PRC-2018 Proposals - STU T.S

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1. What is your view on thefollowing?

I. Minimum and MaximumPay

Q.1(a) Minimum Pay – What’s the rational?

Ans: We are proposedthe Need based Minimum Wage. The Minimum Pay shall be
Rs. 25,000/- according to the calculation of the need based minimum wage after
incorporating the changes.

Price per KG
Per Total cost per
Per Day as per rates
Month 4 month (as on
Items @ PCU on
CU 02.06.2018)
(in gms) 02.06.2018
(in Kg) (In Rupees)
(In Rupees)
Rice 475 57.000 54.00 3078.00
Dal Toor/Urad/Moong 80 9.600 90.00 864.00
Raw Vegetables 100 12.000 48.00 576.00
Green Leaf Veg 125 15.000 42.00 630.00
Other Veg Onion,Potato, Tomato 75 9.000 36.00 324.00
Fruits 120 14.400 124.00 1785.60
Milk (18 Ltrs) 200 ml 24.000 60.00 1440.00
Sugar/Jaggery 56 6.700 52.00 348.40
Edible Oil 40 4.800 180.00 864.00
Fish 3.300 375.00 1237.50
Meat 6.60 550.00 3630.00
Egg 120 5.30 636.00
Detergents etc., Bath & washing
510.00 510.00
soap, washing powder etc.,
7.5 mtrs 370.00 peer
Clothing# 7.500 2775.00
per month Mt.
Total 18698.50
Misc.* @20% 3739.70
Total 22438.20
Addl.Expr. ** 10% 2243.82
Minimum Wage or say
PCU = Per Day Consumption Unit
Section 2 of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964, defines “members of family” of
government servants as spouse, dependent sons or daughters including
step-children and any other dependent person related to them or their
spouse by blood or marriage.

4 CU = Four Consumption Unit (Employee spouse, two children and their parents
also depend on employee, so averagely we taken as 4 consumption units for a
* = 20% miscellaneous charges towards fuel, gas, electricity, water etc.
**=Includesexpenditure on new items viz. transport,education, household
accessories, mobile phone and Internet usage etc., in addition to recreation an
d festivals.
#= Clothing as prescribed is 90 meters per year. This works out to about

The validity of this minimum pay of Rs. 25,000/-with reference to the cost of
essential commodities etc.. which were taken into account by PRTU TS which indicates
that as on 1.1.2018, the minimum requirement of pay for the lowest paid employee would
be around Rs.25,000/-.
The inflationary pressures which affect the purchasing capacity of rupee.
In the Master Scale set-up, the roll of the minimum wage is most important. Since
the Master Scale starts with minimum wage, the stages of the scales will be determined
by the starting stage.
“That’s why PRTU TS strongly desiring Rs.25000/- as the minimum pay w.e.f.

Explanatory Note:
Date of Implementation: “we are requesting to implement the Telangana state 1st PRC
(Revised Pay Scales) with effect from the Telangana state formation day 02.06.2018. Which
is a memorable day for the Telangana people and employees.”
The D.A. as on 1.7.2017 is 25.676%, the state Government DA w.e.f 01.01.2018 @
1.572% yet to be release, total DA will be 27.248% as on 01.01.2018. The Revised Pay
Scales 2018 will be come into force w.e.f. 02.06.2018 or on the date of next annual grade
increment or the date of subsequent annual grade increment may become as date of
option. Existing basic pay and DA as on option date will be merged for evolve consequent
new pay.
We propose the Master Scale system should be continued.
(a) MinimumPay:Rs.25,000/-
(b) MaximumPay:Rs. 2,55,580/-

What’s the rationale? and how are they arrived; (i.e.,) the basis for arriving the
minimum and maximum.
Ans: We have kept in mind the following three principles:
i) Annual increment to range from 3% of the pay in initial stage to 2.56% finally.
ii) Existing quantum of increment to be nearly doubled in line with increase of pay;
iii) Periodicity of increase in increment to be 3 years;
(c) Ratio between the Minimum and MaximumPay,1: _____. What’s the rationale?

Ans: Minimum and Maximum Pay, 1:10(7th CPC ratio is also 1:10)
2. Scale ofpay:

As you are aware every post carries a scale of pay with a minimum of the scale,
annual increments and maximum. The erstwhile State of A.P. Government introduced
the concept of Master Scale, it is often said that with the introduction of
theMasterscale,theconceptofpayscaledoesnothavemuchrelevanceparticularly, to those
who are in service. But the craze for the pay scale continues and the demands for a
higher scale of pay go on unabated. Very often the employees compare their scale
with their counterparts and feel that they get a raw deal in the matter of pay scale.
With this, the successive Pay Revision Commissions of erstwhile state of A.P. and the
Anomalies Committees repeatedly analyzing the payscales.
(a) The pay scale is sort of compensation or remuneration, but the employees seems
to be giving much prominence to the pay scale? Please indicate your view on
Ans: “Telangana State Government has Employee friendly Government it has been
taken approval in the first cabinet meeting for Central Pay Scale to the State
Government Employees, but employee organizations were said that we were
not interested with central scales, so Government has not implemented.
Because of we have a different system it is every 5 years Pay Revision system
is implements. In the Central allowances were better than state. We have
better pays from recent Pay Revision Scales implementation. We have to
protect that good Pays and requesting for the better Allowances.”
(b) In your view what should be the parameters for determining a Pay scale for a

Ans : Pay Scales for teachers should have a bearing on the academic and professional
qualifications, skills and techniques required of them. The National Education
Policy requires that the talented and efficient persons with a right attitude to
teaching are attracted into and retained in the profession to meet the ever growing
challenges thrown by the technological progress sweeping the world over and
prepare the child for a better world.

Therefore Teachers should be put on higher pedestal than that of the other sections
of employees with comparable qualifications.
(c) If you are representing a Service Association or heading a department what scales
do you suggest for the categories you are representing or the categories under your
control based on the parameters mentioned above. Givejustification.

Ans: We, Progressive Recognized Teacher’s Union has been recognized by the state
government of Andhra Pradesh prior to the disintegration of the state, Telangana
State Government has continued the recognition of our PRTU TS. Representing Pay
structure of all the teachers working in Primary / Upper Primary/ Secondary
Schools of Telangana. We represent the Categories and Scales as shown below.

3. MasterScale:
(a) Do you suggest continuation of Master Scaleconcept?
(b) If yes, do you suggest continuation (Tick any of the box indicating your view).

Asit is√with modifications

PROPOSED MASTER SCALE (With 80 Stages, 26 segments)

205180-6040-229340-6560-255580 (80)

(c) In case you advocate for continuation with modifications what modifications you
would like tosuggest?

Are the existing 32 grades of scales ofpayadequate?



