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This paper uses a question-and-answer format to present the technical aspects of inter-
rupted time-series analysis (ITSA). Topics include the potential relevance of ITSA to
behavioral researchers, serial dependency, time-series models, tests of significance, and
sources of ITSA information.
DESCRIPTORS: data analysis, methodology, serial dependency, statistics, time-series

Various techniques have been proposed to aid The reader should understand that he or she
in judging the significance of change in indi- will not be able to perform an ITSA as a result
vidual subject research. These decision aids in- of reading our paper. It is not intended as a
clude visual analysis of graphic displays and cookbook for performing an ITSA. It is instead
rule-of-thumb, as well as formal inferential pro- a description of the novel aspects of ITSA writ-
cedures applied to descriptive statistics. Perhaps ten in reasonably ordinary language. We have
the most suitable statistical procedure for analyz- written the material that follows in a question-
ing individual subject data is interrupted time- and-answer format. This format allows the reader
series analysis (ITSA). Unfortunately, however, the options of obtaining an answer to a spe-
ITSA is technically complex, and at present cific question by turning to the relevant portion
there are few papers that bridge the gap between of the paper or obtaining a general understand-
the elementary description by Jones, Vaught, ing of ITSA and related issues by reading the
and Weinrott (1977) and the more complex paper straight through.
mathematical presentation by Glass, Willson,
and Gottman (1975). This paper is intended to Q: What is interrupted time-series analysis?
help bridge that gap and hence ease the pains A: Interrupted time-series analysis is a statistical
of entry into the technical ITSA literature. method for analyzing temporally ordered scores
to determine if an experimental manipulation,
Portions of this paper were supported by the fol- a clinical intervention, or even a serendipitous
lowing research grants: HDMH 06914 from the
National Institutes of Health, United States Public intrusion, has produced a reliable change in the
Health Services to Donna M. Gelfand and Donald P. scores. Unlike other decision aids, such as visual
Hartmann; NIMH Research Scientist Development analysis or analysis of variance, ITSA accommo-
Award 1K02MH00257 to John M. Gottman; and
ROI MH 31018 from the Center for Studies of dates serial dependency, a common property of
Crime and Delinquency, NIMH, United States Public single organism behavioral scores. Serial depen-
Health Services to Richard R. Jones. Reprints may dency violates assumptions underlying traditional
be obtained from Donald P. Hartmann, Department statistical models, such as the analysis of variance
of Psychology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
Utah 84112. (Glass et al., 1975; Gottman & Glass, 1978),
544 HARTMANN et al.
and appears to hinder the use of visual analysis the observations, is a more subtle and, perhaps,
as well (Jones, Weinrott, & Vaught, 1978). more pervasive problem. Serial dependency re-
fers to the fact that most time series-that is,
Q: Why might a behavioral researcher be inter- temporally ordered behavioral scores for a single
ested in ITSA? unit such as a subject, classroom, or family-do
A: The usual visual method for the analysis of not consist of statistically independent observa-
experimental effects may be unreliable in two tions (Glass et al., 1975). With serially depen-
important cases: when the experimental effect dent data, the performance of the unit at a given
is small or otherwise difficult to detect, and point in time can be predicted from its perfor-
when the observations are serially dependent. mance at one or more earlier points in time.
If neither of these conditions exists in a given When scores are serially dependent, visual anal-
study, then visual analysis of graphic representa- ysis will agree with statistical analysis (ITSA)
tion of data will probably produce reliable in- less often than when scores are not serially de-
ferences about the effects of a manipulation (see pendent (Jones et al., 1978). So visual analysis
Parsonson & Baer, 1978, and Tukey, 1977, for tends to produce less reliable and, therefore, less
a thorough discussion of graphic analysis). valid inferences from applied behavioral studies
In the first case, when an experimental effect when this condition exists in the data than when
is small or difficult to detect, one or more of it does not. And serial dependency is common
the following tends to occur: (a) the results of in time-series data sets. Jones et al. (1977) re-
visual analysis will be less reliable when the ef- ported finding serially correlated data in 83%
fects of manipulations are small; (b) baseline of nonrandomly selected graphs from the Jour-
trends or cycles are hard to separate from the nal of Applied Behavior Anaysis, whereas Ken-
behavior changes caused by the manipulation; nedy (Note 1) reported finding only 29% of
and (c) the eye has trouble distinguishing real the graphs he analyzed from the same journal
behavior change from random behavioral fluctu- to have significant serial correlations. Although
ations when scores are highly variable. Of course, it is not clear how to account for these discrep-
applied analysts may not be interested in any ancies, it is clear that a substantial number of
statistical method for analyzing data (Michael, published individual subject data sets are serially
1974; Baer, 1977; Parsonson & Baer, 1978; for dependent.
other views, see Jones et al., 1977; Gottmann
& Glass, 1978; and Kazdin's summary, 1976). Q: What are time-series data?
Opponents of statistical analysis have proposed A: Time-series data are observations on some
several alternative remedies for the data prob- variable gathered at regular intervals. The ob-
lems described above. Some would argue that servations may be obtained on a single subject
small behavior changes are not worthwhile, or on an aggregate of subjects considered as
even if shown to be statistically reliable (Baer, a functional unit such as a classroom of chil-
1977), that unstable baselines should be dis- dren or a married couple. The set of potential
carded or continued until trends or cycles dissi- observations is called the time-series process.
pate (Sidman, 1960), and that highly variable Any real set of time-series data is properly
scores should be aggregated to reduce variability called a realization of a process. Just as in ordi-
or the study should be rerun under more con- nary statistics, where a set of data is referred to
trolled (or controlling) conditions. But when as a sample from a population, in time-series
these options are viewed as undesirable or im- analysis a set of time-ordered data is referred
practicable, then ITSA should be a useful sup- to as a realization from a particular time-series
plement to visual analysis (Jones et al., 1977). process. For example, if we observed a child's
The second problem, serial dependency among thumb-sucking for 30 days, we would obtain
slightly different realizations depending on such situations in which this assumption will be valid.
factors as when we began observing and when But when we intensively study the behavior of
we observed. an individual unit, it is clear that the successive
observations cannot be easily isolated and made
Q: What is a time-series model? independent.
A: A time-series model is an attempt to describe Consider the following illustration: A male
