1st Term Project Description

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Project for the First Term: GROUP PRESENTATION

Grade 12– English
Project Descriptions and Guidelines
1. You can work as a group (4-5 members only).
2. Select one topic/story based on the lesson taught previously in UNIT 1- The Many
Forms of Love. ( Damon and Pythias, How my Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife, The Hand
of Fatima, The Freedom Writers.)
3. Make a presentation that includes the following.
 Think of your own unique title of the presentation.
Discuss: 1. The Life of the Author
2. Plot Structure
3. Setting
4. Characters
5. Conflict
6. Theme
7. Your Personal Reflection- must answer the following questions:
 What is your own definition of LOVE?
 Relate it to your own personal experience or other people’s experience in general
(You may add videos and pictures in your presentation. Be creative.)
4. Make sure that everybody in the group will present.
5. Your topic MUST be educational and informative.
6. The presentation must take at least 4 to 8 minutes.
7. Be ready on November 19 for your presentation.
8. Project Presentation is 10%.
9. You will be graded based on your individual performance. Know your topic.
Practice. Seek help from others. Be confident.

Scoring Rubric for Oral Presentations

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