13000-390-14170-430-15460- 920-32560-1000-35560-1100-
470-16870-510-18400-550- 38860-1200-42460-1300-
20050-590-21820-640-23740- 46360-1430-50650-1560-
700-25840-760-28120-820- 55330-1690-60400-1860-
30580-880-33220-950-36070- 65980-2030-72070-2200-
Master Master
1030-39160-1110-42490-1190- 78670-2420-85930-2640-
Scale Scale
46060-1270-49870-1360-53950- 93850-2860-102430-3140-
1460-58330-1560-63010-1660- 111850-3420-122110-3700-
67990-1760-73270-1880-78910- 133210-4050-145360-4400-
2020-84970-2160-91450-2330- 158560-4750-172810-5180-
100770-2520-110850 (80) 188350-5610-205180-6040-
229340-6560-255580 (80)
I 13000 - 40270 (40) I 25000 - 81090 (40)
II 13390 - 41380 (40) II 25760 - 83510 (40)
III 13780 - 42490 (40) III 26520 - 85930 (40)
IV 14600 - 44870 (40) IV 28120 - 91210 (40)
V 15030 - 46060 (40) V 28960 - 93850 (40)
VI 15460 - 47330 (40) VI 29800 - 96710 (40)
VII 16400 - 49870 (40) VII 31640 - 102430 (40)
VIII 17890 - 53950 (40) VIII 34560 - 111850 (40)
IX 18400 - 55410 (40) IX 35560 - 115270 (40)
X 19500 - 58330 (40) X 37760 - 122110 (40)
XI 21230 - 63010 (40) XI 41260 - 133210 (40)
XII 22460 - 66330 (40) XII 43760 - 141310 (40)
XIII 23100 - 67990 (40) XIII 45060 - 145360 (40)
XIV 24440 - 71510 (40) XIV 47790 - 154160 (40)
XV 25140 - 73270 (40) XV 49220 - 158560 (40)
XVI 26600 - 77030 (40) XVI 52210 - 168060 (40)
XVII 28940 - 78910 (38) XVII 57020 - 172810 (38)
XVIII 29760 - 80930 (38) XVIII 58710 - 177990 (38)
X IX 31460 - 84970 (38) X IX 62260 - 188350 (38)
XX 35120 - 87130 (35) XX 70040 - 193960 (35)
XXI 37100 - 91450 (35) XXI 74270 - 205180 (35)
XXII 40270 - 93780 (33) XXII 81090 - 211220 (33)
XXIII 42490 - 96110 (32) XXIII 85930 - 217260 (32)
XXIV 46060 - 98440 (30) XXIV 93850 - 223300 (30)
XXV 49870 - 100770 (28) XXV 102430 - 229340 (28)
XXVI 52590 - 103290 (27) XXVI 108710 - 235900 (27)
XXVII 56870 - 105810 (25) XXVII 118690 - 242460 (25)
XXVIII 61450 - 105810 (22) XXVIII 129510 - 242460 (22)
XXIX 66330 - 108330 (20) XXIX 141310 - 249020 (20)
XXX 73270 - 108330 (16) XXX 158560 - 249020 (16)
XXXI 80930 - 110850 (13) XXXI 177990 - 255580 (13)
XXXII 87130 - 110850 (10) XXXII 193960 - 255580 (10)

Existing RPS-2015 Scales of teachers:

Category Scale

Category III
21230-63010 (40)
Secondary Grade Teachers/LP/PET etc
Category II
28940-78910 (38)
School Assistants
Category I
35120-87130 (35)
Gaz. HM Gr.II of High Schools / MEOs

Proposed RPS-2018 Scales of teachers:

Category Scale

Category III
41260 - 133210 (40)
Secondary Grade Teachers/LP/PET etc
Category II
57020 - 172810 (38)
School Assistants and equaling cadres
Category I
70040 - 193960 (35)
Gaz. HMs of High Schools Gr.II/ MEOs

We were requested the PRC 2010 for the improvement of the Pay Scales of the
teachers which we loosed earlier. The Commission was agreed for improve pay scales of
Secondary Grade Teacher/ Language Pandit Grade-II/ Physical Education Teachers was
improved and accordingly assigns the scale an improvement by two stages and School
Assistant Teachers was improved and accordingly assigns the scale an improvement by
three stages. Anomaly was found in Pay structures of Category III, II and Category I
Teachers in RPS-2010 as shown below.

Pay as on D.A. Fitment Pay fixed

Sl.No Category Total
1.7.08 42.39% 39% In RPS-2010

1 SGT 5470 2318.73 2133.3 9922 10900

2 SGT 5605 2375.96 2185.95 10166 10900

3 SGT 5750 2437.43 2242.5 10429 10900

4 SGT 5895 2498.89 2299.05 10692 10900

5 School Asst 7200 3052.08 2808 13060 14860

6 School Asst 7385 3130.5 2880.15 13395 14860

7 School Asst 7570 3208.92 2912.3 13731 14860

8 School Asst 7770 3293.7 3030.3 14094 14860

9 School Asst 7970 3378.48 3108.3 14456 14860

10 School Asst 8170 3463.26 3186.3 14819 14860

11 Head Master 9285 3935.91 3621.15 16842 18030

12 Head Master 9520 4035.53 3712.8 17268 18030

13 Head Master 9775 4143.62 3812.25 17730 18030

New entrant teacher and 5 years of service senior teacher having were fixed in
same stage. So we representing Bunching System to the teachers, means service
weightage increments to be sanctioned as shown below.
 Up to 5 years of service - 1 increment
 5 years and < 10 years of service - 2 increments
 10 years and < 15 years of service - 3 increments

Prepone of Increment on par with Junior

Government has been issued G.O.Ms.No. 2 School Education Department Dt.

05.01.2009 and implementation Memo No. 8663/SE.Ser.I/2010 Dt.01.07.2010 for
sanction of two notional increments on completion of two years of apprentice service.
While implementing the G.O 2 we are facing senior junior anomalies in the pay. Some of
the illustrations were shown below

CASE 1: Senior and Junior both were appointed as apprentice teachers as on 23.11.2005
senior is completed two years apprentice on completion of 2 years successful
apprentice service i.e on 22.11.2005 and got two notional increments on regular
time scale i.e on 23.11.2005. Junior went on Extraordinary Leave for 330 days and
completed two years of apprentice service as on 17.10.2008 and got regular time
scale on 18.10.2008 then awarded two notional increments. Junior is getting more
pay than Senior. We are requesting you to allow prepone the senior pay on par
with junior pay.
Senior Junior

(as per roaster cum merit)

Date of first appointment 23.11.2005 23.11.2005

Date of completion of 2yrs Apprentice period 22.11.2007 17.10.2008

Date of Regular time scale awarded 23.11.2007 18.10.2008

Pay allowed on Regular time Scale 5470-12385

Fixed Pay
(on senior completion of apprentice i.e on 23.11.2007) 5470/-

2 Notional Increments to the Senior as on 23.11.2007 5605/- Fixed Pay

Pay fixed in RPS,2010 (as on 01.07.2008) Fixed Pay

Pay allowed on Regular time Scale 10900-31550 10900-31550

(on Junior completion of apprentice i.e on 18.10.2008) 10900/- 10900/-

2 Notional Increments to the Junior as on 18.10.2008 10900/- 11530/-

Anomaly raised as on Junior increment date (Regular time scale) i.e 18.10.2008, we requesting
you to allow Senior pay prepone on par with Junior pay.

