Text Detectives Unit Plan

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Text Detectives

Unit Plan
4 Day Unit Plan
Lesson 1: Introduction to
Text Evidence
Lesson 2: Text Evidence PBL
Lesson 3: Introduction to
Making Predictions Using
Text Evidence
Lesson 4: Predictions PBL
UNLV Student: Chelsie Burger PSMT Name: Beth Prior
Unit Plan Title: Text Detectives Lesson Plan Topic: #1: Text Evidence Introduction
Date: 09/02/18 Estimated Time: 20 minutes
Grade Level: 1st School Site: Vassiliadis

1. State Standard(s)
a. RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
b. RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their
central message or lesson.
c. RL.1.3 Describe characters, setting, and major events in a story, using key details.
d. RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
e. SL.1.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information
presented orally or through other media.

2. Teaching Model(s)
a. Direct Model, Whole Group
b. Project Based Learning (PBL)
c. Kagan Strategy: Think, Pair, Share
d. Lemov Techniques:
i. Stretch It
ii. Right is Right
iii. Turn and Talk

3. Objective(s)
a. SWBAT use details in a story to answer questions.
b. SWBAT identify where they found those details.

4. Materials and Technology Resources

a. Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes
b. Text Detectives anchor chart
c. anchor chart markers
d. questions about the reading to elicit text evidence

5. Instructional Procedures
a. Motivation/Engagement
i. “How many of you like cupcakes? What would you do if you make cupcakes and
they started disappearing?!”
b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences
i. Introduce the concept of text evidence.
1. Evidence can be found in the words or in the pictures.
2. Be a detective! Find evidence in the book to prove your answers.
ii. “Let’s be detectives and find out what Pete the Cat did to find his missing
iii. Go over the questions that we will be finding the answers for (testing strategy)
iv. Read Pete the Cat.
v. Complete anchor chart with students.
1. You ask question (column 1 of anchor chart)
2. They turn and talk (share with partner what the answer is and what the
book evidence is)
3. Whole class share and fill in the last two columns of anchor chart
(answers and evidence)
c. Closure
i. Discuss what we have learned.
1. How were we text detectives while we read today? (Bloom’s 1: Recall)
2. How can we be detectives while we read other books? (Bloom’s 3: Applying)
3. Why did we learn about this today? (Bloom’s 2: Understanding)
4. Can you think of other things that we can be detectives about? (Bloom’s
3: Applying)
a. working in the garden
b. science lessons
c. as we read on our own
d. solving small and big problems
ii. Have students think about what their favorite part of the lesson was and why.
Use Kagan strategy of Think, Pair, Share for students to share their ideas with
each other.
d. Extension
i. More questions for the story (need more practice)
ii. Buddy read with a partner and look for text evidence in a new story

6. Accommodations, Modifications, and Differentiations for Diverse Learners (student names

abbreviated for discretion)
a. Accommodations (students learn the same materials and meet the same
i. Review questions before reading the book (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo, EC)
ii. vocabulary list (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo, EC)
iii. seat the student close to the teacher or a positive role model (Ai, Li, Ge, So)
iv. provide additional personal space (Li, Ge, EC)
b. Modifications (changes to the curriculum, do not have to meet the same expectations)
i. page numbers to help students find answers (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo, EC)
ii. both oral and printed questions (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo, EC)
iii. visual aids (anchor chart) (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo)
c. Differentiations (same content delivered in different ways)
i. content delivered through book reading, cooperative discussion, PBL, and visual
(anchor chart)

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning

a. Formative
i. To include: question responses, conversations among peers (Kagan strategies)
b. Summative
i. None for this lesson, but a matching activity for the next lesson where they will
apply the new knowledge

8. Homework Assignment: none

9. Reflection
a. Strengths:
b. Concerns:
c. Insights:
UNLV Student: Chelsie Burger PSMT Name: Beth Prior
Unit Plan Title: Text Detectives Lesson Plan Topic: #2: Text Evidence PBL
Date: 09/01/18 Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Grade Level: 1st School Site: Vassiliadis

10. State Standard(s)

a. RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
b. RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their
central message or lesson.
c. RL.1.3 Describe characters, setting, and major events in a story, using key details.
d. RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
e. SL.1.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information
presented orally or through other media.

11. Teaching Model(s)

a. Direct Model, Whole Group, Small Group
b. Project Based Learning (PBL)
c. Kagan Strategy: Rally Coach
d. Lemov Techniques:
i. Every Minute Matters
ii. Work the Clock
iii. Name the Steps
iv. Circulate

12. Objective(s)
a. SWBAT use details in a story to answer questions.
b. SWBAT identify where they found those details.

13. Materials and Technology Resources

a. Differentiated Readings
b. Text Detectives anchor chart
c. differentiated stations with questions based on leveled reading
d. pencils
e. crayons in station colors
f. walking desks (whiteboards for students to put paper on to write)
g. timer

