-sized nuclear bomb, as rare as it
the Tesla rifle and Tesla cannon. It has a very high is powerful. It is used for the Fat Man launcher.
electrical output despite of its small, compact size.


A high powered projectile, more powerful and rarer
Flamer fuel is a type of ammunition primarily used than most ammo types, but dwarfed by the mini
by the flamer. This is essentially a sealed cannister nuke.
or container containing a highly flammable liquid.

A nail is a pin-shaped, sharp object
The flare is an ammo type that is of hard metal or alloy used as a
specifically used in the flare gun. fastener. This makes for a
The round has a familiar look of potentially deadly projectile
a shotgun shell but with red when propelled at high
paint on the sides. As this is speeds. Nail gun nails are
a type of ammo it has no generally mounted together
weight. in a strip or linked in a
carrier and are stripped off
FUSION CELL the carrier at high
A miniaturized fusion velocities as they are
reactor. The fusion cells propelled by the nail gun's
are used by laser actuator.
FUSION CORE The plasma cartridge is a
A compact, powerful battery small, green container and is used
that operates on nuclear fusion. by all varieties of plasma
Primarily used to fuel Power weapons.
Armor suits, fusion cores have a wide
variety of applications from back-up RAILWAY SPIKE
power for residential structures to Iron spikes or nails used to
powering heavy energy weapons. secure railroad tracks to the ground.
Once drained, the fusion core can They are now used as ammunition for
only be recharged by a large nuclear the railway rifle in the post-War world.
reactor (such as in a power plant,
Pre-War warship, or Vault).


AMMUNITION upon hitting the ground. The vapors can then be

ignited from a distance with an energy or incendiary
weapon, causing the leaking gas to erupt in a
BBs - 1 4 spectacular fireball. In this way, they function as
Ballistic - 2 3 portable gas-leaks.
Anyone affected by the initial effect of the bio-gas
Cryo Cell - 10 7 when it is thrown, is considered to be Disoriented,
Dart - 1 3 adding b to all skill checks until the end of the
Electromagnetic Coil 3 7 Should the gas be set ablaze it deals 8 damage
Flamer Fuel - 1 5 and has a Burn 3 quality.
Flare - 1 3
Fusion Cell - 3 5
The bottlecap mine is a crudely put together, yet
Fusion Core 1 200 6 formidable, explosive. The bottlecap mine is
extremely powerful, but its construction requires a
Gamma Round - 10 7
Vault-Tec lunchbox along with other, more common
Mini Nuke 2 250 10 components.
Missile 1 50 8 The bottlecap mine explodes in Engaged range, but
its blast radius extends out to Short range. Placing
Nails - 1 3 multiple bottlecap mines with the primary bottlecap
Plasma Cartridge - 5 7 mine increase the damage by +1 for each additional
bottlecap mine beyond the first.
Railway Spike - 2 3

EXPLOSIVES AND GRENADES Cryogenic grenades do little damage, but release
frigid liquid nitrogen upon detonating, freezing any
Although pistols and rifles are the most common opponents caught in the blast, and rooting them in
weapons in the Fallout setting, many individuals use place for several seconds. When a cryogenic
other, more esoteric weapons as well; explosive grenade explodes, it has a chance to temporarily
devices may not be as ubiquitous as firearms, but slow wounded targets that managed to survive the
they're no less deadly. initial blast.
Grenades are wielded and thrown with the Ranged
[Light] skill. While having an explosive effect,
grenades have a limited blast radius that is in CRYOGENIC MINE
Engaged range – potentially affecting the target and When a cryogenic mine explodes, it has a chance
all those Engaged with the target. to temporarily slow wounded targets that managed
All explosives use the Mechanics skill to rig and to survive the initial blast.
set up. The difficulty of the check (unless specified The cryogenic mine explodes in Engaged range,
otherwise) is Easy (d). Increase the difficulty by +1 and its blast radius is limited to Engaged range as
per additional charge in the device. s scored on the well. Additional cryogenic mines set increase the
check increase the damage dealt by the device when base damage by +1 per additional mine beyond the
it detonates by +1 per s. Failure generally means initial first cryogenic mine.
the charge has been improperly placed or set up.
The consequences of this are up to the GM, but by DYNAMITE
default, this means the bombs explode but do not Dynamite is a high explosive, consisting of
damage their intended target, or the detonator nitroglycerin mixed with the absorbent substance
fizzles and the device does not even detonate. kieselguhr. Strictly speaking, dynamite is
Explosives do not have a critical rating, and simply nitroglycerin-soaked absorbent, pressed into sticks.
inflict damage or hull trauma. Available in single sticks with safety fuses, to be lit
and thrown, or as a bundle with a timing device for
BIO-GAS CANISTER use as a bomb. Dynamite is especially helpful for
This grenade does not explode by itself, but clearing cave-ins, and can blow most doors apart.
instead releases highly-flammable bio-gas vapors Anyone using dynamite and has a y or ttt


result on their Ranged [Light] check to throw it has gas/smoke upon detonation. Whether it was to be
an unstable dynamite stick that explodes in his used as smokescreen cover or flammable gas is
hand, dealing the damage of the check to himself unknown. Smoke grenades are used as both
instead of his intended target. signaling devices and to provide concealment. A
chemical reaction of different agents, when mixed
FAT MINE and ignited, produce either colored smoke as a
signaling device, or a dense cloud of chemical
The fat mine is a mine, created by converting a smoke to screen for concealment.
mini nuke into a placed improvised explosive device. Anyone using a gas grenade for hiding is allowed
Only normal mini nukes can be used for making fat one free upgrade on his or her Stealth check.
mines. A fat mine inflicts substantially less damage It is also possible to add a doze of any inhalation
than a mini nuke fired from a fat man launcher. chem or toxin to a gas grenade, requiring an Easy
The fat mine has a very significant area of effect,
(d) Mechanics check, and have the explosive
much larger than any other placed weapon. As such,
administer the toxic contents to anyone affected,
some advanced preparation is necessary to use a fat
instead of the normal gas or smoke the grenade
mine. Simply dropping a fat mine in front of an
would produce.
approaching enemy and running away will still result
in the death of all.
While the initial explosion from a fat mine is HALLUCIGEN GAS GRENADE
Engaged range, it's blast radius extends out to After throwing and detonating, the Hallucigen gas
Medium range. Each additional fat mine set up in grenade will emit a green gas that distorts vision.
conjunction with the first fat mine increase the base Anyone affected by the HalluciGen gas must
damage by +5. upgrade the difficulty of all skill checks once until
the end of the encounter. The effects of multiple
FRAGMENTATION GRENADE HalluciGen gas grenades do not stack for multiple
difficulty upgrades.
The standard thrown explosive device used by
militaries worldwide before the Great War, the frag
grenade causes a lethal blast sending metal MOLOTOV COCKTAIL
shrapnel flying in all directions. Fragmentation The Molotov cocktail, also known as the petrol
grenades are generally simple and effective. Useful bomb, gasoline bomb, fire bomb, or simply Molotov,
against groups of unarmored enemies, or for hitting is a generic name used for a variety of improvised
enemies around corners by banking grenades off incendiary weapons. They are frequently used by
walls. They are widely used throughout the rioters due to the relative ease of production. They
Wasteland. typically consist of some form of easily breakable
vessel or container, often a glass bottle, filled with a
FRAGMENTATION MINE highly flammable mixture of gasoline or napalm
mixed with surfactants or other thickening agents,
When armed, the mine is placed on the ground,
with a wick, often of cloth, soaked in a slowly
where it will lie dormant until an enemy strays too
burning combustible liquid like kerosene that
close, upon which its proximity fuse will trip,
penetrates through the sealed opening of the vessel.
detonating the mine shortly thereafter.
The bombs were derisively named after the then
Anti-personnel mines are typically smaller mines
Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union, Vyacheslav
primarily intended by design to inflict casualties only
Molotov, by the Finns during the Winter War.
on personnel. While the explosive blast of an anti-
y results on a Ranged [Light] check made to
personnel mine may be large enough to damage
throw the molotov cocktail can result in the bottle
small vehicles, they also utilize some form of
not breaking upon impact. While yy results in the
fragmentation or other means to damage soft tissue
bottle exploding prematurely in the hands of the
outside of the immediate blast area.
thrower, dealing the damage to the thrower.
A fragmentation mine's blast area is Engaged.
Additional fragmentation mines rigged up with the
initial mine increase the base damage by +1 per NUKA GRENADE
additional mine beyond the first. Nuka grenades are rare and very powerful portable
nuclear grenades. The explosion is very similar to
GAS GRENADE the mini nuke and leaves a slight radioactive residue
after detonation.
A non-lethal grenade that lets out a cloud of


NUKE MINE vehicle and machinery.

A nuclear variant of landmine. The nuke mine
operates in all respects as other mines do although PULSE MINE
its explosion is more akin to that of a mini nuke. It Pulse mines are a variation of normal proximity
deals both normal damage and radiation exposure mines. The mine consists of a powerful EMP device
damage. The mine also leaves behind a radiation wired to a proximity fuse and then secured inside a
exposure area effect for a short time after heavy metal casing. While only mildly harmful to
detonation. It appears to have three detonators organic targets, these mines deal severe damage to
located around the outside of the mine. robotic enemies, stunning or even permanently
While the initial explosion of a nuke mine is disabling them.
Engaged range, its blast extends out to Medium Organic creatures in the blast suffer half damage
range. Additional nuke mines set up with the initial (rounded down).
nuke mine increase the base damage by +10 per Pulse mines are set to explode in Engaged range,
additional nuke mine beyond the first. and its blast radius is also Engaged range. If
If the demolitionist generates y when setting up multiple pulse mines are rigged together, increase
the device. it detonates immediately, dealing the the base damage by +1 per additional pulse mine
device's damage (base plus additional damage) to used beyond the first.
everything in the current blast radius. Anything
Engaged with the device when it detonates should
add + 50 to any subsequent Critical Injury or critical
A less-lethal alternative to a traditional grenade.
hit rolls.
Flash bangs deal very little physical damage, but the
blinding light and deafening bang it creates deal
PLASMA GRENADE significant Strain damage.
Plasma grenades, as their name suggests, emit a
powerful burst of plasma energy when detonated, as
opposed to using chemical explosives like those in a
frag grenade.
If a plasma grenade scores a critical hit with a xx
result, they can literally melt down enemies and
instantly kill them, converting the target and his gear
into a puddle of goo.

Like plasma grenades, plasma mines offer a
powerful combination of ballistic damage and
energy damage. Crafting this explosive also requires
considerable skill and some rare components.
If a plasma mine scores a critical hit with a xx
result, they can literally melt down enemies and
instantly kill them, converting the target and his gear
into a puddle of goo.
The plasma mine explodes in Engaged range, but
its blast extends to Short range and affects anyone
within that range. Additional plasma mines rigged to
explode with the first plasma mine increase the base
damage by +5 per additional plasma mine beyond
the first.

An electromagnetic pulse grenade, generating an
intense magnetic field on detonation. Doesn't affect
biological creatures. A pulse grenade deals its
effective damage as Strain damage to robots,



Bio-Gas Cannister Ranged [Light] - - Short 1 - 50 6 Blast 6, Limited
Ammo 1
Bottlecap Mine Mechanics 13 - Engaged 2 - 75 7 Blast 7, Limited
Ammo 1, Pierce 1,
Vicious 3
Cryogenic Grenade Ranged [Light] 4 4 Short 1 - 125 6 Blast 6, Ensnare 3,
Limited Ammo 1
Cryogenic Mine Mechanics 8 - Engaged 2 - 25 6 Blast 5, Ensnare 3,
Limited Ammo 1
Dynamite Ranged [Light] 6 3 Short 1 - 25 3 Blast 8, Limited
Ammo 1
Fat Mine Mechanics 20 - Engaged 4 - 275 10 Blast 10, Breach 1,
Limited Ammo 1,
Rad 4
Fragmentation Ranged [Light] 8 4 Short 1 - 25 5 Blast 6, Limited
Grenade Ammo 1
Fragmentation Mechanics 12 - Engaged 3 - 25 5 Blast 4, Limited
Mine Ammo 1, Vicious 4
Gas Grenade Ranged [Light] - - Short 1 - 25 3 Limited Ammo 1
HalluciGen Gas Ranged [Light] - - Short 1 - 35 6 Limited Ammo 1
Molotov Cocktail Ranged [Light] 6 3 Short 1 - 20 3 Blast 6, Burn 3,
Limited Ammo 1,
Prepare 1
Nuka Grenade Ranged [Light] 9 4 Short 1 - 50 6 Blast 7, Limited
Ammo 1, Rad 3
Nuke Mine Mechanics 25 - Engaged 4 - 100 8 Blast 15, Breach 2,
Limited Ammo 1,
Rad 4
Plasma Grenade Ranged [Light] 12 3 Short 1 - 50 6 Blast 10, Limited
Ammo 1
Plasma Mine Mechanics 16 - Engaged 3 - 50 7 Blast 8, Burn 1,
Limited Ammo 1
Pulse Grenade Ranged [Light] 10 5 Short 1 - 40 5 Blast 7, Disorient 5,
Limited Ammo 1,
Pulse Mine Mechanics 14 - Engaged 3 - 40 6 Blast 5, Disorient 5,
Limited Ammo 1,
Pulse, Vicious 4
Stun Grenade Ranged [Light] 10 5 Short 1 - 50 4 Blast 8, Concussive
2, Disorient 5,
Limited Ammo 1,
Strain Damage



ranged combat checks.

WEAPON ATTACHMENTS  Hard Points Required: 1.
The Wasteland is seemingly filled with inventive  Price: 75 bottle caps.
survivors that have figured out how to kitbash and
modify just about anything. In addition to the Item BETA WAVE CAPACITOR
Attachments and Hard Points alternate rules (page By adding a Beta Wave capacitor to an energy
206 of the GENESYS core rulebook), the Fallout weapon, the bolt of energy is able to superheat the
setting has several more attachments to modify target to the point of combustion.
weapons.  Use With: This attachment can be added to any
energy weapon.
AUGMENTED SPIN BARREL  Modifiers: The weapon gains the Burn 2 quality.
 Hard Points Required: 2.
Using an updated and streamlined galven pattern
 Price: 500 bottle caps.
and heavy-duty static pulse adaptors, this custom
barrel increases both the damage output and armor
penetration of energy rifles. The trade-off for all this BEAM SPLITTER
extra stopping power is increased wear and tear on The focusing crystals or ejector ports of an energy
both the frame of the energy rifle and the barrel, weapon can be modified to cause the energy
leading to an increase in maintenance and down- projectile to spread out similar to a shotgun blast.
time. This allows the weapon to potentially hit more than
 Use With: This attachment can only be used with one target, at a cost of reducing the effective range
energy rifles. of the weapon.
 Modifiers: Increase the weapon damage by one  Use With: This attachment can be added to any
point. Adds b to all Mechanics checks when energy weapon that uses the Ranged [Light] or
performing maintenance on this weapon. Ranged [Heavy] skill.
 Hard Points Required: 2.  Modifiers: Grants weapon quality Blast with a
 Price: 875 bottle caps. value equal to half of the weapon's damage
(rounded up). Reduces weapon's range by one range
AUTO-FIRE MODULE band (to a minimum of engaged).
 Hard Points Required: 3.
Most weapons are capable of firing in singleshot
 Price: 625 bottle caps.
forms only.
 Use With: This attachment can only be put on
ranged firearms that does not already have Auto- BIPOD MOUNT
Fire quality. Little more than a pair or folding or collapsible legs
 Modifiers: The auto-fire module allows these mounted beneath the barrel of a long arm, bipods
weapons to be fired in auto-fire mode, as per Auto- are used to stabilize awkward or heavy weapons to
Fire quality. improve their firing characteristics. Especially useful
 Hard Points Required: 2. when firing from behind low cover or from a prone
 Price: 600 bottle caps. position, bipods are typically used on squad support
weapons, or by sharpshooters and snipers to better
BAYONET steady their weapons.
 Use With: This attachment can only be applied to
The bayonet is a blade attached to the underside
rifles, carbines and machine guns, and it takes one
barrel of any weapon. A tried and true method of
preparation maneuver to set up.
making a melee weapon ready at a moment's notice,
 Modifiers: Decrease the weapon's Cumbersome
most weapons can either support a bayonet or can
rating by 2 when firing from a prone or crouched
be modified to do so. Even handguns can be
position (or can otherwise brace the bipod on
retrofitted to have a stabbing implement attached to
 Hard Points Required: 1.
 Use With: A bayonet can be attached to any type of
 Price: 100 bottle caps.
slugthrower firewarm (pistol or rifle).
 Modifiers: The weapon can now be used as a
melee weapon with the following stats; Melee, CHARGE CRANK
Damage +2, Crit 3, Range (Engaged), Pierce 1. The The charge crank adds a series of additional
weapon gains the Inaccurate 1 quality when making capacitors to the rifle. This modification allows the


wielder to cycle more energy into the weapon,  Hard Points Required: 1.
ramping up the power of the rifle’s next shot. The  Price: 250 bottle caps.
capacitors can only store so much charged energy,
and could damage itself while firing.
 Use With: A special attachment specifically for
energy rifles. By adding a small electronic device to the top of a
 Modifiers: The wielder may spend a Maneuver to ranged weapon, a small holographic crosshair is
cycle an additional charge into the energy rifle. This projected a meter out from the weapon's barrel. This
increases accuracy by reducing the time it takes for
charge adds 2 damage and t to the next Ranged
the user to aim. Unfortunately, the holographic
[Heavy] combat check made with the rifle. During
crosshair is readily visible to anyone on the
that combat check, ttt or y may be spent to
weapon's receiving end, especially in conditions of
damage the energy rifle by one step (as if it had been
darkness or low light.
Sundered). Unused charges dissipate from the rifle
 Use With: This attachment can be used on any
at the end of the encounter.
ranged weapon that could logically benefit from the
 Hard Points Required: 2.
addition of a sight.
 Price: 1,000 bottle caps.
 Modifiers: Allows the shooter to aim as an
incidental once per round at short range. Decrease
COMPONENTIZATION the difficulty of Perception checks to locate the
This mod allows a weapon to be broken down into shooter in low light conditions by 1.
a number of innocuous looking pieces so that it can  Hard Points Required: 1.
be smuggled into and out of places where weapons  Price: 250 bottle caps.
are not allowerd or are highly regulated. When
broken down, a componentized weapon looks like a
collection of of basic tools any individual might be
Adaptable to nearly any energy pistol, this
expected to carry. It takes two Maneuvers to
attachment is a simple upgraded energy actuating
assemble or disassemble a weapon with this mod.
module with custom firmware and a stronger
Loss of or damage to a component ruins the
electromagnetic accelerator that provides more
weapon, and another will have to be acquired and
powerful and more penetrating energy shots.
Unfortunately, this excess power takes its toll on the
 Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
weapon, and energy pistols so modified tend to
weapon with an Encumbrance of 2 or less.
develop reliability problems the longer they are used
 Modifiers: Allows a weapon to be broken into
with this attachment.
pieced and disguised as other items. A character
 Use With: This attachment is only for used on
must make a Formidable (ddddd) Mechanics or
energy pistols.
Skulduggery check to deduce the items are weapon
 Modifiers: Increase weapon damage by one point.
Add to all b Ranged [Light] checks when using this
 Hard Points Required: 2.
 Price: 575 bottle caps.
 Hard Points Required: 1.
 Price: 250 bottle caps.
A skilled tinkerer can tailer a weapon to perfectly fit
its wielder's hand. A custom grip is crafted to
The ammunition capacity of many ballistic
uniquely match its owner, allowing the weapon to
weapons can be modified to carry more rounds.
act as an extension of the wielder's body. While the
 Use With: This attachment can be used for any
weapon fits perfectly in the hands of its owner,
Ranged [Light] or Ranged [Heavy] slugthrower
others who try to use it find the grip uncomfortable
without the Limited Ammo quality.
or the weapon off-balance. A finely customized grip
 Modifiers: The weapon can only suffer the "Runs
is the hallmark of a master weaponsmith.
Out of Ammo" effect with a y result.
 Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
 Hard Points Required: 1.
weapon with a handle.
 Price: 100 bottle caps.
 Modifiers: Remove b from all combat checks the
weapon's owner makes using this weapon. Anyone
other than the owner instead adds bb to all FILED FRONT SIGHT
combat checks made with it. An old assassin's trick, this is the simple act of


removing the front sight of a pistol by filing it off. A  Modifiers: When the user makes the first combat
common modification to light pistols, filing down the check with this weapon in an encounter, add s and
weapon's front sight allows it to be drawn more t to the results.
quickly from its holster, and reduces the possibility  Hard Points Required: 1.
of it becoming snared on clothing. Unfortunately,  Price: 150 bottle caps.
while this modification makes for easy concealment
and drawing, it also reduces the weapon's accuracy,
as it effectively makes it impossible to aim with any
amount of precision. Operating in darkness is never ideal, but there are
 Use With: This modificaiton may only be applied to several ways to compensate for one's lack of night
pistols. Applying it oneself requires an Average vision. The simplest, perhaps, is to integrate a single
(dd) Mechanics check, the cost is paying others to spotlight, similar in most respects to a high-powered
perform the modification. flashlight, along the length of a ranged weapon's
 Modifiers: Innate Talent (Quick Draw), increases barrel. In addition to providing illumination in dark
difficulty of combat checks to hit targets at ranges conditions, high-powered spotlights have the
beyond short by one. potential to blind enemies.
 Hard Points Required: 1.  Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
 Price: 25 bottle caps. ranged weapon that could logically benefit from a
 Modifiers: Removes up to bb due to darkness on
FOREARM GRIP any checks to use this weapon against targets
Little more than a vertical handgrip affixed below within short range.
the barrel of a rifle-sized weapon, forearm grips are  Hard Points Required: 1.
a popular modification among mercenaries,  Price: 100 bottle caps.
designed to give the user better control over the
 Use With: This attachment can only be used on
rifles (but not shotguns, SMGs or machine guns). An extremely simply gun sight, a laser sight emits
 Modifiers: Decrease the additional difficulty of a low-power light beam to place a visible “dot” that
making Ranged [Heavy] checks with this weapon marks the weapon's precise target. A laser sight can
while engaged to an additional d (rather than dd). help even an amateur shooter hit a taret. One
 Hard Points Required: 1. drawback to this upgrade is that the laser can alert
 Price: 125 bottle caps. an otherwise unaware target to the shooter. For
these reasons, laser sights are rarely used by
sharpshooters and snipers.
GYROSTABILIZER  Use With: This attachment can be used with any
A gyrostabilizer artifically reduces the weight of a Ranged [Light] or Ranged [Heavy] weapon that do
weapon, allowing a user to heft and aim a heavy not possess the Blast quality.
weapon with greatly decreased difficulty. With such  Modifiers: Gain automatic a on successful
a modification, a single combatant can operate a combat checks with this weapon.
weapon that normally requires a team of two. These  Hard Points Required: 1.
sophisticated devices are comparatively expensive  Price: 250 bottle caps.
and rare, and thus are seldom seen outside of elite
 Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
Ranged [Heavy] or Gunnery weapons. This mod reduces both the weight and bulk of
 Modifiers: Decrease Cumbersome quality by 1. ranged weapons to make them easier to handle and
 Hard Points Required: 2. conceal. Along with a frame made of a lighter alloy,
 Price: 500 bottle caps. this mod also includes lightweight polycarbonate
stocks, foregrips, and other pieces designed to
lighten up a pistol or rifle.
HAIR TRIGGER  Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
A “hair trigger” represents a modification that weapon.
allows the user to fire a weapon very quickly,  Modifiers: Reduces a weapon's Encumbrance by 1,
although this can be at the expense of accuracy. to a minimum of 1.
 Use With: This attachment can be applied to any  Hard Points Required: 1.


 Price: 325 bottle caps.

This useful relic from the pre-War era allows a
MAGNETIC WEAPON TETHER shooter to see their targets in low-light and even no-
A magnetic weapon tether is a relatively simple light conditions. Very few can make new night-vision
modification that consists of a small magnetic scopes, so those that are available are found or
device built into the weapon. The magnetic weapon salvaged attachments.
tether allows the wielder to snap the weapon back to  Use With: This attachment can be added to any
a readied position with a press of a button, rather Ranged [Light] or Ranged [Heavy] weapon.
than having to scramble to retrieve it.  Modifiers: Reduce the penalty to ranged combat
 Use With: This attachment can be applied to any checks from darkness or concealment by bb.
weapon wielded in one hand that could logically  Hard Points Required: 1.
benefit from a weapon tether.  Price: 250 bottle caps.
 Modifier: During his turn, the wielder may retrieve
the wepaon as an incidental so long as he is
engaged with it.
 Hard Points Required: 1. An optimized energy cell allows an energy weapon
 Price: 125 bottle caps. to achieve a much higher number of shots before
needing to reload, thanks to more efficient use of
resources. Such modifications are often the result of
MARKSMAN BARREL excessive tinkering, rather than off-the-shelf
This barrel is nearly two meters long and made of models.
lightweight materials. It not only increases the  Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
weapon's range, but also its accuracy. The trade-off energy weapon.
for this increased range and accuracy is a weapon  Modifiers: When the GM would spend ttt to
that's slightly awkward to use and nearly impossible cause the weapon to run out of ammunition, it
to conceal due to the length of the barrel. requires an additional t to have that effect apply to
 Use With: This modification may only be applied to this weapon.
slugthrower rifles.  Hard Points Requirement: 1.
 Modifiers: Increases the weapon's ranged by one  Price: 100 bottle caps.
range band, the weapon gains the Cumbersome 2
 Hard Points Required: 2. OVERCHARGE VALVE
 Price: 600 bottle caps. An overcharge valve is a simple (if dangerous)
modification that allows the wielder of a plasma
weapon to discharge the entire ammunition reserve
MULTI-OPTIC SIGHT in a single, devastating shot.
A complex and sophisticated piece of equipment,  Use With: This attachment can be applied only to
the multi-optic sight is a wonder of modern sensor energy weapons.
technology, consisting of a bulky on-weapon optic  Modifiers: An an incidental, the wielder may have
equipped with numerous sensors including low- the weapon gain the Prepare 1 quality and increase
light, thermal, ultrasound, milimeter wave emitters, its damage by 4 for the next attack he makes with it.
and common optical enhancements. The optic is After firing, the weapon runs out of ammunition.
connected to a pair of goggles worn by the user by a GMs may spend ttt or y from any combat
reinforced fiber cable that transmits the vision check involving an overcharged shot with this
enhancements directly to the user in real time. This weapon to cause the weapon to explode and deal
allows the user to see around corners and over full damage to the shooter.
obstacles.  Hard Points Required: 2.
 Use With: This attachment can be fit to any ranged  Price: 550 bottle caps.
 Modifiers: Removes up to bb on any checks to
use this weapon due to smoke, darkness, or other PAIRED WEAPONS
environmental conditions that obstruct vision. Many wanderers wield a pistol in each hand, and
 Hard Points Required: 1. some raiders even prefer to pair a blade with a
 Price: 1,000 bottle caps. pistol. This weapon modification balances a pair of
weapons, allowing the wielder to use them in perfect


 Use With: This attachment can only be applied to  Hard Points Required: None.
one-handed weapons.  Price: 125 bottle caps.
 Modifiers: Must be applied to two weapons at the
same time. Reduce the a required to hit with the
secondary weapon when two-weapon fighting with
The simplicity of this modification belies it
this pair of weapons by 1.
viciousness. Adding a serrated edge to a weapon is
 Hard Points Required: 1 (per weapon).
something almost anyone can do, and giving a
 Price: 150 bottle caps (for the pair).
bladed weapon tearing edges ensures it does terrible
damage to flesh and bone.
PISTOL GRIP  Use With: This modification may be applied to
A pistol grip replaces the stock or other grip on a Melee weapons that use a cutting edge.
long arm with one like that of a pistol, allowing it to  Modifiers: Grants the weapon Vicious (+1) quality.
be fired one-handed. Most firearms feature a pistol-  Hard Points Required: 1.
like grip by defeault, in which case this attachment  Price: 50 bottle caps.
makes additional modifications to make the weapon
better-suited to one-handed use.
 Use With: This attachment can be used with any
Commonly known as a “hair-trigger”, this weapon
Ranged [Heavy] rifle or shotgun that does not
retooling allows a slugthrower to fire with barely a
possess the Cumbersome quality.
touch of the trigger.
 Modifiers: The weapon's skill changed to Ranged
 Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
[Light], but add b to any combat check made while
Ranged [Light] or Ranged [Heavy] weapon.
firing the weapon one-handed. The weapon's range
 Modifiers: Add automatic st to the first combat
is reduced to medium if longer.
check made with this weapon each encounter.
 Hard Points Required: 1.
 Hard Points Required: 1.
 Price: 200 bottle caps.
 Price: 225 bottle caps.


This attachment represents sharpening a blade
A shock-absorbing pad is situated on the
to a razor edge, then reinforcing or treating that
rigid stock of a rifle, shotgun, or heavy weapon.
edge so that it can withstand repeated blows.
 Use With: Rifle, shotgun or any weapon that
 Use With: This attachment can be applied to
uses Ranged [Heavy] or Gunnery skill.
any close combat weapon that has a blade.
 Modifiers: The shockpad provides recoil
 Modifiers: The weapon gains the Pierce 2
compensation for the weapon and effectively
quality, or increases any existing Pierce quality by
1. The weapon also decreases its Crit rating by 1, removes 1 t from any combat check made with the
to a minimum of 1. weapon.
 Hard Points Required: 1.  Hard Points Required: 1.
 Price: 125 bottle caps.  Price: 50 bottle caps.


By removing or deactivating weapon safeties and Shortened barrels are a handy modification used
other features, a gun can more easily be drawn and by spies and anyone needing to conceal the fact that
readied for combat. Of course, these safety features they are carrying a weapon. Little more than a
are in place for a reason, and weapons modified in replacement barrel shorter than the standard one,
such a way tend to be more accident prone. this attachment makes concealing a pistol easier,
 Use With: This attachment can be applied to any and can improve the speed of a quick draw.
Ranged [Light] or Ranged [Heavy] weapon that could  Use With: This attachment can only be applied to
logically have such elements to remove. Ranged [Light] pistol weapons.
 Modifiers: Reduces the difficulty of checks made
 Modifiers: Adds b to the first combat check made
to conceal this weapon by one. Reduces range by
with the weapon during an encounter. The GM may
one range band to a minimum of short. If already
spend tt or y from any combat check to have
short, add b to attack checks.
the weapon misfire; it runs out of ammunition and
 Hard Points Required: 1.
inflicts 4 strain on the wielder.
 Price: 125 bottle caps.


STOCK rifles.
 Modifiers: Adds bb to any Perception or
A gunstock, often simply stock, also known as
Vigilance checks made to locate a concealed
a shoulder stock, a buttstock or simply a butt, is a
shooter firing the silenced firearm.
part of a long gun such as rifle, to which the
 Hard Points Required: 1.
barrelled action and firing mechanism are
 Price: 375 bottle caps.
attached and is held against the user's shoulder
when shooting the gun. The stock provides a
means for the shooter to firmly support the TELESCOPIC OPTICAL SIGHT
device and easily aim with stability. The stock Popular with snipers and hunters, this attachment
also transmits recoil into the shooter's body. is essentially a long tube with a pair of telescopic
Folding or unfolding a folding stock requires a lenses attached to the top of a weapon. The sight
Maneuver. magnifies far-off objects, allowing a sharpshooter to
 Use With: Rigid or folding stocks can be added hit distant targets with relative ease.
to pistols and submachine guns.  Use With: This attachment can be used on any
 Modifiers: Stocks remove one t generated on ranged weapon that could logically benefit from the
any combat check made while firing the weapon. addition of a sight.
 Hard Points Required: 1.  Modifiers: Reduces the difficulty of ranged combat
 Price: 75 bottle caps. checks at long and extreme range by one.
 Hard Points Cost: 1.
 Price: 125 bottle caps.
By removing redundant components and stripping
down the body, it is possible to significantly reduce TRIPOD MOUNT
the weight and profile of a weapon. A weapon Used in static weapon emplacements to augment
modified this way is more easily carried and heavy squad support weapons, tripods use a
transported, and can be better hidden under a coat number of different technologies – from self-
or among other equipment. extending hydraulics to tiny, low-output hydraulic
 Use With: This attachment can be used with any generators – to stabilize heavy weapons for firing.
Ranged [Light] or Ranged [Heavy] weapon.  Use With: This attachment is only for use on
 Modifiers: Decrease the weapon's Encumbrance by machine guns, as weall as portable Gunnery
1 (to a minimum of 1). Add b to a character's weapons. Setting up a tripod takes two preparation
Perception check to find the weapon when it is maneuvers.
hidden.  Modifiers: Decrease the weapon's Cumbersome
 Hard Points Required: 3. quality by 3 when set up. May not move the weapon
 Price: 250 bottle caps. (except to pivot) once tripod is set up.
 Hard Points Required: 2.
 Price: 125 bottle caps.
Even the simplest weapon can benefit from a
craftsman's touch. A skilled weaponsmith can tweak UNDER-BARREL GRENADE LAUNCHER
a weapon to its owner's exacting specifications, Under-barrel grenade launchers are designed to
turning a blunt instrument into a honed and deadly give soldiers and squads heavy anti-infantry or light
weapon of war. anti-vehicle capabilities in a small package. This
 Use With: Any weapon. attachment consists of a basic, smooth-bore barrel
 Modifiers: Grants the weapon the Superior quality. attached to a magazine with an automatic feed
 Hard Points Required: 1. system. It carries up to six grenades and is fired by a
 Price: 2,500 bottle caps. simple press of a button. It adds extra weight to the
weapon it's mountaed to, however, which makes the
entire assembly quite barrel heavy.
SUPPRESSOR  Use With: This attachment can only be applied to
Firearms and ordinary slugthrowers emit an rifle-sized weapons (Ranged [Heavy] weapons).
audible crack when fired. The suppressor is made  Modifiers: Enables weapons to fire grenades. This
for a firearm muzzle, making the weapon virtually uses the grenade's profile, but uses the Ranged
silent. [Heavy] skill to fire and has a medium range. Adds
 Use With: This attachment can only be used with Cumbersome 2. Remember, grenades are Limited
ordinary slugthrowers such as pistols, SMGs and Ammo 1 weapons and the launcher is thus Limited


Ammo 1.  Hard Points Required: 2.

 Hard Points Required: 2.  Price: 250 bottle caps.
 Price: 1,000 bottle caps.
UNDER-BARREL FLAME PROJECTOR Even when broken down into several pieces,
Uncommon but highly effective, this is a small ranged weapons are still liable to be detected, due to
under-barrel flame projector designed to give an the specific technologies and substances that allow
infantryman extra punch at short range. These them to function as lethal weapons. This particular
weapons are typically used by the most desperate or modification masks or otherwise diminishes such
callous individuals. signatures in a weapon's components.
 Use With: This attachment can only be applied to  Use With: Unfortunately, weapon signature
rifle-sized weapons (Ranged [Heavy] weapons). reduction is only effective on weapons with an
 Modifiers: Enables the weapon to fire using the encumbrance rating of 3 or less.
following profile at the user's choice: Ranged  Modifiers: Increase the difficulty checks using any
[Heavy]; Dam 10; Crit 2; Range [Short]; Burn 5; Blast type of scanner to search for this weapon by 2. Due
2). Adds Cumbersome (+1) to the weapon. to the masking used on various weapon
 Hard Points Required: 2. components, this modification adds b to all
 Price: 1,500 bottle caps. Mechanics checks when performing maintenance
on this weapon.
 Hard Points Required: 1.
VARIABLE CHARGE  Price: 500 bottle caps.
The variable charge attachment takes advantage
of an energy weapon's ability to modify the damage
caused by its own shots. This attachment gives the WEAPON SLING
user the ability to “power up” his or her shots by Slings are lenghts of hide or synthetic fabric
focusing more energy into a single blast. designed to allow easy handling of long arms like
 Use With: Energy weapons only. rifles. They come in a dizzying array of styles, from
 Modifiers: A weapon with the variable charge the simplest adjustable single-strap Brahmin hide
attachment may be primed as a Maneuver, sling for carrying a weapon off the shoulder to multi-
increasing the damage of its next shot by +2 to strap slings that allow for any number of custom
damage. But priming the weapon also adds a b to configurations.
the combat check for inaccuracy added to the  Use With: These attachments can only be used
weapon from the charge. A weapon may be primed with Ranged [Heavy] weapons.
for up to three turns, damage increase and  Modifiers: Decrease Cumbersome rating by 1.
inaccuracy stacks. If primed for a fourth turn, the  Hard Points Required: 1.
weapon explodes and deals the fully charged  Price: 100 bottle caps.
damage to the user. When this occurs, the weapon is
completely destroyed.
 Hard Points Required: 2.
 Price: 400 bottle caps. Bludgeoning weapons, such as sledgehammers,
deal damage through weight and impact. A simple
modification to these weapons is to add heavier,
WEAPON HARNESS denser materials to the head of the weapon, allowing
Designed to allow a single sentient to wield even for more powerful blows. Some enterprising
the heaviest man-portable weapons with no sentients also add metal studs or ridges to the head
support. Worn over the shoulders and belted around of the weapon for particularly crippling strikes.
the midsection or torso, weapon harnesses consist  Use With: This attachment may only be used on
of a series of load-bearing straps and harnesses bludgeoning Brawl and Melee weapons.
connected to a gyro-stabilized, power-assisted  Modifiers: Damage +1.
boom arm attached to a heavy weapon. Powered by  Hard Points Required: 1.
a tiny rechargable power pack, the harness offers its  Price: 125 bottle caps.
user enhanced stability and strength when using
heavy weapons.
 Use With: This attachment can only be used with
Ranged [Heavy] weapons and Gunnery weapons. A wrist mount ensures that the user always has a
 Modifiers: Decrease Cumbersome rating by 2. weapon read while keeping his hands free. Many


users choose wrist mounts as a way to pack further

firepower, while it is simply an aestethic choice for
some. Wrist-mounted weapons can be fired with a
pressure-sensitive palm trigger or a particular wrist
 Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
Ranged [Light] weapon.
 Modifiers: The weapon can be worn on the user's
wrist, allowing him to use his hands without
 Hard Points Required: 2.
 Price: 150 bottle caps.

Augmented Spin Barrel - 2 875 4
Auto-Fire Module - 2 600 7
Balanced Hilt - 2 750 5
Bayonet - 1 75 3
Beta Wave Capacitor - 2 500 7
Beam Splitter - 3 625 5
Bipod Mount - 1 100 1
Charge Crank 1 2 1,000 6
Componentization - 2 575 5
Custom Grip - 1 250 6
Electronic Sighting System - 1 250 4
Energy Actuating Module - 1 250 4
Extended Magazine - 1 100 4
Filed Front Sight - 1 25 -
Forearm Grip - 1 125 1
Gyrostabilizer - 2 500 6
Hair Trigger - 1 150 4
Integrated Illuminator 1 1 100 4
Laser Sight - 1 250 5
Lightweight Frame - 1 325 3
Magnetic Tether - 1 125 2
Marksman Barrel - 2 600 4
Multi-Optic Sight - 1 1,000 3
Night Vision Scope - 1 250 8
Optimized Energy Cell - 1 100 5
Overcharge Valve - 2 550 6
Paired Weapons - 1 (per weapon) 150 (for the pair) 3


Pistol Grip - 1 200 3

Razor Edge - 1 125 3
Removed Safety Features - - 125 2
Serrated Edge - 1 50 1
Set Trigger - 1 225 4
Shock Pulse Emitter - 2 750 5
Shockpad - 1 50 2
Shortened Barrel - 1 125 4
Stock - 1 75 4
Stripped Down - 3 250 4
Superior Weapon Customization - 1 2,500 6
Suppressor - 1 375 5
Telescopic Optical Sight - 1 125 1
Tripod Mount - 2 125 3
Under-Barrel Grenade Launcher - 2 1,000 5
Under-Barrel Flame Projector - 2 1,500 5
Variable Charge - 2 400 8
Weapon Harness - 2 250 2
Weapon Signature Reduction - 1 500 6
Weapon Sling - 1 100 -
Weighted Head - 1 125 3
Wrist Mount - 2 150 5


Protecting yourself against the hazards of the Soak value and you subtract the total Soak from any
wasteland is key to surviving in the Wasteland. For damage suffered. If an attack causes 10 damage, for
the past two centuries, wastelanders have been example, a Soak of 2 plus a Brawn of 2 reduces the
using all sorts of materials to protect themselves. damage incurred by four, leaving a total of six points
They will forge armor from whatever is lying around of damage.
or scavenge suits from ruined police stations and Most armor adds +1 or +2 Soak, rarely more,
abandoned military depots. The technique of making unless it is heavy armor or power armor (which have
armor from animal hides and from forged metal have their own section further in this chapter).
been rediscovered, and in some cases improved
upon. Reliable suits can last for decades if cared for
properly; some suits of armor have been handed
down from generation to generation thanks to the Each full suit or discrete piece of armor has a listed
rugged survivability of their construction. Encumbrance value. However, armor’s full
Armor is essentially anything that a character can Encumbrance Rating only comes into play when a
don on his body to increase his or her own suit or piece of armor is carried instead of worn.
personal protection. Combat and When armor is worn, its Encumbrance
brawling is a big part of the Rating is reduced by three, to a minimum
lawless Wasteland, and thus of zero.
many tend to don some kind
of armor, from the simplest of HARD POINTS
Brahmin-hide outfits to the Many armors can be customized, to
most advanced of power an extent determined by the number of
armors, and everything in Hard Points they have. The vast
between. If Wasteland majority of armors have a
wanderers get into fights limited number of Hard Points
without any armor, they are that determine how many
taking on more of a risk to attachments can be
their own safety and may mounted on them. This is
very well be putting their covered in greater detail on
lives at risk. page 206 in the GENESYS
A character can only benefit core rulebook.
from wearing one piece of armor,
despite it being nearly impossible to don two sets of
armors anyway. Even if they wear two ore more PRICE
pieces of armor, you have to choose which one The price of the weapon on the open market.
improves Soak and Defense and provides any unique Prices of armor, like all other equipment in the Fallout
benefits, it is one or the other, not the best of both! setting, is listed in bottle caps currency.

