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October 24, 2018

Ms. Mariana Martínez

1234 Road Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85300

Dear Ms. Martínez:

My name is Ms. Sanchez and your daughter Ruvina is enrolled in my English II class this year at
Golden High School. I am writing to discuss Ruvina’s progress with you and hope that we can work
together to come up with a plan that will help your daughter earn a passing grade in the class.

Ruvina has always shown respect to me and her peers and continuously goes out of her way to assist
anyone who needs help outside of the classroom. However, for the past couple of weeks, I’ve noticed
that she refuses to work on her own assignments during class and works on her homework at the very
last minute. At times, this has caused a disagreement between me and your daughter. Whenever she
becomes too much of a distraction to her groupmates, I give her two warnings before moving her to a
desk close to mine. Even then, she puts her head down for the rest of the class period instead of
working on the assignment. After speaking with her a couple of times, she’s expressed her opinion
that she doesn’t “...see the point of learning the material if we aren’t going to use it after high
school,”. Considering that when the school year started, Ruvina was earning high marks on easier
assignments. After looking at the differences in her previous and present work, the material might
just be getting harder for her.

I am available Monday through Friday before and after school from 7:00 am - 8:00 am and 3:00 pm
until 4:30 pm. During those hours, I host a reading and writing club where students can come in and
work on English assignments. If students need additional help, we have Arizona State University
students come in to tutor the students- whether it’s to look over a paper or for more focused tutoring.

Lastly, I want you to know that my most important goal this year is to remain in constant
communication with my students’ parents. I am available to talk with you between 9:00 am and
10:00 am, including the hours I listed above. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or
comments at 123-456-7890 or


Paula Celeste Sanchez

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