1c. Transcription and Data Coding

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Topic : Teachers’ perceptions of professional development on their teaching practice

Below is a sample of coding.

Participant’s Name : Aishah Ali

Contact Information :
Home Tel No :
Mobile No :
Email Address :
Date : 13 June 2017
Time Start : 6.20pm
Duration of Interview : 40 minutes 42 seconds
Location : SMK KL

I : Interviewer
P : Participant

How teachers view the behaviour of their principal in staff meetings.

Transcript Coding
1 I How long have you been a teacher in this school?
2 P For about 10 years.
3 I Your principal, how would you describe him?
4 P Quite a hot-tempered guy.  hot
5 I What do you mean hot-tempered?
6 P Well, in the last staff meeting, I objected to his idea of cutting
7 down the number of fieldtrips for students. He argued that that it
8 was too much of a responsibility for the school. Also, it was
9 getting more and more expensive for the school.
10 I What happened then?
11 P Before I could say anything, he lost his cool and came for me.  lost his cool
12 He refused to listen to what I had to say….he  refused to
13 just went on and on. listen
 just went
on and on
14 I What do you think?
15 P Personally, I think it was not fair of him to scold me. After all  not fair
16 this is a democracy and he should at least listen to what I had to
17 say. It was very unpleasant and many of my colleagues were very  scold
disturbed over the incident.
18 I How do the others feel?
19 P Many of us prefer to keep quite and suffer in silence. You know,
20 he is quite close with the higher-ups. Anyone who questions his
22 decisions are ridiculed. You know he determines whether we get  ridiculed for
promoted or not. You know, it’s the usual thing! questioning
22 I How often does this happen?
23 P Almost always…..all meetings becomes a one man show …it’s  a one man
24 all …talk….talk. show

Please check that you have the necessary columns.

The 1st on the left indicates the line number where the data is. So when you write you can refer
to it as Participant 1 said that the headmaster ‘lost his cool’ (P1, line 11). This helps you to
retrieve your data.

The 2nd column indicates the Interviewer and the Participant.

The 3rd column shows the interview.

The 4th column is where you do the coding. As you can see, the coding can be done using the
same language that the participant used.

There are altogether eight descriptions of behaviour and the following codes are assigned:
B1 – hot tempered;
B2 – lost his cool
B3 – refused to listen
B4 – just went on and on
B5 – not fair
B6 – scolds
B7 – ridiculed for questioning
B8 – one man show

Recode from eight (8) descriptions of behaviour to less. E.g.

B3 – refused to listen → A1 Self-centred
B8 – one man show →
Recode B3 and B8 to A1 and assign the category or theme “self-centred”.

Hope this will help you with your coding. Do try it out with one transcript first before you
move on to the other two transcripts. You need to get used to coding.

Your question: Can I use the same label for the same code for participant 2 & 3?
Answer: Yes, you can use the same code for all three participants.

However, you will notice that you may have new codes for Participant 2 and Participant 3
which you will need to provide new codes. These new codes may not be found in the transcript
for Participant 1. Sometimes, you may have missed these new codes (found in Participant 2
and 3) in the transcript of Participant 1 because it was not so obvious.

So, you will have to go over to transcript one and see if these new codes (found in Participant
2 and 3) are found in Transcript 1.
After coding all 3 transcripts, LIST the codes for all three transcripts and compare them.
You then categorise the codes under a broader term. See the following example:

List of Codes
close friend

From the list above, you can start categorising it. For example:

1.0. Relationships- broadest term

1.1 Friendships
1.1.1 Acquaintance
1.1.2 Housemate
1.1.3 Close friend

1.2 Siblings

1.3 Parents

1.4 Partner

As you can see, we have categorised the list. Relationships is the broadest term. Under
relationship we have Friendships, Siblings, Parents and Partner. These fall under the the term
relationships. Under Friendships we have acquaintances, housemates and close friends. You
are making sense of the list you obtain from coding. by categorising, you are showing the
relationships between the codes.

For the coding of your transcripts, categorise the codes from all three lists (from Participant
1, 2 and 3) and come up with ONE set of codes.
Use this ONE set to recode all three transcripts again.
So, this means that all three transcripts will be coded using the same categorised codes.
Question: In the " describe how data was coded", is it we need to explain the code for 3
participants by using the sentence like this --- Participant 1 said that the headmaster ‘lost
his cool’ (P1, line 11)?
Answer: You give a general explanation on how you coded the data and then you provide
examples. Participant 1 said that the headmaster ‘lost his cool’ (P1, line 11).
Then you need to explain how after coding all three sets of transcripts, you came up with one
set of code.
Then you need to explain how you categorized the codes obtained form all three interviewees.
This is followed with an explanation whereby you recoded all three sets of transcripts again
using this ONE set of codes.

Question: In the "describe how themes were derived", after explaining how themes were
derived, can we do the schedule like this in my assignment:

Code Themes
Housemate Friendships
Close friend

Answer: Yes show the categories and and codes accordingly.

OR we need to do the "peta minda" (mind map)- mind-map is for Assignment 2

See the diagram below to help you with data coding.

Data Coding Part 2: Steps in Coding
A code in qualitative inquiry is most often:
• a word or
• a short phrase
that symbolically assigns a:
 summative,
 salient,
 essence-capturing, and/or
 evocative attribute
for a portion of language-based or visual data (Saldana, 2008)
The list of codes thus will help to identify the issues contained in the data set.

Steps in Coding
• Read through all transcripts
• Start with one transcript
• Identify text segments – ask “what is this person saying?”
• Bracket text segment
• Assign code word
• Reduce redundancy
• Collapse codes into themes

Data coding Part 1: What is data coding?

Coding is the process of:
• examining and breaking segments of the raw qualitative data into smaller units for
themes, ideas and categories
• assigning codes (label) that describe the text
• marking similar passages of text with a code label

So, you may be asking, why do we code.

Makes it easier:
• to search for and retrieve data,
• for further comparisons and analysis
• to identify any patterns that require further investigation.

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