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Corporate management Ver.2 (12/14/00)


one alarm button pressed in botonera Check battery voltage cabinet box
cabin and does not work Teleservice and does
not even work the alarm siren. 1.) If no voltage, check:
-If the fuse blown Battery charger plate is

-If the fuse is OK, could be a discharged battery or

bad battery charger or

2.) If battery voltage, check that between AL + and AL-

Teleservice plate reaches the tension as the alarm
button is pressed. Had it not

Follow connection according scheme 3 Instructions

Sheet Teleservice

2 button is pressed in alarmed 1.) If the test is done by cutting the main power, check that
car operating panel, operates the siren, but no you have plugged the battery plate 9V Teleservice coming
message is heard Teleservice backwards and tension.

2.) The other condition to work, remember that it is causing a

breakdown. This can be done by disconnecting the output of
the fault relay motherboard (J7) in normal or causing real
damage Basic and Arca Normal Arca Arca (without being in
inspection and check that the LED fault of the motherboard is
off )

3.) Check the hoses that reach the Teleservice plate:

The 24 v should be in the J1 connector (not J2) and be in
order, 24v wire roj or
and 0V on black cable.
-They might be placed upside connector J6
microphone-speaker or Jl microphone-speaker plate.
Corno rule check, the cables always come out of the
connector plate, distrust the logical position as the
connector tabs.

4.) board defective teleservice change and test.

5.) Plate defective speaker-microphone. Change and test.


3 Salt voice teleservice Check with your connected phone in the J5 license plate
indicating that it will communicate Teleservice if you give dial tone and can call normally.
with the control center and has
not pitched tone telephone line. 1.) If you do not give:
-Check that the telephone pair is stuck in the box
maneuver connector in normal Ark JC11 and J15 the plate
PDCM in the Basic Ark.
-Check connector J4 is connected to the license plate
teleservice Y 48 we Vcc when the line is idle (no call is not issued). If
there were not tension,
look for the cause going back into the signal TE L, TEL to telephone line
jack to find whe re continuity is cut. -In the case of PTR, if the test
window lift, it is on the f
test, but not the line, lower it.
2.) If you give online, go to step 7

4 EI Teleservice allows calls 1.) have stuck fault signal continuous in plate
without being damaged or lacking in tension Teleservice. Search lack of continuity of the SEN that part
Base Plate on the J7 connector.
2.) There are two types of connections according to the apparatus is more or
less modern. The modern is according to the schemes. The former
is According to the "Adaptation of tele service"
you must already have. The differences are obvious, since the
JC11 connector of the control panel has four terminals in time
5, the base plate is different cabin, not connector
Do not forget to connect the wire with a wire fault manifold.

3.) If the wiring is correct, it can Known to Occur IR relay

fault motherboard maneuver is activated c omo if failed (contact open J7)
even LED
breakdown off indicating a fault, but the apparatus fu ncione standard. It is a
problem that can occur cu maneuvered ace
ARCA, with version lower than 1.50 ed memory. It could
BD correct doing a reset on the menu 4.1 of the maneuver, but if you back
out, change version.

5 line has a very tone I.) Raise the potentiometer plate Teleservici or.
weak. 2.) Turn the parameter 27 Teleservice plate.

6 No hanging plate 1.) Activate parameter for automatic hook 27 t ras 2

teleservice. minutes.


7 Starts communication and as 1 .-) Check that telephone line and still have the
Central off-hook communication is Instructions steps of the implementation of Teleservice

2.) Test plate to programming pulses. Paramete or 20

0. If you will not go back 1

3.) Test parameters 26 and 60 to 1. If you fold, v olverlos 0

4.) If you have come this far is because there are micro
power on the phone line. Plate Telese rvice
Optocoupler cut pin 4 of 5 (OPT5) and unite with a
puentecito soldier pins 4-5 of Optoacoplad or 4

OPT4 2 May
3 January
4 6
OPT5 2 May
3 4

This is not necessary be the Next plates ima

version that may leave in January



Teleservice plate and generate s phone call, you can receive them. This operating mode is used to program
the APAR ato or to call the cab on request
Control Center.
The operating sequence is as follows: It is called the phone
number where it is connected the plate.
The preset number of rings (parameter 33) descuel ga.
The plate beeps.
the access code sequence num ber 6) is introduced. It must be entered before a timeout (20
seconds to start 10 seconds between keystrokes).
From here starts the microphone / Loudspeaker z (depending on configuration) and
It allows for a minute of conversation or programming .
During this time you can enter the parame ters to change according to the
Table 1 (* _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *).
The commands must be entered before a tie mpo limit (10 seconds between keystrokes). The system returns the
parameter D TMF tones. If the parameter is OK is validated with "*" and if not canceled by "#". Each time you enter
duce a new parameter allows
minute conversation before hanging up. You can vo lver introduce another parameter or
hang up.