mathematically a naturally occurring time-series subject generates data during a weight control
process. The time-series data at hand (a realiza- program through the daily observation of his
tion of the process) are used to estimate the own scale. Let us analyze the components of
process. In ordinary statistics, we model our ob- these observations. The weight of bone and vital
servations by splitting them into two compo- organs will be constant throughout the realiza-
nents: the experimental effects component and tion. There may be an effect due to treatment
the error component. Similarly, a complete or its absence during the different phases of the
time-series model has two components: the de- experiment. These are the deterministic compo-
terministic component, which reflects effects that nents. There will also be a stochastic component
are consistent across some period of time, and of random, daily fluctuations around the ex-
the stochastic component, which reflects recent pected levels of the deterministic effects. Sup-
error or noise. The deterministic component pose that on day one of the program the man's
may include the mean of the process, an effect weight takes a random bounce above baseline
that we infer to be constant throughout the time level. When the man observes his weight in
of the process, and treatment effects, which we the evening, the observation of this deviation
infer to be limited to particular experimental shocks him into abstinence during the next day.
phases. The deterministic component of a time- The observation on day one has had a reactive
series model exactly parallels the experimental effect. On day two, the stochastic deviation from
effects component of ordinary statistical models baseline includes the random fluctuation occur-
such as the model for the independent group ring on day two, plus the random event of day
analysis of variance. However, the error com- one times a negative factor reflecting the man's
ponent of ordinary analysis of variance and the abstinence. This effect of the previous day's
component of time-series analysis are not en- fluctuation is the systematic stochastic compo-
tirely analogous. A time-series model subdi- nent. If the net effect of both of the stochastic
vides the stochastic component into a part that components of day two's observation is a devia-
reflects a random event occurring at the time tion below baseline, we might predict that the
of the observation and a part that reflects the systematic component of day three's error com-
effect of previous random event(s) on the ob- ponent will tend to push the weight back up,
servation. This latter systematic portion of the and so on. Note that this predictability or de-
stochastic component is responsible for the pendency has nothing to do with the observa-
serial dependency in the time series. tions' absolute location in time, as the relations
between stochastic components do not depend
Q: What is serial dependency? upon whether the experiment is in the baseline
A: Serial dependency is the property of pre- or treatment phase. The serial dependency be-
dictability among the stochastic or error com- tween two observations is strictly a function of
ponents of the time-series observations that their position with respect to each other, of
invalidates traditional statistical assumptions. their adjacency in this example.
When we use conventional statistics, we must
assume that the error components are inde- Q: How is serial dependency assessed?
pendent, and we take great pains to contrive A: Serial dependency is assessed by calculating
546 HARTMANN et al.
the autocorrelations between observations sep- tion at time period i, Z is the mean of the series,
arated by different time intervals or lags in the and k is the number of lags.
series. A lag-1 autocorrelation is computed by A substantial lag-1 autocorrelation is suf-
pairing the initial with the second observation, ficient cause for concern about serial correlation,
the second with the third observation, and so but it is not a necessary cause. The researcher
on until the second from the last is paired with should keep in mind that some cyclic phenom-
the last observation. ena can cause powerful serial dependencies at
The lag-2 autocorrelation is calculated by longer lags with or without a lag-1 correla-
pairing scores that are two intervals apart. For tion. "Seasonal" effects, such as might be found
example, the initial is paired with the third in monthly observations, are unlikely to be
score and the second with the fourth score. If found in the relatively short series that are of
the total number of observations is symbolized interest to applied behavior analysts. (See Mc-
by we ordinarily compute n/4 lag correla-
n, Cain and McCleary, 1979, p. 261-273 for dis-
tions (Box & Jenkins, 1970, chapter 6), be- cussion of seasonal effects in time series.) Hourly
cause as the lag increases there are fewer and measurements collected over many days could
fewer pairs of observations contributing to the also reveal important dependencies at lag-24.
correlation. For example, with n = 72, r78 has
54 pairs of scores contributing to the correlation.
Q: How does serial dependency affect statistical
In order for the autocorrelations to reflect the
systematic component of the stochastic or error tests?
process, it is important that the observations beA: Because serial dependency concerns only the
obtained at regular (equal) intervals. Observa- stochastic component of the observation, it is
tions conducted at irregular, or variable inter- not surprising to find that it does not bias our
vals are likely to disguise or alter the pattern of
estimates of the deterministic parameters of the
autocorrelations that would otherwise be ob- process, such as the mean. But it does bias
tained. This point can be illustrated with a estimates of the error variance and hence all
simple example. The degree of wakefulness of conventional tests of significance. Negative auto-
many persons is predictable across 24-h cycles. correlation, as was present in the weight ex-
Hourly observations of these persons' degrees of ample above, reduces the error term and hence
wakefulness would yield substantial autocorre- gives traditional tests a conservative bias. Posi-
lations at lag 24. If, however, observations weretive autocorrelation, probably a more common
obtained at irregular intervals, the lag-24 auto-situation, increases the error term and creates a
correlation might pair an observation on Mon- liberal bias when ordinary hypothesis testing
day at 4:00 a.m. with another observation on procedures are used (Hibbs, 1974; also, see
Wednesday at 1:00 p.m., rather than Tuesday Scheff6, 1959, ch. 10). That is, far too many
at 4:00 a.m. Thus, the irregular observations interventions are found to be statistically signif-
would disguise the regularity in the wakefulness icant when no real effect exists. Because visual
series. analyses also (and appropriately) take account
The general formula for the lag-k autocorre- of the apparent variability in the data to esti-
lation or serial correlation, abbreviated 7k, is mate the strength of an experimental effect,
N-k N
they too are biased in the presence of autocor-
relation (Jones et al., 1978). Although Jones
k k(Z Z)(Z+k Z)/ X (Z- Z)2X
i~~~l 4~~~=1 et al. found that serial dependency affects the
reliability and accuracy of visual analysis, it is
where N is the total number of observations not yet known whether the effects of serial de-
in the series, Zi is the value of the observa- pendency on visual analysis parallel the effects

