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Drug Interaction Clinical (Mozayani and Raymon, 2004)

Food Interaction (McCabe et al., 2003)

Martindale (Martindale and Sweetman, 2009)

Pediatric (Gennrich and Chan, 2004)

Dipiro (Wells et al., 2015)

USP (Anonim, 2009)

AHFS 2008 (Anonim, 2008)

DIH (Aberg et. al, 2009)

Aberg, J.A., Lacy,C.F, Amstrong, L.L, Goldman, M.P, and Lance, L.L., 2009,Drug
Information Handbook, 17th edition, Lexi-Comp for the American Pharmacists
American Society for Hospital-System Pharmacist. 2008, AHFS Drug Information
Handbook, ASHP Inc., Bethesda MD, USA. p. 102
Gennrich, J.L., Chan, P.D., 2004. Pediatric drug reference: dosages, side effects, and drug
interactions. Current Clinical Strategies Pub., Laguna Hills, Calif.
Martindale, W., Sweetman, S.C. (Eds.), 2009. Martindale: The complete drug reference, 36.
ed. ed. Pharmaceuticale Press, PhP, London ; Chicago.
McCabe, B.J., Wolfe, J.J., Frankel, E.H. (Eds.), 2003. Handbook of food-drug interactions.
CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla.
Mozayani, A., Raymon, L.P., 2004. Handbook of drug interactions: a clinical and forensic
guide. Humana Press, Totowa, N.J.
USP XXXII . 2009. USP 32: United States Pharmacopeia. Rocville: United States
Pharmacopeial Convention. 1209-1210.
Wells, B.G., DiPiro, J.T., Schwinghammer, T.L., DiPiro, C.V., 2015. Pharmacotherapy

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