* • * Not a configuration parameter. Data request from the Control

Center Voice synthesis mode.

* two* Not a configuration parameter. Data request from the DTMF

Mode Control Center

* validate data

# cancel data

* 11 * 900210813 * 0 ... 9 digits Programming the first phone number you are calling
# pause teleservice. 'Up to 28 digits).
* 12 * 900210813 * 0 ... 9 digits Programming the second phone number L the MA

# pause Teleservice. (Up to 28 digits).

* 13 * 900210813 * 0 ... 9 digits Programming the third telephone number that ll love
# pause Teleservice. (Up to 28 digits).
* 14 * 900210813 * 0 ... 9 digits Programming the fourth phone number that l Lama
# pause Teleservice. (Up to 28 digits).
* 15 * 900210813 * 0 ... 9 digits Programming fifth telephone number that l Lama
# pause Teleservice. (Up to 28 digits).
* 16 * 123456 * 0 ... 9 digits programming code access. (Up to 6 digits).
* 17 * XXXXXXXX * 0 ... 9 digits Programming identification code (up to 1 2 Figures).

* 20 * 1 * 0 or 1 Dial type; tones (1): pulses (0)

* 21 * 0 * 0 or 1 Activating automatic call: If (1); No (0)
* 22 * 0 * 0 or 1 advanced telemonitoring: If (1); No (0)
* 23 * 1 * 0 or 1 Voice messages: If (1); No (0)
* 24 * 0 * 0 or 1 Vandal activation filter: If (1); No I 0)
* 25 * 0 * 0 or 1 Active microphone cabin reception: Yes (1) No (0)
* 26 * 0 * 0 or 1 Without line switching permission: If (1); No (0)
* 27 * 0 * 0 or 1 Toneless permission to call: If (1); No (0)

* 31 * 30 * 1 .... 99 Time automatic call (min.).

* 32 * 2 * 1 .... 9 No. ring that picks.
* 33 * 1 * 1 .... 9 Time for silence hung (min.)

* 41 * 75 * 1 .... 255 Time pulse dialing Bulls (msec).

* 42 * 67 * 1 .... 255 Time pulse Pulse dialing (msec).
* 43 * 135 * 1 .... 255 Pause time tone dialing (msec).
* 44 * 33 * 1 .... 255 Pause time Pulse dialing (msec).

* 45 * 50 * 1 .... 255 pause time between pulse dialing numbers (msec).

* 50 * 0 * 0 or 1 Activation microphone cabin: Yes (one); No (0)

* 60 * 0 * 0 or 1 Immediate activation cabin microphone: Yes (1); No (0)



After connecting the plate, perform the NEXT s operations:

1. Call telephone number which is connected the plate.
2. Check that the second ring pick.
3. After hearing a beep marked with 123456 phone emits DTMF tones.
4. After programming the phone number and what will draw plate * 11 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. The plate tone returned by the number gr abado.
6. Dial * to confirm and hang up.
7. Check the plate hangs.
Check if all these steps have been performed cor righteously, and if it does not communicate
which of them there are problems.
If everything went correctly perform the following s operations:
8. Call from the push plate ervice TVs.
9. Check that calls the number recorded at the point Four.
10. Pick up the phone and dial any tone to ensure that it has picked up.
11. Check that can keep a conversation On.
12. Hang up, and check Hanging license plate.
Check if all these steps have been performed cor righteously, and if it does not communicate
which one of
they are problems.
If everything went correctly perform the following s operations:
13. Repeat steps 1 through 7 to program 2 °, 3rd, 4th and 5th phone.
14. Repeat steps 8 through 12, but in step # 10 do not dial tone when you lift.
15. Check 15 seconds short Communion cation and call the next number.
16. If so, it means that does not reverse the ea lín to lift the interlocutor. In the Spanish lines if it invests but
maybe not there. He You can observe polarity with
polímetro in TEL, TEL J4 terminal.
17. If you do not invest the line set parameter * 26 * 1 * y * 60 * 1 *. To elle follow steps 1: a
18. Check now works correctly.