The armor’s Defense adds b equal to the Defense The rarity of the armor, before modifying according
Rating directly to the attacker’s dice pool. This to variable circumstances as warranted by the GM
reflects the armor’s ability to deflect damage away (see page 82 and 83 in the GENESYS core rulebook).
from the wearer’s body.
The defense rating of armor sets the user’s
Defense at a certain value, while other abilities and
talents may then increase the user’s Defense Rating. Anyone wearing an armor with an Encumbrance of
4 or more means that the character must upgrade
the difficulty of all Stealth checks made once. This
SOAK applies for attempts to remain unheard, not unseen.
A suit of armor’s Soak is added to the wearer’s


The armored Vault jumpsuit is nowhere near a

TYPES OF ARMOR common a sight as an ordinary Vault jumpsuit,
The following is a list of readily available armors in although it requires only very little skill to modify it
with basic armoring.
the Fallout setting. This is far from a complete list,
and the GM should be encouraged to incorporate his
own creations and unique armors. BRAHMIN-SKIN OUTFIT
A basic outfit carved from tanned Brahmin hide
ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL GEAR consisting of a white shirt and patched trousers with
Y-shaped suspenders complete with boots. The
Wasteland wanderers may find themselves
operating in some of the harshest, most inhospitable female version of this outfit has a rolled-up long-
sleeve shirt and pants. Needless to say that
environments the Wasteland has to offer. Whether
Brahmin-skin outfits do come in a myriad of
the blistering heat of the Mojave desert or the frigid
different styles and appearances.
cold of Canada, many locations require the use of
A Brahmin-skin outfit provides its wearer with an
adverse environment gear. Specialized clothing that
wicks away sweat or retains body heat, respirators automatic a on all Resilience checks made to ward
and gas masks, sealed environment suits, polarized off the blistering heat of the Wasteland.
goggles, water recyclers, and reinforced gloves built
to handle dangerous specimens are all examples of BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL SCIENCE ARMOR
hazardous environment gear. Wasteland wanderers Worn by the scribes of the Brotherhood of Steel
equipped with the proper adverse environment gear that are devoted to the field of science, this robe
may ignore b imposed by the environment in which provide little protection for the wearer. The robe has
they are currently operating. This only applies if their been created with a fabric inlaid with special energy
hazardous environment gear is appropriate for the absorbant reagents. This means that all energy-
current environment. based weapon attacks (from lasers, plasmas, etc.)
deal 1 point less of damage against the wearer of
ARMORED CLOTHING the robe. This reduction is calculated into the
damage, after the outcome of the attack die roll has
Available in a variety of styles from the workaday
been resolved.
and utilitarian to the ultra-fashionable, armored
clothing is an excellent option for those who need
light, flexible protection. Armored clothing typically BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL SCRIBE ARMOR
consists of various hides and textiles woven with This is a very common armor seen amongst the
layers of energy-dispersion mesh. While bulkier than field active scribes of the Brotherhood of Steel. While
normal clothing, armored clothing can be tailored to the armor covers the chest and back, it is not made
fit any taste and still retain its effectiveness. Lighter from a durable material strong enough to withstand
types rely solely on the energy-dispersion mesh and ballistic impact. Instead, the armor comes with a
the strength of the material to provide protection, myriad of pouches and packs that the scribe can
but more advanced types offer additional protection store items in; effectively raising the wearer's
in the form of strategically located plastoid or maximum Encumbrance threshold by 1.
ceramic armor plates sewn into the clothing.
Reasonably subtle, it takes a thorough search of an
individual's person to detect that he's wearing BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL SCRIBE ROBE
armored clothing, an action that requires an Average Scribe robes are clothing items worn by the
(dd) Perception check. Brotherhood of Steel scribes. They consist of a red
robe that covers the entire body and the thick belt
that covers the midsection.
ARMORED VAULT JUMPSUIT Wearing a Brotherhood Scribe robe grants the
The armored Vault suit or armored vault jumpsuit wearer an automatic a bonus on all Leadership skill
is - as the name suggests - a vault suit checks.
supplemented with pieces of armor and a number of
pouches. In addition to comfort, the Vault jumpsuit
is termally controlled and resistant to radiation, CHINESE STEALTH ARMOR
granting to b all Resilience checks. Unlike the The Hei Gui (黑鬼), or Chinese stealth armor is a
ordinary Vault jumpsuit, this armored variant cannot form-fitting armored jumpsuit, with stealth
be worn underneath other armors. camouflage system embedded. It generates a


modulating field that transmits the reflected light armor was designed to protect key sections of the
from one side of an object to the other, making a human body from ballistic trauma with hard armored
person much harder to notice (but not completely plates made from complex polymers and ceramics,
invisible). The technology was the basis for the with a flexible body suit interwoven with thermal-
unstable "Stealth Boy" wrist units developed in the dissipative membranes and bulletproof material. The
U.S. earliest models of the combat armor were
Wearing the Chinese stealth armor improves the manufactured as specific plates mounted on
character's Stealth skill, allowing him to upgrade all combat webbing, although as the technology
Stealth skill checks once while wearing the armor. improved, body-enclosing suits of armor were
created and entered active combat duty, though in
COMBAT ARMOR, HEAVY limited quantities. The armor came with a matte-
finish olive drab coloring by default, making it
Heavy combat armor is much similar to the slightly suitable for woodland and/or urban camouflage.
lesser cumbersome combat armor variant. In this The combination armor layers of a suit of
more advanced and expensive pre-War model, the adequately-maintained combat armor grant the
torso is covered by the primary armor assembly, wearer significant protection from most types of
including a split breastplate, pauldrons, gorget, and damage, including laser, plasma, ballistic (bullets,
abdominal ring. The sleeves of the body suit are full shrapnel), and blast damage - uncommon for
sleeves, and include armor plate protection for the personal armor. Furthermore, it does so without the
upper and lower arms. The lower body is protected extreme weight inherent in most battle armor
by woven trousers and incorporate no hard armor, systems of the 20th and 21st centuries. In summary,
save armored boots. In the interests of comfort and combat armor provides outstanding protection at
maneuverability, the armor encasing the foot and comparatively low-weight and high-comfort levels.
lower leg is articulated, not sealed. While this Prior to the Great War, combat armor was nearly
permits longer wear times and more comfortable exclusively the property of military forces and
and sure footing, it compromises the armor integrity. special police units. Currently-available historical
Consequently, water and other liquids can enter the documentation shows users only in the North
armor and affect the user. American continent, but allied nations were likely to
The helmet is a ballistic assembly, designed to possess identical or similar systems. Combat armor
protect the wearer from projectile and energy was the de facto armor of the United States military,
weapon impacts, bladed weapons, blunt trauma, and issued to all combat soldiers not in the powered
concussion. An integrated polarized visor protects armor units.
the user's eyes from the ordinary battlefield hazards Civilian ownership of combat armor was highly
of grit and dust, but also laser blindness and restricted. A special permit was required from the
fragments. Helmets also incorporate a combination Bureau of Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Firearms and
camera/laser rangefinder unit built into the helmet's Lasers for private ownership of the combat armor
right side, just above the ear. Those suits of combat (though it was marketed to US citizens without
armor surviving in the wasteland still have the mentioning this fact).
housing for that equipment, but no suit has been
documented as having working hardware.
The heavy combat armor has a Cumbersome 3 HEAVY CLOTHING
quality, which means that it does require some raw, Heavy clothing is just that – sturdy, well-made
physical strength to use the armor properly. articles of clothing built to withstand the rigors of
life in the Wilderness. While a thick hide jacket,
COMBAT ARMOR, LIGHT reinforced mechanic's jumpsuit, or a thick woolen
cloak doesn't offer much in the way of protection
Of all the combat armor variants, the light combat from bullet, blast, laser, and blade, it's certainly
armor is the most common and by far the less better than nothing. Most Wasteland wanderers
cumbersome of all the three variations. A light wear heavy clothing as day-to-day wear for its
combat armor comes with a protective torso piece, a durability and style.
helmet, as well as shoulders and thigh guards. The
light combat armor is built to keep the soldier alive,
while offering maximum mobility. LEATHER ARMOR
This leather armor is based on pre-War armor
COMBAT ARMOR, MEDIUM designed for motorcycle riding, football, and other
dangerous contact sports. It is likely that the simple
First created in 2051, the military-grade combat


construction techniques required to produce armor Heavy metal armor consists of five separate pieces
of this design made it a popular choice following a - the chest, the arms and the legs as well as a
nuclear disaster. It provides moderate protection, matching helmet. Like with all other armor pieces,
and the light construction makes it easier to dodge each can be worn over clothing. Given that metal
attacks or run away while worn. armor lives up to its name by being assembled from
Leather armor is a lightweight body armor made various crudely fashioned pieces of scrap metal, it is
from tanned brahmin hide, offering protection from also among the heaviest of armor sets.
firearms and melee damage. A heavy metal armor armor has the Cumbersome 4
It offers significant protection, being comparable quality, which means that it does require some raw,
to the recon armor and superior to Vault security physical strength to use the armor properly.
armor and the raider armor. Effectively, it's the "poor
man's" combat armor. It is a typical armor worn by
mercenaries and occasionally by raiders.
First created in 2051, the military-grade combat
armor was designed to protect key sections of the
LEATHER ARMOR, HEAVY human body from ballistic trauma with hard armored
Heavy leather armor consists of five separate plates made from complex polymers and ceramics,
pieces - the chest, both arms and both legs. This with a flexible body suit interwoven with thermal-
armor set is fashioned out of belts, straps, braces dissipative membranes and bulletproof material. The
and pads. Like with other armor sets, various earliest models of the combat armor were
crafting designs can change the look of the armor manufactured as specific plates mounted on
pieces. Its appearance varies from normal leather combat webbing, although as the technology
armor in that both of its shoulder pads are about the improved, body-enclosing suits of armor were
same size and appear to be made of or plated with created and entered active combat duty, though in
metal. limited quantities. The armor came with a matte-
finish olive drab coloring by default, making it
METAL ARMOR suitable for woodland and/or urban camouflage.
Prior to the Great War, combat armor was nearly
Metal armor is simply any kind of armor exclusively the property of military forces and
manufactured from metal scrap and ancient relics. special police units. Currently-available historical
While power armor is technically also made mostly documentation shows users only in the North
of metal, it is more advanced in its characteristics American continent, but allied nations were likely to
and as such, is not counted as “metal armor”. possess identical or similar systems. Combat armor
A craft metal armor created from a variety of scrap was the de facto armor of the United States military,
pieces put on a black leather armor. The metal issued to all combat soldiers not in the powered
helmet is similar in shape to a motorcycle helmet, armor units. Additionally, at least one Canadian
though with a dirty silver color instead of white, as partisan was caught on camera wearing a suit of
well as no neck wrap or goggles for males, and for combat armor.
females, the helmet is made of rusted metal and is
open faced, similar in shape to combat helmets
(although it still muffles the user's voice while worn). NCR SCOUT ARMOR
The shoulder plates have metal spikes welded onto NCR frontline runners, scouts in particular, often
them. don this armor, which is a modified variation of the
The metal armor has a Cumbersome 3 quality, NCR shock trooper armor. The armor comes with
which means that it does require some raw, physical excellent body protection, which includes a helmet
strength to use the armor properly. for maximum protection to the wearer. Further, the
NCR scout armor has been kept in dark tones which
METAL ARMOR, HEAVY match the Wasteland colors rather well. This allows
the wearer add an automatic s to Stealth checks
The heavy metal armor serves as a very heavy
made in the outdoor Wasteland regions.
armor. It provides much more protection than a suit
Furthermore, the wearer also adds an automatic s
of leather armor, but is more ramshackle than
to all Survival checks made in the outdoors
combat armor and is weaker than power armor.
Wasteland region.
Much similar to the lighter and less cumbersome
metal armor, the heavy metal armor armor consists
of five separate pieces - the chest, the arms and the NCR SHOCK TROOPER ARMOR
legs as well as a matching helmet. This armor is issued to the bulk of the NCR forces,


While it is the least protective of the NCR armors, the plates molded into armor pieces reinforced by metal
shock trooper armor is still an emblem of the NCR to bars along with wires fastened together by leather
behold. The NCR shock trooper armor is essentially straps. The armor includes hardened and buttressed
combat fatigues with a protective torso piece to variants take appearance of large, bulky plates of
ward off bullets and energy weapon blasts. riveted steel with patches of rust, heavy-duty chain
links, metal rods and thick padding. Some of the
NCR TROOPER ARMOR plates stick out considerably as well.
Needless to say that the heavy raider armor is
As of 2281, the official combat uniform consists of bulkier and less comfortable to wear than the
a khaki field jacket with bellowed hip pockets and ordinary raider armor. But take into consideration
khaki breeches, worn with a desert facewrap, black that the raiders think protection above comfort. Who
leather fingerless gloves, arm wraps, brown combat cares about comfort if it means a bullet to the head?
boots, and khaki puttees. An armored breastplate And while comfort is not a priority for the raiders, nor
emblazoned with the emblem of the NCR are worn in is proper maintenance most of the time either, which
combat environments, attached via leather straps means that the armor is often dented, dirty, grimy,
and buckles. rusty and in horrible condition. This often makes the
armor look like it could come apart at any moment,
RADIATION SUIT but appearances can be deceiving, as many a foe on
The radiation suit is a suit specially designed to the opposite end of a raider's pistol have come to
protect the wearer from harmful radiation, meaning learn the hard way.
it has greater radiation resistance than any other When wearing a raider armor, the character gains
armor or clothing. It covers the entire body. automatic s on Coercion checks and automatic f
Wearing a radiation suit allows the character to on Charm checks. The GM may determine that this
upgrade his Resilience checks once against armor provides different benefits or detriments
Radiation sources. depending on the situation. As with the lesser
variant, wearing this armor may result in the wearer
being mistaken for being a raider.
RAIDER ARMOR The heavy raider armor has a Cumbersome 3
Rough leather panels held together with wire and quality, which means that it does require some raw,
string, but it can also sometimes contain metal physical strength to use the armor properly.
plates covered with leather.
The raider set of armor is often found on the many
brigands and cut-throats across the wastes. The RECON ARMOR
armor varies in quality and appearance with most Intended to serve as the under-armor of the T-45d
consisting of scrap metal plates molded into armor power armor, the recon armor is a vacuum-sealed
pieces reinforced by metal bars along with wires asbestos jumpsuit covering the entire body.
fastened together by leather straps. Attached to it is the interface and mounts for the T-
The barbaric appearance of this armor is bolstered 45d power armor. Its purpose is twofold - it allows
by the gruesome trophies some ruffians choose to the user to actually operate the armor and protect
attach to the armor pieces such as skulls or other soft tissue from heat and moving parts inside the
vulgar mementos. Not only is the armor suit. Unlike the under-armor for the T-51b power
"homemade" but it is of low quality. armor models, this one is also designed to offer
When wearing a raider armor, the character gains limited protection from small-arm weapons.
automatic a on Coercion checks and automatic t Although this armor is intended to be an
on Charm checks. The GM may determine that this “undercoat" for power armor, you cannot wear recon
armor provides different benefits or detriments and power armor at the same time.
depending on the situation, such as Wasteland Wearing a recon armor grants the wearer a s
settlers believing the wearer to be a raider and bonus to all Resilience checks made against
acting accordingly. extreme heat.
Mark II Recon Armor: A new version of the armor,
developed by Scribe Bowditch of the Capital
RAIDER ARMOR, HEAVY Wasteland Brotherhood of Steel. While development
The raider set of heavy armor is often found on the is complete, distribution of it has been slowed due to
many brigands and cut-throats across the budget cuts.
Wasteland. The armor varies in quality and
appearance with most consisting of scrap metal


SPACE SUIT others may include tanned Brahmin or even Gecko

hide, but not enough to constitute as being a leather
A standard suit for travel in the void of space. armor of any sort.
Although a space suit is designed to block out
Tribal armor add an automatic a on Coercion
harmful interstellar radiation, this suit will not
protect you from radiation sources. A space suit will
allow you to survive the vacuum of space, but not
withstand the Radiation of the Wasteland. VAULT-TEC SECURITY ARMOR
A space suit comes with an air supply that allows The armor consists of a bulletproof vest and
the wearer to breathe in an airless atmosphere for shoulder pads and can be worn over various clothing
up to 2 or 3 hours. Every space suit sold comes with parts including, but not limited to: Vault jumpsuits,
an emergency repair kit that allows for quick fixes of various fatigues and harnesses.
tears, leaks, and bad gasket seals. The Vault-Tec security helmet is a separate
component of this set.
Synth armor is a type of combat armor plating
created by the Institute for their first and second
generation synth soldiers deployed in the
Commonwealth. While the heavy synth armor
provides Soak 2 against all weapons, it is particular
efficient against energy-based weapons, increasing
its Soak Rating to 4.


Synth armor is a type of combat armor plating
created by the Institute for their first and second
generation synth soldiers deployed in the
Commonwealth. A light synth armor, is much similar
to a light combat armor, though it proves to be less
Defensive. Light synth armor adds an automatic t
to all energy-based combat checks against the


A middle way between the light and heavy synth
armor, this particular Institute produced armor
provides slightly less protection than a medium
combat armor against weapons, but it proves to be
more effective against energy-based attacks. A
medium synth armor adds an automatic f on all
energy-based combat checks against the wearer.

Pieced together from scraps of armor, this outfit
provides protection without impacting mobility. The
appearance of this particular type of armor varies
from tribe to tribe, and they individually are marked
with something to distinguish their tribal affiliation,
such as symbols, markings, small totems, and the
Some tribal armors, for example, is a single-
sleeved suit of armor with a piece of a tractor tire
over the shoulder for protection (for males). While


Adverse Environmental Gear - 1 2 1 250 1
Armored Clothing 1 - 3 1 50 6
Armored Vault Jumpsuit 1 - 2 1 300 8
Brahmin-Skin Outfit 1 - 3 - 125 4
Brotherhood of Steel Science Armor - 1 2 - 250 8
Brotherhood of Steel Scribe Armor - 1 3 1 250 8
Brotherhood of Steel Scribe Robe 1 1 3 2 600 8
Chinese Stealth Armor 2 - 5 2 1,000 10
Combat Armor, Heavy 3 1 5 3 880 9
Combat Armor, Light 1 1 3 1 185 5
Combat Armor, Medium 2 1 4 2 560 7
Heavy Clothing - 1 1 - 50 -
Leather Armor 1 - 2 - 65 4
Leather Armor, Heavy 1 1 3 1 200 6
Metal Armor 2 - 5 2 375 5
Metal Armor, Heavy 2 1 6 3 650 7
NCR Ranger Armor 3 - 5 3 600 7
NCR Scout Armor 1 - 2 1 400 7
NCR Shock Trooper Armor 1 - 2 1 250 7
NCR Trooper Armor 2 - 3 1 400 7
Radiation Suit - - 4 1 400 5
Raider Armor 1 - 3 2 45 4
Raider Armor, Heavy 2 - 4 2 220 5
Recon Armor 1 - 4 2 450 5
Space Suit 1 - 4 - 500 5
Synth Armor, Heavy 2 1 4 2 655 9
Synth Armor, Light 1 - 2 - 225 7
Synth Armor, Medium 1 1 3 1 425 8
Tribal Armor - 1 3 - 50 1
Vault-Tec Security Armor 1 1 4 2 200 7








 August 2065: The need for increased mobility
among the units of the US Army Mechanized Cavalry
Power armor is the peak of armored infantry leads the American government's defense
technology, initially developed in the West Tek contractors to focus their research on the
Research Facility laboratories. Now, only the most development of a man-based tank - the ultimate
technologically advanced factions with ties to pre- result is powered Infantry armor.
War military or government, such as the Brotherhood  2065 - 2067: Research and development into
of Steel or the Enclave, have access to them, and power armor intensifies among the different firms
only the latter possesses the technology required to involved in the project and several prototypes are
manufacture new power armor models, such as the developed, many of which prove to be unworkable
advanced power armor Mk II. once they are deployed in the field. These prototypes
The first version of power armor successfully pave the way for several major future advances in
deployed in combat was the T-45 model, which materials science, robotics, and nuclear fusion
originally ran on small energy cells, burning through technology in the decade before the outbreak of the
them at an alarming rate. In response, later versions Great War.
were manufactured with built-in microfusion packs.  Summer 2066: The first crude nuclear
The effectiveness of the T-45 power armor was microfusion cell is unveiled, one of the civilian
overwhelming. It served a huge role in pushing back technological spin-offs of the power armor project.
Chinese forces, allowing individual soldiers to take The new technology is soon incorporated into a wide
entire towns, protecting the wearers from everything variety of consumer goods, including robots and
from conventional fire to head on missile impacts. automobiles. It begins to alleviate the terrible energy
The most advanced pre-War model, T-51b power shortages plaguing the United States, but was
armor is fitted with a back-mounted TX-28 unable to fully alleviate the world's energy problems
microfusion pack which generates 60,000 Watts to before the outbreak of the Great War in 2077 made
power the HiFlo hydraulic systems built into the the problem moot. Ironically, had the fusion
frame of the suit. Made of the poly-laminate microcell technology had more time to disseminate
composite, the T-51b shell is lightweight and across the globe from the United States, it
capable of absorbing over 2500 Joules would have solved most of the world's
of kinetic impact. The 10 micron silver energy problems, thus ending the
ablative coating can reflect laser and need for the armed conflicts
radiation emissions without damage to that ultimately lead to the
the composite subsurface. downfall of human
T-51b power armor and later civilization.
models also include a complete  2067: The first suit of T-
waste recycling system. 45d power armor is deployed
The Hēi Guǐ (黑鬼) stealth for combat duty among
armor kept the Chinese American infantrymen
near the same level as the fighting the Chinese
United States, but not by occupation of Alaska. While
much. The armor's lacking the full mobility of
translation is "Black Ghost". future versions of the armor, this early
suit of power armor is incredibly effective against
BACKGROUND conventional Chinese tanks and infantry. Its ability
Power armor is the latest development in personal to allow a single infantryman to carry heavy
body armor. This armor must be custom-fitted to the ordnance becomes key in various localized conflicts
user and is so heavy that it requires internal micro- during the Sino-American War, and it has the power
motors to allow movement. Hardening is a process to destroy entire towns without endangering the
that increases the protection of normal power armor. wearer from attacks by conventional firearms or
Advanced power armor is a completely new, post- even missile launchers. The Chinese People's
War design of this Cadillac of the personal Liberation Army rushes to create its own versions,
protection world (tail fins optional). but the Chinese are many years behind the United
States' work on the project.
 2074: Contrary to the United States' claim of
waging a defensive war that seeks only to retake


Alaska from the Chinese, entire mechanized infantry deserters are captured when possible by military
divisions outfitted with power armor are deployed in policemen and are sent to various military prisons
an American invasion of China, but they become across the United States. Some of these prisoners
bogged down during intense combat on the Chinese are later used by American military scientists in
mainland, putting a further drain on American illegal human experiments at the Mariposa Military
resources and supply lines in the Sino-American Base in California where the Forced Evolutionary
War. Virus is first tested.
 September 2075: Under the command of General  2198: The Enclave's scientists develop various
Brock testing begins at Fort Strong, Boston on an new technologies, including the first new viable
early batch of prototype T-51b power armor suits power armor variations since the Great War. None of
constructed by the US Army Corps of Engineers. these suits are much of an improvement over the
During testing it was noticed that the test pilots original versions of power armor developed before
were having difficulty jumping, in response to this 2077, and some are actually worse.
future prototypes had a gyroscope fitted to correct  2215: Under Presidential Order, the Enclave's
the issue. scientists begin to work on an upgraded version of
 June 2076: The T-51b power armor prototype is power armor that exceeds the performance of the T-
finally completed, resulting in the development of 51b model. Many prototypes are developed and
the suit of power armor that the Vault Dweller finds tested.
in Fallout. This suit represents the pinnacle of power  October 2220: Enclave scientists finally develop a
armor technology before the outbreak of the Great reliable version of what they call advanced power
War ends all technological progress for many armor. The prototype's capabilities (and the various
decades. Many of these units are sent by the accidents/explosions/deaths involved in its
American military to the front in China, and they creation) are classified by order of the Enclave's
begin to carve a swath through the Chinese forces President Dick Richardson for the sake of the
defending their nation, ending the stalemate that Enclave's morale.
had defined the Chinese front of the war in the two  During 2242: After the destruction of the Oil Rig,
years since the start of the American invasion. the Enclave finished developing a Tesla power armor
Chinese resources are strained to the breaking point based on the standard advanced power armor, which
by the new American offensive using the T-51b was lower in standard compared to the advanced
armor, and the supply lines from the nations China power armor Mk II but made the operation of energy
has annexed in East and Southeast Asia begin to weapons by the wearer easier. This power armor is
break down. rare and almost never appears in the West due to the
 2077: The T-60 power armor is developed as a complete destruction of Navarro, which was the only
prototype, intended to replace the T-51 model. In the remaining large base in the West.
final days before the Great War, the suit sees limited
deployment among military peacekeeping forces
within the United States. Around this time, early
models of the X-01 power armor were under While powered, the power armor acts more like a
development by the US government with one model vehicle than a suit of armor. The suit’s powerful
being put up for display at the Galactic Zone at the servos negate any Encumbrance caused by the suit,
Nuka-World Amusement Park to advertise the and does not count towards the character’s current
recently released Nuka-Cola Quantum. Encumbrance total. When a fusion core is not
 January 22, 2077: Power armor is used for the installed, the power armor suit has its full
first time for domestic purposes within the United Encumbrance rating (see “Fusion Cores” below).
States by U.S. Army units deployed within American Also carrying the armor means that the person
cities for crowd and quarantine control duties carrying is recipient to the full Encumbrance value of
related to the growing resource shortages and the armor.
outbreaks of epidemic disease. Units originally
serving in China and on the Anchorage Front Line SOAK AND DEFENSE RATING
find themselves fighting fellow Americans at home The Soak Rating of the power armor suit is not
as disorder grows worse across the course of this additive to the Soak Rating of the wearer, it has its
year. Food riots increase, and many civilians are own value. It does not add to the character's base
killed in fights with the military and police. A growing Soak, nor is it affected by other armor the character
number of soldiers desert from the American is wearing. When attacked, damage is reduced by
military both in Canada and the United States. These the character’s Soak rating or the power armor’s


soak rating, whichever is higher. armor cannot gain benefit from any attachments
If the character’s has a personal Defense Rating, it granted by the armor. The wearer may also only use
is replaced by the Defense Rating of the power one Maneuver on their turn to move.
armor even if the power armor's is lower.
RAD RESISTANCE When a character suffers a Critical Injury, the
All power armor have an innate Rad rating equal to resulting Critical Injury roll is reduced by an amount
the armor's current Soak Rating. equal to 5 times the current Soak Rating for the
armor to a minimum of 1. Additionally, the Soak
ENHANCED STRENGTH Rating of the power armor is reduced by 1 when it
suffers a Critical Injury hit, until it can be repaired.
While wearing power armor, the wearer’s Brawn
characteristic is considered to be 2 higher (which
may exceed the usual maximum of 5) when TRIUMPHS
calculating damage from Brawl and Melee combat If x is rolled during a combat check against a
checks, Encumbrance Thresholds, and for the character wearing power armor, the x can be used
Cumbersome weapon quality. to reduce the Soak Rating of the armor by 1.
However, this does not count This occurs after the attack is
towards increasing dice for Brawn- completed and damage is
based skill checks. calculated vs. the current Soak
Rating. This Soak reduction lasts
FALLING until the power armor can be
When determining falling
damage, reduce the
effective distance fallen by REPAIRS
two range bands to a Restoring a power armor to its
minimum of effectively falling full Soak is a hard, manual labor.
no range band if the wearer Repairing a power armor is
succeeds at their Average considered to be a Hard (ddd)
(dd) Athletics or Coordination Mechanics check if the power
check (as detailed on page 112 in armor is at half maximum Soak
the GENESYS core rulebook), or by Rating or more. When it drops below
one range band if they failed their half maximum Soak Rating the check
skill check. becomes Daunting (dddd). It requires a
tool kit and replacement parts; the GM
FUSION CORES determines if sufficient salvage is available to
complete the repairs (usually such parts
The power armor operates by drawing
would have a Rarity equal to the armor itself).
power from a disposable fusion core. Once
The difficulty of the check is upgraded
drained, the core’s charge cannot be
twice if it is attempted without a
replenished; another fusion core with a
power armor cradle or similar heavy
charge must be installed to restore the
equipment lift. A y rolled during the
power armor to operation. The more
repair check may be spent to reduce
activities that are performed with the suit,
the Soak Rating of the power armor by 1,
the faster the core is drained.
permanently. Repairing reduced Soak costs
A y or tttt result on any skill
100 bottle caps per 1 point of Soak to be
check while wearing power armor may
restored in spare parts and materials.
be spent to cause the suit's fusion core
to run dry at the end of the encounter.
A suit of power armor that has an POWER ARMOR AND SNEAKING
empty (or no) fusion core is severely Attempts to sneak (using Stealth skill)
hindered. The unpowered suit has an to remain silent and unheard is
Encumbrance equal to its current impossible for anyone wearing a power
Soak Rating (to a minimum of 8). armor.
The person wearing the power



This armor is the result of a post-War research
Following below is a selection of different types of project undertaken by the Enclave at Adams Air
power armors known to exist in the Fallout setting. Force Base. It was one of several concurrent
The GM is free to come up with his own unique research projects, including one on duraframe
power armors, of course. eyebots and ended up being the only one to be fully
completed; other projects, much to chagrin of
ADVANCED POWER ARMOR researchers such as Whitley, were canceled in favor
of the new model of power armor.
The armor was created by the Enclave's skilled
This heat-resistant type of power armor is used by
team of engineers and scientists after the Great War,
specialized Enclave Hellfire troopers as well as a few
as a result of a research program initiated in 2198,
regular Enclave soldiers.
part of a larger project to develop various
Wearing the Hellfire power armor provides the
technologies. In 2215 the first actually superior suit
wearer with an upgrade to all Resilience checks
is manufactured, entering service in 2220. Various
against heat and fire sources. Furthermore, the
accidents/explosions/deaths involved in its creation
Hellfire power armor automatically adds an
are classified by order of President Dick Richardson
for the sake of the morale of the Enclave's personnel. automatic f to all flame- and fire-based attacks
It is composed of lightweight metal alloys, directed against the wearer. Further, any successful
reinforced with ceramic castings at key stress attack with a flame- or fire-based weapon deal 2
points. The motion-assist servo-motors used in the points less damage to the wearer, after the combat
armor appear to be high-quality models as well. The check has been resolved.
suit has an auto-gyro system to keep it upright and
the knees can be locked in position, to prevent the RAIDER POWER ARMOR
wearer from falling over, if, for some reason, he loses This armor has been salvaged and restored to
consciousness on duty (e.g. takes a nap). fighting shape by Raiders, long after the Great War. It
Additionally, like the T-51b power armor, it includes a appears to incorporate elements of both the T-45
recycling system that can convert human waste into and T-51 models, although it has been rebuilt mostly
drinkable water, enhancing survival and an air using scrap metal. Its jury-rigged nature means that
conditioning system for comfort. it can't withstand as much punishment as most
It was issued primarily to Enclave troopers other varieties of power armor.
operating on the United States mainland, with the The armor appears to be just scrap metal over the
Enclave insignia prominently displayed on the limbs of the power armor frame, most notably in the
breastplate, while rank indicators were usually legs as they don't appear to be from any specific
painted on the shoulders of the armor. suit. The torso appears to be from a T-45 chest
Later, the advanced power armor Mk II was piece evident by the distinguishable shape, it has
introduced, and by 2277 it had become the heavy reinforcement with simple scrap metal. The
standard-issue Enclave power armor used by all of arms and shoulders may be from a heavily damaged
that organization's military units. T-51 as the shoulders resemble the shoulder pieces
The wearer of the advanced power armor adds of a T-51. The helmet is not from any suit and
bb to all Resilience checks. appears to be homemade. The helmet does show
some professional attachments such as what
ADVANCED POWER ARMOR MK. II appears to be a transceiver on the back,
The advanced power armor Mk II, also called black reinforcement on the face plate protecting the
devil power armor or simply Enclave power armor, is wearer's eyes, a respirator on the front of the helmet
and a security flashlight on the side of the helmet.
a high-end model of power armor used exclusively
When wearing a raider power armor, the character
by the Enclave's Department of the Army and
developed after the Great War and the destruction of gains automatic x on Coercion checks and
the Enclave Oil Rig in 2241. It is composed entirely of automatic y on Charm checks. The GM may
lightweight composites rather than the usual determine that this armor provides different benefits
combination of metal and composite plates found or detriments depending on the situation, such as
on the previous designation of advanced power the wearer being mistaken for being a raider.
armor, the MK I.
Its design is substantially different from another,
earlier model of the MK II.


T-45 POWER ARMOR relatively common more than 200 years later.
Originally developed and manufactured for the
United States Army by American defense contractor T-51 POWER ARMOR
West Tek, the T-45d power armor was the first T-51b powered infantry armor, or power armor,
version of power armor to be successfully deployed represented the peak of armored infantry technology
in battle. In 2067, the first suit of T-45d power armor before the Great War, surpassed only by its
was deployed in Alaska during the start of the successor, the T-60 power armor. Developed in the
Anchorage Reclamation in the midst of the Sino- laboratories of the West Tek Research Facility, the T-
American War. This power armor was incredibly 51b was deployed at the end of the Anchorage
effective against Chinese tanks and infantry. Its Reclamation, and by January 2077, the armor had
ability to allow a single infantryman to carry heavy become standard issue for American soldiers in the
ordnance that otherwise required a team of soldiers Army's Mechanized Cavalry Regiments. Now, only
to transport and operate became key in various the most technologically advanced factions with ties
localized conflicts on the Alaskan front, and it to the pre-Great War American military or federal
allowed American soldiers wearing the armor to government, such as the Brotherhood of Steel or the
destroy entire towns occupied by Chinese troops Enclave, have access to this type of power armor.
without endangering themselves. In 2076, the more The armor is fitted with a back-mounted TX-28
advanced T-51b power armor variant was MicroFusion Pack which generates an output power
introduced into combat duty. of 60,000 Watts to power the HiFlo hydraulic
After the Great War, this model of power armor is systems built into the frame of the suit. Made of a
still being used by factions such as the Brotherhood poly-laminate composite, the outer shell of the T-
of Steel. While main forces of the Brotherhood in 51b is lightweight and capable of absorbing over
New California and the Mojave Brotherhood of Steel 2500 Joules of kinetic impact. The 10-micron-thick
tend to use the newer T-51b, more remote chapters, silver ablative coating can reflect laser and other
such as the East Coast Brotherhood of Steel and the radiation emissions without damaging the
Brotherhood Outcasts, have to rely on these composite subsurface, and the eyeslit for the helmet
outdated suits. is made of bullet proof glass to protect the wearer
The T-45d lacks the mobility of later power armor from any projectiles.
models (such as the T-51b power armor) because of The Brotherhood of Steel does not possess the
its less advanced servo design; as a result it limits technology required to manufacture new suits of
the wearer's Agility. Anyone wearing a T-45d power power armor and relies only on repaired and
armor has his or her Agility reduced by 1 point, and refurbished pre-Great War suits. Among the soldiers
this can be to 0, where it effectively renders the of the Enclave, this power armor is seen as obsolete,
wearer unable to operate the power armor. The first as it was replaced by the Enclave's advanced power
version of T-45d power armor deployed on the front armor and advanced power armor Mk II models,
lines against the Chinese was powered by small though it should be noted that it is still used by
energy cells and it burned through them at an soldiers of the Enclave who have not been issued the
alarming rate. newer armor, most likely due to slow production
While the T-45d armor is similar in its overall shape rates for a faction that is still quite small and
to the newer T-51b power armor, it is significantly possess only limited resources in the post-atomic
less advanced than its later counterpart, and uses world.
riveted steel plates instead of plastic composite As of 2287, the T-51b seems to still be in use in the
materials in its construction. Various electronic and West Coast Brotherhood of Steel, while over in the
mechanical subsystems of the armor are exposed East Coast Brotherhood Division, it was entirely
on the outside of its casing rather than sealed within replaced by its more advanced successor model,
as in the T-51b, making it far more susceptible to The T-60 armor. Additionally, after the defeat of the
damage. In addition, a specialized body suit is Enclave, the Brotherhood has the ability to
required to be worn underneath the T-45d's armored manufacture more power armor, according to
shell in order to facilitate linking the armor's servos Paladin Danse.
to the wearer's own motions and to make the armor The T-51b power armor provides a bb to all
more bearable because of its heat dissipation Resilience checks.
Developed before the Great War, the T-45 set was
one of the first suits of power armor deployed widely
by the United States Army, and as such, it remains The T-60 series of power armor was the pinnacle


of powered armor technology in the pre-war U.S.

military arsenal, far surpassing the previous two
models, the T-45 and T-51 series. It was developed
right after the liberation of Anchorage and was
deployed domestically among U.S. Army units just
prior to the Great War. U.S. forces stationed in the
Commonwealth were one of the first few divisions to
receive the T-60 power armor.
The armor set is similar in appearance to the T-45
power armor, but boasts higher damage, energy and
radiation resistance. Physically, the shoulders of the
T-60 are composite, double layered, and shorter than
the T-45d predecessor, while the opening valve on
the T-60 set is lower on the suit, larger, and has a
slot for a fusion core. The breastplate on the T-60
has two vertical handlebars, while the T-45d has a
single horizontal handlebar.
The latest known edition of the T-60 line is the T-
60f model.


An advanced suit of post-War power armor.
Prototyped before the war, then specially engineered
and fielded by remnants of the United States military
after the bombs fell, it is superior to all pre-War
models. Abandoned suits of X-01 can be found
throughout the Wasteland with one variant in a pre-
War display at the Galactic Zone area of Nuka-
A variant of the X-01 power armor was still in
testing phases with the scientists at Nuka-World in
2077 as a part of a cooperative initiative between
the U.S. military and Nuka-Cola Corporation when
the bombs fell. This unique variant is known as the
Quantum X-01 power armor, and can be found at
Starport Nuka.
It was later engineered by remnants of the U.S.
military after the Great War. It improves upon older
suits by offering superior protective abilities

Advanced Power Armor 9 - 9 3 2,000 10
Advanced Power Armor Mk. II 10 - 8 2 1,750 9
Hellfire Power Armor 10 - 8 2 1,650 8
Raider Power Armor 8 - 8 1 900 5
T-45 Power Armor 10 - 10 2 1,200 6
T-51 Power Armor 10 1 10 4 1,550 9
T-60 Power Armor 12 - 12 4 2,400 8
X-01 Power Armor 12 1 12 5 4,200 10



 Use With: This attachment can be applied to any

ARMOR ATTACHMENTS armor that could logically have an air tank attached.
Armor, like personal weapons, has a number of  Modifiers: The armor provides enough oxygen for
customization Hard Points and can be just as easily up to five hours of submersion or in an airless
modified as a slugthrower or energy weapon. By environment (although it does not protect against
design, armor attachments are more defensive in vacuum or radiation). In addition, the user removes
nature, leaning toward special coatings or b from physical checks due to underwater
environmental sealants, as well as enhanced optics conditions.
and built-in communications. As with weapons, a  Hard Points Required: 1.
fair amount of common sense on the part of the  Price: 250 bottle caps.
players and GM is required when modifying armor.
Most suits of armor can only hold one environmental ARMOR INSERT
system, such as cold or heat resistance, or one type Armor inserts are thin, flexible, steel and ballistic
of optical enhancement in the helmet. gel plates that can be sewn into clothing to give the
wearer concealed armor protection. They can be
AMPHIBIOUS MODIFICATION added to any garment that is suitably large and
For those sentients without the evolutionary alternate, and they can be installed by any skilled
adaptation of gills, specialized equipment is tailor for a moderate fee.
necessary. With the addition of a sealed helmet and  Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
oxygen supply, nearly any suit of armor can be armor (or clothing) with a Defense no greater than 0
converted into an amphibious suit. Retractable and a Soak Rating of 1 or less.
flippers provide sentients with improved mobility in  Modifiers: Turns any article of clothing into
water and other liquids. Armored Clothing (see “Armor” section above).


Characters can notice the inclusion of armor inserts  Hard Points Required: 1.
in clothing by making an Average (dd) Perception  Price: 200 bottle caps.
check. When applied to ordinary clothing, the article
of clothing is considered to be armor.
 Hard Points Required: 0.
Although standard “off-the-shelf” armor can
 Price: 225 bottle caps.
provide invaluable protection, it can also prove bulky
or awkward, even after adjustments. For those who
ARMOR SPIKES require their armor to feel like a second skin,
While armor serves a largely defensive role for its personalized customization can make a drastic
wearers. that needn't be the rule. With the addition of difference.
spikes, blades. and other protrusions on areas  Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
covering shoulders, knuckles, feet, knees, or elbows, armor.
armor can be turned into a deadly weapon of last  Modifiers: Remove b from Athletics and Stealth
resort. The majority of such modifications are checks while wearing the armor.
scratch-built. Largely popular with raiders,  Hard Points Required: 1.
mercenaries, and bounty hunters, armor spikes lend  Price: 200 bottle caps.
an intimidating mien to anyone equipped with them.
 Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
armor that covers the arms or legs.
 Modifiers: Increase the armor's Encumbrance by 2. This minute metallic wiring is designed to
When the wearer suffers a hit from a Melee or Brawl distribute electrical shocks across the armor while
combat check, after the attack is resolved, the grounding the user against the energy, reducing the
potency of such attacks. It protects against
character may spend ttt or y to automatically
electricity as well as weapons Stun qualities,
inflict one hit for 6 Wounds damage on the attacker.
although it does not effectively disperse lasers.
 Hard Points Required: 3.
 Use With: This attachment can be installed on any
 Price: 250 bottle caps.
 Modifiers: When using the wearer's Soak to reduce
ASBESTOS LINING damage dealt to the wearer's Strain threshold, count
By lining armor with asbestos plates or finely the Soak Rating as 2 higher.
powdered asbestos, the armor becomes greatly  Hard Points Required: 1.
improved in its ability to resist the damage dealt by  Price: 250 bottle caps.
energy-based weapons. And by using asbestos,
what side effects could there possibly be?
 Use With: Asbestos lining can only be added to
Heating systems are installed in armor to protect
armor made from fabrics such as clothing and
the wearer against dangerously low temperatures
leather. This means metal and alloy armors cannot
and frigid environments. Equipped with small,
benefit from the attachment.
efficient heating elements and double-insulated
 Modifiers: Wearing an asbestos lined armor reduce
against the cold, this attachment allows a wearer to
the damage dealth by energy weapons. The wearer
survive in places where the ambient temperature
reduces the damage by 2 from all energy weapons,
can be dozens of degrees below freezing.
after the combat check has been resolved.
 Use With: This attachment can be installed on any
 Hard Points Required: 1.
armor that covers the entire body and can be sealed.
 Price: 100 bottle caps.
 Modifiers: Reduces the difficulty of Resilience
checks made to resist the effects of extreme cold by
COMBAT BRACERS one. Removes up bb to added to checks due to
By reinforcing the gauntlets of the power armor extreme cold.
with extra plating, striking surfaces, or even rusty  Hard Points Required: 1.
lengths of rebar welded on, the power armor is able  Price: 500 bottle caps.
to increase the damage dealt when making Brawling
 Use With: This attachment can be used only with
power armor. The power armor can be made more resistant to
 Modifiers: Increase damage by 2 when making energy weapon attacks by coating the armored
Brawl combat checks. surfaces with a variety of chemical coatings.


Surfaces treated with these chemicals become more  Hard Points Required: 2.
resistant to energy attacks, allowing some of the  Price: 150 bottle caps.
energy to be absorbed or harmlessly dispersed
around the armor.
 Use With: This attachment can be added to any
power armor. One of the most intimidating sights an enemy
 Modifiers: Increase Soak Rating by +2 when taking soldier could witness during the Great War was that
damage from energy weapons. of a platoon of flying power armor troopers sailing
 Hard Points Required: 1. through the air. By channeling the energy of the
 Price: 1,000 bottle caps. suit’s fusion core through a series of reaction
chambers and focus nozzles, the power armor can
take limited flight to cross great distances. Coupled
INTEGRATED ASCENSION GEAR with the suit’s ability to reduce damage taken when
Incorporating a grapnel launcher, line, clips, and falling from great heights, jet pack equipped power
other climbing and rappelling equipment directly into armor can leave any unsuspecting opponent reeling
a set of armor ensures that the user is always when they suddenly “drop in” from higher positions.
prepared to ascend or descend sheer surfaces in a  Use With: This attachment can be installed in any
hurry. Whether to escape from pursuers, follow a power armor.
target, infiltrate a building, or exfiltrate from a  Modifiers: Increases Encumbrance by 4. Spend a
dangerous situation, ascension gear can prove Maneuver to move to any point within Medium
invaluable in a variety of situations. In addition, range, horizontal or vertical. Additionally, reduce the
having the grapnel and line integrated directly into effective number of range bands when determining
one's armor provides a high degree of safety and falling damage by one range band.
security.  Hard Points Required: 2.
 Use With: This attachment can be applied to any  Price: 2,500 bottle caps.
 Modifiers: As an Action, a character may take an
Average (dd) Ranged [Light] check to secure the
Adding lead plates and inlays to an armor, not only
grappling hook to an object within medium range.
makes the armor more heavy, but it also greatly
On success, as an Action, he may reel in the cord,
improves the armor's effectiveness against
pulling himself to the object (or, if the object is
Radiation sources.
unsecured and lighter than he is, pulling it to him). A
 Use With: Any armor.
character may use the grappling hook to pull
 Modifiers: Increases the armor's Encumbrance by
another character aloft with him; if he does he must
2. Whenever the wearer is exposed to Radiation of
make an Easy (d) Athletics check to avoid losing his
any means, he is always treated as being exposed to
grip on his partner.
one Radiation rating lower than normal.
 Hard Points Required: 2.
 Hard Points Required: 1.
 Price: 175 bottle caps.
 Price: 200 bottle caps.


By mounting their holsters into the framework of
Exchanging the materials used to construct the
their armor, combatants can ensure no one can
normal armor with lighter alloys and materials, and
catch them unarmed. Not only does the wearer have
rearranging protective parts, can increase the
easy access to these weapons at all times, but
cumbersome burden of wearing usually heavy and
powered servos and other systems can be set up to
weighty armors.
assist the wearer in drawing or stowing these
 Use With: Any armor, except power armor.
weapons more rapidly. A character with a fully
 Modifiers: This attachment decreases the armor's
tooled set of integrated holsters has access to a
Encumbrance by 1, to a minimum of 1.
hidden arsenal that can overwhelm most foes.
 Hard Points Required: 1.
 Use With: Any armor.
 Price: 1,000 bottle caps.
 Modifiers: Increases Encumbrance by 2. The
character may holster up to 2 weapons of
Encumbrance 3 or lower in the armor. While LOW-FRICTION COATING
holstered, these weapons do not count towards the Low-friction coatings work by lowering the
character's Encumbrance value. coefficient of friction against solid armor plates.


With the addition of such a coating, the surface of the nake eye. The PAO projectors allow the wearer to
armor becomes almost impossible to grip or seize. blend in with his surroundings by mimicking them,
In addition, glancing blows from melee weapons are similar to a chameleon, and the different radiation
often unable to find purchase, which diminishes the shields hide the wearer's body heat as well as any
damage they cause as they slide off. The only electromagnetic radiation from other sensors or
downside to the coating is that it can make working communications gear. For all of its utility, however,
on the armor more difficult, as tools must scramble this system is incredibly fragile and is not
for a grip on its slick surface. recommended for combat.
 Use With: This attachment can only be applied to  Use With: This attachment can be equipped on any
armor with hard surfaces such as metal armor. type of armor, but is useless on armor with an
 Modifiers: Increases the armor's Melee Defense by Encumbrance of 4 or more, which proves too bulky
+1. Adds bb to Mechanics checks to modify or and loud to mask properly.
maintain the armor.  Modifiers: Upgrades the ability of all Stealth
 Hard Points Required: 1. checks twice while wearing this armor.
 Price: 325 bottle caps.  Hard Points Required: 2.
 Price: 2,750 bottle caps.
Through a series of on-board life support sensors OPTIMIZED SERVOS
and injection tools, the suit is able to detect when By fine tuning the efficiency of the suit’s servo
the wearer suffers great injury and administer actuators, the suit is able to perform better and with
stimpaks to keep the trooper in the fight. The medic less draw from the suit’s fusion core. This can
pump can hold up to ten stimpaks, and will greatly extend the battery life of the fusion core, and
administer them as needed if the wearer suffers any allow the suit to operate longer before needing a
significant injury. replacement.
 Use With: This attachment can be installed in any  Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
power armor. type of power armor.
 Modifiers: At the beginning of the wearer’s turn, if  Modifiers: Once per session, ignore y spent to
their Wounds are more than half of their Wound cause the suit’s fusion core to become drained at
threshold, the medic pump administers a stimpak to the end of the encounter.
the wearer. This happens automatically, requires no  Hard Points Required: 2.
Maneuver and happens automatically.  Price: 1,000 bottle caps.
 Hard Points Required: 1.
 Price: 1,200 bottle caps.
Adding layers of padded fabric, the wearer of a
MOTION ASSIST SERVOS padded-treated armor is better protected against the
The power servos that help move the armor and its forceful blasts of explosions.
core frame have been enhanced, granting the wearer  Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
even more super-human strength. armor.
 Use With: This attachment can be installed in any  Modifiers: Wearing a padded armor reduces the
power armor. damage dealt by a weapon with Blast quality, after a
 Modifiers: The wearer’s Brawn characteristic is resolved combat check, by 2 points of damage.
now considered to be 3 higher (instead of 2) when  Hard Points Required: 1.
calculating damage from Brawl or Melee checks,  Price: 100 bottle caps.
Encumbrance thresholds, and for the Cumbersome
weapon quality.
 Hard Points Required: 1.
 Price: 750 bottle caps. This modification adds a series of pouches, bags
and carrying loops to the armor in key areas. These
additions makes it easier for the wearer to carry a
OPTICAL CAMOUFLAGE SYSTEM greater amount of equipment.
Optical camouflage systems are a wonder of  Use With: Any armor.
modern stealth technology. Using a series of phased  Modifiers: Increase the Encumbrance threshold of
array optical projectors combined with sound the character by 2.
baffling equipment and thermal and radiation  Hard Points Required: 1.
shielding, this can render a wearer nearly invisible to  Price: 100 bottle caps.


