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DANNY PROULX’S 2) @ Fira ae URES 503 = JIGS & FIXTURES read this important safety notice “To prevent accidents, keep safety in mind while you ‘work, Use the safety guards installed on power equip- ‘ment they are for your protection. When working on power equipment, Keep Fingers away from saw blades, wear safety goggles to prevent injuries from flying wood hips and sawdust, wear headphones to protect your cating anu consider installing a dust vacuum to reduce the amount of aixborne sawdust in your woodshop. Don't ‘wear lose clothing, such as neckties or shirts with loose sleeves, or jewelry, sich a rings, necklaces of bracelets, ‘when working on power equipment. Tie back long bait {to prevent it from getting caught in your equipment. People who are sensitive to certain chemicals should check the chemical content ofany product before using, it The authors and editors who compiled this book have ried to make the contents as accuate and correct as possible. Plans, illustrations, photographs and text have ‘been carefully checked. All instructions, plans and proj ‘ects should be carefully read, studied and understood ‘fare beginning constriction, Duc to the variability of | local conditions, construction materials, skill levels, et neither the author nor Popular Woodworking Hooks assumes any responsibility for any accidents, injuries, damages of other losses incurred resulting fom the al presented in this book, Prices listed for supplies and equipment were current atthe tine of publication and are subject to change. Glass shelving should have all ‘cdges plished and must be tempered. Untempered glass holes may shattr and can cause serious bodily injury. ‘Tempered shelves are very strong and ifthey break wil just crumble, minimizing personal injury metric conversion chart to convert to multiply by Inches Conineters 2st Centimeters. Inches 04 Ft. Cones ans Cetin Fe 0s Yards Meters 09 Meters, Yard 1a ‘Danny Prous $0 Shop Made ge & Fares. Conyright € 20 iy Dery Pre Pinte and ound in Sagar, Al hs reserved. Nop ofthis bok abe reproduced any fern by at eletonicor mechani means nein infra An storage nd evel sats wow prison in wig eam the able ‘cep ya eve, who may gute bee passage na ew. Pulsed by Popa ocd Boks an ipo FFW Puen, Ine, 470 as Galea Rod Goat, Oh, 5236, Fenn, Diswibundin Canada by Fraser Diet 100 Anseong Avenue Gergen, Onto L7G 584 Comte Dislbute inthe UK and Eaop by Dad & Charles Beutel Howse ‘Net Abb, Devon TO12 «PU England To (4 626328200 ar (4) 1625325319 Erma ral devidardeharlencoak Disuibutedin Ausala by Cpsca Link 0 Box 708 Winds, NSW 2756 Avs Vis ue Web te tw populrecdering ofr inferno re ese ether modneker ‘te de Poplar Waotworing Book te tale fam your al Dokstaeo ec om he pals WH Ho w% ses 2d Lika of Congres Catagng in Paitin Data Proud Dana, 147 ‘ane roa’ $0 shop igs atures / Dany Pra ~ tod pan loc ISBNAK 971558707528 jp: pape) ISON. 978-1 s547.9360 EERCB) ISBN-0 1555707522 (pbk paps) ISBN-AB 9751558707854 funder alk: psp ISBN 10-158570785.9 hardener: sk sp) 1. Wondwcring ole: Desigrandcortacion. 2 Woodwerk Equipment and supple Design st conaracton. 3. igeand fier Deaig and cent, Tide ity shop ade gs and atures aroso2988 ‘cquistonssb1708 fim Stack osTox Any Hates ‘steno Mian Roth Inrision 1AYOUT: Jol eb em rropcrtow coorDiseror: Jerr L Wage PMorocaritek: Dany Pou MoracaP ie CONSULT: Mihiel Bowl, ax Photgapic Services| ‘Counu ten HLsTRATOR: Ln Chachi, enna Commancaion e. ‘woncsior ste rovingn sv Rien, Cabinet

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