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Case study factsheet

Europe, Sweden

RYA CHP (Göteborg Energi)

Main CHP project indicators Picture
Heat capacity (total) KW 294,000
Electrical capacity (total) kW 261,000
Steam Cycle
Technology Combined Cycle
Gas Turbine
No. of units 3 GT & 1 ST
Manufacturer Siemens
Type of Fuel Natural gas
Heat: yearly generation MWh 910,000
Electricity: yearly generation MWh 790,000
Year of construction 2006
Total investment costs EUR 170 000 000
Own funds General description of the case
Loans The CHP plant is a combined cycle plant fired by natural
State support None gas. Combining a gas turbine cycle for power production
Return of investment with a steam turbine cycle for power and heat production
Years 8
(payback period) can result in a plant with an overall efficiency of up to

Success factors
Location Göteborg City
The plant is extremely flexible, due to the solution of
using three gas turbines instead of one single large one. It
is also equipped with supplementary firing capability for
heat recovery steam generators (boilers). This makes it
possible to maximise power production at any given level
of heat production. The RYA CHP play has a load range
that is 20-100% of maximum heat production.

Comparison: before and after

Göteborg Energi wanted to build a plant that could
achieve large-scale, stable and resilient production of
district heat and power.

The flexibility of the plant with regard to variations in
district heating requirements was prioritised and ensures
efficient operation over a wide load range.

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