Case :2 Senior was appointed as two years apprentice teacher as on 04.11.2010 and
went on Extraordinary Leave for 265 days and completed two years of apprentice
service as on 26.07.2013 and got regular time scale on 27.07.2013 then awarded
two notional increments. Junior appointed on 29.12.2012 on regular time scale.
Junior is getting more pay than Senior. We are requesting you to allow prepone the
senior pay on par with junior pay.
Senior Junior
Senior completes 2yr 6mnths Incremental
service as on 1st increment of Junior

Date of first appointment 04.11.2010 29.12.2012

Date of completion of 2yrs Apprentice period (265days E.O.L during No apprenticeship
the apprentice period)
Junior pay as on appointed date i.e 10900-31550
Fixed Pay
29.12.2012 10900/-
Pay fixed in RPS,2015 (as on 01.07.2013) Fixed Pay
Date of Regular time scale awarded on
27.07.2013 -
completion of apprenticeship of the Senior
Pay allowed on Regular time Scale
21230-63010 21230-63010
(on senior completion of apprentice i.e on
21230/- 23100/-
2 Notional Increments to the Senior as on
22460/- -
Normal Increment to the Junior as on
22460/- 23740/-
Anomaly arised as on Junior increment date i.e 01.12.2013, we requesting you to allow Senior
pay prepone on par with Junior pay.
(d) If ‘No’, how many grades of scales do yousuggest? `

(e) The Seventh Central Pay Commission introduced the concept of Pay Matrix. The
10th Pay Revision Commission of erstwhile State of A.P. had also gone into this
question and did not agree for adoption. Do you agree with the above view or else
what do yousuggest?
Ans: We are proposed to continue with existing system.

(f) In case you advocate for implementation with modifications what modifications you
would like tosuggest?
Not applicable

4. Fitment:
(a) In the Central Government, during the earlier pay revisions fitment used to be
allowed for fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales. So is the case with the State
Government. In the light of the above, what is your opinion onfitment?
(b) Should it be (Tick your choice)

i) A percentage ofpay√

ii) Increments based on service

(c) Quantum/percentage of fitment Rs. / % Increment.

Ans : Percentage of fitment is 63%
We strongly desires 63% fitment in 1st PRC of Telangana State w.e.f. 02.6.2018.
A question arises why the weightage may be 63% of the basic pay. Answer to the
above question is…
 As per AICPI 12 monthly average points (from 7/12 to 6/13) - 220
(Base year 2001 = 100)
 12 monthly average points (from 3/2017 to 2/2018) - 283
 Average difference in growth - 63 points
Consumer price index raised 63points from 7/17 to 2/018. Therefore we request the
chairman kindly recommend 63% as fitment keeping in view to meet the higher cost of
essential commodities to some extent.

Jan. Feb. Mar April May June July Aug Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2012 212 214 215 217 218 219
2013 221 223 224 226 228 231 235 237 238 241 243 239
2014 237 238 239 242 244 246 252 253 253 253 253 253
2015 254 253 254 256 258 261 263 264 266 269 270 269
2016 269 267 268 271 275 277 280 278 277 278 277 275
2017 274 274 275 277 278 280 285 285 285 287 288 286
2018 288 287
All India Consumer Price Index (Base 2001 = 100)
5. Increment
(a) State Government employees are now getting annual increment at the rates ranging
from 2.48% to 2.985%. Do you think that this is alright?
Ans :Yes/No
(b) If your opinion is “No” then what should be the quantum of increment in your view?
The rationale behind your suggestion may please beindicated.

Ans :We are demands that the rate of increment should be 3% of basic pay on par with

(c) The Central Government has introduced differential rate of increment linking it to
performance. Do you suggest for adoption of the above system for the State
Government employeesalso?

Ans :Yes/No
(d) If your opinion is “Yes” then what is your suggestion for the yardstick to be
followed to assessefficiency?

6. CommonCategories
departments with similar nature of duties and qualifications such as posts belonging to
Telangana State Last Grade Services, Telangana State Ministerial Services etc.

(a) Do you suggest for continuation of categorization of Common Categories?

Ans: Yes/ No
(b) If yes do you suggest continuation (Tick any of the box indicating your view)

Asitis √ withmodifications

(c) In case you advocate for continuation with modifications what would be the
modifications yousuggest?
Not Applicable
(d) Are there any new posts that can be brought to common categories? Your

7. Stagnationincrements
(a) According to one school of thought, the system of shifting the employee, when
he reached the maximum of pay scale, to the next pay scale is good as it will
give a satisfaction that the employee is in a better scale and also continue to
draw increments uninterruptedly. In the light of this, do you support sanction
of stagnation increments or shift to next scale on reaching the maximum of the
scale? (Tick any of the box indicating yourview)

StagnationincrementsShift to next scale√

(b) If you support sanction of stagnation increments whether the existing

provision of three increments issufficient?
(c) If “No” how many increments do yousuggest?
Ans: Not Applicable
(d) In case you advocate for continuation of stagnation increments with
modifications what would be the modifications yousuggest?
Ans: Not Applicable
(e) ThesanctionofstagnationincrementsisinvogueinerstwhilestateofA.P. since a long
time. It has been continued even after introducing Automatic Advancement
Scheme with the periodicity was 8/16/24 years. Later, that periodicity has been
revised to 6/12/18/24, which serves the larger interest of the employees,
sanctioning of stagnation increments will not serve any purpose. More so, when
it does not confer any additional benefits. Is there any justification for its
Please justify the necessity for continuance of the stagnation increments.
Ans: Opportunities to teachers for promotionschances are very less, we are getting
existing 5 stagnation increments were not enough to overcome the problem.
In case you support shifting to next scale, please give yourjustification.
Ans: If an employee is reached the maximum of the scale, we are requesting to allow
to shift to next scale. If in that scale also reaches maximum scale then allow
the existing 5 stagnation Increments.

8. Outsourcingstaff:
(a) In the context of Outsourcing of certain categories of staff do you support
continuation of the existing system in addition to the staff working under
Work Charged establishment /Daily Wage and contingent (full time/part
(b) If yes do you suggest continuation (Tick any of the box indicating
your view)
Asit is withmodifications

We are proposed to create three Academic Advisor posts instead of

Cluster Resource Persons system in Mandal Resource Centers which is
equalient to School Assistant cadre posts and fill this post by the way of
promotion. These Academic Advisors are gives advises to Primary and Upper
Primary Schools to implement the academic programs of the Education
Present Outsourcing/ Contract employees who is working as C.R.Ps who were not
selected in various Teacher selections. They were doing their job is only gathering
the information from the school. We are proposed to create well experienced
teachers to appoint by promotion which is equalient to School Assistant to work as
Academic Advisors in MRCs. Their duties are to give academic advises in the
concern subjects, certain training will be conducted improve the teaching technics.
Monitoring regularly the academic levels of the school. The proposed 3posts are
Languages – 1post, Mathematics – 1post and Science & Social – 1post.