of serial dependency on conventional statisti- component. For instance, the AR(1) model ex-
cal tests. presses each observation as a function of a
random event and the previous (or lag-1) ob-
Q: How does ITSA accommodate serial de- servation in the series. The AR(2) model ex-
pendency? presses each observation as a function of a ran-
A: A major goal of ITSA to model the
is struc- dom event and the two previous observations.
ture of the stochastic components of the time- Before further developing AR and MA mod-
series observations. Once a model is fitted to els, we will examine a time series in which the
the stochastic component of the data, the sys- data are serially independent. Panel A of Figure
tematic part of the error can be subtracted from 1 is a simulated time series consisting of 100
each observation. The resulting scores are called independent samples from a standard normal
residuals, and they contain no serial dependency. distribution (generated by a computer). This
The residual scores meet the assumption of time series has neither autoregressive nor mov-
independence underlying ordinary statistical pro- ing average components and is commonly known
cedures. Techniques like t tests can then be ap- as standard normal white noise. When we state
plied to assess changes in behavior from one that the realization in Panel A is standard nor-
phase to another. mal white noise, we claim that if we carried
the process out to a great length and drew a
frequency distribution of the many values ob-
HOW TO CONDUCT AN tained, our graph would match the normal
INTERRUPTED TIME curve. But in any finite realization, we can only
SERIES ANALYSIS obtain an approximate match.
Q: What kinds of models are ordinarily fitted We will use Zi to designate our observation
to the stochastic component of time-series data?
A: The most common models fit to the error
+2.0 PANEL A
or stochastic component of time-series data are
the AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average «I hAll A
0-o-R1 X Mt~ A

(ARIMA) models. These models are described

by Box and Jenkins (1976) and by Glass et al.
(1975). Autoregressive and moving average are t +2. 3) PANEL B
the two elementary models for the structure of w
the stochastic component of the time-series I' J
-o 2) A)
process. 0

