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Millicent Atkins School of Education: Common Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate Name: Emily Gabur

Grade Level: Middle School/High School SPED
Subject: Language Arts
Date: 10/17/2018
List the Common Core/State Standard(s) to be addressed in this lesson.
Non Applicable.

List the Rationale (cite theories or theorists):

 Anita Archer practices:
 Modeling
 Repetition
 Direction instruction
 Explicit instruction
 Choral responses
 Think, pair, share,
 Wait time
List the learning objective(s) to be addressed in this lesson (specific, measurable, attainable, timebound).
Use the following format: “Students will be able to…”
 Students will be able to define verb at the end of the lesson
 Students will be able to identify action verbs in sentences
 Student will be able to identify the subjects of a sentence

Describe how the learning objective(s) and the learning outcomes is/are appropriate for the
age/developmental level of the students.

 This lesson presents the concept of verbs as words that express action; it also shows the relationship of the
subject and verb in a sentence and introduces verb phrases.
 The learning objectives in this lesson are suitable for this age group because they are building on nouns, and
they will need to comprehension of verbs to appropriately write sentences. This lesson also is
developmentally appropriate for their present levels.

Describe the Classroom Demographics: (e.g., ethnicities; gender ratios; special needs, including those of
gifted students, those of students’ physical needs, and those due to cultural characteristics).
 The lesson will be delivered to three ninth graders
 There is two boys and one girl
 One student has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
 Two students has been diagnosed with Other Health Impairment
 Anxiety
 Social problems
 Neurodevelopmental disorder
 Lower intellectual functioning
 Reading fluency difficulties
 Written expression difficulties
 Math calculation difficulties
 Hyperactivity
 Attention issues
 Emotional issues
 Social skills deficiency
Describe your Knowledge of Students: (in terms of the whole class and individual students)
(e.g., language needs; approaches to learning; prior learning and experiences; academic
proficiencies/behavioral differences; areas of interest).
 It is my understanding that these three students will benefit from Modeling, Direct instruction, repetition,
and many chances to practice.
 Lower intellectual functioning is present, as well as ADHD, so I know I will move at a brisk pace to keep the
students actively engaged.
 With the reading and written expression difficulties, I will provide context clues, and verbal prompts to assist
the students in comprehending the lesson.
 Also understanding the social skills deficiency, I will create a welcoming and warm atmosphere so the
student’s feel comfortable in answering questions.
List the materials/resources you will need to teach the lesson.

The materials I will need are as follows:

 A white board
 Paper
 Pencils
 The student’s text book for looking up vocabulary definitions
 iPad
 Graphic Organizer
 Provided guided notes
Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology that you plan to incorporate into the lesson and explain how it
will enhance instruction and student learning.
 The only technology utilized in this lesson will be my own personal iPad. I will have my examples listed on
here so I can smoothly navigate through the lesson. There is not a smartboard present in the room.

Accommodations: Base this on the information you provided for Classroom Demographics and
Knowledge of Students above.
Describe the accommodations/differentiation/modifications you will use to meet the needs of all learners
and accommodate differences in students’ learning, culture, language, etc. *
 A lot of modeling
 Verbal prompts
 Context clues
 Shorter sentences
 Multiple chance to practice
 Accepting alternate responses
 Increased wait time
 Allocated time for a break if needed
 Total participation everyone answering together

Pre-Assessment: Describe the instrument or process you will use to measure students’ level of
understanding toward the learning objective(s) prior to teaching the lesson.

 For my pre-assessment, I will conduct an informal assessment by asking the students these following
 What is a verb?
 What is the action verb is in this sentence
 Who is the subject in this sentence?
Pre-Assessment: Describe how the results of the pre-assessment (what the students have demonstrated
they know) will be used to design the lesson objectives, instruction, and post-assessment. (Include charts,
graphs if applicable)
 The result from the pre-assessment will help me design my instruction to meet the needs of the
students, and allow them to understand the objectives of the lesson. I will alter my instruction
based off the pre-test to assist the student’s in comprehending verbs, action verbs, and subjects.
 From this pre-assessment, I will be able to alter the explicit instruction based off of the students
prior knowledge, and assist them in building future knowledge.
Classroom Management
Identify the management and motivational strategies you will use to meet student behavioral/developmental needs
in order to keep students on task and actively engaged throughout the lesson.

