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New insight into the correlations between land

use and water quality in a coastal watershed of
China: Does point source pollution weaken it?


Impact Factor: 4.1 · DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.11.063


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Pei Zhou Jinliang Huang

Xiamen University Xiamen University


Robert Gilmore Pontius Huasheng Hong

Clark University Xiamen University


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Jinliang Huang
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Science of the Total Environment 543 (2016) 591–600

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New insight into the correlations between land use and water quality in a
coastal watershed of China: Does point source pollution weaken it?
Pei Zhou a,b, Jinliang Huang a,b,⁎, Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr c, Huasheng Hong a,b
Coastal and Ocean Management Institute, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China
Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Coastal Ecology and Environmental Studies, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China
Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, Worcester, MA 01610, USA


• We develop a self-organizing map-

based approach.
• Different patterns of water quality are
delineated and visualized across water-
• Spatial variation of the land use-water
quality correlation is analyzed.
• Point source pollution can weaken or
hide the land use-water quality correla-

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Uncovering the associations between land use and river water quality is useful for managing land-based pollu-
Received 1 July 2015 tion in the catchment-coast continuum. However, it is not clear how land use affects water quality in the context
Received in revised form 21 October 2015 of simultaneous point source (PS) pollution. In this study, we develop a self-organizing map (SOM)-based ap-
Accepted 12 November 2015
proach to explore the relationship between land use and water quality in the Minjiang River Watershed, South-
Available online xxxx
east China. Water samples from 139 headwater sub-watersheds were associated with six land use categories,
Editor: D. Barcelo namely, Woodland, Agriculture, Orchard, Built-up, Unused land and Water. Sampling sites are delineated into
six clusters based on six water quality parameters: ammonium-N, nitrate-N, total nitrogen, soluble reactive phos-
Keywords: phate, total phosphate and potassium permanganate index. Local relationships between land use and water qual-
Land use ity among four clusters that have sufficient sample sizes are further identified. There is no significant land use-
Water quality water quality correlation in one of the four clusters (including 37 sub-watersheds). And the greater the PS pollu-
Point source pollution tion is, the less significant the land use-water quality correlations are in clusters. The results demonstrate how PS
Self-organizing map pollution weakens the land use-water quality correlation. Our method can help to determine whether non-point
Spatial variation
source or PS pollution exerts greater influence on the quality of the water coming from watershed.
© 2015 Published by@ Elsevier B.V.

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Huang).
0048-9697/© 2015 Published by@ Elsevier B.V.
592 P. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 543 (2016) 591–600