Q: What are the autoregressive and moving av-
erage models? 0
A: The autoregressive (AR) and moving aver- -2D
age (MA) models are the two forms of depen- K0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
dence that can be exhibited in the stochastic SESSIONS
components of time-series observations. Pro- Fig. 1. Plots of (A) a white noise process, (B)
cesses are said to contain components which the same white noise observations transformed by an
autoregressive process, and (C) the white noise ob-
are "autoregressive order-p" [AR(p)] or "mov- servations transformed by a moving average process.
ing average order-q" [MA(q)}. The order of Arrow (1) in Panel B is the first observation in base-
these processes denotes the number of prior ob- line of a hypothetical A-B-A experiment, Arrow (2)
is the first point of treatment, Arrow (3) is the first
servations that are included as terms in the sys- point of the second baseline, and Arrow (4) is the
tematic portion of the observation's stochastic last data point of the experiment.
548 HARTMANN et al.
of the process at time i. Ai is an independent fluctuations in the corresponding segments of
sample from the standard normal distribution the white noise realization shown in Panel A,
occurring at time i. So we can model the white "amplified" by the autoregressive process. In-
noise process quite simply with the equation tuitively, the effect of the positive 4 value in
Zi =As. the Panel B series is to give the process "in-
ertia"-a tendency to retain the effects of pre-
These uncorrelated stochastic components ex- vious observations-and hence to exaggerate
emplify the necessary conditions for valid con- short-run variations within the white noise reali-
ventional statistical tests. zation. A negative 4 value, however, would
Panel B of Figure 1 represents a graph of give the opposite effect; that is, the series would
the same normal samples as were exhibited in oscillate rapidly around the mean.
Panel A, but made serially dependent through Panel C illustrates the transformation of the
a transformation to an AR(1) process. In an Panel A observations into an MA(1) process.
AR(1) process, each observation Zi again in- Once again, each observation Zi includes the
cludes Ai as its random component. But Zi also random component Ai. Now, however, the sys-
includes a systematic component: the parameter tematic component is 0 (theta) times Ai - 1, the
4 times the previous observation Zi-1. That is, previous random event. The equation for the
ZL = Ai + O(Z4-O, MA(1) model is:
where 4 (phi) is a number between 1 and -1. Z= At + O(A-).
The larger the absolute value of 4, the more In Panel C, 6 .7. The effect of the MA(1)
powerful the effect of Zi-1 upon Zi, and con- process is once again to smooth the graph and
sequently, the stronger the serial dependency give it "inertia." But here the effect is less ex-
within the data set. (In an AR(1) model, 4 treme than that of the AR(1) process. That is,
functions exactly as does r, the ordinary product Zi-1 has more impact upon Zi in the AR(1)
moment correlation, in a standardized bivariate model than in the MA(1) model. This is be-
regression equation.) In Panel B we have chosen cause only the random component Ai-1 of ob-
a substantial value of 4 = 0.7, in order to servation Zi-1, not the entire observation, ap-
illustrate the effect of serial dependency. pears in the MA(1) equation.
Suppose that a researcher had begun observ-
ing this realization at session 30, marked with Q: What is the ARIMA (p,dq) model?
arrow 1, in Panel B. After 11 observations have A: Simple AR(p) and MA(q) processes are
shown a 'declining baseline,' the experimenter found in time-series realizations, but we also
introduced a treatment at session 41, marked find processes that include components of both
by arrow 2. Upon introduction of treatment, types. The autoregressive-integrated-moving av-
the slope of the graph turned abruptly and erage model therefore serves as a general model
dramatically upward. After eleven 'treatment' that includes the elementary processes as special
observations, the researcher instituted a reversal cases.
phase at session 52, marked by arrow 3. Nine ARIMA models have three parameters-usu-
observations were recorded, and data collection ally symbolized p, d, and q-that must be esti-
ceased at session 60, marked by arrow 4. It is mated from the data. These three parameters
easy to see how one might be tempted to infer completely describe the stochastic or error com-
a deterministic structure within this time-series ponent of a time series. The parameter p indi-
realization. But, in fact, the sustained negative cates the autoregressive order of the model. A
and positive passages of the realization in Panel pure autoregressive-order 1 process, such as
B are simply reflections of minor sampling the one in Panel B of Figure 1, would be writ-
ten ARIMA (1,0,0). The q parameter refers to the number of times we must perform the dif-
the moving average order of an ARIMA model. ferencing operation in order to remove all secu-
A pure moving average-order 1 process (Panel lar trends from the data. Although differencing
C of Figure 1) would be written ARIMA may transform a series so that it is suitable
(0,0,1). An ARIMA process containing both an for ITSA, it does not remove the treatment
autoregressive and a moving average compo- effects that are to be assessed. (See McCain &
nent would be represented by the following McCleary, 1979, p. 236-238, for an elementary
equation: discussion of differencing.)
The estimation of the ARIMA (p,dq) model
Zi= Ai + c(Zi-1) + 6(A-1). may appear forbiddingly complex. Fortunately,
We would write this process as ARIMA (1,0,1). there appear to be upper limits on the degree
The middle parameter in the ARIMA model, of complexity likely to be encountered in prac-
d, refers to the order of differencing that may be tical time-series analyses. For instance, although
required in order for the series to meet a an ARIMA process could have more than two
critical assumption of interrupted time-series autoregressive components, higher order auto-
analysis, called the weak stationarity assump- regressive models are rare. In an empirical in-
tion. Stationarity requires that the structure and vestigation of approximately 100 time series
parameters of the time-series process do not involving social and behavioral sciences data by
change as a function of time. Imagine that the Glass et al. (1975), only 2% of the time series
time series has been separated into several dif- had more than one autoregressive term. Simi-
ferent chunks. In practice, weak stationarity larly, although higher order moving average
means that we must assume that the mean models are possible, they also are rare (Glass
and variance and the autocorrelations are the et al., 1975). Furthermore, McCain and Mc-
same for each chunk of the series. Weak sta- Cleary (1979) report they have never encoun-
tionarity is important because whenever we do tered a mixed process in an actual ITSA. Fi-
ITSA we are trying to say something about nally, 51 % of the series investigated by Glass
the future from the past, and we cannot do that et al. (1975) required no differencing, and only
unless we assume that some function of the 6% required differencing beyond the first order.
time series is not changing. We must assume
that some kind of regularity or stability with Q: How is the appropriate time-series model
time exists or prediction is impossible. identified?
Time series that are heterogeneous with re- A: Model identification refers to determining
spect to their mean, variance, or autocorrelations the order of the model, that is, to determining
are called nonstationary. The stationarity as- the value of p, d, and q. Identification is based
sumption is violated, for example, by series that upon an examination of the autocorrelations
have secular trends, that is, by series that and the partial autocorrelations calculated on
change in level by drifting up or down. Many the time-series data. Partial autocorrelations cal-
time series in the behavioral sciences do have culated on time-series data are analogous to
secular trends and hence are nonstationary. For- partial correlations on typical temporally un-
tunately, most of these series can be changed ordered data. For example, the lag-4 partial
to stationary time series by the differencing autocorrelation indexes the degree of predict-
transformation. ability from an observation four intervals in
If a series requires differencing, the first ob- advance with the interviewing observations held
servation is subtracted from the second, the sec- constant. (See Gottman & Glass, 1978, p. 213,
ond observation from the third, and so on. The for a further elaboration of partial autocorre-
parameter d, the order of differencing, denotes lations.) The autocorrelations and the partial

autocorrelations are typically calculated for the and PACF functions calculated on the entire
first N/4 lags in the data set. The N/4 rule of series. This, in turn, may induce the investi-
thumb is used because higher order autocorre- gator to incorrectly difference the series or
lations and partial autocorrelations become in- otherwise perform an improper analysis.
creasingly unstable, as they are based on pro- The first step in analyzing a correlogram is
gressively fewer observations. (For example, to establish the stationarity of the process. For
with N = 75 observations, the lag-50 autocor- stationary time-series processes, we expect the
relation would include only 25 pairs of obser- influence of past observations to decrease rap-
vations. Observations beyond Z25 would have idly as the lag increases. Secular trends, on the
no observation separated by 50 lags with which other hand, tend to elevate the level of the
to be paired.) These coefficients form the auto- ACF at all lags. Consequently, if the lag-1 auto-
correlation function (ACF) and the partial auto- correlation is near ± 1.0 and the succeeding lag
correlation function (PACF). The ACF and the correlations do not die out within four or five
PACF are often displayed in graphs called lags, nonstationarity should be suspected. The
correlograms. observations should be differenced and the ACF
The appropriate values of the ARIMA and PACF recomputed until a stationary pattern
(p,d,q) model are inferred from the forms of is achieved.
the correlograms. The researcher should note, The reader should be warned, however, that
however, that the parameters of the ARIMA it can be difficult to correctly difference a time
(p,d,q) model may change as a consequence of series with small N in the presence of strong
the experimental interaction (Stoline, Huitema, serial dependency. Extreme care should be ex-
& Mitchell, 1980). If so, it may not be ap- ercised in these circumstances because, as Padia
propriate to infer values of p, d, and q from (Note 2) points out, errors in differencing can
the correlograms computed from the entire be critical in ITSA.
time-series data set. Instead, Glass et al. (1975) When the data have been satisfactorily dif-
suggested that the autocorrelation function and ferenced, the resulting ACF and PACF correlo-
the partial autocorrelation function should be grams are examined for evidence of the order
computed separately on the pre-intervention of the MA and AR components. The first hy-
and the post-intervention data. Model identifica- pothesis to be explored is that the process is
tion is then based on the ACF and the PACF white noise. Because white noise is by definition
that are obtained by taking a weighted average uncorrelated, white noise ACFs and PACFs
of the pre- and post-intervention ACFs and the should be zero for all lags. The ACF correlo-
PACFs. McSweeney (1977) suggests that sep- gram for the white noise data in Figure 1,
arate models should be identified for the pre- Panel A, is shown in Figure 2, Panel A. The
intervention data, the post-intervention data, autocorrelations fluctuate around zero, as ex-
and for the series as a whole. If inconsistent pected. The same is true for the white noise
results are found, the model providing the most PACF shown in Figure 3, Panel A. It is possible,
conservative estimate of the treatment effect however, that sampling finite realizations of
should be chosen. McSweeney's method may white noise may produce some correlograms
prove troublesome in two respects (See Stoline, containing chance significant "spikes." Conse-
Huitema, & Mitchell, 1980 for another possible quently, we protect ourselves against misidenti-
alternative). First, the selection of the most con- fication by testing the ACF as a whole for
servative results from among three analyses evidence of significant serial dependency. This
would likely reduce the power of ITSA. Second, test is often made with the Box-Piece test,
the presence of a treatment effect may produce sometimes called the Q-statistic (Box & Jenkins,
the appearance of nonstationarity in the ACF 1970; McCain & McCleary, 1979). The value




