English 1

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Test - 1st 6wks English I CBA 2018

Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.

adapted from An Autobiography of Theodore Roosevelt

by Theodore Roosevelt

1 On October 27, 1858, I was born at No. 28 East Twentieth Street, New York City, in the
house where my family lived – my parents, two sisters and my brother.

2 We spent the summers in the country at one place or another. We children, of course,
loved the country more than anything. We disliked the city. We were always wildly eager to
get out to the country when spring came and very sad when in the late fall the family
moved back to town. In the country we, of course, had all kinds of pets – cats, dogs,
rabbits, a raccoon, and a sorrel Shetland pony named General Grant. When my younger
sister first heard of the real General Grant, she thought it was a great coincidence that
someone would give a person the same name as a pony. (Thirty years later, my own
children had their own pony, Grant.)

3 My father, Theodore Roosevelt, was the best man I ever knew. He combined strength
and courage with gentleness, tenderness, and great unselfishness. He would not tolerate in
his children selfishness or cruelty, laziness, cowardice, or untruthfulness. As we grew older,
he made us understand that the same standard of conduct was expected of both men and
women. With great love and patience, he held us to a high level of conduct through
insistence and discipline. He never physically punished me, yet I feared him more than all
others. He was entirely fair, and we children adored him.

4 My father worked hard at his business. He was interested in almost every social reform
movement, and he did an immense amount of charitable work himself. He was a big,
powerful man with a leonine face, and his heart filled with gentleness for those who needed
help or protection, and with anger against a bully or oppressor.

5 I was a sickly, delicate boy, suffered from asthma, and frequently had to be taken away
on trips to find a place where I could breathe. One of my memories is of my father walking
up and down the room with me in his arms at night when I was a very small boy, and of
sitting up in bed gasping, with my father and mother trying to help me. I didn’t go to
school much. Most of the time I had tutors. My aunt taught me when I was small. At one
point we had a French governess.

6 When I was fourteen years old, in the winter of 1872, I visited Egypt, journeyed up the
Nile, traveled through the Holy Land and part of Syria. By this time I had a working
knowledge of bird life. I had no real knowledge of the ornithology of Egypt, but I picked up
a book in Cairo by an Englishman. This began my interest in the subject.

7 When I got back to America, at the age of fifteen, I began serious study to enter
Harvard under a private tutor. I could not go to school because I knew so much less than
most others in some subjects and so much more in other subjects. In science and history
and geography I was strong, but I was very weak in languages and mathematics. In 1876 I
entered Harvard, graduating in 1880. I was a reasonably good student, in the top ten
percent of my class. My chief interest was science. When I entered college, I was devoted
to natural history. My father always encouraged me to make my own way in life, and when
I was a freshman, he told me that if I wished to be a scientist, I could be. He explained
that I should be sure that I really intensely desired it; because if I went into it, I must
make it a serious career…He said that if I was not going to earn money, I must even things
up by not spending it. In other words, if I went into a scientific career, I must definitely
abandon all thought of money making and must find my pleasure elsewhere.

Public domain. From An Autobiography of Theodore Roosevelt by Theodore Roosevelt. Copyright © 1920. First
published in 1913. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.

1. What does the word ornithology mean in paragraph 6?

A. the study of birds

B. the study of flowers
C. the study of artifacts
D. the study of Egypt

2. Which sentence from the text best reflects a primary theme of the selection?

F. My father, Theodore Roosevelt, was the best man I ever knew.

G. With great love and patience, he held us to a high level of conduct through
insistence and discipline.
H. I was a sickly, delicate boy, suffered from asthma, and frequently had to be
taken away on trips to find a place where I could breathe.
J. I knew so much less than most others in some subjects and so much more in
other subjects.

3. Read the sentence from paragraph 3.

The primary purpose of the sentence above is to —

A. support the idea that Theodore Roosevelt was punished often by his father
B. describe the relationship between Theodore Roosevelt and his father
C. indicate the amount of time Theodore Roosevelt spent with this father
D. explain the nature and character of Theodore Roosevelt’s father

4. In paragraph 4, why does the author choose the word “leonine” to describe his father?

F. To indicate that his father was a scary man

G. To express how hard his father worked
H. To suggest that his father was as fierce as he was protective
J. To establish his interests in charitable work

5. In paragraph 7, why does the author refer to the need to intensely desire a
serious career in science?

A. To show that becoming a scientist will be hard work

B. To suggest that a career choice in science may not produce wealth
C. To support his assertion that he was a strong student in history and science
D. To make a connection between attending Harvard and studying science

6. The cartoon and autobiography portray Theodore Roosevelt as —

F. a man of many talents, positions, and academic interests

G. a man with a stubborn but disciplined personality
H. a man who worked hard but also enjoyed life
J. a man who never gave up on his goals but changed them constantly

7. How do both the text titles and drawings in the cartoon create meaning?

A. The drawings and text clarify the roles Roosevelt played.

B. The drawings and text illustrate the playful side of Roosevelt.
C. The text contrasts with the drawings.
D. The drawings and text represent different men.

