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Complete report of Basic Biology experiment with title “ Eternity ”, that

arranged by :
Name : Andriani Nasrullah
Reg Number : 121444 1 035
Group : IV (Four)
Class : ICP A of Biology Education
It has been checked and consulted by Assistant and Assistant Coordinator, so this
report was accepted.

Makassar, November 2012

Assistant Coordinator, Assistant,

(M. Nur Qadry, S) Fitri


Known by,
Lecturer of Responsibility

Drs. H. Hamka L.Ms

ID. 19621231 198702 1 005
By 1925 the theory of the gene had been developed to the point that it furnished a very
satisfactory explanation for the available facts about heredity. Mendel had studied the
transmission of alternative factor for specific traits from one generation to the next in the
garpea pie; from this information, he developed the laws of segregation and independent
assortment. Mendel assumed that the differences among individuals were transmitted as if
the were controlled by the segretion and recombination of unitary factor that behaved in a
predictable manner in crosses.

Pada tahun 1925 teori gen telah dikembangkan ke titik yang dilengkapi penjelasan yang
sangat memuaskan untuk fakta-fakta yang tersedia tentang faktor keturunan. Mendel telah
mempelajari transmisi faktor alternatif untuk sifat khusus dari satu generasi ke generasi
berikutnya dalam pie garpea, dari informasi ini, ia mengembangkan hukum bermacam-
macam segregasi dan independen. Mendel menduga bahwa perbedaan antara individu-
individu yang ditransmisikan seolah-olah dikendalikan oleh segretion dan rekombinasi
faktor kesatuan yang berperilaku dengan cara yang dapat diperkirakan dalam persilangan.

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