Keeps a record the first phone number to call for the plate. Default
It contains the number of service 24h (900,210,813 or 900,180,305) or 000000000.
- - -To encode previously called da perform and enter the passcode.
- - - Dialing with the telephone keypad * 11 *.
- - - Then introduce them to form an digit phone number to register.
- - -If you want to enter a pause dial #. Po r example: 0 # 900210813.
- - -The maximum number of digits to be regis strate is 28 (including breaks).
- - - Once you have dialed the complete number dial *. * >
- - -Plate using DTMF tones returns the num ros introduced to confirm whether they are
- - -If valid dial * to enter the data.
- - -If not valid dial # to override the data .
- - -In both cases the plate is ready to intro duce new parameters allowed to speak for 1 minute or hang.


Keeps a record second phone number to call for the plate. Watch
* 11 * parameter.


Keeps a record third phone number to call for the plate. Watch
* 11 * parameter.


Keeps a record fourth phone number to call for the plate. Watch
parameter * 11 *


Keeps a record fifth telephone number to call for the plate. Watch
* 11 * parameter.



Stored in a register access code Permi you program or talk mode

reception. The default code is 123456.
ATTENTION: if modified, you must be careful to rec ordarlo and notify the Control Center because otherwise
can not be volve ra communicate with him.
To modify previously make the call and enter the access code.
Bookmark with telephone keypad * 16 *. Then enter the
digits forming the new access code.
The maximum number of digits that can be recorded It is 6.
Once you have dialed the complete number dial *. The plate
returns using DTMF tones numbers i ntroducidos to confirm whether
they are valid.
Yes apply dial * to enter the data. Yes invalid dial # to cancel
the data. In both cases the plate is ready to enter
new parameters, allowed to speak
for 1 minute or hang.

* 17 * Identification code

Stored in a register identification code q ue allows to know the origin of the

call. It contains no default code.
ATTENTION: For the unique identification code d Efina the origin of each
apparatus must be managed by the Center Contr ol.
To modify previously make the call and enter the access code.
Bookmark with telephone keypad * 17 *. Then enter the
digits forming the new code.
The maximum number of digits that can be recorded It is 12.
Once you have dialed the complete number dial *. The plate
returns using DTMF tones numbers i ntroducidos to confirm whether
they are valid.
If valid dial * to enter the data. If invalid dial # to cancel the
data. In both cases the plate is ready to enter
new parameters, allowed to speak
for 1 minute or hang.


Stored in a register one bit defining the dial type, ie how generates the call:

1 dialing tones (beeps).

0 Pulse dialing (pulse connection-descon ection). Default is scheduled
tone dialing.
To modify previously make the call and enter access code.
Bookmark with telephone keypad * 20 *. Then insert a 0 or
a 1 to define the new dialing.
After entering the data dial *
The plate is ready to introduce new PARAMETERS ros, allowed to speak for 1
minute or hang.



Stored in a register one bit that defines the activation On or not automatic call
(Basic telemonitoring):
1 Enables automatic call. Flame plate form automatically when it detects a fault or voltage.

0 Disables automatic call. Default is pr ogramada Disables call option 0

To modify previously make the call and enter the access code.
Bookmark with telephone keypad * 21 *. Then insert a 0 or
a 1 to define the new option.
After entering the data dial *.
The plate is ready to introduce new PARAMETERS ros, allowed to speak for 1
minute or hang.


It is not currently scheduled.


Stored in a register one bit that defines the activation On or no messages synthesis
1 Enables messages.
0 Disables messages. The default is program gives option 1 Active messages. To modify previously make
the call and enter the access code.
Bookmark with telephone keypad * 23 *. Then insert a 0 or
a 1 to define the new option.
After entering the data dial *.
The plate is ready to introduce new PARAMETERS ros, allowed to speak for 1
minute or hang.


Stored in a register one bit qua defines the activation ng or not a filter antivandalic
used in devices that do not detect the signal av pipelining. Its operation is as follows: After pressing the
alarm message is heard "his call has been registered "and not
does nothing.
After a time (10 sec.) A Messaging heard and "repeat the call" and hopes that
activate the button again to start alarm normal calling process.
If a time (10 sec.) Has not been pressed, null and l process.
1 Active filter.
0 Disables filter is programmed default 0 Disables filter option.
To modify previously make the call and enter the access code.
Bookmark with telephone keypad * 24 *. Then insert a 0 or
a 1 to define the new option.
After entering the data dial *.
The plate is ready to introduce new PARAMETERS ros, allowed to speak for 1
minute or hang.



