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Assoc Prof CHUANG Poon Hwei

Office: N1-01c-92
Tel: 6790-5301

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 1
CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 2
CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 3
2.1 Terms used in Probabilistic Problems
In a probabilistic (not deterministic) situation, an event that occurs is
merely one of a number of possible events that could have occurred
under the given condition.
e.g. In rolling a die, 6 values: 1, 2, ...,6, are possible

(1) Random experiment:

a process:
(a) performed under a given set of conditions
(b) with the result of each performance depending on chance
(c) the process may be repeated arbitrarily often.
done not by means
e.g. rolling a die, flipping a coin. of any underlying
principle or logic

(2) Trial: a single performance

e.g. a roll of a die

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 4
result of trail

(3) Outcome: the result of a single performance

(4) Sample space (S): the set of all possible outcomes

of an experiment.

(5) Sample point (or elementary event): each individual


Every outcome of an experiment corresponds to

exactly a sample point.

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 5

EX. 2.1 In flipping a coin, the possible outcomes are H (head) and T
S = { H, T } H, T: sample point

EX. 2.2 In rolling a die

S = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } 6 sample points

EX. 2.3 An experiment involving 5 trucks. The outcome to be

observed: no. of trucks breaking-down under some specified

6 possible outcomes: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Sample space S = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
Each possibility: a sample point

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 6
Sample Space

Discrete Continuous
distinct or countable a continuum of sample pts. or
sample pts measured values

e.g. no of trucks breaking down e.g. strength of test cube:

{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} 20.1, 20.7, 21.6, .........
no of test cubes failed may be any +ve no.
{0, 1, 2, 3,....}

Finite Infinite
Examples 2.1-2.3 e.g. a set of even integers Infinite
e.g. set of 1st 10 integers e.g. no of cars waiting for right e.g. If cube strength between15-25
{1, 2, 3, ...., 10} turns, {0,1,2,3,....,} any value in [15 25] a sample pt
Entire continuum in [15 25] = S

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 7
In rolling a die, S = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } ,

(6) Event: a subset E of the sample space S containing a

certain class of outcomes.

A: the no. obtained is even

B: the no. obtained is odd
C: the no. obtained is > 3

A occurs if we obtain 2, 4 or 6: A = {2, 4, 6}

B occurs if we obtain 1, 3, or 5: B = {1, 3, 5}
C occurs if we obtain 4, 5, or 6: C = {4, 5, 6}

The entire sample space is a special event.

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EX. 2.4
Draw 2 bolts from a set of 5 bolts (numbered from 1 to 5). The
sample space comprises 10 possible outcomes
S = {1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 2,3 2,4 2,5 3,4 3,5 4,5}

Assume 3 bolts, 1, 2, 3 are defective

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

no. of defective bolts in the draws = ?

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 9
Let A: No defective bolt
B: 1 defective bolt
C: 2 defective bolts

A occurs if draw 4,5

B occurs if draw 1,4; 1,5; 2,4; 2,5; 3,4 or 3,5
C occurs if draw 1,2; 1,3; 2,3

A = { 4,5 }
B = {1,4; 1,5; 2,4; 2,5; 3,4; 3,5}
C = {1,2; 1,3; 2,3}

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 10
2.3 Special Events and Combination of Events
Occurrence of an Event

An event: a subset of a sample space always contains ≥ 1 sample pts

(unless impossible event)

The realization of any sample pt constitutes the occurrence of the


e.g. A: occurrence of even number

A = {2, 4, 6}
occurrence of 2, 4 or 6 => occurrence of A

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 11
Special Events

(1) Certain event (S):

containing all the sample pts in a sample space (all the

i.e. the sample space S itself

e.g. { H , T } is a certain event for a flip of a coin

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 12
(2) Impossible event ( ):
containing no sample point,

i.e. an empty set in a sample space

e.g. S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
E ={x: 1 < x < 2}
= 

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 13
(3) Complementary event (denoted by E ):
The complement of an event E in a sample space S contains all
the sample points in S that are not in E

E.g. for a roll of a die,

If E  1,3,5 , E  2,4,6

(4) Subevent:
If all the sample points in B also belong to A,
then B is a subevent of A,
denoted as: B  A or A  B

E.g. if A  1,2,3,4 , B  1,3

Then B  A .

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 14
Combination of Events
Express one event A in terms of other events using the operation of

e.g. In rolling a die

E1: the no. obtained is an odd no., {1, 3, 5}

E 2 : the no. obtained is more than 2, {3, 4, 5, 6}

A: the no. obtained is an odd no. or more than 2

B: the no. obtained is an odd no. and more than 2

A  E1  E1 Union
B  E1  E1 Intersection

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 15
1) Union of Events E1 , E 2 ( E1 E2 )
A subset of S containing all the sample pts. belonging to E1 or E 2
(or both).

An event covering the occurrence of E1 or E 2 or both, i.e.

occurrence of at least one of the two events, E1 & E 2 .

e.g. ,
A  E1  E2  {1,3,4,5,6} 1 3 5

E3  {1,2,3} , E4  {2,3,4} S 2 4 6
C  E3  E4  {1,2,3,4}

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 16

E  {3,4,5,6}
2) Intersection of Events E1 , E2 ( E1  E2 or E1 E 2)

A subset of S containing sample pts. belonging to both E1 and E 2

An event which is the joint occurrence of E1 and E 2 .

e.g. B  E  E  E E  {3, 5}
1 2 1 2 1 3 5

D  E3  E4  E3E4  {2, 3} S 2 4 6

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 17
Generally, the above discussion may be extended to cover any
number of events.