.5- i..

+..5- *







. §
O- . ~ ~ ~ I . 551



5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25
Fig. 2. Correlograms for the autocorrelation func- Fig. 3. Correlograms for the partial autocorrela-
tion (ACF) of (A) the white noise function, (B) the tion function (PACF) for (A) white noise process,
autoregressive process, and (C) the moving average (B) autoregressive process, and (C) moving average
process of Figure 1. Asterisk indicates that the value process of Figure 1. Asterisk indicates that the partial
of the autocorrelation exceeds two standard deviations. autocorrelation exceeds two standard deviations.

of Q for the ACF shown in Figure 2, Panel A, Individual autocorrelations and partial auto-
for the white noise process is clearly nonsignifi- correlations can be tested for significance by
cant (Q(25) = 13.7, p > .95). taking the ratio of these statistics to their stan-
If there is evidence of significant autocor- dard deviations. The standard deviation of the
relation, we proceed to identify the orders of lagged-k autocorrelation is equal to
the AR and MA components. We begin with k k
the simplest possible models, ARIMA (1,0,0) [1/N(l + 2 X r2)p where
or ARIMA (0,0,1), and do not proceed to more j=1 j=1

complex alternatives until such models have is the sum of the squared values of the first
been proven inadequate. Detailed discussion of through the kth autocorrelations. The standard
complex ARIMA (p,dq) model identification deviation for all partial autocorrelations is taken
including mixed models in which both p and q as (1/N)"'.
take on nonzero values, and models involving For the AR(1) process, the ACF (Panel B,
differencing (e.g., where d takes on a nonzero Figure 2) shows the decay pattern and the
value) can be found in the standard reference PACF (Panel B, Figure 3) shows the spike. The
sources described in the final section of this evidence for the MA(1) function is the mirror
paper. We will discuss only the identification image of the AR(1): the ACF (Panel C, Fig-
of AR(1) and MA(1) models for the sake of ure 2) reveals a spike at lag 1, while the PACF
clarity. For order-1 processes, the ACF and (Panel C, Figure 3) shows the decay pattern.
PACF correlograms appear in two comple- The sign of the P or the 0 coefficients within
mentary forms. The correlation functions either these models may be inferred from the direc-
show a large significant spike at lag 1, and tions of spike values (- or +) and the pres-
then cut off to zero; or they show a large value ence or absence of an alternation of sign in the
at lag 1 and then decay slowly in the succeed- decaying ACF or PACF. The positive decay
ing lags. in the ACF and positive spike in the PACF of
552 HARTMANN et al.
the AR(1) correlograms (Panel B, Figure 2; white noise process. That is, the ACF and the
Panel B, Figure 3) indicate a positive ' value. PACF calculated on the residual scores should
The positive spike in the ACF and alternating have no spikes at early lags and should not be
decay in the PACF of the MA(1) correlograms significantly different from zero as tested by,
(Panel C, Figure 2; Panel C, Figure 3) indi- for example, the Q-statistic. If the ACF and
cate a positive 0 value. When an ARIMA the PACF differ from zero, then the whole pro-
(p,d,q) model has been tentatively identified, cedure of model identification, estimation, and
the values of the ' and/or 0 coefficients in the diagnosis must be repeated until an acceptable
model are estimated on a computer. The model model has been identified and the weights (i.e.,
is then tested for adequacy. ' and/or 0) for the parameters of the model
have been estimated. When this procedure has
Q: How does one know if the appropriate been completed, the residual scores from which
ARIMA model has been identified? serial dependency has been removed can then
A: There are a number of ways of determining be tested for the presence of treatment effects.
whether the appropriate ARIMA model has
been identified. If errors have been made in Q: How are treatment effects tested?
model identification, they may be discovered by A: After an appropriate model has been fitted
examining the printouts of the weights of the to the stochastic component of the time-series
autoregressive and moving average terms. These data, intervention effects can be tested. The
weights must be within certain bounds. These intervention components in ITSA are sometimes
bounds, called the stationarity and invertibility referred to as "transfer functions." Some au-
bounds (see Glass et al., 1975), are analogous thors, e.g., Anderson (1976) and Box and Jen-
to the bounds of the ordinary product moment kins (1970), use transfer function to describe
correlation; that is, the value of r cannot exceed what we have called the stochastic component
+1.0 or be less than -1.0. Just as an ob- of the time series model. Our usage follows
tained r outside these limits indicates the pres- McCain and McCleary (1979). These functions
ence of an error, so too do values of ' and 6 transfer the level, the slope, or both the level
that lie outside their bounds indicate an error and slope of the series from one state during a
in model identification. Model identification er- time period (e.g., the baseline phase) to another
rors are also disclosed when the value of 'P or 6 state during a subsequent time period (e.g., the
required by the model are not significantly dif- treatment phase). See, for example, Jones et al.
ferent from zero. For example, if an ARIMA (1977), Kazdin (1976), McCain and McCleary
(1,0,1) model has been identified, then the auto- (1979), and Glass et al. (1975).
regressive term ' and the moving average term On the simplest level, one could model an
0 must be significantly different from zero. If abrupt change in level as the time series moves
they are not, then the model has been misidenti- from the baseline phase to the experimental
fied, and a revised model must be formulated. phase. Panel A of Figure 4 illustrates how such
The final step in troubleshooting or diagnos- a transfer function might appear. It is often
ing model identification errors occurs when the the case, however, that an intervention affects
ACF and the PACF calculated on the residual a subject gradually. One of the advantages of
scores are examined. These residual scores are ITSA is that an asymptotic rise to a new level
the portion of the original scores remaining as a result of treatment can be explicitly mod-
after the estimated autoregressive and moving eled and tested, as illustrated in Panel B of
average components have been removed. These Figure 4. Conversely, an investigator could
residual scores should now be serially indepen- model an intervention that results in an in-
dent, and should resemble the realization of a stantaneous improvement that is not sustained.