14. Instructional Procedures

a. Motivation/Engagement
i. “Today we get to be text detectives!”
b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences
i. Review the concept of text evidence.
1. Evidence can be found in the words or in the pictures.
2. Be a detective! Find evidence in the book to prove your answers.
ii. Front story first, as a whole class (practice for stations work)
iii. Go over the questions that we will be finding the answers for (testing strategy)
iv. Read the story.
v. Find and mark the answers to the questions.
1. You ask question
2. They find the answer. Raise hand to come to the board and show you
where it is.
3. Whole class marks the answer on their own papers.
vi. Explain stations
1. each station has one question to find in their reading
2. 1 1/2 minutes to find and mark answer to question
3. ask groupmates first if they need help, then raise hand to ask teacher
4. show which direction they will be rotating at stations
vii. Read story together (one group at a time, or on/beyond level groups read on
own, while teacher reads with below level students)
viii. stations work
c. Closure
i. Discuss what we have learned.
1. How were we text detectives while we read today? (Bloom’s 2:
2. Why did we learn about this today? (Bloom’s 2: Understanding)
3. How can we be text detectives on our own? (Bloom’s 3: Applying)
4. How can we be text detectives while we work with others? (Bloom’s 3:
ii. Have students think about what their favorite part of the lesson was and why.
Use Kagan strategy of Think, Pair, Share for students to share their ideas with
each other.
d. Extension
i. Another story for each group
ii. Story out of anthologies

15. Accommodations, Modifications, and Differentiations for Diverse Learners (student names
abbreviated for discretion)
a. Accommodations (students learn the same materials and meet the same
i. Review questions before reading the book (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo, EC)
ii. vocabulary list (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo, EC)
iii. group the student with positive role models (Ai, Li, Ge, So)
iv. provide additional personal space (Li, Ge, EC)
b. Modifications (changes to the curriculum, do not have to meet the same expectations)
i. read story orally with student before stations (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo, EC)
ii. both oral and printed questions (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo, EC)
iii. visual aids (anchor chart) (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo)
c. Differentiations (same content delivered in different ways)
i. content delivered through reading, cooperative discussion, PBL/hands-on, and
visual (anchor chart)

16. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning

a. Formative
i. To include: question responses, conversations among peers (Kagan strategies)
b. Summative
i. stations story work

17. Homework Assignment: none

18. Reflection
a. Strengths:
b. Concerns:
c. Insights:
UNLV Student: Chelsie Burger PSMT Name: Beth Prior
Unit Plan Title: Text Detectives Lesson Plan Topic: #3: Predictions Introduction
Date: 09/02/18 Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Grade Level: 1st School Site: Vassiliadis

19. State Standard(s)

a. RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
b. RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their
central message or lesson.
c. RL.1.3 Describe characters, setting, and major events in a story, using key details.
d. RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
e. SL.1.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information
presented orally or through other media.

20. Teaching Model(s)

a. Direct Model, Whole Group, Individual
b. Kagan Strategy: Think, Pair, Share and Gallery Walk
c. Lemov Techniques:
i. Wait Time
ii. Name the Steps
iii. No Opt Out

21. Objective(s)
a. SWBAT use details in a story to make predictions.

22. Materials and Technology Resources

a. Thelma the Unicorn book
i. marked in places to ask students to predict
b. Predictions anchor chart
c. Text Evidence anchor chart
d. “I am happy to be me because…” worksheet
e. unicorn drawing examples
f. pencils
g. crayons

23. Instructional Procedures

a. Motivation/Engagement
i. Thelma the Unicorn is peering at them from the board all morning, where the
students can clearly see her. Don’t tell them who or why it is there until they
find out during reading.
b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences
i. Students come to carpet.
ii. Review being a detective to find text evidence.
1. “Raise your hand if you can identify a time that you made a prediction?
(Bloom’s 2: Understanding)
iii. Introduce making predictions (anchor chart)
iv. “We will be using our detective skills to find text evidence today! And then we
will use that evidence to make predictions.”
v. “Has anyone read about my friend Thelma before?”
1. to know who may make accurate predictions based on previous
vi. Read Thelma, stopping at marked spots to allow them to make predictions.
vii. Ask students what the main lesson in Thelma is.
1. learning to love who you are, even if you don’t have sparkles
viii. Thelma learned to love that she was unique, one of a kind.
ix. “How are you unique? What is something special about you that makes you
happy?” (Bloom’s 3: Applying)
x. “I am happy to be me because….” worksheet
1. model one that the teacher did
2. Display various pictures of unicorns. They can draw a unicorn below
their writing or draw the thing that makes them happy to be them.
xi. Gallery Walk!
c. Closure
i. Discuss what we have learned.
1. What is a prediction? (Bloom’s 1: Recall)
2. How were we text detectives while we read today? (Bloom’s 2:
3. Why did we learn about this today? (Bloom’s 2: Understanding)
4. Name some people in the world that use predictions? (Bloom’s 3: Applying)
a. meteorologists (weather)
b. doctors (what things will help patients the most)
c. athletes and coaches (best option during a practice or game)
5. Describe some other ways we can use predicting in the classroom?
(Bloom’s 2: Understanding)
ii. Have students think about what their favorite part of the lesson was and why.
Use Kagan strategy of Think, Pair, Share for students to share their ideas with
each other.
d. Extension
i. Another story to practice predicting