Stored in a register one bit that defines the activation ng or microphone cabin
reception. Its operation is as follows: When called to the
plate, and after entering the access code, this parameter
defines whether or not put up microphone bina ca. It is desirable that this
microphone turned off in programming mode, so that the noise
cab, or the echo own speaker / microphone do not interfere with the transmission of tones
However it is possible to activate the mic rófono because otherwise not
I could talk to the cab. See also
parameter * 50 *.
1 Active microphone reception cabin. 0 Disables
microphone reception cabin.
- - -Default is set Off option 0 iva microphone reception cabin.
- - -To modify previously perform the flame gives and enter the passcode.
- - - Bookmark with telephone keypad * 25 *.
- - - Then introduce a 0 or a 1 to def INIR the new option.
- - -After entering the data dial *.
- - -The plate is ready to introduce new pa rameters, allowed to speak for 1
minute or hang.


Stored in a register one bit defining permission to work on telephone lines

not occur when polarity switching descuel ga partner. its
Operation is as follows:
When a call occurs line current It has a polarity. At the time
to pick up the Control Center, reverses the line current, which is detected by
plate, and continues its program.
However there are lines that do not perform this inv ersion, so though, you have seized, would be
interpreted is waiting, and After a while do undertake another
To avoid this, there is this parameter that allows fu ncionar in this type of lines,
ATTENTION If this operating mode is allowed and want det ectar when you pick up the
Control center with guarantees are 2 options:
- - -Control Center issues a DTMF tone.
- - -The plate is hearing the ringtones, c hen detects that disappeared within a reasonable time is considered
to have off hook , During this time (15SG.) The
microphone cabin remains disabled for not i nterferir in tone detection. Watch
* 60 * parameter. The
options are:
1 allows operation in lines without switching. 0 No It can run on lines without
commutation. It is scheduled detected by choice 0 not allowed to run in lines without
- - -To modify previously perform the flame gives and enter the passcode.
- - - Bookmark with telephone keypad * 25 *.
- - - Then introduce a 0 or a 1 for def INIR the new option.
- - -After entering the data dial *.
- - -The plate is ready to introduce new arameters p, allowed to speak for 1 minute or hang.


* 27 * PERMISSION TO CALL toneless

Stored in a register one bit defining permission to call in phone lines with tone
poor (weak or different from the norm). their function onamiento is as follows: when
generates a call pick plate (closes r I ELE) and waits for a dial tone
dial the number.
If this tone is too weak (for problems Line) or is different from the norm
(PBXs) plate not called.
To avoid this, there is this parameter that allows fu ncionar in such lines.
ATTENTION If this operating mode is allowed without recognizing l os dialing tones, it is possible
which also recognize busy tones, hanging , etc. As planned one
number of limitations:
- - -The call duration is 2 minutes. Its T and time can be extended 1 minute per
each DTMF tone is sent to the plate.
- - -It allowed to hang from the cab again press the alarm button.
- - -Under these conditions, you can call again whenever you want, but only the first
number does not switch to the following autom atic way. The options are:

1 Allows call without tone. 0 Does not allow free calling tone. Default is scheduled
Option 0 toneless not allowed to call.
- - -To modify previously perform the flame gives and enter the passcode.
- - - Bookmark with telephone keypad * 27 *.
- - - Then introduce a 0 or a 1 to def INIR the new option.
- - -After entering the data dial *.
- - -The plate is ready to introduce new pa rameters, allowed to speak for 1
minute or hang.


Stored in a record time should transcurri r for a call is generated

automatically by a fault or voltage (see param eter * 21 *). The data represents minutes can vary between 1 and
99. Default is 30 minutes ado program.
- - -To modify previously perform the flame gives and enter the passcode.
- - - Bookmark with telephone keypad * 31 *.
- - - Then enter the new data (1 or 2 digits).
- - -After entering the data dial *.
- - -The plate is ready to introduce new arameters p, allowed to speak for 1 minute or hang.

