Dynamic Subchannel and Power Allocation in OFDMA-Based DF Cooperative Relay Networks

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Dynamic Subchannel and Power Allocation in

OFDMA-Based DF Cooperative Relay Networks

Hongxing Li, Hui Yu, Hanwen Luo, Jia Guo, Chisheng Li
Institute of Wireless Communication Technology
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Shanghai 200030, China
Email: {lihongxing;yuhui;hwluo;guozixie;chishengli}@sjtu.edu.cn

Abstract— This paper focuses on subchannel and power al- two kinds of optimization techniques which are rate adaptive
location problem in OFDMA-based decode-and-forward (DF) (RA) and margin adaptive (MA). In RA problem, the objective
cooperative relay networks. The objective of this problem is is to maximize users’ error free capacity with the constraints
to maximize the total data rate under the constraints of joint
total transmission power and subchannels occupation, while of total transmission power and co-channel interference (CCI)
maintaining the maximum fairness among multiple relay nodes. avoidance [8] and [9]. While the objective of MA is to achieve
We transform this mixed integer programming problem to a the minimum overall transmit power given the constraints on
standard convex optimization one through Lagrangian relaxation the users’ data rates or bit error rates (BER). An adaptive
method. Accordingly, the optimal solution can be achieved by subcarrier, bit, and power allocation algorithm was proposed
using Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. In addition, we
propose two suboptimal subchannel allocation schemes with and in [10], whose objective is to minimize the total transmit
without subchannel permutation (SP), which reduce significantly power. In [11], Kim et al. solved the optimal subcarrier and
the computational complexity with small performance loss. The bit allocation problem by using integer programming(IP), and
simulation results show that the performance of the proposed proposed linear-programming(LP)-based suboptimal algorithm
suboptimal algorithms with SP approaches asymptotically that which is considerably simpler to implement than the optimal
of the optimal algorithm and with the increment of the number
of relay nodes. IP.
All the aforementioned work, which investigated different
I. I NTRODUCTION power, bit and subchannel allocation schemes with diverse
Resource allocation such as power control and frequency optimization objectives to improve the system performance,
allocation has been regarded as one of effective ways to im- focused on peer-to-peer wireless OFDM systems. However,
prove the capacity of wireless networks. In resource allocation, there are still many unresolved problems of resource allocation
dynamic subcarrier and power allocation (SPA) can constantly in cooperative relay networks. It is all known that OFDM can
maintain high transmission rate. Thus, intense interest has been eliminate inter-symbol interference by dividing the available
focused on the resource allocation, especially in cooperative bandwidth into multiple orthogonal subchannels. Hence, Lin
OFDMA networks. Dai et al. [12] applied the technique to cooperative system
The main idea of cooperative communication is to achieve and proposed an OFDMA-based selective relaying scheme,
spatial diversity through distributed cooperating terminals. In where the relay selection at each hop is performed on a per-
the pioneer work on cooperative transmission mechanism [1], subcarrier basis. By assigning the subcarriers to different relay
a CDMA-based two users cooperative transmission framework nodes, the error probability of the whole OFDM symbol is
was adopted to demonstrate the mechanism and advantages of greatly reduced. Based on this idea, the power allocation over
cooperative diversity. Several efficient cooperative protocols frequency subchannels at source and relay nodes in OFDM
and their outage behaviors were analyzed in [2]. Generally, co- cooperative networks was studied in [13] and [14]. However,
operation protocol can be cataloged into two classes, i.e., fixed they only considered the scenario with the AF cooperation
relay protocol and selective relay protocol [2]. The former protocol and a single relay node. In OFDMA-based DF
one includes amplify-and-forward (AF), decode-and-forward cooperative relay networks, Bo Gui et al. [15] proposed
(DF) [3], compress-and-forward (CF) [4], [5]. The later one several bit loading and power allocation schemes by using
comprises selection decode-and-forward, coded cooperation an equivalent channel gain, which aimed at minimizing the
[6], and dynamic decode-and-forward [7]. Most research on total transmission power under a target rate constraint. In [16],
cooperation protocol exploit a two-stage transmission scheme. the power management problem over a multiuser OFDMA-
In the first stage, the source node transmits and the relay and based cooperative network with the objective of minimizing
destination nodes listen, while in the second stage, the relay the total transmission power under the constraint of each user’s
nodes transmit the received message to the destination node rate was analyzed. By dividing the total transmission power
and the source node is idle. The optimization of resource into two parts according to the sizes of sub-frames, separate
allocation in OFDM systems offers substantial gains to the transmission power minimization can be done in [17], which
system performances [8]- [11]. In resource allocation, there are is subject to a requested data rate on each link.