QUICK SHED of reactive armor is that it destroys itself as it

protects the individual inside. It causes the armor to
Armor, especially heavy armor, takes time to put on degrade far more rapidly than it otherwise would,
and take off. Though putting armor on remains a which means that the wearer must repair it far more
chore, taking it off – especially in an emergency often.
situation – is expedited with the quick-shed  Use With: This attachment can only be applied to
attachment. By installing several quick-release armor with a Soak of 2 or higher.
latches at strategic locations, suits of armor can be  Modifiers: Increase the armors Encumbrance by 4.
quickly removed by the wearer. The first time the wearer of this armor is hit by an
 Use With: This attachment can only be applied to attack each encounter, reduce the damage he
armor with an Encumbrance of 3 or higher. suffers by 10; the armor suffers minor damage and
 Modifiers: As a Maneuver, the wearer may shed the loses this benefit until fully repaired.
armor. Armor removed in this fashion must be  Hard Points Required: 2.
reassembled before the wearer can don it again.  Price: 1,000 bottle caps.
 Hard Points Required: 1.
 Price: 325 bottle caps.
RADIATION SHIELDING The Heads-Up Display (HUD) in the suit's helmet
can be tied into a more powerful scanning and
By adding lead-lined strips and other radiation detection system, granting the operator an
blocking materials a suit of armor can be made increased chance of noticing hostile targets.
resistant to some forms of radiation. The addition of  Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
such material does weigh down the armor type of power armor.
 Modifiers: Adds b to all Vigilance checks.
 Use With: Any amor with an Encumbrance of 3 or
 Hard Points Required: 1.
 Price: 1,750 bottle caps.
 Modifiers: Armor gains Rad 4 (or increases existing
Rad rating by +2), increase armor's Encumbrance by
 Hard Points Required: 1. Reflec is an advanced polymer that possesses
 Price: 600 bottle caps. adaptive light-warping and sensor-damping
properties. When applied to armor, reflec acts as an
RANGE FINDER optical camouflage even in fully illuminated areas.
 Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
A system incorporating a simple computer and
visual sensors, a range finder calculates the
 Modifiers: Upgrade the ability of all Stealth checks
distance to any spot in the user's field of vision,
once while wearing reflec-coated armor
feeding him precise information to a visor HUD. With
 Hard Points Required: 2.
this information, the wearer can push his weapon to
 Price: 1,750 bottle caps.
its limits, while knowing when to hold his fire on an
impossible shot.
 Use With: Any armor that includes a helmet. SELF-REPAIR SYSTEMS
 Modifiers: Innate Talent (Sniper Shot). Some wanders in the fringes of the Wasteland live
 Hard Points Required: 1. a life of near-constant battle. For such individuals, a
 Price: 750 bottle caps. good suit of armor is vital. and keeping it in top
condition is nearly as important. Some suits or
REACTIVE PLATING armor include sophisticated self-repair suites, not
dissimilar to the systems found in some robots.
Reactive plating is a modification that attaches
Smart malerials, laminate extruders, electromagnetic
small explosive panels to the armor's exterior plates.
assemblers, and other systems work to keep the
When hit by an attack, the explosives are designed
armor in one piece even under the greatest duress.
to detonate outward, absorbing some of the attack's
 Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
kinetic energy with the counter-explosion. Employed
armor with Melee or Ranged Defense 1 or higher.
properly, reactive armor can even deflect or dampen
 Modifiers: Once per encounter, as a Maneuver, the
blows from weapons that would cleave through any
wearer can have the armor attempt to repair itself or
other defenses. Besides the considerable weight it
provide assistance to a character on a check to
adds to any set of armor, an unfortunate side effect
repair it; it counts as having an Intellect of 2 and 2


ranks in the Mechanics skill for the check. In

addition, there is no cost to repair the armor.
 Hard Points Required: 2. A stun matrix is an additional defensive option for
 Price: 1,500 bottle caps. armor. Instead of enhancing the wearer's defenses
directly, it unleashes a punishing pulse of energy
that weakens the attacker in the hope of preventing
SHADOW COATING a second strike. Installing this attachment requires
Most suits of armor can be modified to enable the the addition of insulation to protect t he wearer from
wearer to reduce the chance of being detected while the effects of the stun matrix on top of the setup of
sneaking. This is accomplished through painting the the self-charging battery and of the stun matrix
armor dark colors to blend in with shadows, and itself.
placing noise dampening materials in key areas of  Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
the armor to reduce friction and noise. armor that have an Encumbrance of 4 or more.
 Use With: All armor.  Modifiers: Increase the armor's Encumbrance by 1.
 Modifiers: Add b to all Stealth checks made while When the wearer suffers a hit from a Melee or Brawl
wearing the armor. combat check, after the attack is resolved, the
 Hard Points Required: 1. character may spend tt or y to Disorient the
 Price: 400 bottle caps. attacker for 2 rounds.
 Hard Points Required: 3.
 Price: 875 bottle caps.
The stealth field generator use a combination of
optical camouflage, low-output cloaking technology, STURDY ARMOR
active electromagnetic dampers, electronic acoustic Most armors can have their protective qualities
bafflers, and thermal shielding to make a user increased by adding more plates or layers. This
virtually invisible to both the naked eye and most comes at a slight consequence of weight and
scanners. These systems are no perfect, however. flexibility.
Users still need to know how to move stealthily and  Use With: This particular attachment can be used
how to use cover and shadows to their advantage. with any armor that has an Encumbrance of 3 or less
 Use With: This attachment can be applied to any and a maximum starting base Soak Rating of 2.
armor.  Modifiers: Increase the armor’s Soak Rating by +1
 Modifiers: Upgrades the difficulty of all opposed and the Encumbrance by +2.
Perception checks to spot the wearer once. The  Hard Points Required: 1.
stealth field generator does not work if the wearer  Price: 500 bottle caps.
spends more than a single Maneuver for movement
in any given turn.
 Hard Points Required: 2.
 Price: 1,900 bottle caps. Any piece of armor can benefit from retooling at
the hands of a superior craftsman. A skilled
armorsmith can add improved protective plating to
STRENGTH ENHANCING SYSTEM increase the protection a piece of armor offers, even
Strength enhancing system easily converts a suit as he decreases its weight and bulk. Of course, such
of full armor into a power-assisted suit. Composed delicate and exacting work can make the armor less
of a matrix of electrically controlled myomer customizable in other respects.
synthetic muscle fibers backed up with nano-  Use With: Any armor.
hydraulics, the MSES increases a wearer's raw  Modifiers: Grants the armor the Superior quality.
physical strength, allowing him to lift more and carry  Hard Points Required: 1.
more for longer periods of time.  Price: 2,500 bottle caps.
 Use With: This attachment can only be used with
full-body hard armor suits that have an
Encumbrance of 4 or more.
 Modifiers: Increases wearer's Brawn by one point An unusual modification, giant conical coils are
while wearing this armor. This does not increase attached to the back and shoulders of the power
Soak or Wound threshold. The increase may exceed armor. During combat, anyone engaged with the
the usual limit of 5. target stands a chance of suffering a potentially
 Hard Points Required: 2. lethal shock from the coils. These coils can be
 Price: 2,750 bottle caps. turned on or off as needed, allowing the operator to


protect nearby allies from being electrocuted incorporate small vibro-motors installed in the
accidentally. armor's gloves or gauntlets and wired to the helmet
 Use With: This attachment can only be applied to system, which subtly adjust the user's hands to
any power armor. enhance accuracy.
 Modifiers: The Tesla coils may be turned on or off  Use With: Any armor.
as an Incidental during the operator’s turn. While  Modifiers: The user adds b to all combat checks.
active, a result of ttt or y on any skill check  Hard Points Required: 1.
made by any creature at Engaged range may be  Price: 1,500 bottle caps.
spent to deal 6 Strain damage to all creatures
Engaged with the wearer of the power armor. This
damage is considered to be from an energy weapon.
 Hard Points Required: 2. A threat monitor is a suit of motion detectors,
 Price: 1,800 bottle caps. electroreceptors, and photoreceptors that constantly
monitors the armor wearer's vicinity and through
directional auditory or electrical cues, warns the
THERMAL SHIELDING SYSTEM wearer of imminent threats and incoming attacks.
Utilizing both active and passive cooling systems, While many find threat monitors somewhat
along with an insulated body glove and special annoying to wear, they can provide a critical edge in
coatings on the armor plates, this attachment allows life-or-death situations.
a wearer to withstand dangerously high  Use With: This attachment can only be used on
temperatures. This thermal shielding is proof armor and is typically integrated into the helmet,
against open flames, molten rock and steel, intense visor, or another place where the user can easily see
heat, and even some forms of radiation. it at all times.
 Use With: This attachment can be installed on any  Modifiers: Adds automatic a to Initiative checks.
armor that covers the entire body and can be sealed.  Hard Points Required: 1.
 Modifiers: Reduces the difficulty of Resilience  Price: 375 bottle caps.
checks made to resist the effects of fire and extreme
heat by one. Removes up to bb added to checks
due to extreme fire or heat.
 Hard Points Required: 1. By modifying his armor to mount one or more
 Price: 500 bottle caps. weapons, a Wasteland wanderer can keep his hands
free for whatever unexpected needs might arise in
combat-or just to carry more weapons. While few
VACUUM SEALED weapons are intended for such use, most can be
Full body armor can be designed to be sealed modified to mount on a properly-equipped suit of
against a vacuum, allowing the user to operate in armor. The difficult part is modifying the weapon so
space. This modification protects against adverse that it can be aimed and fired hands-free. Methods
atmospheric environments. range from voice-activation to a pressure-sensitive
 Use With: Any armor. glove activated by certain hand movements. The
 Modifications: Allows the user to ignore the effects most common location for the weapon mount is on
of vacuum or poisonous atmospheric environments the shoulder, though other areas are possible.
for up to 10 minutes. Once these 10 minutes have A weapon must also be modified in order to be
passed, the attachment needs to be reset and its armor-mounted, requiring one hard point. This
filters cleaned, effectively rendering the attachment attachment can mount any Ranged (Light) or
non-functional until the end of the encounter. Ranged (Heavy) weapon with an Encumbrance of 4
 Hard Points Required: 1. or less, subject to the GM's discretion.
 Price: 500 bottle caps.  Use With: Any armor with an Encumbrance of 4 or
more and a Soak Rating no less than 2.
 Modifiers: Mounts a single weapon on the armor,
VAULT-TEC ASSISTED TARGETING SYSTEM allowing the wearer to aim and fire it without using
Complex and sophisticated attachments, targeting his hands or arms. Operating the mounted weapon
systems integrate an advanced targeting computer still requires an Action to fire, just like if using hands,
and sensor suite, providing a constant stream of and aiming still requires a Maneuver.
data to the user. Depending on the model, this  Hard Points Required: 2.
information may be delivered by audior or on a visor  Price: 500 bottle caps.
HUD. Some particularly advanced systems


Amphibious Modification - 1 250 4
Armor Insert - - 225 3
Armor Spikes 2 3 250 2
Asbestos Lining - 1 100 5
Combat Bracers - 1 200 3
Custom Fit - 1 200 3
Energy Dispersion System - 1 250 4
Heating System - 1 500 3
Improved Shielding - 1 1,000 8
Integrated Ascension Gear - 2 175 3
Integrated Holsters - 2 150 4
Jet Pack 4 2 2,500 9
Lead Lined 2 1 200 5
Lighter Build - 1 1,000 7
Low-Friction Coating 2 1 325 5
Medic Pump - 1 1,200 6
Motion Assist Servos - 1 750 5
Optical Camouflage System - 2 2,750 6
Optimized Servos - 2 1,000 6
Padded - 1 100 5
Pocketed Armor - 1 100 3
Quick Shed - 1 325 4
Radiation Shielding 2 1 600 4
Range Finder - 1 750 6
Reactive Plating 4 3 1,000 6
Recon Sensors - 1 1,750 7
Reflec Adaptive Skin - 2 1,750 7
Self-Repair Systems - 2 1,500 7
Shadow Coating - 1 400 6
Stealth Field Generator - 2 1,900 7
Strength Enhancing System - 2 2,750 4
Stun Matrix 1 1 875 3
Sturdy Armor 2 1 500 5
Superior Armor Customization - 1 2,500 6
Tesla Coils 2 2 1,800 8
Thermal Shielding System - 1 500 3


Vacuum Sealed - 1 500 3

Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System - 1 1,500 7
Vault-Tec Threat Monitor - 1 375 4
Weapon Mount - 2 500 6



Outfits and clothing are wearable items which
increase chances of survival or add special
attributes. There are many types of outfits and The Atom Cats jacket and jeans appear as a
clothing ranging from Vault jumpsuits to Nuka-Girl Perfecto leather jacket with an Atom Cats patch on
rocketsuits, simple dresses and tuxedos, to Western the back, worn over a faded T-shirt, along with jeans
outfits, and everything in between. and worn white sneakers.
Most outfits and clothing can affect skills, to keep Wearing this particular outfit grants the wearer an
automatic a on all Coercion checks.
it within the spirit of the numerous Fallout games
readily available for the computer and various
Wearing an outfit or clothing of the type listed here The uniform is a two colored outfit, where white is
means that the character usually benefits from a usually the base color, with a button up shirt, long-
minor boon in form of a boost to skills or an ability. If sleeved red undershirt and white pants.
the character opts to wear armor atop of such an The baseball uniform grants the wearer an
outfit or clothing, the benefits granted from the outfit automatic a to all Perception checks.
or clothing no longer applies for as long as the
armor is worn, unless specified otherwise in the
individual outfit or clothing description. BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL FATIGUES
While it makes little sense that an outfit might The fatigues are comprised of a military sweater,
grant certain benefits to skills or abilities, then this pants, gloves, a large vest, and what appears to be
military webbing. The entire uniform is saturated
has been included as it is a big part of the Fallout
with pouches; some are included on a chest panel
games. The GM may, at his or her discretion, rules
on the webbing, with more on the belt and vest, one
that the Outfits and Clothing chapter is not part of
on either pants thigh, one on each pants leg just
the campaign, if it conflicts with the boundaries of
above the boot (secured by straps), and one
what he or she is willing to impose upon the
sewn on to the left shoulder of the sweater.
game mechanics.
Each vest has a segment of utility cord or rope
over the shoulder of the vest, and another on
ARMY FATIGUES the back of the belt.
A set of plain green army fatigues, comprised There are three variants of fatigues. The first
of pants and jacket. An American flag is usually has a black sweater, and is the standard
sewn onto the chest pocket or on the upper variant used by most Brotherhood
region of one of the sleeves. personnel. The second has a navy
Wearing army fatigues allows the blue sweater and the final variant
wearer to add an automatic a to all is a set of medical fatigues.
Resilience checks made. Wearing Brotherhood of Steel
fatigues grants the wearer an
automatic a on all Survival
The athletic outfit can be one of
many types of sports and athletic
practicioners outfits with boots BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL
and often comes with knee or
elbow pads.
There are three different
Anyone wearing the athletic
variants of this uniform.
outfit gains an automatic a on
Orange and gray variant typically
all Athletics checks made.
worn by Brotherhood power armor
users and recon forces.
Olive and black variant typically worn by
Brotherhood ground troops, paladins or



knights with combat armor. it also provides an automatic t on all Social skill
Jet black officer variant. checks.
The Brotherhood of Steel uniform grants the
wearer a b to all Vigilance checks.
A clergy outfit consists of a single colored, mostly
BOTTLE AND CAPPY SHIRT AND JEANS found in black, cassock with gold or white lining.
A t-shirt featuring Bottle & Cappy and blue jeans. Some clergy outfits also comes with a white collar.
The t-shirt comes in variations ranging from white to Wearing the clergy outfit grants the wearer an
light variants of every color. automatic s on all Discipline and Leadership skill
This outfit grants the wearer an automatic a that checks, but also an automatic f on all Deception
can be added to any one skill check during the and Knowledge checks.
session. The player must call that he is adding the
a to the check before making the dice roll.
The colonial duster is a lightweight, loose fitting
BOWLING OUTFIT and lightly armored, militia-styled coat. There is a
This particular outfit consists of a set of specially purple vest and heavy scarf underneath it. It has a
made indoor bowling shoes, pants and a two- leather bullet pouch around the shoulder, a small
colored bowling shirt. pouch on the belt but these do not increase the
Wearing the bowling outfit provides the wearer wearer's Encumbrance threshold.
with an automatic a on all Coordination checks. The colonial duster bestows an automatic a on
all Streetwise checks made by the wearer.
It is worn by caravaneers and travelers. The male COWHIDE WESTERN OUTFIT
version consists of a dark brown shirt with orange The cowhide western outfit is a type of old Wild
and mustard-yellow stripes with a white satchel Western-style outfit. It is made from a black and
over the shoulder. Around the neck is a red white cow skin.
bandanna. The female version is a cream colored A cowhide western outfit grants the wearer an
floral-print dress with a white apron and beige automatic a on all Cool checks.
A caravaneer outfit provides the wearer with an
automatic a on all Negotiation skill checks.
The doo-wop outfit is an outfit made for women. It
comes in a six piece ensemble; containing a skirt
CHILD OF ATOM ROBES with ladies appliqué, peasant blouse, belt, slip, scarf
These robes are worn by the devotees known as and socks.
the Children of the Atom. The robes comes in brown Wearing the doo-wop outfit provides a female
and green color ranges. wearer with an automatic s on all Charm checks,
Anyone donning a Child of Atom robes is granted but provides an automatic f on all Coercion and
an automatic a on all Deception checks. Leadership checks.


The jumpsuit and ushanka are a military uniform The elf outfit is green and red, with a green hat and
worn by Chinese armed and special forces during green boots with the toes curled up. The outfit also
the infiltration of the Columbia Commonwealth, as has small tingling bells attached to it.
well as other conflicts with the United States, before An elf outfit provides its wearer with an automatic
the Great War. a on all Negotiation checks, but adds an automatic
The uniform consists of collared green coveralls f on all Coercion checks.
with four pockets on the torso, two Chinese flag
patches, either a knee strap to keep it tight or a
gaiter, and a brown leather shoulder strapped belt ENGINEER'S OUTFIT
and brown leather shoes. This particular outfit consists of a grease
A Chinese jumpsuit grants the wearer an monkey's jumpsuit and a worker's apron, capable of
automatic a on all Athletics skill checks. However, holding tools and equipment – though it does not



technically improve the wearer's Encumbrance

Wearing an engineer's outfit allows the wearer to The flight suit is a grey one-piece outfit with
pockets on the chest and thighs.
add an automatic a on all Mechanics checks.
Anyone wearing a flightsuit benefits from an
automatic a on all Piloting skill checks.
The Enclave officer uniform is composed of two
garments: a jet-black uniform with a tan jacket and
pants that are worn over it. The outer layer is made This is a set of regal wear, that comes readily
of a sturdy material designed to withstand the harsh available in both a distinguishable male and female
conditions of the wasteland. The uniform comes variation. For men, this comes as a standard black
with a pair of knee-high boots, black gloves, a utility tie suit, consisting of pants, a fancy jacket and a
belt and a small knife sheath on the right leg. white shirt. While formal wear for women is a stylish
The Enclave officer uniform provides an automatic and fancy cut and sewn dress.
Formal wear allows the wearer to add an
a on all Leadership skill checks made.
automatic a on Leadership checks.


The explorer outfit is made up of a ratty parka,
fingerless gloves and brown pants. The ghost costume is an all white outfit with holes
for the eyes and mouth.
The explorer outfit bestows an automatic a on all
Wearing a ghost costume allows the wearer to add
Vigilance checks.
an automatic a to all Coercion checks, but also
adds an automatic f to all Charm, Leadership and
The male version has black cowboy boots, black
ripped tights worn under gray boxers, chains
covering the wearer's chest which are connected to
a spiked choker necklace, and a wrestling singlet. The costume worn by the comic book character
The female version consists of a tight leather bra, a Grognak the Barbarian. The outfit includes a
choker necklace, a pair of tight black short shorts loincloth of tanned brahmin hide dyed green, a
worn under a torn black mini-skirt with a chain and leather belt, leather gloves and leather boots. The
hand cuffs used as a belt, a leather leg harness female variant also include a leather bikini top.
made of grunge belts, and another grunge belt worn The wearer of this costume adds an automatic a
around the wearer's abdominal region. on all Coercion checks.
This particular outfit allows the wearer to add an
automatic s on all Charm checks, but also provides HORROR FAN OUTFIT
an automatic f on all Discipline and Leadership A horror fan outfit comes with a dark colored,
checks. either black, dark green or dark blue jumpsuit, a worn
brown overall jacket and a hockey mask.
FANCY SUIT Wearing a horror fan outfit allows the wearer to
A fancy suit consists of a jacket and matching add b to all Coercion checks.
pants. They are made from a light fabric and comes
in almost every imaginable color. HUNTER'S PELT OUTFIT
Wearing a fancy suit adds an automatic a to any A full-body suit typically worn by trappers. The
Negotiation checks the character makes. outfit is made from leather and thick animal hides,
adorned with a belt of pelts or even mirelurk shells.
FARMHAND CLOTHES The hunter's pelt outfit grants the wearer a b on
The farmhand clothes is usually a button up shirt, all Survival skill checks, but also imposes an
tattered jeans and scarf with an unbelted trenchcoat automatic t on all Social skill checks.
and work gloves worn over them.
The farmhand clothes grants the wearer an INSTITUTE LAB COAT
automatic a on all Coordination checks. An Institute lab coat comes in five distinct
variations according to what department the



scientist wearing it is assigned to: black for Synth

Retention Bureau, blue for Advanced Systems, green
for BioScience, yellow in Engineering, and orange for The longshoreman outfit seems to be a weathered
Robotics and Synth workers. yellow slicker, which was commonly worn by
Anyone wearing the Institute lab coat adds an fishermen. The outfit is tattered and has some
netting wrapped about the chest.
automatic a to all Knowledge skill checks.
The yellow slicker hat appears as a yellow rain hat
with a fine net pattern over it.
KID'S DRESS A longshoreman outfit provides an automatic a to
The outfit consists of a colored or simple patterned Operating skill checks.
button up dress, often with a rope belt worn over
kid's pajamas.
A kid's dress is not wearable by an adult, obviously.
A child wearing this dress benefits from an This tuxedo has a long tailed jacket that is lined
with fine colored silk. It comes complete with
automatic s to all Charm checks.
matching pants and a top hat.
A magician's tuxedo grants the wearer a b to
KID'S PAJAMAS Deception checks.
Kid's pajamas comes in different color variations,
usually with light blue or light pink being the most
common, for boys and girls respectively. The
pajamas is often dotted with teddy bears, This one-piece jumpsuit comes in great a many
rocketships, and the like. color variations, with a zipper at the front.
Naturally, an adult cannot wear a kid's pajamas. A mechanic jumpsuit adds an automatic a on all
Any child wearing the pajamas add an automatic a Mechanic checks the wearer makes.
to all Coordination checks.
KID'S SHIRT AND JEANS The appearance of the male variant is a large black
A pair of weathered jeans and a simple shirt in vest with a red long sleeved undershirt and black
either a single color or two-color stripes pattern. trousers. The female variant is the same though it is
Needless to point out that a kid's shirt and jeans short sleeved and exposes the midriff. Looking
does not fit an adult. A child wearing this outfit closely at the collar of the male variant, you can see
three teeth on a string, being worn like a necklace.
benefits from an automatic a to all Discipline
On the female variant, there is an 8-ball patch
checks made.
stitched on the left sleeve. It also has spurs on the
LAB COAT A merc adventurer outfit provides the wearer with
A lab coat appears as a filthy lab coat with some an automatic a on all Coercion checks.
kind of clock or sensor on the left breast and with a
white undershirt and a black tie. It is similar in
appearance to Vault-Tec lab coat which is a clean
lab coat with a Vault-Tec Corporation logo on the A blue and gray outfit, the male version resembling
left breast and with a white undershirt, a black tie, a three piece suit, heavily stitched and reinforced as
khaki slacks and brown shoes making up the rest of well as having a small metal cup on the groin area,
the outfit. and the female version a ripped and torn blue
A lab coat provides the wearer with an automatic business suit with ripped black fishnet tights.
Wearing a merc charmer outfit provides its wearer
a to all Medicine checks.
with an automatic a on all Charm checks.


This outfit consists of a plain, single colored t-
shirt, a two colored varsity jacket, a pair of jeans and The merc cruiser outfit comprises a long leather
a pair of trainers. The outfit looks quite worn. coat with the arms removed, worn over a white t-
The Letterman's jacket and jeans outfit provides shirt (male) or a white muscle shirt (female). The
lower part of the armor consists of a pair of stitched
the wearer with an automatic a on Cool checks.
and reinforced pants with chains around the ankles
and a pair of army boots. The pants look like they



may have been sewn the standard uniform for the Commonwealth
together by different pieces Minutemen. The Minuteman hat is visually quite
of fabric. similar to the militia hat, and both are
Merc cruiser outfit allows commonly seen being worn
the wearer to benefit from an by minutemen throughout
automatic a to all the Commonwealth.
Skulduggery checks. Anyone wearing a
minuteman outfit benefits
from adding an automatic
MERC GRUNT OUTFIT a to all Perception skill
The outfit consists of a dirty checks.
white T-shirt (white tanktop for
female) and brown cargo pants,
tucked into shin-high army boots. MYSTERIOUS STRANGER OUTFIT
This particular outfit provides an The suit is a nod to the classic film noir style
automatic a on all Coordination detective, i.e. Long overcoat with a shady hat pulled
checks. over his/her face.
The wearer of the Mysterious Stranger outfit
selects any one non-combat skill when acquiring
MERC TROUBLEMAKER OUTFIT the outfit. Wearing the outfit will grant the wearer an
A bulky black and dark blue leather automatic a to that particular skill.
jacket tucked into black gloves with
blue jeans and black knee-high
boots. On the male version there NEURAL INTERFACE SUIT
are two bandoleers strapped In appearance, the suit is identical to recon armor,
diagonally around the torso. The except with white and yellow for colors.
female version does away with the Wearing a neural interface suit adds an automatic
belted ammunition and instead has a to all Computer skill checks made by the wearer.
several leather cartridge carrying belts
around the waist.
Wearing a merc troublemaker outfit
provides the wearer with an automatic a on The Nuka-Girl rocketsuit costume was released to
all Coercion skill checks. retailers in time for Halloween in 2062. The
popularity of the costume was so high that stores
had trouble keeping up with demand for it.
MERC VETERAN OUTFIT A nuka-girl rocketsuit gives the wearer an
Very similar to the merc cruiser outfit, but in automatic a on all Charm checks.
faded/blued black and a dust mask is worn around
the neck. The male version adds thick mesh around
the wrists and shoulders and a scarf and face mask.
This outfit provides the wearer with an automatic A colored t-shirt with the Nuka-World logo in the
a on all Driving, Operating and Piloting checks. shape of a geyser on the front. The pants are tight
This outfit grants the wearer an automatic a to
MILITARY FATIGUES Discipline checks.
Much similar to army fatigues, the military fatigues
consists of a set of camouflaged green jacket and
pants, and often comes with a black beret included.
Wearing military fatigues grants the wearer an The Nuka-World jumpsuit is orange and beige in
automatic a on all Leadership checks. color, sporting a long zipper at the front of the
The Nuka-World jumpsuit bestows a an automatic
MINUTEMAN OUTFIT a on all Operating skill checks.
The Minuteman outfit is a colonial style field
uniform worn by most minutemen, consisting of a
baby blue button-up shirt with a tattered jacket with
rolled sleeves worn over it with jeans and boots. It is This outfit consists of a t-shirt or shirt of any color
emblazed with a Nuka-World logo, and a pair of



jeans. The pre-War relaxedwear provides its wearer with

Wearing this particular outfit grants the wearer an an automatic a to all Cool checks.
automatic a to Athletics checks.
PILGRIM OUTFIT The outfit consists of pants, a long-sleeve shirt
The pilgrim outfit is black with a white collar, socks and a sweater vest.
and cuffs. Male wearers have a black hat while Wearing this particular outfit grants the wearer an
female wearers have a white bonnet. automatic a on all Streetwise checks.
A pilgrim outfit allows the wearer to add an
automatic a on all Knowledge skill checks.
The male outfit consists of denim overalls and a
POSTMAN UNIFORM tan long sleeve shirt underneath. The female outfit
The postman uniform consists of blue pants and a consists of a tan button dress with a belt. It is not
blue long-sleeved jacket worn over a button up white uncommon for either variation to come included
and blue striped shirt with a black tie. It also with a brown satchel (though this does not
includes black boots and a bag worn over the effectively increase the wearer's Encumbrance
shoulder with U.S. Mail printed on it. threshold).
A postman uniform provides the wearer with an A prospector outfit provides the wearer with a b to
automatic a to all Driving skill checks. all Survival skill checks, but also with an automatic
f on all Negotiation checks.
Pre-War businesswear consists of a single colored RANGER CASUAL OUTFIT
or pinstriped suit with a tie, while the female outfit It is an outfit with trousers and a long sleeve shirt
exists of a jacket and matching skirt that reaches to which protects against the elements (mostly
the knees. sandstorms).
This outfit provides the wearer with an automatic A ranger casual outfit grants the wearer an
a to all Negotiation checks. automatic a on all Discipline checks.


This outfit comes with a sweater-vest and a pair of The Red Racer jumpsuit is a basic yellow jumpsuit
trousers for a male, and a single-colored dress and with a red Red Racer logo on its back.
heels for a female. Wearing a Red Racer jumpsuit grants the wearer
Wearing the pre-War casualwear provides the an automatic a on all Driving checks made.
wearer with an automatic a on all Cool skill checks.
PRE-WAR PARKSTROLLER OUTFIT Much similar to the more ordinary
A parkstroller outfit for men comes with a mechanic jumpsuit, a Red Rocket
comfortable short-sleeved shirt and jeans. For jumpsuit is pale blue in color and
women it comes with a colorful dress and heels. has a Red Rocket logo emblazed on
Anyone wearing a pre-War parkstroller outfit it.
benefits from an automatic a on all Perception The Red Rocket jumpsuit gives the
checks. wearer a b to all Mechanics
Pre-War relaxed wear REPCONN JUMPSUIT
comes in two variations; This clothing item is a pale
one for men and one for blue jumpsuit with a black
women. The men's variation "REPCONN" logo on the back.
includes a long-sleeved shirt, a A REPCONN jumpsuit grants the
sweater-vest and simple trousers. wearer an automatic a on all Piloting skill
The female variation comes with a checks.
stylish dress, a belt and a pair of heels.



REPUBLIC ROBES The Silver Shroud costume provides the wearer a

b to all Cool checks made.
The republic robes consist of a white robe with a
red patterned sash.
The republic robes provides an automatic a on all SPACESUIT COSTUME
Negotiation checks made by the wearer. A spacesuit is an autenthic-looking replica
costume of an actual American spacesuit, complete
ROBCO JUMPSUIT with helmet. This is a non-functioning costume of
course, providing absolutely no protection against
The RobCo jumpsuit is a basic blue jumpsuit with the cold vacuum of outer space.
the RobCo logo in silver-gray letters on the back.
A spacesuit provides an automatic a to Piloting
The RobCo jumpsuit provides the wearer with an
skill checks.
automatic a on all Computers skill checks.


The skeleton costume is a black bodysuit with
The Santa suit is a red suit with white trim, and white bones.
includes a red hat with white trim. Wearing a skeleton costume provides an
Anyone wearing the Santa suit adds an automatic
automatic a on all Coercion checks made by the
s on all Charm checks, but also adds an automatic wearer.
f on all Coercion and Deception checks.


The submariner uniform is a jumpsuit used by the
A scavenger outfit appears as a long, tattered coat Chinese Navy before the Great War along with the
with pants, boots and gaiters. Duct tape is wrapped combo cover. The outfit was meant for submarine
around the wearer's hands like gloves. personnel, possibly just officers. The uniform
The scavenger outfit provides its wearer with an underneath the coveralls looks similar to the
automatic a on all Skulduggery skill checks. Chinese jumpsuit but has an officer's collar and has
buttons, unlike the Army version.
SETTLER OUTFIT The jumpsuit consists of green coveralls with
For males it is a plaid shirt with jean overalls. A several cargo pockets on the arms and legs, a brown
handkerchief is often wrapped around the neck. For leather belt, and a brown leather handgun chest-rig.
females, it is an earth tone dress that comes down The submariner hat is a peaked cover of a Chinese
to the mid calves with a gray scarf wrapped around naval officer and a variant of the sea captain's hat.
the neck. The cover features a green upper, brown leather
A settler outfit grants the wearer a b to all Survival visor, brown leather band, no chin strap (unlike the
and Vigilance skill checks. But it also provides the US Navy), and the communist red star in a gold
wearer with an automatic f on all Coercion and diamond with a small gold skull pin below.
Leadership checks. A submariner uniform gives the wearer a b to all
Operating skill checks.

Sexy sleepwear it is a set of pajamas with a zipper
for males, and a revealing nightgown for females A synth uniform is made of a pure white material,
with both having bare feet. which resembles ordinary clothing, but it is actually
Wearing sexy sleepwear allows the wearer to add a cloth-like polymer. This polymer is not strong
an automatic s to all Charm checks. But it also enough to provide any protection. The design of the
imposes an automatic f on all Coercion, uniform is somewhat futuristic in style, with sharp
Leadership and Negotiation checks. cuts and lines.
Wearing a synth uniform grants an automatic a to
all Deception checks.
The Silver Shroud costume is a dark trench coat
featuring silvery-gray lapels and a light scarf which,
along with its matching fedora with a silver Vault jumpsuits are the regulation clothing carried
sweatband (the Silver Shroud hat). by the vault dwellers of Vault-Tec vaults. They are



made of leather, blue with a yellow zipper and the OUTFITS AND CLOTHING
number of the vault is on the back of the suit and on
the outside of the collar. The yellow stripe on the suit
is actually a gold foil that aids in heat dissipation Army Fatigues 12 4
and works with the suit's integrated biometric Athletic Outfit 5 4
In addition to comfort, the Vault jumpsuit is Atom Cats Jacket and Jeans 20 6
termally controlled and resistant to radiation, Baseball Uniform 10 6
granting to b all Resilience checks. Vault jumpsuits
can be worn under other suits of armor and still Brotherhood of Steel Fatigues 20 7
provide its bonus. Brotherhood of Steel Uniform 20 7
Bottle and Cappy Shirt and Jeans 5 6
WASTELAND OUTFIT Bowling Outfit 100 8
This is the most common of all outfits, easily
found and seen throughout the entire Wasteland Caravaneer Outfit 180 6
wherever there are settlers. Child of Atom Robes 10 5
Crudely made, they provide only the most basic of
protection against the hardships of the Wasteland, Chinese Jumpsuit 10 10
and are easy to come by. A Wasteland outfit is made Clergy Outfit 100 7
from tanned brahmin hide, and consists of a set of
pants and a shirt of sorts. Colonial Duster 13 6
Wearing a Wasteland outfit grants the wearer an Cowhide Western Outfit 13 7
automatic a to all Survival skill checks made.
Doo-Wop Outfit 100 8


The Wasteland wanderer outfit is a tan jacket with Enclave Officer Uniform 9 8
a hood and off-white pants tucked into riding boots.
Engineer's Outfit 15 5
It is a unisex outfit; wth the male and female version
being largely identical except for the male having an Explorer Outfit 13 3
off-white undershirt, and the female version having a Exposed Prostitute Outfit 390 7
dark gray one, along with more significant signs of
repair and patching. Fancy Suit 5 5
Anyone wearing a Wasteland wanderer outfit Farmhand Clothes 10 3
benefits from an automatic a on all Survival skill
checks. Flightsuit 10 7
Formal Wear 120 6
WESTERN OUTFIT Ghost Costume 100 3
A Western outfit comes with a plain shirt, a leather
Grognak Costume 24 10
vest, jeans and leather gloves. Some Western outfits
also comes with a pair of leather chaps. Horror Fan Outfit 100 5
Wearing a Western outfit provides the wearer with
Hunter's Pelt Outfit 45 2
an automatic a on all Streetwise checks.
Institute Lab Coat 65 7
The suit is nearly identical to the Chinese jumpsuit, Kid's Pajamas 5 4
yet sports a white skin for improved camouflage in
the Alaskan environment. Kid's Shirt and Jeans 15 2
The winterized Chinese jumpsuit provides the Lab Coat 10 5
wearer with a b to Resilience checks made to ward
Letterman's Jacket and Jeans 20 6
off the effects of extreme cold.
Longshoreman Outfit 26 5
Magician's Tuxedo 200 8



Mechanic Jumpsuit 6 2 Synth Uniform 10 8

Merc Adventurer Outfit 50 6 Vault Jumpsuit 20 6
Merc Charmer Outfit 50 6 Wasteland Outfit 6 1
Merc Cruiser Outfit 50 6 Wasteland Wanderer Outfit 6 2
Merc Grunt Outfit 50 6 Western Outfit 13 7
Merc Troublemaker Outfit 50 6 Winterized Chinese Jumpsuit 10 10
Merc Veteran Outfit 50 7
Military Fatigues 10 4
Minuteman Outfit 15 8
Mysterious Stranger Outfit 40 10
Neural Interface Suit 180 9
Nuka-Girl Rocketsuit 165 10
Nuka-World Geyser Shirt and 5 6
Nuka-World Jumpsuit 11 6
Nuka-World Shirt and Jeans 5 6
Pilgrim Outfit 100 7
Postman Uniform 28 7
Pre-War Businesswear 8 2
Pre-War Casualwear 8 2
Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 8 2
Pre-War Relaxedwear 8 2
Pre-War Suburbanite 10 2
Prospector Outfit 180 7
Ranger Casual Outfit 6 5
Red Racer Jumpsuit 6 4
Red Rocket Jumpsuit 11 5
REPCONN Jumpsuit 6 6
Republic Robes 100 7
RobCo Jumpsuit 6 4
Santa Suit 100 8
Scavenger Outfit 13 3
Settler Outfit 180 2
Sexy Sleepwear 6 7
Silver Shroud Costume 400 10
Skeleton Costume 100 8
Spacesuit Costume 100 8
Submariner Uniform 12 9



Vehicles are devices that are designed or used to their own vehicles, but such instances are extremely
transport people or cargo from one point to another. rare outside of technologically advanced groups (i.e.
Vehicles span a variety of categories, including cars, groups that have overcome the struggle for basic
trucks, airplanes, and trains. survival and can put resources towards researching
They are generally run on electric engines drawing old/new technologies). Prime examples are the New
power from on-board batteries or nuclear powered California Republic, who, by 2281, have several
with a small reactor to the rear of the vehicle, but United States military trucks repaired and in working
vehicles running on petrol also exist. The super order at Camp McCarran. At least one Vertibird VTOL
mutant army is also said to have used some steam- aircraft is also in NCR hands, as well as several
powered trucks. There are numerous wrecked fixed-wing aircraft, although it is unknown if these
vehicles in the Fallout world, but functioning vehicles craft are in any working order. Another example is
are now extremely rare. Also, some vehicles can the Enclave, who are seen to have a large fleet of
explode in a small mushroom cloud and release Vertibirds in their possession.
radiation when shot at; this can make
them dangerous to take cover behind DAMAGING VEHICLES
unless the vehicle has already been
Many seemingly inert vehicles
destroyed or won't blow up.
that take sufficient damage will
The rules for vehicles and vehicle
explode quite violently - similar in
combat are detailed at length on pages
sound, appearance and effect to a
220 through 231 in the GENESYS core
mini nuke - doing considerable damage
to anyone nearby. Vehicles may also
catch fire after taking some damage,
HISTORY starting a process by which they will
The Great War was fought mainly for then detonate after the fire burns for a
resources. The last resources remaining brief period; a telltale sound can be
were most likely depleted in the war itself. heard with a vehicle catches fire,
Without resources, vehicles could not be and a warning vehicle symbol will be
driven any longer. After the war, a lot of displayed if the character is nearby
human knowledge was lost. People forgot such a vehicle, indicating the danger
how to tend to the high tech pre-War of an imminent explosion. Vehicles
vehicles with their complicated that explode leave an irradiated
electrical, oil or nuclear motors. Most area for a brief period of time
books were damaged beyond all afterwards, implying that vehicle
legibility by the war and many explosions are at least partly
computers were destroyed due nuclear.
to years of neglect, and with As per default, a vehicle
them the documentation for will not explode simply by
these pre-War vehicles was dealing enough Hull Trauma
lost. This combined with to it, eventhough Fallout is
the lack of large scale set in America. The GM or
primary and secondary player, however, may indicate
industry meant most vehicle that an attack with a y or
production/repair was largely tttt result may cause a
impossible. Perhaps most vehicle's core to be damaged
significantly, few roads are in a fit and to explode within one turn. Each
state to drive on anyway. So most groups a on the check may be spent to prolong
stick with pack brahmin for their transport needs. the explosion by one turn per spent a.
This does not mean that there are no old vehicles
that have been kept functional or that someone out
in the wastes could not have invented and adapted


Listed below is a selection of vehicles that are part
of the Fallout game. It is important to establish that
functional vehicles are indeed a rare commodity in  Control Skill: Driving.
the Wasteland and not a common sight – not taking  Complement: 1 driver.
into consideration the countless rusted and non-  Passenger Capacity: None.
functioning husks of former vehicles scattered  Consumables: None.
across the Wasteland.  Encumbrance Capacity: 5.
Stats for vehicles have been included to assist  Price/Rarity: 5,000 bottlecaps/10.
GMs that wish to incorporate functioning vehicles in  Weapons: None.
their Fallout setting. But since functioning vehicles
are extremely rare in this setting, all Rarities have CHRYSLUS CORVEGA
been set for 10. There were at least four models in this line
produced by Chryslus Motors before the Great War.
BUS The exact year when the first Corvega was available
Buses are vehicles found in multiple spots is still unknown, but it was already available for
throughout the Wasteland. Their density increases purchase in 2056.
the closer one gets to a pre-War larger city and on In the 2060s, soon after Canada was annexed, an
what's left of many highways, possibly hinting to a original Corvega cost "only" $199,999.99. This
tight public transit network in pre-War times. further corroborates speculation of steady and
School buses painted in a yellow school bus livery reasonable (4.55% average from 1960s Corvair)
can be found at various schools. inflation in the decades leading up to the Great War,
Most buses, as long as they aren't turned over, can since these vehicles are known to be commonly
be entered by a door in the middle. Inside, some will found throughout California, Nevada, Utah,
offer a place to sleep, which was presumably placed Pittsburgh, the Columbia Commonwealth, and
there by Wastelanders in search for shelter. Massachusetts. Other products, such as Giddyup
Buttercup and the Vault-Tec vaults themselves,
carried similarly hefty price tags.

 Control Skill: Driving.

 Complement: 1 driver.
 Passenger Capacity: 40 (60 uncomfortably).  Control Skill: Driving.
 Consumables: None.  Complement: 1 driver, 1 co-driver.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 30.  Passenger Capacity: 3 (5 uncomfortably).
 Price/Rarity: 10,000 bottlecaps/10.  Consumables: None.
 Weapons: None.  Encumbrance Capacity: 20.
 Price/Rarity: 4,000 bottlecaps/10.
 Weapons: None.
The Cherry Bomb is a fancy sports car with a
design optimized for aerodynamics, and was CHRYSLUS COUPE
advertised on billboards as "The first car to break The Corvega Coupe is a relatively common sight
the sound barrier" in 2069. It has a low overall profile on the streets of the wasteland, indicating that it
with wedged front and a tapered, boat-like nose, and was quite popular in pre-War times. It is a rather
can seat only one person under an all-glass bubble small car, features two gull-wing doors and four
top. Rather than a typical steering wheel found in seats. Another way to recognize it is its strongly
other pre-War vehicles, the Cherry Bomb appeared slanted front, which would make it a particularly
to have been controlled using a joystick, and the unpleasant vehicle to get hit by because the slanted
gauges replaced with a single large screen, the front end would cause the person to get pulled under
steering being representive of the Firebird 3, a the car.
concept car in 1959. It also slightly resembles the
Firebird 3 with its low, lean design.


recorder. The aircraft had at least two operating

companies; Horizon Airlines and Skylanes Air.

 Control Skill: Driving.

