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Goal Setting to RICHES

Shift to Riches™ Series

by Bernadette Boas
Chief Ball of Fire
Ball of Fire Consulting

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From the Desk of Bernadette Boas,

Congratulations on getting started on the road to an Enriched Life.

This Goal Setting to RICHES Program, is the first in a multi-part Shift to Riches™ Series. These
programs are designed for you and by you.

The objective of the Shift to Riches program, as well as our Webinars, Radio Show and others, is to
provide you the tools, tips, techniques, best practices and lessons learned that will compel you to
excel in taking your business and your life to the next level by driving change and delivering
significant results.

Each of these programs will give you specific actions and take-aways that you can use in your
business and life TODAY!

That is a very important requirement of this program. We are not successful unless you are. We want
the time you spend with us to be valuable and full of new ideas, concepts and strategies you can
implement right away, so you can begin to reap the benefits and results you desire.

It is our goal to arm you with a tool box full of tips, techniques and tools for your business, your team
and your life. All you need to do is participate and leverage the knowledge and information shared.

Make a commitment today to yourself, your team, your business and your life. For more information
on our company we invite you to visit our website at: (soon to be or .

It is my personal guarantee is to help you SUCCEED!

Please let me know if you have feedback, ideas or concerns. I want to hear from you.

Bernadette Boas, President
Ball of Fire, Inc.

Bernadette is the founder and CEO of two aspiring Atlanta, Georgia based companies, The Boas Group, a ‘ball
of fire’ business management consulting practice, and Ball of Fire, Inc., a media, communications and
publishing firm, and home of the megabrand Shedding the Bitch™, focused on the health, wealth and
prosperity of individuals and organizations.

To learn more about Bernadette, Shedding the Bitch™ events, training products, and services, as well to
obtain additional tools, tips and advice, visit the website at or for additional
information, please contact:

Want a ball of fire to speak at your next event/ business meeting? Contact Media Relations at 404-997-8074

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Goal Setting to Prosperity - Facts

Top 10 challenges for a business owner Success Through Goal Setting

• Focus by Brian Tracy
• Lack of direction
• Clarity of goals
• Procrastination
The ability to set goals and
• Organization
• Lack of motivation make plans for their
• Minimal support system accomplishment is the “master
• Fear of rejection skill” of success. It is the
• Fear of success single most important skill
• Fear of failure that you can learn and
perfect. Goal-setting will do
more to help you achieve the
things you want in life than
Top 3 solutions to those challenges
will anything else you’ve been
• Goal Setting – year/month/week/day
exposed to. Goals enable you
• Time Management skills
to do the work you want to do,
• Mentors / Mastermind Groups
to live where you want to live,
to be with the people you enjoy,
and to become the kind of
Facts: person you want to become.
 Only 20% of what you do produces 80% of the And there is no limit to the
results. financial rewards you can
obtain. All you have to do is to
 3 major To Do’s done completely contributes to 90% set a goal for financial
of your business. success, make a plan, and then
 Only 3% of individuals define and act on their goals. work the plan until you
succeed in that area. The
Results: payoff for setting goals and

 Those 3% earn ten time more than all 97%

 Increase your productivity by 25% each day by writing Daily Goals and To Do’s and acting on them
 Savings – 2 hours per day of unproductive time

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Goal Setting to Prosperity – Benchmark

Benchmarking where you are today and where you want to be is key to achieving
your goals and objectives. Once you know where you are today.... you can fill gaps,
continue working on what’s working, and adjust were needed.

1. On the scale of 1 -10 (10 being the highest) plot where you are Today in each of the areas
by Circling it.....connect the circles between each, creating YOUR configuration of a
Diamond (which is the goal if all is in balance.

2. Then plot where you want to be in 6 months and 12 months by putting a Box and a
Diamond around them

3. Now set goals, take action and track your progress against that benchmark.

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Goal Setting to Prosperity – The Process
1. Brainstorm your life’s dreams and goals
WRITE DOWN what you want to accomplish in all areas of your life:
ask yourself
 Business and Career
 Family and Relationships
 Financial Security If I had 6 months to live, what would I want
 Health / Fitness / Mind/Spirituality to do?

2. In present tense, define each goal based on the SMART process:


 Time bound

A 3. What is your BIG WHY for doing what you are doing and how hard you are
working toward it?

4. Rank in order of importance and priority each Goal (# 1, 2, 3…)

R 5. For each goal starting with your # 1:

 Identify ALL of the activities and tasks you must do in order to accomplish
the goal.

6. Organize and rank your Goal Activity list by A’s, B’s, C’s, D’s, E’s

T 7. Set a Due Date for each activity and task that needs to be completed

8. Take Action on ONLY you’re A’s to completion. Then work B and C’s.

9. Throughout the week, Review, Assess, Adjust……

 TIPS – Stay focused and complete 1 thing every day on your TOP GOAL.
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Goal Setting to Prosperity – Template
Name: _________________________ Date: _________________

1. Take 60 seconds and brainstorm on your top life Goals: do not

over think it....... what do want for Business, Career, Finances,
Relationships, Health/Fitness, Spirituality and more..

FACT: If you can define them in less than a minute they are for all purposes,
your top priority goals...... your REAL goals!!!

2. Now, rank the goals in order of ONLY your Top 3 Priorities:

remember keep it to 3 so you will stay focused and on track!!!

1. _________________________ Due Date _____________

2. __________________________Due Date_____________
3. __________________________Due Date_____________

3. Define a Due Date for accomplishing each of the goals (list

above). Commit and be accountable – they are YOUR dreams!

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4. For your # 1 Priority Goal, list all of the activities and tasks that
you must do to accomplish the goal:

 _________________________________ Rank _________

 _________________________________ Rank _________
 _________________________________ Rank _________
 _________________________________ Rank _________
 _________________________________ Rank _________
 _________________________________ Rank _________
 _________________________________ Rank _________
 _________________________________ Rank _________

5. Rank the activities or tasks A, B, C (above)

6. List and Rank (A, B, C) all of the activities or tasks for the
Priority Goals 2 and 3:

Priority Goal 2 Activities and Tasks:

 ________________________________ Rank ______________
 _______________________________ Rank ______________
 _______________________________ Rank ______________
 _______________________________ Rank ______________
 _______________________________ Rank ______________

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Priority Goal 3 Activities and Tasks:
 _______________________________ Rank_____________
 _______________________________ Rank_____________
 _______________________________ Rank_____________
 _______________________________ Rank_____________
 _______________________________ Rank_____________

Add if needed....
Remember, even for your DAILY tasks; pick only the TOP 3 things to work on at any given
time. You can always add...... but you want to be able to COMPLETE a task (and scratch it off
your list – yeahhhhhhh

Focus and concentrate
with a single minded
purpose to complete one
major task before moving
on to another, and save 2
hours each day!

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What are you GOING to do TODAY!!!!!!
 Commit to layout my Yearly Goals TODAY! (Think bucket list☺)
o Business
o Career
o Finances
o Relationships
o Spirituality

Note: Yearly goals get broken down to a Month, then Week, and a Day!!!

 Take 5 Minutes each morning to set my goals and targets (your personal and
professional dreams).

 Execute them until completed

o Remove all distractions
o Commit to staying focused and on track
o Find a coach or mentor if needed

 Schedule 15 minutes Saturday’s or Sunday to plan out the next week.

Commit to this plan for 21 days.... and watch your successes GROW!
Count your successes and CELEBRATE!
TELL US about YOUR SUCCESSES at email address:

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