62 Well Known Management Principles That You Love To Know - Youssef Sabri

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62 Well-Known

That you love to know
Collected by : Youssef Sabri
My Name is


Assistant Training Manager

Fairmont Nile City, Cairo, Egypt

Youssef.Sabri@live.com (+2) 012 0828 9236 linkedin.com/in/youssefsabri

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #1 “One Minute Rule”

Used for: Time management, Taking Action

Explanation: For any task during the day that will take one minute or less, go ahead
and do it immediately without procrastination.

Examples: answer a phone call, write an email, wash your dish, arrange your desk,
pick a trash and throw it in the basket, escort the guest…etc

As long as any of these tasks will take one minute or less, there is no need to postpone

I wonder what can you do right now that takes one minute to boost your

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #2 “MoSCoW Method”

Used for: Time management, Logical Thinking, Prioritizing

Developed by: Dai Clegg-Oracle UK Consulting

Explanation: For the daily projects and tasks determine what:

 Must be done (requirements labeled as MUST are critical to project success)

 Should be done (requirements are important to project success, but are not
necessary for delivery in the current delivery time)
 Could be done (requirements are less critical and often seen as nice to have)
 Won’t be done (These requirements are either the least critical, lowest-payback
items, or not appropriate at that time)

*Os have been put for better pronunciation to make it like the Capital of Russia.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #3 “5 WHYs Technique”

Developed by: Sakichi Toyoda – The founder of Toyota Company

To be used in: Problem Solving, Root Causing.

Explanation: To solve a problem and know the root cause ask 5 WHYs for each specific

Your car stopped in your way to home. (Why)
Because it ran out of gas. (Why)?
Because I didn’t buy any gas on my way to work. (Why)
Because I didn’t have any money. (Why)
Because I have been stolen yesterday (Why)
Because I forgot my wallet in a public area!

Only when you find the real reason, you can create the best solution.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #4 “Door In The Face – DITF”

Developed by: R.B Cialdini, J.A. Miller, J.T. Cacioppo, R.Basset – 1978

To be used in: Sales management, Convincing techniques, influencing others.

Explanation: It is one of the convincing techniques based on asking a big request at the
beginning and then reduces it. It is used widely in media, politicians, Salesmen.

Example: to let someone to make something for you, ask him a big excessive request
you know that he/she will refuse it, then make your request more reasonable to get a

You: Can you give me 3 hours from your time.

Manager: No I can’t, I am busy
You: Ok, I can manage it in only 45 minutes, is it ok?
Manager: if it is only 45 minutes I can manage it too.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #5 “Urgent/Important Matrix”

For better time management; prioritize your tasks as following:

Things important and Urgent DO it now

Things Not important and Urgent Delegate it
Things important and not Urgent Decide when to do it
Things not important not Urgent Delete it

Credit goes to: First one talked about Urgent / important matrix was Dwight Eisenhower
who was former U.S. President in 1954 when he said: "I have two kinds of problems: the
urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never
urgent.". that’s why it called also “Eisenhower Principle”

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #6 “360 Degree Feedback”

To be used in: Performance Appraisal, Employee Evaluation, Performance


Description: 360-Degree Feedback is an Appraisal technique in which the evaluation of

an employee is produced from multiple angles.

360- Degree Feedback includes evaluating the employee by:

 The person himself

 His Manager
 His Colleagues (from his department and other departments)
 The employees the person manages

The benefit of this method is giving the employee and the employer a lot of data and
information about this person from different perceptions, therefore a fair evaluation will
be produced.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #7 “Kicking The Cat”

Category (to be used in): Anger Management, Controlling Emotions

Explanation: it is a term has been used since 19th century to describe that a manager
can put his anger on his employees although they did not do a mistake.

Story Behind it: A man came back to home and he was angry because of something
happened in work, then you did not find anyone in home to take out his anger except the
cat, He physically abused it as a mean of relieving his frustration, despite the cat playing
no part in causing it.

Example: “he is kicking the cat” he puts his anger on someone hasn’t cause it.

Have a lovely day without kicking any cats!

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #8 “K.I.S.S. Principle”

To be used in: Effective Verbal or Non Verbal Communication

Developed by: The United States Navy (USN)- 1960

Explanation: The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather
than made complicated

Some other professors changed the phrase to be:

“keep it Simple, Short”, “Keep it Simple, Straightforward”, “keep it Short, Sweet”, “Keep it Small,

We considered KISS principle in all our (Management Tips) we send. Too much talking can let
the audience lose the point.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #9 “Sinking Boat Theory”

To be used in: Crisis Management, Taking Action, Decision Making.

Explanation: Imagine your management team sitting in a boat in the middle of the
Pacific Ocean. Water is gushing through a hole in the bottom of the boat. The managers
on the boat discuss the correct method for fixing the boat. All the while, the boat is still
sinking but they keep discussing.