1. Introduction Our previous studies used multiple linear regression and GWR to de-
tect the global and local variations in relationships between land use
Land use within a watershed has important effects on water quality and water quality in a coastal watershed (Huang et al., 2013b, Huang
of rivers, lakes, estuarine and coastal waters (Huang et al., 2013a, Bu et al., 2015). However, we need more attempts to know how land use
et al., 2014, Hur et al., 2014). Watershed land use affects water quality affects water quality in the presence of PS pollution. In this study, we de-
through non-point source (NPS) pollutants, which are major contribu- velop a framework that integrates SOM, cluster analysis, backward step-
tors of contaminants to the catchment-coast continuum (Swaney wise regression and correlation analysis, to explore the river water
et al., 2012). As the Secretary-General of the United Nations reported, quality variation and its relationship with land use at 139 sampling
land-based sources of pollution contribute to more than 80% of the pol- sites across the Minjiang River Watershed. We hypothesize that severe
lutants entering the seas (UN General Assembly, 2004). Water Quality PS pollution might weaken the correlation between land use and water
and Sustainable Practices on Land is included in the nine priority objec- quality. We suspect that exclusion of the water quality data that are in-
tives for a national ocean policy articulated by the US National Ocean fluenced by PS pollution will result in a stronger correlation between
Council, in order to enhance water quality by promoting and land use and water quality. Specifically, we aim (1) to delineate the pat-
implementing sustainable practices on land (US National Ocean tern of water quality variation among 139 headwater sub-watersheds,
Council, 2010). Therefore, exploring the linkage between land use and (2) to explain the roles of NPS pollution from land use and PS pollution
surface water quality, particularly in coastal watersheds, is critical for in controlling each water quality pattern, and (3) to reveal the spatial
developing watershed management practices (Uuemaa et al., 2005, variation of the land use-water quality correlation and the influence of
Xiao and Ji, 2007, Wan et al., 2014) and controlling land based pollution PS pollution on the correlation.
in coastal bays (Huang et al., 2013a).
Many statistical methods have been widely employed to reveal the 2. Materials and methods
relationships between land use and water quality (Céréghino and
Park, 2009, Bierman et al., 2011, Huang et al., 2013b), such as correlation 2.1. Study area
analysis (Lee et al., 2009, Bu et al., 2014, Li et al., 2015), multiple regres-
sion (Huang et al., 2013b, Bu et al., 2014, Park et al., 2014), and redun- The Minjiang River Watershed covers 60,992 km2 and is the largest
dancy analysis (Maarten et al., 2008, Shen et al., 2015). Researchers watershed in Fujian Province, China (116°23′–119°43′ E, 25°23′–28°19′
usually apply these methods to analyze the overall relationship be- N) (Fig. 1). The watershed is in a subtropical zone with a monsoon cli-
tween land use and water quality for the entire study area (Huang mate: the annual average temperature is 16–20 °C and annual average
et al., 2013b, Bu et al., 2014). Nevertheless, the pollution sources precipitation is 1617 mm, of which 70% occurs between April and Sep-
might vary across the study area, especially among watersheds that tember (Chen et al., 2011).
are dominated by various uses (Baker, 2003), therefore the global ap- The study area mainly consists of three cities: Sanming, Nanping and
proach to use the abovementioned statistics might miss the spatial var- Fuzhou (Fig. 1). More than 12 million residents use the Minjiang River
iation of the relationships and hide some local relationships between as their source of water for residential, industrial and agricultural activ-
land use and water quality (Kang et al., 2010). Recently, geographically ities. The watershed's gross domestic product accounts for more than
weighted regression (GWR) has been used to capture spatial variations thirty percent of Fujian Province's economic output. Population in the
by incorporating spatial coordinates into the regression model (Tu and watershed accounts for about thirty five percent of Fujian Province.
Xia, 2008, Tu, 2011). GWR frequently uses only one land use indicator Sanming City is in the western part of the study area, which is the
as the independent variable to analyze the indicator's association with most important industrial base for raw material in Fujian Province. In-
each water quality dependent variable. When dealing with multivariate dustry in Sanming City mainly is in Yong'an and Sanming and Shaxian
data, a large number of GWR models are performed to account for the Counties. Sanming City is also the main agricultural production base
large number of land use categories and water quality variables. There- for Fujian Province. Jian'ou County is famous for its lotus, pear and
fore, GWR is of limited value to make land use management strategies rice. Ninghua County is famous for its agricultural production, especially
because of the excessive detailed spatial variation in the results. How rice. Taining County is developing ecotourism recently. Nanping City lo-
should we process multivariate environmental data to make appropri- cated in the central part of the study area, which is one of the main for-
ate management strategies while considering the spatial variation? A est areas in the south of China. It is the main bread basket and provides
plausible way is to cluster sites with similar characteristics and then to about one third grain for Fujian Province. Recently poultry production is
analyze the land use-water relationships in each cluster (Martin et al., developing in Nanping City. Fuzhou City is the capital of Fujian Province,
2011). By use of clusters, we can reveal land use-water quality patterns and is located the downstream end of the study area. Pollution from res-
that global statistics may hide (Löhr et al., 2010, Choi et al., 2014) and idential land and poultry production accounts for the major contami-
thus simplify land use management. What's more, researchers seldom nants in Fuzhou City.
consider the influence from point source (PS) pollution on land use- According to Fujian Statistical Yearbook (Fujian Statistical Bureau,
water quality relationships. PS pollution is not proportional with the 2014), industrial water consumption of Fuzhou, Sanming and Nanping
land use area. A small area with intensive industrial or domestic dis- Cities in 2013 are 523, 1627, 224 million tons (Fig. 2A). Treated indus-
charge can generate severe PS pollution. Therefore, PS pollution might trial waste water accounts for 34%, 36% and 35% of the water consump-
cause huge uncertainty concerning the linkage between land use and tion. The chemical oxygen demand in treated waste water decreases by
water quality. 94%, 86% and 85% from the untreated industrial waste water. The am-
A self-organizing map (SOM) is a branch algorithm that uses an arti- monia removal rate is 84%, 64% and 90% in industrial waste water treat-
ficial neural network. A SOM is a versatile tool for the classification and ment facilities. In terms of the sewage, the volume of treated
association of samples and their variables (Vesanto et al., 2000, Compin wastewater in Fuzhou, Sanming, Yong'an, Nanping, Shaowu, Wuyishan,
and Céréghino, 2007, Bierman et al., 2011, Li et al., 2012, Kohonen, 2001, Jian'ou and Jianyang Counties are 214.7, 39.4, 24.4, 17.5, 6.3, 5.2, 4.6 and
Kohonen, 2013). SOMs have become popular in environmental studies 4.9 million m3. Treated sewage accounts for 86%, 85%, 86%, 89%, 88%,
because SOMs can deal with nonlinearities (Kalteh et al., 2008, Jeong 86%, 67% and 86% of the total sewage discharge (Fig. 2B). However, ac-
et al., 2010, Kohonen, 2013). Kalteh et al. (2008) and Céréghino and cording to Chinese Environment quality standard for surface water (GB
Park (2009) reviewed applications of SOMs to environmental science, 3838-2002) (Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's
especially regarding water resources classification. Chon (2011) Republic of China, 2002), the treated waste water still does not meet
reviewed the applications of the SOM techniques in ecological sciences. standards for drinking water. Furthermore, the concentrations of some
pollutants discharged from waste water treatment facilities exceed the
P. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 543 (2016) 591–600 593