978-1-4244-2324-8/08/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE.

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2008 proceedings.
So far, the work on the resource allocation problem in by one relay node in each hop. We also assume that the
OFDMA-based cooperative network mainly focused on ei- selected relay nodes can fully decode the received information,
ther minimizing transmission power subject to some rate re-encode it, and then forward it to the destination node. Each
requirements or maximizing the sum throughput under some subchannel at the source node may select different relay nodes,
power constraints. To the best of our knowledge, there is no similar to the selective OFDMA relaying scheme in [12].
consideration on balancing the tradeoff between transmission To describe the optimization problem, we first introduce
rate and fairness among multiple relay nodes. Motivated by some notations. The channel response of the subchannel n
this, we formulate a new optimization problem in OFDMA- from the source node S to the relay node Rk and from
based DF cooperative networks. Under the constraint of total the relay node Rk to the destination node D are denoted
transmission power for the source and relay nodes, our objec- as hsrk (n) and hrk d (n), respectively. For convenience, let
tive is to maximize the data rate of the worst relay node by Gsrk (n) = |hsrk (n) |2 and Grk d (n) = |hrk d (n)|2 denote the
dynamically allocate subcarriers and power among multiple channel power gains, respectively. Further, we assume that the
relay nodes. Such that, high sum rate is achieved based on the double-sided noise power spectral density level N0 is equal to
maximum fairness among all the relay nodes, i.e. all the relay unity (i.e. N0 = 1) and is same for all subchannels and relay
nodes have the same transmission rate. nodes. We also let Psrk (n) denote the transmission power
The paper is organized as follows. We outline OFDMA- assigned to the subchannel n at the source S and Prk d (n)
based relay system model in section II. In section III, we at the relay node Rk . The required power on subcarrier n for
formulate the optimization problem and present how to find cooperative transmission through relay node Rk includes two
the optimal solution. In section IV, we propose two suboptimal parts which are Psrk (n) and Prk d (n).
algorithms on which the dynamic subcarrier allocation is Let x(n), yrk (n) and yd (n) be the data transmitted on
based. The simulation results are presented in section in V. subcarrier n from the source node S, the received signal at
Finally, we conclude this paper in section VI. the relay node Rk and the destination node D, respectively.
Then, the following relationships can obtained.
In the first stage
We consider an OFDMA-based half-duplex dual-hop coop- 
eration scenario with a source-destination pair and K relay yrk (n) = hsrk (n) Psrk (n)x(n) + υk (n). (1)
nodes, as shown in Fig. 1. It is assumed that the direct path
between the source and destination node is blocked, while In the second stage
the relay nodes can communicate with both the source and

destination node. Each node is equipped with an OFDM yd (n) = hrk d (n) Prk d (n)x(n) + υd (n), (2)
transceiver with N subchannels. We assume perfect time
and frequency synchronization among nodes. A two-stage where υk (n) and υd (n) are independent and identically dis-
tributed (i.i.d.) complex Gaussian noise with unit variance for
R1 all subchannels and is same for all relays. Therefore, the data
rate of subchannel n can be expressed as


⎪ Psrk (n)Gsrk (n)
1 ⎨ log2 1 + ,

Rk,n = min   (3)

S D 2 ⎪

Pr d (n)Grk d (n)
⎩ log2 1 + k .


In this section, we formulate the optimization problem

RK and present the optimum subchannel and power allocation
Fig. 1. The two-stage cooperative relay model
Suppose that the available total transmission power is PT ,
we maximize the minimum rate of the kth relay node subject
transmission protocol is adopted. In the first stage which is to the total transmit power constraint. The problem can be
denoted by solid lines, the source node transmits to the relay expressed as
nodes and the relay nodes do receiving only. In the second
stage that is expressed as dash lines, the relay nodes retransmit
the received signal to the destination and the source node is
idle. Here, we adopt a selective decode-and-forward relaying max min ρk,n Rk,n (4)
Psrk (n),Prk d (n),ρk,n k
strategy. In particular, each subchannel can only be occupied n=1

978-1-4244-2324-8/08/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE.

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2008 proceedings.
subject to in the SR links with best channel gains with the one in the
RD links. Thus the transmission power can be further saved.