 Complement: 1 driver, 1 co-driver.
 Passenger Capacity: 2 (4 uncomfortably).  Control Skill: Piloting.
 Consumables: None.  Complement: 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 20.  Passenger Capacity: 50 (80 uncomfortably).
 Price/Rarity: 2,000 bottlecaps/10.  Consumables: 3 days.
 Weapons: None.  Encumbrance Capacity: 150.
 Price/Rarity: 100,000 bottlecaps/10.
 Weapons: None.
The Fusion Flea Supreme is a small, three-
wheeled, one passenger nuclear vehicle made before LOCOMOTIVE
the Great War. Entrance to the driver's seat was These locomotives were used as haul trains -
achieved through a lift-off roof/windshield. cargo trains exclusively as one would conclude from
The Fusion Flea Supreme is a common sight the absence of passenger carriages - until the Great
throughout the Wasteland (on truck trailers like at War. By a very long shot, these monstrous machines
Corvega factory, on display like at the car dealership, are the largest ground vehicles appearing in the
or on the road). game, being the height of about a two-story
building. Their design is loosely based on a heavy
steam engine, with a 6-8-4 ("oooOOOOoo") wheel
arrangement. The locomotive has a massive cow
catcher on the front made of two huge blades. This
 Control Skill: Driving. is a rather odd design as rather than push dead
 Complement: 1 driver. animals off the track, it would likely rip them to
 Passenger Capacity: None. shreds. The engine is very tall in relation to its track
 Consumables: None. gauge, perhaps even bigger than the Russian
 Encumbrance Capacity: 5. loading gauge. It is about 2 metres taller than the
 Price/Rarity: 1,500 bottlecaps/10. boxcars it hauls. Tunnels must have been rare on
 Weapons: None. these railway lines. It has connecting rods linking
the driving wheels, but no visible steam cylinders. It
is driven by a jackshaft, suggesting steam turbine or
JET LINER electric transmission. It is quite likely intended to
Jet airliners are large pre-War commercial aircraft represent a nuclear powered locomotive, operating
that flew passengers all over the Commonwealths of on similar principles to the nuclear powered cars of
the United States. By 2287 several wrecks can be the era. This may involve using the heat from the
found throughout, with no known surviving reactor to generate steam, driving the wheels
examples. mechanically via a steam turbine. Hence the
The jet airliner was an all metal passenger plane in resemblance to a steam locomotive. In the state it is
blended wing configuration. Passengers sat in the found in game, it is completely useless, because it
fuselage and in the wings. The wings had large lacks couplings at either front or rear to allow it to
viewing windows on the inboard leading edge, pull a train, and lacks a tender to provide fuel.
similar to an airship. Meanwhile, the fuselage
maintained a standard 3-3 seating. It was powered
by eight nuclear power turbo jets in clusters of 4 on
each wing. In addition to engine inlets, the engine
clusters also have a fifth intake possibly for air  Control Skill: Operating.
conditioning or turbo charging. The jetliner also had  Complement: 1 driver, 1 co-driver.
a vertical stabilizer on each wing. Passengers were  Passenger Capacity: 50 (80 uncomfortably).
stationed all down the fuselage. There were two  Consumables: None.
lavatories at the very nose of the aircraft. Just aft of  Encumbrance Capacity: 250.
the lavatories was the cockpit access stairs. The  Price/Rarity: 100,000 bottlecaps/10.
cockpit was small with two pilot seats and a data


 Weapons: None.  Price/Rarity: 6,500 bottlecaps/10.

 Weapons: None.
Motorcycles are a single-track two-wheeled STATION WAGON
vehicle used for personal transportation. Their This four-door sedan was the most popular car
overall design appears to be based on various model on streets before the war for personal and
cruiser motorcycles from the 1950s, albeit with a service use, and remains the one most commonly
more retro-futuristic design. found in the wasteland. As of design, the Station
Wagon offers seats for up to six or seven people, a
canopy roof, and a streamlined rear with two trunks,
one on each side of the fusion reactor.

 Control Skill: Driving.

 Complement: 1 driver.
 Passenger Capacity: None (1 uncomfortably).
 Consumables: None.  Control Skill: Driving.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 3.  Complement: 1 driver, 1 co-driver.
 Price/Rarity: 2,000 bottlecaps/10.  Passenger Capacity: 3 (5 uncomfortably).
 Weapons: None.  Consumables: None.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 35.
 Price/Rarity: 2,000 bottlecaps/10.
PICK-R-UP  Weapons: None.
It is a small truck with a flatbed compartment in
the rear and low suspension. Interestingly, it has
only one seat in the cabin while the overall width SUBWAY TRAIN
would allow two seats easily. Also, the cabin is so The subway train was a vehicle used for
squished that someone bigger than Silhouette 1 transportation under the busy streets of cities, used
would have trouble entering. by the public as a more efficient way to travel around
before the Great War.
The subway train is an all metal streamlined train
that is usually made up of four carriages. A
locomotive/passenger carriage on the front and
 Control Skill: Driving. back, and two passenger carriages in the middle. the
 Complement: 1 driver. carriages are linked by an accordion joint making
 Passenger Capacity: 2 (5 uncomfortably). movement between carriages in transit possible.
 Consumables: None. Each carriage has an exit on both sides, and the
 Encumbrance Capacity: 30. locomotive has an emergency exit in the cockpit
 Price/Rarity: 2,500 bottlecaps/10. located at the extreme nose. The cockpit has a
 Weapons: None. simple control console and chair for the operator to
sit. The subway also operated above ground with a
track suspended under the Highway.
The police car is a standard pre-War police cruiser,
painted in the traditional black and white color
scheme of pre-War law enforcement. It is a modified
Chryslus Corvega.  Control Skill: Operating.
 Complement: 1 driver, 1 co-driver.
 Passenger Capacity: 40 (80 uncomfortably).
 Consumables: None.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 100.
 Control Skill: Driving.  Price/Rarity: 100,000 bottlecaps/10.
 Complement: 1 driver, 1 co-driver.  Weapons: None.
 Passenger Capacity: 3 (5 uncomfortably).
 Consumables: None.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 20.


TANK notably less common.

The tank was a tracked fighting vehicle used by the
US Army during many of its wars both on and off
U.S. soil including the short lived Great War,
equipped with a twin-linked main cannon both of
which appear to be equipped with bore evacuators  Control Skill: Driving.
or counterweights on the muzzles of the cannon  Complement: 1 driver.
barrels, and its nuclear engine now long empty. It  Passenger Capacity: 1 (3 uncomfortably).
rides on double track mounts, sporting 4 separate  Consumables: 1 day.
tracks instead of 2. It has an entry hatch on the roof.  Encumbrance Capacity: 100.
It has no visible secondary armament. The vehicle  Price/Rarity: 10,000 bottlecaps/10.
bears some resemblance, in turret shape at least, to  Weapons: None.
the M46 Patton which was used by the U.S. Army
during the early years of the Korean War. Unusually, UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT
it appears that parts of the tank engine on the rear A large disc-shaped flying craft of extraterrestrial
would interfere with the movement of the turret, origin. Reports of crashed flying vessels report of
preventing it from rotating a full 360 degrees. UFOs, but no proof has been substantiated about a
flying and functioning UFO.

 Control Skill: Driving.

 Complement: 1 driver, 1 gunner.  Control Skill: Piloting.
 Passenger Capacity: None (1 uncomfortably).  Complement: 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot.
 Consumables: None.  Passenger Capacity: 2.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 8.  Consumables: 1 month.
 Price/Rarity: 100,000/10.  Encumbrance Capacity:
 Weapons: Cannon (Fire Arc 25.
All; Gunnery; Damage 2;  Price/Rarity: Not
Critical 2; Range Available.
[Extreme]; Blast 10,  Weapons: Laser Cannon
Breach 2, Limited Ammo (Fire Arc Forward;
1, Prepare 1). Gunnery; Damage 2;
Machine Gun Turret Critical 2; Range [Extreme];
(Fire Arc All; Gunnery; Breach 2, Linked).
Damage 1; Critical 3; Range
[Long]; Auto-Fire, Pierce 2,
Vicious 2). VAN
Before the War, they were used for goods transport,
with prominent users being Vault-Tec and Lobster
TRUCK Grill, as well as being used by medical facilities as
It is built in a cab-over-engine arrangement with ambulances.
two large headlights, a fuel-cell powered engine and
three axles. It was produced as a standardized
cutaway chassis, which was then, depending on the
need of the buyer, modified. As such, two primary
models exist - a semi-trailer truck (often found with
the accompanying trailer) and flatbed truck.  Control Skill: Driving.
The US Army used a great deal of these trucks to  Complement: 1 driver, 1 co-driver.
transport soldiers and goods over long distances. As  Passenger Capacity: None (5 uncomfortably).
Army vehicles, they were painted olive drab and bore  Consumables: None.
a serial number in addition to the Army's insignia.  Encumbrance Capacity: 40.
Private companies also employed this type of  Price/Rarity: 3,500 bottlecaps/10.
vehicle, though most used the truck and trailer  Weapons: None.
model. Flatbeds were not unheard-of, but were


The VB-02 Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL)
craft, alternatively called the XVB02, codenamed
"Vertibird," is a U.S. military multipurpose tiltwing
aircraft designed for the United States
Armed Forces in the years leading
up to the Great War of 2077. Despite never entering
full-service, numerous models were
disseminated into various federal and private
applications, and saw use in armed
conflicts across the globe.
The Vertibird was still in the
prototype phase when the Great
War struck in 2077, preventing it
from entering full military service
which was scheduled for 2085.
The Vertibird's VTOL flight
mechanics allow it to approach
landing zones with the speed of a fixed-wing
aircraft and transition into a hovering mode of flight,
by tilting its rotors vertically upwards 90 degrees.
While the design of a Vertibird is convenient, its
dual rotor-blades serve as a flight hazard, for if the
aircraft were to suffer a single rotary malfunction at
a substantial altitude, the VB-02's airframe and
distribution of down-wash would cause the aircraft
to fall on its side in a dramatic and likely fatal crash.
The Vertibird has a heavily armored fuselage and
can be outfitted with a variety of offensive weapons
and defensive countermeasures, the most common
being Gatling lasers, missile racks, and a mini nuke
bay. It is unknown how a Vertibird is powered,
however, dialogue with the Enclave remnants
suggest that it runs on some kind of fuel. It has a
winch that can haul several tons of equipment - or a
large deathclaw cage.

 Control Skill: Piloting.

 Complement: 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot.
 Passenger Capacity: 2 (4 uncomfortably).
 Consumables: 1 day.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 20.
 Price/Rarity: 300,000 bottlecaps/10.
 Weapons: Two Rotary Cannons (Fire Arc All;
Damage 2; Critical 5, Range [Long]; Auto-Fire).





Check, Time and Profile, which GMs can furnish as
HOW CRAFTING WORKS they see fit.
Technicians do more than just maintain and This step takes as much or little time as the
improve their equipment; such skilled artisans character spends planning, drafting, and designing.
frequently build their own devices. Whether their After selecting a template, a character moves on to
creations are made from refined materials procured STEP 2: ACQUIRE MATERIALS.
at great cost or thrown together in desperation from
whatever scraps happen to be on hand at the time,
the machines that technicians cobble together are
often incredible works of ingenuity. From a narrative standpoint, there are literally
The rules in this section provide GMs and players countless ways that a character might come to
with options for crafting their own weapons, armor, know how to build a particular item. For many
robots and gadgets. When a player wishes to have a simple items, the knowledge needed to build them
character craft an item, the player should consult might be available in any technical manual,
with the GM, and then the two should collaborate to mechanic's shop, or simply by conversing with a
go through the steps listed below to create the local technician or mechanic. Many technicians and
device. As with all such matters, anything that the engineers might actually have simply memorized
player wants to craft is subject to the GMs approval. such information, thanks to years of practice, or can
It is important for the GM and player to keep in mind at least improvise if push comes to shove.
that just because the character has 1 or more ranks For other items, especially more complicated and
in Mechanics doesn't mean he can craft every single complex ones, common knowledge and common
item available in the game. Don't let crafting take sense might not always be enough. A character
over the mechanics of purchasing ordinary might need to seek out an experienced mentor, do
equipment from the Gear and Equipment, Weapon long hours of research, or find ancient repositories
and Amor chapters. of knowledge edge to design an advanced model of
Crafting follows three steps. In STEP 1: SELECT drone or craft a device to perform an unprecedented
TEMPLATE, the player character chooses what kind task. One might actually resort to dusting up
of item to make. In STEP 2: ACQUIRE MATERIALS, information in technology manuals from yesteryear.
the player character acquires the supplies to build It is always up to the GM whether a given template
that specific item. In STEP 3: CONSTRUCTION, the is available to the PC. As a general rule of thumb,
character actually crafts the item. most templates should be available to the PCs a
majority of the time – the difficulty of turning
abstract knowledge into a practical device is
STEP 1: SELECT TEMPLATE reflected by the difficulty of the check to acquire
When a craftsperson sets about crafting a piece of materials and construct the device. But it is
item, the character first chooses a template from the important for the GM to keep in mind that the higher
appropriate item table table. The template dictates the Rarity is of a similar item on the equipment lists,
the material required (Material Price/Rarity), the the more difficult it is to find someone who might
difficulty of building it (Check), an estimate of how have the necessary blueprints or information
long construction takes (Time), and the base needed to craft such an item. Keep in mind that just
mechanical statistics of the item should the because a character has one or more ranks in
character succeed on the check (Profile). Mechanics doesn't mean he can construct every
Each template represents an incredibly vast single item available in the game. However, if it
number of specific models and designs of individual makes for a more interesting story, the GM (or the
items that provide roughly equal protection or effect. player) can require the character to spend time on
Players and GMs should feel free to be creative in research or even go on a short adventure to
coming up with their own unique types of items that complete STEP 1: SELECT TEMPLATE for a
a given template can represent. Inspired GMs are particular special item. Alternatively, a character's
even encouraged to create their own new templates past successes (or failures) might open the door to
– all a template needs is a Name, Material/Price, crafting a brand new item.


STEP 2: ACQUIRE MATERIALS reduces this time by 2 hours (to the minimum of 1
hour). Other factors can also affect the time required
To attempt to build an item based on a particular at the GM's discretion.
template, the player character must acquire Alternatively, the GM could ask the player
appropriate material for that template. These are interested in crafting to arrive early to the session
listed under Material Price/Rarity on the respective (or stay a bit late) to take care of the mechanical
tables, and for acquisition purposes count as a side of the crafting, so that everyone else at the table
single item wit hthe listed price and rarity. As always, doesn't have to wait around while that player
at the GMs discretion, certain supplies might not agonizes over which quality to add to an item. The
always be available for the listed price at a given best option is the one that works best for the
market. particular group in question.
Because Material Price/Rarity for a template is
defined only in terms of price in bottlecaps and
abstracted rarity, the particular nature of the
materials a character uses can vary wildly, and
depends on the specifics of the item the character is
At the GMs discretion, player
characters can acquire materials for
a template via means other than
paying for them (such as
salvaging them, stealing them,
or being gifted with them).
This step requires as
much time as it takes for
the player character to
actually obtain the
materials. This endeavor
could be as short as a trip
to a scrapyard or market, or
as long as an epic quest to
find a rare ore, depending on
the situation. After successfully
acquiring materials, a character
moves on to STEP 3:

After acquiring the materials to make the specific
item, the character must make the associated check
listed under Check on the respective tables to
actually build the item in question. If the character
succeeds, the item is fully functional and has the
profile listed in its template. If the character fails on
the check, the product that comes out of the attempt
is unusable, and the materials are lost.
There is a table linked to each individual type of
crafting for suggestions on how to integrate other
results into construction. First, crafters can use a
and x results to make improvements to the item.
Then the GM can spend t and y to add flaws.
The amount of time STEP 3: CONSTRUCTION takes
is determined by the estimate of working hours
listed in the template under Time. Every s the
character scores on the check beyond the first


Crafting a new set of armor can be a
meaningful endeavor for a character,
signifying an advancement in
knowledge, a renewed resolve to protect
oneself or others, or even just crafting
because one is capable. Many
wanderers choose to purchase or
acquire armors via other means, but
for a craftsperson, there is no
substitute for creating one's own
Armor covers a great many
variations, from simple tanned and
carved gecko hides beaten into
leather, cumbersome metal plate put
together to form a torso protective plate
with greaves and a helmet, to intricate
armor put together for maximum
modification option to actually crafting a
power armor – a weaker version than the
ones purchased, but a power armor

Tribal Armor 20 1 Easy (d) Mechanics or 4 hours 0 1 1 0
Survival Check
Reinforced Clothing 25 1 Average (dd) Mechanics 6 hours 1 0 1 0
Light Armor 250 2 Average (dd) Mechanics 12 hours 2 0 2 0
Customizable Armor 500 4 Average (dd) Mechanics 16 hours 2 0 4 4
Deflective Armor 500 5 Hard (ddd) Mechanics 24 hours 1 1 2 1
Combat Armor 625 4 Daunting (dddd) 48 hours 2 0 4 3
Mechanics check
Segmented Armor 1,250 6 Formidable (ddddd) 72 hours 2 1 6 2
Mechanics check
Power Armor 2,250 8 Formidable (ddddd) 120 4 0 8 2
Mechanics check hours



a or x Practice Makes Perfect: The character learns something valuable, and gains b on the
next check he makes with the same skill before the end of the session.
Lightweight: Reduce the armor's Encumbrance by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
Sealable: The armor covers the entire body, and is eligible to have the Vacuum Sealed
attachment applied to it (can only be selected once).
aa or x Lessons Learned: Reduce the difficulty of the character's next crafting check by 1.
Extra Melee Defense: Add +1 Melee Defense to the armor (can only be selected once).
Special Embellishment: The wearer of this armor adds automatic a to checks for one
of the following skills: Charm, Coercion, Leadership, Negotiation, Resilience or Stealth (can
only be selected once).
aaa or x Efficient Construction: A sizeable portion of the material is unused or can be reclaimed
from the process, the character retains supplies worth 50% of the Cost needed to craft the
item (can only be selected once).
Extra Ranged Defense: Add +1 Ranged Defense to the armor (can only be selected once).
Extra Hard Point: Add 1 Hard Point to the armor (to a maximum of 2 additional hard points).
aaaa or x Extra Soak: Add +1 Soak to the armor (can only be selected once).
Duplicate: Create one additional, identical set of armor (with all of the qualities,
improvements, and flaws that the first possesses) at no extra cost.
Armor Schematic: Create a schematic that permanently reduces the difficulty to create
armors of this template by 1, to a minimum of Simple (-) (can only be selected once).
xx Integral Attachment: Add +1 Hard Point to the armor, then install one applicable armor
attachment that requires 1 hard point. No check is required to obtain this attachment, and it
costs 0 bottlecaps.
t or y Exhausting Effort: Upon completing STEP 3: CONSTRUCTION, the character suffers 3 strain.
Heavy: Increase the armor's Encumbrance by +1.
Poor Fit: Donning and removing this armor requires 1 additional action (can only be selected
tt or y Complex: The armor is difficult to maintain. Increase the difficulty of checks to repair this
item by 1.
Difficult to Customize: Increase the difficulty of checks to install attachments on this armor
by 1.
Restrictive: The wearer of this armor adds automatic t to checks for one of the following
skills: Athletics, Coordination, Perception, Skulduggery or Vigilance (can only be selected
ttt or y Wear and Tear: The tools the character was using to craft the armor are worn down or
destroyed, and are damaged one step (minor damage if undamaged, from minor to moderate,
or moderate to major).
Fragile: The armor has a substantial vulnerability that can be exploited; whenever the armor
becomes damaged, the damage always counts as moderate damage unless it would be
tttt or y Expensive: The armor has intricate mechanisms that can only be replaced at substantial
cost. Whenever it becomes damaged, the cost to repair the armor is doubled.
Supply Shortage: The character runs out of equipment midway through constructing the
armor. The crafter cannot finish it until he has a chance to acquire more supplies and spends
bottlecaps equal to 25% of the Cost on these additional supplies (can only be selected once).
yy Unexpected Flaw: The armor has a serious problem the crafter does not detect. At some
point in the future, the GM may spend a Story Point to cause the armor to fail. When he does
so, the armor counts as suffering major damage, and thus becomes unusable. Once the
armor has been repaired, this flaw is removed and cannot be exploited this way against (can
only be selected once).



Melee weapons might not be the battlefield
mainstay that they once were in ancient days, but
many still carry them to war as symbols, as
secondary weapons, or for the sheer menace
they exude. Smiths have been crafting fine
melee weapons since time immemorial, and many
traditionalists still work the craft of the
weaponsmiths of old with incredible finesse and
Other melee weapons are modern in design,
developed based on innovations in martial
sciences and machinecraft. Some powered
weapons even use heat,
tightly focused bursts of
energy, or crackling fields of
electricity as their primary means of
inflicting harm.
Brawl and melee weapons are far from
obsolete in the Fallout setting as they are
easily acquired and require less
maintenance in comparison to most
ranged weapons. And the only thing
more fearsome than a super mutant
with a super sledge is a super mutant
with a super sledge he crafted
Brawl and melee weapon
crafting follows the normal
steps for crafting, as detailed
earlier in this chapter.


Fist Weapon 10 1 Average (dd) Mechanics 4 hours Knuckles
Blunt Weapon 10 2 Easy (d) Mechanics check 6 hours Baton, Sledgehammer
Bladed Weapon 20 4 Average (dd) Mechanics 16 Axe, knife, sword
check hours
Powered Melee 400 6 Daunting (dddd) 48 Super Sledge
Weapon Mechanics check hours


Fist Weapon Brawl +0 5 Engaged 1 0 One-Handed Disorient 3
Blunt Weapon Melee +1 4 Engaged 3 1 One-Handed Disorient 2
Bladed Weapon Melee +1 4 Engaged 2 1 One-Handed
Powered Melee Melee +2 4 Engaged 3 3 One-Handed Stun 3



a or x Practice Makes Perfect: The character learns something valuable, and gains b on the
next check he makes with the same skill before the end of the session.
Two-Handed: Increase the weapon's damage by 1 and encumbrance by 2; it becomes a
weapon that requires two hands to wield (can only be selected once).
Lightweight: Reduce the weapon's encumbrance by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
Knockdown Quality: The weapon gains the Knockdown quality (can only be selected once).
aa or x Lessons Learned: Reduce the difficulty of the character's next crafting check by 1.
Defensive Quality: The weapon gains the Defensive 1 quality (or increase its Defensive
quality by 1, to a maximum of 3).
Customizable: Increase the weapon's Hard Points by 1 (can only be selected once).
Pierce Quality: The weapon gains the Pierce 1 quality (or increase its Pierce quality by 1).
Vicious Quality: The weapon gains the Vicious 1 quality (or increase its Vicious quality
by 1, to a maximum of 5).
Stun Quality: This weapon gains the Stun 1 quality (or increase the value of its Stunquality by
aaa or x Efficient Construction: A sizeable portion of the material is unused or can be reclaimed
from the process; the character retains supplies worth 50% of the Cost needed to craft the
item (can be selected once).
Ensnare Quality: The weapon gains Ensnare 1 quality (or increase its Ensnare quality by 1).
Deflection Quality: The weapon gains the Deflection 1 quality (or increase its Deflection
quality by 1, to a maximum of 5).
Destructive: Increase the weapon's damage by 1 (can only be selected once).
aaaa or x Accurate Quality: The weapon gains the Accurate 1 quality (or increase its Accurate
quality by 1, to a maximum of 5).
Lethal: Reduce the weapon's critical rating by 1, to a minimum of 1 (can only be selected
Sunder Quality: The weapon gains the Sunder quality (can only be selected once).
Schematic: Create a schematic that permanently reduces the difficulty of creating weapons
of this template by 1 (to a minimum of Simple [-]).
xx Concussive Quality: The weapon gains the Concussive 1 quality (can only be selected
Integral Attachment: Add +1 Hard Point to the weapon, then install one applicable
weapon attachment that require 1 or fewere hard points. No check is required to obtain this
attachment, and it costs 0 caps.
t or y Exhausting Effort: Upon completing STEP 3: CONSTRUCTION, the character suffers 3 strain.
Heavy: Increase the weapon's Encumbrance by 1.
tt or y Cumbersome Quality: The weapon gains the Cumbersome 1 quality (or increase its
Cumbersome quality by 1).
Hard to Modify: Increase the difficulty of checks to install attachments to this weapon by 1.
ttt or y Wear and Tear: The tools the character was using to craft the weapon are worn down or
destroyed, and are damaged one step (minor damage, from minor to moderate, or moderate
to major).
Difficult to Repair: Increase the difficulty of checks to repair this weapon by 1.
Inaccurate Quality: The weapons gains the Inaccurate 1 quality (or increase its Inaccurate
quality by 1).
tttt or y Brittle: On a result of y from a combat check using the weapon, it becomes damaged
one level (minor damage, from minor to moderate, or moderate to major).
yy Hidden Flaw: At some point in the future, the GM may flip a Story Point to have the
weapon fracture or break. Once repaired, this flaw is removed and cannot be used again.


Crafting one's own tools takes a special level of
dedication, even for skilled machinists. After all, any
time spent creating the perfect tool is time not spent
tinkering with more complex and volatile devices.
Still, there are those technicians who set out to
build everything from the scratch.
Further, many technicians find that
they need devices that they cannot
simply purchase – and indeed, often
devices that do not exist – and thus
delve into the world of inventing new
gadgets for their own use.
Gadget crafting follows the
normal steps for crafting, as
detailed earlier in this chapter.

Simple Tool 50 1 4 Easy (d) 2 hours Choose a General Climbing Gear,
Mechanics check skill, the tool allows Tool Kit
the character to
make checks with the
skill. At the GM's
discretion this tool
counts as the right
tool for the job.
Specialist 200 4 8 Average (dd) 10 Choose a General First Aid Kit,
Tool Mechanics check hours skill. Add automatic Welding Gear
s to checks with that
Precision 150 5 5 Hard (ddd) 16 Choose a General Surgeon's Kit,
Instrument Mechanics check hours skill. Remove bb Binoculars
from checks with that



a or x Lightweight: Reduce the encumbrance of the gadget by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
Practice Makes Perfect: The character learns something valuable, and gains b on the
next check he makes with the same skill before the end of the session.
aa or x Compact: If the gadget is of encumbrance 3 or smaller, add b to checks other
characters make to find it on the wearer's person (to a maximum of bbb).
Lessons Learned: Reduce the difficulty of the character's next crafting check by 1.
aaa or x Efficient Construction: A sizeable portion of the material is unused or can be reclaimed
from the process, the character retains supplies worth 50% of the Cost needed to craft
the item (can only be selected once).
Safety Features: Add automatic a to checks with the General skill chosen for this tool
(can only be selected once).
aaaa or x Inbuilt Weapon: Choose a weapon of encumbrance 2 or lower that the character
possesses to build into the gadget, add b to checks to determine that the gadget
contains a weapon (can be selected only once).
xx Supreme Craftsmanship: Upgrade checks with the skill that the gadet made for with this
tool once.
t or y Exhausting Effort: Upon completing STEP 3: CONSTRUCTION, the character suffers 3
Heavy: Increase the Encumbrance of the gadget by 1.
tt or y Difficult to Repair: Increase the difficulty of checks to repair this gadget by 1.
Delicate: The GM may spend tt or y from any check to have it become damaged one
step (undamaged to minor, minor to moderate, moderate to major, etc.) (can be selected
only once).
ttt or y Unpresentable: Decrease the base price others are willing to pay for this item by 50%
(can be selected only once).
tttt or y Fragile: Whenever this item would be damaged one step, it is damaged two steps instead
(can be selected only once).
yy Faulty: Whenever a character uses this tool for a skill check, upgrade the difficulty of the
check once.



Most citizens of the Wasteland know the value of a
good firearm and a steady hand. Tradesmen and
individual gunsmiths alike turn a profit crafting and
selling firearms and other ranged armaments.
Firearms is the most commonly used of all
armaments throughout the Wasteland, be it
Pre-War pipeguns or high-tech energy
weapons; the latter being the most
predominant in this instance. Firearms,
however, are less easy to maintain in comparison
to melee and brawl weapons, though they offer the
safety of being able to take out hostiles from afar.
Ranged weapon crafting follows the normal
steps for crafting as detailed earlier at the very
beginning of this particular chapter. Any weapon
with the Limited Ammo quality is crafted with a
number of rounds equal to its Limited Ammo
quality (so, a weapon with Limited Ammo 1 could
only be fired once before the wielder would need
to go about either crafting or acquiring reloads
for the weapon). So be prepared for additional
time at the crafting station for weapons with
Limited Ammo quality.


Simple Projectile Weapon 10 1 Average (dd) Mechanics 4 hours Bow, Sling, Spear
or Survival check
Solid Projectile Pistol 50 2 Average (dd) Mechanics 8 hours Pistol
Solid Projectile Rifle 125 3 Hard (ddd) Mechanics 8 hours Rifle, Shotgun, Rail Gun
Solid Repeating Rifle 400 6 Daunting (dddd) 16 hours Light Machine Gun
Mechanics check
Energy Pistol 200 5 Hard (ddd) Mechanics 12 hours Laser Pistol, Plasma
check Pistol
Energy Rifle 450 6 Hard (ddd) Mechanics 16 hours Laser Rifle, Plasma Rifle
Missile Launcher 400 7 Daunting (dddd) 16 hours Missile Launcher
Mechanics check
Missile 100 5 Hard (ddd) Mechanics 4 hours Missile
Thrown Explosive Device 35 3 Hard (ddd) Mechanics 2 hours Fragmentation Grenade
Planted Explosive Device 75 4 Hard (ddd) Mechanics 4 hours Fragmentation Mine



Simple Projectile Weapon Ranged [Light] 4 5 Short 1 0
Solid Projectile Pistol Ranged [Light] 4 5 Short 1 1
Solid Projectile Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 6 5 Medium 4 1 Cumbersome 2
Solid Repeating Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 10 4 Long 7 3 Auto-Fire, Cumbersome 2
Energy Pistol Ranged [Light] 5 4 Medium 1 1
Energy Rifle Ranged [Heavy] 7 4 Long 4 2 Cumbersome 2
Missile Launcher Gunnery - - - 7 2 Cumbersome 3, Limited
Ammo 1
Missile N/A 15 3 Extreme 1 0
Thrown Explosive Device Ranged [Light] 7 5 Short 1 0 Blast 5, Limited Ammo 1
Planted Explosive Device Mechanics 11 - Engaged 3 0 Blast 3, Limited Ammo 1


a or x Practice Makes Perfect: The character learns something valuable, and gains b on the
next check he makes with the same skill before the end of the session.
Pulse Quality: The weapon gains the Pulse quality (can only be selected once).
Lightweight: Reduce the weapon's encumbrance by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
Disorient Quality: The weapon gains the Disorient quality (or increase its Disorient quality by
Expanded Magazine: If the weapon has the Limited Ammo quality, increase its Limited Ammo
quality by 1.
aa or x Lessons Learned: Reduce the difficulty of the character's next crafting check by 1.
Customizable: Increase the weapon's Hard Points by one (can only be selected once).
Increased Range: Increase the weapon's range by 1 range band, to a maximum of
Extreme (can only be selected once).
Knockdown Quality: The weapon gains the Knockdown quality (can only be selected once).
Vicious Quality: The weapon gains the Vicious 1 quality (or increase its Vicious quality by 1,
to a maximum of 5).
Stun Setting: This weapon gains the Stun setting quality (can only be selected once).
aaa or x Efficient Construction: A sizeable portion of the material is unused or can be reclaimed
from the process, the character retains supplies worth 50% of the Cost needed to craft the
item (can only be selected once).
Destructive: Increase the weapon's damage by 1 (can only be selected once).
Ensnare Quality: The weapon gains the Ensnare 1 quality (or increase its Ensnare quality by
Stun Quality: This weapon gains the Stun 3 quality (or increase its Stun quality by 1).
Pierce Quality: The weapon gains the Pierce 1 quality (or increase its Pierce quality by 1).
aaaa or x Auto-Fire Quality: The weapon gains the Auto-Fire quality (can only be selected once).
Burn Quality: The weapon gains the Burn 1 quality (or increase its Burn quality by 1).
Lethal: Reduce the weapon's critical rating by 1, to a minimum of 1 (can only be selected
Accurate Quality: The weapon gains the Accurate 1 quality (or increase its Accurate quality by
1, to a maximum of 3).
Schematic: Create a schematic that permanently reduces the difficulty of creating weapons
of this template by 1 (to a minimum of Simple [-]).


xx Blast Quality: The weapon gains the Blast 5 quality (or increase its Blast quality by 2).
Concussive Quality: The weapon gains the Concussive 1 quality (can only be selected once).
Integral Attachment: Add +1 Hard Point to the weapon, then install one applicable weapon
attachment that requires 1 or fewer hard points. No check is required to obtain this
attachment, and it costs 0 caps.
t or y Exhausting Effort: Upon completing STEP 3: CONSTRUCTION, the character suffers 3 strain.
Heavy: Increase the weapon's Encumbrance by 1.
Cumbersome Quality: The weapon gains the Cumbersome 1 quality (or increase its
Cumbersome quality by 1).
tt or y Expensive: The weapon has intricate mechanisms that can only be replaced at substantial
cost. Whenever it becomes damaged, the cost to repair the weapon is doubled (can only be
selected once).
Hard to Modify: Increase the difficulty of checks to install attachments to this weapon by 1.
Difficult to Repair: Increase the difficulty of checks to repair this weapon by 1.
ttt or y Wear and Tear: The tools the character was using to craft the weapon are worn down or
destroyed, and are damaged one step (minor damage if undamaged, from minor to moderate,
or moderate to major).
Prepare Quality: The weapon gains the Prepare 1 quality (or increase its Prepare quality by 1),
Ammunition-Inefficient: During combat, the GM may make this weapon run out of
ammunition by spending tt, this is in addition to the standard spending of y (can only be
selected once).
Inaccurate Quality: The weapon gains the Inaccurate 1 quality (or increase its Inaccurate
quality by 1).
tttt or y Limited Ammo Quality: This weapon gains the Limited Ammo 3 quality (or decrease its
Limited Ammo quality by 1, to a minimum of 1).
Slow-Firing Quality: The weapon gains the Slow-Firing 1 quality (or increase its Slow-
Firing quality by 1).
yy Dangerously Volatile: The GM may spend y from any combat check made with this
weapon to have it explode. The weapon is destroyed, and the character holding it and
each Engaged character suffers 10 damage (can only be selected once).


template under “Time”. Every s the character

ROBOT CRAFTING scores on the check beyond the first reduces this
Robots display an incredible variety of chassis, time by 2 hours (to a minimum of 1 hour). Other
personalitiesm and functions. Some robots even factors can also affect the time required at the GM's
construct other robots, leading these mechanical discretion.
beings to evolve in fascinating and unprecedented Once online, the robot is an NPC that possesses
ways. the characteristics and other attributes determined
Building a sentient mechanical being is somewhat in STEP 3: CONSTRUCTION and the skills, talents,
more involved a task than simply creating a pistol. and other abilities determined in STEP 4: PROGRAM
To get a functional robot, a technician needs to DIRECTIVES.
invest a substantial quantity of time and bottlecaps
not just into building the body, but also into shaping
the robot's mind. Because each of these tasks is CHASSIS OPTIONS
significant, the crafter must perform an extra step. In the manner described for all crafting STEP 1:
STEP 4: PROGRAM DIRECTIVES before the robot is SELECT TEMPLATE (on page 334), the crafter may
fully operational. choose from the chassis options listed above when
When building a robot, the crafter first performs attempting to build a robot. The characteristics and
Steps 1-3 as normal, choosing a robot chassis abilities of robots of these chassis types are listed in
template, acquiring the materials, and performing the section below.
the listed check over the amount of time specified. While a chassis determines the characteristics of
Once the crafter completes STEP 3: the crafted robot, they do not determine the
CONSTRUCTION successfully (by spending the appearance of the robot. That is entirely up to the
requisite hours and succeeding on the listed check, crafter. While a robot can be made to hover, it does
as usual), the character finishes the robot's chassis, follow the normal rules for movement as a legged
but it is just a lifeless shell until it is imbued with an individual would – it cannot be made to fly.
animating spark of intelligence. At this point, the The individual Silhouettes of the different chassis
mechanic can go on to perform STEP 4: PROGRAM types is also listed below. A crafter can opt for a
DIRECTIVES, by choosing one of the robot directive smaller Silhouette, but not a larger one.
templates and making the listed check over the
amount of time required.
If the character fails, the only thing lost is the
crafter's time. The character can attempt STEP 4:
PROGRAM DIRECTIVES at the next available
opportunity. If the character succeeds, the robot is
brought online after the number
of working hours listed in the


Monotask Chassis 300 4 Average (dd) Mechanics check 24 hours
Labor Chassis 1,750 5 Average (dd) Mechanics check 48 hours
Combat Chassis 1,625 6 Hard (ddd) Mechanics check 48 hours
Specialist Chassis 2,250 5 Daunting (dddd) Mechanics check 56 hours
Advanced Combat Chassis 16,250 9 Daunting (dddd) Mechanics check 240 hours



 Abilities: Metal Body (robots increase their  Abilities: Defensive 1 (increase the Defense Rating
Soak value by 1), Robot (does not need to breathe, of the robot by 1), Metal Body 3 (robots increase
eat, or drink, and can survive in vacuum or their Soak value by 3), Robot (does not need to
underwater; immune to poisons or toxins), breathe, eat, or drink, and can survive in vacuum or
Silhouette 0. underwater; immune to poisons or toxins),
Silhouette 1.

 Abilities: Metal Body (robots increase their

Soak value by 1), Robot (does not need to breathe,
eat, or drink, and can survive in vacuum or
underwater; immune to poisons or toxins),
Silhouette 1.


 Abilities: Metal Body (robots increase their

Soak value by 2), Robot (does not need to breathe,
eat, or drink, and can survive in vacuum or
underwater; immune to poisons or toxins),
Silhouette 1.


 Abilities: Metal Body 2 (robots increase their

Soak value by 2), Robot (does not need to breathe,
eat, or drink, and can survive in vacuum or
underwater; immune to poisons or toxins),
Silhouette 1.



a or x Practice Makes Perfect: The character learns something valuable, and gains on the
next check he makes with the same skill before the end of the session.
Reinforced Chassis: Increase the robot's Wound threshold by 1.
Unobtrusive: The robot gains 1 rank of the Indistinguishable talent (can only be selected
aa or x Lessons Learned: Reduce the difficulty of the character's next crafting check by 1.
Deflective Carapace: Increase the robot's Melee Defense by 1 (to a maximum of 2).
Narrow Profile: Increase the robot's Ranged Defense by 1 (to a maximum of 2).
aaa or x Armor Plating: Increase the robot's Soak by 1 (can only be selected once).
Unusual Size: Increase or decrease the robot's Silhouette by 1, to a minimum of 0 (can only
be selected once).
Modular Hardware: Choose one robotic attachment with a Hard Point cost of 1 or less. The
robot is already installed with this at no additional cost (can only be selected once).
aaaa or x Chassis Schematic: Create a schematic that permanently reduces the difficulty of
creating robot chassis of this template by 1 (to a minimum of Simple [-]).
Superior Hardware: Increase any 1 of the robot's characteristics by 1 (to a maximum of 5).
xx Doppelganger: Build 1 additional fully identical robot as part of the construction process.
t or y Exhausting Effort: Upon completing STEP 3: CONSTRUCTION, the character suffers 3 strain.
Specialized Hardware: The robot suffers b on skill checks for which it has no ranks in the
applicable skill.
tt or y Difficult to Customize: Increase the difficulty of checks to install robotic attachments in
this robot by 1.
ttt or y Wear and Tear: The tools the character was using to craft the robot are worn down or
destroyed, and are damaged one step (minor damage if undamaged, from minor to moderate,
or moderate to major).
tttt or y Delicate Mechanisms: Increase the difficulty of checks to repair this robot by 1.
Erratic Power Core: Once per session, the GM may spend y from any check the robot
makes to have it shut down until the end of the encounter (can only be selected once).
yy Volatile Power Core: Whenever this robot suffers a Critical Injury, add +50 to the result. If
the Critical Injury kills the robot, it explodes, and each Engaged character suffers 10 damage
(can only be selected once).

upgrade the difficulty of all combat checks against

DIRECTIVE OPTIONS one engaged ally once until the start of the robot's
In the manner described in STEP 1: SELECT next turn).
TEMPLATE, once the crafter has a finished robot
chassis, a character can attempt to program one of ELIMINATION DIRECTIVES
the following directive sets to dictate the robot's Unlike most battlerobots, which rely on weight of
expertise. numbers, assassin robots are precision instruments,
as capable at their brutal art as any organic
Many technicians construct robots for security  Nemesis: If its chassis does not already make it a
purposes, to fend off raiders or other Wasteland nemesis NPC, a robot programmed with elimination
marauders. directives becomes a nemesis; it gains a Strain
 Skills: 1 rank in three different Combat skills. If the threshold equal to its Wound threshold.
robot is a minion, add these skills to its group skills  Skills: 4 ranks in each of three different Combat
instead. skills, Cool 2, Knowledge 1, Mechanics 2, Stealth 2.
 Talents: Body Guard 1 (once per round, may  Talents: Adversary 2 (upgrade difficulty of all
perform the Body Guard Maneuver: suffer 1 Strain to combat checks against this target twice), Lethal


Blows 3 (+30 to any Critical Injury rolls made against time).

HEALING DIRECTIVES Having a robot that can repair machines is a luxury
State-of-the-art medical robots are ubiquitous in that many Wasteland settlers cannot afford. Such a
the Wasteland, performing surgeries with robot is a boon to any garage, handling tasks with
preternatural skill. However, more and more precision and patience most organic beings lack.
homebuilt versions are starting to be seen.  Skills: Computers 1, Mechanics 2. If the robot is a
 Skills: Knowledge 1, Medicine 2. If the robot is a minion, add these skills to its group skills instead.
minion, add these skills to its group skills instead. Talents: Gearhead 1 (remove b from Mechanics
 Talents: Painkiller Specialization 1 (patients under checks), Solid Repairs 1 (when repairing Hull Trauma
the robot's supervision heal one additional Wound with a Mechanics check, repair 1 additional Hull
each time they heal a Wound), Surgeon 1 (when Trauma).
healing Wounds with a Medicine check, heal 1
additional Wound).
Robot translators were once very valuable.
LABOR DIRECTIVES  Skills: 1 rank in Knowledge. If the robot
Many robots are programmed to is a minion, add this skill to its group
perform a single task, with just enough skills instead.
interaction protocols to get by in other  Talents: Convincing Demeanor 1
circumstances. Such robots tend to be (remove b from Deception and
poor conversationalists, as they are Skulduggery checks), Kill with
typically obsessed with their single Kindness 1 (remove b from Charm
area of expertise. and Leadership checks).
 Skills: 2 ranks in one General
skill. If the robot is a minion, add
this skill to its group skills

Navigation can be dangerous and tedious
to many, and the risks of failure are often
staggering. Many pilots or drivers prefer to
hand over the reins to a trusty machine.
 Skills: Driving 1, Computers 1, Piloting 1.
If the robot is a minion, add these skills to
its group skills instead.
 Talents: Technical Aptitude 1
(computer-related tasks take 25% less


Combat Directives Average (dd) Computers check 16 hours
Elimination Directives Formidable (ddddd) Computers check 168 hours
Healing Directives Daunting (dddd) Computers check 72 hours
Labor Directives Easy (d) Computers check 8 hours
Navigation Directives Hard (ddd) Computers check 24 hours
Repair Directives Hard (ddd) Computers check 24 hours
Translation Directives Hard (ddd) Computers check 24 hours



a or x Random Positive Quirk: Add one positive personality trait randomly selected from the
table below to the robot (can only be selected once).
Archival Functions: Add 1 rank to Knowledge skill. If the robot already has 1 rank, add b
to all checks it makes with the skill. If the robot is a minion, add this skill to its group
skills instead (can only be selected once).
aa or x Adaptive Programming: Add 1 rank to any skill the robot possesses. This cannot be
applied to minion robots.
Broad Utility: Add one new General skill to the robot's list of skills at rank 1; if the robot
is a minion, add this skill to its group skills instead (can only be selected once).
Positive Quirk: Add one positive personality trait of the crafter's invention or choice to
the robot (can only be selected once).
aaa or x Defense Programming: Add one new Combat skill to the robot's list of skills at rank 1; if
the robot is a minion, add the skill to its group skills instead (can only be selected once).
Behavioral Optimization: Add 1 rank to any ranked talent the robot possesses (can only
be selected once).
xx Program Pattern: Create a program that permanently reduces the difficulty of
programming robots with this directive by 1 (to a minimum of Simple [-]).
t or y “Eccentric”: Add one negative personality trait randomly selected from the table below to
the robot (can only be selected once).
tt or y Poor Listening Skills: Add bb to checks to give this robot orders (can only be selected
ttt or y Negative Quirk: Add one negative personality trait of the GM's invention or choice from
the table below for the robot (can only be selected once).
Limited Programming: The robot upgrades the difficulty of all skill checks for which it
has no ranks in the skill once.
yy Unknown Flaw: Add one secret negative personality trait of the GM's invention or choice
from the list below to the robot. The GM is responsible for how – if ever – this secret
personality trait comes into play.



