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26(b)(1) Permits discovery of
"any matter, not privileged,
that is relevant to the claim
or defense of any party."
Discoverable information is
not limited to that which
would be admissible at trial.
Yes. 26(b)(1) Permits It is relevant for Rule 26 if
discovery of "any matter, not the discovery appears
privileged, that is relevant to reasonably calculated to lead Discoverable information is
African American and Latino
the claim or defense of any to the discovery of not limited to that which
employees (Ps) sue their
party." Discoverable admissible evidence. would be admissible at trial.
employer, Precoat Metals,
information is not limited to Information is relevant for
1. DAVIS V PRECOAT METALS( (D), alleging race and Are Ps entitled to the
that which would be 26(b)(2) A court can limit the purposes of Rule 26 if
2002) national origin discrimination requested discovery?
admissible at trial. It is discovery if it determines the discovery appears
and retaliation in violation of
relevant for Rule 26 if the that the discovery is reasonably calculated to lead
Title VII of the Civil Rights
discovery appears unreasonably cumulative or to the discovery of
Act of 1964
reasonably calculated to lead duplicative, obtainable from admissible evidence.
to the discovery of another source that is more
admissible evidence. convenient, less
burdensome, or less
expensive, or the burden or
expense of the proposed
discovery outweighs its likely

Steffan (P) sued Secretary of

Defense Cheney (D) claiming
that he was constructively
discharged from the naval Is evidence relevant if it does No. Evidence is not relevant The district court erred in
academy based on the not speak to a matter if it does not relate to a finding the issue of
statement that he is pertinent to the decision of matter pertinent to the homosexual conduct to be
homosexual. Steffan refused the case? decision of the case. relevant in this case.
to answer deposition
questions about his sexual
conduct in his suit.

Rule 26c provides that the

court, upon a showing of
An employee, who was sued good cause, "may make any
by a former co-worker for Discovery is limited to order which justice requires
sexual harassment, sought a A party seeking a protective inquiry about any "voluntary to protect a party or person
Can the discovery of
protective order preventing order must establish good romantic or sexual activities from annoyance,
information potentially
3. STALNAKER V. KMART the co-worker from deposing cause for the order by with defendant to the extent embarrassment, oppression,
embarrassing and annoying
CORP(1996) four non-party witnesses in submitting a particular and they show any conduct on or undue burden or
to a party or non-party be
order to determine whether specific demonstration of his part to solicit or influence expense." Also, a "party is
they had any romantic fact. any employee to engage or entitled to request a
conduct or sexually related continue in such activities" protective order to preclude
activities with the co-worker. any inquiry into areas clearly
outside the scope of
appropriate discovery.'

Hickman brought a wrongful

Work Product Doctrine- All
death action against the tug Rule 26(b)(3) expands the
relevant and nonprivileged
J.M.Taylor for the death of Hickman work product
No. A party is not entitled , materials prepared by an
her husband which resulted Rule 26(b) provides doctrine by giving the
without a showing of good attorney "with an eye toward
when the tug sank in an Are all of an attorney's files necessary limitations on qualified privilege to a party
cause, to obtain copies of an litigation" are free from
4. HICKMAN V. TAYLOR unusual accident. Hickman related to an incident open discovery when the inquiry or his representative, and
opposing attorney's notes discovery unless the party
(1947) sought to obtain copies of to discovery by the opposing encroaches on the giving an absolute privilege
and memoranda acquired seeking discovery can show
written statements and party? recognized domains of from discovery to the mental
from interviews with a substantial need for the
descriptions of oral privilege. impressions, conclusions, or
witnesses. materials and an inability to
interviews acquired by opinions of a party's attorney
obtain equivalent material by
Fortenbaugh, the opposing or other rep.
other means.
400817362.xls 2

Can a party compel

Yes. A party cannot compel Rule 26(b)(4) -an opposing
discovery of the opinions or
discovery of the opinions or party's expert's opinions or
findings of a non-testifying
An employee suing an findings of the opposing facts retained in anticipation
expert's report, retained by There are exceptional
employer for sexual party's non-testifying exert of litigation cannot be
6. THOMPSON V. THE the opposing party in circumstances allowing for
harassment seeks to protect unless there are exceptional discovered unless
HASKELL CO (1994) preparation of litigation, the disclosure of Dr. Lucas'
a psychologist's report circumstances, i.e. no other exceptional circumstances
where there are no other report.
regarding the employee. practical means to obtain the make it impracticable for the
means to obtain the facts
facts and opinions contained party to discover the facts or
and opinions contained in
in the report. opinions by other means.
the report?