Example: you notice the guest waiting at the door of a restaurant without any
acknowledgement. Plug the hole, walk over to the guests, acknowledge them and seat
them. Then, find out why the host, or hostess was away from the door, why no one took
the initiative, and reset the standard, to make sure this does not happen again.

Plug the hole first, then have a discussion!

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #10 “Foot In The Door - FITD”

To be used in: Sales Management, Convincing techniques.

Explanation: Foot-in-the-door (FITD) technique is a compliance tactic that involves

getting a person to agree to a large request by first setting them up by having that person
agree to a small request first.

 “Can I go over to your house for an hour?” followed by “Can I stay the night?”
 “Can I borrow the car to go to the store?” followed by “Can I borrow the car for the

The Opposite of FITD is Door In The Face (DITF) which is also used for persuading.
Check Tip #4

Can you try this technique today with anyone and reply to us with a situation which
you convince him/her to do something for you?.

Caution: Don’t ever use FITD or DITF to let people do unethically stuff.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #11 “Middle of the Road Style”

Developed by: Robert Blake & Jane Mouton “Management Grid”

Description: The manager tries to make balance between the company goals and the
needs of the workers.

Benefits: The manager will be sure that both the company and workers needs are met.

Other Styles:
Impoverished Style: (Low Production/Low People)
County Club Style: (Low Production/High People)
Perish Style: (High Production/ Low People)
Team Style: (High Production / High People)

Each manager should aim to achieve the “Team Style” where the people and the production
are both high, but if we go one step back we should follow Middle of the Road Style.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #12 “Paralysis by Analysis”

Description: Some managers fall into this state; they feel paralyzed and unable to take
any decisions because of too much Analysis.

This situation occurs when:

 The situation is complex.
 There are a lot of information for one subject.
 Too much administrative tasks/ inability to delegate.

To avoid this state use:

Delegation, Organization Skills, Time Management methods, etc…

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #13 “Feedback Sandwich Model”

If you want to give someone a feedback on something he/she did, use Sandwich

First Step: tell the person the good things he made. Praise his good parts in

Second Step: give him suggestion in how to improve the performance next time
without saying “But”.

Third Step: emphasize again on his good parts and praise him on this and finally
thank him.


Imagine your employee made a good presentation and he did not give the
attendees a material or manual they can use later.

Praise: Your presentation was amazing I liked it and all other attendees loved it.
Well done.
Suggestion: And I suggest, And it will be better if you give attendees a handout
manual, it will be more useful.
Praise: And all in all you were very good today. Keep it up.

Don’t say “But” in second step because it deletes what has been said
before it.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #14 “kiss up, kick down”

Kiss up, kick down is a new expression used to describe the situation where
middle level employees in an organization are polite and flattering to superiors
but abusive to subordinates.

Origin: It is believed to have originated in the US and that the first documented
use was in 1993

The opposite of Kiss up Kick Down is Kick up Kiss down which is healthier
dynamic and creates better environment where the manager blame his
supervisors, argue them and with the people under his management he is more
polite, encouraging, motivating and flattering to them.

The best should be making the balance using Middle Of The Road Style.
Check Tip # 11

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #15 “Black Swan Event theory”

Explanation: The black swan theory or theory of black swan events is a metaphor that
describes an event that comes as a surprise and has a major effect.

Created by: Nassim Nicholas Taleb – 2007 in his book “The Black Swan”

Based on the author's criteria to call an event as a “Black Swan Event”, when:

1. The event is a surprise.

2. The event has a major effect.
3. The event has a shock effect

Example of Black Swan Events: Arab Spring events, The sinking of the Titanic - because it was
considered "unsinkable", The financial collapse of 2008, 11/9 terrorism attack in America.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #16 “SMART Model”

To put goals that are well formed you need to follow SMART Model.

These goals should be:

S: Specific
M: Measureable
A: Achievable (not too hard nor too easy) /Attainable/ Ambitious
R: Realistic (make sense, don’t dream to fly) / Relevant/ Result Focused
T: Time

Example of not well-formed goal: I want to be a General Manager!

Example of well-formed goal: I want to be the General Manager of a 5 Star
Hotel after 5 years and my salary will be …..

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #17 “Top Down Approach”

Explanation: Top Down Approach is a style of decision making in which the top
management and managers put the strategies and plans, and then the lower levels are
required to follow these plans.

 Simplicity (because making decision with more people is more complex)
 Speed (because making decision with more people takes more time)

 Low Participation (which can create some implementation resistance)
 Requires a lot of knowledge in the top management

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #18 “Bottom-Up Approach”

Explanation: Bottom-Up approach is a democratic and consultative style of Decision-

Making and leadership, in which the employee participates in the company decisions in
all levels in the organization.