Fig. 1. The study area showing (A) the water sampling sites, the river system, and the cities, and (B) land use and counties.

highest concentration limit of the standard (Fujian Provincial use and water quality in eligible clusters. We verified the influence of
Department of Environmental Protection, 2015). Therefore, the PS pol- PS pollution on the land use-water quality correlation, based on the re-
lution is still severe in the study area due to the insufficient treated sew- sults concerning PS pollution from the backward stepwise regression
age percentages, small amount of industrial and domestic sewage analysis and the correlation analysis. Finally, we made some suggestions
treatment, and the high concentration of pollutants from waste water for water management in the study area.
treatment facilities.
2.2.1. Sampling sites and water quality parameters
2.2. Methods and data collection We carried out an overall investigation concerning the land use and
water quality of the study area from 27th July to 2nd August, 2014. We
Fig. 3 shows the flowchart of the SOM-based method. Firstly, we collected surface water samples from 139 sampling sites, which are at
gathered water quality data on field survey and obtained land use the outlet of tributaries (Fig. 1). The samples were kept at 4 °C and
data from satellite images classification. Secondly, the sampling sites transported to the laboratory for analysis. Six water quality parameters
were clustered and visualized using SOM and hierarchical cluster anal- were analyzed following standard methods (State Environmental
ysis. We evaluated the water quality pattern in each cluster. Thirdly, Protection Administration of China, 2002). These parameters were am-

we performed backward stepwise regressions by using the whole land monium N (NH+ 4 -N), nitrate N (NO3 -N), total nitrogen (TN), soluble re-
use and water quality data and excluding the data in each cluster indi- active phosphate (SRP), total phosphate (TP) and the potassium
vidually. We analyzed the influences of PS and NPS pollution on the permanganate index (CODMn). Chinese Environmental quality standards
water quality in each cluster by combining the regression results with for surface water (GB 3838-2002) (Ministry of Environmental Protection
information concerning land use, industrial discharge, and domestic of the People's Republic of China, 2002) regulates five classes (from I to
discharge. Fourthly, we performed correlation analysis between land V) for each specific water quality parameter. The SRP and NO− 3 -N in this
study are not included in the standard. Water pollution increases from
class I to V. The water that is classified as IV or V is not suitable for serv-
ing as drinking water source. In this study, we define water quality pa-
rameter as “substandard” if the parameter's concentration beyond the
upper level of class III.
The daily mean precipitation in the study area during our sampling
period ranged from 0 to 0.39 mm. The daily mean precipitation for
7 days before sampling ranged from 0.33 to 1.60 mm. We took samples
during wet season because the water quality in wet season represents
the joint influence of NPS and PS pollution. PS pollution tends to be in-
dependent of flow while NPS pollution is principally dependent of
flow (Bowes et al., 2008). Therefore, water quality in the dry season rep-
resents mainly PS pollutant (Mouri et al., 2011; Li et al., 2013) and is not
the focus of our research.

2.2.2. Land use data

To obtain a complete and cloud free coverage of the study area, we
chose six Landsat 8 images in 2014. These Operational Land Imager im-
ages were acquired from Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth,
Chinese Academy of Sciences ( Table 1 shows
our classification scheme. The classification method is an unsupervised
classification method using the Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis
Fig. 2. (A) The industrial waste water treatment in main cities and (B) the sewage treat- clustering algorithm. We selected 256 pixels in a stratified random sam-
ment in main counties. ple and checked each pixel by visual interpretation of the Landsat
594 P. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 543 (2016) 591–600

Fig. 3. The flowchart of the SOM-based method.

