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Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Number 1 - 4
Myrna : “Mom, let me go out for a while, please?”
Mother : “Where are you going to, Mir ?”
Myrna : “I’d like to visit Ririn. She got accident this morning. She is in the hospital now.”
Mother : “Okay, but be careful when you drive! The road is very slippery.”
Myrna : “............................”

1. Where did Myrna wants to go?

2. Who was got an accident this morning?
3. What does Mother say to warn Myrna?
4. What is the suitable response for Myrna on the underlined space?

Number 5 - 7
Ana : what happened to you Susan? You seem sad today.
Susan : I didn’t eat my breakfast this morning because of the rush. now my stomach feels sick.
Ana : You should go to clinic, let me help you.
Susan : Yes. Thank you for your help.

5. Why did Susan' stomach feels sick?

6. What is the antonym of the underlined word?
7. What does Ana say to advice Susan?

8. Translate into English :

a. Jika besok Budiharjo membawa kamus bahasa Inggris, Rofiq akan membawa kamus bahasa Arab
b. Jika pekan depan Ikhromi membeli cokelat, Umam akan membuat kue brownis

9. Translate into Indonesian :

a. If you had been careful, you would not have got the accident
b. If father did not go to work, I would take him to the beach.

10. Make a comparison (positive, comparative, and superlative degree) from the following statements:
Indra is 153 cm
Linda is 150 cm
Mubarok is 156 cm

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