Heirs of Bernabe v. CA

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Heirs of Bernabe v. CA & Titan Construction Corp.

agreement was subsequently entered into by Titan and the remaining

Voluntary Dealings with Registered Lands - General Provisions| defendants, whereby the latter agreed to the sale of their one-half (½)
July 21, 2008| Tinga, J. share in the properties to Titan and waived whatever cause of action
for damages they might have against each other. By virtue of the
Nature of Case: compromise agreement, similar Deeds of Conditional Sale were
Digest Maker: Lyn Ilagan separately entered
 Petitioners denied on their Answer that a consummated sale was
SUMMARY: Through a Deed of Sale, private respondent Titan bought made between Titan and the original defendants since only an
land from petitioners on the condition that the rest of the contract price will unconcluded negotiation is reflected in the Deed of Sale; the fact that
be paid after petitioners fulfill certain obligations. Petitioners failed to the negotiations did not push through is shown by the absence of the
accomplish their end of the bargain. A compromise agreement was later signatures of some petitioners.
entered by both parties, giving rise to new Deeds of Conditional Sale. The o Petitioners also questioned the genuineness of the Deed of
Court ruled that the subsequent Deeds of Conditional Sale novated the Conditional Sale, pointing out that it had been signed only
previous Deed of Sale. later by Titan’s representative. They argued that, hence, the
Deed of Conditional Sale is null and void and if found
DOCTRINE: The vendee may compel the vendors to execute a registerable otherwise, should be cancelled and rescinded for failure of
deed of sale based on payment of substantial portion as down payment. Titan to comply with its undertaking.
When the parties entered into a compromise, they executed new contracts  The RTC ordered the petitioners to execute a registrable Deed of
involving the shares of the heirs in the properties. These new contracts are Absolute Sale over the one-third (1/3) share of Bernabe in the
the three deeds of conditional sale. These contracts, all entitled Deed of property pursuant to the Deed of Conditional Sale, upon Titan’s
Conditional Sale, are contracts to sell payment to them of the amount of P3,431,058.42 representing the
balance of the purchase price.
 Petitioners appealed the RTC decision to the Court of Appeals, which
FACTS: affirmed the findings of the lower court.
 Titan Construction Corporation (Titan) filed a complaint for specific
performance against petitioners. ISSUE/S & RATIO:
 Petitioners are co-owners of 1/2 of two parcels of land in Paranaque,
Metro Manila. ISSUE # 1: Under a deed of conditional sale of a parcel of land, may the
 Titan and the petitioners entered into a Deed of Sale wherein the vendee compel the vendors to execute a registerable deed of sale based on the
petitioners sold their share of the properties to Titan for P17Mn. allegation that it had paid a substantial portion of the P1 million down
o Titan paid an upfront deposit of P1Mn, with the condition payment of the total consideration of P17MN, where it was expressly
that the balance will be paid within 60 days after (1) the stipulated that the vendors would execute the necessary deed of absolute sale
petitioners’ acquisition of a right of way from the local in favor of the vendee only upon full payment? – YES
government, and (2) the petitioners’ agreement with another  The vendee may compel the vendors to execute a registerable deed of
developer that their share is the northern half of the property. sale based on payment of substantial portion as down payment.
 Petitioners were not able to comply with their obligations. Titan When the parties entered into a compromise, they executed new
prayed that they be ordered to do so because it already has paid a contracts involving the shares of the heirs in the properties. These
substantial portion of the contract price. new contracts are the three deeds of conditional sale. These contracts,
 Titan then received a letter from petitioners’ counsel, cancelling and all entitled Deed of Conditional Sale, are contracts to sell.
revoking the deed of sale allegedly in view of Titan’s failure to  Titan has a cause of action since it has already partially performed the
comply with the terms of the deed. Insisting that it was the contract by making down payment and other payments on the
petitioners who had incurred in default, Titan also sought the award purchase price, as well as effecting and spending for the segregation
of damages. and titling of the shares of petitioners and their co-owners in the
 While the case was pending, one of the original petitioners died properties.
without leaving any heir except his co-defendants. A compromise
 The document that spells out the nature of the transaction of the NOTE
parties is the Deed of Conditional Sale. Stemming from the  In a contract of sale, the title to the property passes to the vendee upon
compromise agreement entered into by Titan and petitioners, the the delivery of the thing sold; in a contract to sell, ownership is, by
Deed of Conditional Sale has superseded the Deed of Sale of Real agreement, reserved in the vendor and is not to pass to the vendee
Estate which is the original contract. The whole essence of a until full payment of the purchase price. Otherwise stated, in a
compromise is that by making reciprocal concessions, the parties contract of sale, the vendor loses ownership over the property and
avoid litigation or put an end to one already commenced. A cannot recover it until and unless the contract is resolved or
compromise agreement can be entered into without novating or rescinded; whereas in a contract to sell, title is retained by the vendor
supplanting existing contracts, but in this case, the irreconcilable until full payment of the price. In the latter contract, payment of the
incompatibility between the Deed of Sale of Real Estate and the Deed price is a positive suspensive condition, failure of which is not a
of Conditional Sale inevitably resulted in extinctive novation. breach but an event that prevents the obligation of the vendor to
convey title from becoming effective.
ISSUE # 2: May the vendors in a deed of conditional sale ask for rescission of
contract for failure of the vendee to pay in full the agreed consideration? - NO
 The vendors cannot seek for rescission on the contract for failure of
the vendee to pay in full the agreed consideration. The demand for
rescission based on the contention that Titan failed to pay the
remainder of the purchase price is based on Article 1191 of the New
Civil Code. This article refers to rescission applicable to reciprocal
obligations. Under the Deed of Conditional Sale, the balance of the
purchase price should be paid within sixty (60) days from the
fulfillment of several conditions. At the time of the filing of the
supplemental complaint, only three of the four conditions had been
carried out. Thus, at that point, the balance of the purchase price had
not yet become due and so, too, petitioners’ obligation to execute a
registerable deed of absolute sale had not yet arisen.
 Petitioners cannot ask for rescission of the Deed of Conditional Sale
since it has been proven that far from violating the conditions of the
deed, Titan was ready and willing to perform its contractual
obligations. That the balance had not yet become due and
demandable is a result of the appeal from the RTC and CA decisions,
and is not due to Titan’s alleged refusal to comply with the contract.
Accordingly, the Deed of Conditional Sale remains valid, but
petitioners cannot be compelled by specific performance to execute
the deed of absolute sale in favor of Titan until and unless Titan settles
the balance of the purchase price as agreed upon.

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the petition is DENIED. Respondent

Titan Construction Corporation is ORDERED to PAY petitioners Heirs of
Antonio F. Bernabe the amount of ₱3,431,058.42 within sixty (60) days from
the finality of this decision. Petitioners are ORDERED to ACCEPT the
payment and thereupon EXECUTE the proper deed of absolute sale. Both
parties are ORDERED to COMPLY with the other stipulations in the Deed of
Conditional Sale. No pronouncement as to costs.

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