A carrier, sued by a shipper Can discovery of an opposing

for loss and damage to a party's non-testifying expert No. The exceptional
Rule 26(b)(4)(B)applies
cargo of bananas, sought to be permitted under the circumstances exception
Chiquita will produce
depose and discover any exceptional circumstances does not apply where the
6. CHIQUITA INTERNATIONAL information from Mr. Winer's
documents held by a non- exception where the party party seeking discovery had Rule 26(b)(4)(B)
LTD. V. M/V/ BOLERO REEFER files that do not contain his
testifying expert witness seeking discovery had an an opportunity to examine
observations or opinions or
hired by the shipper to opportunity to examine the the subject of the expert's
are otherwise privileged.
examine the cause of the subject of the expert's opinion.
damage. opinion?
Motion denied. Rule 26(b)
(2)-" The frequency or extent
of use of the discovery
methods otherwise
permitted under these rules
In 1995, class
and by any local rule shall be
representatives of African-
limited by the court if tit
American residents of
determines that: (i) the
Baltimore's public housing
discovery sought is
developments (Ps) sued
unreasonably cumulative, or
federal and local
is obtainable from some
governmental officials (Ds) in Yes. The parties are expected
other source that is more
federal court alleging that Ds to focus their discussions not
convenient, less
and their predecessors on their scope differences
burdensome, or less
7. THOMPSON V. established and perpetrated under Rule 26(b)(1), but
expensive; (ii) the party
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING de jure racial segregation in Are Ps' discovery requests instead on a particularized
seeking discovery has had
AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Baltimore's public housing overly broad or burdensome? analysis of the
ample opportunity by
(2001) since 1933 in violation of a burden/benefit factors of
discovery in the action to
number of federal laws. Rule 26(b)(2) Thus, the
obtain the information
Pending before the court is challenged requests are too
sought; or (iii) the burden or
Ps' motion to compel the broad as stated.
expense of the proposed
local Ds to provide
discovery outweighs its likely
responsive answers to
benefit, taking into account
interrogatories propounded
the needs of the case, the
pursuant to Rule 33 and to
amount in controversy, the
inspect documents
parties' resources, the
requested under Rule 34.
importance of the issues at
stake in the litigation, and
the importance of the
proposed discovery in
resolving the issues.
Poole sued Textron in federal
court for alleged defects in a
golf car, which resulted in
serious injuries to P. P Rule 26(g)-a signature
requested attorney's fees certifies that the lawyer has
and other expenses related made a reasonable effort to
to three substantive assure that the client has
discovery motions and other Motions granted in part. D's provided all the information
Is an award of expenses
sanctions. The three motions Yes. Rule 26(g)(3) sanctions. response to document and documents available to
including attorney's fees or
are: (i) motion to determine Rule 37 sanctions imposed requests violated its duty him that are responsive to
8. POOLE V. TEXTRON, INC. other sanctions justified
the sufficiency of answers because D's responses and under Rule 26(g), was not the discovery demand. Rule
(2000) under the governing rules
and objections to requests objections were not substantially justified, and 26(g)(3) gives the court
and case law, and if so, in
for admissions(Rule36); (ii) substantially justified. therefore an award of latitude to fashion an
what amount?
motion for sanctions raising expenses is just. "appropriate sanction" in
six instances of discovery addition to an award of
abuse (Rule 37); and (iii) the expenses, including
motion to compel production attorneys' fees. Rule 37-
of documents (Rule 34). The sanctions imposed
motions were made under
the rules and the court's
inherent powers.


400817362.xls 3

A casino being sued for No. In order to avoid

Does a settlement
sexual discrimination by a repetitive discovery, courts The public policies favoring
agreement, entered into by
former employee sought to may modify protective orders broad discovery in Federal
private litigants, prevent the
10. KALINAUSKAS V. WONG avoid the deposition of or settlement agreements to Civil cases trump settlement
future discovery of materials
(1993) another former employee allow for the discovery of agreements that prohibit a
or testimony held
with whom the casino had facts otherwise held party from disclosing any
confidential by the
previously settled a sexual confidential under the aspect of a settled case.
discrimination suit. agreement.

The burden may be

Charged with several claims
No. In a summary judgment discharged by relying on
for asbestos poisoning that
Must a party moving for motion, a moving party may depositions, answers to
lead to the death of Mr.
summary judgment supply meet its burden of interrogatories, as Rule 56(c)
Catrett, Celotex(D) moved
11. CELOTEX CORP. V. evidence or affidavits persuasion by demonstrating provides. Summary
for summary judgment on Rule 56
CATRETT (1986) showing the absence of a that the nonmoving party judgment may be
the grounds that Mrs. Catrett
genuine dispute about a failed to supply sufficient appropriate even if the
(P) failed to produce
material fact? evidence of a genuine moving party fails to produce
evidence to support the
dispute of material fact. evidence demonstrating a
lack of a factual dispute.

Rule 56c -provides for

summary judgment where
The Estate Of Bias sued
the pleadings, depositions,
Advantage International and
No. The nonmoving party answers to interrogatories,
A. Lee Fentress in federal
Was there a triable issue of must come forward with and admissions on file,
12. BIAS V. ADVANTAGE district court for the District
fact as to whether Bias was a specific facts showing that Judgment affirmed together with affidavits, if
INTERNATIONAL, INC. (1990) of Columbia for failure to
drug user? there is a genuine issue for any, show that there is no
secure life insurance policy.
trial. genuine issue as to any
Ps appeal district court
material fact and that the
award of summary judgment.
moving party is entitled to a
judgment as a matter of law.

