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General High School PTA

General Meeting Minutes

September 13, 2018

1. Call to order 930a.m. 21 members present.

2. Pledge of allegiance.
3. Secretary’s Report-Michelle Thall

Thank you cards read from Scholarship recipients Emma Wolfinger, Nicole Mendise and Hannah
Ogrean . Thank you cards read from teachers and staff for the start of the school year breakfast
and teacher appreciation week.

The May meeting minutes were passed around so that any changes could be made.

Volunteer hours will be collected each month on the attendance sheet and calculated monthly.

4. Operating Levy Resolution read by Secretary Michelle Thall. Motion made to endorse the
passage of the levy by Colleen Morgan, second motion made by Lynn Mendise. No discussion or
questions, motion passes.
5. Guest speaker-Cameron Ryba spoke on our financial outlook. Why do we have a levy? Changes
in Ohio laws have led to a 12% or 8.6 mill reduction of revenue. Our district has not received
any additional revenue since 2007. Under current financial forecasting, we are spending more
than we are bringing in and will be at a significant deficit by 2022 and additionally the District
will begin deficit spending for the 2018-2019 school year. State Laws have eliminated taxes
which have resulted in a $8.6 million dollar annual reduction for Strongsville City Schools.
Cleveland Clinic in Strongsville was awarded tax exempt status further reducing District
revenue by $400,000. What have we done as a district to reduce costs? 20% reduction of staff
by eliminating 199 positions, eliminated 6 buildings/ repurposed 1 building, switched to self-
insured health care plan (reduction of 1.3 million annually), created on line education (reduction
of $200.000 annually) , new investment strategy (increased interest earnings by $375,000 over
past two years). Reducing expenses by additional cost cutting measures would negatively
impact student opportunities. *The district has been recognized for its financial transparency
earnings through several national awards* What will the operating levy help fund? It will
preserve core and elective course offerings (Includes AP and honors) and programs such as
Career Tech and JROTC. It will increase opportunities for students in the arts and theater, keep
class size lower and teacher to student ratios adequate, and expand curricular and extra
curricular activities. It will preserve bus transportation services, gifted education services in the
elementary schools and police officer presence. It will ensure the ability to provide current
textbooks, chrome books and teaching materials. What is a general operating levy? To provide
operating funds which for us means programs, services, resources and people. It is proposed as
a specific dollar amount and is defined as a millage rate (0.1 Cent). Last levy that was passed
was in 2007. $9.2 million annually/ 6.5 mills. Strongsville Reappraisal HB920 passed in 1976.
Provides property owners tax credits = to any increase caused as a result of a reappraisal.
Impact to homeowners majority of home owners will not be effected. Average citizen will pay
3% more. The person whose house hasn’t been appraised for a while will see more of an
increase. For the individual taxpayer if their home value increases more than 9%, than they will
see a slight increase in their taxes. If their home is valued at less than 9% then there taxes will
probably stay the same or even decrease. The levy will cost a homeowner $23 a month for a
$100,00 home. 7.9 mill levy will be up for vote in November, will be continuous.
6. Treasurer’s Report –Sarah Pfieler Audit report-Michelle Fabrizi reported. Audit committee
Sarah Pfieler, Robin Micko and Michelle Fabrizi reviewed 2017-2018 financial year. Happy to
report no discrepancies. Budget report-Sarah Pfieler reported. Budget read. Staff appreciation
budget increased by $100. After Prom Balance $9102.78 (separate account). Sarah Pfieler made
a motion to approve budget, second motion made by Lynn Mendise. All in favor, no discussion,
no opposition, motion passes.
7. Teacher’s Report-Mrs. Potter –off to a great start. Thank you for wonderful staff and teacher
back to school breakfast.
8. 1st Vice President Report- Michelle Fabrizi announced the Holiday Luncheon will be on
December 13th. Place/Time TBA
9. Principal’s Report- Mr. Smithberger invited guest speaker, Tara Brzuski, Strongsville High
School guidance counselor for students last name Pf-Sr, to speak . Tara is a trained crisis
counselor for Cuyahoga County. Implemented “Start with Hello” program which focuses on
the social/emotional aspects of student life. Campaign of reaching out, focusing on decreasing
feelings of isolation among the students. Cheerleaders, Student council and DECA/11 graders
to make posters and help with program. PBIS for elementary school guidance. Program kick off
week September 24-28. Logo will be put up all over school on posters/ in German too. During
second period pieces of paper will be handed out giving the students challenges . Once the
challenges are completed then the students can turn in the paper. The papers will be used to
make a link out of all completed challenges. Rewards will be given. Every month a new initiative
will be announced on the whiteboards in the media center. The goal is to create inclusiveness
and an environment of kindness among student body. Guest speaker Dave Dobes spoke about
his 6 hour/ one day ACT prep course offered during the school day for $59. Focus of his course is
on testing and time management strategies. He is a Central Ohio Regional Rep from MIT and
assists with the application process. Offered in the SHS auditorium to several hundred
students at a time. He works with 60 high schools in Ohio. This will be an excused absence for