01-10 Loyal: The robot puts its creator's 01-10 Cowardly: This robot sets survival as a
needs above its own and always looks top priority, and shies away from any
for ways to help – whether asked or potential danger.
11-20 Overly Literal: Many robots (and some
11-20 Resourceful: Some robots can adapt to organic sentients) fail to grasp the
problems quickly, and do not get nuances of language beyond its direct
trapped in their own overly narrow meaning. This is one of those robots.
21-30 Arrogant: Whether it believes itself to
21-30 Patient: Unlike organic beings, robots have been built better than other
are theoretically immortal as long as robots or it believes that robots are
they receive proper maintenance. intrinsically superior to more
Thus, a robot can have a capacity for temporary life forms, this robot has a
patience that even the most long-lived high opinion of its own abilities.
organic beings lack.
31-40 Impulsive: This robot has a boundless
31-40 Enthusiastic: This robot has a capacity to see opportunities, and it
boundless capacity to see usually acts on them without warning.
opportunities, and it frequently points
41-50 Ruthless: It might be spiteful, or it
them out.
might just see emotion as inefficient,
41-50 Compassionate: Some robots are very but this robot destroys anything that
caring, and seek to nurture the best in gets in its way.
those around them.
51-60 Lazy: Robots are built to fulfill certain
51-60 Efficient: The robot abhors waste, and purposes, but this robot isn't
does everything in the most timely and particularly interested in doing so if it
precise manner it can muster. can avoid it.
61-70 Well-Mannered: This robot always 61-70 Abrasive: Dealing with this robot is
maintains perfect etiquette, even when extraordinarily frustrating. Whether it
dealing with individuals it does not answers with sarcasm or not at all, its
particularly like. words and actions are always barbed.
71-80 Cheerful: A good attitude is the first 71-80 Pessimistic: Apparant doom lurks
step to success (for so says this robot, around every corner for this robot, and
anyway). it expresses this belief at every
81-90 Reliable: This robot always comes
through for its creator or friends. 81-90 Unhinged: The only certainty with this
robot is that its decisions can't be
91-95 The GM invents or chooses one
positive personality trait.
91-95 The player invents or chooses one
96-00 The player invents or chooses one
negative personality trait.
positive personality trait and then rolls
again on this table. 96-00 The GM invents or chooses one
negative personality trait and then rolls
again on this table.



the character must make a Resilience check to
ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS attempt to mitigate this increase. The difficulty of
In addition to the environmental effects detailed on the check is determined by the severity of the source
pages 110 to 112 of the GENESYS core rulebook, the of radiation. If successful, the character reduces the
Fallout setting includes, most importantly of all, a Radiation Level increase by 1, and reduces it by a
heavy dose of radiation. The rules for radiation and further 1 per additional s, to a minimum of zero.
its effects are detailed below. fff or y on the roll can result in the character
suffering from Radiation Poisoning; they add b to
every skill check until their Radiation Level is
RADIATION reduced to zero. This effect is cumulative, so failing
Radiation is a constant threat in the post- three Radiation checks results in bbb on all
apocalyptic wasteland. With the widespread checks until the Radiation Level is reduced to zero.
proliferation of atomic power, just about every Certain attacks made by radioactive creatures or
community and every vehicle imaginable were weapons can also increase a character’s radiation
powered by nuclear energy. With all those reactors rating. This is denoted by the Rad item quality.
came the nasty by-product of radioactive waste,
which had to be stored somewhere (and not always
where appropriate or safe location). Over the RADIATION LEVEL
centuries, many of those storage facilities failed, All characters and creatures in Fallout have an
leaking radiation into the surrounding area and additional quality; Radiation Level. This represents
compounding an already existing problem. how much radiation a creature has absorbed and is
Additionally, some creatures that survive in the suffering effects from. A character decreases their
Wasteland exude radiation, poisoning and wound and strain threshold by an amount equal to
weakening any other living thing that gets close to their Radiation Level, to a minimum of 1.
Radiation damage can also be caused by certain
attacks by radioactive creatures or weapons. In
RadAway is a sure way of recoving
these cases, the character increases their Radiation
accumulated radioactive levels from
Level by the Radiation Rating listed for that attack;
a character, and it requires no
no Resilience check is made.
checks. However, it is possible to
Upon being exposed to radiation,
attempt a Hard (ddd) Medicine
the character increases their
Radiation Level by an amount check once a week, each s heals
equal to the radiation rating. However, one Radiation Level.

1-2 Average (dd) An open barrel of radioactive waste, a cracked reactor in a car or
motorcycle, irradiated plantlife, immersion in most large bodies of
natural water, consuming lightly irradiated food or water.
3-5 Hard (ddd) Area near detonation of a small reactor (Silhouette 1-2), multiple open
barrels of radioactive waste, consuming heavily irradiated food.
6-9 Daunting (dddd) A vast toxic spill covering a wide area, the area near a recent
detonation of a large reactor (Silhouette 3-4).
10+ Formidable (ddddd) Area after a nuclear detonation (atomic weapon or Silhouette 5+
reactor), being in a nuclear reactor, being immersed in radioactive



The Wasteland is a vast, unbelievably varied place.
There are a wide variety of hazards and dangers to
be found out in the wastelands. Mutated creatures, Rivals are more dangerous than minions but still
robot constructs, things that were once human, and inferior to most Player Characters. Rivals are very
even aliens from other worlds. Sometimes the most similar to Player Characters in many respects, being
dangerous opponent one can face in the Wasteland generally more innately gifted and better trained
are the desperate fellow humans who prey on the than minions. They possess skills and operate
weak or are merely trying to survive. individually rather than in groups. They are generally
There are three different levels of opponents and less skilled than the PCs, and seldom possess more
allies that characters will readily encounter in the than 2 ranks in any one skill.
Wasteland, with different levels of threat posed to The rules for rivals are detailed in depth on page
the average group of wanderers. Although some 132 in the GENESYS core rulebook.
variation is to be expected, the broad categories are
minions, rivals, and nemeses. NEMESES
The nemesis is the opposite number of the Player
MINIONS Character. They are identical to PCs in
Minions are the most common NPCs virtually every respect, and may, in fact,
be more powerful; this is necessary to
encountered in the Fallout world.
ensure that they are able to pose a
These are nameless individuals who
threat to an entire party. Nemeses
provide the muscle to flesh out
frequently possess a number of
encounters. Their only real threat
talents, have high characteristics
is in numbers, and a minion is not
and skills, and wield
expected to stand toe-to-
equipment that rivals the
toe with a Player Character.
gear of even the most well-
Minions are typically not
supplied of parties.
real threats when
Nemeses suffer Strain and
encountered alone.
Wounds normally and do
Unfortunately, they are
not have any special rules governing
almost never encountered alone, as they
their operations.
tend to operate in small groups to increase their
effectiveness. Minions will rarely be more than a
minor obstacle to most parties of Player Characters, CUSTOMIZING ENCOUNTERS
a delaying tactic that can stand The creatures and adversaries that roam the
in the way of achieving a goal that a more powerful Wasteland are constructed with the use of the
enemy wishes to see prevented. Minions also tend adversary building rules detailed on pages 202 to
to have lower wound thresholds than other NPCs, 203 in the GENESYS core rulebook.
making it very likely that they'll drop in one or two The adversaries listed in this chapter are open to
hits. interpretation by the GM and the GM should feel free
GMs can use minions as adversaries, either as to modify and adjust the stats and abilities of these
individuals or in groups. However, unless the minion creatures as warranted by his campaign and
has relevant characteristics of 3 or higher, individual individual combat situations. Remember, the
minions are more likely to fail than succeed on all adversaries presented here are intended as a basis
but the simplest combat checks. GMs should only for encounters at the fingertips of the GM – ready
use minions in this fashion if they wish to pit the for tweaking and customizing. Provided that you
PCs against an easy combat challenge. The more make changes to adversaries of the same type from
typical way to use minions involves deploying them time to time ensures that the player's will be kept on
in groups, as described on page 132 in the GENESYS the edge of their seats and not running the
core rulebook. encounter on autopilot as they know the type of
opponent from a former encounter.


TEMPLATES levels that are unhealthy to living things.

Certain creatures are created by adding a  TYPE: If the creature is a minion it becomes a
template to an existing creature. A templated rival; if it is a rival, it becomes a nemesis.
creature can represent a freak of nature, the  SIZE: Same as base creature.
individual creation of a single experimenter, or the  WOUND THRESHOLD: Increase Wound threshold
first generation of offspring from parents of by 10 (if becoming nemesis, add Strain threshold
different species. equal to the creature's Wound threshold prior to the
A template’s description provides a set of 10 points Wound increase).
instructions for altering an existing creature, known  CHARACTERISTICS: +1 Brawn.
as the base creature. The changes that a template
 SKILLS: Increase one combat skill by 1 rank.
might cause to each line of a creature ’s statistics
block are discussed below. For clarity, the entry for  TALENTS: Gain Adversary 1 talent (or increase
a statistic or attribute that is not changed is existing Adversary talent by 1).
sometimes given as “Same as the base creature.”  ABILITIES: Gains Rad Immunity.
 EQUIPMENT: Increase damage of natural attacks
 TYPE: Templates may change the creature’s type by 1. Natural attacks gain Rad 2 quality (or increase
from minion to rival, or from rival to nemesis. existing Rad quality by 2).
 SIZE: A template may have a change to the
creature's Silhuette. If so, it is listed here. IRRADIATED
 WOUND THRESHOLD: A templates may change Irradiated creatures have been exposed to an
the Wound (and Strain) threshold a creature has. unhealthy amount of radiation, but pales in
 CHARACTERISTICS: If a template changes one or comparison to a glowing creature. An irradiated
more characteristics, these changes are noted here. creature looks unhealthy and has a pale sheen to it
 SKILLS: Some templates provide a creature with and often appear to have distorted features.
new and additional skills, these changes are listed
here. If the creature already posses the skill prior to  TYPE: Same as base creature.
having the template added, increase the existing
 SIZE: Same as base creature.
skill by 1 rank.
 WOUND THRESHOLD: Increase Wound threshold
 TALENTS: Some templates grant one or more
by 4.
bonus talents to the creature. Such talents are
listed here. If the talent is ranked and the creature
already have the talent before adding the template,  SKILLS: Increase one combat skill by 1 rank.
simply increase its rank by the listed number once Increase one general skill by 1 rank.
the template is inherited.  TALENTS: Gain the Durable 1 talent (or increase
 ABILITIES: Certain templates grant unique abilities existing Durable talent by 1).
to the creature once the template is added. These  ABILITIES: Same as base creature.
abilities are listed here.  EQUIPMENT: The creature's natural attack gain
 EQUIPMENT: A template can bring changes to the Rad 1 quality (or increase existing Rad quality by 1).
attacks that the creature utilizes. If so, these are
listed here.
A legendary creature is exactly that – legendary. It
GLOWING is a specimen of its kind that is truly unique in every
Some creatures have been exposed to prolonged aspect, where evolution has combined the best and
radiation that their bodies have absorbed the finest of each aspect that is attritubted to the
radiation and physically changed their bodies. The creature and then boosted them beyond normal
levels of radiation are so extreme that the creature ranges. Thus, legendary creatures are stronger,
has become flourescent and glows an unhealthy faster and smarter than their ordinary brethren.
ghostly hue in darkness. Its body has also Legendary creatures are always bigger in size
undergone strange mutations, often leaving the compared to a normal variant of the same species.
creature to resemble a husk of its former self. The It is essential to keep in mind that the legendary
radiation leaves this creature extreme dangerous to template should not be used without putting
its immediate area as its body gives off radiation serious consideration into it. This template makes


for unique creatures that should not be seen six basic characteristics.
running around the Wasteland in great numbers. So  SOAK/DEFENSE AND THRESHOLDS: These are the
use this template scarcely for truly unique adversary's Soak, its Defense (listed in both Melee
adversaries to roam the Wasteland. and Ranged values), and its Wound and Strain
thresholds. Only adversaries of the nemesis type
 TYPE: A legendary template makes a creature have listed Strain thresholds. In case of a GM
become a nemesis. wishing to give a rival a Strain threshold, it should
have the same value as the listed Wound threshold.
 SIZE: Legendary increases the creatures
 SKILLS: Skills possessed by the adversary. If the
Silhouette by one.
adversary is a minion, these skills only apply in a
 WOUND THRESHOLD: Increase Wound threshold group.
by 20. Add Strain threshold equal to the creature's  TALENTS: Talents possessed by the adversary.
Wound threshold prior to the 20 points Wound  ABILITIES: These are special abilities that are
increase). not skills or talents.
 CHARACTERISTICS: Increase each of the  SILHOUETTE: This indicates the given
six characteristics by 1 point, though no Silhouette of the individual adversary.
characteristic may be increased  EQUIPMENT: This is the adversary's
beyond 5. However, the Brawn worn and carried gear, as well as its
characteristic, however, is natural equipment – which means
increased by 2 points. tooth and nail, essentially. The entry
 SKILLS: Add 2 ranks to two combat would only lists important equipment
skills and 2 ranks of Resilience. such as weapons, armor, and vital
Increase 3 general skills by 1 rank pieces of gear. However, GMs are
each. encouraged to add items to adversaries
 TALENTS: Gain the Adversary 3 talent (where it makes sense of course, a
(or increase existing Adversary talent by lakelurk would not be carrying armor or
3), Durable 3 talent (or increase existing weaponry, for example), to make for
Durable talent by 3), Enduring 3 talent (or diverse encounters, hence raiders and
increase existing Enduring talent by 3), mutants, for example have no
Feral Strength 4 (or increase existing Feral predetrmined gear listed. The reason for
Strength talent by 4). not including predetermined gear on
 ABILITIES: Regeneration (a legendary entries such as raiders and super
creature makes a Simple (-) Resilience mutants is to not have every encounter be
check at the start of each turn to recover a copy of the previous, given the fact that
Wounds. One Wound is recovered for every s the adversary entry comes with a single
on the check). set of default gear. Items such as clothing,
 EQUIPMENT: Add Pierce 2 and Vicious 2 to spare change, stimpaks, and so forth are
all natural attacks (or increase existing not listed but are still present if it makes
Pierce and Vicious qualities by 2). sense (and at the GM's discretion). Any
bonuses from equipment would already
have been added to the profile.
ADVERSARY LIST It is important to note that adversaries
do not always follow the same rules that Player
The following is a list of adversaries the Game Characters do. These profiles are generated for
Master can use in his or her Fallout adventures. simplicity and ease of use, so non-essential
These individual adversaries are listed in this information can be omitted. For example, some
chapter by alphabetical order. The entries do not characters in this chapter have equipment
advocate any particular affiliation to a group or exceeding their Encumbrance threshold. However,
gang, but the GM is encouraged to be inventive here they do not suffer from being over-Encumbered. The
for making individual raider gangs or even small equipment they are listed with is to allow them to be
groups of super mutants. Each adversary's profile is diverse enough to be used in many different
also broken down into several sections, as follows: situations.
 NAME: The adversary's name or type, plus whether
it is a minion, rival, or nemesis.
 DESCRIPTION: A section describing the adversary.
 CHARACTERISTICS: The rating of the adversary's


have been commonly reported since the 1950s.

ALIEN Later, the Greys became more mainstream when
Aliens, known as Zetans by pre-War conspiracy science fiction began depicting them. These kinds of
theorists, are an extraterrestrial yellowish-green aliens have come to represent the "stereotypical"
skinned humanoid race from an unknown planet. alien. The name Zetan may refer to the star system
The only thing known about them is that they use Zeta Reticuli, a real-world star system seen in a
their ability to travel space to probe other planets number of science fiction stories. It was also
and species for information. rumored to be the origin of the aliens who allegedly
It is not known from what system or what planet abducted Barney and Betty Hill in 1961, which was
they come from. They have orbited and observed the the first widely publicized report of an alien
Earth with two known motherships (Zeta and an abduction.
unnamed one) at least since the 1600s in Earth's
solar system, but humans had little real awareness ABOMINATION [RIVAL]
of them and less evidence of their existence. Before Abominations are the result of terrible and
the 1960s, only "crackpot" groups such as Quaere unthinkable alien experiments performed on
Verum believed in them, thinking that aliens existed abducted humans.
but that evidence of their existence was covered up From what can be confirmed through various alien
by a government conspiracy. captive recorded logs, abominations are captured
However, after the mysterious disappearances human test subjects whose bodies have been
(abducted by aliens in Zeta in fact) of the United hybridized with alien DNA with the intention of
States Space Agency space capsule Clarabella 7 and creating biological weapons. The transformation
the pilot, astronaut Colonel Hartigan, during process turns the subjects into feral, menacing
the 1960s Space Race, the aliens became creatures - hostile to anything that is not one of
recognized by national leaders. It is said them, including their alien creators - and removes all
that alien technology was the basis of discernible sexual characteristics, leaving them with
many of the Enclave's more exotic and an androgynous appearance. Despite this, it is
impressive weaponry and robotics. Toy evident that these creatures retain some degree of
manufacturers such as Wilson Automatoys their humanity and self awareness.
weren't immune to these suspicions. The Their known creation history and asexual
pre-War United States government was appearance seems very similar to super
said to keep its alien specimens and mutants, while their hostility and lack of
technology mainly in Area 51 (such as a self-preservation are reminiscent of feral
flying saucer that was later re-captured ghouls. Super mutants and feral ghouls
by aliens, but crashed in California both “evolved” from humans, and
probably during a flight sometime after specimens of both species can be found
the Great War, instantly killing the two in the alien cryo labs.
alien pilots). After spotting a target, an abomination
It is also possible that the Zetans will point at it and wail loudly, and then
may have had some influence on the attack with its long arms (in a manner
Great War. that is very similar to feral ghouls),
Some aliens appears as humanoid making them difficult to engage with
creatures roughly the height of an unarmed or melee weapons.
average human. It possesses 4 While abominations are capable
limbs: two arms which end in 3 of wielding weaponry and armor, chance
fingered hands with opposable (or at least are non-existing that they will be allowed to do
prehensile) thumbs and two legs whose so while within the vicinity of the aliens
digits can not yet be discerned. Possibly the masters that created them, from a fear of
most notable feature is the alien's mutiny, if the alien is using them as
relatively large head which features two servitors.
apparently pitch-black eyes, pointed ears, a flat nose
with two nostrils and a mouth with 9 pointed teeth.
The alien's skin is a pale yellowish-green hue with
dark splotches scattered about.
The aliens resemble Greys, beings commonly
described in alien abduction accounts. These aliens  SKILLS: Brawl 2, Computers 1, Deception 2,


Skulduggery 2, Stealth 2, Vigilance 1. with them for evening out the playing field to their
 TALENTS: Durable 1 (reduce the result of all Critical advantage.
Injuries against this target by -10, to a minimum of
1), Stonewall (all Melee and Brawl attacks against
this target has a b, and the abomination cannot be
knocked prone by such an attack).
 SILHOUETTE: 1.  SKILLS: Cool 3, Gunnery 3, Knowledge 3,
 EQUIPMENT: Slam (Brawl; Damage 5; Leadership 2, Ranged [Light] 3, Piloting 4,
Critical 4; Range [Engaged]). Resilience 1, Skulduggery 2, Vigilance 2.
 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade difficulty of all
combat checks against this target once), Master
ALIEN [NEMESIS] Pilot 2 (once per Turn, suffer two Strain to reduce
The alien is an “common” version of the difficulty of Piloting by 2, to a minimum of Easy
presentation above. Common is used (d)), Skilled Jockey 2 (remove bb from all
loosely here as they are aliens, after Piloting checks).
all.  ABILITIES: None.
Aliens are diminutive,  SILHOUETTE: 1.
hairless, yellowish-green-  EQUIPMENT: Alien Blaster (Ranged
skinned humanoids with [Light]; Damage 5; Critical 4;
short, wiry limbs and Range [Short]; Stun), Space Suit
green blood. Their (+1 Soak).
heads are disproportionately large, with
round, heavy-lidded, solid black eyeballs
with no discernible iris or pupil; a thin, ANGLER
toothless mouth with green tongue, and two
Anglers are mutated amphibian creatures. They
pairs of small holes where ears and nostrils
are usually found living in swamps or rivers where
would be. Aliens have no opposable
lure weed is present, sometimes hiding under the
thumbs, each hand instead having three
surface to ambush prey. The fleshy bioluminescent
long, tentacle-like fingers with large
growth atop its head (called illicium) acts as a
suction cups at each fingertip that allow
camouflage for the predator, effectively disguising
them to manipulate objects. They
it as the surrounding lure weed to fool its prey.
breathe a similar atmosphere to humans, and
They are most likely mutated anglerfish.
subsist mainly on a diet of strange, alien worms and
Mostly they are found hiding among lure weed,
sometimes with other anglers. Where their antennae
They view other species as laboratory animals,
stick up, looking like a strand of lure weed.
worthy of preservation and storage at best and
vivisection and experimentation at worst. They
speak in their own language of high-pitched ANGLER [RIVAL]
screeches and wails. As such, communication The angler is an aggressive creature with the
between humans and aliens is supposedly ability to absorb the fog and spit it out like a fireball,
impossible. inflicting incendiary damage to any target it is able
They are incredibly advanced in their various to hit. In combat, they often rely on these long
technological fields, capable of spaceflight and ranged attacks, but have been observed to charge at
technological feats equal to, and often beyond, that their prey and use their claws, though often they will
of even the most advanced human pre-War halt mid charge to use their preferred method.
technology. They also possess technologies such as Scientists speculate about the origin of the angler,
long-term cryostasis, powerful rayguns, genetic many believing that it is an angler fish that has
manipulation, teleportation and holograms. mutated from the radiation, though none have been
However, they are totally dependent on technology. able to procure a theory on how it grew arms and
Aliens typically wear spacesuits, the color of the legs.
suit apparently indicating rank, and soldiers
generally carry alien blasters, but may also carry
shock batons, disintegrators and atomizers (see
Equipment chapter). They prefer to attack their foes
in large numbers, and tend to have advanced robots


 SKILLS: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Perception 1, Stealth pose a threat to the colony's heart. These soldier
3, Survival 2, Vigilance 1. ants never venture out from the colony, as their sole
 TALENTS: Knack For It (remove bb from all purpose is protecting the queen.
Stealth and Vigilance skill checks), Refractor 3
(energy attacks made against the mirelurk suffers a
bbb penalty).
 ABILITIES: Amphibious (anglers may breathe
underwater without penalty and never suffer
movement penalties for traveling through  SKILLS: Athletics 1, Resilience 3, Survival 2.
water), Poison Immunity (the angler is  TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade difficulty of all
immune to all types of poison, toxin combat checks against this target once), Durable
and venom), Rad Immunity (the angler 2 (reduce the result of all Critical Injuries by -20,
is fully immune to Radiation to a minimum of 1), Enduring 2 (increase
damage). Soak Rating by 2).
 SILHOUETTE: 1.  ABILITIES: Flyer (giant ant queens can fly
 EQUIPMENT: Claw (Brawl; (see page 100 of the GENESYS core
Damage 5; Critical 4; Ranged rulebook)).
[Engaged]; Vicious 1), Fireball  SILHOUETTE: 3.
(Damage 6; Critical 4; Range  EQUIPMENT: Mandibles (Brawl;
[Long]; Blast 6, Burn 2, Damage 7; Critical 4; Ranged
Slow-Firing 1). [Engaged]; Piece 1, Vicious 1), Acidic Spit (Ranged
[Light]; Damage 6; Ranged [Short]; Blast 4, Burn 1).


Giant ants are large mutated arthropod insects of These are the colony's main defense against
the Formicidae family, genus Camponotus, most intruders. They are plentiful, although not a plentiful
likely black carpenter ants. Some scientists theorize as the giant worker ant numbers in the colony, and
this mutation comes from the effects of extended can often overwhelm an enemy by either running it
exposure to radiation. off or killing it on the spot; usually the latter. The
These large insects are protected by a yellow- giant soldier ant can often be found accompanying
brown or blackish carapace. They have large the somewhat smaller giant worker ants as they
mandibles which are used to both hunt and protect forage for the entire nest, where the giant soldier ant
themselves. Their long antennae sprouting out of protects the workers from potential threats and
the head act like sensors, allowing them to take in predators.
more information about their immediate


The giant ant queen is roughly the size of a truck  SKILLS: Athletics 2, Resilience 3.
and is the only winged version of the giant ants.  TALENTS: Durable 1 (reduce
The mother of the ant brood, this variant is all Critical Injuries against this
roughly four to five times larger than the target by -10, to a minimum of
average giant ant. When threatened, she 1), Enduring 2 (increase Soak
buzzes her wings and will hiss at the Rating by 2).
enemy. She will then proceed to spit  ABILITIES: None.
an acidic saliva at the enemy in an  SILHOUETTE: 2.
attempt to ward them off. She  EQUIPMENT: Mandibles (Brawl; Damage 6;
cannot move much, so Critical 4; Ranged [Engaged]; Piece 1).
avoidance is easy, especially
in smaller spaces. The
giant ant queen is GIANT ANT WORKER [MINION]
always protected by a Giant worker ants make up the majority of
host of giant soldier ants, that remain the ant colony, swarming in large numbers.
vigilant within close proximity, ready to scurry to What they lack in individual fortitude, they make up
their queen's assistance if anything should for with relentless attacks and swarm tactics. Giant


worker ants will attack when threatened, combat checks against this target once), Durable 2
but mostly rely on the giant soldier (reduce the result of all Critical Injuries by -20, to a
ants to fullfill their tasks in minimum of 1), Enduring 2 (increase Soak
keeping the colony and the Rating by 2).
hive members safe.  ABILITIES: Flyer (giant fire ant queens can fly
However, a giant worker (see page 100 of the GENESYS core
ant's exoskeleton isn't rulebook)), Suited to the Heat (fire ant
particularly hard queens are immune to the effects of fire,
compared to heat and hot environments).
radscorpions.  SILHOUETTE: 3.
Their mandibles can cut through most  EQUIPMENT: Mandibles (Brawl;
leather and plastic with ease, even snapping bone on Damage 7; Critical 4; Ranged [Engaged], Piece 1,
a lucky bite. Vicious 1), Fire Breath (Ranged [Light]; Damage
8; Ranged [Short]; Blast 6, Burn 2).


Fire ant soldiers, or soldier fire ants, are the larger
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Athletics 1, Resilience 1. and stronger of the two fire ant variants. This ant
 TALENTS: Enduring 1 (increase Soak Rating by 1). often accompanies the workers in foraging. They are
 ABILITIES: None. very aggressive and will attack humans, as well as
 EQUIPMENT: Mandibles (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical other creatures on sight.
4; Ranged [Engaged]).

It is not known exactly how fire ants came to be in  SKILLS: Athletics 2, Perception 1, Resilience
the Wasteland, but they are likely mutated red 3.
imported fire ants. It is possible that their  TALENTS: Durable 1 (reduce the result
ability to breathe fire has developed in a of all Critical Injuries by -10, to a
way similar to the fire gecko's ability. minimum of 1), Enduring 2 (increase
Fire ants are large insects, Soak Rating by 2).
covered in a reddish-brown  ABILITIES: Suited to the Heat (fire
carapace. They have large ant soldiers are immune to the
mandibles used for defending effects of fire, heat and hot
themselves as well as for environments).
hunting. They also have  SILHOUETTE: 2.
the unusual ability of  EQUIPMENT: Mandibles (Brawl;
breathing fire. Damage 6; Critical 4; Ranged
[Engaged], Pierce 1), Fire Breath (Ranged [Light],
FIRE ANT QUEEN [NEMESIS] Damage 6; Critical 3; Ranged [Short]; Blast 4, Burn
Easily matching the size of a Nuka-Cola truck, a 1).
fire any queen is a very formidable adversary indeed,
luckily only having the intellect of an insect. FIRE ANT WORKER [MINION]
Despite the fact that the rest of the colony has Fire ant workers are the smaller and weaker of the
gained the ability to spit fire, the queen lacks this fire ant variants. They are responsible for gathering
trait, it uses a ranged acid spitting attack instead. food and taking care of the young of the colony. Fire
ant workers are the backbone for the fire ant
community's infrastructure. However, they will
attack intruders if they are threatened.

 SKILLS: Athletics 1, Perception 1, Resilience 3,

Survival 2
 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade difficulty of all


 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Athletics 1, Resilience 1.  TALENTS: None.

 TALENTS: Enduring 1 (increase Soak Rating by 1).  ABILITIES: Trained Mount 1 (add b to a rider's
 ABILITIES: Suited to the Heat (fire ant workers are Survival checks made to ride and control the
immune to the effects of fire, heat and hot bighorner while mounted).
environments).  SILHOUETTE: 2.
 SILHOUETTE: 1.  EQUIPMENT: Ram (Brawl; Damage 5; Ranged
 EQUIPMENT: Mandibles (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical [Engaged]; Disorient 1, Knockdown).
4; Ranged [Engaged]), Fire Breath (Ranged [Light],
Damage 5; Critical 3; Ranged [Short]; Blast 4, Burn
Bighorner bulls are stronger, larger versions of
bighorners, and are likely to be found in any herd of
BIGHORNER bighorners in the wild.
Bighorners are mutated bighorn sheep that live in
areas with high mountains, cliffs and woodlands.
While settlers use them for their horns, meat, and
hides, it has been observed that they can
usually be found in close proximity  SKILLS: Brawl 1, Perception 1, Resilience 2.
to a banana yucca fruit.  TALENTS: Enduring 1 (increase Soak Rating by 1).
They are generally "laid-back"  ABILITIES: Powerful Charge (if the bighorner bull
herbivore beasts with spends a Maneuver on movement and an Action on
surprisingly docile attacking, it can make a powerful charge against its
dispositions, in spite of prey. This grants the bighorner
being quite capable of bull an automatic s on its
being extremely dangerous ram combat check, and it
when provoked. increases the damage dealt
The bighorners are a communal by 4 points on a successful
species, when one member of the attack), Trained Mount 1
herd is affected by a loss, as a (add b to a rider's Survival
collective the herd will react. When checks made to ride and
domesticated, the lose the ability to control the bighorner while
take care of themselves. mounted).
In combat situations, bighorners are unique  SILHOUETTE: 2.
in that they are rarely outright hostile unlike  EQUIPMENT: Ram (Brawl;
most other creatures. They will not attack unless Damage 6; Ranged [Engaged];
something comes within four to five feet of Disorient 2, Knockdown).
them or their young. If this barrier is
trespassed, they will rear their heads up and bellow,
at which point they will charge and ram into their
The radioactive fallout resulting from the Great War
mutated the tiny blowfly into the larger Bloatfly
BIGHORNER [MINION] menace that is potentially lethal at a substantial
A regular bighorner with all the attributes range. They can be found all over the Wasteland.
mentioned above. Bighorners are not hostile unless The standard bloatfly is covered in a green and
provoked. Bighorners cannot take a huge amount of brown carapace. It prefers to attack at long range,
abuse, but their head-butting attacks are using its own larva (each of which sports a wicked
devastating, capable of sending enemies flying dart-like spine) launched from the abdomen. An
backwards or knocking them down. Bighorners can individual fly's supply of larvae is seemingly
also run very fast. inexhaustible, and unless evaded or eliminated, the
creature will pursue a target relentlessly. Bloatflies
typically live in small groups of two to four
individuals, but can be encountered on their own.
Despite the increased size, they have no difficulty
staying airborne.
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Resilience 1. Bloatflies in the Wasteland will crawl on surfaces


and display more aggression combat checks against this target once), Defensive
than their counterparts in other 1 (increase the Defense Rating by 1), Dodge 1 (suffer
Wastelands. Although they 1 Strain to upgrade the difficulty of
generally prefer a longer range all combat checks against this target
to attack from, they will often fly once).
very close to their target, which  ABILITIES: Flyer (glowing bloatflies can
usually results in them doing more fly (see page 100 of the GENESYS core
damage. They are almost always rulebook), Rad Immunity (glowing bloatflies are
found in groups, and immune to radiation damage), Radioactive
can become an Deathroes (upon death, the glowing bloatfly will
annoyance due to explode in a radioactive explosion (Damage None;
their evasive movements Critical None; Range [Engaged]; Blast 6, Rad 4))
when aiming at them.  SILHOUETTE: 0.
They tend to stay near bodies of  EQUIPMENT: Mandibles (Brawl; Damage 5;
water and swamp land, often Critical 4; Ranged [Engaged]; Rad 2).
accompanied by bloodbugs or
BLOATFLY [MINION] The bloodbug appears to be a monstrously
These are one of the most common types of enlarged mutated form of mosquito. Likely a
insect one will encounter while traversing byproduct of mutation caused by nuclear fallout;
throughout the endless reaches of the Wasteland. they have grown in size over the time period since
They are usually found in groups of 2 or 3 and will the Great War in a manner similar to radroaches and
only prove a real challenge to the already weakened bloatflies.
or those at an environmental disadvantage. Bloodbugs appear to be roughly two feet in length
from the head to the tip of the abdomen. Bloodbugs
possess muddy brown coloration which allows them
to camouflage effectively into the environment of the
Commonwealth. Like their pre-War ancestors,
bloodbugs possess six long double-jointed limbs,
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Brawl 1. one pair of finely-veined wings and a long, pointed
 TALENTS: None. proboscis that extends from between two compound
 ABILITIES: Flyer (all bloatflies are capable of flying eyes. The proboscis is the bloodbug's primary
(see page 100 of the GENESYS core rulebook), Rad means of assault, sinking it into prey almost like a
Immunity (bloatflies are immune to Radiation syringe and inflicting minor-to-intermediate
damage). radiation poisoning on the victim, as well as sucking
 SILHOUETTE: 0. blood from its victim.
 EQUIPMENT: Mandibles (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical They can be found in numerous locations
4; Ranged [Engaged]). throughout the Wasteland, though most commonly
found in swamps, marshes, bogs and wetlands. Here
they breed in great numbers and lay a myriad of
GLOWING BLOATFLY [RIVAL] eggs with each breeding cycle.
Glowing bloatflies are a hardier variant whose body Bloodbugs, like bloatflies and radscorpions, have a
emits a green glow caused by massive radiation propensity for swarming tactics. Once they are
exposure. Upon death a glowing Bloatfly will explode alerted to their victim's presence, they will spread
with irradiated matter causing radiation damage to out, surround their prey and attack from multiple
nearby life forms and may even damage and directions. This, coupled with their erratic evasive
irradiate nearby crops giving them a radioactive movement while under fire, their good camouflage
glow. and their slender silhouette, makes it difficult to keep
track of and kill them all before at least some of
them get into melee range. However, should the
majority of the swarm be destroyed before it reaches
its prey, the survivors will often retreat. Usually they
will regroup and attack again, but sometimes they
 SKILLS: Brawl 1, Perception 1, Survival 1. will flee for good without returning.
 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of all


Bloodbugs are capable of clinging to trees and ordinary attack), Rad Immunity (glowing bloodbugs
structures, as well as walls or the ceiling while are immune to Radiation damage).
indoors and unaware of an enemy's presence. This  SILHOUETTE: 0.
can result in a nasty surprise when wanderers enters  EQUIPMENT: Proboscis (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical
a seemingly empty room or subway station and 4; Ranged [Engaged]; Pierce 1, Rad 2).
suddenly finds themselves in the middle of an entire
bloodbug swarm.
A younger variant of the adult bloodbug, their
BLOODBUG [MINION] exoskeleton has not had time to harden to the extent
The most common variant of the bloodbug; the of more mature bloodbugs, thus they are paler and
typical mature form. weaker.

 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Brawl 1, Coordination  SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Coordination 1.

2, Resilience 1.  TALENTS: None.
 TALENTS: Defensive 1 (increase the  ABILITIES: Flyer (bloodbug hatchlings can fly
Defense Rating by 1). (see page 100 of the
 ABILITIES: Flyer (bloodbugs GENESYS core rulebook),
can fly (see page 100 of the GENESYS core Parasite (hatchling bloodbugs can make an
rulebook), Parasite (bloodbugs can make an Average (dd) Coordination check, as an
Average (dd) Coordination check, as an Incidental, to latch onto any opponent they
Incidental, to latch onto any opponent they are Engaged with. Creatures latched with a
are Engaged with. Creatures latched with a bloodbug hatchling suffers an automatic 1
bloodbug suffers an automatic 3 Strain Strain damage per turn in addition to an
damage per turn in addition to an ordinary ordinary attack), Rad Immunity (bloodbug
attack), Rad Immunity (glowing bloodbugs are hatchlings are immune to radiation damage).
immune to Radiation damage).  SILHOUETTE: 0.
 SILHOUETTE: 0.  EQUIPMENT: Proboscis (Brawl; Damage 4;
 EQUIPMENT: Proboscis (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 5; Ranged [Engaged], Pierce 1).
Critical 4; Ranged [Engaged], Pierce 1).


A rare variant inundated with radiation to such an Bloodworms that have mutated since the Great
extent that it glows. It is stronger and more resilient War, they are now approximately the size of an
than many of the other bloodbug variants. adult human being and have spines on the outside
of their body in addition to their four-pronged maw.
These worms react to the presence of intruders in
their territory and will charge the intruders by
burrowing through the dirt at high speeds. Upon
reaching their prey, they will lunge forth from the
 SKILLS: Brawl 2, Coordination 2, Resilience 1. ground and attempt to bite their target.
 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all combat checks Bloodworm larvae will also inhabit the corpses of
against this target once), Defensive 1 (increase the large prey, such as brahmin, and come out of the
Defense Rating by 1). corpse to attack any new prey that wanders by.
 ABILITIES: Flyer (glowing bloodbugs can fly (see These brahmin can be spotted from a distance if
page 100 of the GENESYS core rulebook), Parasite watched, as they will twitch and bulge slowly.
(glowing bloodbugs can make an Average (dd) Shooting infested brahmin will leave the bloodworm
Coordination check, as an Incidental, to latch onto larvae momentarily stunned as they right
any opponent they are Engaged with. Creatures themselves before attacking.
latched with a glowing bloodbug suffers an However, unlike other creatures which are able to
automatic 3 Strain damage per turn in addition to an burrow underground, bloodworms have the unique
ability to conceal their movement with a dirt cloud


they produce while they move on the surface, larva may spend additional Maneuvers to move
making them hard to spot when they are about to while underground. Burrow can be performed on any
strike. It is possible to prevent them from bursting natural surface except solid rock, and on concrete.
close to the wanderers after burrowing underground While burrowing, all Perception checks to spot a
by standing on materials other than earth, like rock, bloodworm larva is upgraded twice), Rad Immunity
metal or wood when engaging them. (bloodworm larva are immune to Radiation damage).
They are not usually dangerous, as most of the  SILHOUETTE: 0.
bloodworm species possess very low health, but if  EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 5;
found in groups, and allowed to surround the Ranged [Engaged]).
wanderers, they might be a problem.
BLOODWORM [MINION] Extremely rarely, luckily, the glowing bloodworm is
The most common variant of the bloodworm; this highly radiated to the extent where it glows. It is
is the typical mature form of the creature. stronger and more resilient than even the adult

 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Coordination 1, Perception

1, Vigilance 1.  SKILLS: Brawl 1, Coordination 1, Perception 1.
 TALENTS: Stealthy 2 (add bb to all opposed  TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of all
Perception checks made to spot a hidden combat checks against this target once), Enduring 1
bloodworm). (increase Soak Rating by 1), Expert Tracker 1
 ABILITIES: Burrow (may take a Maneuver to burrow (remove b from tracking. Tracking take 50% less
underground, gaining total cover and concealment time).
from all attackers. While burrowed, the bloodworm  ABILITIES: Burrow (may take a Maneuver to burrow
may spend additional Maneuvers to move while underground, gaining total cover and concealment
underground. Burrow can be performed on any from all attackers. While burrowed, the glowing
natural surface except solid rock, and on concrete. bloodworm may spend additional
While burrowing, all Perception checks to spot a Maneuvers to move while underground.
bloodworm is Burrow can be performed
upgraded twice), on any natural surface
Rad Immunity except solid rock, and on
(bloodworms are immune concrete. While burrowing, all
to Radiation damage). Perception checks to spot a glowing
 SILHOUETTE: 1. bloodworm is upgraded twice), Rad
 EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 4; Immunity (glowing bloodworms
Critical 4; Ranged [Engaged]). are immune to Radiation
BLOODWORM LARVA [MINION]  EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 4;
This is the younger version of the adult Ranged [Engaged]; Rad 2).
bloodworm, somewhat smaller in size and less
dangerous. The larva is more reddish than the
pinkish adult bloodworm. BRAHMIN
Brahmin have the appearance of a pre-War cow,
but are distinguished by their abnormally large
udders and two grotesque heads. They also have
eight stomachs, but otherwise do not differ
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Coordination 1. significantly from their pre-War ancestors. Brahmin
 TALENTS: None. bulls, although not seen in any game to date, are
 ABILITIES: Burrow (may take a Maneuver to burrow said to have four testicles.
underground, gaining total cover and concealment Much preferred beasts of burden that are utilized
from all attackers. While burrowed, the bloodworm by wastelanders all across post-War America,


brahmin are typically used by caravans, independent  TALENTS: Rad Resistant 2 (all brahmin
traders and those simply looking to start a new life. gain bb to resist all types of
Brahmin are also used as cattle and food such as external Radiation sources).
their ancestor, the cow. They, as said above, are  ABILITIES: Beast of Burden 12
also used as transportation and to (brahmin of any kind add 12 to
haul heavy loads that could their Encumbrance threshold).
not be otherwise carried.  SILHOUETTE: 2.
It is likely that brahmin  EQUIPMENT: Trample
developed from certain (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 5;
pre-War bovine species. Range [Engaged]; Knockdown),
Radiation from nuclear Gore (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical
fallout has caused multiple 4; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1).
genetic mutations, such as
the growth of several disfigured horns,
disfiguration of the skin, udders and most CAT
notably the growth of a second head. Before the Great War,
Brahmin are the mutated descendants of domestic cats were one of the
pre-War cattle. Through their mutation, most popular household pets owned by humans.
they've attained a second head, abnormal growths, They were known for their companionship and for
eight stomach compartments and two hearts; twice their ability to hunt vermin, such as rodents, snakes,
as many as normal cows. Brahmin bulls have four scorpions, and other household pests. Cats survived
testicles, and the udders of female brahmin have the nuclear holocaust, but were hunted down by the
increased in size. They are of a toasted post-War survivors for their meat and fur. This does
brown/orange color, and attack by head-butting or not mean, however, that cats are extinct. Several
trying to gore someone with their horns. specimens have been spotted around the
Brahmin meat is delicious - if only when compared wastelands, particularly in the Commonwealth. Like
to other post-apocalyptic food. Brahmin are a before the war, cats are usually found in human
source of milk. It has even been said that brahmin settlements or wherever people are living.
milk may help cure radiation sickness. Cats were experimented with by the scientists at
Occasionally, a brahmin is born with a single head Mariposa Military Base and Vault 87. The cats were
- essentially, a regular cow. Ironically, these single- thrown into the FEV vats with humans, dogs and
headed brahmin are considered to be "mutated". other animals, creating centaurs. The Institute was
Brahmin also come in a non-domsticated variety. also known to experiment with cats, as evidenced by
These wild brahmin are undomesticated creatures, the fact that many dead house cats can be found in
who roam the large steppes of in large herds. their FEV labs at their headquarters.


The brahmin is often found in company Small, four-legged felines that meow and purr,
with a trader transporting goods and are and tend to chase after small
very commonly seen in settlements. rodents and birds. Cats have a tail,
This is a standard, docile variant of the pointy ears and whiskers. There are
brahmin. There is also wild brahmin found many different breeds of cats found
throughout the Wasteland (which use the across the United States, some are
same statistics, essentially). Occassionally docile and friendly towards humans, but most
mad brahmin are encountered. These are infected are feral, wild cats. Cats come in many
with a disease that not only makes their meat different color variations, some even doesn't
dangerous to eat, but also drives the brahmin to go have fur.
crazy and attack anything on sight, even creatures
bigger than itself.

 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Coordination 1, Peception

1, Stealth 1.


 ABILITIES: Keen Senses (ignore bb on Perception aggressive.

checks), Night Vision (a cat does not suffer penalties
for no light conditions).
 EQUIPMENT: Bite/Claw (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical
5; Range [Engaged]).
 SKILLS: Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Perception 2, Stealth
1, Survival 1.
(increase Defense Rating by 1),
Cave crickets kept a relatively similar
Enduring 1 (increase Soak Rating
appearance to their pre-War ancestors, as
by 1), Jump Up (stand up from
they still show characteristics peculiar to
seated or prone position as
their family, such
as long posterior legs
 ABILITIES: Rad Immunity
and antennae, but as many
(glowing cave crickets are immune
other animal species, they
to Radiation damage).
still weren't left unaffected
by the nuclear
 EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 4;
fallout that followed the
Ranged [Engaged]; Pierce 1, Vicious 1).
Great War. Cave crickets are now
much larger and have overgrown sharp
mandibles, but the main feature that GLOWING CAVE CRICKET [RIVAL]
distinguish them from their unmutated predecessors Extremely radioactive cave crickets. They
is the huge, single, frontal horn they can now use to live in more polluted areas. They are the
stab or even impale their prey. Cave crickets are strongest variant of cave cricket.
usually seen wandering in groups of three to four
individuals in the dry plains.
Cave crickets are hostile upon seeing targets. They
hop towards their enemy and use their strong jaws
to attack. Cave crickets require both sets of legs
intact in order to jump. Having even one set of legs  SKILLS: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Stealth 1, Vigilance 1.
crippled will drastically reduce their movement  TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all combat checks
speed. against this target once), Defensive 1 (increase
Defense Rating by 1), Enduring 2 (increase Soak
CAVE CRICKET [MINION] Rating by 2), Iron Body 1 (remove b from
Coordination and Resilience, reduce Critical Rating
Ordinary kind of cave crickets.
value on Brawl skill checks by 1), Jump Up (stand up
from seated or prone position as incidental).
 ABILITIES: Rad Immunity (glowing cave crickets
are immune to Radiation damage).
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Coordination 1, Perception  EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 2;
2. Ranged [Engaged]; Pierce 1, Rad 2).
 TALENTS: Defensive 1 (increase Defense Rating by
1), Enduring 1 (increase Soak Rating by 1).
 ABILITIES: Rad Immunity (cave crickets are
immune to Radiation damage). Cazadores are giant tarantula hawk spider wasps
 SILHOUETTE: 0. created by Doctor Borous in the Z-14 Pepsinae DNA
 EQUIPMENT: Horn (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 4; splicing lab of the Big MT. They eventually escaped
Ranged [Engaged]; Pierce 1). to the Mojave Wasteland and Zion Canyon sometime
after the Great War.
Cazadores have distinctive amber-orange wings, a
CAVE CRICKET HUNTER [RIVAL] blue-black carapace, and blood-red eyes. They have
This variant has dark colors, ranging in deep brown a quick and rather erratic flight pattern, making them
to jet black, and is faster, stronger and more difficult to hit without assistance. They are most


often encountered in swarms of four or more, with

the occasional strays
flying the outlying area. They are often found in groups of two or three, but
Their venomous attacks it is not uncommon to see giant cazadores amongst
can lead to a quick death groups of other sized cazadores. As their name
if they succeed in implies, they are much larger than a normal cazador.
poisoning their target.
The spikes on their back
rise and fall, both when idle
and when attacking.
Cazadores are more common in
 SKILLS: Brawl 3, Cool 1, Perception 2,
mountainous regions of the Mojave
Vigilance 1.
Wasteland although some
 TALENTS: Adversary 2 (upgrade
swarms can be found near
all combat checks against this
lakes in lower areas. They
target twice), Defensive 1
chew wood fiber and mold
(increase the Defense Rating by
it into a paper pulp in
1), Enduring 2 (increase Soak Rating by
order to create large
2), Lethal Blows 1 (+10% to any Critical
basket-shaped nests that
Injury rolls made against opponents),
are located in difficult to
Quick Strike 3 (add bbb to any
reach locations.
combat check against any target that has not yet
acted in the current encounter).
CAZADOR [RIVAL] ABILITIES: Cazador Poison (upon a successful
Cazadores are large with distinctive orange wings, combat check with aa, the giant cazador injects
a blue-black carapace, blood-red eyes, a spiky upper its target with a poison. The victim is allowed a
abdomen, a fast flight speed and a rather erratic Daunting (dddd) Resilience check to avoid the
flight pattern. Cazadores are common in effects of the poison. If the Resilience check fails,
mountainous regions in the Wasteland and often fly the victim suffers 6 ponts of unsoakable Strain
in groups of two to five. damage, and also suffers an automatic t and f on
all skill checks for the remainder of the encounter,
the effects of the poison stack), Flyer (giant
cazadores can fly (see page 100 of the GENESYS
core rulebook).
 SKILLS: Brawl 2, Perception 1, Vigilance 1.  EQUIPMENT: Stinger (Brawl; Damage 10; Critical 4;
 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all combat checks Range [Engaged]; Disorient 2, Piece 2, Poison).
against this target once), Defensive 1 (increase the
Defense Rating by 1), Enduring 1 (increase Soak
Rating by 1), Quick Strike 2 (add bb to any combat YOUNG CAZADOR [RIVAL]
check against any target that has not yet acted in Young cazadores are often found near other
the current encounter). cazadores in mountainous regions. Young
 ABILITIES: Cazador Poison (upon a successful cazadores are identical in appearance to regular
combat check with aa, the cazador injects its cazadores but are about three-quarters to half the
target with a poison. The victim is allowed a Hard size. Though their poison is weaker than that of
(ddd) Resilience check to avoid the effects of the adults, their small size makes them more agile and
poison. If the Resilience check fails, the victim difficult to hit than mature cazadores.
suffers 3 points of unsoakable Strain damage, but They can also prove to be quite a hassle due to
also suffers an automatic f on all skill checks for their tendency to swarm. Entire groups will swarm
the remainder of the encounter, the effects of the their target in an attempt to overwhelm it via
poison stack), Flyer (cazadores can fly (see page numerical strength.
100 of the GENESYS core rulebook).
 EQUIPMENT: Stinger (Brawl, Damage 7, Critical 3;
Range [Engaged]; Disorient 1, Pierce 1, Poison).


