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ADC Online First, published on April 20, 2013 as 10.1136/archdischild-2013-303672
Original article

To x-ray or not to x-ray? Screening asymptomatic

children for pulmonary TB: a retrospective audit
Amanda Gwee,1 Anastasia Pantazidou,1 Nicole Ritz,1,2 Marc Tebruegge,1,3
Tom G Connell,1,3,4 Tim Cain,3,5 Nigel Curtis1,3,4
Infectious Diseases Unit, ABSTRACT
Department of General Objective Recent studies found that a chest x-ray What is already known about this topic
Medicine, The Royal Children’s
Hospital Melbourne, Parkville (CXR) has limited value in the assessment of
Victoria, Australia asymptomatic adults with tuberculosis (TB) infection. We
Studies in adults found that a CXR has limited
Infectious Diseases Unit, aimed to determine in asymptomatic children with a
University Children’s Hospital value in detecting asymptomatic pulmonary TB in
positive tuberculin skin test and/or interferon-γ release
Basel, Switzerland patients with a positive TST/IGRA.
3 assay (TST/IGRA) whether a CXR identifies findings
Department of Paediatrics,
The University of Melbourne, suggestive of pulmonary TB.
Parkville, Victoria, Australia Design, setting and patients All children with TB
Infectious Diseases & infection (defined as TST ≥10 mm and/or positive IGRA)
Microbiology Group, Murdoch What this study adds
presenting to The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne
Children’s Research Institute,
The Royal Children’s Hospital during a 54-month period were included. All CXRs were
Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, reviewed by a senior radiologist blinded to the clinical In children with a positive TST/IGRA, a CXR
Australia details. The medical records of those with radiological identified a small but not insignificant proportion
Medical Imaging Department, abnormalities suggestive of TB were examined to identify of asymptomatic children with CXR findings
The Royal Children’s Hospital suggestive of pulmonary TB.
those who were asymptomatic when the CXR was done.
Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria,
Australia Demographical data were also collected.
Results CXRs were available for 268 of 330 TB-
Correspondence to infected children, of whom 60 had CXR findings asymptomatic children with a positive TST/IGRA
Professor Nigel Curtis, suggestive of TB. Of the 57 for whom clinical details to determine what proportion had abnormal CXR
Department of Paediatrics, The
were available, 26 were asymptomatic. Of these findings suggestive of pulmonary TB.
University of Melbourne,
The Royal Children’s Hospital asymptomatic children with radiological abnormalities
Melbourne, 50 Flemington Rd, suggestive of TB, 6 had CXR findings suggestive of
Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia; active TB, 14 had CXR findings suggestive of prior TB METHODS
and 6 had isolated non-calcified hilar lymphadenopathy. We retrospectively identified all children
Received 11 January 2013 The six with findings suggestive of active TB represented (0–18 years of age) who attended The Royal
Revised 8 March 2013 2.6% (95% CI 0.9 to 5.5%) of asymptomatic TST/IGRA- Children’s Hospital Melbourne (RCH) over a
Accepted 11 March 2013 positive children with evaluable CXRs. One child with 54-month period (October 2006–March 2011) who
isolated hilar lymphadenopathy had microbiologically- had a positive TST (defined as ≥10 mm induration
confirmed TB. at 48–72 h, placed and read by specialist nurses spe-
Conclusions In contrast to the results from studies in cifically trained and certified in this procedure)
adults, a CXR identified a small but noteworthy number and/or positive IGRA result (QuantiFERON-TB
of children with findings suggestive of pulmonary TB in Gold or Gold In-Tube assay). In our hospital, the
the absence of clinical symptoms. majority of children who have a TST/IGRA com-
prise new arrivals from high TB prevalence coun-
tries and contacts of pulmonary TB. Data were
INTRODUCTION obtained from two databases: (1) the RCH
In a child at risk of tuberculosis (TB), a positive Immunisation Centre TST result database and
tuberculin skin test and/or interferon-γ release assay (2) the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference
(TST/IGRA) does not distinguish between latent TB Laboratory (VIDRL) Mycobacterial Laboratory
infection (LTBI) and active TB.1 2 Although pul- database. VIDRL is the sole provider of IGRA
monary TB is usually symptomatic, current guide- testing for the RCH. All IGRA were carried out rou-
lines recommend that asymptomatic children who tinely according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
have a positive TST/IGRA are screened with a chest All CXRs that were obtained within 6 months of
x-ray (CXR) to exclude asymptomatic pulmonary the positive TST/IGRA in children who fulfilled the
TB.3–5 This distinction is important, as active TB inclusion criteria were reviewed by a senior consult-
requires treatment with at least three anti- ant radiologist, who was aware of the TST/IGRA
mycobacterial antibiotics, whereas LTBI can be results but evaluated the CXRs blind to any other
treated with isoniazid alone, or a combination of clinical data. Features suggestive of active TB
To cite: Gwee A, isoniazid and rifampicin.6 (defined as cavitation, consolidation, pleural effu-
Pantazidou A, Ritz N, et al.
Arch Dis Child Published
Recent studies in adults, however, question the sion and miliary disease) or prior TB (defined as
Online First: [ please include need for a CXR in TST/IGRA-positive individuals pleural thickening, fibrous scarring, calcified lymph
Day Month Year] who are asymptomatic.7 8 The diagnostic yield of a node and calcified granuloma) were documented.7
doi:10.1136/archdischild- CXR in this setting has not been specifically investi- Non-calcified hilar lymphadenopathy was docu-
2013-303672 gated in children. We reviewed the CXRs of mented as a separate category.