images and fine resolution images from Google Earth. The overall agree- output neurons in an SOM is important to detect the deviation of the
ment between the classification and our visual interpretation for the data. We combined two methods to select the number of neurons. The
256 pixels is 87%. Land use in each sub-watershed was extracted by clip- first method is that the number of map neuron is close to 5 n
ping the land use map of the study area with the boundary of each sub- (Vesanto et al., 2000), where n is the number of training samples, mean-
watershed. ing the 139 sample sites. The second method is to select the number of
neurons based on minimum values for Quantity Error (QE) and Topol-
2.2.3. Self-organizing map (SOM) ogy Error (TE) (Kohonen, 2001).QE is the average distance between
We used a SOM to characterize the spatial distribution patterns of each input vector and its best match neuron, while TE is a measure for
water quality at the 139 sampling sites. SOM is an unsupervised learn- topological preservation of all input vectors.
ing procedure to visualize and to interpret multi-dimensional data in a In order to present correlations between water quality and land use
two-dimensional lattice (Kohonen, 2001). A typical SOM consists of an in an intuitive way, we set the mask value to zero for all the land use cat-
input layer and an output layer. All of the neurons in the input layer egories during the learning process. This step can remove the effect of
are connected to all of the neurons in the output layer through a weight land use on SOM organization (Vesanto et al., 2000, Compin and
vector. The neurons in the output layer are connected to adjacent neu- Céréghino, 2007). The values for each land use category were then visu-
rons by a neighborhood relation dictating the topography of the map. alized on the SOM previously trained with the six water quality
Through a learning process, SOMs classify input data into categories. parameters.
The optimum arrangement for the output layer is a hexagonal lattice,
because this configuration does not favor the horizontal and vertical di-
2.2.4. Hierarchical cluster analysis
rections as much as a rectangular array (Kohonen, 2001). The number of
We applied Ward linkage method using Euclidean distance to
weight the vectors of SOM. This method is a hierarchical cluster analysis
Table 1 that defines the cluster boundaries in the SOM neurons. It provides a
The land use description in this study. better understanding about the group formations and reduces noise
Land use Description without loss of information (Vesanto and Alhoniemi, 2000). The num-
category ber of clusters is formed according to the Davies–Bouldin index. The
Agriculture Land used for cultivation, including newly cultivated land, fallow
lower value the Davies–Bouldin index is, the better those clusters are
land, swidden land, rotation plow land, land mainly used for planting differentiated. The Kruskal–Wallis test is then conducted to assess the
and beach cultivated more than three years differences between water quality parameters for clusters (Olkowska
Built-up Residential area, including the surrounded enterprise area, et al., 2014).
entertainment area, all kinds of road and airport. Industrial area
Water Inland water area and water conservancy facilities
Orchard Areas for planting perennial woody plants and perennial herb which 2.2.5. Backward stepwise regression analysis
were used for collecting their fruit, leaves and rhizome. Cover degree
We conducted backward stepwise regressions to detect the influ-
N50%, including Fruit nursery
Woodland Including arbor, bamboo, shrub, Mangrove and pastureland. ence of PS pollution on water quality in each cluster. PS pollution is
Residential land use for greening, plants used along railways, not proportional to the land use area. A small area with intensive indus-
highways and rivers are not included trial and domestic discharge can generate severe PS pollution. The water
Unused Barren land, alkaline land, sand, waste land quality data that are influenced by PS pollution are outliers when
performing the land use-water quality regressions. Excluding the data
P. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 543 (2016) 591–600 595

that are influenced by PS pollution will generate a better land use-water 3. Results
quality regression model fit, as indicated by a larger R-squared. Firstly,
we log transformed the water quality data because the nonlinearity of 3.1. Classification and visualization of sampling sites
the land use and water quality relationship (Huang et al., 2013b). Sec-
ondly, we performed the regression with the log transformed water Before the classification, we trained the SOM with various map sizes
quality parameters as dependent variables and the percentage of land around the number determined by the heuristic equation 5 n, where
use categories as the independent variables for all the data. Thirdly, n = 139. We selected 54 (6 × 9) as the map size (Fig. 4) because the
we excluded the data in each cluster individually and performed the QE (0.092) and TE (0.029) are minimum.
backward stepwise regressions. Finally we compared the fits of the Fig. 4 shows the SOM of the water quality dataset and the land use
cluster-excluded regressions with the all data-based regression individ- categories. Some patterns of similarity among water quality parameters
ually. An increase to regression model fit indicates that PS pollution could be distinguished. For example, the sampling sites with the highest
weakens the correlation between land use and water quality. No in- values for both nitrogen and phosphorus are located in the lower left

crease to regression model fit indicates the PS pollution does not affect part of the SOM plane. NH+ 4 -N, NO3 -N and TN show similar patterns,
the correlation between land use and water quality in the excluded meaning the value decreases from the sites located in the lower left
cluster. part to the sites located in the upper right part of the SOM plane. SRP
and TP show high values in the corner on the left side of the plane.
2.2.6. Correlation analysis CODMn concentration of the sampling sites at the lower part of the
The correlation analysis reveals the variation of land use-water qual- plane is high and decreases towards the upper part of the plane.
ity correlation. Under our hypothesis, the larger the PS pollution is, the The correlation between land use categories and water quality pa-
smaller the correlations are in clusters. So the correlation analysis rameters is also clearly discerned. For example, water samples at the
helps us to verify the disturbance of PS pollution to the land use-water left corner of the bottom on the map have high nitrogen and phospho-
quality correlation. Correlations between land use categories and rous concentrations. This generally corresponds with the trend of Agri-
water quality parameters in different clusters were tested using culture and Built-up. The sampling sites with high proportions of
Pearson's correlation coefficients with statistical significances at p b Woodland show low values of water quality parameters. The sampling
0.01and p b 0.05 levels (2-tailed). The one-sample Kolmogorov– sites on the lower left part of the plane show high values of water qual-
Smirnov test was used in testing the normal distribution for all variables ity parameters, where the Woodland percentages are low.
(Mirabella, 2006). The results showed all 2-tailed p-values are greater Fig. 5 shows the grouping of all water sampling sites. Seven clusters
than 0.05, which indicates the suitability of the data for correlation were formed according to the Davies–Bouldin index, where minimal

Fig. 4. Visualization of each variable in the trained SOM. Note: “d” under legend means denormalization of the SOM results.
596 P. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 543 (2016) 591–600