BASELI NE TREATM ENT change in level with a change in slope. The

I statistical tests on transfer functions follow ordi-
I nary statistical procedures: Model parameters
I are estimated and these estimates are tested
I (e.g., by t tests) to determine if the obtained
I values fall within or outside the boundary that
Ii PANEL A defines statistical significance. For details on
I the procedures of transfer function modeling
w I and testing, see McCain and McCleary (1979)
m I or Glass et al. (1975).
I It should be noted that the statistical test of
II PANEL B change from pre- to post-intervention is not by
cc I itself a test of the causal relationship between
z a treatment manipulation and a dependent vari-
I able. The extent to which "cause" can be in-
w I ferred is dependent upon design and measure-
w ment factors as well as the results of statistical
z tests.
0 In summary, the modeling-testing strategy
w described here includes four steps: (a) tentative
0 identification of an ARIMA (p,dq) model from
W, the ACF and PACF; (b) estimation of the val-
ues of the autoregressive and moving average
I parameters (4) and 0) for the tentatively se-
I lected stochastic model; (c) diagnostic assess-
I- ment of the adequacy of the stochastic model
selected in the first step (note: if the model se-
PANEL E lected is improbable or otherwise inappropri-
SESSIONS ate, the identification/estimation/diagnostic pro-
Fig. 4. Plots of transfer functions that can be mod- cedure continues until an acceptable ARIMA
eled in ITSA. In each case the beginning of change model is found); and finally, (d) modeling a
coincides with the initiation of treatment. Panel A transfer function to describe the treatment ef-
depicts an abrupt change in level. Panel B shows an fects. The transfer function can be tested using
asymptotic rise. Panel C illustrates an abrupt change
in level which subsequently dies away. Panel D shows conventional statistical procedures.
a change in slope. Panel E illustrates a change in
both level and slope.
Panel C illustrates the transfer function that PRESENTATION OF RESULTS
induces an abrupt change in the level of the FROM ITSA
time-series process which subsequently dies
away. Or, the effect could be a change in the Q: What conclusions should be drawn if the
slope of a function with a constant level, as results of a visual analysis and the results of
illustrated in Panel D. Finally, ITSA allows an ITSA are inconsistent?
the researcher to model the effect of an interven- A: Jones et al. (1978) have presented evi-
tion with a combination of transfer functions. dence that visual analysis and ITSA may pro-
Panel E illustrates a combination of an abrupt vide inconsistent results, particularly when treat-
554 HARTMANN et a.
ment effects are not dramatic and when serial lication or by means of an improved experi-
dependency is substantial (i.e., when r1 > .75). mental design.
If these conditions are frequent in applied be- The second possible disagreement, where
havioral studies, then disagreement between treatment effects seem apparent but ITSA indi-
these two decision aids may be common. cates that the null hypothesis cannot be rejected,
In discussing the relative merits of visual may place the analyst in a more difficult quan-
analysis and ITSA, one must be careful not to dary. Here, however, consideration of the prob-
present ITSA as superior merely because it is able relative validity of visual inspection and
objective. Both visual and statistical analyses ITSA may indicate a choice between the two
require subjective judgments by the investigator. conflicting judgments.
Visual analysis is subjective because the pat- We know something about the conditions
terns it finds in the data are neither measured under which ITSA will produce unstable results
nor compared against any objective criterion. and something about the conditions that will
But, as we have indicated, ITSA also requires similarity erode the reliability of visually based
the analyst to make judgments about the ap- judgments. However, because investigations of
propriate stochastic model for the time-series the trustworthiness of these two judgmental
data on the basis of patterns "seen" in the cor- aids are few in number, we can only give tenta-
relograms. This is a procedure that has not been tive guidelines concerning how strongly to weigh
automated and certainly requires a subjective the evidence of a time-series analysis that dis-
contribution from the researcher. This may be agrees with an investigator's visual judgment.
a disguised virtue. The statistical facilities avail- A frequent difficulty in the use of ITSA is
able in "canned" programs on computers may brevity of the time series. Short series have two
lead us to forget that all statistical methods undesirable consequences: model-fitting (partic-
have underlying models that must be implicitly ularly differencing) is performed with less con-
or explicitly fitted to the data in the course of fidence in the adequacy of the model, and
analysis. ITSA requires strong assumptions that statistical tests of intervention effects are less
must be explicitly stated. Moreover, ITSA pro- likely to detect real changes. Obtaining the cor-
vides a diagnostic procedure for determining rect level of differencing is particularly impor-
the confidence of such judgments. Visual anal- tant because inappropriate differencing can lead
ysis differs, in that because some of the constitu- to erroneous statistical test results (Padia, Note
ent parts of the judgment based upon visual 2). Under-differencing leaves serial dependency
inspection cannot be stated, there is simply no in the series and over-differencing introduces
way to determine the certainty with which such unwanted serial dependency into the series.
judgments are made. Padia recommends that the number of observa-
There are clearly two ways in which visual tions in the baseline be not less than 50 and
and statistical judgmental aids may disagree. that 50 be the minimum number of postinter-
First, an ITSA may produce evidence of an ex- vention points as well. Padia (Note 2) states,
perimental effect that is not supported by in- "For the smaller number of points it is difficult
spection of the graphed time-series data. Be- to determine the degree of differencing re-
cause, in this case, it seems unlikely that an quired to obtain stationarity, since a 'wandering'
effect of intervention would be judged to have over the short run may be either highly corre-
immediate clinical significance, many applied lated stochastic fluctuations in the stationary
researchers would be inclined to discount the series or the 'drifting' of a non-stationary series"
results of the ITSA. However, such a result (p. 144).
may suggest the presence of a treatment worthy Typically, other recommendations have been
of additional investigation either through rep- 50-100 observations within a single phase (Box

