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Millicent Atkins School of Education: Common Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate Emily Gabur

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Subject: Language Arts

Date: Sunday, September 17, 2017


List the Common Core/State Standard(s) to be addressed in this lesson:

1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and

usage when writing or speaking.
a. Print many upper- and lowercase letters.

List the Learning Objective(s) to be addressed in this lesson. Use the following
format: “Student’s will be able to…”

The student will be able to accurately trace the letter S 5 out of 8 trials. The student
will then independently write an uppercase S and a lowercase S.

Describe how the objective is relevant to students’ lives.

This objective is important for the child to learn because he will utilize writing in his
everyday life. It is essential for the student to correlate a link between proper
formations of letters in his early grades so he can further build on additional
important academic skills.

List the words relevant to the content area that you will either introduce and/or
review during your lesson.

I will introduce the following words for complete comprehension of the desired
Start and end dot
Sound of the letter S
Words that begin with the letter S (Snail, snake, spider, starfish, seal, sea, sun)
List the materials you will need to teach the lesson.

The materials I will need to teach this lesson are:

 A computer and a smartboard to watch the introduction video on the letter
S. (Anticipatory set)
 A large pencil for the student
 Highlighters to first write the letter S and have the student trace
 2 Worksheets with sky, ground, and fence guidelines
 A small box of sand for the student to get the feel of tracing the letter S
 Markers
 Paper
 Pull and Peel Licorice
 Slant board
 Blank paper
Pre-Assessment: Describe the instrument or process you will use to measure
students’ level of understanding toward the learning objective(s) prior to teaching
the lesson.
 First, (after I introduced the letter S) I will give the student a worksheet with
highlighted dotted S’s for him to trace.
 I will directly instruct the student that he is to trace the letter S and stay on the
dotted lines the best he can.
 I will then count how many times the student went off the dotted lines, and use this
as my pre-assessment content.
APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson pre-assessment. (if applicable)
☐ Is your pre-assessment included at the end of this lesson plan?
Describe the timeline as to when you plan to administer the pre-assessment?
(Recommended timeline is a minimum of two days prior to teaching your lesson).

The timeline I plan to administer my pre-assessment plan is after I introduced the

letter S, and before I begin explicit instruction on the proper way to write the letter
S. This will all be within the same day due to the time frame we are allocated
Create and insert a table/chart/graph that shows the pre-assessment data results.
(if applicable)

Insert an image of your table/chart/graph here.

Describe how the results of the pre-assessment (what the students have
demonstrated they know) will be used to design the lesson objectives, instruction,
and post-assessment.
The results of the pre-assessment will direct me into grasping what he understands
and doesn’t understand; therefore I will be able to alter the explicit instruction
based off of the students prior knowledge, and assist him in building future

Post-Assessment: APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson post-assessment

you will use to measure students’ level of understanding toward the learning objectives
after teaching the lesson.
☐ Is your post-assessment included at the end of this lesson plan? Yes.

APPENDIX: Include a copy of a Key/Product (completed by you, the teacher) which

provides a model of the desired outcome.

(See attached files)

Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology that you plan to incorporate
into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning.

Both instructional and assistive technology plays a huge role in the success of this
lesson plan.
The first piece of technology I will be using is the interactive smartboard. This
interactive smartboard will host an instructional video on the letter S and be used to
excite and engage the student in the upcoming lesson. This also calls for the use of
an ipad or computer.
The assistive technology pieces that will be utilized throughout this lesson are a
large pencil for better control in coordination, as well as the slant board for hand
eye coordination.

Describe the accommodations/differentiation/modifications you will use to meet
the needs of all learners and accommodate differences in students’ learning, culture,
language, etc. * Be sure that these accommodations are based on what you
identified/described in your contextual information (Task I).

 Larger pencil for coordination

 Slant board for hand eye coordination
 Start and end dots
 Highlighters for guidance
 Licorice pieces for understanding the feeling of the letter S

Identify the management and motivational strategies you will use to meet student
behavioral/developmental needs in order to keep students on task and actively engaged
throughout the lesson.

I will most definitely include brain breaks and positive reinforcement as a large
piece of management throughout this lesson plan. I will thoroughly praise the young
student for his efforts, and point out what the student did well at, even if it wasn’t
“perfect.” I will utilize redirection of behaviors, as well as be sensitive to the
student’s challenges and emotions throughout the instructional period. I will also
clearly state my directions and expectations so the student fully understands what is
expected of him. I will go over directions and expectations multiple times and ask
the student to repeat to me what was stated. I will also refrain from talking over the

“I Do”
(Teacher introduces lesson and models expected outcome of learning
Describe how you will activate student interest and present the learning objective in
an engaging way (this is your lesson opening).