The erstwhile Government of AP introduced Automatic Advancement Scheme

in 1981. The successive Commissions recommended for continuance of the scheme
suggesting some modifications and the scheme is being implemented duly carrying
out the modifications recommended by the successive Pay Revision Commissions. The
Central Government is also implementing the Career Advancement schemes which
are almost similar to the Automatic Advancement scheme in vogue in the State

9. (a) In view of the above, do you suggest for continuation of Automatic

(b) If yes do you suggest continuation (Tick any oneofthe box indicating your
i) Asit is with modifications√

(c) In case you advocate for continuation with modifications what the
modifications you would like tosuggest?
Ans : We are proposed Career Advancement scheme in place of Automatic
Advancement Scheme. The Duration of service for allowing Career
Advancement scheme Grades are 5yrs, 10yrs, 15yrs, 20Yrs and 25yrs as
shown below.

10. (a) Do you feel that the revised AAS consisting of 6/12/18/24 years
concept isadequate.

Asit is with modifications

(b) If no, suggest the duration of service for allowing Automatic




As the promotional channels are merged, some of the employees are not
getting one promotion in his entire service. The existing Automatic Advancement
Scheme may be replaced with Career Advancement scheme. In the Automatic
Advancement Scheme the senior employees are facing hardship and getting less
benefits than junior employees, to avoid such hardship and for benefit of the senior
employees “Career Advancement scheme” may be introduced by taking total service
of the employee in his career. In Career Advancement scheme four types of scales are
to be given.
11. (a) Do you support the existing system of limiting the promotion scales to
the Special Promotion Posts I-A(after 12years), Special Promotion
Posts I-B(after 18 years) and Special Promotion Posts II(after 24years)?

(b) If “no”, what are yoursuggestions?

Ans: The Duration of service for allowing Career Advancement scheme Grades
are 5yrs, 10yrs, 15yrs, 20Yrs and 25yrs. We are proposed to introduced
one more stage SPP-IIB same as like SPP-IB as shown below.

 on completion of 5 years of service : Special Grade

 on completion of 10 years of service : Special Promotion Post Scale-IA
 on completion of 15 years of service : Special Promotion Post Scale-IB
 on completion of 20 years of service : Special Promotion Post Scale-II A
 on completion of 25 years of service : Special Promotion Post Scale-II B

We request to allow pay fixation under FR 22 (B) in the promotion post after
getting SPP Scale -IIA. Allow Automatic Advancement Scheme to the teachers who got
promotion after getting SPP Scale-IIA.

(c) In case you advocate for continuation with modifications what

modifications would you like tosuggest?

The state Government has issued G.O.Ms.No. 96 Finance(Pay Commission –

II)Department Dt. 20.02.2011 for change of periodicity of the Scheme as 6/12/18/24
years of service from the provision of 8/16/24 years under Automatic Advancement
Scheme. SPP-IB has newly introduced on completion of 18 years of service in a cadre.
SPP-I modified as SPP-IA by reducing the service period in a cadre from 16 years to
12years. It was also ordered for fixation of pay under FR 22-B for those employees
who are promoted after availing the benefit of Automatic Advancement Scheme and if
the above fixation results in, the senior drawing less pay than that of junior, the pay
of the senior shall be stepped up w.e.f. the date of promotion of the junior to a figure
equal to the pay fixed for the junior in the higher post to which he/she is promoted
on or after 01.07.2008, subject to the conditions laid down therein, with monetary
benefit from 01.02.2010.

Here Teachers are facing a problem to expel the anomaly. Secondary

Grade Teachers are two or three promotion chances to get in the next
promotion post either in School Assistant in different subject or PSHM post. If
a senior get the chance to promotion earlier than junior, then junior got
automatic advancement scheme benefit and take the promotion to another
post. Junior pay will be higher the senior pay. Expel the anomaly is not
possible due to senior and junior were promoted to different subjects of the
same post or equalent post. Senior also have the qualification to take the
junior promotion post but senior got first chance get promotion and opted
another post.



It is a general phenomena that while assigning a pay scale, to a particular post,

the qualifications, nature of duties, whether general or arduous nature of duties,
areas of operation etc., are taken into consideration. The other argument is that the
pay scale is assigned for normal duties and when the job requires special skills or
arduous nature of duties or where the employee has to work in remote areas etc.,
there should be compensation by way of special pay or special allowance.

12. Which argument do you support?

(Tick in one of the box indicating your view)

(a) Sanction of Separate SpecialPay?√

If yes, indicate the categories for which Special Pays are requested
andquantumof specialpay.

(b) Or the pay structure should take care ofit?

If so what should be that pay structure, category-wise?

13. DearnessAllowance
The State Government is sanctioning Dearness Allowance Twice a year; on first
January and first July as in the case of Central Government employees. The
successive PRCs of erstwhile State of A.P. are recommending conversion formula, to
ensure that the quantum of Dearness Allowance sanctioned is at par with what was
sanctioned by the Government of India.

(a) Do you feel this system is adequate or inadequate? If inadequate please

indicate suitable suggestions/modifications.

Ans: We are requested to allow the Dearness Allowance on par With Central Govt.
Employees without conversion formula.

14. City CompensatoryAllowance

(a) Do you feel that the present system of City Compensatory allowance
based on pay ranges is adequate or inadequate? If inadequate, please
indicate suitable suggestions /modifications.
(b) Based on the recommendations of 6th C.P.R.C, the Central Government
employees are being sanctioned Transport Allowance duly abolishing of CCA.
Do you feel the Transport Allowance may be sanctioned to the State
Government employees in lieu of CCA. If so, indicate suitable suggestions
Ans : The CCA may allow to the employees working within the radius of 15kms
from the concerned corporations as shown below.

Sl.No. Place Existing (Rs) Proposed (Rs)

1 Hyderabad, Secunderabad 400/600/700/1000 Transport Allowance

on par with Central
2 Other Mpl.Corporations 200/300/350/500 Employees

15. House Rent Allowance

(a) As per the existing classification, HRA is being paid based on classification
of Cities/ towns on population basis subject to a maximum ceiling. Do you
feel that the existing classification of cities/towns is alright for sanction of
House RentAllowance?
(b)If “No”, what classification, the quantum of House Rent Allowance you would
like to suggest for variousplaces?
Ans We are proposed to change the classification of Cities/ towns on population
according Telangana state Government newly proposed municipalities.

16. (a) Do you feel that the existing rates of House Rent Allowance are adequate?

(b) If “No”, suggest the rate or quantum of H.R.A to be paid at various places
and the justificationthereof.

 Hyderabad (HMDA area) : 35% of Basic pay
Hyderabad City and places around the City at a distance
not exceeding 32 Kms from City limits. If the radius of 32
Kms. falls within a part of a Gramanchayat, the entire
Gramanchayat shall be taken for the purpose of giving
House Rent Allowance (HRA) as admissible to 35% on par
with Tamilnadu State.

 District Head Quarters : 25% of Basic pay

Cities of Warangal, Karimnagar, Ramagundam,
Nizamabad and Khammam and places around them at a
distance not exceeding 16 Kms from the city limits. If the
radius of 16 Kms. falls within a part of a Gramanchayat,
the entire Gramanchayat shall be taken for the purpose of
giving House Rent Allowance (HRA) as admissible to 25%
on par with Tamilnadu State.
 Municipalities : 20% of Basic pay
Places classified Municipalities by Government of
Telangana and places around 8 Kms from town limits. If
the radius of 8 Kms. falls within a part of a
Gramanchayat, the entire Gramanchayat shall be taken
for the purpose of giving House Rent Allowance (HRA) as
admissible to 20%

 Villages : 15% of Basic pay

Payment of HRA shall be continued in present form without maximum

limit. The rates may enhanced keeping in view of high prices.