C1. [Psrk (n) + Prk d (n)]  PT , Finally, by introducing new variables z and ρk (n, j), the
k=1 n=1 original optimization problem can be expressed as
Psrk (n)  0, Prk d (n)  0, for all k, n,

K max z (8)
C2. ρk,n = 1, ρk,n ∈ {0, 1}, ∀n Psrk (n),ρk (n,j)


where ρk,n is an indicator which denotes whether or not ρk (n, j) Psrk (n)Gsrk (n)
subcarrier n is used at relay node k. Constraint C1 indicates s.t. C1 z  log2 1 + ,
n=1 j=1
2 N0 ρk (n, j)
that the total transmission power for an OFDM symbol con- ⎛ ⎞
sists of two parts, and C2 indicates each subcarrier n can only
G (n)
Psrk (n) ⎝1 + ⎠  PT ,
be used by at most one relay at each stage. C2. ρk (n, j)
G (j)
As we can see from (3), the capacity of subchannel n n=1 j=1 rk d

approaches its maximum value when Psrk (n)  0, for all k, n,

Psrk (n)Gsrk (n) = Prk d (n)Grk d (n) (5)
C3. ρk (n, j) = 1, ρk (n, j) ∈ (0, 1], ∀j,
is satisfied. Such that, we obtain the relationship of power k=1 n=1
allocation between the source node S and the relay node Rk K N
ρk (n, j) = 1, ρk (n, j) ∈ (0, 1], ∀n.
Gsrk (n)
Prk d (n) = Psrk (n) (6) k=1 j=1
Grk d (n)
where the variable ρk (n, j) indicates whether or not subcarrier
Consequently, the parameter Prk d (n) can be taken off and the n in the first stage is used in cooperation with the subchannel
problem above can be simplified as j in the second stage occupied by relay node k.

N The above optimization problem is a standard convex
max min ρk,n Rk,n (7) optimization problem. Thus using the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker
Psrk (n), ρk,n k (KKT) conditions [19], the optimal solution can be obtained.

subject to However, the computational complexity increases exponen-

tially with the increment of K and N . Therefore, the optimal

Gsrk (n) algorithm is not feasible from an implemental point of view.
C1. [Psrk (n)(1 + )]  PT , Considering the tradeoff between computational complexity
Grk d (n)
k=1 n=1
and rate performance, we propose two suboptimal algorithms
Psrk (n)  0, for all k, n, in the next section.

C2. ρk,n = 1, ρk,n ∈ {0, 1}, ∀n IV. S UBOPTIMAL S OLUTIONS
k=1 In order to achieve the optimal solution of (8), subchannels
In general, this RA optimization problem is very hard and power should be allocated jointly. However, the computa-
to be solved. As we can see, (7) involves both continuous tional complexity is very high when K and N is large. Hence,
variable Psrk (n) and binary variable ρk,n . Thus it belongs low-complexity suboptimal algorithms are preferred for cost-
to the group of mixed binary integer programming problem. effective implementations. Separating the SPA problem into
The general approach to solve this problem is to relax the two subproblems is an effective way to reduce the complexity,
integer ρk,n to real numbers on the interval (0, 1], which means because the number of variables in the objective function is
the proportion that the subcarrier n is occupied by the relay almost reduced by half. In this section, we propose two sub-
node Rk . However, after solving the relaxation problem, the optimal sub-channel allocation algorithm. In the suboptimal
solution has to be reevaluated [10] as only integer solutions are algorithms, equal power distribution is assumed across all
feasible from a system point of view. Usually, this is done by subchannels. The throughput of subchannel n is defined as
reassigning the sub-channels to the terminals with the largest  
N |hk,n |
non-integer fraction. 1
C(hk,n ) = log2 1 + (9)
Up to now, we have assumed that the subchannels used by 2 N0
the relay node Rk in the first stage and the second stage are
the same ones. In fact, the best subchannel n in the SR link A. Subchannel Allocation without SP
maybe not the best one in the RD link. As shown in [15] and To find the appropriate subcarrier to be used in a link,
[14], a higher data rate can be achieved if the subchannels of we introduce an equivalent channel gain. Let Preq (n) denote
both hops are paired according their actual magnitude, which the required transmission power on the nth subchannel for a
is called SP. For each relay node, we combine the subchannels reliable reception of 1 bits/symbol when the channel gain is

978-1-4244-2324-8/08/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE.