 I say the letter S sound. Now you say the letter S sound.
 I’m going to show you some words that start with S and then you are going to
circle the S in the words (then ask the student What are you going to do?)
 I will give examples on the sound of the letter S (SO MANY), now can you
think of anymore things that start with s (Text to self-at his house outside,
sun, swing, slide)
 I will have him watch how I draw an S, and ask him to-repeat. Lots and lots of
 I will show the student the paper of words I have written down on a blank
piece of paper and ask him to first find the letter S (with his larger pencil),
tell me the sound it makes, then trace over the S in the word! (We do)
 I will utilize the highlighter and the first worksheet to complete a hand over
hand exercise to allow the student to grasp the concept and shape of the
letter S, and how it is written. We will trace multiple. (We do)
 After showing him with hand over hand I will tell him exactly what I want
him to do next which is to try the formulating of the letter S on his own.
Describe how you will communicate (to students) how the objective is relevant to
their lives.
I will communicate to the student that now instead of just writing his first name, he
can DO HIS LAST NAME NOW TOO! I will also show him how we draw 8’s by starting
with S’s, and how many “cool words” he can start using in his “journal”
Describe what instructional strategies you will use to model/explain/demonstrate
the knowledge and skills required of the objective. (cite theories/theorists)

 Text to self
 Slant boards
 Anchor chart located on the south wall
 Interactive white board
 Direct Instruction
 Explicit Instruction (Dr. Archer)
 Blooms Taxonomy
Describe how you will check for students’ understanding before moving on to
guided practice.

 Ok hold up your paper and show me what you have written! What did you
just write?! What do we call that letter again? Oh you did such a good job,
now please go up to the board and draw 3 S’s sense you are working so hard!
I am so proud of you!
 Ok sense you are doing so good on your S’s now we are going to make a letter
S with licorice!

“We Do”
(Teacher engages students in guided practice)
Describe the learning activities you will use to provide students multiple opportunities to
practice the skills and content needed to meet the learning objective(s).

 I incorporated a lot of the We do’s in the I do’s. This will usually blend
together for me at the end of the I do section in the lesson plan.
 “Ok sense you are doing so wonderful at these S’s I want you to think of some
other words you know that start with S’s. Remember what sound S makes?!
 A large piece to this would be forming the letter S with licorice and running
his pointer finger over it multiple times. I will also utilize the slant board to
trace more S’s then independently move into the second worksheet.
 I will have him do a lot of repetitiveness with his tracing and feeling the letter
S. I will move around the room for this too! Movement and different
techniques will be more beneficial to him, rather than just sitting there and
tracing 40 S’s!
 We will be at the smart board tracing with our finger on there, moving over
to the slant board to write some S’s, as well as incorporating the licorice S
and then utilizing the highlighter as an incentive for the worksheet!

Describe how you will check for students’ understanding before moving on to
independent practice.

 I will ask the student to tell me what sound the letter S makes.
 I will ask the student to tell me some words he can think of that start with the
letter S. I will also ask him if he can find anything or objects around the room
that start with the sound the letter S makes.
 I will then ask if he can show me how to write a letter S on his paper.

“You Do”
(Students engage in independent practice)
Describe what the students will do to independently practice the knowledge and skills
required by the lesson objectives? (this is the post-assessment)

 Toward the end of the lesson, I will ask the student to complete his work by
writing the letter S without guidelines.
 He will write the letter S on his worksheet correctly, go up to the smart board
and write the letter S 5 times, and then onto his slant board as well.

APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of your post-assessment.

☐ Is your BLANK COPY of the post-assessment included at the end of this lesson

Lesson Closing
Describe how you will reemphasize the lesson objective and any skills/content that
were taught in an interactive manner (whole/small group, etc.).
I will reemphasize the direct instruction, as well as inform him if he can tell me
three words that start with the letter S, and write 5 letter S’s on his worksheet then
he will be able to go out to recess!
(insert positive praise here)

(This portion may only be done after the post assessment is collected/scored.)
Describe the results of the Post-Assessment and be sure to address the following:
 Students’ progress from pre-to-post assessment. (if applicable)
 Factors that may have influenced the post assessment results.
 How the results of the post assessment highlight what areas of the lesson will
require re-teaching (if any).
If applicable, insert a table/chart/graph (below) that shows the post-assessment data
results. If you used the same document for both the pre and post assessments, it is
strongly encouraged that you show the comparison.

Insert an image of your table/chart/graph here.


REFLECT-leaving blank
List and describe two things you feel you did well to plan, implement, or assess
instruction (successes).

List and describe two things you feel were challenges during the planning,
implementation and/or assessment of the lesson.

List and describe two ideas for redesign you would make if you were to teach this lesson

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