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Strongsville Middle School PTA Meeting

September 10, 2018 1:00 pm

Strongsville Middle School Media Center

I. Call to Order: 1:35pm

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Welcome & Introductions

IV. Recording Secretary's Report - Allison Applebee

a. Approval of Minutes from May 21st 2018-Mary Bender made motion to approve minutes
from September 2017 meeting and August 2018 meetings. Roseann Redd 2nd, motion passed
b. Reporting Volunteer Hours – make sure to record your volunteer hours on the sign in sheet or
email them to

V. Treasurer's Report - Sarah Bass

a. Audit Report - Mary Bender and Kelly Clark-Audit committee (Kelly Clark, Mary Bender,
Nikki Freeman); we had 4 un-cleared checks and 3 checks missing signatures from SMS gives
back; we need a better system for those activities, next time we will have a point person; Audit
b. Review & Approve 2018-2019 Budget-budget proposed for upcoming school year; PTA gave
$1,000 to Mr. Deitrick to bring in speakers; need to add a line for speakers in the budget; Vicki
Maloney made a motion to approve the budget including the $1,000 for speakers; Dina Whalen
2nd; motion passed
c. Balances of 9/9/18-Checking $10,034.59; Savings $2,580.76

VI. Corresponding Secretary's Report - Kelly Clark – Thank you notes from staff for breakfast

VII. 1st Vice President Report - Sharon David – not here

VIII. Council Delegate's Report - Vicki Maloney –

a. Mr. Ryba gave highlights of 2018-2019; they should be available online soon; he talked about
goals for the year; the levy was discussed; Council budget was approved; grant letters will go out
soon, the grants are due in October.
b. George Grozan reported that all elementary schools were repaved this summer; Southpark
Mall is looking to engage more with our schools; we have Resource Officers at SMS and SHS.
We also have officers spending the days at the Elementary schools as well.
c. If there is an event you would like advertised to the schools, give it to Vicki Maloney; Kelly Preseren; or Rosann Redd
d. Vestibule construction will begin at the end of September and should be completed at the end
of January
e. Ohio PTA offering Family Engagement grants of $400 for events or program that engages
families; for more information
f. We are applying for SME to have a STEM designation
g. Talk about GPS on buses; looking into a financial plan

IX. President's Report - Nikky Freeman

a. Levy-a resolution was presented to support the operating levy. Stacie Hershkovitz made a
motion to accept the resolution, Dina Whalen 2nd, motion passed
b. Thank you to the Board Members
c. Thank you to Mary Bender and Kelly Clark for conducting the audit
d. Thank you to the volunteers from the last day of school, Orientation and Open House
e. Open Committees –
Academic Rewards & Events/PBIS
Red Ribbon Week
School Board Representative
f. Most of our communication will be through the M&M; A few things will be on our Facebook
g. Mr. Ryba will be at our next meeting to discuss the levy

X. Principal's Report - Mr. Deitrick – Mr. Vukovich said the beginning of the year is going well;
we have over 1,350 students and have had very few discipline problems. They’ve already had 26
students go above and beyond in the first couple of weeks

XI. Teacher's Representative - Mrs. Ray/Mrs. Battle –

a. Mrs. Peck wanted to bring to our attention the Ohio Flags of Honor Memorial. They have a
program coming up on October 5-7, 2018. More information can be found
b. Mrs. Ray-September 24-28 will be Start with Hello week District wide; try making it a
community event to put an end to social isolation; questions contact Mrs. Ray or Mrs. Battle

XII. Standing Committee Reports:

a. Academic Rewards & Events/PBIS - OPEN
b. Book Fair - Jennifer Bubb – Book Fair will be October 2nd – 5th; Open on conference nights
c. Bylaws & Legislation-
d. DARE-Sara Bass
e. Fundraising -
Yard Signs - Vicki Maloney – 18”x24” yard sign for $20 each; any activity can be added;
information in the M&M
Dina Whalen and Mary Smith will being doing Spiritwear again this year
f. Grants
General - Vicki Maloney
Student Groups - Sarah Bass – keeping this open and maybe spreading it throughout the year; a
lot of groups don’t form until later
g. Membership - Jennifer Niederhausen – a lot of sign ups during 7th and 8th grade Open House
h. Redemptions -
i. Reflections - OPEN
j. Rockin at the Rec - Nikky Freeman
k. Staff Appreciation - Mary Bender and Kelly Clark – will be doing something for conference
l.Website/Social Media - Robin Micko

XIII.DARE-Marie McManus – Officer Don will be with 5th, 6th, and 8th grade this year with
shortened versions of DARE; Dare Event Calendar is available online

XIIII. Unfinished Business

XV. New Business

XVI. Announcements

XVII. Adjournment 2:54pm

Dates to remember:
Sept 18th Picture Day
Oct 3rd & 4th Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00
October 4th Council meeting
October 11th DARE Halloween party for 7th and 8th graders at Michaud's
October 12th no school
October 12th DARE Halloween party for 5th and 6th graders at Michaud's
October 15th SMS PTA meeting 7:00 PM Cameron Ryba guest speaker/ venue TBA
November 9th Rockin at the rec
November 20th DARE ice-skating party OBM arena

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