 Participation of employee therefore easier implementation
 Motivation of employees
 Does not require a lot of knowledge at the top management

 Complexity (Making decisions with just few people is more simple)
 Time-consuming (making a decision with just few people will typically be faster)

The opposite of Bottom-Up Approach is Top-Down Approach. Check Tip #17

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #19 “Pygmalion Effect”

Explanation: it’s a phenomenon whereby the greater the expectation placed upon
people, the better they perform.

Story Behind it: It is a Greek myth of Pygmalion who was a sculptor fell in love with a
beautiful woman statue he craved, then he asked god to convert this statue to a real
woman and god answered him.

Because Pygmalion had a big expectation that god will convert her to a real one, this is
what happened!.

The same if a manager has big expectations upon his/her Colleagues, they will do
the best they can to meet these expectations.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #20 “SWOT Analysis”

A SWOT analysis (alternatively SWOT matrix) is a structured planning method used to evaluate
the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project or in a business

A SWOT analysis can be carried out for a product, place, industry or person.

 Strengths: characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over

 Weaknesses: characteristics that place the business or project at a disadvantage relative
to others.
 Opportunities: elements that the project could exploit to its advantage.
 Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #21 “Blue Ocean Strategy”

Developed by: W. Chan Kim – Blue Ocean Strategy Book

To be applied in: Sales & Marketing Management, Revenue Management

Explanation: When everyone else is struggling in the Red Ocean competing each other,
we look and try to find the Blue Ocean where there is no people, no competition.

In Business: Trying to make the competition irrelevant by creating new markets, new
products, new ideas.

Example: Hotel chain owner once said: “We are not competing with some hotels here;
we are competing with the hotels worldwide”. This is a truly clearly “Blue Ocean
Strategy”. That we don’t compete in the red ocean which is very crowded, we have a
different Blue Clear Ocean to jump in!

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #22 “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

Source: 7 Habits of highly Effective People – Steven Covey. One of the most bestselling
books worldwide.

The Seven habits are:

1. Be Proactive: Don’t act after the crisis occurred, Expect the crisis and act before
the troubles happen .
2. Begin with the end in mind: know what are your outcomes and always begin
with what will achieve your outcome.
3. Put First things First: Prioritize your tasks, manage your time and always start
with what’s important and urgent.
4. Think win-win: always think how to win and let others to win with you as well.
5. Seek first to understand and then to be understood.
6. Synergize: All great success in life comes from the team work.
7. Sharpen the saw: Work on developing yourself, Work smarter rather than
harder. (if you have a tree to cut, spend some time sharpening your saw).

Try to Read the book, it is so beneficial. I have it in Arabic and English, Contact me if you want a

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #23 “5 Human Needs – Hierarchy of Needs of Maslow”

In 1954 in his book Motivation and Personality Abraham Maslow determined the 5
Human needs. He put the needs in a hierarchy where all people start from the bottom
going to up. Once you fulfill a need the higher need appears.

The 5 Human Needs are:

1. Physiological Needs (Food, Water, Sleeping)

2. Safety Needs (Home, Money, Job)
3. Love – Belonging Needs (Love others, getting married, having Kids, belong to a
nation, country, etc.. )
4. Self Esteem Needs (Confidence, Achievements, Respect of others, Respect by
others, Recognition)
5. Self-Actualization Needs (Creativity, Problem Solving, Fulfillment)

You can’t find the real love in life (Need #3) if you still can’t feel safe by having
Money and Home (Need #2)!
And you can’t be creative at work (Need #5) without having confidence (Need #4)

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #24 “Time Boxing”

Time Boxing is setting a fixed time period to work on a particular task. Instead of
working on a task until it’s done, you commit to work on it for a specific amount of time.

What you need: cell phone timer or computer timer.

Basic Steps to Time Boxing:

1. Decide on a task or group of tasks
2. Get a timer and set it to the time you assign to the task
3. Begin the timer and focus on completing the task and try to avoid any distractions as
much as possible
4. Once the timer goes off, you are to stop working. You should trust the device to tell
you that the time’s up, instead of interrupting yourself by checking the time occasionally.
5. Reward yourself with a treat, pleasurable activity or well-deserved rest.
6. Repeat as often as you wish.

Huge projects can be done by just giving them daily amount of time even if this time is not too
much. the journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step.

Dedicate daily only 15 minutes to learn a new language, new skill, reading, working out, …etc.
and you will surprised with what you will achieve after 6 months.

Use Time Boxing Technique from NOW on!

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #25 “4Ps of Marketing”

Description: 4 Ps of Marketing can be used as tool to assist in defining the marketing

strategy. 4 Ps represents the basic things you need to know in order to market for your
product effectively. It is also known as Marketing Mix model.