 I will move at a brisk pace

 I will provide accommodations such as modeling, verbal prompts, and guided notes to assist the
comprehension of the lesson
 I will provide break time if a student needs one
 I will pause throughout the lesson to check for questions and comprehension
 I will make sure all students are completing their guided notes thoroughly, and go over them throughout the
 Positive reinforcement
 Praise
 Redirection of behaviors
 Sensitivity of the student’s challenges and emotions
 Clearly state and repeat directions
 Repeat directions and explanations multiple times
 Refrain from talking over the student’s

“I Do”
(Teacher introduces lesson and models expected outcome(s) of learning objectives)
Describe what instructional strategies you will use to model/explain/demonstrate the knowledge and skills
required of the objective.
 First, I will write the following words on the board: applaud, desk, cheer, quietly, strong, walk, and
animals. I will tell the students to show me thumbs up or thumbs down if the word expresses
action. After I go through these words with the students I will inform the students that verbs
express action. I will repeat this & write it on our graphic organizer.
 After I have repeated that & had the student’s say that with me, I will state the definition of a verb.
(a verb is a word that expresses action or state of being)
 I will then ask the students to find the definition of a verb in the maroon box on the left side of
page 97.
 I will then provide a list of verbs for the students to grasp the meaning of what a verb is. I will
repeat that remember verbs express action!
 Work, study, beat, ran, play, break, build, catch, choose, cut, drive, fall, forget, give, hang, read, ride
 After I provide these list of verbs. I will inform the students that one question they can always ask
themselves if they are trying to find a verb in the sentence is “What are they doing”
 This will help my students with the comprehension of what a verb is, and we will be read to move
into what an action verb is.
 I will then inform the students that an action verb is a word that expresses the action in a sentence.
I will repeat this definition, and ask the students to write the definition down in their guided notes.
I will remind the students that the definition is in the maroon box on the left side of page 97.
 When the students have that definition written in, I will inform what a subject is. “ a subject is the
part of a sentence that tells who or what the sentence is about.”
 I will inform the students that one question we can always ask ourselves is “who or what is doing
something” That will give us the subject of the sentence if we are trying to find it.
 I will then write on the graphic organizer: Subject Who or what
 I will repeat the definition of a subject and give some examples such as: Billy runs track. My Mom is
baking. Katherine read a book. When will we go to the beach? The pasta is cooking. The school is on
Elm Street.
 I will then go over our first example: “Every evening Jiro reads the mail.” I will then ask “Who is
doing something in this sentence? (Jiro) And “What does he do? “reads”
 I will also inform the students that a sentence can have more than one verb. I will provide these
two examples for my students “ Antonia washed and dried the glasses after dinner.” Washed and
dried are BOTH verbs in our sentence here. 2nd example: “She opened her notebook and began her
assignment.” Opened & began are our verbs in this sentence.
 Next, I will explain that some verbs express mental action. Remember that mental action is
considered thoughts, or something that we think. Example: “Pedro likes his car” likes is a verb that
expresses mental action. Example #2: “Tanesha thinks about her test.” Thinks is a verb that
expresses mental action.
 Do first part of “We Do” Here
 Explain Verb Phrases: a verb phrase contains a main verb and one or more helping verbs
o A main verb is the last verb in a verb phrase
o A helping verb combines with a main verb to form a verb phrase
 Go over examples:
o “Mr. Lopez has poured his water.”  inform the students that poured is the main verb, and
has is the helping verb.
o “Pat will come with us.” inform students that come is the main verb, and will is the
helping verb.
 Do part two of “We Do” Here
“We Do”
(Teacher engages students in guided practice)
Describe the learning activities you will use to provide students multiple opportunities to practice the skills and
content needed to meet the learning objective(s).
 (First part of we do):
 Once we have established an understanding of a verb, an action verb, and a subject. I will write the
following words on the board: drive, run, wonder, love, want, and play.
 On our graphic organizer, I will make a chart for “Physical Actions” and “Mental Actions”. We will
then place the verbs under the correct category. I will lead them to understand that three of the
verbs describe physical action, and three of the verbs describe mental action.
 After we have placed the verbs in the correct column, I will encourage students to add other verbs
to these lists.
 Ok let’s go over a few examples together. We are going to read the provided sentences together,
identify what the verb is, and then write it on our paper:
o Mr. Okada parked his car.
o Several of his friends shouted and waved to him.
o He likes all the people at the office.
o Yoshimi called her boss.
o Yoshimi reminded her about the meeting.
 After that activity we will move onto another that practices finding the subject AND the verb in
each sentence. We will read the sentences together, and then write the subject and verb in our
guided notes.
o In the office, everyone works hard
o Some people sort mail
o Mrs. Davis prepares the payroll
o Her assistant enters the information into a computer
o The computer prints the checks.
 Next, we will write the verb or verbs in each sentence in our guided notes of the following
o Mr. Ochoa rode his bike to work on Tuesday.
o He drank some juice and ate a bagel.
o Mr. Ochoa called the new client, Ms. Peters.
o He sat in the meeting room and prepared a report.
o Ms. Peters and her assistant arrive on time.
 Second part of we do:
 I will inform the students that we are going to write the verb phrase in each provided sentence.
After that, we will underline the main verb once, and the helping verb twice in each sentence.
o Mrs. Stamos had spoken to Mr. Franklin. (Spoken is the main verb, and had is the helping
o Later, he had remembered their talk. (Remembered is the main verb, and had is the helping
o He did recognize the problem immediately.(Recognize is the main verb, and did is the
helping verb.)
o They will help each other. (Help is the main verb, and will is the helping verb.)
o Mr. Franklin has announced a new policy. (Announced is the main verb, and has is the
helping verb.)
 Lastly, we will write a sentence for each verb or verb phrase with the provided words. We will then
underline each subject once, and each verb or verb phrase twice.
o Accept
o Write
o Will comfort
o Contain
o Had lifted
 (The students and I will brainstorm these sentences together & then they will write
them down on their guided notes.)