Fig. 5. (A) dendrogram of the hierarchical cluster analysis according to the Ward linkage method using Euclidean distance, defining seven clusters. (B) Davies–Bouldin index plot.
(C) Distribution of sampling sites on the SOM according to the six water quality parameters, and clustering of the trained SOM. Small font codes are sampling site identifiers. The sampling
sites are grouped into six clusters because cluster 7 is empty.

value is at 7 clusters. The sampling sites are grouped into six clusters be- 5 and 6 does not. This is because TN in clusters 4 and 5 are class IV and
cause cluster 7 is empty. NH+ 4 -N, TN and TP in cluster 6 exceed the upper limit of class V. In clus-
ters 5 and 6, the CODMn values are much higher than other clusters (Fig.
3.2. Various patterns of water quality and land use 6A, Table 2). The concentrations of water quality parameters, except the
CODMn, are higher in cluster 6 than in other clusters (Fig. 6A). Therefore,
The differences between water quality parameters for clusters are water pollution generally increases with the cluster number from 1 to 6,
significant, as all Kruskal–Wallis tests of significance have p-values while the clusters 2 and 3 are the same in terms of water quality classes.
less than 0.01. This confirmed the reasonability of our classification. Fig. 6B shows the land use pattern in each cluster and Fig. 7 shows
Different clusters show different water quality patterns (Fig. 6A). Ac- the location of the sampling sites. Among the six clusters, cluster 1 is
cording to Chinese Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB mainly in Yongtai, Dehua and Pucheng Counties, whose forest coverages
3838-2002), we evaluated the classes for NH+ 4 -N, TN, CODMn and TP in rank the top among the counties. The sub-watersheds in cluster 1 have
each cluster (Table 2). Among the six clusters, cluster 1 shows the high proportions of Woodland and Unused land, medium proportions of
least water pollution because the concentration of each water quality Orchard, and low proportions of Agriculture, Built up and Water. Cluster
parameter is the lowest (Fig. 6A). Clusters 2 and 3 have the same 2 is mainly in Pucheng, Guangze, Youxi, Taining Counties, which are fa-
water quality classes (Table 2), though the water quality parameters mous for agricultural products and ecotourism. The sub-watersheds in
vary in the concentration (Fig. 6A). Water in clusters 1, 2 and 3 satisfies cluster 2 have high proportions of Water, medium proportions of
the requirements for a drinking water source, while water in clusters 4, Woodland, Agriculture Orchard and Unused land, and low proportions

Fig. 6. Average values and 95% confidence intervals for (A) the water quality parameters and (B) land use categories for each cluster. The Kruskal–Wallis test indicates the differences be-
tween water quality parameters among clusters are significant (p b 0.01). “Site Numbers” in the legend for panel A indicates the number of sites in each cluster.
P. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 543 (2016) 591–600 597

Table 2
The classes of water quality parameters in each cluster.⁎

Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 Cluster 6

NH+4 -N II II II II II Exceed V
⁎ According to Chinese Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB 3838-
2002). “Exceed V” means the water quality parameter's concentration is beyond the upper
level of class V.

of Built-up. Cluster 3 is mainly in Jianyang and Jian'ou and Shunchang

Counties, which are famous for their forestry and grain. The sub-
watersheds in this cluster have high proportions of Woodland, and
low proportions of Agriculture, Built-up and Orchard. Cluster 4 is mainly
in Shaxian, Yong'an, Jian'ou, Jianning, Nanping and Sanming Counties.
Industrial and agricultural activities are intensive in these regions (Fig.
2B). The sub-watersheds in cluster 4 have high proportions of Agricul-
ture, Built-up and Orchard, medium proportions of Water and low pro-
portions of Woodland. Cluster 5 is mainly in Jian'ou and Nanping Fig. 8. Fits of the backward stepwise regression models. Legend indicates the cluster that is
Counties, where treated sewage is 67% and 89% of total sewage dis- excluded when performing the regression. The dashed horizontal lines indicate the R2
charge (Fig. 2B). The sub-watersheds in this cluster have high propor- values of the models based on all the data.
tions of Built-up and Water, medium proportions of Woodland and
Agriculture, and low proportions of Orchard and Unused land. Cluster
6 is mainly in Shaxi and Gutian Counties, where industry and aquatic excluding cluster 1, R2 increased for TP. When excluding cluster 2, R2 in-
production dominate the human activities respectively. The sub- creased for all the regression models. When excluding cluster 3, R2 in-

watersheds in this cluster have high proportions of Agriculture, Built- creased for NH+ 4 -N, NO3 -N, TN and SRP. When excluding cluster 4, R
up and Unused land, and low proportions of Woodland. increased for NH4 -N, TP, SRP and CODMn. When excluding cluster 5,
R2 increased for NO− 2
3 -N and TN. When excluding cluster 6, R increased

3.3. Comparison of the backward stepwise regression model fit for NH+ 2
4 -N, NO3 -N, TN and CODMn. An increase of R in the regression
models indicates the PS pollution affects the water quality in the ex-
We excluded the data in each cluster individually and performed the cluded cluster.
regression analysis. Fig. 8 shows the fits of the regression models. When

Fig 7. Six clusters of the 139 sampling sites.