& Jenkins, 1970; Gottman & Glass, 1978). Al- considerations include small behavioral changes,
though more observations are better than fewer unstable baselines, and variable data. Thus, more
observations, the question, "How many data abundant data may frequently be available when
points are necessary to perform an ITSA?" is they are most needed.
not answerable in its most general form. Under Aside from this general consideration, spe-
some circumstances, substantially fewer than cific characteristics of commonly used intrasub-
50 observations may be appropriate. For ex- ject-replication designs may limit the applicabil-
ample, if we can assume a simple model such as ity of ITSA. For example, multiple-baseline
an ARIMA (1,0,0), and if this model is a rea- designs characteristically include components
sonable fit, the Glass et al. (1975) algorithm with brief baseline or treatment phases, and
is quite powerful with as few as 20 baseline changing criterion designs may often include
and 20 postintervention observations. It should brief subphases. In these cases, sufficient obser-
be pointed out that nothing is known about the vations may not be available to conduct an
reliability of visual analysis in these circum- entirely adequate ITSA, even if the pattern
stances. It is a plausible though untested hy- of the data suggests that a judgmental aid
pothesis that visual analysis is also less reliable other than visual analysis would be useful. Even
with small numbers of observations. Never- here, however, a second, albeit flawed, decision
theless, with time series that include few ob- aid may be preferable to a single flawed deci-
servations, particularly those in which visual sion aid.
analysis indicates a treatment effect that is not In other cases, ITSA may be of limited value
supported by the results of ITSA, greater cre- because conclusions are drawn in ways that
dence may be given to the results of the visual depart from straightforward comparisons of
analysis. If, on the other hand, a time series changes from one phase to another. For ex-
contains many observations, and the data are ample, time-series analysis is of unknown rele-
highly serially correlated, variable, and have vance in assessing the comparative effectiveness
baseline trends-all conditions that seem to of two or more concurrent treatments as these
present problems for visual decision makers- might be examined in a simultaneous treatment
the results of the interrupted time-series analy- design or a multiple-element design. These ap-
sis would be afforded greater confidence than parent incompatibilities between ITSA and indi-
would the results of the visual analysis. What- vidual subject designs are not meant to discount
ever the circumstances, when faced with un- the usefulness of interrupted time-series analysis,
certain results, the investigator would likely but to place in perspective its likely role.
replicate the study before sharing the results
with his or her peers. Q: What technical information should be in-
cluded in a manuscript using ITSA?
Q: Will the necessity or desirability for nu- A: Aside from the raw time-series data, the
merous observations preclude the use of ITSA technical information that should be included in
by applied behavior analysts? a manuscript using ITSA is of two kinds: (a)
A: Decisions about implementing and with- the information used in determining the param-
drawing treatment intervention are made on eters of the time-series model applied to the
the basis of the pattern of the data. These de- stochastic components of the data, and (b) the
cisions determine the length of phases, and summary of the procedures used to test treat-
hence the number of observations available. ment effects. The information used in model
Fortunately, overlapping considerations lead to fitting should include the ARIMA (p,dq) model
decisions to extend phases and also suggest that fitted to the stochastic component of the time-
ITSA would be a useful decision aid. These series data. The correlograms of the ACF and
556 55'HARTMANN et al.
Table 1
Selected Applied and Technical References on ITSA
References Comments
Deutsch and Alt (1977) Controversial application of ITSA to assess the effects of gun-control
legislation on gun-related crimes in Boston. See Hay and McCleary's
(1979) critical evaluation and Deutsch's (1979) vigorous reply.
Gottman and McFall (1972) Application of ITSA to evaluate the effects of self-monitoring on the
school-related behavior of high school dropouts.
McSweeny (1978) Description of the effects of a response-cost procedure on the telephoning
behavior of people in Cincinnati. The statistical analysis performed on
the data are described in McCain and McCleary (1979).
Schnelle, Kirchner, McNees, and Application of ITSA to assess the effectiveness of saturation patrols on
Lawler (1975) burglary rates.
Jones et al. (1977) A nontechnical presentation of ITSA.
Kazdin (1976) A discussion of the problems of serial dependency and several technical
alternatives, including ITSA.
McCain and McCleary (1979) The clearest technical introduction to ITSA.
Gottman and Glass (1978) A restatement and updating of Glass et al. (1975).
Nelson (1973) A summary of the Box-Jenkins theory in practice. Should be readable
for those with a strong background in multiple regression. Applica-
tions illustrate the use of the ESP computer package.
Hibbs (1974) Contains a good discussion of the problems of serial dependency in
statistical tests of time series data. Requires a familiarity with matrix
McCleary and Hay (1980) A comprehensive applied treatment of the Box-Jenkins method designed
for behavioral and social scientists.
Glass et al. (1975) Summary of the Box-Tiao method and the discussion of its application
to behavioral and evaluation research.
Anderson (1976) A well-written, but mathematically sophisticated digest of Box-Jenkins.
Box and Tiao (1965) A difficult but fundamental article on the analysis of interventions in
time series.
Box and Jenkins (1976) A treatise in mathematical statistics. The source for most of the other
Note. Technical articles are listed in order of difficulty. The present article is of approximately equal diffi-
culty to the articles by Kazdin (1976) and by McCain and McCleary (1979).