Sanders (P) sued his

employer Union Pacific in
federal court under the
Federal Employer's Liability Does a court abuse its No. A court may dismiss an
Act. The District Court discretion when it dismisses action for prejudice if a
dismissed the plaintiff's an action with prejudice for party's failure to comply with
action with prejudice after failure to obey an order, deadlines and court orders
counsel repeatedly missed without first resorting to leads to unnecessary delay
deadlines and failed to lesser sanctions? and expense.
comply with the
requirements of the pre-trial

In a negligence suit against a Does a court abuse its

landlord, the tenant's discretion when it refuses to
attorney moved to introduce amend the pretrial order so No. Trial judges have
housing regulations as proof that pertinent evidence, justifiably large discretion in
14. McKey v. Fairbairn (1965) of negligence, but the court which came to light during refusing parties to change Affirmed.
denied the motion because trial, may be admitted; their theory during the trial,
the regulations were not particularly where the other after a pre-trial order.
contained in the pretrial party was aware of the
order. evidence?

Two pronged approach to

Several employees sued
determining Seventh
their union, the Chauffeurs,
Amendment right: 1.
Teamsters and Helpers Local
Compare the statutory action
391 (D), for alleged Does an employee seeking Yes. An action for breach of
to the 18th century actions
15. CHAUFFERS, TEAMSTERS violations of the Union's duty an award of back pay from a fair representation, although
Affirmed. The remedy of brought in England prior to
& HELPERS,LOCAL NO. 391 V. of fair representation. union's alleged breach of fair analogous to equitable
back pay is legal in nature. the merger of law and equity.
TERRY (1990) Against the union's protest representation have a right claims at common law,
2. Is remedy legal or
that the claim was equitable to a trial by jury? carries a right to jury trial.
equitable in nature? Here,
in nature, the district Court
the Supreme Court expands
and Appellate Court granted
the Seventh Amendment
a right to jury trial
right to jury trial.
400817362.xls 4

Gas station owner and gas

station operator filed
complaint and counterclaim The joinder of an equitable
against each other seeking claim with a legal claim does
both equitable and legal Does the seeking of No. Seeking equitable relief not defeat the right to a jury
16. AMOCO OIL CO. V. relief. Court of Appeal equitable relief in addition to in addition to legal relief trial. Because the claim and
TORCOMIAN (1983) examines both complaint legal relief eliminate the does not eliminate the right counterclaim seek legal
and counterclaim to right to a jury trial? to a jury trial. relief, Torcomian (D) was
determine if "legal" relief is entitled to a jury trial under
sought; and if claims are the Seventh Amendment.
valid, denial of jury trial is

Action for negligence by train No. Where the facts give

Has a party sustained her
brakeman's heir against equal support to each of two
burden of proving facts by a
railroad contending that inconsistent inferences, a
17. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD preponderance of the
certain rail cars collided party has not sustained her
V. CHAMBERLAIN (1933) evidence where the facts
killing brakeman based upon burden of proving facts by a
give equal support to each of
indirect evidence of hearing preponderance of the
two inconsistent inferences?
collision. evidence.

A trial judge may not

substitute his judgment for
Liquor company sales Does a trial judge abuse his that of the jury concerning directed verdict-made before
manager obtained jury discretion in granting a new Yes. A verdict may be set the weight of the evidence. the verdict. j.n.o.v. - made
18. LIND V. SCHENLEY verdict for breach of contract trial where he substitutes his aside by way of motion for Here the judge did so and after the verdict. Both based
INDUSTRIES (1960) and liquor company moved judgment for that of the jury j.n.o.v. or in the alternative thus abused his legal on same grounds-insufficient
for j.n.o.v., and alternatively concerning the weight of the new trial. discretion. Case reversed evidence to support the
new trial. evidence? and remanded with direction verdict.
to reinstate the verdict and
judgment in favor of P.

Employee of University Rule 606(b)- Federal Rules of

Is it error to grant a new trial
successfully obtained a jury Evidence- when inquiring
based upon post verdict Yes. Juror's comments which
verdict, but new trial was into the validity of a verdict,
19. PETERSON V. WILSON statements from jurors reveal lack of understanding
ordered based upon a juror may not testify
(1998) relating to the mental of the instructions cannot be
statements made by jurors concerning matters or
processes of the jurors used to impeach verdict.
to judge and employee statements made during the
during their deliberations?
thereafter lost on re-trial. jury's deliberations.

Rhodda Thompson sued her

employer in federal court
under Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 charging Yes. When a prospective
racial discrimination. During juror manifests a prior belief
voir dire, Leiter, a juror, that is both material and
Did trial judge abuse his
20. THOMPSON V. ALTHEIMER explained that her status as contestable, it is the judges
discretion in failing to strike
& GRAY (2003) an employer and business duty to determine whether
Leiter for cause?
owner will definitely sway the juror is capable of
her judgment. P exhausted suspending that belief during
her peremptory challenges, the duration of the trial.
but asked the judge to strike
Leiter for cause. He refused
and P lost case. P appeals.

