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Criminal Procedure

1. No laptops, bring your book and notes

2. May break after an hour- beadle must remind the professor
3. Leave the room during the break
4. Recitation- more than once
5. Passing is not an option

Grading System

1. 1/3 midterms, 1/3 recitation, 1/3 finals

2. yes he flunks students, do your part
3. recite, close your books


1st encounter with procedure- 1st year was substantive- importance of procedure
are the steps you need to follow to file a case with the court or the prosecutor.
Discuss the court system of the Philippines ], why do you have RTC, MTC and
differences with the different courts. Prescription of actions will only discuss the
interuptions. Jurisdiction and venue of cases- can I institute actions in a different
location. How to institute an action in court? The differences between an
information and complaint. What is the duties of a fiscal or prosecutor. Sufficiency of
an information.

How to institute a case in the office of the prosecutor, discuss arrest and bail. Rights
of the accused, presumptions and compulsory processes. Arraignment and plea.
Discuss judgments and what are the requirements of law? What is a conviction and
difference of an acquittal? Searches and seizures

Hw for next Monday, email the syllabus to the beadle but

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