the student. Also offered in the course fee is free live telephone tutoring. Course dates at SHS
are Tuesday October 16th and Thursday February 28th. Registration is available on line or in
guidance office phone number to Mr. Dobes 614-580-7380 or email
Mr. Smithberger thanked everyone for the wonderful welcome back breakfast. Fall
Conferences October 3rd and 9th in the cafeteria and gymnasium. PSAT will be October 10th.
Register at the end of September. Volunteers needed for Homecoming this year to serve drinks
and snacks. Request for volunteers and donations will go out from Laura Housum via sign up
genius. No cans; only cups and 2 liters jugs will be accepted. Tickets go on sale the week of
Homecoming at lunch time. $15 each. Students are breathalyzed upon entrance to
Homecoming. State test report cards came out today. We are really proud of our school.
Passed all indicators. Overall grade is “B”. This is a great rating. Will not be moving towards use
of online textbooks because the savings is not great. Please let Mr. Smithberger know if you
have a workbook that is not being used that you have been charged for.
10. President’s Report-Laura Housum Thanked Sarah Pfieler and Jodi Larsen for good job on
coordinating the welcome back/ teacher breakfast. Thanked Colleen Morgan, Katherine
Schoenberger and Lori Silvis for manning the PTA table at Open House. Thanked Colleen Morgan
for coordinating PTA raffle for parking space. Thanked Katherine Schoenberger and Lori Silvis for
efforts with PTA membership drive. Looking for Founders Day volunteers. September 27th will
be DARE Role Model Assembly meeting at 730-midday-230. DARE has bulletin board in the
cafeteria. Marie McManus posts information on the bulletin board. Thanked AfterProm
committee from last year. Need volunteers for After Prom for this year. Dawn VanHove spoke
about Mustang Mart, how is works and collecting prizes. Prom will be May 24th at Weymouth
Country Club. 11pmto 3am is when After Prom is at the Ehrnfelt Recreation Center.
11. Council Delegate Report- Lynn Mendise. PTA council audit report and budget approved. Mr.
Ryba spoke to council on levy. Ohio PTA conference October 18th in Mentor. April 12-14 in
Dublin. National Conference 20-3 in Columbus. Council meetings are opened to everyone and
there is a special guest speaker every month.
12. Teacher Grants- Tracy Joniak and Laura Majka- Letter will go out. Deadline for submitting grants
to council is November 2nd.
13. Approval of Meeting Minutes-no changes were noted on May meetings minutes so they will be
entered into permanent record.
14. Committee Reports- Parking Space Raffle- Colleen Morgan will be selling raffle tickets to
students for an opportunity to win parking spot in PTA student spot . Selling tickets on Thursday
October 15th and Monday October 28th. Last day to buy raffle tickets is October 19th. Will be
selling each quarter. 3 for $11 and 5 for $20. Using raffle sheets. Raised $76 at Open House.
15. Student Grants- Stephanie Kunovich -$1500 budget for student grants.
16. Fundraising- Lori Silvis and Michelle Thall- Fundraisers planning to have the Barrio truck on
location the night of conferences. Planning a Wing Ding in either January or March TBD at a later
time. Looking into the possibility of an Opt Out Fundraiser. Will report more on this later.
17. After Prom- Dawn Van Hove spoke about Mustang Mart. 1000 pieces in the storage unit.
Mustang Mart explained . Prize levels explained. Great prizes are available Keurigs, microwaves,
smart watches, bean bags. There is an inventory list and items are color coded. Lori Silvis needs
volunteers to help with decorations.
18. Reflections- Lynne Rotundo not present at meeting. Theme this year “Heroes Around Me”
19. Membership- Lori Silvis If you didn’t get a Cheddar Up receipt and signed up for a PTA
membership at conferences please contact her.
20. Rockin at the Rec- Carrie Dewes reported NHS volunteers are needed for this event. No October
date scheduled. Next one scheduled for November 9th. Nikky Freeman will sign sheets for
volunteer hours. Please support this event, it brings money back to the district in the way of
scholarships for graduating seniors.
21. Staff Appreciation- Sarah Pfieler and Jodi Largent PTA will provide a meal before conferences
start for the October 9th conference night to teachers and staff. Sandwiches and subs will be
provided. Sign up genius will go out regarding other donations needed.
22. Webmaster-Katherine Shoenberger please direct any questions to her about website
23. Announcements A Day In The Chalet is Sunday 9/16 from 12-5 at the Chalet. Arts in
Strongsville puts this on. It features arts, crafts, vendors and entertainment. Looking for
volunteers to set up at 8am. Phone number to sign up is on NHS website.
24. Athletic Boosters will be selling t-shirts at lunch in the cafeteria at SHS on Wednesday and
Thursday 9/19 &9/20 $10 each gray shirt with football on it.
25. Greater Cleveland Kids Save Kids/Save Communities next meeting is at the Parma library

Upcoming Dates:
Sept 14th-Varsity Football @ Mentor
Sept 15th-Disney Tea 12-3PM
Sept 20th- Board of Education Meeting
Sept 21st -Varsity Football home vs. Solon
Sept 22nd- Fleet Feet Cross Country Meet @ Pat Catans Stadium
Sept 27th- DARE Role Model Assembly
Sept 28th- Varsity Football @ Euclid
October 3 and 9th – Parent Teacher Conferences – School in Session
rd th

Oct 5th- Varsity Football vs. Medina

Oct 6th- Homecoming Dance
October 12 – NEOEA Day – No School

SHS Meeting Dates – October 11 , November 8 , December 13 , January 17 , February

th th th th

14 , March 14 , April 11 and May 9

th th th th

Winter Break- December 21st-January 4th

March 22nd -Early Release
March 25th-29th-Spring Break

May 24th- Strongsville Prom Weymouth Country Club

May 31st-Last Day of School

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