4 Ps are:

Product: What is your product you will sell?.

Price: How much customers will pay to get it?.
Place: Where are you going to sell it?.
Promotion (the most important P): How will you advertise for your product? By using:
Sales promotions, Public Relations, Giving free products, ….etc)

Sometimes you have a wonderful product, with good price, and you sell it in the right
place to the right people but you might have a problem with creating attractive
promotions(Last P). Or your product, place and promotion are good but you don’t sell it
with a proper price.

Other model added the 5th P: People (Who should buy your product?).

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #26 “AIDA – AIDAS Model”

This model is used in Marketing in how the advertising works on a consumer. It is

a common list of steps that the sales person does to sell a product or service.

 A – Attention (To attract the attention of the customer by a big colorful advertise
for example)
 I – Interest (get the customer be interested by show the product features and
 D – Desire (increase the customer’s desire by convincing him/her of the products
advantages and its ability to satisfy specific needs)
 A – Action (To push the customers toward actually purchasing the product).

Some others marketers added another letter and call it AIDAS.

 S – Satisfaction (to get the customers satisfied so they can buy more and more)

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #27 “MBWA – Management By Walking Around”

The management by wandering around (MBWA), also management by walking

around, refers to a style of business management which involves managers
wandering around in an unstructured manner through the workplace(s), at random to
check with employees, equipment, or on the status of ongoing work.

History of the concept: The origin of the term has been used first time at Hewlett-
Packard (HP) Company in 1970 to encourage the top management to walk around in the

Some managers fall into this mistake by being at their offices most of the time and they
don’t know what is going on in the daily operation.

Walk around …. To See what’s on the ground!

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #28 “Elevator Pitch”

Origin: Ilene Rosenzweig and Michael Caruso

Story Behind it: The term itself comes from a scenario of an accidental meeting with
someone important in the elevator. If the conversation inside the elevator in those few
seconds is interesting and value adding, the conversation will either continue after the
elevator ride, or end in exchange of business cards or a scheduled meeting.

Sometimes all what you will have is your chance to meet the CEO at the elevator, So If
you used these moments by a well prepared speech, you can get what you want.

Prepare your Elevator Pitch! You don’t want to get a chance to sell an idea while
you aren’t ready.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #29 “5 Wifes1 Husband”

The Five Ws 1 H or 5 Wifes 1 Husband are questions whose answers are considered
basic information-gathering. They constitute a formula for getting the complete story on
a subject

Who did that?
What happened?
When did it take place?
Where did it take place?
Why did that happen?
How did it happen?

If you want to get the all information for one subject, ask these questions and you will have a
full understanding of that problem or situation.

It is hard sometimes for some people to handle one wife, what about if you got 5!  . Despite
5W 1 H principle, We are still against the polygamy! 

Have a smiley day!

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #30 “Pareto Principle – 20/80 Rule”

Pareto is an Italian ecomomist who observed that in 1897 that 80% of property in Italy is
owned by only 20% of the population.

20/80 Rule is a phonomena stats that 80% of Consquences comes only from 20%
of causes.

You can take this rule and apply it in many other applications and you will find that:

- 20% of advertising campiagn produces 80% of the response

- 20% of the employees perform 80% of the work
- 80% of the compnay compaints come from 20% of its customers

Microsoft noted that by fixing the top 20% of the most-reported bugs, 80% of the
related errors and crashes in software would be eliminated.

Let’s always focus first on that 20% that causes the 80%

Have a Productive Day!

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip #31 “ADKAR Model”

Explanation: The ADKAR model is a results-oriented change management tool that is

simple and easy to understand, yet very effective for managers and change
management teams.

To make a change within an organization, people, systems; there are 5 elements

to make this change happens and be effective and successful. And if any of these
elements are missed, the change will not occur:

- Awareness of the need for change (People should be aware why we need this change
and benefits we get from it)
- Desire to support and participate in the change (Should make sure that the team
members are excited to make the change).
- Knowledge of how to change (people should have a good knowledge and training on
how we are going to make the change in order to make the change according to the
management way and vision)
- Ability to implement the change
- Reinforcement to sustain the change (The ability to keep the change for a long time)

If you have something you can’t change within your company or people, check
ADKAR model to know why you can’t make the change you are seeking.

The World is changing everyday but every second, if we can’t change it, it will end
up changing us!

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 32: “ Peter Principle”

Developed by: Laurence J. Peter - The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong

Explanation: The Peter Principle states that “In a hierarchy every employee
tends to rise to his level of incompetence”. And he states also that the selection of
a candidate for a position should be based on the candidate's performance in their
current role, rather than on abilities relevant to the intended role.