“You Do”
(Students engage in independent practice)
Describe what the students will do to independently practice the knowledge and skills required by the lesson
 To independently practice and demonstrate the skills of the delivered lesson, the student’s will
then complete two worksheets that will allow practice on action verbs, subjects, and verb phrases.
Lesson Closing
Describe how you will reemphasize the lesson objective(s) and any skills/content that were taught in an
interactive manner (whole/small group, etc.).
 I will ask the students to reiterate what an action verb is, what a subject is, and what a verb phrase
 After doing that, I will ask the students to then provide me with their own example of each as their
exit ticket out of class!
Post-Assessment: APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson post-assessment you will use to measure
students’ level of understanding toward the learning objectives after teaching the lesson.

 The post assessment will be conducted on a worksheet. This will allow me to assess the students’ level of
understanding the lesson objectives, and content.

Post Assessment: Based on the results of the Pre and Post-Assessment, to what extent did students achieve the
learning goals/objective of the lesson? Cite examples from the lesson plan, assessments, and/or video.
If applicable, insert a table/chart/graph before your explanation.

Reflect on your instructional strategies, interactions with students, and classroom management strategies. Describe
what went well and what areas you need to revise in the future. Cite examples (from video) that support your
Describe revisions that you could make if you were to teach this lesson again. Why would you make each revision?
Cite examples from the lesson plan, video and/or student work that would prompt revisions.

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