8. What technique did the illustrator use to differentiate the roles played by Theodore
Roosevelt through the years?

F. He used different facial expressions to show how Roosevelt felt about each role.
G. He used a timeline technique to show how Roosevelt’s roles got more important
over time.
H. He used a light bulb technique to highlight Roosevelt’s most important role of all.
J. He used a change of the clothing and added props to help the viewer comprehend
the role.

9. The figurative language in paragraph 4 suggests that for Roosevelt the description of
his father’s face is a symbol of his father’s —

A. boldness
B. interest in animals
C. threatening personality
D. attractive appearance

10. The tone of the passage can be best described as —

F. cynical and mocking

G. comical and jovial
H. somber and regretful
J. reflective and sentimental

Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.

from Adrift in New York

by Horatio Alger

1 “Uncle, you are not looking well tonight.”

2 “I’m not well, Florence. I sometimes doubt if I shall ever be any better.”

3 “Surely, uncle, you cannot mean—”

4 “Yes, my child, I have reason to believe that I am nearing the end.”

5 “I cannot bear to hear you speak so, uncle,” said Florence Linden, in irrepressible
agitation. “You are not an old man. You are but fifty-four.”

6 “True, Florence, but it is not years only that make a man old. Two great sorrows
have embittered my life. First, the death of my dearly beloved wife, and next, the loss of
my boy, Harvey.”

7 “It is long since I have heard you refer to my cousin’s loss. I thought you had
become reconciled—no, I do not mean that,—I thought your regret might be less

8 “I have not permitted myself to speak of it, but I have never ceased to think of it day

9 John Linden paused sadly, then resumed: “If he had died, I might, as you say, have
become reconciled; but he was abducted at the age of four by a revengeful servant whom I
had discharged from my employment. Heaven knows whether he is living or dead, but it is
impressed upon my mind that he still lives, it may be in misery, it may be as a criminal,
while I, his unhappy father, live on in luxury which I cannot enjoy, with no one to care for

10 Florence Linden sank impulsively on her knees beside her uncle’s chair. “Don’t say
that, uncle,” she pleaded. “You know that I love you, Uncle John.”

11 “And I, too, uncle.” He stepped forward to join the tête à tête.

12 There was a shade of jealousy in the voice of Curtis Waring as he entered the library
through the open door, and approaching his uncle, pressed his hand. He was a tall, dark-
complexioned man, of perhaps thirty-five, with shifty, black eyes and thin lips, shaded by
a dark mustache. It was not a face to trust. Even when he smiled the expression of his face
did not soften. Yet he could moderate his voice so as to express tenderness and sympathy.
He was the son of an elder sister of Mr. Linden, while Florence was the daughter of a
younger brother. Both were orphans, and both formed a part of Mr. Linden’s household,
and owed everything to his bounty. Curtis was supposed to be in some business
downtown; but he received a liberal allowance from his uncle, and often drew upon him for
outside assistance. As he stood with his uncle’s hand in his, he was necessarily brought
near Florence, who instinctively drew a little away, with a slight shudder indicating
repugnance. Slight as it was, Curtis detected it, and his face darkened.

13 John Linden looked from one to the other. “Yes,” he said, “I must not forget that I
have a nephew and a niece. You are both dear to me, but no one can take the place of the
boy I have lost.”

14 “But it is so long ago, uncle,” said Curtis. “It must be fourteen years.”

15 “It is fourteen years.”

16 “And the boy is long since dead!”

17 “No, no!” said John Linden, vehemently. “I do not, I will not, believe it. He still lives,
and I live only in the hope of one day clasping him in my arms.”

18 “That is very improbable, uncle,” said Curtis, in a tone of annoyance. “There isn’t one
chance in a hundred that my cousin still lives. The grave has closed over him long since.
The sooner you make up your mind to accept the inevitable the better."

19 The drawn features of the old man showed that the words had a depressing effect
upon his mind, but Florence interrupted her cousin with an indignant protest. “How can you
speak so, Curtis?” she exclaimed. “Leave Uncle John the hope that he has so
long cherished. I have a presentiment that Harvey still lives.”


20 “Yet, if still living,” interrupted Curtis, harshly, “he is a rough street boy,
perchance serving his time at Blackwell’s Island, and, a hardened young ruffian, whom it
would be bitter mortification to recognize as your son.”

21 “That’s the sorrowful part of it,” said his uncle, in a voice of anguish. “That is what I
most dread.”

22 “Then, since even if he were living you would not care to recognize him, why not cease
to think of him, or else regard him as dead?”

23 “Curtis Waring, have you no heart?” demanded Florence, indignantly.

24 “Indeed, Florence, you ought to know,” said Curtis, sinking his voice into softly
modulated accents.

25 “I know nothing of it,” said Florence, coldly, rising from her recumbent position, and
drawing aloof from Curtis.

26 “You know that the dearest wish of my heart is to find favor in your eyes,” he said
to Florence. “Uncle, you know my wish, and approve of it, do you not?”
27 “Yes, Curtis; you and Florence are equally dear to me, and it is my hope that you may
be united. In that case, there will be no division of my fortune. It will be left to you jointly.”