598 P. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 543 (2016) 591–600

3.4. Correlation between water quality and land use in different clusters land as a proxy for point source pollution (Ahearn et al., 2005; Shen
et al., 2014).
Correlation analysis shows various patterns of correlation between In this study, we detected various water quality patterns in the six
land use and water quality (Table 3). We did not perform the correlation clusters. Cluster 1 has the lowest concentration for all the water quality
analysis for cluster 5 and 6 because the sample size is small (Fig. 6A). In parameters (Fig. 6A, Table 2). This is because the sub-watersheds in the
cluster 1, NH+4 -N is correlated positively with the proportion of Built-up cluster 1 counties, such as Taining, Dehua and Pucheng (Fig. 7), have for-
(p b 0.01). SRP is correlated positively with the proportion of Unused est coverages that rank among the highest in the study area (Fig. 6B).
land (p b 0.01). CODMn is correlated positively with the proportion of Clusters 2 and 3 have the same water quality class (Table 2), though
Woodland (p b 0.05), and negatively with the proportion of Unused the concentration of each water quality parameter varies (Fig. 6A).
land, Orchard (p b 0.01) and Built-up (p b 0.05). In cluster 2, NH+ 4 -N is The concentrations of water quality parameters in cluster 2 and 3 are
correlated positively with the proportion of Built-up (p b 0.01) and Ag- less than in clusters 4–6. The purification ability of Woodland and rela-
riculture (p b 0.05), and negatively with the proportion of Woodland tively low pollution from the medium intensity of agricultural activities
(p b 0.05). SRP is correlated positively with the proportion of Agricul- might explain this phenomenon (Fig. 6B). Water in clusters 4, 5 and 6 is
ture and negatively with the proportion of Woodland (p b 0.01). In clus- not suitable for providing drinking water according to Chinese Environ-
ter 3, TP is correlated positively with the proportion of Built-up (p b mental quality standards for surface water (GB 3838-2002) (Ministry of
0.05). SRP is correlated positively with the proportion of Water (p b Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China, 2002). The
0.01). In cluster 4, there are no significant correlations between land sub-watersheds in clusters 4–6 are mainly in urban areas, such Yong'an,
use categories and any water quality parameters. Sanming, Shaxian, Nanping and Jianning (Fig. 6). The Built-up and Agri-
culture proportions are high, while the Woodland proportion is low in
these regions (Fig. 6B). The industrial, domestic and agricultural pollut-
4. Discussion ants could be the cause of the contaminated water. There are waste
water treatment facilities in the counties. But the various treated sew-
4.1. Water quality patterns in each cluster age percentages in the cities (such as Sanming and Yong'an, Fig. 2)
and the high pollutant concentration discharged from the waste water
Watershed land use affects water quality through NPS pollution treatment facilities (Fujian Provincial Department of Environmental
(Swaney et al., 2012). Agricultural activities, such as fertilizer and pesti- Protection, 2015) still contaminate the riverine water.
cide application, are recognized as important factors influencing water
quality (Smith et al., 2013; UNEP, 2014). Agriculture and Orchard are 4.2. Contribution of NPS pollution from land use and PS pollution to the wa-
recognized as the sources of NPS pollution in the study area. Meanwhile, ter quality
PS pollution from domestic and industrial activities in Built-up area is
also recognized as one of the most important factors threatening Lots of research documents that the relationship between land use