 SKILLS: Brawl 1, Perception 1. radiation damage.

 TALENTS: Defensive 2 (increase the Defense Individual centaurs only pose a minor threat, but
Rating by 2), Quick Strike 1 (add b to any combat as a rule of thumb, centaurs rarely travel alone and
check against any target that has not yet acted in are usually found with other centaur variants or
the current encounter). super mutants. All centaurs are hostile to the
ABILITIES: Cazador Poison (upon a successful Wasteland's travelers, and when encountered will
combat check with aa, the young cazador injects "spit" slow-moving projectiles at them in high arcs.
its target with a poison. The victim is allowed a Centaurs of all known varieties are not harmed by
Average (dd) Resilience check to avoid the effects radiation, but seem drawn to it, as they are often
of the poison. If the Resilience check fails, the victim found in heavily irradiated environments.
suffers automatic t on all skill checks for the
remainder of the encounter, the effects of the poison CENTAUR [RIVAL]
stack), Flyer (young cazadores can fly (see page 100
The most common variant found in the Wasteland,
of the GENESYS core rulebook).
the centaur on its own can prove very little threat
due to its slow speed. However, being the more
 EQUIPMENT: Stinger (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 4;
commonly found variant, it is not often encountered
Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1, Poison).
on its own.

In Greek mythology, centaurs were creatures that
were typically half-human, half-horse. The human
part would end at the bottom of the torso, where the  Skill: Brawl 1, Cool 1, Ranged [Light] 1, Survival 1.
hindquarters of a horse would begin.  TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all combat checks
Centaurs encountered in New California and the against this target once), Durable 1 (reduce the
Mojave Wasteland were created by the Master. The result of all Critical Injuries by -10, to a minimum of
creation process involved tossing a varied mix of 1), Enduring 1 (increase Soak Rating by 1),
humans, dogs, cats and other types of animals into Feral Strength 1 (adds +1 damage to one hit
a Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV) vat to be infected of all successful Brawl and Melee checks).
by the virus, and then seeing what mutant chimera  ABILITIES: Rad Immunity (centaurs are
emerged as the virus produced rapid and immune to Radiation damage).
unpredictable mutations. The resulting centaurs  SILHOUETTE: 1.
can differ quite radically in physical appearance  EQUIPMENT: Slam (Brawl;
from one another. However, all known centaurs Damage 4; Critical 4; Range
are somewhat humanoid in appearance. [Engaged]; Vicious 1),
Centaurs encountered on the east coast, like Radioactive Spit (Ranged [Light];
their western Damage None; Range [Short];
counterparts, these Disorient 1, Rad 2).
centaurs were
created by infection
with the FEV along
with the super These centaurs are a bigger and
mutants. Their stronger variant of centaur. Having been
birthplace, like the super mutants, is Vault 87. exposed to much more radiation than regular
Unlike its two-headed cousins in New California, in centaurs, they have significantly more muscle mass
the “ordinary” type of centaur only the human-like as well as thick clusters of tumors growing from
head and torso remain, and the spines on the back their backs.
are replaced by 3 long, tentacle-like tongues. This
variant of centaur also has a ranged attack: a high-
arcing, slow-moving saliva projectile that carries
lethal doses of radiation. Strangely, it is also capable
of igniting lingering gas vapors as well.
 Skill: Brawl 3, Cool 1, Ranged [Light] 3, Survival 1,
In close quarters, it utilizes its tongue to whip at
Vigilance 1.
any intruders. Though it doesn't cause much
 TALENTS: Adversary 2 (upgrade all combat checks
physical damage, it inflicts a notable amount of
against this target twice), Defensive 1 (increase


Defense Rating by 1), Durable 3 (reduce the result of having to effect two individual creatures
all Critical Injuries by -30, to a minimum of 1), simultaneously).
Enduring 2 (increase Soak Rating by 2), Feral  SILHOUETTE: 2.
Strength 3 (adds +3 damage to one hit of all  EQUIPMENT: Slam (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 2;
successful Brawl and Melee checks), Iron Body 1 Range [Engaged]; Defensive 1, Vicious 2),
(remove b from Coordination and Resilience Radioactive Spit (Ranged [Light]; Damage None;
checks. The Critical Rating of the centaur's unarmed Range [Short]; Disorient 2, Rad 3).
attacks is reduced by 1).
 ABILITIES: Rad Immunity (evolved centaurs are
immune to Radiation damage). COYOTE
 SILHOUETTE: 1. Similar to dogs, coyotes do not appear to have
 EQUIPMENT: Slam (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 3; been visibly altered after the Great War, possibly due
Range [Engaged]; Vicious 2), Radioactive Spit to sheltering from radiation. Coyotes are usually
(Ranged [Light]; Damage None; Range [Medium]; found in packs of up to three or four in the more
Disorient 2, Rad 4). desolate areas of the Wasteland, especially in caves
and caverns. They are slightly stronger than dogs.
TWO-HEADED CENTAUR [NEMESIS] Coyotes almost always travel in packs like their
Physically, these centaurs are around the size of a wolf cousins. They have sharp teeth and will
bear, with a large, misshapen torso and six frequently knock a target over, in which they will then
humanoid arms that serve as legs. A cluster of attack the head of their prey.
wriggling fleshy tentacles bloom out from their
underside, scrabbling at the ground around them. ALPHA MALE COYOTE [RIVAL]
Branching from their front halves are a pair of long, Coyote pack alphas watch over the pack and
thick necks, with a canine head on the right and a protect them from dangers that may come their way.
humanoid one on the left. The canine head has a They are the strongest and most durable variant of
thick metal collar around its neck, adorned with coyote.
spikes, not unlike an ordinary dog collar. The two
heads are seemingly aware that they are separate
creatures, as the dog head can be seen trying to
gnaw on the humanoid head.
So far, the two-headed centaurs have only been
encountered on the West Coast, in New California.  SKILLS: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Perception 2,
Vigilance 1.
 TALENTS: Swift (the alpha male coyote does not
suffer penalties for moving through difficult terrain
(and may move through difficult terrain at normal
speed without spending additional Maneuvers)).
 Skill: Brawl 2, Cool 1, Ranged [Light] 2, Survival 1,  ABILITIES: Keen Senses (ignore bb on Perception
Vigilance 2. checks), Pack Tactics (when using the assist
 TALENTS: Adversary 2 (upgrade all combat checks Maneuver, alpha male coyotes add bb instead of
against this target twice), Durable 2 (reduce the b).
result of all Critical Injuries by -20, to a minimum of  SILHOUETTE: 0.
1), Enduring 2 (increase Soak Rating by 2), Feral  EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 3;
Strength 2 (adds +2 damage to one hit of all Range [Engaged]; Vicious 1).
successful Brawl and Melee checks), Iron Body 2
(remove bb from Coordination and Resilience
checks. The Critical Rating of the centaur's unarmed COYOTE [MINION]
attacks is reduced by 2). Regular coyotes are the most common of the
 ABILITIES: Rad Immunity (two-headed centaurs coyote family. They can be found in almost every
are immune to Radiation damage), Two Heads (a corner of the Wasteland.
two-headed centaur can make one additional free
Maneuver per turn, but no more than two Maneuvers
total), Watchful (any effect that blinds, Disorients,
knocks out, or Staggers a two-headed centaur only
takes effect if both heads are affected, effectively


 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Athletics 1, Brawl 1,  EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 3;
Perception 1. Range [Engaged]; Vicious 1).
 TALENTS: None.
 ABILITIES: Keen Senses
(ignore bb on Perception DEATHCLAW
checks), Pack Tactics (when using Originally created before the Great War
the assist Maneuver, coyotes add by the government to replace
bb instead of b). human troops in battle,
 SILHOUETTE: 0. deathclaws were derived
 EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; from mixed animal stock,
Damage 5; Critical 3; Range primarily from the very
[Engaged]; Vicious 1). common Jackson
Chameleon. They were
COYOTE PUP [MINION] then refined by the Master,
using genetic manipulation
The offspring of a coyote. They are smaller and
and the Forced
weaker than normal coyotes, on par with radroaches
Evolutionary Virus. The
in terms of durability, and are rarely a hassle even
resulting creature is
for low-level characters, however, they generally
incredibly fast and powerful.
stay close to their den mother who is a much
Around 2161, deathclaws were still
larger threat. If the player character gets too
considered mysterious and legendary
close they will attack along with their parents.
creatures to many. They could originally only
be found in the Boneyard at the warehouse, living
with their mother. Later, as the deathclaw population
grew and began to spread across the continent, the
deathclaws stopped being perceived as legendary
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Athletics 1. beasts, and started to be seen just as another
 TALENTS: None. dangerous creature.
 ABILITIES: Keen Senses (ignore bb on Perception Deathclaws have a hunchbacked, bipedal reptilian
checks), Pack Tactics (when using the assist build with long humanoid arms. They stand roughly
Maneuver, coyotes add bb instead of b). nine to ten feet tall, with a thick and resilient hide,
 SILHOUETTE: 0. powerful muscles, and twelve-inch-long, razor-
 EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 4; sharp claws that can kill almost any other creature
Range [Engaged]). in only a few swipes; hence their name. They have
an excellent sense of smell and hearing, though their
eyesight is poor. Their build gives them incredible
DEN MOTHER COYOTE [RIVAL] speed, agility and strength in close combat, making
Den mothers stay back to look after the pups while them an extreme threat. Though they were originally
the others are off hunting. They are slightly stronger mutated chameleons, most have lost the ability to
and more durable than normal coyotes. If any change color with their moods.
danger comes, they will protect their pups with their Deathclaws are very aggressive, territorial, and
lives. carnivorous. They typically live in small packs of
around eight to twenty members led by an alpha
male, who is the only one allowed to mate with the
females. Deathclaws are oviparous, with the eggs
typically laid in dark, sheltered locations and fiercely
guarded by their mother. Young deathclaws reach
 SKILLS: Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Perception 1, maturity under the care of their parents, following
Vigilance 2. them closely until they are old enough to fend for
 TALENTS: None. themselves.
 ABILITIES: Keen Senses (ignore bb on Perception Although they do not have vocal cords, they can
checks), Pack Tactics (when using the assist growl and shout, and some seem to be able to mimic
Maneuver, coyote den mothers add bb instead of human speech much the same as a parrot does.
b). However, normal deathclaws aren't intelligent
 SILHOUETTE: 0. enough to be capable of real speech.


Interestingly, deathclaws do not sharpen their  EQUIPMENT: Claw (Brawl; Damage 12, Critical 3;
claws on nearby objects, instead preferring their own Range [Engaged]; Disorient 1, Pierce 3, Vicious 3),
nails to do the sharpening. Bite (Brawl; Damage 10; Critical 2; Range [Engaged];
Deathclaws will commonly attack with both claws, Ensnare 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 2).
or a claw and bite attack. Use the standard rules for
two-weapon fighting when doing so.
They are strong, agile predators that will attack a
ALPHA MALE DEATHCLAW [NEMESIS] wanderer on sight. Their long, sharp claws are
The deathclaw alpha male is similar to the capable of inflicting great, oftentimes deadly
standard deathclaw in appearance, but with darker amounts of damage (hence their name).
skin. They are much faster and twice as strong as a
regular deathclaw. They travel in packs with other

 SKILLS: Brawl 3, Perception 2, Resilience 2,

Vigilance 2.
 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all combat checks
 SKILLS: Brawl 4, Perception 2, Resilience 3, against this target once), Enduring 2 (increase Soak
Survival 1, Vigilance 2. Rating by 2), Knockdown (may use x on combat
 TALENTS: Adversary 3 (upgrade all combat checks to knock a target prone), Durable 2
checks against this target three times), Defensive (reduce the result of Critical Injuries by the
2 (increase Defense Rating by 2), Durable 3 target by -20, to a minimum of 1), Lethal
(reduce the result of all Critical Injuries Blows 1 (+10% to any Critical
against this target by -30, to a minimum of Injury rolls made against
1), Enduring 3 (increase Soak Rating by 3), opponents).
Frenzied Attack 1 (when making a Brawl  ABILITIES: Keen Senses
combat check, the alpha male deathclaw (ignore bb on Perception
may suffer 1 Strain, then upgrade the checks), Rad Immunity
ability of its combat check once), (deathclaws are immune to
Knockdown (may use x on combat Radiation damage), Sweep Attack (the alpha
checks to knock a target prone), male deathclaw can spend x on a successful
Lethal Blows 2 (+20% to any Critical Brawl check to hit the target as well as anyone
Injury rolls made against opponents), Engaged with the target), Terrifying (characters
Sweep Attack (the alpha male must make a Hard (ddd) Discipline check
deathclaw can spend x on a upon first sight of a deathclaw or having to
successful Brawl check to hit increase the difficulty of all skill checks
the target as well as anyone once until the end of the encounter).
Engaged with the target),  SILHOUETTE: 2.
Terrifying (characters must  EQUIPMENT: Claw (Brawl; Damage 8, Critical
make a Daunting (dddd) 3; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 3, Vicious 2), Bite
Discipline check upon first sight (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range
of an alpha male deathclaw or [Engaged]; Ensnare 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1).
having to increase the
difficulty of all skill checks
once until the end of the
encounter). Matriarchs of the deathclaw broods and mates to
 ABILITIES: Keen Senses (ignore bb on Perception alpha males, deathclaw mothers are second only to
checks), Rad Immunity (alpha male deathclaws are the legendary deathclaw in ferocious might and can
immune to Radiation damage), Terrifying (characters run faster than the alpha males, though they do
slightly less damage and have slightly less health.
must make a Daunting (dddd) Discipline check
Deathclaw mothers are taller and heavier-built than
upon first sight of a deathclaw or having to upgrade
regular deathclaws, with greenish-blue skin, a thick
the difficulty of all skill checks once until the end of
dewlap, long backwards-sweeping horns, short
the encounter).
back-spikes, and a long tail ending in six sharp


spines similar to a stegosaurus. They lay their eggs  SKILLS: Brawl 1, Perception 1, Resilience 1,
in dark, secluded holes, and protect them fiercely. If Vigilance 1.
anything attacks or even kills one of their babies,  TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all combat checks
deathclaw mothers will go into a blind rage, killing against this target once), Durable 1 (reduce the
everything in sight that isn't a deathclaw. result of Critical Injuries against this target by -10,
to a minimum of 1), Enduring 1 (increase Soak
Rating by 1), Knockdown (may use x on combat
checks to knock a target prone).
 ABILITIES: Keen Senses (ignore bb on Perception
checks), Rad Immunity (young deathclaws are
 SKILLS: Brawl 4, Perception 2, Resilience 3, immune to Radiation damage), Terrifying (characters
Survival 1, Vigilance 2. must make a Average (dd) Discipline check upon
 TALENTS: Adversary 3 (upgrade all combat checks first sight of a deathclaw or suffer b on all skill
against this target three times), Defensive 2 checks until the end of the encounter).
(increase Defense Rating by 2), Durable (reduce the  SILHOUETTE: 1.
result of all Critical Injuries against this target by  EQUIPMENT: Claw (Brawl; Damage 6, Critical 3;
-30, to a minimum of 1), Enduring 2 (increase Soak Range [Engaged]; Pierce 3, Vicious 2), Bite (Brawl;
Rating by 2), Frenzied Attack 1 (when making a Damage 4; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Ensnare 1,
Brawl combat check, the mother deathclaw may Pierce 2, Vicious 1).
suffer 1 Strain, then upgrade the ability of its combat
check once), Knockdown (may use x on combat
checks to knock a target prone), Lethal Blows 2
(+20% to any Critical Injury rolls made against
Some dogs have remained domesticated pets, but
opponents), Sweep Attack (the alpha male
many more have turned feral and hunt the dusty
deathclaw can spend x on a successful Brawl
wasteland in packs. The dogs that survived the
check to hit the target as well as anyone Engaged
Great War are a larger, and tougher, breed - now
with the target), Terrifying (characters must make a
almost wolf-sized.
Daunting (dddd) Discipline check upon first sight
Most commonly seen as feral beasts that plague
of a mother deathclaw or having to increase the
the wastes and kill livestock, they are necessary for
difficulty of all skill checks once until the end of the
many struggling wastelanders. There is also the rare
cases of domestic breeds that act as companions
 ABILITIES: Keen Senses (ignore bb on Perception towards their human counterparts.
checks), Rad Immunity (mother deathclaws are Humans are the only species known to truly tame
immune to Radiation damage), Terrifying (characters and domesticate these canines. Although other
must make a Daunting (dddd) Discipline check types of sub/meta-humans show an interest in
upon first sight of a deathclaw or having to upgrade doing the same, dogs of all types, including feral
the difficulty of all skill checks once until the end of dogs, are well-known to attack or flee from them on
the encounter). sight.
 SILHOUETTE: 2. They are fiercely loyal to their owners. Before the
 EQUIPMENT: Claw (Brawl; Damage 10, Critical 3; war many of them had fur, but now many of them
Range [Engaged]; Disorient 1, Pierce 3, Vicious 3), have lost it and have begun to look pink. Some
Bite (Brawl; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [Engaged]; mongrels will attack on sight but can be pacified.
Ensnare 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 2). Through the 200 years since the Great War, dogs
have remained relatively unaltered by radiation.
These immature deathclaws are about the size of a DOMESTICATED DOG [MINION]
human. Their horns are not fully grown and their Regular dogs with standard statistics and
skin is much lighter than grown deathclaws. This characteristics but no special attributes. Large dogs
makes them easy to pick out among regular don't differ much, aside from being stronger than the
deathclaws. basic variety. The domesticated dogs found across
the Wasteland come in a wide variety of different
species, although they game mechanically share the
same statistics as presented in this particular entry,
for easy referencing.


Evolutionary Virus. Usually they are accompanying

super mutants. They may have been created in the
FEV lab of the Institute, along with the rest of the
super mutants that are seen throughout the
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Athletics 1, Perception 1, Mutant hounds are usually several times bigger
Survival 1. than normal stray dogs and mongrels. The
 TALENTS: Expert Tracker 2 (domesticated dogs modification imposed on their bodies by the Forced
remove bb from checks to find or follow tracks. Evolutionary Virus is similar to the one the super
Survival checks made to track targets take 50% mutants went through: increase of muscle mass,
normal time). depigmentation of the skin to a greenish color and
 ABILITIES: Pack Tactics (when complete loss of body hair. They are
using the assist Maneuver, approximately 3 feet tall at the shoulder, and
domesticated dogs add bb 5 feet long. Their intelligence
instead of b). seems to be affected too in
 SILHOUETTE: 0. the same way that a super
 EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; mutant's is from the FEV. They
Damage 4; Critical 3; Range appear not to be linked to the
[Engaged]). Master in any way, as he was
evolving only humans for his
MONGREL [MINION] army. Super mutants seem
to understand mutant
The appearance of mongrels is drastically
hounds like no other in the
different to that of other Commonwealth dogs and
Commonwealth. Their vocal
FEV-exposed hounds. The adverse effects of
cords have evolved to create
radiation has given mongrels a withered
a very deep and low howl that they use to alert
skeletal appearance and almost total hair loss.
their nearby brethren.
Their frequent location near places where dogs
would have lived before the War suggests that at
least some mongrels are actually pre-War canines
that underwent ghoulification.

 SKILLS: Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Perception 1,

Resilience 2, Survival 1, Vigilance 1.
 TALENTS: Enduring 1 (increase Soak Rating by 1),
Expert Tracker 2 (mutant hounds remove bb from
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Athletics 1, Brawl 1,
checks to find or follow tracks. Survival checks
Perception 1, Survival 2.
made to track targets take 50% normal time).
 TALENTS: Expert Tracker 2 (mongrels remove bb
 ABILITIES: Pack Tactics (when using the assist
from checks to find or follow tracks. Survival checks
Maneuver, mutant hounds add bb instead of b),
made to track targets take 50% normal time)..
Rad Immunity (mutant hounds are immune to
 ABILITIES: Pack Tactics (when using the assist
Radiation damage).
Maneuver, mongrels add bb instead of b).
 EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl;
 EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl;
Damage 7; Critical 3; Range
Damage 5; Critical 3; Range
[Engaged]; Rad 1, Vicious 1).


Wild dogs and large wild
Mutant hounds or FEV hounds
dogs can be found throughout the
are creatures found in the
Wasteland, living at safe
Commonwealth. These are
distances from the “civilization” of
dogs that have undergone
settlements. They are rarely hostile at first
major mutation from being
sight and will only attack if anything
exposed to the Forced
gets too close, or if first provoked by


attacking them or one of their pack.  SKILLS: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Coordination 1,

Stealth 2, Vigilance 1.
 TALENTS: Defensive 1 (increase Defense Rating by
 ABILITIES: Gas Bladder (the gas used for floating
renders a floater susceptible to fire attacks. Any
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Athletics 1, Brawl 1, weapon with Burn quality inflict an additional 1 point
Perception 1, Survival 1. of Wound damage to a floater per a spent on the
 TALENTS: Expert Tracker 2 (wild dogs remove bb combat check), Hover (a floater does not suffer
from checks to find or follow tracks. Survival checks pentalties for moving through difficult terrain (it
made to track targets take 50% normal time).. moves through difficult terrains at normal speed
 ABILITIES: Pack Tactics (when using the assist without spending additional Maneuvers)), Resiliency
Maneuver, wild dogs add bb instead of b). (floaters are immune to Strain damage from all
 SILHOUETTE: 0. sources).
 EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 3;  SILHOUETTE: 1.
Range [Engaged]).  EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 2;
Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1).

Floaters are mutant creatures that likely originated FOG CRAWLER
from the FEV-infected flatworms mentioned in the Fog crawlers are predatory shrimp-like creatures
FEV experiment disk. Later, they were further which live at large bodies of water. Fog Crawlers are
enhanced by the Master's experiments. a highly mutated version of the Mantis Shrimp. The
Floaters hover through the air by different types of tail 'fans' on different types of fog
manufacturing and storing crawlers could determine their gender as crayfish
noxious gases in their carry eggs under the tails or as courtship during
flotation bladders. The mating to avoid injury. The existence of the
gasses that allow them to smaller legs (swimmerets) on the underside
float are also highly of the fog crawler are evidence that it is (or
flammable, which makes was) an aquatic crustacean. It should also
them incredibly vulnerable be noted that the chelipeds eventually fused
to fire, but the insulative with the arms, creating two large dagger-like
properties of the gas prevents appendages (chelipeds are the crusher-claws
electrical attacks from of a shrimp, similar to a crab's pincer). It
harming them. While they are not seems that at some point the creature's head had
very intelligent, they move fast and evolved to become separate from the main
can be difficult to kill, especially if a carapace, as well as morphed into a kind of
group of them manages to arrowhead shape for unknown reasons, possibly to
surround anyone unwary. Their be used for attacking. They seem to have eight eyes,
body parts have unique names four in a straight line on
such as “anglions,” each side of the head, with
“ovipositors,” “fore mouths,” and the third from the left being
“float sacs.” the largest. They also seem to
lack any sort of visible mouth. These
FLOATER [RIVAL] creatures are remarkably tough, fast, and quite agile
considering their size. In terms of height, the
Floaters are durable creatures, and move very
average deathclaw stands just shy of a fog crawler.
quickly due to their unique ability to hover. They
often travel in groups with super mutants and
centaurs, and can pose a great threat to anyone FOG CRAWLER [RIVAL]
unprepared for combat. Fog crawlers are still a force to be reckoned with
and should not be approached without proper
equipment. Their high resistances require powerful
weaponry to overcome; shot guns or rifles with high
damage output should be prioritized over rapid-fire
armaments in order to have a better chance at


punching through the crawler's heavy armor. water), Poison Immunity (glowing fog crawlers are
immune to all types of poisons, toxins, and venoms),
Rad Immunity (glowing fog crawlers are immune to
Radiation damage).
 EQUIPMENT: Hook (Brawl; Damage 7; Critical 4;
 SKILLS: Brawl 2, Perception 1, Vigilance 1. Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Rad 2, Sunder, Vicious 1).
 TALENTS: Defensive 1
(increase Defense Rating
by 1), Dodge 1 (when GATORCLAW
targeted by a combat They were created using a combination of alligator
check, the fog and Jackson's chameleon genetic material, along
crawler may with brain cells from a super mutant. The gatorclaw
suffer 1 Strain is close in name and appearance to the deathclaw.
and upgrade the combat check Identical in posture and general anatomy to a
once), Enduring 2 (increase Soak deathclaw, gatorclaws have minor external traits
Rating by 2), Uncanny Senses 1 that reflect their alligator genetics. They have an
(add b to Perception checks). elongated, sock-like head and no horns.
 ABILITIES: Amphibious (fog Their back and tail are protected by
crawlers can breathe heavy platelike scutes, lined on either
underwater and never side by dull spikes. Their claws are
suffers movement pentalties very short and more robust than their
while moving through water), untampered counterparts. Their skin is a dull
Poison Immunity (fog crawlers forest green, contrasting sharply with their pale
are immune to all types of greyish underbellies. They can sometimes be seen
poisons, toxins and venoms), lying flat in the same manner that alligators do.
Rad Immunity (fog crawlers are immune to Radiation
 EQUIPMENT: Hook (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 4; The most common and weakest variety of the
Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Sunder, Vicious 1). gatorclaw. The gatorclaw shares strong
resemblance to the deathclaw.
A step up from the basic variant, glowing fog
crawlers boast increased resistances and hit harder,
especially since their strikes deal additional
Radiation damage.  SKILLS: Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Survival 1.
 TALENTS: Durable 2 (reduce the result
of all Critical Injuries against
this target by -20, to a
minimum of 1), Enduring 2
(increase Soak Rating by
 SKILLS: Brawl 3, Discipline 2, Perception 1, 2).
Vigilance 2.  ABILITIES: Rad Immunity (gatorclaws
 TALENTS: Adversary 2 (upgrade the difficulty of are immune to Radiation damage).
all combat checks against this target twice),  SILHOUETTE: 1.
Dodge 2 (when targeted by a combat check, the  EQUIPMENT: Bite/Claw (Brawl; Damage
glowing fog crawler may suffer 2 Strain and 7; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Vicious
upgrade the combat check twice), 2).
Enduring 2 (increase Soak Rating
by 2), Uncanny Senses 2 (add
bb to Perception checks).
 ABILITIES: Amphibious (glowing fog crawlers
Geckos can be found living across the
can breathe underwater and never suffers
entire Mojave Wasteland, with many different
movement pentalties while moving through
species calling the local area their breeding


grounds. They are said to have been stemmed from minimum of 1).
Fire Root Cavern.  ABILITIES: Fire Immunity (a fire gecko is immune
Geckos are reptilian in appearance and sport a to the effects of fire and heat), Pounce (if a golden
pair of frills behind their head. Their eyes generally gecko uses a Maneuver for movement and an Action
have an orange tint, and their body colors differ for attacking, it can pounce its opponent. The fire
greatly based on the individual gecko type. All gecko gains an automatic s and a on its bite
geckos have five fingers, five toes and have kept combat check), Fire Immunity (fire geckos are
their pre-War ability to make chirping sounds in immune to fire damage).
social interactions with each other. Gruff breathing,  SILHOUETTE: 1.
squeaking and cooing can be heard from time to  EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 4;
time in gecko-inhabited areas. Like their pre-War Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1), Fire Breath (Ranged
cousins, Geckos lack eyelids and tear-ducts and can [Light], Damage 6; Critical 3; Ranged [Short]; Blast 4,
often be seen using their elongated tongues to lick Burn 1).
at their eyes, clearing away dust and small debris.
Most regular geckos are peaceful, unthreatening
creatures, but if one gecko is attacked, the rest of the
pack in the area will quickly converge on the Geckos appear in small to large packs depending
attacker, charging quickly with their mouths open the location. They will charge at their prey with their
and rapidly attacking with bites and swipes from mouths open, and attack by biting and with swipes
their clawed hands. from their claws.
Geckos seem to have no strictly hierarchical social
structure, with no apparent leader and everyone
seemingly being equal in the pack.
Some seem to serve as
hunters for the pack. Like
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Brawl 1, Stealth 1.
deathclaws, they are
 TALENTS: None.
oviparous, with the eggs
 ABILITIES: Pounce (if a gecko uses a Maneuver
typically covered by the
for movement and an Action for attacking, it can
father or the mother before
pounce its opponent. The gecko gains an
the hatching and not laid
automatic s and a on its bite combat check).
into a place.
Normal geckos and
 EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl;
golden geckos have hides
Damage 4; Critical 3;
that can be turned into all sorts of
Range [Engaged];
useful and attractive clothing
Pierce 1).
items. Dresses, jackets and even
armor can be constructed from
their durable pelts after they've GOLDEN GECKO [RIVAL]
been tanned. A type of gecko with brilliant golden scales.
They can be found around irradiated areas.
FIRE GECKO [RIVAL] Golden geckos have been affected by high
levels of radiation, leading to their larger size
Fire geckos have mottled purple and red hides, and
and unique coloration. In addition, exposure to
prominent spikes on their backs. In addition to their
radiation has caused their attacks to inflict
bite and claw attacks, they have the ability to
significant amounts of radiation damage.
breathe fire. They can mainly be found in and around
mountainous areas and caves.

 SKILLS: Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Cool 3, Coordination 2,

Perception 2, Stealth 2, Vigilance 3.
 SKILLS: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Perception 1, Ranged
 TALENTS: Enduring 1 (increase Soak Rating by 1),
[Light] 1, Stealth 2, Vigilance 1.
Lethal Blows 1 (+10% to any Critical Injury rolls
 TALENTS: Durable 1 (reduce the results of all
made against opponents).
Critical Injuries against this target by -10, to a
 ABILITIES: Pounce (if a golden gecko uses a


Maneuver for movement and an Action for attacking, ghouls are not covered in this section, as they fall
it can pounce its opponent. The golden gecko gains under the character creation rules, as detailed on
an automatic s and a on its bite combat check), page 74.
Rad Immunity (golden geckos are immune to
Radiation damage).
Ghouls are former humans who have become
 EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 3;
horribly irradiated by the radioactive fallout covering
Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1, Rad 1, Vicious 2).
the wasteland from the Great War. Many ghouls are
pre-War humans who survived the initial nuclear
GREEN GECKO [RIVAL] bombardment during the Great War. Becoming
Green geckos are easily recognized for their permanently irradiated, they were horribly disfigured
brightly green scales. When attacking from a and their lifespans were increased virtually
distance, they can spit several far-reaching but indefinitely. In most cases, exposure to radiation in
slow-moving globs of poisonous saliva, somewhat the post-War Commonwealth wastes degenerated
resembling the radioactive spit attack that centaurs their brains, causing them to lose their higher
use. Once in contact with an enemy, they will attack cognitive functions, turning them into mindless,
like other types of gecko, by biting and clawing. radiation-resistant cannibals. Due to exposure to
Green geckos are almost always found in packs high levels of radiation, they have lost the ability to
ranging from two to eight. Green geckos are often reason and will become hostile towards everyone
found near waterways and bridges. but their own kind. This has caused much
discrimination towards sane ghouls.

 SKILLS: Brawl 1, Coordination 2, Perception 2,

Ranged [Light] 2, Stealth 2, Vigilance 3.  SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Brawl 1, Perception 1.
 TALENTS: None.  TALENTS: None.
 ABILITIES: Pounce (if a green gecko uses a  ABILITIES: Rad Immunity (feral ghouls are immune
Maneuver for movement and an Action for attacking, to radiation damage).
it can pounce its opponent. The green gecko gains  SILHOUETTE: 1.
an automatic s and a on its bite combat check).  EQUIPMENT: Claw/Bite (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical
 SILHOUETTE: 1. 4; Range [Engaged]).
 EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 5;
Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1),
Radioactive Spit (Ranged [Light];
A highly irradiated version of a
Damage 5; Range [Short]; Disorient
feral ghoul, they glow with
2, Rad 1).
green light emitting from
within, and just being near
GHOUL them causes radiation
damage. They can perform
Ghouls or necrotic post- an area of effect radiation
humans, are decrepit, rotting, attack indicated by the
zombie-like mutants. They raising of their arms which
are recipients of intense and releases radiation around
prolonged radiation sickness them. This radiation also
which decays their skin, and in heals nearby feral ghouls,
some cases their ligaments. and glowing ones can even
Paradoxically, they also have greatly sometimes revive recently
extended overall lifespans and are, killed allies. They are
allegedly, immune to and even potentially more dangerous
regenerate health from the hazards of than past iterations, especially
background radiation and/or nuclear against unprotected
fallout. wanderers, due in part to
It should be noted that regular


their radiation-fueled healing, although their passive

radiation radius is smaller and thus they are easier
to dispatch without taking any radiation.
People have seen on more than one occasion a
feral glowing one fighting or being chased by
"normal" feral ghouls. Although very rare, it is  SKILLS: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Perception 1, Stealth
possible for a glowing one to retain their intelligence 2, Vigilance 1.
and cognitive functions. Sentient glowing ones  TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all combat checks
(non-feral glowing ghouls) are a rare unique variety against this target once), Defensive 1 (increase
of sentient ghouls. Unlike their feral counterparts, Defense Rating by 1), Enduring 1 (increase Soak
they are able to keep some forms of consciousness. Rating by 1), Swift (the glowing gulper does not
suffer pentalties for moving through difficult terrain
(it moves through difficult terrains at normal speed
without spending additional Maneuvers)).
 ABILITIES: Poison Immunity (the glowing gulper is
fully immune to all manner of poisons, toxins and
 SKILLS: Brawl 2, Coercion 2, Perception 2, venoms), Rad Immunity (glowing gulpers are
Vigilance 1. immune to the damage of Radiation).
 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all combat checks  SILHOUETTE: 1.
against this target once), Enduring 1 (increase Soak  EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 4;
Rating by 1), Lethal Blows 1 (+10% to any Critical Range [Engaged]; Disorient 1, Rad 2, Vicious 1).
Injury rolls made against opponents).
 ABILITIES: Healed By Radiation (heal a number of
Wounds equal to the rating of the Radiation source),
Rad Immunity (glowing ones are immune to the These gulpers have a dark coloration and are much
harmful effects (damage) of Radiation), Radiation faster, healthier, and tougher than younger newts.
Blast (as an Action a glowing one may expose all Gulpers are ferociously territorial and protective of
living creatures within Short distance to radiation their young newts.
equal to Rad 4. This attack has Slow-Firing 3
 EQUIPMENT: Claw/Bite (Brawl; Damage 7; Critical
4; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1, Rad 2, Vicious 1).
 SKILLS: Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Stealth 2.
 TALENTS: Defensive 1 (increase Defense Rating by
GULPER 1), Swift (the gulper does not suffer pentalties for
moving through difficult terrain (it moves through
Gulpers are mutated salamander-like creatures, difficult terrains at normal speed without spending
which roam on the irradiated wetlands throughout additional Maneuvers)).
the Wasteland. They can hang on trees, in order to  ABILITIES: Gulper
take their victims by surprise, they can also slide Camouflage (in muddy
through swamp-like areas, and hide underwater. environments the gulper
Infant gulpers are adds bbb to Stealth
commonly checks), Poison
referred to as Immunity (the gulper
newts. These younger is fully immune to all
gulpers have lighter coloration. manner of poisons,
The lighter coloration makes the newts toxins and venoms), Rad Immunity
much easier to spot while hidden, as the light (gulpers are immune to the
coloration usually clashes with their damage of Radiation).
surroundings.  SILHOUETTE: 1.
 EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl;
GLOWING GULPER [RIVAL] Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Disorient 1,
These gulpers have been severely mutated by Vicious 1).
concentrated fog, making them bioluminescent and
deal radiation damage with every strike.


Equipment section. The GM should make up the

HUMAN, RAIDER individual gear carried to personalize the
Unlike other factions throughout the Wasteland, adversaries.
raiders are not an established organization, but
rather a collective term for the countless groups of RAIDER [MINION]
bandits, thieves, murderers, junkies, sociopaths and A common raider is the weakest of the cannon
psychopaths who dwell in the fodder. Even the greenest of Wasteland wanderers
Commonwealth and its ruins. They should have little trouble in dispatching several of
have no true "society," living simply them. Armed with pipe guns and little health, they
by the philosophy that might makes tend to survive only a few hits, before succumbing.
right and killing anyone who gets in However, they usually travel with stronger variants
their way. Most raider gangs are and on occasion, a boss.
small, consisting of up to a
couple dozen members and
make a living scavenging the
ruins of Boston, as well as
through robbery, extortion and
the manufacture/selling of  SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Brawl 1, Melee 1, Ranged
chems. [Light] 1.
Raiders are notoriously  TALENTS: None.
cruel and merciless,  ABILITIES: None.
shooting any non-raider  SILHOUETTE: 1.
on sight. Although they  EQUIPMENT: By weapon and armor type.
are not nearly as
powerful as other
dangerous groups RAIDER BOSS [RIVAL]
like the super Raider bosses are unique, named raiders who lead
mutants or a particular group of raiders and can be found at
Triggermen, various specific locations. Some of them are also
they make up equipped with better-than-normal equipment, such
for it through as power armor.
scare tactics via
their ruthless reputation and their
intimidating mannerisms. The bases
they build in the ruins are often
decorated with graffiti and the
mutilated bones and bodies of  SKILLS: Brawl 1, Coercion 2, Leadership 2, Melee 2,
previous victims, and their Ranged [Light] 2, Streetwise 1, Vigilance 2.
outfits and weapons are  TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all combat
equally crude and low- checks against this target once), Quick Draw (draw
tech, built from scrap metal or holster weapon or item as an Incidental).
and other junk. Some gangs of raiders  ABILITIES: Honor Among Raiders (may perform a
have a roughly-established hierarchy: lower-ranking Maneuver to cause all ranged attacks targeting the
members wear very basic armor and clothing and raider boss to instead hit one ally or helpless enemy
wield low-tech pipe weapons, while higher-ranking he is Engaged with until the beginning of his next
members wear more impressive armor and wield turn).
more powerful weapons, such as assault rifles and  SILHOUETTE: 1.
various heavy weapons, including the Fat Man.  EQUIPMENT: By weapon and armor type.
Some raider leaders even wear their own power
The equipment of the various raider gangs will vary Psychos feared even amongst the other raiders
depending on location. For example, the raiders at themselves. Raider psychos are melee-dependant
Dunwich Borers will all equip mining helmets, as chem using raiders that ferociously and fearlessly
opposed to raiders in more generic locations. As charge at their enemies and may throw grenades
such, no standard gear has been included in the with little regards to their surroundings.


 SKILLS: Brawl 1, Cool 1, Melee 2, Resilience 1.  SKILLS: Brawl 2, Coercion 1, Cool 1, Melee 2,
 TALENTS: Berserk (once per encounter, the raider Ranged [Heavy] 2, Ranged [Light] 2, Streetwise 1,
psycho adds s and aa to all Melee combat Vigilance 1.
checks. However, opponents add s to all combat  TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all combat checks
checks against the raider psycho. While berserk, against this target once), Conditioned 1 (remove b
cannot make ranged combat checks. At the end of from Athletics and Coordination checks. Reduces
encouter, suffers 6 Strain), Lethal Blows 1 (+10% to the Wounds and Strain suffered from falling by 1),
any Critical Injury rolls made against opponents). Lethal Blows 1 (+10% to any Critical Injury rolls
 ABILITIES: None. made against opponents), Quick Draw (draw or
 SILHOUETTE: 1. holster weapon or item as an Incidental).
 EQUIPMENT: By weapon and armor type.  ABILITIES: None.
 EQUIPMENT: By weapon and armor type.
Raider scum are little more than raiders with
slightly beefed up stats. They usually are armed with
pipe weapons and crudely made welded armor, and
also leather armor. The armor they equip may also Lakelurks are mutated snapping turtles that live
have a few low level upgrades on them. around aquatic areas like Lake Mead. They attack by
using shrieking sonic pulse waves to stun enemies,
then rip them apart using their claws. They are
fiercely territorial and extremely aggressive,
attacking almost anything that comes near them or
their nests. They are usually found in small groups
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Brawl 1, Melee 1, Ranged of two to three, though can occasionally be found in
[Light] 1, Resilience 1. larger groups comprised of around five to
 TALENTS: Quick Strike 1 (add b to any combat eight. They have a high Perception,
check made against any targets that have not yet which makes them very quick to find
taken their turn in the current encounter). potential prey within their immediate
 ABILITIES: None. area.
 SILHOUETTE: 1. Lakelurks have two sets of
 EQUIPMENT: By weapon and armor type. teeth; a set similar to human
teeth and another set of teeth
in front of those, similar to
RAIDER VETERAN [RIVAL] those of a piranha.
Raider veterans are battle-hardened Lakelurk bodies will
warriors. They are among the not float when
toughest raiders. These veterans killed in water,
are raiders who have managed to rather they sink.
survive the perils of the wasteland Lakelurks lay
for the longest amount of time. eggs, which they
Given the dangers associated are highly
with the profession, it should protective off. It
come as no surprise that these is said that these
enemies can pose quite a challenge. Armed with eggs make for great omelets; the
military grade weapons such as combat rifles, trick is to get to them first as one
assault rifles, and on occasion laser weapons. would have to fend off scores of
These enemies are further bolstered by a high lakelurks to get to them.
health pool and segments of combat armor.
The standard lakelurk with all


characteristics stated above. Critical 4; Range [Short]; Disorient 2, Knockdown).

Giant mantises are mutated praying mantises
created by the horticultural experiments that took
 SKILLS: Brawl 2, Perception 2, Ranged [Light] 1, place in Vault 22. They have since escaped from the
Stealth 2, Survival 1, Vigilance 1. vault and have spread into the Wasteland. Compared
 TALENTS: Defensive 1 (increase Defense Rating by to other mutant creatures, they are genetically more
1), Knack For It (remove bb from all Perception and similar to the original specimen, albeit much larger.
Stealth skill checks). Mantises are significantly smaller than humans, but
 ABILITIES: Amphibious (a lakelurk may breathe have an incredibly powerful attack and almost
underwater without penalty, and never suffers always attack in swarms.
movement penalties for moving through water). If a mantis antenna becomes crippled, it will
 SILHOUETTE: 1. become frenzied and the mantis will begin to attack
 EQUIPMENT: Claw (Brawl; Damage 7; Critical 4; anything within reach.
Range [Engaged]; Vicious 2), Sonic Pulse (Ranged
[Light]; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Disorient
The giant mantis female is larger and more
powerful than the normal giant mantis. The females
LAKELURK KING [NEMESIS] produce the mantis eggs.
The lakelurk king is a stronger variation of the
standard lakelurk. While visually similar, the king has
slightly glowing eyes, fins, claws, and other
protrusions. Also of note is the apparent light
coloration resembling "body paint" on its chest and
back.  SKILLS: Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Coordination 2,
Perception 3, Vigilance 2.
 TALENTS: Conditioned 1 (remove b from Athletics
and Coordination checks. Reduce Wounds and
Strain suffered from falling by 1), Enduring 1
(increase Soak Rating by 1), Jump Up (the female
 SKILLS: Brawl 3, Cool 1, Discipline 1, Perception 3, giant mantis may stand up from prone as an
Ranged [Light] 2, Stealth 1, Survival 2, Incidental), Swift (the female giant mantis does not
Vigilance 2. suffer penalties for moving through difficult terrain
 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all (it may move through difficult terrain at normal
combat checks against this target once), speed without spending additional Maneuvers)).
Defensive 1 (increase Defense Rating by  ABILITIES: Agile Jumper (female giant mantis can
1), Enduring 1 (increase Soak jump quite well and can move equivalent of having
Rating by 1), Knack For It (remove used two Maneuvers of movement on a single jump),
bb from all Perception Poison Immunity (the female giant mantis is fully
and Stealth skill checks), immune to all manner of poisons, toxins
Natural (once per and venoms).
session reroll one  SILHOUETTE: 1.
Brawl and one Stealth  EQUIPMENT: Piercing Leg
check). (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical
 ABILITIES: 3; Range [Engaged];
Amphibious (a lakelurk king may Pierce 2, Vicious 1).
breathe underwater without penalty,
and never suffers movement penalties
for moving through water). GIANT MANTIS [MINION]
 EQUIPMENT: Claw (Brawl; Damage 7; Critical 4; This variant is the standard giant
Range [Engaged]; Vicious 2), Savage Bite (Brawl; mantis. They can be found in
Damage 8; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 3, groups or scattered around these
Vicious 3); Sonic Pulse (Ranged [Light]; Damage 8; areas when encountered. This variant also


comprises the majority of mantises encountered in mutated frog or fish.