28 “Believe me, sir,” said Curtis, with faltering voice, feigning an emotion which he did
not feel, “believe me, that I fully appreciate your goodness. I am sure Florence joins with

29 “Florence can speak for herself,” said his cousin, coldly. “My uncle needs no assurance
from me. He is always kind, and I am always grateful.”

30 John Linden seemed absorbed in thought. “I do not doubt your affection,” he said;
“and I have shown it by making you my joint heirs in the event of your marriage; but it is
only fair to say that my property goes to my boy, if he still lives.”


31 “Florence,” said her cousin, “my uncle’s intentions, as expressed tonight, make it
desirable that there should be an understanding between us. Take a seat beside me”—
leading her to a sofa—“and let us talk this matter over.”

32 With a gesture of repulsion Florence declined the proffered seat, and remained
standing. “As you please,” she answered, coldly.

33 “Will you be seated?”

34 “No, our interview will be brief.”

35 “Then I will come to the point. Uncle John wishes to see us united.”

36 “It can never be!” said Florence, decidedly.

37 Curtis bit his lip in mortification, for her tone was cold and scornful. Mingled with this
mortification was genuine regret, for, so far as he was capable of loving anyone, he loved
his fair young cousin. “You profess to love Uncle John, and yet you would disappoint
his cherished hope!” he returned.

38 “Is it his cherished hope?”

39 “There is no doubt about it. He has spoken to me more than once on the subject.
Feeling that his end is near, he wishes to leave you in the charge of a protector.”

40 “I can protect myself,” said Florence, proudly.

41 “You think so. You do not consider the hapless lot of a penniless girl in a cold and
selfish world.”

42 “Penniless?” repeated Florence, in an accent of surprise.

43 “Yes, penniless. Our uncle’s bequest to you is conditional upon your acceptance of my

44 “Has he said this?” asked Florence, sinking into an armchair, with a helpless look.
45 “He has told me so more than once,” returned Curtis, smoothly. “You don’t know how
near to this heart this marriage is. I know what you would say: If the property comes to
me I could come to your assistance, but I am expressly prohibited from doing so. I have
pleaded with my uncle in your behalf, but in vain.”

46 Florence was too clear-sighted not to penetrate his falsehood. “If my uncle’s heart is
hardened against me,” she said, “I shall be too wise to turn to you. I am to understand,
then, that my choice lies between poverty and a union with you?”

47 “You have stated it correctly, Florence.”

48 “Then,” said Florence, arising, “I will not hesitate. I shrink from poverty, for I have
been reared in luxury, but I will sooner live in a hovel—”

49 “Or a tenement house,” interjected Curtis, with a sneer.

50 “Yes, or a tenement house, than become the wife of one I loathe.”

51 “Girl, you shall bitterly repent that word!” said Curtis, stung to fury. She did not reply,
but, pale and sorrowful, glided from the room to weep bitter tears in the seclusion of her

Public domain. From Adrift in New York by Horatio Alger. Copyright © 1900. Published by A.L. Burt Company,
Publishers, New York.

11. What is the purpose of paragraph 34?

A. to indicate that Florence is too tired to talk with her cousin

B. to suggest that Florence is trying to appear mysterious
C. to emphasize that Florence dislikes her cousin and is not interested in talking
D. to reveal that Florence secretly loves her cousin but cannot bear to let him know

12. In paragraph 11, the French term tête à tête refers to a conversation that is —

F. private
G. public
H. typical
J. communal

13. In paragraph 12, the word moderate means?

A. to render violently
B. to control or regulate
C. to preside over
D. to be in the middle

14. In paragraph 17, the author’s use of foreshadowing suggests —

F. Uncle John’s son has died

G. Uncle John’s son may still be alive
H. Uncle John has given up hope
J. Uncle John does not care for his niece and nephew

15. In paragraph 18, Curtis uses imagery to indicate that —

A. Uncle John’s son has been dead a long time

B. this was a serious matter years ago
C. too much time has passed to find him
D. it’s time to forget things from the past

16. Choose the best meaning for the word improbable as it is used in paragraph 18.

F. likely
G. not likely
H. controversial
J. expected

17. In comparing and contrasting the attitudes of the two cousins, the author
suggests that —

A. Florence is sure that her uncle’s son is long dead

B. the uncle prefers Curtis over Florence
C. Curtis is unconcerned with becoming an heir to his uncle’s will
D. Curtis is interested in becoming his uncle’s primary heir

18. Read this sentence from paragraph 34.

What do these words reveal about Florence's attitude toward her cousin?

F. Florence is too tired to talk with her cousin at this time.

G. Florence is playing games and trying to appear mysterious to her cousin.
H. Florence dislikes her cousin and has no interest in talking with him.
J. Florence is distracted and cannot focus on the conversation.

19. What is the primary purpose of paragraph 9?

A. To develop the characterization of Florence

B. To reveal the theme of the story
C. To introduce John Linden’s primary conflict
D. To establish the story’s setting

20. Read this sentence from paragraph 51.

What does this sentence suggest?

F. Florence fears for her life.

G. Florence is determined to try to find her lost cousin, Harvey.
H. Florence’s uncle will force her to marry Curtis.
J. Florence is worried that she will end up without money and a place to live.

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