17. (a) In the Central Government, Government notifies dependent villages of

the qualified town for allowing House Rent Allowance. In the State, House
Rent Allowance is admissible to the employees working in offices located
within 8 K.Ms. distance from the periphery of the qualified cities/towns to
the center of the village at the rates as admissible at qualified cities/towns.
The District Collector, based on the certificate from the Executive Engineer
concerned will notify such places. Do you advocate for continuance of the

(c) If “No”, what is your suggestion onthis?

Ans: We are proposed the HRA shall be admissible to the employees working in
offices located the qualified cities/towns from the periphery of within 15km
distance. So many years back decided periphery of the qualified cities,
presently some of the Gramapanchayaths merged in cites/towns. We are
requesting you to instruct the Government to reorganize the periphery of
the qualified cities and employees working in offices located within 15 K.M.

It is common phenomena that employees are bearing high rental

charges in an urban and also even in rural area as the construction charges
increased. As such there is an inevitable burden for the employees to meet
the additional expense under the high cost of living. The HRA shall be
granted within the radius from the periphery of the concerned town/cities of
Greater Hyderabad, Municipal Corporation and Municipalities

18. LTC and otherAllowances:

(a) Do you feel that the existing system of Leave Travel Concession is
(b) If “No”, suggest modifications, duly justifying thesame.

Ans: The present system of payment of L.T.C. led to corrupt practices at all
levels. Hence we are proposed to introduce such amount per family to
take on L.T.C to anywhere in India without producing the expenditure
 Every Four years - To visit throughout India
 Every Two years - To visit home town


Amount @ Rs. Per

each person in the Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 15,000/-

19. (a) Do you think the present system of sanction of Tour T.A., Daily Allowances
Transfer T.A, F.T.A, other than Special Pay or Perquisites either in cash
or in kind isadequate?

(b) Do you think the present system of sanction of Uniform Allowance,

Risk Allowance, Conveyance Allowance, any Special Allowance etc.,
other than Special Pay or Perquisites either in cash or in kind is
Ans: Inadequate
(c) If “No”, suggest modifications duly justifying thesame.

Here we are proposed the allowances which are related to the Teachers
and Education Department related.

Special Compensatory Allowance:

The Special Compensatory Allowance to the employees working in the
scheduled areas i.e. Non Mandals, Mandals and Hills/ Hilltops the existing rates
shall be revised as fallows.

 Rate of Special Compensatory Allowance admissible in Mandals – 5% of basic

 Rate of Special Compensatory Allowance admissible in Non-Mandals – 8% of basic
 Rate of Special Compensatory Allowance admissible in Hills/Hilltops- 10% of basic

Other Compensatory Allowance:

The Bad Climate Allowance - @Rs. 2000/-P.M
Hill Area Allowance - @Rs. 3000/- P.M
Special Compensatory Allowance (Remote Locality) - @Rs. 4000/- P.M

Chalk Allowance: (Newly Proposed)

The dust of chalk causes many problems like Respiratory, Asthmatic,
Dermatological problems, it even enter into eyes and incurs a lot of medical
expenditure is required. Hence we are requesting you to sanction chalk allowance
Rs.1500/- per month.

Reference Books Allowance: (Newly Proposed)

A teacher is always a student. He has to keep abreast with the latest
knowledge. For which he shall buy the journals, magazines and attend to internet
for getting information up to date. Then only he can justify his service to the
student. Hence we propose Reference Books Allowance @rs.1500/- per month.
Physically Handicapped Conveyance Allowance:
We propose the Conveyance Allowance to the Physically Challenged employees will
be allow @10% on basic pay without maximum limit.

Education Fee Reimbursement:

For two elder children Rs.2250/- p.m. for day scholars and Rs.6750/-
p.m. for hostlers on par with Central Govt. Employees.

Additional HRA:

The Additional HRA to the employees of agency areas may be revised from
8% to 12% without maximum limit.

Readers Allowance:
We propose the Readers Allowance to Blind Lecturers and Teachers as shown

Sl. No Category Existing Proposed

1. Lecturers Rs.2000 Rs.4000

2. School Asst and Equivalent Rs.1500 Rs.3000

3. Secondary Grade Teachers & Equivalent Rs.1200 Rs.2400


Sl. Proposed
Nature of Extra Duty Allowance
No Allowance (P.M)
Head Master of Primary School
1. Rs.100/- Rs. 250/-
(Single Teacher)
Head Master of Primary School
2. Rs.125/- Rs. 350/-
(More than 2 Teachers)
3. Head Master of UP School Rs.100/- Rs. 450/-
4. Non Gazetted HMs of High Schools Nil Rs. 600/-
5. Head Master of High School Gr.II Nil Rs. 600/-
LP’s &SGT’s who handling the higher
6. Rs.150/- Rs. 1000/-
7. Scout Allowance Rs. 100/- Rs. 500/-
8. Library allowance Nil Rs. 600/-
10. Computer allowance Nil Rs. 600/-
11. Track suit allowance Nil Rs. 400/-
12. Science Lab maintenance Nil Rs. 600/-
13. Audio visual in charge Nil Rs. 600/-
Midday meals maintenance in charge Rs. 1000/-
14. Nil

Deputation Allowance: (Newly Proposed)

When Transfers are not made regularly and fresh recruitments for vacancy
posts were not taken in time, Government are arranged alternatively by way of
the deputation of the Teachers from other Schools. We are requesting you to
sanction the Deputation Allowance on par with Central Employees as shown
 “In case of deputation within the same station, the deputation (duty) allowance
will be payable at the rate of 5% of basic pay subject to maximum of Rs. 4,500/-
per month”
 “This allowance will be payable at the rate of 10% of basic pay subject to
maximum of Rs. 9,000/- per month, in the case of deputation involving change of

Nursing Allowance to pregnant woman: Rs.3,000/- p.m upto 6 months

Fixed Travelling Allowance: Rs.2500/- p.m. to M.E.O, HM’s of Primary/ Upper

primary/High schools

20. Medicalfacilities:
(a) Do you consider that the existing medical facilities available including
the system of reimbursement in respect of serving Government
employees areadequate?
(b) If no, indicate your suggestions for their modification duly justifying

Ans: Cash less health scheme shall be implement in all corporate hospitals, If
payment made by the employee that amount should be allow by Medical
Reimbursement without any upper ceiling. All the hospitals should allow
to examine outpatient cases also.

(c) Do you have any other alternative suggestions to improve Medical

facilities to theemployees?

Ans: We are proposed to improve our health cards to work as like Private
cashless Health Schemes.

(d) Govt., are contemplating to provide cashless treatments by issuing Health

Cards to employees and pensioners. Do you consider that the proposed
Health Card system is a suitable substitute for the existing
Ans: No, Most of the corporate hospitals were not allowed to give the treatment
on employee cashless health cards. We are demanding to continue the
existing medical reimbursement facility parallel to the cashless health
(e) If “Yes” furnish the same indetail.