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2008 proceedings.
equal to unity, the transmit power consumed at the source and 50
relay node should satisfy optimal
equal power with SP
Psrk (n)Gsrk (n) ≥ Preq (n), (10)

Average Total Rate ( bits/s/Hz)

equal power without SP
Prk d (n)Grk d (n) ≥ Preq (n). (11) 35

The total minimum transmission power that should be allo-
cated to subchannel n is 25

PT (n) = Psrk (n) + Prk d (n),
Preq (n)
= . (12)
Gsrk d (n) 10

where Gsrk d (n) is defined as the equivalent channel gain of
the subchannel occupied by the relay node Rk , which is given 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Transmit Power ( R=8 )
Fig. 2. Average total capacity for different SNR
Gsrk (n)Grk d (n)
Gsrk d (n) = . (13)
Gsrk (n) + Grk d (n)
c) update Rk according to (9) by using the result of
As we can see, (13) is equivalent to the harmonic mean of
b), S = S − n and S  = S  − j.
the gains of subchannel n occupied by the kth relay in the
step 3 : While S = φ, S  = φ
two transmission stages.
We exploit the subcarrier with the largest Gsrk d (n) at a) find k satisfying Rk ≤ Rk for all k  , 0 ≤ k  ≤ K,
relay k. Hereby, the subchannel allocation procedure can be
described as b) for the found k, pick out the n satisfying
|hk,n | ≥ |hk,n | and j satisfying |hk,j | ≥ |hk,j  |
step 1 : Initialization
for all n ∈ S and j ∈ S  ,
set Rk = 0 for k = 1, 2, ..., K, S = {1, 2, ..., N }.
step 2 : For k = 1 to K
c) update Rk , S and S  with the k, n and j, respec-
a) calculate the equivalent channel gain according to tively:
(13) for all n ∈ S, and find Rk = Rk + C(hk,n ), S = S − {n}, S  = S  − {j}.
n∗ = arg max Gsrk d (n),
b) for the found n∗ , compare |hsrk (n∗ )| with
|hrk d (n∗ )|, choose the smaller one and update Rk In this section, we present some simulation results to
according to (9): compare the performance of different subcarrier and power
Rk = C(hk,n ), S = S − {n}. allocation algorithms. We employ an OFDMA-based cooper-
ative communication network with a single source-destination
step 3 : While S = φ (empty set)
pair and K relay nodes. The relay nodes are independently
a) find k satisfying Rk ≤ Rj for all j, 0 ≤ j ≤ K, and identically distributed in the area between the source and
relay nodes. We also assume that the total subcarrier number
b) for the found k, repeat step 2, N is fixed to be 64 and the power spectral density of AWGN
c) update Rk , S and S  : is normalized to be 1.
Rk = Rk + C(hk,n ), S = S − {n}. In Fig.2, we compare the average total data rate of the
B. Subchannel Allocation with SP optimal algorithm, suboptimal algorithm without and with SP.
In this experiment, the number of relay nodes is fixed to be
The subcarrier allocation algorithm with SP can be de- 8. From Fig.2 we can see that with the increment of transmit
scribed as power, the performance of the proposed suboptimal approach
step 1 : Initialization asymptotically to the optimal one with SP. This is because the
set Rk = 0 for k = 1, 2, ..., K, S = {1, 2, ..., N } and subchannel allocation algorithm utilizes the subchannels with
S  = {1, 2, ..., N }. large SNR as much as possible. We also observe that both
step 2 : For k = 1 to K of this two algorithms achieve more performance gain than
a) find n satisfying |hsrk (n)| ≥ |hrk d (n )| and j the suboptimal algorithm without SP. It can be found that the
satisfying |hsrk (j)| ≥ |hrk d (j  ) for all n, n ∈ S averaged total data rate increases more and more quickly at
and j, j  ∈ S  , high transmit power. This result validates the conclusion in [1]
b) compare |hsrk (n)| with |hrk d (j)|, and select the that the cooperation scheme can greatly improve the achievable
smaller one, rate region when the channels between the source and relay
nodes are better.

978-1-4244-2324-8/08/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE.

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2008 proceedings.
putational advantage while incurring negligible performance
loss. Hence, the suboptimal algorithm with SP can be regarded
as the substitute of the optimal algorithm with a view of
Average Total Rate (bits/s/Hz)

3.5 implementation.

This work is supported by the National Natural Science
optimal Foundation of China (No. 60572157). We thanks Feng She
2 equal power with SP for discussion about the convex optimization problem.
equal power without SP
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978-1-4244-2324-8/08/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE.

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2008 proceedings.

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