And he says also that work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached
their level of incompetence.

If you are a supervisor you want to be a manager, yes, your skills can qualify you to be a
manager, however After you become a manager and you want to be a director, and may
be this is your step of failure; because your competencies aren’t enough yet for this

So don’t be in hurry and be sure that all of your steps are toward Success.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 33: “PAEI Model”

Developed by: Dr. Ichak Adizes, a management expert and the founder of the
Adizes Institute, developed the PAEI Model in the early 1970s

PAEI describes four management roles that any team or organization needs to be
successful. These are:

 The person in the producer role is ultimately responsible for the product or
service that you're offering.
 He or she is in charge of meeting goals and objectives, and making sure that the
end product delivers the expected results.
 They work fast, and they tend to focus on the end result. They work hard and get
things done.
 Administrators focus on how tasks are completed.
 They're interested in the rules and policies that help your team or organization
 They concentrate on ensuring that people follow procedures correctly.
 Entrepreneurs are full of ideas.
 They're inspired by what's possible, and they're gifted at building a shared vision
of the future, seeing things that other people can't see, and taking calculated
 Organizations depend on entrepreneurs to come up with the big ideas that allow
them to maintain strategic advantage and enter new markets.
 Integrators are the "heart" of a team or organization.
 They excel at bringing people together and maintaining harmony within a group.
 They can also rely on an unstructured approach when solving problems, and
tend to work more slowly and methodically, as their focus is on the process and
not the end result.
 Integrators have a high degree of emotional intelligence and empathy.
Ask yourself who are you according to PAEI? And what are your colleagues

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 34: “SOFT Model”

Developed by: Albers Humphrey – 1970

SOFT is an abbreviation of:

 Satisfactory: what is good in the current situation of the firm?

 Opportunity: what could turn to be good in the future?
 Fault: what are the negative elements of the present?
 Threat: what could turn to negative for the firm in the future?

Similar model is SWOT Model. Check Tip #20

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 35: “Butterfly Effect Theory”

Explanation: The theory states that a hurricane can start in America based on some
faraway butterfly flaps its wings in China.

Credit to: Edward Lorenz

Why Butterfly Effect is important? Essentially, it means that everything we do is

important. A butterfly flapping its wings does not cause a tornado, or a hurricane, but can
start a chain of events that eventually does.

So by this concept, it’s important to think of the consequences of our actions and how
anything we do, no matter how small, can have a big effect on the rest of the world, for
better or worse.

What is your Butterfly Action you can do today to see the Effect and the Result
through the time…?

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 36: “Cinderella Approach”

History: We all know Cinderella story, when the father of this young beautiful girl passed
away and her step-mother started to treat her badly and aggressively.

Cinderella is very kind, helpful and has sympathetic attitude to everyone. And she
remained like this although all of her bad situation.

In Management: They took this as a management Approach on how the managers

should deal with their subordinates or managers.

Some managers sometimes forget this approach in how they deal with others of being
tough, harsh, and aggressive.

Use “Cinderella Approach” and give people love, kindness, and sympathy. Not
because everyone deserves this, but we deserve this for ourselves.

Examples: Listen to your colleagues, give them a helping hand, help them to have
Work-Life balance, …..etc.

Another name of “Cinderella Approach” is “Humanistic Approach”.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 37: “PEST Analysis”

Explanation: The PEST analysis is a framework that strategy consultants used

to scan the external environment factors in which an organization operates.

Political: what is the political situation that can affect the business?
Economic: what the economies situation in the country?
Social: what are the social changes and how this affects the business?
Technological: what are the changes in technology and how can we adapt with

PEST Factors play an important role in the value creation opportunities of a

strategy; however they are usually outside the control of the corporation and
must normally be considered as either threats or opportunities.

A successful organization will always Check “PEST Model” to know how to either
avoid, adapt with these external factors or take the opportunities that might come.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 38 “Parkinson Law”

Explanation: Parkinson’s Law is the adage that "work expands so as to fill the time
available for its completion".

Developed by: Cyril Northcote Parkinson – 1955

“If you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute to do”

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 39 “Johari Window method”

Created by: Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham (Hence: Joseph & Harry = Johari)
Explanation: Johari Window helps to understand how we giving and receiving
It also improves the self-awareness between individuals and teams.

There are four perspectives:

Arena (Public): things are known by the person and also known by others. i.e.:
your name, your hair color. This area should be maximized by exposure and
effective feedback.

Blind Spot: things are unknown by the person but it is known by others. i.e: your
manners, the feelings of other persons about you.

Façade (Hidden): things known by the person and hidden from others. i.e: your
secrets, hopes, desires, intentions … etc.

The unknown: things are unknown by the person and unknown by others.

