10 - Motion For More Time To File PDF

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Colorado Court of Appeals

2 East 14th Avenue

Denver, CO 80203

Appeal from:
_________________________ County District Court
District Court Judge: The Hon. __________________
District Court Case Number:____________________

The Case of:

☐Appellant OR ☐ Appellee
& .
☐Appellant OR ☐ Appellee


Filing Party Name: ____________________________
Address: ____________________________________ _________________________
City: __________________ State: ___ Zip: ________
Court of Appeals’ Case
Phone: ________________________________ Number: ______________
E-Mail: ________________________________

Motion for More Time to File

I respectfully request the Court of Appeals: (Check Option 1 or Option 2)

JDF 643 - Motion for More Time to File |1

Last Revised: Sep. 2016
☐ Option 1: For more time to file the (Title of Document)

_________________________________________. I am asking that the deadline

be extended to (Specific Calendar Date ) _______________________.


☐ Option 2: To accept the (Title of Document) _______________________

even though it is filed late.


Respectfully submitted,

Signature: ___________________________
Print Name: _________________________
JDF 643 - Motion for More Time to File |2
Last Revised: Sep. 2016
Certificate of Service

I certify that on (Date) __________________________________ an original

Motion for More Time was filed with the Court of Appeals and a copy, along with

any attachments, was sent to the following parties:

(Name) ___________________________________________________________

☐ By Mail OR ☐ In-Person

(Street Address) _____________________________________________________

(City) ______________________________ (State) _____ (Zip) _______________

List the names of the other parties served, their address, and how service was made:

Signature: ___________________________
Print Name: _________________________

JDF 643 - Motion for More Time to File |3

Last Revised: Sep. 2016

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