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Government of Odisha

Works DePartment


Fire No.07556e00142018- I6LGL rw, dated, ?O'\O-Lot(

have e)dended certain concessions to the scheduled caste
1. The Scheduled caste and scheduled Tribe applicants desirous of enrolling
the amount specified for various
themselves as contractors are required to deposit 50% of
Rules, 1967) of O.P.W.D. Code, Volume-ll
Caste and Scheduled Tribe
the individual registered contractors belonging to Scheduled
having Registration Certificate up to "8" Class'
3.lf the Tender of the individual registered contractors belonging to scheduled
(O G F R )' Volume-l and Para-
relaxation of Rule-18 of Odisha General Financial Rules
3.5.14 of O.P.W.D. Code' Volume-l'
Tribe contractors coming under the categories up to
"8" Class only as against the
prescribed percentage under Rule-13 of Appendix-Vlll (PWD
Contractors' Registration

Rules, 1967) of O.P.W.D. Code, Volume-ll'

6. This order shall supersede Works Department Resolution No.27748/vV
dt.11.10.1977 .

Department vide their

7. This has been concurred in bY the Finance
U.O.R.No.92MF-| dt 09 10.2018' {
EIC - cu Secreta ry to Government

Memo No. \6L6) AN, dated, 79 -1o-9ol{

Odisha / P S' to
Copy forwarded to Principal Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister'
Hon'ble Minister, Works, Odisha for information and necessary
C*,i'*'t -rz1 '><' 're
FA - cum- Abdl secretary to Government

(P r.o.)
Memo No. rr)r.q
\d I -\-
')o lo. )eW
'v nlv, dated,
Copy forwarded to OSD to Chief Secretary, Odisha / Sr. p.S. to Development
commissioner-cum-Additionar chief secretary, odisha /
Sr. p.s. to Additional chief
Secretary, Finance Department for information and necessary
<-r4o---r) ., k.r\
Memo No \o6F *, ,,,".:i;:'S1H,,F"'"'"''o
copy forwarded to the principar Accountant Generar (A&E), odisha, Bhubaneswar
Principal Accountant General (E & s R Audit), odisha, puri puri
Branch, for information and
necessary action Q,Ja**_F >r,x,
FA - cum_ Addl. Secretary to Government
Memo No. | (%e lw, dated,
Copy forwarded to All Departments / Managing Director, OB & CC Ltd.,
Bhubaneswar / Managing Director, occ Ltd., Bhubaneswar
for information and necessary
action. <? ,l ,
.o - *-JI ko I" ffi
| ()6-1
Memo No. ",,- "Tffo
nlv, Bo-to-)oltr
Copy forwarded to EIC (Civil), Odisha / AIt Chief Engineers,
Odisha / All
superintending Engineers / A[ Executive Engineers (under
works Department) for
information & necessary action and wide circulation among
subordinate offices.

FA - cum_ Addl. Secretary to Government
Memo No. 1626tr AN, dared, Zo-lb-Lol{
copy forwarded to oswAS contror Room with a request to uproad
it in the web_site
of works Department. qlf"..qr
)_ r.. rq
FA _ cum_ Addl. Secretary to Government
Memo No. 16%7 /vv, dared, 3l-Io-gnlg'
copy forwarded to the Director, printing, stationary & pubrication, odisha, cuttack by
e-mail ( for pubrication
of this office Memorandum in the
next issue of odisha Gazette and suppry 20 (Twenty) copies
to this Department for officiar
use' <Yh--"^r \.;-',q
FA _ cum_ Addl, Secretary to Government
MemoNo. 16210 nly,dared,
copy forwarded to A'lc-r section / tuc-l section / Road section / pran
section /
Building section / Budget section / N.Hs. section / FC &
AA section / ppp cefl / EAp ce[,
Works Department for information and necessary action.

()--4 '5- lq
FA - cum- dl. Secretary to Government

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