24. Accommodations, Modifications, and Differentiations for Diverse Learners (student names
abbreviated for discretion)
a. Accommodations (students learn the same materials and meet the same
i. Extra time to view pictures in books (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo)
ii. vocabulary help (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo, EC)
iii. group the student with positive role models (Ai, Li, Ge, So)
iv. provide additional personal space (Li, Ge, EC)
b. Modifications (changes to the curriculum, do not have to meet the same expectations)
i. oral and printed directions (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo, EC)
ii. shortened assignment, less writing (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo)
iii. visual aids (anchor chart) (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo, EC)
iv. visual aids (various pictures of unicorns to assist in drawings) (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo)
c. Differentiations (same content delivered in different ways)
i. content delivered through reading, cooperative discussion, PBL/hands-on, and
visual (anchor chart)

25. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning

a. Formative
i. To include: question responses and predictions, conversations among peers
(Kagan strategies), and gallery walk
b. Summative
i. “I am happy to be me because…”

26. Homework Assignment: none

27. Reflection
a. Strengths:
b. Concerns:
c. Insights:
UNLV Student: Chelsie Burger PSMT Name: Beth Prior
Unit Plan Title: Text Detectives Lesson Plan Topic: #4: Predictions PBL
Date: 09/02/18 Estimated Time: 30 minutes
Grade Level: 1st School Site: Vassiliadis

28. State Standard(s)

a. RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
b. RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their
central message or lesson.
c. RL.1.3 Describe characters, setting, and major events in a story, using key details.
d. RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
e. SL.1.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information
presented orally or through other media.

29. Teaching Model(s)

a. Direct Model, Whole Group, Individual, PBL
b. Kagan Strategy: Think, Pair, Share
c. Lemov Techniques:
i. Name the Steps
ii. Affirmative Checking
iii. Everybody Writes

30. Objective(s)
a. SWBAT use details in a story to make predictions.

31. Materials and Technology Resources

a. Stuck book
i. marked in two places where students will predict, middle and end
b. Predictions anchor chart (posted as reminder)
c. Text Evidence anchor chart (posted as reminder)
d. Making Predictions poster (for activity)
e. The Incredible Book Eating Boy book
f. making predictions worksheet
g. sticky notes
h. pencils

32. Instructional Procedures

a. Motivation/Engagement
i. A book about a book eating boy
ii. Students get to write their predictions on a sticky note and place them on the
Making Predictions poster.
b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences
i. Review using text evidence to make predictions.
ii. Read part of the story, to first marked spot for prediction.
iii. “Class, using clues from the story, can you make a prediction of what is going to
happen next?”
1. Use “I think __________ because _________.” format
2. Write their predictions on a displayed sheet
iv. Students will complete the making predictions worksheet.
1. Complete writing portion. Check with teacher.
2. Write their prediction on a sticky note and place it on the Making
Predictions poster.
3. Draw a picture of their prediction on the worksheet.
v. Finish the story.
1. Think, Pair, Share with a partner: Did your prediction come true?
c. Closure
i. Discuss what we have learned.
1. What is a prediction? (Bloom’s 1: Recall)
2. How did we use prediction while we read today? (Bloom’s 2: Understanding)
3. Why did we learn about this today? (Bloom’s 2: Understanding)
4. Is it okay if our predictions don’t come true? (Bloom’s 2: Understanding)
5. What can we do when our predictions are not true? (Bloom’s 3: Applying)
ii. Have students think about what might have happened had the author not
ended the book. Use Kagan strategy of Think, Pair, Share for students to share
their ideas with each other.
d. Extension
i. Another story to practice predicting.
ii. Gallery walk

33. Accommodations, Modifications, and Differentiations for Diverse Learners (student names
abbreviated for discretion)
a. Accommodations (students learn the same materials and meet the same
i. Extra time to view pictures in books (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo)
ii. vocabulary and writing help (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo, EC)
iii. group the student with positive role models (Ai, Li, Ge, So)
iv. provide additional personal space (Li, Ge, EC)
b. Modifications (changes to the curriculum, do not have to meet the same expectations)
i. oral and printed directions (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo, EC)
ii. shortened assignment, less writing (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo)
iii. visual aids (anchor chart) (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo, EC)
iv. visual aids (use of book pictures to assist in drawings) (GG, Ai, Ge, TJ, Bo)
c. Differentiations (same content delivered in different ways)
i. content delivered through reading, cooperative discussion, PBL/hands-on, and
visual (anchor charts)

34. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning

a. Formative
i. To include: question responses and predictions, conversations among peers
(Kagan strategies), and gallery walk
b. Summative
i. making predictions worksheet

35. Homework Assignment: none

36. Reflection
a. Strengths:
b. Concerns:
c. Insights:

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