How to benefit from Johari Window: the purpose is to make the Arena (Public) to
become the dominant window, thus demonstrating transparency, openness and
honesty in interactions. To minimize The Hidden tell people more about yourself
and to minimize the Blind Spot ask people to give you a feedback.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 40 “Triple bottom line (TBL)”

Created by: John Elkington – 1994

Explanation: Triple Bottom Line (TBL) is used to indicate that the performance of
companies should not only be reported and judged on purely financial
considerations, but also on Enviromental Responsibility and Social

The Three Bottom Lines are (3P):

People (Social Human Capital): The business practices should be beneficial

toward Labor, Community, Society and region in which corporation conducts its
business. i.e.: helping people in the company society to overcome poverty for

Planet (Environment Natural Capital): The Business practices should be beneficial

toward the planet, environment aspects, or at least do no harm the environment.
(Saving water and electricity reduce rubbish, etc.)

Profit (Economic Financial Capital): The Business practices that lead to company
Revenue and Profit.
It called bottom line because the net profit are always mentioned in the financial
statement in the bottom line. TBL states that the company should have 3 bottom lines,
not only the profit but also the planet and people.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 41 “Praise in Public, Punish in Private”

It is one of the most critical skills when giving a feedback.

Always Praise your subordinates in Public so they feel proud about themselves, and give
them your constructive feedback in Private.

No one likes to be advised in Public, so it is always better to keep it in the one to one

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 42 “KFC Model ”

KFC model is used for Setting Goals and it is an organized way of thinking.

K: Know what you want … (set your own goals)

F: Find a reasonable right way to achieve your goal.
C: Change this way if it doesn’t work, and keep changing your ways till you find the best
way to reach your goal.

Know, Find and Change …..

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 43 “GROW Model”

If you want to grow or help others to grow, you need to follow GROW Model ….

G: Goal
All success starts with setting your goals and knowing exactly what you want in life. These Goals
must follow SMART Model (Check tip #16)
Know what is your current situation, evaluation and the barriers you face. Know how are the
things going right now.
What are the options and ways available for you to approach this issue or to solve this problem.
W:Will or Way Forward
Choose one of these options and start the first step right away! Keep doing one small thing on
daily basis till you get what you want.

Simple example:

G: I want to go Alexandria
R: I am at Cairo right now
O: I can go by (train, bus, car, plane)
W: I’ll go by bus and I’ll pack my stuff right now.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 44 “Sympathy vs Empathy”

Some of us hear the two words “Sympathy and Empathy” and there is a difference
between both of them although they both can be used to express the compassion for

Sympathy Means: I care about your Suffering. (I know you have a pain and I care about

While the Empathy has a deeper meaning :

Empathy means: I care and I feel your suffering, and I will help you.

Sympathy: We understand the situation from our own perspective.

Empathy: We understand the situation from the other person’s perspective. (Putting
yourself in other person’s shoes)

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 45 “Dependent, Independent, Interdependent”

Are you Dependent, Independent or Interdependent person?

Example: You want to write an important report …..

Dependent Person: I can’t do it! let’s others do it for me. (I can’t live without you)
Independent Person: I will do it by myself, even If it is hard I can do it alone (I don’t
need you)
Interdependent Person: I can do it, but I will see if others can give me some ideas to
improve it. (I acknowledge you, I know you have good qualifications and we can form a
wonderful team).

Being Interdependent is the third level of Maturity as mentioned by Steven Covey in his
book “7 habits of highly Effective people”

Be Interdependent!

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 46 “5 Levels of Listening”

Here are the five levels of listening:

1. Ignoring (you don’t listen at all)

2. Pretend Listening (you try to show that you listen, but your mind is busy with
something else)
3. Selective Listening (you listen to what you like, and for what you don’t like, you
pretend you listen or ignore)
4. Attentive Listening (you listen and give your full attention to your speaker, but you
are still at your own position and wearing your shoes!)
5. Empathic Listening (you listen and give your full attention to your speaker, put
yourself in their side, wear his/her shoes and feel what he/she feels)

Of course the best kind of Listening is the Empathic Listening where we don’t only listen
attentively but we listen with care and love!.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 47 “6 Cs of Communication”

When we communicate by Email or Verbally, we should consider these 6 Cs to be sure

that our message is delivered effectively.