21. ObsequiesCharges

(a) Is the quantum of obsequies charges being paid at present, in the case of
death of the employeesadequate?
(b) If “No” suggest any modifications withjustification.
Ans : We proposed to sanction Rs.50,000/- or one month Salary, whichever is
higher will be paid



One of the terms of reference of the Pay Revision Commission (PRC) is to

examine and review the existing structure for pensioners and make recommendations
which may be desirable and feasible.

The present rules that govern the pensionary benefits are based on theA.P.
Revised Pension Rules, 1980 which came into force with effect from 29 th October, 1979
as amended from time to time. Government have been sanctioning Pension on the last
pay drawn, provided the employee drew pay in that post, in a regular vacancy at least
for a period of two months. Otherwise the pension is based on average emoluments
drawn for the last ten months. The minimum service to get pension is 10 years.
Government allows a weightage of 5 years for superannuation pension and for voluntary
retirement. In either case, the maximum qualifying service is 33 years for getting full
pension i.e.,50% of pay drawn at the time ofretirement.

The Pay Revision Commission 2015 reviewed the pension structure and fixed
the minimum pension as Rs.6500/- a month. The commutation of pension was
recommended to be continued @ 40% and no change was recommended in the
existing provision in case of restoration of commuted pension. The maximum limit of
Retirement Gratuity was recommended to be enhanced from Rs.8,00,000/- to
Rs.12,00,000/-. The D.A. at the time of retirement should be added to the basic pay
at gratuity be calculated.

22. (a) In the light of the above, do you consider whether the existing Pension
scheme is sufficient?
(b) If “No” what modifications you would like tosuggest?

23. (a) Do you consider that the present formulae and quantum of pension, family
pension, retirement gratuity and calculation of Average Emoluments
require anymodification?

(b) If “yes” what modifications would you like tosuggest?
Ans: We are proposed the Last Basic Pay plus Dearness Allowance to be fixed
as Service Pension irrespective of length of service. The Enhanced Family
Pension may be continued as Family Pension.

(c) Whether the existing ceiling on Retirement Gratuity is adequate or do you

suggest anyenhancement?
Ans: We are proposed the Retirement cum death Gratuity ceiling is enhanced
to Rs. 20,00,000 on par with Central Government Employees.

24. (a) Is the present percentage of commutation and restoration of commuted

portion of pensionadequate?
(b) If “No” what modifications do yousuggest?
Ans: Comparatively last from a decade people almost life span has 5 years has
extended. Hence we are proposed to enhance the Commutation factor
and restoration of commuted portion of pension is proposed to change to

25. (a) Does the present scheme of Voluntary retirement require any

(b) If “Yes” suggestmodifications.

Ans: We Proposed

26. (a) Is the weightage of 5 years allowed on superannuation/ voluntary

retirement respectivelyjustified?

(b) Suggest modifications ifany.

Ans: Employees were appointed late by various reasons, 7 years weightage has
been proposed by AP 10th PRC but government has not implemented. We
requested to propose Telangana State 1st Pay Revision Commission again.

27. Additional Quantum ofPension:

(a) Do you feel that additional quantum of pension above the age of 75 years
to 100 years or more isadequate?

Yes/ No
If No, suggest the modifications.

 From 65 yrs. to 70 years - 5% of Basic Pension

 From 70 yrs. to 75 years - 10% of Basic Pension
 From 75 yrs. to 80 years - 20% of Basic Pension
 From 80 yrs. to 85 years - 35% of Basic Pension
 From 85 yrs. to 90 years - 50% of Basic Pension
 From 90 yrs. to 95 years - 65% of Basic Pension
 From 95yrs. to 100 years - 80% of Basic Pension
 Above100 years - 100% of Basic Pension

28. (a) Is the quantum of death relief i.e., a lumpsum amount equal to one month’s
pension subject to minimum of Rs.10,000/- to the pensioners paid at
present adequate?
If “No” what are the suggestions you would like tomake?
Ans: We proposed to sanction Rs.50,000/- or one month Pension, whichever is
higher will be paid

(c) In the case of death of the spouse, where the spouse pre-decease the
Pensioner, the quantum of relief is fixed at Rs.10000/-. Does it adequate?
If No, please indicate the reasons.
Ans: Deceased spouse and pensioner's obsequies charges are equal, hence we are
prosed the same amount i.e Rs.50,000/- or one month Pension, whichever
is higher will be paid, hence we are prosed the same amount of
Rs.50,000/- or one month Pension, whichever is higher will be paid.
(d) In the case of Family Pensioner, the quantum of Death Relief is fixed at
Rs.10,000/-. Is itadequate?
If No, please indicate the reasons.
Ans: We are proposed to Family Pensioner's obsequie charges is Rs. 50,000/- or
one month Pension, whichever is higher will be paid.
29. (a) The pensioners are being compensated towards the rise in the cost of living by
way of Dearness Relief on pension/family pension at the same rate as
sanctioned to the serving employees. Is itadequate?
(b) If “No” suggestmodifications?

30.(a) Do you think that the existing procedure of verifying of service, submission of
pension papers, issue of PPO/GPO by A.G. etc. requires anymodification?
(b) If “Yes” suggestmodifications?
Ans: We propose the existing procedure of sanction of pension implemented at
Hyderabad may be extended to all districts and powers to sanction of
pension shall be decentralized by delegating from AG to District Audit
31.(a) Do youconsiderthe quantum of anticipatory/provisional pension is
(b) If “No” suggestmodifications?
Ans: We are proposed to allow 70% of pension as anticipatory/ provisional pension.
32.(a) There is a need to provide medical facilities to the pensioners who have
served the Government. Do you consider that the existing medical facilities

(b) Do you feel that the proposed Health Card System is suitable substitute to
the existing medicalreimbursement?
Indicate your view.
(c) If “No” suggest modifications dulyjustifying.
Ans: Same as Employees health scheme
(d) If you have any other suggestions for better medical care to pensioners,
Ans: Same as Employees health scheme

33. Financial Assistance:

At present Financial assistance is admissible to such of the survivors to whom
either service pension or family pension is not admissible i.e., teachers and Non-
Teaching Staff of Aided Educational Institutions and Ex-District Boards who retired or
died while in service prior to 01-04-1961. As per the recommendations of 10th PRC, a
minimum of Rs.3,350/- p.m. is being sanctioned as Financial Assistance without

Do you feel that the above Financial Assistance is adequate? Please indicate
your consideredviews.

Ans: We are proposed to Financial Assistance as Minimum Pension along with

Dearness Relief.

