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SECTION 12 (SD) BURIED STRUCTURES AND TUNNEL LINERS 12.1 SCOPE ca This section provides requirements for the selection For buried structures, refer to Amticle 2.6.6 for of structural properties and dimensions of buried hydraulic design considerations and FHWA (/985) for structures, e.g., culverts, and steel plate used to support design methods related to location, length, and waterway tunnel excavations in soil. openings. Buried structure systems considered herein are ‘metal pipe, structural plate pipe, fong-span structural plate, structural plate box, reinforced concrete pipe, reinforced concrete cast-in-place and precast arch, box and elliptical structures, and thermoplastic pipe. The type of liner plate considered is cold-formed steel panels. 12.2 DEFINITIONS Abrasion—Loss of section or coating of a culvert by the mechanical action of water conveying suspended bed load of sand, gravel, and cobble-size particles at high velocities with appreciable turbulence. Buried Structure—A generic term fora structure built by embankment or tench methods, Corrosion—Loss of section or coating of a buried structure by chemical and/or electrochemical processes Culvert—A curved or rectangular buried conduit for conveyance of water, vehicles utilities, or pedestrians. FEM—Finite Element Method Narrow Trench Width—The ouside span of rigid pipe, plus 300 mm, Projection Ratio—Ratio of the vertical distance between the outside top of the pipe and the ground or bedding surface to the outside vertical height ofthe pipe, applicable to reinforced concrete pipe only. Soil Envelope—Zone of controlled soil backfill around culvert structure required to ensure anticipated performance based on soil-structure interaction considerations. Soil-Structure Interaction System—A buried structure whose sirictural behavior is influenced by interaction with the soil envelope. Tunnel—A horizontal or near horizontal opening in soil excavated to a predesigned geometry by tunneling methods exclusive of cut-and-cover methods, 12.3 NOTATION A = wall area (mm"/mm) ( Ag effective wall area (mm*/mm) ( Ay gross wall area within a length of one period (mm?) ( AL axle load, taken as 50 percent of all axle loads chat can be placed on the structure at one time (N); sum of all axle loads in an axle group (N}; total axle load on single axle or tandem axles (N) (128.42) 2.9.42) ( 4, = tension reinforcement area (mm/mm) (C12. (C12.11.3) (C12.114) ‘minimum flexural reinforcement area without stirrups (mm'/mm) (¢) area of the top portion of the structure above the springline (mm) ( stirrup reinforcement area to resist radial tension forces on cross-section of unit width in each line of stisrups at circumferential spacing, s, (mum*/mm) ( = required area of stirrups for shear reinforcement (mm*mm) ( Ra AASHTO LRFD Bamncr Desicy Sreciicarions(S1) width of culvert (mm) (C12.62.2.4) nonuniform stress distribation factor ( Outlet er dhe he suse) (12663) e ‘ut-to-out vertical rise of pipe (mm) ( horizontal width of trench at top of pipe (mm) ( earth load bedding factor ( live load bedding factor ( crack control coefficient for effect of cover and spacing of reinforcement (C12. element effective width (mm) ( (¢) constant corresponding to the shape of the pipe ( load coefficient for positive pipe projection ( Joad coefficient for trench installation ( oad coefficient for tunnel installation ( adjustment factor for shallow cover heights over metal box culverts (12.944) live load distribution coefficient (12,12.3.4) live load adjusted for axle loads, tandem axles, and axles with other than four wheels: C; C; Ax (N) (12.942) parameter that is a function of the vertical load and vertical reaction ( construction stiffness for tunnel liner plate (N/mm) ( 1.0 for single axles and 0.5 + S/15 000 < 1.0 for tandem axles; adjustment coefficient for number of axles; crack control coefficient for various types of reinforcement ( (C12. adjustment factor for number of whecls on a design axle as specified in Table; adjustment coefficient for number of wheels per axle (12.942) (12.9.43) distance from inside face to neutral axis of thermoplastic pipe (mm); distance from inside surface to neutral axis (mm); distance from neutral axis to extreme fiber (mm) (12.12.36) ( ( straight leg length of haunch (mm); pipe diameter (mm); required D-load capacity of reinforced concrete pipe (Nimm); diameter to centroid of pipe wall (rar) ( (12: sesistance of pipe from three-edge bearing test load to produce a 0.25-mm crack (N/mm) ( e@ ‘effective diameter of thermoplastic pipe (mm) ( shape factor ( inside diameter of pipe (mm) (12.10.4:3.1) ‘outside diameter of pipe (mm) ( required envelope width adjacent t0 the structure (mm); distance from compression face to centroid of tension reinforcement (mm) (12.8.5. ( (C12.11.3) ‘width of warped embankment fil to provide adequate support for skewed installation (mm) (C12.6.8.2) distance from