Vault 22. All mirelurks (excluding mirelurk kings) are
protected by a thick shell which is difficult to
penetrate, even with powerful ballistic weapons. The
face is unarmored but a small target, and when
charging a mirelurk will often lower its head to
protect this area. However, the face will inevitably be
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Athletics 2, Brawl 1, exposed once the creature commences close
Coordination 1, Perception 1, Vigilance 1. combat. Extremities are also more vulnerable than
 TALENTS: Enduring 1 (increase Soak Rating by 1), the rest of the body, though not as much as the face.
Jump Up (the giant mantis may stand up from prone Some specimens in particular resemble mirelurk
as an Incidental), Swift (the giant mantis does not from the Capital Wasteland, but also differ in several
suffer penalties for moving through difficult terrain aspects, such as is seen with their legs. Unique
(it may move through difficult terrain at normal specimens also walks in a mixed crab/spider-like
speed without spending additional Maneuvers)). motion, which is atypical of mirelurk variants
 ABILITIES: Agile Jumper (a giant mantis can jump documented so far; in general they have more
quite well and can move equivalent of having used realistic qualities correlating to appearance.
two Maneuvers of movement on a single jump),
Poison Immunity (the giant mantis is immune to all
manner of poisons, toxins and venoms). MIRELURK [RIVAL]
 SILHOUETTE: 1. The most common type of mirelurk has a whitish-
 EQUIPMENT: Piercing Leg (Brawl; Damage 4; gray shell, are about a head shorter than a normal
Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2). human, and walk slightly slower than a human.
Mirelurks fight with their claws and lack ranged
MIRELURK Additionally, at close range they can charge
forward in a brief burst of speed for a headbutt,
Although the games do not specifically state the
which also makes it impossible to target their face.
origins of mirelurks, it can be discerned from their
However, their face is most vulnerable in the
appearances that they are the descendants of
seconds after a headbutt, when their 'head' is raised.
crustaceans which have been living and breeding in
irradiated waters for over 200 years following the
Great War. Given this level of diversity, it can be
assumed that the term "mirelurk" is more than just
the common name for one species, but rather a
colloquial term for any of several typically-chitinous,  SKILLS: Brawl 1, Perception 1, Stealth 2, Survival
marsh-dwelling creatures living together in 1.
symbiotic relationships. Before the war,  TALENTS: Knack For It (remove bb
the mutation was predicted by from all Perception and Stealth
researchers at Nahant Oceanological checks), Defensive 2 (increase the
Society, who theorized that the Defense Rating by 2), Durable 2
dumping of radioactive waste (reduce the result of all Critical
would lead to greater size and Injuries against this target by
toxicity. -20, to a minimum of 1), Enduring
Most adult mirelurk variants have 4 (increase Soak Rating by 4), Parry
shells and pincers resembling those of 2 (take 3 Strain to reduce Melee
horseshoe crabs, while their offspring damage taken by 5, before applying
resemble mole crabs. The queen, on Soak), Refractor 1 (energy
the other hand, has a shell that attacks made against the
resembles that of a giant
mirelurk suffers a b
isopod or spider crab. The
hunter variant appears to
 ABILITIES: Amphibious (a
be a lobster. Finally, the
mirelurk can breathe underwater,
mirelurk king is unique in that
and is capable of breathing out of
it bears no resemblance to any sort of
water for 1 hour, and never suffers
crustacean, and may instead be a heavily
movement penalties for moving


through water), Rad Immunity (mirelurks are attacks.

immune to Radiation damage), Tough Shell (an
attacker may take the aim at specific part of the
target Maneuver to target the face of the mirelurk;
this will lower the mirelurk’s Soak by 2 for one hit of
that combat check).
 SILHOUETTE: 1.  SKILLS: Brawl 2, Perception 1, Ranged [Light] 2,
 EQUIPMENT: Pincer (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 3; Stealth 2, Survival 1, Vigilance 2.
Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2).  TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all combat checks
against this target once), Ambush (once per turn
while benefiting from the cover, a mirelurk hunter
MIRELURK HATCHLING [MINION] may perform the Ambush Maneuver. Add 2
When nearing a mirelurk nest, typically about half additional damage to one hit of the next successful
of its eggs will shake briefly and then hatch, combat check with a non-vehicle weapon against a
revealing these small, aggressive target within short range before the end of its turn),
crab-like creatures. Their overall Defensive 1 (increase the Defense Rating by 1),
combat strength is practically Durable 2 (reduce the result of all Critical Injuries
identical to radroaches. While against this target by -20, to a minimum of 1),
the mirelurk hatchling offers Enduring 3 (increase Soak Rating by 3), Knack For It
little opposition in combat, (remove bb from all Perception and Stealth
it should be stated that checks), Lethal Blows 1 (+10% to any Critical
they are capable of Injury rolls made against opponents),
fighting straight away Refractor 1 (energy attacks made against the
as they break out of the egg mirelurk hunter suffers a b penalty).
protecting them.  ABILITIES: Amphibious (a mirelurk hunter can
breathe underwater, and is capable of breathing out
of water for 1 hour, and never suffers
movement penalties for moving through
water), Rad Immunity (mirelurk hunters are
immune to Radiation damage), Tough
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Brawl 1, Perception 1.
Shell (an attacker may take the aim at
 TALENTS: Enduring 1 (increase Soak Rating by
specific part of the target
1), Refractor 1 (energy attacks made against the
Maneuver to target the face of
mirelurk hatchling suffers a b penalty)..
the mirelurk hunter; this will
 ABILITIES: Amphibious (a mirelurk
lower the mirelurk hunter’s
hatchling can breathe underwater, and is
Soak by 2 for one hit of that
capable of breathing out of water
combat check).
for 1 hour, and never suffers
movement penalties for
moving through water),
(Brawl; Damage 7;
Durable 1 (reduce the
Critical 3; Range
result of all Critical Injuries
[Engaged]; Pierce 3), Acidic
against this target by -10, to a
Spit (Ranged [Light];
minimum of 1), Rad Immunity
Damage 6; Critical 4; Range
(mirelurk hatchlings are
[Short]; Burn 2).
immune to Radiation damage).
 EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl, Damage 4, Critical MIRELURK KING [NEMESIS]
3, Range [Engaged]). Mirelurk kings do not particularly resemble their
crab-like "subjects," being more humanoid in
MIRELURK HUNTER [RIVAL] appearance, instead appearing to be heavily
mutated frogs based on sounds they make and the
This type of mirelurk has mutated from the local
webbing between their fingers and toes. They are
lobster population. They are significantly more
unable to float in water, and with heads not unlike
resilient than regular mirelurks and gain the ability to
those of snapping turtles; the only commonality
spit acid at its enemies, as well as more powerful
appears to be arms ending in pincers. They may be a


separate species, living in some sort of symbiosis occasionally eject a barrage of eggs that spawn a
with the thick-shelled mirelurks. wave of hatchlings.
Unlike the other mirelurks, they have a ranged
sonic projectile attack that is particularly effective at
rendering the opponent disoriented.

 SKILLS: Brawl 2, Discipline 1, Perception 1,

Ranged [Light] 3, Stealth 1, Vigilance 3.
 TALENTS: Adversary 2 (upgrade all
 SKILLS: Brawl 2, Perception 1, Ranged [Light] 3, combat checks against this target twice),
Stealth 2, Vigilance 1. Defensive 2 (increase the Defense Rating
 TALENTS: Adversary 2 (upgrade all combat by 2), Durable 2 (reduce the result of
checks against this target twice), Defensive 1 all Critical Injuries against this
(increase the Defense Rating by 1), target by -20, to a minimum of 1),
Durable 1 (reduce the Enduring 2 (increase Soak Rating by
result of all Critical 2), Refractor 2 (energy attacks made
Injuries against this against the mirelurk queen suffers a bb
target by -10, to a penalty),
minimum of 1),  ABILITIES: Amphibious (a mirelurk queen
Enduring 1 (increase Soak can breathe underwater, and is capable of
Rating by 1), Knack For It breathing out of water for 1 hour, and never
(remove bb from suffers movement penalties for moving
Perception and Stealth through water), Rad Immunity
checks), Refractor 2 (mirelurk queens are immune
(energy attacks made against the to Radiation damage), Spawn
mirelurk king suffers a bb penalty). Hatchlings (a mirelurk queen can
 ABILITIES: Amphibious (a mirelurk king can lay an egg with a single Maneuver, the egg will hatch
breathe underwater, and is capable of breathing out in the following turn and produce a mirelurk
of water for 1 hour, and never suffers movement hatchling), Tough Shell (an attacker may take the
penalties for moving through water), Rad Immunity aim at specific part of the target Maneuver to target
(mirelurk kings are immune to Radiation damage). the face of the mirelurk queen; this will lower the
 SILHOUETTE: 2. mirelurk queen’s Soak by 2 for one hit of that
 EQUIPMENT: Claw/Bite (Brawl; combat check).
Damage 6; Critical 3; Range  SILHOUETTE: 2.
[Engaged]; Vicious 2), Sonic  EQUIPMENT: Pincer (Brawl; Damage 8;
Projectile (Ranged [Light]; Damage Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 3,
8; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Vicious 2), Acidic Spit (Ranged [Light];
Disorient 3, Concussive 2). Damage 8; Critical 4; Range [Medium];
Blast 4, Burn 2).
A mirelurk variation indigenous to the
The mirelurk queen is a Nuka-Cola plant. They are oddly colored,
rarely seen mirelurk variant. having a dark blue exoskeleton stippled with
The queen is considerably glowing blue features along certain regions
larger and more dangerous of their bodies. This coloration is
than her offspring and probably due to prolonged exposure
inflicts significantly more and/or consumption of the radioactive
physical and radiation strontium isotope that was used to color
damage on the player Nuka-Cola Quantum before the Great War.
character. Her acidic Nukalurks are otherwise similar to the
spittle rapidly damages anyone caught in it, but ordinary variation of the mirelurk. Except that
crippling her spouts will prevent her from using its attacks deal radiation damage in addition
it. Once combat is initiated, the queen will to any ordinary damage dealt by the pincer.


them as pets.
According to some report, naked mole rats most
closely resemble a Heterocephalus glaber, also
known as the sand puppy or desert mole rats. Their
enlargement is due to heavy radiation exposure.
 SKILLS: Brawl 2, Perception 1, Stealth 1, While larger than their ancestors, the naked mole
Survival 1, Vigilance 1. rats have similarly low brain function,
 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all possibly due to an exceedingly tiny brain
combat checks against this target organ. Their incisors show increased
once), Defensive 2 (increase the enamel and dentin growth, making
Defense Rating by 2), Durable 2 them razor sharp. In addition, the
(reduce the result of all Critical naked mole rats have extremely
Injuries against this target by low levels of Substance P which
-20, to a minimum of 1), results in an incredible pain
Enduring 4 (increase Soak Rating tolerance.
by 4), Frenzied Attack 1 (suffer 1 Strain
and upgrade Melee or Brawl attack
once), Knack For It (remove bb MOLE RAT [MINION]
from Perception and Stealth Mole rats have sharp claws
checks), Parry 2 (take 3 and even sharper tusks that
Strain to reduce Melee they use to tear great chunks
damage taken by 5, of flesh from their prey. Mole rats are
before applying Soak), either huge rats or the result of gene-
Refractor 2 (energy splicing Kodiak bears with maladjusted
attacks made against the lab rats. Fortunately, they seldom run in
nukalurk suffers a bb penalty). packs larger than a half dozen or so.
 ABILITIES: Amphibious (a nukalurk can breathe Mole rats range in size depending on the type
underwater, and is capable of breathing out of water being fought. They range in size from a house cat up
for 1 hour, and never suffers movement penalties for to a large dog and possibly bigger. They have a bald,
moving through water), Rad Immunity (nukalurks are pink appearance, with large front teeth and small
immune to Radiation damage), Tough Shell (an eyes. They are highly territorial and will attack
attacker may take the aim at specific part of the anything entering their territory. They are
target Maneuver to target the face of the nukalurk; surprisingly fast and will attack with a jumping
this will lower the nukalurk’s Soak by 2 for one hit of lunge.
that combat check).
 EQUIPMENT: Pincer (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 3;
Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Rad 1).
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Brawl 1, Perception 1,
MOLE RAT Survival 1.
 TALENTS: None.
Mole rats are mutated rodents that are much larger  ABILITIES: Burrow (may take a Maneuver to
than their pre-War cousins. They have burrow underground, gaining total cover and
survived as a species by burrowing concealment from all attackers. While
underground where the soil protected burrowed, the mole rat may spend
them from direct nuclear additional Maneuvers to move
explosions. However, they still while underground. Burrow
were greatly mutated by the can be performed on
subsequent fallout, any natural surface
increasing their size as except solid rock,
well as their and on concrete),
viciousness. A few Groundburst (may
people in the wastes burst out from being
have even been known burrowed underground
to train them and keep as an Incidental, gaining b


to combat checks against one opponent until the  EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 4;
end of the current turn), Rad Immunity (mole rats are Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1, Poison).
immune to Radiation damage).
 EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 4;
Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Sunder). In some night stalker nests, such as Morning Star
Cavern, the pack will be led by a den mother, a
slightly larger female night stalker who looks after
NIGHTSTALKER the young, and has a much stronger attack than
standard night stalkers. If her young are harmed, she
Night stalkers are the creations of Dr. Borous in the may go into a frenzy similar to that of the deathclaw
Z-9 Crotalus DNA preservation lab of the Big MT, and mother.
are genetic hybrids of rattlesnake and coyote DNA.
They growl, howl, and whimper like regular coyotes,
but hiss, rattle, and inject venom into their prey like
snakes. Their bodies are mostly dog-like, covered in
a combination of fur and scales. Their heads and
tails, however, are more like that of a rattlesnake,  SKILLS: Brawl 1, Cool 1, Perception 1, Resilience 2,
including fangs and a forked tongue. Night stalkers' Stealth 2, Vigilance 2.
right eyes are blue with a round pupil, while their left  TALENTS: Lethal Blows 1 (+10% to any Critical
eyes are yellow with an elliptical pupil, like a Injury rolls made against opponents), Stalker 1 (the
rattlesnake's. They lay eggs, like a snake, which can night stalker adds b to all Coordination
be used to prepare Mushroom and Stealth checks).
Cloud. Their blood is also used ABILITIES: Night Stalker Poison
as an ingredient in antivenom (on a successful bite attack
and hydra. with aa, a nightstalker
Night stalkers nest in caves injects poison
across the Wasteland and with its bite.
can be found Anyone bitten by a night stalker must make
both inside the an Hard (ddd) Resilience check or suffer 4
cave or in the points of unsoakable Strain damage, and an
nearby area. automatic f to all Brawn and Agility
based checks until the end of the
NIGHT STALKER [RIVAL] encounter. The effects of the poison stack
Night stalkers are the size of coyotes with a canine cumulative), Night Vision (a night stalker suffers no
body and the head and tail of a rattlesnake. Night Perception penalties in darkness), Protective of the
stalkers nest and hunt in packs and are found in or Young (once an offspring is injured, the night stalker
near their cave nests. den mother adds an automatic s and aa to all
her Brawl checks, but opponents add s to any
combat check made against the den mother. This
effect lasts until the end of the encounter, or until the
night stalker den mother is incapacitated).
 SKILLS: Brawl 1, Perception 1, Resilience 2, Stealth  EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 3;
3, Vigilance 2. Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1, Poison).
 TALENTS: Stalker 2 (the night stalker adds bb to
all Coordination and Stealth checks).
 ABILITIES: Night Stalker Poison (on a successful RAD-RAT
bite attack with aa, a nightstalker injects poison Once regular pesty rats before the war, the North
with its bite. Anyone bitten by a night stalker must American rat population was tainted by the
make an Average (dd) Resilience check or suffer radioactive fallout from the onslaught of atomic
an automatic f to all Brawn and Agility based warfare. Rad-rats are much bigger than their pre-
checks until the end of the encounter. The effects of War cousins. They have large teeth and pearl-like
the poison stack cumulative), Night Vision (a night eyes. Their bite and their scratch inflict Radiation
stalker suffers no Perception penalties in darkness). damage.
 SILHOUETTE: 0. Rad-rats, much like their pre-War counterparts, are


small rodents, although slightly larger than their cause them to be a pest in certain Vaults, where they
counterpart due to their extended contact with can often be found in fairly large groups.
radiation. Their fur, like mongrels', has fallen off due Radroaches feed on dead organisms, but they will
to radiation and has left them with wrinkled, tight attack living creatures if isolated. Their numbers are
skin. their greatest advantage.


The average rad-rat with stats as listed above. The irradiated radroach appears the same as a
"normal" radroach but with the radioactive aura of a
feral ghoul reaver and the ability to heal itself from a
radioactive source, similar to a glowing one.

 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Brawl 1, Resilience 1,

Survival 1.
 TALENTS: None.
 ABILITIES: Disease (if the giant rat spends aa or  SKILLS: Brawl 1, Perception 1, Survival 4.
x on its bite combat check, it can transmit a  TALENTS: Enduring 1 (increase Soak Rating by 1).
disease to the prey. Anyone thus bitten must make  ABILITIES: Healed By Radiation (heal a number of
an Average (dd) Resilience check. If this check wounds equal to the rating of the Radiation source),
fails, the creature is afflicted with a disease that Rad Immunity (irradiated radroaches are immune to
reduces the creature's maximum Strain threshold by the damage of Radiation).
2 until the disease is cured. Effects of this disease  SILHOUETTE: 0.
does not stack with multiple bites. Curing the  EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 3;
disease is possible with an Easy (d) Medicine Range [Engaged]; Rad 1).
check), Night Vision (a rad-rat
suffers no Perception penalties in RADROACH [MINION]
A normal radroach, with all the qualities
mentioned above. Great American
cockroaches, colloquially called radroaches, or
(Brawl; Damage 4; Critical
giant cockroaches, are giant versions of the pre-
4; Range [Engaged]; Disease,
War species that have been mutated by radiation.
Rad 1).
They are generally little more than a nuisance to
Wasteland survivors and are less than likely to pose
RADROACH a challenge. Radroaches are territorial and rather
aggressive, but not very harmful. Anyone can kill
These mutated Great American cockroaches, them with their bare hands, and will only attack if
colloquially called "radroaches" or simply "giant you are very close.
cockroaches," are enlarged versions of the pre-War
species that have increased in size, presumably due
to atomic fallout caused by the Great War.
The radroach has evolved, for now it
can use wings to leap off and attack its
enemies. The radroach  SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Brawl 1, Perception 1,
has also become Survival 4.
much bigger than  TALENTS: None.
its traditional  ABILITIES: Rad Immunity
decendants. (radroaches are immune to Radiation
However, it is damage).
still weak to  SILHOUETTE: 0.
most physical attacks. They  EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl,
also have a limited ability to Damage 4, Critical 3, Range
climb walls. [Engaged]).
Radroaches are usually found in underground
areas and sewers across North America, which can


immune to all poisons, toxins and venoms), Rad

RADSCORPION Immunity (albino radscorpions are immune to
Radscorpions are large, mutated scorpions Radiation damage), Venom (if the albino
commonly found in and around abandoned radscorpion spends aa or x on its
structures. They originated from the North stinger attack it injects venom into the
American Emperor scorpion, which were prolific prey. A creature struck my make a
in many pet stores at the time of the Great War. Hard (ddd) Resilience check,
They have since mutated to become much larger, failure means they suffer 8 points
faster and more venomous than ever before. of unsoakable Strain. ttt or
Radscorpions sport highly venomous y on the check may be
stingers, the ability to burrow spent to also suffer a
underground in seconds, Critical Injury).
powerful claws, and  SILHOUETTE: 2.
durable exoskeletons.  EQUIPMENT: Pincer
Radscorpions have (Brawl, Damage 8;
either migrated to the Critical 4; Range [Engaged];
Commonwealth from Knockdown, Pierce 1), Stinger
the southwestern United (Brawl; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range
States, or mutated [Engaged]; Pierce 3, Prepare 1,
independently from emperor scorpions kept Venom).
as pets before the war in a similar
manner to ones located in different
areas of the continent.
Bark scorpions are a genus of radscorpion native
to the Mojave Wasteland, which, as their name
ALBINO RADSCORPION [NEMESIS] implies, are mutated from North American Arizona
Albino radscorpions have a noticeable white color, bark scorpions. They are easily distinguishable from
which makes them easier to see due to their other species of radscorpion by their light, yellow-
distinctive body color. These enemies may prove to brown carapace and by their much smaller size
be quite dangerous as they are tough to bring down compared to the common radscorpion.
and have powerful melee attacks. Despite being a type of radscorpion, they are not
allied with their larger cousins and are frequently
preyed upon by them.
Bark scorpions differ from radscorpions not only in
size and coloration, but in attack methodology.
Where radscorpions typically engage a target the
 SKILLS: Brawl 3, Perception 2, Resilience 1, Stealth second they see it, bark scorpions tend to hang back
2, Vigilance 1. and try to flank their prey if at all possible. In
 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of all addition to this, is their tendency to jump short
combat checks against this target once), Defensive distances if they detect prey that has gotten too
1 (increase the Defense Rating by 1), Durable 2 close in a hurry.
(reduce the result of all Critical Injuries against this They generally appear in groups of three or four,
target by -20, to a minimum of 1), Enduring 3 but can occasionally be found wandering alone. If
(increase Soak Rating by 3), Pin (may take Pin encountered in numbers, they frequently try to
Maneuver, make opposed Athletics check to surround their intended target. Bark scorpions are
Immobilize target until the end of the target's next well camouflaged against much of the Mojave,
turn. x on this check increase the duration by an making pinpointing their whereabouts quite difficult
additional turn), Knack For It (remove bb from when at distance.
Resilience and Stealth checks).
 ABILITIES: Burrow (may take a Maneuver to burrow
underground, gaining total cover and concealment
from all attackers. While burrowed, the albino
radscorpion may spend additional Maneuvers to
move while underground. Burrow can be performed  SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Brawl 1, Perception 1,
on any natural surface (except solid rock) and on Resilience 1, Stealth 2.
concrete), Poison Immunity (albino radscorpions are  TALENTS: Durable 1 (reduce the result of all Critical


Injuries against this target by -10, to a minimum of additional turn).

1), Enduring 1 (increase Soak Rating by 1), Stalker 1  ABILITIES: Burrow (may take a Maneuver to burrow
(add b to Coordination and Stealth checks). underground, gaining total cover and concealment
 ABILITIES: Burrow (may take a Maneuver to burrow from all attackers. While burrowed, the deathskull
underground, gaining total cover and concealment scorpion may spend additional Maneuvers to move
from all attackers. While burrowed, the bark while underground. Burrow can be performed on any
radscorpion may spend additional Maneuvers to natural surface (except solid rock) and on concrete),
move while underground. Burrow can be performed Poison Immnity (deathskull radscorpions are
on any natural surface (except solid immune to all poisons and toxics), Rad Immunity
rock) and on concrete), Poison (deathskull radscorpions are immune to Radiation
Immunity (bark radscorpions are damage), Venom (if the deathskull radscorpion
immune to all poisons, toxins and spends aa or x on its stinger combat check it
venoms), Rad Immunity (bark injects its venom into the prey. Creatures struck by
radscorpions are immune to the deathskull radscorpion’s poison stinger must
Radiation damage), Venom (if the make an Daunting (dddd) Resilience check,
bark scorpion spends aa or failure means they suffer 5 points of
x on its stinger attack, it unsoakable Strain and
injects venom into the prey. Wounds. Further, anyone
Creatures struck by a bark failing on their
radscorpion's venomous Resilience check
stinger must make an Average also adds an
(dd) Resilience check, failure automatic f on
means they suffer 3 points of all skill checks for the remainder of the
unsoakable Strain and Wounds). encounter. ttt or y on the check
 SILHOUETTE: 0. may be spent to also suffer a Critical Injury).
 EQUIPMENT: Pincer (Brawl, Damage  SILHOUETTE: 2.
4; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]), Stinger (Brawl;  EQUIPMENT: Pincer (Brawl, Damage 8;
Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Knockdown, Pierce 3),
Prepare 1, Venom). Stinger (Brawl; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range
[Engaged]; Pierce 3, Prepare 1, Venom).
A rare but dangerous radscorpion, deathskull GIANT RADSCORPION [RIVAL]
radscorpions have a noticeable reddish color. These A larger and much more dangerous variant of
enemies are extremely powerful as they are more radscorpion that is faster, as well as rarer than the
resistant than a standard behemoth, and their usual radscorpion. It does a lot more damage and
attacks combined with the additional poison has a higher damage threshold, making them
damage may result in them easily wounding or particularly difficult to kill for ill-prepared or
killing the unwary Wasteland wanderer. otherwise poorly equipped wanderers.

 SKILLS: Brawl 3, Perception 2, Resilience 2, Stealth  SKILLS: Brawl 3, Perception 2, Resilience 1, Stealth
3, Vigilance 1. 2, Vigilance 1.
 TALENTS: Adversary 2 (upgrade all combat checks  TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of all
against this target twice), Defensive 1 (increase the combat checks against this target once), Durable 3
Defense Rating by 1), Durable 2 (reduce the result of (reduce the result of all Critical Injuries against this
all Critical Injuries against this target by -20, to a target by -30, to a minimum of 1), Enduring 2
minimum of 1), Enduring 4 (increase Soak Rating by (increase Soak Rating by 2), Pin (may take Pin
4), Lethal Blows 1 (+10% to any Critical Injury rolls Maneuver, make opposed Athletics check to
made against opponents), Pin (may take Pin Immobilize target until the end of the target's next
Maneuver, make opposed Athletics check to turn. x on this check increase the duration by an
Immobilize target until the end of the target's next additional turn).
turn. x on this check increase the duration by an  ABILITIES: Burrow (may take a Maneuver to burrow


underground, gaining total cover and (radscorpions are immune to radiation damage),
concealment from all attackers. While Venom (by spending aa on its stinger combat
burrowed, the giant radscorpion may check, the radscorpion injects its venom into its
spend additional Maneuvers to prey. Anyone stung must make an Average (dd)
move while underground. Burrow Resilience check. A failed check results in 3 points
can be performed on any natural of unsoakable Strain damage).
surface (except solid rock) and  SILHOUETTE: 1.
on concrete), Poison  EQUIPMENT: Pincer (Brawl, Damage 6; Critical
Immunity (giant 4; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1), Stonger
radscorpions are (Brawl; Damage 7; Critical 3; Range
immune to all poisons, [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Prepare 1,
toxins and venoms), Venom).
Rad Immunity (giant
radscorpions are
immune to Radiation
damage), Venom (by [NEMESIS]
spending aa or x on its An exceedingly rare and
stinger combat check, special kind of radscorpion,
the giant radscorpion the queen is the strongest and
injects venom into its prey. largest variant of radscorpion, not taking into
Creatures struck by the giant consideration the albino and deathskull variants..
radscorpion’s poison stinger must
make an Hard (ddd) Resilience check, failure
means they suffer 4 points of unsoakable Strain and
 EQUIPMENT: Pincer (Brawl, Damage 7; Critical 4;  SKILLS: Brawl 3, Perception 2, Resilience 2, Stealth
Range [Engaged]; Knockdown, Pierce 1), Stinger 2, Vigilance 3.
(Brawl; Damage 7; Critical 2; Range [Engaged];  TALENTS: Adversary 2 (upgrade all combat checks
Pierce 2, Prepare 1, Venom). against this target twice), Defensive 1 (increase the
Defense Rating by 1), Durable 3 (reduce the result of
RADSCORPION [RIVAL] all Critical Injuries against this target by -30, to a
minimum of 1), Enduring 3 (increase Soak Rating by
These are the most common variety of
3), Pin (may take Pin Maneuver, make opposed
radscorpion. These poisonous predators seem to
Athletics check to Immobilize target until the end of
possess different speeds, some taking their time and
the target's next turn. x on this check increase the
others bolting at top speed. Their size ranges from
duration by an additional turn).
that of a large dog to that of small livestock.
 ABILITIES: Burrow (may take a Maneuver to burrow
underground, gaining total cover and concealment
from all attackers. While burrowed, the radscorpion
queen may spend additional Maneuvers to move
while underground. Burrow can be performed on any
 SKILLS: Brawl 2, Perception 1, Resilience 1, Stealth natural surface (except solid rock) and on concrete),
2, Vigilance 1. Poison Immunity (radscorpion queens are immune
 TALENTS: Durable 1 (reduce the effect of all Critical to all poisons, toxins and venoms), Rad Immunity
Injuries against this target by -10, to a minimum of (radscorpion queens are immune to Radiation
1), Enduring 1 (increase Soak Rating by 1). damage), Venom (if the radscorpion queen spends
 ABILITIES: Burrow (may take a Maneuver to burrow aa or x on its stinger combat check, it injects
underground, gaining total cover and concealment venom into the prey. Anyone stung must make a
from all attackers. While burrowed, the radscorpion Hard (ddd) Resilience check. On a failed check,
may spend additional Maneuvers to move while the creature suffers 5 points of unsoakable Strain
underground. Burrow can be performed on any damage).
natural surface (except solid rock) and on concrete),  SILHOUETTE: 2.
Poison Immunity (radscorpions are immune to all  EQUIPMENT: Pincer (Brawl, Damage 8; Critical 4;
poisons, toxins and venoms), Rad Immunity Range [Engaged]; Knockdown, Pierce 2), Stinger


(Brawl; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [Engaged]; Robots had been constructed by pre-War society
Pierce 3, Prepare 1, Venom). to fill all niches and occupations. From general-
purpose utility droids to full-fledged military battle
SMALL RADSCORPION [MINION] machines, robots could be found in almost any
environment and function.
The smaller and less common variant of At the time of the Great War, robots were just
radscorpion, these creatures are likely juveniles or a making their appearance in the average suburban
smaller strain of radscorpion, as they are household, but the military still had the largest
encountered both in the company of larger varieties number of active robots. The robots that are still
as well as by themselves. running are found in isolated former
military bases or ones that have been
restored by settlements with the
sophisticated technology needed to keep
them running.
Robots were a common sight in the
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Brawl 1, Perception 1,
pre-War America. They served as security,
Stealth 1, Resilience 1.
tour guides, in the military, and even in
 TALENTS: Durable 1
residential homes. Robots were
(reduce the result of all
created in a variety of styles and
Critical Injuries against
abilities; some walked, others flew
this target by -10, to a
around on hover jets powered by micro
minimum of 1), Enduring 1 (increase
fusion fuel. Larger robots used multiple fusion
Soak Rating by 2).
cores as power; fusion batteries usually reserved
 ABILITIES: Burrow (may take a
for Power Armor operations. Whether they helped in
Maneuver to burrow underground,
hospitals, warfare, construction, or doing yardwork,
gaining total cover and concealment from all
these mechanical marvels where everywhere.
attackers. While burrowed, the small radscorpion
After the War, some robots survived the
may spend additional Maneuvers to move while
devastation and still function. Others have been
underground. Burrow can be performed on any
repaired by skilled salvagers and restored to
natural surface (except solid rock) and on
their original purpose, or pressed into service
concrete), Poison Immunity (small radscorpions
in other areas. Most robots found wandering
are immune to all poisons, toxins and venoms),
the Wastelands do so because of a
Rad Immunity (small radscorpions are immune to
programming error. Some are harmless, while
Radiation damage), Venom (if the small
others will attack anything they come
radscorpion spends aa or x on a
stinger combat check, it injects venom into
the prey. Anyone thus stung must make an
Average (dd) Resilience check. On a ASSAULTRON [NEMESIS]
failure, the creature suffers 2 points of The assaultron robot was
unsoakable Strain damage). constructed by RobCo and sold to
 SILHOUETTE: 0. the US Military as a front-line
 EQUIPMENT: Pincer (Brawl, wartime combatant. It is
Damage 4; Critical 4; Range fast and deadly at close
[Engaged]), Stinger (Brawl; range, and employs a
Damage 5; Critical 3; Range devastating laser at a distance.
[Engaged]; Pierce 1, Prepare 1, Venom). The dominator variant can enable stealth
The assaultron's body seems to be
ROBOT modeled after that of a female figure. They
Robots and computers are artificial entities are highly aggressive, fast, and some will
encountered in the Wasteland. attack unrecognized personnel on sight.
A robot is a machine that is capable of The assaultron's face will become
autonomously completing tasks. Depending surrounded with red electric energy when it
upon the robot, these tasks may be simple or is preparing its laser beam attack.
complex, and may require little human Deadly especially for the unprepared, the
intervention or complete oversight. assaultron is among the most fearsome


robotic enemies in the game. While their usual different robot models. Tankbots usually consist of a
unarmed attacks are already a challenge for some, robobrain torso mounted on a sentry bot's three-
the real danger from these enemies comes from legged chassis and come armed with various heavy
their charged laser weapons. The laser cannon that weapons. Tankbots are based on the sentry bot
doubles as its head can usually disintegrate victims frame and serve as the Mechanist's heaviest
on contact. Making matters worse, dodging the minions. True to their origins, they are among the
weapon can prove difficult, since the size of the laser most resilient automatrons, usually rely on
engulfs anything in front of it. Luckily the charge up devastating long-range firepower to destroy their
for this weapon is long and given away by an targets from afar and erupt in a powerful nuclear
impressive light show coming off the assaultron's detonation when destroyed

 SKILLS: Gunnery 3, Perception 2, Vigilance 2.

 SKILLS: Brawl 2, Computers 1, Perception 1,  TALENTS: Adversary 2 (upgrade combat checks
Ranged [Heavy] 3, Ranged [Light] 3, Vigilance 2. against this target twice), Durable 2 (reduce
 TALENTS: Adversary 2 (upgrade the the results of all Critical Injuries against
difficulty of all combat checks against this this target by -20, to a minimum of 1),
target twice), Call 'Em (do not add Enduring 4 (increase the
bb to combat check when aiming Soak Rating by 4), Knack For it
for an item or specific part of an (remove bb from Perception
opponent), Enduring 2 (increase and Vigilance), Rain of Death (do
Soak Rating by 2), Heavy Hitter (once not increase the difficulty for using
per session may spend x on Auto-Fire), Suppressing Fire 3 (may
Gunnery or Ranged [Heavy] check spend one a on failed combat
to add Breach 1 quality to its check to inflict 1 Strain to the
laser attack), Lethal Blows 1 target, to a maximum of 3
(+10% to any Critical Injury Strain at the cost of aaa).
rolls made against  ABILITIES: Explosive Death
opponents), Moving Target 2 (when the cybermech
(if the assaultron already tankbot’s Wound
has acted this turn, threshold is exceeded,
increase its Ranged it’s fusion cores
Defense by 2), True Aim 1 destabilize and explodes at
(may perform True Aim the end of the current turn.
Maneuver, upgrade combat check Anyone within Short range of the
once and adds b). sentry bot at that time must make an Hard (ddd)
 ABILITIES: Rad Immunity (assaultrons do not take Athletics check to dive for cover or escape the blast
damage from Radiation), Robot (does not eat, sleep radius. Failure means they take 25 Wounds damage
or breathe; immune to toxins and poison). and 6 Radiation. This explosion has Breach 2), Rad
 SILHOUETTE: 1. Immunity (cybermech tankbots do not take damage
 EQUIPMENT: Pincer Claw (Brawl; Damage 5; from Radiation), Robot (does not eat, sleep or
Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1); Laser breathe; immune to toxins and poison).
(Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range  SILHOUETTE: 2.
[Long]; Accurate 1, Prepare 2, Vicious 2).  EQUIPMENT: Gatling Laser (Gunnery; Damage
12; Critical 3; Range [Extreme]; Auto-Fire only, Pierce
CYBERMECH TANKBOT [NEMESIS] 2, Prepare 1), Gatling Laser (Gunnery; Damage 12;
Critical 3; Range [Extreme]; Auto-Fire only, Pierce 2,
The cybermech tankbot have two arm-
Prepare 1).
mounted gatling lasers and has rusty
yellow parts fitted on the outside,
funtioning as further protection. A EYEBOT [MINION]
cybermech tankbot is cobbled together from Eyebots were originally designed by
a wide variety of components taken from five RobCo before the Great War to act as media


transmitters. Several models exist, but generally,

they consist of a spherical body roughly half a meter
in diameter, capable of hovering a few feet above the
ground through an unseen method of propulsion.
Though not as sturdy as other robots, Eyebots are
quite modular and can be outfitted with tools, small  SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Vigilance 1.
armaments, radio transmitters and other devices.  TALENTS: Enduring 1 (increase the Soak Rating by
Eyebots are aerial spherical robots, slightly larger 1).
than the human head, with a loudspeaker and  ABILITIES: Rad Immunity (junkbots do not take
electrical zapper on the front and several long damage from Radiation), Robot (does not eat, sleep
antennas protruding from its top and back. or breathe; immune to toxins and poison).
 EQUIPMENT: Slam (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 4;
Range [Engaged]).

 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Perception 2, Ranged

[Light] 1, Vigilance 2. Mister Gutsy is a line of military robot models
 TALENTS: Enduring 1 (increase the Soak Rating by created by General Atomics International. It is a
militarized version of the Type-I Mister Handy, an
1), Knack For It (remove bb from Perception
earlier civilian model robot created by the
and Vigilance).
same company for use in household duties.
 ABILITIES: Hover Jet (ignores difficult
The Mister Gutsy, unlike the Mister Handy, is
terrain), Rad Immunity (eyebots do not take
a dedicated combat robot and is easily
damage from Radiation), Robot (does not eat,
distinguished from the Handy model by its
sleep or breathe; immune to toxins and
military olive-drab paint job, WWII-era U.S.
Army roundel insignia, improved weapons
and the replacement of its British butler
 EQUIPMENT: Laser (Ranged [Light];
voice with that of an American drill
Damage 6; Critical 3; Range
sergeant. This model was
[Medium]; Accurate 1).
commissioned by the U.S. Army just
before the Great War in 2077. They have
JUNKBOT [MINION] distinctive "soldierly" personalities, with an
These automatrons are cobbled advanced AI somewhat similar to that of
together from a wide variety of the Mister Handy model. More likely than
components and junk taken from multiple not, due to the conflict with China that
different robot models. Junkbots are caused the Great War, Mister Gutsies often
perhaps the most consistent type in scream anti-communist phrases, similar to
terms of component makeup - usually Liberty Prime. Mister Gutsies also have a
they are little more than a basic protectron more "gung-ho" patriotic personality
without any exterior armor and therefore compared to the other combat robots in the
easy to destroy. Wasteland.
Although these stripped down robots Mister Gutsies use pre-War era plasma
are relatively weak and simple, they are projectors for long range combat and flame
not as commonly seen as the protectron throwers for close range fighting.
models. And that is even with taking into Furthermore, what appear to be hardened
consideration that the junkbot requires steel plates used in their construction make
much less maintenance and is much easier to Mister Gutsy models tough to beat.
construct. The junkbots are, oddly enough, quite
useful for repairing other robots as the junkbots
have parts from many different models of robots.
The basic variant of the junkbot is the weakest of
the junkbots and never have any melee or ballistic
assorted weapons, but only uses its robot hands.  SKILLS: Perception 1, Ranged [Heavy] 2, Ranged
[Light] 2, Vigilance 1.
 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all combat checks


against this target once), Enduring 1 (increase the  SKILLS: Charm 1,

Soak Rating by 1), Uncanny Senses 1 (add b to Knowledge 2,
Perception and Vigilance checks). Negotiation 1,
 ABILITIES: Hover Jet (ignores difficult terrain), Rad Melee 1.
Immunity (Mister Gutsy do not take  TALENTS: Enduring
damage from Radiation), Robot 1 (increase the Soak
(does not eat, sleep or breathe; Rating by 1), Uncanny
immune to toxins and poison). Senses 1 (add b to
 SILHOUETTE: 1. Perception and Vigilance
 EQUIPMENT: Pincer Claw (Brawl; checks).
Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Engaged];  ABILITIES:
Pierce 1), Integral Flame Hover Jet (ignores
Thrower (Ranged [Heavy]; difficult terrain), Rad
Damage 6; Crit 2; Range [Short]; Immunity (Mister Handy
Burn 3, Blast 6), Plasma Projector do not take damage from
(Ranged [Light]; Damage 8; Critical Radiation), Robot (does not eat,
2; Range [Medium]; Inaccurate 1, sleep or breathe; immune to
Vicious 2). toxins and poison).
 EQUIPMENT: Pincer Claw (Brawl; Damage 5;
MISTER HANDY [RIVAL] Critical 4; Range [Engaged]), Buzz-Saw (Melee;
The Mister Handy series of robots, named so Damage 4; Critical 2; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1,
because of the robot's large number of hands, Vicious 1), Integral Flame Thrower (Ranged
was first brought to market in 2037 as a [Heavy]; Damage 6; Crit 2; Range [Short]; Burn
general construction and maintenance 3, Blast 6).
unit by General Atomics International.
Primarily used in the United States and
Mexico (where it was the leader in sales NUKATRON [RIVAL]
after the Mexico City earthquake of A unique type of protectron. This protectron
2042), the Mister Handy was a reliable type shoots weaponized Nuka Cherry/Cola
robot. An early bug that caused Quantum blasts instead of lasers. Its head
interference in the operation of the and torso are combined into one, with a
multiple arms was fixed with a small screen on the upper torso
hardware update in 2039, with no presumably serving as its primary
major problems since then. A key interface. The screen will sometimes
selling feature is the nuclear power play the "Park Safety Rules" promotional
unit (a model 238B, licensed from Nuka-World trailer, complete with audio.
Calpower) and self-maintenance Their voices are different than that of a
modes. Multiple Mister Handies are regular protectron, and are much softer and
capable of keeping themselves in slower.
working condition (Self Diagnostics) and There are several different variants of the
are also fully programmed to perform “common” Nukatron to be found in the Nuka
nuclear fuel replacements. World amusement park confines. These
Mister Handy robots are service and include Nukatron watchers, Nukatron
maintenance robots, with a powerful guardians, Nukatron defenders and Nukatron
propulsion system enabling them to hover sentinels.
a few feet above ground. They have three primary
appendages for manual labor, one which is fitted
with a buzz saw and one fitted with a rudimentary
flame thrower. They have three optical sensors fitted
on top of their spherical chassis.
 SKILLS: Charm 1, Cool 1, Negotiation 2, Ranged
[Light] 2, Perception 1, Vigilance 1.
 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all combat checks
against this target once), Enduring 1 (increase the
Soak Rating by 1).