Contributory Pension Scheme is needs to be abolish

With the implementation of this Contributory Pension Scheme since 01.09.2004,
the employee who has served for 30 to 35 years receive a pension is less likely to at the
end of his life and New Pension does not grow lifetime of the employee. Old pension
system is most needful for implement.
Restoration of Old Pension Scheme is not an immediate financial burden to the
Government, because an employee has an average of 28 years of service. New Pension
Scheme effected employees appointed after September 2004, so employees will retire
from the service 2033. Every year there is a small number may be retire up to above
said period.
Government share investment in the Contribution Pension Scheme:
Post Basic Pay 10% Pay 10% DA Total
IV Class Entrée
16000 4262 1600 426 2026
SGT Entrée Level 21230 5451 2123 545 2668
SA Entrée Level 28940 7431 2894 743 3637

 Government average investment for Contributory Pension Scheme on each

employee : 3,000/PM
 Currently the number of employees employed in the CPS (NPS): 1,20,000
 Monthly payment on CPS (NPS): 1,20,000 X 3,000 = 36,00,00,000
 Yearly payment on CPS (NPS): : 36,00,00,000 X 12 = 4,32,00,00,000

If cancel the new pension system, the government's share of the employee is equal to
approximately 450 crore each year, so there is no need to contribute and it may use
other purposes, the government will have the opportunity to capitalize CPS reversal
amount. In addition, nearly 5,000 crore so far to roll back the new pension deposit for
the chance to make use of development schemes. Employee’s monthly savings and
earlier employee share contributed reversal amount from the NSDL to General Provident

Old Pension - New Pension - Observation

Difference between Contribution Pension Scheme and Old Pension Scheme:

On the winter session of the Assembly on 21st December 2016 in respect of

members of the legislature to answer questions on the respect of new pension scheme,
Finance Minister Sri. Eetela Rajender said that the new pension is benefit able than the
old pension. He says that, if a Headmaster retire in new pension scheme he will get
much better benefits than old pension scheme.

To see if this is true, we observed old pension benefits and new pension scheme
benefits of headmaster of the Upper Primary School who retired in February 2017. We
are calculated new pension scheme benefits with his every month Pay and DA as per
his service records. His old and new pension benefits as showed below.

“The Salary details and expected contributions of the above said

employees are attached with this file.”

Old Pension Benefits:

 Date of Birth : 05.02.1959

 Date of First Appointment as Special Teacher : 11.07.1985 (Rs. 398/pm)
 Date of Regular time Scale allowed : 25.09.1990
 Date of Retirement : 28.02.2017
Total pension eligible service 33 years (26years 5months Service + 5 years
2months 398 service + 1year 5months Service
 Last month Pay : Rs. 55410/-
 Gratuity : Rs. 11,34,639/-
 Basic Pension + D.A : Rs. 27,705 + Rs. 6,678 = Rs. 34,383/-
 40% pension commutation amount : Rs. 11,13,209/-
But a monthly basic pension of Rs. 11,082 / - will be reduced to 15 years. Rs.
16623 / - and the total DA on sanctioned pension is Rs. 16,623 + Rs. 7,114 = Rs.
23,737 / - pension. Growing pension comes with growing DAs.

New Pension Benefits:

From 25.09.1990 i.e his regular time scale, employee share 10% and
Government share 10% calculated with 10% of return has taken into consideration. By
February 2017 at time of his retirement, approximately Rs. 23,00,000 has been

 60% Rs. 13,80,000 (Income Tax to be pay)

 40% Rs. 9,20,000 to buy Annuity Plan
Selected the pension which has the same, as to their Spouse after their death, for
this type of pension we have to invest Rs.1,00,000/- then we get monthly pension as
approximately Rs.550/- only. They will get only Rs.5,060/- by investing Rs.9,20,000/-
as monthly pension for their entire life. It’s less amount than minimum pension of old
pension scheme.

If the plan is selected for a 3% increase in monthly pension every year, the
monthly pension is paid at the rate of Rs.500 / - per 1 lakh. Again the service pensioner
does not have a pay pays for their spouse.

After 15 years the commuted pension is restored and the additional quantum of
pension comes after 75 years of age to meet additional expenditure.

If the Government thinks that the New Pension Scheme is a profitable than
Old Pension Scheme, renew the General Provident Fund and have to transfer the
employees 10% share of the New Pension Scheme funds into that account.
Government funding 10% share may be continued in new pension scheme,
Government has to be take the benefits of investments are in new pension
scheme. Government have to renew the Old Pension to the employees.



34. Of late, the information technology is expanding rapidly. The fruits of

developed technology have to be made available to the citizens. The
bureaucracy has to take an active part in this regard. Total reliability on
outsourcing is not a solution and the regular employees have to get trained
and well acquainted with the latest technology. Naturally, the
compensation and the serving conditions of the State Government have to
invariably attract the young and talented. In the light of the aboveposition,

(a) Do you feel that the existing pay structure and the service conditions
attract such talented youngpersonnel?


(b) If “No” suggest measures to be taken to attract such talented young

Ans : Young talented personnel were interested to join in Private sector by
getting good salary packages and impressive other amenities.

35. (a) Of late the exposure of Government employees to terrorism has increased. Do
you consider the existing compensation/package to the kith and kin to
those who are losing their lives and limbs in terrorist activities to

(b) If “No” suggest measures for improvingcompensation?

36. Please suggest measures

i) To reduce Govt.expenditure
ii) To improve the Stateresources
iii) To meet the growing liability onpension
iv) Creation of pension fund and investment of Pensionfund.

37. (a) Do you have any other suggestions to improve the economic status of the
serving employees/pensioners, on the items coming under the ambit of

(b) If “Yes” furnish the same in detail with due justification.

Ans: All the hikes of employees have to sanction in timely.

38. (a) Do you feel that the amount of advance being paid to the employees for
purposes of purchase of site/purchase of ready built house/purchase of site-
cum-construction of a house/construction of a house on
thesitealreadyowned/forundertaking repairs, additions, extensions to the
house already owned by the employee, issufficient?
(b) If “No” what suggestions would you like tomake?
Ans: Almost all the Teachers are not allowed to above the said advances due
to insufficient funds at the head of the departments.
(c) Do you consider that the maximum number of installments of recovery of the
principal/interest issufficient?
(d) If “No” what are yoursuggestions?

Ans: Almost all the Teachers are not allowed to above the said advances due
to insufficient funds at the head of the departments.
(e) Do you consider that the rates of recovery of interest/penal interest are
(f) If ‘No” indicate your suggestions.

Ans: Almost all the Teachers are not allowed to above the said advances due
to insufficient funds at the head of the departments.
39. (a) Do you feel that the quantum of advance being paid to the employees for the
purchase of conveyances,(viz.) motor car, motor cycle/scooter, moped and
bicycle is adequate?

(b) If “No” what suggestions you would like tomake?

Ans: Almost all the Teachers are not allowed to above the said advances due
to insufficient funds at the head of the departments.

(c) Do you consider that the maximum number of installments of recovery of the
principle/interest issufficient?

(d) If “No” what suggestions you would like tomake?
Not Applicable
(e) Do you consider that the rates of recovery of interest/penal interest are
(f) If “No” indicate your suggestions
Not Applicable
40.(a) Do you feel that the quantum of advance being paid to the employees, for
the celebration of marriage of themselves/sons/daughters is sufficient?
(b) If “No” what are the suggestions you would like tomake?
Ans: Almost all the Teachers are not allowed to above the said advances due
to insufficient funds at the head of the departments.
(c) Do you consider that the maximum number of installments of recovery of the
principal/interest issufficient?
(d) If “No” what suggestions you would like tomake?
Not Applicable
(e) Do you consider that the rates of recovery of interest/penal interest are
(f) If “No” indicate your suggestions.
Not Applicable
41.(a)Do you feel that the amount of advance being paid to the officers for the
purchase of personal computer is sufficient ?
(b) If “No” what suggestions you would like tomake?