Claim preclusion- one suit

No. Where the parties and precludes a second where
the causes of action in two the parties and the causes of
A car owner brought suit different suits are identical, action are identical. Causes
against the city in which he Can a plaintiff bring the the first suit precludes the 28 USC 1738- requires of action are identical where
lived for multiple towings of same suit against the same second under the doctrine of federal courts to follow state the evidence necessary to
a number of cars that he defendant more than once? claim preclusion. A plaintiff claim preclusion rules. sustain a second verdict
tended to park illegally. cannot bring two identical would sustain the first, i.e.
suits against one defendant where the causes of action
in two different courts. are based on a common core
of operative facts.
400817362.xls 5

The Court suggests that Rule

41(b) means one thing in
Semtek(P) filed a complaint diversity cases(a deference
The Maryland Court of
against Lockheed (D) in to state rules of preclusion)
Special Appeals erred in
California state court, but quite another thing in
holding that, pursuant to
alleging breach of contract federal-question cases(a
Is the claim-preclusive effect Rule 41(b)(1), dismissal of
and various business torts. D deference to federal rules of
of a federal judgment in a Yes. The claim-preclusive the California federal action
removed the case to the preclusion) The California
diversity action (whether effect of a federal judgment necessarily precluded the
22. SEMTEK INTERNATIONAL district court for the Central federal court deferred to the
based on SOL or other in a diversity action is bringing of this action in the
INC. V. LOCKHEED MARTIN District of California on the Rule 41(b) California SOL rule , but the
grounds) determined by the determined by the law of the Maryland courts. That
CORP (2001) basis of diversity of Maryland state courts did not
law of the state in which the state in which the federal judgment is reversed and the
citizenship. D then moved to defer to the California
federal court sits instead of court sits. case is remanded for a
dismiss P's claims as barred preclusion rules. The Court's
by rule 41 (b)? determination of the
by Ca's 2 year SOL. The objective is to make the law
preclusive effect under
federal district court granted of preclusion in diversity
California law of a dismissal
D's motion and dismissed P's cases the same not state by
on SOL grounds.
complaint. state, but within state and
federal courts of the same
Rule 13(a)-a pleading shall
state as a counterclaim any
Yes. Res judicata treats a claim which at the time of
judgment on the merits as serving the pleading the
an absolute bar to pleader has against any Judgment on the merits--A
relitigation between parties opposing party, if it arises final judgment based not on
A former restaurant owner Can a consent judgment Claim preclusion applies to
and those in privity with out of the same transaction technical or procedural
23. MARTINO V. MCDONALD'S brought suit against the form the basis for an consent judgments just as it
them of every matter offered or occurrence that is the grounds, but on actual
SYSTEM, INC. (1979) McDonald's (D) franchise for application of claim does to judgments arrived at
and received to sustain or subject matter of the evidence going to the
violation of the Sherman Act. preclusion? following trial.
defeat the claim or demand opposing party's claim and substance of the issue before
and to every matter which does not require for its the court.
might have been received for adjudication the presence of
that purpose. third parties of whom the
court cannot acquire
Collateral Estoppel-4 factors-
The Searle Brothers cannot 1. Was the issue decided in a
be bound by the decree prior adjudication identical
No. A person is in privity with
entered in the previous suit, with the one presented in
another when he is so
A partnership brought suit nor is it estopped from the action in question? 2.
identified in interest with
against a recently divorced Are agents and principles in litigating its own claim Was there a final judgment
another that he represents
24. SEARLE BROTHERS V. woman who was, in a divorce privity with one another for against the property in a on the merits? 3. Was the
the same legal right as that
SEARLE (1978) decree, awarded ownership the purposes of claim and subsequent suit. Collateral party against whom the plea
other person; privity means
of property belonging to the issue preclusion? Estoppel-issue preclusion- is asserted a party or in
one whose interest has been
partnership. can only be asserted against privity with a party to the
legally represented at the
a party who was a party or in prior adjudication? 4. Was
privity with a party in a prior the issue in the first case
suit. competently, fully, and fairly

Does a federal court have to

apply state claim preclusion Yes. A final judgment by a Gargallo stands for the
law in deciding whether a state court upon a cause of Under Ohio law a court must proposition that a judgment
A disgruntled investor
prior state court judgment on action over which the have jurisdiction over a must be "on the merits" in
25. GARGALLO V. MERRILL, brought suit against his
subject matter over which adjudicating court had no matter to render a final order for claim preclusion to
LYNCH, PIERCE, FENNER & broker on grounds of
only a federal court has subject matter jurisdiction judgment on the merits for apply. Courts without subject
SMITH (1990) violations of federal
exclusive jurisdiction is a bar does not have claim the purpose of claim matter jurisdiction could not
securities law.
to a subsequent federal preclusive effect in any preclusion. make a judgment that is
court claim upon the subsequent proceedings. final.
identical cause of action?

No. Where a judgment may

have been based upon either
In order for issue preclusion
or any of two or more
When a prior case was to apply, there has to be
distinct facts, a party
An accident victim brought a determined on one of two solid proof that a particular
desiring to plead the
second suit against the separate issues, and it is not issue has already been
judgment as an estoppel by
26. ILLINOIS CENTRAL GULF railroad company that clear which issue it was litigated. A person deserves
verdict ( issue preclusion) or
RAILROAD V. PARKS (1979) crashed into his car, after decided on, can issue to have his or her day in
finding upon the particular
having not been successful preclusion be used to court, and only when it is
fact involved in a subsequent
in the first suit. prohibit a suit that will raise clear that the day has been
suit must show that it was
one of the two issues? had will a court disallow
previously decided upon that
bringing suit.
fact, or else the question will
be open to a new contention.
400817362.xls 6