* 32 * NUMBER OF RING TO picks

Keeps a record number of rings that des hangs when call plate.
It can vary between 1 and 9.
Default is set to two rings.
- - -To modify previously perform the flame gives and enter the passcode.
- - - Bookmark with telephone keypad * 32 *.
- - - Then enter the new dalo (1 gave Gito). After entering the data dial *.
- - -The plate is ready to introduce new pa rameters, allowed to speak for 1
minute or hang.



N or is currently scheduled.

* 41 * TIEMPOPULSO IN touchtone
Stored in a record time defining the Durac ion tone in tone dialing. The
data represents milliseconds and can vary between 1 255. Default is scheduled to
75 milliseconds.
To modify previously make the call and enter the access code.
Mark with phone keypad * 41 * then enter the new data (1
to 3 DIGI cough).
After entering the data dial *.
The plate is ready to introduce new PARAMETERS ros, allowed to speak for 1
minute or hang.

* 42 * TIME PULSE pulse dialing

Stored in a record time defining the Durac dial pulse in ion by
pulses. The figure represents milliseconds and can var It iar between 1 and 255. The default is
set at 67 milliseconds.
To modify previously make the call and enter the access code.
Bookmark with telephone keypad * 42 *. Then enter the
new data (1 to 3 DIGI cough).
After entering the data dial *.
The plate is ready to introduce new PARAMETERS ros, allowed to speak for 1 minute or
hang up.

* 43 * PAUSE TIME IN touchtone

Stored in a record time defining the Durac ion pause between tones in
The data represents milliseconds and may vary entr and 1 to 255.
Default is set to 135 milliseconds. To modify previously
make the call and enter the access code.
Bookmark with telephone keypad * 43 *. Then enter the
new data (1 to 3 DIGI cough).
After entering the data dial *.
The plate is ready to introduce new PARAMETERS ros, allowed to speak for 1
minute or hang.


Stored in a record time defining the Durac ion in the interpulse
pulse dialing.
The data represents milliseconds and may vary entr and 1 to 255.
The default is set to 33 milliseconds. To modify previously
make the call and enter the access code.
Bookmark with telephone keypad * 44 *. Then enter the
new data (1 to 3 DIGI cough).
After entering the data dial *.
The plate is ready to introduce new PARAMETERS ros, allowed to speak for 1
minute or hang.

* 45 * TIME pause between numbers Dialing P ULSOS

Stored in a record time that defines the hard tion of the pause between numbers
pulse dialing.
The data represents milliseconds and may vary entr and 1 to 255.


Default is set to 50 milliseconds. To modify previously

make the call and enter the access code.
Bookmark with telephone keypad * 45 *. Then enter the
new data (1 to 3 DIGI cough).
After entering the data dial *.
The plate is ready to introduce new PARAMETERS ros, allowed to speak for 1 minute or
hang up.


It allows activation or cabin microphone reception but not recorded. its

Operation is as follows:
When called to the plate, and then enter the access code, microphone
cabin is active or not according to parameter * 25 *. However
it is possible to activate or DESA ctivar the microphone during
communication modes without modifying future work .
That is, if we have scheduled a plate for reception mode does not activate
Microphone (* 25 * 0 *) to allow programming without problems, you can activate
microphone via this parameter to allow hab lar to the cabin.
1 Active microphone reception cabin (no memo crimp).
0 Disables microphone cabin reception (without memorizing). Default is
scheduled option 0 Disables m icrófono cabin reception. its
modification is performed only during the conve rsación.
Bookmark with telephone keypad * 50 *. Then insert a 0 or
a 1 to define the new option. After entering the
data dial *.
The plate is cripples to introduce new PARAMETERS ros, allowed to speak for 1 minute or
hang up.

* 60 * ACTIVATION WITHOUT CABIN microphone AR-Hook

Stored in a register one bit that defines the activation ng or microphone cabin without
wait to confirm that you have picked up the Control Center. Its operation is as follows:

When a call occurs, the microphone CABI na is active when you pick up the
Control center. Normally there is no proble ma, but in some situations (with Parameter * 25 *) may take some
time to configure ase that have hook. To avoid waiting for you can not hear
There cab this parameter
to activate the microphone no more dial phone num ber. 1 Active cabin microphone
immediately. 0 No active microphone to pick cabin. Po
r default option is set 0
No active microphone to pick cabin. For modify previously performed (a call and enter the passcode. Mark
co n the telephone keypad * 60 *.
Then insert a 0 or a 1 to define the new option. After entering the
data dial *.
The plate is ready to introduce new PARAMETERS ros, allowed to speak for 1 minute or
hang up.


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