Ans: Almost all the Teachers are not allowed to above the said advances due
to insufficient funds at the head of the departments.

(c) Do you consider that the maximum number of installments of recovery of the
principal/interest issufficient?
(d) If “No” what suggestions you would like tomake?

(e) Do you consider that the rates of recovery of interest/penal interest are
(f) If “No” indicate yoursuggestion.

42. (a) Do you feel that the amount of festival advance being paid the employees
(b) If “No” what suggestions you would like tomake?

Ans: Adequate but we requested to all the non-gazetted without pay scale

(c) Do you consider that the maximum number of installments of recovery of the
principal issufficient?
(d) If “No” what suggestions you would like tomake?
43. (a) Do you feel that the amount of education advance being paid to the
employees issufficient?

(b) If “No” what suggestions you would like tomake?
Ans: Teachers are not allowed the Education Advance. We requesting you to
allow to sanction allowance to all the Non Gazetted Teachers without
pay scale ceiling.

(c) Do you consider that the maximum number of installments of recovery of

the principal/ issufficient?
(d) If “No” what suggestions you would like tomake? Yes/No

44. What should be the cap on the total amount of loans that a Government
servant can take to avoid high level ofindebtedness?
45. (a) Do you feel that the existing amount of reimbursement of tuition fees paid by
the employees in respect of their children isadequate?
(b) If “No” what suggestions you would like tomake?
Ans: For two elder children Rs.2250/- p.m. for day scholars and Rs.6750/-
p.m. for hostlers on par with Central Govt. Employees.

46. (a) Do you consider that the existing system of concessional bus pass facility
to certain categories of employees to travel by T.S.R.T.C. buses in
notified municipal corporation areas issufficient?
(b) If “No” what are the modifications you would like tosuggest?

Ans: We proposed to sanction Travelling Allowance on par with Central


(c) Do you feel that it is necessary to extend similar facility to the employees
working in other cities/towns in the statewhere
T.S.R.T.C. is operating city services?
(d) If “yes” suggest the cities/towns you would like the facilities to be
Ans: We proposed to sanction Travelling Allowance on par with Central



There is a continual transformation in the functioning of Government

Departments, due to increased focus on Economic Development and Public Welfare,
emphasis on transparency and accountability and time bound delivery of citizen centric
services. Information and Communication Technology is now extensively being used in
Government Departments to monitor programmes. In order to respond to the new and
emerging challenges, Government Departments, need to undertake review of existing
Human Resources to workout effective organizational strategy for the future. Given the
challenges faced by the government and the tasks on hand, please comment on the
following aspects of human resources in your Department.

47. (a)Whether the manpower availability in your Department is adequate to meet the
present day work requirement ? Please state for each category separately.

NameofCategory Sanctioned Availability Requirement

(No.) (No.)(No.)

(b) What steps are preferred to rectify the problem of excess / shortfall? Please state
for each category separately with a briefexplanation.

i) Recruitment

ii) Hiring oncontract

iii) Hiring throughoutsourcing

iv) Re-deployment

v) De-centralization and Delegation ofauthority

vi) Re-organization of staff/fieldunits

vii) Outsourcing of services / activities to professionalagencies

viii) Training and Skill up-gradation of existingstaff

ix) Use of Information and Communication Technology(ICT)

x) Improvemobility

xi) Closure of non-functional units

xii) Privatization ofunits

xiii) Anyother

48. Please state in brief the Programs / Schemes / Institutions of the Department
which immediately require review of its man power for improved service delivery

49. Should there be a change in the hiring policy of Government to attract person of
requisite talent for different category of posts? Presently, recruitment is being done
through DSC / TSPSC or on contract and outsourcing basis. Please state for each

50. Should the job description of Govt. Functionaries at various levels that was fixed
long back, be redefined to clearly delineate new areas of responsibility and
corresponding levels of accountability? And if so, should the recruitment rules for
various levels of Govt. Posts be also changed to prescribe for higher qualifications as
may be considered appropriate? Please give your views and the categories of posts for
which these changes arerequired.

51. Should the Government, instead of hiring new personnel for the work, as well
think of outsourcing repetitive and non-regularity type of services / activities to
professional agencies for timely performance according to prefixed standards, on
payment basis. If so, please suggest the services / activities of the department that can

52. In order to avoid procedural delays and consequent public harassment, should
the documentation and procedural compliance required for obtaining public services be
outsourced to professional agencies, while retaining decision making within the
Government Department? If so, for what public services can such outsourcing be

53. To allow public easy access to various Government services, should Government
encourage call centers like 108, 100 etc. to record public demand and forward it to the
concerned Department for time bound action? If so, please suggest the services in your
Department that can be accessed by public through dedicated a Call Centersystem.
54. Should Government fix action protocols for public servants to comply with while
rendering public services, once a request from citizen for such service is received by the
Government system? If so, please suggest the services for which such protocols should
be framed on a prioritybasis.

55. Several new laws aiming to secure rights of the citizens are being enacted inter-
alia requiring public servants to perform new roles and to conform to new procedures
while dealing with public. For effective implementation of such laws, should there be a
continuous programme of training, education and awareness creation for Government
servants? Can you suggest such laws, programmes and schemes for which special
training, education and awareness programmes are required to be conducted for

56. Does your Department have requisite infrastructure for the periodic training of
officers and staff at all level and for the education of stakeholders in respect of new
laws / policies and programmes? Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

57. Do you have any further suggestion for the development of human resources in
Government departments to meet people’s expectations and enhance public delivery?

If you feel that any issue which is within the terms of reference of the Pay
Revision Commission, but not covered in the Questionnaire, such issues may be
identified and indicate your point of view on such issues.

The University authorities/ Service Associations of the Non-Teaching Staff and

the individual employees of the Universities may also enumerate their suggestions
with special reference to the conditions of their service in the Universities.

The Commission expects that the suggestions made are comprehensive and
supported by data and probable financial implications. Where the proposed
suggestions involve financial implications please indicate them in the following

Format – I

Suggestions involving financial implications:

Sl. Issu Item No. Existin Difficult Reason Suggesti Financia

No. e in g y s o ns to l
Questionnai Positio faced mitigate implicat
re n the io ns

Note: a. Illustration may be given below if necessary.

b. Each item shall be on separate sheet unless they are related to eachother.
c. The Govt. order relied for stating the existing provision may beenclosed.
d. Each sheet has to besigned.

Format –II

Suggestions involving new schemes:

Sl. Issue New Scheme Need Justification Financial

No. Proposed Implications

Format – III
In case where suggestions are made for the continuation or otherwise of
theexisting system

Sl. Issue Item No. in If continuance If discontinuance is

No. No. Questionnaire is suggested suggested furnish reasons

Without With modifications


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