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THURWANGER’S PHONETICALLY ANNOTATED SONGS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES Enabling any one to sing correctly in French, Italian and German SERIES B Bor medium voice FRENCH SONGS 1. MARTINI. “Phisie Amour” (The Jor of Love) bo 2. CH.GOUNOD. «Si le Bonheur” (ben in thy Viton) 3. FONTENAILLES, « Obstination® (Lave, in spit of all!) ‘bo 40H. GOUNOD, __« Faust: Faites-lui mes aveux” (In the language of Love) “9° =. Author unknown, Od French soir Ta charmante Marguerite” (My Marguerite) 6. R. HAHN. L’Heure exquise” (The perfect bour of dreaming) 60 7 ED. LALO, « L’Bxclave” (The Captive) ‘60 | ( MASSENET. égie” (Lg) EPESSARD, —«L/Adeu ga Matin” Moning Fray 9. G. FAURE, “Les Berdtaux” (The Cradle!) 708 10. B. GODARD. —_« Chansog de Florian” (Florian Sone) bo 11, DELIBE 4 Ariosof{O Mer ouvre-toi” (dries: 0 eruel Sea) Bo 12, SAINT-SAENS. — « Samsorfet{Dalila: Mon cocur s'ouvre a ta voix.” (My Heart at thy sweet Vaice) 1.00 13. A. THOMAS. Mignog Connais-tu le pays” (Do you hnow that fair land) ‘90 « Ouvrdites yeux bleus” (Dearest, em thy blue «yes) “79 8 ITALIAN SONGS 15.GIORDANI. Caro mio ben” (Dearest, believe) 16. A. ROTOLI. «Fiore che langue” (The dying Fewer) N Geran sones A SCHUMANN, Lousiame” 7 |ScHUBERT. “Der Pol und ds Madchen” § ANNOTATED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF CAMILLE THURWANGER ¥ OF PARIS AUTHOR OF “FRENCH MUSICAL DICTION’ A METHOD FOR ACQUIRING A PERFECT PRONUNCIATION IN THE SPEAKING AND ESPECIALLY IN THE SINGING OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE Instructor at the New England Conservatory of Music BOSTON, MASS. fo M THURWANGER METHOD Phonetical Annotation of Vocal Music in Foreign Languages, based on Thurwanger Method (PATENTED MARCH 12, 1998) fresh y ‘busy & in én | a lamasse| népéeé vedere erent allor on, con sicbea Staat Dehmet| Her ‘Saal Kuabe + feast pleaare Alvino 10; Rose| Morgen NASAL don't Tongue | food. oneal voy sur vi, fir ‘soanto |_ponte Bask Concert ‘hoe Tunch lund tie face it iouou oh |nschine Tie tarda or sce ond, sed ao sth about them, they are: Th, W as in Vater (Three spect English articul hie schnell ions have been omitted inthis table which is especially intended for English speaking people who don't need any explanation rood”, and double Lat the end of words asin “well”) Explanation of the Diaphonogramme ‘The upper horisontal row inthe Diaphonogramme contains the pho- netieal symbols, o signs representing all the standard vowel sounds and consonantal articulations to be found in the forelgn language in which the song ie written. These are dhe phonetiesl signs used jn the ansotscon of French, Italian and German songs, by the TThurwanger Method. Bach one of these signs represents a single standard vowel sound, oF ‘contonantal articulation, which is found in the words given 28 ex: amples in the same verZcal cols, All examples found in one language are given in one Aorizontal row. A blank space incicates that certain standard vowel sound er con- sonantal artielation does not exist in the language represented, in the dorizontad rom, Such vowel sounds and articulations should ‘be studied with a competent native teacher. NASAL VOWEL SOUNDS:—A clear vowel sound becomes a nasal one ‘when influenced by the consonant R which always follows it it all languages, he athens the N being mececsarily articulated of rox nounced in the toast, Exatnples in English: * Thanks, 100g" in ‘which the N's ate not at all articulated or pronounced, Generally though, the Eagish, taians and Germans, besides pro- ng nasally the vowel sounds, articulate also the consonant N ‘whieh follows, while i French, the leter Nf a nasal sound is never pronounced, This is why the symbols, or signs chosen to fepresent nasal vowel sounds ia this method do not contaln the Teter N, (An English speaking person will xequice the belp ofa native French teacher és order to leara how to produce a good nasal vostel sound without the presence of the lever N heard) ‘Whenever the case appears that the letter N most be articulated after 2 nasal sound, it will be jndicated in the phonetical repre sentation or annotation ofthe sound, 46th, DIPHTHONG, In the annotation made with this method, a diphthong. lahat i 1 says fiwo vowel sounds almost simoltaneously pro- nounced in the same syllable) willbe indicated with fvo phonetieal signs, one of which wil be smaller than the other, It wil indicate thatthe voice must quickly pass over the smaller sign orletter, and the full value ofthe sound must be placed on the larger ane. General qualities of vowel sounds and consonantal Articulations ‘The characteristics or au In order to give the Engi es of vowel sounds in English are jerky, mouthy and diphthongal, while consonantal artcultions are explosive. vowel sounds the qualities they mast have in French (in Italian abd German as well, a special ater serking and rebounding of the jaw. The vonsonantal articulations must be solid ted tothe following vowel sound. That i to say, the ar ‘must be given to avold the lations must be a passive ‘resistance against the pressure of the breath; the jaw f0 open slowly but regula, letting the vowel sound flow out as regularly and as smoothly as oil. Capri TT Wy CAMILLE FHURWANGER, THURWANGER METHOD 3 Phonetically annotated vocal music in foreign languages, with a Diaphonogramme (or comparative key) accompanying it. Patented March 12. 1908. 1 Faites lui mes aveux «4. 7 —— Flower Song from “Faust” Po 4gbsat7 Annotated by “In the Language of Love” ! CAMILLE THURWANGER. CH. GOUNOD. 7 Allegretto agitato. Fai-tes-luéi mes a- Phonetic annotation: Fi - ton ii mé - za - In the lan-guage of Copyrighted 1911 by Camille Thurwanger,

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