Communication needs to be:

1.Clear: Be straight to the point, and make the purpose of communication clear. Use
simple words that everyone can understand.
2.Concise: Less is more. Less words can be more effective. Always stick to the point
and keep it brief.
3.Correct: The message you want to deliver should be “error-free” from a spelling
mistakes or a wrong information.
4.Coherent: It should have a logical sequence. All points are connected and relevant to
the main topic.
5.Complete: In a complete message, the audience has everything they need to know
without any missed information.
6.Courteous: Always deliver your message in a friendly, open and honest way without
any kind of aggressiveness or negativity.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 48 “ORAPAPA – Decision Making Tool”

Opportunities: What are the advantages of this decision? What are the benefits?
Risks: What might be the risks? What are unfavorable consequences of this decision?
Alternatives: What other options and ways are available instead of this decision?
Past Experience: Is there anyone/compnay did this decision before so we can benefit
from his/her experience?
Analysis: What information, data you depend on to take this decision? Review these
People: Who is involved ? Who will be affected?
Alignment and Ethics: Is this decision ethical? Is it aligned with your company culture
and overall strategy?

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 49 “Six Thinking HATS”

It is very famous book written by Edward de Bono in 1985. It says that there are 6 ways
of thinking and he gave each way of thinking a color:

White Hat: When you think based on facts and information.

Red Hat: When you think based on feelings and intuition.
Black Hat: When you think in a pessimistic way.
Yellow Hat: When you think in an optimistic way.
Green Hat: When you think creativity and out of the box.
Blue Hat: When you think in the process and steps.

You want to build a garden in your neighborhood, so you decided to know your
neighbors opinions:

White Hat will say: “What is the cost of this project and who will implement it”?
Red Hat will say: “I feel that this project will bring us happiness and joy”
Black Hat will say: “I see it is hard to implement it, it needs a lot of efforts from all of us
to manage it”
Yellow Hat will say: “it is a great Idea, and it’s so nice place for our kids to play.
Green Hat will say: “I have an Idea, I see we can make an entrance fees so we don’t
have to cost it too much”
Blue Hat will say: “ok, Let’s get ready for the project, determine the required steps,
identify the tasks and the role for each one”

The purpose of 6 thinking hats is to be aware which hat are you wearing, and how
to change it to have a different situation perspective.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 50 “Top 5 Regrets of the Dying”

Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse who spent several years working in the intensive
care, caring for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives.

She recorded their dying Regrets and put it in a book called “The Top Five Regrets of
the Dying”

Here are the top 5 regrets of the dying people. They said:

1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected
of me.
2. I wish I hadn't worked so hard.
3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

The purpose of knowing this is to take actions on daily basis to avoid regretting any of
those in the future.

We wish you a long life that is full of Happiness and Rejoicing!

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 51 “5 Love Languages”

In 1995 Gary Chapman wrote a book called “5 love languages”. He said that there are 5 love
languages that we use to express love.

If you and your partner have a different languages, you may not feel his/her love because it is
like the spoken languages.

The 5 love languages we use to express love are:

1. Receiving Gifts (Ex: I searched too long to bring you this gift!)
2. Act of Service (I will take your car and repair it for you, you don’t have to worry about
3. Quality Time (Today, we go to Cinema and then sit on a good place to talk)
4. Physical Touch (come and give me a hug!)
5. Words of Affirmation (You are my best friend, husband, wife …)

Know the primary love language of the people around you and use this language with them.

To know your love language, Click Here to do this questionnaire from the official website.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 52 - “5 Cancerous Behaviors”

In order to maintain harmonious relationships, Stephen Covey in The 8th Habit says that
there are five “cancerous” behaviors we need to stop, not only within ourselves, but also
in others.
Five behaviors that destroy relationships:
1. Complaining. Nothing is ever good enough for the person who complains.
2. Criticizing. Nobody can ever do anything right for this person.
3. Comparing. This person compares people or possessions with envy, jealousy or
4. Competing. This person thinks they are better, smarter or richer than everyone
5. Contending. This person tries to make other people look like losers, so he or she
can look like a winner. Everything is a competition
Stay Away from those cancerous behaviors, we can’t have any successful
relationship if we have any of them.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 53 - “SCORE Model”

Score model is used for identifying, solving problems and know all the aspects of it

How do you know that you have a problem?
What is cause that let these symptoms to appear.
What is your final goal and outcome.
What information/people/things that can help you.
What is the good side effect of solving the problems.

Example: You go to the doctor because you are ill

Symptoms: You suffer from high temperature and pain in your throat
Cause: you have cold because you left the window open at night
Outcome: to be well and recover quickly
Resources: Pain killer and Antibiotic
Effect: You will go back to work and your normal life.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 54 - “Under Promise – Over Deliver”

“Under promise and over deliver” is a common sales concept as defined by McGraw-Hill,
“under promise and over deliver” is a service strategy in which service providers strive
for excellent customer service and satisfaction by doing more than they say they will for
the customer or exceeding customer expectations.

If you want to promise someone with something, always promise him/her with less than
what you can really do. And when it comes to Delivery, deliver more than what you said
and this will exceed their expectations.

