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The product of S.K.I.F Company would like to produce the Portable Mini Washing Machine.

machine is unique, compact design and portable. The function of this portable miniwashing machine are
washing and drying cloth as same as normal washing machine. Its loadcapacity is about 3.5kg-4.0kg
and its dimension is 52cm x 37cm x 35cm. It is surprisingly effectivedespite their small size. Though it
average a little less than half the load capacity of regular-sizedwashing machines, this portable washing
machine will washing clothes just as clean as a normalwashing machine. Furthermore, the weight of this
mini washing machine is 8 kg. Thus, thecompact nature of portable washers makes them much more
manageable to lug around than

commercial-sized machines. Plus, this portable mini washer can fit almost anywhere.Then, the product
can save time, water, money and energy used. The smaller load sizes equals lesswater and detergent
used which its meaning can save money. If we live in the apartment or smallhouse that not have enough
space for home appliances such as washing machine, we need to go tolaundromat (self-service laundry
shop) to wash our clothes that maybe can waste our time andenergy for others important thing to do.
So, this portable washing machine can solve our problemin addition to save our time and energy. It also
can be washing simultaneously and operates in lownoise (less than 60dB) and smooth. Then, the power
usage is 220V/300W/50Hz that is very lowin saving electric energy. This product is made of plastic body
with the best quality that has highresistance to rusting. It is also available in three colors which are blue,
red and purple. It may notcome in flashy colors, but the product featured design properties is unique
such as has adjustablelegs for stability on uneven surfaces and installable plates for quieter operation.
This portable miniwashing machine is rated ease of use on features like dispensers for detergent,
softener and bleach,has two timers (one for washing and another one for drying), automatic water
levels and safety precautions such as one that prevents the washing machine from operate while the lid
is open

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