Gwee A, etArticle
Copyright al. Arch Dis Child 2013;0:1–4.
author (or their doi:10.1136/archdischild-2013-303672 1
employer) 2013. Produced by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (& RCPCH) under licence.
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Original article

The medical records of children with a CXR finding suggest- and for 3 children, clinical details were not available. Therefore,
ive of TB were then retrieved to determine whether the patient overall, there were 234 evaluable CXRs in TST/IGRA-positive
was asymptomatic or had symptoms suggestive of pulmonary children (excluding the 31 symptomatic children and 3 lost to
TB (cough or other respiratory symptoms, fever, weight loss or follow-up).
failure to thrive, night sweats). Demographical information, Of the 26 asymptomatic children with CXR findings suggest-
including BCG immunisation status and country of origin, was ive of TB, 6 had CXR findings suggestive of active TB (repre-
also collected, as well as the results of additional investigations senting 2.6% (95% CI 0.9% to 5.5%) of the 234 total CXRs),
and treatment details for all asymptomatic children. 14 had CXR findings suggestive of prior TB and 9 had non-
calcified hilar lymphadenopathy (in 6 of whom this was the
RESULTS only abnormality) (figure 1 and table 1). Of the six children
We identified 330 children with TB infection on the basis of a with CXR findings suggestive of active TB, three had a house-
positive TST and/or IGRA (figure 1). Of these, 268 children hold contact with sputum smear-positive pulmonary TB
(81.2%) had a CXR that was available for review, of which 60 (table 2). Only one of these six children had gastric aspirates
(22.4%) were reported as abnormal with non-calcified hilar performed, and these were negative for acid-fast bacilli. Among
lymphadenopathy, or findings suggestive of prior or active TB as the six children with isolated non-calcified hilar lymphadenop-
defined in the Methods section. athy, one had gastric aspirates taken which revealed acid-fast
bacilli, and a PCR test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis was posi-
CXR findings tive. This was a 19-month-old non-BCG-immunised boy whose
Of the 60 children with CXR findings suggestive of TB, 31 had father had pulmonary TB. One other child with isolated non-
symptoms suggestive of pulmonary TB, 26 were asymptomatic calcified hilar lymphadenopathy had a gastric aspirate and

Figure 1 Overview of study.