Frist: Under Promise
Salesman: the best offer I can give you is 500 $
Client: that’s fine with me.
Then later on Over Deliver
Salesman: I managed to make 10% discount for you.
Client: Wow, that’s great.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 55 - “70:20:10 Model for Learning & Development”

The 70:20:10 Model for Learning and Development is a commonly used formula within the
training profession to describe the optimal sources of learning.

It says that individuals obtain:

70 % of their knowledge from job-related experiences (Doing it, On-job Training)
20 % from interactions with others (Coaching, Mentoring)
10 % from formal educational events (Training Courses)

Don’t just tell your learners how to do it, coach and let them do it by themselves.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 56 “Wheel of Life”

There are 7 parts of life; everyone needs to maintain a balance among all of them.

Spiritual: Put goals to (maintain a good relationship with your God)

Health/Physical: Put goals to (lose weight, stop smoking, getting a shape)
Personal Development/ Intellectual: Put goals to develop yourself (take a course, read
a book)
Family: Put Goals to (get married, have kids, and maintain good family connections)
Relationship/Social: Put goals to (connect with your relatives and friends, make new
Career: Put Goals to make (career change if you don’t like your current one, career
Money/Financial: Put goals to (save money and increase your income)

The real happy person is the person who will make a balance between all of the 7 parts
of life.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 57 “LISTEN Model for listening Skills”


If you want to be a good listener and influence others, follow LISTEN model (the most
essential skills for Listening):

Look (have a good eye contact with your speaker)

Inquire (ask question to clarify and encourage the speaker to talk more)
Summarize (summarize and repeat what they said so they know you were listening)
Take Notes (don’t rely on your memory, always take notes. Don’t think it, Ink it)
Encourage (nodding, smiling, say words like: I see, yes, …)
Neutralize (don’t judge your speaker, let them finish all what they want to say)

LISTEN and SILENT have the same letters, it is a message that “If you want to be a good
listener, be Silent)

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 58 “4 Core of Credibility – Trust Tree”

To gain the Trust and Credibility of other, you should have:

1. Integrity: we can’t trust a deceiver or a thief.

2. Intention: have a good intention without holding a hidden malicious agenda
toward others or your company.
3. Competence: we only trust people who have skills. The more skills you have,
the more people will trust you.
4. Results: the more you achieve results, the more people will trust you.

Always have a good intention, keep your integrity, sharpen your skills, achieve the
results and this will lead you to your personal and career success.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 59 “Outcome Goal, Process Goal”

There are two main types of goals: outcome goals and process goals. Most people tend
to set outcome goals because they allow us to easily picture a desired end state, and to
dream big: “losing weight”, “running a marathon,” “learning a new language,” “getting a

Although these types of goals are necessary, they are not sufficient. You also need
process goals to get you the results you want.

Each Outcome goal should have its Process Goals that you need to do to achieve that
Outcome Goal.


Outcome Goal: Increase the Revenue by 20%

Process goals for this goal:
- Make 10 sales calls per day.
- Open a new outlet.
- Change the product price.
Example 2:
Outcome goal: lose 15 kg of my weight
Process goals:
- Run daily for 30 minutes.
- Getting a diet plan.
- Visit the doctor once per week.

Putting both the outcome goal and the process goals will get you close to achieve
whatever you want.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 60 “8 Disciplines of Solving Problems”

These disciplines or steps are vital for any problem-solving. They are:

1. Build the team. (together everyone achieves more).

2. Describe the problem.
3. Implement Temporary Fix.
4. Identify the root cause.
5. Verify the Solution (to be sure that it is the right solution. Ex: Buying a
sample before buying a product).
6. Implement Permeant Solution.
7. Prevent Problem recurring (what do you need to do to make sure that this
problem will not happen again).
8. Celebrate Team Success.

Missing any of these points will affect negatively the quality of Problem Solving.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 61 “DAPPS Model – for Setting Goals”

We all know SMART Model for setting goals (check tip # 16), here is another model that
add more ideas on how to put goals.

D: Dated
Always put date in your goal Ex: by 31 December I will ……
A: Achievable
Make your goal realistic. Not too hard, Not too easy
P: Personal
Should be something related to you. Don’t put goals you don’t have authority to achieve
P: Positive
Put it in a positive way. Don’t say “I don’t want to gain weight” but say “I want to lose
S: Specific
Be specific in what you want. Ex: I will lose 10 Km by 31 December.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri
Tip # 62 “RESULT Model”
For better communication with others, please consider RESULT Principles :

The good communication should have :

Reason for Communication, so we know why we are communicating

Good Environment, that is suitable for the communication
Specific topic we are plaining to talk about.
Good mutual Understanding between the partners
Effective Listening among the people
And good Time frame that is suitable for the communication.

62 Well Known Management Principles that you love to know – Youssef Sabri

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