The Supreme Court of the

United States gives courts
broad discretion in
determining when and where
1. Can a party be precluded
offensive collateral estoppel
from re-litigating facts
should be applied. Offensive
Shore (P), a stockholder in resolved adversely to the
Collateral Estoppel- refers to
Parklane Hosiery Co. (D) party in prior equitable Trial courts have broad
a situation where a plaintiff
(Parklane") brought a class proceedings where the court discretion to apply the
is seeking to estop a
action against the latter determines that the party doctrine of offensive
27. PARKLANE HOSIERY CO. defendant from re-litigating
alleging that Parklane (D) has had full and fair collateral estoppel even in
V. SHORE (1979) the issues which the
had issued a materially false opportunity to litigate the cases where the defendant
defendant previously
and misleading proxy facts? 2. Would the use of will be deprived of a jury
litigated and lost in an earlier
statement in connection with offensive collateral estoppel trial.
action. Non-Mutual Collateral
a merger. violate such party's Seventh
Estoppel-Where a party who
Amendment right to a jury
is not bound by an earlier
judgment may use the
judgment against the party
who is bound by the
If the circumstances are such
Yes. Where, in a prior case,
that a court's confidence in
there are extant
Suit regarding the propriety the integrity of a prior
determinations that are
of employing issue When prior cases are judicial determination is Fairness is the key to issue
inconsistent on the matter in
28. STATE FARM FIRE & preclusion where three cases inconsistent in their verdicts, severely undermined, or that preclusion. It is up to the
issue with those made in a
CASUALTY CO. V. CENTURY regarding the negligence of a can a court refuse to apply the result would likely be judge to decide when it
subsequent case, it is a
HOME COMPONENTS (1976) house builder in starting a collateral estoppel in a third different in a second trial, it would and wouldn't be fair to
strong indication that the
fire reached inconsistent suit? would work an injustice to apply issue preclusion.
application of collateral
results. deny the litigant another
estoppel would work an
opportunity to present his

Yes. A judgment is entitled to

full faith and credit, even as
Full faith and credit generally
When an issue has been fully to the question of
Suit regarding the preclusive requires every state to give
and fairly litigated and finally jurisdiction, when the second
effect of a prior decision as to a judgment at least the
decided in a particular court, court's inquiry disclosed that
29. DURFEE V. DUKE (1963) to the ownership of certain Res Judicata effect which the
must other courts give full those questions have been
bottom land on the Missouri judgment would be accorded
faith and credit to that fully and fairly litigated and
River. in the state which rendered
judgment? finally decided in the court
which rendered the original

Joinder of Claims------
Compulsory counterclaim-
Arises out of the same
transaction or occurrence as
Yes. An action on an the present claim. Permissive
Plant borrowed $2520 from Rule 13-permits defendants
underlying debt in default is counterclaim-Does not arise
Blazer Financial, made no Is an action on an underlying Debt counterclaims in truth to bring claims against
30. PLANT V. BLAZER a compulsory counterclaim out of the present claim.
payments for 8 months, then debt in default a compulsory in lending actions are plaintiffs in the same action.
FINANCIAL SERVICES (1979) that must be asserted in a Ancillary jurisdiction-the
sued Blazer financial under counterclaim? compulsory. Counterclaims are either
suit by the debtor on a truth- federal court acquires
the Truth in Lending Act compulsory or permissive.
in-lending cause of action. jurisdiction over the entire
case, even though some of
the matters would not
independently be subject to
federal jurisdiction.
400817362.xls 7