 ABILITIES: Rad Immunity (nukatrons do not take sequences may have been added by RobCo
damage from Radiation), Robot (does not eat, sleep Industries, whereas others were written by robotics
or breathe; immune to toxins and poison). technicians at locations where they are used. When
 SILHOUETTE: 1. not in use, a protectron unit is stored in a base pod,
 EQUIPMENT: Pincer Claw (Brawl; Damage 5; which charges its battery. The protectron is
Critical 4; Ranged [Engaged]), Nuka Cherry/Cola connected to its base pod via radio uplink, and the
Quantum Blaster (Ranged [Light]; Damage None; pod is in turn connected to a control terminal or a
Critical None; Range [Short]; Ensnare 2). computer system. Protectrons can be customized
via software upgrades to perform specific functions,
PROTECTRON [RIVAL] even outside their purpose.
Protectrons are equipped with a series of three
Created by RobCo, protectron robots were built-in laser emitters, mounted in their right and left
designed (as their name suggests) for protection, “hands,” as well as the glowing dome atop their
although they can also be seen being used in a head.
manual labor role as well. Typically used in office-
type settings, their secondary programming is
modular, making them useful as greeters, ticket
collectors, bartenders, celebrity or historical figure
impersonators, even sexual partners. Typically used
in office settings, a large variety of available  SKILLS: Brawl 1, Ranged [Light] 2, Perception 2,
synthetic personalities and programming options Vigilance 2.
made them universally useful. RobCo offered  TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty
personalities like the R04 V9 "office helper" of all combat checks against this target once),
with the ability to process and track office Enduring 2 (increase the Soak Rating by 2).
protocols and agendas in real time, RobCo  ABILITIES: Rad Immunity (protectrons do
RS3 V4.1.6 "utility helper" with automatic not take damage from Radiation), Robot
routine download and pest extermination (does not eat, sleep or breathe; immune to
mode, RobCo RX2 V1.16.4 "vault helper", toxins and poison), Ponderous (cannot
loaded with Vault protocols. Other models spend more than one Maneuver to move
of public service protectrons include each turn).
medics which are outfitted with a  SILHOUETTE: 1.
defibrillator, firemen using an internal  EQUIPMENT: Integral Laser (Ranged
cryo gun, police officers with electric [Light]; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range
shock and melee capabilities, and [Medium]; Accurate 1), Pincer Claw
even heavy-duty construction (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range
workers utilizing internal nail guns. [Engaged]; Pierce 1).
In terms of combat, protectrons
are usually weak and easy to
defeat, because of their weak ROBOBRAIN [RIVAL]
weapons and slow movement speed. Robobrains were created before the
In the Commonwealth, protectrons Great War by General Atomics
are usually found in charging pods International both for the U.S. military and
attached to terminals that must sometimes for the civilian sector. Official government
be hacked to activate them. The terminal records list only chimpanzee brains as
software allows for different "personalities" being used in the robots, but at least some
to be uploaded to the unit, which changes human brains were taken from the bodies
the unit's voice dialogue and weapons of executed criminals. Many of these
loadout. The choices are: Default, Subway criminals were insane, so the resulting
Steward, Construction Worker, Medical robobrains also tended to be unstable,
Responder, Firefighter, and Law Enforcement. despite complete reprogramming via the CODE
Many protectrons in various areas have been technology. Some of these human-robobrains
programmed differently. Other protectrons have even hybrids would try to kill themselves, apparently
been supplied with sophisticated personalities. resenting being made into cyborgs.
A protectron with the basic personality loaded on it A robobrain moves on a tracked chassis (using
can execute “sequences," lists of tasks to complete, dual 40 hydro-processor motors), either on a fixed or
such as patrolling an area for intruders. Some flexible mount. This is attached to a sizable


cylindrical torso with a hardened glass dome on  ABILITIES: Rad Immunity (robobrains do not
top, housing the central processing unit with take damage from Radiation), Robot (does not
the organic brain suspended inside. In eat, sleep or breathe; immune to toxins and
addition, to use consoles, operate levers, or poison).
engage targets with weapons, they have  SILHOUETTE: 2.
two flexible manipulators, ending in  EQUIPMENT: Pincer Claw (Brawl;
three point claws, on the sides of their Damage 6; Critical 3; Range
torsos. [Engaged]; Pierce 1), Laser
Robobrains were going to be the (Ranged [Light]; Damage 6;
next generation of Critical 3; Range [Medium);
robotic soldier in the Accurate 1).
war against China, but
their production costs
made it difficult to implement their
introduction into the American military. The PDQ-88b securitron (also
The robobrain's organic brain is named the RobCo security model
suspended in pressurized bio med gel 2060-B) is a private security robot
(which is the primary reason the brains created and mass-produced by
can continue to function for several House Industries with the help of
centuries). Any damage to the casing RobCo Industries, and privately
or the brain itself can disrupt the and on a much smaller scale by
robot's brainwaves and damage its neural the Big MT research company, who
connection to the rest of the body, affecting the were primarily attempting to improve the original.
robot's performance. Feeding the organic brain The PDQ-88b securitron is a large, monowheel
information about its surroundings are special robot with a titanium alloy housing, resistant to
sensors (typically with software written in 2076 shrapnel and small arms fire. The PDQ-88b
installed), called Sensors '76. Apart from providing a securitron is heavily-armed: its left arm contains a
real-time high resolution feed of the robot's Glastinghouse X-25 Gatling laser for medium range
surroundings, they are also capable of switching to engagements, while its right arm contains a 9mm
infrared mode, in case the main sensors, for one machinegun for close-range suppression and crowd
reason or another, become useless for operating in control. However, these are only secondary
unlighted areas. weapons; concealed compartments in its shoulders
The manipulators in some robobrain models are contain M-235 missile launchers for long range and
designed to operate regular human weaponry (such surface-to-air engagements and a rapid-fire G-28
as AK-112 assault rifles), while some others have grenade launching system for close range
integrated laser guns (wattage equivalent to AEP7 engagements. The robots also have onboard auto-
laser pistols), supported by integrated mesmetrons. repair systems to repair any damage sustained from
In addition, all robobrains have a built-in voice combat. Thus armed, a securitron can handle nearly
synthesizer. any combat situation.
Berserk Series: The face of the berserk PDQ-88b
securitron unit is a distorted face, similar to the
"angry moon" featured in the film A Trip to the Moon.
The berserk model has the ability to use the rocket
launchers in its shoulders and the laser in its arm,
 SKILLS: Brawl 2, Cool 2, Ranged [Light] 3, Vigilance but not the grenade launcher or machine gun.
 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all combat checks
against this target once), Durable 2 (reduce the
result of all Critical Injuries against this target by
-20, to a minimum of 1), Eagle Eyes (may increase
weapons range band by one (to a maximum of  SKILLS: Brawl 2, Cool 1, Gunnery 2, Mechanics 2,
Extreme), Enduring 3 (increase the Soak Rating by 3), Perception 2, Ranged [Heavy] 2, Vigilance 2.
 TALENTS: Adversary 2 (upgrade all combat checks
Suppressing Fire 2 (may spend one a on failed
against this target twice), Durable 2 (reduce the
combat check to inflict 1 Strain damage to the
result of all Critical Injuries against this target by
target, to a maximum of 2 Strain at the cost of
-20, to a minimum of 1), Enduring 3 (increase the


Soak Rating by 3), Knack For It (remove explosive weaponry, sentry bots now have powerful
bb from Perception melee attacks and a self-destruct function with
and Vigilance checks), equivalent power to a mini nuke.
Nobody's Fool 1 Some variants appear to have four
(upgrade the legs instead of three.
difficulty of incoming Despite being extremely bulky
Charm, Coercion, or their mobility if anything has
Deception checks once). actually improved; they are capable of
 ABILITIES: Rad Immunity moving stunningly fast and traversing
(securitrons do not take extremely rough terrain.
damage from Radiation), In addition; a sentry bot's entire torso is
Robot (does not eat, sleep or capable of rotating independently of its
breathe; immune to toxins legs, functioning akin to a turret and
and poison), Self-Repair (the allowing it to move in one direction while
securitron makes a shooting in a different direction
Mechanics check each turn (potentially against targets directly
to self-repair some of the behind it).
damage it has suffered, the Sentry bots have two arms that end
difficulty of the check is with deadly weapons (a minigun or
dependent on the amount of Gatling laser on the right arm, and a
wounds suffered, as per missile launcher on the left arm), and tripod
Medical Check Difficulty table on page 116 legs with wheels. They also have armored heads.
in the GENESYS core rulebook). They are programmed with an authoritative,
 SILHOUETTE: 1. professional military personality, in contrast to the
 EQUIPMENT: Pincer Claw (Brawl; Damage 5; "gung-ho," patriotic personality of the Mister Gutsy
Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1), Submachine models.
Gun (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range Its successor (manufactured only in limited
[Medium]; Auto-Fire), Grenade Launcher (Ranged amounts) is the bipedal Mark II sentry bot.
[Heavy]; Damage 8; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Blast 6),
Gatling Laser (Gunnery; Damage 12; Critical 3;
Range [Extreme]; Auto-Fire only, Pierce 2, Prepare 1),
Missile Launcher (Gunnery; Damage 20, Critical 2;
Range [Extreme]; Blast 10, Breach 1, Prepare 1,
Limited Ammo 5).  SKILLS: Gunnery 2, Perception 1, Resilience
 TALENTS: Adversary 2 (upgrade the
SENTRY BOT [NEMESIS] difficulty of all combat checks against
Sentry bots (military serial this target twice), Durable 3
numbers SB-XXXX) are security (reduce the result of all Critical
robots made before the Great Injuries against this target by
War with the express purpose -30, to a minimum of 1),
of participating in the heaviest of Enduring 4 (increase the Soak
firefights during war. Where the Mister Rating by 4), Lethal Blows 2 (+20% to
Gutsy is a hovering platform with any Critical Injury rolls made
modest armor plating, and the against opponents), Swift (the
protectron was originally designed sentry bot does not suffer the
for protecting business premises, penalties for moving through
the sentry bot is a powerhouse, difficult terrain (it moves
equipped with sturdy armor through difficult terrain at
plating, powerful weapons normal speed without
integrated into its chassis spending additional
and high mobility, thanks to Maneuvers), True Aim 1
mecanum wheels mounted (may perform True Aim
on its three legs. Maneuver, upgrade combat
On top of their already check once and adds b).
formidable ballistic and  ABILITIES: Explosive Death


(when the sentry bot’s Wound threshold is exceeded,  TALENTS: None.

it’s fusion cores destabilize and explodes at the end  ABILITIES: Rad Immunity (spider drones do not
of the current turn. Anyone within Short range of the take damage from Radiation), Robot (does not eat,
sentry bot at that time must make an Hard (ddd) sleep or breathe; immune to toxins and poison).
Athletics check to dive for cover or escape the blast Self-Detonate (a spider drone can spend a Maneuver
radius. Failure means they take 25 Wounds damage to self-detonate as a fragmentation mine once
and 6 Radiation. This explosion has Breach 2), within Engaged range of a target).
Inefficient Cooling (If the sentry bot rolls y on any  SILHOUETTE: 0.
check, it is Immobilized and Staggered until the end  EQUIPMENT: Fragmentation Mine (Mechanics;
of its next turn. The fusion cores of the robot are Damage 12; Critical -; Range [Engaged]; Blast 4,
exposed during this time and may be targeted, Limited Ammo 1, Vicious 4).
though this requires an opponent to spend a a
on a check to notice), Rad Immunity (sentry
bots do not take damage from Radiation), Robot
Swarmbots are built from the robobrain torso
(does not eat, sleep or breathe; immune to
frame and is capable of hovering due to
toxins and poison).
the Mister Handy thruster mounted below
them. They are frequently encountered in
 EQUIPMENT: Minigun (Gunnery;
groups, as their name implies.
Damage 13, Critical 2, Range
Largely armed with automatic
[Extreme]; Auto-Fire only,
weapons, they are quickly capable of
Inaccurate 1, Linked), Auto Laser
tearing down an unaware player
(Gunnery; Damage 8; Critical 3;
character. However, they are quite
Range [Long]; Auto-Fire),
quick and will frequently move into
Bomblet Launcher (Gunnery;
melee range while enjoying ranged
Damage 8; Critical 4; Range
support from the automated
[Medium]; Blast 6, Limited
forces they travel alongside.
Ammo 6).
These automatrons are
cobbled together from a wide
SPIDER DRONE [MINION] variety of components taken
Spider drones are robots employed by the Chinese from five different robot
Army. Before the war, these robots served as mobile models. Swarmbots usually
landmines for the Chinese army. Their method of consist of a robobrain torso
attack is to approach enemy targets and simply self- and an assaultron head mounted on a Mr. Handy's
destruct; the explosion acting as a fragmentation hover-chassis. Their arms come as varied as their
mine would. armaments, which cover almost the entire spectrum
A spider drone can be disarmed before it explodes, of what an automatron can carry for ranged combat.
but it is a feat that requires not only speed but also
finesse and talent. A character can move into
Engaged range of a spider drone on his turn, and
spend an Action to attempt a once upgraded Hard
(cdd) Mechanics check with b to attempt to
disarm it before it can self-detonate. A y or  SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Ranged
[Light] 1.
tttt result means that the
 TALENTS: Enduring 1 (increase
spider drone detonates
the Soak Rating by 1).
 ABILITIES: Hover Jet (ignores
A spider drone's Blast 4 quality
difficult terrain), Rad Immunity
is automatically triggered upon
(swarmbots do not take damage from
detonation, whether it is
Radiation), Robot (does not eat, sleep or
accidental or self-detonation.
breathe; immune to toxins and poison).
 EQUIPMENT: Submachine Gun (Ranged [Light];
Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Auto-Fire).



TANKBOT [NEMESIS] escape the blast radius. Failure means they take 25
Wound damage and 6 Radiation. This explosion has
Tankbots are based on the sentry bot frame and Breach 2), Rad Immunity (tankbots do not take
serve as heavy servitors. True to their origins, they damage from Radiation), Robot (does not eat,
are among the most resilient automatrons, sleep or breathe; immune to toxins and
usually rely on devastating long-range poison).
firepower to destroy their  SILHOUETTE: 2.
targets from afar and erupt in  EQUIPMENT: Gatling Laser
a powerful nuclear detonation (Gunnery; Damage 12; Critical
when destroyed. 3; Range [Extreme]; Auto-Fire only,
These automatrons are cobbled Pierce 2, Prepare 1) or Missile
together from a wide variety Launcher (Gunnery; Damage 20,
different robot models. Tankbots Critical 2; Range [Extreme]; Blast 10,
usually consist of a robobrain Breach 1, Prepare 1, Limited Ammo
torso mounted on a sentry bot's 4).
three-legged chassis and
come armed with various
heavy weapons. THINK TANK [RIVAL]
Tankbots were originally A think tank is a unique
meant to help the people brain bot. It consists of a
of the Commonwealth as robotic sphere-shaped body
part of a fleet of robots housing a human brain with
that would defend settlements three monitors attached to the
from various threats. However, a logic error made by robot's chassis, allowing a person to continue living
her robobrain lieutenants led to these robots beyond the lifespan of their biological bodies.
becoming hostile to everyone they encountered, The "Think Tank Project" was a scientific project
unleashing havoc in the area. created in Big MT. The project's purpose was to
preserve the six Big MT executives.
A think tank uses the same principle as a
robobrain: the brain is held inside a hardened glass
container at the top of the robotic body, suspended
in pressurized bio med gel (which can take many
 SKILLS: Gunnery 2, Perception 2, Vigilance 1. colors). However, unlike a robobrain, the brain within
 TALENTS: Adversary 3 (upgrade combat checks a think tank never had its memory wiped,
against this target twice), Durable 4 (reduce the retaining all memories and emotions it
result of all Critical Injuries against this target by would have had prior to becoming a
-40, to a minimum of 1), Enduring 5 (increase the think tank. The robotic body has
Soak Rating by 5), Lethal Blows 2 (+20% to three monitors protruding
any Critical Injury rolls made against from the robot's chassis.
opponents), Rain of Death (do not increase Two of these monitors depict eyes
the difficulty for using Auto-Fire), and the other depicts a mouth.
Suppressing Fire 2 (may spend one a on In addition to allowing a
failed combat check to inflict 1 Strain person to continue living by
damage to the target, to a maximum of 2 using their brain as a power
Strain at the cost of aa), source, it provides a container
True Aim 1 (may perform and mobile platform so the
True Aim Maneuver, upgrade operating human brain may
combat check once and observe and approach various
adds b). items. Like eyebots, think tanks
 ABILITIES: Explosive Death levitate by means of an unknown
(when the tankbot’s wound threshold is propulsion system.
exceeded, it’s fusion cores destabilize and They are able to communicate verbally
explodes at the end of the current turn. due to a voice module which is integrated
Anyone within Short range from the into the robotic chassis and connected to
tankbot at that time must make an Hard the brain. If damaged, the think tank can
(ddd) Athletics check to dive for cover or continue to communicate but only through


radio waves. Despite not being designed for fighting, vault have spread the fungus as far as Zion Canyon,
they have "an arsenal of vivisectors, brainial beams, where spore carriers pose a problem even in 2281. It
and a rather nasty ray that can make your atoms do seems that the spread of the green fungus happens
a happy dance" for self-defense. over time, as the doctor who first performed an
autopsy noticed nothing wrong externally with the
first infected victim. Upon autopsy, it was discovered
the fungus had manifested throughout the lungs,
explaining the carrier's nasty coughs (noted both in
the Vault 22 and the Zion terminal entries) before
 SKILLS: Charm 2, Coercion 2, Deception 2, they succumbed to the fungus.
Leadership 2, Negotiation 2, Perception 2, Vigilance
 TALENTS: Congenial 1 (suffer 1 Strain to SPORE CARRIER [MINION]
downgrade any Charm or Negotiations check once), The most common of all spore carriers. They hide
Enduring 1 (increase the Soak Rating by 1), Knack in vegetation and attack anyone tripping over them.
For It (remove bb from Charm and Negotiation If they are not killed quickly, they explode and deal
checks), Nobody's Fool 1 (upgrade the difficulty of large amounts of damage, and giving a large dose of
incoming Charm, Coercion, or Deception checks radiation.
 ABILITIES: Hover Jet (ignores difficult terrain), Rad
Immunity (think tanks do not take damage from
Radiation), Robot (does not eat, sleep or breathe;
immune to toxins and poison).
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Brawl 1, Stealth 1.
 TALENTS: Durable 1 (reduce the results of all
 EQUIPMENT: Gamma Ray (Ranged [Light], Damage
Critical Injuries against this target by -10, to a
4; Critical None; Range [Medium]; Rad 4), Sonic Ray
(Ranged [Light]; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Short]; minimum of 1), Knack For It (remove bb from
Disorient 4, Stun Damage). Stealth and Survival).
 ABILITIES: Spore Burst (upon the end of the spore
carrier's second turn, if it is not killed by then, it will
SPORE CARRIER explode in a burst of dangerous spores. Anyone
within Engaged range of the spore carrier is
Spore carriers are humans who had been affected by this attack. (Spore Burst;
exposed to the entomopathogenic fungus Damage 5; Critical None; Blast 4, Rad 2).
Beauveria mordicana. Furthermore, anyone in the blast must
Beauveria mordicana was developed make an Average (dd) Resilience check or
before the Great War in the Big MT become infected with spores. A failed
research facility X-22 botanical garden to Resilience check indicates that the
colonize the bodies of common pests. It character loses 1 Wound threshold and
was delivered to Vault 22 as a part of the 1 Strain threshold with each passing 24
Vault Behavioral Project. A report in the hours. If either Wound threshold or
medical wing of Vault 22 states that the Strain threshold reach 0, the
host technically dies once the fungus has character's body succumbs to the
fully colonized the host body, but the fungal fungal infection and the character
colonies continue to animate the dies, and turns into a spore
body. In this manner the fungus carrier. It is possible to
moves amongst more of its prey, alleviate this infection with
occasionally spraying spores in a radius
a Hard (ddd) Medicine
around the host body and infecting all
who come near it. The drawbacks of
Beauveria mordicana
 EQUIPMENT: Claw (Brawl;
include the long time
Damage 4; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]).
required to kill prey, and the
limited effectiveness against nonsocial pests.
The inhabitants of Vault 22 were exposed to SPORE CARRIER BRUTE [RIVAL]
Beauveria mordicana, and those of them who left the Spore carrier brutes are found in the same areas


other spore carriers are found, and usually tend to within Engaged range of the spore carrier is affected
act the same. However, brutes tend to be more by this attack. (Spore Burst; Damage 4; Critical
aggressive, and are tougher and larger than regular None; Blast 4, Rad 1). Furthermore, anyone in the
spore carriers. blast must make an Easy (d) Resilience check or
become infected with spores. A failed Resilience
check indicates that the character loses 1 Wound
threshold and 1 Strain threshold with each passing
24 hours. If either Wound threshold or Strain
threshold reach 0, the character's body succumbs to
 SKILLS: Brawl 2, Stealth 2, Vigilance 1. the fungal infection and the character dies, and turns
 TALENTS: Durable 1 (reduce the results of all into a spore carrier. It is possible to alleviate this
Critical Injuries against this target by -10, to a infection with an Average (dd) Medicine check).
minimum of 1), Knack For It (remove bb from  SILHOUETTE: 0.
Stealth and Survival).  EQUIPMENT: Claw (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 4;
 ABILITIES: Spore Burst (upon the end of the spore Range [Engaged]).
carrier brute's second turn, if it is not killed by
then, it will explode in a burst of dangerous
spores. Anyone within Engaged range of the SPORE PLANT
spore carrier is affected by this attack.
Spore plants are mutated Venus Flytrap.
(Spore Burst; Damage 6; Critical None;
Before the Great War, they could be found in
Blast 4, Rad 2). Furthermore, anyone in
nitrogen and phosphorus-poor environments
the blast must make a Hard (ddd) and having a trapping structure formed by
Resilience check or become the terminal portion of each of the plant's
infected with spores. A failed leaves prey triggered tiny hairs on
Resilience check indicates their inner surfaces allowed
that the character loses 1 them to feed.
Wound threshold and 1 Strain Semi-intelligent, spore
threshold with each passing plants are violent in nature
24 hours. If either Wound and attack most anyone
threshold or Strain without provocation. They also have an
threshold reach 0, the immunity to poison and radiation.
character's body succumbs to the fungal They have two methods of attacking.
infection and the character dies, and Because of its stationary nature, its most
turns into a spore carrier. It is possible common attack is a spike projectile which it
to alleviate this infection with a spits at its enemies. This projectile has a
Daunting (dddd) Medicine check). very long range and can potentially be
 SILHOUETTE: 1. very harmful if exposed to the attack for
 EQUIPMENT: Claw (Brawl; Damage 6; too long. If an enemy gets too close, the
Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Knockdown, mutant plant will lunge at them and bite with its
Vicious 1). thorned maw.


Runts are the smallest and weakest of the spore A giant and much tougher version of the regular
carrier family. However, they are still quite fast and spore plant.
may overwhelm an unaware wanderer.

 SKILLS: Brawl 1, Ranged [Light] 1.

 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Stealth 1.  TALENTS: None.
 TALENTS: None.  ABILITIES: Poison Immunity (giant spore plants are
 ABILITIES: Spore Burst (upon the end of the spore immune to the effects of all poisons, toxins and
carrier runt's second turn, if it is not killed by then, it venoms), Rad Immunity (giant spore plants do not
will explode in a burst of dangerous spores. Anyone take damage from Radiation).


 SILHOUETTE: 2. scorpion-flies wield the appendage which grants

 EQUIPMENT: Spike Projectile (Ranged [Light]; them their name.
Damage 5, Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Pierce 1),
Thorned Maw (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 4; Range
[Engaged]; Ensnare 1).
These stingwings have absorbed an unhealthy
amount of radiation, which has resulted in their
SPORE PLANT [MINION] bodies glowing with a very unnatural glow.
Found frequently throughout Vault 22 but also in
other places of the Wasteland, these creatures are
weak and pose little to no threat, even to
inexperienced wanderers.

 SKILLS: Brawl 2, Coordination 1, Resilience 1.

 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of all
combat checks against this target once), Defensive
1 (increase the Defense Rating by 1), Enduring 1
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): None. (increase the Soak Rating by 1), Side Step (suffer 1
 TALENTS: None. Strain to upgrade difficulty of all ranged combat
 ABILITIES: Poison Immunity (spore plants are checks until the end of the glowing stingwing's next
immune to the effects of all poisons, toxins and turn).
venoms), Rad Immunity (spore plants do not take  ABILITIES: Flyer (glowing stingwings can fly (see
damage from Radiation). page 100 of the GENESYS core rulebook), Poison (a
 SILHOUETTE: 1. glowing stingwing can spend aa or x on its sting
 EQUIPMENT: Spike Projectile (Ranged [Light]; attack to inject poison. Anyone stung by the glowing
Damage 4, Critical 4; Range [Short]), Thorned Maw stingwing's stinger must make a Hard (ddd)
(Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]). Resilience check or suffer an automatic f to all skill
checks for the rest of the encounter. The effects of

STINGWING the poison stack cumulatively), Poison Immunity

(glowing stingwings are immune to the effects of all
Stingwings appear to be a poisons, toxins and venoms), Rad Immunity (glowing
large, mutated form of stingwings do not take damage from Radiation).
scorpion-fly, with extended  SILHOUETTE: 1.
mouth parts and a scorpion-like  EQUIPMENT: Stinger
tail, ending in a bulbous and (Brawl; Damage 6;
deadly sting. They can often Critical 2; Range
be found in swarms, and [Engaged]; Pierce 2,
their erratic flying coupled Poison, Rad 2).
with a poisonous sting
make them formidable
The most common form of
Stingwings were created
stingwing found throughout
by radiation at some
the Commonwealth. Most
point between the start
commonly found in groups.
of the Great War and 2287. They are
However a few can be found alone.
known to build large clusters of nests on the ground
and walls, the nests themselves ooze a bright yellow
sap akin to honey from their entrances. Wanderers
must use caution when approaching these nests, as
multiple stingwings will emerge to fiercely defend
them from potential threat.  SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Resilience 1.
Due to radiation, stingwings have developed a  TALENTS: Defensive 1 (increase the Defense
poisonous sting not found on their modern, Rating by 1), Side Step (suffer 1 Strain to upgrade
unmutated counterparts. Also, unlike the modern difficulty of all ranged combat checks until the end
day Mecoptera order of insects, stingwings appear of the stingwing's next turn).
to exhibit no sexual dimorphism, as only male


 ABILITIES: Flyer (stingwings can fly (see page 100 Rad Immunity (stingwing darters do not take
of the GENESYS core rulebook), Poison (by spending damage from Radiation).
aa or x on its stinger combat check, the  SILHOUETTE: 0.
stingwing can inject poison into the prey. Anyone  EQUIPMENT: Stinger (Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 2;
stung by the glowing stingwing's stinger must make Range [Engaged]; Pierce 3, Poison).
an Average (dd) Resilience check or suffer an
automatic t to all skill checks for the rest of the
encounter. The effects of the poison stack SUPER MUTANT
cumulatively), Poison Immunity (stingwings are Super mutants are mutated humans, products of
immune to the effects of all poisons, toxins and infection by the Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV).
venoms), Rad Immunity (stingwings do not take They are much taller, bulkier and muscular than pure
damage from Radiation). strain humans, have (mostly) green, gray, or
 SILHOUETTE: 0. yellowish skin, are immune to disease and radiation,
 EQUIPMENT: Stinger (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 2; and are gifted with superhuman strength and
Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Poison). endurance. Although they are completely sterile, the
rapid regeneration of their cells caused by FEV
STINGWING DARTER [RIVAL] makes them virtually biologically immortal (but not
immune to death from injury).
A stingwing darter is essentially a faster and
There are three different known sources of super
tougher variant of the ordinary stingwing. Its fast
mutants in the post-War world - Mariposa Military
movement and erractic way of darting about has
Base in New California (on the West Coast), Vault 87
given its telltale name.
in the Capital Wasteland (on the East Coast) and the
FEV labs of the Institute in the Commonwealth (East
Coast). The three populations have separate
histories and origins, and are yet to interact with
each other. While originally the term was only used
 SKILLS: Coordination 2, Brawl 1, to refer to the Mariposa stock, the
Perception 1, Vigilance 1. Brotherhood of Steel carried the term
 TALENTS: Defensive 2 (increase the with them and applied it to those from
Defense Rating by 2), Side Step Vault 87 upon encountering them.
(suffer 1 Strain to upgrade difficulty
of all ranged combat checks until BEHEMOTH [NEMESIS]
the end of the stingwing darter's Towering above over super
next turn). mutants, at about 20 feet tall, the
 ABILITIES: Erratic Mover (the behemoths are the greatest
stingwing darter is allowed to take threat to humanity found
a second free Maneuver without among the super mutants.
suffering Strain), Flyer (stingwing These super mutants are the
darters can fly (see page 100 of oldest and strongest of their
the GENESYS core rulebook), kind. As well as being many
Poison (provided that the times larger than any other
stingwing darter spends aa or humanoid creature, they are
x on its sting combat check, it no longer capable of intelligent
can inject its poison into its speech, due to brain degradation; they
intended target. By doing so, make monstrous roars instead. They
anyone stung by the stingwing are usually armed with an oversized
darter's stinger must make an bludgeoning weapons. Other than that,
Average (dd) Resilience check they also use their enormous fists in
or suffer an automatic t to all fight. Either way, both weapons are
skill checks for the rest of the heavy-hitters, and will cause major
encounter. The effects of the damage against any enemy smaller
poison stack cumulatively), than them.
Poison Immunity (stingwing
darters are immune to the effects
of all poisons, toxins and venoms),


The nightkin often use their equipped Stealth Boys

to sneak-attack those who cross their path,
remaining invisible until they come out and fight,
sometimes even remaining invisible then. However,
prolonged use of Stealth Boys has damaged their
 SKILLS: Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Coercion 4, Melee 3, sanity, with them becoming incredibly aggressive,
Ranged (Light) 2, Resilience 4, Survival 2. paranoid, and in some cases severely delusional. As
 TALENTS: Adversary 3 (upgrade the difficulty of all Marcus explains, they "hate to be seen." The cause
combat checks against this target three times), of their paranoia is schizophrenia developed from
Durable 5 (reduce the result of all Critical Injuries constant use of the Stealth Boys, because of this
against this target by -50, to a minimum of 1), they can become angered when stared at for a long
Enduring 2 (increase Soak Rating by 2), Feral period of time.
Strength 5 (adds +5 damage to one hit of all
successful Brawl and Melee checks), Lethal Blows 2
(+20% to any Critical Injury rolls made against
opponents), Strong Arm (spend a Maneuver to
increase the range of thrown objects by two range
bands), Knockdown (can spend y during an  SKILLS: Brawl 1, Cool 2, Leadership 2, Melee 2,
opponent's combat check to knock Ranged [Heavy] 2, Stealth 3,
a target prone). Vigilance 2.
 ABILITIES: Forced Evolutionary  TALENTS: Adversary 1
Virus (reduce the Encumbrance (upgrade the difficulty of
and Cumbersome value of all combat checks
all wielded weapons by 1), against this target
Rad Immunity once), Defensive 1
(behemoths do not take (increase the
damage from Defense Rating by
Radiation), Terrifying 1), Durable 2
(characters must (reduce the result of
make a Hard all Critical Injuries
(ddd) Discipline against this target
check upon first by -20, to a
sight of a Behemoth minimum of 1),
or having to increase Feral Strength 2
the difficulty of all skill (adds +2 damage to
checks once until the end one hit of all successful
of the encounter), Sweep Brawl and Melee checks),
Attack (the behemoth can Knack For It (remove bb
spend x on a successful from all Stealth and
Melee check to hit the Vigilance checks).
target as well as anyone  ABILITIES: Forced
Engaged with the target), Evolutionary Virus
 SILHOUETTE: 3. (reduce the
 EQUIPMENT: By Encumbrance and
weapon and armor type. Cumbersome value of all wielded weapons by 1),
Rad Immunity (nightkin do not take damage from
They are superior to their fellow super mutants in  EQUIPMENT: By weapon or armor type.
terms of both intellect and skill, as the FEV-II dipping
has not damaged their intelligence. While in the
Master's Army, they had access to superior weapons SUPER MUTANT [RIVAL]
and armor, including the use of Stealth Boys. These are the youngest and weakest of the
Prolonged use of these devices led to a permanent Wasteland super mutants. They are usually
alteration of the pigment in their skin. Instead of the encountered in a small group of a couple of super
usual dull green, their skin is pale blue in color. mutants, led by a stronger super mutant.


 SKILLS: Brawl 1, Coercion 2, Melee 2, Ranged  SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Stealth
[Heavy] 2, Resilience 1. 1.
 TALENTS: Durable 1 (reduce the result of all Critical  TALENTS: None.
Injuries against this target by -10 to a minimum of  ABILITIES: None.
1), Feral Strength 2 (adds +2 damage to one hit of all  SILHOUETTE: 1.
successful Brawl and Melee checks).  EQUIPMENT: Claw (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 4;
 ABILITIES: Forced Evolutionary Virus (reduce the Range [Engaged]).
Encumbrance and Cumbersome value of all wielded
weapons by 1), Rad Immunity (super mutants do not
take damage from Radiation). TUNNELER
 SILHOUETTE: 2. The exact origins of the tunnelers is unknown.
 EQUIPMENT: By weapon and armor type. However, there are signs that they were created after
the Great War, probably by mutation of an unknown

TROG species. Being underground predators, they build

their nests deep into the earth and have lived
Trog is a common name for humans that became undisturbed by surface-dwellers for centuries.
infected with the Troglodyte Degeneration Contagion Tunnelers usually have no direct contact with the
(or "TDC"), and slowly degenerated into scampering surface world. Tunnelers are very averse to loud
troglodytes who fear the light. noises and bright lights. They try to keep beyond the
As a direct result of their disease, reach of the sun by staying in tunnels and other low-
trogs are hairless, naked, primate- light areas.´
like creatures with long, gangly Tunnelers appear to be reptilian-humanoids with
arms and legs. Their skin appears dark, scaly skin, large bio-luminescent eyes, a mouth
raw and wrinkled, and their faces filled with sharp reptilian teeth and chitinous spikes
are scrunched into permanent protruding from their shoulders and heads.
scowls, with their teeth Tunnelers are found underground, as their name
constantly bared. They have implies, and are noted for their fear of bright
four fingers and four toes, and lights and loud noises. Every now and then they
their feet appear to be in the will flee from combat and head back underground.
process of turning into "hands", This can be seen easily by throwing a flash bang or
adding to their primate- firing a flare gun at a tunneler. Their
like appearance. enlarged eyes appear to be an
They crawl on all adaptation to the conditions of their
fours (somewhat preferred habitat and are sensitive to
similar to frogs). They have light; a condition which would explain their
no external genitalia, or extreme aversion to weapons like flash
any other visual clues bangs and flare guns, and to the sun
to their gender, itself.
making sexual
reproduction unlikely.
These are the most common type of tunneler.
TROG [MINION] There are reports of hulking tunnelers and even
Despite their savage appearance, trogs are capable tunneler queens.
of hunting in packs like wolves. While some may
simply charge at targets head-on, others will
attempt to sneak up on the prey from behind or
above. Their speed is almost on par with a yao guai,
though they are able to leap even farther.
 SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Brawl 1, Coordination 1,
Perception 1, Vigilance 1.


 TALENTS: Quick Strike 1 (add b to any combat

check against any target that has not yet acted in
Wanamingos are strange mutant animals that live
the current encounter).
mostly in underground colonies. They are often
 ABILITIES: Light Aversion (items that produce a
mistaken for extraterrestrial beings, due to their
strong light, such as flash bang grenades, flare guns,
otherworldly anatomy. They can easily shrug off
flamers, explosions, might startle
damage which would tear the flesh from the bone of
a tunneler. Any weapon that
a human, and are truly a force to be reckoned with.
is used within Short range of
a tunneler, forces the
tunneler to make a Hard
(ddd) Cool check. A
failed check will cause the
tunneler to flee the scene for  SKILLS: Brawl 2, Perception 2, Resilience 1,
one turn per uncancelled Stealth 1, Vigilance 1.
t on the check, with a  TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade all combat checks
minimum of 1 turn), Night against this target once), Defensive 1 (increase
Vision (tunnelers suffer Defense Rating by 1), Durable 2 (reduce
no Perception the result of all Critical Injuries against
penalties from this target by -20, to a minimum of 1),
darkness). Enduring 1 (increase Soak Rating by 1),
 SILHOUETTE: 1. Knack For It (remove bb from all
 EQUIPMENT: Claw Resilience and Stealth checks), Prey On the
(Brawl; Damage 4; Weak 1 (+1 damage on combat checks
Critical 4; Range against Disoriented targets), Refractor 2 (energy
[Engaged]; attacks made against the wanamingo suffers a
Pierce 1). bb penalty), Super Slam! (remove one a from the
cost to trigger Knockdown on Brawl combat
WANAMINGO checks).
 ABILITIES: Berserker (when a wanamingo suffers
They are strange mutant animals that live mostly one or more Wounds, it deals +1 damage with all
underground. Despite the rumors of their attacks. If Critically Injured, it deals +2 damage with
extraterrestrial origin, they were actually created all attacks), Fearless (a wanamingo is immune to
with FEV as weapons for waging war on other fear from any source), Rad Immunity (wanamingos
countries and escaped into the wastes. In that do not take damage from Radiation).
aspect, they are similar to deathclaws.  SILHOUETTE: 1.
Morphologically, wanamingos are bipedal lifeforms  EQUIPMENT: Tentacle (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 3;
that bear almost no resemblance to any other form Range [Engaged]; Disorient 2, Linked 1, Rad 2,
of terrestrial life. They possess a large central body Vicious 1), Savage Bite (Brawl; Damage 7; Critical 3;
with a sizable mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, and a Ranged [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Rad 2, Vicious 2).
pair of long, tentacle-like appendages that appear to
be used for both grasping objects and to batter
opponents in combat. The creature's large head WANAMINGO QUEEN [NEMESIS]
lacks visible sensory organs, but it does not seem to The wanamingo queen is the matriarch of the
require eyesight in order to discern the location of wanamingos. She can lay eggs for the reproduction
prey. The creatures are devastating in close combat, of the wanamingos and can be found deep
chewing at foes and lashing at them with their underground in her breeding room.
tentacles. Through a process not entirely
understood, these attacks also induce radiation
They hatch from eggs laid by a wanamingo queen
— a large grey-colored wanamingo which others
fearlessly protect. They aren't intelligent in the usual  SKILLS: Brawl 2, Perception 2, Resilience 3, Stealth
sense, but they do seem to have a hive-mind 1, Vigilance 2.
mentality.  TALENTS: Adversary 2 (upgrade all combat checks
against this target twice), Defensive 2 (increase
Defense Rating by 2), Durable 4 (reduce the result of


all Critical Injuries against this target by -40, to a Wolves are one of the very few creatures to have
minimum of 1), Enduring 2 been left largely unaffected by radiation since the
(increase Soak Rating by 2), War. Although they were dying out in North America
Prey On the Weak 2 (+2 before the War, the commonplace
damage on combat checks encounters with them during the
against Disoriented targets), 22nd and 23rd century
Refractor 3 (energy attacks indicates that their species
made against the wanamingo has had plenty of time to
queen suffers a bbb penalty), repopulate; this quite successfully.
Super Slam! (remove one a from
the cost to trigger Knockdown on
Brawl combat checks).
Wolves are dangerous creatures,
 ABILITIES: Berserker (when a
and always travel in large packs of
wanamingo queen suffers one or
their kin. They easily
more Wounds, it deals +2
outmanoeuver their enemies and
damage with all attacks. If Critically
surround them, and lunge at their
Injured, it deals +3 damage with all
prey with sharp claws and
attacks), Fearless (a wanamingo
powerful jaws.
queen is immune to fear from any
source), Rad Immunity (wanamingo queens do not
take damage from Radiation).
 EQUIPMENT: Tentacle (Brawl; Damage 7; Critical 3;
Range [Engaged]; Disorient 2, Linked 1, Rad 2,
Vicious 1), Savage Bite (Brawl; Damage 9; Critical 3;  SKILLS (GROUP ONLY): Athletics 1, Brawl 1,
Ranged [Engaged]; Pierce 3, Rad 2, Vicious 3). Perception 1.
 TALENTS: None.
WOLF  ABILITIES: Pack Tactics (when using the assist
Maneuver, wolves add bb instead of b).
Wolves are canines - much like their successors,  SILHOUETTE: 0.
the dogs - which prowl the wastelands much like  EQUIPMENT: Bite (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 3;
they have done since times immemorial. Wolves Range [Engaged]; Vicious 1).
have a long history with mankind, and they are still
rightly feared across the wastes for preying on lone
travelers and exposed livestock. Although it were far YAO GUAI
from common for wolves to attack human beings Yao guai are a species of mutated bears that
before the Great War - much due to mankind's inhabit the Wasteland.
hatred of wolves - the long lack of exposure to The yao guai is a mutated bear of debatable origin
humans the post-apocalyptic world heralded has species in the Wasteland. Possibly mutated
enabled them to move past their instinctive from the black bears native to the region,
fear of human beings. these yao guai are generally
Wolves are quadrupedal larger than their unmutated
canines, much like dogs, and predecessors and are more
travel in large packs. They aggressive. The physical
are substantially larger and build of the Wasteland
stronger than the common variant does not seem to
dog, and are visually very drastically deviate from pre-War bears as much
similar to breeds such as as the yao guai in the Capital Wasteland and
German shepherds or Zion Canyon. Comparatively, they are overall
many sled dogs. less dog-like in their posture and
Individually they pose no movement, sport thicker patches of
major threat to fur, and more body fat. Since
experienced players, but due to their their upper body, chest, and
tendency to travel in large packs with their kin arms are not as massive, the
they can be quite dangerous. Commonwealth yao guai have a more traditional


bear-like posture and gait.  SILHOUETTE: 2.

 EQUIPMENT: Claw (Brawl; Damage 7; Critical 3;
ALBINO YAO GUAI [NEMESIS] Range [Engaged]; Disorient, Rad 2), Bite (Brawl;
Damage 8; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1, Rad
These yao guai are much lighter in coloration than 2, Vicious 2).
a typical yao guai due to a genetic defect causing
The rabid yao guai is a yao guai that has been
infected with rabies. In appearance, it has red welts
dominating its sides and face, giving it a diseased
look. Despite its unhealthy appearance, it can prove
 SKILLS: Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Resilience 2, Vigilance to be a deadly adversary in combat
 TALENTS: Adversary 2 (upgrade the difficulty of all
combat checks against this target twice), Durable 3
(reduce the result of all Critical Injuries against this
target by -30, to a minimum of 2), Enduring 2
(increase Soak Rating by 2), Lethal Blows 2  SKILLS: Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Resilience 3.
(+20% to any Critical Injury rolls made  TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade the
against opponents). difficulty of all combat checks against
 ABILITIES: Rad Immunity this target once), Durable 1
(albino yao guais do not (reduce the result of all Critical
take damage from Injuries against this target by
Radiation). -10, to a minimum of 1),
 SILHOUETTE: 2. Enduring 2 (increase
 EQUIPMENT: Claw Soak Rating by 2),
(Brawl; Damage 8; Lethal Blows 1 (+10% to
Critical 3; Range any Critical Injury rolls
[Engaged]; Disorient), made against opponents).
Bite (Brawl; Damage 9;  ABILITIES: Disease (when a rabid yao guai
Critical 3; Range spends aa or x on its bite combat
[Engaged]; Pierce 2, check, if can afflict a horrible
Vicious 3). rabies on its victim. Anyone bitten
by the rabid yao guai must make a Hard (ddd)
IRRADIATED YAO GUAI [RIVAL] Resilience check or suffer f and t to all skill
checks until the rabies is cured with a Hard (ddd)
These yao guai are sickly green in color with hard,
Medicine check), Rad Immunity (rabid yao guais do
bony growths sprouting from their bodies, including
not take damage from Radiation).
near their eyes. Irradiated yao guai are more
perceptive than their other yao guai, rendering them
 EQUIPMENT: Claw (Brawl; Damage 7; Critical 3;
a capable enemy.
Range [Engaged]; Disorient), Bite (Brawl; Damage 8;
Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Disease, Pierce 1,
Vicious 2).


 SKILLS: Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Perception 1, The typical form of a yao guai, they are stronger
Resilience 2, Vigilance 1. than their stunted counterparts and can prove a
 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of all difficult fight for Wasteland wanderers due to their
combat checks against the target once), Durable 2 considerable strength and aggressive nature.
(reduce the result of all Critical Injuries against this
target by -20, to a minimum of 1), Enduring 2
(increase Soak Rating by 2), Lethal Blows 1 (+10% to
any Critical Injury rolls made against opponents).
 ABILITIES: Rad Immunity (irradiated yao guais do
not take damage from Radiation).


 SKILLS: Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Resilience 2.

 TALENTS: Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of all
combat checks against this target once), Durable 1
(reduce the effects of all Critical Injuries against this
target by -10, to a minimum of 1), Enduring 2
(increase Soak Rating by 2), Lethal Blows 1 (+10% to
any Critical Injury rolls made against opponents).
 ABILITIES: Rad Immunity (yao guais do not take
damage from Radiation).
 EQUIPMENT: Claw (Brawl; Damage 7; Critical 3;
Range [Engaged]; Disorient), Bite (Brawl; Damage 8;
Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1, Vicious 2).


Lovecraft's influence spreads wide and far,  Byakhee [Rival]
sometimes bluntly obvious and in your face, but  Cthonian [Nemesis]
mostly it is subliminal and vague hints towards the  Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath [Nemesis]
Mythos can be discerned if one knows what one is  Deep One [Rival]
looking for. And there are even cultural references to  Dhole [Nemesis]
Lovecraft within the officially publiced Fallout  Dimensional Warper [Rival]
computer and console games; such as the Dunwich  Elder Thing [Rival]
Building, the Dunwich Borers, Pickmans Gallery,  Flying Polyp [Nemesis]
Kingsport Lighthouse, the entire Far Harbor  Formless Spawn [Rival]
downloadable contents, the Children of the Atom,  Fungi From Yuggoth / Mi-Go [Rival]
Blackhall in Point Lookout and The Astoundingly  Great Race of Yith [Nemesis]
Awesome Tales magazines.  Gug [Nemesis]
It should be said that the Lovecraft mythology  Hound of Tindalos [Rival]
introduces a far more fantastic and supernatural  Moon-Beast [Nemesis]
element to the Fallout setting than previously  Nightgaunt [Rival]
established. Although aliens are already existing in  Servitor of the Outer Gods [Rival]
the Fallout setting, and that alone would justify  Shantak [Nemesis]
introducing elements of the Lovecraft mythology.  Shoggoth [Nemesis]
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl  Spider of Leng [Rival]
fhtagn, Vault dwellers.  Star-Spawn of Cthulhu [Nemesis]
 Star Vampire [Rival]


No Lovecraft Mythos creatures have been
included in this chapter; they have been
opted deleted in the 2nd revised
edition. “But why?” you might be asking
or thinking. This was simply and
solely for the reason that Mythos
creatures should not be used as
adversaries to throw
against the players in the
Fallout setting. The Mythos
works best to let the fear
and suspicion dwell and
fester within the player's
mind and thus also in the
character's minds.
The Mythos creatures that
were present in the 1st
edition of this Fallout
sourcebook, and now gone
beyond the spheres, were the
               
”The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear,
and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.”

- H.P. Lovecraft
         -      



The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth. Spain built an
empire from its lust for gold and territory. Hitler shaped a battered
Germany into an economic superpower. But war never changes. In
the 21st century, war was still waged over resources that could be
acquired. Only this time the spoils of war were also its weapons,
petrolium and uranium. For these resources, China would invade
Alaska, the United States would annex Canada and the European
Commonwealth would be dissolved into quarreling bickering nation-
states bent on controlling the last remaining resources on Earth. In
2077 the storm of world war had come again. In two brief hours most
of the planet was reduced to cinders. From the ashes of nuclear
devastation, civilization struggled to arise...

The Fallout role-playing game is based on the Bethesda computer

game series of the same name and is a clash of 1950's science
fiction comics and dime novels with post-apocalyptic movies of the
last four decades. This book covers the essentials of character
creation in the Fallout setting. This book also hosts information on the
Fallout setting specific races, careers, talents, gear, weapons, armor
and, of course, adversaries.

This entire book is based on the GENESYS core rules, and requires a
copy of the GENESYS core rulebook in order to be played.

First Printing: 2018
ISBN: 978-1-01107-197-5

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