PACF, and the test of whether the chosen SOURCES OF INFORMATION

model generated uncorrelated residuals could ON ITSA
also be provided to allow the reader the oppor-
tunity to review the basis for the investigator's Q: Where can I find out more about ITSA?
judgments about these model parameters. The A: As with other complex statistical techniques,
details of model fitting could be elaborated the use of ITSA requires that the analyst get a
further in manuscripts using ITSA, but much working knowledge of its underlying mathe-
more detail than this may confuse readers. The matics. Increasing numbers of articles, chapters,
set of technical information concerning the in- and books are being published that use inter-
ferential tests performed on the data to assess rupted time-series analysis to answer a substan-
treatment effects should include the t values for tive behavioral question, to describe how a
changes in level and slope (drift) with appro- time-series analysis can be used, or to discuss
priate reference to degrees of freedom and sig- technical issues related to the use of ITSA. This
nificance levels. material varies substantially in difficulty, and

unless one enters this literature at an appropriate vides several subroutines useful for modeling
level of difficulty, the experience can be pun- the stochastic process within the time-series data,
ishing. To promote successful avoidance of but they must be called by a program written
punishing experiences, we have prepared an by the user. IMSL does not provide subroutines
annotated set of references (Table 1) with the explicitly designed for modeling the effect of
technical references graded in approximate level an intervention in ITSA.
of difficulty.
Q: What are some computer programs useful
for performing ITSA? Since the recognition that serial dependency
A: Each of the four steps in ITSA is performed (Jones et al., 1978) and other individual sub-
with the aid of appropriate computer programs. ject data characteristics (e.g., DeProspero, &
To assist the reader in locating computer soft- Cohen, 1979) lead to unreliable, and hence in-
ware for ITSA, we present a table of existing valid, visually based assessments of behavioral
and forthcoming programs. Automatic Forecast- change, the need for alternative or supple-
ing System and TMS are available from their mentary decision aids has become clear. In this
authors, and IMSL is widely supported at uni- paper we have attempted to familiarize applied
versity computer installations. BMDP and SPSS behavioral researchers with one such technique,
are also widely available, but their time-series interrupted time-series analysis.
subprograms are forthcoming or only recently Although ITSA has certain clear advantages,
distributed. we do not suggest that this technique should be
Two types of programs are listed in Table applied uniformly to all time-series data. Some
2. Automatic Forecasting System, TMS, BMDP, patterns of results are clearly detectable by
and SPSS are "package" programs, designed to visual inspection and do not require supplemen-
perform the entire range of ITSA functions. tal decision aids, e.g., a lengthy baseline phase
They do not require any programming by the in which the data are stable and have zero slope
user. IMSL is not a package, but rather a li- followed by a lengthy intervention phase in
brary of FORTRAN subroutines. IMSL pro- which the data are stable and show an abrupt

Table 2
Computer Programs for ITSA
Name Authors Language Comments
Automatic Pack (1978) FORTRAN Originally developed under the supervision of Box
Forecasting and Jenkins. For sophisticated users.
TMS Bower, Padia, FORTRAN Developed at the University of Colorado in conjunc-
and Glass tion with Glass et al., (1975). Requires some so-
(1974) phistication.
IMSL IMSL (1979) FORTRAN "International Mathematical Statistics Library." So-
phisticated subroutines for the experienced FOR-
TRAN programmer.
Relevant subroutines include FTRDIF, FTAUTO,
BMDP Forthcoming as BMDP2T. From an inspection of a
preliminary version of the documentation, this ap-
pears to be a powerful, but user-oriented and ac-
cessible package.
SPSS Forthcoming.
558 HARTMANN et al.

change in level with zero slope. Moreover, ITSA Box, G. E. P., & Tiao, George C. A change in level
may be unwarranted because either the cost of of a non-stationary time series. Biometrika, 1965,
52, 181-192.
making an incorrect visually based judgment DeProspero, A., & Cohen, S. Inconsistent visual
exceeds the cost of performing the analysis, or analyses of intrasubject data. Journal of Applied
because the experimental design used is unsuit- Behavior Analysis, 1979, 12, 573-579.
Deutsch, S. J. Lies, damn lies, and statistics: A re-
able for ITSA. Aside from these qualifications, joinder to the comment by Hay and McCleary.
we recommend that applied behavior analysts Evaluation Quarterly, 1979, 3, 315-328.
strongly consider supplementing visual inspec- Deutsch, S. J., & Alt, F. B. The effect of Massa-
chusetts' gun control law on gun-related crimes in
tion of their data displays with ITSA. By con- the city of Boston. Evaluation Quarterly, 1977, 1,
ducting interrupted time-series analyses, they will 543-568.
(a) gain information about the properties of Glass, G. V., Willson, V. L., & Gottman, J. M. De-
their time-series data that might not otherwise sign and analysis of time-series experiments.
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1. Kennedy, R. E. The feasibility of time series Hibbs, D. A., Jr. Problems of statistical estimation
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