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Mrs Fisher Media video –Lisbet Van Zoonen’s Feminist theory

Watch the video and answer the following questions

1) True or False: ‘Discourse’ in Van Zoonen’s theory means False. Discourse covers all aspects of
speech. media – TV, film, video games, radio,
2) True or false: ‘We learn from the media products we True
consume’ means the same as:
‘we are conditioned by the media we consume’
3) Ideas about gender depend on the values and standards context
and expectations of the time. This is called the Historical
4) Ideas about gender also depend on culture and geography. cultural context
So it is important to know something about the c……. c………
5) To illustrate these views about gender, the video shows a ‘Tide’ washing powder
1950s advert for which product?
6) Which 1960s magazine is also used to illustrate changing Woman’s Realm
ideas about female roles?
7) NOT IN VIDEO: Media products shape women’s ideas about Hypodermic Needle (Magic Bullet)
their role in society. This idea about conditioning and Theory
media manipulation links back to which general theory?
8) Van Zoonen also believes that women are objectified in Body
modern media. The emphasis is often on the woman’s …
9) Women are often represented as ‘the damsel in distress’. Helpless, powerless (dependent on
This shows them to be ………….. a male to rescue them).
10) Which of the following words does NOT fit in with Liberation
Depersonalization Commodification Liberation
Decoration Sexualisation
11) ………… culture means that society is dominated by Patriarchal
men and that men are generally in charge of the media
industry and construct sexist representations of women.
12) Representations of men and women are very different spectacle
although both may involve forms of objectification. Men’s
bodies are often shown as ………. This associates the male
body with strength, bravery, status and power.
13) NOT IN VIDEO Male objectification is arguably Less
[less/more] harmful than female objectification as there is
an unequal power balance between men and women.
14) NOT IN VIDEO Male gaze
Mulvey’s …….. theory is rather one-sided because it ignores
male objectification. John …… is also interested only in the Berger
female as an object to be owned and traded.
15) NOT IN VIDEO Butler
Van Zoonen was closely influenced by Judith ……….’s ideas
about gender as a sort of ‘performance’. Society expects
men and women to behave in certain ways and we then act
out gender roles according to these expectations.

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