2 Gwee A, et al. Arch Dis Child 2013;0:1–4. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2013-303672

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Original article

Table 1 Chest x-ray findings in 26 asymptomatic children with
Our data show that a routine CXR in asymptomatic children
radiological abnormalities suggestive of TB.
with a positive TST and/or IGRA does identify children with
CXR abnormality n (%) CXR abnormalities suggestive of pulmonary TB despite the
absence of clinical features. Importantly, the proportion (2.6%,
Suggestive of active TB
95% CI 0.9% to 5.5%) of asymptomatic children identified in
Cavitation 0 (0)
our study whose CXR findings were suggestive of pulmonary
Consolidation 6 (23)
TB is not insignificant.
Pleural effusion 0 (0)
Our findings contrast with two studies in adults in which CXR
Miliary disease 0 (0)
screening failed to identify any cases of active TB among asymp-
Non-calcified hilar lymphadenopathy 9 (35)
tomatic healthcare workers.7 8 However, an important difference
Suggestive of prior TB
between these studies in adults and our study is that our patients
Pleural thickening 0 (0)
had a TST/IGRA as a result of identified risk factors for TB,
Fibrous scarring 7 (27)
whereas the previous studies screened low-risk populations.
Calcified granuloma 7 (27)
There are also important differences between a study of this kind
Calcified lymph node 0 (0)
in adults and children. Children have a higher risk of progression
Note: Some children had more than one abnormality. to active TB. Moreover, those who have a positive TST/IGRA are
more likely to have been recently infected, which also increases
their risk of progression to active TB.
lymph node biopsy, which did not find evidence of M tubercu- The value of CXR screening has also been raised in studies in
losis. The remaining four did not have any microbiological selected paediatric populations. In a study of asylum seekers in
investigations. Switzerland, 2 of 16 TST-positive children who were screened
with a CXR had radiological abnormalities (not further speci-
fied), but neither was treated for pulmonary TB.9 In an Italian
Treatment of asymptomatic children study of asylum seekers, none of the 68 TST-positive children
Of the six children who had CXR findings suggestive of active had radiological evidence of active TB, although 7 (10.3%) had
TB, five children were treated for pulmonary TB and one child CXR abnormalities suggestive of prior TB (treatment outcomes
was treated for LTBI. The latter was a 15-month-old girl who were not reported in this study).10 A study of internationally
had consolidation on CXR. Her only identifiable risk factor was adopted children in the USA reported that while 3 (3.3%) of the
birth in a high-TB-prevalence country (Burma). At follow-up, 90 asymptomatic TST-positive children had radiological findings
3 months after completing a 6-month course of isoniazid pre- consistent with pulmonary TB, none were treated for active TB
ventive therapy, she remained well. Of the 14 children who had and none of these 3 children developed active TB during a 2-year
CXR findings suggestive of prior TB, in three cases, the phys- follow-up period.11 However, our results are consistent with
ician made the decision to treat for active TB. Of the six chil- studies in a different context in Brazil and South Africa that
dren who had isolated non-calcified hilar lymphadenopathy, one found that children with active TB can be asymptomatic, includ-
child was treated for active TB (this was the 19-month old boy ing up to 47% of those with culture-positive pulmonary TB.12 13
who had positive gastric aspirates for M. tuberculosis). Our study also highlights differences in the classification and
Overall, of the 26 asymptomatic children with CXR findings management of asymptomatic children with isolated hilar lymph-
suggestive of TB for whom records were available, 17 were adenopathy. Mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy with or
treated for LTBI: five had a household contact with pulmonary without parenchymal abnormalities (Ghon focus) is a common
TB, one had a school contact with smear-positive pulmonary form of TB in children.14 15 Two studies in adults did not con-
TB, and one had a non-household contact with smear-positive sider hilar lymphadenopathy in their definitions of active or
pulmonary TB. The remaining nine children were treated for prior TB,7 8 16 while another16 classified hilar lymphadenopathy
active TB, of which eight (88.9%) had a known household as a sign of active disease. Similarly, some paediatric studies have
contact with pulmonary TB. classified hilar lymphadenopathy in an asymptomatic child as

Table 2 Details of the six asymptomatic children with CXR findings compatible with active TB
Age Country of birth, age arrived in BCG Microbiological
Sex (years) Australia (other risk factors) TB contact immunised CXR abnormality confirmation

M 1 Australia Grandmother: No Consolidation GA not done

smear-positive PTB Non-calcified hilar
lymph nodes
F 1 Burma, <1 year None known Yes Consolidation GA not done
F 5 Ethiopia (4 month visit to Ethiopia aged Sister: No Consolidation GA: no growth
5 years) lymph node TB
F 7 Kenya, 5 years Mother: Yes Consolidation GA not done
smear-positive PTB Non-calcified hilar
lymph nodes
M 8 Australia (parents from Somalia) Cousin: smear-positive PTB ‘stayed No Consolidation GA not done
with family for 1 week’
M 12 Philippines, 10 years None known Yes Consolidation GA not done
GA, gastric aspirates; PTB, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Gwee A, et al. Arch Dis Child 2013;0:1–4. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2013-303672 3

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Original article

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Competing interests None. Tuberc Lung Dis 2004;8:392–402.
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Committee (HREC 31074). 20 Agrons GA, Markowitz RI, Kramer SS. Pulmonary tuberculosis in children. Semin
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. Roentgenol 1993;28:158–72.

4 Gwee A, et al. Arch Dis Child 2013;0:1–4. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2013-303672

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To x-ray or not to x-ray? Screening

asymptomatic children for pulmonary TB: a
retrospective audit
Amanda Gwee, Anastasia Pantazidou, Nicole Ritz, Marc Tebruegge, Tom
G Connell, Tim Cain and Nigel Curtis

Arch Dis Child published online April 20, 2013

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