Joinder-The uniting of several

causes of action or parties in
Rule 20(a)- "all persons may
a single unit. Rule 20-Two
join in one action as Ps if
requisites to the joinder of
they assert any right to relief
parties-1. A right to relief
jointly, severally, or in the
must be asserted by, or
alternative in respect of or
against, each plaintiff or
arising out of the same
Yes. The difficulties in defendant relating to or
Are the issues of ten transaction, occurrence, or
Mosely (P) and nine others ultimately adjudicating arising out of the same
plaintiffs claiming unlawful series of transactions or
joined together to bring suit damages to various plaintiffs transactions or occurrence,
31. MOSLEY V. GENERAL employment sufficient to occurrences and if any
against General Motors for in a class are not so or series of transactions or
MOTORS CORP. (1974) sustain joinder under Federal question of law or fact
discrimination against blacks overwhelming as to require occurrences 2. some
Rules of Civil Procedure common to all these persons
and women. severance of the plaintiffs" question of law or fact
20(a)? will arise in the action." Rule
causes of action common to all the parties
20(b) and Rule 42(b) vest in
must arise in the action. The
the district court the
purpose of Rule 20 is to
discretion to order separate
promote trial convenience
trials or make such other
and expedite the final
orders as will prevent delay
determination of disputes,
or prejudice.
thereby preventing multiple
Yes. To implead a third-party
defendant under Rule 14(a),
Price, a chicken farmer, sued
the third party plaintiff (D1)
Latco (D1) and CTB (D2) in
must show that the third-
state court, which case was
party defendant's liability is
later removed to federal
in some way derivative of
court. P alleges that D1 used Rule 14(a)-permits a
the original claim-third-parry
poor materials and defendant (called third-party
defendant may be impleaded
workmanship in the plaintiff) to "implead" (join) a
only when the original Implead- The act of bringing
construction of Ps new nonparty to the action
Did D1 properly implead ITW defendant third-party a new party, who is part of
32. PRICE V. CTB, INC. (2001) chicken house, and that D2 (called the "third-party
under Rule 14(a)? plaintiff is trying to pass all the subject matter of a
supplied the defective defendant" ) who is or may
or part of the liability onto claim, into an action.
material. D1 sought to be liable to him for all or part
that third-party defendant.
implead ITW pursuant to of the plaintiff's claim
Derivative liability means
Rule 14(a) by filing a third- against him."
that there must be a right of
party complaint alleging that
contribution or
ITW supplied defective nails
indemnification under the
used in the construction of
substantive law that is the
Ps chicken house.
subject matter of the third-
party complaint.
1.Ancillary jurisdiction-
No. The complete diversity
Jurisdiction obtained when a
In a wrongful death suit for requirement cannot be
party injects a claim lacking
the electrocution of her Does a federal court retain circumvented by waiting for
an independent basis for
husband, Mrs. Kroger (P) jurisdiction over an action, a defendant to implead a
jurisdiction by way of a
33. OWEN EQUIPMENT AND attempted to obtain federal based on diversity of nondiverse party. If a plaintiff
counterclaim, crossclaim, or
ERECTION CO. V. KROGER diversity jurisdiction over citizenship, when the plaintiff obtains jurisdiction based on
third party complaint. 2.
(1978) Owen Equipment and adds a pendant party diversity of citizenship, the
Third-party complaint-
Erection Company(D), a defendant who destroys plaintiff cannot later add a
complaint brought against a
nondiverse party, by alleging complete diversity? defendant, who would
person or entity who was not
pendent party jurisdiction. destroy the complete
formerly a party to the
diversity as a pendant party.
4 factors to determine
indispensability--1. The
extent to which a judgment
rendered in the nonparty's
absence would prejudice the
Rule 19(a) -provides that any interest of the parties and
nonparty who is necessary the nonparty. 2. The extent
and indispensable to a fair to which the court is able to
and complete resolution of a order action that could
Temple sued his doctor, the
lawsuit must be joined as a lessen or avoid such
hospital, and a medical
No. It is not always party. Rule 19(b) - If a prejudice. 3. Whether a
manufacturer in separate Must all interested entities
34. TEMPLE V SYNTHES necessary to make all joint necessary party cannot be judgment rendered in the
proceedings, for injuries always be made party to a
CORP. (1990) tortfeasors parties to the joined( not within the court's nonparty's absence would be
sustained when a metal lawsuit?
same lawsuit. personal jurisdiction) or if adequate 4. Whether an
plate and screw device
joinder would destroy the adequate remedy is
court's diversity jurisdiction, available to the plaintiff if
the action must be dismissed the action is dismissed for
if the court determines that nonjoinder. **********Goal of
she is an indispensable party. joinder is judicial efficiency. If
complete relief cannot be
afforded without the
presence of a certain party,
he must be made a party to
the lawsuit.
400817362.xls 8

Yes. It is generally
recognized that a person
A jewelry store sued the does not become
35. HELZBERG'S DIAMOND shopping mall for violating Did the district court properly dispensable to an action to
SHOPS V. VALLEY WEST DES its lease agreement and deny the motion to dismiss determine rights under a
Rule 19(b)
MOINES SHOPPING CENTER allowing four full line jewelry for failure to join an contract simply because that
(1977) stores lease spaces in the indispensable party? person's rights or obligations
mall. under an entirely separate
contract will be affected by
the result of the action.