water quality (Wu and Chen, 2013). Some research considers urban and water quality indeed exist (Huang et al., 2013b, Bu et al., 2014).
However, researchers seldom consider the influence of PS pollution on
Table 3 the correlation between land use and water quality. In this study, we
Pearson's correlation coefficients between land use categories and water quality specified whether PS or NPS exerts more influence on water pollution
parameters. in the six clusters.
Woodland Water Unused land Orchard Built-up Agriculture From the backward stepwise regression results (Fig. 8), there are in-
creased R2 in every cluster. Under our hypothesis, this increase indicates
Cluster 1
NH+ −.345 −.098 .474⁎⁎
that PS pollution influences the correlation between land use and water
4 -N .167 .051 .312
NO−3 -N −.227 .036 −.128 −.047 .316 .261 quality.
TN −.195 .191 −.335 −.156 .331 .331 In clusters 1, 2 and 3, both the NPS pollution from land use and PS
TP .013 .089 −.035 .132 .178 −.129 pollution are not severe. This is because water quality parameters in
SRP −.128 −.093 .431⁎ −.034 −.065 −.031
these clusters meet the standard for cleanliness (Table 1). The sub-
CODMn .436⁎ .079 −.476⁎⁎ −.505⁎⁎ −.458⁎ −.070
watersheds in clusters 1–3 are mainly in counties whose industrial ac-
Cluster 2 tivities are not intensive (Fig. 7). This accounts for the apparently light
NH+4 -N −.415⁎ −.151 −.263 .074 .478⁎⁎ .413⁎
pollution from PS. The high proportion of Woodland and low propor-
NO−3 -N −.052 .288 .313 .260 .037 −.162
TN −.190 .074 .018 .203 .250 .074 tions of Agriculture, Orchard and Built-up (Fig. 6B) might explain the
TP .081 −.206 −.115 −.233 −.019 .000 light NPS pollution.
SRP −.457⁎⁎ .011 −.126 .245 .338 .454⁎⁎ In cluster 4, both NPS pollution from land use and PS pollution con-
CODMn −.045 .026 −.194 −.141 .030 .147 tribute to the pollution. PS pollution influences all the water quality pa-
Cluster 3 rameters, especially NH+ 4 -N, TP, SRP and CODMn (Fig. 8). This can be
NH+4 -N .095 .224 .118 .042 .114 −.252 attributable the intensive industrial activities and domestic waste
NO−3 -N .018 .011 .143 .107 .028 −.105 water in the counties, such as Yong'an, Sanming, Shaxian, Jianning and
TN .114 .042 −.042 −.020 .092 −.169
TP −.260 .191 .129 −.169 .393⁎ .070
Jian'ou (Fig. 2, Fig. 7). Meanwhile, the sub-watersheds in cluster 4
SRP −.100 .516⁎⁎ .169 −.271 .128 −.062 have high proportions of Agriculture, Orchard and Built-up (Fig. 6B).
CODMn .048 −.302 .071 −.218 −.118 .013 These land use categories are closely related with NPS pollution
(Smith et al., 2013; Hur et al., 2014, Huang et al., 2015). Only TN (class
Cluster 4
NH+4 -N −.148 .148 −.266 .061 .272 .101 IV) is substandard (Table 2). The NPS pollution and PS pollution are
NO−3 -N −.005 −.200 −.043 .301 .048 −.033 not severe enough to make NH+ 4 -N, TP, SRP and CODMn to be substan-
TN .016 .050 −.153 .188 .072 −.051 dard. The substandard TN is likely caused by the joint effects of NPS pol-
TP −.166 −.035 .053 −.054 .085 .179
lution from the high proportions of Agriculture, Orchard and Built-up
SRP .032 −.110 .129 −.225 −.174 .050
CODMn .070 .094 −.123 −.025 −.189 .026 and PS pollution from urban areas.
In cluster 5, PS pollution plays a major role in controlling the water
We did not perform the correlation analysis for clusters 5 and 6 because the sample sizes
are small.
quality. R2 increases for the NO−3 -N and TN regression models, which in-
⁎⁎ p b 0.01 (2-tailed). dicates that PS pollution influences these two water quality parameters.
⁎ p b 0.05 (2-tailed). The sub-watersheds are mainly in urban area such as Jian'ou and
P. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 543 (2016) 591–600 599