the structure (mm) ( modulus of elasticity of the plastic (MPa) ( modulus of elasticity of metal (MPa) ( lateral unbalanced distributed load on culvert below sloping ground and skewed at end wall (N) (€ 50-year modulus of elasticity (MPa) (¢) ‘concentrated load acting atthe crown of a culvert (N) (C12. ‘curvature correction factor ( factor for adjusting crack control relative to average maximum erack width of 0.25 mm corresponding 10 Fe, 1.0( factor for crack depth effect resulting in increase in diagonal tension, shear, and strength with decreasing 4( soil-structure interaction factor for embankment installations ( Aexibilty factor (mm/N) ( ( coefficient for effect of thrust on shear strength ( factor for process and local materials affecting radial tension strength of pipe ( Factor foe pipe size effect on radial tension strength ( soil-structure intersction factor fr trench installations ( specified minimum tensile strength (MPa) ( e factor for process and local materials that affect the shear strength of the pipe ( yield strength of metal (MPa) ( ‘compressive strength of concrete (MPa) (12.42.2) SECTION 12 (SI): BURIED SrRUCTURES AND TUNNEL LiNERS 23 fo he hi critical buckling stress (MPa) ( ‘maximum stress in reinforcing steel at service limit state (MPa) (C12.11.3) specified minimum yield point for reinforcing steel (MPa) ( acceleration due to gravity (mi/sec.’) (12.8,4.2) ( rise of culvert (mm); height of cover from the box culvert rise to top of pavement (mm); height of cover over crown (mm); height of fill above top of pipe or box (mm) (C12.62.2.5) ( (129.44) (12.10.21) horizontal arching factor ( design height of cover above top of culvert or above crown of arches or pipes (mm) (C12. headwall strip reaction (N) (C12.6.2.2) depth of water table above springline of pipe (mm) (12.12.34) depth of crowa of culvert below ground surfaces (mm); height of cover above the footing to taffic surface (mm) (C12. (1284.2) actual height of cover above top of culvert or above crown of arches or pipes (mm); height of cover from the structure springline to traffic surface (mm) (C12. vertical distance from the top of cover for design height to point of horizontal load application (mm); wall thickness of pipe or box culvert (mm); height of grount surface above top of pipe (mm) (12.62.25) (12, (C12.11.3) height of water surface above top of pipe (mn ( moment of inertia (mm'/mm) ( inside diameter (mm) ( coeificient for effect of axial force at service limit state, f( (C12.11.3) coefficient for moment arm at service limit state, f,( (C12.11.3) ratio of the unit lateral effective soil pressure to unit vertical effective soil pressure, ie, Rankine coefficient of active earth pressure ( lateral earth pressure for culvert under sloping ground (MPa/mm) (C12. lateral earth pressure distribution acting on upslope surface of culvert (MPa/mm) (C12. lateral earth pressure distribution acting on downslope surface of culvert (MPa/mm) (C12. soil stiffness factor; edge support coefficient ( (12.133.3) ( distance along length of culvert from expansion joint to the centerline of the headwall (mm); length of stiffening rib on leg (mm) (C12. ( lane width (mt); horizontal live load distribution width in the circumferential direction, atthe elevation of the crown (mim) (12.84.2) (12.123.4) dead load moment (N-mm/mm); sum of the nominal erown and haunch dead load moments (N-aman/mm) (12.942) factored dead load moment as specified in Article (N-mm) (12.943) live load moment (N-mm/mm); sum of the nominal erown and Aaunch live load moments (N-mav/mm) ( factored live load moment as specified in AMicie (N-mm) ( factored moment acting on cross-section of unit width as modified for effects of compressive or tensile theust (N-mm/mm) ( crown plastic moment capacity (N-mn/mm) ( hhauach plastic moment capacity (N-mnvmm) ( bending moment at service limit state (N-mm/tam); moment acting on a cross-section of unit width at service limit state taken as an absolute value in design equations (N-mm/mm); constrained soil modulus specified in Table 12.12.34-1 (MPa); soil modulus (MPa) (12.104.24d) (C12.11.3) (12.1234) (12:123.5.2) ultimate moment acting on cross-section of unit width (N-mm/mm) ( axial thrust acting on a cross-section of unit width at service limit state taken as positive when compressive and negative when tensile (N/mm) (12, (C12.11.3) axial thrust acting on cross-section of unit width at strength limit state (N/mm) (12, ‘number of adjoining traffic lanes ( -roportion of total moment carried by crown of metal box culvert ( factored vertical crown pressure (MPa) (12.123.4) factored design crown pressure (MPa); pressure due to live load (LL) and dynamic toad allowance (IM) (MPa) ( (12.1234) geostatic earth pressure (EV), does not include hydrostatic pressure (MPa) ( hydrostatic water pressure (MPa) (12.12.34) horizontal pressure from the structure at a distance, d; (MPa) (

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