Rule 24(a) "anyone shall be

permitted to intervene in an
action (2)when the applicant
claims an interest relating to
the property or transaction
A complaint was filed to which is the subject of the
36. NATURAL RESOURCES No. Applicants satisfying
prevent NRC from issuing Intervention will be allowed if action and the applicant is so
DEFENSE COUNCIL V. UNTIED Was the Court's denial of their burden of the three
licenses for the operation of the applicant has any situated that the disposition
STATES NUCLEAR intervention correct under requirements of Rule 24(a)
uranium mills without first significant interest in the of the action may as a
REGULATORY COMMISSION Rule 24(a) of the FRCP? (2) should be allowed to
preparing environmental transaction at issue. practical matter impair or
(1978) intervene in an action.
impact statements. impede the applicant's
ability to protect that
interest, unless that
applicant's interest is
adequately represented by
existing parties.
1. Intervention--A proceeding
permitting a person to enter
into a lawsuit already in
progress. The person was not
an original party to the suit,
The impermissible collateral
Rule 19 indicates that and the person is admitted
Pursuant to consent attack doctrine is
existing parties to a lawsuit to protect some right or
judgments between the city inconsistent with rules 19
bear the burden of adding interest which is allegedly
of Birmingham ("City") and May a party seeking a No. A party seeking a and 24 and the general
new parties where such a affected by the proceeding.
the Jefferson County judgment binding another judgment binding on another principle of Anglo-American
step is in order. Rule 24 The "impermissible collateral
Personnel Board ("Board") obligate the latter to cannot obligate the latter to jurisprudence that one is not
37. MARTIN V. WILKS ( 1989) indicates that potential new attack doctrine" should not
with black firefighters, the intervene in the action intervene in the action bound by a judgment in
parties have no duty to be added to the class of
white firefighters filed a suit without mandatory joining without mandatory joining personam in a litigation in
intervene. Joinder under Rule exceptions to the mandatory
against the City and the that party in the action? that person in the action. which he is not designated
19 is mandatory, and joinder rule, permissive
Board alleging reverse as an a party or to which he
intervention under Rule 24 is intervention rule, and
discrimination. has not been made a party
permissive. general Anglo-American
by service of process.
principle, because the
system of joinder presently
contemplated by Rules 19
and 20 serves the many
Interpleader--a party places
property in the hands of the
court to decide who should
Yes. Rule 24 of the FRCP Rule 24(a)(2) allows rightfully receive the
allows anyone, upon timely intervention if four elements property; used to avoid
application, to intervene in are met-1. the motion is double or multiple liability on
A fight between an art
May a person intervene in an an action if the applicant timely 2.the petitioner has the part of the debtor.
dealer, Imelda Marcos and Marcos fulfills all the
action if he or she has an claims an interest relating to an interest in the subject Whether a motion to
38. COHEN V. THE REPUBLIC her agent, and the Philippine requirements of Rule 24(a)
interest relating to property the property or transaction matter 3. the petitioner's intervene is timely --1. how
OF THE PHILIPPINES ( 1993) Government over true (2), and her motion to
which is the subject of the which is the subject of the interest is likely to be long the applicant knew of
ownership of paintings which intervene is granted.
action? action, and that interest is prejudiced 4. the existing his interest before making
hung in Marcos's home.
subject to possible prejudice parties are unable to the motion;2. prejudice to
and lack of adequate adequately represent the the existing parties from any
representation. petioner's interest. such delay;3.prejudice to
applicant if the motion is
denied;4. other unusual
Rule 23(a)- 4 requirements
Yes. A class is not
for certifying a class action- Class action--Lawsuit brought
maintainable merely
1. Numerosity 2. by a representative member
High school girls sued their because the complaint
Does a group of high school Commonality-common of a large group of persons
39. COMMUNITIES FOR high school athletic parrots the legal
female athletes meet the question of law and fact 3. on behalf of all members of
EQUITY V. MICHIGAN HIGH association for gender requirements of Rule 23; a
requirements of Rule 23, Typicality-The case is typical the group. Satisfying Rule
SCHOOL ATHLETIC discrimination with regard to hearing may be necessary
FRCP, to certify a class of other claims against a 23(a) is relatively easy in (b)
ASSOCIATION (1999) the athletic programs, which for the court to probe behind
action? petitioner because of (2) class actions because of
favor boy's athletics. the pleadings before coming
common questions of law the presence of a
to rest on the certification
and fact. 4. Adequate representative organization.
400817362.xls 9

Yes. Where the district court

has given due consideration
Heaven leased a car from Was the district court's to all the relevant factors of The district court's decision
Sun Trust and then sued denial of the motion to FRCP Rule 23 within the whether to certify a class
them for failure to comply certify a class consistent with context of a rigorous analysis may only be overturned if it
with disclosure requirements the facts and circumstances and has not relied upon constitutes an abuse of
of the Consumer Leasing Act. before the court? impermissible factors, there discretion.
is no abuse of discretion in
denying a class action.