Nanping Counties (Fig. 7). The treated sewage percentages are lower Orchard and Unused land would increase the labile organic matter that
than other places (Fig. 2). We suspect that industrial and domestic dis- has decomposed at the tributary outlet. Another possible reason is that
charges lead to the severe PS pollution. The medium proportion of Agri- agricultural practices in cluster 1 might hinder much loss of organic
culture and low proportion of Orchard (Fig. 6B) in this cluster indicate matter into the runoff water from vegetable fields as compared with
that the NPS pollution is not severe. TN is the only substandard param- those from forest (Yang et al., 2013). In this case, the increase of Orchard
eter (Table 2), thus we conclude the PS pollution controls the TN, while might hinder the organic matter loss into the runoff water.
PS pollution's influence is not severe enough to make the NO− 3 -N to be Our results show that PS pollution influences the correlation be-
substandard. tween land use and water quality. From the stepwise regression analy-
In cluster 6, PS pollution controls NH+
4 -N, TN and CODMn, while NPS sis, we found PS pollution influences the water quality in every cluster.
pollution controls the high concentration of NO− 3 -N, TP and SRP. PS pol- (Table 2, Fig. 8). PS pollution is the least severe in cluster 1, and followed
lution influences NH+ 4 -N, TN and CODMn (Fig. 8). The intensive indus- by cluster 2 and 3. The PS pollution in clusters 4, 5 and 6 are more severe
trial activities in Shaxi and Gutian counties could explain the severe than in the other clusters. In the correlation analysis (Table 3), cluster 1
influence of the PS pollution. Meanwhile, the concentrations of water has the most pairs of significant correlations. Each of cluster 2 and clus-
quality parameters, except CODMn, are the highest in cluster 6. CODMn ter 3 has fewer pairs of significant correlations than cluster 1. There are
concentration in the discharge from waste water treatment facilities is no significant land use-water quality correlations in cluster 4. Therefore,
standard, while the concentrations of NH+ 4 -N, TN and TP are beyond the more severe the PS pollution is, the fewer the pairs of significant
the upper limit of class V (Fujian Provincial Department of land use-water quality correlations exist. We conclude that PS pollution
Environmental Protection, 2015). This explains why the great influence hides land use-water quality correlation in cluster 4 and weakens the
of PS pollution does not lead to high concentrations of CODMn. We sus- correlation in clusters 1, 2 and 3.
pect the high proportion of Agriculture (Fig. 6B) causes the high concen-
trations of NO− 3 -N, TP and SRP.
We recommend that water management strategies in the study area 4.4. Limitations
should attempt to control both NPS pollution from land and PS pollution
in sub-watersheds of cluster 4 and 6. Controlling PS pollution is the key The relationship between water quality and land use can be incon-
to improve the water quality in cluster 5. Though water quality in clus- sistent across space and time. Many researches document this inconsis-
ter 1, 2 and 3 meets the cleanliness standard, PS pollution still exists and tency in terms of seasonal or inter-annual variations (Lee et al., 2009,
warrants attention. Huang et al., 2013b, Hur et al., 2014). In this study, we obtained the
data from July to August, so the results reveal the relationship between
4.3. Spatial variation of the land use-water quality correlation and the dis- water quality parameters and land use categories during only this cer-
turbance from PS pollution tain season. The frequent survey of a large river basin is costly in
terms of both time and money. Nevertheless we plan to carry out
The correlation between land use and water quality varies spatially more surveys in the future to reveal the temporal variations of the rela-
in the study area (Table 3). Such spatial variation is documented by tionship, so that we can make water management strategies for various
other researchers. The general explanation is that pollution sources seasons.
tend to vary across study areas, particularly among watersheds that In this study, we focused on the influences of PS and NPS pollution
have various land uses (Tu and Xia, 2008, Kang et al., 2010, Tu, 2011, on the water quality. However, many factors affect the land use-water
Huang et al., 2015). There is a general understanding that forest can ab- quality correlation. In terms of land use, the landscape composition,
sorb nutrients, while built-up land and agricultural land are associated configuration (Shen et al., 2014) and spatial scale (Shen et al., 2015)
with PS and NPS pollution (Tu, 2011, Bu et al., 2014, Hur et al., 2014, are important when analyzing the land use-water quality relationship.
Wan et al., 2014, Huang et al., 2015). This understanding could help in Weather conditions (Huang et al., 2014; Yu et al., 2016) and topo-
explaining the negative correlation between NH+ 4 -N, SRP and the pro- graphic characteristics such as slope (Yu et al., 2016) could also influ-
portion of Woodland in Cluster 1, the positive correlation between ence water quality. The influence of abovementioned factors might
Built-up and NH+ 4 -N in clusters 1 and 2, Built-up and TP in cluster 4, explain the small R2 in the backward stepwise regressions (Table 2)
and Agriculture and NH+ 4 -N, SRP in cluster 1. and should be investigated in the future. Also, different quantity of sam-
SRP is positively correlated with the proportion of Water cover in pling sites might lead to different results from SOM. These are important
cluster 3. This is similar to the observation by Wang et al. (2014) and ex- issues for future work.
plained as the water body accumulates phosphorus migrating from
other land uses, i.e., Agriculture and Orchard. If the accumulated nutri-
ents greatly exceed the retention capacity of the water body, then the 5. Conclusion
water serves as “transit shed” and transports nutrients to the catchment
outlets. The watercourse and aquatic biology characteristic might con- This study developed a SOM-based approach to explore the relation-
tribute to this feature in cluster 3 and make it different from other ship between river water quality and land use in the Minjiang River Wa-
clusters. tershed. Six clusters were delineated and visualized for the 139
Surprisingly, CODMn is positively correlated with the proportion of headwater sub-watersheds. The degrees of pollution, patterns of
Woodland and negatively correlated with the proportions of Unused water quality and types of land use vary among the six clusters. PS pol-
land, Orchard and Built-up in cluster 1. This result is unexpected and lution exists in every cluster and exerts various levels of contamination.
contradicts other research (Bu et al., 2014, Hur et al., 2014, Lee et al., In the slightly polluted clusters, both the NPS pollution from land use
2014, Huang et al., 2015). Most sampling sites in cluster 1 are located and PS pollution generate low pollutants. In the heavily polluted clus-
in Yongtai, Dehua and Pucheng Counties (Fig. 7), whose forest cover- ters, both NPS and PS pollution influences water quality parameters.
ages rank at the top among counties in the study area (Fig. 6B). There- PS pollution weakens or even hides the correlation between land use
fore, a possible reason of this special phenomenon is that the organic and water quality. The more severe the PS pollution is, the fewer the
matter derived from decaying plant material is refractory, while the or- pairs of significant land use-water quality correlations there are in the
ganic matter from industrial land decomposes easily after being clusters. This study demonstrates how PS pollution can mask the corre-
transported into river via surface runoff (Nguyen and Hur, 2011, Lee lation between land use and water quality. The method can help to ex-
et al., 2014). The increase of the Woodland in cluster 1 would cause ac- pose the roles of NPS and PS pollution in order to explain water quality
cumulation of refractory organic matter, while the increases of Built-up, in sub-watersheds across a watershed.
600 P. Zhou et al. / Science of the Total Environment 543 (2016) 591–600

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