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INTRODUCTION GOOD EEEEVENING! Step into the shadows of the deaciliest dwelling on earth. You've armed at Castlevania, and you're here on business: To destroy forever the Curse of the Ew! Count Unfortunately everybody's horne this evening. Bats, ghosts, every kind of creature you can imagine. You'll find ‘em all over the piace. If They dovvt find you first Because you've got to get through six monstrous floors befare you even meet up with the Master of the House, Your Magic Whip will help, 2nd you'll probably find a vweapan or two alang the wey, But once you make it to the lower, you can count ona Duet to the Death, The Count has waited 100 years fara rematch, He's ready. Are you? HOW TO PLAY Castlevania can be played by one ot twa players. (F there are nwo layers, play attemates fram one to the other A single player can use either Contred [1] or Cantral (2). When two Alayers are competing, bath Comtrets must be usec. The object is to move through the passages and stairways of the Castle to reach the toyeer, dodging or destroying every creature in your path Use the control, as directed, to activate your Magic Whip and the other weapons youl! find along the way And watch fer secret doors! Before you begin, you must use the SELECT button to choose 1- or 2-player modes. Then hit the START burton. and your nightmare begins. CONTROL FUNCTIONS CONTROL PAD (MOTION) B BUTTON [ATTACK] controls fonward and harkraarch menirrent, conerols whip and af wraports SELECT BUTTON START BUTTON ABUTTON for choosing niamber c# players ire are, pI controls jumping ction during game SAMPLE MOVES TOJUMP DIAGONALLY: use 14" Button and left/right Coritral Pad keys. TO ACTIVATE WHIP: use “B* Button and left, right or down Control Pad keys. TO ACTIVATE WEAPONS: use "B™ Button and up Control Pad key. TO CRACK WHIP OR FIRE WEAPONS: use “8” Button. THE SCREEN Time When the timer shows Score rT af 4 ‘ a "OF you lose one ate Power Level indicator Su begin each game Shows the lates weapon wath 3 “Wvex" and the you've picked up and unedicatar cracks the Boro power remuinicng bt A Sach As che creatures peur strength the 7 Enemy Power ree ie oe " Level indicator Wibesh reaches “Ute pe f == Inckrator tracks damage ‘estore Bie zs youve done to Head! Creature hn ary glen level crops Oru "the Creanare Bout of the game THE CREATURES Destroy the creature for the paint total shown. BONUS POINTS awarded for knocking out 2 or more creatures with one throw of a weapon. FISH MAN QUEEN MEDUSA 3,000 points 300 points 200 points

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