The mere fact that all of the Hansberry was litigated in

Hansberry (D), the black parties had signed the state court, and hence did
Where the procedural Granting res judicata effect Rule 23c(3)- a class action
purchaser of land that was agreement does not make not specifically involve rule
requirements for class action to a class action judgment, in decree should define the
subject to a racially them the same class, and 23. However Hansberry's
41. HANSBERRY V. LEE have not been satisfied, is which the prerequisites and members of the class,
restrictive sales covenant, the absent parties in the rationale applies to Rule 23
(1940) the judgment res judicata procedures for class action presumably to aid in future
sought to avoid a prior class original litigation were not and specifically comes in
and therefore binding on were not satisfied, violates determination of the
action holding that the provided due process through Rule 23(a)(4)'s
absent parties? due process. judgment's binding effect.
covenant was valid. protections in asserting their adequate representation
interests. requirement.
1. May a court exercise
personal jurisdiction over
absent class members even
if the members do not
possess the minimum
contacts with the forum
Shutts (P) and several other In class actions, personal
which would support
holders of royalty interests jurisdiction does not require
personal jurisdiction over a
brought a class action that each class member
defendant? 2. Does a mailed
against Phillips Petroleum (D) have minimum contacts with
42. PHILLIPS PETROLEUM V. notice and opt out provision
to recover royalty payments. the forum state, but the
SHUTTS (1985) satisfy the notice
The Kansas court obtained forum state must have
requirements for due process
personal jurisdiction over all sufficient interests in the
purposes? 3. May a forum
parties and applied Kansas claims to assert its state law
state apply that state's law
law to all claims. to all claims.
to every claim in a class
action where the state does
not have a significant
contact and interest in every
claim asserted by each
member of the class?
The proposed settlement
class action cannot be
certified because it does not
satisfy Rule 23(b)(3)
requirement that common
questions of law or fact
Yes. In determining the
predominate. The
propriety of a settlement A settlement class is a
People exposed to asbestos predominance requirement is
Does settlement play a role only class certification, the lawsuit in which a proposed
products created in a not met by the fact that all
43. AMCHEM PRODUCTS, when determining the requirements of Rule 23(a) settlement is filed at the
settlement only class to asbestos victims may share 1. Rule 23(a) 2. Rule 23(b)(3)
INC. V. WINDSOR (1997) propriety of a settlement- and (b)(3) FRCP must be same time the class action is
settle current and future an interest in expeditious
only class certification? satisfied, and the settlement filed. The class action is filed
asbestos-related claims. resolution of their claims.
must be taken into account only for settlement purposes.
Also, Rule 23(a)(4)'s
as well.
requirement of adequate
representation is not
satisfied because the
"inventory" Ps' claims were
traded off against the
"futures" claims.
Rule Case Other info
14th Amendment Frier v City of Vandalia Requirement for prompt hearing when property is seized.
28 USC 1335 Federal Interpleader Statute
28 USC 1337 Federal Interpleader Statute
28 USC 1367 Owen v Kroger Supplemental jurisdiction
28 USC 1397 Federal Interpleader Statute
28 USC 1738 Frier v City of Vandalia / Gargallo v Merrill Lynch Full faith and credit clause.
28 USC 2361 Federal Interpleader Statute
29 USC 1983 Frier v City of Vandalia Requirement for prompt hearing when property is seized.
7th Amendment provides that in suits at common law, where controversy >$20
7th Amendment Chauffeurs+ Teamsters Union v Terry then right of trial by jury preserved.
7th Amendment Amoco v Torcomian Question if 7th covers action at law or equity- law=jury trial.
FRCP 13 (a) Martino v McDonalds / Plant v Blazer Compulsory counterclaims have to be raised at the time of litigation or lost.
FRCP 14 Price v CTB Right to indemnity
FRCP 14 (a) Kroger v Owen Implead a 3rd party for any claim arising out of the same T&O
FRCP 16 Sanders v Union Pacific RR / McKey v Fairbairn Failure to comply with pretrial conference resulted in dismissal with prejudice
FRCP 19 Temple v Synthes / Helzberg v Valley West
Someone who is subject to service or process and the court has SMJ over, should be joined if their
FRCP 19 (a) Helzberg v Valley West / Martin v Wilks absence will not give complete relief to the parties.
Compulsory joinder has to be raised, but it is not necessary for all joint tort-feasors to be named as
FRCP 19 (b) Temple v Synthes / Helzberg v Valley West defendants in a single lawsuit.
FRCP 20 (a) Mosley v GM sJ granted- There was no question of fact- “there was no one liable for the damages”
FRCP 20 (b) Mosley v GM Separate trials
FRCP 23 Bnk Class certification granted b/c met all requirements
FRCP 23 (a) Amchem v Windsor Court denied class certification b/c there was no common issue and no adequate representation.
FRCP 23 (b) (2) Communities for equity v MI High School Athletic Ass. Injunctive or Declaratory Relief class action
FRCP 23 (c) (2) (a) Phillips v Shutts Opt out provision for class actions. IN this case, 3,400 people opted out of the class.
Rule 23c(3)- a class action decree should define the members of the class, presumably to aid in future
FRCP 23 (c) (3) Hansberry v Lee determination of the judgment's binding effect.
FRCP 24 Martin v Wilks Right to intervention
Intervention was permitted when the applicant claimed an interest relating to transaction which was the
subject of the action and he was so situated that the disposition of the action could impair his ability to
FRCP 24 (a) (2) NRDC v USNC / Cohen v Republic of Philippines protect that interest, unless his interest was adequately represented by existing parties.
permits discovery into any matter,
FRCP 26 (B) (1) Johnson / Davis v Precoat Metals / Thompson v DHUD not privileged, that is relevant to the claim or defense of any party.
FRCP 26 (B) (2) Davis v Precoat / Thompson v DHUD By order, the court may alter the limits; allows for protected facts to be discovered.
FRCP 26 (B) (3) Hickman v Taylor Work product doctrine
FRCP 26 (b) (4) (b) Thompson v Haskell Protection of medical records-work product
FRCP 26 (b) (4) (b) Chiquita v MV Bolero Reefer Precludes discovery of facts known or opinions held by a non-testifying expert
FRCP 26 (C) Stalnaker v Kmart Protective orders
FRCP 26 (g) Poole v Textron Discovery sanctions
FRCP 36 Poole v Textron Requests for admissions
FRCP 37 Cheudasmana / Gargallo v Merrill Lynch Sanctions for violating Rule 26
FRCP 37 (a) (4) (A) Poole v Textron Violated FRCP 26(g), absent bad faith, sanctions are not applicable.
FRCP 37 (B) (2) Steffan v Cheney Sanction for violating discovery order
FRCP 47 Thompson v Altheimer&Gray Right to impartial jury.
FRCP 50 Penn RR v Chamberlain Case dismissed b/c a jury could not determine what happened for lack of evidence.
FRCP 50 (b) Lind v Schenley Indust. verdict.
FRCP 56 Kroger v Omaha SJ granted- There was no question of fact- “there was no one liable for the damages”
FRCP 56 (c) Celotex v Catrett SJ is proper when there is no issue to material facts.
After moving party makes SJ case,
FRCP 56 (e) Bias v Advantage nonmoving party has to prove there should be a trail
Blank v Soloman

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