E1  E2 ...... Em or  Ej
j 1
the event covering the occurrence of at least one of the m events.

E1  E2 ....... Em or  E j
j 1
the event of joint occurrence of all the m events simultaneously.

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 18
Three Basic Event Operations

Verbal Statement Event Operation

At least one of E1, E 2 E1  E2

Both E1 and E 2 E1  E2

Not E E

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 19
3 Events: E1  1,2,3, E2  3,4,5, E3  1,3,5

(A) Union A  E1  E2  E3  1,2,3,4, 5

If outcome is 1, E1& E3 Occur

2, E1 Occur
3, E1, E2 &E3 Occur
4, E2 Occur
5, E2 & E3 Occur

A covers the occurrence of at least one of E1, E2 & E3.

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(B) Intersection

B  E1  E2  E3  E1 E2 E3  3 
If outcome is 3, all E1, E2 & E3 occur simultaneously.
B represents joint occurrence of E1, E2 & E3 simultaneously

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 21
3) Mutually Exclusive (or disjoint) Events:
E1 and E2 are mutually exclusive if
E1  E2  

i.e. the occurrence of one of them rules out the

simultaneously occurrence of the other.

e.g. In rolling a die

E1  1,3,5, E2  2,4,6  E1, E3  2,4
E1  E2  E1E2    E1E1
E1  E3  

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 22
4) Collectively Exhaustive Events:
Two or more events are collectively exhaustive if
their union gives the underlying sample space

e.g. E1  E2  1, 2,3, 4,5, 6  S  E1  E1

E1  E3  1, 2,3, 4,5  S 1 3 5
E4  1,3, 4,5
2 4 6
E2  E4  1, 2,3, 4,5, 6  S

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 23
Two or more events are mutually exclusive if the occurrence of
one precludes the occurrence of all others.

e.g. in rolling a die

E1  1,2 , E2  3,4, E3  5,6.

E1 E2  φ , E2 E3  φ , E1 E3  φ ,

E1  E2  E3  φ .

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 24
An event E and its complement E are mutually exclusive and
collectively exhaustive.

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 25
4. Representation by Venn Diagram:

A sample space and the events within it can be represented

graphically with the Venn Diagram:

a sample space S is represented by a rectangle; an event E is

then represented by a closed region within this rectangle.

The part of the rectangle outside this closed region is the

corresponding complementary event E (Fig 2.1)

In other words, the event E contains all the sample points within
the closed region, whereas E contains all the sample points
outside of E.

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 26
CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 27
Example 2.5
Referring to Ex. 2.3, suppose we define the following events:
A: occurrence of at least 3 break-downs;
B: occurrence of not more than 4 break-downs;
C: occurrence of less than 3 break-downs;
D: occurrence of less than 2 break-downs.

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 28
A  B  Occurrence of at least 3 but not more than 4 break-downs
A B  S C  A AC  S

A & B are collectively exhaustive

A & C are collectively exhaustive
D  C  B , D  C  D , D  C  C ,C  A   , D  A  

A & C are mutually exclusive

A & D are mutually exclusive

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 29
Example 2.6
Consider example 2.4

A B C  S A B C  

A, B and C are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive


CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 30
General relationships

Complementary sets
A  A  S, A  A   ,

S  , A  A.

Commutative rule
A  B  B  A , AB  BA.

Associative rule
 AB C  A BC  ,  A  B  C  A  B  C .
Distributive rule always let the one outside pair up first

 A  B C  AC  BC,  AB   C   A  C B  C .

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 31
CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 32
De Morgan’s rule: (Proof: see Ang & Tang, P35)
Relates sets (or events) and their complements.

For two events, A & B

AB  AB

Apply to A & B

AB  AB  AB

Take complement of both sides

AB  AB → AB  AB

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 33
Stated in general

E1  E2  ......  En  E1  E2  ......  En

E 1  E 2  ......  E n  E 1  E 2  ......  E n
Duality relation:
The complement of unions (intersections) is equal to the intersections
(unions) of the respective complements.

A  BC  A  BC  A B  C  AB  AC 
 A  B  C   A  B   C   AB   C

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 34
Water supple to a city C comes from 2 sources, A & B, by
pipeline, 1, 2, 3.

E1: Failure in pipe 1

E2: Failure in pipe 2
E3: Failure in pipe 3

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 35
Assume either source alone is sufficient to supply water
for C.

Shortage of water in C will be caused by

(E1  E2 )  E3

No shortage means
(E1 E2 )  E3

(by de Morgan’s rule)

 (E1 E2 )  E3  (E1 E2 )  E3


E3 : no failure in pipe 3
(E1  E2 ): at least one of the pipes working

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 36
De Morgan’s rule

S  1,2,3,4,5,6 , A  1,2,3 , B  2,4,6 .

A  B  1,2,3,4,6

A  B  5

A  4,5,6 B  1,3,5

A  B  5

A  B  A  B  5

CV2001/MT2301 Chapter 2 37
Consider events E1& E2
Union E1  E2
Intersection E1  E2 or E1E2
Mutually Exclusive Events E1  E2  
Collectively Exhaustive Events E1  E2  S

Venn Diagram

De Morgan’s rule

E1  E2  E1  E2  E1 E2
E1  E2  E1E2  E1  E2

Are all sample points (elementary events) in a sample space

mutually exclusive?
Are they collectively exhaustive?

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